The 12 Most Common Dysfunctional Mindsets That Prevent Most Entrepreneurs From Growing

Show Notes

Clay Clark identifies the 12 most common dysfunctional mindsets that prevent most entrepreneurs from growing and Dr. Breck explains why following the food pyramid will make you fat.

Food Pyramid: 

Dysfunctional Mindset #1: 

The Employee-Mindset Entrepreneur


“Six days ye shall gather it; but on the seventh day, which is the sabbath, in it there shall be none.” Exodus 16:26 – King James Version (KJV)

Dysfunctional Mindset #2:

The Aggressive, Critical and Demanding Immediate Impossible Results Entrepreneur

Dysfunctional Mindset #3:

The Chronically-Distracted Entrepreneur

Dysfunctional Mindset #4:

Knowledgeable, Skeptical and Complex Businesses Want-To-Be-Leader

Dysfunctional Mindset #5:

The “Never On-Time” Guy:

Dysfunctional Mindset #6:

The “I’m Not Going to Do My Action Items” Guy

Dysfunctional Mindset #7:
The “Not-Emotionally Engaged” Guy

Dysfunctional Mindset #8:

The “I’m-Going-To-Try-To-Solve-All-of-My-Business-Questions-At-Once” Guy

Dysfunctional Mindset #9:

The “Everything Is a Burning Fire” Guy

Dysfunctional Mindset #10:

The “Constantly-Calling-Texting-And-Emailing-With-Urgent-Action-Items” Guy

Dysfunctional Mindset #11:

The “Mad-At-The-Messenger” Guy

Dysfunctional Mindset #12:

The “I-Care-About-What-Everybody-Else-Thinks-And-To-Avoid-Any-Confrontation-Ever-I-Never-Hold-People-Accountable-Never-Take-A-Stand-For-Anything-Never-Fire-Anybody-And-Never-Create-Remarkable-Marketing-And-Compelling-No-Brainer-Offers-Needed-To-Get-Your-Ideal-And-Likely-Buyers-To-Take-The-Action-You-Want” Guy

Dysfunctional Mindset #13:

The “Mad-At-The-Messenger” Guy

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