Clay Clark Client Success Story | “We Are Up 40% In Less Than One Year. Our Horizon Is Completely Different! It Is Mind-Blowing! It Is Really Action-Oriented!” – Franchisee (Spencer Kaufman)

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Audio Transcription

It’s changed our business a thousand fold, actually specifically 40%. But the cool thing is, is we know it’s just up from here. I mean, literally 11 months ago, we were talking about liquidating and closing the doors and just one phone call and one interaction with getting some coaching. Our horizon is completely different and we’re still got a lot of work to do. We’re getting better every single day.

But we’re super excited with where we’re going from here. And for anybody out there that’s thinking about scheduling a service with you guys, what we’re going to do is we’re going to go to Google right now. We type in Kansas City Oxifresh. This is you guys right here. Which locations is you?

I want to make sure we’re sending people. We have a lot of our listeners in Kansas City. Which particular locations are yours there? We’re all of those. All of these. So you are the Kansas City area, so everybody just Google search Kansas City Oxifresh.

There you’ll be. Well Thrive Nation, on today’s show we’re interviewing a diligent doer. So if you’re out there today and you say, I feel stuck, I want to know how to start or grow a successful company, step one, it requires diligence, which means the steady application of effort over time. The steady application of effort over time.

Now today’s entrepreneur happens to be a franchisee, full disclosure, of a brand called Oxifresh. is a brand that I’ve had the honor of working with the past 17, almost 18 years. And these guys are the franchise owners of an Oxifresh location, or actually Oxifresh locations and territories, which can be quite a bit to handle. And they are doing a phenomenal job. Spencer, welcome onto the Thrived Time Show. How are you, sir? I’m good, Clay. Thanks for having me, man. It’s good to be here.

Hey, so I got to ask you, first off, we’ve been working with you for a while now. How long have we been working with you guys, approximately? We started in January of this year, so getting really close to a year. And have you sold more carpet cleaning? Are you up 1% or 2%? Or is there some kind of quantifiable way you could articulate the growth percentage? Yeah, in our first, I guess, 11, 12 months, we’re up 40% this

first year. Amen! And now you guys, Andrew brags on you guys all the time, so every time I hear about you guys it’s a brag session, but if people want to Google you and verify you’re real, what territory can they Google to find you guys? We’re pretty much all of the Kansas City metro and surrounding areas, so some of the biggest surrounding areas of the KC proper like Olathe, Kansas, Oakland Park, Kansas, Lenexa, Kansas, Lee’s Summit, Missouri, and there’s dozens of others. So basically, we support the entire Kansas City metro.

Now, I want to ask you this question, and this is not a backhanded compliment, but one of my friends, he is jacked. I mean, one of the most physically fit people I’ve ever met in my life And you look at him, and you think to yourself brother. You do not need a trainer That’s what you think people’s people actually say that to him But he has a trainer and you ask him why do you have a trainer?

And he says well I have a trainer, and that’s why I look like I do I have five sessions a week I said I said so you just be clear you’re spending five hundred dollars a week for a personal trainer He’s a little hundred hours a session. I do five a week, and he said, I find that when I go, something happens that I’m A, I’m paying money for someone to hold me accountable, that’s part of it. The second is my trainer pushes me beyond what I would be without his pushing. And he said the third is my trainer knows what to do, has the tools, and so he takes

the guesswork out of it. And again, this is one of the most physically fit people I’ve ever met, and he just is locked in with a trainer. I want to get your thoughts on that as far as business coaching and having somebody to show you the way, maybe push you a little bit, track the numbers.

What kind of impact has that made on your business? It was huge. We started the business, we ran it for probably about two years prior to getting a coach, and we know all of the things to do because, fun fact, I bought into the business because I was so excited to start a business because

of listening to your podcast for probably at least a year before I ended up pulling the trigger. So I know all the systems, I know the processes, I know what we’re supposed to do, but when it came down to getting it done and actually doing it every single day, we were stalling. And I’m not going to lie, we were getting ready to close the doors and I was like, we got to make one last ditch effort at this and let’s get a coach hired and we knew immediately

who to hire and if they’ll have us. And since then we’ve been off to the races and growing. Now one of the things about success, I happen to write books, so let me just show the listeners an example. I write books. So this is a book I wrote, actually my wife wrote this book.

This is my wife’s book called Now I See. I did not write this book. This is my wife’s book. I did edit this book. This book, Boom, is a book that I wrote. So I wrote Boom, my wife wrote Now I See.

And this is a book that I did not write, but look what I did to it. This is Robert Kiyosaki’s book, the Rich Dad Poor Dad series. This is the Rich Dad Guide to Investing. And Robert Kiyosaki’s now gotten to be a, he’s become a friend, and he and Eric Trump are coming to speak at our business conference in March. And when I, I remember reading Robert’s book, I’m thinking to myself, wow, this book is

really well done. And when I started meeting people like Robert Kiyosaki, Robert Kiyosaki or Robert Green or Guy Kawasaki, I always ask these guys, I would say, how did you write the book? And they would say, well, step one is you write it. And then step two is you maniacally edit it. And it’s not like it’s a complicated process, but you just have to go back and edit it every

day. It’s not like it’s a big complicated thing, it’s just you have to read your own book and read it to find the errors, and when you think you’ve found all the errors, you read it again. And I’m going, so your entire process consists of writing the book and then reading it until you don’t find any errors, they go, yeah. And then I have an editor read it and find errors.

And then they send it back to me and I said, well, what do you do next? They said, I read it and I find errors. And I said, what happens next? They’re like, give it back to my editor. And I’m going, there’s no way. I mean, how many times do you do this?

And I started hearing from the world’s top, we’re talking John Maxwell, we’re talking Mark Manson, the author of Subtle Art of Not Giving an F, Robert Green. We’re talking about the world’s best-selling authors, they say, oh, I go back and forth, you know, usually two dozen times before I get it perfect. And I think that’s a little bit of the madness

of growing a successful company. It’s knowing what to do and then doing it consistently. Can you talk about that, about just step one, knowing what to do, but then step two, doing it over and over and over? Yeah, I think I’m with you.

It’s not rocket science. The trick is in the discipline, but I’ll even add one in there between those two steps Which is knowing what to do and then doing it and stop making excuses Even us when we get on the call with Andrew. It’s like Andrew will say well did you get your X amount of Google reviews? Did you get your X amount of images loaded and we’ll say well we got some but and then we did this

but and you know how it will come up with excuses and pretty quickly you can understand, hey, you’re just making a bunch of excuses, it’s time to get stuff done. So, yeah, it’s the hard part is the discipline. Back to your analogy on working out and getting jacked. Everybody knows what to do, you know, everybody, maybe not everybody knows what to do, but most people know what to do to get jacked.

Most people know what to do to make money. It’s just a matter, you got to go do it. And then obviously, there’s a lot of tricks you can learn from people who have been doing it a long time. So you should always educate yourself, but I’m with you. It’s all about the diligent doing. Now in part two of today’s show, so after this portion of the show, in part two, we’re going to sit down and interview Dr. Sean Baker.

And someone says, who’s that? He’s been on Joe Rogan multiple times. He’s actually one of the best-selling authors in America right now. So anybody can go to, you type in carnivore diet, this guy carnivore diet. I’m telling you folks, you are going to love part two of today’s show. Two of our conference attendees came, two of my clients came to a conference. And at the conference we had Tim Tebow was here, we also brought in Dr. Sean Baker.

And these two guys, they locked in and they decided to implement the carnivore diet for six months. This is a true story. This is going to blow your mind. And one of the listeners lost 92 pounds in six months by only eating meat. His cholesterol’s gone down. It’s unbelievable.

The other guy got a little bit of a head start. He lost 81 pounds. And you’re going to hear their stories on part two of today’s show. And you say, well, what do you do? And they go, I only eat meat. It’s unbelievable the simplicity.

And I believe that that’s that way with growing a company. It’s not super complicated, but it’s a simple plan and you have to do the plan over and over. Just like working out, you gotta get those biceps sore if you’re gonna experience growth. So let me dial into the stuff you’re doing.

One, step one, and maybe you don’t agree, feel free to interrupt me, but one is you have to wow the customer. You guys at OxiFresh, I know you guys do this. Andrew tells me you guys do this. When somebody Googles Kansas City carpet cleaning, I’ll pull this up on the screen here. When somebody Googles Kansas City carpet cleaning, you guys come up top in the search results, but you have to wow those customers. I mean you guys are obsessed with wowing your customers. So what do you say to somebody out there that’s mailing it in, their

carpet text, or their business of some kind, just it doesn’t wow, it maybe doesn’t even, it doesn’t even deliver. They just do the minimum effort. What do you say to somebody that for whatever reason just can’t seem to get motivated to wow the customer? I would say you’re probably not going to make it very long. We always strive to get like three wows per interaction with the customer and it can look several different ways.

Maybe it’s we’re calling ahead and saying we’re stopping by the quick trip or Starbucks on our way, do you want anything? You know, some people might get a little weird about that or there’s a package out, we’ll bring it up, you know, or it’s even just showing that you care. I mean, we have so many service industries out here that get the technician, they come and it’s like they’re just here to collect a page check and you know, they’re going to

go through the motions, but if you can get your technicians or your employees and ownership to To really show the customer that you genuinely care Then you don’t even need all that extra stuff to get the three wows where they each interaction It’s little things like calling them the night before and actually caring about What kind of situation they have when you when you walk into their home because they’re letting you into there The privacy of your of their home and they need to know that they can trust you

So just gaining that trust in that report even be before we show up That’s the first Wow and then the others are easy like oh Do you need help moving this piece of furniture while we’re in here just doing little stuff like that Well, and you’ll see we’ll even do things like leave we’ll get like Hot little toys or treats for the dogs and we don’t do that all the time But a lot of times we’ll do little things like that and leave them for the customer.

Kind of a no questions asked redo policy. You don’t like what we did within a certain amount of time, we’ll come back and make it right and we won’t stop coming back until it is right. Just a lot of things like that and I think if you don’t do that to differentiate yourself from your competitors, you’re probably not going to last very long. And if you are lasting, you’re probably just lasting and not thriving.

Now for everybody out there who’s curious about how I voted or who I voted for, I happen to be a libertarian, which means every year I go, well there’s no libertarians to choose from, and so I tend to vote Republican. But I want to share with you a story. I was staying at a hotel years ago, and the bellman there, this guy looked exactly like Barack Obama. And I said, do people ever tell you that you look like, he goes, Obama? I said, yeah. He’s like, yeah, people call me Obama. I said, it’s interesting. He said, sir, don’t hold it against me. If you’re not an Obama

fan, if you are an Obama fan, that’s okay too. But sir, I want to make sure I take your bags up to your room. This is the bellman at this hotel in Vegas. He says, I want to make sure I take your bags up to your room. You have a great experience. What room are you in, sir? I tell him the number. He goes up there, takes my bags. He says, sir, I really do appreciate you. True story. This is a true story, crazy story. And he hands me a $5 bill because I’m tipping him. He hands me a $5 bill and on the bill is his phone number.

And he said, we’ve got a lot of Bellman. I don’t know that any of them have ever tipped you, but I’m giving you a tip. Call me. And I’m like, Whoa, see, that was like a next level. Like, wow. So I said, what now?

I mean, I was, I was amazed. He said, a lot of Bellman probably won’t give you a tip, but I’m going to give you a tip. And he hands me $5. This is the number to call if you need anything. And sir, I’ll be back in five minutes with a with guides basically things to do in Las Vegas are you looking to take the lady on a dinner

night a dinner date are you gonna go see a show do you want to go to a casino are you looking to sightsee what are you looking to do sir and I said I’m looking just to go to take my wife to dinner he said I’ll be back in five minutes dude goes down the elevator knocks on the door what I said hello yes it’s Obama sir hope and change I hope I hope you have a great stay. Sir, here’s some change. He gives me another dollar. Hey, if you need a tip, this is my phone number. I’m like, what is going on? So he’s out

six dollars. And already I remember him. I never forget him because he looks like Obama. He says hope and change. Gave me the change. Gave me a tip. And so the next morning I wake up every morning methodically at 3 a.m. So I set my alarm. My alarm goes off in the hotel, 3am Vegas time, go down to the lobby and dude is there. And I’m like, this is crazy. He’s the only bellman who seems to be operational.

There’s a couple guys that have to work the shift, but this guy is moving and he’s got people looking for him. In the lobby, people are going, hey, is Obama here? And I’m like, hey, Obama, true story. I said, Obama, dude, you are killing the game. I was there for about four days and I noticed people were waiting for him to get their luggage.

They were going, hey, is Obama here? And they were the other bellman were looking for, looking for jobs, looking for work. This guy has people waiting for him. So I finally, I said, sir, can I ask you, where are you getting this mindset? What’s going on with you?

He said, uh, sir, if I can over deliver, uh, I think it’s how it goes. If I can over deliver, I’ll get overpaid and I’m paying my way through medical school, and so I’m gonna I’m gonna pay my way through college. I’m gonna over deliver I’m gonna over deliver that I’m gonna get overpaid and I and I just remember I had a desire deep within me to tip the Man hundreds of dollars and I did and I did and I was thinking to myself That guy really ignited the law of reciprocity that Napoleon Hill talked about he wowed every customer. I watched that guy and I’m thinking, he had the same cart, the same uniform, the same

name tag, and he took what little tools he had, he tipped the customer, he came up with a memorable marketing slogan, hey, I look like Obama, he embraced the whole hope and change thing, and at the end, we’re checking out, I said, man, it’s been great, Obama, getting to know you, man, you’re great. He says, honestly, man, I vote conservative, but gotta go with it. And it’s just this whole, it was like the ultimate punchline, to do, tsh.

And I’m saying that because there’s somebody out there, you’re saying, I don’t have a lot of money, I don’t have a lot of tools, and I’m telling you, if the Bellarmine can do it, if OxyPress can do it, you can do it. Now, the second thing you guys are doing is you have a daily huddle with your team. So every single day, you guys do your best to huddle with your team. Obviously, there’s holidays that come up, but I mean, you’re huddling with the team

and you’re saying, guys, this is what needs to be done today. This is what we did yesterday. And you’re looking at the numbers, the key performance indicators. Talk to the listeners about the daily huddle

and why it’s so important for you to do that daily huddle to make your OxiFresh super successful. Well, it’s huge because you gotta keep it really simple for your employees. And if you just give them a long list of laundry items to do at your weekly staff meeting or if you were us a year ago

or your never staff meeting or your text to take put, that’s which is bad, don’t do that, do the staff meeting. They don’t, they can’t keep track of everything they got to do. So if you have the daily huddle, number one, it keeps all of them accountable. So you know they’re going to show up and if they don’t show up to the daily huddle, well now you know they’re probably going to be late to their first

appointment. So we got to start calling and figuring out plans for that. And then we can just plan ahead with the daily huddle and manage all the daily fires that would have come up, but we’ve handled them right then and there. We do it every single morning at 7 45. Doesn’t matter the day, doesn’t matter the situation, we do it unless we’re closed for Christmas, for example. But, and we’ve had to pivot. We fought back for a while because it’s like, well, we got texts coming from all over the Metro, the Metro is large.

How are we going to do a daily huddle at one spot? So we’ll do a daily huddle in person sometimes, but a lot of times we just do it virtually via Google Meet and we get all the guys on one call and we all talk about what we need to talk about and we get the day started right.

Every single day at 7.5. Next thing you’re doing to get, so step one, wow every customer, step two, that daily recurring huddle, step three, you’re never done recruiting. Never done recruiting. And I don’t know why this is a controversial concept, so I’m going to give some stats on the screen here so people can get mad at the stats and not mad at me, because I’m not the

one making up the stats here, okay? So here we go. By the way, Napoleon Hill, bestselling author of Think and Grow Rich, I named my son after Napoleon Hill, he once said, you can start right where you stand by applying the habit of going the extra mile by rendering more service and better service than you are now being paid for. That’s something everybody can do right now. But you know you look at this, the statistics, 85%

of employees today, the 85% of employees, they say, yep, I do lie on my resume. What? 85% of employees, according to Inc. Magazine, during their own surveys are going, yep, I do lie on my resumes. 85% now Forbes, which is much more optimistic, Forbes is saying no, no, 70% are lying. Okay, whatever. Now the US Chamber of Commerce, they’re saying that 75% of employees steal, 75% of employees steal from the workplace. So as an example, I know somebody, I’ll be

very vague, years ago for Christmas, they came to me and they said, Clay, can I come to your Christmas party? I hear it’s legendary. I said, oh, you can come. And they’re trying to impress me. They know me, they’re not a client of mine, they’re family. And they show up with all these bottles of miniature alcohol, tons of it.

And I’m going, what are you doing? And they go, well, I work in the airline industry and when no one’s looking, I take quite a bit, you know. I’m going, what? They go, well, per flight, you’re allowed to have up to one complimentary beverage

per first class person. So if they don’t take them, I just take them. And so I’ve accumulated thousands. So you’ve accumulated thousands of bottles. They go, oh yeah, and check this out. And they have these earbuds, these one-time wearing headphones.

They’ve got these for days. They’ve got all these snacks they’ve stolen they brought to the party. And I’m going, you’re probably bringing in two, three grand of stolen stuff from the workplace. And I am shocked that entrepreneurs have this blind faith that they’re not going to be robbed, that the employees aren’t going to steal, that the employees aren’t going to fire themselves, that the employees aren’t going to get a divorce and move out of town, that the employees aren’t

going to get another job, that the employees aren’t going to get bored and move on, that the employees aren’t going to, their wife gets pregnant, now they wanna stay home and help raise the kid. I mean, I don’t understand why it is that people think that you can never stop recruiting, but you guys have clearly embraced the idea

of ongoing, never-ending recruiting. Talk about that. Yeah, so I remember listening to your podcast, I don’t know, four years ago, and you bring this topic up, and I thought to myself, so there’s no way people are this bad.

There’s no way. But immediately you get in the business and we have stories for days. Stealing, not showing up, weird excuses, just crazy stories for days. I’m sure every business owner has it.

And we were kind of stalled on doing the group interview as frequently as we do now. I would say we probably still don’t do it as much as Andrew wants us to, but we do it on average maybe every two weeks, at a minimum every month and because we have a good group of core guys right now.

But it’s so important because especially in our business, it’s not like we’re getting two-week notices. If someone wants to leave, they’re just leaving or they don’t even, they may give you the kindness of giving you a call that morning, but typically, they don’t show up or maybe Or maybe you catch a technician who is stealing or doing some shady things and you have to let them go on the spot.

I think the biggest thing is if you don’t have constant candidates coming in, you can become hostage of your employees. And we were subject to this. We became hostage of our employees and then the group interview solved that immediately. And we were able to automate the process pretty easily with Indeed. So all I gotta do is make a post,

and then a week later, 30 people show up to our office, and we can just rock and roll with our outline, our script, everything we wanna talk about. But we gotta systemize it, and we do it about every two weeks, and it’s key to our success. Now again, I wanna respect your time,

but I also wanna get into all seven of these things. I mean, there’s so many things you’re doing well, but I wanna hit on these seven. So again, step one, folks, they’re over-delivering, they’re wowing customers. If you’re watching today’s show,

if you own a restaurant, a dentistry, years ago I worked with a skin care company, a dermatologist, and I said, you have to wow your customer with your sights, your sounds, your smells, sights, sounds, smells, the employees,

sights, sounds, smells, the employees, and the overall experience. And the dermatologist said to me, he goes, it’s occurred to me we have no music in my office. The office looks bad, the visuals are bad, there’s no music. I think my front desk lady is kind of sarcastic and mean.

What were the steps? I said sights, sounds, smells. He’s like, yeah, I know the bathrooms smell good. What else? And so there was no intentionality to it. So we teamed up with this dermatologist, true story, and I ultimately said, well, hey, what are something that we could do every day?

He decided to bring in a catering truck or a catering group that would deliver fresh kind of Panera Bread kind of style food every day. So when you’re in the lobby waiting for your appointment, you have fresh coffee, you have light fruit, you have a few wraps, those kind of things. He got an overhead playlist. We helped him develop.

He repainted his office. He went with kind of a modern, rustic front desk. And anyway, he was very intentional and his customers loved it and they left him raving reviews and it was powerful, just a complete turnaround. So if you’re watching today’s show, wow your customers. Step two, you’ve got to hold that daily huddle.

Step three, never stop recruiting, never stop recruiting. Step four, you’ve got to have a recurring weekly staff meeting. Weekly, what? Every week, if you’re the owner of the company, you have to have a meeting with yourself or a coach or somebody to look at the numbers and ask yourself, are you drifting into dystopia or are you moving ahead?

Next, you have to implement a tracking sheet. Most people don’t track, and I’ll tell you this, where you don’t track, you will slack. You must measure what you treasure. Can you talk about the importance of using a daily tracking sheet or a weekly tracking sheet

to track your actual numbers? Yeah, it’s super important because you can see it all in one spot. That’s something Andrew helped us out with right away, and it is extremely valuable. If you don’t have it all in one spot, it’s hard to gather it all and make analysis and

do that. So, and if you’re not, if you’re not tracking it, then what are you doing? You know, I think it’s very important to do that. So we have all of our, it’s pretty simple and you get to keep it simple. We have money in, money out, how many Google reviews we’ve gotten and maybe some stuff on ad spend and other things, but money in, money out, and then you can start to see trends,

and then as you see the trends, you can start to change your activities. One trend we had that Andrew got on us today, our Google review counts were low relative to the last few weeks, so he said, okay, well, what are you gonna do about it?

If we weren’t tracking it, we wouldn’t have been like, hey, it’s time to get back on our Google reviews. And just to be clear, I don’t want to ever exaggerate on this show, be very clear and very measured and accurate in how I speak. I believe you’re up 40% in less than a year.

Is that an accurate statement? That’s correct. It’s mind-boggling. Okay, so next is that you want to get, this is step six here, you want to gather objective reviews from real customers. You just, you have to do it.

And I think somebody says, well, I’m just going to allow the customers to leave me a review if they feel like it. I’m telling you folks, I went to, I took my son to Margaritaville the other day. It was a restaurant that was nearby, the Jimmy Buffet theme, Margaritaville. And I’m walking out of the restaurant and the front desk lady, she said, sir, did you have a good experience? I said, yes, I did. She said, could you leave us an objective

review? I said, absolutely. Would I have done it if she didn’t ask me? I’d say no. What? You’re a hypocrite. I’m a busy guy, right? We’re busy people. Everybody watching this, you’re busy. I was thinking about my son, his 17-year-old self. I was thinking about my 20-year-old daughter. I was thinking about Christmas gifts for my wife. I was trying to figure out where my valet vehicle was parked, all those things.

Last thing I was thinking about was, I know, take a moment, leave a review about the steak I ordered. But you know what? She asked for a review, so I did. Could you encourage anybody out there who just, for whatever reason, has some sort of mental block about asking for objective Google reviews from real customers?

It is the lifeblood of the business for us, especially. I mean, second only to delivering an outstanding service. The second most important thing is getting Google reviews so that other people in the community can know how good we are to work with. It’s pure head trash. You got to get past the head trash.

People do not mind leaving the review. It’s just you got to get them to do it. And if you don’t do it before you leave the home, you’re not going to get it. I’m a business owner. I know how much getting Google reviews has grown our business. And still when I get service, if they don’t have me leave the review before they leave, I don’t do it. It’s not because I don’t want to, it’s because we’re busy. So you got to get it before

you leave the house. Final two points, gathering objective video reviews from real customers. You do gather objective video reviews from real customers. That’s where a customer, you wowed, you say, would it be okay if I gathered an objective video review, just got your feedback? Why are video reviews so powerful?

Number one, I think it, I’m not super familiar with the algorithm, but I think video reviews jump to the top of your reviews. And then, so that’s awesome. When someone’s willing to talk about your product or your service, it’s going to get jumped to the top on the review list on Google Maps. But also if someone, like if I’m reviewing a service or a company, I look at the reviews

and I see someone believed in that product or service enough to put their face on camera, on the internet, for the whole world to see, then they must really believe in that product or service. So I’ve made the decision to use that product or service before I’ve even called them to get a quote. And that’s kind of what we want our customers to do too.

So final, let’s say 30 seconds, 60 seconds, I don’t want you to feel time pressure, but the final 30 seconds we have here are 60 seconds. How would you describe the impact that business coaching has made on your business, aka your life? Yeah, it’s changed our business a thousand fold, actually specifically 40%. But the cool thing is, is we know it’s just up from here.

I mean, literally 11 months ago, we were talking about liquidating and closing the doors and just one phone call and one interaction with getting some coaching, our horizon is completely different. And we’re still got a lot of work to do.

We’re getting better every single day, but we’re super excited with where we’re going from from here. And for anybody out there that’s thinking about scheduling a service with you guys, what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna go to Google right now. We type in Kansas City Oxyfresh. This is you guys right here. Which locations is you? I want to make sure we’re sending people. We have a lot of our listeners in Kansas City. Which particular locations

are yours there? We’re all of those. All of these. So you are the Kansas City area. So everybody just Google search Kansas City Oxyfresh. There you’ll be. You can also search for Kansas City carpet cleaning, I believe, and you guys will pop right up in the conversation. And you guys are, again, OxiFresh is the brand OXI Fresh.

And what are the markets you service there? You’re in Olathe, is that right? Yeah, the whole Kansas City metro essentially, which is a lot of the surrounding areas are Olathe, Overland Park, Lenox, Overland Park is probably our biggest market. And you can see there is, there’s still quite a bit of competition that we have to deal

with but just by doing the coaching and getting those Google reviews, I think we’ve gotten a thousand reviews this year alone. I mean, we’ve been able to obviously increase our business 40%. So, there’s a lot of market share to go get. You just got to keep doing the same thing every single day and be disciplined and it is working. So.

What do you say to somebody who’s going to thrive right now, they’re thinking about coming to see, you know, Robert Kiyosaki, Eric Trump, or come into one of our workshops, or they’re thinking about scheduling a free

13 point assessment to see if they’re a good fit for the business growth consulting. What would you say to somebody thinking about taking some action? Oh, you got to do it. I mean, what is your hesitancy?

It’s the moment to get the assessment. I think that’s free. So why not get some free advice from Clay and the team, first of all, and then get to the business conference. I’m going to be there. I just tried to get my tickets today, so I’m going to figure out if I want VIP or not.

I want to sit on the new deck. Oh, dude, that is going to be, I’m telling you, that’s going to, this is a real story. I don’t want to interrupt you, but Eric Trump and I have gotten to be friends and he said, hey, I’d like to come to your conference. So he’ll be here, Robert Kiyosaki. So we are I mean, I’m not kidding, folks. Every single seat will be sold. And then we have this big I’m just like right now we are very intentional about who we sell tickets to. So there’s certain people I don’t sell tickets to.

It’s just filled with entrepreneurs. OK, so people that are actually entrepreneurs or entrepreneurs, people that actually are they’re not just there to gawk. They’re actually doers. I told my wife, I said, we might have to add on a second deck. We got a quote to add on a second deck for additional seating. We already have pre-sold some of those, so I said, we got to do a third deck. We’re looking to add the second and third decks before the event.

It’s going to be awesome. What you’re saying is I might be out. I may not be in. I’m going to be in. Well, you’re a client, so Andrew will figure out a way to get you. I’ll tell you, it is going to be packed.

I’ll sit at his desk. That seems very fair. To answer your question, we did come to one conference and it was it was mind-blowing. Even someone who’s listened to your podcast and read a couple of your books, there’s always something you get from every single speaker and it’s not just a bunch of mumbo-jumbo. There’s a little bit of motivational but a lot of it is action-oriented and that’s what I really enjoy. And I took my business partner, and it’s funny we joke about this because he’s much more

of the operations guy and I’m much more of the sales and behind the business, behind the scenes kind of guy. I had to basically drag him to that conference. But after he left that conference, he was a whole different human and his outlook on the business was 100% change. And what I’m saying is if that could do that to the type of person that I run our business

with, then I know that everybody is going to get something out of that conference. Brother, thank you so much for carving out time for us. Have a Merry Christmas. And for anybody looking to lose a little bit of weight, this next part of the show, two guys, one guy lost 92 pounds in six months, the other guy loses 81 pounds. They’re real people.

It’s incredible. Folks, I encourage everyone to stay tuned and again. Thank you so much brother. I really do appreciate you Spencer Thank you, Clay. Appreciate you man. Bye. Bye Good to see you. Good to be back. You’re still alive. You’ve been eating nothing You’re still alive. I am so on doubters be gone. Yeah When I when I just eat mostly meat, I feel so much better. I mean

Maybe it’s anecdotal. Maybe it’s just me and you maybe and many other people that do it, but there’s something to it. But you’re an extreme example because you have been doing it now for how many years? So I’m starting my eighth year. So just… Eighth year.

Yeah, so when I came to see you last time, it was almost six years ago, so I had just finished seven years now, so yeah, it’s been a while. And people should know that you’re actually a doctor you’re an orthopedic surgeon and you didn’t you know one point on they took your license away because you’re providing medical information but you got it back yeah I was gonna mention things so when I was I was practicing medicine busy

orthopedic surgeon you know plugging away doing a thing and I sort of realizing hey I can have people avoid surgery by changing their diet their pain away I was like you need surgery well that is not what hospitals want you to do. You could be anywhere doing a lot of different things, but you chose to be here. Some shows don’t need a celebrity narrator to introduce the show, but this show does.

In a world filled with endless opportunities, why would two men who have built 13 multi-million dollar businesses altruistically invest five hours per day to teach you the best practice business systems and moves that you can use. Because they believe in you. And they have a lot of time on their hands. They started from the bottom, now they’re here.

It’s the Thrive Time Show starring the former U.S. Small Business Administration’s Entrepreneur of the Year, Clay Clark, and the entrepreneur trapped inside an optometrist’s body, Dr. Robert Zilmer. Two men, eight kids, co-created by two different women, 13 multi-million dollar businesses. We started from the bottom, now we’re at the top Teaching you the systems to get what we got

Colton Dixon’s on the hoops, I break down the books See, bringing some wisdom and the good looks As the father of five, that’s why I’m alive So if you see my wife and kids, please tell them hi It’s the CNC up on your radio And now, 3, 2, 1, here we go!

We started from the bottom, now we’re here We started from the bottom, and we’ll show you how to get there Okay, Thrive Nation, here’s the story, true story. One of my clients, Nace Roberts and Jordan Roberts, they are brothers, they have beards, Nace and Jordan Roberts, they came into my office and I’m going, you look like half of you is missing.

And they said, Clay, we’re on this all meat diet thing. And I’m going, is that healthy? Is that good? Are you gonna make it? I don’t know if this is a good deal, bad deal. I don’t know enough about it, but what are your thoughts?

And they said, no, no, this is a thing. This is a good thing. There’s a guy who wrote a book about it. Let me pull this up real quick. And I thought, I don’t know if this is a thing. And so they said, it is a thing.

And by the way, their company, it’s called Grid Down Chow Down, they have a meat bias, okay? They sell meat that doesn’t have mRNA technology in it, so when you go to Target and they sell synthetic meat or the genetically modified meat,

they don’t sell that kind of stuff. So they have a bias towards meat. I thought to myself, they’re good guys, they’ve been a client of mine for like seven years, they like meat, I like meat, I’ll look into it. So then I watched Dr. Sean Baker’s interview with Joe Rogan.

Blew my mind. And then we were at the last conference and this guy by the name of Rick, Rick, there he is on camera, Rick came up to me and he said he lost 87 pounds in six months since hearing the presentation of Dr. Sean Baker spoke at one of our in-person business workshops. And Slick Rick here, he’s down 87 pounds in six months. 92. 92 pounds, in my face. 92 pounds.

And then here’s Thomas Crossen, the founder of a great company in Dallas, Texas, long-time client called Full Package Media. And Thomas, how much weight have you lost, sir? I think you’re muted somehow. Did I mute you or are you muted somehow? Let me see. There might be a mute there.

That’s not a passive aggressive editing thing from me. He’s coming right back. So you lost how much, Rick? I’m down 92 today and 171 days. And so, Sean Baker, I watch you online. You are really, really aggressively stating the facts and warning people about the dangers of Ozempic and other weight loss

medications. And I thought, sir, we have to have an opportunity for you to hear from actual people that are implementing your carnivore diet. Does it shock you, sir, to hear the kind of results that have been seen by Rick here? No, not at all. This is kind of routine for me.

I see people losing 10, 20, 30, 50, 100, 200, 300. We had a lady that lost 500 pounds in two years on this diet. So, yeah, I mean, weight loss is a pretty typical thing we see. And some people, and maybe Rick can speak to this, is you kind of find that you get this point of satiety where you actually don’t crave all the garbage. Your appetite is finally, you know, sated for the first time maybe in the life.

And so it becomes very easy when you’re not starving all the time to stick to a routine and eat. You mentioned Ozempic. Certainly, we know that people are losing weight on Ozempic, but there are some potentials for some real issues with that, whether they’re really bad side effects with gastroparesis or suicidal thoughts or intestinal obstructions. I just saw a couple of studies on blindness and erectile dysfunction.

So there are issues with that. But the mechanism by which it works, it stimulates these hormones, called increting hormones in our body, GLP-1 being one of them. But meat actually does that naturally. And it does it in a more physiologically appropriate manner, where it does it when it’s supposed to and then comes on, comes off.

Whereas these drugs, it stays on all the time. And so people are having issues turning up in the ER, throwing their guts out, throwing up like crazy, or they’re losing all the muscle mass. And so this is maybe, there may be some things you can do

prior to jumping on the drug bandwagon, which is unfortunately a criticism of the healthcare system. We just kind of drugs first and we don’t really give much to lifestyle. Thomas, are you with us there? Is it working there?

Yeah, can you hear me? Okay, yes. So I got to ask you, how much weight have you lost there, sir? 81 pounds as of this morning. So.

Okay, so I’m going to try to tee this up because I really want to hear from you guys and I don’t want to hear from myself. So first question, Thomas, how long have you been on this this diet, this carnivore diet that you’re on now? So I’ve been doing it kind of on and off for two years, but then the last like 90 days really been doing just 100 percent.

I was doing more kind of paleo meat based before and then just switched to just 100% meat, eggs, just animal products and in 70 days I’ve lost 30 pounds. And Rick, how long have you been on the diet again? How much weight have you lost? So I started July 1st.

I was at 233.2 pounds or something and this morning I was just under, I was 323.3 and this morning I’m down like 92 pounds. I’m under 200, or 230 pounds. So when did you decide, you’re at the conference, Dr. Sean Baker is speaking, when did it occur to you where you’re going, you know what, I’m going to do this diet? Well like I said, he was speaking and I was sitting there in the audience,

I ordered his book online. You know, we left there on Friday, it showed up on my house on Saturday. And I hate reading books. And I made it through about chapter six, and I’m like, this just makes sense,

because I was never one to eat vegetables to begin with, but I ate all the standard American crap that was there, and the carbs, you know, potatoes, corn, everything, you know, fatten up a pig, that’s what I was eating. So I decided July 1st I was going, my wife decided to do it with me. She’s down 40 pounds and I’m down 92 pounds.

And so Thomas, when did you decide to get on the carnivore diet? About two years ago is when I really started at least meat-based, and then I really just got to the point where it was like, okay, it seems like there’s no reason to be eating the vegetables and that kind of thing and just went to strictly meat. I’ve followed Dr. Baker for years and years.

And one of my doctors, he’s like, oh, you should only eat red meat once a month at max. And then I went to it and as I’ve been doing it, I mean, checked my CRP levels like a week ago and they’re the lowest they’ve been since 2019. Now one final question,

then I’m gonna go back to Dr. Baker here. So many people say, well, Clay, I wanna do the carnivore diet. The questions I got asked a lot at the conferences, people would say, hey, if you get a chance to ask Dr. Sean Baker,

when I go on the carnivore diet, how much vegetables can I eat? Like how many can I eat? If I’m on the carnivore diet, how much cereal can I have? If I’m on a carnivore diet, if I’m on a strictly carnivore diet, how much salad can I have

when I go to Outback Steakhouse? What’s the maximum amount of potatoes I can have with the steak at Outback? So Dr. Baker, I just want to ask you, if someone’s on the carnivore diet, what’s the maximum amount of, or how much vegetables should they be eating with the meat on the carnivore-only diet? Well, I mean, if it’s technically a carnivore diet, you’re eating none. I mean essentially.

Now, I mean again, the nice thing about it is it’s very clear. You’re either on or you’re off it. Now, is it going to kill somebody to have a piece of lettuce once in a while? For most people, no. I mean, but there are people honestly that, you know, for whatever reason, things we would otherwise consider normal healthy foods, unprocessed fruits and vegetables, can actually be problematic for certain people. And this really gets into people with certain autoimmune conditions, certain gut issues.

You know, we’ve just published a number of scientific papers, case series on inflammatory bowel disease, anorexia, anxiety, depression and there will be one soon coming out on multiple sclerosis. So, we’re seeing for certain medical conditions, it’s pretty good. It makes sense to be strict. For some people that are dealing with things like food addiction, the strictness just makes it easier.

Some people cannot be moderators. They’ve got to abstain for a while. So I think in the strictest sense of a carnivore diet, there’s no fruits, there’s no vegetables, it’s pretty much animal products. It’s meat, it’s eggs, it’s some people dairy products, it’s seafood, things like that. However, could you get healthy on a diet where you’re mostly meat and a few other foods?

Certainly many people can. Although, like I said, this is so simple. I mean, my dog could do it, and my dog does. I mean, it’s not hard to explain. He has to eat a bunch of meat every day, and that’s it. And it’s as simple as that.

I look at, when I look at feeding of animals throughout the world, it’s not complicated. I mean, we’re the only species that needs menus and apps and all this crazy sort of complexity, when it should be just eat, and it’s simple as that. And I think these guys will probably attest to the simplicity and the actual, again, satiety

that comes to this. So I got to go back to you, Thomas. So you’re on this diet. I mean, you’re living it. You’re into it. You’re doing it.

You’re seeing the results. But there had to be like some inner dialogue maybe going on, some inner thoughts. I don’t know. When you’re going, yeah, I’m on the carnivore diet, but I’m going all in on the carnivore diet, which you’ve done now.

Was there, can you kind of walk us through the inner dialogue or what you were saying to yourself or thinking or just walk us through, because there’s somebody watching this right now that needs to hear this. You know, I think one of the biggest things

was like Dr. Baker said, it’s like, it’s hard, it’s easy to follow. It’s not one of these diets where you have to count calories or think about every single food and what’s the glycemic index of it and all that stuff. It’s like meat, eggs, maybe cheese. And that makes it easy. So I just was like, okay, let’s make it black and white, jump on it, see how it goes, test blood work, that sort of thing, and see how it goes.

So for me, that was one of the easiest things is just the ease of following it. And I like steak. So let me ask you this, so Rick, you’re going to, let’s say, Outback tonight, okay? You’re going to Texas Roadhouse tonight. You’re going somewhere to eat.

I mean, you guys are both entrepreneurs. Thomas has a wonderful company called They offer real estate photography solutions for people in Dallas, I believe also in Austin, Texas. It’s, You are the HVAC master, which leads me to believe you’re somehow involved in HVAC.

So when you’re out there on a busy schedule, uh, what are you eating? What are you eating? I go to, I love going to Texas roadhouse and they don’t have it on their menu, but our local Texas roadhouse usually has larger cuts of steak. So I’ll get the 24 ounce Fort with Fort worth ribeye, or sometimes they’ll have some up there.

There are 28, 29 ounces. When I first started, when I first started doing carnivore, I’d go out at lunch, when I’d have a lunch meeting or that, and eat a 16 ounce rib eye, and that was the only thing on my plate. And then I’d go home and I’d cook another one,

and to Dr. Baker’s, you know, your satiety level, I would get stuffed, and I would leave this little two inch cube of steak in the middle of my plate, and I’m like, you hit a wall and your body says, hey, I’m done eating and that that beautiful tasty juicy ribeye all of a sudden wants to make you gag and You hit that level and you don’t need to eat anymore and you’re not hungry

you’re not up an hour and a half later grabbing a bag of chip and dip because you know, you’re having a sugar drop Carb spike and everything so you just I started Very quickly doing OMAD because it is one meal a day. And I had my butcher cut me some inch and a half ribeyes. And once a day, I have like a 28-ounce ribeye for dinner.

And that’s all I’ll eat all day long. Dr. Baker, I know someone’s watching this going, what? Is this healthy? Are they going to die? Now, you, sir, you sat down with a very skeptical Joe Rogan many years ago, or a few years ago.

And when you’re watching the interview, watching his body language and yours, you were bringing the facts, you were presenting data. He was being respectful, but you could tell he was very skeptical of what you were saying. You challenged him or talked to him

or convinced him or something. He decided to get on the carnivore diet. He had phenomenal results. Could you tell us what kind of feedback has the carnivore diet had, or what kind of feedback are you getting from America

since going on those Joe Rogan interviews? Yeah, like you said the very first time he was obviously skeptically looked at me like I had a third eyeball You know in my head cuz I was talking talking crazy talk Which is what it sounds like the first time you hear it second time. I went on Rogan’s podcast very different story He experienced it. He had friends that had done it He realized that this you know I wasn’t just making this stuff and actually works

And so I think what we’ve seen over the last couple of years in many ways to sort of parallel what’s going on politically in this country. A lot of people are sort of skeptical of various entities and organizations, which we once held with high esteem. We’re kind of like, wait a minute, you guys are not telling the truth and you’re leaving out some details.

So I think we’ve seen a general trend where more and more people, at the very least, have come to start to believe that no, red meat is not killing us, it’s not bad for us, it’s not killing the planet, it’s actually a health food. And so I think we’re getting that seen by more and more people probably, you know, a significant portion of the country believes that. And certainly a lot of them are seeing the results because it’s undeniable this time.

If you just, you know, quickly go on any sort of social media platform and type in carnivore diet, you’re going to see obviously the critics, but you’re going to see just You know thousands upon thousands of testimonials where this works And it just does the only reason I promote something this this sort of thing is Because it clearly works, and it works for many many peoples of all Various stripes you know shape sizes age sex you know you know cultural backgrounds. Whatever it is. It’s just plain works and

So I mean I think at the end of the day, good things usually, you know, rise to the top, and I think that’s what we’re starting to see. Now what I’m going to do here, just to spice it up a little bit today, is I’m going to pull up our webpage here for the Thrive Time Show for our in-person workshop. We have Eric Trump joining us. That’s President Trump’s son, who, by the way, eats a primarily carnivore diet.

I’ve seen him actually lose almost 40-some-odd pounds on the Reawaken tour by eating pretty much only meat. Then you have Robert Kiyosaki, bestselling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad. So anybody watching this right now, if you want to join this diet,

here’s what we’re gonna do right now, okay? So we’re recording this on December 19th, so we have 76 days until the event. If you will join the carnivore diet, whatever that means, so these are the steps you have to do here. So you go to Amazon, okay?

And we’re gonna buy a copy of the book here. So we’re all going to Amazon. And Slick Rick, you bought a copy of this book. Thomas, do you have a copy of this book, The Carnivore Diet? I do. Okay, so this is what you do.

What you do is you buy a copy of The Carnivore Diet. That’s step one. So what do you do? You buy a copy. You say, well, where do I find it? You go to Amazon.

You type in Sean Baker, Carnivore Diet. We’ll put a link on the show notes. There you go. You buy a copy. That’s step one. You buy a copy of the book.

Now, step two, what you’re going to do is just text me proof that you bought the book. You say, text you? How do I have your number? I shall give you my number. My cell phone number that I keep private between you and me and everybody is 918-851.

That’s 918-851. Let me pull it up real quick here. It’s on the screen. 918-851-0102. So step one, you buy a copy of the book. Step two, you send me a screenshot or proof of purchase.

Then you’re entered in for a chance to win the backstage pass to meet Dr. Sean Baker, Eric Trump, Robert Kiyosaki and a great team of speakers we’re bringing in here. So all you got to do is buy the book and text me, prove that you bought it, and you’ll be entered in for a chance to win a backstage pass so you can talk to Dr. Baker, you can talk to Eric Trump, you can talk to Robert Kiyosaki.

And then I would invite you to start this diet, but I think there’s somebody out there, Thomas, who’s smart. And I’m going to pick on you, Thomas, because you’re one of the smartest people I know. You’re a smart guy. And smart people, you know, you’re researching. Thomas, for anybody who doesn’t know, Thomas is a researcher.

Thomas, you’d put a lot of research in your company. That’s just the way you think. I would describe you as an intellectual who also does things. You’re a smart guy. You think. You contemplate. There’s gotta be somebody out there, Thomas, who’s watching the show, who’s smart like you are, and as smart like you were, and they’re going,

I don’t know, will I get abducted by an alien? Is it going to kill me? I don’t know. Is it safe? Is it healthy? But Bill Gates says I shouldn’t eat meat at all.

What do you say, Thomas, to the intellectual skeptic? I think I would say if you just look at it from a fundamental standpoint of how long animals and humans have been on the earth, and we’ve eaten meat that whole time, and we’re all still here and if you look at most of the health problems that you know the modern American diet and processed foods and sugar and all those things have have brought into place is like it just and that’s what made me switch to just saying okay I’m going to go all in and do it

100 percent is it it just seemed logical of like meat’s been here humans have been here we’ve been eating meat for millions of years uh it’s probably not going to kill you so I think if you’re on the fence, it’s like, just try it. Like you’re not, you’re not, you know, I know people worry about like cholesterol and stuff like that, but if you, if you try it for a month, three months, six months, like it doesn’t seem like it should take much to convince you to try it versus trying eating, you know, Lucky Charms every morning and McDonald’s for dinner and you know, that kind of stuff.

Now we have a clip here, Dr. Baker, I want to play for you. This is from America’s health expert Bill Gates, just an incredible, incredible individual. Let me play this here. He’s just an incredible, brilliant specimen when it comes to health and fitness. Cows and other grass-eating species have a digestion system that emits methane, and methane is a very powerful greenhouse gas. And so cows alone account for about 6% of global emissions. And so we need to change cows, just cows alone.

How are we going to do that? Well, actually, of all the categories, the one that has gone better than I would have expected five years ago is this work to make what’s called artificial meat. And so you have people like Impossible or Beyond Meat,

both of which I invested in. You eat it as well? And you like it? Absolutely. You can go to Burger King and buy the Impossible burger. All right, is it healthier for you

or just healthier for the atmosphere? It’s of course dramatic reduction in methane emissions, animal cruelty, manure management, and the pressure that meat consumption puts on land use. There is of course a clear financial motive for Gates’ plan. Oh come on, there’s not a clear financial motive for Bill Gates to tell you to eat synthetic meat. Dr. Baker, what’s your reaction, sir?

Well, I mean, the one on the good side, he’s no longer quoting this livestock’s long shadow thing that says 14 or 18 percent of the greenhouse gases come from… So, at least that’s on the pro side. He’s more in line with what’s actually going. And we do know that cows emit something like 5 percent of our greenhouse gas. Actually all animal agriculture.

But the reality is that is biogenic methane, which has been going on since whenever it started. We’ve had animals, large grazing animals, doing that, then methane is short-lived, it goes in the atmosphere, it turns back into carbon dioxide and water, and then it feeds and waters the plants.

And that’s the cycle, that’s the cycle of nature. This is literally what the Earth is, is roaming, grazing animals on the planet. And so, I mean, what he’s doing is basically creating a solution to a problem that doesn’t really exist and financially benefiting from that. So I mean these you can see I mean this is an older clip so

you can see what’s happened to Beyond Meat and Impossible Burger particularly Beyond Meat which had its IPO several years ago and now it’s gone from a $250 stock price to like three or four bucks and so it’s gonna it’s probably gonna go bankrupt unless the government props it up. These alternative meat products are in no way healthier than meat. There’s no evidence that they’re any more environmentally sustainable.

In many cases, they’re likely less sustainable. And to make the assumption that just because I’m not eating a steak means no animals are dying, that couldn’t be any farther from the truth. You can talk to anybody that raises crops, they will tell you that by the use of pesticides and just preparing the land, there’s massive death of species going on. It’s all sort of a, I mean, it’s portrayed as altruism, but it’s really greed.

It’s not like we want to save the planet by doing this. It’s just we’re going to create a new market and take your money that way. It’s not going to help you in any way. It’s really not going to help the planet in any better way. So I mean, the better thing we can do is actually put more cows in the ground and then just graze them in a way that tends to be more favorable to the land.

And that’s clearly demonstrated and doable. So that’s the real solution here. So let me tee this up again here real quick. Let me tee this up again. So for anybody out there, you say, well, I do want to win a backstage pass to meet Eric Trump.

I get you say, how much does it cost again? All you got to do is you go up to Amazon, okay? You search for the carnivore diet, you buy the book, boom, step one. Step two, you text me proof that you bought the book. Now you’re entered in for the chance. You’re entered in for a chance.

All you gotta do is just text me, 918-851-0102. Just text me that you have bought the book, screenshot this. By the way, we helped Cash Patel become a best-selling author by doing this. Cash Patel went to the top of Amazon in one day by doing this.

We have helped Peter Navarro. We helped Peter Navarro become a best-selling author by doing this. I am doing this simply because I really do deeply care about Thomas And I deeply care about Rick and you guys have told me I didn’t call you and say hey Are you guys on the carnivore diet you guys were just we’re just talking about things And I told you guys that that the Sean Baker was coming to our coming back to one of our workshops and Thomas You said you said clay. I’ve been on the carnivore diet and again. How much weight have you lost Thomas?

81 pounds so there’s people watching this who are like, I just have concerns. And I’m sure there’s people around you, Thomas. People in your life, family, friends, neighbors, I’m sure they’ve asked you questions. What are the areas of pushback that you may have gotten

from family, friends, concerned people that actually care about you that maybe said, I don’t know, is that good for you? Have you had those kinds of questions? Definitely have. I’d say probably the number one thing

that people talk about is cholesterol. And, you know, they point to that as an immediate like, hey, your cholesterol is going to go up, especially with eggs, red meat. And so that’s what I hear the most is, well, your cholesterol is going to skyrocket and you’re going to need to go on a statin. And, you know, I don’t I don’t really worry about it.

I’d be interested to hear what Dr. Baker has to say, because mine has gone up a little bit. Nothing crazy, but went up from like my LDL from 122 to 140 in six months, which I know is not crazy. But my triglycerides have gone way down. HDL has gone up.

So, but that’s the biggest thing that I hear from people. Dr. Baker, hey, Vanessa, Vanessa, come here. My wife is in the studio. My wife’s, come here real quick here. We got to get you in real quick. Throw on some headphones.

You got to get her. Okay, so Dr. Baker, I got to ask you real quick here. Will someone’s brain explode and will they die of cholesterol if they eat only meat for 30 days? No, unlikely. I know that was kind of asked in a little humorous way, but the reality is we do sometimes

see people’s cholesterol rise on low-carb diets in general, and we now kind of have a pretty good idea why that is. It’s not because they’re consuming more saturated fat, it’s really associated with how lean they get. So as we get leaner and leaner and we rely more on fat for energy rather than glucose for energy, our body just has to traffic more lipid in the blood vessels so we can feed

our cells. The question is, is that reason for high cholesterol different from someone who is obese and just eating too much energy. They both can cause cholesterol to go up, but there’s two different reasons for that. And we are getting more and more evidence to show that when you become leaner and less dependent on glucose and you have higher lipids trafficking,

there’s something called a lipid energy model. There’s about 10 scientific papers on this that have been published now. There’s probably good evidence increasingly, and we’re doing more and more studies on this, to show that that may not be the risk factor for cardiovascular disease that we once thought it was. So like many things there’s some nuance here. And generally I would say both of these guys probably their quality of life and

their overall health has improved probably pretty dramatically. In a brute way or whatever it is, it’s pretty generally health-promoting. Now Vanessa, just real quick, this Thomas Cross, you know Thomas? I know Thomas. He’s down 81 pounds by eating only meat. Look at this guy. Congratulations.

He’s unbelievable. Thank you. I was trying to focus in the camera. I was trying to zoom in to see him. I’m like, where is he? I know he’s in the studio.

Where is he? And then you’ve got over here, Slick Rick. Slick Rick, how much weight have you lost in six months? 92 pounds. Wow. And these homeboys are eating only meat all the time.

So I’d like for you to bring a voice of sanity here and perhaps a little estrogen. You know, you’re a mom, we’ve got five kids. What question or questions would you have for Dr. Baker about the idea of eating only meat all the time? Well, I 100% believe that it works

and I’m just an oddball where I’m one of those kids who was super picky, never had a bite of steak in my entire life. So I’m not a vegetarian, it’s not because I feel bad, I’ll eat eggs, I’ll eat chicken if it’s not weird I’m just it’s immensely in my mind so I think for someone like me

maybe it’s the most of you know I try to add protein powder in and collagen and eggs. Dr. Baker can’t we just take a perch in a pitcher like in a blender put up like a perch in the pitcher and blend it up and just have her liquefy and puree fish and meat and that kind of thing? Or what would be the solution for somebody as troubled as my wife? Well, I mean, you could do that.

I don’t know how it works. I know that it works. I just have a mental thing. So, yeah. Well, I mean, you know, some of it, you know, it depends on how you grew up. And my wife, to be honest, my wife, she’s from France and she was vegetarian for like

20 years and she still eats steak now, but she still, she will not cook it. She has to have it well done, which drives me crazy a little bit, because she just wasn’t used to that idea of thinking it’s blood. By the way, there’s no blood in meat. That red stuff is not blood, it’s myoglobin. It’s not actual blood that people worry about.

I think that while many of us on this carnivore diet do consume a lot of beef and lamb, primarily beef, there’s people that have had success consuming eggs and pork and fish and things like that so it’s doable from that way the problem they often run into is because that becomes so valuable on the start read me to stand a little bit more fat uh… cal’s are fattier animals and say chickens and so you run into issues and not consuming a fact and so then you have to augment

energy now you can you can add butter and all the stuff on there one way to do it a lot of people biggest finds these is true car car hydrates and so that’s why, you know, if we look at like the history of humans, you know, we hunted for a while, we killed these big animals, they kind of ran out.

We had to end up hunting skinnier animals, which didn’t have as much fat, so then we had to augment our energy supply with more and more plant products. We developed agriculture, and then we kind of went downhill as a species since that time. We got smaller, our brains shrunk, our bones got weaker. Agriculture certainly helped us to grow societally. We had civilization and it allowed for us to stay in one place and not have to roam

around chasing animal herds. But it had an individual detriment to our overall human health. I’m sure, Chloe, you have excellent access to really high quality meat. My wife in particular, she still didn’t like the fat. If I cook a ribeye steak, she’s cutting all the fat off, which drives me crazy.

So I get around that by getting like a really well marbled, like a USDA Prime, maybe a tenderloin, which has more fat marble, but it doesn’t have that, those pockets of fat, which can be off-putting for some people. So getting enough fat in there,

if you’re gonna go carnivore. Now, if you’re not, you know, just including more protein would help many. That’d be the road for me, is just kind of try to integrate. Well, I’m not trying to convince you to switch to a carnivore diet. I’m trying to convince Thomas to convince you to switch to a carnivore diet.

I’m just kidding. So Slick Rick, I’ve got to ask you, you’ve lost, again, I’m just taking notes here, I want to make sure I’m not exaggerating, 92 pounds in how many days? 171 days today. So what questions or concerns do people in your life have when they go, Rick, are you only going to eat meat again?

What questions do they have? Oh, so many people, they bring up the cholesterol. I had blood work done 75 days in, and my cholesterol dropped 30 points. Doctor was ecstatic. My insulin had dropped and everything.

Of course, everyone’s like, you’re not eating any fiber. You’re going to have colon cancer and all that. And he’ll contest, when you eat nothing but meat, it’s pure nutrition. When it comes to having your bowel movement in the morning, there’s not a lot there because your body absorbs it. When you eat all the standard American crap, you end up with a lot of crap.

Okay, so Thomas, I’m going to give you an opportunity, and I want my wife to think about the perfect question to paint Dr. Baker into the corner here. So Thomas, what question would you have for Dr. Baker about the carnivore diet, sir? Yeah, so I think my biggest question, so I have ankylosing spondylitis.

I was diagnosed with that when I was like 15, and I’ve been on Celebrex ever since then. And curious to hear your thoughts on managing that with carnivore, and obviously the goal there would be to get off medication. I just was able to cut my dose in half a couple weeks ago

because that CRP number was so low. And again, my doctor for that is a, don’t eat red meat once a month, that’s it, that’s max. So curious to hear your thoughts on that and kind of how to manage that and if that’s possible to hopefully get medication free

with that. Yeah, so those aren’t familiar with ankylosing spondylitis, it’s what we call an inflammatory arthropathy. So like kind of like in the category of like rheumatoid arthritis, we have these autoimmune,

inflammation-driven arthritis conditions. And carnivore diet has been wonderful for allowing people to see their inflammation drop. As he just pointed out, the CRP was very, very low, which is what we’d expect to see. If red meat were inflammatory, we wouldn’t see that.

We would expect it to go high. So as those inflammatory markers go down and your symptoms go away, the back pain goes away, maybe if you have SI joint pain or something along the lines, I would expect you to be able to continue to taper and hopefully come off those drugs. We see that all the time now. Again, what I will say is that when we have people with these

medical conditions, whether it’s ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, it usually takes six months to a year of a fairly strict diet to sort of put that completely in remission, get people off medications when it does occur. And then at that point, some people are able to loosen things up a little bit. They’re able to bring some things back in. So I don’t sort of sit there, this is what you’re going to have to eat for the rest of

your life. I consider a carnivore diet a therapeutic intervention. Minimum for most people is about three months. Some people need it three months, six months a year. And then most people that do this over the long term will include periodically things here. And they’re still going to eat a lot of meat.

I mean, they’re still going to be eating mostly meat, if not completely. Some people just like it because for the sake of being easy. But I mean, yes, you probably because taking Celebrex every day, you know, it’s a COX-2 and that’s really an inflammatory. It has downstream effects, kidney effects. It has effects on on our overall health.

So we want to get off medications whenever possible. There’s no advantage to being on meds when you don’t need to be on them for sure. I think that’s a pretty safe statement. So you can get off that if you’ve got the cooperation of your doctor. I’m going to put in one plug for our company, Rivera, which we are a digital health company licensed in all 50 states, and we have physicians that actually do this on a daily basis.

They de-prescribe, they work with patients. Some of them are on Carver, some are on some other closed version, and that’s what we do. And it’s been really, really fun to watch these people. Real quick, I’m taking notes here, Dr. Baker. So I am hacking away in the mainframe as you are sharing here.

What’s that web address there, sir? What’s that web address? So go to, it’s called Revero, R-E-V-E-R-O, Okay, so that’s Revero. We are signing people up left and right.

We just hired a bunch more physicians. And so we do this and we just basically, we provide, you know, nutrition plans, we provide physician support, we provide coaches that interact with people on a daily basis if they need it. I mean literally they’re contacting you every day to make sure you are getting your questions answered, getting support you need. We’re checking labs all the time, we’re checking feedback

from our patients every day, we send the monitors to monitor stuff. And it’s really, you know, and I know, you know, Eric said Eric Trump’s going to be there. I know we have this Make America Healthy Again thing. This is a way to do this. This is a way that I’m very passionate about. We are actually putting into practice what we’ve been preaching for many years.

I’ve been a critic of the healthcare system just because I think we’re incentivized the wrong way. We’re doing all this reactionary, pill for every ill type of thing. When the reality is we should be fixing people’s health so we don’t have so many sick people. We wouldn’t have to spend $4.5 trillion a year if we didn’t have 60-70% of the country

with chronic disease. If we can fix that, it’s going to go a long way to make our country better. I’m going to pull this up real quick before we go to Vanessa here. This is just an idea. I don’t know if this will work, Thomas, if you’re okay with this, but now that you’ve lost all this weight, you’re looking handsome.

If you could just change it, Dr. Baker, if you could change the way you say it, you could say, Rivero, the health company. And you could put Thomas in as the model. Look at this. You get Thomas in here. Do you want to try Rivero?

Yes. He said, do you want to get the sexy? See Thomas, you could be like the male model for all you got to do is because Thomas looks like he would speak that way. If you didn’t know him, you would think that he’s a swarthy looking, yeah. Check out Rivero.

It’s a great website to lose in the weight of years. I’m ready. I’m on the wait list. I’m ready to go. Awesome. Okay, so, Vanessa, I know that you weren’t planning on hopping on today’s show, but I

could see that you were behind the meal back there. I had to get you in here. What question would you have? You can fill out the final question. So, how much of a concern or do you think it’s a concern? You know, I think it’s really important to eat high-quality meat like you mentioned.

I know when I buy ground beef, it’s grass-fed. And now you hear about, of course, all the shots that they’re giving the animals and mRNA injections and hormones. How picky do you have to be about the meats you select when you’re eating only meat?

Yeah, that’s a great question. And I think you look at it from two ways, from an individual way and then as a societal way. Like I said, there’s Bovair, substance they’re going to feed the animals. This is something Bill Gates, I don’t know if you’ve read about that, but he’s investing in similar type things.

Again, is it a solution to a problem we don’t have? Is it unnecessarily driving up the cost and making it more expensive for farmers? Probably. It’s going to put a lot of them out of business, to be honest, and so we’re going to lose our access to that. On an individual level, I literally see people going to Walmart and buying meat and losing 100 pounds like these guys do. So, I mean, on a more sort of macro level,

on a population level, I said, yeah, you can just eat what you can afford. And if you can’t afford the best high-end stuff, you don’t have to do that. Now, again, if your ethics and your beliefs and you want to promote ranching or farming in a certain way, then absolutely it makes sense to spend the extra couple bucks there to do that. But I mean, we’re waiting on studies. I mean, I know some of the guys are doing some research on this, and we don’t have any

good studies on humans yet because it’s just hard to get this stuff funded because everybody’s putting their money in for drug development, and these types of things don’t make a lot of money for people. So I can certainly say don’t feel guilty if you can’t afford that stuff. If you can, and you certainly want to help these ranchers out, I would say buy direct from a rancher.

It’s a great way to do it. It will keep these guys in business longer. You guys are in Oklahoma, which is a huge, huge cattle state. I know I was working with Clay Stairs on perhaps having some Oklahoma folks do some research around this stuff. It is probably more important, I should say, just based on the physiology and anatomy of the animals,

that you eat high quality fish, chicken, and pork just because they’re monogastric animals as opposed to ruminants and they have less tolerance to crappy diets showing up in their meat, whereas cows, they’re magic animals. They really are. They’re just like the perfect species and they can just turn whatever into really high quality nutritious food for us, which is really cool.

Now, just to be clear, folks, I want people to understand this. Thomas, his company, it’s called Full Package Media, they do real estate photography. He is not a model. Vanessa, you know this. Thomas is not a model. So I don’t want people going to Full Package Media going, excuse me, can I get the Rivero

model? Is it possible? Can I hire him to come out and do my… No, it’s not a modeling service. They do real estate photography, right, Thomas? You’re not offering…

I know the inquiries have really gone up for your male modeling services. You’re not offering modeling services, you’re just real estate photography, correct? Not currently, but who knows. Now, again, that’s Rivero, folks. That’s the website, Rivero, yes. Check out Rivero if you want to get the sexy, yes.

Now, Slick Rick, you’re a beautiful man, and you came to our business conference, and it was the craziest thing ever, because I recognized your face, but I didn’t. And you’ve lost how much weight? 92 pounds? 92 pounds, 171 days. Craziness! So, final question, what final question do you have for Dr. Baker there? And then we’ll do one final question from Tom. So one final question, because everybody’s online asking, if I’m on a carnivore diet, what can I eat? We

established that early, you just only eat meat. Next question people say, well is eating the carnivore diet healthy? I think we’ve covered that, but what question would you have for Dr. Sean Baker? I don’t know if I got a question, but I’d say anybody who’s interested in it. You know, I think all of us have done all the major diets, the Weight Watchers, the intermittent fasting, all that. You pay money,

you get on a plan, you restrict yourself, you’re miserable on it. When you get off, you’re like, God, I can eat again now, and then your weight comes back on. The thing about carnivore, you get on it, you’re full, you’re not, I mean your diet’s restricted, but you’re not walking around in a hunger state. And I’m 51 years old, and I’ve never experienced hunger,

because I was a clock eater. I mean, 8.30 in the morning, I’m planning what I’m gonna eat at 11 o’clock and who with and where we’re gonna go, and then calling the wife, what are we having for dinner, and then snacks in the evening. And when I started carnivore, all that just kind of washed away.

My whole relationship with food changed, and it wasn’t all about just eating to be eating. You start learning that it’s there for nutrition and food. And as people see you change, they start asking you questions. They’re intrigued by it. I get people call me a couple times, and you start coaching them through and then they always ask the question,

can I still have a baked potato? Like, you can have whatever you want. It depends on the results you wanna get. Nobody’s gonna come to your house and say, you’re not a true carnivore. You know, I have one, I have a cousin, his wife,

and I’m curious about this, because I hear so many doctors’ opinions that I know from my own thing is like BS. I got one, he’s 5’7 and he’s 260 pounds and he’s got a hernia. Doctor wants him to lose weight

and they recommended gastric bypass. Like how ridiculous is that? Now, my wife, Dr. Baker, she stays thin by smoking. She started smoking about six months ago. She just, that’s smoke her way to thin, that’s what she does.

She just, she wasn’t sure where to start, so she went and said, what do you recommend? I’m thinking about getting addicted to this. I just mess with it. So Thomas, what final question would you have for Dr. Baker, sir?

Yeah, I think my final question, and you kind of talked a little bit about it earlier, and I’ve heard you put out some stuff on the lean mass hyper responder type person, individual. Is that, you only see that in people that are below a certain body fat percentage? Or is that people that are kind of on that path to losing weight with any sort of low no carb carnivore based diet?

Yeah, that again is the cholesterol question And and so like as to the point of Ricky said I my cholesterol actually went down The reason it went down is because he was probably of a BMI probably above class to obesity And so when we see people that are significantly obese, when they go carnivore or low carb, their cholesterol usually comes down. But, once they get to a certain threshold, and they start getting below BMI 25, and they

start getting leaner and leaner, that’s when we often see the cholesterol going up. That gets into the question, is that dangerous or not? That’s where the answer is, we don’t know for sure. It probably isn’t, or at least there’s evidence to suggest it’s not. And what we do show, and there was a really nice meta-analysis done in January of this year, 2024, they looked at 41 randomized controlled trials of low-carb, and they found the biggest

relationship again was lean body mass, most predictor for high cholesterol, higher body mass, it’s one of those things that, and saturated fat had no, real, saturated fat had very little impact. In fact, you can go on a low-carb diet and eat all like olive oil and unsaturated fat, you know, nuts and things like that, and you’ll see your cholesterol go up. And people have demonstrated that.

My friend Nick Norwich, who is a Oxford PhD, Harvard MD, has shown that eating Oreo cookies, believe it or not, he actually was able to lower his cholesterol by eating Oreo cookies just because of this lipid energy model and what it would predict. And so he went out and he ate 12 Oreo cookies a day and dropped his cholesterol by 200 points

just by eating Oreo cookies. Now I’m not advocating for eating Oreo cookies as a health food, but it’s just to demonstrate that this is what’s going on. We know why it’s happening now. Let me pull this up, let me pull this up here.

Final thoughts, I want to make sure we’re all on the same page here. If you want to meet the Rivero, and you want to meet, that would be you Dr. Sean Baker, the Rivero, or you want to meet the man who wants to be the male model potentially, who could be, who should be the male model for Rivero, and you want to meet Eric Trump, and you want to meet Robert Kiyosaki, and you want to meet my wife who’s been smoking her

way to thin for several, no, if you want to meet the dream team, all you got to do is step one. I got the steps here. OK, so step one, you go to Amazon, you find the carnivore diet. This is how you win a backstage pass. You go to carnivore. You go to Amazon.

You look for the carnivore diet. You buy a copy. You buy a copy and you screenshot it. If you for some reason can’t figure out how to screenshot it, draw me a picture of you buying the book. Do whatever you have.

And then just text me to my cell phone number. We’ll keep this private between you and me and everybody. That’s my cell phone number, 918-851-0102. He texts me proof of purchase, boom, you have a chance to win a backstage pass. As of right now, as of this morning,

we have 214 tickets remaining for our in-person workshop. That’s gonna be accessible. That’s the Thrive Time Show, a two-day interactive workshop. It’s gonna be March 6th and 7th in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I affectionately refer to it as Tulsa-Russellam. March 6th and 7th, Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Everybody out there, you should come to this event, but if you want to earn a chance to win a backstage pass, all you’ve got to do is buy the book, that’s The Carnivore Diet, on Amazon. Text me, proof of purchase, to my cell phone number, 918-851-0102. And if you want to learn more about Rivero, and I know you do, what you do is you just go to, and if you feel like Thomas should replace this guy, I don’t even trust

this guy. I don’t know who this guy is. But if you want Thomas to replace this guy, just text me to my cell phone number, folks. Seriously, just if you say, this guy has to get replaced with the true face of Rivero, Thomas Crossand, just text my cell phone number, 918-851-0102, and I’ll make sure that all of your feedback gets directly to Sean Baker, because I know he wants to spend his day

talking to you about who his male model should be for his website, Dr. Baker, you’re the star of today’s show, sir. I’ll give you the final word, final 30 seconds. What say you? Well, I say thank you. I love to see folks there in March in person, so if you haven’t already purchased your ticket

and you want to go get it, because I know they’re going to go fast and maybe we’ll need to stay together while we’re there. Big thing, don’t outsource your help to someone else. As a physician, I can tell you I care about my patients, but I only have like 15 minutes, you know, 15 minutes a couple times a year to care about you. You got to live with the results 24-7.

This is worth trying. You’ll learn a lot of stuff about yourself, and it’s very educational. As what Rick was saying, you’ll change your relationship with food. I think that’s essential. So many of us have bad relationships with food. This fixes it in many ways.

So give it a try, and have great holidays. Thank you so much. Merry Christmas to everybody. Thomas Crossin, thank you. Slick Rick, I really do appreciate you. I mean this, folks.

I was so excited to hear that Rick, he came up to me and he said, Clay, I’ve been on the carnivore diet since the workshop. I’ve lost over 80 pounds, mind-blowing. I’m on the phone with Thomas talking about your results, Rick. He said, I’ve been on the carnivore diet. I’m just super excited to hear success stories.

If you guys want to learn about the controversial approach my wife has taken to smoking her way to thin, you can talk to her about that at our workshop. Thank you guys, I really do appreciate it. We’ll talk to you soon. Take care.

Bye bye. Thanks, Coy. Hello, I’m Jordan, and this is my brother. And I’m Nace, and we’re with the Grid Down Chow Down. And this is Larry, who is a local rancher that we’ve partnered with. So we like to partner with the ranchers just like Larry to provide the best meat for Grid

Down Chow Down. Now, Larry, you’ve been ranching for over four generations, is that correct? That’s correct. I’m third generation, my son’s fourth generation, and I’ve got some grandkids that are fifth generation. Yeah, that’s awesome. And we’ve been here for quite a while, yeah.

Clay Clark is here somewhere. Where’s my buddy Clay? Clay’s the greatest. I met his goats today, I met his dogs, I met his chickens, I saw his compound. He’s like the greatest guy. I ran from his goats, his chickens, his dogs. So this guy’s like the greatest marketer you’ve ever seen, right? His entire life, Clay Clark, his entire life is marketing.

Okay, Aaron Antis, March 6th and 7th, March 6th and 7th, guess who’s coming to Tulsa, Russia? Ooh, Santa Claus? No, no, that’s March, March 6th and 7th. You’re going to be joined by Robert Kiyosaki, best-selling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, possibly the best selling or one of the best selling business authors of all time and he’s going to be joined with Eric Trump.

He’ll be joined by Eric Trump. We got Eric Trump and Robert Kiyosaki in the same place. In the same place. Aaron, why should everybody show up to hear Robert Kiyosaki? Well you got billions of dollars of business experience between those two, not to mention many many many millions of books have been sold. Many many millionaires have been made from the books that have been sold by Robert Kiyosaki. I happen to be one of them. I learned from the man. He was the

inspiration. That book was the inspiration for me to get the entrepreneurial spirit as many other people. Now since you won’t brag on yourself, I will. You’ve sold billions of dollars of houses, am I correct? That is true. And the book that kick-started it all for you, Rich Dad Poor Dad, the best-selling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki, the guy that kick-started your career, he’s gonna be here. He’s gonna be here, I’m pumped. And now Eric Trump, people don’t know this, but the Trump Organization has thousands of employees. There’s not 50 employees. The Trump Organization, again, most people don’t know this, but the Trump Organization has thousands of employees and while Donald J. Trump was the 45th president

of these United States and soon to be the 47th president of these United States, he needs someone to run the companies for him. And so the man that runs the Trump organization for Donald J. Trump as he was the 45th president of the United States and now the 47th president of the United States is Eric Trump. So Eric Trump is here to talk about time management, promoting from within, marketing, branding, quality control, sales systems, workflow design, workflow mapping, how to build.

I mean, everything that you see, the Trump hotels, the Trump golf courses, all their products, the man who manages billions of dollars of real estate and thousands of employees is here to teach us how to do it. You are talking about one of the greatest brands on the planet from a business standpoint. I mean who else has been able to create a brand like the Trump brand? I mean look at it and this is the man behind the business for the last pretty much since 2015. He’s been the man behind

it so you’re talking we’re into nine going into ten years of him running it and we get to tap into that knowledge. That’s gonna be amazing. Now think about this for a second. Would you buy a ticket just to see Robert Kiyosaki, Eric Trump? Of course you would. Of course you would.

But we’re also going to be joined by Sean Baker. This is the best-selling author, the guy who invented the carnivore diet. Dr. Sean Baker, he’s been on Joe Rogan multiple times. He’s going to be joining us. So you’ve got Robert Kiyosaki, the best-selling author

of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Eric Trump, Sean Baker. The lineup continues to grow. And this is how we do our tickets here at the Thrive Time Show. If you want to get a VIP ticket, you can absolutely do it. It’s $500 for a VIP ticket. We’ve always done it that way. Now, if you want to take a general admission ticket, it’s $250 or whatever price you want to pay. And the reason why I do that, and the reason why we do that,

is because we want to make our events affordable for everybody. I grew up without money. I totally understand what it’s like to be the tight spot. So if you want to attend, it’s $250 or whatever price you want to pay. That’s how I do it. And it’s $500 for a VIP ticket. Now, we only have limited seating here. But the most people we’ve ever had in this building was for the Jim Brewer presentation.

Jim Brewer came here. The legendary comedian Jim Brewer came to Tulsa. And we had 419 people that were here, 419 people. And I thought to myself, there’s no more room. I felt kind of bad that a couple of people had VIP seats in the men’s restroom.

Oh, no, I’m just kidding. So I thought, you know what, we should probably add on. So we’re adding on what we call the upper deck, or the top shelf. So the seats are very close to the presenters, but we’re actually building right now.

We’re adding on to the facility to make room to accommodate another 30 attendees or more. So again, if you want to get tickets for this event, all you have to do is go to Go to When you go to, you’ll go there, you’ll request a ticket, boom.

Or if you want to text me, if you want a little bit faster service, you say, I want you to call me right now. Just text my number. It’s my cell phone number. My personal cell phone number. We’ll keep that private between you, between you, me, everybody.

We’ll keep that private. And anybody, don’t share that with anybody except for everybody. That’s my private cell phone number. It’s 918-851-0102. 918-851-0102. I know we have a lot of Spanish-speaking people that attend these conferences, and so to be

bilingually sensitive, my cell phone number is 918-851-0102. That is not actually bilingual. That’s just saying Juan for a Juan. It’s not the same thing. I think you’re attacking me. Now, let’s talk about this.

Now, what kind of stuff will you learn at the Thrive Time Show workshop? So Aaron, you’ve been to many of these over the past seven, eight years. So let’s talk about it. I’ll tee up the thing, and then you

tell me what you’re going to learn here, OK? OK. You’re going to learn marketing, marketing and branding. What are we going to learn about marketing and branding? Oh, yeah. We’re going to dive into, you know, so many people say,

oh, you know, I’ve got to get my brand known out there, like the Trump brand. For you want to get that brand out there, it’s like, how do I actually make people know what my business is and make it a household name? You’re going to learn some intricacies

of how you can do that. You’re going to learn sales. So many people struggle to sell something. This just in, your business will go to hell if you can’t sell. So we’re going to teach you sales. We’re going to teach you search engine optimization,

how to come up top in the search engine results. We’re going to teach you how to manage people. Aaron, you have managed, no exaggeration, hundreds of people throughout your career and thousands of contractors. And most people struggle with managing people.

Why does everybody have to learn how to manage people? Well, because first of all, you either have great people or you have people who suck. And so it can be a challenge. Learning how to work with a large group of people and get everybody pulling in the same direction can be a challenge.

But if you have the right systems, you have the right processes, and you’re really good at selecting great ones, and we have a process we teach about how to find great people. When you start with the people who have a great attitude, they’re teachable, they’re driven, all of those things, then you can get those people all pulling in the same direction. So we’re going to teach you branding, marketing, sales, search engine optimization.

We’re going to teach you accounting. We’re going to teach you personal finance, how to manage your finance. We’re going to teach you time management. How do you manage your time? How do you get more done during a typical day?

How do you build an organization if you’re not organized? How do you do organization? How do you build an org chart? Everything that you need to know to start and grow a business will be taught during this two-day interactive business workshop.

But let me tell you how the format is set up here. And again, folks, this is a two-day interactive 15. Think about this, folks. It’s two days. Each day, it starts at 7 AM, and it goes until 5 PM. So from 7 AM to 5 PM, two days.

It’s a two-day interactive workshop. The way we do it is we do a 30-minute teaching session, and then we break for 15 minutes for a question and answer session. So Aaron, what kind of great stuff happens during that 15-minute question and answer session

after every teaching session? I actually think it’s the best part about the workshops, because here’s what happens. I’ve been to lots of these things over the years. I’ve paid many thousands of dollars to go to them. And you go in there, and they talk in vague generalities,

and they’re constantly upselling you for something, trying to get you to buy this thing or that thing or this program or this membership and you don’t you leave not getting your very specific questions answered about your business or your employees or what you’re doing on your marketing. What’s awesome about this is we literally answer every single question that any person asks. It’s very specific to what

your business is. And what we do is we allow you as the attendee to write your questions on the whiteboard. And then we take a 15-minute break to stretch and to make it entertaining when you’re stretching. And this is a true story. When you get up and stretch, you’ll

be greeted by mariachis. There’s going to probably be alpaca here, llamas, helicopter rides, a coffee bar, a snow cone. I mean, you had a crocodile one time. That was pretty interesting. You know, I should write that down.

And actually, sorry for that one guy. We lost the crocodile. We duct taped its face. So that’s right. We duct taped. It was a baby crocodile.

And we duct taped. Yeah, duct taped around the mouth so it didn’t bite anybody. But it was really cool to have that thing around. In fact, I should do that. I should.

We have a small petting zoo that will be assembled. It’s going to be great. And then you’re in the company of hundreds of entrepreneurs. So there’s not a lot of people in America today. In fact, there’s less than 10 million people today, according to U.S. Debt Clock, that identify as being self-employed.

So if you have a country with 350 million people, that means you have less than 3% of our population that’s even self-employed. So you only have 3 out of every 100 people in America that are self-employed to begin with. And when Inc. Magazine reports that 96% of businesses fail by default, by default, you have a 1 out of

1,000 chance of succeeding in the game of business. But yet the average client that you and I work with, we can typically double this. I’m just no, no, no hyperbole, no exaggeration. I have thousands of testimonials to back this up. We have thousands of testimonials to back it up. But when you work with a home builder, when I work with a business owner, we can typically double the size of the company within 24 months. Yeah. Double? And you say

double? Yeah, there’s businesses that we have tripled. There’s businesses we’ve grown 8x. There’s so many examples. You can see it throughout But again, this is the most interactive, best business workshop on the planet. This is objectively the highest rated and most reviewed business workshop on the planet.

And then you add to that Robert Kiyosaki, the bestselling author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad. You add to that Eric Trump, the man that runs the Trump Organization. You add to that Sean Baker. Now you might say, but Clay, is there more? I need more. Well, okay, Tom Wheelwright is the wealth strategist for Robert Kiyosaki. So people say, Robert Kiyosaki, who’s his financial wealth advisor? Who’s the guy who manages, who’s his wealth strategist? His wealth strategist, Tom Wheelwright, will be

here. And you say, Clay, I still, I’m not going to get a ticket unless you give me more. OK, fine. We’re going to serve you the same meal both days. True story. We cater to food. And because I keep it simple, I literally

bring them the same food both days for lunch. It’s Ted Escovedo’s, an incredible Mexican restaurant. That’s going to happen. And Jill Donovan, our good friend, who is the founder of Rustic Cuff, she started that company in her home.

And now she sells millions of dollars of apparel and products. That’s rustic And someone says, I want more! This is not enough! Give me more. Okay, I’m not going to mention their names right now because I’m working on it behind the scenes here. But we’ve got one guy who’s given me a verbal to be here. And this is a guy who’s one of the wealthiest people in Oklahoma.

And nobody really knows who he is because he’s built systems that are very utilitarian, that offer a lot of value. He’s made a lot of money in the uh… it’s the uh… it’s where you rent… it’s short term… it’s where you’re renting storage spaces. He’s a storage space guy. He owns the space… what do you call that? The rental… the uh… storage space? Storage units! This guy owns storage units, he owns railroad cars, he owns a lot of assets that make money on a daily basis, but

they’re not like customer facing. Most people don’t know who owns the mini storage facility or most people don’t know who owns the warehouse that’s passively making money. Most people don’t know who owns the railroad cars but this guy he’s giving me a verbal that he will be here and we just continue to add more and more success stories. So if you’re out there today and you want to change your life

you want to give yourself a incredible gift you want a life-changing experience you want to learn how to start and grow a company, go to Go there right now. Request a ticket for the two-day interactive event. Again, the day here is March 6th and 7th. March 6th and 7th. We just got confirmation. Robert Kiyosaki, best-selling author, Rich Dad Poor Dad, he’ll be here. Eric Trump, the man who leads the Trump Organization. It’s

going to be a blasty blast. There’s no upsells. Aaron, I could not be more excited about this event. I think it is incredible and there’s somebody out there right now you’re watching and you’re like, but I already signed up for this incredible other program called Smoke Your Way to Thin. I think that’s going to change your life. I promise you this will be ten times better than that. Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit smoking.

Don’t do the Smoke Your Way to Thin conference. That is, I’ve tried it, don’t do it. Chain smoking is not a viable, I mean, it is life changing. It is life changing. If you become a chain smoker, it is life changing. It’s not the best weight loss program to fight.

Right, not really. If you’re looking to have life changing results in a way that won’t cause you to have a stoma, get your tickets at Again, that’s Aaron Antis. I’m Clay Clark.

And reminding you and inviting you to come out to the two day interactive Thrive Time Show workshop right here in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I promise you, it will be a life-changing experience. We can’t wait to see you right here in Tulsa, Oklahoma.




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