Clay Clark identifies the 12 most common dysfunctional mindsets that prevent most entrepreneurs from growing and Dr. Breck explains why following the food pyramid will make you fat.
Food Pyramid:
Dysfunctional Mindset #1:
The Employee-Mindset Entrepreneur
“Six days ye shall gather it; but on the seventh day, which is the sabbath, in it there shall be none.” Exodus 16:26 – King James Version (KJV)
Dysfunctional Mindset #2:
The Aggressive, Critical and Demanding Immediate Impossible Results Entrepreneur
Dysfunctional Mindset #3:
The Chronically-Distracted Entrepreneur
Dysfunctional Mindset #4:
Knowledgeable, Skeptical and Complex Businesses Want-To-Be-Leader
Dysfunctional Mindset #5:
The “Never On-Time” Guy:
Dysfunctional Mindset #6:
The “I’m Not Going to Do My Action Items” Guy
Dysfunctional Mindset #7:
The “Not-Emotionally Engaged” Guy
Dysfunctional Mindset #8:
The “I’m-Going-To-Try-To-Solve-All-of-My-Business-Questions-At-Once” Guy
Dysfunctional Mindset #9:
The “Everything Is a Burning Fire” Guy
Dysfunctional Mindset #10:
The “Constantly-Calling-Texting-And-Emailing-With-Urgent-Action-Items” Guy
Dysfunctional Mindset #11:
The “Mad-At-The-Messenger” Guy
Dysfunctional Mindset #12:
The “I-Care-About-What-Everybody-Else-Thinks-And-To-Avoid-Any-Confrontation-Ever-I-Never-Hold-People-Accountable-Never-Take-A-Stand-For-Anything-Never-Fire-Anybody-And-Never-Create-Remarkable-Marketing-And-Compelling-No-Brainer-Offers-Needed-To-Get-Your-Ideal-And-Likely-Buyers-To-Take-The-Action-You-Want” Guy
Dysfunctional Mindset #13:
The “Mad-At-The-Messenger” Guy