Clay Clark | The 12 Core Tasks of Your Operations Team and Systems

Show Notes


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Audio Transcription

Get ready to enter the Thrivetime Show! We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom and we’ll show you how to get here. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom, now we’re on the top. Teaching you the systems to get what we got. Cullen Dixon’s on the hooks, I’ve written the books. He’s bringing some wisdom and the good looks. As the father of five, that’s why I’m a dive. So if you see my wife and kids, please tell them hi. It’s C and Z up on your radio. And now three, two, one, here we go. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. Started from the bottom, and that’s what you gotta do. Hello, Tulsa, and welcome back to your favorite business show. In fact, this is Tulsa’s only local business radio show. My name is Clay Clark. I’m the former SBA Entrepreneur of the Year, and I’m joined here, as always, with the co-host, with the mo-ost, the man with the plant, a guy who has put more glasses on the faces of Oklahomans than any other man I know. than anyone I know. Now he’s winning more victories in competitive thoroughbred races than anyone I know. He’s now flying to Wrigley Field to visit the Cubs more than anyone I know. He is Dr. Zellner. Sir, how are you? I’m great. Moe Host. Is that hyphenated? Because it had the Moe Host. In the rap game, what you do is you can change the emphasis on any syllable to make it rhyme. That’s how you do it. Well apparently, yes, of course. Now it all makes sense. We’re talking today about something called the 12 core tasks of your operations team and the systems. Now the 12 core tasks of your operations team and systems. Now some people go, why do I need to listen to this? I want to be motivational. I want to be excited. I want to learn how to grow a business. I want to learn how to start one. But why do I need to learn about these things? Well, let me tell you what. If you’re somebody who’s out there and you’ve developed a thing, we’ll call it a thing or a widget or some stuff, you’re a service. If you have found a thing that you can sell for more money than it costs you to produce it, Z, why is it so exciting? Why is it so exciting? Once you can sell something. Is that ethical to make a profit? Is that ethical? I don’t know if it’s ethical. Is that ethical? It’s kind of dirty. You’re not going to get any money out of it. You’re not going to get any money out of it. You’re not going to get any money out of it. You’re taking more money than it costs you to make, is that? Why is it exciting though? If someone’s listening right now and they can… Because that’s how you make a business. You figure out how to make or do a widget, a service, or a little something, call it a widget, and you can sell it for more than you can make it for. That means you’re out there, guess what? People want what you’re making. That’s exciting. And you can do that once. Now this show is going to teach you how to scale that, how not to let that implode on you. And you can do that once. And you can do that once. And you can do that once. How not to let that implode on you, okay? Because as we know eight out of ten businesses do what fail or yeah? We don’t want that this this is we’re going to change that rate I tell you what because when they do a study on businesses that listen to the thrive time show that’s right It’s good our goal is to make it less than 80% less than 80. We’re making 0% No, here’s the thing I want to make sure you’re getting this. I couldn’t be more excited for anything or anyone in terms of the world of business than right now. If you can actually make a thing or a service and you can sell it, that’s huge. And Z, why is it so, I don’t know, I won’t speak for you, but for me, it’s so irritating when I hear somebody pitch me a business idea or a concept that they haven’t ever sold before and it isn’t selling and it’s not going to sell. Because why is this such a profound moment when someone learns that they can actually sell it? Why is this so powerful? Why is this the precipice of awesome? I remember my first day of being an optometrist and I thought, because you practice a lot of optometry the last year or two of school. You see a lot of patients and you’re grinding and you’re doing your thing and you’re just kind of happy to be there. And then that first day, this one actually gives you money to do what you’ve been doing for a lot of years. I’m like, oh my gosh, this is happening. It actually gave me money. Wow. I’m going to tell you a depressing story before we get into this. This is depressing. Let’s kick off a throwback Thursday. Yeah, we’ll take it down to the bottom. It’s like a submarine. We go back up. We’ve got nowhere to get. We’ve got nowhere to go but up. That’s good. Here’s the deal. I bought that yellow page ad. By the way, it’s above my little desk area there in our headquarters. My first yellow page ad. I still framed it. Oh nice. And that thing was about, I don’t want to make up the number, but it was about four hundred and fifty bucks a month. Wow. And I couldn’t afford it. Quite the commitment. And my sales guy Jeremy says, you know, for six fifty I can probably get you a… And I’m like, okay. Right? So now I’m in it. The move. And this is when Yellow Pages were hot. Oh yeah. And I’m running that ad and people would call and they would say, so, boop boop boop boop boop, and I would call, thank you for calling DJ Connection, I’d answer that phone, thank you for calling DJ Connection, and they would go, how much do you charge? And I would say, by the way, if you’re listening to this, every customer asks that question first. Yes, that’s the lead off. That’s the lead off, and I go, our packages start at $600, and they go, oh, thanks a lot, bye. Click. And I’m thinking, I know this game. Better way to answer that question. I wasn’t aware of mentorship, wasn’t aware of reading books, just thought I’m just going to go out there and run through the minefield. Why didn’t you listen to the Thrive Time show? It wasn’t around yet. Oh yeah, that’s true. So I’m running through the minefield of business just trying to sell something. Yeah. So the next call, DJ Connection, this is Clay, and they go, oh wait, wait, I’ll be the caller. How much is it to DJ a party? One dollar. What? Yeah, here’s the deal. I’m going to do your party for a dollar. If you’re happy, you can pay us full price. If you’re not, there’s no contract with it, then you just pay a dollar. Are you serious? Yeah. You’re really serious? Yeah. And I did probably about five or six events that way, and I’m like, I booked it! I booked it! It was a no-brainer. It was just so stupid. And I remember my wife and other people going, how many shows have you booked for a dollar? And I’m like, oh, you know, like 20. You know, there are people out there who want to take advantage of a business. Yes. But I found out that about, I don’t know, half of the people that booked the dollar deal, maybe more than half, maybe 70%. I guess I’m still salty thinking about it. But most of them said, you know what, we did like the show tonight. We’ll go ahead and pay you. But the problem was it was price focused, because in the absence of value the only consideration is price. Yes. And so we’re going to teach you today Thrivers how to make a system, a core system, a core task of your operations team that’s going to give you so much value that you’re going to be people are going to be willing to pay for the results you’re giving them. They’re going to pay for the services you’re giving. They’re not going to be focused on just price. You’re listening to The Thrash Time Show on Talk Radio 117. We also have fantastic trainings on how to sell stuff as well at, the world’s best business school that you and I have started, the world’s best business coaching platform. Don’t you wish we had that when we were struggling, when we were starting off? You’re in your dorm room. You worked that summer job, Jack Cameron, Cement, to save you a little bit of money to buy your couple speakers. What are they, JBLs? I got the JBL. I had these M-Pros. There’s two 25s. Two 25s. I had that. You had your thing. I had my Fogger. Martin Fogger. Martin Fogger. That’s impressive. And then you go out there and you’re like, okay, now. And you start this business and you’re thinking, what do I do now? And the phone never rang. And the phone never rang and you’re just out there staring at it. You’re like, okay, this is going to be good. Which is why I’m so passionate about the sales training seminars that we do here at It’s awesome. They’re game changing. But here we go. We’re getting to the 12 core tasks of your operations team. Here’s the core task number one. Your system, your core task, you must deliver on the promises made by your marketing and sales team. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Back up, back up. Okay. Back up there. You have to deliver on the promises made by your marketing and sales team. Now let me read you a notable quotable, then I want you to unpack it. Here we go. This is from Benjamin Franklin. Who’s he? Who’s he? Who’s Benjamin? Didn’t he invent the bifocals? Yeah. And he also organized… And he had a mullet, too. Didn’t he have a mullet? Every picture I’ve seen, we had like this, like, I mean, a serious mullet. He was rocking the first high-quality, high-integrity mullet. Probably the last one. That dude, he was all business up front, but he was a lot of party in the back. Yeah, absolutely. And this, he’s an author, he’s an inventor, he organized the first American lending library. He says this, it takes many good deeds to build a good reputation and only one bad one to lose it. So okay, now you sold the thing, you just sold it, you’re excited, you sold it for a dollar like I did, maybe you sold it for, I don’t remember what your first deal was, I’ve never asked you. My first move was two pair of contact lenses for $99, a clear and a colored pair. Everybody secretly wanted to see what it would be like to have, if you had brown eyes, you wanted blue eyes, you had blue eyes, you wanted green eyes, you had green eyes, you wanted brown eyes. It was this vicious circle of wanting a different eye color, which is cool because it’s good, it’s fun. It’s kind of like people wear different, women wear different. I thought guys were always bluesy. So that was my first deal. It was a $99 deal, two-pair deal. And why is it so critical for people? This is, we want to obsess on this. Why is it so important, for anyone listening right now, why is it so important that they make a system that allows them to consistently deliver on what they’re promising every time? Well, this may be one of the single most important things in business, especially starting a business. Okay. Because you’ve got to understand, Clay, when they’re starting a business, they’re not going to be doing it for the money. They’re going to be doing it for the value. And so, Clay, I think you’re right. I think you’re right. I think you’re right. I think you’re right. Every time. Well, this may be one of the single most important things in business, especially starting a business. Okay. Because you’ve got to understand, Clay, one of the most powerful ways you build your business, listen up everybody out there. Here we go. You’re driving down the road, throwback Thursday, don’t wreck when you hear this, but one of the most powerful ways you build your business is drum roll. We need a drum roll. Let me just do this instead. Knowledge bomb. Oh, not true. Knowledge bomb. Knowledge bomb. It’s kind of like a very weak substitute for a drum roll. Yes, yes, we need to get a drum roll. Okay. Chef, we need to get a drum roll. I’m going to go back to this rule here. That’s not the word of mouth I’m talking about. And check it out. I’m going to go back to this rule here. That’s not the word of mouth I’m talking about. And check it out. I’m going to go back to this rule here. That’s not the word of mouth I’m talking about. And check it out. I’m going to go back to this rule here. That’s not the word of mouth I’m talking about. And check it out. I’m going to go back to this rule here. That’s not the word of mouth I’m talking about. And check it out. I’m going to go back to this rule here. That’s not the word of mouth I’m talking about. And check it out. I’m going to go back to this rule here. That’s not the word of mouth I’m talking about. And check it out. I’m going to go back to this rule here. That’s not the word of mouth I’m talking about. And check it out. I’m going to go back to this rule here. That’s not the word of mouth I’m talking about. And check it out. I’m going to go back to this rule here. And check it out. I’m going to go back to this rule here. This is again the core task number one. You deliver on the promises made by your marketing and sales team. Check it out. A little addendum. Without your direct involvement. Oh. See that’s the part. We just lost everybody. We just lost. Sorry. Because you as an optometrist could personally sit down with people, make sure the right contacts were selected. Oh I love answering the phone because I was on script every single time. Did you really like answering the phone for a while? Oh, I did. I like doing everything. I mean, I really like checking them out, checking them in, greeting them. I still like answering the phone. I do. It’s exciting. Talking to a new person, a new potential customer, when you believe in your product, it’s exciting. It’s like Forrest Gump says, it’s like a box of chocolate. You never know what you’re going to get. Absolutely. Absolutely. And you get excited. The problem is you stay loyal to the cycle of I run my ad, I personally answer the phone, I personally put the contacts in their eyes, and I’m going to keep doing it. Then what you say is, I’m going to multiply my money. I’m going to make more money. So this is a tip for irritating everyone you know and having no free time. Keep doing that. Keep doing everything. Keep doing everything because no one can do it as good as you. Keep saying that to yourself. No one can do what I do as good as me. Stop it. No, no, no. We’re going to teach you how to coach up your team to do it. You can build these systems. You can build these systems, but you know, you know what’s bad? What’s bad? You know what’s bad? And we’ve all been there. Everybody listening has been there. I’ll tell you what’s bad is when you’re reaching that little box of chocolates and you’re, and you’re holding it up to your mouth and you bite into that like orange nougat stuff. It’s bad. It’s bad. Stay tuned. All right, Thrive Nation, welcome back. You are listening to the Thrive Time Show during your drive time home. This is your business school without the BS. And yes, we are joined here. He is back. It’s the co-host with the Mo-O’s, Dr. Robert Zellner. Sir, how are you? I am fantastic. It’s Throwback Thursday. I don’t know who started that. I don’t know. There’s somebody out there right now going It’s you know this throwback stuff going on. I’ll tell you started That was me. He’s good nothing for it, but it’s kind of like you know that hey I’m low could just started it tone low tone low the old-school rapper I think I think it has to be it had to be tone low or ice like vanilla ice somebody who has to have a Throw is all great things are always done by a musician. I’m learning that with you, Clay. I think that DJ, I think you may have DJed one too many parties. I’m just saying. You may have. Can’t get off that DJ train. I mean, everything, all your filters through like a turntable. Well, here’s the thing. Let me tell you this. We’re talking today about the 12 core tasks of your operations team and systems. And tying into the DJ career, I’m not kidding. This was the addictive cycle I was stuck in. And I’m not kidding. You know about me. I’m just like OCD. I’m into something. Oh, Bam, you’re on it. You’re on it. You’re on it. So here’s the deal. I DJ a show. Tell me how good this would feel, by the way. You DJ the show. I would stay up all night. I would choose all my songs. I would not alphabetize them, but I would put them in order based on the beats per minute. Oh, yeah. Beat matching. Is that what they call it? Beat matching? Beat matching. What happens is you have four hours of music, so it’s 240 minutes of music, and you go, well, that’s about three minutes per song. I’ve got 80 songs. They’re all in order. Just math. And I play it. So Billie Jean, you understand, Billie Jean fits in with Rapper’s Delight perfectly. Oh, yeah, they beat me. So they fit right in. So you play and you’re DJing and then you give them like… Oh, that gets the soccer moms crazy. Oh, and you’re making those announcements and you just… At the end of the show, my first show, people stood up and went… You had to feel like a rock star. Yeah, there’s like 150 people at the Holiday Inn going… You started signing foreheads. The thing is, I never had any people standing ovation. I’m going oh, I felt good. I’m a guy comes up Can I get your card like absolutely hey? I got a big party coming up here at the you know it’s always like some obscure lodge in Sepulpa It’s the yada yada Lodge. It’s like the the VFW or something you know I’m like sure I’ll do that boom DJ That’s show rocket. You know you just said you just touched on something you don’t even realize what you touch You don’t even realize it, but everybody listening out there, you’re driving home and you’re thinking, you know, hey, I’m thinking about starting a business and I wanna grow my business. I just started it. And I wanna give everybody a little word of wisdom. Oh boy. A little word, a little nugget. A little nugget of wisdom right here. And that is, you know, one of the primary reasons why DJ Connection turned into one of the most successful DJ companies in the world? You know why? Why is that? Because you loved it. I loved it. You loved it. So listen out there. There’s, there’s, I don’t know if there’s a million, but there’s definitely a lot of different businesses you can start. I know there’s something in you that your passion that you love. Do what you love. Learn how to make money on a small scale doing that. And guess what? We’re going to help you scale it up, hire people, get everything you need in place, market it, sell it, close it, deliver on it. You listen to this show and we’re going to coach you up, mentor you up, and I promise you if you start off with something you love, then when you hit those little low points, you get the first… You never hit them. They’re always just perfect all the time. You get the first, how am I going to make this? How am I going to make my rent day? You get the first complaint. Oh, that cuts you to the core. The first lawsuit. And if you’re not loving what you’re doing, you’re jumping. So here’s the deal. Help me if I’m that thriver listening and I’m in that addictive cycle where I am advertising, I’m delivering, and people are saying, can you personally do that? Can you personally make the food? Can you personally DJ? How do they begin to do this second step, which is to create a linear workflow that clearly documents the steps your teammates need to take to turn a customer’s order into the results. How do they do it, Z? How do they begin to pull themselves out of the DJ booth? How did you do it? How did you pull yourself out of the optometry office? It was a mess at first. I had no mentoring. I had no… You write it down. I told her what to do. Why do I got to write it down? I got to write it and tell her? I put that down on paper. I mean, I told her what to do. I mean, it’s self-evident obvious yeah it’s obvious right common sense I mean I’ve been doing it for so long it’s just second nature to me so imagine my whore when and when I started off I’ve got me and one employee that’s two people that’s those all right I’m Hispanic listeners I’m sorry sorry I’ll go slower it’s math I know math kind of get you yeah but you should be… You make me feel like somebody just attacked me. Anyway, he’s keeping me humble. So she was kind of checking in, checking out. That’s all she did. I did all the patient care. And then I got so busy, I was like, I’ve got to have somebody else in here to help me with the patient care. And so I said, okay, here’s how you do the contact lens stuff. And then the first time I hear a scream out of the contact lens area, and I come running out of the exam room and the patient is like she poked me in the eye. I don’t know what I’m doing. This is horrible. Poked her in the eye. I’m like, Sally, what did you do? She’s like, I thought I followed your instructions but you told them a couple of weeks ago and I think I, what’s step two? Okay, here’s a move. When I would teach people how to DJ at first, this is what I would do. Tell me if I was crazy, okay? I would say, all right, young Z, imagine your 20-year-old self, you’re DJing now. You’re listening to The Thrash Time Show on Talk Radio 117. DJing’s a sweet gig, by the way. You work up just on the weekends, you get a lot of tips. So I say, hey, Z, here’s the deal. And if you’re good, you get a standing ovation. I mean, that’s like rare air right there. But you say, here’s the deal. If the party’s ever taken a dive, you got two options. One, you pump it up, you pump it up, and you’ve got the party starters, which is like YMCA, Cha-Cha Slide, Cupid Shuffle, that’s your default. Or you slow it down. I got the slow songs. So I’ve got one DJ who I’m not exaggerating. I get the feedback from the bride. This was back in the day before email was a thing. People would email, but it was more convenient just to call. This is what she says. Hi, I’m Clay. I just wanted to call me back sweetest lady so I talked to her and said what happened she goes oh that DJ played slow song after slow song and I pulled the guy aside and said dude how many slow songs did you play I’m not exaggerating out of like a possible 80 songs yeah he’s like watch her to go 50-50 blend could you imagine what that would be horrible where every other song is like cut and I’ve been forgotten I Joe I’ve been made up and then like the next song is lady in red and then it goes back into it the pump up slow down pump up you lose your mind you lose your mind there’s a radio station Tulsa years ago I won’t mention it by name that did that thought well we’ll please everybody this way because if you want a slow song you just listen because all you’re gonna do is get through one fast song and I got one coming to you and if you wanted fast songs you’re like oh I gotta listen to another slow song. And to make it worse, the guy played the same song multiple times. You know he likes Take My Breath Away? Remember that song? Who doesn’t like that? I mean seriously, that’s a great song. That’s a great memory. Goose, Maverick. So the thing is, he’s playing the song multiple times. I’ll never forget that. I’m talking to the lady and she goes, he played Take My Breath Away, which I like, but like I think three times. And you know when you’re upset, it’s like 18 times. But she’s like, he played it over and over the whole night. Did you apologize to her? This would be a good time to apologize to her if you haven’t, by the way. I am very, very sorry to the hundreds of people whose weddings I screwed up. But the thing is, I learned and I documented it. So the main thing I want to encourage you right now is what you want to do is you want to make a timeline. An actual, like a whiteboard, okay? Yep. If you can’t afford the whiteboard or you don’t have access to one, get a series of post-it notes and put it on some poster board. This should cost you about $34. I’m predicting the sales of poster board should go way up at Walgreens tonight. Way up. Get the post-it notes, you put it on there in an order. You put step one is post-it note number one on the left. Okay. Post-it note number two, post-it number three, four, five. You make all the steps and every time that you make a change to the step, you write it on the post-it note and the post-it note. Whoa, whoa, good. I came in hot. I came in hot, man. I buzzed the tower on that one. And if you don’t know how to make a linear workflow, when you come back we’re going to be teaching you the specifics of how to do it, and I promise we will not be playing Take My Breath Away more than twice. It’s in our workflow. What is going on, green country and Oklahomies? Welcome back. This is the show where we try to get you jacked, get you pumped up, get you ready to get out there and start or grow a business. You want to start a business, you want to grow a business, it’s business time all the time on the Thrive Time Show on your drive time home. My name is Clay Clark. I’m the former Entrepreneur of the Year for the great state of Oklahoma, where fracking is normal, and I am joined here with Mr. Dr. Robert Zellner. Sir how are you? I am fantastic and it’s a throwback Thursday. Oh yes. Which we’re trying to figure out who started it. So if anybody out there knows who officially started it, email us at info at And if you do that, we will not only give you a complimentary high five, but we will make you regionally famous by promoting the heck out of your business. If you’re watching on Facebook Live right now, I am giving you a preemptive high five. That’s the sound of it. High ten right there. Boom. Now here’s the deal. We’re talking about the 12 core tasks of your operations team in the systems. One is if you own a business, you have a responsibility to deliver on the promises made by your marketing team. We talked about that. Number one, you must create a linear workflow. This is going to document all the steps needed to deliver on what you promised in order. Now someone says, in order, what do you mean? Here’s an example. This is a linear workflow that we can all relate to. I’m giving it to you right now, the secret sauce. Let’s all go to Subway, mental picture. Boop, boop, boop, boop. Step number one, how does Subway get us in the door? They run commercials. And they talk about the 5.99 foot long or whatever it is, it used to be $5, now it’s 5.99. With inflation, it could be $7, but I think it’s a foot long. You come in there and you walk in and what happens? What’s the first question the homie asks you up there when you walk into a subway? By the way, they have like a faux brick wallpaper up there. Oh yeah. He says, what kind of bread do you want? That’s the first question. So you’re like, uh, he didn’t notice. He doesn’t say what kind of sandwich, cause that’s too long of a conversation, too big of a line. Right. What kind of bread? And you’re like, uh, I’ll take the Italian or great. What kind of meat? Great. What kind of vegetable? And he just keeps going. Do you want me to toast that, bro? Sandwich artist. Hey, bro, do you want me to add a little salt and pepper and a little… Next, he hands it to a person. What does that person do? They put it in a plastic bag, they ring it up, hey, your total will be this much, and they say, do you want chips with that? Yeah, you want the meal deal. The meal deal. And you go, yeah. That’s the move. Remember back in the day when they gave you stamps, too? Oh, yeah. I had a lot of those stamps. The thing is, so then you, all of a sudden they give you a little gift card or a punch card and they go, Hey, you get three stamps today, seven more and you get a free sandwich. You’re going, well I’m going to get the best of them. I’m going to go back and beat the man. If I come in here four times in a row, you’re going to get a free Subway sandwich. So the thing is, that’s the workflow. The genius is that anybody could execute it. I mean, almost anybody. I don’t know that I could do it, but I’ve had friends I know who have worked for Subway. Joe, you definitely gave away too much free Subway to all the high school kids, but you’re a good guy. But the thing was, it’s unbelievable, you can’t do that. It’s not a move. But the thing is, you build that system, and now Mr. Subway, whatever his name was, where’s he at? Billy, I think it was Billy Subway. Billy, is Mr. Subway, is he out there making the sandwiches? Last time I went into a Subway, Mr. Subway was not making my sandwich. Is he the one on the ads going, hey, I’m Mr. Subway? Maybe sometimes they are. As an owner, you have to think about your highest and best use. So think about Papa John’s. He’s on the commercials, but is he in there making pizzas every day? I don’t think he is. I mean, is he running or is he hustling from location to location to mentor the individual team members? Oh, I know he’s delivering the pizzas, but that’s probably what he’s doing. That’s what it’s… Because I’m sure he’s a very efficient driver. You as an entrepreneur right now, let’s say you own a security company. If I’m listening right now, I own a security company. I install cameras. I’ve got a security company and we check the cameras and if anybody tries to break in, this whole thing is going to blow up. So if I’m somebody listening right now, let’s say I own a security company and I’m saying that I cannot possibly train technicians how to install cameras without me personally doing it, what advice would you have? Listen to the Thrive Time Show, specifically this show, because we’re going to teach you that if you don’t, the only way you grow your business is you’re not working in it, you’re working on it. So we’re going to teach you, we know you know how to do the thing. You’ve got a passion to do the thing. The thing is what drives you. You’re listening to the show because you want to do the thing and make a living doing your thing. You love security. We love that. We know that. We know you can put those cameras on And angle them just right and wire them just with the expertise wireless bluetooth. I mean, whatever you got to do We know you know how to do it anytime a human moves the camera automatically turns on an alarm system It sends me a text message But listen if you only eat what you personally kill You’re missing the boat missing the boat. So here’s the deal. If someone says, I don’t have time to work on my business, I’m very, very busy. What would you say? We get some, we would, hey, get your checklist, get your workflows going. Listen, break it down step by step. You’re going to have to revamp it. You’re going to have to redo it. You’re going to miss a step. You’re going to say, oh yeah, I forgot to tell them to knock on the door before they walk in someone’s house. I mean, whatever. I mean, you break it down. And check it out. You’ve done this with an auto auction. Yep. You’ve done it with an optometry clinic? Yep. You’ve done it with a sleep center? Yes, sir. Was your previous background, were you a big auto mechanic, auto guru? Were you a God’s gift to automotive maintenance? I’ll tell you what, I loved a set of tools and just go door to door, just work on cars. That was my passion. That was really my passion. You like to use a muffler as more of a… I’ll tell you what, mufflers, there’s nothing better in the world than a muffler. It’s like a clarinet. You get your mouth on that muffler and you just play that thing. No, I didn’t even know how to change the oil in my car. Thank you for the oil changing people out there in the world. So now once you’ve done this, now the next step, step number three here, is you’ve got to provide office space for your team. And I know it seems obvious, like, oh I know, I do, but you have to think about the right atmosphere. Oh yeah. It can be crazy, crazy, ridiculously creepy. Somebody listen to this right now. It’s not you. I’m sure you’re in a car right now. There’s two people in the car. You sir, you ma’am, you have a non-creepy office. But some of you are officing in an environment that could be less creepy by you being intentional about creating a positive environment with the decor, the ambiance, the mojo. We come back, we’re going to be teaching you specifically how to dress up that office space to make it a place where the human race would actually like to work. Why would that just seem so so cool. Are you really going to do that or are you just kind of teasing me. Well I mean we are going to give you the DMV’s eight tips for how they keep all of their locations looking equally unmotivated. I love that. I love it. You gotta love the DMV. I’ve got that old wallpaper. I’ve learned so much from them. Coming up next. Hello Tulsa and welcome back to the Thrive Time Show during your drive time home. You see many of you on this throwback Thursday, you’re in your car, you’ve been flipping the stations and you had a very tough work day. You worked hard, you worked to the job, you’re just grinding and you have this inner burning desire. I would call it a flicker. With enough fanning, enough maybe lighter fluid, this show is lighter fluid by the way, with enough lighter fluid it could become a flame and pretty soon it could be an all out business. It could just be this inferno. You have this desire to start a business and according to Forbes, 57% of you, it’s our secret, 57% of you want to start or grow a business. You want to do it. And the good news is I am the former SBA Entrepreneur of the Year. What does that mean? That means that when I was 22, I was named by the city of Tulsa as the Tulsa Chamber Entrepreneur of the Year. That’s what I was. I was 22 years old. I’m not a genius, but I was very good at selling DJ services. I was really good at DJing, but I found I was better at selling DJing than DJing. Then over time I found out I was better at DJing than selling. And then I kind of moved, I kept moving down the line going, okay, I could sell well, now I can DJ well, now I’ve got to teach someone else to DJ. That’s when I went, aw, crap, I can’t do it. You can’t teach somebody else to DJ. It’s impossible. And here’s the thing is, if you are good at something and you can sell it, but you can’t teach other people to do it, I’m going to call it something offensive, something crazy, Z. Well, no, no, no, no, don’t call it crazy. It’s called a hobby. Oh! Ouch, ouch, ouch. Well listen, I’m Dr. Z here and the only reason I’m on this show is because I’m a man who’s got a couple things going for me. One, I own a taser and so therefore when Clay gets, I’m here to protect you, listening, listening. When he gets too far out there, I know how to manage Clay. Oh wow. And so we see he’s got all this information jammed in his brain. All just crammed in there. And he just wants to just, it just wants to just burst out of him. So it’s kind of like, if you’ve ever been bowling, anybody out there been bowling? Do you use bumpers? Can we use bumpers? I’m the bumpers. Okay. And Clay’s the ball. Oh. And so they just, he goes curling down there, and I, to make sure he doesn’t get in the gutters, I just put up those bumpers, and then he hits a strike, knocks his pins away, and that’s what we’re here to do. And we’re here to take your desire and turn it into a fire. Oh wow! I can’t believe you missed that one. And we have the knowledge that you’re going to require, right? Very nice! And you’re not going to call us a liar. That’s right, yeah, because we’re going to inspire. We’re moving on. Here’s the deal. The thing is, is that we’re talking today about the 12 core tasks of your operations team in the system. So step number one was deliver on the promises made by your marketing team. Two is you got to make a linear workflow step by step. By the way, if you want to watch videos on specifically how to do that, maybe you need some visuals, go to You can watch it if you’re exclusive. It’s $19 a month. World’s best business. Cool. Check it out. You know what I like about those videos? It literally shows them. It literally shows them. And you might go, oh yeah, I can. But you know what? If you just follow the template, follow the system that’s been laid out there, you might go, I’ve got to buy a whiteboard. Just get the whiteboard. I’ve got to do that. I’ve got to write it down. Yes, I’ve got to actually go through the steps. Can I use my phone, bro? Can I use my phone? Yeah, can I just text it to myself? Yeah, bro. Can I email it to a fake email address? Digital clutter. Yes. Go off on that just for a second. This is a huge thing. People have all these digital ideas. Their email, their text message, all these ideas, but they don’t map it out into a workflow. It’s not a linear thing people can actually see. It’s just clutter. It just wears me slick. I tell you what, I know, I know, I know, I know that all this new technology is wonderful and we all love it. But every now and then, I’m telling you folks, you need to go old school, get out actually like a pen and paper. What is that? What’s a pen and paper? Maybe a pencil. Do you guys hate the environment? It’s all digital. You don’t have to use paper or a pen. You’re killing trees, bro. Bro, that’s like a post-it note. Are you serious, bro? That’s like, you know. Just draw it with permanent ink on my arm. I’m going to get the tattooed workflow. I’m going to get the tattooed workflow. Anytime someone doesn’t know, I just raise my shirt up and go, See, I told you step three was backwards. No, it’s… Now, here’s the deal. We’re talking about this now. Step number three is you must provide office space for your team. Once you have a workflow, you’ve got to provide some office space. You know, something’s missing from that. What is that? It’s not just office space. And I know you don’t mean that. So we’ve got to change that. Get out your pen right now, Clay. Let’s change that. Okay. You have to provide great or cool. There’s a lot of adjectives you can put in here. Inspiring, not creepy. In other words, you have to provide a work space that your people are the most productive they can be. What? This is the thing, I will just tell you. I, back in the day, made a very stupid, stupid decision. What I did is I decided that I would save money and I would office in a location for a while that wasn’t that great. You’re listening to the Thrash Time Show on Talk Radio 117. When I say office, it was wedding entertainer. It’s kind of like a mobile office. So what you did is you could do trade shows. You could get your bike, you could get your car, right? Well, you could do trade shows. And there’s a wedding show called the Tulsa Wedding Show, which by the way, Oh, that’s the big tuna, right? That’s right there. In the industry. It’s at the Renaissance Hotel. It used to be back in the day over there at the Devil Tree Warrant. I’ll save some money and I’ll go to the cheap start-up show that no one goes to, but it’s cheaper. Oh yeah. And it actually proved to be far more expensive. Because the few brides that did come in to this, I won’t mention the name of the place, but it’s this gross downtown wedding hall where they had the wedding show. People just were like, you almost had like a stigma for even being there. Oh my. It was almost embarrassing. They would walk in, the brides and grooms, and they’re like, hey, are you guys a DJ? And I’m going, no, we’re just here. I mean, because it was almost, it just felt so gross and nasty. And some of you with your offices, so let’s, I’m just going to rip on a business. This is what I will rip on one business. Well, just one. Because I don’t want to offend our listeners. We don’t want to offend everybody. But the DMV, the DMV. Oh, the DMV. What’s going on? It’s a universal move. Yeah. They’ve got pictures of random celebrities. Oh yeah. And all the frames are falling over, the glass is broken, or something’s weird. Yeah. And it’s like tile, but some of the tiles are missing. And I can see like a yellow tile, and the ceiling tiles are all like stained. Just don’t look up. And the bathroom is kind of… Yeah, don’t go in there. And somebody was cutting back and saving money on signage so they hand write stuff like I’ll be back around noon. I’ll be back around noon. I mean have you ever seen that? Have you ever been there? Yes, we’ve all had these. It’s a great equalizer. It is a great equalizer. So that is a perfect example of what not to do. That’s the not joke. Now a good place, two, great place. Here’s a little place that you love. It’s over there off of 71st, kind of an English theme. I want to say 71st in Yale right there in that What is that that’s it’s the it’s the not the Fox, but the white lion the white lion I’m as many if you’re listening describe the white lion. What is the white lion? Well? It’s like you’re walking It’s like as soon as you walk to the front door. It’s like you’re walking into a European Pub slash restaurant hello see welcome. This is great. Hello. Hello pop it Hello, hello, puppet. A seat in some meat pie. Some crumpets. It’s like they actually have the furniture, they have the settings, they have the ambiance of walking into… I think the furniture is actually out of a pub that’s 400 years old. The paintings? The paintings. The books? Everything. It’s just like you’re teleporting. I think it’s actually a teleportion machine. I want to go there tonight. It’s like a teleportion machine and they’re only open the evenings. It’s so good. It’s so good They open at four o’clock and I tell you what, it’s just a wonderful atmosphere. It’s a little known It’s a little known. It’s a little known nugget. It kind of gets me going just talking about I want to go there I know it’s fun, but you walk in you go this place is cool. You know another place that’s awesome The ambiance of Oklahoma Joe’s. Oh my gosh, Oklahoma Joe’s is great. You go in there It’s kind of that it’s kind of rustic. You went into a barn like a like a rural, Oklahoma You know, rural Oklahoma barn. You go in there and they got all the smokers and all the history and all the photos and it just smells like barbecue. So I’m going to give you a quick checklist of how to make the right office environment. Good, because I tell you what, you know, here at Thrive 15, we’ve got a really, really cool environment by the way. So we’ve, we, hey listen, we’re following the things we’re telling you, by the way. So if you don’t believe us, come on down to Thrive headquarters, maybe come to one of our, you know, one of our workshops and come hang out and you look around and you go, wow, this place is super cool. Have you seen the box that rocks that I’ve been adding? Have you seen it yet? No, I haven’t. I have to show it to you. Oh my gosh. You have not seen the renovation. You’re going to like it. Oh my gosh. Really? Really. It’s the box that rocks. I’ve got to show it to you. Oh, I can hardly wait. Folks, we might just have to take the camera in there and just see my expression as I see it. It’s going to be great. I’ll be fine. Now here’s the deal. Seriously, if you’re listening right now, I’m going to give you that checklist. Okay? So here it is. One, you want to make sure it smells good. Two, it has to look visually pleasing. I don’t know what that is. Maybe you need a designer, maybe you need a lady in your life, maybe you need your customers to come in, but you’ve got to get that visual. And I’m going to give you a little clue there. If you go to Home Depot and you go to the paint section and you ask a dude with the lapron, yo bro, what can I help you bro? What’s up bro? What’s the most popular paint color you’re selling right now? You will have the hippest paint. So if you go, I don’t know what to paint that wall, what color to paint the wall. Bro, I don’t know what it is, but people are buying this paint right here bro. And you’re like, oh cool. And then you put it on the wall and people come and go, wow, that’s awesome. It really can help. Go ahead. Now another move, okay, because you have the sights, okay, you got that smell. The third is the music. Do you want to have ambience? This is something that I, one of my pet peeves about Oklahoma is I travel a lot. You go to San Diego, when you were out there in Chicago, you go visit Wrigley Field, you go into a restaurant, all of them have that, they have a good energy, good music going. It creates the right environment. It creates a certain, doesn’t it create a certain energy? It does, absolutely. And so, you know, so you’re going down the census and I love it. I love this where you’re going with all this. You got to do it. So we come back, we’re going to get into a few more details of how to make your office environment the very best it can be. And on your way home, if you’re hungry, Z, if you’re looking for something to eat and you want to find a mojo, a place that it’s kind of a dojo, a mojo, a place where you can get the food on the go, but you can also just take in that environment, go to Oklahoma Joe’s. Oklahoma Joe’s, baby. Hello, Tulsa, and welcome back to the Thrive Time Show on your drive time home. You see, you’re in your car right now You’re headed back after a tough day of work, and you maybe you’ve had some political fatigue this year Maybe you just got to that level and you go hey, I just want to learn how to start a business I want to learn some self-help I want to learn some specific things that I can do to improve my life by maybe 2% 5% 50 Maybe I want to change my life. I want that kind of positive training and stuff. Today, we are very blessed. We are very blessed. My name is Clay Clark. I’m the former SBA Entrepreneur of the Year. I’ve been blessed to have a lot of success in the world of business. I’m joined with another guy who’s had a lot of success in business. It’s Dr. Robert Zellner. Sir, how are you? I am fantastic. Happy Throwback Thursday. Oh, yeah. I’m real excited. You look, but I’m a little disappointed. What’s that? Why’s that? Well, we’ve got one of my favorite guys just snuck in the studio. And the thing about this is that we love, you know what I love? I love success stories. I love success stories. That’s what this country is built on is success stories. And so we, as your number one business talk radio show. Absolutely, number one. We’re the only one in Tulsa. Only one, but we’re the best. We’re the best. Only one. We’re the best. Only one. We love to find success stories out there and highlight them. And so, I love seeing Joe Davidson coming on here, the owner, starter, proprietor of Oklahoma Joe’s. But you know what upsets me? What upsets you? And I kind of scolded him a little bit. What’s that? Not scolding, I probably… Chastised? Maybe a little bit. Demonized? No, maybe a tad. Yelled at with a megaphone? I’m sorry Joe, I got on to him a little bit, but my dad came out and I kind of talked to him. I said, did you bring us any barbecue? And he said, uh, he kind of has that awkward pause, but he said, no, no, no, but here’s the deal, I have two great restaurants to serve you, I have three locations, I have two that are, where are your locations if Z wants to get that barbecue there Mr. Joe, where can he go get it right now? You know Z, from your location there at 71st and Memorial, it’s so close. It is 61st and Sheridan, it’s two miles. I know, I’m here with a rock. But that wouldn’t be me that threw it the other day. Cut across on 71st, don’t go down to 61st. You don’t like construction. It’s a bugger. I’ll tell you why he did not bring it. I’ll tell you why. You know why he didn’t bring it? Oh, oh, good. Because today we’re talking about the 12 core tasks of your operations team and systems. And we were talking about system number one is you want to deliver on the promises made by our marketing team. They promised the world’s best baked beans. He’s going, I’m going to do that. He’s made a linear workflow, meaning that he’s not the one who has to make every batch of beans. But then the third step is he has to create a great, a cool environment, a great atmosphere because the food tastes better when you’re in the right environment. And so he didn’t want to ruin the aura by bringing it here. He wanted you to have it there where you could have it how it was meant to be. So Joe, I want to ask you, describe for the people who have never been to your restaurant, how have you decorated them? How is it designed? Tell me about the interior design that you’ve put together there. I tell you that number one is we want it to be open and welcoming. That’s a number one aspect of it. But then once you get in there, it’s not really as much about the accolades as it is about my family. We want you to be part of our family. We want you to see all the history of our business. We want you to feel like you’re part of that because you’re in Oklahoma. We’re Oklahomans and we’re sharing in this common aspect of Oklahoma is great. We are great business people, we’re great entrepreneurs, and you know what? Not just me, but we, I’m talking about all the other world champion barbecuers in Oklahoma, we’re great barbecuers and we’re sharing that. We dominate. Yeah. Barbecue competitions, we show up with our cookers and our meat and we say we’ll destroy you. I don’t care where you’re from, Oklahoma has the best. No steroids needed, Dr. Howard. No steroids needed. We just pump it up. We pump up. We have the best meats and the best smokers. My butt ends, I will dominate you with my meat candy. I went in there the other day to the Broken Arrow location. I want to make sure I’m not making something up, but I went in there and when I walk in, I feel like you had some of the meat out on display. Yeah, you know, my favorite thing to do, you can see it, you can see back in our kitchens, you can see every aspect of that. I’m going to tell you, any time that I go through there, I would say, are the ribs coming off? And I would grab a giant tray that will have at least six or seven slabs on them. I would walk up through there and you know our rib cells will go through the roof. You tease them. You just tease them with all those ribs. That’s what you do. That’s what you do. So if you’re listening right now and you’re going, how do I make my office space cool? I’m just walking through the things you can do, okay? So one, make sure the smell, make sure it smells good. Your place smells like barbecue, right? It smells like barbecue. It smells like home. That just smells like beauty. Two, visuals. Be intentional about those visuals. Yes. Three, the music. Make sure you have an atmosphere that’s consistent. As an example, if you went into Oklahoma Joe’s and you sat down for, let’s do another example. Let’s say you went into Hobby Lobby. Hobby Lobby is a Christian owned business that’s very transparent in their Christian owned business status. You’re probably not going to hear hard acid rock in Hobby Lobby. Imagine if you went in there and it was like a really intense smashing pumpkins or some intense rap music and you go in there and you’re trying to buy a nice painting that says blessed. Do you know those ones that women buy? Yes. It’s like a thing you put in your bathroom. Prayer changes things. Prayer changes a lot of things. I’ve done that. We’ve all done that. I’ve walked into a store before and there’s a dude behind the counter who’s got all these piercings and tattoos, which I’m not against piercings and tattoos, don’t get me wrong. But the music on there is like, bam, bam. I mean, you’re just like, ah, I mean, you’re just like, oh my God, what did I walk into? And it’s stressful. Oh, it’s stressful. And you’re just like, dude, that is, that, no, no, no, no, no, Nancy. So I’m going to give you an example of what not to do if you’re listening to this. Don’t let it just drift by default, okay? Because Hobby Lobby has the music that goes with the atmosphere. When I walked into your place, I feel like you had country music on. I feel like that’s what happened. We did. Honky Tonk Heroes. That’s kind of us. Yeah. I went in, but the whole thing has to be consistent. The fourth move. Weave in your personality, which you hit on. That’s big. You were weaving in your family’s history into the decor. Why didn’t you just go, eh, let’s put up some paint. Wait a minute. Guys, I went to the DMV. I mystery shopped the DMV. And I’ve copied all their tips and ideas. And I brought it back. And let’s make Oklahoma Joes look just like the inside of a DMV. It would be awesome. Why didn’t you just do that? You know what? I didn’t even think of it. God damn it. Be glad you didn’t. Be glad you didn’t. You know, somewhat we’re enamored with our own history, in a sense. And we want everyone else to know about that. We want them to get it. We want them to get it. We want them to get it. We’re enamored with our own history in a sense and we want everyone else to know about that. If you can’t celebrate it, who’s going to? No one. That’s exactly it. There’s no one better at telling your story than you. And I will tell you, you can turn your office decor into kind of a commercial. You can put some of your history, how you were started, old school photos, old school team members, awards you’ve won. You can put that in there. Now, move number four. Move number four here is you want to provide a phone system for your team that is capable of recording calls. You’re listening to the Thrash Hunt Show on Talk Radio 117. I’m going to brag on Amex. I love Amex. You call American Express, you’ve got an issue, somebody always answers the phone. They’ve always been very good to me. You talk to them and they request that your call is being recorded for quality assurance. And what that does is it allows them to know that they are honoring their scripts, following their systems, following their processes. But as a manager, I have managed many call centers. I’ve done call centers, I’ve done training. I’ve went out to Albuquerque to work with Hewlett Packard to teach their salespeople. So I’m out there to teach their salespeople, and you know what they do at Hewlett Packard? They record the calls for quality control. And you know why they do that? Because as a manager of the floor, you’re able to play back the calls. If you have a certain rep whose conversion percentage is bad, or they’re just not selling anything, or they’re irritating customers, Z, you know what will happen sometimes when you play back the audio of the rep who’s struggling? They’ll usually say, I’m doing my best. I’m following the system. I’m following the script. I said it. But typically, you’ll discover they’re not. And a lot of times, they don’t know. They just need to be coached. And sometimes, they need to be promoted to a customer status. Exactly, and sometimes you are saying what’s, you are reading the script correctly, but you’re not, it’s your inflection and your tone and your, have a nice day, it’s me from America Express, I’m here to call about your new card. In Elephant in the Room we have mystery shoppers, by the way Zee, I think you should become a mystery shopper at Elephant in the Room. Are you saying I need a haircut? No, I’m just saying I think it’s time. I think it’s time for you to become a mystery shopper. I mean, I feel embarrassed now. We had a guy come into the Elephant in the Room. He’s one of our mystery shoppers. He comes into the Elephant in the Room. It’s our men’s grooming lounge. We have the three locations. He comes in. No one knows he’s a mystery shopper. Can I get one of those $100 bill things that you do? Yeah, you can do that. If you do that, because… You go in and some mystery shoppers will give them $100 and they can buy anything they want. And the idea is to ask, if the person asks them, hey, would you be interested in extra product? That’s the idea. We want to see if they’re asking. Well, long story short, they go in there and we have one of our mystery shoppers who walks in there and they discover, they said the person was following every word of the script because I’ve given them the scripts. They can analyze and see it. But they were saying it, to your point, with the wrong attitude. Yeah. And people have to understand that, listen, just because you’re saying the right thing, the other person’s hearing, you know, it’s so funny, but every single time I get a complaint, it’s always like, they were rude. Rude. And so you go to your employee and you ask them, were you rude? And every single, every single time, what do they say? No. No. Or they’ll go, what happened? Yeah. What do you mean? They’re like, well, I said the right things. I know you said the right things, but 80% of what you’re communicating is not the words. It’s your body language, the inflection, the tone, your expressions on your face. You’re rolling your eyes and saying the right thing, but that’s not saying the right thing. Now, Joe, you have built a business that’s very impressive with Oklahoma Joes, but before you did that, you actually sold two million smokers at one point. Is that right? Yeah, absolutely. So, again, we’re not talking about recording calls. I’m just talking about building a repeatable system. Scalability. Scalability. Why is it so important to figure out how to make the smoker without you personally making the smoker if you’re an entrepreneur? I think that number one, obviously, is that we need something that people want. That’s number one. Then we identify that and we build a prototype. And we literally run it through the paces. Every pace to make certain that’s the right one. Now, from that point, you know what it boils down to? What’s that? Price, point, and value. Price, point, and value. It’s really a cool subject. You’re getting kind of deep here. It is kind of deep. But you know what? I could have sold 10,000 and built the best, most expensive smokers in the world. But instead, you know, let’s sell 2 million, 2 million baby. And let’s sell them for $149 a piece. Oh, we’re going to come back. I’m going to touch that. I’m going to give you my number one rule in business that Joe just touched on. You don’t want to miss this because you can be like Ricky Bobby said, if you’re not first, you’re last. So this is my number one. This is first, first, first, first, first. So when we come back, I’m going to give you the secret sauce. Hello Thrive Nation. Welcome back to Talk Radio 1170. You’re now listening to the Thrive Time Show through your Thrive Time home. It’s Tulsa’s only local business radio show and in the dojo of mojo today, fo’ sho’. My name is Clay Clark. I’m the former SBA Entrepreneur of the Year. In your ear, I’m joined with Dr. Robert Zellner and Dr. Z. We have a very special guest with us today. Yes, and those that are watching on Facebook Live, you’re welcome. We brought a beautiful man on with a beautiful story who makes beautiful barbecue. It’s just a beautiful thing. Does he use pumice? How does he keep his face? I don’t know. Let me tell you this. He’s a beautiful man. He’s sold two million smokers and he’s the founder of Oklahoma Joe’s. It’s Mr. Joe Davidson. Sir, how are you? Oh man, I’m great and better since I’ve heard what you both said. My gosh. Unbelievable. The world’s best baked beans, the world’s best face. Now when we’re talking about those, don’t pass over those baked beans. Seriously Joe, I dwell on the beans because they are stunning. I mean, you know, the burnt ends are probably my favorite. The baked beans and the burnt ends are like, ugh. I have a little phrase. How long did it take you to perfect that baked beans recipe? Seriously, don’t tease me. You know what? I started with great bases from my grandma and then my mom and I thought they were good and we continued. It’s like most families, we continue to go there. You never stop striving to make something better. Are you saying that down the road they could be better? They could be better. Wow, that’s hard to believe. I think that the secret though would be adding more brisket to the meal. That’s what I think. Maybe it might be. This is my disclaimer. A little concern here for the thrivers out there. Some of them are going, I think I’m going to go eat there tonight. Here’s the thing. Once you put a little bit of that Oklahoma Joe’s food in your mouth, this is a real rule, your conversation will go south. People quit talking. They just sit there and eat. It just becomes all out hum across the dinner table. Almost like a bunch of monks hanging out in solitude. Just eat fast and talk a lot later. It’s so good, I’m just telling you. I’m getting hungry talking about it. But now today we’re talking about these systems you have to build in order to really, the core tasks, the 12 core tasks of your operations team. So what happens is once you can sell something for more than you paid for it, that’s exciting. Then you have to step number two, you make a workflow. Step number three, you’ve got to create that great office space. Step number four, you’ve got to have a phone system to record the calls. And then, Z, you were talking about it. You said, hey, when we come back, you’re going to give them the number one rule in business. Your number one rule in business. What is it, sir? What’s the rule? Tell us. Well, I’ll tell you what. You know what this requires, don’t you? Well, farm launchers. I love the farm. I love agrarian societies. I love the fact that you can give a farm analogy and everybody gets it But number one rule in business and Joe touched on it why he sold two million smokers and not 10,000 smokers two million and those of you driving home you could have been pulled over the truck stop You’re listening you maybe fill up the car you ran back in the car real fast. You want me to show and that is the pig. And here’s the rule. Number one business rule. Remember when we were in business, pigs get fat and hogs get butchered. And what does that mean? That means don’t be greedy. And Joe wasn’t greedy with his smoker, and therefore he was able to sell 2 million of them instead of 10,000 of them and therefore made more, I’m going to say the P word, profit. I’ve heard about that. I was watching this Bernie Sanders debate and he was saying that’s a bad thing. No, no, no, no, no. Sorry. This isn’t politics. This is a gardening show. Oh, sure. We’re teaching you how to plant your hydrangeas. Sorry, I thought it was the gardening show, Bernie Sanders. Okay, but seriously, we’re trying to help you make more profits. I want to ask Joe this next thing. Step number five is you have to have a universal place for your team to save their digital files or I would say even to just organize your stuff. I mean you’re making two million smokers. Why is it important that you have a place to put the stuff and it’s labeled? Why is it so important that organization is an absolute must, my friend? I think that from our perspective, communication among team members is the most difficult thing to do. So if you don’t have a centralized location so that everyone can put their fingers on this, it’s one thing to have meetings every week and talk about it, but you don’t have too many meetings. You can beat yourself to death. You can meet them. You’re listening to The Thrash Time Show on Talk Radio 11 Saturday. So on talk radio, 11 seconds. Now one thing I want to give to you, I want to give to the drivers as we move on, we’re organized, but move number six, it kind of ties in here, this is move number six, step number six. You must have a universal nomenclature system for your team. Nomenclature, the naming of things. This is big. That sure is a big word. I mean I tell you what, I’m driving home on Thursday, I’m going to start a business, and Now here you go. Here’s the deal. I’m going to break it down. I’ll give you a notable quotable from Elon Musk. This is the guy who started SpaceX, Tesla, PayPal. I’m going to read it to you. It’s a little bit long, but work with me. He says, there is a creeping tendency to use made up acronyms at SpaceX. By the way, this is an email he sent to his entire staff. He’s furious. He says, there is a creeping tendency to use made-up acronyms at SpaceX. Excessive use of made-up acronyms is a significant impediment to communication. And keeping communication good as we grow is incredibly important. Individually, a few acronyms here and there may not seem so bad. But if a few thousand people are making these up, over time the result will be a huge glossary that we have to issue to new employees. No one can actually remember all these acronyms and people don’t want to seem dumb in a meeting So they just sit there at ignorance. This is particularly tough on new employees Elon Musk. So here we go today in my office I am always waging war on made-up words and acronyms I hate when people say things wrong and put the wrong place this poor young lady today. She’s a new lady She’s in the office a new designer and she had no idea What anyone in the room was talking about and I saw it on her face. I saw it. She’s in that meeting and she’s going, uh-huh, uh-huh. And it’s because the entire meeting was framed after some acronym and I said, like I was just going to slap her. Do you want to preach on this a little bit? I do. You know, because this is big. This is one of your core things. If you don’t name things right, it’s hard to keep your profit margins tight and right. Pretty soon you start drifting, pretty soon you start pulling to the left, pulling to the right. It starts drifting apart pretty soon. There’s no profit. Then there starts to be frustration because of the lack of communication. The third time that you’ve tried to give that order to your team and they keep saying, homie, what do you mean? They say, I don’t understand the words that you’re speaking out of your mouth. And you say, I give up on this meeting. This meeting’s gone south. I’m frustrated. Pretty soon, you just get to a point where you go, I don’t even know what we’re talking about anymore. That’s what happens. I’m the boss and I don’t even know what we’re talking about. That is frustrating. We are involved in online school. This is nerdery. I’m sure this happens to you when you were making the smokers. I’m sure that the welders would do this. But people who are in a niche, over time, they get so into nerd talk, where they start going, well man, what kind of permalink is that? Well I’ll tell you what, what kind of SSL is that? Well you probably put a boom boom on a bang bang and you probably want to get in. Now let me ask you this, where did you get that server? And they just start talking and no one in the room knows what they’re talking about. And now the marketing team can’t communicate with them. Has that ever happened in the welding department over there at Oklahoma Jails, ever, back in the day? You know, back in the day, we’d get so hung up into occasionally when the welding suppliers would come in and they’d say there’s this new technology. New technology. And this is the new wire. It’s a 7014 wire. 7014. 7014 is better than 7013. Yeah, it’s better. It’s the newest and greatest wire that’s ever hit the scale. 70,000 pencil pounds of strength. Ah, 70,000 pencil pounds of strength, are you kidding me? And we’ve got a new gas. A new gas? It’s a 7525. Nothing makes me more excited than when we start talking about jargon and nerdery that nobody listening knows what it is. Because this happens in every business. It always happens. It’s that creeping tendency to jargonize. When we come back, we’re teaching you move number seven. Hello, Thrive Nation, welcome back. You are listening to the end of your business frustration. This is the beginning of the end of your business frustration. Maybe you’ve been frustrated, you’re trying to figure out, I know how to sell something, but I just don’t know how to scale it. I can sell it, but I can’t make it a repeatable process. I’m just stuck, I just can’t figure it out. And if you are frustrated and you don’t know how to sell it, we also have great shows about that. But today, my name’s Clay Clark, I’m the former SBA Entrepreneur of the Year. I’m joined as always with the co-host with the most Dr. Z. And today Z, we have a special guest. Who do we have here on the show today? Well I tell you what, while you’re driving home, we, after talking about this, you’re probably going to go to like 61st and Sheridan or Broken Arrow over there by the Bass Pro Shop and pick up some barbecue from Oklahoma Joe’s because we have the founder and we have the owner and the proprietor of Oklahoma Joe’s on the show Joe Davidson glad you’re on the show Joe. Oh, man It’s so good to be here and remember next time you’re on the show cuz he we like highlighting success story We do we love highlighting. We love we love sharing success stories with you, but one thing that was not a success Mmm. You know he didn’t bring me any any baked beans He didn’t break with the thing is he wanted you to enjoy the atmosphere of his two restaurants, which are still open. I would just settle for the baked beans in the studio right now. This is a bean eating studio. We got the wood over here. Those of you watching, we got all the cool decor back here. I’m not a Joe apologist. I’m just saying when the show’s over at 7, how much longer are you still open? How much more time do we have to get over there? We’ve got plenty of time. We’re not closing until 8.30 tonight. Oh, there you go. I have to shop. I’m going to go around and get it. But listen, if you want to be a hero, not a zero, you’re driving home, you think it’s Thursday, it’s Thursday night football. This is a great start. I tell you what, I’m going to tell the spouse, honey, I got dinner covered. Really? Yeah. And then what you do is you pull into Oklahoma Joe’s and you get like a family pack, a platter of excellence. Make sure two things you got to have in there. You gotta have the burnt ends and you gotta have the barbecue. The rest I’m leaving up to you. Mac and cheese, you know, with the burnt ends in it, the ribs. Get a slab of ribs. Slab of ribs. Slab of ribs. And if you don’t get them, he’ll walk by with a platter of them just to tease you with them. You’ll be like, I gotta have some of those. Unbelievable. Go by, bring it home. When you walk in the door, the kids will scream in excitement. Your spouse will say, oh my gosh, you’re like my favorite spouse ever. You’re like my favorite spouse ever. You saved the day. You saved the day. You fed the family. You rocked the casbah. Throwback Thursday. Throwback to, yeah, there we go. Rock the casbah, rock the casbah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So moving on here, so the 12 core tasks of your operations team and systems. One, deliver on your promises. Two, make a linear workflow. Three, provide that cool office space, that inspirational space. Four, get that phone system that records those calls. Five, get a universal place for saving and naming things. Six, agree on how you name things. Okay? Seven, here we go, seven. You’ve got to provide the tools, resources, and equipment your staff needs to do the job right. If you are highly motivated, you’re trying to sell, and you sold two million smokers, that’s crazy, but you sold two million smokers. That’s crazy, but you sold two million smokers. You’re listening to the Thrash Time Show on Talk Radio 117. If you’re highly motivated and you do not equip your team with the necessary equipment needed to be successful, how successful would they be if you said, guys, I want you to all bring your own tools to work and do the best job you can with whatever tools you can find? I don’t care how many batches of beans you’ve made, you use a recipe every single time. That’s just a little wisdom nugget right there. You gotta use, here’s the deal, I had a photography business we grew, had it for about 10 years called Epic Photography. Most of my photography competitors, they allowed the photographers to bring their own equipment. This is like the movie Braveheart, you know where all the guys show up to fight? Yeah, one guy’s got like a hoe. One guy’s got a club. They’re grabbing whatever they can have. This is how they’re sending out their photography team. Remember the movie Braveheart, just think of the visual. What are they wearing? We didn’t get dressed up for nothing. I got my kilt. Unbelievable. The thing is, we’ve required our team to wear a certain dress code, a certain standard. People could go, oh that’s an epic photography person But the thing is you’ve got to set some standards in your business You’ve got to provide your team with those tools the resources and equipment now move number eight You must provide the website that you need your team needs have a great website to make a great first impression I mean if you have an answer something different than when we started off Yeah, but we didn’t even have websites and I’ll tell you this if you go There’s a tool you can do called the Wayback Machine. This little fun fact, Google it, Wayback Machine. When you go there, you can go back and find it. It’s the internet archive. Just Google it tonight, Wayback Machine. You can pull up any site, how it first looked. It archives all of it. So you can go back and look at our first website for DJ Connection. I challenge you to go up there tonight, Google Wayback Machine. You’ll find the website. Then Google DJ Connection. You’ll see, our first site. And it was a deal where back in the day, people would tell you, these marketing guys would say, you need a website. And I would say, well, why? And they go, because you can send potential prospects to it. And I’m like, why would I do that? I just want to close the deal. I’m not going to send people to the freaking site. Then something switched called Google. All of a sudden, the pendulum has shifted. Now everyone starts their search on Google. Now they still listen to the radio. They still watch TV. But now they’re listening to Spotify. And you’ve got to have that great digital first impression. So if you want us to audit your website, Z, we do that free for everyone listening right now. We will tell you what’s wrong with your site for the canonical, for the Google compliance. I say with go, and you may say, is this a trick? Is this a trick? Look, it’s a trap! It’s a trap! Is this trying to put a worm in my virus in my machine? No it’s not a trick. Go to and we will do it. And you know what’s funny is, on the break I asked Joe of Oklahoma Joe’s, I said it’s throwback Thursday, give me a little throwback love. Yeah. He didn’t hesitate. He did not hesitate. He said. Hotel California. That’s the song. That’s the song. We’re going to lead out with a little throwback Thursday Hotel California for you if you’ve ever heard this song I want you to just sing along see you got crank it up a little bit it’s important we all kind of sing along here we come back we’re gonna be teaching move number nine we’re gonna get to the words I think quite a wind-up we might just kind of just kind of hum along hey we got the last few tips come back for them you don’t want to miss them. Boom. What is going on, T-Town? It is now going down at the Thrive Time Show. In the studio today, we have some incredible humans here. We’ve got Dr. Robert Zellner, Tulsa Entrepreneurial Success Story, a guy who’s done the optometry game. He’s done the old thoroughbred horse racing game. He’s done the whole, he’s got involved in a bank. He’s doing a little bit of a sleep center going on. He’s got the auto auction game. He’s doing, sir, you’re doing well. I’m just going to say that. Thank you, Cleo. I appreciate those accolades, but I’m really excited about these last four steps. We started off today doing the 12 core tasks of your operations team and systems, and this is so, so important for all of you out there who want to start your business or start a young or grow a young business that you have. The first eight were awesome. If you missed them, you can go to and you can listen to them as many times as you want. And many Thrivers do. They listen to it over and over. Free charge. It’s our gift to you. And to help educate the people, to help matriculate the entrepreneurs. So let’s finish strong. And with us, we have a special guest. We have Mr. Joe Davidson, a guy who’s sold two million smokers. Why do I get hungry every time I see him, though? Why is that? In his free time, when he wasn’t making us hungry he started Oklahoma Joe’s which makes us even more hungry. I know! I think my hair smells like smoke too. That’s what you walk by and it’s like… Is that my new cologne? So we’re moving on to this move number nine. I want to make sure we get this. Move number nine. Provide a quality customer service experience for your customers. Now I don’t want to belabor this too much, but I’m going to say this, if you’re listening right now, 9 out of 10 of you listening right now, 9 out of 10, are not doing well at this. According to Harvard. Harvard? You mean Harvard? Harvard, it was apparently a college, I think. It could be a silent H, it could just be Harvard, I’m not sure. Harvard, I’m not sure. Cambridge, Harvard. Here’s the thing, Harvard though, they came up with this thing called the Net Promoter Score. Ooh. And it is a way to identify how likely people are to refer you to their family or friends. And here’s the deal. Here’s a little simplification for you. If people are not wowed, they’re not going to refer now. Let’s try again. If you wow, people will refer now. Companies with the highest net promoter scores are Whole Foods, Apple. We could probably think of them right now. Trader Joe’s, Starbucks. Oklahoma Joe’s. Oklahoma Joe’s. Starbucks, Oklahoma Joes. I will tell you, you have to create an atmosphere that’s beyond just the food if you’re a restaurant. So, Captain Joe, Mr. Joe, sir, I want to ask you, what are some of the things you’ve done to try to make it more of an experience as opposed to just the minimal decor, you go in, hey, here’s my money, great, here’s your meat, go home, boom. I mean, how have you tried to make it more of an experience or more of an atmosphere? I think the number one is we try to make them part of our family. We’ve got someone to greet them at the door. Yeah, we can, absolutely. And we’ll make certain we tie you down in the smokehouse so you’re back there slaving and cooking brisket. Can I eat what I cook? You get to eat everything you cook. Another thing we do, and I do it every single day that I’m in there, is I’ll ask people, would you like to go on a kitchen tour? Really? Every day. Kitchen tour. And when people get to not only experience the food, but they get to experience how it’s made. You mean you’re not hiding it from people? We want them to come back there. We want to show them the smokehouse. We want to open those doors and expose the treasures of barbecue that they’re getting to eat every single day and it impacts them. It makes them feel like they’re part of this. And I’m going to tell you, I can’t get enough of sharing what we do with our customers. And I encourage every employee to do the same with our customers. Turn it into an experience. I don’t care what you’re selling, what you’re making, what you’re doing. Turn it into an experience. Hey, we could go buy, check it out, this just in, we could go buy teddy bears. But somebody said, you know what, let’s make that into an experience we’ll call it build a bear. Build a bear. These guys are geniuses you’re actually paying more money to make your own bear. Genius. Genius. Unbelievable. Unbelievable. You know there’s there’s. Why did I think of that? That’s the only thing that upsets me. Why did I think of that? What’s the place where the guy there’s like a ninja who’s making your food. They’re throwing stuff around. Show guns. We have show guns here. Yeah. And it’s an experience yeah you get to see the guy prepare the food it’s a thing thrivers I’m just trying to stimulate that thought and we’re moving on to move number ten provide a system Wow and a high promoter cause interaction for every customer here’s the deal you want to create a way to interact with the customer if at all possible I put a mechanism in place some way to interact and see you do this at your auction oh you could just sell the cars but no no you are serving what my friend free lunch free lunch free lunch There’s no such thing as a free lunch You know we need to do we need to hook up a Joe and we need to have him we need it We didn’t have him provide some sides or what just haven’t come on provide you know it’s and and haven’t come out and cater We’ll do a cross promotion Lutely I’m painting a pictures promotion. I can see it. Let’s put some smoke in there. How fun would that be? What if we broadcasted live from there while eating Oklahoma Joes at your auction. Is that like going to manhattan? I mean, you’d be right in manville. Maybe we could be in one of your really fun cars that you’re selling that week. Maybe a 65 Chevy. I don’t think we’d be better for sitting in a hot tub eating that barbecue. So we’re sitting in a hot tub that’s mounted inside a limo that’s being sold at your auction while eating Oklahoma Joes. Now that would be the perfect moment. I want to take that to deer camp with me. I want to hunt out of that. All right. So moving on to point number 11 here. You must put systemic purchasing controls in place. You can’t let just anybody buy stuff. Come on, Joe, can you preach it first? Why can’t you just let anybody buy stuff? You just don’t. We have a master distribution agreement with Cisco, our food service provider. You can’t buy anything if it’s not been approved by me on that list. Ever. Because that’s what we’ve approved. You’re listening to the Throckton Show on Talk Radio 1170. Z, someone’s listening right now. They don’t have these controls in place. What’s going to happen? Well, I’ll tell you one thing that my employees love to do, and people around me love to do, and that is, take a guess. I’m going to give you two seconds. You’re driving, you’re driving home, you’re driving to Oklahoma Joe’s to get that take-out food to feed your family, which is very important. They love to spend your money. Oh! Maybe you have weird employees. No, no. The people who work with you are just unique. No, no. It’s universal. It’s universal. They love to spend your money. I thought I’d try something different. I thought, don’t you pay me to try to be creative and try to help you grow your business? I mean, aren’t I like an assistant shift. Oh they love buying swag. They love buying that. Those are the koozies. Yeah. If you have a person you just hired yesterday they want to buy. They like see there’s it. Now this is a true story that I almost made me kill a person but I realized it wasn’t legal. They frown upon it. In Oklahoma you can’t do it. Well you can’t. Stand your ground. You know. This is where I was I was I said I almost I almost claimed it was self-defense though. The print cartridges, if you buy a printer for $200, you buy that Brother printer, that’s not the color but the black and white, for about $250 you can buy it. But the ink itself is about $200. The printer is super cheap, right? But then you get the ink for $200. So the sales rep comes in and goes, I can get you the off-brand, not to me but to one of the people, I can get you the off-brand and if you buy $20,000 of it or more, I can get it to you 20% off. So this person, without even thinking of talking to me, says, it sounds great. So I get a pallet almost. I mean, literally, it was like somebody. A lifetime supply. And here’s how I knew about it, because somebody in my office has taken a dolly. I’m like, where are you going with the dolly? And they’re bringing those boxes. I got to bring the papers. And they’re like, what did we buy? And they go, oh, all the ink came in. I go, the ink? I returned that stuff. I had to pay the restocking fee. A disaster. And if I had not have caught that, they literally would have not told me. The person no longer works with us. But that was like the prime like. Is that why you give cartridges for Christmas every year? See, what better way to say I love you than a cartridge to a printer that’s no longer that light. Here’s the final one, okay? You want to have systemic cost controls in place. This is different from purchasing. Cost is like when you’re making a smoker, the cost of the smoker can get more and more expensive over time if you’re not clear about what the margins are that you want to have and what kind of value you want to offer for the price. Why is it so important that you eventually put a cost? Like you said, this is the most we’re going to spend on this particular smoker that we’re making. Why do you have to do that, Mr. Joe? You know, we always started out with what we’d consider to be standard cost. That’s the theoretical cost of what that was supposed to be. But then the actuals are very different. Now, systemic cost in place, the reality is that we don’t get to sell things for just whatever we want to. We make a commitment to sell it for a certain price for a specific period of time. And if it goes over that systemic cost, all of a sudden we go into a red zone. We don’t like that. If you want to stay out of that red zone, you want to learn how to do all the accounting, the very specific systemic step-by-step accounting, how to do your break-even point, how to do your cost analysis, how to just break it down like fractions. Z, you and I built a website called, which many have said, including Forbes, is one of the top websites on the planet to learn how to start and grow a business. Why are you so passionate about, sir? Well, I tell you what, when you’re starting a business, you’re gonna learn by mistakes from mentors. And that’s just the reality. Now, everybody wants a business coach. Everybody, I’ve got a lot of young people that come up to me and say, hey, I’m gonna start a business, coach me up, you’re successful, coach me up. I’m like, I don’t have time, I’m sorry. I just wanna pick your brain. Yeah, I just wanna pick your brain every day for like three hours. Like, I can’t, I can’t, I don’t have time, I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I have a life. So what we’ve done is we have dummied it down. Instead of spending thousands of dollars on a private business coach, you know, he’ll sit down and do all that. Now we have it at your, right in your pocket. for $19 a month. You can binge watch all the videos you want to, all the topics that are pertinent to starting and growing a business. So There’s also workshops. Yeah, really workshops. And there’s templates. You want a template to break down how to do a cost analysis of your food. People to answer your calls. People that are there for you. The video versions of today’s radio show and others. It’s all there. Now on this throwback Thursday, we’re taking you out with a little Hotel California per the request of Mr. Oklahoma Joe himself. A little bit of special tribute to you, sir. Thank you. As always, 3, 2, 1, boom. JT, do you know what time it is? 410. It’s TiVo time in Tulsa, Oklahoma, baby. Tim TiVo is coming to Tulsa, Oklahoma, June 27 and 28. We’ve been doing business conferences here since 2005. I’ve been hosting business conferences since 2005. What year were you born? 1995. Dude, I’ve been hosting business conferences since you were 10 years old, but I’ve never had the two-time Heisman Award winning Tim Tebow come present. A lot of people have followed Tim Tebow’s football career on the field and off the field. Off the field, the guy’s been just as successful as he has been on the field. Now, the big question is, JT, how does he do it? Well, they’re going to have to come and find out, because I don’t know. Well, I’m just saying, Tim Tebow’s going to teach us how he organizes his day, how he organizes his life, how he’s proactive with his faith, his family, his finances. He’s going to walk us through his mindset that he brings into the gym, into business. It is going to be a blasty blast at Tulsa Ruslim. Also, this is the first Thrive Time Show event that we’ve had where we’re going to have a man who has built a $100 million net worth. Wow. Who will be presenting. Now, we’ve had a couple of presenters that have had a billion dollar net worth in some like a real estate sort of things. Yeah. But this is the first time we’ve had a guy who’s built a service business and he’s built over a hundred million dollar net worth in the service business. It’s the yacht driving, multi-state living guru of franchising. Peter Taunton will be in the house. This is the founder of Snap Fitness, the guy behind nine round boxing he’s gonna be here in Tulsa, Russel Oklahoma June 27th and 28th. JT, why should everybody want to hear what Peter Taunton has to say? Oh, because he’s incredible. He’s just a fountain of knowledge. He is awesome. He has inspired me listening to him talk and not only that he also has he practices what he teaches so he’s a real teacher. He’s not a fake teacher like business school teachers. So you gotta come learn from him. Also let me tell you this folks, I don’t want to get this wrong because if I get it wrong, someone’s gonna say, you screwed that up buddy. So Michael Levine, this is Michael Levine, he’s gonna be coming. You say, who’s Michael Levine? I don’t get this wrong. This is the PR consultant of choice for Michael Jackson, for Prince, for Nike, for Charlton Heston, for Nancy Kerrigan. 34 Grammy Award winners, 43 New York Times best-selling authors he’s represented, including pretty much everybody you know who’s been a super celebrity. This is Michael Levine, a good friend of mine. He’s going to come and talk to you about personal branding and the mindset needed to be super successful. The lineup will continue to grow. We have hit Christian reporting artist Colton Dixon in the house. Now people say, Colton Dixon’s in the house? Yes, Colton Dixon’s in the house. So if you like top 40 Christian music, Colton Dixon’s going to be in the house performing. The lineup will continue to grow each and every day. We’re going to add more and more speakers to this all-star lineup, but I encourage everybody out there today, get those tickets today. Go to Again, that’s And some people might be saying, well, how do I do it? I don’t know what I do. How does it work? You just go to Let’s go there now. We’re feeling the flow. We’re going to Again, you just go to You click on the business conferences button, and you click on the request tickets button right there. The way I do our conferences is we tell people it’s $250 to get a ticket, or whatever price that you can afford. And the reason why I do that is I grew up without money. JT, you’re in the process of building a super successful company. Did you start out with a million dollars in the bank account? No, I did not. Nope, did not get any loans, nothing like that. Did not get an inheritance from parents or anything like that. I had to work for it. And I am super grateful I came to a business conference. That’s actually how I met you, met Peter Taunton. I met all these people. So if you’re out there today and you want to come to our workshop, again, you just got to go to You might say, well, when’s it going to be? June 27 and 28. You might say, well, who’s speaking? We already covered that. You might say, where is it going to be? It’s going to be in Tulsa, Russia Oklahoma. I suppose it’s Tulsa, Russia. I’m really trying to rebrand Tulsa as Tulsa Ruslim, sort of like the Jerusalem of America. But if you type in Thrive Time Show and Jinx, you can get a sneak peek or a look at our office facility. This is what it looks like. This is where you’re headed. It’s going to be a blasty blast. You can look inside, see the facility. We’re going to have hundreds of entrepreneurs here. It is going to be packed. Now, for this particular event, folks, the seating is always limited because my facility isn’t a limitless convention center. You’re coming to my actual home office. And so it’s going to be packed. So when? June 27th to 28th. Who? You! You’re going to come! Who? You! I’m talking to you. You can get your tickets right now at And again, you can name your price. We tell people it’s $250 or whatever price you can afford. And we do have some select VIP tickets, which gives you an access to meet some of the speakers and those sorts of things. And those tickets are $500. It’s a two-day interactive business workshop, over 20 hours of business training. We’re going to give you a copy of my newest book, The Millionaire’s Guide to Becoming Sustainably Rich. You’re going to leave with a workbook. You’re going to leave with everything you need to know to start and grow a super successful company. It’s practical, it’s actionable, and it’s TiVo time right here in Tulsa, Russelam. Get those tickets today at again that’s Hello I’m Michael Levine and I’m talking to you right now from the center of Hollywood California where I have represented over the last 35 years 58 Academy Award winners 34 Grammy Award winners 43 New York Times bestsellers a lot of major stars and I’ve worked with a lot of major companies and I think I’ve learned a few things about what makes them work and what makes them not work. Now why would a man living in Hollywood California in the beautiful sunny weather of LA come to Tulsa? Because last year I did it and it was Clay Clark has put together an exceptional presentation. Really life-changing. And I’m looking forward to seeing you then. I’m Michael Levine. I’ll see you in Tulsa. James, did I tell you my good friend John Lee Dumas is also joining us at the in-person, two-day, interactive Thrive Time Show Business Workshop? That’s Tim Tebow and that’s Michael Levine. Have I told you this? You have not told me that. He’s coming all the way from Puerto Rico. This is John Lee Dumas, the host of the chart-topping podcast. He’s absolutely a living legend. This guy started a podcast after wrapping up his service in the United States military and he started recording this podcast daily in his home to the point where he started interviewing big-time folks like Gary Vaynerchuk, like Tony Robbins, and he just kept interviewing bigger and bigger names, putting out shows day after day, and now he is the legendary host of the EO Fire podcast, and he’s traveled all the way from Puerto Rico to Tulsa, Oklahoma to attend the in-person June 27th and 28th live time show, two day interactive business workshop. If you’re out there today, folks, if you’ve ever wanted to grow a podcast, a broadcast. You want to get in, you want to improve your marketing. If you’ve ever wanted to improve your marketing, your branding, if you’ve ever wanted to increase your sales, you want to come to the two-day interactive June 27th and 28th Thrive Time Show Business Workshop featuring Tim Tebow, Michael Levine, John Lee Dumas, and countless big-time super successful entrepreneurs. It’s going to be life-changing. Get your tickets right now at James, what website is that? James, one more time for the board. It could get dangerous, see these people I ride with. This moment, we own it. Thrive Time Show two day interactive business workshops are the world’s highest rated and most reviewed business workshops because we teach you what you need to know to grow. You can learn the proven 13 point business systems that Dr. Zellner and I have used over and over to start and grow successful companies. When we get into the specifics, the specific steps on what you need to do to optimize your website. We’re gonna teach you how to fix your conversion rate. We’re gonna teach you how to do a social media marketing campaign that works. How do you raise capital? How do you get a small business loan? We teach you everything you need to know here during a two-day, 15-hour workshop. It’s all here for you. You work every day in your business, but for two days you can escape and work on your business and build these proven systems so now you can have a successful company that will produce both the time freedom and the financial freedom that you deserve. You’re gonna leave energized, motivated, but you’re also gonna leave empowered. The reason why I built these workshops is because as an entrepreneur, I always wish that I had this. And because there wasn’t anything like this, I would go to these motivational seminars, no money down, real estate, Ponzi scheme, get motivated seminars, and they would never teach me anything. It was like you went there and you paid for the big chocolate Easter bunny, but inside of it, it was a hollow nothingness. And I wanted the knowledge, and they’re like, oh, but we’ll teach you the knowledge after our next workshop. And the great thing is we have nothing to upsell. At every workshop, we teach you what you need to know. There’s no one in the back of the room trying to sell you some next big get-rich-quick, walk-on-hot-coals product. It’s literally we teach you the brass tacks, the specific stuff that you need to know to learn how to start and grow a business. I encourage you to not believe what I’m saying, but I want you to Google the Z66 auto auction. I want you to Google elephant in the room. Look at Robert, Zellner and Associates. Look them up and say, are they successful because they’re geniuses or are they successful because they have a proven system? When you do that research, you will discover that the same systems that we use in our own business can be used in your business. Come to Tulsa, book a ticket, and I guarantee you it’s going to be the best business workshop ever and we’ll even give you your money back if you don’t love it. We’ve built this facility for you and we’re excited to see it. And now you may be thinking, what does it actually cost to attend an in-person two-day interactive Thrive Time Show business workshop? Well, good news, the tickets are $250 or whatever price that you can afford. What? Yes, they’re $250 or whatever price you can afford. I grew up without money and I know what it’s like to live without money. So if you’re out there today and you want to attend our in-person two-day interactive business workshop All you got to do is go to thrive to request those tickets and if you can’t afford $250 We have scholarship pricing available to make it affordable for you. I Learned at the Academy in Kings Point in New York Octa nonverba Watch what a person does not what they say Good morning. Good morning. Good morning, good morning, good morning. Harvard Kiyosaki University Radio Show. Today I’m broadcasting from Phoenix, Arizona, not Scottsdale, Arizona. They’re close, but they’re completely different worlds. And I have a special guest today. The definition of intelligence is if you agree with me, you’re intelligent. And so this gentleman is very intelligent. I’ve done this show before also, but very seldom do you find somebody who lines up on all counts. And so Mr. Clay Clark is a friend of a good friend, Eric Trump. But we’re also talking about money, bricks, and how screwed up the world can get in a few and a half hour. So Clay Clark is a very intelligent man, and there’s so many ways we could take this thing. But I thought since you and Eric are close, Trump, what were you saying about what Trump can’t, what Donald, who is my age, and I can say or cannot say? Well, I have to, first of all, I have to honor you, sir. I want to show you what I did to one of your books here. There’s a guy named Jeremy Thorn, who was my boss at the time. I was 19 years old, working at Faith Highway. I had a job at Applebee’s, Target, and DirecTV. And he said, have you read this book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad? And I said, no. And my father, may he rest in peace, he didn’t know these financial principles. So I started reading all of your books and really devouring your books. And I went from being an employee to self-employed to the business owner, to the investor. And I owe a lot of that to you. And I just wanted to take a moment to tell you, thank you so much for allowing me to achieve success. And I’ll tell you all about Eric Trump. I just want to tell you, thank you sir for changing my life. Well not only that Clay, thank you, but you’ve become an influencer. More than anything else, you’ve evolved into an influencer where your word has more and more power. So that’s why I congratulate you on becoming. Because as you know, there’s a lot of fake influencers out there too, or bad influencers. Yeah. Anyway, I’m glad you and I agree so much and thanks for reading my books. Yeah, that’s that’s the greatest thrill for me today not thrill but Recognition is when people young men, especially come up and say I read your book change your life. I’m doing this I’m doing this I’m doing this. I learned at the Academy at Kings Point in New York Octa nonverba Watch what a person does not what they say. Hey, I’m Ryan Wimpey. I’m originally from Tulsa, born and raised here. I went to a small private liberal arts college and got a degree in business, and I didn’t learn anything like they’re teaching here. I didn’t learn linear workflows. I learned stuff that I’m not using and I haven’t been using for the last nine years. So what they’re teaching here is actually way better than what I got at business school and I went what was actually ranked as a very good business school. The linear workflow, the linear workflow for us and getting everything out on paper and documented is really important. We have workflows that are kind of all over the place so the having linear workflow and seeing that mapped out on multiple different boards it’s pretty awesome that’s really helpful for me. The atmosphere here is awesome. I definitely just stared at the walls figuring out how to make my facility look like this place. This place rocks. It’s invigorating. The walls are super, it’s just very cool. The atmosphere is cool. The people are nice. It’s a pretty cool place to be. Very good learning atmosphere. I literally want to model it and steal everything that’s here at this facility and basically create it just on our business side. Once I saw what they were doing, I knew I had to get here at the conference. This is probably the best conference or seminar I’ve ever been to in over 30 years of business. You’re not bored. You’re waiting live the whole time. It’s not pushy. They don’t try to sell you a bunch of things. I was looking to learn how to just get control of my life, my schedule, and just get control of the business. Planning your time, breaking it all down, making time for the F6 in your life, and just really implementing it and sticking with the program. It’s really lively, they’re pretty friendly, helpful, and very welcoming. I attended a conference a couple months back, and it was really the best business conference I’ve ever attended. In the workshop, I learned a lot about time management, really prioritizing what’s the most important. The biggest takeaways are, you know, you want to take a step-by-step approach to your business. Whether it’s marketing, you know, what are those three marketing tools that you want to use to human resources. Some of the most successful people and successful businesses in this town, their owners were here today because they wanted to know more from Clay, and I found that to be kind of fascinating. The most valuable thing that I’ve learned is diligence. That businesses don’t change overnight. It takes time and effort, and you’ve got to go through the ups and downs of getting it to where you want to go. He actually gives you the road map out. I was stuck, didn’t know what to do, and he gave me the road map out step by step. We’ve set up systems in the business that make my life much easier, allow me some time freedom. Here you can ask any question you want, they guarantee it’ll be answered. This conference motivates me and also gives me a lot of knowledge and tools. It’s up to you to do it. Everybody can do these things. There’s stuff that everybody knows, but if you don’t do it, nobody else is going to do it for you. I can see the marketing world came. It’s just an approach that makes sense. Probably the most notable thing is just the income increase that we’ve had. Everyone’s super fun and super motivating. I’ve been here before, but I’m back again because it motivated me. Your competition’s going to come eventually or try to pick up these tag names. So you better, if you don’t, somebody else will. I’m Rachel with Tip Top K9 and we just want to give a huge thank you to Clay and Vanessa Clark. Hey guys, I’m Ryan with Tip Top K9. Just want to say a big thank you to Thrive 15. Thank you to Make Your Life Epic. We love you guys, we appreciate you and really just appreciate how far you’ve taken us. This is our old house, right? This is where we used to live two years ago. This is our old neighborhood. See? It’s nice, right? So this is my old van and our old school marketing and this is our old team and by team I mean it’s me and another guy. This is our new house with our new neighborhood. This is our new van with our new marketing and this is our new team. We went from 4 to 14 and I took this beautiful photo. We worked with several different business coaches in the past and they were all about helping Ryan sell better and Just teaching sales, which is awesome. But Ryan is a really great salesman. So we didn’t need that We needed somebody to help us get everything that was in his head out Into systems into manuals and scripts and actually build a team So now that we have systems in place, we’ve gone from one to ten locations in only a year. In October 2016, we grossed 13 grand for the whole month. Right now it’s 2018, the month of October. It’s only the 22nd, we’ve already grossed a little over 50 grand for the whole month, and we still have time to go. We’re just thankful for you, thankful for Thrive and your mentorship, and we’re really thankful that you guys have helped us to grow a business that we run now instead of the business running us. Just thank you, thank you, thank you, times a thousand. So we really just want to thank you, Clay, and thank you, Vanessa, for everything you’ve done, everything you’ve helped us with. We love you guys. If you decide to not attend the ThriveCon workshop, you’re missing out on a great opportunity. The atmosphere at Clay’s office is very lively. You can feel the energy as soon as you walk through the door. And it really got me and my team very excited. If you decide not to come, you’re missing out on an opportunity to grow your business, bottom line. Love the environment. I love the way that Clay presents and teaches. It’s a way that not only allows me to comprehend what’s going on, but he explains it in a way to where it just makes sense. The SEO optimization, branding, marketing, I’ve learned more in the last two days than I have the entire four years of college. The most valuable thing that I’ve learned, marketing is key, marketing is everything. Making sure that you’re branded accurately and clearly. How to grow a business using Google reviews and then just how to optimize our name through our website also. Helpful with a lot of marketing, search engine optimization, helping us really rank high in Google. The biggest thing I needed to learn was how to build my foundation, how to systemize everything and optimize everything, build my SEO. How to become more organized, more efficient. How to make sure the business is really there to serve me as opposed to me constantly being there for the business. New ways of advertising my business as well as recruiting new employees. Group interviews, number one. Before we felt like we were held hostage by our employees. Grouping uses completely eliminates that because you’re able to really find the people that would really be the best fit. Hands-on, how to hire people, how to deal with human resources, a lot about marketing and overall just how to structure the business, how it works for me and also then how that can translate into working better for my clients. The most valuable thing I’ve learned here is time management. I like the one hour of doing your business is real critical if I’m going to grow and change. Play really teaches you how to navigate through those things and not only find freedom but find your purpose in your business and find the purposes for all those other people that directly affect your business as well. Everybody. Everybody. Everyone. Everyone needs to attend the conference because you get opportunity to see that it’s real. get opportunity to see that it’s real. you


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