Best Business Podcast | How to Get Your Employees to Be More Productive + Merit-Based Pay 101 + Join Eric Trump & Robert Kiyosaki At Clay Clark’s 2-Day Interactive Business Growth Workshop (March 6-7 In Tulsa, Oklahoma)

Show Notes

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Business Coach | Ask Clay & Z Anything

Audio Transcription

Gosh man, time flies. I’d say right around four or five years ago, I just kind of felt like we were stuck and I wasn’t, my wheels weren’t moving and I had this goal and I just didn’t really know how to get there. So you guys actually helped me with that. I mean I reached out to you guys, we started our relationship, we started our coaching sessions and you guys helped me build a lot of the systems that we have now. But you know, Clay, had I not actually sat down and took the time and the energy to reach

out to you and then set aside time every single week to actually work on the specific goal of scaling Window Ninjas, then it would have never happened and we wouldn’t have the, it wouldn’t have come to fruition like it is today. Gage Salinas, welcome to the Thrived Time Show. How are you, sir? I am wonderful, Clay.

I’m glad to be here with you today. And just to give people a little context, um, how long have we worked with you and your, in your business, sir? A little over three years, Clay. We’ve been together for a little bit of a journey now. And I think we picked the best of times and the worst of times to work together.

I mean, it’s like right at the peak of the geopolitical craziness. That’s when we started working with you. But you’ve continued to grow. What kind of growth have you seen over these past three years? Just so the listeners know that you do have, in fact, a business that can navigate through difficult times. Well, we have over doubled our business here at Window Ninjas since working with you. I actually went back and looked through our numbers and I looked at some of our goals that we had set in the original conversation that I had with your team.

And we have surpassed my original conversation that I had with your team, and we have surpassed my original number that I wanted to hit with you guys, and I was quite shocked at how, I won’t say easy, but systematic it was for us to be able to get to where we wanted to be.

So, information is key. Making sure you’re following the process when it comes to marketing accurately and repetitively is something that we do over here and we have really, really, really scaled it to the next level. And you know what, Clay? You guys are the ones that taught us that in the beginning and we have followed through with that for over the past what four or five years now that we’ve been working together.

We have spent the last seven years scaling this business and we have these checklists in place with the help from your team, Clay, and it just creates success for all of our customers, all of our franchisees, me here in my corporate office, all of our call center employees, our accounting department, all of our leadership teams. I mean it really, really, really solves a lot of problems. And so as opposed to trying to reinvent the wheel, man,

just grab a checklist that somebody has already taken the time and the energy to develop for you. Use it and then master it and then reap the benefits with the revenue that you’re going to earn from doing those specific things that are on that checklist. It’s super powerful, Clay. It’s the best thing.

I mean, I know that I can come into this office whenever I want, whether if I want to be here at 7 o’clock in the morning or if I don’t want to be here at 7 o’clock in the morning, I know that I’m going to have people that are going to be here doing the specific tasks that everybody in this operation needs them to specifically do. Uh, having, having good key people is important. Are you going to lose some of your key people? Absolutely. But if you are always looking for great individuals, great people, and encourage them to come work for you,

and then you teach them the systems, and you teach them what their specific job is, and you let them know how important they are. Clay, well first of all, thank you for having me again today. We’ve been doing this for quite a while. I’ve been working with you for quite a while.

Anybody out there that’s looking for a coaching system, I would definitely give Clay a call. You could be anywhere doing a lot of different things, but you chose to be here. Some shows don’t need a celebrity narrator to introduce the show. But this show does. In a world filled with endless opportunities, why would two men who have built 13 multi-million dollar businesses altruistically invest 5 hours per day to teach you the best practice business systems and moves that you can use

Because they believe in you and they have a lot of time on their hands. They started from the bottom now They’re here. It’s the thrive time show starring Show starring the former U.S. Small Business Administration’s Entrepreneur of the Year, Clay Clark, and the entrepreneur trapped inside an optometrist’s body, Dr. Robert Zillner. Two men, eight kids co-created by two different women, 13 multi-million dollar businesses. We started from the bottom, now here we go We started from the bottom, and now we’re at the top Teaching you the systems to get what we got Colton Dixon’s on the hooks, I break down the books

Z’s bringing some wisdom and the good looks As the father of five, that’s why I’m alive So if you see my wife and kids, please tell them hi It’s the C and Z up on your radio And now, 3, 2, 1, here we go! You We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom and we’ll show you how to get here. Started from the bottom, now we’re here.

You have questions? America’s number one business coach has answers. It’s your Broda from Minnesota. Here’s another edition of Ask Clay Anything on the Thrivet Time Business Coach Radio Show. Yes, yes, yes and yes.

Dr. Breck, what the heck? How are you doing, sir? I’m great, man. How are you doing, Clay? I am fired up about today. Have you, Breck, been having a great weekend?

You look like you’ve been having a great weekend. All right, Dr. Breck, how are you doing, man? I’m good. How are you, Breck, been having a great weekend? You look like you’ve been having a great weekend. Alright, Dr. Breck, how you doing, man? I’m good, how are you, Clay? Doing great. You’re a chiropractor. I am. I have, I have. We’ve had a ball.

What kind of stuff have you, has the Breck family been up to? So right now, this season of Life, we’ve got cheerleading every Saturday morning. Every Saturday. We’ve got two cheerleaders. Well, we’ve got three, but yesterday we had a second grader and a fourth grade game to attend and cheer for. So you’re attending games and your kids are cheering for the football team?

Yep. And we had two wins. Two wins? Yep. Okay. And Oklahoma State didn’t play, so was a win. Okay, a win for America. Jason, you’re looking good today. Did you have a good Saturday? I did. Okay. What highlights do you have here? The highlights were I got over 300 products made for Elephant in the Room in the span of two and a half hours. That’s a new record That’s a win right there, but after that I had like a really nice relaxing afternoon with my wife

I got my dog groomed and she looks the best she’s ever looked and The best thing I could take away was I was it you got your dog groomed mm-hmm, okay? Oh, yeah? She’s looking hot she looks like a polar bear now. This just in. Yeah, but the biggest highlight was I introduced my wife to Wesley Snipes’ Blade II. It’s a classic and she’s never seen it. Really? How was it received?

Great actually. Okay. Yeah, surprisingly. Wins all around. Not divorced. Okay, nice. Nice. Now, we have a question from a Thriver here who I’ll kind of read the description of what

he’s asking here. And I don’t have the actual question. It was asked to one of our coaches. And thus it’s been relayed to me. But this is the main question. He’s wanting to know how to get his employees to get more work done. How do I get his employees, how to get his guys, quote unquote, to be more productive on the job? He’s grown from having a couple of guys on his team last year to now having 13 guys working on the jobs. And so I’m going to lay out some specific instruction for this person and then Dr. Breck you could

explain maybe why this would be hard to do. Okay. Do we know what industry he’s in? He’s in construction, remodeling and construction. I kind of had that sound. So step number one and Jason if you’ll type these on the show notes here.

So step number one is we want to define the expectations so dr. Breck Let’s go to dr. Breck calm. We’re now in your offices your chiropractor When you define the expectations that your team has why is that part? Difficult to do just to define the expectations What because if there had to be a time in your business at some point before you became super successful, where you had people on your

team not getting their work done or not being very productive. And you had to define expectations. Talk to us about the difficulties of defining expectations for the first time. I think really, for me for the first time it’s about still trying to be likable and not wanting to be the heavy and coming down with the iron fist and I kind of you you find that balance of how much assertiveness

and and you know coming down hard yeah versus just really being a better leader by giving them a clearer path. And that’s what I think I had initially failed to do was give them a clear path as to what I do expect, what is supposed to be done, what I’m going to measure, what I’m going to follow up on. So you’re saying that being likable was it was tough because you because you worried about being likable. Jason, I think we have a boom book over there by the printer. And if we don’t, it could be a short research project. But if you have it, I would encourage you to grab it and bring

it over here. But if you don’t, that’s okay. But for our listener, I would encourage you to go to thrive and click on the podcast button. and then you’ll see the boom book where you can download that book. And I would recommend that you have a copy of that book because what Dr. Brecht just said is 100% true 100% of the time. And I have found that it’s easier, it’s easier if you just resolve in your mind that you’re not going to be liked but you’re not going to be liked,

but you are not going to mistreat your people. But if you just put in your mind that being liked is not essential to success. So let me give you an example. Breck, you have kids. I do. I know that your kids would never violate the Breck rules. Never. But only my family would. My kids would. Right. Your family’s perfect.

But I have found that whenever I tell my kids, hey, we’re not going to eat any ice cream, no ice cream, and they eat ice cream, they don’t do this anymore, but back in the day, you would say, don’t eat ice cream, and then they would eat the ice cream. Jason, when I disciplined my kids and I said, okay, because you have violated the rules and you clearly knew the expectations, this consequence is going to happen. Do you think that they were big fans of me as I was laying down the law?

Of course not. Nobody really likes cause and effect, especially if they knew what was going to happen. You’re saying that my kids don’t like discipline? I would venture to say yes. Now you have managed the Elephant in the Room stores, to put it in perspective for our listener out there.

You’ve managed thousands of customers and dozens of employees at different locations. What kinds of moments are there during the workday where a member of the team might not like you when you hold them accountable to the expectations? Well, for instance, let’s say if there is a lull. And this goes back to my brief answer to his question, is if we are ever experiencing, towards the end of the month it gets super slow. All of our members have already come in the first week to two,

three weeks. And so, in that last week gap, it gets really, really slow. So, people want to stand around in front of their station, waddle back and forth, check their phone. But we have these massive checklists saying, hey, if we have time to lean, we have time to clean. So I’m going to need you to do … If we have time to what? If we have time to lean, we have time to clean. Oh, come on! Now that’s hot!

I like that. So continue. I need you to do this, this, and this. And you’re not busy, so I need you to do this, this, and this.” And they’re like, well, how come we can’t just have a break? O’Reilly And the vast majority of our team is great. But there are certain people that don’t want to get the work done, even when they know the expectations. So, I want to read this notable quotable to our listener from page 163 of the boom book which reads from John D. Rockefeller, the world’s wealthiest man during his lifetime. He reads, he wrote,

the ability to deal with people is as purchasable a commodity as sugar or coffee, and I will pay more for that ability than any other under the sun. So one, define the expectations, step one. But just note as a thought here, it’s going to be difficult because people will not like you when you enforce the policies. Now step two, clearly define the carrots and the sticks. Clearly define the the good things the bad things that will happen to you when you get your work done. Now I worked construction. Brett have you ever worked in construction? I have. What kind of construction did you

do? Well so my dad he was the superintendent of schools and so anytime there was a work project or some kind of renovation he just sort of volunteered my young back for the hard labor part. So we did a concrete block like cinder block construction stuff projects. So I got to be the one who carried and move the blocks. So we did some ditch digging literally to put in a sprinkler system in the football field and then some concrete which I really don’t like, you know, bent over.

So it makes me appreciate chiropractic all the more now. See I did concrete where we would pour the basements. We’d get these big aluminum forms. They were about six feet tall maybe maybe seven feet tall mm-hmm they’re aluminum and you would assemble them on footings that have been poured into a hole that was about 10 feet deep in Minnesota because we were pouring

basements right and my job was to help cut all the rebar and help erect the forms and then they could pour the concrete in those structures. That was my job. And I had an incredible boss named Peter. And Peter would let us know that we could make per, and again it’s been a long, long time, but approximately it was like $200 per basement that we poured or $10 an hour.

And so we had deep thoughts like what does this mean? And you know, so some guys couldn’t stand the fact that we got $200 per basement. They would rather just make $10 an hour. Sure. And I pointed out to him like a couple of guys and I wasn’t a leader at all, I was just a guy on the crew, but I was pointing out to one of the new guys, guys look, we can make $20 an hour if we go double the speed.

And it’s very possible to get paid $200 every 10 hours if we just go faster. And I would say the vast majority of the people on the team did not like the rules. They didn’t like that idea. He gave us the opportunity to double our income and I guess he didn’t give us the opportunity. He said, you could make $10 an hour or $200 per pour and so I am going to now via decree, I’m now going to tell you that’s how it’s going to work. You’re now going to get paid $200 per pour and so I am going to now via decree I’m now going to tell you that’s how it’s gonna work you’re now gonna get paid 200 hours per pour and the reason

why is because I don’t want you spending 24 hours doing something that we could easily get done in 10 right and the vast majority of the people on our crew did not want the carrot Jason why do you think you think, as an elephant in the room, you can get bonuses for gathering objective reviews, for selling memberships, for upselling products or upserving products, for you get tipped actually if people are happy, you get tipped more, but even though there are carrots, why do some people, now the vast majority of our team at this point,

because we have done the group interview for years, we have a great team now, but by default, why do the vast majority of people not want accountability? Well, one, some people just don’t like vegetables. But I think when it comes to the whole incentives and being able to pursue the carrot, you’re dangling it right in front of them.

By the way, can you repeat that joke one more time, please? Why people don’t want the carrots? Because some people just don’t like vegetables. Oh, okay. I didn’t give that the love it deserved. Okay, continue please. Sorry about that. O’Reilly But when it comes to the incentives, like the $200 per job, doubling your pay just for working twice as fast, or the multiple incentives that our stylists can get, some people just find it too, quote unquote, hard or difficult.

And if they say, okay, well if I do this amount of work I’m guaranteed this pay so why do anything else? Alright so step one define those expectations again management consists of your ability to get the members of your team to execute your business plans systems and processes with excellence. Step two clearly define the carrots and the sticks. Now step three this define the carrots and the sticks.

Now step three, this is the part you don’t want to do. Not you, our listener wants to do this, but most people don’t want to do this. It’s follow up and physics. Physics? Yes. You see, physics, a lot of times in physics you find that there are certain rules and principles that you could apply to business as well. But there are two objects that are in motion, right?

One is going one way and one is going the other. And the object that has the stronger force keeps on moving, right? So if there are two objects in motion, whenever one object encounters something stronger than it, it may make it stop or go the other way. So if you’ve got employees on your team who intentionally choose not to be productive, they’re going to choose to continue to be unproductive until they come into encounter with a stronger force. Breck, you’ve seen this before. So now we’ve laid out the expectations, we’ve clearly defined the carrots and the sticks, but there are certain people that are going to push the envelope,

push the line, and they will not stop doing the jackassery until they encounter a stronger force. Have you seen this phenomenon, Dr. Bracken? Absolutely, yeah. How do you deal with it? Even this week. Even this week?

Yeah, we had a little situation between a massage therapist. And again, it kind of goes back to that resolve to be the stronger force. And so, yeah, we had to deal with some things just two days ago. Seriously, I lay out, and Jason you’ve seen this before, we have on our search engine team, right now we have a great team, do we not? We have a great team over there. Oh we have an awesome team.

Ben’s been on the team for 12 months. How did he go from being an entry level guy to being the head of an entire department in less than a year? How did he do that? Well, you laid out the path, he looked at the path and said, that’s cool, I can follow that, but what else can I do? And if you’re on the search engine team, your job is to do what? Write search engine articles.

Interesting. So, in this past year, I’ve had members of the team say, I know that my job is to write search engine articles, but is there something else I can do? Yeah. And I say, no, but I appreciate you. You’re a great American. If at any point you do not want to write search engine articles anymore, do them really, really well and you may get promoted or stop doing them and you’ll get fired. But these are the options. And we have unbelievable turnover on the search engine team on the first week of somebody’s career. Now once they get past the first week, we have a lot of tenure. People will stick around for years

because they make a lot of money per hour. It’s a great opportunity. And if they do a great job, they can get promoted. So Ben literally just came to work every day and did his job and other people around him did not do their job and Jason when somebody won’t do their job on the search engine team what do you think I do? You gotta cut them.

And then the person who I cut goes and tells their family member, they don’t say hey family I got fired today because I was choosing not to do my job. They usually say something like, what, Jason? What do you think they normally tell people around them when they get fired from a job? Well, it just wasn’t fair. The hours were crazy and they gave me so much work and I asked to do something else and

they were just really mean to me. And then they go on Glassdoor and they leave a review, they tell their family, and then when I go to church on Sunday or Saturday, a life church, I run into them. In the bathroom. In the bathroom, or their parents, or their spouse. I was at Walmart a couple of Thanksgivings ago and I ran into a guy who I fired the week of Thanksgiving

years before. It was a great little way to rekindle that relationship. But he was scheduled to DJ somebody’s wedding on the Friday after Thanksgiving and he called in on Wednesday and said, I can’t do it. I have family stuff I’m doing. And so what do you think I did, Jason? If a guy is refusing to DJ for a wedding that he is promised to do a year in advance the day after Thanksgiving he says I’m not going to do it so I wanted you to know just call in. I get a voicemail from the guy

the day before Thanksgiving. Oh boss I can’t DJ on Friday. I’m so sorry I had some family stuff come up. If, I can’t DJ on Friday. I’m so sorry. I had some family stuff come up. If a guy can’t DJ on the events he’s promised to DJ, what am I going to do? Well, I mean, if you can’t do your job, you most likely will not have a job the next day.

So I called him back on the eve of Thanksgiving and I said, hey, I understand you don’t want to do the job. He said no. I want to do the job I just can’t do the job because family stuff came up, and I said you’re a disc jockey Which is why you’re making hundreds of dollars per show Somebody’s planning on you being there so somebody else now has to ruin their plans to cover for you So are you telling me you for sure will not do the event?” And he said, yes. And so I fired him. And his wife pointed out to me with great detail

in the shopping line and the self-checkout area of Walmart that I fired him on Thanksgiving years ago. Well, the day before. And so this right here was a great way to rekindle that relationship. So I’m just saying… You’ll always have Thanksgiving together. That’s right, but if your goal is to be liked, you cannot manage a team.

Right. No. You can’t. Now Colton, you’re joining us. Colton’s a former client and you, my friend, served in the US US military am I correct? That’s correct What were you doing in the military a couple different things? What was your what what branch of the military were you in United States Marine Corps? Hurrah really? Yes, sir. Thank you for your service Thank you. Oh I’m scared

Okay, so tell us about the process of becoming a Marine. Do they let anybody join? I mean, if you just sign up and put your hand up, how many of you guys want to be Marines? I mean, what percentage of people that want to be Marines get to be Marines? One percent actually. Whoa. So one out of every hundred people that want to be a Marine? Yes, sir.

And do you have to be in the Navy first before applying to be in the Marines? Or how does that work? No, no, it’s a completely different branch, but they say it’s a Department of the Navy, but There’s there’s a lot of rigorous training that happens before you can even go into boot camp. So you have to be able to do At least ten push-ups, I’m sorry, pull-ups, 10 pull-ups. You have to be able to do 100 crunches,

and you have to be able to run 3 miles in under 21 minutes. So let’s talk about this. Let’s talk about the process and we’ll have Jason take notes here. Okay. So if I want to join the Marines today, what are the steps? Just walk me through this. What’s step one? Step one is going to the recruiters office and uh… I’m going on Monday baby. So I’m going in there. All right. I’m 38 and I apply. Right? You apply? Yes. Is there certain age limits?

Yeah, I don’t know if you qualify at 38. It’s 28 is the top. So you’re saying there’s a chance. Alright. So step one though, you apply. Then what’s step two?

Then you have to actually test out. So you have to become part of the to become part of the pulley program Which is where they you know? filter out all the people who shouldn’t be in the Marine Corps and You’re you’re doing your runs, and you’re you’re getting your so it’s like a physical test physical test. Yeah, pft It’s what it’s called Pete. What does pft stand for physical fitness test? Didn’t you eat. PFT is what it’s called. What does PFT stand for? Physical Fitness Test.

Didn’t you eat last night, Jason, at PFTs? PFCs. Oh, my bad, okay. All right, so anyway, so you go ahead and then you see if you physically are capable. Yes, sir. Then what’s the next step?

Then you have to go and get physically examined by a doctor to make sure that you can… So we’re going over to Breck’s office. There you go. There you go. They’re checking you out and making you cough. Okay, so after you do that, what happens?

Then you get on a bus and you, if you pass all the tests, you get on a bus and you go to San Diego or the East Coast, West Coast. Okay. Then what happens? Is that for Basic? That’s for Basic. That’s for boot camp, yes sir. And then you’re there for three months and you’re kind of, you’re stuck. But when you’re there, they stamp you with, owned by Uncle Sam. That’s exactly what happens.

You’re in San Diego? Yes. Yep. Great weather. It’s got to be relaxing. What kind of stuff are you guys doing over there? We’re literally right next to the airport. While we’re dying, we’re watching planes take off. I’ve got some audio. I’ve got some audio.

Wishing you were on them. Yeah, exactly. I’m being serious though. So you’re over there and you’re getting trained and is it a good time? Looking back, absolutely. But while you’re there, it is the, what you would consider hell. Why? Just because you have authority that is always on you. You have to request.

But what kind of crap are you doing? What kind of crap are you doing? What’s the toughest part? I want to hear specifically, what are you doing? Okay, well, if you make any kind of mistake, we go out into the sand and we make sugar cookies,

which is where you lay down on your belly and you have to spit in the sand and then pick it up with your mouth. Are you serious? I’m dead serious. And then what kind of relaxing exercises are you doing with these big wood posts I’m seeing here? What kind of fun things are these? I think they’re called hell week, I think.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. So we’re getting to run in the sand with these giant logs on our shoulders. This seems like a lot of fun here. Sure, yeah. For five minutes maybe. What are all you guys doing in the water? It seems kind of cold. Why don’t you guys hop in a hot tub or something? Well that’s a good question. You know they’re preparing us for battle. They’re preparing us for war and nothing is easy in war, especially

when you have bullets flying at you. And so they have to prepare you to all lengths possible. I would like for you to, this microphone’s hot though, so if you get too loud the mic tends to peak, so you got to back up a little bit. Walk us through, what does a drill sergeant, is that who’s leading the exercises by the way?

Drill instructor. Drill instructor. Yes, sir. What kind of motivational phrases do they say that you can repeat? Oh my gosh. Just give us a few.

Just give us a few. This is a family- friendly show, right? It is. You just got to make sure when you’re really loud, you just got to kind of step away from the mic a little bit so it doesn’t pop a little bit there. So what kind of motivational phrases do they say? I just want to hear. I just would like to know.

Goodness. I don’t know if I can say any of them. If you need to you know, just back up a little bit from the mic when you do it. Okay, get on your face There we go. It’s okay. We try to get to do good get on your face What about if you’re like tired and you’re you’re carrying that log around it’s just not going well, what does he say It would be it goes something like this. Beep beep beep beep beep. It would be yeah it’s just really really hot mic. What was the hardest physical part of the whole thing for you? So at the very very end the last week it’s called um the crucible and so what we

do is the crucible and and we go up on this mountain in San Diego and we’re literally like on a cliff and we have to basically live out there for a week and we get about four hours of sleep, which I guess is nothing for you. I sleep six hours every day by every day. Oh do you really? Well we’re in what’s called a hooch but it’s a it’s really a tent that should only sleep one person but there’s two of us in there. Nut to butt is what we call it.

Oh nice. No this is good this is a good look yeah the Marines I like yeah yeah so and then we’re waking up and they have all these different type of activities that we have to do and it all comes from our history so you’ll hear like a history lesson on why we’re doing this and a specific Marine who lost his life because he did this and you know for instance there was one guy who

Woke up in the middle of night, and they were being ambushed in in Vietnam and he killed Everybody sorry this is a little he killed everybody who was who was coming into their

camp with what’s called an e-tool, which is a shovel. And that is historical fact. And so he killed the bad guys? He killed the bad guys. With a shovel? Stealthily, yes.

Was his name John Rambo? No, he was a Green Beret wasn’t he he was okay this really no this really happened and so you’re learning all these things and do and they said 1% of the people make it so do most people quit or do they get kicked out of the Marines no so the 1% that I was talking about they don’t even that’s that’s from the process of the pulley program all the way through

Bootcamp and then once you become a Marine at the very end, so When you’re in boot camp, they’ve they filtered out filtered it out. So well that out of a battalion of 90 guys maybe 70 actually become Marines at that point. At that point. And if you don’t like the exercises can you quit? No. What happens if you try to quit? Well actually there was a guy who ran away.

I would have. He jumped the fence. And they found him. they found him at a McDonald’s. I would be in a Canadian McDonald’s. I would be in a Canadian McDonald’s. Eating poutine, hiding from your problems. Keep going, keep telling us the story. And then he spent the rest of his enlistment in the brig, which is like jail. Is the brig a division of McDonald’s? No, no. Although some McDonald’s you might think so. All I’m just saying is if you’re out there

we’re gonna make sure we get this idea and the Marines they don’t ask you guys do you want to do the workout? Oh no. And if you think about the NBA, great coaches like Belichick, the NFL, great coaches like Belichick, or in the NBA, great coaches like Popovich, they’re not asking the guys if they want to do pushups or burpees or workouts. Most people say they don’t like their boss. Is that shocking to you, Dr. Breck? push-ups or burpees or workouts.

Most people say they don’t like their boss. Is that shocking to you, Dr. Breck, that most people don’t like their boss? No, no, no. So you don’t want to do mean things, but if your number one goal is to be liked, you can’t do it. It’s not possible.

You’re chasing a mirage a unicorn Jason When did it occur to you that it was not possible to be liked by everyone now again? We’re keeping this fair and balanced an elephant in the room. We pay people really well We drop off coffee for the stylist we check on and we do tip matching from time to time and the vast majority of the people I would say 95% of the team right now are great people who I know really do like you. But there is

always one or two people that don’t like you. When did it become clear to you that you could not get everyone to like you? When I first started managing it was kind of like a gray area. I was still trying to be that likable guy so I don’t get it but then once I started to do more implementation that like you gave me and started holding myself more accountable and following up with the team the Shift occurred and I started seeing people not like me as much and then as I stayed diligent and got promoted that’s when it really started to kind of sink in and it wasn’t everybody but it was like you know every now and then

I’ve actually warned people we’ve had two stylists that want to be managers now I let them know I’m like hey that little friend base you have going on right now that’s going to change like that the second you become a manager So I hope you’re okay with that. Yeah, and it’s just the first time you have to tell a co-worker, hey, you need to fold towels right now. Or you need to clean the bathroom, not hop on your phone. And they’re like, are you kidding me? Who are you? Who are you? I’m 40 years old. You can’t tell me to get. So I’m just telling you, enforcing the rules can make it difficult. So I’m gonna give you a notable quotable from Elon Musk who says, one lesson I learned while starting PayPal is to fire people faster. That

sounds awful. I think if somebody is not working out it’s best to part ways sooner rather than later. He says, one lesson I learned at PayPal is to fire people faster. That sounds awful. I think if somebody’s not working out, it’s best to part ways sooner rather than later. So let’s recap the rules one more time to make sure we’re getting some good education on this podcast station. I could rhyme two times in a row if I had to.

Oh, I’ve seen it. Okay. So step one, though, define the expectations. Define the expectations. Be very, very clear as to what you expect. And let’s put some detail on this. We need checklists.

I need call scripts. I need a manual. I need checklists, call scripts, a manual. If it’s construction, if it’s hands-on, you want to train your guys, role play with the guys over and over and over until they can’t possibly do it wrong. With the DJs, I used to have them set up the equipment and take it down over and over and over until they couldn’t possibly get it wrong.

I used to practice announcements until you couldn’t get it wrong. It’s very much like DJ boot camp. You’ve got to define the expectations. Now step two, clearly define the carrots and sticks, the rewards and the penalties. Clearly define those. And three, follow up in physics.

You must be the strongest force, otherwise people will run over you. Just on Friday I had two weird situations on Friday. Someone said, do you have a moment? I was very nice to them. I feel like I was nice, but I don’t think they perceive it that way. I said, they asked the question, do I have a moment? That was the question. And I said, I don’t because I’m doing an interview with the One Thing podcast. That’s Gary Keller’s podcast, Keller Williams.

And they asked me to be on the show. So I said, yeah, I’ve got to be on the show here with Jeff Woods, the host. I cannot. I mean, I told him why I can’t. I told this young lady, I cannot because I’m going to be on this podcast. Then I finished the podcast and she notices that I’m making my way to the restroom and

then she sees me coming out of the restroom, just washed my hands and she says, do you have a moment? And I said, I don’t because I’m hopping into a meeting right now with a dentist. And she said, but it’s, what time is the meeting? Now the meeting with the dentist I think is like at noon and It was like 1158 or something. I said I meet this person and like live there literally walking in. Oh

And I said, but you could talk to John that’s his job he’s available. Yeah, but I want it’s really personal I’m like anything personal we can talk about as a group out in the open with John on Monday at our staff meeting. Away from the bathroom. But seriously, I’m not gonna have, you know what I’m saying?

I was very nice to the person, but they were not happy about it. And I wanted them to be happy about it, but they weren’t. And then it occurred to me my job requires pissing someone off every day. It’s like on my checklist. Step one piss someone off. Step two get things done. Step three yay! It’s every day. Is it not Brad? Is it not true? Well yeah I mean the situation on Friday

we had gone from throwing a baby shower for one of our massage therapists who’s expecting twins to almost immediately right after the shower dealing with the other massage therapist who has a problem. So yeah, I mean, it was from, you know, high light to low light. There’s one guy out there, hope he listens to this show so we can hear this because this is so funny. He applied for a job in our call center and

he came to the group interview, nailed it, shadowed, nailed it, on the phones, nailing it. Works next to Daisy who’s been nailing it for years and next to another young man, Tim, who was nailing it. At some point he confided in, I think it was Daisy, he says, it’s like all we do here is answer the phones. I hate this place, it’s like brainwashing. It’s like a cult.

We all read the same script. It’s like brainwashing. I mean, seriously, all we do is make calls. And a call center. Right! You have some nerve Clay.

So he’s just telling everybody, I cannot believe it. And it said on the job, on the now hiring post, that we could earn up to $18 an hour. And I’m only making like $ an hour and so Daisy’s like well here’s the deal you get paid per appointment you book you know you get paid based on its merit based pay you get paid based on what you do well that’s screwed up I can’t believe that I can’t be as is are you kidding me it said I

could earn up to 20 an hour I’m only making 12 she’s like well you got to do your job are you kidding me it said I could earn up to 20 an hour I’m only making 12. She’s like well you gotta do your job are you kidding so it doesn’t work with her so she tells me hey this guy’s complaining and uh but not before he complained to I think three or four other people right so by like noon that day I had multiple people come up to me and say, hey, this guy over here is complaining about the job. And so I walked up to the young man and I said, Hello, sir, I understand you don’t like your job. He says, Well, I know I

just I don’t like making calls. I feel like you said on the job post that it said now hiring on the call center and we’re looking for people with sales and management experience and I feel like all I do is make calls and I’m like well this is this is what you do as a call center and he just had that look of just he was so mad and I said well you know what you’re gonna do you need to quit or I need to fire you something has to happen well how do you want to frame it do

you want to say you were you quit or we’re? Because you can go either way and he’s like, oh, yeah I’m gonna be all over the internet buddy and walks out this happens all the time Yeah, this is at least once every two weeks this conversation happens. So again, how do you make your team more productive one? You define the expectations to you clearly define the carrots and sticks before you follow up in physics Now step four kind of a bonus blasty blast, we can never stop recruiting. Dr. Breck, tell us about the power of the group interview. The power of interviewing relentlessly. The

power. So I was a little reluctant initially thinking that the group interviews would be a waste of time. We don’t typically have a lot of turnover. We don’t have a large staff. You have a lot of people who stick around at your business for a long time. A lot of tenure, very little turnover once people are established. Same thing with my business, but we never stop the group interview, right?

Right. Well, that’s what I mean. And so I thought initially, you know, we’re a staff of about 10. 10, yeah. And, you know, I’m thinking, well, maybe, you know, that works for people who are 50 or 80 because there’s more turnover, there’s more people.

But as time went on, I started to realize more and more of the benefit of the group interview. And just recently really realized the benefit when I had to replace two people around the same time and so we were able to get people hired, go through the whole process. I think we had like 250 applicants for one position and a hundred and fifty before I cut it off

for a second position. And we were able to work through and process that within just a couple of weeks, and we were able to go on vacation during that same time frame. And we’ve got two new people that are hired and doing a great job.

And so I definitely see the benefit of the group interviews now, and we’ll continue to do them ongoing. Have you ever checked out that book called the Bible there, Dr. Brink? I have, yeah.

It’s a controversial book, very offensive. I’m a big fan. A lot of people want to, the moment I say the word Bible, they’re like… Are you kidding me? You mean living a life with standards? I hate that. So anyway, Matthew chapter 26 verse 21 reads, and while they were eating Jesus said, truly I tell you

one of you will betray me. This is like owning a business. So what happens is I’m gonna give you the stats out there that aren’t that awesome, that hopefully would motivate somebody out there. According to CBS News, and Jason put these on the show notes here, according to CBS News and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 75% of employees steal from the workplace and most do so repeatedly. So in the construction field, I want to give you unique action steps that apply just to you.

So Jason, I’m going to give him unique action steps just for the construction industry or an industry where your people work in the field. One, put a GPS device on every work truck. You have to know where your people are going. And I’m just telling you, get ready for not positive things to happen when you discover where your people are going.

I had that happen with one of my contractors this week. Did you really? Oh yeah. Were his people going to McDonald’s? Well no, he went on vacation, so he hired a new job manager. And it’s super sneaky. Everybody sees this, he’s like a 22-year-old kid.

Super sneaky. He’s just like, he’s an apprentice. Well, lo and behold, he’s doing a ride-along with one of the contractors. Guy drives way outside where he’s supposed to be and starts toking up in the work truck. Toking up? In front of the kid who’s like, Led Zeppelin!

Yeah. Led Zeppelin! But that guy is a quality employee so he’s like, hey, I’ll be your GPS and I’ll tell you what’s happening. When you said toke, what do you mean? Some people call me the space cowboy!

Steve Miller, Jazz Cigarettes. You’re talking about like smoking, talking the old chief. Smoking ganja, smoking ganja. Okay. Wow. You serious? Yeah.

In the work truck? In the work truck. No. With the label when blazing all over the side of the truck. Exactly. Now I have worked with a pharmaceutical sales company back in the day.

I’ve worked with many of them actually. We put GPS vehicles on the cars and we found out that their top guys were actually going to lunch at Night Trips, which is a local, I don’t know why they call it a gentleman’s club, because the only people that go there are not gentlemen. Not gentlemen. It’s true.

So it’s a local ass face club. I mean, technically. So it’s a club where ass faces go. So if you’re somebody who’s a man of ill repute with no standards and you want to watch women dance around on poles, that’s where you go. And it takes like a four hour lunch? Yeah, yeah.

Steak and eggs, you know what I mean? No, no, no. It was legs and legs and eggs. Steaks and legs. Steaks and legs. There’s steaks and legs.

Eggs and legs. This just in. I’ve got to really get more well researched for my stripper references. But anyway, you put a GPS on your vehicles and you find out where they’re going. Second thing you want to do, if possible, is you want to set up a camera on the job sites. Now this is powerful. There are cameras out there, guys, you can put on the job site.

Just use a Nest camera, plug it into an outlet and have a mobile, what’s the word I’m looking for, a hotspot. You can get one of those from T-Mobile for like 45 bucks a month and you can watch your guys on the job site, horking or not horking. But you have to have cameras up if possible and GPS in the vehicles. You’ve got to do it. And you want to install call recording because

will they take jobs on the side? Oh yes. Yes they will. Other facts, just negative facts. Especially since I have your tools and your materials. Now Inc. Magazine reports that 85% of job applicants now lie on their resumes. 85% of job applicants now lie on their resumes. Now I have other stats that aren’t that exciting, but if you have an office team out there, a team of people at work in an office environment, you want to put keystroke recording

on the computers. There’s a program called ActiveTrack. It’s A-C-T-I-V, track, And ActiveTrack will allow you to see what your employees are typing during the workday. And if you need to record their calls, and you do, use a company called Clarity. to record the calls. But for as little as $7.20 per month, you can see what your employees are typing on their computer. It’s called Active Track. So with that typing tool, you can record your calls. And you can record your calls. And you can record your calls. But for as little as $7.20 per month, you can see what your employees are typing on their computer. It’s called ActiveTrack.

So with that typing track, ActiveTrack, is that something where you preset the filter to pick up on certain keywords or strokes? Yes. And it actually shows you a pie chart at any given time or a bar graph of where people are spending most of their time. And that’s very helpful. But according to this little organization, this little research that was done here by Ken Blanchard, perhaps you know of the book called The One Minute Manager.

This is Ken Blanchard’s group, the New York Times bestselling author. They decided to monitor 1300 private sector companies. And they found that 41% of the time, they were spending monitor 1,300 private sector companies. And they found that 41% of the average employee’s day was spent not working. 41% of the day. Meaning you can almost double your workforce just by causing people to not screw around at work. Other fun stats, these are just really encouraging stats.

Right now, according to Harvard Health Publications, 18% of people are now insane, meaning that they are on some kind of drug. Back in the 80s, if you had OCD or you had ADD, they would say something like, hey, well Bobby, why don’t you shut the hell up and get back to work? But now, people are on a drug of some kind. And it turns out that Dr. Breck, when you have a mind-altering drug in your system and

you drink coffee, or you have a mind-altering drug in your system and you drink, let’s say, a lot of coffee. Or maybe you have a mind-altering drug to help you with your OCD or your ADD, and maybe you have a Tylenol. What could happen? Well, these drugs interact in your body, and it’s kind of different for different people depending on your own body chemistry So it’s sort of like a chemistry set where nobody really knows exactly what’s gonna happen because every person’s a little bit different Which cause it’s not good

Yeah, not good. I mean and you got to throw in the Anti-depressant anti-anxiety drugs with that because again, they’re altering the mind. 18% of people are insane. This just in from our home office. Now another fun stat, Newsweek decided to do a big expose on what’s going on with smartphone usage. And the article was called iCrazy. I like iPhone, little lowercase i, iCrazy.

You can put a link to that there Jason, iCrazy. And their cover story showed that 25% of employees look at adult content every day at work. 25%? Yes. Wow. One out of four. So what you have is you have a situation where whether you have a group of guys working in the construction

Industry or you have an office team of people working in the medical industry You and I step one we have to define expectations step two We have to clearly define the carrots and sticks step three We have to follow up in physics step four we got to do that group interview process because the vast majority of people, 75% of employees are stealing, 85% of people lie on resumes. The vast majority of people are not doing what they’re supposed to be doing without relentless accountability. Jason is that shocking to you?

It was before but then like being on like a manager level and seeing it, I’m like this happens a lot. I would say to anybody who hasn’t experienced it yet I mean it’s gonna happen and it’s gonna freak you out but then you just have to, like you said, if you have these steps in place you’re not going to be surprised by it. Breck?

Well, since cell phones have the potential to be a problem in so many different ways, do you have a practical application for how you handle cell phones? I have the Disney rule from Walt Disney World Resorts and the same rule they have at Southwest Airlines. I ban the use of cell phones at work. Okay, so if it’s ever out or anything that’s it in and of itself.

Yeah, because what happens is like, well what if my wife needs to reach me? They never call the office. But what if I want to sext with my lover? Well then don’t bring your iPhone. But it starts off with, what if my boyfriend needs to reach me? Well then don’t bring your iPhone. But it starts off with what if my boyfriend needs to reach me? Well then they can call the office. But what they’re really saying is what

if I want to sext dirty photos back and forth. I say this because these are real examples. Back when I ran the photography company I have a funny story that didn’t end well. It’s really funny now. But this young woman brought her cell phone to work and I guess she said I need to have my cell phone I need to charge my cell phone I need it because of ABC and I wasn’t part of the conversation but apparently she told her manager she

needed to use she did charge her cell phone. Well you know how there’s like airdrop. Can you explain what AirDrop is, Jason? So AirDrop is when you can connect it to iPhone or to like your phone to a Mac, but essentially it’s like a wireless cloud where you can send things without having to worry about like SMS. So if you’re attached to Wi-Fi, you can like digitally share a file or back it up. Now we had a wedding photography business, we edited photos of weddings and at some point

apparently she shared accidentally her nude photo gallery with the editing team. So the team is sitting down to edit and they’re like whoa. This wedding got weird. No and they realized who it is. This is our friend yeah. And so multiple people came to me and said, look, the person next to me has like, I’m seeing all their naked photos. They’re on everyone’s computers. What do we do?

That happened. Wow. So that’s a real thing. Another example that, again, while we ban the use of smartphones. I’m thinking even just the productivity loss for social media and things. Oh my gosh, there’s just so much.

I have, I’m working on this book right now that I just, it’s just beating me up right now. This book is just absolutely eating my soul, but it’s called Trade Ups and it’s how to gain traction in a world of perpetual digital distraction. But right now, let me look it up real quick. I want to have the stats here.

It’s 85, is it 85? Yeah. According to Psychology Today, the average person is now interrupted by their smartphone 85 times per day. The average person is interrupted by their smartphone 87 times per day and that is according to Psychology Today.

The article you can link to, Jason, is called Why Your Smartphone is Destroying Your Life. That’s pretty harsh. You know, destroy is kind of a harsh word. Destroy? Well, maybe that’s true. So anyway anyway I want to play the audio for you. This is a group of people. This is Levi Gable. His company is called GEI He’s explaining the value of the group interview. Here we go. Tune it up. Hit and play. I’ve got to make this louder. I gotta tell you… This is, uh, this first guy here. Let’s see here. …took a ton of time… This is Jeffrey for Ouida.

Before we started the group interview process, interviews took a ton of time and we had no formal process. Architects in Michigan dot com. It always took two hours of my day or they… Chad Ward with One Way Plumbing says… It always took two hours of my day or they would show up. I was very skeptical of it. I didn’t think people would show up to it.

People would show up to it. I didn’t think people would show up to it. I didn’t think people would show up to it. I didn’t think people would show up to it. I think he’s trying to tell us he thinks people wouldn’t show up to it. My first thoughts were… Aaron Antus with Shaw Homes., the largest home builder in Oklahoma. This is Aaron Antus, the marketing director. He’s explaining to you what he thought about the group interview.

Go up to it. My first thoughts were, this can’t possibly work. I was reluctant at first. Oh, that’s you, Dr. Breck. It seemed awkward. I know that voice.

It seemed strange. It was a new idea. Life before the group interview was chaotic and stressful. That’s Guy Shepard. Guy Shepard with Shepard Automotive. Oh, yeah.

Crazy, wasting 70% of my time that I scheduled for interviews. Levi Gable saying he’s wasting 70% of the time he’s scheduled for interviews. After the group interview, I would say one out of every five, I’ve actually hired five. I’m doing my time that I scheduled for interviews.

After the group interview, I would say one out of every five, I’ve actually hired. And I’ve saved myself a lot of time, a lot of money. We actually have cut our interviews to a fraction of the time and we have a formal process that makes us feel confident. Jeffrey Furuita, this is another lady here by the name of, the company’s called The Laundry Barn and I want to tell you, her name is Sarah Higbee, she says…

Instead of now scheduling out individual interviews, all I have to do is schedule one time one day a week that I’m going to do group interviews. Every week we consistently have people come to that group interview, but we don’t really worry about it because it’s every week. It takes a lot of stress out of trying to have John Cook with quality services dot com. Good workers in the long run. It saves so much time. Chad Ward says it in the long run. It saves a lot

of time. Brandon Brown says I’ve hired two great employees. It saves time. Jason let from Lake Martin Mini Mall energy. We’re able to sort through candidates very quickly and easily with 18 people coming in and Michael Lipsch. I believe mini mall. Michael Lepsch, I believe, with the Arcade 92 here. We have so many, so hundreds, hundreds, at this point maybe even thousands of business owners all across the country who are using the system we teach now to free up their time.

It’s unbelievable how much time you get back when you don’t try to coach up the jackasses. Just freaking fire them. It saves time, it saves energy. We’re able to sort through candidates very quickly and easily. Somebody right now is offended who’s listening to this show and the problem is if you’re offended by this you’re not an entrepreneur. Get off this show. Get yourself to a Tony Robbins seminar. Go get fired up. Get fired up. Go listen to Gary Vee. Find a show that’s going to fire you up and give you that superficial motivation that you need.

This show is for people who are sufficiently motivated who just want to know how to make it work. With 18 people coming in and only about three of them standing out I saved all that time and not having to meet 15 other people. Now think about this somebody out there is offended right now and that’s because you are not an entrepreneur and you are saying everyone deserves a chance and what if someone’s going

through something. Go to church! Go to church if you’re going through something? Go to church! Go to church if you’re going through something. Go to church if you’re not going through something. Just go to church. Clay, this is offensive. This is a business show. I don’t want to know about church. Well, then that’s why your life is screwed up. I mean, it’s unbelievable. You can’t go out there and have a life completely free of principles and then be successful. You just can’t. You can’t go out there and have a life completely free of principles and

then be successful. You just can’t. You don’t have to be a Christian to be financially successful, but if you don’t have any boundaries in your life, your life’s going to be terrible. Jason, I have stats right here that are showing right now. This is on the page forward slash does it work group interview if you can put a link to this page the group interview right now according to these the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention we now know that one in four

women are contracting an STD before the age of 18? One in four! Breck, how does one get a sexually transmitted disease? Do you get one by living a life of celibacy? No. Do you live a life of maintaining celibacy before marriage?

I did. Is that how you, so that’s how you avoided an STD? I practiced abstinence before marriage. Wait a minute, because you practice abstinence. I’m a man of principle. Wait a second, because you practice abstinence, you’re saying you didn’t get an STD? I did not. But I feel like there’s a lot of people out there who are saying that all kids should get, what kind of vaccination right now so they don’t develop a certain kind of cancer caused from STDs.

Yeah, they have a vaccine for cervical cancer for girls. Yeah, and the argument is everyone should have that shot. Right. Why? Well, because kids are going to be participating in promiscuous sex. Parents can’t control that, so you need to go ahead and protect them all anyway.

You know, I have never had an STD, and I think to myself, I think to myself, how? Well, I was thinking the other day, I was thinking the other day, this is what I was thinking, the other day I thought about this for just like two or three hours. I was thinking, man, right now as I’m having sex with my wife for two or three hours, Brick. Awesome. Go you. I’m just, as I’m having, as I was rounding up the first hour of sex, just finishing that first hour of marital sex, I was thinking to myself, I’ve only had sex with this woman and she’s only had sex

with me. I wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that I don’t have an STD. And then I thought, you know what, I’m going to ask Breck on the show. And then I realized, what am I’m gonna ask Breck on the show And so as I and then I realized what am I saying? I’m having sex well thinking about dr. Brick I need to move on I realized I gotta get out of this doom loop so it took me as after the next two hours of having

Continued consistent sex I then realized wow I’ve just set another record for myself I thought but I can’t talk with that kind of thing on this show because I don’t want to offend I then realized, wow, I’ve just set another record for myself. Awesome. I thought, but I can’t talk about that kind of thing on this show because I don’t want to offend somebody out there. I can’t do that. So let’s go back to the audio.

Speaking of marital sex, let’s listen to what Kevin Thomas has to say about the group interview. We would have the opportunity to interview 15 people in 45 minutes, which would save myself money and my team hours. We will have anywhere from 8 to 15 people every week say that they will be. Steve Currington, this is with Total Lending Concepts, one of the highest producing mortgage companies in Tulsa says…

8 to 15 people every week say that they will be there in RSVP and 1 to 3 will show up every week. Daniel Ramos in Amarillo, Texas says Benavides has drastically improved my business. My employees are no longer holding me hostage. Dr. Jay Schroeder. We were able to hire to replace. You know, some pressure on the people who are here to realize that their jobs need to be done well. Stuart Weichel, uh oh, I love this guy. Stuart and I, he asked a few questions and we answered them on the show.

I ran into him at the conferences. I tend to have my best conversations with Stuart as either he’s walking into the restroom or I’m walking out. That’s where most of our connections have happened. Stuart Weichel! You know, some pressure on the people who are here to realize that their jobs need to

be done well or someone else will be doing them. How many of these do we need to listen to before we have resolved in our mind that what I’m saying is true, Jason, that we have to define the expectations, clearly define the carrots and sticks, step three follow up in physics. Step four, never stop recruiting. I mean, how many of these do we have to play before we’ve resolved in our mind that this is how it works?

I would say that everybody who is still questioning this, click on the Does It Work link, click on the group interview tab, and then just watch it over and over and over until you don’t have any questions about it anymore. I feel like there’s going to be some pushback. There’s somebody out there that has some pushback about this. I would say most of the people that you just played clips from probably didn’t initially buy in and I was one of those people. And I think I would venture to say that most people are challenged by it who’ve never done it before, who’ve not experienced it from one side or the other.

But it absolutely saves you time, it absolutely will save you money and energy in the long run. So yeah, being somebody who was challenged by it and initially questioned it, I have fully bought in now. I’m going to read some notable quotables from The Power of Why by Simon Sinek. My favorite book, it’s called Start With Why, How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take

Action. This is my favorite book to attack. I love to attack this book. I never miss an opportunity to attack this book. But it says, all organizations start with why, but only great ones keep their Y clear year after year. Okay, Simon Sinek. I will give you one mega point and I agree with you on that point.

It’s important that you have the Y clearly defined. However, I will disagree with your book title, which is, start with why, how great leaders inspire everyone to take action. Because Simon Sinek, I think that Jesus, our calendar is defined by his life, B.C. before Christ and A.D. after death. We define our calendar based upon his life and Jesus

couldn’t seem to get all 12 Apostles to follow him. In fact, Judas turned him in. Judas betrayed him for some money. Judas betrayed Jesus. Peter denied he even knew Jesus. So I don’t think that if Jesus wasn’t able to motivate everyone to do the right thing, how are you going to be able to? Another example would be, there’s this guy in the Bible, if you believe in the Bible, there’s this guy named Luke E. Eifer, was his rap name?

Luke E. Eifer, some might call him Lucifer, some might call him Satan or Satan. But he started out as what Dr. Breck as the story goes in the Bible? My best understanding is he was one of the higher level angels. So wait a minute he was one of the higher level angels and then he said I don’t like this up here. He got jealous, upset, something happened. Little proud of himself, got a little full of himself and decided to challenge God.

So you’re saying that even God couldn’t make everybody, even an angel couldn’t make him, couldn’t inspire everyone so then Simon Sinek this is where I really really get mad at you and you get mad at me we go in around and around in a circle and at some point I’d love to have you on the show to argue with you because I just I can’t handle it but you wrote here in your book you said there are only two ways to influence human

behavior you can manipulate it or you can inspire it. I don’t have a problem with manipulating it. If you know you’re going to be fired for not doing your job, I think that works well. If that’s manipulation, and by the way, I don’t even care if you, I don’t even have that thought. Or in the military, guys, how many of you guys want to do PT the military, guys how many of you guys want

to do PT this morning and how many of you want to eat these delicious MREs? No, they don’t do that. But Simon Sinek lives in this world where he’s trying to say that if you’re a good leader you can inspire everyone to do a good job and and I just don’t I’ve never seen it happen I’ve never met a very successful entrepreneur who can get everyone on their team to want to do their job Maybe it’s everyone that’s still here

Everybody else we’ve gotten rid of I’m just saying if you’re out there right now And you’re struggling to right now and you’re struggling to get your team to do their job, fire the people on the team who won’t do their job. But Clay, everyone deserves a working wage and a living wage. I was at this Bernie Sanders rally and we all were fired up because everyone deserves 15 an hour and you’re an idiot you’re an idiot you are

an idiot if you think that way so again how do you make your team more productive final recap step one define the expectations step two clearly define the carrot and sticks step three follow up in physics in physics. Step four, never stop recruiting, never stop doing the group interview. And we like to end each and every show with a boom, so we’re going to do the boom thing. But these mics are hot, so we got to take one giant step back for mankind as we bring home the boom. Here we go. Three, two, one, boom.

It’s business time. It’s business time. 3, 2, 1, boom! Hey, I’m Ryan Wimpey. I’m originally from Tulsa, born and raised here. I’ve definitely learned a lot about life design and making sure the business serves you. The linear workflow, the linear workflow for us in getting everything out on paper and documented is really important. We have workflows that are kind of all over the place. Having linear workflow and seeing that mapped out on multiple different boards is pretty awesome.

That’s really helpful for me. The atmosphere here is awesome. I definitely just stared at the walls figuring out how to make my facility look like this place. This place rocks. It’s invigorating. The walls are super…

it’s just very cool. The atmosphere is cool. The people are nice. It’s a pretty cool place to be. Very good learning atmosphere. I literally want to model it and steal everything that’s here at this facility and basically create it just on our business side. Play is hilarious. I literally laughed so hard

that I started having tears yesterday. And we’ve been learning a lot, which, you know, we’ve been sitting here, we’ve been learning a lot, and so the humor definitely helps, it breaks it up. But the content is awesome, off the charts,

and it’s very interactive, you can raise your hand, it’s not like you’re just listening to the professor speak. The wizard teaches, but the wizard interacts and he takes questions, so that’s awesome. If you’re not attending the conference, you’re missing about three quarters to half of your life.

Definitely, it’s probably worth a couple of dollars. three quarters to half of your life. You’re definitely, it’s probably worth a couple thousand dollars. So you’re missing the thought process of someone that’s already started like nine profitable businesses. So not only is it a lot of good information but just getting in the

thought process of Clay Clark or Dr. Zellner or any of the other coaches, getting in the thought process of how they’re starting all these businesses, to me just that is priceless. That’s money. Well we’re definitely not getting upsold here. My wife and I have attended conferences where they upsold, where it was great information and then they upsold us like half the conference and I don’t want to like bang my head into

a wall and she’s like banging her head into the chair in front of her. Like it’s good information but we’re like, oh my gosh, I want to strangle you. Shut up and go with the presentation that we paid for and that’s not here. There’s no upsells or anything. So that’s awesome. I hate that. Oh, it makes me angry. So glad that’s not happening. So the cost of this conference is quite a bit cheaper than business college. I went to a small private liberal arts college and got a degree in business and I didn’t learn anything like they’re teaching here. I didn’t learn linear workflows. I learned

stuff that I’m not using and I haven’t been using for the last nine years. So what they’re teaching here is actually way better than what I got at business school and I went what was actually ranked as a very good business school. I would definitely recommend that people would check out the Thrive 15 conference. The information that you’re gonna get is just very very beneficial and the mindset that you’re gonna get that you’re gonna leave with is just absolutely worth the price of a little bit of money and a few days worth of your time.

I’m Rachel with Tip Top K9 and we just want to give a huge thank you to Clay and Vanessa Clark. Hey guys I’m Ryan with Tip Top K9 just want to say a big thank you to Thrive 15, thank you to Make Your Life Epic. We love you guys, we appreciate you and really just appreciate how far you’ve taken us. This is our old house, right? This is where we used to live a few years ago.

This is our old neighborhood. See? It’s nice, right? So this is my old van and our old school marketing and this is our old team and by team I mean it’s me and another guy. This is our new house with our new neighborhood. This is our new van with our new marketing and this is our new team.

We went from four to 14 and I took this beautiful photo. We worked with several different business coaches in the past and they were all about helping Ryan sell better and just teaching sales, which is awesome, but Ryan is a really great salesman, so we didn’t need that. We needed somebody to help us get everything that was in his head out into systems, into manuals and scripts and actually build a team. So now that we have systems in place, we’ve gone from

one to ten locations in only a year. In October 2016 we grossed 13 grand for the whole month. Right now it’s 2018, the month of October. It’s only the 22nd, we’ve already grossed a little over 50 grand for the whole month and we still have time to go. We’re just thankful for you, thankful for Thrive and your mentorship and we’re really thankful that you guys have helped us to grow a business that we run now

instead of the business running us. Just thank you, thank you, thank you times a thousand. Clay Clark is here somewhere. Where’s my buddy Clay? Clay’s the greatest. I met his goats today. I met his dogs, I met his chickens, I saw his compound. He’s like the greatest guy. I ran from his goats, his chickens, his dogs.

So this guy’s like the greatest marketer you’ve ever seen, right? His entire life, Clay Clark, his entire life is marketing. Okay, Aaron Antis, March 6th and 7th, March 6th and 7th, guess who’s coming to Tulsa, Russell? his entire life is marketing. selling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, possibly the best selling or one of the best selling business authors of all time and he’s gonna be joined with Eric Trump. He’ll be joined by Eric Trump. We got Eric Trump and Robert Kiyosaki in the same place. In the same place. Aaron, why should everybody show up to hear

Robert Kiyosaki? Well you got billions of dollars of business experience between those two not to mention many many many Millions of books have been sold many many millionaires have been made from the books that have been sold by Robert Kiyosaki I happen to be one of them. I learned from the man. He was the inspiration. That book was the inspiration for me to get the entrepreneurial spirit as many other people. Now, since you won’t brag on yourself, I will. You’ve sold billions of dollars of houses. Am I correct? That is true. And the book that that kick

started it all for you, uh, Richornhub, the best-selling author of Rich Dad Pornhub, Robert Kiyosaki, the guy that kick-started your career, he’s gonna be here. He’s gonna be here, I’m pumped. And now Eric Trump, people don’t know this, but the Trump Organization has thousands of employees.

There’s not 50 employees the Trump Organization again most people don’t know this but the Trump Organization has thousands of employees and While Donald J. Trump was the 45th president of these United States and soon to be the 47th president of these United States He needed someone to run the companies for him. And so the man that runs the Trump Organization For Donald J. Trump as he was the 45th president of the United States and now the 47th president of the United States is Eric Trump. So Eric Trump is here to talk about time management, promoting from within, marketing,

branding, quality control, sales systems, workflow design, workflow mapping, how to build, I mean everything that you see the Trump hotels, the Trump golf courses, all their products, the man who manages billions of dollars of real estate and thousands of employees is here to teach us how to do it. You are talking about one of the greatest brands on the planet from a business standpoint. I mean, who else has been able to create a brand like the Trump brand?

I mean, look at it and this is the man behind the business for the last, pretty much since 2015. He’s been the man behind it. So you’re talking we’re into nine going into 10 years of him running it and we get to tap into that knowledge. That’s going to be amazing. Now think about this for a second. Would you buy a ticket just to see Robert Kiyosaki and Eric Trump? Of course you would. Of course you would. But we’re also going to be joined by

Sean Baker. This is the best-selling author, the guy who invented the carnivore diet. Dr. Sean Baker, he’s been on Joe Rogan multiple times. He’s going to be joining us. So you’ve got Robert Kiyosaki, the best-selling author, rich dad, poor dad, Eric Trump, Sean Baker. The lineup continues to grow and this is how we do our tickets here at the Thrive Time Show. If you want to get a VIP ticket, you can absolutely do it. It’s $500 for a VIP ticket.

We’ve always done it that way. Now if you want to take a general admission ticket, it’s $250 or whatever price you want to pay. And the reason why I do that and the reason why we do that is because we want to make our events affordable for everybody. I grew up without money, I totally understand what it’s like to be the tight spot. So if you want to attend, it’s $250 or whatever price you want to pay, that’s how I do it. And it’s $500 for a VIP ticket. Now, we only have limited seating here with the most people we’ve ever had in this building was for the Jim Brewer presentation. Jim Brewer came here, the legendary

comedian Jim Brewer came to Tulsa and we had 419 people that were here. 419 people. Yeah. And I thought to myself, there’s no more room. I felt kind of bad that a couple people had VIP seats in the men’s restroom. Oh no, I’m just kidding. But I thought, so I thought, you know what, we should probably add on. So we’re adding on what we call the upper deck, or the top shelf. So the seats are very close to the presenters, but we’re actually building right now, we’re adding on to the facility to make room to accommodate another 30 attendees or more.

So again, if you want to get tickets for this event, all you have to do is go to, go to When you go to, you’ll go there, you’ll request a ticket, boom. Or if you want to text me, if you want a little bit faster service you say I want you to call me right now I just text my number it’s my cell phone number my personal cell phone number we’ll keep that private between you between you me everybody we’ll keep that private in anybody don’t share that with anybody except for everybody that’s my private cell phone number it’s 9 1 8 8 5 1 0 1 0 2 9 1 8 8 5 1 0 1 0 2 I know we have a lot of Spanish-speaking people that

attend these conferences and so to be bilingually sensitive my cell phone number is 9 1 8 8 5 1 0 1 0 2. That is not actually bilingual, that’s just sayingwan for a one. It’s not the same thing. I think you’re attacking me. Now let’s talk about this. Now what kind of stuff will you learn at the Thrive Time Show Workshop? So Aaron, you’ve been to many of these over the past seven, eight years. So let’s talk about it. I’ll tee up the thing and then you tell me what you’re going to learn here. Okay? Okay. You’re going to learn learn marketing marketing and branding what are we gonna learn about marketing and branding oh yeah we’re gonna dive into

you know so many people say oh you know I got to get my brand known out there like the Trump brand right you want to get that brand out there it’s like how do I actually make people know what my business is you can make it a household name you’re gonna learn some intricacies of how you can do that. You’re going to learn sales. So many people struggle to sell something. This just in, your business will go to hell if you can’t sell. So we’re going to teach you sales. We’re going to

teach you search engine optimization, how to come up top in the search engine results. We’re going to teach you how to manage people. Aaron, you have managed, no exaggeration, hundreds of people throughout your career and thousands of contractors. And most people struggle with managing people.

Why does everybody have to learn how to manage people? Well, because first of all, people are, you either have great people or you have people who suck. And so it can be a challenge, you know, learning how to work with a large group of people and get everybody pulling in the same direction can be a challenge. But if you have the right systems,

you have the right processes, and you’re really good at selecting great ones. And we have a process we teach about how to find great people. When you start with the people who have a great attitude, they’re teachable, they’re driven, all of those things, then, you know, you can get those people all pulling in the same direction. So we’re going to teach you branding, marketing, sales, search engine optimization. We’re going to teach you accounting. We’re going to teach same direction. So we’re gonna teach you branding, marketing, sales, search engine optimization. We’re gonna teach you

accounting, we’re gonna teach you personal finance, how to manage your finance, we’re gonna teach you time management, how do you manage your time? How do you how do you how do you get more done during a typical day? How do you build an organization if you’re not organized? How do you do? How do you do organization? How do you build an org chart? Everything

that you need to know to start and grow a business will be taught during this two day interactive business workshop. Now let me tell you how the format is set up here to get folks this is a two day interactive 15. Think about this folks. It’s two hours two days. Each day it starts at 7 a.m. and it goes until 5 p.m. So from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., two days.

It’s a two-day interactive workshop. The way we do it is we do a 30-minute teaching session, and then we break for 15 minutes for a question-and-answer session. So Aaron, what kind of great stuff happens during that 15 minute question and answer session after every teaching session? I actually think it’s the best part about the workshops because here’s what happens. I’ve been to lots of these things over the years.

I’ve paid many thousands of dollars to go to them and you go in there and they talk in vague generalities and they’re constantly upselling you for something, trying to get you to buy this thing or that thing or this program or this membership. And you don’t you leave not getting your very specific questions answered about your business or your employees or what you’re doing on your marketing. And what’s awesome about this is we literally answer every single question that any person asks.

And it’s very specific to what your business is. And what we do is we allow you as the attendee to write your questions on the whiteboard. And then we literally, as you mentioned, we answer every single question on the whiteboard. And then we take a 15 minute break to stretch

and to make it entertaining when you’re stretching, and this is a true story, when you get up and stretch, you’ll be greeted by mariachis. There’s gonna probably be alpaca here, llamas, helicopter rides, a coffee bar, a snow cone, I mean there’s just… You had a crocodile one time. That was pretty interesting.

You know, I should write that down. Sorry for that one guy that we lost. The crocodile, we duct taped its face. So that, right, we duct taped. No, it was a baby crocodile. And we duct taped.

Yeah, duct taped around the mouth so it didn’t bite anybody. But it was really cool passing that thing around. I should do that. I should do that. We have a small petting zoo that will be assembled. It’s going to be great. And then you’re in the company of hundreds of entrepreneurs. So there’s not a lot of people in America today. In fact,

there’s less than 10 million people today, according to US Debt Clock, that identify as being self-employed. So if you have a country with 350 million people, that means you have less than 3% of our population that’s even self-employed. So if you have a country with 350 million people, that means you have less than three percent of our population that’s even self-employed. So you only have three out of every hundred people in America that are self-employed to begin with, and when Inc. Magazine reports that 96 percent of businesses fail by default, by default you have a one out of a thousand chance of succeeding in the game of business. But yet the average client that you have a one out of a thousand

chance of succeeding in the game of business. But yet the average client that you and I work with, we can typically double this. And this is no, no, no hyperbole, no exaggeration. I have thousands of testimonials. To back this up. We have thousands of testimonials to back it up. But when you work with a home builder, when I work with a business owner, we can typically double the size of the company within 24 months. Yeah. Double. And you say

double? Yeah. There’s businesses that we have tripled. There’s businesses we’ve grown 8x. There’s so many examples you can see at thrive But again, this is the most interactive best business workshop on the planet. This is objectively the highest rated and, best business workshop on the planet. This is objectively the highest rated and most reviewed business workshop on the planet. And then you add to that, Robert Kiyosaki,

the best-selling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad. You add to that, Eric Trump, the man that runs the Trump Organization. You add to that, Sean Baker. Now you might say, but Clay, is there more? I need more. Well, okay. Tom Wheelwright is the wealth strategist for Robert Kiyosaki.

So people say, Robert Kiyosaki, who’s his financial wealth advisor? Who’s the guy who manages, who’s his wealth strategist? His wealth strategist, Tom Wheelwright, will be here. And you say, Clay, I still, I’m not going to get a ticket unless you give me more. Okay, fine. We’re going to serve you the same meal both days. True story.

We cater in the food and because I keep it simple, I literally bring him the same food both days for lunch It’s Ted Esconzito’s an incredible a Mexican restaurant That’s gonna happen and Jill Donovan our good friend who is the founder of rustic cuff She started that company in her home, and now she sells millions of dollars of apparel and products That’s rustic cuff comments one And someone says, I want more.

This is not enough. Give me more. Okay. I’m not gonna mention their names right now. Cause I’m, because I’m working on it behind the scenes here but we’ve got one guy who’s given me a verbal to be here.

And this is a guy who’s one of the wealthiest people in Oklahoma. And nobody really knows who he is because he’s built systems that are very utilitarian that offer a lot of value he’s made a lot of money in the it’s the it’s where you rent it’s short it’s where you’re renting storage spaces he’s a storage space guy he owns this what do you call

that the rental the storage space storage. He owns the, what do you call that? The rental, the uh… Storage space? Storage units. This guy owns storage units. He owns railroad cars. He owns a lot of assets that make money on a daily basis,

but they’re not like customer facing. Most people don’t know who owns the mini storage facility or most people don’t know who owns the warehouse that’s passively making money. Most people don’t know who owns the mini storage facility, or most people don’t know who owns the warehouse that’s passively making money. Most people don’t know who owns the railroad cars. But this guy, he’s giving me a verbal that he will be here.

And we just continue to add more and more success stories. So if you’re out there today and you want to change your life, you want to give yourself an incredible gift, you want a life-changing experience, you want to learn how to start and grow a company, go to, go there right now,, request a ticket for the two-day interactive event. Again

the day here is March 6th and 7th, March 6th and 7th, we just got confirmation. Robert Kiyosaki, best-selling author, rich dad, poor dad, he’ll be here. Eric Trump, the man who leads the Trump organization. It’s going to be a blasty blast. There’s no upsells. Aaron, I could not be more excited about this event. I think it is incredible and there’s somebody out there right now you’re watching and you’re like, but I already signed up for this incredible other

program called smoke your way to thin. I think that’s going to change your life. I promise you this will be 10 times better than that. It’s like I picked the wrong week to quit smoking. Don’t do the smoke your way to thin conference. That is I’ve tried it. Don’t do it. Yeah. Chain smoking is not a viable i mean it is life-changing it is life-changing if you become a chain smoker it is life-changing best weight loss program though right not really so if you’re looking to have life-changing results in a way

that won’t cause you to have a stoma get your tickets tickets at Again that’s Aaron Antis, I’m Clay Clark, reminding you and inviting you to come out to the two-day interactive Thrivetimeshow workshop right here in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I promise you it will be a life-changing experience.

Transcribed with Cockatoo


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