Robert Kiyosaki | Rich Dad Poor Dad Best-Selling Author On: Robert Why He Buys Gold, BRICS Lead Dedollarization, How to Escape the Rat Race, the Cash Flow Quadrant, the Importance of Mentorship & More

Show Notes

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Audio Transcription

Clay, my honor, my honor to be on your show. And thank you for all you do. I hear the ripple effects from you are good ripple effects. You know what I mean? People rave about what they learn from you. So congratulations.

Clay, you’re an entrepreneur. I’m an entrepreneur. And as they say in Stoic, the obstacle is the way. And so if you let these, the obstacle is the way. And so if you let these pinheads get in your way, you’re in trouble. Well, it’s ESBI.

You can always tell an employee by their words. You know, I’m not really religious, but in the Bible it says the word becomes flesh. So employees always say the same words. I want a safe secure job with benefits. And an S, a small business person says, if you want it done right, do it by yourself. And then the B, entrepreneur says, I’m looking for the best team.

They want a team behind them. And the I is an investor but it’s an insider investor and people say well inside investments illegal. I said no it’s just how close to the inside are you. So when I invest I don’t own any stocks or bonds and mutual funds because that’s for outside investors. I want to be part of the deal.

So my goal, you can see back here is my cashflow and board game. My goal was to take three companies public on Toronto Stock Exchange, the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ. So I got Toronto and New York Stock Exchange public and I’m going to take my NASDAQ company public this summer.

Now Robert I got to ask you this you know the cash flow quadrant was the obviously in your book I mean Rich Dad Guide to Investing, I’ve kind of desecrated this book. Thank you for reading it. I can’t believe that you do it worse than I do. Well, I’m proud of you.

Thank you. Oh man, you should see that. I mean, every book that you’ve written, I highlight this. I’ve got Post-it notes. People are saying, what did you do to that book? But the cash flow quadrant is a big part of your curriculum and of your teaching.

What advice would you have for an entrepreneur out there, plumber, doctor, dentist, somebody who’s got a business, but it’s just not growing, they’re not gaining traction. What would you say to them, sir? Akhenaten Verba is the model of the US Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, New York.

I had appointments with Naval Academy and Kings Point Merchant Marine Academy. And Merchant Marine Academy’s motto was haute nonverba. In other words, don’t listen to what a person says, watch what they do. So you can tell a person whether they’re capitalist

or communist by their actions. When did you decide to be the gold buyer guy. When did you decide to not just think about it and study it and look at look into the collapse of the dollar. When did you decide hey you know what I’m actually going to start buying gold. Because as you know, every time they print money, the rich get richer, but the poor middle class get poorer. So we’re printing a trillion dollars every 90 days now. So those who own real assets, like Waiku cattle,

gold, silver, real estate, oil, we get richer. But what else goes up in price is food, like chicken and eggs. You can’t afford eggs today. So every time you print fake money,

which is what I saw back when I was 17 years old. When you print fake money, guys like us get richer, but my friends and family get poorer because no financial education in school. Now let’s drill down into that for a second of Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, the BRICS nations for 16, almost 17 years, they’ve been hoarding the earth’s gold, Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, the BRICS nations for 16, almost 17 years, they’ve been hoarding the earth’s gold. Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa. These countries are not

screwing around. They’ve been hoarding the earth’s gold in preparation to do what? Well, Putin has announced a great expansion of the BRICS block. And now you have, I would, I’m just giving a rough average here, but now you have the majority of the earth’sS block. And now you have, I’m just giving a rough average here, but now you have the majority of the Earth’s assets are controlled by these nations that identify with the BRICS block. And these countries have a stated goal of introducing a gold-backed programmable currency. I don’t think the average person knows that, and I don’t think the average person knows that the United States enjoys an incredible privilege as

the world’s reserve currency since the Bretton Woods Agreement. I don’t think people know that. I know that because of your teaching and others but most people do not know that. So could you maybe articulate or explain, Robert Kiyosaki, for our listeners out there. Why do our listeners need to know that Brazil Russia India China South Africa those countries are hoarding the earth’s gold and attempting to introduce a new reserve currency. Because I think it was J.P. Marginalist somebody said gold is money. The rest is credit or debt.

And gold is the only money there is, according to Essendon’s theory. So that’s what I tell the story of flying behind enemy lines. It’s Gresham’s law. We know what real money from fake money. But my greatest concern here is this.

If we don’t make changes in what we teach ourselves and our kids, the poverty in America is going to go through the roof because we’re now the biggest debtor nation in the world and you know like what they’re teaching us now is DEI. What about teaching us money? I don’t think it’s a mistake. That’s my concern. It drives me on, it drives me on, it drives me on. Because I love my country. Two tours in Vietnam.

But why does the school system not teach us anything about the truth about money? So gold is money. I call it God’s money. Gold and silver are God’s money. And Bitcoin is people’s money. I call it God’s money. Gold and silver are God’s money. And Bitcoin is people’s money. The dollar is fake money.

And the more fake money we produce, which we do every day now, the greater the poverty goes up, inflation wipes out the middle class and poor, but guys like me get richer, because I own gold mines.

Now, Robert, you know, I want to tie this into your relationship with Eric Trump, because you are coming to our business conference here in March, and Eric Trump speaks so highly about you. I’m working with Eric on his new book.

And so I was with him two Mondays ago finalizing some language on the book. And Eric’s putting out his first book here at an age where he’ll probably be the same age his father was when his father put out The Art of the Deal. So his father put out, Donald J. Trump put out The Art of the

Deal at age 41. And Eric is putting together a book at a similar age. So his father put out, Donald J. Trump put out the art of the deal at age 41, and Eric is putting together a book at a similar age. So it’s really exciting to see him do that. And he speaks super highly of you. Now, Steve, we were at, Eric and I have done 25 events together.

And you were stage side at one of the events. And I never know what Steve’s going to say to people he just met. All I know, I think, I think you told Eric, you said, Hey, I’m the guy that drives the Lamborghini. Is that what you said to him? I don’t I don’t remember exactly what I said, because I was kind of in shock. You know, when you meet somebody like that, that obviously we all have a lot

of respect for. Yeah. And but Laura was the icon that night. I think everyone wanted to see Laura. Yeah, he married up. Okay, well, I gotta ask you. So now now that you have met Eric, and Robert is very good friends with the Trump family. What question would you have for Robert Kiyosaki about working with the Trump family hunting with the Trump Trump family? What question would you have? Well, I think the perception that a lot of us supporters of them have is that they’re just super down to earth, normal guys, which is what I kind of got in my quick meeting

with Eric that I have. Can you talk a little bit about that about like your interactions with them and what you know, some people are just a little different when they’re on their own, but I would, I would imagine that they’re, they’re pretty down to earth guys. Is that accurate? Amen, brother.

I go to this private island in Hawaii called Niihau. You have to have special permission. We fly in via helicopter. There’s no toilets, no running water, nothing. And we go there to hunt. And you get to know people pretty closely.

You got nothing and you’re sleeping on the outside. We had to catch our own food. And those young boys, young men now, they’re such well, the best young men. I think that’s why I was, we were driving to the airport, catch the helicopter on the island of Kauai to Niihau. And Don Junior and Eric were talking to their sister.

She was dating some guy, I think the guy she married, and they were giving her recipes so she could cook for her future husband. I said, who in the world taught you guys recipes? Our mother. And it goes back to the mother also.

So I said, our mother was a strong, strong woman. So anyway, it does take a family. And I think that’s what’s really quite shocking is the number of single moms raising boys today. It’s tragic, tragic. Now, Dr. Z, you do a form of hunting.

Some might call it foe hunting, where Robert Kiyosaki, Eric’s told me that he actually has been hunting with Robert Kiyosaki on multiple occasions where they’re out there for multiple days, they’re in a situation where they’re kind of removed from the accoutrements of modern life, they’re sort of off the grid. Dr. Z, can you share with Robert Kiyosaki here about your approach to hunting?

I think your approach to hunting is a little bit different. Well, I’m more of a gentleman hunter, I guess you would say. High fence is kind of my friend. And, you know, they don’t actually tie the animal to the tree but uh you know I it is it is kind of almost a guaranteed hunt wink wink if you know what I mean. That’s

awesome. And then we retire to the uh fire pit area where uh we have um a cigar and maybe a beverage of your choice. Real quick, this is a true story here. Dr. Z, I’ve listened to an unhealthy amount of Robert Kiyosaki’s podcast and I’ve spent an unhealthy amount of time with you. And you two guys are so similar. So when you when Robert comes to the event in Tulsa, I’m having it. We’re organizing a dinner that night for the a couple of the speakers. I’m going to make sure you two you two guys get to know each other because you are so similar in every checkbox. And you guys are both so excited about teaching success. So I want to go

back to this idea of teaching success. There’s somebody watching this show right now and you are in a hypnotic rhythm. Somebody watch I’m talking to you right now you’re in a hypnotic rhythm where you go to work, you go to church, you go home. I’ll repeat. You go to work, you go to church, you go home. Again. You go to work. You go to church you go home Again, you go to work. You go to church you go home You’re 37 you go to work. You go to church you go home. You’re 52 you go in there

Somebody needs to just wake up There’s something that has to happen. I grew up Without money and Robert Kiyosaki, your book was my boss, Jeremy Thorne said, Clay, I’m a 19 year old working at Faith Highway and Impact Productions. It’s a call center. He says, you need to read Rich Dad, Poor Dad. And I said, why? He said, because you’re going 90 miles an hour in a circular motion.

You’re like a boat without a rudder. I see the energy you’re putting into it. I’m a couple years older than you, and I really think you need to read this book. And just the discipline of knowing, okay, here’s the path. I’m going to go from being an employee to self-employed to being a business owner to being an investor. That was so

freeing for me and then 2005 meeting with Sean Copeland and Dr. Z and a handful of guys who kept telling me you know just save a set percentage of your income you know just say and just just that that discipline of take 25% of my income buy gold 25% buy real estate from emotional people. That let me know there was a proven path. What do you say to somebody right now who’s watching this Robert Kiyosaki

and there for some reason, they’ve been in that hypnotic rhythm. They’ve been drifting, which I think is more dangerous than going the wrong way because you don’t know how bad it’s getting. What do you say to somebody who needs that wake up call, sir?

Well, you’ve got to seek teacher. Who are your teachers? Like Dr. Z, I would seek him out. And I sought my rich dad out. And it came from the story of the three wise men. Not very religious, but I had to go to Sunday school.

And my Sunday school teacher said, why were the three wise men wise? And I said, because they were rich. And she goes, what? I’m seven years old, they were rich. She goes, why do you say that?

I said, one had gold, one had frankincense, and one had myrrh. That’s why they were wise. She goes, that’s not it. So I said, well, why were they wise? She says, they were seeking the best teacher.

That became a guiding lesson in my life that I have had numerous types of rich dads and rich women, but I wanna see the people who are actually doing it, not theorizing it. So I was in the MBA program, I was sound asleep. And this guy was telling me stuff he’d never done before.

Do you know what I mean? How can you teach kids when you haven’t done it before? Yeah. That’s like when I went to Vietnam, I saw the, you know, like this thing here before I was teaching at Camp Pendleton.

And I wanted to know who was the best pilot, the best gunship pilot. His name was Captain Forrester. And so I was at Camp Pendleton, California, and I sought Captain Forrester out. I said, Captain Forrester, teach me. And he taught me stuff they don’t teach you in flight school. How to stay alive, how to fight, how to gun, how to hit trees. And so you always want to seek the best teacher.

And I still do the same thing today. I still seek the best teacher. Now, Robert Kiyosaki, one thing I noticed a lot, and Dr. Z, I’m sure you’ve seen it a lot. I meet people all the time that come into my life and they say, you know, I’ve got 400,000 followers on Twitter and I go, well, that’s, that’s incredible. That’s actually more than I have. It’s incredible. Thank you. And they’ll say, uh, and so I don’t, here’s the thing. I don’t actually have any money. And I hear that all the time. I have, I’m on Tik TOK. I got a million followers on Tik TOK. It happens. I mean, at every business conference I’ve done, and I have spoken at business

conferences for now 20 years doing this, and when I, people will show up and they do it all the time and it’s becoming increasingly normal for somebody who’s a beautiful looking man or woman and they’ll come to me and they’ll say, I’m kind of a big deal on Instagram. You know, I don’t have any actual customers. And they’re constantly feeding the beast, making videos, making viral videos about how to get rich.

And then the videos keep getting shorter because, you know, the shorts get more views, right? So now they’re doing like 14 second videos where they go. They’re adding music to it and the videos are getting dumber and shorter and they’re getting more viral

and they’re making less money and they’re spending more of their time making these videos. Robert Kiyosaki, what do you say about the world of charlatanism that we live in? Where all these influencers who keep making increasingly shorter and dumber videos. What are your thoughts on that?

Well, first of all, I think YouTube is a tremendous educational platform for good and bad. So you’ve got to really get to choose your teachers wisely as anything else. So the biggest, best lesson sits in the back here. I think you do it and Dr. Z does it. Once you learn something, if you really want to learn it, you got to teach it.

Teaching is one of the highest gifts you can give yourself. But like when I meet people like you, I was at the gym yesterday. And these young guys come up to me to say, Thank you, you changed my life. That’s the biggest juice there is. Yeah, you know, when you back what you’ve learned, you’ve actually earned it then. So I created the board game. So once you learn the game, then you can

teach others. And that’s how we change the world. People is better than going to school. I’m gonna pull this up real quick so our listeners can see this, the website here,, That’s where you can purchase the board game.

Sir, is there a better place you want to direct people to? What’s where’s the best place to buy the Cash Flow board game? Where can we go there, sir? Well, it’s on the Rich Dad website. You know, just I don’t do that. My company does all that.

No problem. I’m going there right now. I’m making it easy. I’ll put a link on the show notes., see I’m clicking on the store button here, I’m clicking, I’m pushing through carpel tunnel, I’m doing it, I’m clicking on the products button, I’m scrolling down,

I’m pushing, I’m pushing, now I’m going to, now I encourage everybody out there, Currington this is what I’m asking, I’m asking everybody out there that doesn’t hate themselves to go right now to If you hate yourself, don’t worry about it, but if you don’t hate yourself, go to and you’ll scroll under products, buy a copy of the physical game there. That’s called Action Number One.

Call Action Number Two, there’s this incredible podcast on YouTube called the Rich Dad Radio Show. I listen to this show everywhere I go and I find myself listening to things like Octanon Verba and it takes me like seven times to get that concept through my cranium. And there’s a lot of shows that are not the Rich Dad Show, so you want to go to the official Rich Dad channel. There’s a lot of people that want to be the Rich Dad channel, but they’re not. So you go up here to YouTube, you got to find, I’ll put a link on the show notes as well. You need to subscribe. Now again, Z, this only applies to

people that don’t hate themselves. So one, three, as of right now, we have 38 tickets left for the in-person workshop coming up here March 6th and 7th. And the way it’s going to go is we’re going to do a 90-minute Q&A session with Robert Kiyosaki. Nice.

And a 90-minute session with Eric Trump. Nice. A lot of conferences, people talk at you. This will be different because it’s the Q&A format. It’s the Q&A format. So Z just to kind of demonstrate. So you’re saying if I get a ticket and I show up, I can ask Special K a question? Any question that you want and it’s going to be a great environment. It’ll be about

300 people here so it’s going to be very interactive. We have scholarship tickets about 300 people here, so it’s going to be very interactive. We have scholarship tickets available to make it affordable for everybody. So Z, just to demonstrate the power of the Q and the A here, in the final five minutes, we have Robert Kiyosaki. I’m going to give you the opportunity, sir,

to ask your final Q, and then he can provide an A, and then Steve, you have a question as well. So Robert Zellner, Dr. Zellner, what question would you have for Robert Kiyosaki? You know, I loved board games growing up. What was your favorite board game growing up, Robert Kiyosaki? Monopoly.

Yeah. Or Greenhouse. Okay, I’m gonna ask you a question. This is going deep. If you could own any, any color group on the board, think about this. Any color group on the board, which

one gave you the best return? Let’s see how much you know, monopoly. You’re asking me, dude, yes, dude, sir. Do, do, do, do, do. The green ones. Oh! Okay, now you’re two fellow board gamers,

so somebody out there who’s a big monopoly fan, that resonated. Here’s the one that I did. The math, the dice, the orange were always the best. Really? Is that right? The orange were always the best. The houses were cheaper, you better return and more likely for

people to land on them. I’m just telling you, oranges, where’s that? Well, I’m going to do at this VIP dinner is I’m going to I’m going to make sure there’s a room sectioned off so you two can get into Monopoly and really have that debate. That’s my secret sauce I just gave away my secret sauce to the game I’m gonna be you know I shouldn’t have said that. Now Steve Currington final question what question

would you have for Robert Kiyosaki sir? Are you still flying do you ever get up in the left seat of that Lear 60? Or? Or? No, no, no, it’s it has proficiency, you lose your touch really quickly. Yeah. So as best I stay, let somebody who’s flying every day. So I sit in the back.

Now, Robert Kiyosaki, I’m going to pull this up real quick. I want our listeners to see this again here. On Amazon, you wrote a book called Rich Dad, Poor Dad. And most people know you because of that book. That book is an incredible book. I encourage everybody to buy a copy of that book.

Also, you wrote The Rich Dad Guide to Investing. I mean, that thing is so hot. That book, I’m telling you, folks, if you haven’t picked up that book, Rich Dad Guide to Investing, that book is great. The book you wrote with Donald J. Trump,

Why We Want You to Become Rich, I don’t know if people know about these books. I think some of our listeners do, some of them don’t. I’m telling you, if you’re saying, hey, hey, listen, it’s it’s January and you want to get a head start on next year’s Christmas presents. Pick up these books. Get a copy of the board game. Robert Kiyosaki, I’m gonna give you the final word, sir. Final 60 seconds. What say you, sir? I like what Maria Montessori, you know,

she was a great educational entrepreneur. She says what the hand does, the mind remembers. So in other words, if you want to play golf, you better pick up a golf club. And the reason the board game is so powerful is you have to use all four intelligence, mental, emotional, spiritual, physical. That’s how we learn the best. And then you go to real life.

Robert Kiyosaki, thank you so much, sir. I really do appreciate you investing your most important asset with us, which is your time. Thank you so much, sir. And we’ll see you in Tulsa, very soon sir. My honor. I’m looking forward to Clay. Thank you. Thank you. Take care. How concerned are you about the collapse of the U.S. dollar sir.

It’s the end of the dollar system. So the end is near for the US dollar. And my concern is it’s going to wipe out stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs. Just for my generation, the boomer generation, we’re in serious trouble because the only reason our stocks, bonds, mutual funds are up

is because the Fed and the treasury just kept printing more and more money. So look, I’ve been in the financial industry since 9-11, the day before 9-11, and I’ve owned stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate, crypto, gold, you name it, I’ve owned it.

But the one thing that’s very important part of my portfolio all these years is gold. I love having a percentage of my net worth in gold that I have access to in case of many different things. A few facts you need to know about gold. Number one, the gold market cap is $11.8 trillion.

Since 2000, the compound annual growth rate for gold has been 9.24% and during times of high inflation, 3% plus has been 15.35%. Now, those are just some numbers for you, but there’s some other benefits to add gold to your portfolio. Number one, hedge against inflation.

Number two, results showed recently that 93% of central banks are working on a CBDC. So this means what? That could be a manipulated currency that they own. If you own gold, it’s a non-duplicatable asset. You’re now hedging against CBDC taking place.

Number three, a potential cyber threat. If it happens, you don’t have access to your money. You don’t have access to your accounts. We have access to your hard, you don’t have access to your accounts, where you have access to your hard physical gold. Number four is anonymous. No one knows you have that gold. And last but not least, diversification. This here is real silver. That’s about $35. Not that much. Everybody can afford $35. And this here is real gold.

And I strongly… we don’t give investment advice. But right now, I would do my best to get your head out of you know what and stop working hard and saving this stuff here. This is fake. This is fake. This is fake. This is real. And this is real. Good luck to you all. Start going for real money, not fake money. Thank you. My name is General Mike Flynn and I want everyone to know that I stand fully behind Beverly Hills Precious Metals and its owner, Andrew Sorcini, a great friend of mine.

We are facing one of the greatest periods of financial uncertainty in American history. And now is the time to organize your finances, seriously consider how you can take care of yourself and your family, and start making some serious decisions. I’ve spent years as a macroeconomic forecaster and it is a really strong relationship between inflation and using gold as a hedge. And gold can be a really important part of your portfolio. It’s not for day traders. It’s not something you get in and get out of. But if you want it as part of the anchor of your portfolio go to BH dash PM dot com. Beverly Hills precious metal. They will help out in terms of your needs. It’s a big choice you have to make. Do your homework. But if you want gold VH dash PM dot com it’s a great place to go. Since my name is Cash I’m constantly worried about inflation. But to

secure your cash going fo silver today. And you kno ethos, Beverly Hills, pre to b h dash p m dot com t b h dash p m dot com. Call silver just like I’m doin at p.m. dot com. Call Bev metals, get your consulta

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going into the future. So that’s why you should call Beverly Hills Precious Metals dot com for a free consultation today. is because the banks once again need to be bailed out. But the feds are going to let the banks swing in the wind, and they’re going to go directly to consumer, and you’re going to get your money directly from the central bank. They’re not going to be bailed out this time. The feds are going to say, you’re out.

We’re going to go directly to consumer. Here’s a CBDC. This money that you just earned, it expires. This is Richard Werner, the top academic scholar in the world on central banking. He wrote the book and did the documentary, The Princes of the Yen, about the Japanese central bank. Here he is in Malmö, Sweden in May. The nature of the CBDC, what is it actually going to look like?

They never talk about that. But I heard one European central banker tell me what it’s going to look like. He saw it and it was around this large and would be implanted under your skin. So you might have missed what happened Wednesday afternoon at the Fed, but they started their CBDC. Maybe we should start having the conversation of, gosh, this looks like the mark of the

beast. COVID makes it, it accelerates the process of digitalization and automatization. It legitimizes the deployment of mass surveillance, even in democratic countries, and it makes surveillance go under your skin.

Transcribed with Cockatoo


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