Show Notes
- Yes, yes, yes and yes! Thrivetime Nation on today’s show we are interviewing Tony Robbins’ Co-CEO Dean Graziosi! Dean welcome onto the Thrivetime Show, how are you sir!?
- Dean Graziosi I know that you’ve had a ton of success at this point in your career, but I would love to start off at the bottom and the very beginning of your career. What was your life like growing up and where did you grow up?
- When did you first figure out what you wanted to do professionally?
- When did you first feel like you were truly beginning to gain traction with your career?
- Many of our guests say that they had a key mentor or a key book that they read that really helped them to change their mindset and their approach to success…do you have a key book or mentor in your life that has impacted you the most…I would love to hear that story?
- So Dean Graziosi, I really want to DEEP DIVE into your wheelhouse of wisdom and I want to ask you about the 3 Components That Distinguish Millionaires from Everybody Else?
- The 3 Components that Distinguish Millionaires from Everyone Else
- (1) Mindset to overcome failure
- (2) Tactics to learn the best strategies
- (3) Take Action to implement those strategies and share them with the world
- Dean Graziosi, I wanted to now tap into what you know about The 5 Benefits of Being an Underdog
- (1) Motivation by those that say “you can’t”
- (2) The competition doesn’t recognize your potential
- (3) You’re innovative
- (4) You’re enthusiastic
- (5) You can transform heartbreak into leverage
- Dean Graziosi, I want you to share about How to Turn Your Brain Into Your Business
- Dean believes self-education is the future.
- He teaches people to take their knowledge or experience
- share with those who want and need that information, to turn it into a business.
- Dean Graziosi Today, I’d love for you to share with the listeners about the kinds of projects that you are up to?
- You come across as a very proactive person…so how do you typically organize the first four hours of your and what time do you typically wake up?
- What are a few of your daily habits that you believe have allowed you to achieve success?
- What has been the biggest adversity that you’ve had to fight through during your career?
- Dean Graziosi What advice would you give the younger version of yourself?
- We find that most successful entrepreneurs tend to have idiosyncrasies that are actually their super powers…what idiosyncrasy do you have?
- What message or principle that you wish you could teach everyone?
- What are a couple of books that you believe that all of our listeners should read?
- You’ve got the mic, what is one thing that you want to share with the Thrive Nation before you drop the mic?