Clay Clark | Business Podcast | The Importance of ONLY Marketing to Your Ideal & Likely Buyers + “Last Year Was Our Best Year Ever We’re Working Less & Making More! Every Dollar of Coaching Has Returned 100 Times.” –

Show Notes

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Audio Transcription

This month we did over two times as much business as we did last year. We had 208% of our last year’s numbers in this month. My name is Toni Serenas and I’m owner of Complete Carpet. I’m Nathan Serenas. I’m owner. Together with her, she does a lot of our management and call leads and connecting with the customers, getting all of our back-end advertising. I do pretty much all the service, connecting directly with the customer. We started working with Thrive in, I think our first meeting was the end of October, so really November was our first full month of working with Thrive team here. Just an increase in customers, we’ve just been really busy, we’re definitely learning how to manage this growth and to continue to move forward to expand our business. One of the big things I’ve seen personally is that I’ve been doing this for 20 years and I thought I knew how to do things and I thought that I was just like this is the best that I could do and Thrive has shown that there are some best practice ways and other avenues that you can get things accomplished without having, without running into the same brick wall over and over. They say, well look, here’s this door, here’s this other opportunity, here’s another way to accomplish the same thing. And those tools have helped free up, one, tremendous amounts of time to where I’m now focusing on the business and not just always working in the business, but also to be able to stay connected with our customers, to be able to give them a little bit better experience, to bring in Google leads, to bring in connections to where all of our regular advertising we already had. We haven’t changed some of the main basis of our advertising. It’s just now become effective and it’s working, where before it was just kind of hit and miss of what we could accomplish. And now we’ve doubled this month’s revenue compared to last February. And we really haven’t changed a lot, except we made everything effective. We made everything work. We stayed on top of our customers. And really, without the Thrive system, we hadn’t figured it out on our own yet. We needed somebody to guide us, show us what it was that we didn’t know we didn’t know yet, and that way we were able to start connecting the dots for things that we thought just didn’t work. And we said, no, it actually will work. Here’s the process to do it. I said, I don’t know. I don’t know if it would work. And every week, it would come back and say, look, see, it’s working. And then that snowballs into motivation of saying, I can do this. I can accomplish things. And having that person there each week, having that meeting, that accountability, the ability to track what it is that you’re doing. Somebody else who cares all about what’s going to happen in your business besides yourself has made the, completely made, turned our business around. For me personally, it feels like the win is knowing that we’re moving forward, we’re doing what needs to be done for the business, and that we have both someone that can guide us to do that, but also the accountability of it. Connecting with what she said, I think that having that accountability each week has been a huge thing to really connect it, but in a specific goal-oriented, when we started with Thrive, we were looking to do about a 50% growth. We thought, and at our first meeting, we said, I don’t know, I said, what’s your big thing, what’s a big push for you? And I told Marshall, I said, you know, I would love to see 50% growth. I really don’t think I can do it. I haven’t been able to do it yet. And we are four months later, and my goal right now each month is actually 60% growth. And this month we did over two times as much business as we did last year. We had 208% of our last year’s numbers in this month. And so, to me, that’s one of our biggest wins is the fact that we’re exceeding by leaps and bounds what I originally started when I thought I was setting a really audacious goal of saying, you know what, we’ll increase by 50 percent. I had a 12-month window of saying, in 12 months from now, I hope that we’ve increased by 50 percent. We’re four months in. I’ve increased by double. I’ve increased by 208 percent. And it’s just, to me, that makes all of this work worth it. I would absolutely. I think that our time here is extremely valuable and productive and we’re continuing to move in the direction that we want to go. And I completely agree with that. I think that every business needs to have somebody behind them that gives them a second pair of eyes on the things that they’ve been doing because you may think you’re a rock star and you’re nailing it, and you may be, but you don’t realize that there is more growth potential or better ways to become more efficient. On that side of it, I’ve been able to accomplish so much more in the last three or four months using the same schedule I was doing before. I’ve actually got more scheduled time with my family. I’m focusing it on things that matter in my life outside of just the business, and that helps to drive me and push me towards. I think everybody should, at some point, take advantage of some offering that Thrive has, whether it be a conference, whether it be a radio podcast that’s on at school, or getting a one-on-one coaching which has helped us tremendously. Some shows don’t need a celebrity narrator to introduce the show, but this show does. In a world filled with endless opportunities, why would two men who have built 13 multi-million dollar businesses altruistically invest five hours per day to teach you the best practice business systems and moves that you can use. Because they believe in you and they have a lot of time on their hands. They started from the bottom, now they’re here. It’s the Thrive Time Show starring the former US Small Business Administration’s Entrepreneur of the Year, Clay Clark, and the entrepreneur trapped inside an optometrist’s body, Dr. Robert Zunder. Two men, eight kids, co-created by two different women, 13 multi-million dollar businesses. We started from the bottom, now we’re here True pride started from the bottom Now we’re at the top, teaching you the systems To give what we got, Colton Dixon’s on the hooks I break down the books, see bringing some wisdom And the good looks, as the father of five That’s why I’m alive, so if you see my wife in camps Please tell her hi, it’s the C-N-C Up on your right, D-O, and now 3, 2, 1, here we go! We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom, and we’ll show you how to get here. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. Okay, Thrive Nation, on today’s show I’m going to teach you how to build wealth, or how to build success, by marketing to your ideal and likely buyers. There are so many people, I’m sure not you as the listener, but so many people I’ve met over the years that are wonderful people that insist on marketing their product to people that don’t care about it. Let me give you an example. My kids are in cheerleading. My kids are cheerleaders, they like cheerleading. I do not like cheerleading, okay? This just in. So if you were to call me and say, you’re a cheer dad, do you want to buy a cheer shirt? I would say no. You’d say, you’re a cheer dad. Do you want to buy a bouquet of flowers to support your daughters? No. You’re a cheer dad. Is there any way that you would want to buy a cheer vacation package to take your family to Disney? No. Why? Because I’m not into cheerleading. And so I’m into my kids. I’ll show up to the event and cheer for my kids, but I don’t care about cheerleading. Another example, I do not want to go camping. I don’t want to go camping. It doesn’t matter how much you sell me the idea, it doesn’t matter how much you push, I don’t want to buy any of the materials related to camping. I don’t want to get a tent. I don’t want to get camping supplies. I don’t want to learn how to start a fire. I don’t want to, anything related to camping, I’m not into it. Another example, don’t care about professional baseball. No matter how much you market it to me, I just don’t care. I’ve noticed that the helmets they’re wearing are getting bigger. That’s about all I know about professional baseball. As a kid, my dad wanted me to play baseball. I love my dad. I love that he wanted me to play baseball, but I just am not a big fan of baseball. So what I’m saying to you is there’s somebody out there that is a fan of cheerleading. There is somebody out there that is a fan of camping and that’s who you want to sell to. You want to sell to your ideal and likely buyers rather than trying to take your hard-earned money and time to convince people to change their worldview. And here to talk about it is David Frazier with David, how are you sir? I’m doing excellent today and thanks for having me. I’ve got to ask you this, who is your ideal and likely buyer there at So it’s a very specific group of people. They are 40 to 64, sorry, about 40 to 64 years old. They generally have kids or new grandkids. They have a small business or professional career. They are in the top 20% of demographic in terms of income. They usually live in a big city, but have a rural property outside of the city. And this rural property, they have some type of a cottage, a lake house, mountain house, or other, and they want to build a bunkie because it’s going to add an extra bedroom to allow their friends, family, and other people to come and be with them. That’s our target demographic. But you know that to be true because you’ve sold now at this point, I mean, many, many, many units at and you’ve kind of figured out who is not your ideal and likely buyer. Let’s talk about that for a second. Although you have great products that I believe anybody would benefit from owning, in fact, I own one myself, there’s just people out there that for whatever reason, they don’t want to buy a Bunky product, they’re never going to. Talk to me about that. Who’s not a good fit to buy a product? So someone who doesn’t own property, someone who maybe has spent their entire life frivolously spending their money and has none of it and wants to live in a tiny home that costs a fraction of what an actual tiny home would cost, and they want to justify all their terrible lifestyle and life decisions around money with one, when the gymnast goes crazy and does all these flips and then sticks the landing, they wanna stick the landing with a bunkie purchase, not realizing that really it’s not a tiny home, it’s a bunkie. So let’s talk more about this for a second. There’s somebody out there that’s watching today that maybe doesn’t know their ideal and likely buyer. So I’m gonna throw out a handful of clients that I work with, and you can kind of tell me your immediate reaction to this. So one of my clients, we’re going to celebrate on part two of today’s show, he’s grown his business dramatically. He has a carpet cleaning business. Just he’s doing great carpet cleaning business. He already is marketing successfully to his ideal and likely buyer. If you had to speculate, who do you think his ideal and likely buyer is for his domestic home carpet cleaning business? I suspect it would be homeowners with carpets. Okay, keep going. Now, do you think it’s primarily men or women that are filling out the form? I don’t think it’s going to be women. Yeah, and what we found with this particular guy, Complete Carpet’s the name of his company, it’s almost entirely women that reach out to clean their carpets. And so how does that help us? Well, when we advertise on Facebook and Instagram and the different platforms, we simply don’t show the ad to men. When we advertise, we market to suburban women. That’s who we market to. When we optimize for Google, we want to come up top in the search results where suburban women live. That’s what we do, and that’s Complete Carpet. Let’s do another example. Dog training. One of the brands I work with is called Make Your Dog Epic. We are a dog training business. If you had to speculate who we market to, who do you think we market to? I’m thinking dog owners. Bam! And so when you’re on Facebook or Instagram and you can check profiles and groups you want to focus on, dog owners turn out to be the kind of people that want to have dog training. Who do you think primarily calls us, men or women? What do you think? I’m thinking it’s the disgruntled father, but I could be wrong. It’s almost all women. And how do we know that? We know that because we answer the phone and we keep discovering it’s like eight out of ten people are women. But how did we know that? We didn’t know that. I didn’t know that. I thought, you know what? It’s probably dudes who are pissed. That’s the thoughts I had. Probably a guy who’s, that’s enough. I’m tired of my dog eating everything. I’m calling. But it turns out it’s almost always women. It is. Let’s do another example. Wedding. You were in the wedding industry. I was in the wedding industry. When I was building my massive company, I started out marketing the business to grooms. I started marketing to grooms. Why did that not work? Why do you think that when I was marketing back in 1998, why do you think that grooms almost entirely rejected the idea of planning their wedding? Because part of them doesn’t want to get married, I think. But that aside, I think that the real reason is, you know, women make I think 75 to 90 percent of the purchasing decisions and of the wedding they make 99 percent of those ones. So really that’s like 100% of the wedding decisions. I remember one time we were we had a gift registry for before we got married this gift registry we had to go to a store and we had these little laser gun and we have to zap things that we wanted to buy and I just didn’t care. I did not care and my wife tried to say well you have to care because these things are going to be in our house when we’re married and we’re in love and we want to be together forever and so you have to decide what items are gonna get booped so they get into our drawer. I said I don’t care I just want a spoon and a fork and a knife and I’m good to go. So to punish me for not going she booped a bunch of pink things so a bunch of her dishware and stuff to this day has pink handles and I still don’t care and it’s fine I still scoop the soup into the bowl and I use my spoon to eat the bowl and I don’t really care about pink Handle, so she didn’t really get me that time. But that’s kind of the way those decisions will work I’d say probably 85% of the time Unless you’re married and let’s get two dudes getting married Now real quick when I when I planned my wedding This is a true story my wife and I were getting married and my wife is like hey I want I want to help you but want you to help me plan the wedding. I remember thinking, I can plan the reception because I’m a disc jockey, but the rest of it, I just don’t care about. The flowers, I just, I can’t care. There’s part of me that just can’t care. And I remember that when she asked me to go with her to register as well, I’m thinking, I can’t care. And the part that I couldn’t care less about was mailing the invitations, because my wife was like, hey, we need to handwrite. You know how you do the calligraphy thing where you hire a professional calligrapher who mails the invitation that says, you are hereby invited to the wedding reception and ceremony of Vanessa, or Clay and Vanessa, Clark Moore, whatever, you know, Vanessa Moore and Clay Clark, on this day of May 6th, on this hallowed year of 20, and you just, all that stuff, and then do you want chicken or beef? RSVP, and I remember I said, listen, I’ll just call them all. We got like 400 people, I’ll just call all of them and go, hey, Carl, you coming to the wedding? Great, chicken or beef? I’ll call them all, I have no problem. But I don’t wanna participate in the handwriting. So we hired a calligrapher, right? So they’re writing. No, I’m not kidding, we’re paying, we have no income and we’re paying somebody. I’m building this DJ business. We’re living in an apartment without air conditioning. We are absolutely… I’ve got a job at Applebee’s, Target, DirecTV. Every dime I make is going into building My wife-to-be, she says, can you maybe call some of your clients and not do some of the events, or maybe see if your guys could DJ, so that way you could handwrite and do the calligraphy to mail out these invitations. I remember thinking, no, it’s not going to happen. Then I get a quote for like thousands of dollars to hand write invitations to invite people to my wedding. I’m thinking, are we planning some sort of regal crowning of a king? No, this is our wedding. I’ll call these people. All I’m saying is that the calligraphy had a market. Who? Brides-to-be. Who? Mother of the bride. Calligraphy doesn’t have a market. Who? Dudes. Everybody out there, if you’re listening to today’s show, you’ve got to find your ideal and likely buyer. I’m going to fire off a few more for you because this is so helpful. A client I worked with years ago, I won’t mention the industry he’s in, but he says to me, what I wanna do, what I wanna do is I wanna introduce this particular product to the marketplace. And I said, well, who’s your ideal and likely buyer? He says, everybody. And I said, everybody? He says, Clay, everybody needs this supplement. I go, I know that everybody needs a supplement, but who wants the supplement? He goes, oh, everybody wants it. I said, well, can I ask you what does the supplement do? He says, it’s a multivitamin. I go, so how is that different than what I can go buy at Walmart right now or Target right now? Or how can he says, oh, it’s incredible. It’s got this and that and this and that, and everybody needs it. And I said, but who is your ideal and likely buyer? And he was hung up on this idea for years, believing that everybody needed to buy his product. And finally, when he finally embraced the coaching, he reached out to me, he said, could you coach me? I said, sure. He says, okay, I’m ready to be coachable. I said, okay, now that you’re a client, you have to answer the question. And I’m gonna answer it for you if you can’t answer it. Who is your ideal and likely buyer? And he goes, everybody. I said, okay, I don’t know if I’m making any progress here. What kind of margins does your product make? He goes, well, the store owners can make like a 50% margin. After paying me a 50% margin, I said, okay. So your market is, your market’s gonna be independent supplement stores. The small business owner that competes with GNC, they are gonna like your product. You know why? Because they make good margins and they are excited about health. And they’re gonna sell to people that are also excited about health. That’s why they’re coming into a health store. And he says, so my ideal and likely buyer is independent health stores that are organic, independent health stores of which there are a few thousand in our country. That’s my ideal and likely buyer. I said, yes, he goes, that’s it. Boom. So we start cold calling Dave and we’re cold calling these independent local stores, organic supplement companies. And we start saying, hey, would you, my name is Yadiyada, I have an organic multivitamin, it’s a 50% margin, I think your customers would love it, can I send you a sample pack? Honest to God, this company did millions and millions and millions of dollars of sales after they became a coaching client and a big part of it was just figuring out who our ideal and likely buyer was. I wanna see if you can get your mentorship or your guidance for somebody watching today’s show that God bless them, they have a great product or a great service, but they just haven’t ever taken the time to figure out who their ideal and likely buyer is. So, I mean, the reality is everybody that takes a cut at this or a slice of this, this concept always goes too broad. Well, you know, like everybody obviously is way too broad, but even if you, even if you boil it down to, I just need married people, I just need whoever. There’s actually probably a subsection of those groups. Like you can always niche down probably two or three more layers than you think you should. And you’re probably still haven’t niched down enough. And that applies to anybody who isn’t selling a hundred million dollars of stuff. You can always get more, zoom in better because the reality is what are you best in the world at? And then who can you be absolutely best in the world for? So if you could just completely rock, you know single moms in a wheelchair with purple hair and They have scabies and their left Knee is injured you can rock that segment like if you build the marketing around that people are gonna like that’s that’s me You just described me and you’re gonna nail it. And it’s so obvious that they’re gonna go with you because you’ve niched down to something that’s exactly for their needs and is branded and marketed around them. And every time you go wider, it’s like a laser beam has been, like the difference between the sunshine shining on your skin, giving you a nice tan versus a laser beam cutting your arm off is just focus. It’s actually, the sun has way more energy, but it’s diffuse, whereas the laser actually has way less energy. It’s just like focused on one little area. And that’s what nicheting is like. When you really focus on just zooming in on who can I best serve, what am I best at? Yeah, I just find every time I’ve done it, my profitability has improved, my marketing’s got better, I’ve been happier doing what I’m doing, and I actually sell more, even though you think it’s the opposite. David, I really appreciate your wisdom and for joining us on today’s show. And I will tell you this, we bought a Bunky Life from you about two years ago, maybe a year and a half ago, something like that, maybe a year ago, something like that, time flies, but we bought one and I’m very happy with it. And I’m looking at potentially buying another one here in the next couple of months because what we did is I bought it to be served as a booth at the mall, like a mall kiosk where we could display the landscaping services that I provide. I have a company that does landscaping. I’m involved in a company that does landscaping, and I wanted to display the services that we did. It draws a crowd. People show up, and they go, this thing is awesome. So I’m working on another booth at another mall. So we have a big mall in Oklahoma City, got a big mall in Tulsa, the one in Oklahoma City may let me set up another display there. So we’ll probably be buying another one. And it’s been a great investment for us. It’s served as a one, I’m probably one of the few people that thought, oh look, that’s a mall kiosk, I should buy that. But that’s kind of how I looked at it. You know, if people wanna learn more about buying a product, what’s the call to action or where should people start? Head to That’s B-U-N-K-I-E-L-I-F-E dot com. You can check out the different models on our website. You can book a virtual tour. We can take you right through the factory, right through the Bunkie showroom in front of the factory and talk about you, your needs, how we can best serve you and help you build extra space, whether it’s from our kiosk, backyard office, or in most likely case you want to have extra space in the backyard for friends and family. Brother, I really appreciate you carving out time again. That’s I own a Bunky Life product. I think you should do too. You should as well, folks. There’s bolt-on bedrooms, custom cabins, custom cottages. It really is a great product. It’s affordable. It’s a way to add on to your existing home there without pulling a permit. That’s David Frazier, we’ll talk to you next week. Thanks for your time, Clay. Bye-bye. David Frazier will talk to you next week. Thanks for your time, Clay. Bye-bye. Welcome back to the Thrive Time Show on your radio and podcast download. Now specifically today, this is just the podcast only edition of the Thrive Time Show. We’ve been asked over and over by Thrivers out there, great people just like you, they say, how do I determine my ideal and likely buyers? I mean, how do I know if somebody is the right fit for me or not? And this thought, this idea can get pretty deep. And so I don’t want it to become very complicated, but I want to make sure it’s very specific, pretty hard edged, and pretty direct. So what you have to realize is that the majority of the people on the planet are not your ideal and likely buyer. Say that again, please. The majority of the people on the planet are not your ideal and likely buyer. What does that mean exactly? Let’s say that you own a soccer facility and you, one of our clients, trains kids on how to play soccer. Okay. I am not your ideal and likely buyer. I dislike soccer. I don’t like soccer. I don’t appreciate soccer. I am bored by soccer. I don’t understand why soccer is a sport. Are you personally attacking me right now? I played baseball as a young kid. I do not like baseball. I do not understand baseball. I don’t want to understand baseball. But Chup, you played soccer at the college level. I did. And it turns out it is the world’s most popular sport. But if you’re going to market soccer, one of your clients coaches baseball. If you’re going to market baseball or soccer or basketball or football or anything, you have to know who your ideal and likely buyers are. I want to jump in because I see this a lot with clients that we work with and just small business owners in general. The mindset, the typical first mindset is I’ve got to cast this huge, massive net over everybody, every single person out there, because my service is awesome. It really is. It could be. It probably is. It probably is. But you need a more targeted approach, because you’re just spreading resources super thin at that level. So I’m going to read a notable quotable to you from Chet Holmes, the best-selling author of The Ultimate Sales Machine, who once wrote, he says, About 3% of potential buyers at any given time are buying now. 7% of the population is open to the idea of buying. The remaining 90% fall into one of these three categories. The top third are not thinking about it. The next third think that they’re not interested. The final third are definitely not interested. Chet Holmes, the bestselling author of The Ultimate Sales Machine. I’d like to point out that there’s a third of them that think they’re not interested. They just don’t realize yet that they’re about to buy. They need a little push. They need a little push. You just think you’re not interested. A little tap, tap, tap-a-roo. Well, okay, Steve, you sell mortgages. So what kind of people are absolutely not going to be and never are going to be a good fit for total lending concepts? Ooh, on the spot. Never. On the spot. I don’t know about never, but sometimes people have bad habits when it comes to how they buy things and how they pay for things. I’ll give you an example of somebody who would not be a good, ideal, and likely buyer for you. Me. I don’t want to buy another house. I don’t like buying houses. I own multiple rent houses, not because it’s something I’m really excited about, but typically if I live in a place, and I buy it cheap as part of my process for buying property. I always buy something cheap, and then I’ll just hold it. I don’t want to get a mortgage. I don’t want to buy other houses. I don’t want to buy other properties. No amount of marketing to me- Are you the one third that thinks you’re not interested yet? Is this my opportunity now to get you? No, I like this. But the rates, Clay, the rates are- The rates are going up. But I want to share this with the listeners out there, because there’s somebody out there who you’re going to spend all your time trying to convince somebody like myself to use your service, when in reality there’s people out there right now that already need your service. There’s somebody out there already right now that definitely already needs a mortgage. Yes. So Steve, what kind of person already needs a mortgage, already needs a mortgage? They already need a mortgage is somebody who doesn’t own a home. Maybe they’re a renter. Maybe they have a family. Maybe they’re around 20 years old and older. Maybe they’re an owner. But they’re already convinced they want to buy a house. Right, that too. Yeah, homebuyers. I’m just saying there’s somebody out there who wants to live in a tiny home or wants to stay with their mom and dad. That’s fine, but they’re not going to be your ideal and likely buyer. I’m going to read a notable quotable from the bestselling book called Scale by Jeff Hoffman, the former CEO of Priceline. I’ll read it to you. He says, as crazy as it seems, most business owners never concretely think about whom they serve and what this target market really wants. He says, as crazy as it seems, most business owners never really concretely think about whom they serve and what this target market really wants. The average owner is so busy marketing, selling, and producing and fulfilling that they never step back and think through precisely whom they serve, much less the deep aspirations, fears, hopes, dreams, and frustrations of their target market. This makes about as much sense as a salesperson who spends all day going door to door selling pool care products in an apartment complex. So we’re going to go through the 16 areas you need to think about as you’re doing your advertisement. The 16 aspects, and there’s many more, but there’s 16 very, very popular aspects that you want to think about. 16 demographics, 16 nuances to determine who your ideal and likely buyer is. So one is age. Steve, why do you want to think about the age of your ideal and likely buyer? Why don’t you just want to run ads to people who are in… There’s a nursing home, right? Right. But there’s also hospice. Right. My dad, unfortunately, was in hospice, which means you’re terminally ill. You wouldn’t probably… There’s also 17-year-olds that have Facebook profiles. Why would you not want to focus marketing your mailers? Somebody says, it’s so inexpensive. You should do mailers to terminally ill people in hospice. Steve, why would you not want to do that as a mortgage marketer? Well, first of all, we can’t discriminate on the basis of age. So it’s not that we discriminate. I’m not talking about age. I’m talking about terminally ill people regardless of age. Right. So, you just… They’re probably not going to buy a house before they die. It’s just not a good fit. Okay, so gender. Gender. As an example, Lulu Lemon Pants. Yeah, I have some on right now. Chuck, please list all of these on the show notes here. So for age, as an example, if you are selling mortgages, you don’t want to market to people that are in their 90s. This is an idea. Okay, now gender if you’re selling the Lulu lemon pants You don’t want to market to dudes and as a general rule Why Steve Carrington with total ending concepts would you not want to market your? Lulu lemon pants to dudes Well, I was being facetious when I said I had some on right now because I don’t know that they well they might make them for dudes but it seems more like my 15 year old daughter wants some lululemons I had some audio old son I had some audio of a chef he doesn’t know he Mike this room before he came into before you knew we were recording today this is what Eric Chopp was saying he was I hope that I hope that Steve Carrington’s wearing lululemon pants because I love how it contours his body oh yes right I’m at a loss for words right now. You weren’t earlier. He said that directly to me as well. I’m just saying, though, sincerely, all antagonistic, passive-aggressive comments to Eric Chup aside. Chup, seriously, Lululemon Pants, why do the people who own a Lululemon store, why would you not want to market to dudes? Well, you’re not going to sell anything. Why? The only guys that are coming in there are buying presents for their spouse or girlfriend or whatever the case may be, for the most part. I don’t know myself. I haven’t shopped at Lululemon. But that being said, most guys aren’t going to be reacting to that marketing. They’re not looking for that buy one, get one. They’re just going to go in there and buy their gift. We have 16 more to fire through. If you are looking for an emotional… We have 16 categories, 14 remaining. You are correct. If we’re going through the emotional needs, Chuck, our business coaching program is not for people that have emotional needs to feel heard or to hang out with a buddy. Yes, we do encourage you. Yes, we’re not antagonistic to you as a client, but if you want to grow your business, that’s what we help you do. If you need a therapist, there are therapists. Right. That’s what they do, and what we do is we hold business owners accountable because there’s nobody else holding them accountable. They don’t have a boss. So, if you are looking for someone to meet your emotional needs, you would not want The Thrive Time Show to be your coaching system. I want to make sure you’re getting this. If you’re listening to the show today, and yeah, you’re a human, you need somebody to support you, I get it, but if your number one need is a therapist, you would not want to work with the Thrive Time Show business coaching program because that’s not what we do. There are therapists, Steve Currington, that’s what they do. I know you wouldn’t do this on the air on a podcast. You wouldn’t be encouraging me to stop seeking that emotional help at our meetings, right? You’re not telling me subconsciously, Steve, I’m not your therapist. I’ve worked with you for a couple years, right? It’s directly telling you that. I know. I’m like, I’ve worked with you for a couple years and you know that I’m passionate about helping you grow, but if three quarters of our meetings are spent talking about emotional needs, I’m not going to do it because that’s what a therapist is. We help you grow your freaking business. Now, tangible needs. If you’re somebody who needs search engine optimization, you need someone to manage your online advertisements, you need somebody to help you make a proforma, you need somebody to help you clarify your core story, you need somebody to help you make sales scripts, you need someone to help you make a workflow, you need somebody to help you improve your meetings. These are things we do. Now income level. Can I jump in with a shout out to a client? Yes. Speaking of improving meetings, I’m working with a guy named Lanny. It’s a company’s Arrival 3D. Arrival 3D, and his name is Lanny. Lanny Smith. Lanny! And shout out to Lanny. He is like a super smart guy, and he’s a diligent doer, but he didn’t necessarily know the best way to lead a meeting and hold his team accountable. And so we’ve got him hooked up with the accountability loop. He’s doing weekly meetings. He’s doing trainings. Bam! And over the last few weeks, he’s talking to me over the phone like he’s a new person. He’s just full of confidence and inspiration, and it’s awesome to see it, because now he’s laying in like seven to ten deals per week. And we want to help you emotionally succeed, but we’re not. I’m just trying to make sure you’re getting this. If the reason why you’re signing your kid up for youth football is because they need a psychotherapist, that’s not the right move. your kids do learn certain skills as a result of playing football. Now the next is income level. Our program, the Thrive Time Show Business Coach Program costs, Chup, $8.25 per hour is what it costs. Right. So let’s make sure we put that on the show notes. On average, our average client pays about $1,500 to $1,600 per month. Now there are businesses that have a more detailed pro forma, they have more needs, more things they need. And $2,000 to $2,500 is that next average. There are other people that have multi-brands or multiple sites or multiple locations, they might be $3,000 to $5,000. Paul Hood is an example, he has multiple locations, that’s a bigger client. Steve Currington has more locations, therefore we’re doing more work. But our program will end up costing you. Now Chuck, I want to make sure you put this on the show notes. If you take $8.25 an hour, all right, if you paid someone $8.25 an hour, times 40 hours a week, times 4.3 weeks a month, that’s $1,419. $1,419, that’s assuming you’re not paying them taxes. If you are paying taxes for your employees, which is required by law, then you would actually be spending about $2,000 a month or less-ish to grow their business. If you don’t have $2,000… Now I want to make sure we get this because when my wife and I built, we did not have $2,000 extra a month set aside, available just to do whatever. So what we decided to do is we decided to chop, get another job. Weird. And so we actually got a job. Wait, what? We got a job working at Target and Applebee’s. My wife worked at Target. We both worked at Target at the same time. You see, she worked at Target and I worked at Target. And I worked at Applebee’s and she worked at Oral Roberts University and I worked at DirecTV. We had multiple jobs. And that’s how we generated the extra money needed to afford the $2,000 a month Yellow Page ad, Mr. Chubb. You know what’s kind of cool, Clay, is that I kind of view your life through Aubrey’s eyes a lot because my parents were entrepreneurs and they grinded like that for my entire childhood. Grinding? Grounded, ground, whatever the word would be. They grounded? I remember my mom worked as a bank teller and I believe she worked at my grandfather’s restaurant for a while as she was doing all of the books for my dad’s business when it was winter time and they couldn’t pour concrete. My dad’s out clearing snow with his front end loader or chopping wood or just whatever the heck you got to do to not close the doors, right? You have to do whatever it takes to be successful if you want to be an entrepreneur. If you don’t, you could be an employee and that’s cool. I think some people want to know, when you were at Target, was your official position like the public announcement guy? When I did work at Target, I did not… Were there any shenanigans? I will say when I worked at Target, I just began to develop the mindset I have today. When I first started, I didn’t have the mindset. So one of the things I like to do when I worked at Target when I first started was if my boss ever left the department, I would typically, there’s a button you could hit to do it. They call it an all call page, but you could make an announcement and if you hit the right series of buttons, you could make an announcement and no one would know who made the announcement or from what station the announcement was made. So I would typically do, instead of thinking about ways to do a better job or to wow the customer or to get better at my job, I would typically think about crazy announcements that I could make that would freak out either my boss or customers in a way that no one could catch me doing. Or both. So when my boss would leave my area, I’d hop on the all-call page and I would hit the button and I would say, ladies and gentlemen, if you have a four-door vehicle, any vehicle with four doors, it’s been a violent accident, a terrible accident, we would just like to make sure that you’re safe. So please look outside and make sure your car is safe. There are baboons loose in the parking lot. And people would run out there and be like, oh my gosh, my car has been hit. Or I would say, ladies and gentlemen, if you have a credit card with a 16-digit code. A 16-digit code. Any credit card with a 16-digit code. Apparently, we have a major fraud alert here. Someone’s card has been used. Unauthorized purchases. Please report to the electronics department. And people would like, oh my gosh, it’s my card. Or another one I would say, this is fun. Ladies and gentlemen, on aisle four, aisle four through seven, that’s aisle four through 17, four through 18, four through 19, 4-17, 4-18, 4-19, 4-27, we have a gas leak. Some kind of poisonous gaseous material is leaking. Please report to the front to avoid contamination.” And people would just like run out. No way, weird. And I thought, oh my gosh, this is awesome. And that’s why I worked at Target. I was a jackass, and I couldn’t be promoted. Unbelievable. Now, passions. You have to know the passions of your ideal and likely buyers. Move number eight. You have to know the hobbies of your ideal and likely buyers. Number nine, you have to know the interests of your ideal and likely buyers. Ten, you have to know the fears. If you don’t sit down right now, this is not a metaphorical allegory. You have to write these things down. Write down what are the passions of your ideal and likely buyers? What are the hobbies of your ideal and likely buyers? What are the interests of your ideal and likely buyers? What are the fears of your ideal and likely buyers? We’ll put this all in the show notes. But move number 11, you have to determine the hopes of your ideal and likely buyers. Move number 12, you have to determine the dreams of your ideal and likely buyers. Move number 13, you have to determine the frustrations of your ideal and likely buyers. You have to move number 14, write down the aspirations of your ideal and likely buyers. 15, you have to write down the industry of your ideal and likely buyers. And 16, homie, you’ve got to write down the educational level of your ideal and likely buyers. And if you’re wanting to just go on a rant, you’ve got to determine the music interests of your ideal and likely buyers. This is a thought, because if you go to Utica in downtown-ish Tulsa, Midtown Tulsa, you’re going to discover that all of the stores there, Coach, Starbucks, Williams-Sonoma, they charge a premium service because the people that shop there would not want to shop there if the people that were shopping at a discount store showed up. Right. They’ve priced themselves to be exclusive. Right. That’s the way they do it. Talk about that. Well, you’ve got to think about it. That’s kind of one of these other things. Where? Do we put where on the list? Where are your unlikely buyers? Where are your, geographically, where are these? Boy, that’s my problem. I can’t find them. You know what I’m saying? They’re nowhere to be found. No, this Utica Square area you’re talking about in Tulsa, it would not be a good idea to send discount advertising, mailers with huge discounts and price decreases to these clientele because they don’t care about that. They’re shopping for the prestige. They want that barrier to entry for other clientele because the price is too high. If you do not take the time to sit down and define your ideal and likely buyer, you’re going to end up having clients that you don’t want to work with. Now occasionally, one will sneak in, and I’d like to tell you what it looks like when I fire a client at Thrive. So today it happened. And we had a member of the former Thrive Nation who said, hey, I hear that you guys are awesome about getting clients to the top of Google. I said, this is true. Steve, it’s a friend. It’s a former friend. It’s a guy you know, an acquaintance. And he says, I hear that you guys can get people to the top of Google. Cool. Hey, I hear you guys manage the ads. That’s true. I hear you guys can make calls for people. Boom. I hear you guys can make scripts. Boom. I hear you guys can help a company grow. Boom. But, if you are listening right now and you want to grow your business and you do not want to A, record your calls, if you don’t want to record your calls, then it’s impossible for us to provide you feedback on how you can improve your calls, because if you don’t record your calls, we can’t know what you’re doing, either good or bad, on your calls. So you’ve got to record your calls if you want to improve your calls. Two, if you want to sell more, you have to actually make call, you have to call your leads. Oh, wait a minute. Three, now these are rules. You do need to show up to your meetings. We have a once a week meeting with our clients. If you are a member of the Thrive Nation and you’re a client of ours, we have to meet each week at the same time every week. Now what’s crazy is if you don’t meet each week, we can’t help you. Because if you’re not there, we can’t help you. Either on the phone or in person. You have to show up at your meeting. You can’t just pay $8.25 an hour and have us, somehow through osmosis, pull the information out of your cranium. That’s like having an employee that you pay, but you don’t give them any direction. Let’s review the three moves. One, you actually have to call your leads if the leads come in. It’s crazy. Hold up. Hey. Marshall Morris and Steve Currington put together a book on this. Oh, wow. Called Call Your Leads. Yeah, just a little plug there. If you can find it on Amazon. My mom read it. She said it was awesome. I want to make sure the Thrive Nation gets this, though. I want to make sure you get this, okay? One you have to actually call your leads if the leads come in, okay? You have to do it. Two, we have a weekly meeting. You have to actually show up to the meeting. And three, if you’re wanting us to improve your quality of your calls, you have to record the calls. Yep. Now a little side moves, a little bonus moves that this person could have done. If you’re going to write, if you’re going to get higher in Google, I can’t do it. I can’t do it for you. I can’t show up on time for you. I can’t record the calls for you. We can show you what to do, but you’ve got to do that, right? So today the client shows up to the meeting and they say, gosh, you know, I just feel like I’m not getting the progress that I’m looking for. And I said, well, this is like probably the 16th or 18th week in a row where I’ve said, you’ve got to record your calls because if you don’t record your calls, I can’t help you. Furthermore, you have to call your leads. Probably a bigger concern is you actually have to call the leads and if you don’t call your leads, you can’t record the calls, then you can’t actually sell more. You’ve got to record the calls. You’ve got to call the calls. And the guy says, well, the whole reason that I wanted to hire you guys is so I could achieve time freedom. And I said, you can’t achieve time freedom if you can’t delegate your calls, and you can’t delegate your calls if you don’t actually record your calls, and you can’t hire people if you’re not willing to interview people every week. And so these are all things you have to do. It would be like hiring a personal trainer and not actually working out and then saying you’re not getting the results you want. It would be like booking a dinner reservation and not actually showing up but complaining about the food quality. It would be like buying a movie ticket and saying you didn’t like the movie but not showing up to the movie. It would be like hiring a prostitute and then not actually engaging in relations and complaining about the service. It would be like… I was going to make a… what are the braces? What do you call the braces? Hiring an orthodontist and not putting the braces on your teeth. Plucking them off, right? I’m trying to give you polarizing ideas because they’re all… it’d be like going to church saying, I’m not happy with the pastor’s service, but not actually sitting in the church. It would be like complaining about the quality of the beer, but not having taken a sip of the beer. It would be like complaining about the resort that you went to, but you never actually showed up. It would be like complaining about the gas that the gas station has, but you didn’t put it in your car. It would be like complaining about the quality of your relationship and saying that you’ve never actually met the person. It would be like saying that your kids don’t really like the youth group, but you never sent your kids to the youth group. It would be like- I’m kind of not a big fan of the Lamborghini, even though I’ve never driven one. The point is, the point is, we now know at The Thrive Nation who our ideal and likely buyer is. I’m going to go ahead and define it for you right now, so that way you would know whether we’re a good fit or not. Okay, so here we go. I’m going to just write it out here for you, Chuck, but we’re gonna go through all 16 of these and please feel free to try to keep up and write the narrative, okay? If you’re somebody under the age of 60, you would like the Thrive Time Show program because it will require work and unless you’re a very energetic person over the age of 60, you wouldn’t like the program. If you’re over the age of 60, you probably wouldn’t like it unless you’re energetic. Two, female or male you’re going to like the program if you are somebody focused on growth. Three, if you’re somebody who’s not in need of a therapist but you are in need of accountability and a little bit of mentorship we can help you. If you need mentorship or accountability we can help you. If you need a therapist because you’re having psychological problems with your husband or your kids I can help you. The next, tangible needs. If you need somebody to help you optimize your website, build the print pieces, the graphic design, do the things needed to grow your business, you’re going to love the program. If you can’t afford to have all these people full-time, you’re going to love the program. If you have at least $8.25 per hour available to hire a full-time team to help you, you would like our program. If you have goals, if you have goals to grow your business, you would like our program. If you don’t have goals to grow your business, then you wouldn’t like our program. You’re not going to like it if you just want a business buddy. Passions. If you actually are in tune with the passions of your ideal and likely buyers then you would like our program. Hobbies. If your business is just a hobby and you don’t actually want to make it grow, you would not like our program. Interests. If you’re interested in growing your business you would like our program. Fears. If you’re afraid of going into bankruptcy as a result of your business not working, you’d probably like our programs. Hopes. If you hope to have time freedom. Dreams. If you dream of having time freedom and financial freedom, you would love our program. Frustrations. If you are frustrated with the status quo and just being a Joe Schmo, if you want to actually move beyond just surviving, if you want to begin surviving, then you would love our program. Industry, if you have a business that’s a real business that offers a real product or a real service that solves a real problem for your ideal and likely buyers, then you would like our service. Musical interests, whatever music you’re into, you would like our program because we help you build a successful company and you can listen to whatever music you want. It helps if you like R&B. If you like R&B, you’d like our conference. Okay, now price point. If you’re somebody who understands the price point you want to charge your ideal and likely buyers, you would like our program if you can afford up to $1,500 a month. We have a scholarship program where we’re close to $1,000 a month. If you have only an extra $1,000 a month, we can help you grow your business. And a zip code. If you are in a time zone that allows us to have a phone call with you during the hours of 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday we can work with you. If you’re based in a time zone that does not work with that, then you probably wouldn’t like us. But that, Chup, and I just think there’s somebody out there that needs to get that. I think what happens is you’re out there building a church and you are trying to convince avid supporters of the jihad movement to like your sermon. It’s not going to work. It’s not going to do it. No. You’re somebody who is definitely in favor of the sanctity of marriage, and you’re trying to convince an active prostitute to endorse your last sermon about virginity. It’s not going to work. You’re somebody who’s hosting a…you’re speaking at the Democratic National Convention and you’re trying to convince them that to have a low tax, very pro-individual, very limited government mindset is the way to go, it’s not going to go over at the DNC. If you’re trying to give a very pro-government, very much, hey, the government needs to take care of you from the cradle to the grave, it’s not going to go over well at the Republican Convention. You just have to know who your ideal and likely buyers are. Chuck, am I missing something? No, and like I said at the beginning of the podcast here, as you’re a small business and you’re growing, you have to pay attention to those resources. And if you’re throwing that huge net out there just trying to gather anybody and everybody, that’s not the move. You’re going to end up wasting time and wasting money. So Thrive Nation, we’d love to help you and the people you know, but we can’t help them and we can’t help you unless we interact with you. So I’m going to give you four ways that we can help you today. Way number one, you could go to and book your ticket for our next in-person workshop. If you say to yourself, self, I cannot afford the airfare and the cost to attend the workshop, all you have to do is subscribe to The Thrivetimeshow on iTunes. iTunes. Leave us an objective review and send us proof that you did it to info at and we’ll give you two free tickets valued at $500. $250 per ticket and two copies of the Boom Book. So you’re getting $530 of free stuff too. It’s like a double boom. A double boom. Then we also have one-on-one business coaching. And if you have an extra $8.25 per hour in your pocket and you want to grow your business, your existing company or a startup, then you can reach out to us at We’ll schedule a one-on-one consultation. Three, Chuck, we have a video library with thousands and thousands of video trainings from world-class mentors. So good. It’s only a dollar for the first month. You’ve got to learn from mentors, not mistakes. It’s kind of a no-brainer. And the final thing we could do is we have the podcast. You could subscribe, and it’s unlimited podcasts all for free. All you’ve got to do is have a smartphone or some kind of digital device you can subscribe to the Thrive Time Show for free. That’s right. And without jumping any further ado, we always like to end this show with a three, and a two, and a one. Here we go. Three, two, one, boom! And one last thing before you go. At our workshops, I keep running into thousands of people that have told me, man, I wish I would have known that this podcast existed two years ago one one divorce ago one failed business ago because now everything is just clicking and Whenever they tell me that I’m so excited that that that’s their reality But also I feel like I we missed the boat and maybe not Marketing the product of fast enough or effectively enough And so, if you have been blessed or encouraged or you learned something today from this podcast, I would humbly ask you a favor. If you could share this podcast with just one friend, it might just mean the world to them, but it definitely would mean the world to me. And some people say, well, how do I share it? When you go to, there’s a little, when you go to the podcast button, there’s a share button that you can click and you can share it on Facebook or Twitter or email it to a friend or text it to somebody. But we greatly appreciate you Thrive Nation and hopefully we can meet in person at one of our upcoming Thrive Time Show business workshop for free? Subscribe on iTunes, leave an objective review, and send us confirmation at info at to claim your tickets. Want to live in a van down by the river? Come by and see us in our Riverwalk offices, and we’ll be able to make your dreams come true. All right, Thrive Nation, welcome back to the podcast download. If you have not yet subscribed to the podcast, because you’re hearing this on the radio, I would highly recommend that you do it. That way you’ll never miss out on a tool, a tip, a technique, an updated strategy. This is what I do. I mean, Chuck, I don’t think the listeners realize this, but you saw the book that has now been fully tabbed. Fully tabbed. I mean, I don’t know that we have a lot of listeners out there that would read as many books as I do. And so the listeners, you get to benefit from this because we actually run real businesses, Dr. Zellner and I. So they’re kind of like our laboratory. So we get to learn the theories, right? And then implement them on our own businesses. And we don’t teach them to you until they’re proven moves. Yeah, this is how it works. We don’t teach you theories. We teach you the proven moves that you can use. So you don’t have to read all those books, baby Now you can be out golf and you can do whatever so this next move that we’re gonna teach you Chup, what is the next move that we’re gonna teach our listen? Okay, so if you’re out there You got a business you have to determine who the ideal and likely buyers actually are so what is your target? Let me argue with you on behalf of not our listeners not not use a listener somebody else you do it my business We we basically focus on everybody. Well, that’s great. Now probably do have an awesome product or service that a lot of people might benefit from but when you’re focusing on everybody, you’re throwing out there a really, really wide net and when resources are finite, when you don’t have unlimited money, you want to be a little more targeted with those. But my idea is so awesome. I’m so passionate about it. I went to this 1 Million Cups meeting. I went there and I went over to this like really neat entrepreneur incubator and they just told me you just got to be like all-out and believe In it and it just I just my product is more all-inclusive. It’s for everybody. Absolutely Absolutely, and I fully agree with what you’re saying about your product is great But you still need to start off targeting these ideal and likely buyers so you can really get some rush to revenue man I’ll tell you what my app when I when it hits the market it’s gonna be like a welcome like a tornado with a suminami mix with a little like like we ever got like a bacon where you wrap it around a chicken and you serve yourself some of that and it’s just like a, it’s that good. It’s a bacon wrapped sharknado. I mean, not that tornadoes are good, I’m just saying, but if I did have a, so there’s people out there that want to fight back about that. Now, you’re the listener, I get it. Right, right. So now we’re going to get into the specifics of how you define that. Well, and in their defense, right, when you’re excited about your product, you do have something that you believe in, yeah, you want to get that out in front of everybody. It feels natural to do that, but it’s not the way to do it. It’s not the move. Okay, so here we go. A notable quotable from Chet Holmes, the best-selling author of The Ultimate Sales Machine and the former partner of Charlie Munger. If you look up Charlie Munger, he’s the guy worth over $3 billion. He’s the secret partner of Warren Buffett that no one ever talks about. And so Chet Holmes and Charlie Munger work together. This is what Chet Holmes says. He says, best buyers buy more, buy faster, and buy more often than other buyers. They are your ideal clients. Have a special effort dedicated to just these clients. Yes. Another example, unless, this is a notable quote. I say this a lot, so I put it on the show notes for you, but unless you own a business like Dr. Robert Zellner and Associates Optometry, you should not focus on marketing to everybody because in most cases it’s too expensive to market to an audience of people that are not ever going to buy what you’re selling. You know, so his optometry clinic, it really does apply to everybody because almost everybody needs vision care at some point. But even under that broad of a niche, he focuses extremely on just women, on soccer moms. He markets just the soccer moms because that’s who makes the family’s buying decisions. Another example, elephant in the room, men’s grooming lounge. We only focus on marketing to men. And it’s the men, we only focus on marketing to men who are married. Chuck, will you put this on the show notes? We only focus on marketing to men who are married to women who wear yoga pants and who buy $7 smoothies at Whole Foods. So our niche is we focus on marketing to men who are married to women who wear yoga pants while buying $7 smoothies at Whole Foods. Because there’s a certain make and model to that man, and there’s a certain make and model to that woman. And I’m telling you what, the women who are married to men who go to Elephant in the Room are typically the women who wear yoga pants and go to Whole Foods. The kind of guy that would marry a woman who wears Lululemon pants at Whole Foods and who buys $7 smoothies and organic whatever, that is the kind of man who cares a little bit more about his haircut. And the experience probably. Willing to pay for it, right? Right. That’s typically, that’s a, well that’s kind of offensive, what if my wife doesn’t wear yoga pants? Fine, that’s cool. That’s cool. I’m just giving you an example for our business. We’re still going to take your money, don’t worry about it. So is a company that I’m a part of. We sell franchises. Jonathan Barnett is the founder and owner of that business. Oxifresh only markets basically to women who are making the overwhelming majority of domestic home purchases. So he runs advertisements skewed towards reaching out to women who want to keep their carpet clean because guests are visiting. The auto auction only markets to used car dealerships the thrive time show We only market to business owners and aspiring business owners If you don’t ever want to run a business someday You probably won’t like our show too much because we only focus on people that want to run a successful business in the future or currently Right Fox News only markets to conservatives. I thought they kept it fair and balanced No Fox News. I hate to break it to you. No, but they actually were started No. Fox News, I hate to break it to you, but they actually were started, their founder wanted to offer the antithesis of CNN. He wanted to offer an alternative to CNN. So only markets to liberals. Why? I thought they were fair and balanced. Get out of here! You know that CNN occasionally will put a token conservative on there just to mix it up, and you know that Fox occasionally puts a token liberal on there to mix it up, but they know who they are focused on. So now, Chuck, we get into the action items. All right. You’ve got to define your demographics on a spreadsheet. So walk us through the actionable items we need to take care of. Okay. So you’ve got to think about it. Who is going, like you said earlier, you know, who’s making those buying decisions? Who’s actually the person that is the decision maker? Is it a man or a woman? Man, woman, or both? Okay. Next, you want… Or is it a unisex transvestite? Yeah. Well, I mean, just it’s ambiguous. You’re gonna put a unisex bathroom in there? Are you gonna I mean, these are big these are the and if that’s your ideal, like the buyer, you probably want to know that I don’t want to move on. I want to dwell on things that don’t matter to that. We’re not gonna do that. Okay. Okay. So next is the location. What zip codes are they in? You got to know where they are at. Okay, my business is gonna be viral. It’s viral. They don’t need zip code. You’re my people are beyond that. But your business is a virus. I don’t know. Chip, I’ll tell you what, you’re attacking me on this live radio show. I’ll just go back to you. All right. I’ll take effect on what he just said. All right. So then next is the income level. What niche are you marketing to as far as income level? If you’re Walmart, you’re on a low price, right? That’s your whole market strategy is low price. Who are you to accost me for going to Walmart? You can buy some good, high-quality stuff there. And then once I met a lady there, she had a nice perm. I was in there. Well, it wasn’t accosting you. We’re just talking about the cost. You know, I use the people of Walmart as a dating site. That’s a good move. I’m just telling you. It’s a good move. I’ll have to see you find it. Next is the age of your ideal and likely buyer. Are we marketing to teenagers? Are we marketing to middle-aged people? What’s going on? Who are the typical age of your ideal and likely buyer? All right. All right. Okay, and then next is what are their hobbies? What are they into? What do they got going on? Are they into whittling ducks out of wood? I love going out to NASCAR, and I like to yell out advice to all the right drivers. I say, you want to turn left, buddy? You want to turn left? You want to turn left? Keep it going left. So if you, right there, sir, were somebody’s ideal and likely buyer, maybe they should mark it at NASCAR events. Right? Does that make sense? I’ll tell you. Okay, and then another on the same leg there is interest. What are their interests? I’m interested in you right now. Hey, me too. That’s a pickup line. I bet you, man. I just tested on you. I use it on women exclusively at the bowling alley. It’s a no-brainer offer. All right, what’s the next one, Chuck? What’s the next one? Next one, so the interests. And then, Clay, what are some other ones in your mind? What are some other ones that you need to pay attention to? Well, I think you just got to be specific, Chuck. You got to know who you’re marketing to, and if you’re committed to NASCAR like I am, I’ll see you at that flea market next Tuesday. My saying is, if it’s important to you, hire a coach. And I think that’s one of the reasons people are not successful is they you know they eat a cheeseburger instead of hiring a coach you know I mean and so my coach pushes me they’re younger than me they push harder they’re trained and as my rich dad always said you know amateurs don’t have a coach but professionals always have coaches. So I’ve always had coaches for whatever was important. My rich dad was one of those persons. I wanted to learn how to play Monopoly in real life. So he was my coach. All right, Thrive Nation, on today’s show, I wanna talk with you. I wanna have a little private conversation between you and me and them and everybody listening and with a long time client by the name of David Frazier. He runs a company called Bunky Life. And we’re gonna talk about today is the importance of having a coach. Now, somebody out there, you might want to get in great shape. True story, true story. I have four friends this year, four friends. I wish I had more than four friends, but I have four friends this year that have lost over 40 pounds by hiring a coach. Four, four. So one of my good friends, he’s really been trying to lose almost 100 pounds. He hired a trainer, and I’m not kidding, he’s a great friend of mine, but we do our conference calls over the phone. So I saw him in person, I go, man, you look great. And he says, yeah, dude, I’m down 90 pounds. I’m going, 90 pounds, what? But he’s got this trainer. Another example, friend of mine, chronic, he had chronic inflammation, chronic pain. He goes, finds a trainer, down 40 pounds. I go on and on these examples, but it wasn’t that the person who hired the trainer wasn’t smart. It wasn’t that they were lazy. It’s that they needed somebody to meet them in the gym and to push them. I don’t care whether you’re growing a business or you’re improving your health, any area of your life where you want to improve, you need some kind of mentor or some kind of coach. I’m just being very real with you about the coaches that I have in my life. For all my legal things, all my legal stuff, I use a company called,, Winters and King, the law firm. Why do I have a legal coach if I’m good at business? Well, it’s because I don’t look at all of the laws, all the changing legislation, and I want to have somebody who does look at that. I want to have someone who’s a specialist in that area who advises me. You say, well, why do you have an accounting firm? Why do I work with CCK, the accounting firm? If you’re so good at business, why do you have an accountant that helps coach you? Well, I do it because that’s their job is to look for tax write-offs, to make sure I’m paying the right amount of taxes, to make sure I’m proactively looking at the tax code. So in the area of your life where you’re looking to have growth, I would submit that you need to have a coach. And here to talk about it is the founder of, David Frazier. Welcome onto the Thrive Time Show. How are you, sir? I’m doing fantastic, Clay. Thank you so much for having me. So I gotta ask you real quick here, for the listeners out there that don’t know, and I’ll pull up your website. We’ve had the opportunity to work with you here for this past year, and there’s been a lot of success that you’ve seen, but I’d love for you to share with the listeners out there, what made you decide that you wanted maybe a mentor or an ongoing business coach to help you grow So for me, it was just that I ultimately wanted to grow. So my thoughts are, I mean, how much are you gonna pay? It’s either gonna be the cost of trying to figure out in your own trial and error, or are you gonna pay someone else who’s been there and done that? And I’d rather just pay the bid there, done that price as opposed to the trial and error price, which is a lot more expensive. So I’ve had a business coach for, I think, about 10 years. And I’ve been on with you specifically for about a year, a half maybe now. So there’s been a graduation of different coaches I’ve had over the years. Actually, I think three or four now. But I’ve learned a lot from everyone. And we’ve grown. I kind of need to grow what I spend on coaching as well. So can you tell the listeners out there, what kind of fruit have you seen since you began business coaching with us? Because I hear every morning, every single morning, literally every morning, we have a coaches meeting. So I think maybe our listeners know that, maybe they don’t, but all the coaches, we all have a weekly, we have actually a daily meeting. And what I do in that meeting is I ask the simple question, is the client who’s paying us bringing in more money than they’re paying us? Just very clear. I mean, I ask it every single day. So with 160 clients that are paying us $1,700 a month, I ask the question every single day, is there any client that’s not bringing in more money than they’re paying us? Because that’s all I want to do is be an asset and not a liability. And typically, we can produce quite a return on investment. But I want to get your feedback on what kind of results you’ve been able to see over the past year and a half. So okay, so essentially we’re up by about 11% on the top line and about 10% of the bottom line year over year. That’s just based on our financials here and last year was our best year ever. So last year was the first year of coaching and it was our best year ever. And then this year looks as if it’s going to be about 10% better on the top line, and also at the same time 10% better on the lower end. At the same time, I would say I’m putting in probably about the same or even a little less work, and my wife is definitely putting in less work. So we’ve had more free time and more disposable income. So just to be clear, you have more free time and more disposable income, and I think people think that idea is mutually exclusive. Can you explain that? Because again, I go back to fitness. I think about my friend who used to live in the gym all the time, love the guy. And you’d see him and say, how are you doing? I’m just going to make up a name here, but Carl, how are you? He goes, oh man, I’m at the gym killing it. And I go, how’d it go? He’s like, oh man, I was in there killing it. And year after year after year, then he hired a coach. Now he claims he’s in the gym less than ever, but he’s down almost 90 pounds. And you would think those ideas are mutually exclusive. You would think you’d have to be in the gym the most to have the most success. But with the coach now, the coach has him on a specific diet and a specific workout plan where he’s in the gym killing the game four days a week, three days a week, he’s not in the gym. And he’s got this diet he adheres to. And he reports to me that he’s working out less than ever and he’s getting the best results. So can you kind of explain how that works? I think a lot of people think that, you know, with a coach, you’d be working more than ever if you’re making more than ever. Yeah, I think it was the old saying of Abraham Lincoln, which said, I think the quote was like, you know, if I was going to cut down a tree, I’d spend the first hour sharpening the saw and the last 20 minutes cutting the tree down, paraphrasing a little bit. But if you go at a problem with the right tool or with the right approach, it can be exponentially easier than if you just are, you know, whacking a tree with your bare hands, if that makes sense, or a dull blade. I think that’s powerful. I want to get into, I agree with what you said, and I want to mine into that a little bit. So before we met you, you’d already started this company, You’d already done a ton of work to grow the thing. And some of the things that I saw from the outside, easy for me to look at, is I noticed that your online reputation wasn’t as good as the product. What am I saying? I’m saying people loved your product and you were doing a lot of sales, but there was no online evidence that matched. So let me just give an example. When I do a search for carpet cleaning quotes today, I could say to you, guys, listen, as God is my witness, I’ve worked with OxiFresh for 15 plus years and they have a great service. And I could say that, I could say, with God as my witness, I could say, being straight with you, being honest with you, 100%, I guarantee, this is my word. I could say all those things, but at the end of the day, they now have 282,000 Google reviews. And so when you Google search carpet cleaning quotes, they now are blowing up. And it’s not because I’m a good guy, and it’s not because their service got better, but they’re now bona fide, right? People who are not me are finding that search result. Another example, one of my longtime clients, love these guys. I love these guys, great people. Colaw Fitness, you do a search for Joplin Gyms. I think they’re a fantastic gym. And I can say to you, I love Kola Fitness. I think Kola Fitness is great. I can say they’re great people, kind people, nice people. But at the end of the day, they, their Google reputation didn’t match their quality. So we had to obsess with helping them optimize that online reputation. And now Kola Fitness, you do a search for Joplin gyms. They come up top in the search result with 11,000 objective Google reviews. They come up again in the top five of the search results. And now they’ve got video testimonials that are beginning to creep up in the search results, video testimonials that are coming up in the search results. So I felt like, starting with you, that was one thing we needed to nip in the bud right away, was to go ahead and make sure that the online reputation matched the quality of the Bunky Life products. Can you talk about how that’s maybe impacted your business there, sir? Yeah, so we had about 175 star reviews prior to starting together, and we’re now at 350. So we’ve doubled that in the course of about a year. And then we also had really no video testimonials to speak of. So now, just it’s part of our routine. I’m actually at a campground right now. They’re about to do their opening ribbon cutting and we’re going to get a great testimony of the campground utilizing Bunky Life. And so just being proactively, you know, the part of that journey is you sell them, you provide a great service, and then you get a review every single time. That whole thing, it’s just, it’s like we’re five times our nearest competitor in terms of reviews and it just makes a huge difference. Again, if you’re not proactive about that, so I’ll just give you an example. That requires work. I mean, you’re physically at a place right now at this camp getting ready to record this. So A, you have to be aware of it. And then B, you gotta have a coach or a mentor to kind of steer and push and celebrate the wins and hold people maybe accountable or push or instigate or harass or follow up with or whatever that looks like to make sure it becomes part of the process. What kind of fruit have you seen now that you have so many documented video reviews? Well, I just think that people come in and they’re calling in, they’re already pre-sold. They’re saying, oh, like I’ve watched all your videos, blah, blah, blah. And it’s like, just picking out which funky they want. As opposed to, prior to that, it might be more like, I’m skeptical, blah, you know, there’s, we’ve broken through that whole wall of skepticism because there’s just so many people now singing our praises that aren’t us. And it makes the sales job easier, it makes the marketing easier, it makes everything just so much more effective when we’ve got just, you know, it’s not just you got one testimonial, it’s you got, oh, I’m a feminist basket weaving artisan. Do you have a bunkee that works for me? And I go, well, here’s a video of a feminist basket weaving artisan raving about the bunkee. Just they can relate to that on that level. It’s so funny, but it’s so true. Now, also, one thing that we work with you on, which is, again, I just, I think it’s incredible working with you because you are actually implementing it. So we don’t have to have conversations about, I didn’t have time to do it. I don’t want to do it. I don’t like you. I don’t, it’s not about opinions and feelings. It’s about facts is tracking you track. Now again, that’s why I only work with 160 clients because the clients that love to track back to the fitness thing. One of my buddies back in the day is unbelievable fitness trainer. He’s now moved out of personal training. He’s moved more into a gym model. But his rule, this was pretty hardcore. He said, if you, cause he was an incredible personal trainer, by the way. He said, I’m going to charge you 2000 a month to work out. And I’m only going to take on 15 clients. And you’re going 2000 a month. Well, this is how we did it. This is how we did it. I’m telling you, you pay $2,000 a month. You’re going to get yourself three workouts a week. Okay, so it’s, you know, 12 white week workouts a month and he’s not gonna apologize for it. And it’s like $300 a session. And his whole thing is you will for sure lose weight and feel great, but you’re paying two grand a month. You’re gonna pay two grand a month. And you would go, well, and I remember talking to him. I said, so what was your methodology? He says, well, one, you have to log every meal. It’s real. Otherwise I’m gonna charge you under 10%. I’m like, you charge people under $200 if they don’t log their meal? He’s like, well, yeah, because if not, they’re not going to do it. I’m going, you got to be kidding me. So he did, it was $2,000 a month. And if you don’t log your meal, he’s going to charge you under 10%. And I said, what happens if someone needs to reschedule? He’s like, they’re still paying for it. I’m not going to reschedule. I’m like, what if they get sick? I’m not going to reschedule. And he had this culture and everybody wanted to work with him because he had results. And he and I were really having a great conversation because he goes, you know, Clay, the people that measure what they treasure, those are the ones that do well. The ones that actually track and they write down what they’re eating, those are the ones who have success. But the ones who don’t, and they kind of willy nilly, they don’t have success. I wanna get your thoughts on the power of tracking, the power of measuring, because most business owners by default do not do that. And you’ve done a phenomenal job of tracking. So to circle back to the part of the reviews, we didn’t really track our reviews for a while there. And part of the, when we started working together was let’s track our five-star reviews. And we tracked them every week. And they got to the point where, you know, we would talk about who got what and if it’s, then you feel like a douche bag if you didn’t make the needle move in any way. And so we track our sales every week. We even track the number of leads we get every week. We track the number of dollars that flew into the company. And I even track a bunch of other nerdy stuff too that on the marketing side, but I love tracking because it’s such a not, six sales, right? As opposed to saying, how did we feel about sales? And then people start talking about, well, the economy, but it’s just like, no, it’s six sales. It’s a very easy conversation to have. You can say, okay, what would it take to get to 12 sales? And then you start from that frame of reference as opposed to everyone’s feelings and thoughts and concerns and excuses. You talk about numbers, a lot easier. Other aspect of coaching, which I think is incredible, and again, I’m praising different coaches that I’ve had over the years. I have one guy right now in my life, I still pay him to do advisory work with me, and it’s very expensive. It’s, frankly, it’s north of $4,000 a month for the services I pay for. And what happens is, having somebody who’s never stuck, it’s so important. And to have that person in your life that’s never stuck. So I’ll remember years ago, I was having a hard time telling my staff that we were gonna raise prices. This is years ago, we’re 15 plus years ago, you know? And it’s like the first time I’ve ever raised prices. I’m raising prices because expenses went up. That doesn’t mean everybody gets a raise, you know? Or the first time you have to fire somebody, you gotta look an adult man or woman in the eyes who’s 40 years old and fire them, you know? Just having somebody who not only can lay out a proven path, but they can kind of guide you through those potholes. What sort of a value does that have for you in terms of a coach? Because I know for me, I’d read the book about building a workflow or an org chart, and then I would have a hard time getting my staff to actually follow the org chart. I would read a book about how to hire top people and then fire people. You know, the problem was I was 22 years old and a lot of my employees were twice my age and I’m 22 years old. And again, my employees are double my, think about that dynamic. I’m 22 years old. My employees are double my age. And there’s no like, I didn’t know how to do it, you know? And so my mentor at the time, Dr. Zellner, he told me, just tell them it’s not working out. And move on. And I’m going, really? That’s it? He goes, yeah, you just got to tell them it’s not working out, and then document jackassery. You know, just document it. And I remember going, wow, that was freeing, because I just thought it’d be more complicated than that. Can you talk about the value of having somebody just kind of help you through the soft skills of implementing these hard ideas? Yeah, I mean, it’s… Except for by going through it. And so you can either learn experience and bashing your head against the wall, or you could talk to the guy that’s already got the jackhammer on the other side of the wall. And in my experience, it’s every dollar spent on coaching has returned to me like 100,000, 10,000 times. And it’s not just that, I got there so much faster, right? So it’s not just the fact that I broke through a ceiling or I figured out a problem. It’s like I got there six, three months, whatever, faster. So another example, we just took on a short form content video coach. And it was, it was, it was, I spent more on this guy than I spent on my car. Right. But we looked at it as like, how big can us to figure this out? How to, how to frame it all. And, and, and what, what does, what does it even look like to work hard at short form video content? I didn’t even know what that looked like three months ago. Right. So we hired this guy and we had a crazy break. We had a couple of videos go 10 million views as an example. But would I have ever even gotten there without this coach? Probably not. Or if I had, it would have cost me two years of my life banging my head against a wall. And I’m not saying that you need to go and hire a coach for everything. But if it’s something you want to grow or expand or be more effective at, the best dollar you could spend is already been there, done that and can predictably the same results if you put it in the work. You know, this weekend I took my kids to the lake and this just in, I’m not an expert boat parker guy. Like I can park a boat, but if you have to like parallel park a boat, you know, if you have to park it under windy conditions, so I pulled up to the gas station on the water. I pull aside the boat guy. He’s probably 22 years old, 23 years old, you know, and I said, Hey, can I pay you to park the boat? He says, absolutely. I said, so I can pay to park the boat. I said, yeah, absolutely. I said, cool. Hey, by the way, where do I go to buy a, uh, an inflatable tube, you know, for tubing? He says, Oh, the best place to buy an inflatable Tube for tubing was at this particular store There is no way I would have known that and there is no way that I would have known that if you Can only park here your boat for this amount of time because of XYZ 1 2 3 I spent 12 bucks I think paying the guy for four minutes of work, and he made the whole day great. That’s how I operate. That’s the mindset I have is if I need somebody to, if I ever get stuck, I just without hesitation hire a coach. What do you say to somebody out there? We obviously do free consultations here at What do you say to somebody who’s thinking about scheduling a free consultation and they go, free? Why do you have to do a colonoscopy? What do you say to somebody who’s thinking about doing a free consultation but they’re a little bit nervous about scheduling a free consultation? I would say, what have you got to lose? If you go and do the free consultation and it’s not helpful, you’ve lost nothing. Just absolutely do it. It was a turning point for our business single one of our coaching decisions have been and it’s a free 13-point assessment with Clay Clay. You go to slash something. We’ll go to but I don’t expect you to memorize our URL. Okay, well I’m working on it. Now you’re a coach in that area. You’re great. Now with your particular business, we have actually purchased a Bunky Life. My plan right now is next time you come to Tulsa, I’m hoping it will be installed in the woods. And so people who come to our in-person workshops, they oftentimes like to stay at our property. And so when they like to do that, we have a guest house that we’ve built, and now I’m adding a cabin in the woods. I look to add multiple cabins, and so it’s going to be a really neat neat look there. We have purchased a Bunky Life as well and I love about them is they really are a bolt-on bedroom. They’re very affordable. If you’re out there today and you’re looking for extra workspace, maybe you’re looking for a bolt-on bedroom for your mom and dad, maybe if you have guests that visit, your mom and dad visit, maybe you have a little office you need to add on. What are the most common reasons why people are buying a bolt-on bedroom and custom cabin there, sir. A lot of times I’ve got this house that’s too small, my family’s getting bigger, I want my whole extended family to stay. And so it’s the bridge and getting everyone together. David, I appreciate your time. Again, I encourage everybody to go to And if you’re out there today and you’re finding yourself going, I feel stuck, don’t feel stuck schedule free to the 13 point consultation today at thrift time show calm David Frazier great American I can’t wait to see you soon ok appreciate JT you know what time it is um 14 it’s it’s Tivo time and talk to him baby Tim Tebow is coming to Tulsa Oklahoma during the month of Christmas December 5th and 6th 2024 Tim Tebow is coming to Tulsa, Oklahoma in the 2-Day Interactive Thrive Time Show Business Growth Workshop. Yes, folks, put it in your calendar this December, the month of Christmas, December 5th and 6th, Tim Tebow is coming to Tulsa, Oklahoma in the Thrive Time Show 2-Day Interactive Business Growth Workshop. We’ve been doing business conferences here since 2005. I’ve been hosting business conferences since 2005 what year were you born? 1995 dude I’ve been hosting business conferences since you were 10 years old and a lot of people you know If I followed Tim Tebow’s football career on the field And off the field and off the field the guy’s been just as successful as he has been on the field now The big question is JT. How does he do it? Mmm. Well they’re gonna have to come and find out, because I don’t know. Well, I’m just saying, Tim Tebow is going to teach us how he organizes his day, how he organizes his life, how he’s proactive with his faith, his family, his finances. He’s going to walk us through his mindset that he brings into the gym, into business. It is going to be a blasty blast in Tulsa, Russia. Folks, I’m telling you, if you want to learn branding, you want to learn marketing, you want to learn search engine optimization, you want to learn social media marketing, that’s what we teach in the Thrive Time Show two-day interactive workshop. If you want to learn accounting, you want to learn sales systems, you want to learn how to build a linear workflow, you want to learn how to franchise your business, that is what we teach at the two-day interactive Thrive Time Show business workshop. You know, over the years we’ve had the opportunity to feature Michael Levine, the PR consultant of choice for Nike, for Prince, for Michael Jackson. We’ve had the top PR consultant in the history of the planet has spoken at the Thrive Time Show workshops. We’ve had Jill Donovan, the founder of, a company that creates apparel worn by celebrities all throughout the world. Jill Donovan, the founder of, has spoken at the two-day interactive Thrive Time Show business workshops. We have the guy, we’ve had the man who’s responsible for turning around Harley Davidson, a man by the name of Ken Schmidt. He has spoken at the Thrive Time Show two-day interactive business workshops. Folks, I’m telling you, these events are going to teach you what you need to know to start and grow a successful business. And the way we price the events, the way we do these events, is you can pay $250 for a ticket or whatever price that you can afford. Yes, we’ve designed these events to be affordable for you and we want to see you live and in person at the two day interactive December 5th and 6th Thrive Time Show Business Workshop. Everything that you need to succeed will be taught at the two day interactive Thrive Time Show Business Workshop December 5th and 6th in Tulsa, Oklahoma. And the way we do these events is we teach for 30 minutes and then we open it up for a question and answer session so that wonderful people like you can have your questions answered. Yes, we teach for 30 minutes and then we open it up for a 15-minute question and answer session. It’s interactive. It’s two days. It’s in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We’ve been doing these events since 2005, and I’m telling you, folks, it’s going to blow your mind. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the Thrive Time Show two-day interactive business workshop is America’s highest rated and most reviewed business workshop. See the thousands of video testimonials from real people just like you who have been able to build multi-million dollar companies. Watch those testimonials today at Simply by clicking on the testimonials button right there at, you’re going to see thousands of people just like you who have been able to go from just surviving to thriving. Each and every day we’re going to add more and more speakers to this all-star lineup. But I encourage everybody out there today, get those tickets today. Go to Again, that’s And some people might be saying, well, how do I do it? I don’t know what I do. How does it work? You just go to Let’s go there now. We’re feeling the flow. We’re going to Thrive Time Show. Again, you just go to You click on the Business Conferences button, and you click on the Request Tickets button right there. The way I do our conferences is we tell people it’s $250 to get a ticket or whatever price that you can afford. And the reason why I do that is I grew up without money. JT, you’re in the process of building a super successful company. Did you start out with a million dollars in the bank account? No, I did not. Nope, did not get any loans, nothing like that. Did not get an inheritance from parents or anything like that. I had to work for it and I’m super grateful I came to a business conference. That’s actually how I met you, met Peter Taunton. I met all these people. So if you’re out there today and you want to come to our workshop, again, you just got to go to You might say, well, who’s speaking? We already covered that. You might say, where is it going to be? It’s going to be in Tulsa, Russia, Oklahoma. I suppose it’s Tulsa, Russia. I’m really trying to rebrand Tulsa as Tulsa, Russia. I’m sort of like the Jerusalem of America. But if you type in Thrive Time Show in Jinx, you can get a sneak peek or a look at our office facility. This is what it looks like. This is where you’re headed. It’s going to be a blasty blast. You can look inside, see the facility. We’re going to have hundreds of entrepreneurs here. It is going to be packed. Now for this particular event, folks, the seating is always limited because my facility isn’t a limitless convention center. You’re coming to my actual home office. And so it’s going to be packed. Who? You! You’re going to come! I’m talking to you. You can get your tickets right now at And again, you can name your price. We tell people it’s $250 or whatever price you can afford. And we do have some select VIP tickets, which gives you an access to meet some of the speakers and those sorts of things. And those tickets are $500. It’s a two-day interactive business workshop, over 20 hours of business training. We’re going to give you a copy of my newest book, The Millionaire’s Guide to Becoming Sustainably Rich. You’re going to leave with a workbook. You’re going to leave with everything you need to know to start and grow a super successful company. It’s practical, it’s actionable, and it’s TiVo time right here in Tulsa, Russia. Get those tickets today at Again, that’s Hello, I’m Michael Levine, and I’m talking to you right now from the center of Hollywood, California, California where I have represented over the last 35 years 58 Academy Award winners, 34 Grammy Award winners, 43 New York Times bestsellers. I’ve represented a lot of major stars and I’ve worked with a lot of major companies and I think I’ve learned a few things about what makes them work and what makes them not work. Now, why would a man living in Hollywood, California in the beautiful sunny weather of LA come to Tulsa? Because last year I did it and it was damn exciting. Clay Clark has put together an exceptional presentation, really life-changing. And I’m looking forward to seeing you then. I’m Michael Levine, I’ll see you in Tulsa. We’re going to teach you how to fix your conversion rate. We’re going to teach you how to do a social media marketing campaign that works. How do you raise capital? How do you get a small business loan? We teach you everything you need to know here during a two-day, 15-hour workshop. It’s all here for you. You work every day in your business, but for two days you can escape and work on your business and build these proven systems so now you can have a successful company that will produce both the time freedom and the financial freedom that you deserve. You’re going to leave energized, motivated, but you’re also going to leave empowered. The reason why I built these workshops is because, as an entrepreneur, I always wish that I had this. And because there wasn’t anything like this, I would go to these motivational seminars, no money down, real estate, Ponzi scheme, get motivated seminars, and they would never teach me anything. It was like you went there and you paid for the epic chocolate Easter bunny, And they would never teach me anything. It was like you went there and you paid for the big chocolate Easter bunny, but inside of it, it was a hollow nothingness. And I wanted the knowledge, and they’re like, oh, but we’ll teach you the knowledge after our next workshop. And the great thing is we have nothing to upsell. At every workshop, we teach you what you need to know. There’s no one in the back of the room trying to sell you some next big get-rich-quick, walk-on hot coals product. It’s literally we teach you the brass tacks, the specific stuff that you need to know to learn how to start and grow a business. I encourage you to not believe what I’m saying, but I want you to Google the Z66 auto auction. I want you to Google elephant in the room. Look at Robert Zellner and Associates. Look them up and say, are they successful because they’re geniuses or are they successful because they have a proven system. When you do that research you will discover that the same systems that we use in our own business can be used in your business. Come to Tulsa, book a ticket, and I guarantee you it’s going to be the best business workshop ever and we’re going to give you your money back if you don’t love it. We’ve built this facility for you and we’re excited to see you. And now you may be thinking, what does it actually cost to attend an in-person two-day interactive Thrive Time Show business workshop. Well, good news, the tickets are $250 or whatever price that you can afford. What? Yes, they’re $250 or whatever price you can afford. I grew up without money and I know what it’s like to live without money. So if you’re out there today and you want to attend our in-person two-day interactive business workshop, all you’ve got to do is go to to request those tickets. And if you can’t afford $250, we have scholarship pricing available to make it affordable for you. I learned at the Academy at Kings point in New York, octa nonverba, watch what a person does, not what they say. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Harvard Kiyosaki the Rich Dad Radio Show. Today I’m broadcasting from Phoenix, Arizona, not Scottsdale, Arizona. They’re closed, but they’re completely different worlds. And I have a special guest today. Definition of intelligence is if you agree with me, you’re intelligent. And so this gentleman is very intelligent. I’ve done this show before also, but very seldom do you find somebody who lines up on all counts as a Mr. Clay Clark is a friend of a good friend, Eric Trump. But we’re also talking about money, bricks, and how screwed up the world can get in a few and a half hour. So Clay Clark is a very intelligent man, and there’s so many ways we could take this thing. But I thought, since you and Eric are close, Trump, what were you saying about what Trump can’t, what Donald, who’s my age, and I can say or cannot say. Well, first of all, I have to honor you, sir. I want to show you what I did to one of your books here. There’s a guy named Jeremy Thorn, who was my boss at the time. I was 19 years old working at Faith Highway. I had a job at Applebee’s, Target and Direct TV. And he said, have you read this book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad? And I said, no. And my father, may he rest in peace. He didn’t know these financial principles. So I started reading all of your books and really devouring your books and I went from being an employee to self-employed to the business owner to the investor and I owe a lot of that to you and I just want to take a moment to tell you thank you so much for allowing me to achieve success. I’ll tell you all about Eric Trump. I just want to tell you thank you sir for changing my life. Not only that Clay, thank you, but you’ve become an influencer. You know, more than anything else, you’ve evolved into an influencer where your word has more and more power. So that’s why I congratulate you on becoming. Because as you know, there’s a lot of fake influencers out there, or bad influencers. Yeah. Anyway, I’m glad you and I agree so much, and thanks for reading my books. Yeah. That’s the greatest thrill for me today. Not thrill, but recognition is when people, young men especially, come up and say, I read your book, changed my life, I’m doing this, I’m doing this, I’m doing this. I learned at the academy, King’s Point in New York, acta non verba. Watch what a person does, not what they say.


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