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I played basketball at the University of Oklahoma and my father was a high school coach. When I got out of college, what I wanted to do was coach. I coached in college for about four years and then I had my son and life changed. And my son was terminally ill. He had muscular dystrophy, what’s called Duchenne. At the time I was working for a school, I needed to make more money because of all the doctor bills, all that kind of stuff you got to buy and everything.
So I started doing just a side program with score, just doing a few basketball lessons. My schedule filled up. At the time, my son was in a wheelchair. It got to be quite a struggle with him. And so it was a constant fight every day of, do I work, do I spend my time with him,
how much time do I spend with working? But what I learned from all of it is, you still gotta get your job done. Well, I’m not a business owner, and I’m probably a terrible business owner, back a couple years ago.
Because I had parents tell me all the time, well, I wish I’d have known about you three years ago. Well I’ve never heard us score, we get that all the time. And then doing the finances, doing the, just everything that I had to do was just eating me alive. It would take hours every day. And so I needed to get smart about doing my business.
All of us need a game plan. And Thrive 15 has helped me tremendously with that game plan. We changed how it was charging, we changed the programs we were doing. We changed the advertisement we were doing. We started doing everything smart. We’re the largest basketball facility in this three or four state area.
We have people that call us from all over Oklahoma because of our website. My time has been freed up tremendously because I’m not involved in all the little things. It’s just streamlining your business so it’s not taking just all of your time away from your family because I my wife’s very important to me my kids You know, I got to have some of that as well and as a business owner if you allow your business to eat you up But it’s not really worth it. You got to have a value of life as well We wouldn’t be where we’re at today without thrive
I have had the honor and privilege of coaching a lot of great clients throughout my business coaching career. And I’ve had the honor of coaching today’s guest for over seven years. You see, during that time, I’ve got a chance to really know who Coach Don Calvert is and what he’s all about. The founder of Score B-Ball, Don Calvert, has shared with me a lot over these years. And throughout this time coaching and growing together and helping him take his company to the next level,
I’ve learned that despite losing his son to a disease at the age of just 19 years old, despite losing his other son, almost losing his son to drugs, despite losing his wife to divorce, and losing his health due to repeated back injuries, he never quit and always kept going. You see, Coach John Calvert is the founder of Score B-Ball. And he’s a tenacious man, a diligent man, a hard-working man, and a man who’s been a joy to coach and to approach on a weekly basis.
He’s 60 years old. I’m 37. He’s kind of like a father figure that I happen to coach. It’s just an awesome relationship, and I can’t wait to share it with you. And on today’s show, SCORE Basketball’s founder, Coach Don Calvert, shares with us all why life only gets easier when you and I do hard things.
Some shows don’t need a celebrity narrator to introduce the show. But this show does. Two men, eight kids co-created by two different women, 13 multi-million dollar businesses. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Thrived Timeshow. 3, 2, 1, here we go!
Started from the bottom, now we’re here. Started from the bottom, and we’ll show you how to get here. Started from the bottom, now we’re here. Started from the bottom, now we’re here. Started from the bottom, now we’re here. Yes, yes, yes, and yes.
Thrive Nation on today’s show. We’re joined today here with my brother from another mother, Mr. Coach Don Calvert. Sir, how are you? I’m doing great. Good to be here. And we have Paul Hood, America’s number one CPA in every way.
Paul Hood, how are you? I am amazing, Clay. Well, Paul, I’m excited to be on today’s show. This is kind of a unicorn event for me because I got a chance to, you asked me to speak at a financial seminar that you did there with your team at your beautiful new home, a 25,000 square foot home, by the way.
And I know that you grew up so poor, in fact, and tell me if I’m wrong, did you not, as a family, eat roadkill on many occasions? Seriously, no exaggeration. Yes, sir. Now, my mom wants me to clarify that it was roadkill that my dad swerved the car to hit. So it’s not like we picked up things with flies all over it. But that was, you know, we’re Indian. My grandfather was full blood Indian and he’s a real thing. It’s a real thing. So you took out a deer and then
you not a deer. No, you’ll be like possum or raccoon or. Yeah, dear. It all tastes like chicken. Just a little chewy. She also took squirrel brains and put them on my teeth. You know, like, you know when you’re so poor and your kids are teething? Supposedly, raw squirrel brains are an anesthetic. Are you being serious? I’m 100% serious.
Shunda. This is Indian land, baby. Come on, get the squirrel brains. Are you serious? Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, I just want to…
I am your father. I lost my mind, but I got it back. You’re saying that you grew up so poor that your mother took the brains, the brain, out of a squirrel, or multiple squirrels, and put it on your teeth as some sort of… what? Yeah, so when you’re teething, when you’re a baby, you can’t afford to go and… Who has the conclusion, I know what I should do, that cute little squirrel, I’ll rip its
head off and crack open its skull and put… is this really a thing? Are you messing with me? Yeah, we ate squirrel all the time. I think there’s much more here. I want to go deeper down this path. Coach, you know how a lot of times kids grow up and they’re like, I grew up so poor, a
lot of older guys will say, I grew up so poor that I, this. I want to go back to this, because Coach, you also grew up without means. Your dad was a traveling coach who was gaining traction with his career for a long time there. Give me one more poor moment, and I’m going to have Coach Calvert one-up you. Okay. Well, yeah, I don’t know what’s poor.
I do know- Oh, come on. You’re winning so far, by the way. My dad, you know, he was, every man on my dad’s side of the family is an alcoholic, and so, you know, he didn’t work much or anything. My mom worked.
But, you know, I know that I don’t like coffee today because he would take just the cheapest coffee grounds and go over to the sink and pour hot water in his coffee and then stir up the grounds without, you know, we couldn’t afford a coffee pot or, you know, something like that. And he would, you know, I can just see him, he’d spit the coffee grinds out. Yeah.
And he, you know, my dad, he ate squirrel brains. So it’s just, it’s Indian. It’s an Indian. I don’t know if it’s a poor thing or if that’s an Indian thing. Holy cow! Coach Calvert, please one up him on our battle to be the poorest.
I thought I was poor. I wasn’t that poor. We were raised on hamburgers and Cokes and french fries and that was like our three food groups and we were raised on tennis shoes and t-shirts. Well right now I’m helping you to write your first book you know when you finish editing up your book I’m excited it’s a powerful story but as I read the manuscript which you gave me we were
officing out of Steve Currington’s office because the flood was it destroyed the room we’re now in. This room that we’re in right now was four feet underwater. It was past my waist. Crazy. And then the office was within, Andrew, you were there. We were like right within it.
I was so close. Very close to flooding it. It flooded the casino. So we’re officing at Steve Carrington’s office, and I thought, you know what I’m going to do? I’m going to go ahead.
I can’t sleep. I wasn’t worried. I’m like, oh, if we lose everything, is my life over? I was more of just like, I can’t sleep because it could be happening now. We’d already moved everything out, but I’m like, when you go downstairs and you see that your studio is four feet in water, man, this chair I’m on, I’d throw it away, but the one
that we originally had, it was floating. I mean, it was crazy when I discovered it. I was like, what in the world? I’m thinking, what else could happen? And then the office is near flooding, so I got your manuscript,
and I’m like, I’m gonna read this thing. And when you edit a book, you read for the spirit of the book, and then you read for the letter second. The spirit is like, what are we trying to say here? And the letter is, are we spelling it right?
And everybody, just so you know, if you ever wanted to write a book, this might be helpful for somebody out there. Usually, Ernest Hemingway said, the first version of anything is boop. And Paul Graham, the famous developer coder for Dropbox and Reddit and Airbnb, he said
the first eight iterations of something are not very good. Eight. So I’m reading your book and it wore me out. Like your book was like, I’ve got to go to Atwoods, I’m going to cry. And then I thought, I’m going through the tough part of the book right now, so I’ve got to go to it.
And then I’m going, uh-oh, here it comes again. I’m talking like 3 a.m. gushers. Now Atwoods isn’t open at 3 a.m. I’m over in Steve’s office just weeping. Seriously, and I don’t cry a lot, but it was brutal. There was probably five or six moments, maybe more, where I think most people would have
thrown in the towel. And I’ve had the pleasure to serve as your business coach over the last five, six years, maybe go closer to seven at this point. But I knew you’d gone through some stuff. And some of the stuff has been with me. We’ve gone through it together.
I’ve seen money being bezeled from you. How much money was embezzled before you and I caught it? $20,000. I’ve seen, and this is a kid you knew forever. You’ve known this kid growing up. He was my son’s good friend.
He stole 20 grand from you. I saw that, and as a coach, one of your duties is to make sure the accounting side of business is going well until you turn it over to an accountant like Paul to get into the nitty-gritty. But just look at the income and expenses, and we’re going, whoa, money’s missing. I saw that happen. I’ve seen key employees just up and quit randomly.
I can’t tell you how many front desk women and dudes I’ve seen you go through that literally, 10, that just cannot seem to show up. You have tough rules like show up for your shift. Don’t talk about your problems. Yeah, I mean I’ve seen that. Don’t smoke in front of the people. Yeah, I’ve seen that.
I’ve seen a lot of crazy things happen, but reading your book, there was five or six really terrible moments and that would have caused most people to quit. So today’s show is called Life Gets Easier When You Do Hard Things because that is something you believe. I truly believe it. So coach, let’s talk about your life.
Let’s talk about since you, from college on, you were playing basketball at OU, you got carried off the court. Tell us about that. It’s just my first year I didn’t get to play and didn’t get to travel and didn’t get to practice much. So I worked really hard all year.
My sophomore year we had a really good team. We won the Big 8 for the first time in 30 years. We made it to the Sweet 16. We got beat by Larry Bird in the Sweet 16. Larry Bird! You played against Larry Bird?
For about a minute. Is he closer to 7 feet tall than our 6 foot 8? All I know is he only scored like 30 and had an average game. And how slow was Larry Legend? I had no idea he was going to be that good. I mean, I thought he was good and he dominated us.
Was he slow? He did that thing where you throw the ball over their head and then you pull it back. And then the defensive player turns and looks the other way. And then he had all these fakes and moves and just, you know. Was it hard not to want to just take notes while you’re watching him play? Oh no, I remember Coach talking about him before the game and I remember Drew Hedden
and I thinking, man I can’t wait to see this guy play. And so Larry Bird, I mean, NBA Hall of Famer, you played against him. Yeah, Sidney Moncrief, there’s some really good players that we played against. And you got carried off the court, why? But what happened was that I had come a long ways and so my sophomore year I got to suit up and I started getting to play a little bit. What happened was, I had never scored in a game.
I was about through 10 games in my sophomore year and I finally hit a bucket. They were really excited for me. I have the picture of Terry Stotts, who is the coach of the Portland Trailblazers now, and John McCullough, who coaches with him, and Al Beal. I remember the three of them carrying me off. So that was a highlight.
Now, when did the first no good, terrible, rotten, bad event happen? After I left OU, I started coaching at ORU. That was my first coaching. Oral Roberts University. Yep. Oral Roberts University.
That’s why I came to Tulsa. My son, who was a great kid, he was about two years old at the time. He wasn’t growing and he wasn’t developing like he should have. And so we started taking him to a couple of doctors and we found out, to make a long story short, we found out that he had muscular dystrophy. And how did you keep going?
It’s kind of a long story, but I’m a man of faith and my Christian faith is what’s important to me. And I knew that God had a plan and a purpose in it and I knew that God was a good God and that he’s not a cruel God. And I knew that just from my relationship with him that I knew he’d be with me and encourage me and help me.
What was the second no good, terrible, rotten, bad thing that happened to you? Well, there’s a couple of things. One is my other son started having health problems and they thought that he might have the same thing. There was about a six month period there where the three members of my family were in the hospital for ten different times.
Three members of your family in the hospital ten different times? Ten different times. And the three members would be? My ex-wife now, and then my son, and then my other son. My two sons. What are other terrible things?
Because the listeners need to read this book. You talk about the book of Job, Part Two. This is what you’ve been through. Seriously, this is Job Part 2. Well, after my son died, my wife divorced me. And that’s a bad story, but it’s also a good story because a couple of years after that,
she reconciled with me and told me that she was sorry that she ever did it and that it wasn’t my fault. Your son passed? In 2002. How old was he? He was 19 years old.
You went to a Bulls game with him. Yeah, it was kind of a remarkable story. He told me he liked Michael Jordan a lot. We would watch ball games together, and so I’m a man of prayer, and I started praying, Lord, help us out here. I really need something to work out for him to get to see Michael Jordan.
A win. And so a guy called me about a week after and said, does your son like Michael Jordan? I said, yeah, he happens to like Michael Jordan. He said, well, my company would like to send you and your son to Chicago and sit on the front seat and watch Michael Jordan. Wow.
I understand you were trying to tell your son to quit looking at all the cheerleaders. So we had a lot of fun with him there. Every time he’d look up at one of the cheerleaders, I’d yell at him and say, hey, you can’t be doing that. He’d yell back at me and say, Dad, I’m not looking at the cheerleaders. But then, because I said it so many times, and then he caught himself looking the whole
time, the cool part was Dennis Rodman, who you like talking about. I love Rodman. I love Rodman. Rodman got thrown out of the game. Took his shirt off, threw it up in the stands, went running by us, yelling something, and so he put on a show for us.
It was kind of fun. Yeah, I love Dennis Rodman, for those of you out there that don’t know. Rodman, number 10, if you look up Dennis Rodman, and Andrew, put him on the show, let’s put a link to it. Dennis Rodman on the Pistons got a low contract every year. Paid very little, was all defensive player, led the league in rebounds, and it occurred
to him at some point while dating Madonna, in his book he says this, it occurred to him that Madonna was like, hey, you know, Dennis, if you want to get paid, you’ve got to put on a show. You’re an entertainer. Now remember, Dennis Rodman graduated high school at the height of 5’9″. And then two years after high school, grew to be 6’8″, as a 20-year-old man. So he never played basketball, or organized basketball, until he was like 20.
And he went to college in Oklahoma. It’s southwestern. Yeah, Oklahoma State. A little division too. And he went to a school where people would yell racist things at him because he’s like the only African American there.
And some kid who, again I don’t have the book in front of me. A little short, white, chubby kid. Yeah, a short little white little kid who was like 13 I think said, I’d like to be your friend because he saw him running around town, walking around. He’s like, you’ll be my friend? And he said, I don’t have a friend.
I’ve never had a friend. Can you be my friend? And Rodman grew up in and out of, his dad disappeared. His dad has over 20 kids from 20 different women. And so Dennis found out as a young man that you could actually climb into the raw sewage in Texas
and climb underneath the road for over a mile underground in human feces. You could then come out of the manhole and arrive in the state fair. That’s how I went to the state fair every year. You talk about determination, that’s sick.
So this kid says, hey, I’d like to be your friend. And he says, okay. And so the kid said, you want to be my best friend? So here a 20-year-old guy who’s on full scholarship, the basketball star, his best friend’s a 13-year-old kid. And he said, what do you want for being my friend?
And he says, nothing. And he says, I do want to have a business someday. And he said, okay, when I get to the NBA and make a lot of money, I’ll fund your business. And so when Dennis got to the NBA, he called him up and said, hey, let’s start that business. And so today, Rodman Excavation is a real company. You can see all over Dallas, Texas.
And that is Dennis Rodman making do on a promise that he’d made to a kid who he’s been his best friend forever. Which is such a great story because he didn’t really have friends in the NBA. He didn’t and he said in the NBA you couldn’t meet friends. And so the one lady he dated and felt close to was Madonna and she says, you know, you just need to stand out.
Yeah, so he started the colorful. Dyeing his hair. And he started doing these jump kicks when he would rebound and he would intentionally get thrown out of games because he figured out that the fine for getting thrown out was less than the endorsements. Yeah, it’s really… So he made this whole personality and then he got stuck
in that personality. Now we want Dennis to come back. Yeah, come back. Come back. I can’t stand to look at him because those things on his face look so painful. Oh, you have to hurt. He’s been going through something. Yeah. So you you went to the game with your son. How old was he when he passed? He was 19. He weighed five, seven, 50 pounds when he passed away. He was living a miserable life at that point. So did both of your sons die?
No, my other son in fact is at my house right now doing work for me. He went down a path of drugs and got involved in the wrong people and it was just devastating for him. He still talks to me this day about how painful it is for him to think of his brother. So I’ll make sure the listeners recap this. And again, I don’t mean to make light of it.
I think I’m an optimistic person. You’ve known me long enough, Coach, to know that I care, but at the same time I want to get it out there. Your wife, well, your son was born with the disease. He dies at the age of 19. Your other son is on drugs.
Your wife leaves you. That point… I think it got worse, though, before it got better. Yeah, it did. O.R.U., this is a story that never came out. But it should come out, because it’s true.
It should come out. You shouldn’t feel bad about it. It’s true. ORU was hurting at the point, and you’ll remember those days when they had all the scandals, and ORU was part of the scandals. The new Richard Roberts era.
Right. And we can’t verify what was happening or not happening. All we know is that Richard couldn’t find $52 million, according to the lawsuit that came out. He couldn’t find it. He doesn’t know where it is.
So the city of faith was literally a blessing and a curse for us because that’s where my boys went to hospital, but it was sucking money out of where are you by the millions. So the school was really hurting. So anyway, to make a long story short, our assistant coach’s father had a lot of influence in Tulsa and he offered to pay a million dollars for the business school if they would give her daughter the coaching job.
And so sure enough, we all got fired. After having turned the program around and having a successful run. We had lost to the number one team in the nation by two points that year. We were starting all freshmen and sophomores. We had a great program going at that point. So you got fired. After doing a good job, your wife left you, your son’s on drugs,
the other one is dead. Did it get worse? Yeah, it got worse after that. What happened next? I started having back issues. And I lost the use of the left side of my body, basically. And I had four ruptured discs.
In fact, I used to have this running joke with my son that he was killing my back. I was kind of joking, but he literally was killing my back. And he’d say, what’s wrong, Dad? Am I heavy or something? And so, again, to make a long story short, I’ve had 10 back surgeries now. 10?
10 of them. And you’ve gone to Germany for these surgeries? There’s people in America who said, we can’t do anything else. Yeah, I’ve had two back surgeries in Germany. I was told that I would be in a wheelchair one day and that I wouldn’t be walking. Let me recap, Paul.
Make sure we’re getting this. His son, your son, passed away at 19. Your other son’s on drugs. Your wife left you. You got fired from your job. Then you are having back problems.
Faith, check, that’s going good. Family, not so good. Finances, not so good. Terrible. Fitness, not so good. Terrible.
Friendship, not so good. No, because when you lose your wife and you lose your job and you have back surgeries, your friends don’t hang around too much. Andrew, you are a young guy, 21 years old? Yep. And you have one rental house?
True. You’re in the process of closing on your second house? Yes, we are. Your wife is a manager of a multi-million dollar company, Elephant in the Room, one of my businesses? She’s fantastic.
You save what percentage of your income? It’s 50% of our household. How old were you, Coach, when you were going through all this? I started when I was about 20. So here’s the deal. Here’s the deal.
Listen to this. How old were you again, Coach, when you started going through all these problems? I started when I was 20. And when you got fired from ORU, how old were you then? I was about 25. So think about this.
Twenty-five versus 21. Some people are given lemons. Some are given lemonade. Paul, your dad was an alcoholic. You grew up poor right um We all everybody has their own limits
But it’s it’s it’s how do we what do we do with it if right now though from where I’m? Where I’m seated now could be I don’t might not have a good view here. It appears as though Andrew is our silver spooner this because Andrew Was he apply Andrew how old were you when you applied to work at epic photography? It was 16 or 17, I was pretty young.
And you started working there. Now again, a lot of people, Andrew, how many people have started working for me and have been fired by me since you’ve worked for me? A lot. The number of people who are still around is much, much smaller than the people who are, who have been hired and fired.
How many people do you think have been fired? From your perspective? There’s something outside. I’ve watched a lot. Since I’ve been here, over a hundred, I believe. Let me queue up my music before I…
That was an evil laugh, Clay. I just gotta say that. Kind of a joyful… That was… yes. Oh, yeah, well, I mean, it’s kind of like this. It’s like, if you’ve been on a road trip and you’ve wanted to urinate for a while, and then you get to, that’s how I feel after firing somebody. I’m like, hmm.
What a relief. Okay, now, Andrew, I’m going to cue up this song while you can formulate any questions you have for Coach, because today’s show is, Life Gets Easier When You Do Hard Things. And this is Job, Part 2. Job, from the Bible, went through a lot. This is Job, Part 2.
That’s his nickname that I recall out loud, but I’m going to now. I’m looking forward to Job, Part 2. But let me hit play here on your theme song, Andrew, as you think about what questions to ask Coach Calvin. I’m so ready. Here we go.
Let me cue it up here. I can feel it. Ah, there it is. Here we go, Andrew. Here we are, face to face, a couple of silver spooners. Dedicate this song to Andrew, the silver spooner.
Life is easy for this guy. Make it a go. No kids yet. Make it grow together. He’s healthy. He’s got a job. He hasn’t been fired unjustly yet.
His son’s not on drugs. Yes. There’s still time. I mean, things are like great over here. And Andrew is, you know, he’s kind of got that, almost like an island vibe. Andrew’s like Hawaii for most people. I mean, he’s living the life right now
I’m gonna Let me let me cue this up Andrew. This is your new theme song. I think of you This is the new song. I think of I think of you. Oh, wow a new one. Let me cue it up Yeah, Silver Spoons is your is your that’s the song you were conceived to but let me cue up this is true This is I’ve heard the stories. Okay, Andrew from our from our yuppie help desk, what questions do you have for Coach Calvert there about doing hard things, Andrew?
Oh, wow. So, I’m curious, were there any… I’m trying to concentrate. Yeah, I’m also trying to formulate this question. Alright, whatever, Silver Spinner. Okay, yeah, so, Coach, were there any books that you really turned to, or maybe books
in the Bible? Anything specific, any quote, any book, anything that you turn to that you fixated on, that you focused on that helped you through all of those hard times, that really helped you? Yeah, because at that point, when you’re in that much grief like I was, you have to have things that you can hang on to.
What happened with me though was I struggled in college and I was going through a difficult time so I spent a lot of time in the Bible, reading the Bible, and I invested in that. So I felt like the Lord was building my faith up way before things ever started happening. And Paul, you can relate to that too, that you have to spend time in the Word if you’re going to follow Christ. And so when things did start happening, before I found out my son was going to die, the Lord
put me through something where my car broke down. At that point we didn’t have cell phones. I know you can’t imagine that, but there was no way to get a hold of anybody. So I spent two hours on my own. Make a long story short, at the end of that two hours I was reading a story and at the end of the story it was Jeremiah 29, 11.
My thoughts towards you, my plans towards you are not of evil but of good, for a finished end. And so what God was telling me was that I was going to go through hard times, but there was a purpose in it. And I remember thinking when I found out Carrie was going to die, I remember thinking, God, if that’s going to be the course of my life, then I want it to be for something great.
It better not be for something average. It better be for something great. Jeremiah 29.11. When your son asked you if he was going to die, what did you think? I remember thinking first that he was too young for us to have that conversation. I remember I was going to lie to him.
There are points… And you don’t lie, by the way. I don’t lie. So you thought about lying to him, which I just want to make sure the listeners understand this. Reading your book, it’s like, if anybody’s out there and you have gone through something,
there is something cathartic, something powerful about writing down your thoughts. And when you have somebody who, as an editing partner, you finally get somebody who can like take, in my case I’m dyslexic so it takes me about 20 hours of my life to fully read and get the book. I was like, there it is. But I think as you wrote it, I think there’s a part of the book where it says you were
going to lie to your son, and I know you had the thought I’m going to lie to my son, and well enough to know just that idea alone, that had to be rough. Yeah, because I didn’t want him to find out later on that he was going to die and then he’d say, Dad, why did you lie to me? Did you tell him the truth? No, I just, at that point, I didn’t get into it and I tried to change the subject.
I knew that he would find out soon enough. He and I never had that conversation, but I remember thinking one day when he and I were talking, I knew he had figured it out. Yeah. That is just, I, again, I mean, you go to scorebball.com, if you go, you’re going to see a guy who’s gained strength through struggle. You can see he didn’t stop. And you ask, well Clay, people ask me all the time, they say, why do you, why do you coach businesses?
This question was asked to me recently. My wife ran the process of, it looks like, building a building, you know, and talking to the people involved, and they said, why are you doing this? And I said, I feel called to do it, I don’t want to though.
And the guy said, do you want to? I said, no, no, no, no, no, no. I don’t want to. He said, why? I said, because talking to people, every one of my clients starts like this. I’d say 80% of them.
It’s like they are right at the end of a breakdown and they need a breakthrough. And the weight on that, I had a dream the other night. It was the worst dream I’ve had in years. It was crazy, crazy. I woke up completely sweaty, stressed out. And what happened is we have 160 clients.
The average client has 30 employees. So I was thinking, I had a dream where I was picturing all of those clients and all 30 of their employees and all of their dependents and realizing that they were all asking me, can you fix my business? In a unison. And it was like super crazy stressful and I just couldn’t get it together.
So I did the most mature thing I could do at three in the morning, I jumped in the pool. Oh, great idea. It’s totally cold by the way. Cool it off. Seriously, but there’s like, when you feel called to do something, you do it. What keeps me going is when you help people like Coach, who have, the only reason that
you coach basketball is to help teach character. The basketball part is just the avenue that we do it. It is, but I mean, if you go to scorebeatball.com and you’re in the Tulsa area, or if you’re not, just go to the Google map and click around. There’s scripture verses, there’s words of encouragement, and I know a lot of kids, a lot of kids.
One I can think of right now who’s a grown man, who’s told me twice when you weren’t around how much your mentorship has changed his life, and that’s all through basketball. But basketball is kind of a silly little game we play. Phil Jackson in his book, 11 Rings, talks about it more than anything. He kind of views it as he’s like a philosopher, teacher, educator guy who’s on the planet to help people.
A lot of people don’t know this, but Dennis Rodman had a real hard time. He was not coachable anymore. And he was on the Spurs and they kicked him off the team, essentially. He took his shoes off over on the bench. He’s complaining. And so Phil Jackson sits down with Rodman and says, Rodman, Dennis, I’d like you to
be on the team. It’s Rodman, Jordan, and Pippen, all three of them. And he’s like, I’d like you to be on the team. Could you please share with us if you want to be on the team? And he goes on this diatribe about how he will not talk to Michael Jordan or Scottie Pippen, but they’re there.
And he’s like, why? And he’s like, I’m not on the team to make friends. I’m on the team to play basketball, to win games, you know? So basically, that’s a kind of a good tanker’s thing. Well, he sits down with them privately and he shares in his book, but he’s like, what do you need?
What do you need to just go out there and play? What can I do? How can I help you, Dennis? And he goes, I just want a dad.” And so he’s like, you want me to be your dad? And he says, yeah.
So that is the relationship between Dennis Rodman and Phil Jackson today. I mean, there’s just a lot of, whether you’re coaching kids or you’re coaching business vendors, you’ve got to figure out like why are we doing this? What is the root cause? Paul, you had a question for Coach Calvert. Yeah, I just had two things.
One, Shawn Stevenson, I don’t know if you know who Shawn Stevenson is, he’s got a great book, he’s super, and he talks about the majority of addictions start from self-pity. And I want to commend you because you turned that self, what could have been self-pity and self-destruction, into a servant attitude. Because I also listened to a church service this weekend and it says just because you don’t see the harvest doesn’t mean the seed wasn’t planted.
My friend, you have no idea the blessings that you’ve put on other people. I personally never really had a dad. My parents were divorced when I was young. My mom married a guy and was in my life for about 18 months, went from about 13 to 14, 15. He actually showed interest got me into Boy Scouts got me and coached me in sports
And that that 18 month period you know he died of cancer Changed my life forever because it and that’s what you do my friend And I don’t have a question because I can’t even imagine the things you’ve gone through because you know clay growing up poor Yeah, you know pigs don’t know pigs think. I didn’t know. I mean, crap, everybody eats squirrel brains, you know, everybody, that’s, you know, that’s,
I didn’t know. But yet, you knew, Coach, that you knew you were going through turmoil and you chose the righteous path. So I appreciate you, man. There’s a couple of things. One is, my son was that way.
He wouldn’t let, I would ask him, how you doing? And he’d get mad at me. He said, Dad, don’t ask. He didn’t want anybody feeling sorry for him. And he wanted so bad just to be a normal kid that he didn’t want anybody to look at him
that he wasn’t normal. And so with that in mind, it was always a witness to me that I’ve never allowed myself to go there, where I will not feel sorry for myself, even through all these back surgeries, all the pain and everything. I just refuse to feel sorry.
Andrew, I’m going to let you ask Coach Leonard a question here. I want to cue up this audio though. This is Dennis Rodman explaining that he never did talk to Scottie Pippen or Michael Jordan, which is crazy. I’ve been by myself for so long. I mean, living by myself, I think I choose that.
How often would you watch tape? I’d watch tape all the time. Why? It’s because I wanted to, you know. Because of what you did before? Prior to this, I think anyone that has been around me,
as far as being on the bus, I was the only guy to ever say, can you stop being at gym? And I’d get off the bus and walk to the gym every day. I mean, every game, before a game, I go to a gym. Conversation with Dennis. I’ve never had a conversation with Dennis in my life,
so I don’t think it’s anything new. Why not speak to your teammates then? Well, I think it was important. I thought it was important for me to go there and win. You know, I don’t have to have a job to speak to people. I mean, think about Phil Jackson.
What a great coach Phil Jackson is. If he can get a guy. Could you imagine what it would be like in an office environment? That’s why I love his books. He’s such a great manager. Could you imagine what it would be like to be on a team or be in an office where one
person on the team, who is one of the best people on the team, will not speak to the team? Could you imagine going to those free fall things where you fall backwards? The ability and unity, did you ever go to any of those with your team? No. Trust falls.
Trust falls. Could you imagine doing a trust fall with him? He would just let you hit the ground. Now here’s Dennis Rodman’s Hall of Fame speech. I want you to hear just part of this real quick so you can understand what I’m talking about.
I mean, this is wild. Welcoming Dennis to the hall is Rodman. Here we go. So we got Phil Jackson up here. So there’s Phil Jackson
and Phil’s trying to encourage him to get together. And he’s like, he can’t talk. He’s like kind of a shy introverted dude. Super emotional. But most people get up there and do their talk. He cannot, I mean for minutes he struggles to get together.
It’s hard to watch. The Long Reisman, the Rich Family. The rich family. But I’m saying the rich family, that’s the family whose son befriended Dennis? They had a tragedy in their family. A week ago their oldest son died of a heart attack.
And that’s the family that raised me in Oklahoma and I’m sorry I couldn’t be there. But if you think about Dennis Rodman, he would be dead, according to his own words, if it wasn’t for the Rich Family. You, Coach, have changed the trajectory of a lot of different kids. You could have given up on the whole thing. Well, the thing that gave me purpose when Kerry died was that God told me, one of the
things God shared with me when I found out he was going to die was that I would help influence people. At this point, I’ve trained over 10,000 kids. 10,000 kids? And I believe we’ve had so far, correct me if I’m wrong, I think you had four players go to the NBA?
Yeah, I’ve trained four NBA players. And four of your students have gone to the NBA from Oklahoma. Coach, is it too late for me? I’m 5’9″. I might hit that growth spurt. Oh, you’re on the verge.
6’8″. I’m almost there. I could wear heels. It takes talent, ability, it takes. I’m out. I will look at players, though.
I have parents tell me all the time that my kids short I don’t know if he can be a basketball player and I’ll look at myself and go yeah, but Take a look at me, but there’s over over a four dozen players. You’ve coached who played division one basketball Yeah, I mean we go on around listing it out. So over 10,000 kids Andrew you have a question for coach Calvert Absolutely, so you mentioned that you worked at or you and you lost your job there So I’m curious when did you it’s kind of a two-part question, it’s kind of rude.
When did you decide that you wanted to be an entrepreneur, one, and then how did these hardships help you overcome the adversity of being an entrepreneur and getting through those rough patches? So when did you decide to become one and then how did all these hardships help you? Well, a lot more happened that we didn’t go over. I taught at a school after I left ORU and it was a great place because I was going through research program with my son in st. Louis
and that’s when we became huge Cardinal fans and because we’d stay at Ronald McDonald the house there and we go to every six months and I Was working there and just Started doing basketball lessons on the side because a friend of mine who I helped son go play at Arizona and played in the final four and all that kind of stuff.
We had coached an AAU team together and he had me start doing lessons at a place called Champions. Well, I had just been doing it a little bit and I was coaching at this Catholic school and it was a great place, all that kind of stuff, but all of a sudden they fired me. And so it was from that, getting fired there, that I went all in for SCORE. And I didn’t have a backup plan, so I knew at that point I had to get to work and I didn’t
have time to feel sorry for myself. At that point, everything was going wrong. Marriage was going wrong. Health was going wrong. Family was going wrong. I remember I was preaching one time that God will get your attention through one of three
ways, family, health, or finances. I remember going up to him afterwards and saying, what if all three are a mess? He said, yes, God’s really trying to get your attention. Scores started out of that mess. It was from that, though, that I really got to work on it. I did it in faith, but I also did it out of fear of, there is no backup plan.
I’ve got to get to work every morning, every day. The time will never be just right, though. You started out of the mess. You put the messy middle turned into your beginning. Right? I mean, that’s what happened.
And I knew I had ability, and I was a tough kid. God had made me tough. And I wouldn’t give up. I wouldn’t feel sorry for myself. It doesn’t mean things were easy. Things were a constant struggle.
But I started this in 1995, and there really wasn’t a so-called basketball program. There was a guy that was doing a few lessons, but nobody had ever made it doing this kind of thing. I was 15 when you started SCORE. And I was trying to think about what I was doing when you started SCORE. Yeah, because I didn’t start this when I was like 21 or 25.
I started it when I was pretty old. So I got to ask you this, the listeners out there, because I want to get into some specifics and I want to have time for Nick to ask you some questions as well. Nick is a recent Oral Roberts University graduate. He’s doing a great job in our business. I kind of refer to it as our program,
but he’s done a great job starting off with the search engine team, and then moving his way up to the sales team, and now he’s managing a team of dozens of employees and thousands of customers and doing a great job. We had to do some hard things to fix score,
kind of turn it around. The product was good. You were a good coach. Yes, boom, boom. Great coach, great, great product. If you’re out there listening today
and you have a great product or a great service, check the box. Yes, I have a great product or a great service. Great, feel good about that. Now we have a submarine. We have a submarine, we now have a,
Andrew, we have a submarine that’s built, really nice submarine. Oh yeah. And we know that it does work. Yep. The problem is we’ve got about 99 holes in our submarine
and it’s gonna sink unless we fix them all real time. Entrepreneurship, to quote Reid Hoffman, is like jumping out of an airplane and assembling a parachute on the way down. So you are in a submarine, and usually when I get a call, it’s like the scenes from these submarine movies where we’re taking on water.
And I’m going to mention the things that we’ve had to change at SCORE, and then you can kind of share with us whether it was a hard thing to do or easy or what your thoughts were. Okay. One, fixing just the website, getting you top in Google. Was that a tough thing or easy thing? I’d say that was an easy thing.
I agree. I knew I wanted to do it. I knew we needed to do it. I knew it was time to do it. And so I had no trouble turning that over to you. I was excited about the plan.
And I knew how to do it and I’ve done it forever. And it used to be a hard thing for me, but I’ve done it so much it’s easy now. That was kind of easy. That was the easy part. Getting your team to gather reviews from your happy clients, was that easy? No, that was hard.
There we go. One of the things that we worked on at first was, as you know, I had a coach that was working for me that he was a great coach but he did nothing else. And I remember you telling me that I’ve got to let him go because if we’re ever going to grow this thing the way we want to grow it and get it to the point where it runs itself, we had to have accountability.
And accountability is a great thing. If you have none, you have no way to hold anybody responsible for anything. And so that was one of the first things we did was that we had to start making people accountable. And one of those things was we had to start getting reviews. The reviews, to get great reviews, you have to one, do a great job, and then two, get
those great reviews. Now, the third thing we had to do was we had to install some type of call recording and call scripting to make sure that people actually followed the script when they weren’t you. You always followed a script and you could convert. If 10 leads came in, you’d book nine of them for an appointment. When other people would do it, we’d say, this is what would happen almost every meeting,
Andrew. I would say, team, team, how many leads came in? This is the answers I would always get. Coach, you can correct me if I’m wrong. It would be like, well, we think we had a pretty good fair amount. So I said, well, okay, then 10, 1, 7, 15, how many?
A fair amount. So then I would ask, well, what was the conversion rate? Did we actually, and you can’t measure anything unless you, you can’t improve something unless you measure it, right? I mean, you can’t improve it if you don’t know the number. So I didn’t know the number, you didn’t know the number, so we couldn’t improve, but it
turns out the people who are not wanting to get better hide the numbers. Am I correct? Yeah, and they don’t want you to know the truth. I remember you really getting on to one of my employees one time because we were trying to just get him to read a book, and you caught the sucker reading his book right before the meeting.
Oh yeah, because you said, hey, I want you guys to read this book, and then each week we would talk about a chapter. Smart people can do this kind of thing. You’re like, well guys, tell me about 21 irrefutable laws of leadership. What did you get out of it? They’ll say things like, well, there are 21 laws.
Yeah, and they’re important. Very, very important. They do. I like the first one. What do you think, Clay? Yeah.
And so they turn it into like a, it’s just an insincerity. So we called him out on that. To create that culture of accountability, was that hard? Yes, it was really hard for me because I’m a personable guy. The interesting thing was, like you and I talked about, I’m great at holding my players accountable my kids accountable, right? I wasn’t great at holding my Employees accountable and it’s one of the things that I had to grow in
Was in fact at one point you told me I needed to fire my wife Hey, hey now. Hey, hey Let’s not talk about the facts Can you repeat what I asked you to do. To let go of my wife. Here’s the interesting thing, though.
It was my fault for what she was doing. I had her in the wrong place doing the wrong thing. Very talented lady. Does a lot of things well, but we had her in the wrong seat on the right bus for the wrong seat. Right, and she’s great at doing all kinds of creative things, and she’s great at it.
The interesting thing was when I told her that I didn’t want her to come to SCORE anymore, she said, thank you. I am so glad that they said that, because there was one guy back in the day, a dentist I worked with, back in the day, in the Dallas area. If you’re listening, Mr. Dentist, you know I’ve worked with a lot of dentists down there, so don’t you get all offended.
I won’t show you any more details. I can just say, the calls for his business were supposed to be recorded, and the leads were supposed to be called by his wife. The accounting was supposed to be done by his wife, and that was her job, accounting and leads. Which are two most important things.
Right. And I said, hey, I just want you to know the conversion rate of 10%, what can we do to improve? And each week, I’m like, let’s play the calls. And she couldn’t seem to say, she couldn’t find her calls, she couldn’t figure out how to upload it.
Passwords. She couldn’t find the passwords. This would go on. And finally I said, hey guys, guys, doc, we got you to the top of Google, so you’re making more money than ever before, but I estimate that probably 60% of the money you’re owed isn’t being collected, just what I can tell, and the leads are never being called.
And I’m just saying to you guys as a couple, if you had an employee that didn’t call their leads and didn’t collect from insurance, and it wasn’t you, what would you do? Oh, she got mad. Oh, yeah. Oh man! And I remember she was one of those yoga pant kind of wearing, whole foods, kind of tennis
skirt, show up about 30 minutes after the meeting starts kind of people. Oh, and she got mad. I mean, we’re talking about bitter. No, it did not get better, it got bitter. And she says, well, you’re fired as a client. We’re firing you.
And I was like, well, that’s okay. If you look at the agenda I put on. I can imagine your response. I would have enjoyed this. Well, this is what’s interesting. It was so funny.
I remember I would print the agendas where I was on a Google Doc. I said, well, if you look here on the agenda, she said, yo, yo, yo. I said, let me just for a second. Look on the agenda. It said here, I recommend that I fire you as a client today. And she was like, no!
So she’s mad. Well, anyway, the doctor calls me. He’s like, here, Steel. This is great. I’m just going to pay you. And she’s supposed to do accounting, and you know she doesn’t check it anyway.
So I’m going to keep paying you because I got to fix this thing and I’m like dude I can’t do that. He goes no seriously. I would never have done that. No this is what he said, seriously. So then we did a call, a three way call together.
This is a couple weeks later and she’s like I’m sorry and I, we need you. And we fixed the business but I kind of like fired them, they fired me, we went in the circles the craziest three weeks. The whole time I’m telling Vanessa like I feel like I’m in a movie. I feel like I’m in a weird movie. You are.
You’re in soap opera. So again, other things we had to do at SCORE is we had to get fastidious about starting things on time. You’ve always been on time, but most of the world does not start things on time. Doctors don’t greet patients on time. Muffler mechanics don’t hit deadlines.
People don’t get things done on time. How hard was it to get the culture of being on time? It’s not getting them to come on time. It’s when they don’t come on time, what are you going to do about it? If they don’t make the calls, what are you going to do about it?
It’s what are you willing to dock their pay? Are you willing to fire them? You have to be willing to go to that next point, which is are you going to follow through with the consequences? Raising prices. We had to raise some prices and standardize our pricing before you could bring a check
or cash to pay for your lessons. I would estimate, and maybe I’m exaggerating, but I think about 15% of your customers would remarkably forget to bring a check or cash. And so I think the best thing we ever did, and this is the hardest thing we ever did, was change our billing. If you’ll remember, I didn’t really want to do it.
I was worried that we’d lose like 20%, 25%, 30% of our customers. And I was worried that you’d keep them and never make any money. Never make any money. That was the start of, though, freeing me up, because at that point, I was still spending, I was doing the taxes, doing the advertisement, I was doing the advertising. You would personally have to call like a hundred people a month, seriously, and say, hey, Candace,
I know you’re a great lady, could you drop by a check and say, oh, I mailed it. You’d have to track them and then the checks would bounce or not go through. That part was a mess. And so we switched to a credit card only membership model, and then I remember we had to come up with a no-brainer. No-brainers, people hate no-brainers because they say they’re going to what? Most entrepreneurs say, I don’t want to come up with a no-brainer offer, an offer that
is so hot because what? I don’t want to devalue my brand. I said, Coach, we’ve got to make the first lesson either free or a dollar. I feel like you were pretty okay with that right away because I felt like you knew your lessons were good enough they would sign up. I don’t think that was a hard thing.
I knew if we could get them in the door, they would stay. So I don’t think that was a hard thing. I think running our YouTube ads, our Facebook ads, that wasn’t a hard thing. I feel like optimizing the site wasn’t a hard thing, but I feel like raising the prices was a tough thing. Accountability was a tough thing.
Firing people. Firing your wife, firing people, that was a tough thing. Firing coaches was hard. So now we’ve got Nick here, who’s an aspiring coach, not a coach yet, aspiring coach. And we’ve got Andrew, who is a coach, he’s been with me for three and a half years. You guys can bombard Coach Cowder with as many or as few questions as possible about
doing hard things because you know this Andrew, when you show up and tell a client, hey, hey client, this is the path that Clay made for you and my job is like a Sherpa, he’s been to the mountaintop. I’m not saying I have, I’m just saying this is the plan that he’s made for you. He and Z have done this a lot. So in America today, Mr. Client, nine out of ten businesses fail, according to Forbes.
According to the SBA, only 10% of Americans even start a company. So this data is not, you know… I’m glad I didn’t know all that when I started. Oh, dude. Dude. And I’ll tell you…
That might have been discouraging. This is really a discouraging idea. When you think about how hard it is to be successful, I’m going to give you some stats right here that will rock your mind, and then Andrew, I’ll open up for you and Nick to ask questions. Right now in America, these are the facts that we know about right now that are hard facts, meaning they’re not generalizations. I’m not rounding. I’m being very, very factual. And when you look at these stats, your head will explode.
Here we go. In America right now, there are 329 million Americans that we know about, 9.1% of which started a company, according to the SBA, Small Business Administration. That’s who named me Entrepreneur of the Year for the state of Oklahoma.
30.2 million people, OK, are self-employed. Again, 9.1% of our population is self-employed this year. Of those, 90% will fail according to Forbes, which means you have a.009% chance of becoming a successful business owner. I mean, it’s a really, really low chance.
Remember, nine out of 10 startups fail, but only 9% of our population even starts a business. So I’m saying, of the businesses that make it, according to Forbes, 8 out of 10 of the ones that make it won’t make it past five years. So I mean, we’re talking like the lowest chances possible. So what’s so frustrating for myself is that the Lord has called me, my vocation, my calling
is to help coach companies. Here I come. But then I feel like Satan, I do believe it’s Satan, Satan has called you to not do hard things. Because Satan has called you. So when you know you need to fire somebody, if it’s certainly, if Jesus has come, if God has come so that you may experience life and experience life more abundantly, then who comes to make your life worse. So if you don’t believe in the Satan thing, let’s just say, if you are feeling the call
to do what’s wrong, where is that coming from? Because most people are wrong. So when I say you need to install call recording, use ClarityVoice.com to record your calls, all the big companies do it, all the big boys do it. American Express records their calls. Southwest Airlines records their calls.
Great churches record their services. You need to record your calls. Airplanes, pilots, they have to have their flights recorded, called the little black box. Everybody who’s successful is self-aware. Record your calls. And when you go, but I don’t want to, is it ethical? It’s unbelievably frustrating because you’re paying for advice, but not everyone is like Coach Calvert where they’ll implement it even when they don’t want to. So Andrew, what questions do you have for Coach Calvert, for Coach Calvert, about the tough implementation.
Because it’s the ideas that are easy. All those ideas are easy. Those just flow. They’re abundant. Ideas are abundant. Ideas, I love ideas.
Going and going. But implementing, that’s a hard thing. Oh yeah, so Coach, I’m curious. How many people have you had to interview, talk to, interview, have come in and shadow before you found some good coaches, some people who you could train up, who were coachable, who were diligent, who were high character.
How many of those people did you have to look at, go through, talk to, interview, shadow with, until you found one or two that you really liked and could actually do the system that you created? Well, first off, learning from Clay to don’t do interviews and group interviews. Because when you, you’re going to spend a lot of time chasing through people if you don’t. Because when six or seven people walk in the door, I instantly know if there’s one there
that’s even worth looking at. Yeah. By the way, you know that when you met Nick, I’m sure you could go, that’s a make and model. That’s a Clay Clark guy. I mean, you know what I mean? You guys, you and Andrew are similar.
There’s a certain make and model we look for, which is people on time. Yeah, it doesn’t mean they’re not valuable or whatever, you just know. And so, with that in mind, the next thing you’ve got to do is have them shadow. Otherwise, you’re going to spend a lot of time spending meetings with them. I hate meetings as much as Clay does. I don’t want to meet.
So you have them shadow, and you have them get into the culture because they’ll either take off or they’ll stay at that point, it’s the old hire character and teach. The three guys that we have working for us now are great character guys. Absolutely. Both of them, the two of them, Josiah and Courtney, I had a lot to teach. And they’ll tell you, Courtney said I was a blank slate is much better though than a slate that is not blank and is scarred with
wrong information. Or entitlement, yeah. So there are guys that will come in and they’ll ask for an interview and they’ll say, well, I used to coach over at so-and-so’s place. And instantly I’m thinking, you’re not the guy. Or they’ll lie about their basketball success, which is one of my favorites I’ve seen at
your place where people will lie. These guys are hilarious. They’ll go, because when you interview them, not only do you interview them, but you want to see they have to have some type of skill at basketball. So you’re like, hey, let’s shoot some free throws real quick and we’ll just kind of talk a little bit.
And you’ll see a guy with a broken shot who claims to have been All-State. Remember this? You’ve seen this all the time. Yeah, we had a guy work out. I had Courtney have this one guy work out. And he went to shoot and the ball went off the backboard.
And Courtney looked over at me and I looked at him. We both shook our heads. It’s the my bad guy. Oh, my bad. My bad. Bro, here’s the deal, bro.
Here’s the deal, man. I was like all state back in Missouri before the internet. You know what I’m saying? I was, whoo! I mean, you see that a lot. I had a guy that was working for us that used to tell people that he played at OSU and come
to find out he didn’t play at OSU and I had a real problem with this. And no, I’m not going to tell you his name until after we get off the air. And found out that he didn’t really play for him. He just practiced with him a little bit as an extra It’s like a lot of boy play for him Just tell well according to Inc magazine 85% of candidates lie on their resumes so not shocking to me Maybe shocking to the thrivers
How many candidates you have to look at before you find a higher coach? I’ve heard you say 10. I would say we probably interview you 12, 13 people before we find that one. Agreed. Go through those 12 or 13 as quickly as possible. Don’t meander with guys that you’re like, well, he’s not just right. We could coach him up.
Yeah, maybe we can teach him. He didn’t know he had to wear a shirt to work. How about the basketball coaches that come wearing flip-flops and shorts that they have to show all of their boxers when they come to the interview? It’s like at least have the look of a coach at least have you know where you’re using
deodorant and cologne. Or how about the women that show up almost bare chested to the interviews? I had one that did that. I couldn’t even know what to do. I couldn’t hardly look at her. This happens a lot though. What’s funny is my wife laughs at me because she’ll watch and I won’t look at a woman. He has a bag over his head.
Yeah. I just won’t. But some people think that’s a strategy. And with me it’s like immediately it turns me on. You wait till I turn the group interview over to you one time. There’s one lady who came and Ben could tell you she was wearing these crazy buttons.
Yeah, yeah. You heard about this lady? I heard about this. She wore buttons. It’s a crazy profanity. She wore buttons and one of the buttons said something crazy okay yeah and the button
she had around her like waist said that says ask me and I’ll tell you how to do me or something like that oh my goodness and so I was like so she says I’ll just do anything to work here anything high character it’s like I’m going hey why don’t you take the tour we’ll call you if we’re interested no I will I’m serious I’m like okay and that was her strategy. Yeah.
And this only happens about every three weeks. It’s crazy. Andrew, what are the questions you have for Calvert before Nick bombards Coach Calvert? Oh, yeah. So we talked quite a bit about a lot of the hardships that you’ve been through, but I’ve seen you have quite a bit of success now.
So I’m curious, what do you do as your goal? Like what’s your fun? What is your, what do you enjoy doing now that you have some time freedom and some financial freedom? Well, you’ll find this interesting. I am a firm believer, and I know Clay knows this about me, that I think you’re supposed to give. And so right now my motivation is giving. And so one of the
things I’m involved with is my sister and brother-in-law’s charity that they have in Uganda, which I went to in August. Uganda is a taco, high-class taco bar in Midtown. No, there’s no food there. Oh, never mind. This is actually a real ministry. My bad.
So we’ve helped 125 kids get off the streets. That’s awesome. A real thing, though. This is a real thing. We’re taking care of them. Yeah, we’re building a school there.
We are building a school, which is impossible. You can’t get a school built there. We are funding all these kids. We’re trying to double and triple the kids. Sick. We help.
There’s these people called the Botswana people and they’re pygmy people and they’re totally not taken care of. They don’t have shoes, clothes, anything. We’ve taken over those people. There’s all kinds of things that we’re doing now to take care of these people. If you’re interested, you can go to OnlyTwoRoads.org.
It’s a tremendous, every dime that’s given goes directly to these kids my brother-in-law is a brilliant man. He invented those Machines that dig underneath highways here. We’ve had him on the show and tell the listeners his name so they can go find the show His name is Greg Stone Okay, Greg stuff and one of the more giving people you’d ever find in the world just sacrifices his life What he does is he does work for people? When he comes back to the states to earn enough money to go back to Uganda.
And then he gives every dime he can to help take care of the people. We have five employees now in Uganda that works with us. It’s a town called Kabali. And it’s just a tremendous thing. Another thing that we’re doing that comes from the loss of my son is we have a farm now with 20 acres that Clay is supposed to come out to.
I can’t wait. Let me tell you about this real quick here. I have five kids and it’s like this weekend we have a cheer thing over here and a cheer thing over there. You’ve been through this. And the next weekend we have a cheer thing over there.
As a reward for doing this, we have more places to go. So my weekend, it’s like my agenda during the week seems calm by comparison of what my weekends are like. My wife’s become like a taxi service for the kids who are now in charge of us. It’s weird. Yeah, didn’t Aubrey have his own little… he had a DJ job.
Yeah, he had a DJ job. We had a back to school bash this weekend. We had like 30, 15 girls in the backyard. You have the pool, so you have to have the back. It was a great event, by the way. Now, Nick, you are not yet a coach, but you do a fine job managing people.
Thank you. So a little context. You went to Oral Roberts University. Yes, sir. When did you graduate? I graduated May 2019.
You’ve worked with me for how long now? Since June. So how much have you learned about business since you’ve been working with us since June versus your time spent on the beautiful campuses of Oral Roberts University? That’s a great question. Yeah, it is.
I can’t wait for you to answer this. He loaded that question. I want to know. This is a sincere question. So I have a bachelor’s degree of science in marketing, which it is a BS degree for a reason. Okay.
Yes. Yeah. Yes, exactly. Yeah. So I’ve learned more from June up until, what’s it? It says the 30th of September.
Yeah. So I’ve learned more in these past few months than I have in four years. About five months in. Yeah. Than I have in four years at ORU. What are some of the things you’ve learned?
Just firing off some subjects that you’ve figured out. SEO. Search engine optimization. SEO off the bat. Management off the bat right there. There’s two things.
I’ve learned how to just organize and create a time management schedule for myself. Things that you would think they would instill in college and being in marketing, you’d think SEO. So people say all the time, they say, Clay, how can a coach who’s 25 years old teach me I’m 50? Now here’s what I have found.
One, they don’t have to unlearn usually, because they don’t have 25 years of doing it the wrong way. Two, I used to charge, before I met Coach, I would routinely charge three to six thousand a month for every client, and I only had like 10 of them. Because I didn’t have a team, it was me.
I’d sold a company, and so my move was this. I would meet with a client, I’d go to their office, I’d find out what they wanted me to do. I would personally edit all the videos, personally do the websites, personally do the flyers, personally write all the content, and charge people $3,000 to $6,000. So I was working with Maytag, Hewlett-Packard, huge companies who had no problem paying six
grand. And I kept going to conferences and recognizing that the guy, the little guy, the average guy, the average American person is a small business owner. They don’t have, seriously, they don’t have six grand a month. So I’m like, I got to find a way for… Most of them are hanging on at that point.
Exactly. So I’m like, I got to find a way for like under 2000 was my goal. I came up with that number because I thought if I hire someone for $10 an hour, after taxes, it’s like 1600 plus tax, it’s about 2000 a month. So I can find a way to do it for under that. I think most small business owners could tell me, if you knew you could hire a guy for $10 an hour
that would change your life, would you do it? Most of them go, I could find a way. But if you said, could you hire a $100,000 a year COO who doesn’t do anything but tells you what to do, could you do that? No. I need to find a way to do the back end, the support, and the coaching on a month-to-month
basis. Now, that’s why we have fresh faces like Nick here. Nick, what questions would you have for Coach Calvert? Any questions at all? Coach, I do want to start by saying, man, your adversity and the things that you’ve been through that’s powerful It’s that something I’ve actually never heard someone going through and that’s it’s deep and I respect every bit of that
So thank you for being here and let me ask you these questions. That’s really cool. Yeah, I do want to ask you though You’ve you started this in the 90s And obviously you didn’t always have clay there to help like coach you up with all of these. So when you’re hiring on your first set of team and you’re hiring on your first set of coaches and the staff that you think is your A-team,
your first go around, what was your biggest upset when you realized that that wasn’t your A-team? Well, the first thing was I didn’t have an employee until 2007. And the reason I got an employee was I couldn’t walk anymore. My left leg had quit working.
That’s why I got an employee. I was in a wheelchair at that point. Eight years, and most people out there listening, someone should take notes, do you own a job or a business? If you own a business, it’s a system that can work without you doing it. I would say that of those people, those 30 million people we mentioned earlier who start
a company every year, all right, that was specifically the hard number is 9.1% of our population, the 30.2 million small business owners per year. I see a lot of people where it’s like, my name is Ron and it’s a Ron’s LLC in tile. And like Ron’s LLC in tile. Who’s Ron? I’m Ron.
Um, Ron, what if we want more of Ron? Can we get more? No, because I can do one job at one time and I do the accounting and I do the sales now So I do have built themselves a job and no shame in the game There are a lot of people most people coach wouldn’t you say most people get stuck there? Yes, and One of the things that happens is in life You become very insecure and you become very afraid and you’re like I can’t change or I got to keep going
Yeah And so you’re spending 10 or 12 hours a day, and you’re in that rat race, and you can’t get out of it. The difference between a lot of people and me at that point was I had decided I didn’t want things to stay the same. And I started praying.
I knew, God, that I had a great business. I knew I knew what I was doing. I had a guy one time who had two sons in the NBA who was an NBA coach, tell me I was the best instructor he had ever seen. And they had ever watched instruct. So I knew that part of it was really good.
I knew my business part of it was bad. And the reason I did is because I was chasing checks. I was doing everything myself. I think as you were praying for me, I was praying for you because here’s my issue. Andrew, you were in the meeting this morning. I think Julia said there was 25 people, maybe I’m making that up, maybe it was 20 people
that reached out over the weekend for help. Did you say 25 last week? Yeah, last week. 25 reached out for help, one-on-one coaching. And she said, how many of them are a good fit? I don’t remember the exact number, but it was a lot less than 25.
Do you remember, Nick? It was less than 10. Do you remember, guys? It was like one or two. It was one. Yeah.
Yeah. And the reason why is because I’m not interested in helping the bad team. Now, I try to talk like this on the podcast, so maybe not you. You the listener, you get it. But some people don’t get it You know so vape shops will reach out all I mean a lot of vape shops a lot of a lot of hookah things
What a vape what a casino a lot of gambling a lot of a lot of that Um a fun one my favorite one would be the one in Vegas. We had a one of those legal brothels reached out before We’ve had a Viagra pusher. We had a guy who sold testosterone online to anybody who wanted it. We’ve had a lot of nefarious people. Most people that reach out are like, oh man, I see the success stories. He could help me.
But you don’t realize I have a purpose. My purpose is to help magnify good people, help a good team, which is why we say no to most people. So when Coach was referred to me by a banker, I told Vanessa, I’m like, this guy is the dude. I never lose that excitement. I get fired up.
I’m like, this guy, this guy, babe, he’s got a back issue. I heard from the banker that he’s gone through a lot of personal stuff. He’s a Christian guy. There are scriptures all up in his business. This guy, he’s my guy. He’s the dude.
This is what I need. I get all excited. I get nerded out every single time. I’ve got a problem. I remember one thing you did was you checked me out though. I did.
Because to find out was I doing what I say I was doing. You wanted to know if I was following up with my leads, because most people don’t call their leads. I filled out your forms. They do that out of insecurity and all that. So he filled out a form.
Doobie, Doobie, Doobie. They had this bogus name. And then I remember one day coming into the office, and I called my people, and I’ll call them ten times if I have to. Oh, you did. I don’t care.
And so I remember coming to the office and the guy that you had calling me constantly saying, oh, by the way, that’s me. And by the way, I only do this to every client. Yeah. So I want to make sure you’re getting this. If you’re like, does he do that to me?
Oh, yeah. So a lot of times we’re in a meeting and you’ll say, you will say, I call all my leads. And I’m like, no, you don’t. And I’ll ask you to your face if you call them, and if I don’t have enough rapport with you yet, I can’t, I mean, it’s usually not a move when you meet someone for the first time who’s paying you, say, dear customer, you are lying like a rug.
Okay, now that we’ve got that established, what next? I mean, so. You will do that too because you’ve done it in our meetings with our coaches. I do it. And I’m sitting there going, giving high fives back behind my own back because I love the accountability. I want accountability.
All of us need that. If we don’t have that, I don’t think you can grow in life. Dr. Lindsey Smith is a great dentist, and I’ll tell you how I know. I had my kids go there, and he was great. I’m like, this guy’s the real deal. Man, Dr. Morrow, great guy.
Dr. Lye, I know they’re great. My daughter has braces from the guy. But if I have a bad problem with you, if I hire you, this is why if you’re listening and you work for me, I always say, do not hire our clients. I will do it, but you shouldn’t. Why? Because when they screw up, I don’t have a problem about the money. I remember I hired a guy to do remodeling for me at the house across the street. And dude, he said, Clay,
I use the best materials. I never use off-brand, off-second-tier quality wood. It’s all first class and your wife will be really happy. So my wife meets him, goes over very specific criteria. Homeboy used particle board on all the parts you couldn’t see. So I come home and my wife went Jumanji. She literally ripped them off the walls. I’ve never seen that.
I was like, whoa, what happened? This guy is a swindler. I’m going, oh. So I remember having that awkward client meeting like, hey, you swindled me and I’m going to have to hire you as a client. I like to use our clients a lot to see if they’re good people.
Roy’s Garage, great guy. I know because I use them all the time. But again, you want to make sure that you just, what was the teaching moment here? Be full of integrity. Do what you say you’re going to do. Nick, you have another question for Coach Calvert.
Yeah, I do. So you deal with coaches and they’re typically pretty motivated in what they’re doing. They have a passion for doing this. Not always. We had bunches that weren’t, that were boring, that wouldn’t work at it, that had no energy and it’s like no. The energy has to come from you. You definitely are the catalyst. That actually leads into my question. How do you get the ones that they show
potential in maybe being a good employee for you, being a good coach, but they just aren’t fully motivated. They’re not to where your standard is. You don’t assume anything, so you’ve got to give them a chance. So with like Courtney, when Courtney first started with me, he was really quiet. And so I would let him coach, and then I’d go over to him and I’d quietly say, hey, you’re too quiet.
Kind of like being coached by Tim Duncan. Someone who’s passionate and cared, just quiet. Yeah, just quiet. And so I’d say, Courtney, you’re too quiet. And he’d say, okay, I’ll work at it. And so it wasn’t that somebody needed to grow, it’s when you do coach them, are they going to grow? So you’ve got to be able to look back a week later and see improvement.
You’ve got to be able to look back a month later and see improvement. Even now, I feel like both coaches are getting better and growing. You know, when Courtney showed up to practice dressed like a mime, that’s why I thought we had to talk to the guy. I’m like, when you’re in the full mime costume, we’re going to have to change some things. I’m just kidding.
Courtney’s great. Courtney won’t spend any money on himself, so one of the things I did was I just gave him stuff so that he would have coaching stuff so you gotta find out what the real story is and that’s where the Bible talks about don’t judge and I’m a firm believer in judging some things but not others. Gather the facts. Yeah, gather the facts.
Then act. Don’t act without the facts. Yeah, then you act so you don’t jump to conclusions on things. There you go. Yeah. You have a question there Andrew?
Yeah, I love what you said there, how you go back and look at it on a weekly basis. I’ve seen a lot of people go months and six months. Quarterly evaluations. Yeah, quarterly. The insincerity. You were a teacher.
Coach, you were a teacher. The insincerity of a quarterly review. You’re just winging it. You can’t wing it. How do you remember? It doesn’t mean anything.
A year ago. Right. Versus, yeah. One of the things that Clay loves about the Patriots, and I hate bringing up the Patriots. No, I hate that you love to bring it up. There’s accountability on everything.
You’re held to that standard of just do your part, do your job. And so one of the things I love about what we do now is if calls aren’t made, it’s somebody’s fault. If the gym isn’t cleaned up, it’s somebody’s fault. On a weekly basis. On a weekly basis.
This is huge on a weekly. I want to make sure we get this because I remember one of my employees back in the day was a school teacher. I say one of them, many of them, but one in particular probably had probably employed 20 people that were disc jockeys on the weekend teacher during the week. And one of the teachers, this guy was hilarious.
I said, I got to ask you, dude, how are you always available on Friday shows? And he said, Oh, see, I’ve been a teacher for 10 years. Okay. So I get this thing called personal days where I cannot it’s illegal or against the contract for the against the union contract You can’t ask me why I’m not coming in So I never I get paid more from you than I get paid teaching
I get paid from both when I have a personal day. So I you know, just I’ll DJ for you for years I always just use that personal day, you know, and I’m like then you also have time off. Oh, yeah And I said so don’t you ever get in trouble? He goes, no, we do quarterly reviews and there’s usually a different administrator who I’ve never met who does it. And I’ve got a whole line, I got a whole scripting I’ve come up with.
And I said, and this is really good. And I’m like, I’m just paraphrasing it, but it was really good. So he said, the administrator will come in and go, uh, my understanding is that you are calling in more often than the other teachers and that you’re off a lot, you know, and we need to buckle down. And you’re just looking through a chart from a guy you’ve never met based off of three months of his work.
And he’s like, what else did you have? Well, I show that the students performance isn’t where it needs to be, you know, and he would say, well, did he had mentioned the name of the of the former supervisor? So did you know that the principal Johnson mentioned to you about my condition? Oh, gosh. And they go, no.
And he goes, well, frankly, we were about ready to get litigious here, and if this is how we’re going to be treated with my condition, if I need to ask for your job, I’ll do it. But I mean, it’s embarrassing. And they’re like, we’re done now. This is good. You’re good.
But he did this for over a decade, claiming various conditions. And I’m like, no, you didn’t. This is after he worked with me for a long time and we wrapped it up. We were sitting down for dinner and he’s telling me all these just crazy, I’m like, no way dude. I would have never hired him knowing this.
Then this is where it gets crazier. I said to him, what else do you do? And he goes, oh I’ve told people for years that I graduated from a fictitious university that has never existed. Oh my goodness. So it’s like Southwest.
And they don’t check up do they? It was like Southwest Annapolis State. Annapolis. It was something bogus, seriously. And I’m like, do you have a degree? He goes, well yeah, but it’s not in teaching.
I printed it off. I go, what is it? He’s like, oh, I got a, he went to Oral Roberts. He goes, I went to Oral Roberts University and I was, I just, I don’t know, I wanted to see if I could get away with it. So I started just making up things.
Like, you know, I got a bachelor’s in this, got a minor in this, emphasis in this. I just started making up the schools and I never even got asked until I retired as a teacher. No one even asked him until he retired and the supervisor main guy comes in and he’s like, you know, I was looking you up there and the school that you went to doesn’t exist. Did you make it up?
I was like, oh yeah. Do you have a degree in this? Nope. In that? Nope. Why’d you want to become a teacher?
He’s like, because I knew it was super easy and you guys don’t check references. So he like, he wasn’t even qualified to be a teacher. And was a teacher for 20 something years. Unbelievable! And again, these quarterly reviews make that possible. When it’s weekly, you know the people you’re following up on.
Yeah, you have to have a Friday meeting or a Monday meeting. It’s better to have a Monday meeting. One of the things that helped me when I started working with you was, you were coming to my office and I knew I was going to be held accountable because you will hold people accountable. And you’ll ask them point blank, did you do this? No, why not?
Why did you not do that? And so you do it with a smile on your face so you don’t do it like bitter or angry even though I know it’s deep down. But I knew it was true. There’s a lot of truth there. I am not going to not get my work done.
And so early on I knew I was going to have that accountability so it helped me a whole lot. Had a fun conversation. Now this show is going to come out in December, you know, so I can say the other day and no one knows who it is. This is good. But the other day I was talking to a guy, this is a fun one, I said, hey man, did you get your dream 100 calls made? This is where you call people
you don’t know. You make a hundred calls a week. By the way, in our office, Andrew, how many calls a week does our team make when we call on behalf of clients? When the people hire us to make calls for them, how many calls do our teammates make per day? Per day it’s gonna be about 250 to 350. 250 outbound calls a day. Anyway, so this guy has a list to make 200 or 100 outbound calls a month. Yeah, so I’m like, hey, did you make your calls?
Nope. Did you get your reviews? Nope. Did you do the group interview? Nope. Why did you hire me?
No, that’s what I said. I said, hey, if you just wanna, I mean, Jaron was by me, he heard me say it. I said, if you just wanna fire me, or I can fire you right now, that would be better because the insincerity of the dissonance I’m experiencing where you say you’re going to do something
but you don’t and then you act like that you at the age of 40 some odd, your brain doesn’t work well enough to figure it out. Every week you’re like, I just, I couldn’t figure it out. I ran out of time. If you’re that kind of sick freak that wants to pay, that’s called therapy. Now work with me.
You said, Clay, did you say someone’s a sick freak if they seek therapy, work with me. I know men who go to marriage counseling on purpose while simultaneously partying every night. The guys I went to college with who party every night with chicks and dudes who literally go to marriage counseling once a week so it looks better. You cannot be out until 4 a.m. partying with dudes every week and then have a marriage. It’s weird.
It’s weird. It’s like going on the treadmill and eating ice cream while on the treadmill. I mean, it’s a weird thing. We do the same thing in our basketball lessons, though. I can tell if a kid’s not practicing. I’ve lost lots of students over the years because I’ve had a meeting with the parents
in my office and said… I feel bad. I’m taking your money and you’re not doing anything. Yeah, and I’ve told them, your kid’s not practicing. I remember one very talented young lady and I said, something needs to change here because we’re not getting done these things. She should already be doing hmm now Andrew We have time here for you and Nick test one more question before we wrap up today’s show. I’m gonna go with Nick first
Yes, second again as we’re on behalf of the listeners out there who are listening to the show faithfully coach Calvert is an example 1a score b-ball comm exhibit a right here coach Calvert a personification of somebody who has implemented the systems six or seven years down the road. We’re talking about a guy I’ve worked with for years. Guys, listen. I usually have my clients who’ll tell me, you are more consistent than everybody in
my life except for my spouse. I usually hear this a lot. They’ll go, you’re the only person who consistently returns calls or that shows up every week. Like people, if I’ve worked with you long enough, none of the employees that used to work with you are still there. A lot of times people will go through two or three spouses too in the process. It’s crazy.
I’ll help you look at your numbers and I can just tell you, twice in the past 12 months, twice, I have found it where the spouse of a business owner, in this particular case it was a man who was dropping eight grand a month while his wife’s trying to run the company and he said he didn’t know what it was for. Oops. And through, we’ll call it, technology,
we found out he was living a double life with a double wife. He literally was financing a separate family. And with this particular person, it’s the second spouse they’ve been through because the first person was like that too. I see this stuff all the time. It’s crazy.
My wife is like Maury Povich. Andrew, you’ve seen these things, am I right? I do, yes, I do. But I mean, you’ve now been coaching long enough to see them too. I have. And isn’t it crazy?
It is. At first, it’s kind of hard to believe, but you see that it’s everywhere. But that’s what people come here and get help for. That’s why I do all the 13-point assessments myself. So only the sneakiest can get through. Only the sneakiest.
Now, for a while there, I didn’t do them because I thought somebody else could maybe vet. And we had good people on our team, but some people snuck through and that’s how I ended up with a few beavises and buttheads. But Nick, what final question do you have for Coach Calvert here? Yeah, all right, Coach. So you’re, I mean, you’re a strong man.
I’m telling, I can see that. I get that from talking with you. It’s awesome. Your faith, everything that you’ve come from. So I want to know, like, what are your top five characteristics that you’re looking for from your coaches?
Like what is your standard of excellence for everyone that comes through your program, whether they’re a coach or an athlete? Well, first, like Clay and I talked about it, you have to have the integrity part first. And it’s a tricky thing to find out integrity in a meeting.
So I’ve learned to ask these little tricky questions. Usually it’s the question number three. Did you call your leads? Yes. Did you call the Johnson lead? Yes. Did you call this number?
And then you say the number, they go, yeah, that’s my phone number. And so you find out, does a person have integrity? Did they have character? And you can find that out. For instance, ask them, so who inspires you? That’s Hitler was really big in my early life. I mean, I mean Satan I mean
I mean you could be a pickup on these things subconsciously or consciously people who are have like heroes They’re like I’m really Mussolini’s early work was good Carol was yeah, or it’s some Rap alone rap singer Post Malone. He’s really been impactful in my life You have to be careful what questions you ask, but you can get to the nitty gritty if you let yourself go.
How much time do you spend torturing rats with a hacksaw? It’s terrible. All those important things. Next thing is just work ethic, because I don’t want to have to babysit you. I don’t want to have to motivate you. I don’t want to have to be excited about you being there.
First one in, last one out. I don’t want to keep you excited. First one in, last one out, right? I mean, come on. I want to find out is one of the ways you do that is you find out if they’re a motivated type person. Are they goal-oriented type person? You know, how many books have they read? Do they yawn a lot? No, that’s exactly right. Do they
look like they’re bored? Do they have energy? Do they take care of themselves? What time do you go to bed at night? Well, I usually get in bed about 12. Okay, well this won’t work for you because, you know, you get… My party till 4, then I focus till 7. And so it’s that, you know, you find out what kind of work ethic. You find those by asking questions. One of the things I learned early on by a guy named Mr. Iba, who I used to spend time
with and my father played for at OSU, he’d always ask me questions. And he’d delve into me, and it was like he was reading my soul by asking these questions. Oh, these questions are good. And so questions are so good, but you have to learn how to skillfully ask those questions and listen and really find out what are the people really… A lot of times they don’t even know what they’re saying.
I asked a question that was pretty rough on Friday. I was very proud of my question, but it was a rough question. I can’t wait to hear this. I said, so we… The assignment was to upload content with… It clearly states this is how many keywords we need on the title.
Right. This is how many words we need on the meta description. This is how many words we need on the keyword. We clearly had a one hour meeting devoted to it, in addition to our weekly meeting, over how to do it. And you are a professional with more degrees
than like the desert, you know what I mean? You got a lot of degrees, a lot of heat, a lot of degrees, you have a lot of degrees. And you, I wanna ask you, did you not know how to do it? No, I knew how to do it. I just, I guess I couldn’t quite figure it out.
Did you log on? Oh yeah. Now you can see on the site, by the way, can’t we on WordPress see when the last time someone logged in? Yep, there’s a history. And can’t we see on the YouTube when you log in or not?
Yep. And I’m like, so you did, you promised me you logged in. Oh yeah, I did. Okay. Can I tell you something? Yeah.
You’re lying. You’re lying. You’re lying? Are you lying? I don’t know. Are you lying?
He’s like, well, YouTube must be having an issue. YouTube and Google simultaneously. WordPress. So, I mean, you just have to ask questions until you get to the end. And when I want to be to the end, when I’m working with a client, I’m like, this person clearly doesn’t have integrity.
I just keep asking until I get to the end. And then that’s where it kind of unravels and you just sort of… So be careful. I’m a firm believer that you don’t go any further physically than where you’re at mentally and spiritually. I don’t believe that it’s…
And Clay, I’ve heard you say this. I don’t believe that it’s my job to grow them up mentally and emotionally. Unless you’re a pastor. Unless you’re a pastor. Then that’s your calling. That’s great.
But that will wear you out in life. And I’ll work with anybody I feel like the Lord wants me to. But as far as my employees, they need to already be there. The third thing is I want to know if a person is a giver. And if they’re not a giver and they’re not into self-sacrifice, then they can’t work with my kids.
Because that kind of character where they care about people, they love people, they’re not into themselves, they’re just not going to give the way I want them to give. There’s everything from trash by the door. If somebody won’t reach down and pick up the trash, I don’t want them working for me. Will you open the door for women?
Will you open the door for women? Will you give people a high five? Will you encourage people? Will you talk with people? When somebody walks by you, are you naturally friendly because you care about them or is it some canned thing because you have to say you can tell if somebody really cares about somebody.
Good to see you Carl. Carl, so good to freaking see you. And then the other thing is somebody has to have the ability and Clay’s good about this. If somebody doesn’t have the ability, then don’t feel bad about it. Fire them. They’re just not the right person.
That doesn’t mean they’re not a great person. They’re not good for another business. They’re just not right for your business. And don’t let that linger on for six months. Do it after six days. Don’t let that linger on. I don’t know how many that was. Dilley, here’s the deal. I know you are passionate about being a male model.
But you’re ugly. Well, you’re related to me. And I want to go ahead and make this work for you. Well, what happens is eventually they go to their first photo shoot. Billy goes to his first photo shoot there and people said, bring in the talent! Bring in the talent! Bring in the talent! We get ready to start and Billy’s like, I’m here. And the director says, no, I mean bring in the talent. Where’s Billy? Oh, I’m Billy. What in the world? And then we all feel bad. Oh, Billy. Right? We all feel bad for Billy at that point.
Because all of a sudden Billy realizes, don’t hire people that don’t have the capacity. Don’t hire a guy to be a center on your basketball team who’s 5’1″. Don’t do it. Now, Andrew, time for one more question. Got it. Yeah, so I’m sure there’s a lot of these, but maybe one or two.
What are a couple things that Clay has had you implement that may have been a little bit difficult, maybe time consuming? Maybe it’s building every system for you to be able to train new coaches so they can follow the system. But what’s been maybe one or two things that has been maybe difficult but has had big impact? Accounting or checklist? Yeah, was it accounting?
Was it checklist? Was it systems? Was it, but maybe had the largest impact and you could see the greatest effect? One of those character qualities that I’m a firm believer in is perseverance. If you can’t persevere in life, you can’t be a small business owner. You can’t do it And so some of the things he asked me to do like he had me write down
Everything that we do in our program and so yeah, I went back and I wrote down We come we came up with 18 different areas that we teach in our program true You think 18 areas and how old are you coach? I’m 60 years old. You’re not a typer. No, I’m not a typer I write everything down real quick. Someone’s like I don’t use computers. I don’t use Facebook. I mean, your book you’re editing right now together with me, turns out you’re using a computer.
Coach is coachable. Is it fun to watch somebody who’s not a computer guy type? No. Is it fun for him to ask how to do it? No, but we do it, and I try to do it in a nice way, but we have one of our teammates sit down with you
to show you how to do it. Yeah, I had to learn everything. And to be honest with you, I’ve told you this I didn’t want to write the book I hated writing the book I still don’t know I don’t want to edit the book but I love the book I didn’t want to read the book because I knew I would know yeah you know to me cuz I’ve heard bits and pieces and I’m
like I don’t want to know because what happens is is everybody has a story and And when you find out their story, it changes things. And it could change things in a bad way or a good way. One of the things that I attribute my success to was that God made, God promised me, and He gave me a number of promises before I ever started my business, before we ever found about Keri is that if I would be faithful, that He would take care of me.
One of the things that He talked to me about was not working on Sundays. Not working on Sundays became a huge deal because I’ve had the opportunity to earn a ton of money on Sundays. Everybody wants to do basketball. For basketball camps and cheer camps, it’s the biggest day. It’s the biggest day.
And you’ve wanted to do it. In your natural, you’ve wanted to do it. In your flesh, you’ve wanted to do it. But you felt like you had committed not to do it. I could earn $300, $500. I could earn…
Nick, are we opening up in the room on Sunday? No, we are not why? It’s Sunday you ever thought about how often people want to get a haircut on a Sunday I’ll ask all the time all the open on second. I book on Sunday dude. I can’t book on Sunday, dude Let me tell you let me tell you about this had two really sharp employees just start this week. I won’t mention their names Really sharp ladies. Okay sharp, and I think you probably know who they’re too sharp ladies sharp both of them said to me One kind of passively one more actively. I said, how come you decided to join the team?
They go, um, one said, I don’t have the same faith as you, but you’re a man of faith, and that matters. And you’ve been off on the whole Sunday thing. I know I can be like the mom I’m supposed to be, and so I, that’s like my one day. I’ve never, in the hair business,
I’ve never been able to ever be with my family, ever, ever. Ever. So that was one. Then the other person was commenting, she was asking a lot of questions, like why are we closed on Sundays? And she was playing all sorts of fun games. And I said, it’s my religious view that we should observe the Sabbath. She goes,
you could make a lot more money though, right? And she kept doing this to see if she could convince me. This is like her first day. And then I seriously, it was a Friday, we were kind of making a small talk and she was like, I, keeps doing it. She says, I didn’t want to be open on Sundays anyway. I just wanted to see if you’re going to switch it on to Sunday. I don’t, I don’t like working for bosses that change their mind all the time. But I mean, those kinds of convictions, people will test them.
Serious. People always test it. So I would just say, if you’re out there today, I got, I got, I got two action steps for everybody out there. Two action steps. One, um, probably big, probably a big ask, probably bigger ask than what I should ask for.
Make a note in your phone to come back in, I would say, February, I’d say February, come back in February to Amazon and look for a book written by Don Calvert, D-O-N-C-A-L-V-E-R-T, Don Calvert. And the title we came up with coach the final title am I gonna die yeah daddy am I gonna die that’s the title coach John Calvert and that that is when you read the book you’ll come out going I don’t have it that bad or if you have it that bad maybe you go I can get through it too or if it’s probably the
encouragement that I can’t give you that you need it’s it’s I just think you should check that out. The second thing I’d encourage you to do is go to Score B-Ball to the website. You don’t have to buy anything. Just go to scorebball.com. Just go there. Look around and ask yourself, is he successful because he’s smarter than you? Is he successful because he’s younger, wiser, richer? Did he come from wealth?
What is it? And you will soon discover that the only reason Coach Calvert is more successful than the average entrepreneur, of which 90% fail, is that his life got easier when he did hard things. His life continued to get easier the more he does hard things. So now he’s building this neat ranch and wonderful house and wonderful wife and things are looking good, but life got easier as a result of him doing hard
things. Not being open on Sundays, not freaking out when he could have. Not quitting on his dream and on the promise that he believes God gave him. I believe that too. But again, your life will get easier when you do hard things.
Maybe just today, maybe it’s just getting up at 5 a.m. Maybe you know you need to, but you don’t want to. Maybe it’s sending out that encouraging text to your spouse or calling them or checking on, it’s firing somebody. What is that hard thing you’re supposed to do today?
What is that hard thing? Ask yourself, what is that hard thing you’re supposed to do? Check out his book, go to Score B-Ball, ask yourself, what’s that hard thing? We like to end each and every show with a boom. Andrew, are you prepared to bring a boom? I am so prepared. It’s going to be hard. Still ready. Are you prepared? I’m ready. Nick, are you prepared to bring the boom? Let’s do this.
Calvert, are you ready? I’m ready. Here we go. 3, 2, 1, boom! Hi, this is Jen from Body Central Physical Therapy in Tucson, Arizona. We’ve been using the Thrive 15 coaching platform since April of 2017 and have grown exponentially since that time. Some of the things I love about coaching with Robert is he holds me accountable. We’ve set up systems in the business that make my life much easier, allow me some time
freedom and we’re also seeing the financial rewards of that. We went from owning three locations in 2016 to now we’re up at eight locations and still growing. So Robert, the training that we’re getting from you guys is invaluable and we hope to keep growing with your help. Thank you so much. I’m Jennifer Allen. I’m from Tucson, Arizona. I heard about the Thrive 15 conference on a podcast. I also have been
a member of the Thrive 15 website, so I heard about the conference there. The few things I’ve learned here at the conference already is that there’s a lot more opportunity for my business as far as working with my website and SEO optimization, some systems I can take back right away for Monday morning. This place is awesome. It’s like the ultimate home away from home. It’s comfortable, spacious. It’s just the coolest of cool. Clay’s great. He’s funny, so he keeps you engaged 100% of the time.
He gives you good practical knowledge, and it’s delivered in a way that you don’t feel like you’re going to fall through. People don’t come to the Thrive 15 conference. They’re missing a great opportunity for their business. It’s a great self-reflection, and it is a game changer. Yeah, the Thrive 15 conference is different. You know, you don’t have somebody sitting at the back table saying,
Hey, come buy this. There’s no high-pressure sales techniques. You know, you come out of here basically wanting to ask for more services. Other people should check out this conference that are starting a business, thinking of starting a business. This is a fast track.
These guys have great knowledge. They are doing it. They’re successful. And it’s a fast track. It’s a fast track way to get your business moving. Clay Clark is here somewhere. Where’s my buddy Clay? Clay is the greatest. I met his goats today. I met his dogs. I met his chickens. I saw his compound. He’s like the greatest guy. I ran from his goats, his chickens, his dogs. So this guy’s like the greatest marketer you’ve ever seen, right? His entire life. Clay Clark, his entire life is marketing.
Okay, Aaron Antis, on March 6th and 7th, March 6th and 7th, guess who’s coming to Tulsa, Russia? Oh, Santa Claus? No, no, that’s March. March 6th and 7th, you’re gonna be joined by Robert Kiyosaki. Robert Kiyosaki, best-selling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, possibly the best-selling or one of the best-selling business authors of all time and he’s going to be joined with Eric Trump. We’ll be joined by Eric Trump. We got Eric Trump and Robert Kiyosaki in the same place. In the same place. Aaron,
why should everybody show up to hear Robert Kiyosaki? Well, you got billions of dollars of business experience between those two, not to mention many, many, many millions of books have been sold. Many, many millionaires have been made from the books that have been sold by Robert Kiyosaki. I happen to be one of them. I learned from the man.
He was the inspiration. That book was the inspiration for me to get the entrepreneurial spirit, as many other people. Now, since you won’t brag on yourself, I will. You’ve sold billions of dollars of houses, am I correct? That is true.
And the book that kick-started it all for you, Rich Dad Porn Ed, the best-selling author of Rich Dad Porn Ed, Robert Kiyosaki, the guy that kick-started your career, he’s gonna be here. He’s gonna be here, I’m pumped. And now Eric Trump, people don’t know this, but the Trump Organization has thousands of employees. There’s not 50 employees, the Trump Organization, again, most people don’t know this,
but the Trump Organization has thousands of employees. And while Donald J. Trump was the 45th president of these United States and soon to be the 47th president of these United States, he needed someone to run the companies for him. And so the man that runs the Trump Organization for Donald J. Trump as he was the 45th president of the United States and now the 47th president of the United States is Eric Trump is here to talk about time management, promoting from within, marketing, branding, quality control, sales systems, workflow design, workflow mapping, how to build.
I mean, everything that you see, the Trump hotels, the Trump golf courses, all their products, the man who manages billions of dollars of real estate and thousands of employees is here to teach us how to do it. You are talking about one of the greatest brands on the planet from a business standpoint. I mean, who else has been able to create a brand like the Trump brand? I mean, look at it.
And this is the man behind the business for the last, pretty much since 2015, he’s been the man behind it. So you’re talking, we’re into nine, going into 10 years of him running it. And we get to tap into that knowledge. That’s going to be amazing. Now think about this for a second.
Would you buy a ticket just to see Robert Kiyosaki and Eric Trump? Of course you would. But we’re also going to be joined by Sean Baker. This is the best-selling author, the guy who invented the carnivore diet. Dr. Sean Baker has been on Joe Rogan multiple times. He’s going to be joining us. So you’ve got Robert Kiyosaki, the best-selling author, rich dad, poor dad, Eric Trump, Sean Baker. The lineup continues to grow
and this is how we do our tickets here at the Thrive Time Show. If you want to get a VIP ticket, you can absolutely do it. It’s $500 for a VIP ticket. We’ve always done it that way. Now if you want to take a general admission ticket, it’s $250 or whatever price you want to pay. And the reason why I do that and the reason why we do that is because we want to make our events affordable for everybody. I grew up without money. I totally understand what it’s like to be in a tight spot. So if
you want to attend, it’s $250 or whatever price you want to pay. That’s how I do it. And it’s $500 for a VIP ticket. Now, we only have limited seating here. The most people we’ve ever had in this building was for the Jim Brewer presentation. Jim Brewer came here. The legendary comedian Jim Brewer came to Tulsa, and we had 419 people that were here. 419 people. And I thought to myself, there’s no more room. I felt kind of bad that a couple people had VIP seats in the men’s restroom. No, I’m just kidding.
So I thought, you know what, we should probably add on. So we’re adding on what we call the upper deck, or the top shelf. So the seats are very close to the presenters. But we’re actually building right now. We’re adding on to the facility to make room
to accommodate another 30 attendees or more. So again, if you want to get tickets for this event, all you have to do is go to ThriveTimeShow.com. Go to ThriveTimeShow.com. When you go to ThriveTimeShow.com, you’ll go there, you’ll request a ticket, boom. Or if you want to text me, if you want a little bit faster service, you say, I want you to call me right now. Just text my number. It’s my cell phone number, my personal cell phone number. We’ll keep that private between you,
between you, me, everybody. We’ll keep that private. And anybody, don’t share that with anybody except for everybody. That’s my private cell phone number. It’s 918-851-0102. 918-851-0102. I know we have a lot of Spanish-speaking people that attend these conferences. And so to be bilingually sensitive, my cell phone number is 918-851-0102. That is not actually bilingual. That’s just saying Juan for a Juan. It’s not the same thing. I think you’re attacking me. Now, let’s talk about this. Now, what kind of stuff will you learn at the Thrive Time Show
workshop? So Aaron, you’ve been to many of these over the past seven, eight years. So let’s talk about it. I’ll tee up the thing, and then you tell me what you’re going to learn here, OK?
OK. You’re going to learn marketing, marketing and branding. What are we going to learn about marketing and branding? Oh, yeah. We’re going to dive into, you know, so many people say, oh, you know, I’ve got to get my brand known out there,
like the Trump brand. You want to get that brand out there. It’s like, how do I actually make people know what my business is and make it a household name? You’re going to learn some intricacies of how you can do that.
You’re going to learn sales. So many people struggle to sell something. This just in, your business will go to hell if you can’t sell. So we’re going to teach you sales. We’re going to teach you search engine optimization, how to come up top in the search engine results.
We’re going to teach you how to manage people. Aaron, you have managed, no exaggeration, hundreds of people throughout your career and thousands of contractors. And most people struggle with managing people. Why does everybody have to learn how to manage people?
Well, because first of all, you either have great people or you have people who suck. And so it could be a challenge. Learning how to work with a large group of people and get everybody pulling in the same direction can be a challenge.
But if you have the right systems, you have the right processes, and you’re really good at selecting great ones, and we have a process we teach about how to find great people. When you start with the people who have a great attitude,
they’re teachable, they’re driven, all of those things, then you can get those people all pulling in the same direction. So we’re gonna teach you branding, marketing, sales, search engine optimization. We’re going to teach you accounting. We’re going to teach you personal finance, how to manage your finance. We’re going to teach you time management. How do you manage
your time? How do you get more done during a typical day? How do you build an organization if you’re not organized? How do you do organization? How do you build an org chart? Everything that you need to know to start and grow a business will be taught during this two day interactive business workshop. Now let me tell you how the format is set up here. Again folks, this is a two day interactive 15, think about this folks, it’s two days, each day starts at 7am and it goes until 5pm.
So from 7am to 5pm, two days, it’s a two day interactive workshop. The way we do it is we do a 30 minute teaching session and then we break for 15 minutes for a question and answer session. So Aaron, what kind of great stuff happens during that 15 minute question and answer session after every teaching session?
I actually think it’s the best part about the workshops, because here’s what happens. I’ve been to lots of these things over the years. I’ve paid many thousands of dollars to go to them. And you go in there, and they talk in vague generalities, and they’re constantly upselling you for something,
trying to get you to buy this thing or that thing or this program or this membership. And you don’t, you leave not getting your very specific questions answered about your business or your employees or what you’re doing on your marketing.
And what’s awesome about this is we literally answer every single question that any person asks. And it’s very specific to what your business is. And what we do is we allow you as the attendee to write your questions on the whiteboard. And then we literally, as you mentioned, we answer every single question
on the whiteboard. And then we take a 15 minute break to stretch. And to make it entertaining when you’re stretching, this is a true story. When you get up and stretch, you’ll be greeted by mariachis. There’s going to probably be alpaca here, llamas, helicopter rides, a coffee bar, a snow cone. I mean, you had a crocodile one time. That was pretty interesting. You know, I should write that down. Sorry for that one guy that we lost. The crocodile, we duct taped its face.
Right? We duct taped… No, it was a baby crocodile. And we duct taped. Yeah, duct taped around the mouth so it didn’t bite anybody. But it was really cool.
He passed that thing around and passed it. I should do that. I should. We have a small petting zoo that will be assembled. It’s going to be great. And then you’re in the company of hundreds of entrepreneurs.
So there’s not a lot of people in America today. In fact, there’s less than 10 million people today, according to U.S. Debt Clock, that identify as being self-employed. So if you have a country with 350 million people, that means you have less than 3% of our population that’s even self-employed. So you only have 3 out of every 100 people in America that are self-employed to begin
with. And when Inc. Magazine reports that 96% of businesses fail by default, by default you have a 1 out of 1,000 chance of succeeding in the game of business. But yet the average client that you and I work with, we can typically double the size. No hyperbole, no exaggeration.
I have thousands of testimonials to back this up. We have thousands of testimonials to back it up. But when you work with a home builder, when I work with a business owner, we can typically double the size of the company within 24 months. And you say double? Yeah, there’s businesses that we have tripled.
There’s businesses we’ve grown 8x. There’s so many examples. You can see it at thrivetimeshow.com. But again, this is the most interactive best business workshop on the planet. This is objectively the highest rated and most reviewed
business workshop on the planet. And then you add to that Robert Kiyosaki, the bestselling author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad. You add to that Eric Trump, the man that runs the Trump Organization. You add to that Sean Baker. Now you might say,
Clay, is there more? I need more. Well, Tom Wheelwright is the wealth strategist for Robert Kiyosaki. So people say, Robert Kiyosaki, who’s his financial wealth advisor? Who’s the guy who manages, who’s his wealth strategist? His wealth strategist, Tom Wheelwright, will be here. And you say, Clay, I still, I’m not going to get a ticket unless you give me more. OK, fine. We’re going to serve you the same meal both days.
True story. We cater in the food. And because I keep it simple, I literally bring in the same food both days for lunch. It’s Ted Escovedo’s, an incredible Mexican restaurant. That’s going to happen.
And Jill Donovan, our good friend, who is the founder of Rustic Cup. She started that company in her home. And now she sells millions of dollars of apparel and products. That’s rusticcuff.com. And someone says, I want more!
This is not enough. Give me more. Okay, I’m not going to mention their names right now because I’m working on it behind the scenes here. But we’ve got one guy who’s given me a verbal to be here and this is a guy who’s one of the wealthiest people in Oklahoma and nobody really knows who he is because he’s built systems that are very utilitarian, that offer a lot of value. He’s made a lot of money in the… it’s where you rent… it’s short term…
it’s where you’re renting storage spaces. He’s a storage space guy. He owns the… what do you call that? The rental… the… storage space? Storage units! This guy owns storage units, he owns railroad cars, he owns a lot of assets that make money on a daily basis, but they’re not like customer-facing. Most people don’t know who owns the mini storage facility, or most people don’t know who owns the warehouse that’s passively making money.
Most people don’t know who owns the railroad cars. But this guy, he’s giving me a verbal that he will be here. And we just continue to add more and more success stories. So if you’re out there today and you want to change your life, you want to give yourself an incredible gift, you want a life-changing experience, you want to learn how to start and grow a company. Go to Thrivetimeshow.com. Go there right now. Thrivetimeshow.com.
Request a ticket for the two-day interactive event. Again, the day here is March 6th and 7th. March 6th and 7th. We just got confirmation. Robert Kiyosaki, best-selling author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad. He’ll be here. Eric Trump, the man who leads the Trump Organization. It’s going to be a blasty blast. There’s no upsells. Aaron, I could not be more excited about this event. I think it is incredible and there’s somebody out there right now you’re watching and
you’re like, but I already signed up for this incredible other program called Smoke Your Way to Thin. I think that’s gonna change your life. I promise you this will be ten times better than that. It’s like I picked the wrong week to quit smoking. Don’t do the Smoke Your Way to Thin conference. That is… I’ve tried it. Don’t do it. Yeah, chain smoking is not a viable… I mean, it is life-changing. It is life-changing. If you become a chain smoker, it is life-changing.
It’s not the best weight loss program, though. Right. Not really. So if you’re looking to have life-changing results in a way that won’t cause you to have a stoma, get your tickets at Thrivetimeshow.com. Again, that’s Aaron Antis. I’m Clay Clark. And reminding you and inviting you to come out to the two-day interactive Thrive Time Show Workshop right here in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I promise you, it will be a life-changing experience.
We can’t wait to see you right here in Tulsa, Oklahoma.