Dr. Dan Erickson | You Have a 0.02% Chance of Dying From COVID-19 If You Have Tested Positive | The Time to Engage is NOW
Show Notes
“You have a 0.02 [percent] chance of dying from COVID in the state of California if you are tested positive” Erickson says in a recent video. “Does that necessitate sheltering in place? Does that necessitate shutting down medical systems? Does that necessitate people being out of work?”
Dr. Dan, briefly I would love if you could share with our listeners about your background previous to becoming one of the most famous doctors on the internet for openly encouraging Governors to end their economically and psychologically harmful “shelter in place” orders?
Godspeak Calvary Chapel is a christian church located in Newbury Park/Thousand Oaks, California.
Dan according to the Center for Disease Control in the year 2017-2018 80,000 people died from the common flu, however in 2020 there seems to be some confusion about how many people have died from COVID-19…why is there so much confusion about how many people have died from COVID-19?
Dr. Dan Erickson, I read an article that appeared in the Citizen’s Journal that reported you said that “99.5 to 99.7 percent of individuals exposed to COVID-19 have little or no symptoms; USC and Stanford back our data.” Did you say that and what does that mean on a practical level for our listeners?
Dr. Atlas investigates the impact of government and the private sector on access, … M.D. is the Robert Wesson Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution of Stanford?
Dr. Dan Erickson during a FoxNews interview you said, “You have a 0.03 [percent] chance of dying from COVID in the state of California,” Erickson says in a recent video. “Does that necessitate sheltering in place? Does that necessitate shutting down medical systems? Does that necessitate people being out of work?” I would love for you to share more about this?
Dr. Dan Erickson, FOXNews reported that you said, “When someone dies in this country right now, they’re not talking about the high blood pressure, the diabetes, the stroke. They’re saying ‘Did they die from COVID?'” Erickson says in another video. “We’ve been to hundreds of autopsies. You don’t talk about one thing, you talk about comorbidities. ER doctors now [say] ‘It’s interesting when I’m writing about my death report, I’m being pressured to add COVID. Why is that?…I would love for you to share more about this.
Dr. Dan Erickson, you and your partner hosted a press briefing at Accelerated Urgent Care which showcased that there were many COVID-19 cases, yet there were not actually many deaths associated with COVID-19…I would love for you to share about your research and why you believe Youtube deleted your video from the internet?
Dr. Scott Jensen from Minnesota has said that he received an email from the Minnesota Department of Health coaching him how to fill out death certificates related to COVID-19 and that he has never previously been coached on how to fill out death certificates. How is COVID-19 being treated differently than other viruses by health officials?
Dr. Dan Erickson, you were one of the most outspoken doctoras to call for America to reopen its economy, its businesses and its schools. Why were you so outspoken about reopening?
Dr. Dan Erickson, where is the best place for our listeners to go to in order to find your additional research about how dangerous COVID-19 truly is or isn’t?
Dr. Dan Erickson, what action steps do all of our listeners need to take to get America reopened and back to normal?