Clay Clark Success Story | “I Had Ideas, No Customers. Step-By-Step We’ve Built This. These Guys Have All of the Systems In Place! I Wouldn’t Be Here Without Clay Clark!” – Margaret Bertram GetReading.US

Show Notes

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Audio Transcription

Well, I’ve had phenomenal growth, Clay. I had no business experience. I had years in education. I knew I knew how to teach kids to read, but I’d never started my own business before. So I was at zero, walking the local neighborhood, putting pamphlets in people’s letterbox, getting nowhere.

And then I got a Christmas present to come to your conference. So that was the start of everything. I signed up straight away and I now have so many students. I don’t know what to do with them all. And I’m hiring and training five new tutors to help me teach kids to read.

Ladies and gentlemen, on today’s show we have an incredible story. And I’m going to start off by telling you this is a wonderful woman that is passionate about helping your kids to read. And I met her through, I believe, a conference of some kind, and she’s having tremendous growth. So, Margaret, before we get going,

tell us, what is your web address where our listeners can go to if they have children in their life or kids in their life who maybe need help with becoming a more efficient reader?

It’s And since we met you, how much growth have you had? Since we met you and you became a business coaching client, how much growth have you had at

Well, I’ve had phenomenal growth, Clay. I had no business experience. I had years in education. I knew I knew how to teach kids to read but I’d never started my own business before so I was at zero walking the net local neighborhood putting pamphlets in people’s letterbox getting nowhere and Then I came I got a Christmas present to come to your conference

So that was the start of everything I signed up straight away, and I now have so many students I don’t know what to do with them all and I’m hiring and training five new tutors to help me teach kids to read So somebody bought you a ticket to one of our in-person thrive time show workshops as a Christmas present. Is that right? That’s correct

I actually bought myself a ticket and then my family had to pitch in and buy me a ticket to the hotel

Well, let’s put some let’s put some meat on the bone here.

For anybody who wants to know about those workshops, again, folks, you can go to I’m not sure when you’ll see this testimonial video, but our next upcoming workshop features a legendary bestselling author, Robert Kiyosaki, Eric Trump, President Trump’s son, and a cast of wonderful entrepreneurial characters. You’re going to love it, folks. That’s March 6th and 7th.

Again, if you’re out there and you have a child that’s needing to improve their reading skills, go to Let’s unpack the things that we’ve done together. First off, we helped you build a website. Can you talk about the process? Did we build it for you?

Did you build it yourself? Tell the listeners out there how that process came together of building that website.

You guys did it completely. I wrote 1,000 words on 1,000 different topics. And I had some photos, but I had a lot of guidance. I just handed it all over to you guys and you created this, it’s the best website I’ve got in Scottsdale.

People keep telling me mine stands out from the crowd.

Now are you generating leads from the website? A lot of people are listening to this show, they’re watching right now and they’re going, I’m a doctor, I’m a dentist, I’m a lawyer, I’m a photographer, I’m a petting zoo, and I don’t know how to generate leads. I mean, I’m not kidding, I literally talked to a person

this weekend who owns a petting zoo, who got into a conversation with one of our clients who has a mortgage company, and they said, how do you generate leads? Do you actually generate leads? Are you generating leads from your website?

Oh, absolutely, yep. I’m getting three or four leads a week, people bringing me, and I’ve been trained in how to answer as quickly as possible and the quick way to get to the point and sign them up. I’ve got about a 95% strike rate with those leads, so that’s awesome.

For people out there that say, I’ve never been self-employed before, I’ve never started my own company, or maybe a lot of our listeners have owned a business for years, how would you describe the overall coaching experience for anybody out there that’s thinking about scheduling a free 13-point assessment. There’s somebody watching about scheduling a free 13-point assessment. There’s somebody watching right now and they’re…




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