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Clay, you’re an entrepreneur, I’m an entrepreneur, and as they say in Stoic, the obstacle is the way. And so if you let these pinheads get in your way, you’re in trouble. Robert, one of the things that you said on multiple interviews, multiple times, and every time you said it, I thought to myself, have I not been paying attention? Because it felt like new information to me the first time you said it I thought to myself, have I not been paying attention? Because it felt like new information to me the first time I heard it, which is probably the 50th time I heard it.
You said, octa nonverba. And maybe the first time you said it I was driving while I’m, you know, listening to the podcast while driving and maybe I was half paying attention, but I octa non verba. And then it was like a, almost like an angelic moment for me. And I octa non verba. And once I finally understood what it meant and what you were
saying and how it could be used, I, I think it was a life changing for me and how I approach business. Could you explain octa nonverba, what it means and how our listeners can apply it? Clay, you gave me goosebumps, man. I’m glad it hit you as hard as it did. Okta Nonverba is the model of the U.S.
Merchant Marine Academy at Kingspoint, New York. I had appointments with Naval Academy and Kingspoint Merchant Marine Academy.. Merchant Marine Academy at Kingspoint, New York. I had appointments with Naval Academy and Kingspoint Merchant Marine Academy. And Merchant Marine Academy’s motto was octa non verba. In other words, don’t listen to what a person says, watch what they do.
Clay, my honor, my honor to be on your show. And thank you for all you do. I hear the ripple effects from you are good ripple effects. You know what I mean? People rave about what they learned from you. So congratulations.
Transcribed with Cockatoo