Business Podcast | STOP GOING THE WRONG WAY!!! + Why Do 96% of Businesses Fail By Default According to Inc Magazine? Discover the Proven Path to Achieving Success + Celebrating Ben & Tonya Success Story!

Show Notes

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Audio Transcription

I got I gotta stop and go to the bathroom.

Just go back. Oh.

Actually, it works.

Well, I. Well, I. Well, I. Where I find my hair, where I find my hair, where I find my hair You could be anywhere doing a lot of different things, but you chose to be here. Some shows don’t need a celebrity narrator to introduce the show.

But this show does. In a world filled with endless opportunities,

why would two men who have built 13 multi-million dollar businesses altruistically invest five hours per day to teach you the best practice business systems and moves that you can use because they believe in you and they have a lot of time on their hands. They started from the bottom now they’re here. It’s the Thrive Time Show starring the former US Small Business Administration’s Entrepreneur of the Year, Clay Clark. And the entrepreneur trapped inside an optometrist’s body,

Dr. Robert Zunich. Two men, eight kids, co-created by two different women. Thirteen multi-million dollar businesses.

We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We should try. Started from the bottom, and now we’re at the top. Teaching you the systems to get what we got.

Colton Dixon’s on the hooks. I break down the books. He’s bringing some wisdom and the good looks. As a father of five, that’s why I’m alive. So if you see my wife and kids, please tell them hi. It’s the CNC.

I’ll put you ready to go.

And now, 3, 2, 1, here we go!

We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom, and we’ll show you how to get here. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom, now we’re here.

We started from the bottom, and we’ll show you how to get here.

Thrive Nation, on today’s show, we are talking about correct and counter-cultural words of wisdom in a world going the wrong way you see if you think about our country for a second we have about 330 million Americans that we know of We have about 300 there of 330 million Americans get in our country. There’s about 330 million Americans And about twenty seven point nine million of those Americans actually start a business So twenty seven point nine million of those three hundred and thirty million Americans actually start a business.

So that means that, don’t get all hung up on the numbers, I’m just saying that right now approximately, approximately 10% of America starts a business. Maybe even 7%. So we’re saying there are less than 10% of the American population out there that actually starts a business. Now, Dr. Breck, did you have to study math at all in college?

Yes, I did.

Okay, you are a chiropractor. I am. So tell me if my math sounds somewhat correct here. If there are 330 million Americans in our country, and there are 27.9 million people who start their own business, we could say less than 10% of our country is self-employed, or attempts to be.

Now, if less than 10% of our population, Jason, starts a business, but only one out of ten of them doesn’t fail. Again, according to Forbes, nine out of ten businesses fail. Would that mean that one percent of our population is successful as a business owner?

My math adds up, yes.

Breck, does that make sense? Yes, it does. Again, so we have 330 million Americans out there. 27.9 million actually start a business, but nine out of ten fail, that would be less than one percent. Right.

And that just means that they haven’t failed. Now let’s think about this for a second. Of those businesses, 8 out of 10 of those people will not be around for more than 5 years. So what it means is we have about 2 tenths of a percent of the people listening to other shows.

All of our listeners are successful because they thankfully apply what they’re learning. But what happens is people do what works and then the consistency of doing the right thing begins to get difficult. When you begin to do the right things over and over and over, you maybe get worn out. Not you the listener, but other people get worn out and they start to say, everybody’s Everybody’s always telling me I’m going the wrong way

and I’m tired of constantly swimming upstream. I’m fatigued by doing the right thing because everyone says it’s wrong and I’m tired of the conflict and therefore they quit. So what we’re going to do on today’s show is we’re going to break down some words of wisdom from some people who are undeniably successful

people that you could say have done very very well. So Jason is going to read the notable quotable. Then I have turned all these into posters. So I’ve spent probably 50 hours making this show, getting it ready. There are posters, there are images that all the listeners can click on, like infographics. You’ll be able to go to today’s show notes and click and look at the gallery of all these and maybe download them and print them off and put them somewhere up in your office where

they can hopefully motivate you and your staff. So again you’ll go to today’s show notes and there you will find a link to the images so you can download those infographics. Dr. Breck do you have any motivational posters or quotes or items or anything that you kind of keep around your house or your office or verses or anything you just kind of keep out there to keep you accountable or going in the right direction?

Yeah, I keep some different Bible verses and things readily available to see.

Okay, and why do most people put out these things, Jason? Why would we advise our listeners to maybe listen to today’s Notable Quotables and actually print out maybe a couple of these and put them up somewhere where they will see them all the time?

Well, it’s a good thing to have them up where you can see them all the time. Take for instance, at Thrive. You have over the decades you’ve been in business, picked all these awesome little quotes. And I remember when I first walked in, I’m like, I like all the knick-knacks in here.

Then I stopped to read them. Even the ones like, by the urinal. I read them and I’m just like, wow, that was powerful. I didn’t think about that today, and now I’m glad I did. So it keeps it top of mind.

What motivational quotas by the urinal?

The listeners want to know. Oh, my favorite one ever, which got erased,

and you had to rewrite it.


Yeah, we had a person who attended the conference who didn’t like it, who erased it. So I asked them to leave and then rewrote it, but continue. But I’m paraphrasing, but it says if you are not willing to work 60 to 80 hours per week for the next six years,

please deposit your dreams here. And it’s got an arrow leading to the urinal.

Yeah, because that’s what it takes.


Dr. Breck, how long have you been a chiropractor?

Going on 16 years now.

And how long do you think it took you to become quote unquote successful by some standard?

Yeah, a long time. A long time.

More than 10 years?

Yes, 12.

I was just reading the ESPN story this week and I’m almost done with it. That right there, these guys started ESPN and after like 7 years in business, they had lost almost $45 million. almost 45 million dollars. Wow. And they just kept pouring money into it, money into it, and then finally they righted

the ship after a decade. So I mean, a lot of these big companies you see today had struggles. FedEx took over a decade to become profitable. Amazon took over a decade. Tesla took over a decade. So Jason, let us read, read to us first the person’s name so we kind of know who they

are and then read the notable quotable.

All right, so this one’s coming straight from Maya Angelou.

It says, nothing works unless you do. Read that again, please. Maya Angelou says, nothing works unless you do. She’s a famous African-American poet, actress, writer. She was famously asked by President Clinton to speak at his inauguration.

And she says, nothing works unless you do. This right here, I encourage you, Mr. and Mrs. Listener, to think about that for a second. Are you implementing what you’re learning? As an example, if you said, Clay Clark, how do I get to the top of Google? And I said, there’s four variables that will impact your rank.

Those would be, what Jason? One would be the most original HTML content. Right, so the most words, the most content. The second would be the most and highest rated Google reviews. Okay, and then the next one would be the most mobile compliance and the next one would be the most canonical compliance. Right so you know those

things. Yeah. So if you’re out there listening and you say okay I now know what I need to do you might have a follow-up question you say my site is currently built on Wix and we would say you should switch your website over to what Jason? WordPress. Right now that you know you need to switch to WordPress and you know you need to write the most content and you know you need the most reviews, it’s up to you to take action. True. And then what’s gonna happen, Jason, is once you start working, you’re not

gonna see immediate success. So our clients like Tip Top K9 or Dr. J Schroeder or Living Water Irrigation, people who’ve earned, like Oxyfresh, who’ve earned their way to the top of Google, they’re really excited that it doesn’t happen overnight. Why? Well, because they understand how hard it is. I mean, you have to keep at it and it’s not easy to beat them. Right. They’ve worked hard for that. That’s why Google doesn’t just give the top placement to somebody. I mean, Breck, let’s how many do you have

any reviews you have right now? I don’t know right now. Oh, boy. I know I should have known. No, no. Let me look it up real quick. I want to see it is rolling over in his non grave. Dr. Breck has 302 Google reviews. Wow. Now, Breck, you’ve had to work years for that. Yeah, it turns out you have to do a good job For people won’t give you a good review. Mm-hmm. So I see a lot of startups, you know say man How do you get reviews? Step one do a great job

Step two do a great job day after day after day for years. Yep step three you will have success But can’t be overnight. I want it to be overnight. No and quit watching Tai Lopez videos. Nothing works unless you do. Jason, what is the next notable quotable? Who’s it from? The next one is from Benjamin Netanyahu.

Okay. Is that how you pronounce it?


All right. He says, peace is purchased from strength.

It’s not purchased from weakness or unilateral retreats. This would be the head of Israel.


This would be like their version of a president. And what Benjamin’s saying is that peace, read it again, peace is purchased from strength, it is not purchased from weakness. So for all the pacifists out there who think we shouldn’t have a military, you’re wrong. For all the pacifists out there that want to take your team, gather them around, and ask for consensus, guys, what do you think the penalty should be if we don’t make enough

cold calls?

Breck, if you came into my office and asked one of my employees, right? Hey, how many cold calls do you think you want to make today? Mm-hmm Do you think they’re gonna give you a big number you know? I don’t think they would so what you do is you give them a quota Right and you say if you make this amount of calls you have a job, right? And if you don’t you don’t have a job, but we have because we’re always interviewing Jason

We’re constantly recruiting new people. We don’t have what, Jason?


Well, we never lack anybody who can actually do that job. There we go! We might have turnover if we want to have turnover. I want to turn over anybody who refuses to do their job, because nothing works unless you do. Right.

But if you’re out there saying, well, I just don’t like conflict, well, get off the field. Stop playing this business. Seriously! Breck, think about your team over the years. You have a great team now.


But on a basic level, whether it be cleaning a bathroom, or returning calls, or filing claims with insurance, what kind of things have you run into where employees just wouldn’t

do it?

It mostly turns into like paperwork things. You know, just the mundane type of tasks that have to be done.

I forgot.

Breck, could you do it for me? I forgot Brett could you remind me Jason? Could you remind me to make my calls? I’m for God by default I’m just saying by default people drift. Yep. So you have to have strength Jason. What’s the next notable cord? What is it from next one’s coming from a Tillman for Tita? He says people throw in the towel because they don’t know how to fight you’d be surprised how much fight you have in you If you just do it, this is the guy who owns the Golden Nugget Casino, Landry’s, the restaurants, the Houston Rockets.

Repeat it again, please. People throw in the towel because they don’t know how to fight. You’d be surprised how much fight you have in you if you just do it. What does that mean to you, Jase?

To me, it means that there are a lot of people who, the second they face adversity, they’re like, oh, it’s too hard.

Not prepared for this.

Can’t do it. And when I say people, I don’t know if I, I can’t remember if I brought up these stats, but there’s 330 million people in the U.S. that we know about, 27.9 million of which started a business, 1% of which are successful. I think there’s more people than not who quit as soon as they run into adversity. I have a really sad story I want to share with the listeners that hopefully will provide

you the level of discouragement needed to get encouraged. There was a guy who wanted to be a client and I knew the guy through church. He didn’t have enough money to become a client. I said, hey, you can be kind of a unicorn thing here. I’m going to teach you what to do free of charge and you just have to do it. So he had a restaurant, kind of a gourmet restaurant.

So he says, yeah, I would love that. As a way to repay you in some capacity for teaching me what to do, I’ll provide you and your wife with free meals at my restaurant.” So I thought, not to abuse the situation, but let’s go ahead and go there one time. So we booked a dinner reservation at 7 o’clock, 7 p.m. I went there at 7 p.m.

I went there at 6.45. Again, the reservation is at 7. Jason, when do you feel like, I said, I checked with the lady, ma’am, do you have us down for 7?

Oh, yes.

When do you think they brought me back?

Given your typical high-end restaurant that doesn’t follow a system, 7.30.


So we go back at 7.30, and we talked about this. We had a meeting about this. I said, you need to have your overhead… There’s a checklist, okay? Overhead music has to be on. Lighting has to be a little bit more dim.

True. Up lights, on, menus, out, staff, in uniform, checklists being used, etc. There’s no overhead music being played in the restaurant.


Do you realize how awkward it is to go to a restaurant that’s trying to be a high-end restaurant, it’s a newer restaurant, and it’s packed because he launched the ads that I told him to launch. So he’s got customers in there, no overhead music.

All you’d hear is that sound from Ace Ventura, the scratching of the knife and fork on the


Right! So I’m just saying, 7.30 we got brought back, no overhead music’s on. Then all the staff wasn’t wearing uniforms.

They were all just wearing whatever.



Everyone’s wearing a different outfit.

Some people were dressing classy, some people were dressing assy, but everyone’s dressing. So I, after the meal, was not a good experience. I saw him the next week for a meeting. And he said, what do you think? And I said, can I be candid with you? He says, yes, you can.

I said, I would never go back there. The food was not on time. The staff didn’t know what they were doing. And there was no overhead music. And he goes, yeah, the staff, I talked to them and they were tired of hearing the same songs

over and over. So he just turned it off. So he turned it off. No, seriously. And he said, and people hated wearing the same thing every day. So I just told him to dress professionally and on and on and on.

And I said, dude, you have to fight. He said, I don’t want to fight, though. I don’t want to fight. I don’t like the conflict. This guy’s in his late 40s. I said, I got to ask you, how many restaurants have you started and stopped in your career?

Seriously, what’s the number?



And he goes, you know, just the economy in Tulsa isn’t ready for this kind of feel, this kind of vibe. You know, it’s more of a trendy, and I just discovered Tulsa’s not really into that kind of vibe, you know? So he’d already decided to mentally quit just a few weeks into it.

He had his excuses ready.

Ready to go. So we regather, we remotivate, we recalibrate. He’s ready to go this week now.

Ready to go.

So he said, Clay, I’m doing your move and I’m going to hire the band. I’m going to hire the band like you said and it’s going to happen. So he hires the band, a good band, I recommended to him. The band’s playing now. Vanessa and I went there one more time. People were on time. The band is there. Good energy, good vibe. He did the ad. The ad said, come eat at Yada Yada’s and you’ll have a

chance to win a flat screen TV. We’re giving one away this Friday. Half off of drinks, half off of appetizers for first time customers, live music. We go in, there’s a good energy. Get towards the end of the night and I said, hey, you going to give away that TV?

He said, no.

I said, why not?

He said, well, it’s not enough people.

But I’m serious.

It’s crazy.

I don’t know what that is.

I can’t relate to that.

But I think it’s just a thing where it’s saying you’re going to do something and doing it are different things, and it requires you to fight either with yourself mentally or to

fight with those around you.

There’s got to be some fight to get it done. I mean, Rick, have you had things you’ve had to fight for with your business? Oh, for sure. What are some of the things you’ve had to fight for? I mean, I think it’s just a thing where it’s saying you’re going to do something and doing it are different things, and it requires you to fight either with yourself mentally or

to fight with those around you. I mean, I think it’s just a thing where it’s saying you’re going to do something and doing it are different things, and it requires you to fight either with yourself mentally or to fight with those around you. I mean, I think it’s just a thing where it’s saying you’re going to do something and doing it are different things, and it requires you to fight either with yourself mentally or

to fight with those around you. I mean, I think it’s just a thing where it’s saying you’re going to do something and doing it are different things, and it requires you to fight either with yourself mentally or to fight with those around you.

I mean, Rick, have you had things you’ve had to fight for with your business?

Oh, for sure.

What are some of the things you’ve had to fight through, either internally, mentally, or with the team, or with lenders, or landlords? I mean, there’s got to be some kind of fight.

Yeah, I mean, there’s any number of things. For so long, I felt like I was just paddling upstream, so every day was just a fight. But I mean, the hours that we work. And then our pricing, we’ve had pushback on that. Massage therapist, there’s eternally a fight over one thing or another. Certain paperwork or certain things, scripts are another thing that we’ve had some fight

on. The team maybe doesn’t want to follow scripts. What advice would you have for the listener out there who’s been struggling for years and they tried to raise prices and they got some pushback from their staff so they didn’t. Right. And they wanted to implement scripts but they got some pushback so they didn’t.

What advice would you have for them about fighting?

Well for one I am kind of adverse to conflict myself and so one of the things I would tell people is once you stand firm and you take that fight, later on you don’t have to fight as much. You start to gain the respect of your employees and then they don’t fight back. Just like with your children. I mean when you stand firm and they know where the ground is, they know where the rules are, they know where the boundaries are, all of a sudden they quit pushing them.

Because they just know they’re not going anywhere with it. I used to fight a lot more. I don’t fight near as much anymore. I fight smaller and less frequent. This is very true.

But if you don’t have that initial brawl… Correct.

But you’ve got to be willing to get into a few fights early on, and then you don’t have to fight anymore.

That is good wisdom right there. Jason, what is the next notable quotable, and who’s it from? The next quotable is coming to us from Jesus himself. It says, Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5.10. Alright, from the book called the Bible, Matthew 5.10,

chapter Matthew, Matthew is the chapter, Matthew is the book, the book of the Bible, Matthew, the chapters 5, the verses 21. Read it again please. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Give us some examples that you see on that notable quotable, that print piece. Some examples, I think you should see right there.

OK, you got to.

Yes. So the great who died early, Jesus, age 33.

Jesus died when he was 33, folks, because he stood up for what was right.

Right. And then Abraham Lincoln at age 56.

Abraham Lincoln died, folks. He was being people did not want to end slavery. Next one. And then the next is Martin Luther King Jr. died at age 39 because he did what well he fought for things that other people were not necessarily sat on such as such as uh… their treatments and uh… equal rights

do you have one of those who understand this to understand that for years up until like the late sixties if you were a black guy you couldn’t drink from a water fountain you could go to the pre-combat throughout jacked up as that as we decided to do the controversial thing and to stand up for what was right.

Now, I want to make sure the listeners out there get this idea. Make sure you get this idea. Get this idea. Back in the 60s, because I’ve always been a very controversial person, I don’t mind

standing up for things.

It’s true. If I lived in like Georgia, let’s say, back in the 60s, this is how I roll. I’ve always been that way. If I had a friend at school and he was black, and I’m like, hey, come on over to my house. And you, the vast majority of people, not our listeners, but other people who are going to Lutheran churches and Baptist churches, you understand, the vast majority, almost everybody, thought it was unethical

for a white guy to hang out with a black guy.

Yeah, right.

Do you get that idea? And so I would have said back in the day, screw off, everybody. I’m going to hang out with who I want to. Just like I do now. I mean, if you look around our office, it’s like the color wheel. It’s true. I mean, we have all different races and ages and genders. I don’t get into this whole, I don’t go, well, we need, for this photo, I need two more white

guys to balance it out.

I don’t, I mean, but seriously, Jason, you know that. Over time, our staff gets more and more diverse just because the population does. Yeah. But if you look around our staff, I mean, black, white, all that wouldn’t have been possible without Martin Luther King jr. Yeah, and he died he said I’ve seen the mountaintop That was the that was his his speech

He saw the mountaintop and he knew he knew that he wasn’t going to get there with you That was the theme of his speech. Mm-hmm. Do you understand how crazy that is for him to deliver the speech? Knowing he would be killed in the next few days. That’s heavy and the fact that he did it Anyway, yeah, he knew if he delivered that speech that he had seen the mountaintop and he says in his speech I might not that I might not get there with you, but I’ve seen the mountaintop. I might not get there with you But I’ve seen it

And I want you to know it’s worth it right that’s the kind of stuff I’m talking about What are you trying to do? We trying to live a life or we want to get along with everybody That’s what everybody was doing in the South It was like yeah, I might I might think racism is wrong, too, but I don’t want to upset anybody. Technically, it’s the law. Think about this for a second.

Think about this, Mr. Listener, Mrs. Listener.


How is that possible? How does that pitch work? It’s like, here’s the deal. I think that it would be best for Germany to kill all of the Jewish people. For me, I would go, get out of here! You’re out of your freaking mind!

Are you nuts? But the vast majority of the German people went with it. Not some, because most people are wrong about most things most of the time, because we just want to get along. So you’re saying that the Third Reich and the Nazis, I can just sort of you know get along with mister hitler in his ridiculous mustache okay so i’ll go

ahead and follow get out of here

that’s why the vast majority of americans were in favor


slavery that’s why the vast majority of americans were in favor of racism did you know that world war two winston churchill the prime minister of england

that he actually called fdr and asked him to help. And do you know what FDR said?


Right. And they did a poll of the average American, and well over 70% of Americans did not ever want to help the Jewish people. And do you know why we finally ended up going over there and attacking the Nazis and winning the war?

Do you have any idea why?

I would assume something hit too close to home, and so we were finally just like, well, now we’re involved. We got bombed by the Japanese. But if they wouldn’t have bombed us we would have just let it happen they

brought the fight to us

seriously I’m just saying if you’re out there today you have to understand whether it’s fighting the Nazis fighting racism or getting your staff to freaking use a script it’s going to require some fight right now peace we talked about it from from mr. Benjamin Netanyahu that peace can only be ensured by having

the sword yes so I have a quote here by my axe. It says, bury the hatchet, but remember where you put it. So I’m all about like, hey, I’ll bury the hatchet, but I remember where it is. I have certain members of my family who cross that line, extended family, and I’ll let them know, hey, I’m going to forgive you, but I swear, if you do one thing again, I’m coming after you.

And it just happened to get on Friday again another family member it starts off with Lobbing an email across here comes the email and then here it comes and then there we go again Get out that sword and I know that for the rest of my life about every nine months I have to pull out that sword with that individual because certain people only respect the sword So understand if you’re out there today success requires some fighting Jason What’s the next notable quotable the next notable quotable comes to us from Albert Einstein

and he says, if you can’t explain it to a six-year-old you don’t understand it yourself. Albert Einstein’s historical significance is this, without Albert we would all be speaking German. True. Because the Germans were developing a nuclear bomb. People don’t know this but Einstein was Jewish and he was the leading scientist in Germany. So he was the top scientist and he was the one who developed the theories and the concepts needed to make nuclear weapons and so he

Realized the Germans were perverting what he’d come up with the nuclear power and we fled to America to save his life He shared with FDR Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Hey, dude. Here’s the deal. Hey, dude, they’re making a na-na-na-na. Hey, dude, he says, hey, hey, hey, listen, they’re making a nuclear weapon and we need to make our own. Otherwise, they’re going to drop it on us. And FDR’s going, no, no, we’re good.

We’re good. We’re building roads and making the 38-hour work week and we’re good. We are good, baby. We’re good. We have nothing to fear but fear itself. Meanwhile, Adolf Hitler is over there, he’s talking about sauerkraut, and he’s going to

take off his lab hat! And so, Einstein sent him a letter, which is a powerful letter when you read it, it’s so passive, and then you’re like, holy crap. What he’s saying is, if you don’t develop a weapon now, we’re going to die. So FDR’s like, well, based upon the fact that we are now fighting them and we need some help, please help!

So Einstein said, let’s get Oppenheimer, let’s get Robert Oppenheimer, the leading professor that I know, let’s start this thing called the Manhattan Project, and let’s develop in a year something that the Nazis have been working on for 10 years. We better start now. But without Einstein, we would be speaking German right now. We would have lost. So let’s read that quote again, knowing who said it.

So he says, if you can’t explain it to a six-year-old you don’t understand it yourself. This is the problem with teaching management leadership We do our staff meeting for elephant room every Friday Jason through how often do I explain to people if you don’t get it? It’s because I’m a bad teacher every time you’ve heard me say this for years Yeah in the coaches meetings and our manager meetings and all staff meeting But you I’m sure Breck you’ve been to seminars before where somebody just speaks entirely in jar and jargon

Oh, absolutely, and then you leave going, I don’t know what you’re talking about.

I’m not really sure what he said.

I’m not sure he said anything.

Have you ever been to a workshop where you actually left feeling dumber?

Yeah, I have.

I feel like most workshops I’ve ever been to, I leave going, I have no idea what’s going on. So it’s really important that you, the listener, if you have a staff and you manage people, you have to become very good at teaching something to who? Jason, what age group does he say here? Six year old.

So a six year old.

And if you can’t break it down to a six year old, you are not a good communicator.

First grader.

First grade. Yeah, first grade. First grade level, baby. All right, next up, Jason. So the next one’s coming at us from Wolfgang Puck. So it’s prefaced with this phrase, you learn by doing.

And he says, I left school when I was 14 to work in kitchens. He said what? He left school when he was 14 years old to work in kitchens. Who said that?

Wolfgang Puck. Who’s that?

He is the master chef who has his own grocery store line of foods, he has his own restaurant.

The soups in the kitchen.

The soups in the kitchen.

Several restaurants.

Cookware, celebrity chef.

TV shows.

He said what again? That he left school when he was 14 in order to work in kitchens. You gotta learn by doing. True. So if you’re out there today going, I don’t know how search engines work. You’re gonna learn by doing it.

Come to a workshop. Emphasis on the work part. There are workshops.

It’s hands-on, man.

You’re learning. You’re working. You’re asking questions. It is so important that you learn by doing. You have to accept that idea. You don’t learn by reading endless books about the theories of doing something.

The theoretical knowledge of something is very different than doing it. Einstein said, theoretically, this is how we develop nuclear weapons. Theoretically. Oppenheimer, though, had to do it through testing and trial and error. And the rhythm of entrepreneurship is define, act, measure, refine. Define, act, measure, refine.

There we go. Define, act, measure, refine. That’s how you become successful as an entrepreneur you define what you think’s gonna work you act upon it Then you measure the results and then you refine it until it’s perfect. Yep. That’s the move Jesus What’s the next notable quote or the next one’s coming from? Jay-z aka Jehovah he says I will not lose

What does that say about his mindset that he is not weak he has fight in him He is defined that no matter what happens, he’s not losing. I think that’s really, really important that you get that idea. Breck, I think you’re that kind of way.

Yeah, I think I had to become that. I think it’s that biking mentality. You’ve got to burn the ships and have no backup plan. There’s no surrender, there’s no retreat, it’s forward only.

That’s Spartan right there. The mindset that you won’t lose happens before you stop losing. That’s powerful. I think a lot of entrepreneurs are like, we’ll try to see if it works. You can’t do that.

You’ve got to get sick and tired of losing, get this mindset so you stop losing.

That’s why welfare is so dangerous.


It’s like, I’ll try to start a business, maybe an online purse business, and if it doesn’t work out, I’ll just get welfare. I mean, seriously, when you have a backup plan, it is your plan. It is your plan.

Yeah. You got to burn the boats.

Plan B is now your plan.

True. Jason, back to you. What’s the next notable quote? We’re coming in hot.

And by the way, we have posters of all of these.

These are beautiful posters.

You like those things?

Yeah, you’ve done an amazing job.

The team and I, we’ve spent way too much time on this. But it is worth it, in my opinion, because I think the listeners are going to download these and print them and put them on the walls in their office.

I very much appreciate it.

It’s going to be a good move. Okay, continue. So this one is awesome. Coming in from Stevie Wonder, he has a hot take about excuses. He says, do you know it’s funny, but I never thought of being blind as a disadvantage and I never thought of being black as a disadvantage.

What he says, it’s funny, but he never thought of being blind as a disadvantage or, or, and he never thought of being black as a disadvantage. What does that mean to you? To me personally as a half African American man.

What does that mean?

Half African American?

Some people can’t see you. I am also African American but also Caucasian. But at the same time given stereotypes and growing up in the south, you know questionable morals and everything, there is a very very easy path I could have taken saying oh this doesn’t work out for me because of my skin color But at the same time I realized well

That’s just me putting myself in a box all I need to do is say it doesn’t matter what I look like how you perceive Me I’m gonna win no matter what Think about that for a second listeners. This is Stevie Wonder One of his first big hits to break through

He had every reason to give up.

He can’t see the freaking piano.

But listen to how he plays those keys. He had every reason to quit. I would imagine that it would be harder to play the piano if you can’t see it. I think it would be harder to be positive and optimistic. Listen to the optimism in his voice. It would be probably harder to be optimistic.

I’m sure people, Jason, have you ever had someone be mean to you because you are not black and or white? Yeah. You’re in the middle. Yeah, absolutely. What are the craziest things people have said to you that you can say on the air?

It’s hilarious. I used this in my stand-up before, but a lot in high school, I would kind of go back and forth. Some of my friends were predominantly white, some of them were predominantly black, and then every race in between. Well, what I would get from both the white and black side was, you don’t talk white enough

or you don’t act white enough. And then the exact same thing would come from my black friends. Whereas they still enjoyed my company, but every now and then they’d be like, Jason, what you said was too white. Or my friends would say, oh, what you said was too black. But then the transverse was the same thing.

So you never felt accepted by either group.

You weren’t in either camp.

Exactly. And on top of that, I’m a middle child. So I’m like, why am I always in the middle?

But listen, listen, I’m going to cue up a little audio for you. I want you to hear this. This is probably for you, Jason, and for everybody out there who can relate to the way you grew up here. I just want you to listen to this, and hopefully this helps you. Let me cue this up real quick.

I used to stutter as a kid. When you stutter, you can’t talk. Everyone makes fun of you. That’s just what they do. It’s easy comedy, because I can’t talk. My name is Clayton.

That’s my given name. I go by clay, but I couldn’t say my name So a lot of times people go click click click click click click click click all the time. That’s how they would introduce me Mm-hmm, which was not helped by the fact that I that’s how I said my name I couldn’t say my own name So this listen to this audio just for a second and see if you can relate to this if you’re an entrepreneur by the way This is what this is. Um, I know you can relate to this

And everything starts not with the board, not with the committee, not with the votes. Everything starts with one. The power of change begins with one. And so the text starts out talking about Abraham because Abraham is the one. And Abraham had to move out from his country and away from his kindred because he was the one. So he was a misfit because he was the one. So he didn’t get to stay with his ten folks because he was the one. So he had to live in isolation and separation because he was the one. So he probably was lonely because he was the one.

And it took a long time for it to materialize his significance because he was the one. And so I’m talking to some people who have always been a little isolated, never been accepted, never been a part of the crowd. It always happens because you are…

See this is why you are uniquely prepared to be a successful entrepreneur, because you know what it’s like to go to middle school and not fit in with either group and everybody I’ve ever met who’s a successful entrepreneur tells me The feelings of loneliness that they have that’s what the workshops are so powerful Yeah, it’s because they meet other people like them right just like yeah think about this for a second again 330 million people are on this in this country that we know about 27.9 million start a business

9 out of 10 fail.

Well let me do a little pop quiz for you. What percentage of the American population wakes up previous to 5am? Who doesn’t have like a night shift? What percentage of the American population wakes up previous to 5am? I’m going to throw it out there. It’s the same percentage that are super successful.

I was going to say it’s definitely far less than the 27. I’m just saying, entrepreneurs all… I had a little funny group text going a few years ago. One of my clients wanted to be successful and just didn’t have it. I said, buddy, we call this the high five at five. If you text me at 5 a.m. a little text high five, I will text you back, high five, boom.

If you don’t, I’m going to fire you as a client because seriously, you’ve got to quit screwing around. You can’t wake up at 7 a.m., 8 a.m. and be an entrepreneur every day. You can’t do it. It’s just not possible. I’ve never seen someone become a multi-millionaire who wakes up late.

You can’t get to work at 9 and work until 5 and be an entrepreneur. You can’t. That’s called an entrepreneur. Well, to this dude’s credit, he got up every day, dude. Texted me. I could just see how tired he was.

Texted me at 4.59. 5, right at 5. 5. 5.01.


Just, ah.

Not calm.

Are you up?

But he’s like, yeah, yeah, oh.

You know, and he needed that accountability. Well, now I can say this guy’s rocking. He’s doing great. But I’m just telling you, it’s a rare thing. He’s going, my wife is telling me I should sleep in more. I’m like, dude, what time do you go to bed?

He says, 10.

That’s seven hours.

That’s plenty of time. He says, my friends are telling me, you’re like in some sort of business cult. This crazy guy makes you wake up at five. Crazy guy. Super successful people sleep in, man. You’re like in a business cult.

This guy has you reading books he wrote. You’re in a cult. This is nuts, coming to these workshops, telling you the rest of the world’s wrong. He’s a cult leader is who he is. You’ve teamed up with David Koresh, you sicko. If you had a beard, maybe we could call you a cult leader.

Step one, everybody, harvest the corn and give me a tenth. No, but anyway, I would just say is if you’re out there and you’ve ever felt ostracized or alone, it’s because you’re getting prepared to be an entrepreneur and you can handle, if you can handle being the only guy at lunch that no one talks to, you can do it as an entrepreneur. I can tell you, people who are naturally popular or well-liked, it’s a tough transition into

entrepreneurship because if you’re naturally very well-liked I’ve heard I’ve seen this for people if you’re very well liked and people liked you and you’re popular In high school and it’s it’s harder because now you have to hold people accountable and it makes you not be liked right and then Give me a tell him like you because you’re successful and then you have that weird cognitive dissonance. Oh, baby. Oh, baby Jason We’re moving on. What’s the next one? The next one is for mr. Steve Jobs. Who’s that Steve Jobs? He created that little thing called the Apple computer real quick back a story. He co-founded Apple out of his parents’ garage. He also started a company called Next, which was acquired by Apple and made him, when he

became the CEO of Apple again. So he got fired from his own company he started and came back to lead it to success. He also took over George Lucas’ company called Pixar. True. And he launched the Toy Story movie. Without Steve Jobs, you wouldn’t have Toy Story and Pixar would not have been successful. Steve took over Pixar, which was not doing well, and led it to success. He actually made more money from Pixar than he made from Apple.


People do not know that.

I didn’t know that.

There you go.

Jason, back to you.

He says, the most precious thing that we all have with us is time. Brack, what does that mean?

Oh, man. So many people so often are wasting time. Yeah, I mean, it’s a great equalizer. We all get the same amount of time and it then is up to us how we use it. And so just as you were just saying about getting up early, man these are the best hours of the day. You can be so productive if you’re waking up at 4, 430 and the rest of the world’s not even

thought about getting up until 8. You just captured three, three and a half hours where, or maybe four hours, where everybody else, you’re already ahead. You don’t have to be the sharpest. You just got to the spot first. And so, yeah, you’re at the front of the class

because the genius is still sleeping.

Listeners are asking us all the time, they say, hey, there’s about half a million listeners out there, and they say, how do you have the time to put out nine shows a week and to prepare? Well, it’s all while everybody else is asleep.

That’s just it.

You’re an animal.

You’ve embraced the grind, though. You hustle and you work and you don’t, you’re at a point now where you don’t have to, but it’s a part of your fabric. You’ve been doing this for so long. It’s easier to do it now than not to.

Yeah. I just encourage you out there though, you can become successful. You can do it. I want you to do it. You’re going to do it. But you have to understand that time is your most precious asset.

You can make more money, but you can’t make more time. I don’t know if you’ve heard this, but one of the things that’s going to be changing is this show starting today is going to be only out on the podcast format, no longer on the radio waves. There are certain reasons for this. I was explaining to you, Jason, one of them is time.

Because I have to take the show you’re hearing now and reproduce it at 3 a.m. Every day and half of the American population not our listeners, but anybody else that they’ve shared it with are freaking out right now 3 a.m. Every single day I have to reproduce the show and then send it before 3 30 and I’ve done that for three years because I said I would but then I’ve reached the end of what I committed to do and We’re now reaching more people on the podcast than we are on the broadcast.

Right. I think it’s a wise time to make that switch. But when you recognize that time is your most precious asset, you’ll do things differently. Right. So let me give you another example. A couple of months ago, a very big corporation called me and said, we’d like you to speak

to our group. And we heard you on one of your shows say you don’t ever travel unless the organization pays for your hotel, for your wife and kids. And I said, this is true. And they said, so we would like to pay you, you know, it’s like 20,000-ish to speak,

and then 5,000 for the kids to go with you. We’d like you to go. And I said, I really appreciate you, but I’m not gonna go. And they said, well, but you said on one of your shows that you won’t go unless you take your wife and kids.

And I said, that is true. I won’t go unless I take my wife and kids. But I’m also not going to go anywhere anyway, because that requires me to leave. And it’s much more effective for me to be on this microphone, sending this message to a half million people, than it is for me to go. Because no matter where I go, there’s not a half million people.

Even if I spoke today at the Michigan Stadium, where the Wolverines play, we couldn’t fit all of our listeners in that stadium.

I think it’s like 110,000 or something.

That’s a huge stadium.

It’s a huge stadium. I went to a place in my life where I’m saying, you can come to my conference if you’d like to, if you want to interact, and we’re going to cap that thing, make it small, but I’m not going to go anymore out because I’ve done that. I don’t want to spend my whole life traveling around seeking the thing that I could only find at home. So getting to the place of ridiculous now where I’m trying to actually build

my house within like a half mile of my office on the same piece of land so I can just commute a half mile. By the way, I think the next vehicle I buy will last forever. The next vehicle I buy will probably be the last vehicle I ever have because I drive a half mile a day.

We’re getting closer to this cult idea.

That’s right.

We just got to harvest that. If we get some tents or some other affordable buildings for people to live on that same

property with you. This is an interesting. We’re halfway there.

We’re halfway there.

Okay, so Jason, what’s next?

I did have one other thought. The big Broadway musical Hamilton just came through Tulsa recently. Was it good? It was. It was phenomenal. Awesome.

Yeah. The creators of that show, man, kudos to you. Lin Emanuel. Just, I’m so impressed. But one of the things that’s really cool is when you stop and it won, made me go back

and revisit history class that I hadn’t thought about in a very long time, and our founding fathers. But also, the work ethic and the grind that they just held onto because their life expectancy was so much shorter. And so, you know, his mom died when he was young.

He nearly died from the same disease, but once he rallied and came back healthy, like, I mean, his life mission was to just pound it out and just keep going. Alexander Hamilton, I’m speaking of. But everybody at the time, I mean, they were, our founding fathers weren’t any older than we are, for the most part. I mean, there were a few of them that were in their 60s and 70s, but most of them were

in their 30s, 40s, and 50s. But they also knew, like, man, I only have today. I mean, I could die of polio or influenza or malaria tomorrow.

Let me read to you what Alexander Hamilton did here. OK? It says, Alexander Hamilton was an American statesman, politician, legal scholar, military commander, lawyer, banker, and economist. He was one of the founding fathers of the United States. He was an influential interpreter and promoter of the United States Constitution, as well

as the founder of the nation’s financial system and the U.S. Coast Guard.


And the founder of the New York Post. I don’t have time to get stuff done.

I’m watching the boys.

Just prolific writer. Yeah. Okay. Had, I think, seven children.

I mean, the guy was just insanely busy. Think about this guys, he was having, this guy was making a lot of love and he was writing a newspaper and he did have some things going on on the side. Alright let’s continue Jason. So the next one’s coming from Bill Campbell who if you guys don’t know he was actually the business coach and almost life coach of Steve Jobs, our previous quote. Bill Campbell says you cannot be a good manager without being a good coach.

Real quick, Bill Campbell was the business coach, officially, of Eric Schmidt and Larry Page, the founders of Google, while also simultaneously coaching Jeff Bezos, who started Amazon, while also coaching Steve Jobs, while also coaching Facebook. Now, again, the same coach is coaching all these people.

And Jason, do you know why we have a weekly one-hour meeting with all of our clients? Because we want to make sure that we are following Bill Campbell’s method. There it is.

That’s how he did it.

That’s how he did it. So we follow the GOAT. That’s the greatest of all time in the world of business coaching. True. I want to revisit that quote.

What was that quote again? It says, you cannot be a good manager without being a good coach. There it is. So management is mentorship. If you have a team of people, you’ve got to coach these people up.


Breck, don’t you have to coach people up?


What happens if you don’t? What happens if you don’t? What if you just give people a check and say, meh, meh, meh? They say, hey boss, I’ve got a life issue. Could you help me? And you go, meh, meh.

I mean, first off, it’s weird to say meh, meh. But I mean, assuming you’re, you basically are saying, I don’t care. Right.

What happens if you just say, here’s a check, I’ll see you next week? Well, I mean, the mentality from being the owner and the entrepreneur to the employee is a completely different mentality. So the energy you bring to the workplace is also very, very different. And so as the owner, as the leader, as the manager, you’ve got to set the tone. You’ve got to set that energy level at a certain point.

And then you’ve got to expect the team to come up and meet it. But again, that kind of goes back to you can’t be everybody’s friend all the time either. Sometimes you do have to light a fire under somebody. But yeah, if you let the team dictate the energy or the tone, it’s going to go to the least common denominator.

You know, Alexander, somebody apparently lit his fire of desire because he had how many

kids now? I believe it was seven children.

Let’s say he had more than one, more than two, more than three let me tell you this, I dedicate this song to Alexander Hamilton let me get to the chorus Alexander get ready, here we go that’s Alexander Hamilton right there, anytime that I think about Alexander Hamilton forever now I’m going to think about him


Alton Hamilton!

Seven kids! You know I made it so!


He’s like starting the Coast Guard too, but after he started the Coast Guard and started the uh, what was he, the New York Post?

The New York Post, yeah.

Then he felt like, I’m gonna start the New York Post, the Coast Guard, and then I’m going

to… Oh!

That guy had some serious, I mean that guy, that guy, I mean, I want to find someone to re-harvest his DNA. That guy had some serious alpha. I mean, Jason, do you realize the work needed to make seven kids?

That’s a lot of testosterone.

That’s, there’s a lot of.

Do you like baking?

Oh, okay, back to you. And the US banking system. And the US banking system, he looked over at his wife and he said, Do I make your love? He said, hey, let’s start the Coast Guard. Hey, Ben Franklin, I don’t know what you’re doing today, but I’m going to be starting the Coast Guard.

Oh, good job, Alexander. And then what are you going to do? Do I make your love? Okay. I just, I love, bad company, it’s like making love.

Everybody go listen to it right now on Spotify. Well, I mean, if you think about it, he started all these businesses and they’re going to need people to work there. So why not just make those people?

Right, all right.


Okay, Jason, back to you. So the next one comes to us from Joanna Gaines, and she says, it’s up to us to choose contentment and thankfulness now, and to stop imagining that we have to have everything perfect before

we’ll be happy. Go read her books, Thrive Nation. Joanna Gaines, I’ve read her stuff. Read Chip Gaines’ book. These are the guys from the Fixer Upper TV show, Magnolia Market. It’s like a Hobby Lobby on steroids.

They have their own product line. Great people, but they didn’t just become overnight successes. They actually were home flippers who struggled for years and figured out how to make a profitable business work as a home flipping company. She says what again now? She says, it is up to us to choose contemptment and thankfulness now,

and to stop imagining that we have to have everything perfect before we’ll be happy. And that is so important to keep in mind if you’re an entrepreneur like me, like you, because what happens is we want things to be perfect. So as an example, I want my pool area to be finished.

I want it to be, yeah. The pool company’s incredible, by the way, they’re done. But we still have things to finish on the deck area. The grill is still to be finished, and my daughter’s big back to school party was yesterday. I would describe my backyard as the Death Star from the second Star Wars. The third Star Wars.

It’s where you think it can’t fire off shots, but it still can. We organized this party, and yeah, the upstairs deck didn’t work yet, and the bathroom downstairs wasn’t available, so we used my bathroom down here. We had a great time, and yes, we had certain things that weren’t perfect, but I think as a younger guy, I probably would have said, well, cancel the party. We’re not going to have a party because the doctor or bathroom’s not done, and the kitchen

doesn’t look perfect. But now I’m going, hey, listen, they’ve already blown up our Death Star once.


We’re not going to put that exhaust port in here again. No, this one can shoot off. Do you remember the third Star Wars where it could shoot off? It could still shoot lasers and blow stuff up, but people thought it couldn’t. Oh man, that’s a good life lesson. Okay, Jason, back to you.

What’s the next notable cord rule? The next one comes from the great Napoleon Hill, and he says, you can start right where you stand and apply the habit of going the extra mile by rendering more service and better service than you are now being paid for. Repeat that again. You can start right where you stand

and apply the habit of going the extra mile by rendering more service and better service than you are now being paid for. What we’re talking about is you, we think we can’t start because we don’t have the resources. So I’m gonna help everybody out there with a tip.

If you want a job right now, a job at Joel Osteen’s church, TD Jake’s ministry, at Pixar, at Disney, at Apple, yet you want a job at Interscope Records, you want a big job. Do the following move. Ryan Tedder, prolific songwriter, Grammy award winning producer, songwriter, hit songwriter, the frontman for One Republic, the guy behind the hit show Songland on NBC.

He worked for free while working for pay at the Pottery Barn. He worked at the Pottery Barn for pay and for free at Industrial Light and Magic as an intern, where he met Timbaland and now the rest is history. Oprah started off as an intern working for free. Steven Spielberg started off working for free the receiver for the Cardinals Larry Fitzgerald started working as a ball boy for the Minnesota Vikings for free

Everybody if you can’t earn a job start by working for free call them up and say For some reason the phone line didn’t work, so I’m knocking on your door Yeah, I would love to work for free for the foreseeable future doing anything until you think it makes sense to pay me.

And unless somebody has some worries about you as a person, you’re going to get that


Yeah. Breck, if somebody showed up today and said, I want to work for free for you 30 hours a week doing anything you want me to do because I have aspirations to become a chiropractor and I’m taking night school and I just want to work for free to learn the business. Why is it hard to say no to someone who is willing to work for free?

You got to love that indomitable spirit. I mean, just give me a chance and put me in the game, coach. I mean, I’ll do anything. I’m your guy.

Let me give you my pitch back in the day with the DJ business. Tell me if this pitch would work for you. Okay. You’ve been married how long? 18 years. 18 years.

Did you hire a DJ?

We didn’t.

No, it’s one of the big regrets. My wife wishes we had had that dance. Where was your reception at? We were at TU Sharp Chapel. Then they have a reception hall right there on the campus. Let’s pretend that you ran into me and I’m going to give you my pitch. Here we go. What’s your wife’s first name by the way? Brooke. So Brooke and Brooke, here’s the deal. My company is called DJ Connection I have a DJ connection and I’d like to DJ for your wedding for a dollar.

Yeah. Unlimited time, sound, lights, the whole thing is a dollar. And at the end of the reception you can pay me what you think I’m worth. You know, most DJ companies are charging 500 to a thousand. You can pay me whatever amount, no matter how low or how high, I’m not going to argue

with you.

Can I DJ for you for a dollar?

You bet.

I mean, there it is.

I can’t imagine anybody saying no to that. I got so many events, Jason, from people who said they didn’t have a budget for it by doing that deal.

Right. Why does that deal work? The deal works because it’s just too good to pass up. Why would somebody not do that deal? I mean, they’d have to get hit over the head with something pretty heavy in order to not

take that. So if you’re out there today and you say, I don’t know how to get customers, do the

dollar deal.

I’m giving you the moves. Come on now. Come on, babes. And I know some of you, feel like making love. I get that. But we need to, just for a minute, tone down the testosterone and the estrogen.

It’s okay. It’s okay to make babies. But we’ve got to focus on getting stuff done. I know somebody that says, I want to do that deal, but what if they take advantage of me?

Oh, someone’s going to take advantage of you.

I’m sure some people took advantage of you, didn’t they?

Oh, the Sand Springs softball people?


You get to the end of the event, I remember this guy says, well, sir, I really appreciate


I said, I appreciate you. And he kind of talked Oklahoman, like really, kind of the stereotypical, out of the woods Oklahoman. Well, I’ll tell you what, you did show up and DJ. You said you’d get here at five, and you did, and you started at seven, like you said, and the party went until midnight.

I felt like your energy tapered off towards the end The kids were dancing. It was it was interactive. I don’t know that was the best so I’m gonna I’m gonna give you a $75 and now That well, I’ll tell you I’m gonna give you 50. I remember getting 50 bucks. Mm-hmm I’m going I just DJ for like $7 an hour after you factor in setting up and taking down.


I remember just, okay. And then he goes, I’ll tell you what, I’d like to hire you again next week. I remember going, okay. And I kept trying to wow him. I probably did three to five events, I mean a lot. I blacked out at a certain point.

I did a lot of events for this guy. And then finally Vanessa’s like, baby, you were DJing on primetime weekends for 50 bucks. What’s wrong with you? I remember that I did get taken advantage of sometimes, but I would not have been able to start the company without that move. That was my move.

Jason, what is the next notable quotable? The next notable quotable comes to us from Bill Belichick.

Who’s that?

I have no idea. He’s the coach of the Steelers.

Get out of here.

Oh, fight words.

No, the widely proclaimed super coach of the New England Patriots. He says, talent sets the floor, character sets the ceiling. Repeat it again. Talent sets the floor, character sets the ceiling.

I like that.

Think about this for a second. The Patriots today are going to go, I know this show will air after today, but think about it. Today we were playing against the Buffalo Bills here in five hours, and our left tackle, very good left tackle very very good two years ago He got offered a big deal to go play for the Giants. Mm-hmm. So he left the Patriots for millions So we got a different guy last year and he left this year for a bigger deal So now we got a new guy, but I didn’t the last name win W Y N N and he got hurt

So now we have like our fourth left tackle in three years, right? years. Our starting center, our all-pro center, had blood clots, could have killed him. He can’t play. So the guy who’s hiking the ball to Brady is new, he’s a backup. The guy protecting Brady on the left side, the blind side, is new. Brett, can you explain why the blind side, why your left tackle, your left offensive tackle is so critical for a right-handed quarterback?

Well, because your back’s to that side, and so you don’t know when that defender’s coming at you. You know, if he gets past your guy, that left tackle, you’re smashed and you didn’t even see it coming. And so you’re, you know, especially a guy like Brady, you don’t want him going down with an injury.

So our all-star tackle and our all-star center are both out.


Our fullback, James Devlin, who is an all-pro, that means all-star, he’s the best fullback. He plays 41% of the downs, I read. He is out for the season. Our best receivers, Cordell Patterson, Hogan, they left for big money. So we have an undrafted Jacoby Myers.

We have an undrafted Oshefsky. Undrafted, this guy’s from a Division II college, returning punts.

Is that Bemidji?

Yep, Bemidji State. He’s returning punts. Our fullback played football in Europe. It is not only new to the NFL, he’s new to football. True story. He’s from Europe.

He’s a part of the NFL’s Europe program where they’re trying to bring in European players. So we have a fullback who’s never played in the NFL before. Ever. He’s starting today. Our receivers, two of which are undrafted. Our left tackle is the backup’s backup, our center is the backup,

and we just keep on rolling. Because talent, what? What is that quote again? What’s that quote again, baby? Talent sets the floor, character sets the ceiling. Do not hire low character people who are talented. Do not hire low character people who are talented do not hi Jason you heard me on a call this week yeah talking to a wonderful guy yesterday about not hiring a PHP coder who’s low character yeah why because one it doesn’t matter how talented they are if their mindset isn’t there if they’re not coachable if you can’t train them up

and mentor them then you’re not going to be able to go anywhere also if they are already of high talent especially in the PHP world as you taught me, they have this instilled, what’s the word I’m looking for? It’s entitlement. Entitlement, thank you. Or ego, and they’re going to hold that above you in the end.

Have you ever had a web guy hold you hostage before, Breck?

Yes, I have.

What does that look like? How does that go?

Well, so, you know, I’ve had some very poorly built websites in the past, but even so, they thought that it was amazing.

So it wouldn’t rank high in Google. No one could find it.


I was unfindable.

It’s unfindable, but yet they are proud of it.

You could not discover me. Yet they’re very proud of it. And if you need to make a change, they’re nowhere to be found.

One lady I met two weeks ago, I put it on the notes, Jason, for the team. I will not mention her name on the air.

Oh, yeah.

She was quoted $14,000 for the website. And she dropped over?




And her website is not findable in Google.

But it sure is kind of pretty.

And it’s custom. It’s made out of PHP. I’m telling you, get on WordPress, baby. Don’t let a web developer have you by the cojones. And Jason, I gave you this analogy. This was the analogy I gave you yesterday.

I said, Jason, I’d like to give you a Lamborghini.

Oh, yeah.

And you’re like, oh, cool. Here’s the deal, though. Every time you drive it I have to be with you because I like to hold the key fob, but I own it yours free and clear Just when you want to take it out I gotta go with you you and your wife can go wherever you want, but I’m in that backseat, baby

Yeah, a two-seater Lamborghini’s gonna make date night kind of weird, but think about that That’s like having a web developer who built something custom for you in PHP. You can’t update it yourself So you’re always right held hostage Jason. What’s the next notable quote as we talk about counterintuitive correctness in the world where everyone’s going the wrong way? Right, so the next counterintuitive mindset comes from John D. Rockefeller. He says, a friendship founded on business is better than a business founded on

friendship. Repeat that again. A friendship founded on business is better than a business founded on a friendship. Breck, what does that mean to you? Do not hire your friends. And I’ll extend that to family as well. Family, friends, business don’t mix well. Now if you have a business that creates a friendship, awesome.

I think of you and Dr. Z over so many years now have an amazing friendship, but you didn’t go into business together just because you liked hanging out together. True. It’s so important though that you build your friendships. If you’re an entrepreneur, you build your friendships based upon the work ethic of the people.

Do not hire people based upon the friendship. You build friendships based upon the diligence of the person. That’s why in my office, a lot of the great people in the office get invited to my house to attend things because I like them. Why, Jason? Do I like them because I’m related to them or why do I like them?

No, you like them because they have already displayed the work ethic. They have the same business mindset.

And that’s what we have in common is the work ethic. Right. People that don’t like to work, work, work, work, work, those are not my people. Well, you gave that example too to the same guy you were talking to about hiring for character. There’s an example of somebody who worked on the team and you said originally, what was the term you used?

thought the same way but she was not as fiscally responsible as you were. Yeah. And so somewhere down the line you look okay this person clearly follows the trend and is a good you know example of somebody who should work here and then the next day they roll in wearing a you-know-who shirt believe in certain things and at over time the more they started getting to that mindset they were working themselves out of the business. I’ll explain this. We had a person on our team who was

working very well, doing a good job, and then one day they came to work on a Saturday wearing a Bernie Sanders shirt. And I noticed almost immediately when they wore that shirt in the office, they started acting very differently. They kept talking about like, hey what are you gonna offer me? What is this job gonna offer me? Why should I work there? Where before they were always like,

I’m gonna earn what I get. Then they switched to being like, I owe them. And they started talking about, well instead of having merit-based pay, what if we raise, and everyone in our office makes on average about 22 to 23 an hour.

And they were like, well what if we just raise the average to like 16 an hour and then we’d get rid of merit-based pay. And right away I realized, what we had in common for a while we don’t anymore. Right. And it was time to move on. So Jason what is the next notable quotable

coming in hot from the notable quotable help desk? Coming in extra hot from Andrew Carnegie. He says, as I grow older I pay less attention to what men say I just watch what they do. What does that mean to you? That means he judges people based off of their actions not their words or promises. So you know remember that the Death Star was the third Star Wars?

We thought the Death Star wasn’t operational. Remember that? We thought Luke Skywalker had stopped, the rebels had stopped the Empire. And we were going to keep them from being able to shoot off the laser beams, the laser shell. And he’s talking to the Emperor, who turns out to be not that nice of a guy.

I’m afraid the deflector shield will be quite operational when your friends arrive.

What a creepy guy, by the way. But the thing is, we thought, based on the outside, it didn’t look like the deflector shield would be operational. We didn’t think that the Death Star could be capable of shooting off laser shields. But it actually was. So the older you get, the more mature you get, you need to get to a place where you

don’t even listen to what people say, you just watch what they do. Because otherwise, you’re going to believe that somebody’s not successful. You’re going to look at someone and say, there’s no way someone who dresses like that is successful. There’s no way that that guy’s successful, that she’s successful. You’re going to start to believe that, oh, that guy with the super successful, super nice vehicle, that guy must be rich.

But then you’re going to find out over time, big hat, no cattle. A lot of times guys have big hats but no cattle. A lot of times people look successful but they’re not. They’re just faking it. They’re written it. Sometimes people are not successful and they look successful or sometimes people are successful

and they don’t look successful. You got to judge people based upon what they do, not based upon what they say. Jason, next. Next one comes from the amazing author, or Miss Ayn Rand. She says, my happiness is not the means to any end. It is the end. It is its own goal. It is its own purpose. Now this right here is going to offend, I don’t know, 85% of our listeners. And I’m not saying you have to agree with me on this but here’s my philosophy towards life.

If my life is a cup of water and my cup is overflowing with an abundance then I have extra for you and for me and things are good. However if you, if your life is a cup of water, give water to everybody else and you die of starvation and dehydration You can’t help anybody else another philosophy be nobody works. Nobody works for a poor person But as an entrepreneur starting out

Everybody on my team. I always paid them more than me and I think I felt bad I was like I need to pay everybody else really well And then I my accountants pointing out like dude you’re paying yourself less than your people. What is wrong with you? Now my world view has flipped. Again, I want to be a cup that’s overflowing and I can share with the team.

But nobody works for a poor person. If you can’t get that through your skull that a business exists to serve you, man, you’re going to be run ragged trying to meet the demands of everybody. As an example, your employees a lot of times will call in sick on a holiday or a big day, And then you will find yourself always covering the tough to fill shifts Because if you want to make everybody else happy and you come in last you’re always gonna lose that conversation

So you want to make sure the business exists to serve you Jason? What’s the next notable quote next one’s coming in from a guy Kawasaki? He says what I lack in talent I compensate with my willingness to grind it out guy Kawasaki real life. Yeah guy Kawasaki real quick. He’s the venture capitalist. He’s one of the key Apple employees who helped to market the Apple computer. He is a spokesperson now for Mercedes. This is not Robert Kiyosaki.

And many people confuse the two. This is not the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad.

Just because they’re Asian, because that’s awful.

It is.

And it’s because their names sound similar. So it’s Guy Kawasaki, Robert Kiyosaki. So let’s repeat it again one more time, knowing who this is. This is Guy Kawasaki. And I love this quote. It’s amazing.

What I lack in talent, I compensate with my willingness to grind it out. That’s the secret of my life.



Shunda. Again, these are all available to print out. You can… And Brett, do you like the way these look?

I do. Yeah, I think they’re beautiful. These are amazing. I mean, you know, I mean, these aren’t full size, but I could just see these in nice full poster size.

These will be 16 by 20 if you print them out. Yeah. So it’ll be the size of, like that Schwarzenegger print over there. So these are great. Jason, if you want to get these right now at Thrive Nation, I’m telling you, just go to, find today’s show by clicking on the podcast button.

And these are all, I mean, Johnny and Darlin, they just did a great job. Everybody on the team really worked hard. Caleb worked very hard to make this happen. John, I mean, this is hours and hours, probably, can I say something? I need to apologize. I was a little dishonest when I said we spent more than 40 hours.

We actually spent like 200 hours on these.

Man hours.

Man hours. Me, finding the quotes from the books that I had read is hundreds and hundreds of hours of book reading. Sure. Then the team making the prints and the edits, I mean we’re hundreds of hours.

And listeners, I apologize out there, I sometimes under-exaggerate how long I work on things. I exaggerate how, I think in my mind, I think in my mind, I think in terms of like entrepreneur time, which is like, oh that’ll only take me 15 minutes,

but it takes me like hours. So I just want to make sure the listeners know, this is hundreds of hours of work, and if you want to get these and print these out in your office, just go to and then find today’s show notes and click there on the show notes and you’ll be able

to find the prints to download.

Well, and if your decor needs a little sprucing up, I mean, these are going to make great decor for your office, for your team. They’re going to see these inspirational quotes all over your office. I mean, I guarantee the level of attitude, tone, it’s all going to raise.

It’ll change the atmosphere, baby. Jason, what’s the next notable quotable?

The next notable quotable comes from a Tulsa native by the name of Ryan Tedder. He says, when you’re around enormously successful people, you realize their success isn’t an accident, it’s about work.


When you’re around enormously successful people, you realize that their success isn’t about,

or isn’t an accident, it’s about work.

Please read it again, I’m trying to let it soak in. When you’re around enormously successful people, you realize their success isn’t in accidents. It’s about work. Now there’s a song that OneRepublic recorded that’s called Fear, and it’s kind of indicative of Ryan’s work ethic. Once you understand the way an entrepreneur thinks, I think you’ll appreciate this song

and you’re going to want to go buy it on iTunes or go listen to it on Spotify. Let me just give you a little sample. I want you to hear the lyrics of this song. Understanding that Ryan Tedder interned for Timbaland. He’s written hit songs for Adele, for Beyonce, for U2, for Paul McCartney. Let me read you guys the songs, the artists that he’s written for so far, and see if your

mind can handle this Thrive Nation. Here we go. He’s written hit songs so far for Ed Sheeran, Adele, Backstreet Boys, Beyonce, Camelia Cabello, Demi Lovato, Foster the People, Hilary Duff, Jennifer Lopez, Jonas Brothers, Jordan Sparks, Kelly Clarkson, Weona Lewis, Logic, Maroon 5, Paul McCartney, One Direction, Shawn Mendes, Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, Zedd.


I mean, that’s a ridiculous list.

Zed, okay.

I mean, I didn’t hear Garth Brooks in there. By the way, Garth Brooks, this holiday season, will be re-releasing another box, platinum

limited edition set.

Get out of here.

He does it every year. You know, he was my first concert ever. Really? Yeah.

I was like three.

I love Garth Brooks, but I’m telling you, one thing I know is every year at Walmart, you go in there, it’s going to be a limited edition deluxe platinum super limited classic edition Version of it’s always Garth has found a way to re-release his hits. Yeah for I think 20 years in a row I’m just gonna wait on the re-release of Chris Gaines. Oh, yeah, I don’t know if that one’s coming back I’m gonna I’m gonna cue this up here listen to listen to the lyrics. I know we’re in a culture where people do not listen to lyrics, but listen to these

No sleep today can’t even rest when the sun’s down. No time, there’s not enough, and nobody’s watching me now.

No sleep today can’t even rest when the sun’s out. No time, there’s not enough, and nobody’s watching me now. He said, you’ve got to work in the dark. You’ve got to work. No sleep today, there’s no time, there’s not enough. He’s talking about you’ve got to get out there and grind.

You’ve got to grind. You’ve got to go listen to that song, by the way, Fear, by One Republic. Check it out. It’s a great song. No one listens to it. I don’t hear people talk about it.

The song has 20,000 views right now on YouTube. In comparison to Apologize, this song has 20,000 downloads on YouTube.

That’s crazy.

And then Apologize by OneRepublic has this many downloads. Think about this. Apologize has 269 million downloads so far. But again, this particular song only has 20,000.

People don’t want to think about the work. You don’t want to think about it. And it goes back to that quote from Guy Kiyosaki. It’s easy if you’re not super successful, or excuse me, from Ryan Tedder, but it’s really easy to assume if you’re not super successful that other people just accidentally fell into it or it was gifted to them, something that’s out of your reach.

This is why these Bernie Sanders fans make me so irritated because I’ve been up at 3 a.m. working every day. I’ve been working, I usually work five to six hours a day every day before the average person starts their day.

For years! But if you realize, no, it’s possible. It’s a plan. It’s a work right not accidental Then it’s now on my shoulders to actually go and do it and that in there lies the problem every time I meet a super

successful athlete That is jacked. I Always ask him. I like what does your routine look like? And when I hear every time I’ve met a pro athlete I’ve met a lot of born genetic freaks. Yeah, I was like wait a minute. What time what time do you work out? What do you eat?

And you always hear this intense regimen that mentally would have to wear you out. And then I meet people and they say, well, if I made $17 million a year, I would eat like that, too.


No, you wouldn’t, because you’re not going to get $17 million because you won’t eat like that. So you have to start with the mindset. You start with the mindset. Jason, back to you.

So the next one is coming in from the great comedian Steve Martin. He says, be so good they can’t ignore you. What does that mean? What does that mean, Breck? Be so good they can’t ignore you? Yeah, I mean, if you’re out there making noise because of your success, they can’t for long continue to act like you don’t exist. What if you’re an okay comedian? You’re not gonna make waves. I mean you you know if you’re gonna do something different, if you’re gonna be that one like you talked about, Abraham, you’re gonna change things, you’re gonna be the

first, you’re going to do something different, then you gotta you can’t be afraid to to kind of ripple ripple the waves a little bit, go against the grain

you know make make the noise, rock the boat a little bit. Steve Martin, just so we’re clear was the one of the top was actually the top stand-up comedian of his era And I want you to hear the energy in this crowd listen

No, just helping them get their start now come on

This is a full arena filled with people who are there to see Steve Martin, okay?

I mean we’re talking about meeting 20,000 people.

People are tired.

Can sing along.

He’s trying to teach people a song that doesn’t have a chorus that they’ve never heard before.

So I want you to hear this because he’s trying to get me to sing along with him

to a song that doesn’t have a chorus that they’ve never heard before and and disillusioned

yeah the only reason i mentioned it uh… i’ll be on the uh… shows promoted if you want to watch uh… i don’t think it was your bowling for so they want me to know that you have now because it is so well on celebrity

Absolutely to do

I’m a red one guy

Now again He’s trying to teach an audience how to sing along with him to a song that does not have a chorus that they’ve never heard before

The setup for this joke takes a long time and he has to just stick with it

well actually I’m here for nine days so I guess for this nine days I’m a stationary guy oh I’m stationary, a stationary guy stationary out here in los angeles angley

my favorite and i thought about it

and it’s great to be here in the capital of california


okay everybody

all of the nobody knows the way He can play the banjo. He’s got a white suit on. It’s crazy. He’s got an arrow.

Looks like it’s going through his ears. And he has 20,000 people there to see him. And although his comedy may be dated now, back in the day, he was so good that everybody could not wait to see him. And that’s how good you want to be. You have to be so great that people cannot ignore you.

You can’t just be, okay. And there’s a huge difference. There’s a huge lesson here to be learned. Big, big, big lesson. Big lesson. Huge, huge. There’s a chiropractor out here listening somewhere in the Dallas area. I can sense it right now. Probably one in Florida, maybe one in Michigan. Somebody there’s a chiropractor out there. There’s a foot doctor out there right now. There’s a dentist out there. And what you’re doing, if you’re a

little bit late, bathrooms are a little bit dirty, checklists aren’t being followed. And you’re not very nice to your patients sometimes. There’s a big difference between being the guy who’s always a little bit early, who always over delivers, who always follows up,

who always uses the checklist. It’s called greatness versus good enough. And if you focus, if you aim on achieving greatness, and even if you fall short, you’ll make vastly more amounts of money than the guy who’s just barely doing enough.

There’s a huge difference. Jason, elephant in the room. When you come in for your first experience, we do what for you? Oh man, we give you your first haircut for a dollar. A dollar! We start over delivering at the dollar.

Right. Then what happens? Then you get your complimentary beverage. You get a full consultation where a stylist listens to exactly what you want and executes. So you get your tailored haircut, you get a shampoo and condition both with scalp massages, hot towel over the face the whole time, a

face moisturizer, a face massage, and then a style. And then how’s the atmosphere looking? Oh the atmosphere is awesome. It smells great. There’s always music pumping. It’s a lot of high energy. And a paraffin hand wash. Oh yeah, the paraffin hand dip and the essential oil scalp massage. I’m just saying, the atmosphere, the haircut, the whole thing for a dollar for the first cut.

It ignites the law of reciprocity. And somebody out there, we’ve got to push to greatness. We have to. We can’t just do enough. It’s so easy. It’s so easy to be that guy who rolls into every meeting, every day, your whole life,


It is so easy to not call customers back on the day they call you. It is so easy to be the guy with a thousand emails in your inbox. It’s so easy. Easy like Sunday morning. So easy. It is easy though because by nature we drift. My alarm went off today. It went off today. It’s like 3.30 it goes off. This is how I feel. Frack. Who set that? Ah! Shunda. Set that ah

Shunda and I don’t want to get up at the first battle of the day is when you hit the snooze you lose

So you use it? I’m gonna get up

First battle one and Everybody out there we can do it, but we’ve got a want to do it’s downhill from there You got a one the first one you got to push it baby. You got to push it Jason What is the next notable quotable the next notable quotable is coming from Mr. Kanye West. He says, Most people are slowed down by the perception of themselves. If you’re taught you can’t do anything, you won’t do anything.

I was taught I can do everything. Read that again. This actually goes back to our fish climbing a tree episode. You can relate it to that. Okay, most people are slowed down by the perception of themselves. If you’re if you’re taught you can’t do anything, you won’t do anything. I was taught I can do everything. My wife has helped me with this a lot because I wanted to build a million dollar business. That was like my whole goal.

To have a million dollar business. And once I built DJ Connection, I thought, I’m done. Right? Because I’m good. I’m done. I just felt like I felt like I dropped the mic. It was like a it was a great thing for me. I frankly didn’t have, I mean, he’s like, drop the mic. I felt great about it. And my wife’s like, you know, there’s so much more you could do.

You know, you could teach people the business principles. You do it anyway. And you could become a coach or a consultant. And I’m like, no, I don’t do that. She goes, you do too. You are currently coaching businesses, you just don’t charge.”

I’m like, I’m only helping the bridal store because she needed help. I don’t do it for the money. And she’s like, I know, but you could help so many more people if you would be willing to charge them something. People would be willing to pay you, and that itself could be a business. And I was so locked in to know I’m a DJ.

I’m a funny guy. I’m an entertainer. I don’t teach people how to grow businesses. And she says, no, but you already do it. Why don’t you start just charging for it? So we started helping people.

Just listen to the power of this. Listen to this audio real quick. This is Kat Barbee. Her company is called Barbee Cookies. And listen to how our team has been able to help her. Just listen to this, this is powerful.

This year’s sales for this week.

So this is the same week last year. Do you see the difference?


I can’t really tell.

One is…

Michael, can you…

Can we just… I was going to get… Jason, can you kind of pull this in maybe? Just so you can see it.

Just kind of pull it that way.

Let’s get the length. It’s more of a… I can’t tell without the length. It’s hard to tell. So that was last year’s sales.

This is last year’s sales. And the total is a mere $4,711.73. Same week this year, 2015. The total is, read it Michael. $11,313.50.

Oh, boom! There it is! Awesome!

I baked from home for years as I was raising my children and teaching.

And it was there that people continually said year after year, Kat, you really need to go into business. You should open a bakery. And I’m thinking, I don’t have time to open a bakery. I’m raising two kids. I’m getting my master’s degree. Not to mention, I know nothing about business. So here I am, I’m super thrilled. My little bakery is being built in Bixby and all is well.

We move into the new bakery, the excitement is like over the top and three weeks into it, my husband and I separate. Talk about a blow. That was the most difficult thing I had ever experienced to date. I had that blow, and I did have to make a decision.

Am I going to be a big girl? Am I going to get better, or am I going to give up? I couldn’t give up. I’m a divorced woman. I have to earn a living. And so 18-hour days, you know, bring it on.

Let’s do this thing.

Four years later, my business partners,

husband Deemer, asked me a question one day. He said, Kat, are you gonna continue treating this business like a hobby? Or are you gonna treat it like a business? That was huge for me. That was super significant in pushing me to get help.

Pushing me to find a way to make it work. Through several people encouraging me to become a Thriver with Thrive 15 was without question the pivotal moment in my business. Our sales are 50% plus what they were a year ago. I feel I’ve regained confidence in myself as an entrepreneur and in my business. Becoming educated through Thrive 15 is what made the difference.

Hello my name is Charles Colaw with Colaw Fitness. Today I want to tell you a little bit about Clay Clark and how I know Clay Clark. Clay Clark has been my business coach since 2017. He’s helped us grow from two locations to now six locations. We’re planning to do seven locations in seven years and then franchise. And Clay’s done a great job of helping us navigate anything that has to do with like running the business, building the systems, the

checklist, the workflows, the audits, how to navigate lease agreements, how to buy property, how to work with brokers and builders. This guy is just amazing. This kind of guy has worked in every single industry. He’s written books with like Lee Crockrell, head of Disney with the 40,000 cast members. He’s friends with like Mike Lindell. He does reawaken America tours where he does these tours all across the country where 10,000 or more people show up to some of these tours. On the day-to-day he

does anywhere from about 160 companies. He’s at the top. He has a team of business coaches, videographers, and graphic designers, and web developers, and they run 160 companies every single week. So think of this guy with a team of business coaches running 160 companies. So in the weekly, he’s running 160 companies. Every 6-8 weeks he’s doing Reawaken America tours. Every 6-8 weeks he’s also doing business conferences where 200 people show up and he teaches people a 13

step proven system that he’s done and worked with billionaires, helping them grow their companies. So I’ve seen guys from start-ups go from start-up to being multi-millionaires, teaching people how to get time freedom and financial freedom through the system. Critical thinking, document creation, making it, putting it into, organizing everything in their head to building it into a franchisable, scalable business. One of his businesses has like 500 franchises.

That’s just one of the companies or brands that he works with. So, amazing guy. Elon Musk, kind of like smart guy. He kind of comes off sometimes as socially awkward, but he’s so brilliant and he’s taught me so much. When I say that, Clay is like, he doesn’t care what people think when you’re talking

to him. He cares about where you’re going in your life and where he can get you to go. And that’s what I like him most about him. He’s like a good coach. A coach isn’t just making you feel good all the time. A coach is actually helping you get to the best you.

And Clay has been an amazing business coach. Through the course of that we became friends. My most impressive thing was when I was shadowing him one time, we went into a business deal and listened to it. I got to shadow and listen to it. When we walked out I knew that he could make millions on the deal and they were super excited

about working with him. He told me, he’s like, I’m not going to touch it, I’m going to turn it down because he knew it was going to harm the common good of people in the long run. The guy’s integrity just really wowed me. It brought tears to my eyes to see that this guy, his highest desire was to do what’s right. And anyways, just an amazing man. So anyways, impacted me a lot. He’s helped

navigate any time I’ve got nervous or worried about how to run the company or you know, navigating competition and an economy that’s like, I remember, we got closed down for three months. He helped us navigate on how to stay open, how to get back open, how to just survive through all the COVID shutdowns, lock downs,

because our clubs were all closed for three months and you have $350,000 of bills you’ve got to pay and we have no accounts receivable. He helped us navigate that. And of course we were conservative enough that we could afford to take that on for a period of time. But he was a great man.

I’m very impressed with him. So Clay, thank you for everything you’re doing. And I encourage you if you haven’t ever worked with Clay, work with Clay. He’s going to help magnify you. And there’s nobody I have ever met that has the ability to work as hard as he does. He probably sleeps for maybe six hours a day and literally the rest of time he’s working. And he can outwork everybody in the room every single day. And he loves it. So anyways, this is Charles Kola with Kola Fitness.

Thank you, Clay. And anybody out there that’s wanting to work with Clay, it’s a great, great opportunity to ever work with him. So you guys have a blessed one. This is Charles Kola. We’ll see you guys.

It’s just helped us be successful, frankly. And I don’t know if we would have shut down and gone out of business, but I don’t think we would have been at the place that we are. I don’t think our phones would ring like they do. It’s been such a positive experience. My nephew, he runs a business called Gutter Perfection

and he’s actually working with one of your coaches. He’s in Northwest Arkansas. We were so pleased and happy with the work that we’ve done with our coach. We told him about it and he’s working with you too.

I think he’s blowing it up. Like I think if there’s a gutter shortage in America, it’s probably his fault. I mean, this guy, seriously, I think he’s growing dramatically.

Yeah, he’s great.

I’m recording this show sincerely because I know that somebody out there, you’re watching this and you need more customers. You need more patients. You need more leads. You need more leads if you want to succeed.

You need more leads, you need more customers, you need more people to reach out to you to buy your product or service. I want to join you today or connect you, the listener, today to a long-time client who is a very reasonable person. He’s a measured person. He won’t come across as a hyperbolic AI superstar.

This is a normal guy, a great husband, a committed Christian, and he has a wonderful business that may even be of service to you. And he’s going to share with you about how working with us together, he’s putting in the work, we’re putting in the work, how we’ve been able to team up together to really dramatically increase the number of leads that he’s been seeing with his particular organization. Ben Story, welcome onto the Thrive Time Show.

How are you, sir?

Hey, good morning. I’m doing well.

How are you? I’m doing great. So I’ve got to ask you first off, how long have you worked with us? I know you probably should have blacked it out for mental health reasons, but how long have you worked with us there, sir?

A little over five years. Yeah, we started with you. We opened our practice I wish we had started working with you when we opened that would have saved us some heartache But we started about six months in and we’ve been with you for

Yeah, a little over five years now. It’s been a good ride. Now some people out there. I want to verify you’re real So where can we go? What’s the website? Where can we go to verify you’re a real business there, sir? Yeah, our website is Okay, so That’s your practice, that’s your business. Tell us about what are the products and services that you offer to your ideal and likely buyer, sir?

Yeah, so we are a counseling practice. We work, our biggest product, so to speak, that we provide is couples counseling. We work with married couples, people that wanna improve their relationship, increase their sense of connection

and security in their marriage, their relationship. We also work with individuals, families. We provide workshops for couples and we recently opened a new program called the Program for Problematic Sexual Behaviors. This is for people that are recovering from an affair or have gotten into, you know, pornography or other things that they can’t quite get out of on their own. We

have a system that we help guide them through that helps them break those patterns. Somebody out there is saying, do you have services in my area? What part of America do you service? What countries, what cities do you service there, sir?

Yeah, we’re in the Arkansas River Valley, so our office is located in Fort Smith, but our counselors can serve the entire state of Arkansas through telehealth. And our problematic sexual behavior program actually is not limited to Arkansas, and so

we can actually serve people across the country with that service. Now what I get asked all the time with my business and my service that I provide, this is our 20th year doing this, so people go to every day, all day, and they go there, and I think most people go there because they hear about, oh, you interviewed Guy Kawasaki, or wow, you’re going to interview Grant Cardone, or oh, wow, you’re the automatic millionaire guy, David Bach, or you’re going to have Eric

Trump, or there’s some sort of shiny object that typically gets people to the site. And then a lot of times people start to say, man, I’ve been listening to the show for a month or a couple weeks, and you’re putting out success stories every day or every week. It seems like every week there’s another one. I say, yeah, well, we only work with 160 clients, but these clients, when they have success, I want to document it. I want to put it on the website, and I want to encourage other entrepreneurs.

What I hear all the time, people say, Clay, I wish I would have reached out to you two years ago, three years ago. Could you talk about what kind of results have we helped you generate specifically in the areas of creating more inbound leads from your ideal and likely buyers?

Yeah, your team actually created the generator for us. I’ve worked in the field for a while, so I did have some connections in the community and I could keep my own caseload healthy and full, but when we started expanding and including other counselors to work on our team, I did not have the leads that would fill enough business to keep these people seeing clients and making money.

So when we connected with you, we were struggling with leads. We were kind of limping along. We didn’t have a lot of cold calls. People weren’t finding us on the internet. Our website had probably zero interaction.

I think we were showing up on like the 20th page of Google results. So it was not great. And what you guys did was you helped us establish a presence in Google search results. So we show up on the first page when you look up Fort Smith counseling. You coached us through the need for referrals. So, we’re the highest rated and most reviewed practice in our area.

I’m not sure, maybe even for the state of Arkansas, it’s been a while since I looked that one up, but we’ve been, we’ve researched that with our coach Andrew before, and we rank pretty high even outside of our area. You coached us through how to post pictures of our office so that this satisfies what Google is looking for, but it also helps people know what they’re walking into. So, when they step into our lobby, if they’ve looked us up, they’ve already seen us online.

We’ve gotten reviews from people that have attended our workshops, and so they’re giving us glowing reviews about their experience and how their marriage benefited. All that has done is just it’s caused the phone to ring, and the phone rings and rings and rings. So we get probably an average of 20 calls a week for new customers, which is honestly all the business and maybe more of the business than we can even tackle at one time.

But we. We are very, very busy, our phones ring a lot, and that’s thanks to what you guys have done for us, with us.

Now, I gotta ask you this, because there’s somebody on the outside who just thinks it’s not for them. So I’m gonna mix it up for a second, folks. I’m gonna go stream of consciousness, which might not be a good thing, but here we go.

So you look at a client here, you go, and I know these clients, they’re all like friends of mine, okay? So I go to,, and this particular couple, they have a medical clinic. And they’re not based in Oklahoma.

In fact, you’ll find folks that very few of my clients are in Oklahoma, they’re in South Carolina. And then someone says, yeah, I know you do well with medical practices, but what about cookie stores? And I go, well, okay.

Barbie Cookies, this is a client, we helped her grow from basically a garage. She was literally officing above a garage in an attic of a friend. And we’ve helped her to scale this business and you say, well what did you do for her? Well we did the logo, the website, the

print pieces, the call scripts, worked on the Performa, worked on every aspect of the business to grow and someone says, yeah but I’m not a cookie store, I’m a window cleaner and I say, oh no problem let’s go to window ninjas dot com and someone says, what? Yeah we work with window ninjas so they clean windows and you say, but Clay I’m a home builder. Well, I don’t know if people know this, but we’ve worked with a

Shaw homes. This is a company we’ve helped them grow from 15 million to $160 million in revenue. And someone says, yeah, but I clean carpets. Well, we’ve worked with oxy fresh and helped them to open up 550 locations there in Colorado and all over the country. And someone says, yes, yes. But I happen to do real estate.

I happen to be a pizzeria. We can play this game all day. Papagallo’s Pizzeria in Satellite Beach, Florida. Someone says, I know, I know, but Clay, you don’t understand. I have a t-shirt printing company. And I go, no problem.

We actually work with a company called 918 Design Company. We’ve helped them to scale their business dramatically. This is 918 Design Company. They’re an embroiderer and t-shirt printing company. And someone says, but I’m not. I’m a lawyer.

And I say, no problem. Did you know we work with a lawyer, James, one of the most successful lawyers now in New York. Someone says, but I’m not in New York, I’m in Tulsa. Well, we work with Winters King, we’ve worked with him for over a decade,

one of the most successful law firms in Oklahoma. And someone says, yes, but, and we keep playing that game. And you see it in counseling too. I see it in business consulting. People say, but now’s not the time. But Napoleon Hill, if he were here,

he can’t be here because he’s dead, but the bestselling author Napoleon Hill, he said, the time will never be just right. You must act now. Why, what would you say to somebody out there that’s thinking about scheduling a free consultation with myself or getting a ticket to one of our in-person workshops?

Man, I’d say you don’t have time to not do this because a lot of us, especially in an industry that we have worked in and now we’re trying to run a business in that industry. That’s a different job altogether. And I was pretty well trained to be a therapist, to be a counselor. I was not trained to be an entrepreneur

and I needed systems quickly because six months in, we were struggling with our systems. And so what, so you’re not the expert in counseling, you’re the expert in the systems that we need to run this business. And so I think if you’re starting a business

and you’re a T-shirt printer or you’re a dog groomer, those are things that you’re an expert at, but you really need somebody that has systems that will take your work, your business, and just fast forward it to skip you over all those hard lessons you have to learn about.

You don’t have to buy billboard ads. You don’t have to buy all this advertising stuff. There’s a system that works, and it works every time for every kind of business and we’ve just seen that to be true

So, you know we charge you a flat rate I think our listeners might not know that but we charge I’m very clear on our podcast and broadcast for the long time listeners I charge clients a flat rate of $1,700 a month. I don’t apologize for making a 20% profit margin so we make roughly $340 a month per client and What we do is it is a flat rate. So we work with your photography, your video, your web, your search engine, you and your wonderful wife, you know that the bill

this month is going to be a flat rate. Could you talk about the just the peace of mind of knowing, because even in leases today, some people will lease a space and the rates go up dramatically. Some people advertise and the rates go up dramatically. Some people have a law firm or an accounting firm and the rates go up dramatically. Could you talk about the peace of mind of knowing that you’re paying a flat rate

for that ongoing coaching?

Yeah, it is nice because we factor it into our budget. It is what it is. There’s no hidden fees. There’s no upsells. There’s no upcharges. I can’t even say this about my phone bill

or my cable bill, right? Like there are always these hidden fees. And so at the end of the month, you’re like, okay, what’s it gonna be this time? I know it’s this ballpark, but I got to factor in all the extras.

And there are no extras. It just is what it is. And it is consistently what we need to be successful.

Now, tracking. You’ve been great with this, but tracking, we have to measure what we treasure. And most entrepreneurs that I know, I mean this sincerely, almost every entrepreneur that I know, including optometrists, they don’t track their metrics before we meet them. And you say, what? So I’m just giving you an example.

There’s one optometrist we worked with for years, helped this guy scale his business. We also worked with an ophthalmologist and helped him scale. And I’m on the phone with this ophthalmologist helping him grow his business. I’ll never forget it. He tells me, he said, Clay, I have an eye chart where I track the patient’s health specifically in a very detailed way where if Carl comes back in, if that patient comes back in two months from now or two years from now, I’m going to know

exactly the condition of his eye when he comes back. I know my patients with specificity and detail, and I pride myself in knowing what’s going on with my patients. And he says, and I have no idea where my leads are coming from. I have no idea what’s working, what’s not. And just by working with you, Clay, he said, I found out my magazine ads are ineffective,

my billboard is a waste of time, my networking events were not effective. And he said, I now know what works and what doesn’t work. And he said, it’s just mind blowing to me that I’m just now having that epiphany. Could you talk to somebody out there

about the importance of implementing these tracking systems?

And we were like that, we needed that accountability. Because you’re right, we keep clinical records for the clients that we see. And every week we chart and document what work we have done so we know where to pick up with them next week and that there’s not wasted time, wasted effort.

And we were doing that. We weren’t tracking our leads. We didn’t know if the leads were coming from Google, if they were coming from local. We have relationships with local churches. We weren’t sure if pastors were referring to us.

And so this helped us not only have an idea of our leads and where they were coming from, but also just how many of those leads we’re converting into actual clients, how many of them would be lost contacts so we wouldn’t ever hear back from them again

after we returned their call. So this just helps. And it also helps, right now we’re in, I think you call them the holoplegs, where just at this time of year, business tends to dip. Everybody’s budget and their attention is focused on Christmas and holidays and groceries

or whatever. And so, we weren’t sure how to measure or even how to describe what was happening in our business when the phones would start to slow down or if are they slowing down or… So this just helps us kind of begin to predict and understand the times of year and what we’re up against. And we know now going into the fall of plagues

that we need to adjust accordingly or we just need to exhale. And in January, things will pick back up again and we’re gonna be fine. We have to worry about our business surviving, thriving.

Now, implementing weekly staff meetings or recurring meetings, whether they’re weekly or… The idea of the consistency of following up, I don’t think that happens by default. So as an example, most people that plant a garden, I think they know this,

if we’re going to make a garden successful, we have to pull the weeds every day. If we plant a garden, we have to pull the weeds every day. We have to water the garden every day. For people that have a pet, you feed the pet every day. For people that drive a car,

you change the oil on a consistent basis so your car doesn’t explode. For some reason in business, we get so busy that most business owners by default don’t implement weekly meetings or follow-up. Could you talk about the importance of implementing those systems into your organization?

Yeah, how are your team members going to understand your culture, your vision, understand how your business works if you’re not speaking to them, hearing from them, talking them through how to respond to different challenges and issues that come up. And that’s only going to happen when you’re face-to-face. So I know a lot of, I think there are books that are written about, you know, this meeting could have been communicated through an email.

And some of that is true. We don’t want to waste people’s time. But I need my team members to know the value of the work that we’re doing. We need to celebrate the wins. We need to understand the burning fires before they get too out of control. And that happens when I am face-to-face with them. That happens when we are constantly describing,

casting the vision for who we are and what we do and why we do it. And so, yeah, 100%, you’ve got to have, and again, this is about systems. It’s not even just about, we’ll have a meeting when we need one.

It’s consistency. And I think employees and staff also, like, they just kind of fall into that rhythm. And then they just know, okay, this thing happened. We had a weird call today. I’m not sure what to do. And then they know there’ll be a time that is carved out for them to be supported and responded to and guided through what to do in that situation. Everybody learns from it. Yeah.

Now, the final four areas I wanted to, the final four areas I wanted to dial into, this might sound like a series of backhanded compliments, but I’m going to just deliver it and you’ll see what… You are the therapist, so you might be able to tell me what I’m doing here. All I know is that there are certain clients I work with who overhype themselves. They overhype themselves. There are certain clients I work with that overhype.

And so, there are certain restaurants I’ve worked with in the past where they say, Clay, my business is the best kept secret in my community. And if you could help me market that thing, baby, I could blow this thing up. Then I start to see bad reviews flying in, and I have to be the one who tells the customer, Mr. Customer, Mr. Client, have you seen the reviews? It appears as though the people that are using your restaurant for the first time, that are

visiting your restaurant for the first time, are systemically not wowed. And they go, what? And there’s almost like a star in their mind. They’re like a celebrity in their mind. They’re super successful. Their quality is great in their mind,

but it’s not true in reality. You’re the other way. You guys, when we started working with you, I remember thinking to myself, every patient that you follow up with and ask them to record an objective testimonial,

they love you guys. People go on and on about how you change their lives. When you ask people to give you an objective Google review from your real clients, people leave you the most incredible life-changing reviews. And you guys were guilty of not banging your own drum, tooting your own horn, hyping yourself up.

Could you talk about that? Because I think that went – I think when we asked you to gather objective reviews from real customers, it may have changed your life, but I think it was also maybe against what you would naturally do in terms of not wanting to hype your own company.

Yeah, I think if I’m understanding the question, I’m a sucker, Clay, and I would give everything away and it’s a problem. And so, yeah, I didn’t – it was really hard for me to ask my workshop attendees. We’re not ethically allowed, our board won’t allow us to ask for client reviews, the people at C3 Counseling,

but we can ask our workshop attendees. And I would cringe because I want to be somebody that gives more than I take. And it was really hard for me to ask for people to step up and give me that review. And then, yeah, it was so encouraging, so mind-blowing that they would go to such great

lengths to say the things that they did about what we meant to their marriage and their lives. So, I’ve already forgotten the question. Tell me what you were asking again. No, I’m just saying, like, I feel like that has impacted your business a lot, gathering

objective reviews from real conference attendees. And I think that by default, you probably would have never done it. No, we wouldn’t. Because I don’t think that you had in your natural character, your natural DNA, you’re not the kind of guy that would go to your customers and say, hey, could you leave us a review? But by doing that, I would argue it’s turbocharged your lead flow. And maybe you disagree on that. No, because those testimonials, people see that,

or they see in the Google reviews, they see that feedback and we get calls and they say, I just read so many, I watched so many positive things about you. I want to work with Ben and Tanya. You guys are, those reviews, that feedback is a big part of the calls in the new business

that we get.

By the way, is Tanya a T-O-N-I-A or a T-O-N-Y-A?

She’s a YA.

Okay, she spells it the right way. I just want to make sure, taking notes here, folks. We got, you worry about the Tanyas with the IA. I’m just messing with you folks. Okay, final three questions for you. Onboarding new employees.

That’s a big thing. In a business like yours, I mean, you hold yourself to a high standard. You want to make sure you offer incredible care. Therefore, you have to have a turnkey process for onboarding new people.

Could you talk about how we’ve been able to help you create an on-boarding process

Yeah, just systems again. So there’s just There’s a certain we have a handbook that we’ve created We walk clients through and train them about who we are what we do how we do it We make it very clear what our expectations are and then we actually have them sign off and say that they understand because Who we are and how we present ourselves to the community.

We want to be uniform and consistent. And that includes the people that work at our front desk and answer the phones or the people that are sitting with clients and taking care of them in the therapy room.

Final two questions, here we go. With a business like yours, having a weekly meeting, I would argue if you’re out there today and you want to get in shape, I can tell you for anybody out there watching, any time in my life, pre-Reawaken America tour and now post-Reawakened America

Tour, any time I’m serious about getting in shape, I have a personal trainer or a partner that I work out with and somebody that will, A, push me to be my best, somebody B who knows what they’re talking about, and somebody who C, who can help me implement. What am I saying? Someone again who can push me to be successful by being accountable and then somebody who knows the proven path.

Could you talk about the value of having a weekly meeting with a coach or we call them internally implementers, but can you talk about the value of having that weekly meeting and that consistency in your life of somebody who really deeply cares about you becoming successful?

Yeah, I think this is a lot about when we were working with people who have kind of hangups about going to a counselor. The Summer Olympics this year, every one of those premier world-class athletes had a coach and nobody felt bad about it, nobody was ashamed of it. You’ve got to have somebody in your corner that’s watching you from the outside. That’s what counseling does and that’s what the weekly call with Andrew, our coach, is

about. He’s asking us questions, he’s reflecting, he’s making sure that we are following the systems and it’s not always even about like we got lazy. It’s just you’ve got to have somebody that helps you stay on track, stay focused, stay targeted. That’s what this does.

And we love Andrew, by the way. We call him the Mountain Dew, D-O. He’s in my phone as the Mountain. We love that guy.

That’s great. I’ll make sure he hears this. Now, final question I would have here for you. Again, there’s somebody on the outside of the website, and I see this all the time. I mean, this wonderful lady, Margaret, I just talked to her yesterday, and she says, you know, it’s changed my life.

And I know it changes people’s lives, and I’ve been doing the same thing since 2005. So I mean, I have a system, I have a process. We’ve been doing these workshops for 20 years. We document the success stories. We offer a free consultation. We do workshops, and we have scholarship ticket pricing to make it affordable for everybody.

What do you say to, again, to somebody out there about the impact that the coaching experience has had on your business and your life?

Yeah, that’s really hard to put into a simple answer. It’s just helped us be successful, frankly. And I don’t know if we would have shut down and gone out of business, but I don’t think we would have been at the place that we are.

I don’t think our phones would ring like they do. It’s been such a positive experience. My nephew, he runs a business called Gutter Perfection, and he’s actually working with one of your coaches. He’s in Northwest Arkansas. We were so pleased and happy with the work

that we’ve done with our coach. We told him about it and he’s working with you too.

I think he’s blowing it up. I think if there’s a gutter shortage in America, it’s probably his fault. I mean, this guy, seriously, I think he’s growing dramatically.

Yeah, he’s great. And a lot of his success, he’s a go-getter, but you guys have helped supercharge him and it’s been fun to watch.

Hey, thank you so much for your time. I really do believe that time is your most important asset. So thank you for carving out time for us. And we’ll talk to you soon, Ben.

Thanks. Thanks for all you do. All right. Say say hello to Tanya.

Bye bye.

Clay Clark is here somewhere.

Where’s my buddy, Clay?

Clay’s the greatest.

I met his goats today.

I met his dogs. I met his chickens. I saw his compound. He’s like the greatest guy.

I ran from his goats, his chickens, his dogs. So this guy’s like the greatest marketer you’ve ever seen, right? His entire life, Clay Clark, his entire life is marketing.

Okay, Aaron Antis, March 6th and 7th. March 6th and 7th, guess who’s coming to Tulsa, Russia?

Ooh, Santa Claus?

No, that’s March. March 6th and 7th, you’re going to be joined by Robert Kiyosaki, best-selling author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, possibly the best-selling, or one of the best-selling business authors of all time, and he’s going to be joined with Eric Trump. He’ll be joined by Eric Trump. So we’ve got Eric Trump and Robert Kiyosaki in the same place.

In the same place. Aaron, why should everybody show up to hear Robert Kiyosaki? Well, you’ve got billions of dollars of business experience between those two, not to mention many, many, many millions of books have been sold. Many, many millionaires have been made from the books that have been sold by Robert Kiyosaki. I happen to be one of them.

I learned from the man. He was the inspiration.

That book was the inspiration for me to get the entrepreneurial spirit, as many other

people. Now, since you won’t brag on yourself, I will. You’ve sold billions of dollars of houses, am I correct? That is true. And the book that that kick-started it all for you, Rich Dad Poor Dad, the author, the best-selling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki, the guy that kick-started your career, he’s gonna be here, he’s gonna be here, I’m pumped. And now Eric Trump,

people don’t know this, but the Trump Organization has thousands of employees. There’s not 50 employees. The Trump Organization, again most people don’t know this, but the Trump Organization has thousands of employees. And while Donald J. Trump was the 45th president of these United States, and soon to be the 47th president of these United States, he needed someone to run the companies for him. And so the man that runs the Trump Organization for Donald J. Trump, as he was the 45th president

of the United States, and now the 47th president of the United States, is Eric Trump is here to talk about time management, promoting from within, marketing, branding, quality control, sales systems, workflow design, workflow mapping, how to build. I mean, everything that you see, the Trump hotels, the Trump golf courses, all their products, the man who manages billions of dollars of real estate and thousands of employees is here to teach us how to do it. You are talking about one of the greatest brands on the planet from a business standpoint.

I mean, who else has been able to create a brand like the Trump brand? I mean, look at it. And this is the man behind the business for the last, pretty much since 2015. He’s been the man behind it. So you’re talking, we’re into nine, going into 10 years of him running it. And we get to tap into that knowledge.

That’s going to be amazing.

Now think about this for a second. Would you buy a ticket just to see Robert Kiyosaki and Eric Trump? Of course you would.

Of course you would.

But we’re also going to be joined by Sean Baker. This is the best-selling author, the guy who invented the carnivore diet. Dr. Sean Baker, he’s been on Joe Rogan multiple times. He’s going to be joining us. So you’ve got Robert Kiyosaki, the best-selling author

of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Eric Trump, Sean Baker. The lineup continues to grow. And this is how we do our tickets here at the Thrive Time Show. If you want to get a VIP ticket, you can absolutely do it. It’s $500 for a VIP ticket.

We’ve always done it that way. Now, if you want to take a general admission ticket, it’s $250 or whatever price you want to pay. And the reason why I do that and the reason why we do that is because we want to make our events affordable for everybody. I grew up without money.

I totally understand what it’s like to be in a tight spot. So if you want to attend, it’s $250 or whatever price you want to pay. That’s how I do it. And it’s $500 for a VIP ticket. Now, we only have limited seating here. The most people we’ve ever had in this building

was for the Jim Brewer presentation. Jim Brewer came here. The legendary comedian Jim Brewer came to Tulsa. And we had 419 people that were here. 419 people.


And I thought to myself, there’s no more room. I felt kind of bad that a couple people had VIP seats in the men’s restroom. No, I’m just kidding. But I thought, you know what, we should probably add on. So we’re adding on what we call the upper deck, or the top shelf.

So the seats are very close to the presenters. But we’re actually building right now. We’re adding on to the facility to make room to accommodate another 30 attendees or more. So again, if you want to get tickets for this event, all you have to do is go to

Go to When you go to, you’ll go there, you’ll request a ticket, boom. Or if you want to text me, if you want a little bit faster service, you say, I want you to call me right now. Just text my number. It’s my cell phone number, my personal cell phone number. We’ll keep that private between you, between you, me, everybody.

We’ll keep that private. And anybody, don’t share that with anybody except for everybody. That’s my private cell phone number. It’s 918-851-0102. 918-851-0102. I know we have a lot of Spanish speaking people

that attend these conferences. And so to be bilingually sensitive, my cell phone number is 918-851-0102. That is not actually bilingual. That’s just saying one for a one.

It’s not something.

I think you’re attacking me. Now, let’s talk about this. Now, what kind of stuff will you learn at the Thrive Time Show workshop? So Aaron, you’ve been to many of these over the past seven, eight years.

So let’s talk about it. I’ll tee up the thing, and then you tell me what you’re going to learn here, OK?


You’re going to learn marketing, marketing and branding. What are we going to learn about marketing and branding?

Oh, yeah.

We’re going to dive into, you know, so many people say, oh, you know, I’ve got to get my brand known out there, like the Trump brand. You want to get that brand out there. It’s like, how do I actually make people know what my business is and make it a household name?

You’re going to learn some intricacies

of how you can do that.

You’re going to learn sales. So many people struggle to sell something. This just in, your business will go to hell if you can’t sell. So we’re going to teach you sales. We’re going to teach you search engine optimization, how to come up top in the search engine results.

We’re going to teach you how to manage people. Aaron, you have managed, no exaggeration, hundreds of people throughout your career and thousands of contractors, and most people struggle with managing people. Why does everybody have to learn how to manage people? Well, because first of all, you either have great people or you have people who suck. It can be a challenge.

Learning how to work with a large group of people and get everybody pulling in the same direction can be a challenge. But if you have the right systems, you have the right processes, and you’re really good at selecting great ones, and we have a process we teach about how to find great people. When you start with the people who have a great attitude, they’re teachable, they’re driven, all of those things, then you can get those people all pulling in the same direction.

So we’re going to teach you branding, marketing, sales, search engine optimization. We’re going to teach you accounting. We’re going to teach you personal finance, how to manage your finance. We’re going to teach you time management.

How do you manage your time? How do you get more done during a typical day? How do you build an organization if you’re not organized? How do you do organization? How do you build an org chart? Everything that you need to know to start and grow a business

will be taught during this two-day interactive business workshop. But let me tell you how the format is set up here. Again, folks, this is a two-day interactive 15… Think about this, folks. It’s two days.

Each day it starts at 7 a.m. and it goes until 5 p.m. So from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., two days. It’s a two-day interactive workshop. The way we do it is we do a 30-minute teaching session, and then we break for 15 minutes for a question and answer session. So Aaron, what kind of great stuff

happens during that 15 minute question and answer session after every teaching session? I actually think it’s the best part about the workshops, because here’s what happens. I’ve been to lots of these things over the years. I’ve paid many thousands of dollars to go to them.

And you go in there, and they talk in vague generalities, and they’re constantly upselling you for something, trying to get you to buy this thing, or that thing, or this program, or this membership. And you don’t, you leave not getting your very specific questions answered

about your business or your employees or what you’re doing on your marketing. But what’s awesome about this is we literally answer every single question that any person asks.

And it’s very specific to what your business is.

And what we do is we allow you, as the attendee, to write your questions on the whiteboard. And then we literally, as you mentioned, we answer every single question on the whiteboard. And then we take a 15 minute break to stretch and to make it entertaining when you’re stretching. And this is a true story. When you get up and stretch, you’ll be greeted by mariachis.

There’s going to probably be alpaca here, llamas, helicopter rides, a coffee bar, a snow cone. I mean, there’s just you had a crocodile one time. That was pretty interesting. You know, I should write that down. And actually, sorry for that one guy. We lost the crocodile. We duct taped its face.

So that’s right.

We duct taped. No, it was a baby crocodile. And we duct taped. Yeah, duct taped around the mouth so it didn’t bite anybody.

But it was really cool to have that thing around.

In fact, I should do that.

I should.

We have a small petting zoo that will be assembled. It’s going to be great. And then you’re in the company of hundreds of entrepreneurs. So there’s not a lot of people in America today. In fact, there’s less than 10 million people today, according to US Debt Clock, that identify

as being self-employed. So if you have a country with 350 million people, that means you have less than 3% of our population that’s even self-employed. So you only have three out of every 100 people in America that are self-employed to begin with.

And when Inc. Magazine reports that 96% of businesses fail by default, by default, you have a 1 out of 1,000 chance of succeeding in the game of business. But yet, the average client that you and I work with, we can typically double the size. No hyperbole, no exaggeration. I have thousands of testimonials to back this up.

We have thousands of testimonials to back it up. But when you work with a home builder, when I work with a business owner, we can typically double the size of the company within 24 months. And you say, double? Yeah, there’s businesses that we have tripled. There’s businesses we’ve grown 8x.

There’s so many examples. You can see it throughout But again, this is the most interactive best business workshop on the planet. This is objectively the highest rated and most reviewed business workshop on the planet.

And then you add to that Robert Kiyosaki, the best selling author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad. You add to that Eric Trump, the man that runs the Trump Organization. You add to that Sean Baker. Now you might say, but Clay, is there more? I need more. Well, okay. So Tom Wheelwright is the wealth strategist

for Robert Kiyosaki. So people say, Robert Kiyosaki, who’s his financial wealth advisor? Who’s the guy who manages, who’s his wealth strategist? His wealth strategist, Tom Wheelwright will be here. And you say, Clay, I still, I’m not going to get a ticket unless you give me more. OK, fine. We’re going to serve you the same meal both days. True story. We have we cater to food and because I keep it simple, I literally bring in the same food both days for lunch. It’s Ted Esconzito’s, an incredible Mexican restaurant. That’s going to happen. And Jill

Donovan, our good friend, who is the founder of Rustic Cuff. She started that company in her home, and now she sells millions of dollars of apparel and products. That’s And someone says, I want more! This is not enough! Give me more.

OK, I’m not going to mention their names right now, because I’m working on it behind the scenes here. But we’ve got one guy who’s given me a verbal to be here. And this is a guy who’s one of the wealthiest people in Oklahoma. And nobody really knows who he is, because he’s built systems that are very utilitarian, that offer a lot of value. He’s made a lot of money in the…

It’s where you rent… It’s where you’re renting storage spaces. He’s a storage space guy. He owns the… What do you call that?

The rental…

The storage space?

Storage units. This guy owns storage units. He owns railroad cars. He owns a lot of assets that make money on a daily basis. But they’re not like customer facing. Most people don’t know who owns the mini storage facility, or most people don’t know who owns

the warehouse that’s passively making money. Most people don’t know who owns the railroad cars. But this guy, he’s giving me a verbal that he will be here. And we just continue to add more and more success stories. So if you’re out there today and you want to change your life, you want to give yourself an incredible gift, you want a life changing experience, you want to learn how to start and grow a company. Go to

Go there right now. Request a ticket for the two-day interactive event. Again, the day here is March 6th and 7th. March 6th and 7th We just got confirmation. Robert Kiyosaki, best-selling author, rich dad, poor dad. He’ll be here. Eric Trump, the man who leads the Trump organization It’s gonna be a blasty blast. There’s no upsells cells. Aaron, I could not be more excited about this event. I think it is incredible and there’s somebody out there right now you’re watching and

you’re like, but I already signed up for this incredible other program called Smoke Your Way to Thin. I think that’s gonna change your life. I promise you this will be ten times better than that. It’s like I picked the wrong week. Quit smoking. Don’t do the Smoke Your Way to Thin conference. That is… I’ve tried it, don’t do it. Yeah, chain smoking is not a viable, I mean, it is life-changing. It is life-changing.

If you become a chain smoker, it is life-changing.

It’s not the best weight loss program, though.

Right, not really. So if you’re looking to have life-changing results in a way that won’t cause you to have a stoma, get your tickets at Again, that’s Aaron Antis, I’m Clay Clark, reminding you and inviting you to come out to the two-day interactive Thrivetimeshow workshop right here in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I promise you, it will be a life-changing experience.

I promise you, it will be a life-changing experience. We can’t wait to see you right here in Tulsa, Oklahoma.




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