Business Coach | Learn How to Build a Simple System to Effectively and Consistently Generate Sales Leads

Business Coach | Ask Clay & Z Anything

Audio Transcription

Our business coach team shows you how to create a simple and effective system for your team to consistently generate leads.  Clay Clark, is joined by author of “Now I See” Mrs Vanessa Clark and the co-host with the mo-ost Mrs Sharita Bent to teach you that simplicity is the highest form of sophistication. Learn how to build a system that anyone can follow!

Podcast Transcript

Business Coach, Clay Clark, is ready to help you with your business!

Announcer: Now, broadcasting from the center of the universe and the world headquarters.

Male Speaker: Let’s go.

Announcer: Presenting the world’s only business school without the BS with optometrist and entrepreneur Dr. Robert Zoellner and business coach and former Small Business Administration Entrepreneur of the Year in your ear, Clay Clark. It’s the Thrive Time Show on Talk Radio 1170. Three, two, one boom.

Clay Clark: Hello Tulsa Oklahomees [sic], green country and the people all around this fine city of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Welcome back to the Thrive Time Show, your daily audio dojo of mojo. I know many of you — I’m sorry to interrupt you right now, I know many of you are eating your Oklahoma Joe’s and you’re going, “If you just stop talking, I could enjoy this beans.” But the thing is, we have a powerful topic today. We have a powerful conversation today. Today, we’re talking about something that everybody out there who, isn’t entrepreneur, absolutely needs to know. If you want to be an entrepreneur, you need to know this.

According to Forbes Magazine, 57% of you listening right now want to start a business at some point, and according to all the data that’s out there in Tulsa, Oklahoma, six out of 10 of the jobs in our city are created by small business owners. So, you absolutely need to know this. This topic is how to build a simple system to effectively and consistently generate sales leads. How to build a simple system to effectively and consistently generate leads? Doctor Robert Zoellner’s out to day expanding his vast entrepreneurial empire. In The Box That Rocks, I have Mrs. Sharita Bent, one of the members of our Thrive15 Leadership Team. How are you?

Sharita Bent: Hey, hey, I’m great. I’m so happy to be here.

Clay: We’re in camo.

Sharita: Yes, styling.

Clay: We’re in camo to bring the listeners more ammo. We have my wife of 15 years, that deserve some cheers. Mrs. Vanessa Clark, how are you?

Vanessa Clark: Great, I thought I’d change it up. I’m a little edgy today, I guess.

Clay: I can’t see you.

Vanessa: That’s right.

Clay: Are you in a rap group?

Vanessa: I might be. I might be.

Sharita: She’s concealed.

Clay: Okay, so here’s the thing. Here’s the thing, Thrivers. These two ladies, they used to do the entertainment for the Oral Roberts University half-time. If you went to an ORU basketball game, these two ladies, they would organize the festivities. Sharita was actually in charge of the cheer program. I’ll tell you, there’s one song and when you play the song, it was simple. You play the song and every middle-aged, middle-class, middle America person, they would go, “I know this song.”

Vanessa: I’m going back.

Clay: If they you couldn’t dance at all, if they can’t clap on beat, if they’ve got problems with rhythm therapy, if they’re tone deaf, they hear this song and they’re going, “I could do this.” I’m going to play the song because this is how simple your sales system has to be. Your sales system has to be so simple that it’s more simple than this song. It’s like a formula of awesome. Here we go.


All right, Thrivers, you’ve heard the song. Remember this song? The Village People? YMCA?

Vanessa: You make me want to go a game.

Sharita: Yes. [laughs]

Clay: Yes, now here we go. The part about that song that make it so simple though is it’s Y-M-C-A, and everyone can do that on Facebook live. [singing] Y-M-C-A and some you’re going, “Are you really singing YMCA?” No, but work with me on that.


Vanessa: It’s really happening.

Clay: It’s so simple. right? Everybody in the audience, this is what we do, [singing] Young man, something rather than– [chanting], Young man– [chanting] and then– [chanting]. But we could all do that, right?

Sharita: Yes.

Clay: The whole idea is that it got everybody involved, very simple, easy to do. When you were designing the half-time stuff, didn’t you guys come up with the whole Jaws thing? What was that thing you did?

Sharita: We did that– [chanting].

Clay: [chanting].

Vanessa: Hey.

Clay: That was something that you came up with?

Vanessa: You’re taking us back.

Sharita: Yes, sure we did. We made up all these dances and everything that they do to the band tunes, and we used to fly through the air, too. We were down there doing it at one time.

Vanessa: Yes. So, we were doing– some things a little more complicated, but most of the time, we kept it simple.

Clay: Why did you guys choose Darth Vader’s theme song as your move? What was the deal? Walk me through that? What was that all about?

Vanessa: In my heart, I love Darth Vader, but keep going.


Clay: Why did you guys choose that song?

Sharita: I think it was something– again, like you said with the YMCA, just to have that appeal to all people, something that everyone can connect with, and know, and just the simplicity of those notes. It’s really simple.

Vanessa: I think it was traditional. So, at that point– I’m thinking. I’ve not been there for a long time, but you’re kind of making me nostalgic. Maybe we should go back. Are they still doing this?

Sharita: Yes, they still do it.

Vanessa: The kids love it. Kid loved it.

Sharita: We went the other day and they’re still doing it. It was really weird though watching it from the stands because we were used to being down the floor.

Vanessa: Yes, yes.

Clay: Hey, did you guys just hear that?

Vanessa: They said– what?

Clay: I just sold something while we were on the radio.


Sharita: That’s awesome.

Vanessa: I love it.

Sharita: That’s awesome.

Clay: And did you hear that?

Vanessa: That was me. I don’t know.

Clay: We just did it again.

Vanessa: Yes.

Sharita: Yes.


Clay: See, the thing is, the elephant in the room, we’re selling stuff every– literally, every two minutes, something is being sold.

Vanessa: How is that working though? You’re not there?

Clay: How does that work? See, that’s the thing. That’s the thing you want to build– so, I’m going to read this notable quotable to you from the book Scale. By the way, Thrivers, did you miss that? I just sold something. Here we go, listen to this.


Vanessa: I love it.

Clay: Here’s the thing. I’m going to read this to you. It says this, “Remember the finish line is not just to be profitable. The real finish line is to build a truly scalable business.” Excuse me, Thrivers. I just sold something.


Clay: “That creates massive value in the marketplace without needing you to be there every day to run it.”

Sharita: Oh, wow.

Vanessa: So good.

Clay: Let me try again. Here we go, Thrivers. Let me read it to you one time, “Remember the finish line is not just to be profitable. The real finish line is to be able to build a truly scalable business that allows you to host a radio show while selling something.”

Seriously, that’s the idea though. So many people, they ask Z and I. They said, “If you’re doing the radio show, how are you going to do the — how are you going to–how are you going to do your other businesses if you’re doing the radio show? Vanessa.

Vanessa: You know why I think we can really, truly, appreciate this so much?

Clay: Come on now.

Vanessa: Because we live the other side of it.

Sharita: Yes.

Vanessa: We live the other side where we did ever, mostly you. I was the support and I helped with everything, but every aspect of the business from creating the product, to delivering the product, from managing the people, from doing maintenance, to doing the accounting. It was all one man show. Now, it’s so beautiful to be on the other side-


Clay: This is my Darth–

Vanessa: -and we want to bring Thrivers over.

Clay: This is my Darth Vader face, okay?


Vanessa: I told you, I love Darth Vader.

Clay: This is what happened. This is what happened. I used to work all of the time trying to create a duplicatable system, I thought, for sales that involved–

Vanessa: You need a phone yourself.

Clay: Well, if the phone rang I said– my system was, “Pass me the phone.”

Sharita: Sure, sure. [laughs]

Vanessa: That’s right. The red phone. The money phone.

Clay: Do you remember the money phone?

Sharita: I do. I remember it, too. [laughs]

Vanessa: I remember the money phone. I went, “Give that phone to Clay.”

Sharita: I remember. [laughs]

Clay: I have a team of dudes that they would wait for the phone to ring, and they would pitch that to me, and that give a new system, I said, “Now, you guys call all the brides who register on the list, and then as soon as you get them on the phone, you pitch it to me.”

Sharita: Pass it to me.


Clay: Vanessa knows.

Sharita: I remember.

Vanessa: True, this is true.

Clay: I’m paying them like $50 commissions to hand me a phone.

Vanessa: To pass the phone.


Clay: They were like, “Oh.” So, their job was they’ve just called– hey, is this Sharita?

Sharita: Yes, it’s me.

Clay: Sharita, I saw you registered at The Bridal Show. Are you still looking for a DJ?

Sharita: I am. I don’t have one yet.

Clay: Oh my gosh, the founder of our company has been trying to reach you. Give me one second.

Sharita: Okay.

Clay: Hey, this is Clay. That was my whole day.


Vanessa: A great move you had too was-

Clay: It was a super move.

Sharita: I love it.

Vanessa: -they wouldn’t notice the change in the voice. Sometimes, you would tell them to hang up on them and act like they got disconnected, and then you would call right back in, it would be you won.

Clay: I am shocked.

Vanessa: That was a super move.

Sharita: I love this. This is coming out. [laughs]

Clay: I am shocked that A; you would share my move, but here we go.

Vanessa: I remember it.


Clay: That was the Darth Vader of sales. I would just come in. It was–

Sharita: I love it.

Clay: The last scene in The Rogue movie.

Vanessa: So good, so good.

Clay: Darth Vader’s being shot at by like 50 people and I’m going–

Sharita: So good. The bullet’s just fly up to the ceiling.

Vanessa: They love to place commentary as he always says, “Darth Vader is the best manager.”


No one man just like him.

Sharita: I like the chokehold. I like the chokehold that can he do.

Clay: This is my sales office used to be every day, seriously. The office, people will be running around and just kind of hanging out, doing nothing.

Vanessa: Throwing phones.

Clay: I would come in and then I would get that and be like– I would come in and then the phones would start ringing. They just pitched me– but when I left, the storm troopers all got killed.


Vanessa: True, true. [crosstalk]

Clay: So, that’s the thing is, Thrivers, is that we want to help you build a turnkey sales system. By the way, I’m sorry to interrupt, but I just sold something.

Sharita: I love it. Can I say something about this, too?

Clay: Yes.

Sharita: I think you have to have kind of a paradigm shift about business because I think we all grow up thinking maybe when the business is dependent on you and you are doing everything, that that’s the definition of success.

Clay: Sorry, Doctor Z. He just sold something. I’m sorry. No, you do.

Sharita: So, it’s like a paradigm shift you have to have because I think there was a time when you thought, “Oh, it’s going to all be dependent on me and that’s how it needs to be.”

Vanessa: Well, and really when that shift happened, I think it probably happened when we were on our first vacation away. We came back and everything had just literally blown up.

Clay: That was too vague. I feel like that was not accurate enough because they are bringing up some–

Vanessa: You give them the details. You tell them.

Clay: We had hopped in the van that we hand painted-

Sharita: I remember this van.

Clay: -the Chevy Astro van.

Vanessa: It’s a calling card.

Clay: We’re in the van, and I call it my mobile office. So, Aunt Nancy’s like, “What are you doing?” I got a sales that just came out. I have my singular cellphone, it’s missing the nine. It’s on the wall right now.

Vanessa: The nine dialer.

Clay: The nine dialer.

Sharita: I remember this. [laughs]

Clay: So, I’d hop on that phone and I would cold call people. I’d best get set appointment. I’d book something to your credit card over the phone.

Vanessa: This is out at Houston over Thanksgiving break.

Sharita: Yes?

Clay: I’d go back out, “Hey guys, how’s it going? Everybody doing good?” “Yes. Well, hey we’re going to have Thanksgiving dinner in a few minutes.” “That’s great. I’m so excited. Wait a minute. The phone’s ringing. Let me go sell something.” I go back out to that van. I’m not kidding. I would go out to that van at least every 20 minutes.

I remember I go upstairs talking to Uncle Clint, and Uncle Clint says, “Hey, when are you going to really grow the business?” I go, “Man, I got like 12 weddings every weekend.” Do you realize how complicated it is? I’m talking about the father of the bride. He’s not even there, but he has to pay.

The mother of the bride, she acts like it’s her wedding, the daughter– there’s a whole psychological warfare. You can’t scale that. So, I run back downstairs, I tell Vanessa, “Your crazy uncle Clint’s talking about sales. He doesn’t even understand it. I’m the boss of weddings. I’m doing 12 weddings a weekend.”

Vanessa’s like, “He’s built a million-dollar business before, a couple times actually.” I’m going, “What?” So, I’m like, “Ah frick.” So, I go back upstairs. I come back up there like, “Clint?” He’s like, “Yes?” He was super kind about it, but I was like, “Hey, hey here’s the deal. I want you to teach me how to build a scalable system. How to build a repeatable system; the paradigm shift.” He begins to talk to me about things and on each thing he taught me I said, “Yes, but my business is different.”

Vanessa: Special.

Clay: The thing is he wasn’t being paid to teach me. He was like, “Okay, fine. If you have it all figured out, then just go back downstairs and keep working out of that van.” I’m just like, “Whatever Clint.” I would go back and forth at least two or three times because I was the Darth Vader of sales.

If you’re listening right now and you are the Darth Vader of sales, if you’re going, “You are awesome. Nobody can sell home remodeling more than me,” because I walk into my freaking office–


I go in there and my phone rings. Thank you for calling, such and such. Yes, this Darth Vader. Booked it, pass me the phone. Pass me the phone. Pass me the phone. If that’s what you’re doing, that’s kind of exciting for you. You might even get to be the Broken Arrow boom-boom of the year, or the Tulsa bang and the bang- bang of the year, or you get your name on some papers.

You can win some awards, but what’s going to happen is you’re not going to have time freedom and financial freedom, which this just in, you’re going to need to create time and financial freedom. Otherwise, what is the point of the business? The point of a business is to serve you. The point of the business is to serve you.

Vanessa: The beauty of Darth Vader, because I have to go back to it.

Sharita: [laughs] I know you love him.

Vanessa: I told you I love him. He wasn’t always Darth Vader, right? He started off on the good side, but has all these powers. Then with a good heart he, turned to the bad side, went way bad, but what happens at the end? He comes back around to the good side, but he still has all those powers.

All I’m saying is for your business, if you’re the Darth Vader and you’re having to do all the accounting, all the sales, all the maintenance on whatever, the delivery of the product. You have the skills. Now, you’ve just got to build the system and put it in place. Use the powers you have to be able to mass produce it by delegating those skills out.

Clay: I’ve just explained to a Thriver today why the Elephant in the Room does not shine shoes. Do you know why that is?

Vanessa: I do know why that is because I remember we tried it in the beginning.

Clay: The thing is it’s possible, but it’s not as easily scalable.

Vanessa: More high skilled.

Clay: People are graduating every day from school– from their school, they’re graduating every day with that skill, and we have to hire them and teach them the elephant in the room way, but there’s thousands of them. The shoe game is kind of a lost art.

Sharita: That’s old school.

Vanessa: There’s you and far between, and then they want to be their own entity, right? We wanted someone directly under us that you can control Darth.

Clay: We could scale it, but the thing is it was the lowest hanging fruit, they gave us time freedom and financial freedom was scaling the experience. I’m telling you what, when you mess up somebody’s $150 pairs of shoes, that’s not a good thing.

We could scale it. I’m telling you we might come back to it, but right now, we felt like opening up more locations and being fully booked at every second of the day was more important for us to achieve our goals, which are the three Ps.


We want to make a good profit. Two; we want to make a product that Tulsa loves. Three; we want to work with great people. So, Thrivers, when we come back, we’re going to get into the specifics of how to build a repeatable and easily scalable sales system.

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Announcer: Live, local, now. You’re listening to the Thrive Time Show on Talk Radio 1170.

Clay: It’s the Thrive Time Show and you are wherever you are because you’ve decided to tune in today. You’re maybe in your car, maybe you said, “I want to go out to my car so I can listen to this show.” Maybe you’re in a closet right now. Maybe you’re in– I don’t know where you are, but you’re going, “I just want to listen to my daily show. This is my daily mojo. This is my daily show. This is where I learn how to grow my business,” because many of you out there listening, you want to start or grow a business.

In fact, according to Forbes, 57% of you want to do this. So, this is the business school without the BS. Today, we’re talking about a subject which I am white-hot passionate about, because it’s going to create time and financial freedom for you. It’s learn how to build a simple system to effectively and consistently generate sales. Now business coach, Shark, I’m going to ask you, Miss Sharita Bent, I’m going to ask you this. We help customers and coaching clients build simple sale systems. You see it every day.

Sharita: Yes.

Clay: They come in with this very complicated system.

Sharita: Yes.

Clay: It’s usually in their head. Basically, what I do is I call. I try to call between 10:00 and 2:00. Well, except for on certain days. I do call around 1:00, typically. Now, I will say this and you go, “What did you say?” Well, typically something like this. You’re going, “So you want it to say this?” Well, it changes from time to time.

Then they’re like, “What email do you send?” Well, I like to log in from my Yahoo. You send an email from my Yahoo. Yes, but it’s actually it says Yahoo, but it sends out as my domain. You’ll need to use my passwords. You’re like, “What are your passwords?” My wife knows it. So, can we call your wife? No, we’re divorced. Okay, so your ex-wife? Well, actually technically, we’re getting back together. You’re going, “Whoa. I’m just trying to make calls.” Right?

Vanessa: Yes.

Clay: You sync to my calendar. I would like to sync– I have four different calendars, basically.

Sharita: It’s all in my head. It’s all in my head.

Clay: So, talk to me about the process that you go through with a client. How do you help them simplify? What are some of the problems you run into? How do you help them simplify something like a sales script?

Sharita: Sure, our whole team just works collectively with Clay and you’ve taught us all of these things. We just really find out, “Okay, what is the deliverable here? What are you offering? What are your benefits?” We just boil it down so simply, and then we just get our team and we call their sales lead, and we just follow a system. I mean, I don’t know how to say it. It’s so simple. It almost sounds silly, but we have a very simplistic script. We focus just on the needs and the benefits and that’s– it’s not like rocket science, even though I think most people feel like it is. Maybe because they don’t know. Maybe no one’s taught them.

Vanessa: What I think is interesting is earlier business coach, Clay, was saying there’s so many people who go and want to start a business of their own. I think what’s interesting is I think a lot of people actually do try to start their own businesses, but if we were to look at it from our experience, they kind of half way do it. Maybe they start a web site. They have some business cards made. They make a couple calls here and there, but they don’t know how to do it. They just don’t know the steps to do to take and that’s the beauty of the program that Clay has developed here at Thrive15 is you all hold their hand through the process. People don’t know what the next step is.

Clay: I’m going to walk you through the sales script. I am going to walk you through it. This is how we do it, Thrivers. This is the specifics, okay? These are the five parts. The art of the five parts. Work with me here.

Step number one; you got to write out five rapport building questions. Whether you get an inbound call or an outbound call, you got to write out five rapport building questions that you ask every time such as, “Thank you for calling such and such dentistry. How can I help you?” That’s question number one. Two, “So, how did you hear about us?” Boom. Three, “In case we get disconnected, what’s your name? What’s your phone number?” That’s four, and then you just go into it.

The next part is needs. You got to find someone’s needs. As they always say, “How much do you guys charge for?” If you own a business, I don’t care where you work at. This is what happens. You have a job. You’re working at Victoria’s Secret right now. You’re working at Express. You work at Victoria’s Secret. You’re trying to listen to the show and the background is like–

Sharita: It’s a party, yes.

Clay: It’s a party. The phone rings, “Thank you for calling Victoria’s Secret.” They go, “Yes, I just want to know where are you guys located?” You know that’s the question you get or, “How much do you guys charge for– ” and it’s just the same thing.

You got to turn that into a lead conversation. So, you say, “How did you hear about us? What was your name? In case we get disconnected, what about– have you heard about– ” You just have to have a system. So, rapport; five rapport building questions.

Vanessa: So, you’re saying it is the same every time regardless who you are talking to?

Clay: Every time. Every industry it’s the same.

Vanessa: It’s really that simple. It’s the same every time I get another phone call and I do the same thing?

Clay: Yes.

Sharita: Here’s the thing. I think a lot of times business owners are so enmeshed in their business. So, there’s something about when they sit down with us in the team where you are looking at it from an aerial view because you’re so involved in everything every day, so many things coming at you. It’s really tough sometimes for the individual.

Clay: I call this the voicemail epiphany. You left somebody a voicemail and you think you have a great voice


Vanessa: This is good.

Clay: Then you leave that voicemail and you play it says — you have one of those voicemails where you got to play it back. You ever had that happen where they say here’s the voicemail you just left and it sounds crazy.

Sharita: Like a donkey, yes.


Clay: Then it says, “Press three to re-record,” or “Hit star to send.” So, you’re like, “Three,” and you do it again, “Hey, Carl what’s up? This is Clay. I want to let you know that basically– ” then hear it again and I’m like, “Redo, hit three.” You just keep doing– you’re probably like, “Forget all this cinema text.”


The thing is, the voicemail epiphany or it’s the video camera epiphany. You think you’re hot stuff. You’re watching a Christmas video and you’re going, “Oh no, this is what I’ve become.” That what happened to Darth Vader. He thought he was just putting on a helmet, carrying around a light saber. Next thing he know, he’s Darth Vader. That’s a slippery slip.

Vanessa: I love Darth Vader. Every time, I have to say it.

Sharita: We just thought it was a helmet.

Clay: Yes, just put this helmet on. Take the oath of evil, no big deal. No, seriously. Step one; you want to go ahead and script out your five rapport building questions. Step two; you want to script out your five needs question. Your needs are designed to create a dissatisfaction gap between where the buyer is and where they want to be.

You want to find their true needs, okay? So, if you’re a home builder you’d say, “So let me ask you, if price– ” because the customer always says– they always start off the call with, “How much do you guys charge?” You will put into your needs, portion of your script. Let me ask you, assuming every builder charged the same price, what are you looking for out of your new home?

Vanessa: I think this is a really a good point because sometimes I’ll get sales calls and I feel like people aren’t even asking or considering what I need, but they’re just trying to go into sales. I think that some business owners might be in that same boat until they sit down and they realize I think what he’s saying is so simple, but it works every time. They’re saying do the system with everyone. You can’t just call someone and start selling [crosstalk].

Carl: Now, for the sake of time. I just want to make sure everyone gets the five points. You’re okay? At the workshop, we have a two-day workshop on January 20th and 21st. Here’s the thing about our workshops. They’re not big, “Let’s bounce some beach ball around. Let’s get motivated. Crank up the bass. Walk on hot coals.”

It’s more of a specific. This is how you do it. You can ask questions. It’s 15 hours over two days. No up sales and because of our scholarship program, everybody can afford to do it. At this workshop, we’re going to get into a rapport. You script out the five questions for rapport. The second part is you script out your five questions for your needs-based questions. The third, you want to script at least three benefits supported by a fact.

Now, benefits are how do you solve their problem and you’re supporting it with a fact. You can’t just make claims, okay? Then the fourth is you want to go for the close or the call to action. You basically want to always set an appointment.

So, you want to have five questions scripted out for that, and part number five. Part number five is you want to isolate the objections, isolate their objections because there’s predictable FAQs they will ask. It make sense to go ahead and write those down, that way you can hire a new person and they could answer questions about the cornea, or the pupil, or the retina or the various aspects of the human eyeball that we get asked all the time at Dr. Robert Zoellner and associates.

People call all the time wanting to know about their haircuts at Elephant in the Room, and the thing is you want to hire somebody, and you want build a system so tight that they can learn the entire system within 15 hours. You hire a new person and they could learn your sales system within 15 hours or less.

So, if you’re listening now and I want you to do, is I want you to one; go to Oklahoma Joe. Seriously, get serious about your life. Take your life, your quality of life to the next level. Go to Oklahoma Joe’s, but second; get on over there to, and sign up for the workshop. Give it all you got. Sign up for work. We’ll meet you halfway. We have a scholarship program and you’ll learned the specific details. Stay tuned,


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Announcer: You’re listening to the Thrive Time Show on Talk Radio 1170.

Carl: Hello, Thrive nation and welcome back to the conversation. We’re teaching you specifically today how to build a repeatable and simple sales system because I repeat, this just in, I repeat, the goal of the business is to serve you.

If you’re going to put all the time into building a business, the whole point is that you can create time freedom and financial freedom. There’s so many people out there who don’t get this concept because they feel like if I build a simple system, if I build a repeatable system, maybe I’m not being a good boss. Maybe I’m not connecting with my customers enough.

So, they fight against it or they think, my industry is so unique, my industry is so different, there’s no way I could possibly build a sales script for what I do. I will just tell you, or some people said this is a push back. They say, “Well, I focus more on quality than quantity.” If the quality and quantity discussion were true, if that form of logic were true, then the bigger that Southwest Airlines gets, the more crashes they would have. The more customers that pump their gas at QT, the more explosions at the pump would happen. The more chicken that Chick-fil-A serves, the more a burnt chicken would be served.

No, but the thing is to build a scalable system, it has to get tighter and tighter and tighter. So, this weekend I actually wrote a book called Boom that is the specific, really detailed handbook. We have so many Thrivers, thousands of people all over the world are like, “Hey, I just bought Start Here. I read that thing. I need a handbook that I can keep in my purse or my man bag or my car, that’s a little bit easier to refer to.”

Again, as Thrive continues to grow, we have to get better and better and better. You have to get better and better and better in your business. Sharita, you’re going to go ahead and get in to some of the things that we’re going to– when we’re talking about building repeatable sale system. There are some things, some specific things you have to have in place.

Sharita: Sure, and I think when we were talking on break, we were saying for most people to know, even though it’s simple, if you don’t know it, there’s no shame in asking someone. Let them help you. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. We can help you develop these tight systems.

Vanessa: Even though it’s simple, it’s not common sense. You wouldn’t just know.

Sharita: Clay has like 20 years of experience studying these things, reading these things Z has.

Vanessa: They had to learn the hard way.

Clay: I don’t even know if our system’s working. I just sold something else right now looking at the computer here. We all in the Room, we just sold something else. Dr. Robert Zoellner and associates, his business has been in Tulsa for 25 years. We have a Thriver who flew down to Tulsa, Oklahoma, had a wonderful time to meet the man. He’s also an optometrist from way up North, almost to Canada. Talking to this guy, in Dr. Z’s business, sees more patients in a half day. So, in four hours, than he sees in a week.

Vanessa: Wow.

Sharita: Wow.

Clay: He sees more on in a day than the guy’s sees in a month. So, people though they go, “How’s that possible?” I’m just telling you, Thrivers. His systems are super detailed. That’s awesome, but Sharita, back to you.

Sharita: Yes, we can help you. If you come to the conference and we want you to come. You will learn so many things from the business coach. Clay, I just wanted to go through some of these downloadables [sic]. I know an inbound call script is one thing that we talked about.

Clay: You have to have an inbound call script, Thrivers. We have templates for you that we’re going to give you at the workshop, but you’ve got to have them. You’ve got to have an inbound call script because you’re phone’s going to ring. When it does, if you’re the one who always answers it, you don’t own a business. You own a job. I’m sorry, I’m trying to save somebody here. I’m trying to help somebody get some time freedom. I’m trying to help somebody because I’m telling you what, if you answer the phone every time it rings, this inbound sales script is the answer to your prayers. It could save you all of your time and still make you copious amounts of money in the New Year.

Vanessa: I just want to clarify, are you saying they’re actually going to get a template of a written call script at the conference? You’re giving them this actual–

Carl: Yes, the same ones that Dr. Z and I use in our businesses. You’re going, “What if I’m an optometrist?” Check it out [crosstalk]

Vanessa: This is huge. This is huge.

Carl: I’m going to go there with the optometrist listening. We’ll still beat you, but we’ll give you the template. All right, back to you.


Sharita: Yes, and hat about outbound call scripts?

Carl: Well, when you call out, that’s like if you’re at the doctor’s office, I’ll focus on that for a second. We have to call patients back. We have to reschedule them. We have to call people that may be registered at a trade show. In the wedding industry, every bride that registers at the The, my businesses back at the day epic photos, and Party Perfect, original Party Pro and DJ Connection.

Sharita: Juliet Films

Carl: You’ve heard the commercials, [singing] “Plan your day in a day at the Tulsa wedding show.” Then we would call you, “Hey, is this Vanessa?”

Vanessa: Yes, yes.

Clay: Hey, this is Clay Clark with DJ Connection. I saw that you were looking for a DJ. Are you still looking for a DJ?

Vanessa: I guess so. I mean, we’re just trying– I’m trying to get my dress right now and all that kind of stuff.

Clay: What day are you getting married?

Vanessa: May 6th.

Clay: May 6th, and what venue have you selected?

Vanessa: We’re going to go ahead and do– it was Tarp Chapel. I think they changed the name.

Clay: Tarp Chapel is great, the Glass Chapel?

Vanessa: That’s it.

Clay: How many people are you having then?

Vanessa: A hundred and fifty.

Clay: So, you’re kind of a big deal?

Vanessa: Yes, we’re super excited and just trying to line everything up, but I’m just focused on my dress right now. It’s kind of early to worry about the DJ, right?

Clay: Time out. See? That was my script.

Sharita: Yes, and you stay focused on it.

Clay: Over and over, man. I’m just on it, but I got the blinders on. Sharita, back to you.

Sharita: Will you explain to people what can happen if you don’t have an inbound or outbound because maybe they don’t know what’s going on.

Clay: You’re going build a successful company and you’re going to win some awards. Your local chambers going to go, “Hey, you’re the man. You’re the boom-boom of the year. You’re the woman, you’re the bang-bang of the year.” People at church are going to go, “Hey, hey, I like what you’re doing. I like those purses you’re making.”

People who know you from college are going to go, “Hey, I want to book you to install my kitchen or to remodel my house.” You’re going to feel pretty good. They’re got to say, “Hey, I heard you’re the best.” You’re going to start booking up your schedule.

Now, you’re traveling around. You’re feeling like a big deal. You’re hopping on a plane. People say, “Where are you going?” “On a business trip.” “Wow, you must be successful.” Next Christmas, your family’s going to be gathering around the tree singing songs and maybe they’re going to be hanging out– yes, they’re going to be able to good time opening up their stockings and stuff. You’re going to be out there in your truck making outbound calls and inbound calls. We got to help you here. That’s all we’re talking about.

Sharita: This next one from the business coach is prewritten post sales call email.

Clay: I worked to that today. We have many stations all around this fine planet that are wanting to pick up the Thrive Time Show and Sam says, “Hey, what’s the email that we’re going to send with the sample audio?” So, I’m building that system right now. I do not have that for Sam. So, Sam had to ask me a question because Sam is a smart guy.

So, he says, “What do you want me to send them?” I’ve had to make that and then when I finish it, then– but it’s not his fault he needs to know. He wants to do a good job. I want him to do a good job, but every time that I don’t have a system, the same question gets asked. You go, “I thought you were God’s gift to business? I thought you said you were awesome? Shouldn’t you have your own email by now?”

Well, the thing is, everyday there’s a new scenario and then I go, “Oops, that’s my bad.” But I’m going to go ahead and make a system. I’ll have it in the morning. So, I did over and over and over. An idea is to answer a question one time and that way, we don’t have to answer the question over and over again.

Vanessa: I just think this is so huge because back in the day, I know you tried to meet with Chet Cadieux. I don’t know if I’m saying it correctly.

Clay: Chet Cadieux.

Vanessa: Yes, and you, of course, got a lot from that meeting, but you didn’t have access to their systems. He gave you a fantastic book to read that gave you a lot of insight to making systems, but the fact that we are providing the systems for people to look at. It’s going to change their businesses.

Clay Clark: Chet, he directed me towards the book that’s on Sharita’s desk right now from Facebook live.

Sharita: Yes, look at where you are pointing now. [laughs]

Vanessa: I was like freezing. I don’t know.


Clay: Can you pull up that book real quick? Can you pass that down? This is the book that Mr. Chet Cadieux– he’s the head of QuikTrip. By the way, QuikTrip, if you’re listening right now and you love QuikTrip, please do me a favor. We’re going to take 1170 challenge right now. Please, go up to the clerk and say, “Thrive Time Show is been bragging on you guys, we love you. Let me give you a hug.” Give the cashiers a hug. Give them a hug. These people worked on Christmas.

Vanessa: They changed our business. When you met with him and you read that book, and I’m saying so you giving people these templates is going to change their businesses because your– it’s a outline of how to do it.

Clay: I had to read this crazy Harvard case study and turn it into systems. On Facebook live, I’m flipping to the book right now. It took me forever to do it and I’m going, “What does this diagram mean? How does this apply to my business?” But Thrivers, we’re going to help you break it down. We’ll give you the actual template at our two-day, our two-day, in-person workshop here. Go to to get those tickets.


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Announcer: You’re listening to the Thrive Time Show on Talk Radio 1170.


Clay: It is Wednesday. It is hump day and a great day to get on over to Oklahoma Joe’s. I’m telling you what, if you’re looking for something to eat this afternoon, if you’re going, “I’m not eating at all.” They know you’re– that’s a resolution I made. I’m not just not eat at all. That’s fine. That’s cool. I get you, but I’m telling you this, everybody needs a cheat month, like a cheat month.

So, get on over to Oklahoma Joe’s. Go ahead and pre-book and just go ahead order that barbeque. Get that going. We have two locations– actually, there’s three locations of Oklahoma Joe’s, but there’s two that are open basically every single day. You got to go to Oklahoma Joe’s.

If you’re on Broken Arrow, they have one for you. If you’re out in Tulsa, they have one for you. Oklahoma Joe’s; the baked beans, the barbecue, it’s a game changer. Head on over there.

Today, we’re talking about how to build a repeatable sales system, how to build a simple, repeatable sales system. Why would you want to do that. Why would you want to do that? Well, I’m going to give you a little notable quotable from the book Scale, and if you’re just joining the conversation.

This is what the book Scale says. Now Scale was written by Hoffman who started, okay? Sort of a big company. William Shatner, you know? Jim, okay he says this, “Remember the finish line is not just to be profitable. The real finish line is to build a truly scalable business that creates massive value in the marketplace without needing you to be there every day to run it.” That’s the whole point. So, I have a song queued up here because Vanessa, we have five kids.

Vanessa: True.

Clay: The other night, you know my incredible wife’s on the show today, Mrs. Vanessa Clark, and we have Mrs. Sharita Bent. My wife’s a life coach.

Vanessa: Yes, attached to the hip.

Clay: They’ve been friends for 18 years here, and Sharita by the way, made some incredible Jamaican Jerk Chicken the other night, just blew my mind.

Vanessa: She did and the coconut curd– what was it? The coconut rice?

Sharita: Yes, coconut Rice.

Vanessa: So good.

Clay: That coconut rice was nice.

Sharita: We had a rum punch, too.

Vanessa: I still have that rum punch.

Clay: The whole deal, I mean the whole reggae, the vibe, it’s still working here in The Box That Rocks. The other day, my wife and I said, “Babe, let’s watch Father of the Bride with the kids.” Now you go, “What are you talking about? How does this relate to this?” See, a lot of business owners back in the day, if this would have been back in 2007. I would not have been able to watch this movie.

Vanessa: True.


Clay: The Father of the Bride, remember this? I’m sitting there on a weeknight watching the Father of the Bride with my four daughters and my son, crying like a baby, by the way. This is ridiculous. I have to go get my stuff together in the car after that. I had to leave. Vanessa’s is crying. We’re all crying, but the thing is, Thrivers, is that I couldn’t have done that back in the day. It’s not about the financial freedom, but the time freedom. When you build a business, if you don’t build a business that serves you, you become a slave to your business.

Sharita: So, why couldn’t you watch it back in the day. What was going on?

Clay: Because I did every meeting. I did every sales meetings. So, every bride and groom that wanted to book a DJ Connection wedding. I met you.

Vanessa: Well, now like that you did the sales call. You did the booking meeting. Most times, I mean, whenever they could get you, you DJ’d the show. You can’t be two places at once, but all the shows you could you would DJ.

Clay: Fixed all the speakers.

Vanessa: Yes, I met everyone while there you were gone, then when you got back, you met everyone until four in the morning or however long until they came back.

Clay: It was awesome.

Vanessa: You maintained all the equipment. You did the accounting. We did taxes together at the end of the year.

Sharita: Everything, you were doing everything.

Vanessa: Everything.

Clay: It was awesome. Hence, my nickname Clay Tron. I talked to a lady though that I met back at the day when I used to meet brides and grooms. I just talked to her today. So, if you’re listening right now and you know Dr. April Lai.

Sharita: Hey, April.

Clay: Send her a text say, “Hey, Tulsa loves you.” She’s a dentist for young kids. I talked to her today there. She remembers back at the day I met everybody at Panera Bread. I’d walk in there and Fareed Hussein– if you’re listening Fareed, come on now Fareed, big shout out to you. I’d walk in, “I need help on that Panera Bread, Mike. They used to call at your order.” He goes, “Ladies and gentleman, DJ Clay.” I’m walking and I would be meeting with brides. It’s never-ending every day, from 3 PM to 8 PM every day.

Sharita: Yes, we went with you there.

Clay: Really?

Vanessa: There was no office at that time. We always told everyone, “You know, we’re working on getting our office build-out, so in the meantime we’re meeting here.”

Clark: I guess a seven-year build-out. Biblical build-out.

Vanessa: There was no [crosstalk] at that time.


Clay: All right. Now, Sharita, we’re going to teach people. Specifically, we’re going to get into the moves. Now, these are the things you have to have in place to build a repeatable sales system. Let’s go on to the next one.

Sharita: The next one is pre-written directions to your office.

Clay: Don’t get me started on that. Okay, I got started. Here’s the deal. So many times we’re giving people directions to our office, and we do just stupid things. You don’t realize that were busy entrepreneurs.

Sharita: I have one on this.

Clay: But I’ll go, “Hey, Shark, Sharita, you know where we’re located right?”

Sharita: No.

Clay: By the big yellow cup out here in chinks by the river?

Sharita: No, where’s the cup?

Clay: It’s just North there of– ” Instead of just making a pre-written email, or having a descriptive narrative that makes sense. I’m going, “Down there by that tree, that’s not where we are.”

Vanessa: Taking so much time to do this, too.

Clay: Every one of your employees is giving a different description. You said you have a hot button here?

Sharita: I have one on this because I was trying to get directions somewhere. I needed to make a payment, and so I just wanted to zoom in and do it where you’re you located, I get this rigmarole. You’re going to– literally, this is a quote, “You’re going to go on this curve and there’s going to be a dip in the road.” I swear, I promise. I told my husband. I’m like, “A curve? How many curves are there in the world?”

Vanessa: It’s a great landmark. It’s a great landmark.

Sharita: There’s a dip, there’s going to be a little dip in the road, and they’re going on and on.

Vanessa: That’s how you know you’re headed the right way.

Sharita: I said, “Can I just please have your address and I will put it into MapQuest?” because I was getting directions like that.

Clay: This is what happens. You get in your car and you’re trying to be positive, “Where is this? Is it over here?” What happens is gradually, you’re getting more intense. The heat, you’re starting to get more intense and you’re going– and this is with my wife, back before we–

Vanessa: I can’t believe we’re still married and we made it before GPS.

Clay: Of course, we’re driving around that big old loop in Dallas and she’s like, “Baby, do you want to pull over? Do you want to pullover baby?”

Vanessa: Every time lost in Dallas going to DJ shows.

Clay: I’m going, “No, no. I know. I’m trying to be– don’t talk to me. If you wouldn’t have talked to me, I would have known.” We’re going to– in the phone, and they’re going, “You head south.” I’m going, “Head south.”

Vanessa: He’s getting madder and madder.

Clay: Vanessa’s going, “There’s a car coming.” The thing is we’re frustrating our customers. When you talk about the emotional state, when someone finally makes it to your elusive office, they want to kill you.

Sharita: Yes, I was mad. I was mad because I was driving.

Clay: It’s like, “Mrs. Ben, how are you?” “I tell you how I am doing. I am going to– “

Sharita: Yes, I thought about canceling my service. I really did by the time I got there to pay, because I just thought this is an imbecile.

Clay: The emotional intelligence of us as consumers and as business owners, we get pretty worked up pretty quick. We like to think we don’t, but we’re just being– we’re shooting some real talk here. Now, Sharita let’s move on to the next move you have to have.

Sharita: The next one from the business coach is you have to have pre-written online review request email.

Clay: Come on let’s talk about it. Somebody get out your computer, get out your computer, and go ahead and type this in for me. Type in Elephant in the Room Tulsa. It’s okay. I’ll wait. I’ve got some time here.

Vanessa: We got all day.

Clay: I’ll just kind of– go ahead. Okay, fine you’ve done it. Here’s the thing is. What you do– I hope you didn’t do that in your car, by the way, because I guess it’s illegal now to do it in your car.


Vanessa: Yes, we’re not encouraging that.

Clay: Yes, don’t do that. Anyway, so the thing is that if you look there you’ll see us– we come up top in Google and we have a ton of reviews. People say, “How do you do that? Do you pay people for your reviews because I don’t have any reviews? I know you pay your people for reviews.” No we don’t. What we do is we make sure that we ask customers consistently.

Announcer: You’re listening to the Thrive Time Show on Talk Radio 1170.

Clay: And because we care, we’ve written a pre-written email which, by the way, we’re going to share with you at the event.

Sharita: Yes.

Clay: We’re going to teach it to you, and when you have the system, you send that email out to your customers and about a fifth of them, maybe 20% of them will write a review, thus making you higher in Google. By the way, most people read reviews before deciding to buy from somebody.

Sharita: I do. I do.

Clay: Vanessa, that’s a move. That’s a big thing getting reviews.

Vanessa: Yes, and I would not think to do that if I was a business owner. It makes huge difference, doesn’t it? In people finding your business and making a decision to use your service.

Clay: I’m going to get weird for a second.

Sharita: Get weird.

Clay: Have you ever been to a– if you’re a lady listening right now, but some of you guys actually care about how you look, but very rare. You’re a lady. You’re listening and you’re like, “I’m going to find a cosmetic surgeon.” A lot of people, they’re going to have cosmetic surgery done. The idea is to be subtle. You don’t want to say and tell people. You don’t want them to see you and go–

Vanessa: Once you’re going for that look, you’ll just–

Sharita: Some people do, yes. [laughs]

Clay: Typically, people when they see you, you want them to go, “Did you change your hair?” So, the idea is you go online and you search for like Oklahoma City cosmetic surgery or St. Louis cosmetic surgery or whatever the town is. Then you’re going to find a site and you’re going to click on reviews. You’re going to click on photos, video testimonies, whatever you can find that verifies that the doctor’s legit before you even call because you’re doing your “research.” You said, I did my research, which is Google.

So, what happens is we literally tripled the size of a cosmetic surgeon’s business this year by just doing that super-move. That’s one super move. I’m just telling you this. That right there is a gamechanger that we’re going to teach you at the Thrive15 workshops.

Since a lot of people are starting to ask, they’re going, “Okay, we’ve heard about the workshops, but give us the details. Where are these workshops? What’s going on? Talk to me. I’m trying to write this down.”

Here’s how you get started. You go to Go to and when you get there, there’s a little button that says, “Want to attend the conference?” You click that button, and then once you click the button–I’m doing it right now, so I’m kind of doing it with you here Thrivers.

When you click the button, you’re going to learn about the world’s best, two-day intensive business workshop. You said, “The World’s best?” No, no trust me. I’ve spoken at these. I’ve been all around the world. Vanessa’s been with me. We’ve spoken for Chevron, Maytag, Hewlett-Packard, O’Reilly’s, the big boys.

Vanessa: Their responses are always the same, it’s the best they’ve ever seen. I’ll tell you, this is what he’s born to do and obviously passionate about. You’re going to teach people all of these exact practical steps. It’s not a motivational seminar. That’s not what this.

Clay: So, we did is we made a list of what they did well at some of these workshops. Maytag University does an awesome job teaching the Maytag owners how to be successful. UPS does a great job teaching their people how to be successful, but what happens is in the back of the room, there’s always a guy trying to upsell you.

He’s always trying to push his super moves in his multimillion-dollar secret system and his 18-set DVD. Come on, who watches 18 DVDs? Anyway, Thrivers, we promise when you come out to the Thrive Time Workshops, the two-day intensive workshops, there’s no upselling and because of some investment made by some very passionate Tulsa entrepreneurs, we’ve made it affordable. We have a scholarship program, so everybody can now afford it. Go to That’s


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Announcer: Broadcasting from the center of the universe featuring optometrist-turned entrepreneur Dr. Robert Zoellner and US SBA Entrepreneur of the Year, Clay Clark. This is the Thrive Time Show on Talk Radio 1170.


Clay: All right, Thrive Nation, welcome back. We’re starting off the new year with a bang. Many of you have had a great start to your week and you’re going, “Listen, this is my year. I know that this is going to be my year that I actually turn those resolutions into some solutions.”

Some of you make these resolutions, you go, “I want to make $2,000 a week. I’m going to do it.” and you said that last year. You say, “I’m going to make $2,000 a week.” You said that the year before. Pretty soon you’re going to go, “I had inflation in there. I need to make $2,060 dollars this year.”

What happens is you can do it, though. I’m going to tell you this. This is the part that’s kind of offensive. Starting a business that is very successful, starting a successful business is very simple, it just requires diligence. It’s very simple, it just requires diligence.

So, I’m going to ask my wife to share her feedback on this, because you’ve seen this happen. When I discovered what I needed to do to get to the top of Google, once I figured that out, once I finally figured out what I needed to do, how many hours in the bathtub do you believe that I spent in a bathtub–

Vanessa: The bathtub is a magic place, let me tell you.

Clay: How many hours in the love tub? Honestly, how many hours? Maybe, how many hours a day did I spend in the tub?

Vanessa: It was a daily thing. It was a daily thing. So, first I know that you went away and you read this magical Google book that opened your mind to, “Oh my gosh, I know the keys to the universe.” You said, “It’s just going to be an awful process, but I know how to get to the top of Google. You know what? No one else would even do this if they knew how.”

Clay: I’m going to say this. What I did is I read almost a dozen books on the subject, and I compiled them into a checklist, which is what I do well. I boil it down and make it into actionable items. So, how many hours? [crosstalk]

Vanessa: Every day, I would say, you got up between two and three in the morning and you personally wrote the articles for our companies, and you would do that until it was time to get ready for the rest of your company for– it wasn’t DJ Connection at the time. That was back in the Yellow page ads, days. Maybe until about 6:30 and then you would do your normal prep for the day.

Clay: So four hours a day in the bath?

Vanessa: Every day.

Clay: For like a year or two?

Vanessa: Yes.

Sharita: With the Dragon Headset? Yes?

Clay: Yes.

Vanessa: He did it back in the day before. He hand typed them on and then there was a revelation.

Clay: Well, two things happened. One, is I didn’t know about– The transcription technology wasn’t available yet. Didn’t work that well so I had to type. And then once I finally figured out– once the Dragon people came up with the headset that allows you to transcribe text, or the words you are saying into text. The jets on the tub.

Vanessa: Well, in you music, I would’ve say you have a very sweet set up.

Clay: Yes. Music going and this whole thing. And I want to say this, Thrivers, because knowing what to do is half the battle. But you have to be diligent enough to do it. And what does the word diligent mean? If you look that up, diligence is the steady application of effort. And so you can get motivated but you have to actually do it, Vanessa.

Vanessa: I just think– People really need to know the set up. Every day in the bath, with the jets going with the a– Some sort of shelving that was laid across the bath that made it work so you could say a computer–

Clay: I call it my bath tub caddy.

Sharita: I love it.

Vanessa: And I think we’ve only lost one computer to the water.

Clay: I had one fallen. Well, that’s what happened. You’re going to lose one.

Vanessa: And then the music in the background that helped you think and type.

Clay: You lost recently one, two I couldn’t say anything about it because I lost one too.

Vanessa: That’s right, I lost one. I’m glad you did first years ago. That’s our move now.


Sharita: You only lost one. I love it. One casualty.

Clay: Only lost one.

Vanessa: But, then the music going in the ambiance and then not only that, you would swamp out the room, right? Running all these heaters and I don’t know– But it was a good, sweet set up for you, it worked out.

Sharita: It’s his vibration. It’s good vibe.

Clay: Here is the deal, Thrivers. We’re teaching you about how to build a repeatable sales system. We are trying to teach you today specifically how to build a repeatable and simple sales system and we are going through the checklist of the items that you need to have. Sharita, lets go to the next one.

Vanessa: Yes. The next one is you need a pre-written autoresponder email.

Clay: Check it out, Thrivers. I’m telling you what, there’s two things in life that are guaranteed. It’s probably many more things but there’s two that I will harp on here. One is when you go to a wedding reception and when you play Usher – Yeah. the soccer moms, the kind of ladies that have those yoga pants, the yoga pants people, that’s what they do. [music] “Oh, yeah, oh yeah.” They all run to the dance floor at the wedding. They all run out there. “Whoo, yeah.” So as the DJ, that was the thing. If your party was in a lull, you just play Usher – Yeah and they’re like, “Yeah”. That’s the deal that’s the one thing we’re guaranteed.

The second is, When a customer emails you looking for information. They expect a response immediately. With no thought about, “Do I expect a man to work 24 hours a day? Do I expect a woman too?” With no forgiveness that you don’t work 24 hours a day and with no– So you’ve got to create an autoresponder for anytime you begin to mass scale something. So for you, some of you are listening right now and you’re going, “How come you don’t have an autoresponder when I signed up for the workshop?”

Because the workshops are a small, intimate setting where you can learn how to start and grow a business. We like to offer you a a lot of a customized interaction, even before you book on your ticket, whereas for The Elephant in the Room and different businesses those things have autoresponders in place because it’s a personable service. But we are scheduling thousands of haircuts on a weekly basis. So it’s a little bit different. But you’ve got to have a pre-written email.

Why do you ask the owner to write a pre-written email, Sharita? Why do you think that the owner themselves has to make each one of these systems and they can’t delegate the creation. Don’t get me started. Okay, I’m started. Why can they not delegate the creation of these systems? Why does the owner actually have to make the system themselves?

Sharita: I think for a lot of reasons, but the main one is being you have the vision, you have the company goals you have the idea, you have all the information and then also just for the quality purpose, you want to make sure it’s spelled correctly, clearly articulates what’s you’re about, you want your heart and soul put into what you’re doing and the truth about what you’re doing.

Clay: One thing I did back on the day when I was an idiot, I was building DJ Connection, I wanted to fix the scripts and I’ve read this book about fixing the scripts so I laid it out and I remember talking to the guys and I said, “Guys, we need to enhance the scripts, we need to simplify them. So I need you to get those scripts simplified and then we’re going to get started.” And the crazy stuff they were saying on the phone, that was not a good move. So you never want to delegate the creation of your systems, Thrivers. You don’t want to do that unless you have a genius working for you and then you can do it.

Sharita: I have something about that too. And I always hear Clay say this, no one cares about your business as much as you do. Right?

Clay: That’s not very positive. That’s not very positive at all.

Sharita: So you might think this person can do the script but no one is vested in that company like you are. Right? [crosstalk]

Vanessa: And even if they care, maybe they’re just not qualified enough. Yes, exactly.

Sharita: Sure. They might mean well, but–

Clay: Nobody cared more about the song Careless Whisper than George Michael. I’ll tell you that. Every time he’d fire that up. [music] Oh, yeah. You know, I’m sure that George Michael, his whole deal was– He owned that song. You ever saw George Michael sing this live? He would just bring that intensity every single time, that was something that George Michael would consistently do. And we’re moving on to the next one here, Thrivers.

We’re teaching you how to bring that energy, that intensity, that focus, but to what? I mean, you’re energized, you’re focused, you’re ready to go. But what do you do? I mean, you are trying to grow your business and build a repeatable system, how do you channel that focus? You say, “I want to double my sales”, but what do you do? Well, you have to build these systems. Shar, let’s move on to the next system.

Sharita: Okay, the next one is you need an ongoing recorded call.

Clay: In short, when we recorded the calls, our team, we record our calls for quality control. When we start working with another client, many clients will call us, there’s plumbers, doctors, dentists, lawyers, they call and say, “Hey, could you guys help us build a sales system?” And so we begin immediately recording the calls and analyzing them. What sort of crazy mess do you hear when you actually record a call?

Sharita: We hear all sort of things on both ends, really. Sometimes for our clients it’s really enlightening and illuminating, what’s being said. You know, they have no idea.

Clay: I remember we had a doctor that we were helping with his calls and the woman who was an inbound lead kept calling in. Many of the leads, but one in particular, she was calling in and she was yelling at her kids and at the person on the phone throughout the call.

Announcer: And now, more from the man who got kicked out of college for riding a parody about the school’s president that was not endorsed by the school’s president.

Clay: So the thing is, Thrivers, we listen to the call. This is exactly how it sounded. The sales rep is on the phone and you hear someone going, “I don’t know. Listen here. Put that down. Put– Billy, put that down. Sorry, what were you saying about the services? Don’t make me pull over, I will pull over.” “Ma’am, are you okay? Are you in the car?” “Oh yeah. Oh my gosh, whoa.” Then you’re going, “This person’s in a minivan, yelling at probably six to 25 kids.”

When the owner of the business heard the calls, he realized what she was dealing with every day and he started to have some empathy, going, “Okay if you are talking to someone who’s in the minivan yelling at kids half the time, then I recognized that I only expect you to set an appointment with one-half of the inbound leads.” Where previously his expectations were very high and it can work all different ways but it’s important you analyze those calls.

Vanessa: I have a quick story on it. I was making calls in for an orthodontist. I think that sometimes when you listen back to the calls, you realize that maybe some of the people might not be your ideal client either, so I booked this client and immediately after I started getting some selfies-

Clay: Some crazy selfies.


Vanessa: –sent to me and I was just– I didn’t even know what to do.


Clay: Vanessa cranked up Careless Whisper and started going, “I don’t know if this feels right or not.”

Vanessa: Anyway, it ended up she apologized profusely, I guess it was an accident but it went on and kind of let us know, “You know, maybe this isn’t the ideal and likely buyer we’re going for.”

Clay: Yeah. So here is the lessons that we’ve learned here, Thrivers. If you’re on the phone with a sales call [music] and they cue up the red lights special and they start sending you selfies, you just got to say, ” Hey, you’re not the right buyer for me.” Seriously, let’s move on to the next tool, the next system you’ve got to have.

Sharita: Yes, the last one that we talk about today is trade show tools. What does that even mean?

Clay: When your go to a trade show, there’s a right way to do it and a wrong way to do it. And let me tell something, most people are doing it the wrong way. So, as the sensei of the right way, I’m going to teach you how to do it.


Sharita: What are some of the thing you’re doing the wrong way? How would you know that you’re doing the wrong way?

Clay: Okay, you go to a trade show, you’ll see the Tulsa Wedding Show?

Sharita: Yes.

Clay: Plan your day in a day, go to the, they have some great vendors and like any trade show, you’re gone have some trolls. The troll, typically they sit down in the booth right away. So you’re sitting down and these are paper pushers. They push out brochures. So you’re walking and going, “Hey, I want to try some of your cake. How much is the cake?” And the guy is going, “You guys got any cake or what?” So the groom’s walking around, emotionally detached from the entire thing and the mom’s walking around from booth to booth, the mom is very good, “Oh my gosh, these cakes are exquisite.”

She’s talking to the body wrap lady about, “Is there any way I can lose 62 pounds in like a week?” So they are doing all that stuff and then what happens is you’re at the show and you walk up to the vendor and you say, “Excuse me, do you have any information about pricing?” And that vendor is asleep, they’re laying behind the table, they’re passing out crazy brochures that are spelled wrong, their design looks bad, the whole thing looks bad. There’s a right way to do it and there’s a wrong way. When you learn the right way– We use to consistently, for the wedding photography business, sell between $40,000 and $60,000 of weddings at the show.

Sharita: I remember that. You would try to beat that record every year.

Vanessa: Say that again, because I want to make sure people heard that number accurately.

Clay: We would sell between 40 and $60,000 of wedding photography packages at the show. The most we ever did was 80-something. Now, for the DJ company, that was crazy. We would do a hundred and something thousand dollars of sales at the show. And the guy next to us is going, “I haven’t sold anything at this show at all. This show isn’t a good show. There’s no good leads in here.” And you’re going, “Well, if you put your shirt on, that might help.”


Clay: “I don’t have a shirt, I came– Where are my pants?” There’s just some things you can do at the show. There’s a science to running an effective trade show. There’s a way to do it, and there’s a way not to do it. Now, Thrivers, because of the time, we don’t have time to get into all the specifics and all the templates and all the proven systems right now. But I can tell you at The Thrive Time Show– Go to Once you get there, you’re going to see a little link. Click that to learn more about the conference, okay. Click it. And there you can sign up to join the world’s best two-day intensive business workshops.

We’re going to give you the specific and practical training on how to grow your business; we’re going to teach you– It’s 15 hours over two days. We’re not bouncing beach balls, we’re not walking on hot coals. “Where is it? Where’s it located?” It’s here at the beautiful river walk in Jenks, America, on the left coast of the Arkansas river. [music] If you go to YouTube and type in “ world headquarters”, you will see it’s a real 20,000 square foot building. We’re not officed in a bunker under some random hill in Sapulpa, Thrivers. Go to to learn more.

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Announcer: You’re listening to The Thrive Time Show on Talk radio, 1170.

Clay: Hello, Thrivers, and welcome back inside the Thrive nation, inside the “box that rocks”, inside the “dojo of mojo,” located on the left shore of the Arkansas River. And you’re going, “Shore? Is there even water in that river?” Okay, I fabricated that a little bit. I’m looking out the window right now. We have a heavy chance of sand with a little bit of extra sand coming in, but allegedly, they’re building a low-water dam. “They” being a public-private partnership, “Me” being 36. So when I’m 74, I expect it to be completed. Very excited about the low-water dam that is coming. I hope that I’m alive to see the completion of a river with water in it.

Sharita: Sure. Until then it’s Tatooine.

Clay: Have you ever seen that– You’ve seen Star Wars, the scene where they go to Tatooine? The sand nation?

Sharita: Yes. Mm-hmm.

Clay: That’s what it looks like sometimes. But right now we have a little bit of water in it, though.

Surita: In places. In certain places.

Clay: Certain places. So here’s the deal, Thrivers. We’re talking today, though, about how to build a repeatable sales system. And many of you are turning in right now, you’re just now tuning in to the conversation. You’ve been out, running around town, having lunch at Oklahoma Joe’s or Oklahoma Joe’s or such places as Oklahoma Joe’s. But the goal– Check it out, Thrivers, I’m going to read this to you. The world doesn’t pay you for the hours you put in. It pays you for the value you create.

Vanessa: Can you repeat that?

Clay: The world doesn’t pay you for the hours you put in, but for the value you create. I have some more. One more. The goal of owning a business is not to be needed, but in fact the opposite, to build a business that doesn’t need you. Oh, Vanessa, you want to unpack that?

Vanessa: Yes, I think that is life-changing right there. Just because you put in all this work, does not guarantee you success. You need to make sure you’re taking the right steps, not just any step, any action. How do you know if you haven’t been down this road before? I know for us, we had to do a lot of trial and error and make a lot of mistakes which, I don’t think is uncommon to people in small business.

That’s what I love now, is that we have this road map and not only have we done it with one business, now we’ve been able to duplicate it and do it with all of our businesses. And that’s what I think is so great about offering this workshop to people is there’s the actual practical steps and you aren’t guaranteed success just because you put in some hard work. Go do the right steps.

Sharita: Here’s what I was going to say too. What I love about being a part of this company is that you have taken these systems, you’ve duplicated them over so many different businesses. I think between you and Z it’s 20 businesses now that you guys all have. But what’s great is that now we can share these systems with so many different businesses. We work with spine surgeons. I have them all listed here, bookkeepers, drone pilots–

Clay: Drone pilots? Thomas, how you doing? Thomas, drone pilot in Dallas. What’s up buddy?

Sharita: Hi Thomas. Yes. Dentists, general family doctors, photographers, fitness professionals, bakeries, hotels, videographers– [crosstalk]

Clay: Do we work with any petting zoos right now?

Vanessa: I think Havana, our daughter-

Sharita: She’s coming up. She’s going to revolutionize, yes. [laughs]

Vanessa: -she’s probably going to say that hers will be the only.

Clay: Keep going here.

Sharita: Event planners, real estate agents, insurance agents–

Clay: Timeout. Bragging on one of the people we work with. Danielle Sprik with Sprik Realty, her husband posted up on Facebook and tagged a whole bunch of the team members. Vanessa schedules all the photography and all the video and we oversee the graphic design and the marketing aspects of her company. But this lady, she did $24 million of real estate sales this past year and is she a genius? No. Is she a great lady? She’s a great lady, she’s a mom. The thing is, she’s not a better mom than you listening right now. She’s not a better lady, she’s not a genius. She’s not– But what she is is she’s diligent, and she does what she says she’s going to do and she follows the systems. And I’m just telling you, when you follow the system it just works over and over. I made you watch the highlight there on Sunday night of the Patriots’ game there, Shar.

Sharita: Yes, yes.

Clay: We got Floyd, number 14, Floyd. He’s setting crazy blocks during the Patriots’ football game versus the Dolphins. And they’re like, “Who’s Floyd?” It’s just randos. They always have these random dudes and he catches a pass, does this crazy move, gets into the end zone. And every week they just win. The names on the back of the jerseys change but they just keep winning. And someone’s saying, “And they keep deflating balls.” That’s true, maybe, but we keep wining.

Vanessa: It’s part of the system.


Clay: Yes, it’s part of the system. Now, we have a notable quotable that I want to unpack for the Thrive community here, okay. Now this is a notable quotable. It says, “People usually don’t discover great products. Contrary to the famous saying, “If you built a better mouse trap, the world would not beat a path to the door.” You need to develop a way to cost-efficiently attract leads, then convert some of them. This seems so basic, but hundreds of thousands of businesses start with no clear marketing funnel and then they have to rely on luck or referrals to get customers in the door.” That’s from Forbes. A lot of people, if you’re listening right now and you built a product or you have a restaurant you want to open, or a food truck you want to open up, or a cupcake business or a hair salon or a real estate business or anything, you’ve got to have a way to repeatably get butts in the door and to sell something.

Announcer: And now, more from the temple of boom. With you host, Captain Clay Tiberius Clark.

Clay: Oh, thank you so much. Now, Thrivers check this out. Warren Buffett, though, it goes on to say, Warren Buffet. “Who’s Warren Buffett? Like Jimmy Buffett? Like Margaritaville?” No, Warren Buffett, one of the world’s wealthiest people, he says this, “I try to buy stock in businesses that are so simple.” I’m going to repeat it. “I try to buy stock in businesses that are so wonderful and simple that an idiot could run them because sooner or later, one will.” Let’s talk about those systems. You’ve got to build easy-to-replicate sales systems. If they’re not repeatable, it’s not a system. So Sharita, you’re teaching young people how to do search engine optimization?

Sharita: Yes.

Clay: You held a court today at the bar with the team.

Sharita: I did. [laughs]

Clay: Just so you don’t think she’s a morning alcoholic or something. We have a bar at the world headquarters so when you come to the events we can serve beverages and that kind of thing, but you met with the bar. How many people were at the bar?

Sharita: This morning I think there were about 10.

Clay: You mean there were 10 people at the bar?

Sharita: Yes.

Clay: And had any of those 10 people, including yourself, done search engine optimization work before they came to work here?

Sharita: No, not a single one of us.

Clay: And you’ve taught them all?

Sharita: Yes. We’ve all learned the system.

Clay: And we’ve taught you?

Sharita: Yes.

Clay: And we can teach other people?

Sharita: Definitely.

Clay: And it’s repeatable.

Sharita: It is.

Clay: And because it’s repeatable, that means that I wasn’t doing it–

Vanessa: In the bath. He’s out of the bath.

Sharita: Yes. [crosstalk] [laughs]

Clay: Now here’s the part about the– I’m going to rip on myself here. The repeatable system requires somebody to make the system. And as we’ve had thousands of people join the world headquarters platform, I have had to go, “What is the biggest limiting factor?” And I realized, [gasps] “It’s me. No, I did it again.” And then you’ve got to build a new system, better system. You always got to simplify, you always got to ask yourself, “Why do I have to do it?” Whatever it is, you’ve got to build a system that can work without you.

Vanessa: I find it really interesting that these big business moguls whether it be Steve Jobs or Warren Buffett, the one thing I think they have in common is that heart, at their heart, they are simple people.

Sharita: True.

Vanessa: What do they do? They break down these complex systems into the most simple–

Sharita: That’s a good revelation.

Vanessa: It really is, because that’s what they all have in common. I think they have a way to look at complex things and make them simple and they like simplicity because there’s simple people. I’m not saying very simple, but that’s what your gift is. He takes things and he has the same gift to break down to something simple for people to understand and apply it.

Sharita: So good.

Clay: William Shakespeare said that brevity is the soul of wit. Steve Jobs said that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. Again, Steve Jobs said that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. It’s really hard to make things simple. I think some of you–you have a business model you’ve built where- [music]


Clay: -somebody has to sit on a lily pad and really contemplate the meaning of life to figure out your workflow. You got a 27-page checklist. You got to click over here and remember this. You speak Greek because we always put in the Greek because it’s easier to understand for me if it’s in the Greek.

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Announcer: Live, local, now. You’re listening to The Thrive Time Show on Talk Radio 1170.

Clay: All right. Thrive nation, welcome back to your inspiration super station where we teach you practical education. We teach you the stuff you need to know to make your business grow and here’s the deal. I’m going to tell you this right now, some of you have a great product, some of you are married to someone with a great product. You are married to somebody with a great product. What happens is, you are married to somebody– You know it, you know that, you’re going, “They’re sitting next to me. It’s so weird.” And they have a great product, right? So, what you did is you bought that sign that you chose to be located in the armpit of a shopping center.

Sharita: [laughs]

Clay: You know what I’m talking about, there’s a spot– There’s a shopping center off in Memorial where if you lease there, it’s despair. Because you’re going to be hidden and no one’s going to find you and then you’ve got a nasty website. You’re going, “I’ve been waiting for the phone to ring all the time. [sings] I’ve been waiting for my phone to ring.” People, it’s not ringing and you’re just waiting. It’s getting weird, it’s a weird deal. You say, “I don’t understand why my business isn’t growing.”

What you do is you go to a Tony Robbins seminar and he goes, “You got to unleash the power within. You’ve got to unleash the power. I want you to stand up right now and look at me and tell the negative thoughts to go away and just– Take it all away– The law of attraction. I’m attracting you, you attracted me. Why are you here? Because the law of attraction. I feel you. Do you see what just happened here? We just made a connection, we just– Whoa, whoa.” And then all of a sudden beach balls– “Who wants to walk on hot coals? I know some people got burned in Dallas but let’s forget about those people, let’s get serious.”

Vanessa: After that conference, when you get back your business is just going to be booming. There’s going to be lines when you get back just because you went to the conference, right?

Sharita: You’re in the same place before you left, I mean you didn’t change, [crosstalk]

Vanessa: That’s right.

Clay: Here’s how you make your business blow up. You guys have been to Las Vegas, Nevada? If you’re listing right now, have you been to Las Vegas, Nevada?

Sharita, have you been to Las Vegas?

Sharita: I have not yet.

Vanessa: Wow, I’m surprised.

Sharita: I need to go.

Clay: Wow.

Sharita: I’ve never been.

Clay: Vanessa, have you been to Las Vegas?

Vanessa: I have been to Las Vegas.

Clay: We’ve been there many times. When you go there, you know what they do? How they get you there? Marketing.

Vanessa: Yes. True.

Clay: They’re always doing ads, they’re doing– They have songs about Las Vegas.

Vanessa: They’re marketing in the streets. They’re marketing.

Sharita: What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.

Clay: To get you to Vegas, they are marketing all the time. They’re trying to get you. They came up with that phrase, “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.” They got billboards, they got ads–

Vanessa: You know what I noticed last time, it had been a while since we’ve been to Vegas, but Uber and Lyft are now making their– They’re passing out these things [music] and I’m like, “Wow, that’s a good idea.”

Clay: You want your business to be–

Vanessa: These little cards that usually they give you that are inappropriate, but they’re not anymore. Uber and Lyft do not. I’m saying I’m surprised, it’s a good move. They have guys standing and they have Uber and a Lyft shirt on, they’re competitors, obviously. They’re passing a business card that’s saying, “When you are intoxicated tonight, call–“

Clay: What I want to share, what I want to communicate here, what I’m trying to say, is that any city in America could make themselves “The New Vegas” if they wanted to be. They run ads consistently, marketing Vegas, Vegas, Vegas– They constantly advertise Vegas, Vegas, Vegas. Any city in America could do that. You realize it’s in the desert. There’s no water, there’s nothing good about Las Vegas other than the tax laws are flexible. There’s gambling but they’ve marketed that city.

Sharita: I’ve heard there’s nothing outside of that the strip area. It’s just regular once you [crosstalk]

Clay: Yes. The thing is that if you have a business in the desert, you got a market that beast. You have to. You can’t sit there and wait. How crazy would it be if we moved out to Vegas and built a hotel and just sat and wait for people to show up? They promote it everywhere. You’ve got to get aggressive about marketing your business. Now, you have to create this thing called “The three-legged marketing stool” that Dr. Z and I talk about all the time. You must create the three-legged marketing stool. You have to have three bonafide and certified ways to create inbound leads. Sharita, let’s go through those there.

Sharita: Sure. What do you want me to go through?


Clay: Let’s start with the Dream 100.


Sharita: Sorry. I love the name of the Dream 100. This is something that you have our clients do and I love it because what does it mean when you say the Dream 100? It’s not 100 dreams. What is that?

Clay: You’re making a list of your 100 ideal and likely buyers that you want to go after. Vanessa, you saw us do this in the wedding industry. We decide– We made a list and we said, “Hey, we’re a disc jockey company and we want every bridal shop to refer us and every jeweler to refer us.” How did we go about doing that?

Vanessa: This changed our business because when we realized that if we got people from up the food chain who– If a bride book to their dress first, if we had their wedding shop refer us, we were able to increase our bookings. I don’t know what the percentage was but it was insane because now people were sending the brides to us instead of us having to go and cold call and find them.

Clay: Do you remember that poster I made that said, “The road to a million”?

Vanessa: Yes, I do remember it.

Clay: It was the road to a million and I had it and I made all the guys wear Krispy Kreme hats. Every day the guys would wear Krispy Kreme hats, they would show up at every hotel–

Vanessa: And bring Krispy Kremes.

Clay: And bring Krispy Kremes everyday to every hotel, to every jewelry store, to every venue. We had to do it because that’s how we generated inbound referrals.

Announcer: And now, more from the former Small Business Administration entrepreneur of the year and father of five human kids.

Vanessa: You didn’t come up with the Dream 100 yourself but this was a proven system that you learned from a book that you read, correct?

Clay: There’s a book called The Ultimate Sales Machine, which was written by Chet Holmes who is the business partner of Charlie Munger. “Who’s Charlie Munger? Who’s that? Was he–? I don’t even know that is.” That’s Warren Buffett’s partner. “That seems reasonable then.” He teaches this system. What he finds is that if you systemically go after the 100 ideal and likely buyers that have the potential to refer you so much business it could change everything for you, that’s a good investment of your time. Now, Shark, what’s the next move?

Sharita: The next one is search engine optimization, which is really important. It’s a lot of hard work, we were talking about [unintelligible 01:18:57] earlier with Clay. It’s not sexy in the sense of all the work you have to do but the results are majorly sexy, I think.

Clay: You can absolutely get to the top of Google for any term you want to and there’s a proven systemic way to do it. We can teach you how to do it. It’s a lot of details we got to get into which is why we have a 15-hour workshop to get into it. By the way, we have big screens so you can see what the person is talking about, screenshots of what they’re doing, templates of what they’re doing, somebody holding your hand while you’re doing it. By the way, you could say, “I didn’t understand what you guys were saying”, and during lunch we’ll sit down with you and show you.

Then we’re not going to upsell you something. We’re not like, “Hey, here’s this magical thing you got to buy now.” We’re not doing that, Thrivers. We’ll not give you half of the information and then go, “But it’s a magic real estate seminar. You can have put no money down and become a billionaire.” We don’t do that. Now, the next move, Sharita, is what?

Sharita: Targeting and retargeting ads.

Clay Clark: There are certain people that should see your ads and certain people that shouldn’t. Now, Vanessa, you started buying some tumblers I believe that were made by women. Am I making this up?

Vanessa Clark: Sure, but I can go with it. I bought some of the Mexican glass, handblown, yes.

Clay: Wasn’t there one like there was a story behind it like they were made by people?

Vanessa: No, that was some jewelry a long time ago, but–

Clay: What was the one that was the–

Vanessa: The jewelry?

Clay: Is it ModCloth? Is that an ad that follows you around?

Vanessa: That’s just a dress, a clothing shop and they have really cute dresses and things but they don’t make them themselves.

Clay: But they follow you around.

Vanessa: They do follow me around because I’ve been to their website and so you can explain how this happens now. I got mine–

Clay: The way it works there is if you’re a woman and you’re on the internet, they want you to see their ads, so they demographically profile you, and then if you’ve ever clicked their website– Have you ever been to the website before?

Vanessa: Which I have and I bought things from them.

Sharita: And I think people think this is happening on accident or they see this, “Oh, I was on this website and now look at this ad on Facebook.”

Vanessa: They don’t understand.

Sharita: They don’t understand it’s a move. It’s a system.

Clay: And then a lot of times people feel like it’s Trump teaming up with Russia.


Clay: Since he became the president-elect, I think a lot of people are going, “Hey, I was just listening to the other show. I was just on the other station and I have noticed that since Trump was elected, the ModCloth ads are following me. Now, I was googling ModCloth and Putin, and I noticed the word Putin has a vowel in it and so does ModCloth, and I realized [gasps] Trump and ModCloth and Putin are working together. I might have to go listen to some rush limbo and sort this all out.”


Clay: But, Thrivers, if you want to learn about real targeting advertising, retargeting advertising, go to “How do you do it? What do you do?” You get on that internet and you go to


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Announcer: You’re listening to The Thrive Time Show on Talk Radio 1170.

Clay: All right, Thrive nation, welcome back into the conversation. Today we are talking about how to build a simple repeatable sales system to effectively and consistently generate leads. The whole idea here, Thrivers, is we’re trying to teach you how to build a system that can consistently produce sales leads for you so that even while you’re sleeping, things can be sold. Even while you’re in another meeting, things can be sold. Even while you’re with your kids, things can be sold because we take it back to the root of the entire conversation. And I repeat, I want to read this to you.

Remember, the finish line in business is not to just be profitable. The real finish line is to build a truly scalable business that creates massive value in the marketplace without needing you to be there every day to run it. However, without sales, you have no business. Vanessa.

Vanessa: Once you create this scalable business that doesn’t require you to be there, your level of freedom just opened up so much because you can keep your business and not be there but also– Before, you never would have had the opportunity or the option to even sell your business because it was all dependent on you, so when you pass away your business it would basically die, right? But now it opens up so many options.

Clay: Now, Sam, can you pass me that image right there of Albert Einstein? Sam is our excellent show producer. This guy gets it done. He’s a modern Viking. Sam, could you hop on the camera really quick just so people can see just what a gorgeous man you are. Carina locked herself into–

Sharita: [crosstalk] Carina’s viking, yes. I love it.

Vanessa: That’s right. Carina’s viking.

Clay: Sharita, can you read this notable quote. If you’re on Facebook live you can see it.

Sharita: Yes. It says, “Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.”

Clay: So let’s break that down. This is Albert Einstein. He says, “Great spirits have always encountered violent”, so I’m telling you what– Sam, I’m going to pass this back to you here. I’ve talked to some optometrist out there who would go, “How many patients does Dr. Zoellner actually see?”


Clay: And I said, “Typically zero on average, if you round it up.” “It’s called Robert Zoellner and Associates. Just the name is misleading. He’s not even there.” I’ve talked to photographers who ask my guys, “So, how many weddings a year does Clay take photos of?” And my guys will go, “Oh, we do about 10-30 a week, so maybe 1500 a year.” “But how many does he take?” “Well, he doesn’t take any photos.” “What?” “Yes. In fact, he doesn’t even know how to use a camera.” “What?” “He doesn’t even know what cameras we own.” “What? He doesn’t even– What? What does he do?” And like, “I don’t know, I think he chases his wife around a lot. That’s why they have five kids.”

The thing is, people though they– Violently, the industry, the photographers, they just get all frustrated because they’re all like, “You’re not even a photographer and you’re out there selling cheap photography. You’re trying to make the prices low and make it difficult. The pie was supposed to be big enough for all of us but you’re trying to take it all. You’re just trying to dominate the market.” And I’m going, “Yeah, that’s all true.” So the thing is, Thrivers, is if you’re at your office today and this is the mood of the office, a little bit downer. Here we go.


Clay: You’re listening to some Foreigner and you’re going, “I’m waiting for my phone to ring.” And just going, “It’s not ringing, though.” It’s that weird downer mode. This is the 80s down. This is the kind of song you don’t want to listen to if you’re questioning the meaning of life. You don’t want to be here. It’s just kind of a downer but people are in their office going, [sings] “I’ve been waiting for my phone to ring.” And then your wife is like, “You need to probably do some marketing.” “I’ve been waiting for my phone to ring.” And your husband is like, “You probably need to make some sales calls.” “I’ve been waiting–“

You’re waiting and then because you’re a religious person, you go to a home fellowship and home fellowship is a thing a want to get into for a second. Home fellowship, there’s usually a guy who’s playing a guitar and he’s usually singing a song like, [sings] “Be to our God.” But he’s raspy because he’s praise and worship at a church in Tulsa, singing, “Be to our God forever and ever.” And then they stop and they go, “You guys want to have some time for some vegetables?” “Yes, sure.” So you break, you do some vegetables and the cheese trays, and then they go to say, “Anyone need prayer?” And Daryl– There’s a guy in your group named Daryl, maybe Mack or Buddy, probably Daryl. And Daryl walks up and he’s like, “We’re just praying that we’re going to get more sales. We’re praying for sales since we’ve opened up our dog emporium.” And like, “What is that?”

“Well, it’s an importer of dogs.” “Do you train dogs?” “No, we import them.” “What’s your website?” “We don’t have one, but Jill and I have been just praying for an abundance this year and we’re just going to pray for that.” And so what happens is, God can do whatever he wants. I mean, God could part the seas, God could create unicorns, God could do anything he wants but the thing is that you’ve got to do it the natural what you can do because it’s not even logical to sit there and just pray for leads.

Sharita: Sure. And you always say this, though. It’s not that we don’t believe in abundance or blessing, but Clay always talks about, in Proverbs, you have to be diligent. You have to do the work.

Vanessa: Do what you can with what you can and then God can do the rest.

Clay: And then the guy next to you at home fellowship and you know who you are, because if you’re Daryl or Mcrk or Buddy, you’re frustrated because there’s a guy in the group, his name is Kevin, like Heaven, has perfect teeth and he seems thin, too thin, and you’re going, “How is he that thin?” And he’s like 44 but he looks like he’s 32 and he’s handsome too. It doesn’t help because he’s kind of Brad Pitty, kind of a Brad Pitness to him and he’s like, “Oh, what’s going on? I’ll be happy to pray for you, Buddy.” And you go, “What do you even do for a living?” “Well, I have a business but I’m not there very much because we were in Vermont this month.”

You’re like, “How were you in Vermont this month? You have a big business in Vermont and I’m over here slaving away at my dog emporium. I’m not making any money. What’s going on?” And you get frustrated and then you go to God and you say, “I just want to know how to do it.” The thing is, you getting motivated, or upset, or frustrated, or crying. Some people are crying right now, going, “Teach me a system. I just want to know.”

Vanessa: I think we’ve been there.

Sharita: Yes, sure.

Clay: We all have. If you’ve been in business you all have, and that’s why we want to teach you this system.

Sharita: And I think God has an answer to your prayer. If you are at the group praying our workshop. I’m– [crosstalk]

Vanessa: You can only do what we did on Sunday and just have Jamaican Jerk Fest and burn a Christmas tree.

Clay: That stuff is great.

Vanessa: That’s a great home fellowship as well.

Sharita: But you need to come to our workshop. You need to.

Clay: You need to do it, Thrivers. Now, here’s the deal. Once you start marketing, there’s a right way to market and a wrong way to market, and for a second time, I’m going to get into it. You have to do mailers. There’s a right way to do mailers and there’s a wrong way. There a right way to do billboards and there’s a wrong way. There’s a right way to do magazines and there is a wrong way. There’s a right way to do cold calling and a wrong way. There’s a right way to do networking and there is a wrong way to do networking. There’s a right way to do TV ads. Who here has seen some bad TV ads?

Sharita: Me. [chuckles]

Announcer: And now, more from the man who has five kids, 46 chickens, nine businesses, four cats and no tact.

Sharita: [laughs]

Clay: Oh, no tact, that was mean, radio guy. Why would you say–

Sharita: He loves you.

Clay: I hadn’t even heard that one yet.

Sharita: He means you to tell it like it is.

Clay: Okay. “No tact”, wow.

Sharita: You just tell it like it is.

Clay: Wow, okay. The next is radio. There’s a right way to do radio ads, there’s a wrong way. How many of you have heard– Vanessa, have you seen a TV commercial or Shark, have you seen one recently, we’re not going to talk about the company.

Sharita: Sure.

Clay: Have you’ve seen a local TV ad and you go, “Oh, that hurt them. Oh, that was not good.”

Sharita: Yes.

Clay: I remember I saw a billboard a while back, we were together, Havana was with us, and it showed a person with a vacuum and the hair was everywhere–

Vanessa: Yes and we couldn’t figure out what it meant.

Sharita: [laughs]

Clay: And we didn’t know what the product was and it didn’t have a website on it.

Vanessa: Nothing, no branding.

Clay: What was it? It just has the name of the company but there was no website, there’s no call to action. There are specific things to do and specific things not to do and I can’t think of anybody better to teach you how to do successful advertising than Dr. Robert Zoellner. Now, Thrivers, if you’re going, “Okay, I want to learn this stuff. I want to learn it and I want to know that when I go there, it’s not going to be something where I regret going.” There’s a couple of guarantees I’m going to make for you.

One, if you Google Thrive15 and then Forbes, Thrive15 and Forbes, you’re going to see that Forbes actually said this, I’ll read the words that Forbes has said. Forbes said, “With tools like Thrive15, people of any age can learn to start or take their businesses to the next level.” I can tell you, Fast Company did a feature on how Vanessa and I bring our kids to work everyday. Bloomberg has featured us and one of our founders, David Robinson, on the show.

I could tell you, you could drive over to Dr. Robert Zoellner and Associates and see a real thriving business. I could tell you, could drive out to Z66’s Auto Auction and see a real business. I can tell you, you could book a wedding with Epic Photography. I could tell you, you can get your hair cut with Elephant in the Room and I could tell you what, in all of those situations I will not be there but I will be at the workshop. Because that is my highest and best use, is to help you learn what you need to know to start or grow a business.

You talk about my highest and best use? I’m going to let loose and answer the questions that you have. You’re going to have answers to questions that you didn’t even know that you had. You have got to get out there because I’m telling you, it’s going to change your life. You’ll look back and go, “That was the moment that I finally figured that out.” It is the Thrive Time conferences. Go to and there you can learn more about it. It’s a two-day interactive workshop, it’s on January 20th and 21st.

Somebody needs to write that down. It’s January 20th and 21st, it’s two days and you want to reserve your spot because once we’re out that’s all we’ve got and we’re going to keep it small, a very small group there, you want to make sure you check it out,, and if you go, “I’m not a workshop guy, I’m listening from Michigan”, we have a lot of Thrivers in Australia right now, we had someone from Malaysia the other day.

Sharita: Nice.

Clay: The thing is, go to, it’s the worlds best business school and for less money than you spend on random stuff you shouldn’t be buying anyway at convenience stores, you can sign up and if you can’t afford it, you can set your own price. And finally, last but not least, if you want one-on-one, in person or over the phone mentorship, one-on-one business coaching, we have a plan for you. How do you learn about all this stuff, go to and sharing is caring. [music] Caring is sharing, what you do, if you loved today’s show, go to, listen to the podcast, click the Share button and share it with somebody, because you know there’s somebody who wants to make this new year the best year yet. Just click the Share button, share it with them. And as always three, two, one, boom.

[01:33:39] [END OF AUDIO]


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