How to Create Processes and Workflows | Systems Audit

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Clay teaches the mind-freeing and company scaling super move known as workflow mapping. Once workflows, processes, systems, and checklists are in place miscommunication disappears and growth is possible.

  1. Do you have a documented and visible workflow for your team?
    2. FUN FACT – How to Make a Custom Dry Erase Board or Whiteboard for under $35


  1. Do you openly and transparently score your team on a scale of 1 to 10 in the areas of using your workflow each week?
    1. AMPLE EXAMPLE – River City – Workflow
  2. Are all systems and processes being used by the team?
  3. Do you send out Net Promoter Score surveys on a weekly basis to your customers?
    1. How likely are you to refer our business to a someone in the future on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest?
    2. Why?
  4. Do you use a Scorecard to track the weekly key performance indicators of your organization?
    1. AMPLE EXAMPLE – Tracking Sheet – Template – Tip Top K9
  5. Does everyone in your organization have a number that is held accountable to?
    1. AMPLE EXAMPLE – Elephant In The Room – Organizational Chart –
  6. Do you have a weekly budget that you are adhering to?
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