During today’s broadcast of The Thrive Time Business Coach Radio Show, Clay Clark (the former U.S. SBA Entrepreneur of the Year) breaks down The Art of Getting Done (Moves #36 – 41). If you have ever struggled the time needed to turn your dreams into reality, you will want to listen to today’s show.
Move #36
Avoid discussions about opinions and feelings…you want to focus on facts.
NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” – Winston Churchill (A British statesman, army officer, and writer. He served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945 and again from 1951 to 1955. As a Member of Parliament (MP), he represented five constituencies over the course of his career. As Prime Minister, Churchill led Britain to victory during the Second World War. He led the Conservative Party for fifteen years from 1940 to 1955.)
I get a lot during my day because 95% of my discussions are about finding proactive case-study proven solutions to existing known problems based upon facts and not feelings. However, if I wanted to dramatically slow down my rate of success I would begin investing massive amounts of time talking about my feelings and your feelings. And because the emotions and feelings of most people are constantly changing most conversations would never end. In fact I could invest thousands upon thousands of hours arguing with somebody about the tyranny of offering America’s public school teachers tenure (in fact I probably just irritated you or someone you know). If you want to get stuff done, you need to avoid talking to people about their feelings unless you are married to them and are attempting to have sex with them (in the context of marriage of course). I would challenge you here and now to write out the answers to the following questions for your betterment:
Move #37
If you have to meet, meet for coffee and not lunch.
NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “Remember that time is money.” – Benjamin Franklin (One of the Founding Fathers of the United States. Franklin was a renowned polymath and a leading author, printer, political politician, freemason, postmaster, scientist, inventor, humorist, civic activist, statesman, and diplomat. As a scientist, he was a major figure the history of physics for his discoveries and theories regarding electricity. As an inventor, he is known for the lightning rod, bifocals, and the Franklin stove, among other inventions. He is a man who got a lot of stuff done.)
During my work day I used to agree to meet people for lunch all of the time. I found myself meeting with my attorney for lunch, a potential vendor for lunch and the “Yellow Page Advertising Guy” for lunch (yes that used to be a thing) and then it occurred to me…what if I just started meeting these people at my office or for coffee? And then as I grew my wealth I became more intense about never leaving my office. Now I almost never leave my office at all during the workday which is why I am so pale and so deficient in Vitamin D. I would challenge you here and now to write out the answers to the following questions for your betterment:
Move #38
Work via appointment only, do not ever participate in the time wasting game of “phone tag.”
NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “You’ve got to know what you want. This is central to acting on your intentions. When you know what you want, you realize that all there is left then is time management. You’ll manage your time to achieve your goals because you clearly know what you’re trying to achieve in your life.” – Patch Adams (The 1998 film Patch Adams was based on Adams’ life and views on medicine. Adams has heavily criticized the film, saying it eschewed an accurate representation of his beliefs in favor of commercial viability. He said that out of all aspects of his life and activism, the film portrayed him merely as a funny doctor. Patch Adams also said of Robin Williams in an interview, “He made $21 million for four months of pretending to be me, in a very simplistic version, and did not give $10 to my free hospital. Patch Adams, the person, would have, if I had Robin’s money, given all $21 million to a free hospital in a country where 80 million cannot get care.)
You must end every sales call and every management related call with the question, “When do you want me to follow-up with you?” And you must be very specific about the specific time that you are going to call them and the specific day that you are going to call them and the specific time zone that they are in. If you don’t do things you will be playing the soul-sucking and time wasting game called, “Phone Tag.” I would challenge you here and now to write out the answers to the following questions for your betterment:
Move #39
Quit your time-consuming bad habits.
“I don’t think modern science has good answers here. I think that modern world is actually really bad. The modern world is full of distractions. Things like Twitter and Facebook are not making you happy. They are making you unhappy. You are essentially playing a game that’s created by the creators of those systems, and yes, it can be a useful game once in a blue moon. You are engaging in the dispute, and resentment, comparison, jealousy, anger about things that frankly just don’t matter.” – Naval Ravikant (Naval Ravikant is the CEO and a co-founder of AngelList. He previously co-founded Epinions (which went public as part of Shopping.com) and Vast.com. He is an active Angel investor, and have invested in dozens of companies, including Twitter, Uber, Yammer, Stack Overflow and Wanelo.)
As a business coach, I am routinely asked by entrepreneurs if I can help them to enhance their personal productivity and the overall productivity and time management skills of their entire team. And before I ever begin suggesting specific schedule enhancements and game-changing new approaches to feedback loops, quality control systems, and workflow enhancements I simply ask everyone to log what they did yesterday and what they are going today onto a piece of paper where they have to list out what they did with their time in a way that looks like the example below:
8:00 AM – Arrived at work
9:00 AM – Made sales call with Karl Smith
9:10 AM – Closed the deal with the Rogers Account
9:40 AM – Service work
11:30 AM – Left to go to lunch
12:30 PM – Returned from lunch
When people actually invest the time to log what they are specifically doing during their work day, it’s amazing what I discover nearly every time. People cannot seem to explain where their time went. They seem to be unable to list out what they did during vast portions of their day, yet the day did in fact happen and they in fact were physically present at work during the day. So what happened during their day and where did all of their time go? My friend, sadly, here is where most of the time went.
The 10 Most Commons Social Media Bad Habits:
FUN FACT – “The 2014 data is in from Salary.com, who gathered the responses of 750 employees. Their verdict: the challenge of wasted workplace time is even worse than before. A year ago, 69% of respondents said they waste at least some time at work on a daily basis. But the number of people who now admit to wasting time at work every day has reached a whopping 89%.” – Wasting Time at Work: The Epidemic Continues – Cheryl Conner – Forbes
NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “I believe that the secret of your success is determined by your daily agenda. If you make a few key decisions and then manage them well in your daily agenda, you will succeed. You will never change your life until you change something you do daily.” – John Maxwell (An American author, speaker, and pastor who has written many books, primarily focusing on leadership. Titles include The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership and The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader. His books have sold millions of copies, with some on the New York Times Best-Seller List.)
I would challenge you here and now to write out the answers to the following question for your betterment:
Move #40
Quit interviewing candidates one person at a time.
We now live in a world where the average American employee is a train wreck and you and I both simply do not have the free time in our schedule needed to sit down and meet with every potential job candidate for a one on one interview, which is why I am huge fan of the revolutionary “Group Interview Concept” I’ve developed. Think about these MIND-BLOWING AND SOUL-CRUSHING statistics for a second and then I’ll come back and teach you more about the concept of the group interview.
Do you remember when most people thought it was normal to NOT STEAL from the office? They don’t.
Did your parents ever teach you that a quitter never wins and that a winner never quits? Their parents never did.
Do you remember when college was supposed to make you more intelligent and more hirable? They don’t.
Do you remember when it wasn’t normal for people to look at adult content during their workday (or other parts of their day)?
Whatever happened to common sense?
Do you remember what it was like to converse with someone who wasn’t updating their Facebook status and texting while waiting for you to finish speaking? They don’t.
Don’t overthink this concept, just implement the following action steps and you will win:
Note: To learn every single aspect of the entire “Group Interview” process, book your tickets to our next interactive 15-hour 2-day Thrive Time Show business conference by buying your tickets at ThriveTimeShow.com today.
I would challenge you here and now to write out the answers to the following question for your betterment:
Move #41
Don’t respond to MOST email, social media posts, text messages and phone calls.
“We need to re-create boundaries. When you carry a digital gadget that creates a virtual link to the office, you need to create a virtual boundary that didn’t exist before.” – Daniel Goleman (A psychologist, Ph.D., and the author of the New York Times bestseller Emotional Intelligence and Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human Relationships. For twelve years, he wrote for The New York Times, reporting on the brain and behavioral sciences.)
Today anybody who can correctly guess your email address now has access to you if you made the poor decision to sync your email address to your smart phone. In fact, today you really don’t have to be a good guesser of email addresses because there are programs that are readily available that will actually scan websites and provide you with a list of emails associated with the website within seconds. We now also live in such a crazy time that anybody on the planet who wants to get ahold of can now instantly get access to you if you made the mistake of syncing your smartphone to your social media accounts. My friend, allowing anybody the ability to gain instant access to you is not good for your work performance, your mental health or your soul. While I’ve been writing this manuscript I am sure that I have missed numerous and potentially countless attempts by low quality, mid quality and high quality humans who are trying to reach me. But for the sake of this exercise, I’m going to pause for a brief moment to actually count how many exciting potential interruptions I might be missing out on today…I’ll be right back…(It’s 3:21 AM)
And the totals are as of 3:29 AM
Missed Calls – 7 (Today, thus far)
Missed Facebook Friend Requests – 2 (Today, thus far)
Missed Facebook Messages – 6 (Today, thus far)
Missed Facebook Notifications – 27 (Today, thus far)
Linkedin My Network Notifications – 57 (Today, thus far)
Linkedin Messages – 2 (Today, thus far)
Linkedin Notifications – 41 (Today, thus far)
Voice Messages – 2 (Today, thus far)
Text Messages – 14 (Today, thus far)
Youtube Notifications – 37 (Today, thus far)
Twitter Notifications – 31 (Today, thus far)
Total Potential Interruptions = 226 (And it’s only 3:33 AM)
I would challenge you here and now to write out the answers to the following questions for your betterment:
Broadcasting live from the center of the universe without the BS featuring optometrist turned entrepreneur, dr. Robert zoellner with us SBA entrepreneur of the Year business coach clay Clark. Welcome to the Thrive time show on talk. Radio 1170 tickets to the price is getting you pick it up, it’s just too much. What we do you can do with it. I showed you with the drive time, to show on your radio. It’S about time, show and away. We go on your radio and three two one here we go all yesterday.
They should welcome back to the conversation. Is the flight time show on your radio, and today we are talking about the art of getting things done. How do you specifically get more things done? So many people email us all the time and ask us all the time we run into them. They always ask: how is it possible for you business coach guys to get so much stuff done and then you know Clay view at your 5 kids. You got multiple businesses. How do you get it done? Some of those at your doctor’s.? Are you on multiple companies know you’ve got so much going on. How do you get things done? What we talked about today is going to talk about the art of getting things done now on the previous shows you can find on the podcast we’re going to be teaching you all 66 of the moves on the previous podcast broadcast. You can find out at Thrive time. Show.Com make with the podcast button we’ve already made it through movie number one through move number 36 in North remove 35. So today we’re moving on to move 30 text Cesar, please are proven time-tested. These are moves that doctors and I actually use on a daily basis to help us get more stuff done and we have Steve Currington with total lending Concepts filling in today for dr. Steve, it’s hard to fill in for doctors, it’s hard to do it, it’s tough! What what kind of business coach emotions are you feeling when you know that you are trying to fill in your trying to fill the shoes of a guy who’s? A legendary optometrist turned entrepreneur, I mean DDD. You feel a lot of pressure to get up about 3 hours earlier and I get like a soccer shirt on yeah you, like doctors, he does and – and I like to run around my house, nice. My neighbors think it’s weird because I’m running around my house since, like 5 in the morning now, I sometimes I never taking a look at your calves, your calf muscles, but do you plug it in a lot of calf, raises to get your calves to a doctor’s? He loves his calves are amazing, cast probably 10 % of a doctor’s ecaf she’s, especially since my feet are bigger, big, big, toe, minions and feelings. Winston Churchill – this is the guy who was the British Statesman. He was known for standing up to Adolf Hitler when he was the Prime Minister of Great Britain at the time of the Nazis.
Attempt to take over the world literally just got to try to take over the world, and one of the only people to stand up to the Adolf Hitler in his tyranny was Winston Churchill. A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity. An optimist sees the opportunity and every difficulty you are a person who is, you definitely are and it in an optimist. You’Ve gone out there and you had your overcome your share of adversity to start your own mortgage company to get the thing going and then you teamed up to build another one I’ll talk to me about why you, as a general rule, try to avoid the presence Of pessimist, and maybe a real life example from Prime of your life may be recent during the password you know you had. Somebody was a pessimist who it is it’s impossible for them to to make their sales calls or to do their to-do list, or they just so hard, and I noticed you’re very intentional, about of avoiding pessimist. Let me watch me walk us through kind of what happens when you try to manage a pessimist. My one of my biggest focus is just on keeping positive people in my life and in front of me and if and if I find you if you, if you run around with me for a minute and then you realize, I have disappeared and you do no Longer, hang out with me and I don’t come around it might be because your negative business coach Nelly and negative person a pessimist somebody who complains who’s constantly bringing things down low energy, low energy. I just can’t handle that. It’S like. I know myself enough to know that I’ve got people think that they’re going to like bring other people up. You know how I like I’m, going to want to help them, and I got a heart for helping people and I’m going to I’m going to help them. I’M going to give him a leg up and it is not here.
He says you shouldn’t try to life coach, your employees, unless you are a life coach, you know, if that’s what you do, he was a hundred percent agree with you back to you. So if you want to avoid getting into the conversations and getting into the the end of the mode where you’re hanging out with those people with Mike original business, coach, dr. Steve Green used to say in this – was a church thing, he’d say you walk. And then you stand and the next thing you know you’re sitting with the people that you don’t want to be sitting with right and it just starts with hang out a little bit next thing. You know you’re the nail by calling the people in the valley and I’m sorry if you’re the person in the belly up there, that’s reaching up and grabbing my ankles and try to drag me down into suck land and that’s really what what it’s about. For me. I’M going to walk the drivers through I’ll, be at weird because I’ll play both characters in the walk you through meeting with a low energy person and how impossible it is and why you need to avoid discussions about opinions and feelings as it moved 36. The movie, is he okay, you don’t want to talk about how they feel and or their opinions.
You just want to focus on facts. Okay, so you want to avoid discussions about opinions and feelings, and you want to focus right. You want to focus on facts on somebody, a boy discussions about opinions and feelings. You want to focus on fax, okay, so here’s an example of low energy person will say you know I wanted to get it done. I just looks just like Steve: did you make the sales calls Steven you make the call and a low-energy person who focuses on opinions and feelings it doesn’t. This is the member of your team, who you ask them that the basic question did you call the leads in a low-energy person will say yeah, you know yeah, I kind of role. Basically, they look. Competent person would not have a cognitive dissonance. Dissonance means a dissatisfaction between where you are and what you said you wanted to do so, if use, if your values say I want to be on time but you’re late, it causes a feeling of of dissonance, didn’t get distances. You say I want to be on time all the time, but you’re perpetually late, a person with with heavy dissonance. Someone who can see show me lies to himself who doesn’t want their own commitments will look down when talking right, you’ll notice, it’s in a meeting. Did you call your leads and no say the very low energy way yeah I mean overall, I mean most of them cuz. I can’t give you a direct answer, there’s no. That was an opinion. That was an opinion of the feeling. I basically I called most of them, but the question was: did you call your lease or they’ll say what what had happened was well and you do not need to bring that much energy to more like yeah. What happen is I always have somebody there.
Life is going through an illness which allows them or a marital issue or a life issue, because that’s what’s keeping them from answer the question, I’m having a personal medical thing, exactly a basic almost done, then you’ll say if you’re. If you want to be successful, we get things done the art of getting things done. I would say I do say you’ve seen me saying I take so really what I’m asking again I’ll. Try again, did you actually call the Lee just yes or no, and then they’ll say no, no, I didn’t, but that other kind of make eye contact for the first time, and you said okay, where is the deal? If you don’t make the calls to the leads? The leads are going to call themselves the same reasoning book. Is it going to write itself was a reason. I believe that the Earth didn’t create itself. I believe God did that, but the point is something has to happen. It’S cause and effect. Something has to happen to create the effect. Some cause has to have a you’re going to be successful because you did something or because you didn’t do something right, you’re going to be successful because you did it or not, because you didn’t so when your around people that did not make the can’t even answer The basic question of did they call each other when you’re, with a person who wants to talk about feelings and in there not very successful people who aren’t very successful by the way.
You are talking about feeling these business coach people you’ll say hey. The meeting start today at the meeting starts at 8, because that’s what time the meeting starts. So when the meeting start today, a person of purpose will show up right at 8 or before 8, but they are trying to just examples me and Steve the other day, and I said he will meet you in the morning at 8 and I’m it might look At my clock in my car and I’m wanting to go at the fast, the speed needed to actually meet Steve at 8, because I said I would do it right in the fact is, if I don’t get there at 8, that’s too late, and if I am There on time, that’s on time or I’m early, so you just got up and you got to avoid people that can’t at a very basic level handle the truth either you did call your leads. Are you didn’t feel people that want to talk about their feelings? Then that’s a problem. It happens with Winston Churchill. Is it he realized that he felt his feeling was Adolf Hitler reached out to him and to basically, if you will tear turn over all of your Jewish people, if you’ll turn them all over to us? What we’re going to do is we are going to allow you to just become part of the Nazi regime and will spare your life. You just have to turn over the Jewish people and it. This is documented in the book called 21 irrefutable laws of leadership that you can read the entire excerpt or you can just Google Winston Churchill’s famous letter to Hitler, but this is how he responds. He says mr. Hitler, he says we, we, we deny your request to your an X in it to make it part of the Third Reich.
Furthermore, in the history of of the world, you are one of those two evil people ever ever ever going to fight you by land sea air into every single one of us is dead, we’re not going to stop biting you, but we are not giving you are People everybody in the country understand all these other European countries had turned over the Jewish people. Did you understand that every country almost every country was like? Well, it’s better than dying. Let’S just turn them over. You understand that you’re at the German people were complicit and putting the stars on the Jewish people’s uniform pierced and it’s somebody. The government came to the people and said: listen if you’ll put a star on all the Jewish people will will let you go. You understand I’ll be like in America today, somebody say hey. If you’ll put a star on all the Jewish people in our country will just let it go. The people passionately stood by and watched it happen.
So business coach type guy Winston Churchill stands up when next thing. You know that more like he, just he just stood up to the little guy, is taking over the world, so the bombing campaign begins every night. There’S Air Raids and if you just try to have dinner, try to go out for a movie, try to go for coffee and every single night you hear in the distance and it gets closer and then it ended when stopped blowing up. So he decided to have a a nightly radio broadcast, where Winston Churchill himself would hop on the radio. It would say, be calm and carry on that was that’s where the shirts came from was be calm and carry on the point was: is it we’re going to fight this dude, and I don’t want to hear about how we feel it’s the right thing to do And we’re going to we’re going to do this and all the other pessimists may see the difficulty. I see an opportunity opportunity is to stand up against the Third Reich and to stand up for what’s right and do I’m America I’m going to realize this at the are in America, United States of America. We did not.
The giant was sleeping. We did not want to interact, we didn’t want to wake up the Giant and go fight, those guys until needed to be Japanese, the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor and that’s the night that they woke up the Sleeping Giant and all the sudden we got into. But we were, we were we weren’t going to defend? If you understand it, the church was asking our country to help. You were like now we’re busy. We’Ve got some stuff going on it. We did not get involved at all and the defense of Great Britain until until they bombed us, because people are naturally selfish – they are people are our country. Are American country, the country. We love so much we’re selfish. We all don’t want to do anything. We want to put that much risk out there unless it benefits us if you had. If you want to be successful and you want to live as a person of principle, you’ve got to avoid people that want to discuss opinions and how they feel. Instead of focusing on the facts, you just have to do that. No move! 37. If you have to meet, you want to meet for coffee and not lunch, and if you have to meet at Steve, we come back a year ago. So many realtors in Tulsa want to work with you, because I know how fast you guys process loans there.
At total lending concepts of a lot of meetings we come back. I want to hear your business coach listeners take on how you do this, because this is pretty powerful. Confidence can free up hours and hours of time for people out there who have to network. I would highly recommend you stay to talk about how to have those face-to-face meetings that you have to have in the game of business. Get the righteous doing. It will come back to me. He was out wearing a strategy and I pray to God, like I hope you got it in my heart. I just believe that is no good. I think about the Melodies important, but nothing sounds sweeter than the truth right time show on the radio busy listening from all over the planet. We welcome you as well. I will tell you people ask me all the time. Why do you do this show? I didn’t show up, as I know this is what the Lord wants me to do. You say: are you serious? Yes, I know that’s why I know, because so many of you will reach out and say you know what you were talking about something and that one just that one move. What’S like the critical piece it was like the Cornerstone I needed to complete my unlocked. My potential it was like the break of the damn I needed to just let the flow it was at the little blood flows, at least my potential. They were talking about the art of getting things done and moved 37. This is one where I had built. My company DJ connection.com, largely by doing with a three-legged marketing stool that can which of the following one, is every wedding vendor in Tulsa. I worked very hard to build a relationship with him and I probably got fifteen to twenty percent of them to refer all of the brides and weddings to me, but I learned that over time that referral overtime, the second one sided bridal – shows all the bride show Up at a trade show, you know what to buy, to look for the vendors they need for their wedding. It’S it’s kind of like a state, fair meet the wedding, show and awkwardly Portables Affair, the internet marketing, which way, which we now currently dominated. If you are Thrive time business coach plant, we hope you do these moves.
One thing it was hard for me as it people always wanted to meet, they always say hey. Could you meet up I’d like to meet up for lunch and I would say yes but problem is I have two or three of those a day not kidding that would have a meeting? I get 11 Steve. It’s like putting out. You know the home of the saladina have a meeting at 12 for lunch at 1 at 173. Lunch is in a day and it’s of a massive amount of time and Benjamin Franklin know if he were here. He would say that. Remember time is money. He said what notable Court least remember that time is money. Benjamin Franklin, one of the founding fathers and first business coach of the United States, the guy who invented the lightning rod bifocals, the Franklin stove. If you started universities, he helped write the Constitution, wow sort of a big deal. He approves a printer, I mean he got a lot of stuff done. I need to go shooting with the French that allowed us to secure the funding. We need to beat the British in the war. Take out a lot of stuff done so Steve and son wants to meet your your mortgage guy Lottery. Letters want to meet you. Why is it so powerful to meet for coffee instead of lunch, because most of the time, in my opinion, even if someone wants to meet with you most people, don’t want to sit around at a lunch table for an hour or an hour and a half which I think a lot of times. That’S what happens it just you know it. 30 minutes turned into 45 minutes or an hour, and I schedule typically the 30-minute meeting, which I can go to coffee shop, which I can then be gone from. It’S all because I don’t want to hang out with people it’s just that we have an agenda and I have when I when I meet a realtor.
I have a system of a one sheet that I go over, there’s a certain. Of time that it takes to go through that and I’m busy. So I don’t have time to have 3 hours of lunch every day. Can I can I give the people out there in Tulsa? Okay on your business? Is that okay, Steve Currington, If you just Google Tulsa mortgages.com ability to Tulsa mortgages when you doodle Tulsa mortgages, there’s a lot of ads that come up there going to see the top of the Google search is toad lending Concepts in concept open. Google, Steve has been very, very diligent about executing the proven system over the last 2 years that we do it here at the drive time show business coach program. What two two is it Steve is: is executed the path that works, one, Heath, Village, Inn right, but two is implementing that plant now. The third thing is it’s Steve: when he comes up top and Google, he has a great offer. He has something where, when people do find Total lending Concepts going to find a business that has a no-brainer, if you will, they have a really really great deal, they do you help people get a qualified real fast. I mean you have a very, very streamlined process for doing this and I’m wanting to get a mortgage, maybe at the interest rates, are super low right. Now I’m looking to buy a house – maybe you know if we get a new home on vacation home, something at Grand Lake get a rental property walk me through.
What’S what’s that process, you guys are offering the biggest thing that we do that’s different from most lenders. As we pre underride every file, so when most lenders are giving you a pre-approval letter and then sending you on your way, we’re actually collecting income, docs and pay stubs and all the stuff that I need to get an actual full-blown underwriting approval so that when you Do find a house I can rock and roll quick. So that’s why we have a 21-day closing guarantee. We do that because we regularly close loans in 21 days or less, in fact, a lot of time to do it unless most of the time we’re more restricted by when the seller and buyer wants to close that we were by our process, got it. So our goal is to just get the nitty-gritty of the mortgage process out of the way up front so that you can relax and be excited. I get in your new home instead of worrying about whether or not your lender has your loan process and ready to close okay. So you have the consumer works great.
Now, that’s why you guys close so many more loans in the average mortgage company it again if you’re, if you’re looking for a mortgage, I know y’all. Are you really owe it to yourself to get there to Steve Currington. Come check out the website? You learn more about it, but we’ve been out. There are looking to grow and you’ve teamed up with the Thrive time. I show team and bring your experience to the table as well as the needs of these Realtors. You created a system. That’S helping Realtors to grow dramatically. These Realtors are kind of stuck in a ride with you to put in their face on a business cards. Glamour Shots. You know it’s. Okay, here’s my name! This is a glamour shot. I took about 7 years ago on my card. I got big bangs, you know when to use my card and Doug. Why do you have big bang? The point is, I wouldn’t got a glamour shot as a business coach. I put it on a card. I passed out the cotton so in that that’s what a lot of people do for Real Estate. Realtor says: I’m the most professional and the best I’m a weirdo. I basically what I do is I get I get to have people help people find the houses, but you actually return key system where land real estate agents reach out to you. You can help a real estate. Agent dramatically grow their real estate business, and so you want explain it to him and you typically will meet him over coffee or something. Maybe you could spend hours meeting these people you could do it. I mean it would be possible part of my purpose when I meet with someone to find out. If we get along, we can work together cuz. I want to work with people that I like that. Like me, that thinks like me, that are diligent Dewar’s that are not happy helpers and typically clay. I had a meeting a couple weeks ago and I knew within about 3 minutes that I wasn’t going to work with this person. I forgot to wear pants, I’m so sorry about 20 minutes late. I couldn’t find my pants, so it’s my boxes and we can meet. It was a weird but nice person successful real estate agent, but for me I just knew that we probably won’t go to work together. So we had about a 17 minute meeting 17 minute meeting and then it was over at the house that I knew within two minutes that we can work together. You know what I mean. Everybody knows, there’s people that you are naturally drawn to that you get along with that. You can hang out with. You can talk to you, that’s I’m looking for people like that that I can go and a business is just a vehicle to help you get where you want to go right in cash money. Income is just fuel for the vehicle that helps you get where you want to go, so I would encourage you to become the most fastidious time management expert ever if you want to get things done, because you could spend hours meeting with somebody who’s not going to Become a good fit, you could do it right now we come back where we talked about move 38, which is killing the game of phone tag forever.
You want to work via appointment, only do not ever participate in the time wasting game of phone tag. You have to work via appointment only and I don’t know what that means is we’re going to teach you how to play the game of phone tag forever. This whole thing about hey. Sorry, I missed your call me back when you’re free. Can you call him? They call you and you just keep saying back and forth, hey I’m! So sorry I missed you. Could you call me back and I go sure absolutely text, you hey sorry. I missed you text me when you’re free, hey, sorry. I missed you text me when you’re free to email me when you’re free, but your voicemail, when you’re free you got it, kill the game of phone tag. If you want to get stuff done today, just the drive time to show on the radio I’m a business coach broadcasting live from the center of the universe, its business school without the BS featuring optometrist turned entrepreneur. Dr. Robert zoellner with us SBA, entrepreneur of the Year clay Clark just hold on going home just hold on we’re going home, just saw you walking back to the conversation. We are broadcasting.
This edition of the ThriveTime show on the radio from the man cave until we’re doing yours, too, dependent to bring in the elements three in the nature to bring in the smell of Pinon wood, to draw really create the the decor, the atmosphere, the ambience, the accouterments Bbd pageantry, the the the Majesty did the Majestic. We decided to open up the door Into The Frigid nature, and so the business coach show it. If you can occasion you may hear a breeze come in. You may see a raccoon. It would even come into the public eye. See a raccoon right now, so your natural show we’re keeping that natural by then we’re talking about the art of getting things done today. So many entrepreneurs say that the struggle to get things done effectively Cockrell Lee Cockrell is the former Executive Vice President of Walt Disney World Resort? What does that mean? What does that mean? Does that mean that the janitor know that means he ran the whole Walt Disney World Resort responsible for managing 40,000 people 40,000 people at one time, 40000 cast members and what he had to do was hear that hold people accountable. He said the number one excuse to people had for not getting things done. Instead, I would say I ran out of time. He said all these and that’s not an excuse. You can’t say you ran out of time at Walt Disney World. It’S me to teach his team how to become fastidious time. Management manager actually helped him put together a book called time management magic. You can find that book over there if you go to Amazon type in time management magic. It’S a book that I help to Lee. Cockrell put together, but this is move number 38 work via appointment, only do not ever participate in the time wasting game of phone tag. There’S a notable quotable that it’s Steve take on this Patch Adams, who was the guy who assisted Robin Williams, pretended to be.
You know for about 4 months and he made a cool 21 million dollars for doing so, but Patch Adams is the character. The doctor that the movies made about he says you’ve got to know what you want. This is Central to acting on your intentions. When you know what you want, you realize that all there is left, then it’s time management. You manage your time to achieve your goals, because you clearly know what you’re trying to achieve in your life and it’s super important to everybody. Listen to the show today ask themselves: what do I really want to achieve with my life and sit down and ask yourself what do you want to achieve? I want to ask you this: when you decided, you need to get a debt collecting first right now. What did you want to achieve that made? You want to switch into the mortgage business, I mean what was the thing where you thought: okay, I want cheapest certain lifestyle or make the certain income or did what what made you decide, because everybody listen to the show. Today, you know maybe has that thing that they ate their almost nervous about even telling people that they’re dreaming for it seems to be crazy. What was the thing you were dreaming for? Well, for me, I worked all the time I make great money, but I literally worked pretty much from you, 9 or 10 in the morning till 9 o’clock at night. I loved what I did for a while, because I had really good you no income from it, but I’ve kids. You know, I think Emma was you know two or three or four, and I couldn’t go to my kid’s school play. I couldn’t get out for anything. I would work a weird schedule or where the typical schedules like noon to 9 a couple days, and you were in your debt, collector 24, 25 years old, and I was rocking your day.
Look like it would look like sitting on a headset in a cubicle making a hundred fifty to two hundred phone calls a day. I work for CFS back in the day and that I worked for this company that I work for United recovery systems are the kind of opened up after CFS shut down, and where did you? Where were you? Where do you work where you located here in Tulsa? At 65th and Lewis, okay, so what time am I usually got there like some days? We worked like 8 to 5, so you have to get there about 7:30 and then you could work here to there movers. They would drop new accounts at like 4:45 and they say I know you’re leaving in 15. But if you don’t say we’re going to give these to someone else, so you you would want to get those extra late and you would stay out till I got them done. Okay, so you get to work yet about 9 and you’d work until 9, 9. Okay, and did you make commission for what you brought in or out of commission, so what you like to do? Debt collection? Don’T want you to explain what does that look like I mean if somebody owes money to various people like we collected for Capital, One we collected for American Express the big. The big accounts that I worked for a long time or are they called an American Express business finance some people to Vault default on their Amex gold card. They give him a payment arrangement and when they defaulted on that account, so we get balances on cards, are ready for work from to Grand to Grand or 200 grain of credit card debt and you’re, calling these people and trying to get them to pay over the Phone, do they have to mail in money ready.? Did you get a lot of training there and was there was a lot of what was the culture like there? I mean there wasn’t a lot of training, I think. Maybe in the very beginning there was just you got like most companies, you go through two weeks of training and then you go hit the floor and and you and I can I get this – this is so you’re working there and you’re, making good money good money. As well, you know when you’re 23, 24 and you’re making about a ,000 salary and you’re making you know hundred and ,000 in commission really then, and you will get a commission, do you get on when you like the desert 10 %? Is it a 20 % of 5 %?
Would it go easy math is I need to cover my chair, which is my salary, so once I collected ,666 a month and fees that I was in commission and then at that point I could I made /bin/sh.34 of every that I collected for the company, so It was like the company might collect ,000, we might get paid 30 % of that, and I would make a percent of that ,000 of debt. How much of a fee goes to the company I’m depending on the type of account anywhere from 15 to 45 %? Ok, Google, out of money, I I’m I do what you do.. I work from like 9 to 9 you’re saying you just wanted to be home or or what were you looking at, I just in that environment. You were consoling fear for your job, because if you missed work, they would hand out your what we would call her hot follow up some people that we were talking to that we’re about to get big money from and so that you’re constantly In Fear. And so you couldn’t take off work. I never took a vacation because I was afraid of going on vacation. Someone take care of my stuff and I come back and I lose income. And so I wanted to have time. Freedom, where I was in constant fear for my job and that I could actually spend time with my kids and be able to go to events that they had. Did you like to go to a conference, or did you read a book or what was it that the turning point for you? You thought: okay, I’m going to change into a new career. No, I didn’t really get. I mean I kind of started getting into. I wanted to start flipping houses because I thought, if I did, that that I can make some money and then I could be free of debt collection. Do you actually flip houses, one you did it turn out well or is it kind of changed every light bulb and every receptacle in panel in the whole house, and I spent way too much money it took too long and it’s I sold it all right. If I come back, I want to hear more about your transition from the debt collector into the mortgage man’s everyone knows mortgages you’re going to find Steve current number one mortgage man, but how did he get there? How did it go from where he was to worry? Is I am fascinated Tulsa wants to know the Steve Currington story stated as the drive time to show on your radio were talking about The Art of Getting get ready to enter the Thrive time show on talk radio 1170.
You can try I’ll tell you why you’re fired? Are they talking about time management today, specifically the art of getting things done and were given an opportunity for Steve, Currington Tulsa everyone mortgage man to share his story, and what are we talking about? This retirement is because you listen, are you the entrepreneur? You leave the business owner, you the aspiring success story. You have to start somewhere Napoleon Hill once wrote. He said the time will never be just right. You must start now. The time will never be just right. He also said a dream is just a dream: with a deadline is just a dream. With a deadline, Patch Adams, the famous doctor, said you got to know what you want. This is Central to acting on your intention. When you know what you want, you realize that all there is left, then it’s time management to your manager, time to achieve your goals, because you clearly know what you’re trying to achieve in your life. That’S Patch Adams, so Steve Currington. So many people out there want to be successful, but they feel kind of enslaved to a job that pays them very well, and so, as an example, you are a debt collector, your 24. What twenty-three at the time and you’re, making more than six figures a year and when was The Catalyst, was a turning point that you get super motivated to go to Tony Robbins conference and you’re. Just like I’m going to quit my job put in my two week. Notice and start my thing or or what was it was a big event. What happened that made you transition from debt collection into the mortgage business? Well, you know I prepared for weeks and going to conference now I got fired so I sometimes don’t see eye-to-eye on a lot of that, but you know you’re going through some changes in yeah. I kind of got helped and I often actually more proud of people that will just like like make a decision to just quit their job and go. I think that’s pretty awesome, because when I did it, I don’t have a choice. I just kind of was like.
Oh geez, you know what am I going to get to eat in April of 2005 and I made about 40 Grand. You know like up to that point. You ten Grand a month three and a half months and you’re, making 10,000 won the next that I got. The mortgage business and I think the next the rest of that year, which would have been like you know, 8 or 10 months. I made about 13 Grand a 13 Grand right, so it was not easy. I mean it was definitely tough, but you know they helped me out the door and I’m glad that you realize that time is money in a right now, so people will say: hey I’ll call, you back Steve love, you want to say hey. I lost all facts that, back to you I’ll, be in touch we’ll Circle back of the circle, I’ll Circle back I’ll call you later why I tell you what why don’t I call you later, but if you have found it, if you don’t work via appointment, if You don’t say: OK, Google clay. What specific time will you call me back, then you start playing at the way for entrepreneurs to slowly lose other time. It’S an evil game. It’S called phone tag. Writing, so you don’t ever want to end a conversation with Aunt. Will just circle back to get up with that that phone text to talk to me about how you’ve learned to work via appointment only and maybe give us some tips for to be out there. Who just says Man III struggle with that move. When I meet with someone that I have an appointment, it’s very intentional because I work a dream: 100 list of agents that I want to work with and then sometimes agents that are not on my dream. 100 will reach out, and I like what you doing. I like what you do I want to meet with you it’s so I will get them on the calendar. I will take. You know 15 or 30 minutes to meet with anybody right, but at that meeting, at the same as every meeting I present my one sheet that goes over the benefits or company and then, if I determined in that meeting that this is somebody that I think I Can get along with that? I can do business with right. Then. I will immediately book the next appointment. I want to make sure that if I want to hang out with you again and if we’re going to do something, we could sit here for hours to let Landing. Let me let me try to not set an appointment and then, if you we can role-play and if you can actually set an appointment, okay, so what we’ve heard here today, I love it as she knows what is a real estate agent in Tulsa? I love. I love what you doing. I love you. I mean it love. I love the Patriots, I love you. I love mortgages, I love you, I love business coach training, I just love it. I love long walks on the beach and you just hear me ramble and ramble and ramble. So I’m going to circle back I mean I will Circle back. You know because I want to buy, want to move forward. Well, if that’s great, I don’t mind Circle back with you, but I keep pretty busy and I would say, if you’re interested in what I had to say and you like that it will. We is okay, we are what we should do. You know today is Tuesday. 12, we should just set up a weekly meeting or we can meet every Tuesday at 12 to look at my book in my calendar like right now. We just have it right now and call me today, so I’ll, just put it on I’ll, just change that appointment to recurring I’ll, see you next Tuesday. So that’s what we’ll meet is Tuesday. Is that what time again at 12:12 put in my calendar right now, but it still works right, but most people just are not used to living in the present there was it will someday we’ll Circle back.
You know something I’ll. Let me check the you know what you know what this means is code for you know I need to check my calendar and let me know how much do not want to meet with you. So therefore, I’m going to get you off the phone by saying I need to go check my car. So now I do that says. I need to check my calendar. I say: okay and then I know they’re not really going to check her calendar and then I just keep calling until they cry better day today in Archer, a miniature on what are the show guy, who is smaller in height than the average entrepreneur? Who do? We have over there. What is your name, sir free Clark Show. I didn’t know who that was standing next to me.. How old are you at last count? 10, the name of your business that you’re starting up there Motown tulsa.com. I was trying to write it down, but I was having some baked beans. I was you know, I’m listening to it. I was switching between stations. I didn’t have a car here. What was that website again? Motown tulsa.com? What are the services that you guys offer their Motown tulsa.com leaves what server get at me now mowing? Okay, so now it’s a walk me through. What’S the no brainer offer your offering for all of Tulsa out there? What’S what’s the deal cuz, I want to know why people can’t hear if you don’t just eat that microphone to The Majestic passion took the first grass and I don’t have to pay you the first time. Will you still come out there and just do the first move over the leaves for a dollar website? How do I book an appointment with you, Motown chelsea.com, and you call my mom: okay, Motown tulsa.com?
Okay. So what’s your purple cow? What Makes You Different is crowded Marketplace of landscapers throughout the world. What makes you different? Oh well, I got something I it’s on his website. You should go under Services. What would he does is like the there’s, no Blades of grass there left untouched. I don’t know if he goes and gets into push-up position after gets annoying and he just hold it there for like 3 minutes, cuz he’s super-strong. He looks across the yard and he’s like you not believe that this is just what else. What else? What would he have Husqvarna push mower self-propelled and Avril fighting Husqvarna lawn mower. Repeat that one more time into the Landscaping like you? Are they don’t know the brand? Tell that I’m a writing Husqvarna lawn mower! Oh no! This is a good website to be your son and our last count. I know things have changed in the last 30 seconds. How old are you right now unbelievable for maybe 45? I was watching it because of this girl or a minute ago, just so strong, because that’s not allowed woods and motivation. I’Ve been telling them who motivating Hobby Lobby have you signed, it say as for my family and we will serve the Lord, and I said you guys have the sign yield of the real sign. How did the one that everyone wants? And you know I talk to my Hobby Lobby professional and she goes Oh, you mean the one I do you have to do. If your, if your dad and you see a a son he’s, got such things as a potential lead, you need to sign. The sign says: as for this house, we don’t take steroids steroids. No, no! I have not given him any steroids, just business coach motivation. Then we come back. We’Re two beds. Number 39 in the art of getting things done. How do you get things done? Stay tuned for move 39 right here on the drive time show on your radio business coach, and you know