Is a Business Coach Worthwhile?

Is a Business Coach Worthwhile?

Clay Clark: It could get dangerous today inside the audio dojo of mojo, our world headquarters is typically where we broadcast from but today I’m broadcasting from the man cave, a place where earning, learning and burning never stop; can’t stop, won’t stop. Recently, just a few minutes ago the fire has gone out and I must go out there in between breaks and rekindle the flame.

You remember how Oral Roberts University was known for? They still have the flame that never stops burning. That’s kind of how I view. I don’t know what it is. I don’t know, I’m not sure I’m afraid of I just feel like if we’re not burning something bad things are going to happen. I just really really enjoy man burning. Now, today we’re talking all about business coaching. Specifically, why do you need a business coach?

Do you need a business coach? We’re talking specifically about how does a business coach work. Okay. Step number five; a business coach helps you build a business that really works without you but for you. I don’t know that people understand what that means so I’m going to assume that you’ve never seen it before because before I had seen Dr. Zoellner build a business that worked for him, I had never seen it up close and so let me just talk about Dr. Z for a moment.

He deeply cares about all of the patients. He deeply cares about the people who work with Dr. Robert Zoellner and Associates. In fact, if you go to his holiday parties, you will see an army of people that have worked with him for a long long time. You’re going to see hundreds of people there, many of which have worked with him for over 10 years. He obviously cares about employees.They wouldn’t stick around if they don’t think the boss cares, right?

But also he deeply cares about his own time freedom and its financial and it family’s time freedom more than anything else. He cares about his family’s financial freedom and his family’s time freedom more than anything else. So the business has been clearly built to help the business work without him. His optometry clinic, when you go in there you’ll probably never be greeted by him. You’ll probably never be seated by him. He’ll probably never answer your phone call.

I doubt that he’s going to go “Can you see better now?” because you know that little– they put a puff up there in your eye. My wife used to do that when my wife worked at his is facility when she was 19 years old and he won’t pretest the eye, he’s not going to be going over the chart going “Well, it looks like you have a little bit of a this and that. Can you see better now? Could you see better now?”

He’s not going to sit down with you and help you choose the right glasses for your face type but what he does is he has built a system that allows him the time freedom to do this. So this is how you know if this is not you. If this is not you, if you’re not to that level where you’ve built a business that works for you this is how you know. It’s where you get stuck where you personally are making most of the decisions.

You generate most of the business. You are meeting with most of the key clients. You are in charge of everything even if you somehow get disappeared for a vacation for a weekend, you are the one who has to do every conference call and there’s constantly things breaking and falling apart when you’re not there. So the question is how do you build a system like that. How do you how do you do it.

Well, what you want to do is you want to work with a business coach that will help you to build a linear business process, a systematic linear workflow like a blueprint for a house. That’s the best example. My wife and I years ago we built a house at 111th in Memorial, in the neighborhood called Silverwood, if you live there during that time, in American history I’m apologizing for all of the times that I violated the HOA rules repeatedly.

I always tried to apologize before I broke the rule and after I broke the rules is a way to let everybody know that I really cared and we moved out of a neighborhood now so we’re no longer having that problem. But we built our house and you meet with the Builder and you tell them what kind of wood floor you want. You tell what kind of cabinets you want. You tell them what kind of trim you want.

You tell them all these things you want and then he comes back and builds a plan and usually have a nifty name tube for it like “We call this the Bonaparte.” and you’re like “Okay cool.” and they have connect epic names for paint. My son’s on the show is listening in here, his nine-year-old mind is absorbing it all but they’ll name the paint after a bizarre animal.

They’ll call the paint “This is doe skin paint.” Rather than calling it brown, they’ll go “This is a doe skin.” and they come back and you will say “Let’s look at the plans.” “Let me pull out the Bonaparte.” and they have a big old huge blueprint they roll out for you. They roll it out, “Okay, this right here’s the Bonaparte. This will allow you to live life at the fullest. You’ll have a beautiful dining area that you can walk in and enjoy time with family around the dining table.”

And I’m going “I’ve never added dinner in a dining room other than on the holidays.” “You’ll be in there all the time. Then you have what we would call– right here when you first walk in this is the office and this is a great place for your family. You can work while still being at home.” and the entire time I’m thinking “I actually have five kids. Do you know how that works? I mean typically, one of them is pooping or is upset, one is touching the other person, one is like ‘Stop touching me.'”

When you have kids of the age of 12 let alone five kids, someone’s always touching somebody. Someone’s always leaving like a metallic toy in your quote-unquote office. Yes, we’ll see how much work it’s done in my office. And then you go up then they say “Now, up here this is the theater room. The prices of movies today have caught up so much. Did you see a movie at Warren theater? It’s like $14 but we put in this $35,000 room. You could watch all of your DVDs and all you Netflix and all of you.”

They kind of sell you on that plan. Then you say “No, no, home skillet, that’s not the plan that I want. Here’s the plan I want.” Then you go back and forth you batted around pretty soon you decide on a plan, you agree on a plan. By the way, the guy that we use to build our house the first time who was awesome. This guy’s great. If you’re trying to build a house in Tulsa, use this guy, Rob Brewer, with Spartan Construction. He’s still in business. He’s still around. Use Rob Brewer that guy was awesome.

The Builder comes back with the plan and he shows to my wife and I and we do what? We disagree on things. I’m like well it’s just what basically why don’t we just put in carpet? We could save some money.

We put in carpet. We make the hallways more narrow. If we do not do this the smooth walls and we get rid of the archways all this could be a saving. And she’s going “I want marble, not travertine.” What? “I want wood. I want it hand-scraped.” Why does it have to be hand scraped? What do you hate the people who are doing this for a living? Why do they have to get down on their knees and hands scrape it? Why can’t they scrape it with a machine or why can’t we just use linoleum?

Long story short, we agree on a house and we build the house. But the builder had to make the blueprint and a lot of times, you don’t even know what you want until you’re presented with options. So a business coach will help you see your life as it could be, not as it is and will help you work towards that distant future. The next question is how do I begin business coaching? If I want to do business coaching how do I begin it and I think the question before that is how did you start business coaching Clay Clark?

How did you do it? What did you do? What qualifies you and your team of scallywags to business coach? How come you’re qualified to business coach? I’ve seen you at Sprouts with your super pale skin never going outside always wearing your jerseys driving your Hummer and your Mercedes, what qualifies you [music] to teach me how to become a successful business owner? We come back I’m going to teach you my journey.

We go back into the past and I’m going to teach you how I became America’s number one and most humble business coach ever.

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