Clay Clark | Purple Cow | Marketing 101 + “If you’re remarkable, it’s likely that some people won’t like you. That’s part of the definition of remarkable.” – Godin + Tebow Joins Clay Clark’s Dec 5-6 Business Workshop!

Show Notes

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Audio Transcription

The idea is that if everyone wants to talk about your idea, if they talk about your idea, if they spread the word, then you get past all the spam. A purple cow is purple because it’s remarkable, worth talking about, worth making a remark about. Average products are not remarkable, but at the edges, remarkable products people choose to talk about. So when they choose to talk about it, they’re telling each other and the word spreads. And what the Internet is, is radio for ideas. The same way that music would have been dead without FM radio, without DJs playing The Beatles, The Beatles would be no one, ideas are now supercharged by the Internet. Now an idea can show up in one corner of the Internet and the next thing you know it’s everywhere. Five years ago, BMW on each car they sold spent about that much money on advertising. To the same scale, that’s how much money Lincoln Mercury spent. Because Lincoln Mercury making average cars for average people, and BMW puts the marketing money, the advertising money, into the car itself. That the act of making the BMW is the act of marketing the BMW. Basically what I’m talking about here is this thought that what people in the fashion industry do, Tommy Hilfiger, Giorgio Armani, what they do is they take something that’s already good enough and they change it just enough that people want to talk about it. That’s fashion. Fashion isn’t giving me an article of clothing that I need. All the articles of clothing that I will ever need have already been manufactured. Men aren’t going to freak out if some article of clothing goes away. They’ve got enough of it. Fashion is the act of changing it. Widening the lapel, narrowing the lapel, changing the material, changing the look, bearing the midriff, covering the midriff, thank God. All of those approaches exist for one reason, to cause conversations, to create things worth talking about. Hey, I’m Ryan Wimpey. I’m originally from Tulsa, born and raised here. I’ve definitely learned a lot about life design and making sure the business serves you. The linear workflow, the linear workflow for us in getting everything out on paper and documented is really important. We have workflows that are kind of all over the place, so having linear workflow and seeing that mapped out on multiple different boards is pretty awesome. That’s really helpful for me. The atmosphere here is awesome. I definitely just stared at the walls figuring out how to make my facility look like this place. This place rocks. It’s invigorating. The walls are super, it’s just very cool. The atmosphere is cool. The people are nice. It’s a pretty cool place to be. Very good learning atmosphere. I literally want to model it and steal everything that’s here at this facility and basically create it just on our business side. hilarious. I literally laughed so hard that I started having tears yesterday. And we’ve been learning a lot, which, you know, we’ve been sitting here, we’ve been learning a lot, and so the humor definitely helps, it breaks it up. But the content is awesome, off the charts, and it’s very interactive, you can raise your hand, it’s not like you’re just listening to the professor speak, you know? The wizard teaches, but the wizard interacts and he takes questions, so that’s awesome. If you’re not attending the conference, you’re missing about three-quarters to half of your life you’re definitely It’s it’s probably worth a couple thousand dollars so You’re missing The thought process of someone that’s already started like nine profitable businesses so not only is it a lot of good information, but just getting in the thought process of Clay Clark or Dr. Zellner or any of the other coaches, getting in the thought process of how they’re starting all these businesses, to me, just that is priceless. That’s money. Well, we’re definitely not getting upsold here. My wife and I have attended conferences where they upsold, where it was great information and then they upsold us like half the conference, and I want to like bang my head into a wall, and she’s like banging her head into the chair in front of her. Like, it’s good information, but we’re like, oh my gosh, I want to strangle you. Shut up and go with the presentation that we paid for. And that’s not here. There’s no upsells or anything, so that’s awesome. I hate that. Oh, it makes me angry. So, glad that’s not happening. So the cost of this conference is quite a bit cheaper than business college. I went to a small private liberal arts college and got a degree in business, and I didn’t learn anything like they’re teaching here. I didn’t learn linear workflows. I learned stuff that I’m not using and I haven’t been using for the last nine years. So what they’re teaching here is actually way better than what I got at business school. And I went what was actually ranked as a very good business school. I would definitely recommend that people would check out the Thrive 15 conference. It’s the information that you’re going to get is just very, very beneficial. And the mindset that you’re going to get, that you’re going to leave with is just absolutely worth the price of a little bit of money and a few days worth of your time. I’m Rachel with Tip Top K9 and we just want to give a huge thank you to Clay and Vanessa Clark. Hey guys, I’m Ryan with Tip Top K9. Just want to say a big thank you to Thrive 15. Thank you to Make Your Life Epic. We love you guys. We appreciate you and really just appreciate how far you’ve taken us. This is our old house, right? This is where we used to live two years ago. This is our old neighborhood. See? It’s nice, right? So this is my old van and our old school marketing, and this is our old team. And by team, I mean it’s me and another guy. This is our new house with our new neighborhood. This is our new van with our new marketing. And this is our new team. We went from four to fourteen. And I took this beautiful photo. We worked with several different business coaches in the past. And they were all about helping Ryan sell better and just teaching sales, which is awesome, but Ryan is a really great salesman. So we didn’t need that. We needed somebody to help us get everything that was in his head out into systems, into manuals and scripts and actually build a team. So now that we have systems in place, we’ve gone from one to 10 locations in only a year. In October 2016, we grossed 13 grand for the whole month. Right now it’s 2018, the month of October. It’s only the 22nd, we’ve already grossed a little over 50 grand for the whole month, and we still have time to go. We’re just thankful for you, thankful for Thrive and your mentorship, and we’re really thankful that you guys have helped us to grow a business that we run now instead of the business running us. Just thank you, thank you, thank you, times a thousand. So we really just wanna thank you, Clay, and thank you, Vanessa, for everything you’ve done, everything you’ve helped us with. We love you guys. On today’s show, Seth Godin, the iconic entrepreneur, New York Times bestselling author, and the man who in 1998 sold his company Yo-Yo Dine to Yahoo for $30 million. Well, now that’s a lot of money if you round it up. Joins us to share how he started his first business out of his New York City studio apartment. Why he believes that instead of wondering where your next vacation should be, you should set up a life that you don’t want to escape from. Why nobody bought one of the first books that he wrote. Why he doesn’t own a television. His process for writing books. His criteria for what he says no and yes to. His mantra of pick your customers, pick your life. Why he rails about industrial complexes, our shared love for patina and much much more some shows don’t need a celebrity narrator to introduce the show but this show does two men eight kids co-created by two different women thirteen multi-million dollar businesses ladies and gentlemen welcome to the thrive time show Oh yes, Thrive Nation, welcome back to another exciting edition of the Thrive Time Show on Mr. Seth Godin, welcome on to the Thrive Time Show. How are you, sir? I’m fantastic, but getting better. Thank you for having me. Well, Seth, you’ve written now over 15 books. I believe 17 is the official count. Do you have a favorite book? It’s a little like asking about your favorite kid, but I will tell you, you know, the new The new one is my 19th. The one that I tend to talk about when people ask me that question is the second or third one which is called Survival is Not Enough. The reason is because no one bought it. It was a total failure. There are two reasons for that. One reason is because it came out right after 9-11 which was tragic for so many people. Then the second reason is because it’s about evolutionary theory. I worked on it eight hours a day for a year. I loved that book, but it didn’t work. So you learn a lesson. You know, Seth, you have written a lot about finding your vocation. I don’t know if you’ve ever used those specific words, but the word vocation, originally in the Latin means you’re calling, and vacation means to retreat from. But you have a notable quotable where I’ve read that you once wrote, instead of wondering where your next vacation is, maybe you should set up a life you don’t need to escape from. Can you share what you mean by this? Well, I think we begin with this. Everyone should have something that they love to do, something that feels to them like they’re truly connected to it. But that doesn’t have to be the thing you get paid for. It’s just a very happy moment if they turn out to be the same thing. But rather than forcing that thing you do to also be the thing you love, if we give ourselves permission to do both, to say, I love opera, and I’m gonna work in my spare time, and I’m not gonna try to make money from that, and then when I do my job, I’m going to do my job with care and grace, but I’m not going to expect it to feel like opera. We let ourselves off a dangerous hook when we do that, because then we can go to work and act as if, act as if our work matters, act as if we are making a contribution, act as if our energy will come back to us many times over. And what I found when people do that is they can turn almost any job into a job where they can thrive. And when you take that attitude, suddenly you’re not in such a hurry to run away from it. You know, I feel like you’ve been running towards your vocation for many years, and a lot of people know you now as the best-selling author, as one of the most influential entrepreneurial authors of the past decade, some could argue, but you started out of a New York City studio apartment with a book packaging company. Can you share with us what it was like to start that book packaging company? And really, when did you start to develop some type of traction as an entrepreneur? Well, you’re being really generous because for something to be a company, it needs to have revenue. And so for a year, I didn’t have revenue. I was getting close to selling my stuff to the pawn shop, but that’s all I was selling because what book packagers do is they invent ideas for books, bring them to the book publishing world and if someone likes them, they give you money and you go make the book. And I started the company with a project I did with Chip Conley, who also went off to become successful. We sold that book for $5,000 on the first day, but then I started the company and I didn’t sell anything for a year. Rejection, rejection, rejection for a whole year. I was working 12 hours a day, shipping out proposals, 850 or so proposals, not one thing sold. That was really, really hard. It wasn’t just that I wasn’t getting revenue, it was that the people around me didn’t get what I was trying to do. Not only didn’t the world understand my vision, the people who cared about me didn’t understand it either. That took a lot of reserve to get through. You know, Dr. Zellner and I both started from the bottom. He is an optometrist turned entrepreneurial tycoon. I started a company called DJ Connection out of my dorm room that grew into the largest wedding entertainment company in the country, and we’ve gone on to grow 13 multi-million dollar companies together. And we love stories about guys like you that started from the bottom and sort of grew to the next level. And I think one of the things you have to do to become successful is you have to build a foundation of your daily mantra, your daily rituals, your daily flow state, your normal. Can you walk us through the first three hours of your typical day? What does that look like, my friend? Because you’re the master of saying no. What did the first three hours of your… What does it look like? How do you organize your day? Walk us through your routine. Well, I think it’s important to not get confused by the specifics. So, as you know, Dr. Zellner went to school in Buffalo. I went to school in Buffalo. Does that mean you have to go to school in Buffalo in order to be successful? I don’t think so. That’s an irrelevant about the work you’re going to try to do? And for me, I was telling myself a really negative story, particularly halfway through the first year. The phone would ring and I’d say, oh, here comes someone ready to reject me. And the mail would come and I’d say, oh, here comes some more rejection. It was as if I was hoping that it would happen, right? And I spent a lot of time listening to Zig Ziglar, a lot of time making sure I was feeding myself a different story. And the big shift for me happened when I made the decision that I was now doing work that I get to do, not that I have to do. And that’s the biggest thing about my daily ritual. I don’t have an alarm clock, I just leap out of bed because I can’t believe I get to do this again. And there’s not one part of my day where I roll my eyes and go, oh, I can’t believe I have to do that because if I’m gonna do it, it’s choice. And if I don’t want to do it, then I can arrange my life so I don’t have to. I don’t go to meetings and none. I don’t have a television because those Instead, I’ve tried to organize a day where I can’t believe I get to do this. Tell me about the process you go through in creating a new book. Where do you start and what does it look like? How do you finish it? The way it used to work is I made a commitment that I was going to do a book a year because I liked the rhythm and the process. So every once in a while I would say, hmm, if I’m going to have a book coming out next year, I better have something ready to go soon. And I would look at what the world was saying to me, where I saw a hole happening, where the opportunity was. But I haven’t done that in about eight or nine books. Now, it’s so painful to bring a book to market that I only write a book if the book demands that I do. So my blog lets me off the hook. If I can just write a blog post, then I don’t have to write the book, done. But if the idea keeps knocking on my door and won’t let me go, I say, all right, well, this idea demands this format. And because I’m not saying to the world, read this book, buy this book, because it’s time for me to sell you a book. My posture is different. I don’t have to go out and say, oh, time to sell a book again. It’s a different sort of process. Then what I do generally is write the whole thing in three weeks and then spend six months or so rewriting it, thinking about it, throwing parts of it out. There are five books. I’ve written the whole book, and no one’s ever read it because it wasn’t good enough when I was done. So I sort of put that into place, see how it all fits together, and if I think it’s something that I can be proud of ten years from now, then I’ll share it with people. You know, Seth, one of the things I think is remarkable about you is that you say no to a lot of things, and I’ve heard you in previous interviews talk about this, and you And you say no to speaking events routinely, which Jonathan, who works closely with me in my office, who I believe arranged our interview, Jonathan knows this. Whenever someone reaches out to me for a speaking event, I almost immediately say no, unless XYZ is the case. Can you explain your criteria for what you say no to? Because that’s why you have the time freedom to focus on the things that you’re excited about. I mean, it’s because you say no. Can you talk about what are the, what’s your criteria for the things you say no to? And what do you say yes to? Well, I would begin with this. The mantra that I think is true for everyone is pick your customers, pick your future. The people that you are serving, the people who are paying you, are the ones who are going to determine how you’re going to spend your day. And so, I don’t have a staff, I don’t have a team, it’s just me. And if I don’t spend today doing X, then I could do Y, but I can’t do X and Y at the same time. So I used to limit myself to about 30 speaking gigs a year, now it’s 15, and I think hard about how far is this gonna be, how many people am I gonna be able to impact? Is the audience, is the biggest one, enrolled in where I wanna go? So I mistakenly took a gig six or seven years ago to 3,000 men and women, mostly men, who own car repair, a big chain of car repair franchises. So there were 3,000 people there. It met many of my criteria, except they had no interest in what I had to say. What was your speech of that day? Do you remember? Yeah, totally. My speech was, the speech I give is if I were in their shoes, what would I need to hear? What would I want to hear? How could I open a door for them? So I imagined what I would do if I owned a Goodyear, good rich, tire and rubber kind of facility. How could I be significantly above average? What would it mean to have a different relationship with my customers, what would it mean to do work that they would miss if it were gone, to not be in a commodity business. I was right, except for one thing, which is that’s not why they were in the business. They were in the business for something that I would never be in the business for. They liked owning a car repair shop, and they didn’t want it to be one that was exceptional. They just wanted it to be the one they had. Right. Pay the bills. I just want to pay the bills! And I’m like, fine, that’s great, but I shouldn’t be the person to talk to you today. Well, now I want to ask you this, because you have said, there was an interview you did with Tim Ferriss, and for any of our listeners out there who don’t know, Tim Ferriss is one of the top podcasters on the planet. And you talked about how you typically rail against industrial complexes? And if you have time, I want you to talk about patina, because you and I share a love for the patina. So talk to me about railing against industrial complexes, and if you have a moment I’d love for you to share your focus on patina. So General Eisenhower famously warned the public that there was a military industrial complex being built that was pushing us to be in the Vietnam War and what it means is you have a company that makes weapons. You use some of that money to lobby the government to get into war so you can sell more weapons. The military industrial complex, it works in tandem and what’s happened as various industries have grown is they’ve also turned into complexes. We have the educational industrial complex which is a for-profit system that’s constantly chewing kids up, putting them through test prep, putting them into debt, etc. You have the social media industrial complex where people are basically going to work for their phones, not vice versa. If you’re on a social network and you’re not paying for it, that’s because you’re not the customer, you’re the product. And we have these engines that push us to be cogs in a machine. Push us to be part of the cash system, not part of the make a difference system. And so whenever I see one of these working, my disruption is to say to the people who are willing to listen to me, wait a minute, you have more power than you think you do. You have more freedom than you think you do. It’s worth standing up and saying, I care enough about this, that I don’t want to be a pawn in the system. I just want to make something better instead. And so I’m against cogs. I’m against people who check their imagination at the door when they get to work, and who work for the weekend, work for the self-storage unit, work for the TV and the six pack, because life, I think, is too valuable to waste spending nine hours at work so that you can spend an hour and a half watching Netflix at night. Can you talk to me about patina? Because I think you and I share, I think we have a vesicle of Pisces. I think we have an intersection of our two values. I love patina. Can you talk to the listeners out there? What is patina? Why are you into it? So there’s a Japanese term, wabi-sabi. Wabi-sabi is the decay of nature and its intersection with the rest of us. Wabi-sabi, patina, it’s the disorganized bookshelf. It’s the fingerprints we leave behind. And so my office has a patina of 25 years of making stuff. The patina has a patina. I can tell when I walk into my office if someone’s moved a few of the books because they’re not in any order whatsoever except they’re in my order. And patina is the sort of cruft that’s left behind of a life well lived. So I don’t have a lot of patience for people who want it to be industrial and pristine, I would like to see that someone was here before me, and I’d like to leave behind this set of fingerprints. Seth, if I could ask you this question, this is a self-help question for me personally, and then I’ll let you hang up on us, because I know you have other things to do, and you’re choosing to be here with us. You guys are great. You’re good at this. I really appreciate this, because this is like, I’ve read your books, and I’ve thought to myself, I would love to meet Seth Godin. I would love to meet him. And because I built multi-million dollar companies, that doesn’t take away my boyish excitement to have you on the show. And it’s going to go down as one of those, like, I want to put it on my tombstone. I once interviewed Seth Godin. It’s so exciting. So I want to ask you this question. You’ve been interviewed by some of the top podcasters and publications on the planet. In your mind, who was your favorite interviewer? The person who interviewed you where you thought, that was a good interviewer because I want to get better. So what was the best interviewer you’ve ever had and why? Well, I would say minute by minute, you two are up there because it’s almost impossible to do an interview in 10 or 15 minutes that actually gets to something of substance. And I applaud you for being crazy enough to try, and this has been thrilling. The interviews that are on my all-time list are much, much, much longer than this because you need to get into sync with people. My friend Brian Koppelman has done five with me. My friend Krista Tippett did an interview that made me cry that I recommend to people because that’s my best version of myself when I was on Being. And what I’m doing with my podcast Akimbo is interviewing myself and I’ve done that for 25 episodes so far and I really think that’s resonating with people. So those are three that I would mention. And as we’re wrapping this up, I just want to point out that you’ve had great success and I would say the secret of your success is work that matters for people who care. And that’s the untitled subtitle of my new book because if any of us get the chance to do work that matters for people who care, that’s all we can ever hope for. That’s powerful. I love that. If I can sneak in one more question. Can you tell us about your new book, your new thing? I’m excited as a consumer, and I know that if I buy your book after you pay this guy who pays that guy who pays that guy, I don’t know what you make. Let’s say I buy a book for $20, which I always buy your books. So let’s just say you get, what do you get? If I buy a book for $20, do you get two bucks? I mean, how much? Less. Less than two. One dollar? Yeah, a dollar fifty. I probably have to buy four of your books, then. I’m not kidding. I have bought at least 50 of the Purple Cow book, and I’ve given it away. You did what I wanted you to, but let’s be really clear. If anyone thinks they’re going to make a living writing books, they’re crazy. I do not write books to make a living. I write books to make a difference. I go through all the hassle of cutting down all those trees and going through all these steps, not because it’s a good way to make a living, but because some people benefit from having that object in their hand. Like, I’ve written 7,500 blog posts for free. If you want to read those, read those. But if a book helps you, then my new book’s called This Is Marketing. And the idea of this is marketing is when you appeal to the smallest viable audience, not the biggest one, with work that matters. When you see people for fear, when you see them for status, when you understand that some people measure affiliation, some people measure dominance. When you get to the humanity of the story we tell ourselves, then you can finally get down to making the work that you care about. Seth, I appreciate you for writing content that matters, books that matter for people who care, like myself. I hope I didn’t screw up this interview so much that you never want to come on again. I want you to know, your book, Purple Cow, helped me launch a company called Epic Photography. It helped me absolutely change the way I ran DJ Connection and our company Elephant in the Room that we’re franchising and a brand called OxiFresh that has over 400 locations have all been impacted by the book Purple Cow. And so I’m honored and humbled to have you on the show and thank you for not saying no to me because I know that you are the master of saying no and it means the world to me. I’m probably going to go into my forest here behind my man cave studio and probably cry to celebrate this moment. And prophetically chop down a tree because you said you chopped down all those trees chopped down to produce your book. I mean it though. It’s been a huge highlight in my life. So thank you so much for being here today. I feel great about it. I’m glad we got to connect. Thank you both. Good luck with the show. Thank you. It’s been a lot of fun. Have a blessed day. Classy actor. Thank you. Thank you, Seth. Bye-bye. Thrive Nation, if you are looking for a gift for somebody in your life who loves business, growing businesses, and the idea of achieving success in the world of entrepreneurship, you’ve got to go by Seth Godin’s newest book called This Is Marketing. You can’t be seen until you learn to see. Pick it up today in bookstores or on Also, if you’re out there and you have yet to attend our in-person Thrive Time Show workshops, I would encourage you to purchase your tickets for our December conference. This thing is going to be featuring the best-selling author and the public relations expert of choice, the PR consultant of choice for Nike, for Pizza Hut, for Prince, for Michael Jackson, for George Michael, for President Bush, for President Clinton. Michael Levine will be attending the workshop, and he’ll actually be speaking at the workshop. And Ken Schmidt, the man responsible for the turnaround at Harley-Davidson, will also be speaking at the workshop. If you’ve yet to attend a Thrivetime workshop, I’m telling you, you owe it to yourself, to your family, and to your financial future. Get your tickets today at And now, without any further ado, we’d like to end each and every show with a boom. And so here we go. Three, two, one, boom. What I’ve seen from Clay and his group at Thrive is they’ll give you a simple system and it’s the simple systems are the ones that people can wrap their brain around. They’re the ones that people can work with on a day to day basis and that simplicity brings power with it. So it shocked me how simple some of the stuff is and at times I’m like, why didn’t I think about that? Workflow creation, systematic marketing, and coaching has helped our church so much. You know, the workflow creation is what it really is, is they’re going to look and see every moving part of your church, of your ministry, what needs to be done. And it’s going to go up on a massive board. And so now what it does is it takes what you know needs to be done out of your heart and out of your head, really takes the pressure, the stress off your shoulders and it puts it on the board where your entire team, your ministry can see exactly what you want them to do every day. So they know this is the playbook, this is what we’re doing. And then there’s laser sharp accountability with a meeting afterwards, did it get done or not? I’ll tell you, it’s changed the way we execute as a church so fast and it’s produced really an excitement because people, people, they want to get done. If they know what they’re supposed to do, a good person wants to get it done. It’s been massive for our team. The systematic marketing has really been like this. In the past, we used to market and we would try something. I’ve done everything, billboards, you know, ads, mailers, internet, Facebook, but we would run something for so long and then we wouldn’t see that it was producing the results we want. Instead of staying consistent, we would jump to another horse. Then we would jump to another horse. And what systematic marketing does is it makes you pick some things and stick with it. And then the coaching is massive. And I think having a coach that looks and sees what you’re doing and can come help you make small adjustments. I believe those small tweaks, once he gets everything set up, those small tweaks can make massive differences. And a great coach doesn’t even have to play your sport, right? Doesn’t even have to do what you do. A coach has an eye to see things that you can’t see, or to see it from a different angle. Just having that extra eye on what I do, and just, hey, have you thought about this? It’s making all the difference in the world. What Clay Clark and his team can provide for your church that you can’t do in-house and I can’t do in-house. Well, what’s been massive for me is that search engine optimization, how to get to the top of Google, taking care of transcribing all of my sermons to drive me up the list on Google, stuff that I don’t think about and I don’t have time to do. I’ve got all these things I have to do as a pastor, right? I have sermons to preach, I have a staff to manage, I have a budget to take care of, I got sick folk to see about, I have a team that has to do that. You know how it is, you got to marry people, you got to bury people. We’re never going to stay in a dark room with a keyboard optimizing our Google presence. And these guys do that kind of thing for you. Also if you’re at a couple hundred member church, I remember how hard it was back in the day to take care of the website needs, to come up with graphic design. And these guys are available to you for sermon slides, getting that kind of stuff done, where you can have a sharp-looking presentation of the gospel. And it takes it off you and puts it on them at a very reasonable price. I really believe Clay Clark and his team can help a church with limited resources in a big way. I know what it’s like to be a church of limited resources. My wife and I, we walked into a town where we didn’t know anybody. We had a Bible and we just had a few bucks in our pocket. When somebody introduced us to a couple of families, we started going there. So I know what it’s like to be a church of two, and I know what it’s like to be a church of two thousand in two different campuses now. A thousand apiece, and everywhere in between. So I love churches at every level. I believe God wants them all to grow. And I think about the needs I had back in the day, the lack of direction I had. Man, I was working 80 hours a week all the time. But a lot of times I was a shotgun instead of a rifle. I think when you start, you can really hone in with the right coaching. You can get a lot of your different needs met in one place. Instead of having somebody on marketing and somebody on showing you how to do systems and somebody on graphic design, Thrive can do a lot of that for you at a very reasonable cost. I think it’s a great place to invest in the life of your ministry. I’m telling you, I think you can get the results you want with the coaching here faster than any other way. It’s going to be powerful. Hello, my name is Charles Colaw with Colaw Fitness. Today I want to tell you a little bit about Clay Clark and how I know Clay Clark. Clay Clark has been my business coach since 2017. He’s helped us grow from two locations to now six locations. We’re planning to do seven locations in seven years and then franchise. Clay has done a great job of helping us navigate anything that has to do with running the business, building the systems, the checklists, the workflows, the audits, how to navigate lease agreements, how to buy property, how to work with brokers and builders. This guy is just amazing. This kind of guy has worked in every single industry. He’s written books with like Lee Crocker, Head of Disney with the 40,000 cast members. He’s friends with like Mike Lindell. He does Reawaken America tours where he does these tours all across the country where 10,000 or more people show up to some of these tours. On the day-to-day. He does anywhere from about 160 companies. He’s at the top. He has a team of business coaches, videographers, and graphic designers, and web developers. They run 160 companies every single week. Think of this guy with a team of business coaches running 160 companies. In the weekly, he’s running 160 companies. Every six to eight weeks, he’s doing Reawaken America tours. Every six to eight weeks he’s also doing business conferences where 200 people show up and he teaches people a 13-step proven system that he’s done and worked with billionaires helping them grow their companies. So I’ve seen guys from startups go from startup to being multi-millionaires, teaching people how to get time freedom and financial freedom through the system. Critical thinking, document creation, making it, putting it into, organizing everything in their head to building it into a franchisable, scalable business. One of his businesses has like 500 franchises. That’s just one of the companies or brands that he works with. So amazing guy. Elon Musk, kind of like smart guy. He kind of comes off sometimes as socially awkward, but he’s so brilliant and he’s taught me so much. When I say that, Clay is like, he doesn’t care what people think when you’re talking to him. He cares about where you’re going in your life and where he can get you to go. That’s what I like him most about him. He’s like a good coach. A coach isn’t just making you feel good all the time. A coach is actually helping you get to the best you. Clay has been an amazing business coach. Through the course of that, we became friends. My most impressive thing is when I was shadowing him one time. We went into a business deal and listened to it. I got to shadow and listened to it. When we walked out, I knew that he could make millions on the deal and they were super excited about working with him. He told me, he’s like, I’m not going to touch it, I’m going to turn it down because he knew it was going to harm the common good of people in the long run. The guy’s integrity just really wowed me. It brought tears to my eyes to see that this guy, his highest desire was to do what’s right. And anyways, just an amazing man. So anyways, impacted me a lot. He’s helped navigate. Anytime I’ve gotten nervous or worried about how to run the company or navigating competition and an economy that’s like, I remember we got closed down for three months. He helped us navigate on how to stay open, how to get back open, how to just survive through all the COVID shutdowns, lockdowns, because our clubs were all closed for three months and you have $350,000 of bills you’ve got to pay and we have no accounts receivable. He helped us navigate that. And of course, we were conservative enough that we could afford to take that on for a period of time. But he was a great man. I’m very impressed with him. So Clay, thank you for everything you’re doing. And I encourage you, if you haven’t ever worked with Clay, work with Clay, he’s gonna help magnify you. And there’s nobody I have ever met that has the ability to work as hard as he does. He probably sleeps four, maybe six hours a day, and literally the rest of the time he’s working. And he can outwork everybody in the room every single day. And he loves it. So anyways, this is Charles Kolaw with Kolaw Fitness. Thank you, Clay. And anybody out there that’s wanting to work with Clay, it’s a great, great opportunity to ever work with him. So you guys have a blessed one. This is Charles Kola. We’ll see you guys, bye-bye. Hi, I’m Aaron Antus with Shaw Homes. I first heard about Clay through a mortgage lender here in town who had told me what a great job he had been doing for them, and I actually noticed he was driving a Lamborghini all of a sudden, so I was willing to listen. In my career I’ve sold a little over $800 million in real estate. So honestly I thought I kind of knew everything about marketing and homes, and then I met Clay and my perception of what I knew and definitely changed. After doing 800 million in sales over a 15-year career, I really thought I knew what I was doing. I’ve been managing a large team of salespeople for the last 10 years here with Shaw Homes, and I mean we’ve been a company that’s been in business for 35 years. We’ve become one of the largest builders in the Tulsa area, and that was without Clay. So when I came to know Clay, I really thought, man, there’s not much more I need to know, but I’m willing to listen. The interesting thing is our internet leads from our website has actually, in a four-month period of time, has gone from somewhere around 10 to 15 leads in a month to 180 internet leads in a month. Just from the few things that he’s shown us how to implement that I honestly probably never would have come up with on my own. So I got a lot of good things to say about the system that Clay put in place with us and it’s just been an incredible experience. I am very glad that we met and had the opportunity to work with Clay on a weekly basis is honestly very enlightening. One of the things that I love about Clay’s perspective on things is that he doesn’t come from my industry. He’s not somebody who’s in the home building industry. I’ve listened to all the experts in my field. Our company has paid for me to go to seminars, international builder shows, all kinds of places where I’ve had the opportunity to learn from the experts in my industry. But the thing that I found working with Clay is that he comes from such a broad spectrum of working with so many different types of businesses that he has a perspective that’s difficult for me to gain because I get so entrenched in what I do I’m not paying attention to what other leading industry experts are doing and Clay really brings that perspective for me. It is very valuable time every week when I get that hour with him. From my perspective, the reason that any business owner who’s thinking about hooking up with Thrive needs to definitely consider it is because the results that we’ve gotten in a very short period of time are honestly monumental. It has really exceeded my wildest expectation of what he might be able to do. I came in skeptical because I’m very pragmatic and as I’ve gone through the process over just a few months, I’ve realized it’s probably one of the best moves we’ve ever made. I think a lot of people probably feel like they don’t need a business or marketing consultant because they maybe are a little bit prideful and like to think they know everything. I know that’s how I felt coming in. I mean we’re a big company that’s definitely one of the largest in town and so we kind of felt like we knew what we were doing. And I think for a lot of people they let their ego get in the way of listening to somebody that might have a better or different perspective than theirs. I would just really encourage you if you’re thinking about working with Clay. I mean, the thing is, it’s month to month. Go give it a try and see what happens. I think in the 35 year history of Shaw Homes, this is probably the best thing that’s happened to us. And I know if you give them a shot, I think you’ll feel the same way. My name is Danielle Sprick and I am the founder of D. Sprick Realty Group here in Tulsa, Oklahoma. After being a stay-at-home mom for 12 years and my three kids started school and they were in school full-time, I was at a crossroads and trying to decide what do I want to do. My degree and my background is in education, but after being a mom and staying home and all of that, I just didn’t have a passion for it like I once did. My husband suggested real estate. He’s a home builder, so real estate and home building go hand in hand, and we just rolled with it. I love people. I love working with people. I love the building relationships But one thing that was really difficult for me was the business side of things the processes and the advertising and marketing I knew that I Did not have what I needed to make that what it should be so I reached out to clay at that time and he and his team have been extremely instrumental and Helping us build our brand, help market our business, our agents, the homes that we represent. Everything that we do is a direct line from Clay and his team and all that they’ve done for us. We launched our brokerage, our real estate brokerage, eight months ago. And in that time, we’ve gone from myself and one other agent to just this week, we signed on our 16th agent. We have been blessed with the fact that we right now have just over 10 million in pending transactions. Three years ago I never would have even imagined that I would be in this role that I’m in today building a business, having 16 agents, but I have to give credit where credit’s due. And Clay and his team and the business coaching that they’ve offered us has been huge. It’s been instrumental in what we’re doing. Don’t ever limit your vision. When you dream big, big things happen. I started a business because I couldn’t work for anyone else. I do things my way. I do what I think is in the best interest of the patient. I don’t answer insurance companies. I don’t answer to large corporate organizations. I answer to my patient and that’s it. My thought when I opened my clinic was I can do this all myself. I don’t need additional outside help in many ways. I mean, I went to medical school, I can figure this out. But it was a very, very steep learning curve. Within the first six months of opening my clinic, I had a $63,000 embezzlement. I lost multiple employees. Clay helped us weather the storm of some of the things that are just a lot of people experience, especially in the medical world. He was instrumental in helping with the specific written business plan. He’s been instrumental in hiring good quality employees, using the processes that he outlines for getting in good talent, which is extremely difficult. He helped me in securing the business loans. He helped me with web development and search engine optimization. We’ve been able to really keep a steady stream of clients coming in because they found us on the web. With everything that I encountered, everything that I experienced, I quickly learned it is worth every penny to have someone in your team that can walk you through and even avoid some of the pitfalls that are almost invariable in starting your own business. I’m Dr. Chad Edwards and I own Revolution Health and Wellness Clinic. JT, do you know what time it is? 4.10. It’s TiVo time in Tulsa, Roseland, baby. Tim TiVo is coming to Tulsa, Oklahoma during the month of Christmas, December 5th and 6th, 2024. Tim Tebow is coming to Tulsa, Oklahoma and the two-day interactive Thrive Time Show Business Growth Workshop. Yes, folks, put it in your calendar this December, the month of Christmas, December 5th and 6th. Tim Tebow is coming to Tulsa, Oklahoma and the Thrive Time Show two-day interactive Business Growth Workshop. We’ve been doing business conferences here since 2005. I’ve been hosting business conferences since 2005. What year were you born? 1995. Dude, I’ve been hosting business conferences since you were 10 years old. And a lot of people, you know, have followed Tim Tebow’s football career on the field and off the field. And off the field, the guy’s been just as successful as he has been on the field. Now the big question is, JT, how does he do it? Mmm, well they’re gonna have to come and find out because I don’t know. Well I’m just saying Tim Tebow is going to teach us how he organizes his day, how he organizes his life, how he’s proactive with his faith, his family, his finances. He’s going to walk us through his mindset that he brings into the gym, into business. It is going to be a blasty blast in Tulsa, Russia. Folks I’m telling you if you want to learn branding, you want to learn marketing, you want to learn search engine optimization, you want to learn social media marketing, that’s what we teach at the Thrive Time Show two-day interactive workshop. If you want to learn accounting, you want to learn sales systems, you want to learn how to build a linear workflow, you want to learn how to franchise your business, that is what we teach at the two-day interactive Thrive Time Show business workshop. You know, over the years we’ve had the opportunity to feature Michael Levine, the PR consultant of choice for Nike, for Prince, for Michael Jackson. The top PR consultant in the history of the planet has spoken at the Thrive Time Show workshops. We’ve had Jill Donovan, the founder of, a company that creates apparel worn by celebrities all throughout the world. Jill Donovan, the founder of, has spoken at the two-day interactive Thrive Time Show business workshops. We have the guy, we have had the man who is responsible for turning around Harley Davidson, a man by the name of Ken Schmidt. He has spoken at the Thrive Time Show two-day interactive business workshops. Folks, I’m telling you, these events are going to teach you what you need to know to start and grow a successful business. And the way we price the events, the way we do these events, is you can pay $250 for a ticket or whatever price that you can afford. Yes, we’ve designed these events to be affordable for you and we want to see you live and in person at the two-day interactive, December 5th and 6th, Thrive Time Show Business Workshop. Everything that you need to succeed will be taught at the two-day interactive, Thrive Time Show Business Workshop, December 5th and 6th in Tulsa, Oklahoma. And the way we do these events is we teach for 30 minutes and then we open it up for a question and answer session so that wonderful people like you can have your questions answered. Yes, we teach for 30 minutes and then we open it up for a 15 minute question and answer session. It’s interactive. It’s two days. It’s in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We’ve been doing these events since 2005 and I’m telling you folks, it’s going to blow your mind. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the Thrive Time Show 2-Day Interactive Business Workshop is America’s highest rated and most reviewed business workshop. See the thousands of video testimonials from real people just like you who’ve been able to build multi-million dollar companies. Watch those testimonials today at simply by clicking on the testimonials button right there at You’re going to see thousands of people just like you who’ve been able to go from just surviving to thriving. Each and every day, we’re going to add more and more speakers to this all-star lineup. But I encourage everybody out there today, get those tickets today. Go to Again, that’s And some people might be saying, well, how do I do it? I don’t know what I do. How does it work? You just go to Let’s go there now. We’re feeling the flow. We’re going to Again, you just go to You click on the Business Conferences button, and you click on the request tickets button right there. The way I do our conferences is we tell people it’s $250 to get a ticket or whatever price that you can afford. And the reason why I do that is I grew up without money. JT, you’re in the process of building a super successful company. Did you start out with a million dollars in the bank account? No, I did not. Nope, did not get any loans, nothing like that. Did not get an inheritance from parents or anything like that. I had to work for it and I’m super grateful I came to a business conference. That’s actually how I met you, met Peter Taunton, I met all these people. So if you’re out there today and you want to come to our workshop, again, you just got to go to You might say, well, who’s speaking? We already covered that. You might say, where is it going to be? It’s going to be in Tulsa, Russell Oklahoma. It’s supposed to be Tulsa, Russell. It’s, I’m really trying to rebrand Tulsa as Tulsa, Russell. I’m sort of like the Jerusalem of America. But if you type in Thrive Time Show and Jinx, you can get a sneak peek or a look at our office facility. This is what it looks like. This is where you’re headed. It’s going to be a blasty blast. You can look inside, see the facility. We’re going to have hundreds of entrepreneurs here. It is going to be packed. Now for this particular event, folks, the seating is always limited because my facility isn’t a limitless convention center. You’re coming to my actual home office and so it’s going to be packed. Who? You! You’re going to come. I’m talking to you. You can get your tickets right now at and again you can name your price. We tell people it’s $250 or whatever price you can afford and we do have some select VIP tickets which gives you an access to meet some of the speakers and those sorts of things and those tickets are $500. It’s a two-day interactive business workshop over 20 hours of business training we’re going to give you a copy of my newest book the millionaires guide to becoming sustainably rich you’re going to leave with a workbook you’re going to leave with everything you need to know to start and grow a super successful company it’s practical it’s actionable and it’s Tebow time right here in Tulsa Russel get those tickets today at thrive again that’s thrive Hello I’m Michael Levine and I’m talking to you right now from the center of Hollywood, California where I have represented over the last 35 years 58 Academy Award winners, 34 Grammy Award winners, 43 New York Times bestsellers. I’ve represented a lot of major stars and I’ve learned a few things about what makes them work and what makes them not work. Now, why would a man living in Hollywood, California in the beautiful sunny weather of LA come to Tulsa? Because last year I did it and it was damn exciting. Clay Clark has put together an exceptional presentation. Really life-changing. And I’m looking forward to seeing you then. I’m Michael Levine. I’ll see you in Tulsa. Thrive Time Show two-day interactive business workshops are the world’s highest rated and most reviewed business workshops because we teach you what you need to know to grow. You can learn the proven 13 point business system that Dr. Zellner and I have used over and over to start and grow successful companies. We get into the specifics, the specific steps on what you need to do to optimize your website. We’re going to teach you how to fix your conversion rate. We’re going to teach you how to do a social media marketing campaign that works. How do you raise capital? How do you get a small business loan? We teach you everything you need to know here during a two-day, 15-hour workshop. It’s all here for you. You work every day in your business, but for two days you can escape and work on your business and build these proven systems, so now you can have a successful company that will produce both the time freedom and the financial freedom that you deserve. You’re gonna leave energized, motivated, but you’re also gonna leave empowered. The reason why I built these workshops is because as an entrepreneur, I always wish that I had this. And because there wasn’t anything like this, I would go to these motivational seminars, no money down, real estate, Ponzi scheme, get motivated seminars, and they would never teach me anything. It was like you went there and you paid for the big chocolate Easter bunny, but inside of it, it was a hollow nothingness. And I wanted the knowledge, and they’re like, oh, but we’ll teach you the knowledge after our next workshop. And the great thing is we have nothing to upsell. At every workshop, we teach you what you need to know. There’s no one in the back of the room trying to sell you some next big get rich quick, walk on hot coals product. It’s literally, we teach you the brass tacks, the specific stuff that you need to know to learn how to start and grow a business. I encourage you to not believe what I’m saying, but I want you to Google the Z66 auto auction. I want you to Google elephant in the room. Look at Robert, Zellner and Associates. Look them up and say, are they successful because they’re geniuses, or are they successful because they have a proven system? When you do that research, you will discover that the same systems that we use in our own business can be used in your business. Come to Tulsa, book a ticket, and I guarantee you it’s gonna be the best business workshop ever, and we’re gonna give you your money back if you don’t love it. We’ve built this facility for you, and we’re excited to see it. And now you may be thinking, what does it actually cost to attend an in-person, two-day interactive Thrive Time Show business workshop? Well, good news, the tickets are $250 or whatever price that you can afford. What? Yes, they’re $250 or whatever price you can afford. I grew up without money and I know what it’s like to live without money. So if you’re out there today and you want to attend our in-person, two-day interactive business workshop, all you got to do is go to to request those tickets and if you can’t afford $250 we have scholarship pricing available to make it affordable for you. I learned at the Academy at Kings Point in New York, octa non verba watch what a person does not what they say Good morning, good morning, good morning. Harvard Keosak University Radio Show. Today I’m broadcasting from Phoenix, Arizona not Scottsdale, Arizona. They’re close, but they’re completely different worlds. And I have a special guest today. The definition of intelligence is if you agree with me, you’re intelligent. And so this gentleman is very intelligent. I’ve done this show before also, but very seldom do you find somebody who lines up on all counts? And so Mr. Clay Clark is a friend of a good friend, Eric Trump. But we’re also talking about money, bricks, and how screwed up the world can get in a few and a half hour. So Clay Clark is a very intelligent man, and there’s so many ways we could take this thing. But I thought, since you and Eric are close, Trump. What were you saying about what Donald, who is my age, and I can say or cannot say? First of all, I have to honor you, sir. I want to show you what I did to one of your books here. There’s a guy named Jeremy Thorn, who was my boss at the time. I was 19 years old working at Faith Highway. I had a job at Applebee’s, Target, and DirecTV. And he said, have you read this book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad? And I said, no. My father, may he rest in peace, he didn’t know these financial principles. So I started reading all of your books and really devouring your books and I went from being an employee to self-employed to the business owner to the investor and I owe a lot of that to you and I just want to take a moment to tell you thank you so much for allowing me to achieve success. I’ll tell you all about Eric Trump. I just want to tell you thank you sir for changing my life. Well, not only that, Clay, thank you, but you’ve become an influencer. More than anything else, you’ve evolved into an influencer where your word has more and more power. So that’s why I congratulate you on becoming. Because as you know, there’s a lot of fake influencers out there, or bad influencers. Yeah. So anyway, I’m glad you and I agree so much, and thanks for reading my books. Yeah. That’s the greatest thrill for me today. Not thrill, but recognition is when people, young men especially, come up and say, I read your book, changed my life, I’m doing this, I’m doing this, I’m doing this. I learned at the Academy, at Kings Point in New York, acta non verba. acta non verba. Watch what a person does, not what they say.


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