How to Effectively Manage Millennials 101 – A Knowledge Bomb

Show Notes

Are you struggling to effectively hire, inspire, train and retain millennials? According to research reported by Inc. Magazine, “64% of millennials said they would rather make $40,000 a year at a job they love than $100,000 a year at a job they think is boring.”

People often ask, what is the best way to hire, inspire, train and retain quality employees, specifically millennials.


  1. According to research reported by Forbes, “79% of them want their boss to serve more as a coach or mentor.”
  2. According to research reported by Inc. Magazine, “64% of millennials said they would rather make $40,000 a year at a job they love than $100,000 a year at a job they think is boring.”
  3. According to research reported by Forbes, “74% want flexible work schedules.”

Most say millennials won’t work as hard as future generations, but I would argue that millennials can be managed efficiently if you sincerely use the following super moves:

  • Have a shared vision
    1. Example – Jurors say Roundup contributed to a 2nd man’s cancer. Now thousands more cases against Monsanto await –
  • Find out their goals and create a path for them to achieve their goals
    1. NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “A goal is a dream with a deadline.” – Napoleon Hill (The best-selling author of Think and Grow Rich)
      1. Specific
      2. Measurable
      3. Actionable
      4. Realistic
      5. Time sensitive
      6. According to a recent Gallup poll, only 33% of workers in the United States are engaged in their jobs, which means the remaining 51% of employees are disengaged and 16% are actively disengaged. Gallup defines engaged employees as those who are involved in, enthusiastic about and committed to their work and workplace.
  • Create a clear path for continued skill learning
    1. NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.” – Steve Jobs (The iconic co-founder of Apple, the former CEO of PIXAR and the founder of NeXT)
  • Commit to on-going mentorship
  • Create a sustainable giveback that you and your team can believe In


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Grabbed the duck tape and mentally prepare yourself or yet another mind expanding knowledge bomb from America’s number one business coach, Clay Clark,

what is going on? Thrive nation. Welcome back to another exciting edition of the thrive time show on your radio and podcast download on today’s show. I am joined here with Jason Beasley, the Super Manager of the elephant in the room, men’s grooming lounge. Mr Jason, how are you? This incredible morning at 3:23 AM I’m doing fantastic at three 23 is it 3:23 AM it is in fact at three 23 in the morning. What time did you have to wake up to be so a vivacious at three 23 in the morning. I woke up at two and drink a bunch of water. It was your move? Yeah. Okay. All right. So, um, how old are you? I am 26 as of February. Oh, here we go. So this, this uh, show is going to be about a subject that somebody out there’s going to find to be offensive. It’s called managing millennials one oh one.

Now let’s start off. First off on this. Got Concept of  how to manage millennials. You see a lot of people like 45, 55 60 going, how do you manage millennials? Let’s let like saying, how do you manage Caucasians, right? Isn’t it a broad statement that it makes it seem as though all millennials are in fact the same person? Oh yes. Do you, do you, have you ever heard the statement like how do you manage millennials? And maybe, have you ever had that thought when you heard someone say how to effectively manage millennials? Whenever you’ve seen like an article you’ve heard from talking about, if you ever felt like, are you kidding me, we all should be managed the same way. Have you ever had that thought? Oh, absolutely. I’ve read a ton of articles. I’ve been sent articles by like superiors who are much older than me. Like baby boomer generation was like, son, I think you should read this because we’re going to implement it because there’s really fit your whole age demographic.

Right. Okay. So again, um, real quick, if you have millennials on your workforce as part of your team, I would highly recommend you don’t run around going, well, here’s how to manage millennials. Also, we’re going to roll out a handbook on how to manage Caucasians. That’s going to be tomorrow. So you can’t, you can’t, I wouldn’t paint every millennial with a broad brush, but we do have some facts and uh, why do we like to typically use facts? Uh, Jason on, on today’s show and every show we do, oh, you should always use facts. I mean, they are not opinions, they are hard facts. It’s evidence proving something actually exists. So I’m going to read you some facts about those people. The millennials, okay, I’m gonna read you some facts and I want all the listeners to embrace these facts because these are facts that are true.

These are, that’s why the facts, okay, these are verified, bonafide, and then we’re going to get into the specific mechanics of how to manage quote unquote those people. The millennials. All right, fun. Factoid number one coming in hot from Forbes is 79% of them. This is what the article says, 70 that 75% of them a k eight millennials would want a, a boss. They want their boss to serve as a coach or a mentor. Would you agree with that, Jason, that you believe that you and people that you know who are approximately your age, I would like to not just work for a boss in exchange for a paycheck, but you’d like to have some kind of ongoing mentorship. Do you, do you believe that? I actually wholeheartedly believe that and I feel like that’s why you and I get along so well is you are a coach and mentor first.

And that has been super important for my growth and that makes me want to do better at my job. And I have also experienced other people that when they have just a boss, not so much a leader, they don’t do as well and they end up bouncing from job to job. So this is what I have found, and I’m just going to throw this out there and maybe you, you, you can disagree with me if you don’t, if you’re, if you’re not, uh, um, you know, if, you know what I’m saying doesn’t jive with you. Gotcha. It’s a 79% of them a millennials, 79% of millennials want their boss to serve more as a coach or mentor. Right. I would argue that 79% of people on the planet want their boss to serve as a mentor of some kind. I don’t think it’s just millennials.

No, not at all. But I think we’re now in the information age where, uh, back of the day, if you’re working at Kimberly Clark and you’re working at IBM or Coca Cola or some big company, um, and you didn’t have access to the Internet, you might take a job, right. For fear that it is the only job you’ll ever find. And then you might work for a boss and a virtual coal mine, but you don’t think there’s other options. Yeah. So I think it’s, I think the information is what’s made, um, quote unquote millennials be more demanding from their bosses. I think back in the day people didn’t have as many options where they were. They didn’t think they did. And that’s why, um, I think now bosses have to be more of a mentor and less of a jerk boss because there’s other options. Would you, would you agree?

Oh, absolutely. I would say also thinking about the economy now and it, right, right now in the American economy, we’re in a time, we were at a time, whether you like Trump or not, and whether you like President Obama or not, this is the reality of it. Under President Obama’s watch, the unemployment rate went down under Trump’s unemployed, uh, presidency, the unemployment rate continues to go down. There are now more people looking to hire then people looking to work. Yeah. So people have options. Exactly. So, and this isn’t just a millennial thing, this is an economy thing too, right? We did not agree with this. Oh yeah. I would agree. 100%. Okay. Now we have another fun factoid coming in. Hot. I’m gonna have you read this next one. This is from inc magazine. Jason gets yourself psychologically prepared to read this notable quotable. Oh, I’m ready.

Oh, 64% of millennials said that they would rather make 40,000 a year at a job they love than 100,000 a year at a job they think is boring. Do you agree with that? Yes. Now that is something that I have found that is unique to this generation and any generation where there is more opportunity out there. So at right now there are, there’s tons of opportunity. So anytime in the economy where there are so many job opportunities, that’s when people can be selective. Yeah. Now if the unemployment rate change where we were facing a 10% unemployment rate or a 20% unemployment rate, I think people would be less selective. Right now there’s so many opportunities out there and I think because there are so many opportunities, that is why you’re going to hear that kind of statistic. Oh, for sure. Now I do agree with this.

Think about this. This is 64% of the millennials surveyed said they would rather make $40,000 a year at a job they love than 100,000 a year and a job. They think it’s boring. So you do agree with us? I do. And I’ve seen, I’ve seen evidence of that, which just, um, people of my age group as they have matured and gone through the job market had various different experiences. A lot of people will take lesser paying jobs because they enjoy going to them. Yes. And I believe just as my millennial opinion, we are so actively engaged in the external stimuli that everything that we do has to be exciting. And so if your job is an exciting and then you’re just going to punt and go for something else. When you say external stimuli, what, let me, let me queue up my mind when my, my, this just in here.

What, what, what do you mean when you say external stimuli? So one of the reasons that I don’t do social media is there’s so much coming from the outside world. Exactly. There’s notification notification here. This person’s opinion, this person’s opinion, this picture that’s like part blocked and so with that it’s so many different opinions. You’re having that, that Fomo, the fear of missing out, and if you are in an environment that is boring and you don’t feel like you can contribute to that exciting environment, you’re not gonna want to stay there. You just use the millennial word right there. Fomo. Oh yeah. What does that stand for? Again? Fear of missing out tone. What does Yolo, Stanford, Yolo is you only live once. I think that one’s dead though. Yolos dead. No, come on. I mean you’ll is coming back. It’s hot. It’s hot. It’s a hot.

There are people right now in Latvia who are just now beginning to use the word fomo and Yolo in sentences consistently. We have no proof of that. That is not a fact that it’s just my opinion that the people in the foothills and lot via have now begun to use the people in the Appalachian areas of America. They’ll for the foothills where we don’t have the Internet service yet. Those people are beginning to use the phrase fomo and Yolo, but we have no proof of that, which is why it’s not a fact. Okay, let’s move on to our third millennial factoid. Jason, are you psychologically prepared to read it? I’m so ready. Here we go, my friend. What do you got? 74% of millennials want flexible work schedules. So if you’re listening out there, grasp this idea. 74 74% of millennials want flexible schedules. Six, 4% of millennials.

So they would rather make 40,000 a year, then a hundred they want to love their job. And 79% of millennials say they want a mentor or a coach, not just a job. So this is, these are the moves. These are the five super moves that you can use to effectively manage all people, some of which may be millennials. True. Here we go. So one, you have to have a shared vision. You just have to have a vision that your team buys into. You have to have a common goal. Now I’m going to give you example. Let’s say today I started a company and I said, Jason, here’s the story. Here’s the deal. Huddle around guys, guys, huddle around. So it’s you and me and let’s say 40 millennials. Yeah. Tell me if this would work. Okay, tell me if this would actually happen. I’m ready. So guys, I’m working on this new business now.

This did. This business is going to be awesome. All right. And it’s going to allow a commercial farmers to grow more. Uh, I, my Boston accent, we get bet as we do this. So it gets more than one. We’re going to uh, grow. Um, oh, we’ve got this thing I’ve created that allows commercial farmers to grow more corn and soy beans and various things. Now the only drawback, I’m just being transparent. Okay. Is it, what it’s going to do is this, these pesticides and chemicals, they have what we would call carcinogen carcinogens in them. So the biproduct of our product is probably going to cause cancer in small doses, just small. And it will make seeds that once they are, I could say the seeds of the courts, we put, we plant the corn, the corn grows, it’ll grow fast, beautiful, huge corn. But the, the seeds that come from the corn will not be able to plant other corn.

You know what I’m saying? This, this, uh, there’s a, there’s no Cona Cona interim in the client. There’s the seeds with the corn. Can’t make other calls. We’re going to call this company Monsanto. Now. What is it that wouldn’t work now when it, no, not do you know about Monsanto? I do. I think all millennials know about Monsanto. But I’d like for you to talk about Monsanto from what you knew about it, where you got your data. Because I think all millennials know about Monsanto and Monsanto is a company that if you look up the name, months Santo and everyone out there to look up the name Monsanto. Once you look it up today, Monsanto, when you look up the Monsanto, you’re going to find, um, a lot of information from major credible news sources that are going to show that Monsanto has a long history of ongoing allegations, ongoing settlements, ongoing lawsuits due to its practices.

But what do you know about Monsanto Jane? I know that Monsanto was the biggest topic when I was in college my freshman and sophomore year I went down to ou cause that’s where my buddy was studying and hanging out with all of his little, you know, dorm mates and there was like an hour long conversation. I hadn’t even heard the name Monsanto up until then. I’m like, God, people really don’t like these people. What’s going on? And then after that, getting into my nutrition class, learning about how their seed development isn’t natural and can, you know, pollute the whatever. It’s, it’s huge and it’s bad and people hate them. Okay. So let me give an example. I, Monsanto article right now, this is just from a, I’m not sure when this will be released, but this was, this was dateline. This was a data here. March 20th, 2019 in CNN, jurors say roundup contributed to the second man’s cancer. Now thousands more cases against Monsanto await now thousands of more cases against Monsanto. Oh wait, is it shocking to you that the product roundup is bad for the environment? This Justin, that th th th th the product Monsanto has made the product around it. Is it, is it shocking to you, Jason, that that product is bad for the environment? Not at all. It kills things. It kills the environment. Now is it, is it all shocking to you that uh, Monsanto was not created by a millennial?


Is it, is it shocking to them they didn’t, millennial did not make Monsanto stood, didn’t start the company. No. No. And do you think under today’s current economic environment, today’s current Ba millennials, we’re talking about managing, do you think that anybody could start a company called Monsanto within millennial workforce? As of today? I don’t think so. I don’t think you could either. No. I think Monsanto is a company that cannot, could not be started at kin with today’s culture. All right. Now. So you have to have a shared vision. Okay. So the vision has to be something awesome. Grant. So let me just give an example of one of the companies that you and I are involved in together. Yeah. Elephant in the room. Oh yeah. Elephant in the room. It’s a men’s grooming lounge. It’s like a country club for men’s hair. Right? You are the super manager of three stores.

And for every first haircut we do, we charge how much? $1 and that $1 is donated to compassion international. It’s a, it’s a nonprofit that provides clothing, shelter, food, and education for underprivileged kids throughout the world. The vast majority of every dollar goes directly to impact the kids. That’s a, it’s a very transparent thing. You see my wife Roundup, the number, my wife does the accounting. So she’ll ask how many people came in this month for their first hair cut. And why does she do that? So we can see exactly how much you’re donating. There we go. So have you had to guess how many first time haircuts have we had so far to elevate in the room and the history, maybe even this year. What do you think, how many the first time, um, clients have come in for their first haircut since maybe you’ve, uh, since this year, since this year, it’s in the last 12 months. I would say in the last 12 months we have done well over,

I’d say two thousand two thousand growing be 150 a month. Hundred and 51st time customers every month. Oh, easily. Because I think as it, as it stands right now, we do about 30 to 41st visits per week per shop. Hmm. So you’re saying that we’re doing 30 to 41st time visits per week per shop. And so again, if you’re out there, we’ve, we’ve been in business for, you know, seven years. Yeah. So that gives you kind of a look at, well, how much we donate. And we tracked that and we’re very intentional about it. But that, so you have to have a shared vision, right? Millennials today, they don’t want to come to work for a job where the boss says, so is the frequent deal. We’re going to chop some freaking maps. They’ll go out the chop those maps right by shut up there. Doesn’t work. Right.

No, no. So let’s talk about um, a business that you’re working with right now. The great, great company. They’re based in the Boston area. Yeah. And they have a dog named what boss? Talk to me about the dog. Oh Man. Boss is the Boston terrier and he is hopefully soon to be the face and just overall spokesperson for angel touch. Now angels touch is a what, what, what, what kind of business is angels touch? They do auto body repair detailing and full restoration. And are they uh, uh, how, how have they been doing since you’ve been working with them? Coaching and consulting them. Oh, they are killing it. They are some of the most dedicated people. They’re very action oriented. So they, I think they heard of us through the podcast and then they filled out a form. They scheduled a 13 point assessment with myself.

Then after we had the 13 point assessment with myself, I made a business plan for themselves. Yup. And I gave it to yourself. And then you’ve been coaching him down the path? Yeah. How long have they been a client? So they have been a client for, I think it will be a year this year aren’t they? Go back and check it out cause they started with Victoria and then I took over. And what kind of growth have they experienced so far? So far overall they are up 43% year over year from working with us. So let’s create a potential win win for them. By the way, let’s, let’s shut that door. I think we have so much smoke is coming into the man cave. My eyes are beginning to transparently make me cry and it is beginning to suck out my I’ll, I though I love the smell of pinion wood is beginning to make my eyes cry.

That’s what you do. You have too much opinion would in the studio is when your eyes begin to cry. So I’m going to help this company real quick. If, say they were trying to hire millennials and retain them, they might have a dealer. They say, you know the, the, the mascot of our company has a dog named boss. An Indian boss. Yup. He’s a Boston terrier. So we’re going to do is for every first time customer or we’re going to donate $5 to the local animal shelter. Oh, there you go. To help dogs. Yeah. People that are adopting dogs. And wouldn’t that go over good with the employees? Good morale. Oh my God, that would go over. Fantastic. And what if they took a picture of every dog that was adopted as a result of their program? Even better, they put that up over the phone with a business.

Oh man, that’s a great idea. I might have to steal that idea that you have still that idea. This is why I’m doing it. I’m saying that every business needs to have some sort of give back, give back. That’s why Tom Shoes has done well. Jason, what’s the give back with Tom Shoes? Buy a pair, give a pair. So you buy a pair of toms shoes. Yup. And they give a pair away. Yup. Oh, okay. So again, Monsanto, no, give back. Yes. Lotta, no. Go to Monsanto and prob maybe even know, go to, to, to Yolo. I your might be dead true. But we have a, it is a go with, uh, what was the phrase you said? Fomo. Fomo. Which stands for fear of missing out. Okay. Awesome. Okay, so we’re going to continue now. Second, the second super move for managing millennials effectively and all people is you want to make sure you find everybody’s goals. Um, deployant hills has a goal, is a dream with a deadline. Now I think this is so important for all the listeners to know this because think about this for a second, Jason. Um, I think we all have goals and I think millennials more than any generation ever have been taken advantage of. Jason duties or my pro millennial. A commercial I’ve been on. Yeah. Oh, here it is. Let me kind of cute up here. Let me get, okay, let me try this. Oh, here we up here.

Have you graduated from college with an excessive amount of non-actionable non practical knowledge? Are you 40 grand in student debt and you find yourself saying what the heck file a class action lawsuit on behalf of all people who went to college and earned a worthless degree who can’t find a job today by going how to manage millennials without but how often are you, I’m sure know a lot of millennials that went to school and got a degree being told by their, cause you went, you went to high school. Yup. Guarantee it. Talk to you about what kind of stuff you heard your guidance counselors, what kind of things you heard on TV, what kind of promotions you heard, what kind of, how hard was the idea of going to college sold to you and George Generation? I mean, how hard was it sold and when, when did, when do you recall the first sales pitches beginning?

So I know the first sales pitch was definitely when I was in elementary school and we were going over, uh, we’re being introduced to like bedlam. Like, oh, you versus Osu, thinking about the indoctrination starting at elementary. Continue my firm. But yeah, but then even since then, so you go into what we would call an Oklahoma middle school, middle school and uh, so six to eighth grade and it’s all prep work and they start asking you what college are you going to go to? Exactly. They have people come in to speak from the local colleges. Go ahead. Hi, my name is Becky Davis, cause if you’re in Tulsa, everyone’s name and her, everyone who works for college, her name is Becky Davis. Right. My name is Becky Davis. My name is Tom Gordon. There’s always say Tom Gordon or it is kind of a sweet person. Yeah, let me get my sweet person kind of thing going.

Hi, my name’s Tom Gordon and I’m here on behalf of the university and I want to talk to you about the importance of a degree. Did you know that people with a degree on average earn three times more than people without a degree? There it is. Do you know that the degree unlocks, it’s the golden key to financial freedom. Do you know that? Then they skip the part of it. Do you know that the average freaking millennial is $45,000 in debt and depressed as a result of it? Yeah. That was never part of the pitch. Never, ever. Do you know what people who are depressed about how much money they owe? Oh yeah. Do you know what I mean? I’m not asking for names, but do you know people who’ve graduated from college and maybe they’ve made a comment to you or you’ve talked to them about like, gosh, I can’t believe how in debt I am, dude.

I have friends who have gone through like medical school isn’t just now to the point of the nursing program. Right? And they’re not even there like full doctor yet and there’s still working crazy hours and they’re still super in debt. Like was it worth it? I mean, it’s my passion. So here’s the deal. When you have employees that come to your workplace and they’re millennials or any generation, it’s up to you to say, I realize you had that goal of getting the degree. Now you’re done. You had the degree. Great, now we’ve got to set a goal what you deploy. And he’ll defines as a goal is a dream with a deadline, right? We have to set a goal to, in order for you, let’s say a year from now to become a business coach or a year from now to become the super manager or a year from now to become a manager or five years from now to own your own store or, and why do you have to, why does your boss have to help you set a realistically achievable goal, Jason?

Well, one, if they’re acting as your mentor or coach, it’s going to give them more credibility, but it’s also going to give you assistance. There are a lot of people that without direction, they have no way of achieving their goal. They have what they like the end point in mind, but they don’t know how to get there, but yet you have to do, if you’re a boss, if your boss out there and you want to keep employees engaged on your team, you have to set these things called smart goals. Yup. And a smart goal. Is it? It’s, it’s, it’s for a specific goal. Okay. The goal has the s stands for specific. You gotta be specific. Why? Because if it’s vague, it’s not achievable. Right? Realistic. Okay. You have to make sure that your goal is measurable. So it’s more specific and measurable. Jason, why does the goal has to be something that you can measure.

You can measure, you can do something, you can put on a timeline, something that is actually plausible and measurable. Well, it’s just like, um, our debate with the facts earlier. Why do we use facts and anything that’s measurable, you can actually see what’s working. So like with, um, we have a membership goal every week that we want to be able to sell. So we’re profitable. If we didn’t have that, we’d be like, Whoa, we actually don’t know for hemorrhaging money or none. So we can see week over week or month over month or year over year if what we’re doing to reach our goals is actually working. So we can reassess, look up real quick. Look up the type in disengaged employees. It’s typed that into Google. I want you to see the Gallup research, g. A. L, l, U. P. We’ll put it on the show notes. I just want to show us with listeners because I don’t know if you’ve seen the stat before, but we’ll have the stat in just a minute.

It’ll will show how many people are disengaged in the current workplace. There are many, uh, reputable media outlets like Forbes, a, Fox, CNN, and I’ve done stories about this. Have you found the percentage of disengaged employees in the workplace? Oh yeah. So according to Gallup, only 33% of workers in the United States are engaged in their jobs, which means they actually care about what’s going on. Yep. What percentage? 33% actually care. Right? Right. Okay. Nice. Not that encouraging, but true. All right, so you want to sit down with your team and set smart goals. S stands for specific. M stands for measurable. A stands for actionable. R stands for realistic, and t stands for time sensitive and specific goals that are measurable and actionable are actually doable. They’re practical, they’re realistic, and that they are time sensitive. That’s what you want to do. Now step number three to manage millennials, those people and everybody is what?

Jason, what is step number three? Create a clear path for them to continue learning. Why is that important? Well, it’s important because if you get stuck doing the same thing over and over, then your job is boring and they’re going to take a lesser paying job because you find it more entertaining. I love to learn. I love new systems. Like when we changed our software for elephant. Yeah, I was super excited because it was something new and I got the chance to learn it. Anytime we make like a new policy or like the FTD, I’m super stoked to get into that because it’s new information. The franchise disclosure document you do speaking all that fancy jargon over there. So we have to create a path for your team to continue learning. You have to create a path, a clear path for continued learning. Okay. Can you read a notable quotable here from Mr Steven jobs who was the founder of the cofounder of Apple?

He is the former CEO of Pixar and the founder of next. Could you read the notable quotable from Mr Steven jobs? Yes. Mr Job says your work is going to fill a large part of your life and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. Do you, do you believe that first line? Yes. Okay. Continue. Yes. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. Do you believe that part? I do. Okay. Continue. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. I would like you to read it again. This time I’m going to kind of queue up some music. I’m gonna provide some, some echoes to get that dramatic effect. All righty. But I need you to read this. Like it’s, it’s like, um, imagine you’re, you’re standing in front of the class of 2019 graduates.

You’ve been asked to speak. Steve Jobs could not be there because he’s dead. Other dignitaries couldn’t be there because they’re being dignified somewhere and they say, we want the super manager of Alpha in the room to deliver this, this address. And so you’re speaking to an audience of how many people were in your graduating class? 800,000 that’s a probably five to 600 was your graduation held held, held at the maybe center at a local gym? It coffee house, a hotel. Where was your graduation? Maybe centers or are you right, right. Yep. Okay, so this is an oral Roberts University. Yes sir. Ah, you, everyone’s got caps and gowns on. Yup. And you get up there. Oh folks, let’s hear for Jason [inaudible]. Jason disability busy. You’re out. You’re at the mic. You’ve already read a lot of your speech. The audience is pretty, you know, enamored with you. They’re excited because they’re like, oh my gosh, this guy is not old and he’s given us a talk. May relate to this guy and this is the final. These are the final list is the final sentence before you’re done, this is the flight you’re going to end with this notable quotable. Gotcha. That’s the kind of passion we need here. Okay. All right. Go for it, my friend.

Your work is going to fill a large part of your life and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work and the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. Oh yes. That’s the thunder show, right then. That was, that was pretty good. Thank you. Because that right there, that’s powerful. It’s powerful. People are not going to work. Work with you long term if they don’t have a path for continued learning. Correct. People want to learn skills. They wouldn’t do more than just pay the bills. Baby continued learning. Now, batting cleanup, move number four for managing millennials and all people is what? Jason commit to ongoing a mentorship. How has ongoing mentorship different than a ongoing learning? Let me just give you some specific examples of this.

Mentorship is helping people with life. Yup. So let me just give you some mentorship moments that happened in the last week. Yeah. That we’ve never talked about. Okay. Just just, just, just this week, one member of our team says, hey, hey, hey, how you doing? I said, I’m doing fine. How are you sir? He says, good. Can we talk? Sure. Is that this is what happens. This is mentorship. Yeah. Can we talk? Yeah, sure. What’s up? I am going through a divorce. Is there any way you could help me? And I say, what do you mean sir? He goes, I don’t know what to do. I don’t know who, what attorney to call. I’ve called an attorney and as soon as I called him he sent me a bill for just talking to him. Oh yeah. He did a consultation and then sent me a bill and I know you have good attorneys that you recommend, so we answered that question and then it says with my ex wife, she is wanting total custody of the kids in exchange for x, Y,Z , one, two, three.

Do you think that’s a good move? And I answered that question. Then it’s like, hey, by the way, she’s taken the house. Do you think that I should get any of the house that we owned together or it should it be hers and we go on and on and I’m answering that. Yeah. This is also a person that la earlier this week was asking me about automating their savings. Okay. You know, how do I save money? How do I set that up? Yeah. Now why would I as a boss who wants to hire, inspire, train and retain good people, why would I take time out of my schedule to talk to this person about how to deal with a divorce, how to plan their finances and how to buy a home? Why would I do that? Well, because you’re a mentor. I mean that, that that’s what you do is you provide that life building knowledge and it’s also important to to that employee because now they’re going to see it as, wow.

I find myself in that job that I love going to because I’m surrounded by somebody and I managed by a boss that is not just a boss, but they are a life coach of sorts. They are a mentor. They’re providing me with the Nita knowledge and a direction that I didn’t have before. Uh, this is, this is, um, this is maybe going to be tough for somebody out there. The days of just hiring people and saying, ah, Larry, just go on in the coal mine and get to work peace out. I’m a boss. I’m a boss. That’s not gonna work anymore. No, it does it. Maybe it works in 1980. Yeah. Uh, maybe 1990. Right. We had a guest on our show, a Carly Fiorina who ended up becoming the CEO of Hewlett Packard. Okay. About that. Yeah. The first female to be in charge of a fortune 50 companies.

I’m going to top 50 companies in the world. She started out as a secretary and during the interview we have with Carly Fiorina. Have you heard that yet, by the way? I have not yet. This story is gonna blow your mind. Do you know her boss used to meet her for lunch? No. Her boss used to say, this is back in the day. Now she looks young. But the stories back early nineties guess where her boss said, hey, let’s meet for lunch. Where do you think her boss suggested it’s in the interview by that you’re gonna hear this in the interview. If you go to thrive time show and look for the Carly Fiorina interview, guess where her boss wanted to meet her for lunch were consistently, where’s that? The Strip club. Oh No, seriously. No. He would meet her for lunch at the Strip club. That is not a move.

Could you imagine a time in American history where that happened? Could you imagine that? Sadly, yes. Yeah, I could, but I mean, could that happen now? Oh No. Oh God no. That would be, I mean, why, I dunno if I want to name drop and take it from like the Weinsteins ever generation like yeah, there is no way that that would fly because everything is so public now and it should be so just, yeah, maybe so maybe that was cool then. I mean, I can’t even imagine that scenario. Like how awkward what the crowd? No. If, if you were to ask me, said, Hey Jason, you want to meet me over at night trips for lunch? Think about that. That’s a female too. What if you’re a male boss, right? And you’re meeting a female at a strip club where they just run around naked and so weird and that crazy.

Where does that thought come from? Haiti’s Ron Hill from the pit of hell. So again, now that is, so again, managements, mentorship. You can’t just mail it in. Now you really do have to mentor your employees. If you do not care about the ongoing improvement and you actually don’t care about your team, they’re not going to stick around. Now move number five moves. Move number five for effectively managing millennials is what Jason, what’s move number five? Create a sustainable, we’ll give back that you and your team can believe in. That is so important because if people feel like they’re going to work for the sole purposes of making a profit, what is going to happen to your team very quickly, Jason, with today’s current, uh, job market, today’s current millennials. Today’s well, what’s gonna Happen? Well, first thing is they’re going to get burned out. They’re going to be doing the same thing over and over with no hope for growth or any chance of something new and exciting happening.

Yep. And then second, they’re going to start to drift and then they’re going to become part of that 51% who aren’t actively engaged and it’s just going to turn out to be the snowball effect of boredom. Um, disobedience. And then finally just bouncing and moving onto the next thing. Now somebody out there is saying, this is what they’re saying. They’re going, I’m going. I said, Monsanto. I said, a company like Monsanto could not be started today with today’s millennial employees. But somebody out there is kind of a cynic or a smart person is skeptical person and they’re going, yeah, yeah. Well, how come millennials then are all about vape products when that’s now showing to be bad for you? True. How come millennials are all about that? How come millennials are all about that? If that’s proven to be bad, how come millennials are all about, um, let’s say medical, medical marijuana, when that’s been shown to make people lazy or make people, uh, unbelievably relaxed at all that well, how come?

How come millennials still eat ice cream? Huh? If, if ice creams bad welcome. Millennials still eat it. Oh. Um, I think today I, this is how I put this. I would describe it. I think millennials, just like baby boomers, baby boomers wanting to smoke cigarettes, and I think millennials want smoke vape. Millennials just want to know how bad it is for them when they’re smoking vape. True. They don’t actually want to stop smoking. None of them does this a broad statement, I’m just saying millennials today. I mean, they just want to know how bad it is. They want to eat the ice cream that is super bad for them, but they just weren’t the label to say so. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Just full transparency and you’re fine. They just want a larger warning label on the cigarettes. Yep. They want the, the, the, their, their nicotine products to taste good.

That’s, am I correct? No, that’s it. That’s exactly right. So it’s like millennials don’t mind if, uh, uh, you know, their boss is, uh, not necessarily a great person. They just want their boss to be transparent about it. True. I’ve found, is that as it off? No, not at all. So I just think if you’re out there, the word, I would call it the word, I would use his integrity. I think millennials above all want integrity, which means in a non divisible person, they want someone who is the same all the time. They want somebody who’s into visible, who is always the same person all the time. That’s what most millennials are looking for out of their boss. And in recapping, again, if you want to manage millennials effectively, one, have a shared vision to find out your employee’s goals and create a path for them to achieve those goals. Three, create a clear path for continued skill learning. It’s so important. Your employees are learning new skills. Step four, commit to ongoing mentorship. And step five, create a sustainable give back that you and your team can believe in. And now that any further ado, we’d like to in each and every show with three, two, one, boom.



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