6 Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read – Part 4

Business Coach | Ask Clay & Z Anything

Audio Transcription

6 Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read

Leaders are readers. In this episode of the Thrive Time Show business podcast, the U.S. SBA Entrepreneur of the Year, Clay Clark, dives into 6 books that every entrepreneur should read.

BOOK #5 – Winning – Jack Welch


NOTABLE QUOTABLE“You can look at the situation and feel victimized. Or you can look at it and be excited about conquering the challenges and opportunities it presents.” – Jack Welch (The former CEO of GE who grew the company by 4,000%)


NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “Public hangings are teaching moments. Every company has to do it. A teaching moment is worth a thousand CEO speeches. CEOs can talk and blab each day about culture, but the employees all know who the jerks are. They could name the jerks for you. It’s just cultural. People just don’t want to do it.” – Jack Welch (The former CEO of GE who grew the company by 4,000%)


AMPLE EXAMPLE – Dream Team – Michael Jordan – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SbJ4Xf-t5E


NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “Effective people know when to stop assessing and make a tough call, even without total information. Little is worse than a manager who can’t cut bait.” – Jack Welch (The former CEO of GE who grew the company by 4,000%)


DEFINITION – Entitlement – “A right to benefits specified especially by law or contract.”


Reasons People Do Not Make Decisions:

  1. 1. Fear of Other People’s Feelings
  2. 2. Paralysis by Analysis


NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “Differentiation favors people who are energetic and extroverted and undervalues people who are shy and introverted, even if they are talented.” – Jack Welch (The former CEO of GE who grew the company by 4,000%)



Managing Low Energy People:

  1. Money as a motivator
  2. Money as a penalty
  3. Be a source of wisdom


BOOK #6 – The Service Profit Chain – Harvard Business Review


BOOK #7 – The Art of War – http://www.businessinsider.com/lessons-from-the-art-of-war-2015-2





NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “Reichheld and Sasser estimate that a 5% increase in customer loyalty can produce profit increases from 25% to 85%.” – The Service Profit Chain

NOTE: Create a checklist for all of the senses (be intentional)



Catharsis – “Providing psychological relief through the open expression of strong emotions; causing catharsis.”







Featured Songs:

Twenty One Pilots – Stressed Out (Tomsize Remix)

The Beatnuts – Watch Out Now

OMI – Cheerleader





Interesting from the center of the universe and the thrive, only business who will win stoner call Thrive. Nation welcome back into the conversation, it is the Thrive time show on your radio, and I have a. I have a big feeling. I have this expectation. I don’t know what it is today, but see I have is doing today could be the best show. The best business coach radio show we’ve ever done in the history in this over a one-year history of the Thrive time show since 95, it’s been one Year. My man one here, I know what we have what 250-260, how much does waving are built feels like 500 in a good way, and I know you listen to them every single day and you rewrite them accordingly and could be the one you lightest DUI. The show can be the best show ever because we haven’t done it yet. No, no! No, don’t don’t don’t don’t criticize the fact that I do often claim that each show could be the best show ever was to recent what is Phil the thrill pickles inside the box of the ultimate financial planner. This guy has a back-up plan.  business coach  I mean this guy. business coach  He’S got the blueprint for financial success, Phil pickle, how the heck are you I’m doing awesome now? Also we’ve got drivers are probably on the edge of the receipt right now on the way to lunch. business coach  you know those are listening, live on the podcast, a cab anywhere. business coach  Do anything, but are you more of a sweet, pickle or a deal Pickle? Well, I’ve been told by the ladies: I’m sweet own ice. What is it can I do? I do you know, appreciate their opinion, so nice, nice now and here’s the real reason why I think this show this show is give me the best show ever is because you are perhaps the most effective manager I have ever been around. I say effective time manager, manager of of people and we’re breaking down to six books that every entrepreneur should read, but now removing on the book Number 5 and it’s winning by Jack Welch your favorite when your favorite favorite as a bonus today, is it Lemonis, but Because I just like 7, you know that’s how many dwarves was the snow, why they gave a real business. business coach  But when I read it – and you know, we’ve had a great – I mean I’m still in the flow and the field and in the front that the warmth of the weekend football games, you know you going up in winning in Columbus, I’m a big, sooner fan and Then course the Dallas Cowboys everybody’s picking the Giants to win Prescott, sophomore slump. business coach  There come on now in feel victimized or you can look at it and be excited about conquering the challenges and opportunities it presents Jack Welch. business coach  Once again he says you can look at the situation and feel victimized or you can look at it and be excited about conquering the challenges and opportunities. It presents somebody up a real scenario that just happened for one of our clients today. business coach  Are you ready, as he just a real scenario, can I pull up? Storytime solutely is the release of real real situation. Here we go right around get it here. We go and the client comes to work one day about 50 employees of the right and there’s no change in the temperature. business coach  There’S no change in the air pressure. business coach  There’S no change in the smell off, but what there is is there’s a weird tension to me. business coach  There’S something I feel something something feels off and they realize that one of their top employees had downloaded their database and was kinda, take all of their customers and was trying to Stage a walkout of key, and please just happened today. business coach  I just coming in hot this. Just happened, business coach  I was coaching with a client this morning home. It just happened, key employee play the game and then and then, when the key employee was asked, they are there Cryer and they’re saying I just financially made it to get ahead of this look. So how would you what is Jack Welch’s telling us hear me Jack Welch of saying he says you? business coach  Can your feel victimized or you can look at it, be excited like Yay Mikey person is living in this, isn’t me, I mean see, how do you cuz these things have happened to you? Has a situation like this ever happened to you? business coach  This is going to sound. business coach  Really mean okay, but, and I love the way Jack will have to put it in the book, and these are his words, but he he, he says a public hanging does wonders for a company, a public hanging hanging. I mean he’s worthy, been old school. I’M hanging and I think I’m a metaphor. business coach  Contact actually hung anybody there at GE. I don’t I don’t we don’t care nor deny that completely. business coach  So can you walk me through a scenario and maybe some it’s been in the past, so it doesn’t have quite the the intensity. business coach  But you know maybe your situation where one of your companies, somebody decided to maybe download the database or to join the other team, or do you do something to farias something where they nefarious mean they’re intentionally trying to cause. business coach  My first Auto Auction regional manager was setting up to to leave I’m at one point in the he univenture Lee did and said up an auction right down the street, find an investor and they went and did they were about a mile down the street in, but It was on like Donkey Kong, I mean he had all the list. He had all the clients, he knew. business coach  You know he knew all of our customers, and so he went out and started hitting on doors and getting business and and like even a new restaurant in town. business coach  Even if you’re happy with the old restaurant lot of people going to go down and try the new restaurant, and so there was a time in there where it was like touching go and it was, it was competition. business coach   It was back and forth and we’re getting it on. As we say, I want to get your take on this and I want to ask Phil’s. business coach  I want to get to fill, take on this as well. I think, because you’re naturally competitive I’ve heard rumors that how you play soccer now, you’re 52. What was the last time you suited up? business coach  There went and played some. You know some indoor soccer, the old man’s League. They we now have the I don’t even have to bring one of those Walkers anymore. business coach  They providing. business coach  There is any, have the extra tennis balls right, there’s an upsell, you do enjoy it and it is fun, and it is amazing how much you sit there. You start the game going. All this is just for fun. I’M just going to go bit of a workout, it’s going to be good in the first time, gets slammed up against the Borg of tripped or something just like. Oh my gosh, this is so. This is what I am hearing from from. This is from the bartender. Who’S got to be most credible Source or the bartender. business coach  Can you says that guy is the most competitive guy out there, but he runs his business like that. The Dream Team footage there’s footage for Coach daily. business coach  He says: there’s a practice in Barcelona and so Magic Johnson, dribble dribble, the ball down the court and he doesn’t move on Michael Jordan goes around Michael puts it in any kind of kind of smirks a little bit and Jordan is like. business coach  Are you kidding me you’re, going to try to one-up me a magic, I’m in the magic enjoy playing basketball, I’m sure Magic’s, just trying to score he’s also compatible. Jordan says something he says this ain’t, your league, but he said some other words. Will magic responded? business coach  olorful words: this is my league and Chuck Daly. business coach  He says I’m you watch the video on YouTube link to the video on Today. Show notes business coach  But Chuck says that point. business coach   business coach  He realized you got to get out of the way and he said check the other said it’s the best basketball game in the history of basketball was never on TV, it was the competition was so intense. business coach  Will there any bird was like I’m too old for that? I’M going to go sit down so what it’s like, no rafts and they’re getting super intense. So there’s a fighting spirit that you have seems like. Whenever your backs against the wall you fight in some people, though, don’t have that fight. business coach   business coach   business coach  They have that flight and seems like whenever they have their back against the wall. business coach   business coach  They actually kind of cow are down a little bit. business coach  So what advice would you have for the entrepreneur that maybe doesn’t have that fighting instinct or can even teach that and that’s a very good question? I don’t you know that that right there is a very good question. business coach  I grew up with five brothers in large family in it just seemed like that. business coach  You know you competed for so many things you just kind of came natural and I’m not sure. I think it’s probably something that can be. business coach   You know kind of mentored and kind of Coach the little bit in in and helped along. business coach  I think that when you see you know some some people, some kids are just kind of match, little bit more aggressive or Lil bit more competitive than others. But I think that you can encourage and Coach up the ones that aren’t to to you know to be more to be more aggressive in the be more competitive, but I think I think some of that, the lead to a good on Panora. business coach  Just that idea of you know, we talked about burning the boats and Pulliam Hill. business coach  You know I talked about be the pig breakfast, not the chicken. business coach  We talk about commitment and the commitment to your business is carbon. Important thing I mean, if you’re, not all in, if you’re not coming through chips, aren’t all in the middle 2. If you’re not completely committed to your business, then it’s hard to have that competitive. business coach  You know, adjure mean Jack Welch in the book says. business coach  If you don’t have a Competitive Edge, don’t compete yet the book, another notable quotable that really comes in hot and fresh, and I are there so many of them to did just come to flood in my mind, but Conrad Hilton talks about this John D. Rockefeller talks about they all talk about how? business coach  Basically, if you don’t have that competitive fire of that kind of stuff bothers you, you just shouldn’t play business, it’s just a game. business coach  You really need to get out of the game of business and go work for somebody else, because if you want to ask you, have you ever had it wear something crazy happened to you from one of your competitors ever had a fight or flight moment in your Career where you thought man am I going to fight for what’s mine, or am I going to let them take it? business coach  Well, you know. I’Ve had a situation where I’ve had a couple of bad business partners that Not only was trying to take the the whole come play elsewhere, but it’s trying to take all the assets and bank accounts with it and that’ll get your attention in a hurry. You better and better have your fight on not your flight on were you on a scale of 1 to 10, when you discovered them, some money was being taken from you. business coach  I was about a nine and a half and I only showed only showed about a six maintained there you go, but you was funny because we talked about like today show right now: winning with Jack will have to talk about the competitive fire, and you don’t other Shows or talk about, you know forgiveness and be a lover, not a fighter and get along and Kumbaya and make s’mores and yeah, but there’s there’s different times to wear those different hats, clay in the Bible. business coach  I live in silky fusions. business coach  They talk about, There’s A Time to Kill, there’s a time to love, there’s a time to more and there’s a time to eat all these different times and since Moses. So what do they put in some laws where there’s no longer A Time to Kill? I don’t know if you can’t do that anymore. You know some. You can do anymore. business coach  You really can’t say so what your last job and you know I killed. I mean I literally killed my competition, and so now I’m looking for a new job going to try for somebody who’s listening today who feels like they’ve been wrong and they are Justified. They have been wrong. They’Ve been taking advantage of they’ve been screwed, they’ve, been manipulated in there just bitter and they’re just struggling to get better. What is the advice for this person? business coach  I did the advice for that person’s. First of all, you have seen have to see that as an opportunity. business coach  An opportunity to do a number things opportunity to fix what was done wrong: okay, another opportunity to forgive someone who doesn’t actually deserve to be forgiven. business coach  Obviously, if that’s, if they did you wrong and then three, it also allows YouTube NBA a light out to be an example to the people around you, the people that are left in the business to people your partner is your employees any. business coach  But you know your family. Everybody else sees how the way you handle this some people, let these things just implode them and they’re, crushed and victimize that carry that on their shoulder, the rest of their life and that’s just unfortunate a don’t have to so it’s an opportunity to do those things, business coach  But you know you always have to put through the filters what’s best for the business right. How am I going to fix this and then, when that’s all when the dust settled, then you have the opportunity now to forgive and then the release it out of your mind and heart and wherever else it is and then move forward life with a good attitude, Because we’ve all been around people that have been sheltered, these things carry these things around your the other bag of the reasons why I’m not successful, you know those guys got a bag of I’m not successful. business coach  Everybody look at my bag of fun and I will pull out every one of these reasons, one at a time and tell you about him over lunch. If you let me, because you know what it’s an impressive bag of reasons, why I’m the cables number one it was the economy. business coach  I was born The Economist Christ reason number to my father. business coach  He was not very nice to me. business coach  My mother was a nice to me. business coach  Either you know when the Reason 3 my brother he’s just he’s bigger than me. I was the second child. You know how it is trying to compete. You know what is not valid anymore, my haircuts with my break it down to 6 books that every entrepreneur should read with a Secret 7 stay tuned time, show its business school without the BS Google business coach  Fender Mustang Rod. Nation, welcome back in the conversation is the Thrive time show on your radio, and today we are broadcasting. We are talking specifically about the six books that every single entrepreneur should read in doctors. He has promised us secret put number 7 and he’s never shows this supposed to say Tuesday to Welch the best management book ever ever called winning with an. I love that winning in you we just finished talking about Jack, business coach  Welch’s, notable quotable, races. Public hangings are teaching moments, every company has to do it. A teaching moment is worth a thousand CEO speeches. Ceos can talk and blab each day about culture, but the employees all know who the jerks are. business coach  They could name the jerks for you. It’S just cultural people. Just don’t want to do it. Thank you. Captain Jack, effective people know when to stop assessing and to make a tough call, even without total information. Little is worse than a manager who can’t cut bait. Okay, okay, okay, I know, but I want to start with you. There, doctors they so it’s break this down here. Have you ever worked in a situation? business coach  Maybe you were an employee or maybe you were actually the owner. May there’s a time where you were the owner or the manager, and there was somebody and you knew you needed a fire that guy and it’s an antenna. business coach  Tinting Everett fire women are virtuous incredible, credible people very smart, but men and you couldn’t get yourself to do it all your boss couldn’t get himself to do it and it just festered and it grew in the weeds spread in the dissension and then just to be Pretty soon you feel like you’re, going to work at the Death Star directly for the info. It was that bad, what’s the Death Star blowing up at your Yorkie, you know these key employees who allowed to Fester so bad they’re, saying stuff like join with me and we shall rule the galaxy. Let the hate flow through you, and I think, probably the worst is when you had a really good employee and – and you treat him well and things are going well, then all the sudden, this entitlement kind of slips and pretty soon they’re they’re they’re acting like you Know their kind of more important in the whole scheme of things and then then other employees, i e. U i e the owner, which I was and so then you can get kind of weird that you go. Okay, can I can I fix this, because this attitude is really ugly and not healthy, but yet they’re still showing up on time, they’re doing their work. Their kind of rocks are around the office, but then they have this kind of his ugly undertone of this entitled entitlement, and that’s one of the challenges I think having having really good employees. Is that sometimes you you allow her some with praise and raises and stuff on them cuz you want to keep them right, Ryan. Yet then, that kind of thing is like. Oh yeah, I’m the big deal around here and I pride slips in and that’s just so uncomfortable and business coach  I’ve had that’s the most challenging for some winter, an idiot and they’re, not a good employee. Those are those are easy and those don’t faster in those. You know when they’ve shown signs of greatness, and then they let that Pride slip in there in that, and then entitlement that’s when it’s like this is tough. I want to get Phil’s take on this whole entitlement still is a financial planner because also an entrepreneur, and so he sees these things, business coach  but I had a mindset growing up. It wasn’t right, but that rich people were Rich because they were taking mine. Wasn’T enough for everybody, and so you someone was rich because you know you weren’t paying me enough. business coach  Never thinking about the value that was being added by the rich person to the day and I read Loretta Jim Rohn hit a notable quotable over. He says you get paid for the value-add to the hour, not based on like just the lower your torque, and so I work at a job and my earlier couple jobs and I would just kind of look. I feel, like hey I’ve shown up to work. You know three days in a row and Bowen time, untime and no one has even noticed me being here, and they owe me about day for it’s, like I’m frustrated boss, doesn’t even care for the more hits his responsibility to motivate me. Well, then, the boss comes up and says: business coach  Hey Day: 5 you’re the man and I’m like. I know you’re going to good job week, 3 time for Infinity title man is just as this feeling you have a right to extra benefits, doll most Like Your Own. It by law – and I just stick people who never change the mindset that the world owes you nothing never get so I want to. I want to ask you this question: how have you been? Did you ever have an entitlement mentality when you first grew up or if you always had kind that you got to earn what you have or I pretty much have always operated under earn? What I really didn’t have an entitlement attitude but competitive background Sports and I got into business. It was kind of still like a game. I was trying to beat everybody and have fun doing it and noticed this with mentorship I’ll give example. business coach  The relationship I have with dr. Z, the more I’m around you, the more I have a respect for what you’ve built and what your building and who you are and how you handle it. But I think most people, the closer you let them get to you. business coach   They attack you, it’s almost like. business coach  If you let somebody in overtime in most situations, most people feel most feel the need to let you know what I’m going to show that you’re, not great Naaman attack you in my life. That way. Sometimes you know how you need to be your to hiring your horse, your you need me, not your horses too hot. business coach  You need to be knocked down a peg or two, and – and you know that’s important to people feel that way, but I do know, I do think that sometimes even the best of us to try not to have pride sneak into our lives, you know you can Have people patting on the back and what not pretty soon you kind of have a little giddy up in your step, and you can people look at your going on? business coach  That’S he thinks he’s all that, and you know it could, if it’s slow and gradual and it can happen and you have to kind of fight against it, because none of us like to be around people that are that way. You know tonight when I first started to do I detect that you were starting to get a little bit of Pride when you said please reach over there and feed my daughter, my Sceptre, for my dog Lobster, because this Lobster to me, because I don’t want to Use my eye Health to read my own books, rug, and I thought man that’s kind of intense man, and that is, as that affect the people. No one stop obsessing that and to cut bait. That is the biggest thing, as you know like I, like, I coach hire fastfire fast come on now. What does that mean? What I still need? You know we haven’t. We haven’t called all the references we haven’t done. Do you know week? business coach  Okay, call. Some references you’ve met him, you get a fetal, the person, you know they they check, check, check, check, check, understand some of the stuff on that resume is not true. That’S just the way, resumes all right to say that I know I know. business coach  Can you was almost there a trailer for a hand, Molly finished? business coach  Third, three people unbelievably want someone that can make a decision. You know I move forward and cut back when they talk about cutting fake. business coach  You need to cut the bait, so you can fish and so be able to cut the bait to get the hook out there and be able to catch something. If you don’t ever cut the bait, then you’re not going to catch any fish, and so sometimes you can fire up frequently to do wrong Stage Show and now back to the only business coach radio show that mentally intimidates Chuck Norris. Oh yes, business coach  Thrive! Nation! Welcome! Back to the conversation is the Thrive time show on your radio in today it has always were providing you business school without the BS and we are breaking down the six books that every entrepreneur should read. But Zu You are sneaking a seventh book, my man, it’s a treat. It’S a little extra. business coach  You know it’s a little love you it’s kind of like where the extra french fries you find in the bag when you’re done at McDonald’s. Villa Pickle Me Only anchor Financial Group and we’re giving away a safe money kit and a safe money book. business coach  All you got to do is call us at 918-591-2880 or go to our website. To a my anchor group. – Read this book and what kind of contents are in said book? Well, anybody that’s looking to get their retirement plan on track or start a retirement plan would find a lot of interesting things in this book, and I anybody that’s interested in and getting a lifetime income and growing their income without risk. business coach  Anybody who doesn’t want to remain psychologically nude in the area of financial planning ready, but he wants to hit in the new of planning their finances. Now, if you want to tee up this, this management, I want make sure we’re getting what Jack Welch did so Jack. business coach  Will took over GE at a time where the company was growing, with the inflation rate, so not to get too deep on you, but basically, every year the government spends more money than they collect in taxes dust they print more money. business coach  Thus, the value of your money goes down. It’S like pouring water into the currency, cooling, okay, so the money is so they’re, just barely me to grow 3 % to 2 %, which way up he starts off at the bottom works his way up there moving up moving up now he’s in charge, so he Has this thing called differentiation see where he analyzes the businesses and he says: where is the idea? business coach  f a business exists it exists to make a profit and if it can’t make a profit, we should shut it down. Second criteria: if a business isn’t going to be in the top one or two of that Niche, we shouldn’t have any. As an example, he says, you know, the Japanese are starting to make better appliances than us, better refrigerators, better toasters, better XYZ, and perhaps we could take the same skilled laborers. We have in America and make jet engines and Stan employees are going featuring. You want to buy jet into going to make jet engines again jet engines. business coach  You know airport security scanners and hospitals minute GE made a huge move into the medical industry. Lot of the machines that do test today, rge airport scanners are GE. Engines are GE, there’s GE, Money, AKA synchrony, I mean there’s GE, financing, GE Capital, and then this is the big one. Jack Welch. business coach  He buys rcx who’s watching TV when Danny says hate check it out. This TV show I’m watching right now is not cut and they said what we know and he says, but if it’s not good, we ship is not profitable. business coach  We weren’t buying adds to a show, that’s not good cuz, it’s not good. business coach  People are bugging to buy ads. We should cut it well, what are we going to put in its place and he says: there’s this comedian, I’ve heard about named Jerry Seinfeld and I believe he would do better than this. business coach  How does own show we couldn’t be worse than this? business coach  Let’S make the change and he made the tough calls easy. He was known to constantly make the top call. The guy could stop, assessing and make a tough call. Even without total information is quote says, effective people know when to stop obsessing and to make a tough call, even without total information. Little is worse than a manager who can’t cut bait, see what about an entrepreneur? business coach  Who cannot make a tough decision will then they just get stuck? They get stuck at their own little love decision-making process and the end of the machine is grinds to a halt to me. He knew he had a bad program right checking if you knew that was done. He wasn’t sure when a hundred percent sure the Seinfeld will be obvious to the huge a hit as he turned out to be, but you knew it was great mind thinking there. I can’t be, but it can’t be worse than this is only did it. business coach  You know, and the nice thing about whenever you’re not afraid to make a change. If you make a mistake, you’re not afraid to undo it and make another decision, and that’s the thing about is what you’re getting that mode of making decisions is making decisions, making decisions moving forward? Your team sees you as decisive know. I see these are these. Are these are common reasons why people don’t make decisions and I’d like for you to kind of help, a buddy out? Who cares? Listen to do the struggle on here? Okay, so these are reasons number one. I think there’s a big emotional thing. It’S like! I don’t want to upset anybody by making the tough. I don’t want to fire anybody ever because, if I ever do, I could give set somebody there’s that emotional fear of the emotions of other people walk us through how to sort that out what it’s hard to. business coach  Pull yourself away from that, and if you, if you let emotions, drive your decisions, then you’re not going to be very effective leader. That’S just the way it is. You have to use a filter of what is best for the business. business coach  That’S what it boils down to what is best for the business and then that helps you make that hard decision and takes your emotions out of it, and I know from man sometimes just wear a brains are built. It’S it’s. It’S apparently easier than sometimes for women to come, pull themselves out of the emotions of the of the situation, but you have to say to yourself: okay, what is best for the business and I may not have all the information I need, but I’m going to make A decision I need to make a decision – and here is my decision making – is this paralysis by analysis get one more study, Z, let’s run a case study. Let’S get the government of all, let’s form a task force. business coach  Let’S get a study group. What’S going to focus group to study the folks, let’s make a committee exactly not that goes back to the fear, fear of wrong decision. You know, if you don’t make a decision, you can’t make a wrong decision. Some people think that, but in fact sometimes not making decision is the wrong decision. business coach  I know that sounds crazy and you might be saying what do they talk about with business as a business owner everyday? You have a decision making come your way. You know, and you have to say, am I going to decipher ties? business coach  Am I going to do that? Am I going to hire this person minor fire that person? What I mean did the things that people used to do? Is it? You know that that that that comes back and if you wanted them to cutting edge of style, you got to say I’m the first person to bring the fohawk back. I’M gon na bring that the skullet back I’m going to bring the mullet back. Is he I’m going to be on The Cutting Edge um, like the tough call, I’m going to be the first person I know to bring back the mullet perm? Oh, that would be awesome. Happy large. I think that I think in that prom get that mole and get that parm and then like bring back denim jackets and look at the skating rink, and you can teach me to shuffle. Do you do the shuffle by the way? No, I don’t know my skating skills are pretty terrible, but I want to give a big shout-out was going to Jason White who’s. Listening he’s, he works for the IRS IRS. business coach  How you doing and see this is the thing he’s a great dancer he’s like you he’s a great dancer, but something happens. He gets on the skating rink in his skills. Go to a unicorn level like you’re, like know where you skating better backwards and forwards. Are you crazy simple? Is it there’s so many listening? business coach  Do the show right now they’re saying here’s the deal, I feel like I’m roller skating all around my financial planning. I feel like I’m indecisive, I’m just skating around blindly when’s the corner, starred when’s, the dice game and they haven’t started the adjuster just drifting around to the skating rink of Financial Planning by somebody needs help in here in financial planning. business coach  What is what were? They need to do to get hold of you guys, basically give us a call at 918-591-2880, we’ll have a free consultation kind of evaluate where you are and where you want to be in and show you a road map on how to get there and get started. Now throttle we come back, we’re breaking down to six books that every entrepreneur needs to read, specifically winning by Jack Welch and Jack Welch and struts every entrepreneur to rank their employees. business coach  It’S been called the rank and yank system. It’S been called darwinian, it’s been called cruel. It’S called differentiation to text you when you rank employees, and you tell them – business coach  I think I just mean I just think it’s mean cuz, we’re all individuals and they all have value your score on test publicly drive time show on your radio. business coach  I’M a business coach go to DriveTime show.com check, check, check it out. San back to the business coach. Radio show that’s more organic than sprouts and Whole Foods combined Ozzy to skate to this. business coach  Don’T you! I am right now I’ll come on! Now! Get your mind San Diego get those quad skates on. Oh yeah, come on now going up and down that ocean. How nice I got on a headband and wristbands to give myself a ice cream down Mission Beach on quads was the last time. I must report that I’ve never done that yourself. business coach  hey bring you some knee pads and stuff on the show know: where can I get the Showtime show. Calm and then you click on podcast and they’re? All the show notes right there for you and we got all the notable quotables catalogued and today’s pacifically were talking about the five business books to find the five business books. What no one does six business books? No, no, not the six, the seven business books that every single entrepreneur needs to get there sooner mortgage. business coach  Where did you work at again with mental kill, the middle number 5? He says differentiation, favors people who are energetic and extroverted and undervalues people who are shy and introverted, even if they are talented. business coach  Oh okay, okay, Jack, okay, okay, Jack you’re telling us that people who bring energy to work – and you are more extroverted – are more valuable to GE. business coach   I may have thousands of employees than people who are introverted fly on the wall. Okay, that sounds pretty intense break it down. business coach  think the main part there is bringing energy with you to work, because if we all we all been around, you know what I call Energy vampires. You know people that just suck that suck the energy energy from you and you’re like right now. business coach  You know somebody who, in that picked up the fit the moment when they’re around you do to their drama due to their lives due to their low energy state. If you will they’re always trying to take for me to get, you always feel tired. After leave conversation with him, can I do an impersonation of of Captain low energy? Can I do this Captain low-energy so Monday’s happen? This is this. Is the thanks so go ahead and just kind of I walk in the office? business coach  ‘M captain low-energy, wouldn’t greet me on Monday and I’ll go ahead and take you down to the the bottom of the low energy World spell weekend. Car wouldn’t start Monday, and I mean it just got a lot to do today. business coach  Buckle buckle up, let’s get after it. I mean. If you got your. If you got your to-do list, got your checklist. You got your. You got your marching orders for today, yeah. I just I just don’t feel that well, I have kind of a headache. By the way did this person always has an Indescribable illness, never diagnosable, it’s always like my thyroid in my gluten levels. In my I have a headache. It’S more of a sinus actually have allergies. Now it’s more of a sinus of a sinus headache. business coach  Now it’s just my overall body move your body or your feet. Yes, yes, I work out, but I don’t have to pay for it was though I was going to send you an email, but I forgot I could you remind me what to do. business coach  You know what I mean fill all I know by the time I’m loose. business coach  I’M too tired to workout good news that there’s a low energy moves, I’m going to teach you the low energy move. So if you have a lower energy person, your office or going to know how to manage this person until you get replacement his, what is they love to ask an infinite number of questions to slow down the pace? So but I had a couple questions and so are the update you on my progress and I had a couple questions I just I just feel like there’s a miscommunication there in the third is anytime. You tell me any type of advice or management anytime. You tell me what to do instead of commenting on the work that needs to be done. business coach  I comment on your tone what yeah you’re telling what you talked to tone the tonality seemed a little. business coach  I mean you know, I mean it just seems like you’re all about you know getting it done, and I’m just the tone is my issue with you. Let me know, I’m saying nothing, you communicating, business coach  I don’t feel this inspiring mute. You have an irritated tone and that does not help motivate me to get Sid job done emailed. business coach  You 19 TED Talks videos on how to be a better boss, I’m in some of them deal with tone in your voice and then helps you with your temper I’ll, be praying that you can find someone for you to help you with your not to have it, But you know I could see, got a question we had. We had manager in her office that on paper was great, but he just couldn’t. business coach  I couldn’t do that welding, spreadsheet, business coach  Charlie spreadsheet, at everything it didn’t need to be spreadsheet project done, but he would make spreadsheets about what we need to do with this study over here and this study hair and this – and we need a spreadsheet for this and by The end nothing I’ve been accomplished, but a bunch of spreadsheets it’s at data, it’s that data now, through paralysis, bait, said low energy person. How do you, how do you combat? How do you Chuck Norris, Kombat ninja, move those moves? business coach  How do you counteract them? business coach  I’Ll give you just three very practical moves and, if you’re, if you don’t like the ethics of any of these, it’s okay, I’m just giving you move that I use and you can, you can decide what you want to keep their one is use money as a Motivator, and so some people are like well, I just didn’t have time to get it done. business coach  I’Ve been very busy, but all the sudden, you put a carrot, hey bonus, if you get it done today, all the sudden they’re like yeah, that’s one also money as a penalty. Sometimes there’s people who just can’t get motivated in you say: here’s the deal! If you don’t get it done, then you’re not eligible for future bonuses or your. You know. business coach  I mean it’s like. I hit him in the wallet there like what I’m in that movie put in if your Contracting with people up front, if it’s her, if the contractor on a W2 – and you have someone coming to build something for your, do, what do a task for you or Get something done building something should have something in there says if we’re hey, what’s the day you going to get this done, they tell you the day. business coach  Okay, if it doesn’t, then you know for every day. It goes over that you’re going to lose a certain percentage of the cost of the job. You know where the payment of the job, and so that can be a very big motivator because, as you know, a lot of contractors come in clay and their juggling two jobs and and the one that you have a caveat on their of a negative result of Penile get it done in time to go, make sure yours is a priority one. That’S a little bit offensive for some people listening and other people like, yes, here’s the deal a friend of mine, I went to college with and he’s a he’s a pastor. I bought a buddies. I want to call you or you ugly enough for pastors. It says eat. One of them says my church is kind of shrinking eunos there anyway, he took over at church, so he’s mean omit 36 / church. Today I would like to I need a lot of speaking I’m going to send you video footage of me. That’S when you give your feet, honest feedback, okay and I’m watching the footage – and you know when somebody’s just making stuff up when they obviously haven’t prepared when they, obviously they just showed up and they’re, like my 7 tips for Success, Eric go and you’re just you’re, Like this guy’s making stuff up so I just asked him. I said honestly just looking at your stuff, I’m going to ask you how many where’s did you spend preparing for your. He says you just get there and didn’t prepare for me to be here. He doesn’t deserve my attention until I think a lot of employees perform poorly when their boss does not provide a source of wisdom when you’re working for somebody that you think is sincerely an idiot. You can’t work that person very long in the polian hill row. He said no person with intelligence will work for somebody who’s, not a source of wisdom, very long. Nobody with intelligent wow work for an idiot, long-term Susie. What advice would you have for the entrepreneur boss out there then frankly is going. I haven’t been preparing for my employees. Are there not motivating they’re, not organized they’re, not a source of wisdom? There just everything’s last minute, you know it’s all shoot from the shoot-from-the-hip. There’S no systems, I mean it’s. It’S you’ve made a rough place to work. You made a very rough place to work, and then you kind of your immature would you bargain, for I mean you’re getting what you put into it. You know you. You have planted weed seeds and your field. You know why you’re not harvesting grapes, Colorado, entrepreneurship, weed seeds up a flower – you don’t want. We do not like we’re not talking about him, we’re going to talk about the six books that every single entrepreneur should read specifically book number 6 book number 6, stating what is book number 6 stay 2 multi time show on your radio. I’M a business coach, business coach, Boo, Boo Boo, you are now entering the dojo of Mojo and the Thrive time show make it because have strong root. Yesterday say you have strong root, don’t need nothing except what inside to grow. Stop! Yes, I do understand. Understand too I mean, if you watch the 22 x 222 x, I mean zi mean cannibal amount. How many times I really can’t. Can you ever watch Karate Kid? 2. I think that’s not what you want. That’S once in wax on wax off when they just become a swirl of mr. Miyagi hammers, wax on in the crane kick rubs his hands together. Somehow the kid Macchio Ralph Macchio, Keanu Reeves, I mean a ride up there to make you think about it. True, like 27, but you look so young ahead and play like a twelve-year-old, something like crazy. I mean it was something like that was when he shot Karate Kid to email us info at thrive.com. If you know how old Ralph Macchio wasn’t a shot, Karate Kid 2, we will send you a free copy of the Thrive, but you got to come here to thrive15 World Headquarters and we’re going to send you out of our building with her going to send you Out of the building with the book right there so, anyway, just go to email us info at 3:15.. If you want that book, I don’t feel you’re also give it a book to all of our listeners. What book are you giving away I’m giving the safe money and income book along with her save money kit, and it is going to help you develop a roadmap for retirement and you can get that by calling us at 918-591-2880, and we will Rush that over to You road map maps, see the Nextbook put never 6 to every entrepreneur should read, is really about road map in your business. Are we done with five we done with the winning? We are we move on to my favorite. What kind of sad mom have a moment? I give us an I take it the way I Know Jack JW I mean imagination. Is a pizza, stewby’s intent to get to talk about super manager when he had to be on the show? Is a bunch of Union employees talking about the automotive industry yeah and he retired, so he was kind of no longer trying to be puttick Lee correct. He just wanted to be correct and it was pretty intense because they would raise their hands and ask questions and he would give them answers that we’re just spot on Raw. Then it was just like you know these questions like we’re having a hard time making profits and what responsibilities does a corporate have to paying their labor more when we’re companies struggle to make a profit he’s just like, if you don’t win, no one deserves a job, Because the customers vote with their dollars or whatever and I’m like – yes, yes, can sweat works now. Book number 6 is called the service profit chain. It is a Harvard it’s a booking buy on Amazon, but it’s a hard case study and there are a lot of Concepts in the book. But there’s three that I want to get into his first concept is they said they said in a study date. business coach  They studied these very, very successful companies, including Southwest Airlines, Outback Steakhouse, some big-time companies and they found in a 5 % increase in Customer Loyalty. Just a 5 % increase in Customer Loyalty. Aka Welling the customer can produce your profits, can increase your profits by 25 to 85 % to get an estimate, then a 5 % increase in Customer Loyalty can produce a profit increase from 25 to 85 %. They found these companies like Outback and Enterprise Rental Car. In Southwest Airlines in Disney and apple end of the companies are actually trying to wow people see it’s actually turns out to be more expensive tuna wow your customer turns out it cost you more money to deliver a mediocre service. My man, what cuz you don’t get them! You don’t get the bump! You get from. You, give Extreme customer service for very good customer service cuz what happens if customer service United up an army of like Billboards out there. You know singing your praise, singing your press. Sending people your way and their wallet and their money that comes with them, and so by giving great customer service which is takes about the same effort as it does to give me the Oquirrh customer service by the way about the same. At put it to your ear, same calories, burned on doing that, then you have to talk on wow, wow, wow wow. business coach  I want to get your take on this, because this is something I sincerely want you to answer, business coach  but I want want to kind of start off on TWP, with this concept called catharsis. Where is your studying psychology? business coach  What you’ll find is that, if someone goes through a very traumatic event, like a very horrible thing, they want to share it with somebody to provide relief. business coach  The word catharsis means providing psychological relief to the open expression of strong emotions causing so you’re really upset. Maybe in my case my father passed away, and I wanted to talk to you about it: okay, because you’re, my friend and I needed somebody to talk to and it wasn’t comfortable, but you knew that you took me out to dinner. business coach  We had man cave session and it provided like this release of like I finally feel like I have shared that I don’t know what it was, but it’s it’s catharsis, it’s a psychological term or people can’t really. You can’t avoid it because if you don’t your Venture going to blow up, maybe you will have them. This is what happens to all the famous people. business coach  They don’t have any way to connect with people and they just cathartically blow up. You know also. business coach  It happened to the good way. We are something awesome happens, you just won something, or maybe you got a big bonus or you achieve the goal or you just got married or you just had a kid, and people want to share it with other people. They want to say yes, look at this awesome thing that happened and I have found that people sometimes forget your customers are humans and if you will have them cathartically they’re going to want to tell people Bingo. Why is that? business coach  That’S that’s just human nature that people itay what, unfortunately in life customer services is probably at an all-time low. In my life I mean, when I walk into a store where I’m walking to a restaurant, I’m going to just sometimes I’m very underwhelmed and it’s unfortunate. It’S the new norm and it’s amazing the little things you can do to to wow a customer and when you, while them, you know it’s unfortunate more more that you unwell or that you’re bad to or that you don’t treat well, they end up telling more people, But when you do, while them, those people will tell people and that that form of advertising is, is it the strongest? You think? business coach  Do you think it’s the strongest? I think what happens is you have to the seed of a successful business starts with advertising and it grows. The snowball begins to roll down the hill. The momentum is from that word about that is the strong is the strongest, and so unfortunately, when you underwhelm somebody I eat, treat them poorly they’ll tell you know, probably three to four times as many as when you wow somebody. business coach  That’S what that’s the problem, so you know 3 people in the day right and you you don’t wow one or you treat them poorly and you end up. He did more damage than the three did good. Now Phil. The thrill me come back you’re a financial planner, but you’re also got who appreciates great customer service. I want you to share with all of Tulsa. What is your favorite restaurant? business coach  What’S the restaurant that you absolutely love the one that’s just like this thing is, is why I tell you what why don’t you tell us now? What’S the restaurant, that blows your mind, the one that you say man, business coach  I love that place and it’s it’s great. Well, it’s going to be Mahogany’s for me, Omaha kind of caliber, a steak, snob kind of a high-class guy over there he’s all about them arises: the menu, it’s impressive, great service and great food, and they are you want to mispronounce. That’S mahogany mahogany. All you walk in there for those who have not been in Mahogany’s. The decor is like what what would I describe it as it is it? business coach  Is it super ultra violet light says it darker with the walk me through. It is definitely darker. Your peoples have a just explain to me from an optical perspective, isn’t as an optometrist. What has to happen to your eyeballs? Will your your pupils dilate and everybody looks better because you don’t see it clearly said your friend yourself, you all become pretty hair is like Papa Papa Papa Papa in the background photo editor. Okay, so back to you always very appropriate and it’s very clean parking lot. business coach  Clean around the building clean and it’s smells good in the waiter walks up to you how’s he dressed as he is. He casual is it does he know that mean you say, does he know the man you’ve ever met a waiter there who doesn’t know the menu? He knows the minion. I also have these little bit since it’s kind of dark in there. business coach  He has he’s alive and I’ve actually typed a few of them over the over the years. business coach  Thank you mean you cuz, it’s kind of dark. business coach  You know, and most people in there if you’re like me, you’re the loader and you got little bit of presbyopia working so up close is not as clear but you candle light shine it on there, and I was so fascinated first few times it’s all about. business coach   Like that’s awesome boy that be great, if I left here with that, raise the price even matter, because it’s such a good experience, walk me through the pricing. Has the pricing fall in their field wreck attempt on the expensive side? business coach  Okay, you know, but it’s a treat and in your you’re paying for the atmosphere. You’Re going to one thing: I’ll do is sometimes I’ll go in there and I’ll order. Some bread and I’ll just run out real fast, and then I have to play it’s it’s great. To court in AZ even have a crumber Zia, Cromer Cromer. business coach  It said something very important for the restaurant. You think I’m paying for the food I’m going to tell me it’s. The restaurant is all really when you break it down your drinking meal, but what they’ve done is the experience. It’S the atmosphere, it’s the stuff. That’S has nothing to do with all that steak. business coach  Taste has nothing to do with the quality of the you know. Lobster macaroni and cheese, which is Awesome by the way. Whatever you said, I’m going to one-up you, but you just you did the top thing: the lobster cargo, which is an appetizer. If you need to go and get that it’s decadent, you must create a checklist for all of the senses to make that kind of expensive random. It seems too difficult in the book. business coach  The service profit chain is, you must create a written workflow. What’S a workflow, don’t we don’t hold it in? Let It Go what’s the workflow is telling your folks what to do next? What what? What is that mean when I walk here just say, hi to the first idea that we can we we allowed to drink on the job? Still when you, when you start a business? Okay, you learn your workflow, you learn it because you have to do it and you figured out if you’re clever, you figure out a better mousetrap and go. business coach  You know if I want to make the donuts if I really roll them in this first and I can skip a step and now they fry batter. Now they taste better and it’s all good. So this is my workflow and some for you. You do it. For months bunch bunch of got a job, you got a business and now guess what chicken butt you hire? business coach  No, no! No somebody in here in starts a chain of stuff and when we get back we’re going to talk about why that now matters, why what changed? business coach  When you beautiful system, how do you build a workflow? How do you make yourself repeatable so that you can create time, freedom and Financial Freedom? Is this Rob time show on the radio or break it down the six books that every intrapreneurship read? My name is Clay Clark, I’m a business coach. I start Jersey, he’s not Tom mattress. That’S fell state to come to the Thrive time show I shall pour the enemies of average. business coach  I think that I found myself a cheerleader. business coach  She is always right there when I need you. Oh, I think that I found myself a cheerleader. She is always right there. When is definitely a shame to my wife. I did find a find a cheerleader. business coach  She was a cheerleader oral Robert University and I declare to the universe that woman would be mine in a know. She was dating another man, At the time and there’s certain things in it happens, there’s certain strategic moves. Maneuvers there was when you working for me and just about as lovely and individuals, you can find the painted Earth, sweet and kind, and I’m like a 7 and then when, when all the sudden rumor had it, that her man was coming to get her. You know kind of Ripple to the office of her man. It’S got to be nice, he’s praying to man in space, whether you show up and it was such a let-down. I thought. Well, you know what I knew Vanessa can be perfect. business coach  You must be have some mental illness about her choose a man like that. First check that she couldn’t see anything at all and you can parently apparently YouTube YouTube kid got in there and you’d infected her some kind, your mojo glasses. If it was space, the stubble or funny tasting Kool-Aid at any point in the early dating most of our dating relationship, she didn’t know who I was or where she wants. What does the loud noise in your car? business coach  You have baggy jeans, loop, earrings and this for a send the best part of you with the attitude you have. It was like. Don’T look at me, I’ll fight. You should know not to step on my shoes cuz. We, if you step on my shoes, that’s what it in what does the stuff on the shoes? Guy cuz, you met me, but you see her people like this. business coach  The guy who’s got the shoes on their brand new shoes and it keeps the sticker on the hat new shoes steps on the shoes it’s on. I think I have, I think I have. I didn’t step on. The end. You’re obviously feels partner there in Anchor Financial. In the Navy, did you ever have any of those Navy bar fights? business coach  Did you ever? Did you ever? Have you ever involved in a Navy stereotypical bar fight, where you walk into the bar of a different? You know Squad a different group but different whatever, and you go in there and use Stir It Up. The Denver happen for you. That’S just such a cliche respite and say come on. business coach  That’S such a bummer! Yes, three guys that used to DJ for us a different times, but two of them were all Marines and they told me that one of the things they were supposed to do was to walk into the Navy bar and just slug. The biggest guy that can find is like a way to sort of earn. The honor of the other Marines on McKnight is no seriously. You would go to have the biggest guy on the shoulder. business coach  He try. You just knock him out and then you’re just in the behind then it’s on then it’s on like that, can’t be what you did he’s. None of this happened. They have you ever seen those kinds of things when you were in the military I have, but the biggest guy in the room that big Saylor probably wouldn’t go down. One slug he’s got a boat up now over here. So that’s the workflow. If you want to be join the Marines, you step on you and roll to you and you basically every kind of physical stress test. There is then 3:00 you go into the bar. You punch a Navy guy boom you’re, a marine. T business coach  hat’S the customers now see. What’S why do I need, as I was saying earlier, is that okay, you started your business. You’Ve got it figured out now you’re, rolling and guess where you got to hire someone, so you hire them, and now you have to train them right because they usually probably don’t know how to make donuts. business coach  Unless there, a donut expert from or whatever your business is, I’m using that as an example, until you tell him what to do and guess what they forget a step or two and I was doing horrible, throw them out. Did you put, I forgot? Okay? Well then, we remember you got to put that in there because without that they taste like what those taste look like if that’s not good belly. Okay, okay, okay, you got to remind me, you got to remind me cuz, I’m new to this. Can you put it on you cuz? It’S your fault right email me that my password for my email, you have to have it written down. business coach  You have to have to work for a written on the workflow, basically breaks down to what is Billy do next? What does it later next? What does he do next to the process of the day, because what will happen is he’ll.   business coach   business coach  Do that and then goes? What do I do next? You do that? Okay, what I do next, you know and at some point you got to have a checklist in there to clean the bathroom. Some point you have to go out and maybe a walk about the parking lot to make sure there’s a trash out to that’s where my big things and other things that you can put in there in your checklist in your workflow. But you’ve got to have that play. What’S the checklist that you have found yourself making that you thought I cannot believe I had to make a checklist for this. Is there ever been one where you said in the bathroom cuz? You just think you know me who has a clean, the bathroom their life mate, for what was probably the most complex me. The auction to me seems unbelievably complex. I mean you got to make sure the title is clear and all the cars you got to make sure the vehicles will be a pass inspection. You got to detail the inside of the car 688. You put a thousand cars in order. My minute seems like the most complex that is pretty Converse in. There are a lot of moving Parts checking in delivering picking up actually auctioning them cleaning them happening in the Natchez to half of it, then you have all the title work and collect the one that I thought was so self-evident that I had to just. I finally hire someone and just gave them. This is her. Job assignment is crazy. This and collecting money give you the money talk to me. I mean that the checklist, the stuff we do with these cars – and you know, try not to lose a car cuz. You know a thousand cars a week. You know it’s it’s it’s it’s easy to lose one in that might be shocking to you, clay, Chaka Khan. How can you lose a car and it happened, put 15 acres in a thousand cars on there every single week and Elvis any like where’s that little Malibu again now I want to ask I want to ask a fill this question. I want to ask Christmas as well someone’s listening and they’re going. Okay, we’re talk about checklist for my business, but what am I what’s a checklist to guarantee that I’m going to be all to retire? I’M going to have enough money to set aside. I mean what are the steps needed to for any entrepreneur listing here to make sure that they definitely will have some money set aside for retirement? Phil will start with you check number one. You need to come and see us and discuss where you’re at now, where you want to go and that’s what we do is basically a checklist of what a road map, if you will of how to get there. Now, Chris, you have a book you’re, giving away to all of the listeners everybody listening today, you’re giving them a book. What about the Safe Money kit in the safe money book that you’re giving away? Basically, it’s designed to just give you the basics on where your money, what what happens with your money when you take it to different Vehicles. We all know the different IRA and Ross and all that kind of stuff. We heard those names but really the the math behind it. So yet another math behind it, you got to know what’s best for you in the long run short run all of those things, and we just put that together, specifically to be kind of a Layman’s guide to understanding finances. Second of all, the Safe Money. Kid is built around you personally, so if you want one of our books call us at 91-859-128-8251, the bug spray their normal Mexican put on top of that, will actually take her to you, the more action budget to help get a budget together. I will actually do all the work I kind of just have a plan in place and automate your future books at every single entrepreneur needs to read. My name is Clay Clark, and I am a business coach and now back to the retina burning. Laser show that may or may not have caused the solar eclipse get ready to enter the Thrive time show on talk, radio 1170 space, the final frontier. These Are the Voyages of the entrepreneurship. Do the captain of the entrepreneurship, my man? Should we shoot and shoot to shoot the guys with the photon Torpedoes? Should we turn off the shield of fiscal we can do? We can turn off the shield. We need to give her any more power Captain I kind of givers you’ll fly apart question: how humiliating of a job that I have to be for Sulu and Sulu sea to be educated and he’s up there sitting up song. You know I mean he was with Paul back on that. Do you guys remember that he would pull back on the the throttle and that exciting part of the day I mean on the shoot question when you showed up on Sat who was like she was like a telephone operator of the future yeah. She always had seemed confused. She always seemed like that. She was just an bones, was always angry bones his whole job, the doc he was always mad at Jim. He just wanted to accuse him of something all the time because he did Jim was always up to something score. Like Jim Johnson’s Coral Captain Captain himself to make the engines work like he was trying to crank or running on a treadmill or something to get the power. You know go to discover new country new places, you’re trying to discover space, the final frontier, begot, Klingons and romulans attack. In the I mean it’s bad to have you seen a Klingon? Those guys are some scary. He went down the girl that was green. Where was her, what was her the green girl member? I don’t know what the is right there, you just drop it knowledge bomb. On my mind, there was a green girls, there’s a green green people. Who am, I remember, one of the show’s. I was kind of crazy where they did an imaginary bombings and then, if they hit the part of town that you’re in you had to go and kill yourself. What remember that remember that senior know that show are you? Why did you do this? The same show and it’s just a Star Trek how they actually showed up this planet, and there was two two people and then what happened was when they being down. They actually weren’t part of the building that was supposedly bummed because it was all fake because they want to tear up. You don’t want to tear up to society, so they did these fake attacked, but yet when they certified where it was, and all the people in that area had to report to this, you don’t go get killed. Well, I do know who the green girls weren’t are. No, it was the it was: the Orion slave girls, animal women or female Orion to a very popular Commodities traffic it through the slave markets of the Orion Syndicate, which is obviously a huge. I was reading through the Safe Money kit and how can you read the book by the Federal Reserve and annuities and planning for the future and savings and tax benefits and mutual funds? And then it’s like here it is this crazy dad about the Orient. Did you know I mean Chris? Are you cover up the Safe Money? Kitterman still do you know we put in the references to the Orion slave girls there. I didn’t know that actually, maybe feel slid that in there, business coach  but it does remind me of how you helped help us build a handbook for boys because you’ll slide in a little snotty comment or something just to see if they read it, because by the way into Work flowzie will get back into work clothes when our handbook, it all starts with handbook day number one. I put in questions that I would know if you read the handbook or not because questions in the book civil say it’s like in handbook, it’ll say: go: ask clay how many kids he has and ask him why his son is named Napoleon Hill and if they Don’T talk to me at the end of the first day and their signatures and all the pages, I know what I’m dealing with you correct. business coach  That’S like one. I pull them aside. business coach  You lie to me all day number one and there’s like questions in there that are like that. It kind of props that so practical about making one from the store at I like a Jiffy Lube, come up with an oil change and step number one of the workflow walk me through. business coach  How do you diagram like how to get customers in her? business coach  How to convert people in the walking? How far back do you want to go into work? What starts at at Market getting people in the signs out by the road and the sign says oil change that sounds crazy, crazy place to sign and I’m in the instructions to protect where to place them. How deep to put them in and just kind of make sure they’re secure and place them in that first thing: you do in the morning. Okay right second thing you do in the morning is you make sure our point-of-purchase pieces are filled up around the waiting area, in other words, I’ll have like little brochures on ice on. business coach  Why you should have your fluids topped off on why you should have your belts? Checked on why you should have your tires, rotated open, you sell satellite, more things. Then it’s hard to make money doing oil changes. That’S why you the world’s best business coach play. We will not break even when you work for now. You got those set up, and now you want to make sure that the space is cleaned and the crew. business coach  Obviously usually we clean the night before, but you want to do a double check on that hear. Something that blew my mind about workflows is how you have to actually set up your retail products and take a picture of how it should look when it’s done, because people will always fall to the lowest level of documentation. business coach  This is where the products go. You come into your store and it looks crazy, not your other people’s to other people on the couch or the deceit over there. You know it’s going to the toilet paper to the accoutrement of. Maybe some refreshments are handy. In other words, you may offer free popcorn. You so, therefore, you have to actually make the popcorn. business coach  You may offer some free sodas to make sure the machine is working play. The ice is filled up that it’s clean, so you may have some other stuff and I’m just think about a Lube, a Lube business. If I come may start when, after I do this cuz I’m going to go to the checklist, so am I supposed company right now and I I’m just what your secret move with your with your power move. Well he’s got a lot of things. business coach  He has that. Actually doing the job setup, I was encouraging, said person on there, not in Oklahoma, by the way so so calm down, I’m not throw anybody under the bus. business coach  We set up video cameras and when we watch the footage, we found that the employees were doing their job and set up that system that lets him know that we are watching and you’ll be paid based off of performance, not based on the hours that you say You work it out intentions based off of results, and he said already had to do one public hanging, one firing, Z and but he’s already fixed the culture just by having transparent cameras up that lets. People know we’re watching man you got to do and what to do you know what to do now. business coach  It’S up to you to do it. If you don’t want to do it, that’s fine I’ll, find somebody else that does you know me, there’s nothing. Nothing mean about that now when we come back, we’re going to be breaking down the final details of the six books, every entrepreneur should read and see has a bonus seventh book also also Phil, the thrill and Chris, the man with anchor Financial. They have their favorite books they’re going to share as well see you like. business coach  This gets a bonus of books. These coming credible Topia is awaiting catopia. I can’t I can’t handle that word book a Topia stay tuned on his clay Club back to the business coach. Radio show that has the power to make shell bathrooms this cleanest QuikTrip. business coach  Do I Wan na Know wind Shadows? No, we got to change again. Just you and me Z. business coach  The World Won’t Get No Better to quote John Legend’s there. business coach  They modern philosophers, / negative in the world, will get better by default of two negatives, make a positive meaning of that song. It will be meeting every day until morale improves and so we’re talking with anchor financial and Phil the thrill inside the box that rocks and doctors eat so where to go around the horn real fast here, mr. Phil, what is the book that every entrepreneur should read From your perspective, well I mean course: I’d have to say, are safe money book would be a great book to read but business-wise. I like the book good to Great, oh yeah, Joe Jason, Collins. business coach  There that’s a good book there. business coach  It’S good to great that one already have you know I have it. I have so good to great that’s a great book by the way, if you want to learn how to build a sustainable organization that moves Beyond mediocrity. business coach  That’S a phenomenal book, Kris Bryant up your partner here, my friend, you have a book that you recommend that really matters. You know I’m going to send a book, I’m going to kind of think of a story. It’S a small stories that okay sure yeah. This guy he’s been hired to to sell toothbrushes she’s going to go. All these he’s been fired for not selling, but maybe one toothbrush today. business coach  Well, his manager comes back to see him like the 4th days in this in this sales Arena and he’s sold almost every toothbrush in the actual suitcase ordered. Another suitcase full of toothbrushes he’s more days to go. business coach  Try that because okay, then right here, I got dip c-walk Sony grab some chips, it and puts it in his mouth. Magic is all that’s horrible. He want to buy toothbrush nice nice. Nice moves outside the box. So is your book recommendation feed people chips with lyrics As Long the lines of getting outside-the-box thinking outside the box? business coach  Thinking Grow Rich is one of my favorites polian Hill, great book. So all of those things you know really kind of coming to play there, but my big thing is: is you can’t think outside the box when it comes to marketing when it comes to creative ways to hire when it comes creative? business coach  When you taught me how to not sit under 40 different interviews, looking for an executive assistant to actually do a group interview like that right there, hopefully you save yourself tons of time there now doctor say you were telling a book, that’s kind of like your secret Weapon never told me about this book’s. I am sincerely excited to tell. business coach  Will I tell you what there was at first, but we kept the top six on the 6th. We just went over because we’ve done them down we’re like two or three shows, and some people like how do I get the other ones? business coach   business coach  You can always go to 12 x. Show.Com, we put every shows a podcast, you can download them, it’s free. You can subscribe to him so if you never miss one and they’re awesome, so you don’t miss part of a show or I’m in a tire show. business coach  You can go back and listen to it. But to recap the top six drum Rich by Napoleon Hill, for you for free for downloading on Thrive time, show.com and in there you will find all of the systems. The doctor’s L Have to use a filter of what is best for the business, that’s what it boils down to what is best for the business and then that helps you make that hard decision and takes your emotions out of it, and I know from man sometimes just wear a Brains are built, it’s it’s, it’s apparently easier than sometimes for women to cut a pull themselves out of the emotions of the of the situation, but you have to say to yourself: okay, what is best for the business and I may not have all the information I Need but I’m going to make a decision, I need to make a decision, and here is my decision making. Is this paralysis by analysis get one more study, Z, let’s run a case study. Let’S get the government of all, let’s form a task force. Let’S get a study group, what’s going to focus group to study the folks, let’s make a committee exactly and that goes back to the fear, fear of wrong decision. You know, if you don’t make a decision, you can’t make a wrong decision. Some people think that, but in fact sometimes not making decision is the wrong decision. I know that sounds crazy and you might be saying what do they talk about with business as a business owner everyday? You have a decision making come your way. You know, and you have to say, am I going to decipher ties? Am I going to do that? Am I going to hire this person or that person? What I mean did the things that people used to do? business coach  Is it? You know that that that that comes back and if you wanted them to cutting edge of style, you got to say I’m the first person to bring the fohawk back. I’M gon na bring that the skullet back I’m going to bring the mullet back. Is he I’m going to be on The Cutting Edge um, like the tough call, I’m going to be the first person I know to bring back the mullet perm? business coach  Oh, that would be awesome. Happy large. I think that I think in that perm get that mole and get that parm and then like bring back denim jackets and look at the skating rink, and you can teach me to shuffle. Do you do the shuffle by the way? business coach  No, I don’t know my skating skills are pretty terrible, but I want to give a big shout-out was going to Jason White who’s. Listening he’s, he works for the IRS IRS. business coach   business coach  How you doing and see this is the thing he’s a great dancer he’s like you he’s a great dancer, but something happens. business coach  He gets on the skating rink in his skills. Go to a unicorn level like you’re, like know where you skating better backwards and forwards. Are you crazy simple? Is it there’s so many listening? business coach  Do the show right now they’re saying here’s the deal, I feel like I’m roller skating all around my financial planning. business coach  I feel like I’m indecisive, I’m just skating around blindly when’s the corner, starred when’s, the dice game and they haven’t started the adjuster just drifting around to the skating rink of Financial Planning by somebody needs help in here in financial planning. business coach  What is what were? They need to do to get hold of you guys, basically give us a call at 918-591-2880, we’ll have a free consultation kind of evaluate where you are and where you want to be in and show you a road map on how to get there and get started. Now throttle we come back, we’re breaking down to six books that every entrepreneur needs to read, specifically winning by Jack Welch and Jack Welch and struts every entrepreneur to rank their employees. It’S been called the rank and yank system. It’S been called darwinian, it’s been called cruel. It’S called differentiation to text you when you rank employees, and you tell them – I think I just mean I just think it’s mean cuz, we’re all individuals and they all have value your score on test publicly drive time show on your radio. I’M a business coach go to DriveTime show.com check, check, check it out. San back to the business coach. Radio show that’s more organic than sprouts and Whole Foods combined Ozzy to skate to this. Don’T you! I am right now I’ll come on! Now! Get your mind San Diego get those quad skates on. Oh yeah, come on now going up and down that ocean. How nice I got on a headband and wristbands to give myself a ice cream down Mission Beach on quads was the last time. I must report that I’ve never done that yourself. They bring you some knee pads and stuff on the show know: where can I get the Showtime show. Calm and then you click on podcast and they’re? All the show notes right there for you and we got all the notable quotables catalogued and today’s pacifically were talking about the five business books to find the five business books. What the heck no does six business books? No, no, not the six, the seven business books that every single entrepreneur needs to get there sooner mortgage. Where did you work at again with mental kill, the middle number 5? He says differentiation, favors people who are energetic and extroverted and undervalues people who are shy and introverted, even if they are talented. Oh okay, okay, Jack, okay, okay, Jack you’re telling us that people who bring energy to work – and you are more extroverted – are more valuable to GE. I may have thousands of employees, then people who are introverted fly on the wall. Okay, that sounds pretty intense break it down. I think the main part there is bringing energy with you to work, because if we all we all been around, you know what I call Energy vampires. You know people that just suck that suck the energy energy from you and you’re like right now. You know somebody who, in that picked up the fit the moment when they’re around you do to their drama due to their lives due to their low energy state. If you will they’re always trying to take for me to get, you always feel tired. After leave conversation with him, can I do an impersonation of of Captain low energy? Can I do this Captain low-energy so Monday’s happen? This is this. Is the thanks so go ahead and just kind of I walk in the office? I’M captain low-energy, wouldn’t greet me on Monday and I’ll go ahead and take you down to the the bottom of the low energy World spell weekend. Car wouldn’t start Monday, and I mean it just got a lot to do today. Buckle buckle up, let’s get after it. I mean. If you got your. If you got your to-do list, got your checklist. You got your. You got your marching orders for today, yeah. I just I just don’t feel that well, I have kind of a headache. By the way did this person always has an Indescribable illness, never diagnosable, it’s always like my thyroid in my gluten levels. In my I have a headache. It’S more of a sinus actually have allergies. Now it’s more of a sinus of a sinus headache. Now it’s just my overall body move your body or your feet. Yes, yes, I work out, but I don’t have to pay for it was though I was going to send you an email, but I forgot I could you remind me what to do? You know what I mean Phil, all I know by the time I’m loose. I’M too tired to workout good news that there’s a low energy moves, I’m going to teach you the low energy move. So if you have a lower energy person, your office or going to know how to manage this person until you get replacement his, what is they love to ask an infinite number of questions to slow down the pace? So but I had a couple questions and so are the update you on my progress and I had a couple questions I just I just feel like there’s a miscommunication there and the third is anytime. You tell me any type of advice or management anytime. You tell me what to do instead of commenting on the work that needs to be done. I comment on your tone what yeah you’re telling what you talk to tone the tonality seemed a little. I mean you know I mean it just seems like you’re all about you know getting it done, and I’m just the tone is my issue with you. Let me know nothing, I don’t feel this inspiring mute. You have an irritated tone and that does not help motivate me to get Sid job done emailed. You 19 TED Talks videos on how to be a better boss, I’m in some of them deal with tone in your voice and then helps you with your temper I’ll, be praying that you can find someone for you to help you with your not to have it, But you know I could see, got a question we had. We had manager in her office that on paper was great, but he just couldn’t. I couldn’t do that welding, spreadsheet, Charlie spreadsheet, at everything it didn’t need to be spreadsheet project done, but he would make spreadsheets about what we need to do with this study over here and this study hair and this – and we need a spreadsheet for this and by The end nothing I’ve been accomplished, but a bunch of spreadsheets it’s at data, it’s that data now, through paralysis, bait, said low energy person. How do you, how do you combat? How do you Chuck Norris, Kombat ninja, move those moves? How do you counteract them? I’Ll give you just three very practical moves, and, if your, if you don’t like the ethics of any of these, it’s okay, I’m just giving you move that I use and you can, you can decide what you want to keep their one is use money as a Motivator, and so some people are like well, I just didn’t have time to get it done. I’Ve been very busy, but all the sudden, you put a carrot, hey bonus, if you get it done today, all the sudden they’re like yeah, that’s one also money as a penalty. Sometimes there’s people who just can’t get motivated in you say: here’s the deal! If you don’t get it done, then you’re not eligible for future bonuses or your. You know. I mean it’s like. I hit him in the wallet there like what I’m in that movie put in if your Contracting with people up front, if it’s her, if the contractor on a W-2 – and you have someone coming to build something for your, do, what do a task for you or Get something done building something should have something in there says if we’re hey, what’s the day you going to get this done, they tell you the day. Okay, if it doesn’t, then you know for every day. It goes over that you’re going to lose a certain percentage of the of the cost of the job. You know where the payment of the job, and so that can be a very big motivator because, as you know, a lot of contractors come in clay and their juggling two jobs and and the one that you have a caveat on their of a negative result of Penile get it done in time to go to make sure yours is a priority one. That’S a little bit offensive for some people listening and other people like, yes, here’s the deal a friend of mine, I went to college with and he’s a he’s a pastor. I bought a buddies. I want to call you or you ugly enough for pastors. It says eat. One of them says my church is kind of shrinking. You knows there anyway. He took over at church, so he’s mean omit 36 / church. Today I would like to I need a lot of speaking I’m going to send you video footage of me. That’S when you give your feet, honest feedback, okay and I’m watching the footage – and you know when somebody’s just making stuff up when they obviously haven’t prepared when they, obviously they just showed up and they’re, like my 7 tips for Success, Eric go and you’re just you’re, Like this guy’s making stuff up so I just asked him. I said honestly just looking at your stuff, I’m going to ask you how many where’s did you spend preparing for your? He says you just get there and it didn’t prepare for me to be here. He doesn’t deserve my attention until I think a lot of employees perform poorly when their boss does not provide a source of wisdom when you’re working for somebody that you think is sincerely an idiot. You can’t work that person very long in the polian hill row. He said no person with intelligence will work for somebody who’s, not a source of wisdom, very long. Nobody with intelligent wow work for an idiot, long-term Susie. What advice would you have for the entrepreneur boss out there then frankly is going. I haven’t been preparing for my employees. Are there not motivating they’re, not organized they’re, not a source of wisdom? There just everything’s last minute, you know it’s all shoot from the shoot-from-the-hip. There’S no systems, I mean it’s. It’S you’ve made a rough place to work. You made a very rough place to work, and then you kind of your immature would you bargain, for I mean you’re getting what you put into it. You know you. You have planted weed seeds and your field. You know why you’re not harvesting grapes, Colorado, entrepreneurship, weed seeds up a flower – you don’t want. We do not like we’re not talking about him, we’re going to talk about the six books that every single entrepreneur should read specifically book number 6 book number 6, stating what is book number 6 stay 2 multi time show on your radio. I’M a business coach, business coach, Boo, Boo Boo, you are now entering the dojo of Mojo and the Thrive time show make it because have strong root. Yesterday say you have strong root, don’t need nothing except what inside to grow. Stop! Yes, I do understand. Understand too I mean, if you watch the 22 x 222 x, I mean zi mean cannibal amount. How many times I really can’t. Can you ever watch Karate Kid? 2. I think that’s not what you want. That’S once in wax on wax off when they just become a swirl of mr. Miyagi hammers, wax on in the crane kick rubs his hands together. Somehow the kid Macchio Ralph Macchio, Keanu Reeves, I mean a ride up there to make you think about it. True, like 27, but you look so young ahead and play like a twelve-year-old, something like crazy. I mean it was something like that was when he shot Karate Kid to email us info at thrive.com. If you know how old Ralph Macchio wasn’t a shot, Karate Kid 2, we will send you a free copy of the Thrive, but you got to come here to thrive15 World Headquarters and we’re going to send you out of our building with her going to send you Out of the building with the book right there so, anyway, just go to email us info at 3:15.. If you want that book, don’t feel you’re also give it a book to all of our listeners. What book are you giving away I’m giving the safe money and income book along with her save money kit, and it is going to help you develop a roadmap for retirement and you can get that by calling us at 918-591-2880, and we will Rush that over to You road map maps, see the Nextbook put never 6 to every entrepreneur should read, is really about road map in your business. Are we done with five we done with the winning? We are we move on to my favorite. What kind of sad mom have a moment? I give us an I take it away. I Know Jack JW, I mean imagination. Is a pizza, stewby’s intent to get to talk about super manager when he had to be on the show? Is a bunch of Union employees talking about the automotive industry yeah and he retired, so he was kind of no longer trying to be put eccle correct. He just wanted to be correct and it was pretty intense because they would raise their hands and ask questions and he would give them answers that we’re just spot on Raw. Then it was just like you know these questions like we’re having a hard time making profits and what responsibilities does a corporate have to paying their labor more when we’re companies struggle to make a profit he’s just like, if you don’t win, no one deserves a job, Because the customers vote with their dollars or whatever and I’m like – yes, yes, can sweat works now. Book number 6 is called the service profit chain. It is a Harvard it’s a booking buy on Amazon, but it’s a hard case study and there are a lot of Concepts in the book. But there’s three that I want to get into his first concept is they said they said in a study date. They studied these very, very successful companies, including Southwest Airlines, Outback Steakhouse, some big-time companies and they found in a 5 % increase in Customer Loyalty. Just a 5 % increase in Customer Loyalty. Aka Welling the customer can produce your profits, can increase your profits by 25 to 85 % to get an estimate, then a 5 % increase in Customer Loyalty can produce a profit increase from 25 to 85 %. They found these companies like Outback and Enterprise Rental Car. In Southwest Airlines in Disney and apple end of the companies are actually trying to wow people see it’s actually turns out to be more expensive tuna wow your customer turns out it cost you more money to deliver a mediocre service. My man, what cuz you don’t get to you, don’t get the bump. You get from. You, give Extreme customer service very good customer service cuz what happens if customer service United up an army of like Billboards out there. You know singing your praise, singing your press, sending people your way and their wallet and their money that comes with them, and so by giving great customer service, which is takes about the same effort as it does to give me the Oquirrh customer service by the way About the same, at put it to your ear same calories, burned on doing that, then you have to talk on wow wow, wow wow. I want to get your take on this, because this is something I sincerely want you to answer, but I want want to kind of start off on TWP, with this concept called catharsis. Where is your studying psychology? What you’ll find is that, if someone goes through a very traumatic event, like a very horrible thing, they want to share it with somebody to provide relief. The word catharsis means providing psychological relief to the open expression of strong emotions causing so you’re really upset. Maybe in my case my father passed away, and I wanted to talk to you about it: okay, because you’re, my friend and I needed somebody to talk to and it wasn’t comfortable, but you knew that you took me out to dinner. We had man cave session and it provided like this release of like I finally feel like I have shared that I don’t know what it was, but it’s it’s catharsis, it’s a psychological term or people can’t really. You can’t avoid it because if you don’t your Venture going to blow up, maybe you will have them in this is what happens to all the famous people. They don’t have any way to connect with people and they just cathartically blow up. You know also. It happened to the good way. We are something awesome happens, you just won something, or maybe you got a big bonus or you achieve the goal or you just got married or you just had a kid, and people want to share it with other people. They want to say yes, look at this awesome thing that happened and I have found that people sometimes forget your customers are humans and if you will have them cathartically they’re going to want to tell people Bingo. Why is that? That’S that’s just human nature that people itay what, unfortunately in life customer services is probably at an all-time low. In my life I mean, when I walk into a store where I’m walking to a restaurant, I’m going to just sometimes I’m very underwhelmed and it’s unfortunate. It’S the new norm and it’s amazing the little things you can do to to wow a customer and when you, while them, you know it’s unfortunate more more that you unwell or that you’re bad to or that you don’t treat well, they end up telling more people, But when you do, while them, those people will tell people and that that form of advertising is, is it the strongest? You think? Do you think it’s the strongest? I think what happens is you have to the seed of a successful business starts with advertising and it grows. The snowball begins to roll down the hill. The momentum is from that word about that is. The strong is the strongest in so unfortunately, when you underwhelm somebody I eat, treat them poorly they’ll tell you know, probably three to four times as many as when you wow somebody. That’S what that’s the problem, so you know 3 people in the day right and you you don’t wow one or you treat them poorly and you end up. He did more damage in the three did good now, Phil. The thrill me come back you’re a financial planner, but you’re also got who appreciates great customer service. I want you to share with all of Tulsa. What is your favorite restaurant? What’S the restaurant that you absolutely love the one that’s just like this thing is, is why I tell you what why don’t you tell us now? What’S the restaurant, that blows your mind, the one that you say man, I love that place and it’s it’s great. Well, it’s going to be Mahogany’s for me, Omaha kind of caliber, a steak, snob kind of a high-class guy over there he’s all about them arises: the menu, it’s impressive, great service and great food, and they are you want to mispronounce. That’S mahogany mahogany. All you walk in there for those who have not been in Mahogany’s. The decor is like what what would I describe it as it is it? Is it super ultra violet light says it darker with the walk me through. It is definitely darker. Your peoples have a just explain to me from an optical perspective, isn’t as an optometrist. What has to happen to your eyeballs? Will your your pupils dilate and everybody looks better because you don’t see it clearly said your friend yourself, you all become pretty hair is like Papa Papa Papa Papa in the background photo editor. Okay, so back to you always very appropriate and it’s very clean parking lot. Clean around the building clean and it’s smells good in the waiter walks up to you how’s he dressed as he is. He casual is it does he know that mean you say, does he know the man you’ve ever met a waiter there who doesn’t know the menu? He knows the minion. I also have these little bit since it’s kind of dark in there. He has he’s alive and I’ve actually typed a few of them over the over the years. Thank you mean you cuz, it’s kind of dark. You know, and most people in there if you’re like me, you’re the loader and you got little bit of presbyopia working so up close is not as clear but you candle light shine it on there, and I was so fascinated first few times it’s all about. Like that’s awesome boy that be great, if I left here with that, raise the price even matter, because it’s such a good experience, walk me through the pricing. Has the pricing fall in their field wreck attempt on the expensive side? Okay, you know, but it’s a treat and in your you’re paying for the atmosphere. You know one thing I’ll do is sometimes I’ll go in there and I’ll order. Some bread and I’ll just run out real fast, and then I have to play it’s it’s great to court in a zit even have a crumber Zia, Cromer Cromer. It said something very important for the restaurant. You think I’m paying for the food. I’M going to tell me it’s: the restaurant is all really when you break it down on your drinking meal, but what they’ve done is the experience. It’S the atmosphere, it’s the stuff. That’S has nothing to do with all that steak. Taste has nothing to do with the quality of the you know, lobster macaroni and cheese, which is Awesome by the way. Whatever you said, I’m going to one-up you, but you just you, did the top thing: the lobster cargo, which is an appetizer. If you need to go and get that it’s decadent, you must create a checklist for all of the senses to make that kind of expensive random. It seems too difficult in the book. The service profit chain is, you must create a written workflow. What’S a workflow, don’t we don’t hold it in? Let It Go what’s the workflow is telling your folks what to do next? What what? What is that mean when I walk here just say, hi to the first idea that we can we we allowed to drink on the job? Still when you, when you start a business? Okay, you learn your workflow, you learn it because you have to do it and you figured out if you’re clever, you figure out a better mousetrap and go. You know if I want to make the donuts if I really roll them in this first and I can skip a step and now they fry batter. Now they taste better and it’s all good. So this is my workflow and some for you. You do it. For months bunch bunch of got a job, you got a business and now guess what chicken butt you hire? No, no! No somebody in here in starts a chain of stuff and when we get back we’re going to talk about why that now matters, why? What changed? But somebody beautiful system: how do you build a workflow? How do you make yourself repeatable so that you can create time, freedom and Financial Freedom? Is this Rob time show on the radio or break it down the six books that every intrapreneurship read? My name is Clay Clark, I’m a business coach. I start Jersey, he’s not Tom mattress. That’S fell state to come to the Thrive time show I shall pour the enemies of average. I think that I found myself a cheerleader. She is always right there when I need you. Oh, I think that I found myself a cheerleader. She is always right there. When is definitely a shame to my wife. I did find a find a cheerleader. She was a cheerleader oral Robert University and I declare to the universe that woman would be mine in a know. She was dating another man at the time and there’s certain things in it happens. There’S certain strategic moves. Maneuvers there was when you working for me and just about as lovely and individuals, you can find the painted Earth, sweet and kind, and I’m like a 7 and then when, when all the sudden rumor had it, that her man was coming to get her. You know kind of Ripple to the office of her man. It’S got to be nice, he’s praying to man in space weather Nelson. You show up and it was such a let-down. I thought. Well, you know what I knew Vanessa can be perfect. You must be have some mental illness about her choose a man like that. First check that she couldn’t see anything at all and you can parently apparently YouTube YouTube kid got in there and you’d infected her some kind, your mojo glasses. If it was space, the stubble or funny tasting Kool-Aid at any point in the early dating most of our dating relationship, she didn’t know who I was or where she wants. What does the loud noise in your car? You have baggy jeans, loop, earrings and this for a send the best part of you with the attitude you have. It was like. Don’T look at me, I’ll fight. You should know not to step on my shoes cuz. We, if you step on my shoes, that’s what it in what does the stuff on the shoes? Guy cuz, you met me, but you see her people like this. The guy who’s got the shoes on their brand new shoes and it keeps the sticker on the hat new shoes steps on the shoes it’s on. I think I have, I think I have. I didn’t step on. The end. You’re obviously feels partner there in Anchor Financial. In the Navy, did you ever have any of those Navy bar fights? Did you ever? Did you ever? Have you ever involved in a Navy stereotypical bar fight, where you walk into the bar of a different? You know Squad a different group but different whatever, and you go in there and use Stir It Up. The Denver happen for you. That’S just such a cliche respite and say come on. That’S such a bummer! Yes, three guys that used to DJ for us a different times, but two of them were all Marines and they told me that one of the things they were supposed to do was to walk into the Navy bar and just slug. The biggest guy that can find is like a way to sort of earn. The honor of the other Marines on McKnight is no seriously. You would go to have the biggest guy on the shoulder. He try. You just knock him out and then you’re just in the behind then it’s on then it’s on like that, can’t be what you did he’s. None of this happened. They have you ever seen those kinds of things when you were in the military. I have at the biggest guy in the room that big sailor probably wouldn’t go down. One slug he’s got a boat up now over here. So that’s the workflow. If you want to be join the Marines, you step on you and roll to you and you basically every kind of physical stress test. There is then 3:00 you go into the bar. You punch a Navy guy boom you’re, a marine. That’S the customers now see. What’S why do I need, as I was saying earlier, is that okay, you started your business. You’Ve got it figured out now you’re, rolling and guess where you got to hire someone, so you hire them, and now you have to train them right because they usually probably don’t know how to make donuts. Unless there, a donut expert from or whatever your business is, I’m using that as an example, until you tell him what to do and guess what they forget a step or two and I was doing horrible, throw them out. Did you put, I forgot? Okay? Well then, we remember you got to put that in there because without that they taste like what those taste look like if that’s not good belly. Okay, okay, okay, you got to remind me, you got to remind me cuz, I’m new to this. Can you put it on you cuz? It’S your fault right email me that my password for my email, you have to have it written down. You have to have to work for a written on the workflow, basically breaks down to what is Billy do next? What does it later next? What does he do next to the process of the day, because what will happen is he’ll. Do that and then goes? What do I do next? You do that? Okay, what I do next, you know and at some point you got to have a checklist in there to clean the bathroom. Some point you have to go out and maybe a walk about the parking lot to make sure there’s a trash out to that’s where my big things and other things that you can put in there in your checklist in your workflow. But you’ve got to have that play. What’S the checklist that you have found yourself making that you thought I cannot believe I had to make a checklist for this. Is there ever been one where you said in the bathroom cuz? You just think you know me who has a clean, the bathroom their life mate, for what was probably the most complex me. The auction to me seems unbelievably complex. I mean you got to make sure the title is clear and all the cars you got to make sure the vehicles will be a pass inspection. You got to detail the inside of the car 688. You put a thousand cars in order. My minute seems like the most complex that is pretty Converse in. There are a lot of moving Parts checking in delivering picking up actually auctioning them cleaning them happening in the Natchez to half of it, then you have all the title work and collect the one that I thought was so self-evident that I had to just. I finally hire someone and just gave them. This is her. Job assignment is crazy. This and collecting money give you the money talk to me. I mean that the checklist, the stuff we do with these cars – and you know, try not to lose a car cuz. You know a thousand cars a week. You know it’s it’s it’s it’s easy to lose one in that might be shocking to you, clay, Chaka Khan. How can you lose a car and it happened, put 15 acres in a thousand cars on there every single week and Elvis any like where’s that little Malibu again now I want to ask I want to ask a fill this question. I want to ask Chris: this is well someone’s listening and they’re going. Okay, we’re talk about checklist for my business, but what am I what’s a checklist to guarantee that I’m going to be all to retire? I’M going to have enough money to set aside. I mean what are the steps needed to for any entrepreneur listing here to make sure that they definitely will have some money set aside for retirement? Phil will start with you check number one. You need to come and see us and discuss where you’re at now, where you want to go and that’s what we do is basically a checklist of what a road map, if you will how to get there. Now, Chris, you have a book you’re, giving away to all of the listeners everybody listening today, you’re giving them a book. What about the Safe Money kit in the safe money book that you’re giving away? Basically, it’s designed to just give you the basics on where your money, what what happens with your money when you take it to different Vehicles. We all know the different IRA and Ross and all that kind of stuff. We heard those names but really the the math behind it. So yet another math behind it, you got to know what’s best for you in the long run short run all of those things, and we just put that together, specifically to be kind of a Layman’s guide to understanding finances. Second of all, the Safe Money. Kid is built around you personally, so if you want one of our books call us at 91-859-128-8251, the bug spray their normal Mexican put on top of that, will actually take her to you, the more action budget to help get a budget together. I will actually do all the work I kind of just have a plan in place and automate your future books at every single entrepreneur needs to read. My name is Clay Clark, and I am a business coach and now back to the retina burning. Laser show that may or may not have caused the solar eclipse get ready to enter the Thrive time show on talk, radio 1170 space, the final frontier. These Are the Voyages of the entrepreneurship. Do the captain of the entrepreneurship, my man? Should we shoot and shoot to shoot the guys with the photon Torpedoes? Should we turn off the shield of fiscal we can do? We can turn off the shield. We need to give her any more power Captain I kind of givers you’ll fly apart question: how humiliating of a job that I have to be for Sulu and Sulu sea to be educated and he’s up there sitting up song. You know I mean he was with Paul back on that. Do you guys remember that he would pull back on the the throttle and that exciting part of the day I mean on the shoot question when you showed up on Sat who was like she was like a telephone operator of the future yeah. She always had seemed confused. She always seemed like that. She was just an bones, was always angry bones his whole job, the doc he was always mad at Jim. He just wanted to accuse him of something all the time because he did Jim was always up to something score like that sounds of squirrel. Captain Captain himself to make the engines work like he was trying to crank or running on a treadmill or something to get the power you know go to discover new countries. New place is you’re, trying to discover space. The final frontier, begot, Klingons and romulans attack in the I mean it’s bad to have you seen a Klingon. Those guys are some scary. He went down the girl that was green. Where was her, what was her? The green girl member? I don’t know what the is right there, you just drop it knowledge bomb. On my mind, there was a green girls, there’s a green green people. Who am, I remember, one of the show’s. I was kind of crazy where they did an imaginary bombings and then, if they hit the part of town that you’re in you had to go and kill yourself. What remember that remember that senior know that show are you? Why did you do this? The same show and it’s just a Star Trek how they actually showed up this planet, and there was two two people and then what happened was when they being down. They actually weren’t part of the building that was supposedly bummed because it was all fake because they want to tear up. You don’t want to tear up to society, so they did these fake attacked, but yet when they certified where it was, and all the people in that area had to report to this, you don’t go get killed. Well, I do know who the green girls weren’t are. No, it was the it was: the Orion slave girls, animal women were female Orion to a very popular Commodities traffic it through the slave markets of the Orion Syndicate, which is obviously a huge. I was reading through the Safe Money kit and how can you read the book by the Federal Reserve and annuities and planning for the future and savings and tax benefits and mutual funds? And then it’s like here it is this crazy dad about the Orient. Did you know I mean Chris? Are you cover up the Safe Money? Kitterman still do you know we put in the references to the Orion slave girls there. I didn’t know that actually, maybe feel slid that in there, but it does remind me of how you helped help us build a handbook for boys because you’ll slide in a little snotty comment or something just to see if they read it, because by the way into Work flowzie will get back into work clothes when our handbook, it all starts with handbook day number one. I put in questions that I would know if you read the handbook or not because questions in the book civil say it’s like in handbook, it’ll say: go: ask clay how many kids he has and ask him why his son is named Napoleon Hill and if they Don’T talk to me at the end of the first day and their signatures and all the pages, I know what I’m dealing with you correct. That’S like one. I pull them aside. You lie to me all day number one and there’s like questions in there that are like that. It kind of practical about making one from the store at I like a Jiffy Lube, come with an oil change and step number one of the workflow walk me through. How do you diagram like how to get customers in her? How to convert people in the walking? How far back do you want to go into work? What starts at at Market getting people in the signs out by the road and the sign says oil change? That sounds crazy, crazy place to sign and I’m in the instructions to protect where to place them, how deep to put them in and just kind of make sure they’re secure and place them in that first thing you do in the morning. Okay right second thing you do in the morning is you make sure our point-of-purchase pieces are filled up around the waiting area, in other words, I’ll have like little brochures on ice on. Why you should have your fluids topped off on why you should have your belts? Checked on why you should have your tires, rotated open, you sell satellite, more things. Then it’s hard to make money doing oil changes. That’S why you the world’s best business coach play. We will not break even when you work for now. You got those set up, and now you want to make sure that the space is cleaned and the crew. Obviously usually we clean the night before, but you want to do a double check on that hear something that blew my mind about workflows. That’S how you have to actually set up your retail products and take a picture of how it should look when it’s done, because people will always fall to the lowest level of documentation. This is where the products go. You come into your store and it looks crazy. Other people’s to other people on the couch or the deceit over there. You know it’s going to the toilet paper to the accoutrement of. Maybe some refreshments are handy. In other words, you may offer free popcorn you. So therefore you have to actually make the popcorn. You may offer some free sodas to make sure the machine is working play. The ice is filled up that it’s clean, so you may have some other stuff and I’m just think about a Lube, a Lube business. If I come may start when, after I do this cuz I’m going to go to the checklist, so am I supposed company right now and I I’m just what your secret move with your with your power move. Well he’s got a lot of things. He has that. Actually doing the job setup, I was encouraging, said person on there, not in Oklahoma, by the way so so calm down, I’m not throw anybody under the bus. We set up video cameras and when we watch the footage, we found that the employees were doing their job and set up that system that lets him know that we are watching and you’ll be paid based off of performance, not based on the hours that you say You work it out intentions based off of results, and he said already had to do one public hanging, one firing, Z and but he’s already fixed the culture just by having transparent cameras up that lets, people know hey we’re watching man you got to do and what To do you know what to do now, it’s up to you to do it. If you don’t want to do it, that’s fine I’ll, find somebody else that does you know me, there’s nothing! Nothing mean about that now when we come back, we’re going to be breaking down the final details of the six books, every entrepreneur should read and see has a bonus seventh book also also Phil, the thrill and Chris, the man with anchor Financial. They have their favorite books they’re going to share as well see you like. This gets a bonus of books. These coming credible Topia is awaiting catopia. I can’t I can’t handle that word book a Topia stay tuned on his clay Club back to the business coach. Radio show that has the power to make shell bathrooms this cleanest QuikTrip. Do I Wan na Know wind Shadows? No, we got to change again. Just you and me Z. The World Won’t Get No Better to quote John Legend’s there. They modern philosophers, / negative in the world, will get better by default of two negatives, make a positive meaning of that song. It will be meeting every day until morale improves and so we’re talking with anchor financial and Phil. The thrill inside the box that rocks and doctors eats order to go around the horn real fast here, mr. Phil. What is the book that every entrepreneur should read from your perspective? Well, I mean course: I’d have to say, are safe money book would be a great book to read but business-wise. I like the book good to Great, oh yeah, Joe Jason Collins. There. That’S a good book there, it’s good to great that one already have you know I have it. I have so good to great that’s a great book by the way, if you want to learn how to build a sustainable organization that moves Beyond mediocrity. That’S a phenomenal book, Kris Bryant up your partner here, my friend, you have a book that you recommend that really matters. You know I’m going to send a book, I’m going to kind of think of a story. It’S a small stories that okay sure yeah. This guy he’s been hired to to sell toothbrushes she’s going to go. All these he’s been fired for not selling, but maybe one toothbrush today. Well, his manager comes back to see him like the 4th days in this in this sales Arena and he’s sold almost every toothbrush in the actual suitcase ordered. Another suitcase full of toothbrushes he’s more days to go. Try that because okay, then right here, I got dip c-walk Sony grab some chips, it and puts it in his mouth. Magic is all that’s horrible. He want to buy toothbrush nice nice. Nice moves outside the box. So is your book recommendation feed people chips with lyrics As Long the lines of getting outside-the-box thinking outside the box? Thinking Grow Rich is one of my favorites polian Hill, great book. So all of those things you know really kind of coming to play there, but my big thing is: is you can’t think outside the box when it comes to marketing when it comes to creative ways to hire when it comes creative? When you taught me how to not sit under 40 different interviews, looking for an executive assistant to actually do a group interview like that right there, hopefully you save yourself tons of time there now doctor say you were telling a book, that’s kind of like your secret Weapon never told me about this book’s. I am sincerely excited to tell. Will I tell you what there was at first, but we kept the top six on the 6th. We just went over because we’ve done them down we’re like two or three shows, and some people like how do I get the other ones? You can always go to 12 x. Show.Com, we put every shows a podcast, you can download them, it’s free. You can subscribe to him so if you never miss one and they’re awesome, so you don’t miss part of a show or I’m in a tire show. You can go back and listen to it. But to recap the top six drum Rich by Napoleon Hill, for you for free for downloading on Thrive time, show.com and in there you will find all of the systems. The doctor’s L Ager of of people and we’re breaking down to six books that every entrepreneur should read but now removing on the book Number 5 and it’s winning by Jack Welch your favorite when your favorite favorite as a bonus today, is it Lemonis. But because I just like 7, you know that’s how many dwarves was the snow, why they gave a real business. But when I read it – and you know, we’ve had a great – I mean I’m still in the flow and the field and in the front that the warmth of the weekend football games, you know you going up in winning in Columbus, I’m a big, sooner fan and Then course the Dallas Cowboys everybody’s picking the Giants to win Prescott, sophomore slump. There come on now in feel victimized or you can look at it and be excited about conquering the challenges and opportunities it presents Jack Welch. Once again he says you can look at the situation and feel victimized or you can look at it and be excited about conquering the challenges and opportunities. It presents somebody up a real scenario that just happened for one of our clients today. Are you ready, as he just a real scenario, can I pull up? Storytime solutely is the release of real real situation. Here we go right around get it here. We go and the client comes to work one day about 50 employees of the right and there’s no change in the temperature. There’S no change in the air pressure. There’S no change in the smell off, but what there is is there’s a weird tension in there, something I feel something to see something feels off and they realize that one of their top employees had downloaded their database and was kinda, take all of their customers and Was trying to Stage a walkout of key and please just happened today, I just coming in hot. This just happened. I was coaching with a client this morning home. It just happened. Key employee play the game and then and then, when the key employee was asked, they are there Cryer and they’re saying I just financially made it to get ahead of this look. So how would you what is Jack Welch’s telling us hear me Jack Welch of saying he says you? Can your feel victimized or you can look at it, be excited like Yay Mikey person is living in this, isn’t me, I mean see, how do you cuz these things have happened to you? Has a situation like this ever happened to you? This is going to sound. Really mean okay, but, and I love the way Jack will have to put it in the book, and these are his words, but he he, he says a public hanging does wonders for a company, a public hanging hanging. I mean he’s worthy, been old school. I’M hanging and I think I’m a metaphor. Contact actually hung anybody there at GE. I don’t I don’t we don’t care nor deny that completely. So can you walk me through a scenario and maybe some it’s been in the past, so it doesn’t have quite the the intensity. But you know maybe your situation where one of your companies, somebody decided to maybe download the database or to join the other team, or do you do something to farias something where they nefarious mean they’re intentionally trying to cause. My first Auto Auction regional manager was setting up to to leave. I’M at one point in the he univenture Lee did and said up an auction right down the street, find an investor and they went and did they were about a mile down the street and was it was on like Donkey Kong, I mean he had all the List he had all the clients he knew. You know he knew all of our customers, and so he went out and started hitting on doors and getting business and and like even a new restaurant in town. Even if you’re happy with the old restaurant lot of people going to go down and try the new restaurant, and so there was a time in there where it was like touching go and it was, it was competition. It was back and forth and we’re getting it on. As we say, I want to get your take on this and I want to ask Phil’s. I want to get to fill, take on this as well. I think, because you’re naturally competitive I’ve heard rumors that how you play soccer now, you’re 52. What was the last time you suited up? There went and played some. You know some indoor soccer, the old man’s League. They we now have the I don’t even have to bring one of those Walkers anymore. They providing. There is any, have the extra tennis balls right, there’s an upsell, you do enjoy it and it is fun, and it is amazing how much you sit there. You start the game going. All this is just for fun. I’M just going to go bit of a workout, it’s going to be good in the first time, gets slammed up against the Borg of tripped or something just like. Oh my gosh, this is so. This is what I am hearing from from. This is from the bartender. Who’S got to be most credible Source or the bartender. Can you says that guy is the most competitive guy out there, but he runs his business like that. The Dream Team footage there’s footage for Coach daily. He says: there’s a practice in Barcelona and so Magic Johnson, dribble dribble, the ball down the court and he doesn’t move on Michael Jordan goes around Michael puts it in any kind of kind of smirks a little bit and Jordan is like. Are you kidding me you’re, going to try to one-up me a magic, I’m in the magic enjoy playing basketball, I’m sure Magics, just trying to score he’s also compatible. Jordan says something he says this ain’t, your league, but he said some other words. Will magic responded? Colorful words: this is my league and Chuck Daly. He says I’m you watch the video on YouTube link to the video on Today. Show notes But Chuck says that point. He realized you got to get out of the way and he said check the other said it’s the best basketball game in the history of basketball was never on TV, it was the competition was so intense. Will there any bird was like I’m too old for that? I’M going to go sit down so what it’s like, no rafts and they’re getting super intense. So there’s a fighting spirit that you have seems like. Whenever your backs against the wall you fight in some people, though, don’t have that fight. They have that flight and seems like whenever they have their back against the wall. They actually kind of cow are down a little bit. So what advice would you have for the entrepreneur that maybe doesn’t have that fighting instinct or can even teach that and that’s a very good question? I don’t you know that that right there is a very good question. I grew up with five brothers in large family in it just seemed like that. You know you competed for so many things you just kind of came natural and I’m not sure. I think it’s probably something that can be. You know kind of mentored and kind of Coach the little bit in in and helped along. I think that when you see you know some some people, some kids are just kind of match, little bit more aggressive or Lil bit more competitive than others. But I think that you can encourage and Coach up the ones that aren’t to to you know to be more to be more aggressive in the be more competitive, but I think I think some of that, the lead to a good on Panora. Just that idea of you know, we talked about burning the boats and Pulliam Hill. You know I talked about be the pig breakfast, not the chicken. We talk about commitment and the commitment to your business is carbon. Important thing I mean, if you’re, not all in, if you’re not coming through chips, aren’t all in the middle 2. If you’re not completely committed to your business, then it’s hard to have that competitive. You know, adjure mean Jack Welch in the book says. If you don’t have a Competitive Edge, don’t compete yet the book, another notable quotable that did it really comes in hot and fresh and I are there so many of them to did just come to flood in my mind, but Conrad Hilton talks about this John D. Rockefeller talks about they all talk about how? Basically, if you don’t have that competitive fire of that kind of stuff bothers you, you just shouldn’t play business, it’s just a game. You really need to get out of the game of business and go work for somebody else, because if you want to ask you, have you ever had at wear something crazy happened to you from one of your competitors ever had a fight or flight moment in your Career where you thought man am I going to fight for what’s mine, or am I going to let him take it? Well, you know. I’Ve had a situation where I’ve had a couple of bad business partners that Not only was trying to take the the whole come play elsewhere, but it’s trying to take all the assets and bank accounts with it and that’ll get your attention in a hurry. You better and better have your fight on not your flight on were you on a scale of 1 to 10, when you discovered them, some money was being taken from you. I was about a nine and a half and I only showed only showed about A6 maintained there you go, but you was funny because we talked about like today show right now: winning with Jack will have to talk about the competitive fire and you don’t other shows Or talk about you know forgiveness and be a lover, not a fighter and get along and Kumbaya and make s’mores and yeah, but there’s there’s different times to wear those different hats, clay in the Bible. I live in silky fusions. They talk about, There’s A Time to Kill, there’s a time to love, there’s a time to more and there’s a time to eat, there’s all these different times and since Moses. So what do they put in some laws where there’s no longer A Time to Kill? I don’t know if you can’t do that anymore. You know some. You can do anymore. You really can’t say so what your last job and you know I killed. I mean I literally killed my competition, and so now I’m looking for a new job going to try for somebody who’s listening today who feels like they’ve been wrong and they are Justified. They have been wrong. They’Ve been taking advantage of they’ve been screwed, they’ve, been manipulated in there just bitter and they’re just struggling to get better. What is the advice for this person? I did the advice for that person’s. First of all, you have seen have to see that as an opportunity. An opportunity to do a number things opportunity to fix what was done wrong: okay, another opportunity to forgive someone who doesn’t actually deserve to be forgiven. Obviously, if that’s, if they did you wrong and then three, it also allows YouTube NBA a light out to be an example to the people around you, the people that are left in the business to people your partner is your employees any. But you know your family. Everybody else sees how the way you handle this some people, let these things just implode them and they’re, crushed and victimize that carry that on their shoulder, the rest of their life and that’s just unfortunate a don’t have to so it’s an opportunity to do those things, But you know you always have to put through the filters what’s best for the business right. How am I going to fix this and then, when that’s all when the dust settled, then you have the opportunity now to forgive and then the release it out of your mind and heart and wherever else it is and then move forward life with a good attitude, Because we’ve all been around people that have been sheltered, these things carry these things around your the other bag of the reasons why I’m not successful, you know those guys got a bag of I’m not successful. Everybody look at my bag of fun and I will pull out every one of these reasons, one at a time and tell you about him over lunch. If you let me, because you know what it’s an impressive bag of reasons, why I’m the cables number one it was the economy. I was born The Economist Christ reason number to my father. He was not very nice to me. My mother was a nice to me. Either you know when the Reason 3 my brother he’s just he’s bigger than me. I was the second child. You know how it is trying to compete. You know what is not valid anymore, my haircuts with my break it down to 6 books that every entrepreneur should read with a Secret 7 stay tuned time, show its business school without the BS Google Fender Mustang Rod. Nation, welcome back in the conversation is the Thrive time show on your radio, and today we are broadcasting. We are talking specifically about the six books that every single entrepreneur should read in doctors. He has promised us secret put number 7 and he’s never shows this supposed to say Tuesday to Welch the best management book ever ever called winning with an. I love that winning in you we just finished talking about Jack, Welch’s, notable quotable, races. Public hangings are teaching moments, every company has to do it. A teaching moment is worth a thousand CEO speeches. Ceos can talk and blab each day about culture, but the employees all know who the jerks are. They could name the jerks for you. It’S just cultural people. Just don’t want to do it. Thank you. Captain Jack, effective people know when to stop assessing in to make a tough call, even without total information. Little is worse than a manager who can’t cut bait. Okay, okay, okay, I know, but I want to start with you. There, doctors they so it’s break this down here. Have you ever worked in a situation? Maybe you were an employee or maybe you were actually the owner. May there’s a time where you were the owner or you were the manager and there was somebody and you knew you needed to fire that guy and it’s an antenna, tinting Everett fire women are virtuous incredible, credible people very smart, but men and you couldn’t get yourself To do it all your boss couldn’t get himself to do it and it just festered and it grew in the weeds spread in the dissension and then just to be pretty soon. You feel like you’re, going to work at the Death Star directly for the info. It was that bad, what’s the Death Star blowing up at your Yorkie, you know these key employees who allowed to Fester so bad they’re, saying stuff like join with me and we shall rule the galaxy. Let the hate flow through you, and I think, probably the worst is when you had a really good employee and – and you treat him well and things are going well, then all the sudden, this entitlement kind of slips and pretty soon they’re they’re they’re acting like you Know their kind of more important in the whole scheme of things and then then other employees, i e. U i e the owner, which I was and so then you can get kind of weird that you go. Okay, can I can I fix this, because this attitude is really ugly and not healthy, but yet they’re still showing up on time, they’re doing their work. Their kind of rocks are around the office, but then they have this kind of his ugly undertone of this entitled entitlement, and that’s one of the challenges I think having having really good employees. Is that sometimes you you allow her some with praise and raises and stuff on them cuz you want to keep them right, Ryan. Yet then, that kind of thing is like. Oh yeah, I’m the big deal around here and I pride slips in and that’s just so uncomfortable and I’ve had that’s the most challenging for some winter, an idiot and they’re, not a good employee. Those are those are easy and those don’t faster in those. You know when they’ve shown signs of greatness, and then they let that Pride slip in there in that, and then entitlement that’s when it’s like this is tough on myself and I get Phil’s take on this whole entitlement still is a financial planner, because also an entrepreneur And so he sees these things, but I had a mindset growing up. It wasn’t right, but that rich people were Rich because they were taking mine wasn’t enough for everybody, and so you someone was rich because you know you weren’t paying me enough. Never thinking about the value that was being added by the rich person to the day and I read Loretta Jim Rohn hit a notable quotable over. He says you get paid for the value-add to the hour, not based on like just the lower your torque, and so I work at a job and my earlier couple jobs and I would just kind of look. I feel, like hey I’ve shown up to work. You know three days in a row and Bowen time, untime and no one has even noticed me being here, and they owe me about day for it’s, like I’m frustrated boss, doesn’t even care for the more hits his responsibility to motivate me. Well, then, the boss comes up and says: Hey Day, 5 you’re the man and I’m like. I know, you’re going to good job week 3 time for an Infiniti entitlement is just as this feeling you have a right to extra benefits, doll most Like Your Own. It by law – and I just stick people who never change the mindset that the world owes you nothing never get so I want to. I want to ask you this question: how have you been? Did you ever have an entitlement mentality when you first grew up or if you always had kind of that you got to earn what you have or I pretty much have always operated under earn. What I really didn’t have an entitlement attitude but competitive background Sports and I got into business. It was kind of still like a game. I was trying to beat everybody and have fun doing it and noticed this with mentorship I’ll give example. The relationship I have with dr. Z, the more I’m around you, the more I have a respect for what you’ve built and what your building and who you are and how you handle it. But I think most people, the closer you let them get to you. They attack you, it’s almost like. If you let somebody in overtime in most situations, most people feel most feel the need to let you know what I’m going to show that you’re, not great Naaman attack you in my life. That way. Sometimes you know how you need to be your to hiring your horse, your you need me, not your horses too hot. You need to be knocked down a peg or two, and – and you know that’s important to people feel that way, but I do know, I do think that sometimes even the best of us to try not to have pride sneak into our lives, you know you can Have people patent on the back and what not pretty soon you kind of have a little giddy up in your step, and you can people look at your going on? That’S he thinks he’s all that, and you know it could, if it’s slow and gradual and it can happen and you have to kind of fight against it, because none of us like to be around people that are that way. You know tonight when I first started to do I detect that you were starting to get a little bit of Pride when you said please reach over there and feed my daughter, my Sceptre, for my dog Lobster, because this Lobster to me, because I don’t want to Use my eye Health to read my own books, rug, and I thought man that’s kind of intense man, and that is, as that affect the people. No one stop obsessing that and to cut bait. That is the biggest thing, as you know like I, like, I coach hire fastfire fast come on now. What does that mean? What I still need? You know we haven’t. We haven’t called all the references we haven’t done. Do you know week? Okay, call. Some references you’ve met him, you get a fetal, the person, you know they they check, check, check, check, check, understand some of the stuff on that resume is not true. That’S just the way, resumes all right to say that I know I know. Can you was almost there a trailer for a hand, Molly finished? Third, three people unbelievably want someone that can make a decision. You know I move forward and cut back when they talk about cutting fake. You need to cut the bait, so you can fish and so be able to cut the bait to get the hook out there and be able to catch something. If you don’t ever cut the bait, then you’re not going to catch any fish, and so sometimes you can fire up frequently to do wrong Stage Show and now back to the only business coach radio show that mentally intimidates Chuck Norris. Oh yes, Thrive! Nation! Welcome! Back to the conversation is the Thrive time show on your radio in today it has always were providing you business school without the BS and we are breaking down the six books that every entrepreneur should read. But Zu You are sneaking a seventh book, my man, it’s a treat. It’S a little extra. You know it’s a little love you it’s kind of like where the extra french fries you find in the bag when you’re done at McDonald’s. Villa Pickle Me Only anchor Financial Group and we’re giving away a safe money kit and a safe money book. All you got to do is call us at 918-591-2880 or go to our website. To a my anchor group. – Read this book and what kind of contents are in said book? Well, anybody that’s looking to get their retirement plan on track or start a retirement plan would find a lot of interesting things in this book, and I anybody that’s interested in and getting a lifetime income and growing their income without risk. Anybody who doesn’t want to remain psychologically nude in the area of financial planning ready, but he wants to hit in the new of planning their finances. Now, if you want to tee up this, this management, I want make sure we’re getting what Jack Welch did so Jack. Will took over GE at a time where the company was growing, with the inflation rate, so not to get too deep on you, but basically, every year the government spends more money than they collect in taxes dust they print more money. Thus, the value of your money goes down. It’S like pouring water into the currency, cooling, okay, so the money is so they’re, just barely me to grow 3 % to 2 %, which way up he starts off at the bottom works his way up there moving up moving up now he’s in charge, so he Has this thing called differentiation see where he analyzes the businesses and he says: where is the idea? If a business exists it exists to make a profit and if it can’t make a profit, we should shut it down. Second criteria: if a business isn’t going to be in the top one or two of that Niche, we shouldn’t have any. As an example, he says, you know, the Japanese are starting to make better appliances than us, better refrigerators, better toasters, better XYZ, and perhaps we could take the same skilled laborers. We have in America and make jet engines and Stan employees are going featuring. You want to buy jet into going to make jet engines again jet engines. You know airport security scanners and hospitals minute GE made a huge move into the medical industry. Lot of the machines that do test today, rge airport scanners are GE. Engines are GE, there’s GE, Money, AKA synchrony, I mean there’s GE, financing, GE Capital, and then this is the big one. Jack Welch. He buys rcx who’s watching TV when Danny says hate check it out. This TV show I’m watching right now is not cut and they said what we know and he says, but if it’s not good, we ship is not profitable. We weren’t buying adds to a show, that’s not good cuz, it’s not good. People are bugging to buy ads. We should cut it well, what are we going to put in its place and he says: there’s this comedian, I’ve heard about named Jerry Seinfeld and I believe he would do better than this. How does own show we couldn’t be worse than this? Let’S make the change and he made the tough calls easy. He was known to constantly make the top call. The guy could stop, assessing and make a tough call. Even without total information is quote says, effective people know when to stop obsessing and to make a tough call, even without total information. Little is worse than a manager who can’t cut bait, see what about an entrepreneur? Who cannot make a tough decision will then they just get stuck? They get stuck at their own little love decision-making process and the end of the machine is grinds to a halt to me. He knew he had a bad program right checking if you knew that was done. He wasn’t sure when a hundred percent sure the Seinfeld will be obvious to the huge a kid is he turned out to be, but you knew it was great mind thinking there. I can’t be, but it can’t be worse than this, you did it. You know, and the nice thing about whenever you’re not afraid to make a change. If you make a mistake, you’re not afraid to undo it and make another decision, and that’s the thing about is what you’re getting that mode of making decisions is making decisions, making decisions moving forward? Your team sees you as decisive know. I see these are these. Are these are common reasons why people don’t make decisions and I’d like for you to kind of help, a buddy out? Who cares? Listen to do the struggle on here? Okay, so these are reasons number one. I think there’s a big emotional thing. It’S like! I don’t want to upset anybody by making the tough. I don’t want to fire anybody ever because, if I ever do, I could give set somebody there’s that emotional fear of the emotions of other people walk us through how to sort that out what it’s hard to. Pull yourself away from that, and if you, if you let emotions, drive your decisions, then you’re not going to be very effective leader. That’S just the way it is. You have to use a filter of what is best for the business. That’S what it boils down to what is best for the business and then that helps you make that hard decision and takes your emotions out of it, and I know from man sometimes just wear a brains are built. It’S it’s. It’S apparently easier than sometimes for women to come, pull themselves out of the emotions of the of the situation, but you have to say to yourself: okay, what is best for the business and I may not have all the information I need, but I’m going to make A decision I need to make a decision – and here is my decision making – is this paralysis by analysis get one more study, Z, let’s run a case study. Let’S get the government of all, let’s form a task force. Let’S get a study group. What’S going to focus group to study the folks, let’s make a committee exactly not that goes back to the fear, fear of wrong decision. You know, if you don’t make a decision, you can’t make a wrong decision. Some people think that, but in fact sometimes not making decision is the wrong decision. I know that sounds crazy and you might be saying what do they talk about with business as a business owner everyday? You have a decision making come your way. You know, and you have to say, am I going to decipher ties? Am I going to do that? Am I going to hire this person minor fire that person? What I mean did the things that people used to do? Is it? You know that that that that comes back and if you wanted them to cutting edge of style, you got to say I’m the first person to bring the fohawk back. I’M gon na bring that the skullet back I’m going to bring the mullet back. Is he I’m going to be on The Cutting Edge um, like the tough call, I’m going to be the first person I know to bring back the mullet perm? Oh, that would be awesome. Happy large. I think that I think in that prom get that mole and get that parm and then like bring back denim jackets and look at the skating rink, and you can teach me to shuffle. Do you do the shuffle by the way? No, I don’t know my skating skills are pretty terrible, but I want to give a big shout-out was going to Jason White who’s. Listening he’s, he works for the IRS IRS. How you doing and see this is the thing he’s a great dancer he’s like you he’s a great dancer, but something happens. He gets on the skating rink in his skills. Go to a unicorn level like you’re, like know where you skating better backwards and forwards. Are you crazy simple? Is it there’s so many listening? Do the show right now they’re saying here’s the deal, I feel like I’m roller skating all around my financial planning. I feel like I’m indecisive, I’m just skating around blindly when’s the corner, starred when’s, the dice game and they haven’t started the adjuster just drifting around to the skating rink of Financial Planning by somebody needs help in here in financial planning. What is what were? They need to do to get hold of you guys, basically give us a call at 918-591-2880, we’ll have a free consultation kind of evaluate where you are and where you want to be in and show you a road map on how to get there and get started. Now throttle we come back, we’re breaking down to six books that every entrepreneur needs to read, specifically winning by Jack Welch and Jack Welch and struts every entrepreneur to rank their employees. It’S been called the rank and yank system. It’S been called darwinian, it’s been called cruel. It’S called differentiation to text you when you rank employees, and you tell them – I think I just mean I just think it’s mean cuz, we’re all individuals and they all have value your score on test publicly drive time show on your radio. I’M a business coach go to DriveTime show.com check, check, check it out. San back to the business coach. Radio show that’s more organic than sprouts and Whole Foods combined Ozzy to skate to this. Don’T you! I am right now I’ll come on! Now! Get your mind San Diego get those quad skates on. Oh yeah, come on now going up and down that ocean. How nice I got on a headband and wristbands to give myself a ice cream down Mission Beach on quads was the last time. I must report that I’ve never done that yourself. They bring you some knee pads and stuff on the show know: where can I get the Showtime show. Calm and then you click on podcast and they’re? All the show notes right there for you and we got all the notable quotables catalogued and today’s pacifically were talking about the five business books to find the five business books. What the heck no does six business books? No, no, not the six, the seven business books that every single entrepreneur needs to get there sooner mortgage. Where did you work at again with mental kill, the middle number 5? He says differentiation, favors people who are energetic and extroverted and undervalues people who are shy and introverted, even if they are talented. Oh okay, okay, Jack, okay, okay, Jack you’re telling us that people who bring energy to work – and you are more extroverted – are more valuable to GE. I may have thousands of employees, then people who are introverted fly on the wall. Okay, that sounds pretty intense break it down. I think the main part there is bringing energy with you to work, because if we all we all been around, you know what I call Energy vampires. You know people that just suck that suck the energy energy from you and you’re like right now. You know somebody who, in that picked up the fit the moment when they’re around you do to their drama due to their lives due to their low energy state. If you will they’re always trying to take for me to get, you always feel tired. After leave conversation with him, can I do an impersonation of of Captain low energy? Can I do this Captain low-energy so Monday’s happen? This is this. Is the thanks so go ahead and just kind of I walk in the office? I’M captain low-energy, wouldn’t greet me on Monday and I’ll go ahead and take you down to the the bottom of the low energy World spell weekend. Car wouldn’t start Monday, and I mean it just got a lot to do today. Buckle buckle up, let’s get after it. I mean. If you got your. If you got your to-do list, got your checklist. You got your. You got your marching orders for today, yeah. I just I just don’t feel that well, I have kind of a headache. By the way did this person always has an Indescribable illness, never diagnosable, it’s always like my thyroid in my gluten levels. In my I have a headache. It’S more of a sinus actually have allergies. Now it’s more of a sinus of a sinus headache. Now it’s just my overall body, my body or your feet. Yes, yes, I work out, but I don’t have to pay for it was though I was going to send you an email, but I forgot I could you remind me what to do. You know what I mean fill all I know by the time I’m loose. I’M too tired to workout good news that there’s a low energy moves, I’m going to teach you the low energy move. So if you have a lower energy person, your office or going to know how to manage this person until you get replacement his, what is they love to ask an infinite number of questions to slow down the pace? So but I had a couple questions and so are the update you on my progress and I had a couple questions I just I just feel like there’s a miscommunication there and the third is anytime. You tell me any type of advice or management anytime. You tell me what to do instead of commenting on the work that needs to be done. I comment on your tone what yeah you’re telling what you talked to tone the tonality seemed a little. I mean you know, I mean it just seems like you’re all about you know getting it done, and I’m just the tone is my issue with you. Let me know, I’m saying nothing, you communicating, I don’t feel this inspiring mute. You have an irritated tone and that does not help motivate me to get Sid job done emailed. You 19 TED Talks videos on how to be a better boss, I’m in some of them deal with tone in your voice and then helps you with your temper I’ll, be praying that you can find someone for you to help you with your not to have it, But you know I could see, got a question we had. We had manager in her office that on paper was great, but he just couldn’t. I couldn’t do that welding, spreadsheet, Charlie spreadsheet, at everything it didn’t need to be spreadsheet project done, but he would make spreadsheets about what we need to do with this study over here and this study hair and this – and we need a spreadsheet for this and by The end nothing I’ve been accomplished, but a bunch of spreadsheets it’s at data, it’s that data now, through paralysis, bait, said low energy person. How do you, how do you combat? How do you Chuck Norris, Kombat ninja, move those moves? How do you counteract them? I’Ll give you just three very practical moves, and, if your, if you don’t like the ethics of any of these, it’s okay, I’m just giving you move that I use and you can, you can decide what you want to keep their one is use money as a Motivator, and so some people are like well, I just didn’t have time to get it done. I’Ve been very busy, but all the sudden, you put a carrot, hey bonus, if you get it done today, all the sudden they’re like yeah, that’s one also money as a penalty. Sometimes there’s people who just can’t get motivated in you say: here’s the deal! If you don’t get it done, then you’re not eligible for future bonuses or your. You know. I mean it’s like. I hit him in the wallet there like what I’m in that movie put in if your Contracting with people up front, if it’s her, if the contractor on a W-2 – and you have someone coming to build something for your, do, what do a task for you or Get something done building something should have something in there says if we’re hey, what’s the day you going to get this done, they tell you the day. Okay, if it doesn’t, then you know for every day. It goes over that you’re going to lose a certain percentage of the of the cost of the job. You know where the payment of the job, and so that can be a very big motivator because, as you know, a lot of contractors come in clay and their juggling two jobs and and the one that you have a caveat on their of a negative result of Penile get it done in time to go, make sure yours is a priority one. That’S a little bit offensive for some people listening and other people like, yes, here’s the deal a friend of mine, I went to college with and he’s a he’s a pastor. I bought a buddies. I want to call you or you ugly enough for pastors. It says eat. One of them says my church is kind of shrinking. You knows there anyway. He took over at church, so he’s mean omit 36 / church. Today I would like to I need a lot of speaking I’m going to send you video footage of me. That’S when you give your feet, honest feedback, okay and I’m watching the footage – and you know when somebody’s just making stuff up when they obviously haven’t prepared when they, obviously they just showed up and they’re, like my 7 tips for Success, Eric go and you’re just you’re, Like this guy’s making stuff up so I just asked him. I said honestly just looking at your stuff, I’m going to ask you how many where’s did you spend preparing for your. He says you just get there and didn’t prepare for me to be here. He doesn’t deserve my attention until I think a lot of employees perform poorly when their boss does not provide a source of wisdom when you’re working for somebody that you think is sincerely an idiot. You can’t work that person very long in the polian hill row. He said no person with intelligence will work for somebody who’s, not a source of wisdom, very long. Nobody with intelligent wow work for an idiot, long-term Susie. What advice would you have for the entrepreneur boss out there then frankly is going. I haven’t been preparing for my employees. Are there not motivating they’re, not organized they’re, not a source of wisdom? There just everything’s last minute, you know it’s all shoot from the shoot-from-the-hip. There’S no systems, I mean it’s. It’S you’ve made a rough place to work. You made a very rough place to work, and then you kind of your immature would you bargain, for I mean you’re getting what you put into it. You know you. You have planted weed seeds and your field. You know why you’re not harvesting grapes, Colorado, entrepreneurship, weed seeds up a flower – you don’t want. We do not like we’re not talking about him, we’re going to talk about the six books that every single entrepreneur should read specifically book number 6 book number 6, stating what is book number 6 stay 2 multi time show on your radio. I’M a business coach, business coach, Boo, Boo Boo, you are now entering the dojo of Mojo and the Thrive time show make it because have strong root. Yesterday say you have strong root, don’t need nothing except what inside to grow. Stop! Yes, I do understand. Understand too I mean, if you watch the 22 x 222 x, I mean zi mean cannibal amount. How many times I really can’t. Can you ever watch Karate Kid? 2. I think that’s not what you want. That’S once in wax on wax off when they just become a swirl of mr. Miyagi hammers, wax on in the crane kick rubs his hands together. Somehow the kid Macchio Ralph Macchio, Keanu Reeves, I mean a ride up there to make you think about it. True, like 27, but you look so young ahead and play like a twelve-year-old, something like crazy. I mean it was something like that was when he shot Karate Kid to email us info at thrive.com. If you know how old Ralph Macchio wasn’t a shot, Karate Kid 2, we will send you a free copy of the Thrive, but you got to come here to thrive15 World Headquarters and we’re going to send you out of our building with her going to send you Out of the building with the book right there so, anyway, just go to email us info at 3:15.. If you want that book, don’t feel you’re also give it a book to all of our listeners. What book are you giving away I’m giving the safe money and income book along with her save money kit, and it is going to help you develop a roadmap for retirement and you can get that by calling us at 918-591-2880, and we will Rush that over to You road map maps, the Nextbook, put never 6 to every entrepreneur should read, is really about road map in your business. Are we done with five we done with the winning? We are we move on to my favorite. What kind of sad mom have a moment? I give us an I take it away. I Know Jack JW, I mean imagination. Is a pizza, stewby’s intent to get to talk about super manager when he had to be on the show? Is a bunch of Union employees talking about the automotive industry yeah and he retired, so he was kind of no longer trying to be put eccle correct. He just wanted to be correct and it was pretty intense because they would raise their hands and ask questions and he would give them answers that we’re just spot on Raw. Then it was just like you know these questions like we’re having a hard time making profits and what responsibilities does a corporate have to paying their labor more when we’re companies struggle to make a profit he’s just like, if you don’t win, no one deserves a job, Because the customers vote with their dollars or whatever and I’m like – yes, yes, can sweat works now. Book number 6 is called the service profit chain. It is a Harvard it’s a booking buy on Amazon, but it’s hard case study and there are a lot of Concepts in the book. But there’s three that I want to get into his first concept is they said they said in a study date. They studied these very, very successful companies, including Southwest Airlines, Outback Steakhouse, some big-time companies and they found in a 5 % increase in Customer Loyalty. Just a 5 % increase in Customer Loyalty. Aka Welling the customer can produce your profits, can increase your profits by 25 to 85 % to get an estimate, then a 5 % increase in Customer Loyalty can produce a profit increase from 25 to 85 %. They found these companies like Outback and Enterprise Rental Car. In Southwest Airlines in Disney and apple end of the companies are actually trying to wow people see it’s actually turns out to be more expensive tuna wow your customer turns out it cost you more money to deliver a mediocre service. My man, what cuz you don’t get to you, don’t get the bump. You get from. You, give Extreme customer service very good customer service cuz what happens if customer service United up an army of like Billboards out there. You know singing your praise, singing your press, sending people your way and their wallet and their money that comes with them, and so by giving great customer service, which is takes about the same effort as it does to give me the Oquirrh customer service by the way About the same, at put it to your ear same calories, burned on doing that, then you have to talk on wow wow, wow wow. I want to get your take on this, because this is something I sincerely want you to answer, but I want want to kind of start off on TWP, with this concept called catharsis. Where is your studying psychology? What you’ll find is that, if someone goes through a very traumatic event, like a very horrible thing, they want to share it with somebody to provide relief. The word catharsis means providing psychological relief to the open expression of strong emotions causing so you’re really upset. Maybe in my case my father passed away, and I wanted to talk to you about it: okay, because you’re, my friend and I needed somebody to talk to and it wasn’t comfortable, but you knew that you took me out to dinner. We had man cave session and it provided like this release of like I finally feel like I have shared that I don’t know what it was, but it’s it’s catharsis, it’s a psychological term or people can’t really. You can’t avoid it because if you don’t your Venture going to blow up, maybe you will have them in this is what happens to all the famous people. They don’t have any way to connect with people and they just cathartically blow up. You know also. It happened to the good way. We are something awesome happens, you just won something, or maybe you got a big bonus or you achieve the goal or you just got married or you just had a kid, and people want to share it with other people. They want to say yes, look at this awesome thing that happened and I have found that people sometimes forget your customers are humans and if you will have them cathartically they’re going to want to tell people Bingo. Why is that? That’S that’s just human nature that people Arte what, unfortunately, in life customer services is probably at an all-time low. In my life I mean, when I walk into a store where I’m walking to a restaurant, I’m going to just sometimes I’m very underwhelmed and it’s unfortunate. The new norm and it’s amazing, the little things you can do to to wow a customer and when you, while them, you know it’s unfortunate more more that you unwell or that you’re bad to or that you don’t treat. Well, they end up telling more people, but when you do while them, those people will tell people and that that form of advertising is, is it the strongest? You think, do you think it’s the strongest? I think what happens is you have to the seed of a successful business starts with advertising and it grows. The snowball begins to roll down the hill. The momentum is from that word about that is the strong is the strongest, and so unfortunately, when you underwhelm somebody I eat, treat them poorly they’ll tell you know, probably three to four times as many as when you wow somebody. That’S what that’s the problem, so you know 3 people in the day right and you you don’t wow one or you treat them poorly and you end up. He did more damage in the three did good now, Phil. The thrill me come back you’re a financial planner, but you’re also got who appreciates great customer service. I want you to share with all of Tulsa. What is your favorite restaurant? What’S the restaurant that you absolutely love the one that’s just like this thing is, is why I tell you what why don’t you tell us now? What’S the restaurant, that blows your mind, the one that you say man, I love that place and it’s it’s great. Well, it’s going to be Mahogany’s for me, Omaha kind of caliber, a steak, snob kind of a high-class guy over there he’s all about them arises: the menu, it’s impressive, great service and great food, and they are you want to mispronounce. That’S mahogany mahogany. All you walk in there for those who have not been in Mahogany’s. The decor is like what what would I describe it as it is it? Is it super ultra violet light says it darker with the walk me through. It is definitely darker. Your peoples have a just explain to me from an optical perspective, isn’t as an optometrist. What has to happen to your eyeballs? Will your your pupils dilate and everybody looks better because you don’t see it clearly said your friend yourself, you all become pretty hair is like Papa Papa Papa Papa in the background photo editor. Okay, so back to you, I was very appropriate and it’s very clean parking lot clean around the building clean and it’s smells good in the waiter walks up to you how’s. He dressed as he is. He casual is it. Does he know that mean you say, does he know the man you’ve ever met a waiter there who doesn’t know the menu? He knows the minion? I also have these little bit since it’s kind of dark in there. He has he’s alive and I’ve actually typed. A few of them over the over the years. Thank you mean you cuz, it’s kind of dark. You know and most people in there. If you’re like me, you’re the loader and you got little bit of presbyopia working so up close is not as clear, but you candle light shine it on there, and I was so fascinated first few times it’s all about, like that’s awesome boy that be great. If I left here with that raise the price even matter, because it’s such a good experience, walk me through the pricing, has the pricing fall in their field wreck attempt on the expensive side? Okay, you know, but it’s a treat and in your you’re paying for the atmosphere. You’Re going to one thing: I’ll do is sometimes I’ll go in there and I’ll order. Some bread and I’ll just run out real fast, and then I have to play it’s it’s great. To court in AZ even have a crumber Zia, Cromer Cromer. It said something very important for the restaurant. You think I’m paying for the food I’m going to tell me it’s. The restaurant is all really when you break it down your drinking meal, but what they’ve done is the experience. It’S the atmosphere, it’s the stuff. That’S has nothing to do with all that steak. Taste has nothing to do with the quality of the you know. Lobster macaroni and cheese, which is Awesome by the way. Whatever you said, I’m going to one-up you, but you just you did the top thing: the lobster cargo, which is an appetizer. If you need to go and get that it’s decadent, you must create a checklist for all of the senses to make that kind of expensive random. It seems too difficult in the book. The service profit chain is, you must create a written workflow. What’S a workflow, don’t we don’t hold it in? Let It Go what’s the workflow is telling your folks what to do next? What what? What is that mean when I walk here just say, hi to the first idea that we can we we allowed to drink on the job? Still when you, when you start a business? Okay, you learn your workflow, you learn it because you have to do it and you figured out if you’re clever, you figure out a better mousetrap and go. You know if I want to make the donuts if I really roll them in this first and I can skip a step and now they fry batter. Now they taste better and it’s all good. So this is my workflow and some for you. You do it. For months bunch bunch of got a job, you got a business and now guess what chicken butt you hire? No, no! No somebody in here in starts a chain of stuff and when we get back we’re going to talk about why that now matters, why what changed? When you beautiful system, how do you build a workflow? How do you make yourself repeatable so that you can create time, freedom and Financial Freedom? Is this Rob time show on the radio or break it down the six books that every intrapreneurship read? My name is Clay Clark, I’m a business coach. I start Jersey, he’s not Tom mattress. That’S fell state to come to the Thrive time show I shall pour the enemies of average. I think that I found myself a cheerleader. She is always right there when I need you. Oh, I think that I found myself a cheerleader. She is always right there. When is definitely a shame to my wife. I did find a find a cheerleader. She was a cheerleader oral Robert University and I declare to the universe that woman would be mine in a know. She was dating another man at the time and there’s certain things in it happens. There’S certain strategic moves. Maneuvers there was when you working for me and just about as lovely and individuals, you can find the painted Earth, sweet and kind, and I’m like a 7 and then when, when all the sudden rumor had it, that her man was coming to get her. You know kind of Ripple to the office of her man. It’S got to be nice, he’s praying to man in space weather Nelson. You show up and it was such a let-down. I thought. Well, you know what I knew Vanessa can be perfect. You must be have some mental illness about her choose a man like that. First check that she couldn’t see anything at all and you can parently, apparently YouTube U2 did got in there and you’d infected her some kind, your mojo glasses. If it was space, the stubble funny tasting Kool-Aid at any point in the early dating most of our dating relationship. She didn’t know who I was or where she wants. What does the loud noise in your car? You have baggy jeans, loop, earrings, and this for and the best part of you with the attitude you have. It was like. Don’T look at me, I’ll fight. You should know not to step on my shoes cuz. We, if you step on my shoes, that’s what it in what does the stuff on the shoes? Guy cuz, you met me, but you see her people like this. The guy who’s got the shoes on their brand new shoes and it keeps the sticker on the hat new shoes steps on the shoes it’s on. I think I have, I think I have. I didn’t step on. The end. You’re obviously feels partner there in Anchor Financial. In the Navy, did you ever have any of those Navy bar fights? Did you ever? Did you ever? Have you ever involved in a Navy stereotypical bar fight where you walk Into the bar of a different, you know Squad a different group but different whatever, and you go in there and use Stir It Up. The Denver happen for you. That’S just such a cliche respite and say come on. That’S such a bummer! Yes, three guys that used to DJ for us a different times, but two of them were all Marines and they told me that one of the things they were supposed to do was to walk into the Navy bar and just slug. The biggest guy that can find is like a way to sort of earn. The honor of the other Marines on McKnight is no seriously. You would go to have the biggest guy on the shoulder. He try. You just knock him out and then you’re just in the behind then it’s on then it’s on like that, can’t be what you did he’s. None of this happened. They have you ever seen those kinds of things when you were in the military. I have at the biggest guy in the room that big Saylor probably wouldn’t go down. One slug he’s got a boat up now over here. So that’s the workflow. If you want to be joined the Marines you step on you and roll to you and you basically every kind of physical stress test. There is then 3:00 you go into the bar. You punch a Navy guy boom you’re, a marine. That’S the customers now see. What’S why do I need, as I was saying earlier, is that okay, you started your business. You’Ve got it figured out now you’re, rolling and guess where you got to hire someone, so you hire them, and now you have to train them right because they usually probably don’t know how to make donuts. Unless there, a donut expert from or whatever your business is, I’m using that as an example, until you tell him what to do and guess what they forget a step or two and I was doing horrible, throw them out. Did you put, I forgot? Okay? Well then, we remember you got to put that in there because without that they taste like what those taste look like if that’s not good belly. Okay, okay, okay, you got to remind me, you got to remind me cuz, I’m new to this. Can you put it on you cuz? It’S your fault right email me that my password for my email, you have to have it written down. You have to have to work for a written on the workflow, basically breaks down to what is Billy do next? What does it later next? What does he do next to the process of the day, because what will happen is he’ll. Do that and then goes? What do I do next? You do that? Okay, what I do next, you know and at some point you got to have a checklist in there to clean the bathroom. Some point you have to go out and maybe a walk about the parking lot to make sure there’s a trash out to that’s where my big things and other things that you can put in there in your checklist in your workflow. But you’ve got to have that play. What’S the checklist that you have found yourself making that you thought I cannot believe I had to make a checklist for this. Is there ever been one where you said in the bathroom cuz? You just think you know me who has a clean, the bathroom their life mate, for what was probably the most complex me. The auction to me seems unbelievably complex. I mean you got to make sure the title is clear and all the cars you got to make sure the vehicles will be a pass inspection. You got to detail the inside of the car 688. You put a thousand cars in order. My minute seems like the most complex that is pretty Converse in. There are a lot of moving Parts checking in delivering picking up actually auctioning them cleaning them happening in the Natchez to half of it, then you have all the title work and collect the one that I thought was so self-evident that I had to just. I finally hire someone and just gave them. This is her. Job assignment is crazy. This and collecting money give you the money talk to me. I mean that the checklist, the stuff we do with these cars – and you know, try not to lose a car cuz. You know a thousand cars a week. You know it’s it’s it’s it’s easy to lose one in that might be shocking to you, clay, Chaka Khan. How can you lose a car and it happened, put 15 acres in a thousand cars on there every single week and Elvis any like where’s that little Malibu again now I want to ask I want to ask a fill this question. I want to ask Christmas as well someone’s listening and they’re going. Okay, we’re talk about checklist for my business, but what am I what’s a checklist to guarantee that I’m going to be all to retire? I’M going to have enough money to set aside. I mean what are the steps needed to for any entrepreneur listing here to make sure that they definitely will have some money set aside for retirement? Phil will start with you check number one. You need to come and see us and discuss where you’re at now, where you want to go and that’s what we do is basically a checklist of what a road map, if you will of how to get there. Now, Chris, you have a book you’re, giving away to all of the listeners everybody listening today, you’re giving them a book. What about the Safe Money kit in the safe money book that you’re giving away? Basically, it’s designed to just give you the basics on where your money, what what happens with your money when you take it to different Vehicles. We all know the different IRA and Ross and all that kind of stuff. We heard those names but really the the math behind it. So yet another math behind it, you got to know what’s best for you in the long run short run all of those things, and we just put that together, specifically to be kind of a Layman’s guide to understanding finances. Second of all, the Safe Money. Kid is built around you personally, so if you want one of our books call us at 91-859-128-8251, the bug spray their normal Mexican put on top of that, will actually take her to you, the more action budget to help get a budget together. I will actually do all the work I kind of just have a plan in place and automate your future books at every single entrepreneur needs to read. My name is Clay Clark, and I am a business coach and now back to the retina burning. Laser show that may or may not have caused the solar eclipse get ready to enter the Thrive time show on talk, radio 1170 space, the final frontier. These Are the Voyages of the entrepreneurship. Do the captain of the entrepreneurship, my man? Should we shoot and shoot to shoot the guys with the photon Torpedoes? Should we turn off the shield of fiscal we can do? We can turn off the shield. We need to give her any more power Captain I kind of givers you’ll fly apart question: how humiliating of a job that I have to be for Sulu and Sulu sea to be educated and he’s up there sitting up song. You know I mean he was with Paul back on that. Do you guys remember that he would pull back on the the throttle and that exciting part of the day I mean on the shoot question when you showed up on Sat who was like she was like a telephone operator of the future yeah. She always had seemed confused. She always seemed like that. She was just an bones, was always angry bones his whole job, the doc he was always mad at Jim. He just wanted to accuse him of something all the time because he did Jim was always up to something score. Like Jim Johnson’s Coral Captain Captain himself to make the engines work like he was trying to crank or running on a treadmill or something to get the power. You know go to discover new country new places, you’re trying to discover space, the final frontier, begot, Klingons and romulans attack. In the I mean it’s bad to have you seen a Klingon? Those guys are some scary. He went down the girl that was green. Where was her, what was her the green girl member? I don’t know what the is right there, you just drop it knowledge bomb. On my mind, there was a green girls, there’s a green green people. Who am, I remember, one of the show’s. I was kind of crazy where they did an imaginary bombings and then, if they hit the part of town that you’re in you had to go and kill yourself. What remember that remember that senior know that show are you? Why did you do this? The same show and it’s just a Star Trek how they actually showed up this planet, and there was two two people and then what happened was when they being down. They actually weren’t part of the building that was supposedly bummed because it was all fake because they want to tear up. You don’t want to tear up to society, so they did these fake attacked, but yet when they certified where it was, and all the people in that area had to report to this, you don’t go get killed. Well, I do know who the green girls weren’t are. No, it was the it was: the Orion slave girls, animal women were female Orion to a very popular Commodities traffic it through the slave markets of the Orion Syndicate, which is obviously a huge. I was reading through the Safe Money kit and how can you read the book by the Federal Reserve and annuities and planning for the future and savings and tax benefits and mutual funds? And then it’s like here it is this crazy dad about the Orient. Did you know I mean Chris? Are you cover up the Safe Money? Kitterman still do you know we put in the references to the Orion slave girls there. I didn’t know that actually maybe fill slid that in there, but it does remind me of how you helped help us build a handbook for boys, because you’ll slide in a little snots lie, nor something just to see if they read it, because by the way into Work flowzie will get back into work clothes when our handbook, it all starts with handbook day number one. I put in questions that I would know if you read the handbook or not because questions in the book civil say it’s like in handbook, it’ll say: go: ask clay how many kids he has and ask him why his son is named Napoleon Hill and if they Don’T talk to me at the end of the first day and their signatures and all the pages, I know what I’m dealing with you correct. That’S like one. I pull them aside. You lie to me all day number one and there’s like questions in there that are like that. It kind of practical about making one from the store at I like a Jiffy Lube, come with an oil change and step number one of the workflow walk me through. How do you diagram like how to get customers in her? How to convert people in the walking? How far back do you want to go into work? What starts at at Market getting people in the signs out by the road and the sign says oil change? That sounds crazy, crazy place to sign and I’m in the instructions to protect where to place them, how deep to put them in and just kind of make sure they’re secure and place them in that first thing you do in the morning. Okay right second thing you do in the morning is you make sure our point-of-purchase pieces are filled up around the waiting area, in other words, I’ll have like little brochures on ice on. Why you should have your fluids topped off on why you should have your belts? Checked on why you should have your tires, rotated open, you sell satellite, more things than pigeon it’s hard to make money doing oil changes. That’S why you the world’s best business coach play. We will not break even when you work for now. You got those set up, and now you want to make sure that the space is cleaned and the crew. Obviously usually we clean the night before, but you want to do a double check on that hear something that blew my mind about workflows. That’S how you have to actually set up your retail products and take a picture of how it should look when it’s done, because people will always fall to the lowest level of documentation. This is where the products go. You come into your store and it looks crazy. Other people’s to other people on the couch or the deceit over there. You know it’s going to the toilet paper to the accoutrement of. Maybe some refreshments are handy. In other words, you may offer free popcorn you. So therefore you have to actually make the popcorn. You may offer some free sodas to make sure the machine is working, stop play. The ice is filled up that it’s clean, so you may have some other stuff and I’m just think about a Lube, a Lube business. If I come may start when after I do this cuz I’m going to go to the checklist. So am I supposed company right now and I I’m just what your secret move with your with your power move. Well he’s got a lot of things. He has that actually doing the job setup. I was encouraging, said person on there, not in Oklahoma, by the way. So so calm down, I’m not throw anybody under the bus. We set up video cameras and when we watch the footage, we found that the employees were doing their job and set up that system that lets him know that we are watching and you’ll be paid based off of performance, not based on the hours that you say You work it out intentions based off of results, and he said already had to do one public hanging, one firing, Z and but he’s already fixed the culture just by having transparent cameras up that lets, people know hey we’re watching man you got to do and what To do you know what to do now, it’s up to you to do it. If you don’t want to do it, that’s fine I’ll, find somebody else that does you know me, there’s nothing! Nothing mean about that now when we come back, we’re going to be breaking down the final details of the six books, every entrepreneur should read and see has a bonus seventh book also also Phil, the thrill and Chris, the man with anchor Financial. They have their favorite books they’re going to share as well see you like. This gets a bonus of books. These coming credible Topia is awaiting catopia. I can’t I can’t handle that word book a Topia stay tuned on his clay Club back to the business coach. Radio show that has the power to make shell bathrooms this cleanest QuikTrip. Do I Wan na Know wind Shadows? No, we got to change again. Just you and me Z. The World Won’t Get No Better to quote John Legend’s there. They modern philosophers, / negative in the world, will get better by default of two negatives, make a positive meaning of that song. It will be meeting every day until morale improves and so we’re talking with anchor financial and Phil the thrill inside the box that rocks and doctors eat so where to go around the horn real fast here, mr. Phil, what is the book that every entrepreneur should read From your perspective, well I mean course: I’d have to say, are safe money book would be a great book to read but business-wise. I like the book good to Great, oh yeah, Joe Jason, Collins. There that’s a good book there. It’S good to great that one already have you know I have it. I have so good to great that’s a great book by the way, if you want to learn how to build a sustainable organization that moves Beyond mediocrity. That’S a phenomenal book, Kris Bryant up your partner here, my friend, you have a book that you recommend that really matters. You know I’m going to send a book, I’m going to kind of think of a story. It’S a small stories that okay sure yeah. This guy he’s been hired to to sell toothbrushes she’s going to go. All these he’s been fired for not selling, but maybe one toothbrush today. Well, his manager comes back to see him like the fourth days in this. In this sales Arena and he’s sold, almost every toothbrush in the actual suitcase ordered another suitcase full of toothbrushes he’s more days to go. Try that because, okay, then right here, I got dip c-walk Sony grab some chips, it and puts it in his mouth. Magic is all that’s horrible. He want to buy toothbrush nice nice nice moves outside the box. So is your book recommendation feed people chips with lyrics As Long the lines of getting outside-the-box thinking outside the box thinking Grow. Rich is one of my favorites polian Hill, great book, so all of those things you know really kind of coming to play there, but my big thing is: is you can’t think outside the box when it comes to marketing when it comes to creative ways, to hire When it comes creative, when you taught me how to not sit under 40 different interviews, looking for an executive assistant to actually do a group interview like that right there, hopefully you save yourself tons of time there now doctor say you were telling a book. That’S kind of like your secret weapon, never told me about this book’s. I am sincerely excited to tell. Will I tell you what there was at first, but we kept the top six on the 6th. We just went over because we’ve done them down we’re like two or three shows, and some people like how do I get the other ones? You can always go to 12 x. Show.Com, we put every shows a podcast, you can download them, it’s free. You can subscribe to him so if you never miss one and they’re awesome, so you don’t miss part of a show or I’m in a tire show. You can go back and listen to it. But to recap the top six drum Rich by Napoleon Hill, for you for free for downloading on Thrive time, show.com and in there you will find all of the systems the doctors, and I of use to build 13 different multimillion-dollar business is all there for you, Documented as downloadables there’s interactive diagrams, there’s just a lot of really neat stuff there for it start here book you can get that today for free at DriveTime, show.com 3 Titan by John tighten the book about John D Rockefeller. Let’S tighten the book about John D Rockefeller written by Ron chernow and what number for How to Win Friends and Influence People by the late, great Dale, Carnegie, some people to say, Carnegie, fine, you win, but that’s still, her knigi put number 5 winning by Jack Welch. Captain Jack Welch and book number 6 putting her six the service profit chain, breaths the most boring and most beneficial book. I’Ve ever read: get a Red Bull, get a coffee, get a Red Bull in a coffee at a Taser Taser yourself, every 7 minutes and read that read that book. Now, I’m going to just to give you a little background of this book, real fast. Okay, what are the seven book? We’Ve been teasing you about all day and there was an interview done Mark Zuckerberg and Evan Spiegel, who is the CEO of Snapchat Snapchat Forbes who’s are become a business partner, orbs interviewed Spiegel and said: hey how’s, that going cuz man. I just felt so intimidated felt like I was ackerberg basically said, he’s going to crush me. Suck said, listen to be use those exact words, but that was a feeling he went and bought the six of his employees and gave it to them. Is it about steroids into that? That’S pretty interesting, but to think that’s the one that’s bigger, went and got and gave it to his people right yeah book about how to do Finger Paintings how to do how to make your own steroids a book about how to feed the benefits of pulling all-nighters. I mean the book understand this book is pretty incredible. It Was Written over 25 years ago, we think about the 6th century and China 2500. I think I know what it is. That’S a long time ago, I think I know to switch on the only one that could that could be in it, and it is a book that is just has just glean full of your armchair. You know captains and Generals of business, you know use it. It was a book that I read very early on in my business career and it just what it does is. It makes you think about business as war. Is it soon Jews, Art of War? I’M done. I’M going to go to real quick. We got a few minutes here in this week and what their awesomeness and talks about these things that were done backing you know, of course this is Medieval. China – and this is you – know the Art of War. Back then is, but the concept are amazing how much they are so like. For example, there are five dangerous faults which may affect the general alright recklessness recklessness breaking self. I want you break it down a Lil Bit. Okay does recklessness cowardice a hasty temper delicacy of honor and over solicitude for his men. Okay, what’s good out with someone at a time here, I have a spark in them that allows them to wake up everyday, highly motivated irritated with mediocrity there, for their kind of by default. Most entrepreneurs by default are more Alpha than anything hurt. You feel like you deserve to win. You want to win your aggressive, and that is great, that you’re going to sell things, and you can probably sell enough things to be enough of a self-starter to probably hire a team of two or three people and you’re going to be making some money. Now. The problem is, you have to have the meta mind or the the word means, above your devil, strategic mine, a planning mine, the kind of my Nick and safer at least an hour a week, I’m going to call a timeout, and I am going to think strategically About the direction of my life there, you go come on to my business and I just give an example. I don’t know if you know this is a, but you did. You know the business coach of Steve Jobs was your the best results of Eric Schmidt, Google, Larry and Sergey and Steve Jobs, Steve Jobs. What he told him was you need to calm down and look at things strategically and then go out there and xq plant, and so many entrepreneurs are just executing executing executing. They never take time out to assess the plant and to look at the plants and there’s also entrepreneurs that just really make so much plans. They never actually do anything and there’s a balance Cedars at Alpha Brain isn’t on Trimmier and that strategic mind. And then that’s just that’s just one of the principles in this book is to capture it. So there’s a balance there being too Reckless and then being too much of a coward yeah. I think the whole thing is it’s a deal where somebody you won’t stand up for yourself when you’re doing it’s not good, you won’t pull the all-nighter, make the personal sacrifice to get the job done. You won’t stand behind your warranty. Hold people accountable until you can’t you can’t be a coward and be successful in the game of business. The next a hasty temper, Hasty temper. I have been guilty of that. I can say that usually freak out about once a week, but I try to do the confines of my car now. So I’m driving home I’m big wide world. You know, as I try to let it go but see I mean this is the this is the thing that every entreprenuer can learn from The Art of War. It’S a great book to check out. Does he we have for tools available to help every single entrepreneur listing today for one you go to thrive time, show. And you can sign up for the podcast. The podcast is free. You can download it. You can stay. Current you’ll, never miss an episode. You can hear stuff, you might have mr. the completion of an episode. It’S Thrive time should I come check out the podcast to we do one-on-one mentorship. If that’s, what you need is an actual business coach if you’re just like Steve Jobs, and you need a business coach if you just like Eric Schmidt and you need a business if you’re a human on the planet Earth and you own a business, I would submit To you that you need a business coach free, we have in person workshops, do you can book at Thrive time? Should I come as well and fine play? You can sign up for the world’s best and most effective business school for just a Dollar Saver. To do here, we go 3. 2, 1 BOOM!


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