Clay Clark | Business Coach | What Is Founder Mode? Why Founders Must Have a DEEP Knowledge of Nearly Every Aspect of Their Business + Celebrating Massive Growth of 5 Real Clay Clark Clients + Tebow Joins Dec 5-6 Business Workshop

Show Notes

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Audio Transcription

Imagine we got up the mountain and then somebody was dropped from a helicopter having never walked up the mountain and you tell them okay now you lead this group up the next mountain. Can you imagine how hard it’d be for that person to drop from the sky or maybe they joined a third of the way up the mountain but they weren’t there at the very beginning. You see a founder brings three things that a professional manager doesn’t have. The first thing a founder has is they’re the biological parent. So you can love something, but when you’re the biological parent of something, like it came from you, it is you. There’s a deep passion in love. The second thing a founder has is they have the permission, right? Like I can’t tell another child what to do, but if they were my child, I probably could. I have the permission. And so you have a permission. I could rename the, I could rebrand the company and a professional manager would probably come and say, I can’t do that, but I know how we named it. I know how we branded it. So you know what you can change. And the third thing that a founder brings is you built it. So you know how to rebuild it. You know the freezing temperature of a company. You know what temperature it melts. You know like what this looked like before it was tooled, where it came from, the alloys, where they were sourced from. You’re not just managing it, you’re building it. And the problem is professional managers typically don’t have any of those three, at least not in the abundance of founders. Attend the world’s best business workshop led by America’s number one business coach for free by subscribing on iTunes and leaving us an objective review. Claim your tickets by emailing us proof that you did it and your contact information to info at thrive All right, Thrive Nation, welcome back to the conversation. It is the Thrive Time Show on your radio and podcast download. Now one of the things that we help business owners do all the time, every day, it is super easy to do this if you know the path. If you don’t know the path, it’s like impossible, it’s vague. And I’ll just give an example. If you have been in a car, right, and you have seen a car, you’ve known about a car, you’ve grown up around cars, right? The idea of a car is not confusing. So if I said car, immediately you picture what? Something with four wheels that goes from A to B. You might picture a sedan or a truck or a different vehicle, but you understand that it’s a car. Now that’s how I picture a business vehicle. It just gets you from A to B, from where you are to your goals. It’s a business vehicle. They all look a little different. There might be a sedan. You might have a big truck. You might have a Humvee. You might have…but they’re all just…it’s basically a vehicle to get you from A to B. Now if you were to go back in time, remember Back to the Future? Bum, bum, bum, ba da da, bum, bum, bum. Yes. Boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop. So anyway, Marty, Doc, the whole thing. What happens is that people… Flux capacitors. Yeah, flux capacitors. You go back in time. And remember when you went back to the West? It was the third one. It was the worst, but it was my favorite. But nobody knew what a car was. And so a lot of business owners reach out to us. They know just enough about business to say, I’m trying to make a business vehicle. I said, Bill, call it a business model. And I want to make a business model that scales. I want to build a model that scales. You know, and I say, okay, great. But they don’t really know what that is, and they haven’t really seen it before. So when they come to the workshop, they see a linear from left to right workflow, a business model, and once they see it, they go, yes, I get it. So as an example, one of the clients who work with us called River City Church, and they’re in Owensboro, Kentucky. I just got back from Owensboro, went there last weekend with my wife and five kids. And let me tell you what, those guys are nailing it. Now that we’ve systemized it, it is awesome. Honestly, it just gets me goose bumps thinking about it. I drove up to the church the first time and this didn’t happen. When I drove up the first time, no one waved at us. The parking lot, there were nice people that worked there, but they didn’t know what to do really. Nobody greeted me when I went in for the second service. There wasn’t a sign flipper. The coffee wasn’t fresh for the second service. The overhead music was non-existent. The daycare was doing a good job. The praise and worship did a good job. The pastor did a good job. That was the first time I went there. This time, now that they know the systems, dude, it is like the most unbelievably inspiring thing I’ve… It’s probably the highlight of my business coach career in the last maybe two years. Because I drove there. We flew there from Tulsa, we get into Owensboro, and we drive right across from a Walmart, kind of in the, it’d be like a restaurant row in Tulsa by the Super Target, the Walmart, all the restaurants. And we pull up, and they don’t know who I am, I’m just driving in a rented minivan with the kids, and there’s a sign flipper right in front of Shoney’s, the restaurant. He’s flipping that thing like it’s the, like the mattress flipper on 101st and Memorial. He’s just getting into it. Then I turn right, and there’s another sign flipper. I drive about maybe 50 feet, 100 feet more, there’s another sign flipper. Then when I try to park the car, there’s somebody who came out to greet me and explain to me where to go. And there’s people in green vests, and I think there’s a golf cart guy. You walk in and a lady immediately greets us. A guy greets us. The coffee was fresh. The music overhead was playing. The band was on point. The pastor nailed it. The kids’ church, my kids literally said, they pulled me aside after church and they said, we’re driving over to Panera Bread to have lunch with the pastor just to kind of break down what happened. And my kids go, Dad, are they going to open one of these in Tulsa? It’s awesome. Right. Like they wanted to go because it was so good. So here’s what you have to do. You have to systemize it and then nail it before you scale. So I’m going to walk you through kind of the steps to do that and I’d like to get Chup’s take or editorial on each one of these. Yeah. So first you got to nail down the documentation or some people call this the process later. Chup, why do you have to just document from left to right kind of a timeline of what should be happening? Because you as the business owner it all makes sense in your head. It all makes sense to you when you go to do it but you’re not going to find employees that you can just, you know, spit it out to them into the ether and they’re going to soak it all in. In my head it all looks so good. In my head. No, this isn’t zombies. In my head. Zombie, zombie, zombie. So it’s not that, right? With their tanks and their guns and their bombs. They are fighters! So you have to document that stuff and get it out of your head. And the River City Church is a really good example because you were telling us at our coaches meeting one morning that when you got back from kind of mapping out that entire work, Jesse, the pastor’s wife, Jesse, Pastor Jesse, yeah, she was like literally in tears or almost in tears. Yeah, she was so overwhelmed by how… Over a decade, she had these ideas in their head and now, here it is, everybody understands all the linkage points everywhere, the ball is going to be handed off, it’s all right there out in the open. And I would recommend you just put this on the show notes, I call this showing the world your Wookiee. I tell this to clients a lot and I mean this though, is showing the world your Wookiee. And I tell clients this a lot of times and they get it, they remember it, they never forget it. Because remember George Lucas wanted to build Star Wars. So he didn’t tell anybody because he knew that everyone would think he’s crazy. So he made a movie called American Graffiti starring Harrison Ford that was about basically cruising on Friday nights in a car. That movie did really well at the box office. He did just well enough that he got Fox to buy into him as a director-producer guy. He had a big mural drawn up it took a long time to get funny he drew a mural of the Millennium Falcon up there so we’re gonna do a movie about space going to space it’s kind of like a hero it’s a boy overcomes adversity and it’s this kind of thing okay we know we can do it they had no idea that he was gonna make a wookie Chewbacca or Darth Vader or these characters I mean there’s so many far-out characters. But he didn’t really explain to people what he wanted to do, because he knew it would freak them out. So all the early renderings were of pictures of humans, you know? But the first time they draw a rendering of a Wookiee, and he’s like, here’s the dude. It’s going to sound like he’s perpetually yawning. And he’s tall, and he’s super hairy, and he looks like he’s got dreadlocks, essentially. He’s like a big, tall, dreadlocked carpet. A nine foot. All of a sudden people are like, okay, that’s a little weird. But you have to eventually get it out of your head so people can get it. Now the next step, once you show the world you’re Wookiee, you show the world you’re Millennium Falcon. Remember he had to make a mural. I’m talking about a 25 foot tall, actually painted mural, paying someone to make it and paint it on a wall so people could see what it would look like to the scale and size. Then after you do that, you’ve got to nail down the demonstration. You’ve got to be able to show people and demonstrate to them what the product does for people or what the service does, what the experience is like. Chuck, why do you have to be able to demonstrate to other people how this system works? Well, a good example of this would be call recording. You want to record your scripted calls, you’re gonna have the script, right? And then you want to record those scripted calls so then you have a best practice you can teach somebody. You know, you can actually show them, here’s the script, listen to the call and see how it works. And now one thing that I see a lot of people not do that we make sure we do at the conference with scripting and recording calls as the example is also showing some worst practice calls. Because you can really nail that point across whenever you play the call of the previous employee and it’s awful. And this could be a prototype of a product. Right. This could be a recorded call. Yeah. This could be a video of a physical presentation. Any way you can show what’s in your head. Now the step three is creating a linear workflow. And that’s where you have all the details so people can see how the puzzle fits together. And we come back, we’re going to talk about how to create a printed linear workflow. to make your ends so you can produce the green and re-mike all of Oregon Soon we’ll call you Franklin cause you got vigilance We’ll call you Big Thurl cause you just bought a Benz And then you’ll be bragging to your wife and kids That your wallet’s overweight but it used to be thin Trump’s away this is tight broadcasting with the Zen With the focus locked in like San Quentin Can I get a B to the O, O to the M You’ve heard the rumors, he is I and I is him He be the C and I be the C. Now let’s teach him business skills from place to C. If you’re out there and your name is Chris Kelly, So I’m not going to pressure you, I’m just going to say, don’t let yourself down. Don’t let your town down. Come on, P-Town. Don’t ruin the entertainment and educational opportunities for all of Portland by simply denying what you know to be true. Let the Thrive Time show happen to you. Let it happen. Embrace. It’s the City of Roses. Smell the fresh Thrive Time show, would you? Think about it. Portland has a big green belt around it. They’re very legalistic about what you can build. Would you think about it? Portland has a big green belt around it They’re very legalistic about what you can build and we could create another green belt of cash if all the listeners Implemented the thrive time show doesn’t that sound nice? Now we’re talking about how to systemize your business. You must systemize and nail it before you scale it step number one You must first nail down the documentation and process layer Essentially showing the world what’s in your head. Just like George Lucas showed the world the Wookiees that were in his dreams. Think of how crazy that was. He dreamed of Wookiees, but he had to eventually pay an artist to sketch them and to show it to producers. Nothing to dream. He dreamed a dream. Now the second step is you have to nail down the documentation of the demonstration. You have to nail down the demonstration of it in action. So that would be for George Lucas that would be an actual video clip of a Wookiee in action. For you as a business owner that would be video footage of your team. If you envision a pizza place where they toss the dough a certain way you’d have to get video footage of that. How to present your sales material a certain way. Exactly. The audio, the audio of your team doing a sales call the right way. The video of your team putting up siding the right way. The blueprint of the house you’re gonna build, maybe a 3D mock-up. There’s gotta be some way to now show the world a demonstration of what’s in your cranium. If you don’t have a prototype, may the Lord help you because you’re gonna need God to help you and many other, maybe potential false gods to help you because people don’t get it. You can’t just run around talking about what an experience should be like. You have to be able to show it and demonstrate it, Chuck. I want to take a second and brag on a client that I was working with earlier this week, Myron over at White Glove. He is doing this right now. He’s nailed his systems. He sent me a photo the other day. He got all of his checklists for all the different details and paint protection, film wraps, and all the things that they do and they’re laminated and just hanging on the wall ready to go. So they’re color-coded for each employee who’s trained up on them who’s not and so now what we’re working on is like the Jiffy Lube style upsells right? Yes. There’s other things when people come in he has other services that a lot of them don’t know about so we nailed it and now we’re scaling it and it’s awesome to see him have that success. True if you’re a restaurant that would be like creating your menus if you’re a fitness gym like the hub like our special guest Luke Owens, that’s creating a one sheet of all the products and services that you offer. Now the next step is you’ve got to create a printed, linear, visual workflow that everybody understands. So you want to make it a workflow is like a diagram of your business, like a blueprint of your business from left to right, so that everybody understands how the process fits together and why what they’re doing matters. So often people don’t understand why the job they do matters. So as an example, if you were on an automotive assembly line and your job was to add the axle onto the vehicle and the next person’s job was to add the wheel onto the axle and the next person was to bolt the wheel onto the axle, if one of you skipped a step, it wouldn’t work. Weird. And so what happens is in business a lot of times people skip steps because they crave variety. They crave just doing something new every day and they don’t really understand how their decision to want to change the system and tweak it slightly really messes up everything downstream or down the process. Now the next thing you have to do is you must create a universal file naming and organizational system. You have to have a universal way that you name files so that existing, and specifically new, members of your team can find everything easily. You see, so often what happens is we make these complex naming systems, and our desire to make things easier and more convenient, we start to give things acronyms. When you give things acronyms all the time, pretty soon people will sit there in a meeting ignorant and not knowing what you’re talking about for fear of looking dumb. That is a huge problem, Chup, as you go to scale a business that people don’t understand what you’re talking about. It can absolutely destroy things at the business. I literally was working with the business earlier today and they’ve created like their sixth version of the main checklist for two of the positions in their office and we’re just refining it and refining it and making it more and more efficient but I noticed again on it today there was a couple acronyms and they’re awesome they brought it in hey will you look over this let’s fix anything that you see needs to be fixed and the first thing I did was write huge across the top no acronyms and I just underlined every one of them and I explained what you just explained and they were like, oh, well that makes perfect sense. We were just trying to save a little bit of time. I’m like, no, stop trying to save time. Nobody’s going to know. If you want to elongate conversations and to make things take longer and to confuse people, use acronyms. Now, I feel like Elon Musk, the guy who’s behind PayPal, he’s the man behind PayPal. He’s the man behind SpaceX, Tesla, SolarCity, etc. This guy, he says, this is on Read His Notable Quotable, he says, there’s a creeping tendency to use made up acronyms at SpaceX. Excessive use of acronyms is a significant impediment to communication and keeping communication good as we grow is incredibly important. Individually, a few acronyms here and there may not seem so bad, but if a few thousand people are making these up, then over time the result will be a huge galossary that we have to issue to new employees. And no one can actually remember all these acronyms and people don’t want to seem dumb in a meeting, so they just sit there in ignorance. This is particularly tough on new employees. Signed, Elon Musk. And he will fire you for using acronyms if you work at Tesla. Now once you have the systems universally named, you want to document your training process. And what you want to do is you’re going to want to tell people how it works, show them how it works, and then role-play. Okay? Tell people how it works, show people how it works, and then role-play. Again, tell people, show people, and role-play. Now Benjamin Franklin, the inventor of the skullet, that’s where you have a skull and then you have long hair in the back, the Franklin stove, bifocals, the guy who wrote the Declaration of Independence, the guy who, you know, he’s kind of a big deal, one of the founding fathers, he helped secure the financing needed to beat the French. He says, tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn. That’s worth repeating. So powerful. Benjamin Franklin says, tell me and I forget. Well, why tell people at all? Because they need to know at least once. Teach me, and I remember that’s like showing them, involve me, aka role play, involve me and I learn. Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. So good. A final notable quotable for all the listeners out there is Jack Welch, the former CEO of GE who grew the company by 4,000%. He says good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion. So I’m gonna give you an example here from my life when I built DJ Connection. I came up with a script at DJ Connection that I wanted the employees to use because I knew that every single time it was used, it would work. And so I showed the guys how to do it. I documented it. I showed the guys how to do it, and I documented it. Then I role-played with the guys, and I role-played with the guys, and I fired some guys, and I hired some guys, and I role-played the guys, and I hired, I fired, I role-played. But then, Chuck, we’ll put the link from forward slash share. I want to put a link to our call center so people can see that. Eventually, we got the call center up to a level where we were booking weddings like every hour. We’re only open like 45, 50 hours a week. I think we were open like 52 hours a week for office hours. We’d book like 80 weddings every weekend. We’re booking more than an hour to an hour and a half per, or more than one wedding to a wedding and a half per hour as a result of that system. So it absolutely is possible to build scalable business systems. What I’ve seen from Clay and his group at Thrive is they’ll give you a simple system and it’s the simple systems are the ones that people can wrap their brain around. They’re the ones that people can work with on a day-to-day basis. And that simplicity brings power with it. So it shocked me how simple some of the stuff is. And at times I’m like, why didn’t I think about that? Workflow creation, systematic marketing, and coaching has helped our church so much. You know, the workflow creation is what it really is, is they’re going to look and see every moving part of your church, of your ministry, what needs to be done. And it’s going to go up on a massive board. And so now, what it does is it takes what you know needs to be done out of your heart and out of your head. Really takes the pressure, the stress off your shoulders. And it puts it on the board where your entire team, your ministry can see exactly what you want them to do every day. And so they know this is the playbook, this is what we’re doing. And then there’s a laser sharp accountability with a meeting afterwards, did it get done or not? I’ll tell you, it’s changed the way we execute as a church so fast. And it’s produced really an excitement because people, they want to get done. If they know what they’re supposed to do, a good person wants to get it done. It’s been massive for our team. The systematic marketing has really been like this. In the past, we used to market and we would try something. I’ve done everything, billboards, ads, mailers, internet, Facebook, but we would run something for so long and then we wouldn’t see that it was producing the results we want. Instead of staying consistent we would jump to another horse, then we would jump to another horse. And what systematic marketing does is it makes you pick some things and stick with it. And then the coaching is massive and I think having a coach that looks and sees what you’re doing and can come help you make small adjustments. I believe those small tweaks, once he gets everything set up, those small tweaks can make massive differences. And a great coach doesn’t even have to play your sport, right? Doesn’t even have to do what you do. A coach has an eye to see things that you can’t see, or to see it from a different angle. Just having that extra eye on what I do, and just, hey, have you thought about this? It’s making all the difference in the world. What Clay Clark and his team can provide for your church that you can’t do in-house and I can’t do in-house, well, what’s been massive for me is that search engine optimization, how to get to the top of Google, taking care of transcribing all of my sermons to drive me up the list on Google, stuff that I don’t think about and I don’t have time to do. I’ve got all these things I have to do as a pastor, right? I have sermons to preach. I have a staff to manage. I have a budget to take care of. I got sick folk to see about. I have a team that has to do that. You know how it is. You got to marry people. You got to bury people. We’re never going to stay in a dark room with a keyboard optimizing our Google presence. These guys do that kind of thing for you. Also, if you’re at a couple hundred member church, I remember how hard it was back in the day to take care of the website needs, to come up with graphic design. And these guys are available to you for sermon slides, getting that kind of stuff done where you can have a sharp looking presentation of the gospel. And it takes it off you and puts it on them at a very reasonable price. I really believe Clay Clark and his team can help a church with limited resources in a big way. I know what it’s like to be a church of limited resources. My wife and I, we walked into a town where we didn’t know anybody. We had a Bible and we just had a few bucks in our pocket. When somebody introduced us to a couple of families, we started going there. So I know what it’s like to be a church of two, and I know what it’s like to be a church of 2,000 in two different campuses now, 1,000 apiece, and everywhere in between. So I love churches at every level. I believe God wants them all to grow. And I think about the needs I had back in the day, the lack of direction I had. I was working 80 hours a week all the time, but a lot of times I was a shotgun instead of a rifle. I think when you start, you can really hone in with the right coaching, you can get a lot of your different needs met in one place. Instead of having somebody on marketing, and somebody on showing you how to do systems, and somebody on graphic design, Thrive can do a lot of that for you at a very reasonable cost. I think it’s a great place to invest in the life of your ministry. I’m telling you, I think you can get the results you want with the coaching here faster than any other way. It’s going to be powerful. Well, Thrive Nation, we have an opportunity all the time. We have so many wonderful people that go to and they reach out to us to schedule a 13-point assessment. We also have a lot of people that go to and they schedule a free 13-point assessment, and they’re not a good fit. Because I only work with diligent doers. I only work with people that are willing to actually implement the proven systems that Dr. Zellner and I both teach and implement in our own companies. So people say, I do want to grow my business seven times faster, I do want to reduce my working hours, I do want to increase my time, freedom, and my profits. I think we’re all in agreement that that’s a good thing. However, we can only help people that are willing to put the work in. And on today’s show we’re joined by a man by the name of Ronnie Morales. His company is I hold him in high regard because he and his family-owned business, they actually are growing. I would call it dramatically. You look at this, Inc. Magazine right now shows that 96% of businesses fail. Inc. Magazine says 96% of businesses fail. That’s not good. Whereas this guy’s business isn’t growing by 10%, it isn’t growing by 20%. It is growing dramatically. But again, if Ronnie Morales had filled out the form and had scheduled a consultation and wasn’t willing to actually implement what we were teaching, it would all be for naught. So I’m excited for you to meet somebody who I would consider to be a diligent doer. He’s based in Richmond, Texas. And without any further ado, Ronnie Morales, welcome on to The Thrive Time Show. How are you, sir? Hey, I’m doing great. Thanks, Clay. Hey, so how did you first hear about us? How did you hear about The Thrive Time Show? I listened to your Thrive Time Show podcast for those seven years. And I was learning so much, I was like, man, I got to give this guy a try. So you listened to our podcast seven years ago? Yeah. Really? Seven years. Do you remember the first podcast you listened to seven years ago? I don’t. I don’t remember. I listened to so many of them. Okay, okay. I probably listened to, you know, more than once. Now, when you’re listening to the podcast, I try to feature clients on the show so that you know there’s real people really doing it, really implementing the systems. When did it occur to you that you might want to go ahead and fill out the form at and schedule a consultation? I got to the point where I just needed to take the next step. I’ve been in coaching before, like group coaching and different things like that. But I just felt like everybody on your show was making tremendous changes in our business. And coming from you and Dr. Z, I felt like y’all had the experience. And it didn’t matter if it was, because I’ve been used to doing construction, like peer groups and construction coaching, where your contract is only. Well, I felt like, you know what, I need business, somebody business minded to help me grow this. I don’t necessarily need a group of just contractors. I need somebody that knows the business part of it. What kind of growth have you had since you began working with us as far as a percentage? Do you know a percentage or what kind of growth? Yeah, so we had about a 57% increase from last year’s first quarter to this year’s first quarter. So that was huge for us. And I’m personally a growth too. I honestly just as a business leader and team member here in my company, I’ve grown a lot to be a better leader, learn how to delegate better, learn how to get these 15-minute huddles started every morning. And it’s been great. I’m just continuing to learn, and I can’t wait to keep moving forward. Well, you know, people always ask me, they say, what’s the most important part of business consulting? And that would be to me like asking a baker, what’s the most important ingredient in a cookie? I mean, is it the flour? Is it the sugar? Is it the eggs? I would say, if you take out any one of those core ingredients, you’re going to have a weird taste in cookie. So in our business consulting, we focus on marketing, branding, sales, hiring, leadership, management, accounting, all of those things. So let’s kind of go through the process. From just a branding perspective and a marketing perspective, how has the business consulting impacted your company? It’s been great. The branding, the marketing, I mean, people around town are telling us, hey, I’ve seen your trucks here and there. I see it all over the place. When people are searching Google or whatever it is, they’re finding our videos and they’re reaching out to us. I think one of the biggest parts with business coaching for me has been the accountability. Like just having somebody telling me, like, hey, get this, this, and this done, and have it done by this day, and, you know, we move on to the next step. So, I mean, it’s been great. Now we have a weekly meeting. The purpose of a weekly meeting is so that you have a week to get your homework done. We have a week to do our homework. I mean, we do photography, videography, web development, search engine optimization. And you and I meet on Saturdays at 6.30 AM. I find a lot of my clients like to meet in the mornings. How important is it to have that weekly meeting? Because again, I’ve done, I’m 42, but when I was 21, I was hiring business consulting programs that would do quarterly meetings or oftentimes even monthly meetings. And I found that nothing got done. How important is it for you to have a weekly meeting? I think it’s very important as a business owner to have that weekly accountability to make sure you’re staying on schedule because as a business owner, you wear so many hats, it makes it difficult to get those important things done that you need to get done, but that you want to put on the back burner. But when you know you have somebody to be accountable to, and it’s a weekly thing, and they’re steadily putting in your ear, like you got to get these things done, get the reviews, get the video testimonials. It just makes it to where you have an assignment and you just get it done. Now at the business conferences, we walk people through the entire system. This is the system we teach from. This is from my newest book called A Millionaire’s Guide to Becoming Sustainably Rich, which everyone can download for free right now at forward slash millionaire. You and I, we track the numbers every week. So box number one, we establish those revenue goals. We do that. We know the break-even numbers. We know how many hours you’re willing to work. This is crazy. You’re married. Your wife loves you. You love your wife. I’m not ever advocating during our coaching meetings, like, forsake your family and grow your company. Can you talk about that? How important it is to work with maybe a coach that understands that you want to have a healthy family and a healthy company? Oh, I think it’s very important. You know, like yesterday I had a good dinner with my wife, and we had a good evening with live music and really enjoyed each other’s company. I took my kids camping twice this month already for four days, and we’re enjoying the summer. But I think it’s very important that as a business owner, as you put the hours in, put the hard work in, but you also take the time to spend with friends and family. And I mean, it’s important, you know, rising up early to get my meditation time is very important to me too. So I think just, again, having somebody that knows the value of these things is important. Yeah, as we go through, I mean, you are knocking it out with the marketing and the branding and all the things we have to do to optimize your website and make the ads work. We’ve determined your unique value proposition. We’ve improved the branding. We have a three-legged marketing stool. We know how to generate leads online and offline and referrals. The sales process, and I’m not picking on you, but I mean this, you’re like a super humble guy. So I feel like that the sales process was something that once you learn the proven process, you kind of took to it right away. But I think a lot of contractors don’t want to come across as too aggressive or too passive or too whatever. And I feel like the sales process of your team really doing a good job of calling all the leads and the calls are recorded for quality assurance. I feel like that’s been a big needle mover for you. Maybe I’m wrong. Let me get your thoughts on that. Yeah, no, it’s been great. I had my own way before I joined your team. I had my own way of sales and what I thought was working really wasn’t working. At first, I put up a wall, but once I was opened up to why you do it the certain ways you do it. It really opened up more ways to be more successful, you know, with the call scripts, with the recorded calls. We’re still tweaking scripts and things like that, but it’s like an ongoing process. But it’s been great. And I think that it has helped us a lot. We do have, we call our leads back right away, within hours, a few hours, most of the time. And it’s important. And we’ve gotten a lot of leads and where I needed to hire my first sales employee. And now we’re working on more of the systems, you know, creating these repeatable systems and managing a large group of people in that daily huddle. Can you talk, I hammer all my clients, it’s so important to have a daily huddle with your team to give, you know, to huddle with your team every morning and to have a weekly staff meeting. Could you talk about the importance of implementing these human resource strategies for managing people and what impact that’s had for your company? Yeah, so the impact that Daily Huddles has had for my company is that it brought the team together. All of our employees, which is 17 of us full-time, it’s brought us all together to where we’re getting to see each other in the mornings and grow together. We start off with some wins, keep it brief. We go over company updates. Then we go over all our projects and we ask, like, you know, how is that client doing? How is this project on schedule? But what it did, it helped us a lot with the daily interruptions with, hey, so what’s going on here? And these questions that can be answered in the morning. So they learn to answer these important questions in the morning so that there’s less interruption throughout the day. Now, the final two areas I wanted to cover here is, you know, there’s so much to growing a company, and that’s what we talk about on our weekly coaching calls, but building a sustainable and repetitive weekly schedule, you know, like every week we’re doing the group interview. Every week we’re gathering objective reviews from clients. Every week we’re gathering before and after images. Every week you’re gathering testimonials from your happy clients. You have to do this stuff every week. It’s like a garden, you’ve got to pull the weeds every week. Could you talk about the importance of having these human resource systems in place where you do these systems every week so it’s proactive as opposed to reactive, doing the same things over and over? Yeah, I think it’s important to do it every week and repeat them so that things don’t fall through the cracks. And if you get too relaxed on not doing it or you go two or three weeks without listening to recorded calls or whatever it may be, you start to slack off a little bit. The next thing you know, you’re in trouble. And now you’re putting out another fire that wouldn’t have been there if you would have been on track and keeping up with the systems and processes. So just doing it repeatedly helps with building that system. Everybody knows it’s this day, this time. Our morning huddles are every day from 7.07, last 15 minutes and it’s, everybody knows to be there and it’s just been great. Now, final two questions for you. If people out there that maybe wanna do business with you, they’re hearing about you. Again, it’s very hard to gather objective Google reviews if people don’t like you. It’s very hard to gather video testimonials if people don’t like the work you do. What’s your website and how do people, you know, go ahead and get ahold of you if they’re looking to hire you guys for maybe a big project? Yeah, so our website is and you can definitely just fill out our get in touch form to reach out to us. And I personally will actually be in touch with you and I’ll have a conversation with you. And for anybody out there that’s contemplating coming to one of our workshops or scheduling a free 13 point assessment, what word of encouragement or what advice would you have for anybody out there? Well, I would say don’t wait any longer, jump in because if I would have jumped in seven years ago, I’d have been in a whole different place today. So I guarantee you would be, I’ll say this though, and I’m not prophetic, I’m saying you’re on pace, you’re on pace to have a business that’s gonna be about five times larger than what it was when I first met you. And I say that because the first thing you see is the leads coming in and you start to see new teammates joining your team and you’re building that foundation for success. And I totally see you guys going to a great place right now. So I wish I would have met you earlier. That’s my only complaint, but that’s Ronnie Morales. Ronnie, I really appreciate y’all give you the final word. What do you want to say to everybody out there that’s maybe contemplating taking their business to the next level? Like I said, guys, don’t wait any longer. Reach out to play in the team, do your assessment and be a diligent doer. Amen to that. Ronnie Morales, take care sir, have a great day. Thank you. Bye. with Thrive. First of all, we’re on the top page of Google now. Okay, I just want to let you know what type of accomplishment this is. Our competition, Orkin, Terminex, they’re both 1.3 billion dollar companies. They both have two to three thousand pages of content attached to their website. So to basically go from virtually non-existent on Google to up on the top page is really saying something. But it’s come by being diligent to the systems that Thrive has by being consistent and diligent on doing podcasts and staying on top of those podcasts to really help with getting up on what they’re listing and ranking there with Google. And also we’ve been trying to get Google reviews, asking our customers for reviews. And now we’re the highest rated and most reviewed Pest and Lawn company in the Tulsa area. And that’s really helped with our conversion rate. And the number of new customers that we’ve had is up 411% over last year. Wait, say that again. How much are we up? 411%. So 411% we’re up with our new customers. Amazing. Right. So not only do we have more customers calling in, we’re able to close those deals at a much higher rate than we were before. Right now, our closing rate is about 85%, and that’s largely due to, first of all, like our Google reviews that we’ve gotten. People really see that our customers are happy, but also we have a script that we follow. And so when customers call in, they get all the information that they need. That script has been refined time and time again. It wasn’t a one and done deal. It was a system that we followed with Thrive in the refining process. And that has obviously, the 411% shows that that system works. Yeah, so here’s a big one for you. So last week alone, our booking percentage was 91%. We actually booked more deals and more new customers last year than we did the first five months, or I’m sorry, we booked more deals last week than we did the first five months of last year. It’s incredible, but the reason why we have that success is by implementing the systems that Thrive has taught us and helped us out with. Some of those systems that we’ve implemented are group interviews. That way we’ve really been able to come up with a really great team. We’ve created and implemented checklists. Everything checklist, everything gets done and it gets done right. It creates accountability. We’re able to make sure that everything gets done properly both out in the field and also in our office. And also doing the podcast like Jared had mentioned that has really, really contributed to our success but that, like I said, the diligence and consistency in doing those in that system has really, really been a big blessing in our lives, and also it’s really shown that we’ve gotten a success from following those systems. So before working with Thrive, we were basically stuck. Really no new growth with our business. And we were in a rut, and we didn’t know. The last three years, our customer base had pretty much stayed the same. We weren’t shrinking, but we weren’t really growing either. Yeah, and so we didn’t really know where to go, what to do, how to get out of this rut that we’re in. But Thrive helped us with that. They implemented those systems, they taught us those systems, they taught us the knowledge that we needed in order to succeed. Now it’s been a grind, absolutely it’s been a grind this last year, but we’re getting those fruits from that hard work and the diligent effort that we’re able to put into it. So again, we were in a rut, Thrive helped us get out of that rut. And if you’re thinking about working with Thrive, quit thinking about it and just do it. Do the action and you’ll get the results. It will take hard work and discipline, but that’s what it’s going to take in order to really succeed. So, we just want to give a big shout out to Thrive, a big thank you out there to Thrive. We wouldn’t be where we’re at now without their help. Hi, I’m Dr. Mark Moore. I’m a pediatrician. Through our new digital marketing plan, we have seen a marked increase in the number of new patients that we’re seeing every month, year over year. One month, for example, we went from 110 new patients the previous year to over 180 new patients in the same month. And overall, our average is running about 40 to 42 percent increase month over month, year over year. The group of people required to implement our new digital marketing plan is immense, starting with a business coach, videographers, photographers, web designers. Back when I graduated dental school in 1985, nobody advertised. The only marketing that was ethically allowed in everybody’s eyes was mouth-to-mouth marketing. By choosing to use the services, you’re choosing to use a proven turnkey marketing and coaching system that will grow your practice and get you the results that you are looking for. I went to the University of Oklahoma College of Dentistry, graduated in 1983, and then I did my pediatric dental residency at Baylor College of Dentistry from 1983 to 1985. Hello, my name is Charles Colaw with Colaw Fitness. Today I want to tell you a little bit about Clay Clark and how I know Clay Clark. Clay Clark has been my business coach since 2017. He’s helped us grow from two locations to now six locations. We’re planning to do seven locations in seven years and then franchise. Clay has done a great job of helping us navigate anything that has to do with running the business, building the systems, the checklists, the workflows, the audits, how to buy property, how to work with brokers and builders. This guy’s just amazing. This kind of guy has worked in every single industry. He’s written books with like Lee Crockwell, head of Disney with the 40,000 cast members. He’s friends with like Mike Lindell. He does Reawaken America tours where he does these tours all across the country where 10,000 or more people show up to some of these tours on the day to day. He does anywhere from about 160 companies. He’s at the top. He has a team of business coaches, videographers, and graphic designers, and web developers, and they run 160 companies every single week. So think of this guy with a team of business coaches running 160 companies. So in the weekly he’s running 160 companies. Every six to eight weeks he’s doing reawaken America tours every six to eight weeks He’s also doing business Conferences where 200 people show up and he teaches people a 13 step proven system that he’s done and worked with billionaires Helping them grow their companies. So he’s I’ve seen guys from startups go from startup to being multi-millionaires Teaching people how to get time freedom and financial freedom through the system critical thinking document creation making it putting it into a franchisable, scalable business. One of his businesses has like 500 franchises, that’s just one of the companies or brands that he works with. So, amazing guy, Elon Musk, kind of like smart guy. He kind of comes off sometimes as socially awkward, but he’s so brilliant and he’s taught me so much. When I say that, Clay is like, he doesn’t care what people think when you’re talking to him. He cares about where you’re going in your life and where he can get you to go. And that’s what I like him most about him. He’s like a good coach. A coach isn’t just making you feel good all the time. A coach is actually helping you get to the best of you. And Clay has been an amazing business coach. Through the course of that we became friends. I was really most impressed with him is when I was shadowing him one time. We went into a business deal and listened to it. I got to shadow and listened to it. When we walked out, I knew that he could make millions on the deal and they were super excited about working with him. He told me, he’s like, I’m not going to touch it. I’m going to turn it down because he knew it was going to harm the common good of people in the long run. The guy’s integrity just really wowed me. It brought tears to my eyes to see that this guy, his highest desire was to do what’s right. And anyways, just an amazing man. So anyways, impacted me a lot. He’s helped navigate. Anytime I’ve got nervous or worried about how to run the company or, you know, navigating competition and an economy that’s like, I remember we got closed down for three months. He helped us navigate on how to stay open, how to get back open, how to just survive through all the COVID shutdowns, lockdowns. I’m Rachel with Tip Top K9 and we just want to give a huge thank you to Clay and Vanessa Clark. Hey guys, I’m Ryan with Tip Top K9. Just want to say a big thank you to Thrive 15. Thank you to Make Your Life Epic. We love you guys, we appreciate you and really just appreciate how far you’ve taken us. This is our old house. Right, this is where we used to live. Here’s the house. This is our old neighborhood. See? It’s nice, right? So this is my old van and our old school marketing. And this is our old team. And by team, I mean it’s me and another guy. This is our new house with our new neighborhood. This is our new van with our new marketing and this is our new team. We went from 4 to 14 and I took this beautiful photo. We worked with several different business coaches in the past and they were all about helping Ryan sell better and just teaching sales, which is awesome, but Ryan is a really great salesman, so we didn’t need that. We needed somebody to help us get everything that was in his head out into systems, into manuals and scripts and actually build a team. So now that we have systems in place, we’ve gone from one to 10 locations in only a year. In October 2016, we grossed 13 grand for the whole month. Right now it’s 2018, the month of October. It’s only the 22nd, we’ve already grossed a little over 50 grand for the whole month and we still have time to go. We’re just thankful for you, thankful for Thrive and your mentorship, and we’re really thankful that you guys have helped us to grow a business that we run now instead of the business running us. Just thank you, thank you, thank you, times a thousand. JT, do you know what time it is? 410. It’s TiVo time in Tulsa, Oklahoma, baby. Tim TiVo is coming to Tulsa, Oklahoma during the month of Christmas, December 5th and 6th, 2024, Tim Tebow is coming to Tulsa, Oklahoma in the 2-Day Interactive Thrive Time Show Business Growth Workshop. Yes, folks, put it in your calendar this December, the month of Christmas, December 5th and 6th. Tim Tebow is coming to Tulsa, Oklahoma in the Thrive Time Show 2-Day Interactive Business Growth Workshop. We’ve been doing business conferences here since 2005. I’ve been hosting business conferences since 2005. What year were you born? 1995. Dude, I’ve been hosting business conferences since you were 10 years old. And a lot of people have followed Tim Tebow’s football career on the field and off the field. And off the field, the guy’s been just as successful as he has been on the field. Now, the big question is, JT, how does he do it? Well, they’re going to have to come and find out, because I don’t know. Well, I’m just saying, Tim Tebow’s going to teach us how he organizes his day, how he organizes his life, how he’s proactive with his faith, his family, his finances. He’s going to walk us through his mindset that he brings into the gym, into business. It is going to be a blasty blast in Tulsa, Russia. Folks, I’m telling you, if you want to learn branding, you want to learn marketing, you want to learn search engine optimization, you want to learn social media marketing. That’s what we teach at the Thrive Time Show two-day interactive workshop. If you want to learn accounting, you want to learn sales systems, you want to learn how to build a linear workflow, you want to learn how to franchise your business, that is what we teach at the two-day interactive Thrive Time Show business workshop. You know, over the years we’ve had the opportunity to feature Michael Levine, the PR consultant of choice for Nike, for Prince, for Michael Jackson. The top PR consultant in the history of the planet has spoken at the Thrive Time Show workshops. We’ve had Jill Donovan, the founder of, a company that creates apparel worn by celebrities all throughout the world. Jill Donovan, the founder of, has spoken at the two-day interactive Thrive Time Show business workshops. We have the guy, we’ve had the man who’s responsible for turning around Harley Davidson, a man by the name of Ken Schmidt. He has spoken at the Thrive Time Show two-day interactive business workshops. Folks, I’m telling you, these events are going to teach you what you need to know to start and grow a successful business. And the way we price the events, the way we do these events, is you can pay $250 for a ticket or whatever price that you can afford. Yes! We’ve designed these events to be affordable for you and we want to see you live and in person at the two day interactive December 5th and 6th Thrive Time Show Business Workshop. Everything that you need to succeed will be taught at the two day interactive Thrive Time Show Business Workshop December 5th and 6th in Tulsa, Oklahoma. And the way we do these events is we teach for 30 minutes and then we open it up for a question and answer session so that wonderful people like you can have your questions answered. Yes, we teach for 30 minutes and then we open it up for a 15-minute question and answer session. It’s interactive. It’s two days. It’s in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We’ve been doing these events since 2005 and I’m telling you folks, it’s going to blow your mind. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the Thrive Time Show two-day interactive business workshop is America’s highest rated and most reviewed business workshop. See the thousands of video testimonials from real people just like you who have been able to build multi-million dollar companies. Watch those testimonials today at Simply by clicking on the testimonials button right there at, you’re going to see thousands of people just like you who have been able to go from just surviving to thriving. Each and every day we’re going to add more and more speakers to this all-star lineup, but I encourage everybody out there today, get those tickets today. Go to Again, that’s And some people might be saying, well, how do I do it? I don’t know what I do. How does it work? You just go to Let’s go there now. We’re feeling the flow. We’re going to Again, you just go to You click on the business conferences button, and you click on the request tickets button right there. The way I do our conferences is we tell people it’s $250 to get a ticket, or whatever price that you can afford. And the reason why I do that is I grew up without money. JT, you’re in the process of building a super successful company. Did you start out with a million dollars in the bank account? No, I did not. Nope, did not get any loans, nothing like that. Did not get an inheritance from parents, anything like that. I had to work for it and I’m super grateful I came to a business conference. That’s actually how I met you, met Peter Taunton. I met all these people. So if you’re out there today and you want to come to our workshop, again, you just got to go to You might say, well, who’s speaking? We already covered that. You might say, where is it going to be? It’s going to be in Tulsa, Russia, Oklahoma. And someone says, Tulsa, Russia. I’m really trying to rebrand Tulsa as Tulsa, Russia. I’m sort of like the Jerusalem of America. But if you type in Thrive Time Show and Jinx You can get a sneak peek or a look at our office facility. This is what it looks like This is where you’re headed. It’s going to be a blasty blast. You can look inside see the facility We’re gonna have hundreds of entrepreneurs here. It is going to be packed now for this particular event folks The seating is always limited because my facility isn’t a limitless Convention center you’re coming to my actual home office. And so it’s going to be packed. Who? You. You’re going to come. Who? You. I’m talking to you. You can get your tickets right now at And again, you can name your price. We tell people it’s $250 or whatever price you can afford. And we do have some select VIP tickets, which gives you an access to meet some of the speakers and those sorts of things. And those tickets are $500. It’s a two-day interactive business workshop, over 20 hours of business training. We’re going to give you a copy of my newest book the millionaire’s guide to becoming sustainably rich you’re gonna leave with a workbook you’re gonna leave with everything you need to know to start and grow a super successful company it’s practical it’s actionable and it’s T-Boat time right here in Tulsa, Russia get those tickets today at thrive again that’s thrive Hello I’m Michael Levine and I’m talking to you right now from the center of Hollywood, California, where I have represented over the last 35 years 58 Academy Award winners, 34 Grammy Award winners, 43 New York Times bestsellers. I’ve represented a lot of major stars and I’ve worked with a lot of major companies. And I think I’ve learned a few things about what makes them work and what makes them not work. Now, why would a man living in Hollywood, California in the beautiful sunny weather of LA come to Tulsa? Because last year I did it and it was damn exciting. Clay Clark has put together an exceptional presentation, really life-changing, and I’m looking forward to seeing you then. I’m Michael Levine. I’ll see you in Tulsa. Thrive Time Show two-day interactive business workshops are the world’s highest rated and most reviewed business workshops because we teach you what you need to know to grow. You can learn the proven 13-point business system that Dr. Zellner and I have used over and over to start and grow successful companies. When we get into the specifics, the specific steps on what you need to do to optimize your website, we’re going to teach you how to fix your conversion rate, how to get your conversion rate up to a certain level, how to get your conversion rate up to a certain level, how to get your conversion rate up to a certain level, how to get your conversion rate up to a certain level, how to get your conversion rate up to a certain level, how to get your conversion rate up to a certain level, how to get your conversion rate up to a certain level, how to get your conversion rate up to a certain level, how to get your conversion rate up to a certain level, how to get your conversion rate up to a certain level, how to get your conversion rate up to a certain level, how to get your conversion rate up to a certain level, how to get your conversion rate up to a certain level, how to get your conversion rate up to a certain level, how to get your conversion rate up to a certain level, how to get your conversion rate up to a certain level, how to get your conversion rate up to a certain level, how to get your conversion rate up to a certain level, how to get your conversion rate up to a certain level, how to get your conversion rate up to a certain level, how to get your conversion rate up to a certain level, how to get your conversion rate up to a certain level, how to get your conversion rate. We’re going to teach you how to do a social media marketing campaign that works. How do you raise capital? How do you get a small business loan? We teach you everything you need to know here during a two-day, 15-hour workshop. It’s all here for you. You work every day in your business, but for two days you can escape and work on your business and build these proven systems, so now you can have a successful company that will produce both the time freedom and the financial freedom that you deserve. You’re going to leave energized, motivated, but you’re also going to leave empowered. The reason why I built these workshops is because as an entrepreneur I always wish that I had this, and because there wasn’t anything like this I would go to these motivational seminars with no money down, real estate, Ponzi scheme, get motivated seminars, and they would never teach me anything. It was like you went there and you paid for the big chocolate Easter bunny, but inside of it, it was a hollow nothingness. And I wanted the knowledge, and they’re like, oh, but we’ll teach you the knowledge after our next workshop. And the great thing is we have nothing to upsell. At every workshop, we teach you what you need to know. There’s no one in the back of the room trying to sell you some next big get-rich-quick, walk-on-hot-coals product. It’s literally we teach you the brass tacks the specific stuff that you need to know to learn how to start and grow a business. I encourage you to not believe what I’m saying and I want you to Google the Z66 auto auction. I want you to Google elephant in the room. Look at Robert Zellner and Associates. Look them up and say are they successful because they’re geniuses or are they successful because they have a proven system? When you do that research, you will discover that the same systems that we use in our own business can be used in your business. Come to Tulsa, book a ticket, and I guarantee you it’s going to be the best business workshop ever, and we’re going to give you your money back if you don’t love it. We built this facility for you, and we’re excited to see it. And now you may be thinking, what does it actually cost to attend an in-person, two-day interactive Thrive Time Show business workshop? Well, good news, the tickets are $250 or whatever price that you can afford. What? Yes, they’re $250 or whatever price you can afford. I grew up without money and I know what it’s like to live without money. So if you’re out there today and you want to attend our in-person, two-day interactive business workshop, all you got to do is go to to request those tickets. And if you can’t afford $250, we have scholarship pricing available to make it affordable for you. I learned at the Academy in Kings Point in New York, acta non verba. Watch what a person does, not what they say. Good morning, good morning, good morning. Harvard Keosakadu Rich Dad Radio Show. Today I’m broadcasting from Phoenix, Arizona, not Scottsdale, Arizona. They’re close, but they’re completely different worlds. And we have a special guest today. Definition of intelligence is if you agree with me, you’re intelligent. And so this gentleman is very intelligent. I’ve done his show before also, but very seldom do you find somebody who lines up on all counts. And so Mr. Clay Clark is a friend of a good friend, Eric Trump. But we’re also talking about money, bricks, and how screwed up the world can get in a few and a half hour. So Clay Clark is a very intelligent man, and there’s so many ways we could take this thing. But I thought, since you and Eric are close, Trump, what were you saying about what Donald, who’s my age, and I can say or cannot say. First of all, I have to honor you, sir. I want to show you what I did to one of your books here. There’s a guy named Jeremy Thorn, who was my boss at the time. I was 19 years old working at Faith Highway. I had a job at Applebee’s, Target, and DirecTV. He said, have you read this book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad? I said, no. My father, may he rest in peace, he didn’t know these financial principles. So I started reading all of your books and really devouring your books and I went from being an employee to self-employed to the business owner to the investor and I owe a lot of that to you. And I just want to take a moment to tell you thank you so much for allowing me to achieve success and I’ll tell you all about Eric Trump. I just want to tell you thank you, sir, for changing my life. Well, not only that, Clay, you know, thank you, but you’ve become an influencer. More than anything else, you’ve evolved into an influencer where your word has more and more power. So that’s why I congratulate you on becoming. Because as you know, there’s a lot of fake influencers out there too, or bad influencers. But anyway, I’m glad you and I agree so much, and thanks for reading my books. That’s the greatest thrill for me today. Not a thrill, but recognition is when people, young men especially, come up and say, I read your book, changed my life, I’m doing this, I’m doing this, I’m doing this. I learned at the Academy at Kings Point in New York, acta non verba. I learned at the Academy at Kings Point in New York, acta non verba. Watch what a person does, not what they say.


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