When Can You Be Sincere with Your People If They Are Always Trying to Screw You?

Business Coach | Ask Clay & Z Anything

Audio Transcription

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “When you’ve got candor—and you’ll never completely get it,mind you—everything just operates faster and better. Now, when I say “lack of candor” here, I’m not talking about malevolent dishonesty. I am talking about how too many people—too often—instinctively don’t express themselves with frankness.
They don’t communicate straightforwardly or put forth ideas looking to stimulate real debate. They just don’t open up. Instead they withhold comments or criticism.” – Jack Welch (The CEO who grew GE by 4,000% during his tenure)

Every day at work is “Show Time,” nobody gets to see anything negative ever until they are in your inner circle.
Almost no one must be allowed in your inner circle.
You must test people by watching what they do when you are not around.
You must confide in people small meaningless secrets or bits of information to see if they share it with somebody else.
You must have the mindset that you trust no one at first and that both trust and respect must be earned.
Your ability to be candid is only equal to your ability to recruit high quality people. You can be super candid with your team, and end up alone and understaffed if you cannot recruit solid people.

Get ready to enter the Thrive time show on talk. Radio 1170 broadcasting live from the center of the universe. It’S business coach school without the BS featuring optometrist turned entrepreneur. Dr. Robert zoellner, with usba entrepreneur of the Year Clayton Clark and Steve the smoke smoke really in golf. The business coach studio here so it’s yeah, it’s bad I’ve open some windows. I know it seems like I’m crying because I’m getting such so much good business advice, but it’s actually the smoke. Why did the credible now cuz all the smoke but Steve that painted wood under the pine wood really took off more than we expected yeah? It’S alright to say it got out of control, know any that we were danger it just a smoke was mass about the fire. Alarm didn’t go off upstairs. Yes, and you is a man of Technology, a man of speed. You were able to rush upstairs and what button did you hit to turn off the smoke alarm? Will it take me a minute, but I hit the off button, the off but yeah? It was what was your first clue that was the button to hit well, I have an alarm that’s similar to that, but I never had the fire portion of it go off and I wasn’t sure if you guys have like some kind of like a secret code Which known the business coach Clark family might have been like a 19 digit code, amazing Nation, the question was asked, it says it says: when can you be sincere with people and open if the entire time you need to make them feel the way you need them to feel When can you be sincere with people and open if the entire time you need to make them feel the way they need to feel to get things done? Can you ever show anyone? Your true intentions are good question or Steve. Can you be sincere with people when you when you are at work, I mean? When, can you really do that and I’m going to go and break down when you can be sincere with people and when you need to not be so here we go Steve. Are you ready, I’m ready Jack Welch said this Jack wants to see who grew GE buy 4000 % during his tenure. He said when you got Candor. That means being completely honest with people all the time being bluntly brutally honest your anal, never completely.

Get it mind you everything just operates faster and better when you’ve got kander and you’ll never completely get kander myju everything just offered it’s faster and better. Now, when I say lack of Candor here, I’m not talking about malevolent dishonesty, I’m talking about how to many people too often stick that we don’t express who sells with frankness. They don’t communicate, straightforwardly or put forth ideas looking to stimulate real debate. They don’t open up. They just don’t open up; instead, they withhold comment or criticism. This is business coach Jack Welch, the CEO, who grew G Y, close to 4000 % during his tenure. So here’s my answer to your question: is your my my action steps. My 6 action steps for you. If you’re struggling to wanting to know Wendy, when can you be candid with people when you’re managing them every time you’re at work, it is Showtime every day at work is Showtime, nobody gets to see anything negative ever until they are in your inner circle, Steve. Why is this so important because of the way that humans operate in my opinion, is there’s a lot of uncertainty and gossip that can happen based on what people tell themselves right, so they hear a little bit of a little something or they feel a little bit Of a little negativity or something and their brain or mine goes to a place that isn’t even what reality is, so you can cause problems in your own organization. I would highly recommend that you always have the mindset with it. When you get to work, it is Showtime if you’re a leader or an entrepreneur, you absolutely cannot communicate anything negative with your team ever were they will freak out also number two. I would recommend that you allow almost nobody Into Your Inner Circle. I would recommend that you would allow almost nobody Into Your Inner Circle Steve. Why is it so important? Why is it so important that you let very few people into your inner circle podcast that another, the percentage of people that have ultimately screwed me and my business over time? It is a high percentage in 98.7 and since you know we talked about the ABC report that says, 75 % of employees are stealing from you multiple times and she don’t know people’s intentions until that you don’t. First of all, I don’t need anymore friends like I’m. Not looking for friends – and so I think, a lot of business owners make the mistake when they get employees that are cool or they are they there like them and they think like them. They bring him in in their bodies and you can’t manage and grow people and lead people that your buddies with it’s very hard to do that yeah! It’S tough, because it’s because of what Jack Welch you’re saying, then you can’t be candid with him. Actually, you must test people by watching what they do when you are not around Steve. Why is that a huge litmus test? Why do you want to watch what people do when you are not around as the owner her manager? Will you see their character? You see their real the real thing. It’S like you know. People say that all the time that you character is is, are you the person that you are in front of me as you are when I’m not around and so you’d? That gives you an opportunity.


That’S why we record our business coach calls. That’S why we video recording audio record everything because, as a business owner, you need to be able to tap in when you’re, not there and see. What’S going on Steve here, it’s kind of secret, it’s kind of a move. People don’t like this move, but I do it. You must confide in people small, meaningless Secrets or bits of information to see if they share it with somebody else. I do this all the time things that don’t matter to me at all and fix it, don’t matter if you share it with somebody, and you said: hey, let’s keep this between you and me, but when you share something meaningless, you can quickly tell if it gets Out there cuz it just doesn’t care about anyway, but it’s kind of a thing where you go well. Everybody else knows about it, but I’ve told nobody else. It looks like Vero Beach speller, so it’s really important that you test people before you give them big task. Moon a reply: you must have the mindset that you can trust no one at first and that both trust and respect must be earned. You cannot give out respect to every single person that you need, just as example of just just because they are on they. Are they are a bit exist just because they were born to the planet? Earth doesn’t mean that they are deserving of your respect, just because they are somebody who you know or someone you think is your friend. You absolutely cannot just give out trust and respect to anybody cry and move never 6. Your ability to be candid is only equal to your ability to recruit high quality people. You can be super cated with your team and end up alone and understaffed. If you cannot recruit some people business coach Steve, you absolutely cannot be candid with people unless you can replace them. Why? Well, because the people take when your candid with people people get offended and if they, if you haven’t done that litmus test with that employee to find out if they actually can’t handle the truth, then you hurt people’s feelings, even though you told them what they needed To hear, and then they bounce and then you’re in a pickle, because you don’t have that person and you’re having to figure out how to go, hire someone. I would recommend that you put a huge emphasis on recruiting people if you’re going to put a huge emphasis on being candid now, if you want to be to put a huge emphasis on getting free tickets to our next in person, Thrive time show Workshop. I encourage you to type into Google drive time show.com in the word. Itunes, that’s ThriveTime show in the word. Itunes, we have to do is simply subscribe and leave us a review and you will receive two free tickets to our next in person to day DriveTime workshops should I come or should I stay 2.


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