Best Business Podcast | Feeling Stuck Outside? Want to Get Inside the Mind of Successful Multi-Millionaires? Dr. Zoellner Teaches Practical MOVES You Can Use to Help Your Business Increase Sales In a Cluttered Marketplace

Show Notes

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Audio Transcription

I’m Gary Weitzman. It’s the Thrive Time Show on Trump Radio 1170. Three, two, one, boom! Aw, it is a Thursday and we want to get into it in the worst way. And I am joined here with your sensei, the doctor of business. It’s Dr. Robert Zellner.

Sir, how are you? Oh, you snatched pebble from my hand, young grasshopper. The circle, the circle. The circle continued on down. Hey, it’s still Happy New Year. It is.

It’s the first week of the new year and I’m so excited. You know why? Why? Because somebody listening out there is going to put into action all this stuff we’re telling them on the radio or on the podcast, right? And they’re actually going to put it into action and they’re going to get some satisfaction

because they’re going to start Thrive-actioning. Yes. Z, I will tell you, not only are we inventing words today, we’re helping people start businesses. I have three drop the mic moments that have just happened. Three. Okay.

Well, you got three mics in? Well, we’ve got four mics. We have a great guest here. We have Jonathan Kelly, our search engine and advertising expert on the show. And we have Mr. Will Rollator there with his incredible company. Here’s 24-7 Disaster Group.

He’s in the house. How are you, sir? I’m doing great. Thanks for having me, Clay. Now, here’s the drop the mic moments we have for this week. All right.

Here we go. We’ve got one guy down in Dallas, OK? OK. And he’s a drone pilot. Thomas, if you’re listening, how you doing, buddy? This guy is now doing consistently about $2,000 to $2,500 a week of business, OK?

He flies all the flights. And it’s the winter, if you’re new to this country. It’s the winter right now. If you’re new to this climate. To the northern hemisphere. Yeah, and so that means if he’s doing real estate drone videos,

and he’s doing that much in the winter, when he gets into the spring, it’s going to be 10 times as busy. So he’s ready to do this thing full time. It’s exciting. We have another guy, Makaylo.

He’s here from New York. He flew in this week. He’s going to be here all week. His business is booming out there in New York. Oh, I can hardly wait to see him. I haven’t seen him in a while.

Upper state New York. Sharita’s picking him up at the airport, I believe. And we have one more Thriver. I talked to him today. It’s a property management inc. He was one of our guests on our show.

And Sean’s business is blowing up. He’s just blowing up. And it’s all stuff learning. I hope in a good way. Because we have a disaster relief guy here, you know. So I hope it’s not like blowing up.

We need to send Will over to his place right now. OK. Now, speaking of blowing up in a not good way, Z, because that’s why we have these two special guests here today. This is the time of the year, guys, where you have to keep your water dripping when you leave the house.

This is a tip. And this is not the Home and Garden Show. But it’s not, because I was wondering when to plant my tulips. I mean, is it time yet? Does anybody know?

I mean, is this not the time? Another commercial break. I really want to know more about your daisy strategy. OK, but no, seriously. John, can you explain what what you’re just Jonathan Kelly? He’s our in-house thrive 15 and make your life epic advertising search engine optimization experts

So if you fill out a form at info at thrive 15 comm He heads up the team of people that advise you how to optimize your website John, can you explain what is going on right now at the Kelly house? First house, congratulations, welcome to Home Army Show. Yeah, well you would think that. So I bought a house the day before Christmas.

Okay. So the actual. Oh, it’s a Christmas miracle. The eve of Christmas Eve. The eve of Christmas Eve. Moved into said house.

Nice. And super excited about it, me and my wife. Move in. It’s beautiful. It’s a beautiful image. We had a nice time.

You put up a cree? A tree? We did not put up a cree or a tree. No creed. What we did do is we moved in, we got all settled. Here we go, this is exciting.

We’re about three days into it. Oh yeah. And we find out that our pipes are actually, our sewer line is collapsed. Oh! Disaster. Now, real quick, this hints that we have the expert here.

This is 24-7 Disaster Group. So should you find yourself in a neighborhood and it don’t look good, who are you going to call? You’re going to call 24-7 Disaster Group. And what we said, since it’s just been a week or so since he’s passed, whenever we can get careless whisper in the show.

So JK, you’re home. You just moved into your new home. You’re hitting on your wife. You got your you and your lovely missus. You don’t have up your tree but you’ve got a lot of holiday spirit in the house. And you’re sitting there and you’re thinking, oh what’s that noise in the background? Is that careless whisper from that old Saint Nick? Or is that the pipes broken and water running

through the house? It’s even better than that though. It’s like careless whisper. When you put it on, you want a little, you know, a bare skin rug probably. Yeah. You want to put it on a fireplace, right? Right. Oh, yeah. Turn the heat up. Oh, you want to turn the heat up, yeah.

Literally and figuratively. Heat’s good. You would want to turn the heat up. Oh, yeah. Heat’s good. Yeah.

Heat’s good. That makes sense. So we’re trying to turn the heat up. And listen to Caleb’s whisper. Yeah. And the heat doesn’t work.

Holy cow. Holy cow. That came in hot. That came in hot. We got buttons working today, folks. So just recap.

Recap. So you move in on the eve of Christmas? Okay nice. Festivus. And find out that our sewer lines are collapsed and OMG, God bless them. OMG? OMG? No, N I think. Oh, OMG. They had to shut off the gas because it was leaking. So you got two options. So you wouldn’t have hot water either. You know, luckily, we have a, well, we didn’t have water. Oh, no, OK.

But if we were to have water, our water heater was electric. And that worked. So if you’re listening right now and you’re having your pipes explode, you’re having fires, you’re having water damage, what you got to do is you got to either get scared, get worried,

and climb under a bed. Or you have to pick up the phone and call Will Rolator. Will, what should somebody do if this predicament is hitting them this season? Because we have new freezing and freezing weather happening, snow, these kinds of things. It’s the wintry weather time of the year. What should we do if they find themselves with these kind of scenarios? Call 24-7 Disaster Group. Any kind of frozen pipe, any sewage

backup. If your furnace isn’t working, we can usually find out why. Send the right people to get that fixed. Call us 918-779-4900. Okay, again, what’s that number one more time? I was just digesting, I was trying to eat my Oklahoma Joe’s and I got distracted. I was trying to pick, I was trying to do the burnt ends and the beans combo in my mouth at the same time. I’m sorry I missed that phone number. That is 918-779-4900. 24-7 Disaster Group. Now, Z, back to the

business doctor here. I want to ask you this. Yes, sir. As your business owner, and you’re coming to work, we’re gonna get into today’s topic, which is how to differentiate your business in a crowded marketplace. Okay, we’re going to get into that. But before we do, this is the real talk. This is the stuff that happens behind the stuff, right?

If you’re a business owner, it doesn’t mean that you’re going to be free of disasters at home. You’re listening to the Throckton Show on Talk Radio 11. So hypothetically, let’s say that you’re a marketing expert responsible for helping thousands of people all over the world optimize their websites. And your name is John Kelly.

How have you, throughout your career, how have you handled the personal stress of situations such as this, and then also be able to do the whole, get to work and be successful at the office? Because some people have meltdowns

when their personal life melts down, their business melts down. Well, here’s what I do. This is my move. It may not be the move for everybody, but what I do is I find, in this case,

a dry corner of the house, and I go over there and I get in a fetal position and I just suck my thumb and cry and then it all gets better. That sounds encouraging. No, no, no. What you do is, first of all, once the shock of it is kind of worn off, you’re like, this

did not happen. You know, you’re just like, uh, it’s just a shock and awe of it. You know, shock and awe hits. Shock and awe. Then you take a deep breath and you just break it down like you do a boss. What a boss does is you make big obstacles seem small. I like it when you finish my sentences.

So that’s what you have to do. It’s a big obstacle and you have to make it seem small. So how do you do that? Well, what’s step one? Well, in this case, step one is calling will. You got to call will. You got to call will right now. And then you, then you, what you do is you, is you just, you bite it up into bite-sized steps. You do step one, step two, step three, step four, and you just approach it like you do any big obstacle in your life. And getting a little deeper, let’s say not for John’s scenario, let’s just say there’s

other scenarios out there. Let’s say you’re an entrepreneur and you’ve got a personal issue going on, but it’s going to require litigation, like an ongoing conversation. You can’t close the loop for several weeks. How do you deal with those situations, my friend? Same thing, fetal position, sucking thumb, just bawling.

You cry a lot. You get a lot of Kleenex tissue or facial tissue, I should say. Yeah. No, you hear again, it’s a big obstacle. It’s overwhelming if you think about the whole thing. And so you just break it down into, into, into steps.

Okay. What’s step one? Step one is getting a, you know, in that, in that scenario, get an attorney. Step two is to meet with him. Step three is to get all your paperwork together. Step four is to listen to what he’s going to tell you.

Step five is to do what he’s going to tell you. Step six is then to try to forget about it. Impossible, but try, you know, step six is stay busy and just get through your life. And that’s why one of my number one rules, or not one of my number one,

one of my top 10 rules in business, I refer to as showtime. There’s a time you gotta clean up that pig and go win your blue ribbon. And what that means is that, hey, you gotta knock the dirt off,

you gotta scrub it up, you gotta present yourself a certain way. You can’t sit there with your next client, your next big salesperson and go, I’m being sued. I can’t function. Oh, Billy.

Hold me, Billy. It’s weird if people walk in and you’re holding Billy. I’m just crying. I’m like, Billy, I’m sorry. I would like to do search engine optimization for you and help you with your marketing campaign and brainstorm some great ideas, but I can’t.

You’ve got to do Showtime. You’ve got to shrug all that off and you’ve got to say, what’s the most important thing right now in my life? Now, Will, I want to ask you this because you’ve seen some pipes are exploding all around Tulsa. The weather’s dipping down.

Crazy cold today. It’s getting colder, getting colder, getting colder. Walk me through. I mean, has this happened a few times already this season for you where you’ve dealt with people with water damage? Is this something that’s happened to you this year?

Oh yeah, the week of Christmas we were literally working around the clock 24 hours a day. When the temperature hits about zero, all the pipes start to freeze. Everyone calls because they have no water, but the worst has not happened. Usually when the thaw, when it hits about 40 degrees, that’s when the pipes are gonna start letting loose in the house or in the business. And a problem for somebody is a business for you.

Are you actually happy about this? Is that your deal? Are you excited when pipes burst? You’re like, yes, yes. Are you giving people reverse tips? We do get excited.

I love your honesty, Will. We do, but we’re excited because we really enjoy drying out buildings. It’s fun. It’s kind of a science. Okay, now Thrivers, today we’re talking about how to differentiate your business in the marketplace.

We’re going to be picking John’s brain on this a little bit here. Wait, wait, time out, time out, time out. We kind of skipped over something right there. Yeah, what did we skip over? Dry out of building. You just get the water from going.

I mean, what do you do? You got to put heaters in there? Yeah, we’re going to come in. Walk me through that. Okay, if there’s no heat, we want to control it. It’s psychrometry, so we want to control.

Psychrometry? Whoa, man, that’s a big word. Did you study that at NSU? That’s a big word. That was my Nick Martin high school. I think I was sick that day.

I don’t know. I think I missed that. We’re going to come in. We’re going to extract any water that’s standing, anything that’s visible. Then we’re going to apply heat. We’re going to bring in dehumidifiers.

We’re going to control the entire environment with air, heat, and dehumidification in order to dry out the structure. How quickly do you have to do that to keep the black mold from infecting my… give me black lung disease? Anytime you have a water leak, you want to get on it immediately because it can create microbial problems.

When it’s cold out, you wait a few days, you’re probably okay. In Oklahoma, when it’s hot summer and humidity, mold can happen almost immediately. I don’t know what it is, but whenever I hear the word microbial, whenever I hear that word, I hear this song. It sounds like a party. You’re having a party.

You’re helping dry out homes all over this great city. Oh, yeah. Let’s go. A little microby up. Give me that phone number one more time in case I’ve been at Oklahoma Joe’s. I’ve just been enjoying my lunch.

I mean, honestly, I’ve tried to listen to what you’re saying, but I had to run in there, get my burnt ends, get my baked beans. What’s that phone number one more time? 918-779-4900. Now, when we come back, Thrivers, we’re going to be talking about a subject that Dr. Z is super pumped to talk about.

I’m going to tell you why. Because there are many… I was checking on the phone book, and I’m the last guy in Oklahoma who has a phone book, but I’m looking in the phone book, and I noticed there’s more than two optometrists. There’s more than three. There’s more than four.

There’s actually dozens. And yet, people seem to know your name. And I was thinking about it. It’s probably just luck. It’s probably just, you know… Wow, it’s just kind of some random stuff.

They start at the end and they work forward nowadays. What’s the economy, the way it works? The economy was at an uptick when you were starting out? And it’s just you know, and then it’s you know a year very political Yeah, it’s a very political. There’s nothing you could do to control like that’s a different show. This isn’t a political It’s a place where you teach you how to differentiate your business in the marketplace how to stand at a stand out how to become

That purple cow in your marketplace thrive time show stay tuned Live local now you’re listening to the drive time show on top radio Live, local, now. You’re listening to The Thrive Time Show on Talk Radio 1170. All right, Tulsa, Oklahomies, and people of importance, welcome back to The Thrive Time Show.

This is your audio dojo of mojo, where every day we teach you how to start and grow a business. Fo’ Sho’. We’re broadcasting on the left coast, from the left coast of the Arkansas River, inside the box that rocks, deep within the world headquarters. And to my right, if you’re on Facebook Live, to my left, we have Dr. Robert Zellner in the house today.

Sir, how are you? I am fantastic. Happy New Year, Thrive Nation out there. And we’ve got a goal this year. We are going to eradicate business failure. True.

You know, Forbes says 80% of all businesses that start up fail, and that is a number that’s sticking in my craw. I mean, it’s in my craw. And I want it out of my craw. We have three people that we talked about in the first segment that we know that now have are starting successful companies as a result of their diligence combined with

knowing what to do. Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa. Time out, time out, time out. Are you suggesting, are you suggesting, well, I’m sitting here eating my egg salad sandwich, enjoying my beverage of choice, you know, thinking about the baked beans I missed out on at Oklahoma Joe’s.

As I’m sitting here doing that, are you telling me I actually have to take actions? I can’t just listen and just absorb the knowledge and then just let it just percolate out of me? I’ve got a new phrase that I’m starting to say a lot and starting to get, and starting to kind of work through it mentally here. Is it, the path to success, you and I teach people, the 13 point proven system, it is

simple, but it requires diligence. Ah, and diligence is that steady application of effort. And so we have a guy on the show who started out working in our search engine team and grinding away. I mean, literally, and I’m not, I’ll let him tell the story, but he’s literally grinding away.

It’s not in a coal mine, but it’s kind of worse because you’re in a small room and you’re in your typing. We have Jonathan Kelly on the show today. John, how are you doing, man? Hey, listen, if I were doing any better vitamins would be taking me. Oh I want to ask this John now

Can you kind of explain to the thrivers out there? We’re talking about diligence here as we transition into this concept of how to stand out in the marketplace What time did you get to work every day to stand out in the office? Because a lot of people work for somebody else right and they want to stand out in the office what time did you get to work every day for a long time before you’re convinced that I knew your name yeah still not

convinced that you know my name but Billy we do to you stop it 3 a.m. was what I was averaging so I get here every day 3 a.m. and start grinding out well I get there by 3 all right but 3 p.m. I mean I gotta get my lunch in I got a you know I get up I got to get up every morning. Why did you start getting there that early? What was going on in your head?

Well, one, I wanted to be part of this company, and so I was working two other jobs. And so I had to get here to knock it out and then go on to my other ones. And then after the fact is something that was really important to me, was showing up and getting my stuff done and making sure that I still had enough time for my wife at the end of the day. So let me ask you this, if someone’s listening right now,

they’re not, maybe they’re a wantrepreneur, they want to start a business. Sure. And they’ve got motivated, they’re excited, they last year, they made the 2016 resolution, they put it on the goal sheet.

Yep. And they said, I’m going to learn how to start a successful company this year. Maybe they formed the LLC, Z, and then they sort of ran out of… Maybe they formed the LLC, maybe they even looked at getting a small business loan, they even got a logo made,

and then they just sort of ran out of gas. Z, what encouragement would you have for somebody to help them, encourage them to stay diligent or to become more diligent? Well, I’ll tell you what, we’re going to help you fill up your gas of your car, i.e. your business idea, and there’s a great way to start off 2017. You know, just because people have just begged us to do it, we are now starting to do these

with great success. They’re called in-person workshops. What does that mean? That means you actually physically come to the Thrive 15 headquarters, this beautiful facility we have here on the left coast of the Arkansas River. It’s going to be January 20th and the 21st and we are going to sit there face-to-face

and teach you and coach you up and encourage you and lift you up and let you know you can get her done and then tell you how to get her done on starting and growing that business. And I’ll tell you what, you’re going to get specific and practical training on time management, marketing, sales. Let’s get into marketing. How do you differentiate your business in the marketplace?

Well, wait, if I want to know more about it, where do I go? You’re teasing me right now. Here’s what you do. You’ve got to go to Okay, And when you get there, you’re going to find on the website, you’re going to find that

there’s a little button there you can click called conferences. And when you click conferences, you’re going to find the itinerary, and you’ve got to reserve your seat, you’ve got to reserve your spot, because we don’t make this where there’s thousands of people. We’re not renting out a hotel somewhere and trying to upsell you a bunch of stuff in the back of the room.

What we’re doing is we’re bringing you into our home. It’s like the home court advantage. Into the world headquarters, and we are teaching you our proven 13 point system so that you can learn what to do and know how to apply it within your own business. Dr. Z, that’s the plan. You’re listening to the Thrive Time Show on Talk Radio 11. Well listen, I you know part of the reason I’m not starting my

business right now is I can’t I mean the money the money situation so this this in-person workshop cost money what if I can’t what if I can’t stroke that check what do I do then I just I just sit there and go, man, I wish I could go. Or I could maybe peek in the windows, come around to the side over here where the river is and look in the windows. Can I do that?

We made two promises to the listeners here a few months ago, and we’re going to stand behind that. It’s one, no matter how much money you have, if you have $7 in your pocket right now, you could afford to get out to one of these. Okay? Then when you get here, we’re not going to upsell you.

Because of our scholarship program, literally, it’s if you can’t afford the price of the ticket, don’t stress out. We’re not going to talk about it, publicize it, we’re just going to help you out. The whole goal is to help you learn what you need to know to be successful. But as Maya Angelou said, the famous poet, she said that nothing works unless you do. So you’re going to have to take some action.

There you go. You’re going to have to get here. Someone needs to mark their calendar right now. You want to mark that, you want to get a pen right now. January 20th and 21st, go to, reserve your seat for January 20th and 21st, Thrivetimeshow. Go to that website,, reserve those tickets.

Now, Z, I want to ask you here, when you talk about differentiating your business, there’s tons of optometrists in Tulsa, many of which, actually all of which, went to school. They have a degree. Apparently. They’re optometrists. Yes, yes.

So let’s get into move number one. Move number one is you must know how you stack up versus the other guys. You must have a purple cow. You must understand the concept of the purple cow. Z, why is it so important that you figure out

what makes you unique right away? Why do you have to figure that out? Because here’s the deal, you know, it’s funny, I’ve talked to businesses right now that come to me and they want mentorship. Of course, that’s why we put together

the whole website. If you haven’t checked that out, go check that out., okay? Because, you know, you can only business and you can only coach some people. And I remember I was talking to one guy and he was the CEO of a bank and he looked at me and he goes, you know, man, we’re special.

We’re different. We’re better than those other banks. I said, really? We’re established. Really, really? I said, well, how are you?

And he looked at me and he goes, oh, that’s a good question. Well, you know, we’re, I said, well, y’all lend money. You know, kind of like optometrists, you all do eye exams, right? I mean, you know. I really love retinas. I’m the cornea king!

You sell glasses. I mean, we kind of buy them. You know, there’s so many vendors in the world, and we all kind of buy them from the same vendors, you know? Just like the bank. I mean, is your money better than their money?

I mean, sometimes you break it down, and you think, oh, it’s just a commodity. There’s no way to differentiate myself. I mean, a bank’s a bank, an optometrist’s an optometrist. Big suckers, big suckers. Hey, you know, they can fix a radiator, we can fix a radiator. So, you know, really, I guess there is no differentiating.

But you know, on today’s show, we’re going to give you some secret sauce, some little hot sauce on how to do that, how to get your mind wrapped around that. So then you can actually go, you know what, even though we’re doing the exact same thing as the competitor down the street, we’re going to do it and make it appear that we’re going to be doing it better. And John’s going to walk you through how to do it on your website. Ooh!

Because so many people have a website. I can hardly wait for today’s show. You’re getting a lot of traffic. Can we just skip this next break and get into it? Or do we have to do this? I’ve got to go to a break because I’ve got to get over to Oklahoma Joe’s real quick.

Oh, man. I’ve timed it. I can get out there, dance some big things. All right, well, don’t go anywhere because this show is hot sauce., You’re listening to The Thrivetimes Show on Talk Radio 1170.

Hello Thrive Nation. Welcome back into the conversation. If you have been looking for that, that self-help, that encouragement, that business knowledge that you couldn’t find in college, you have found the right place. And today we are talking about specifically how to differentiate your business in a crowded marketplace.

And so, Zee, I’ve got an audio, I’ve got a song ready here that I think totally demonstrates the power of differentiating yourself in a crowded marketplace. Does this harken back to your DJ days? It kind of does. This idea germinated in my brain. I went to church.

We go to the Metropolitan Baptist Church in downtown Tulsa. But there was about eight weeks ago, we had family in town, and we couldn’t get out there, so we went to a nearby church. And I’m sitting next to a guy, and I look at him, and he looks just like Rod Stewart. See, you know what I’m talking about the Rod Stewart hair? So, in Rod Stewart, there’s a quote Rod Stewart says, he says, it’s not about the music, it’s

about selling music. Ooh, I like that. So here’s Rod Stewart. Remember that song, Do You Think I’m Sexy? Now Rod Stewart, people don’t realize, he was a professional soccer player and it occurred to him that they would have these big parties and he would grab the mic and

dance around and it occurred to him, I could kill it in the game of music. And so he got this whole look and this whole style and this whole vibe and he just sells every song. And the whole thing is Rod Stewart, if you see Rod Stewart’s hair, you don’t miss that. But there’s a lot of people who can sing very well, but he would jump off his speakers and dance around and the energy he brought, that’s what differentiated him.

Prince is an awesome artist we unfortunately lost this year, but Prince is a phenomenal, phenomenal musician. But I can tell you what, he’s probably one of the top elite musicians I’ve ever seen. However, I can tell you, sad story, I have seen people that are at an elite level with their music talent, but they’re not really good at marketing that talent and therefore they sort of don’t get to reap the fruits of their efforts there. So we’re talking today about how to stand out specifically under the microscope, under the focus, under that myopic look

into the world of optometry and how you’ve been able to differentiate yourself for 25 years at Dr. Robert Zellner and Associates. Well here’s the deal, my first move was value. I brought value and I brought kind of a little bit of fun to optometry, okay? That was my first move.

That was the first purple cow I brought out into the past. What does value mean from your perspective? Low price. I mean, there’s a reason why Walmart is value-driven in their marketing. I don’t want to be known as the cheap doctor. I don’t want to be known as the cheap dentist.

I don’t want to be known as the cheap… And that’s your choice. I tell you what, Nordstrom’s and Dillard’s have different approaches, right? And so when you’re starting your business, I mean, you could either be this little boutique-y store that sells, you know, very expensive stuff, and that can be, you know, that can be a differentiator for you.

Welcome to Snurdley’s uptown. We welcome where you’ll get a pedicure with every eye exam. I mean, you know, you could differentiate. I’m not telling you how to do it. I’m telling you how I did it. So my first move, you asked me before the break, my first move was value.

And I did a thing of like a two pair deal for $99. It was a colored pair of contacts and a clear pair because I figured out that a lot of people wanted to have a little fun with some color contact lenses, but then I also wanted to be able to come in with a clear pair because if someone says, ew, your eyes aren’t green and they look green today, and they can quickly slip in their clear ones and say, what are you talking about? I don’t know what you’re talking about. So value is kind of my first differentiator, okay?

And then another thing I think is so important out there, so important out there is to find a parade and get in front of it. And then I got, actually I got celebrities to endorse me. How did I do that? I paid them money. Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute.

Are you saying that Michael Jordan has been paid money to endorse Gatorade? He might like Gatorade, I don’t know. I mean, you know, there’s so many different flavors and colors now. I guess you could probably find one you like, you know. But I don’t know how much he likes it, but on the commercials it sure looks like he drinks it a lot.

Okay, well let me ask you this. Let me ask you this, because we have Jonathan Kelly on the show here. He’s our in-house marketing wizard, okay? He sits down with business owners every day who are struggling to differentiate themselves, and he helps them do it. And one area that you really help people a lot is on their website.

Because everyone has these conservative websites where they all look the same and no one wants to stand out for risk of being criticized. What are some tips you’d have for the listener on how they can differentiate their website? Well, I’d say one thing is you want to make it a no-brainer for people to contact you. No-brain, that’s cool. That’s what I do all the time.

So everybody can offer great service, right? But it’s much different to actually get those butts in the doors. And so one of the ways to get the butts in the doors is, hey, just try us. Oh, just try us for a dollar or whatever that that offer might be, uh, just to get the butts in the door so you can actually prove your service, your quality, all of those other things. And so what I would say is I would one, have a clear call to action at the top, the, the above the fold and make sure that you are using a no-brainer offer that people are

like, hey, you know what? Why would I not try out this service? Why would I not? I don’t have a brain. Here’s something that I’ll give you. This is the best example I can give you, the best audio example.

We’ve all been in a wedding reception where the music’s kind of playing and it’s a song like, just the way you look tonight. And then you’re like going, babe, I think we need to go can we go can we go and you’re in? But the she doesn’t know we know the bride. Let’s stick around till after the camera It’s just like okay, but set that set the stage Oh, this is like an ethnic one where it’s like you’re like my friend. He was a Jewish

I mean they had they when they throw a wedding I mean it’s a party or just like or just like the Baptist party wearing the gymnasium with Kool-Aid Which one is this is like you’re at tarp Chapel nice place, okay, but it’s 12 p.m. Okay, this is 12 in the afternoon and it ends at like 3. Oh, okay. So there’s dinner.

Okay, so we have you’re having like cheese cubes. It’s a great place. Fine facility, but you got to finish crackers. You got to finish before the next wedding. The next wedding’s okay. Okay, I’m good.

You got about an hour. We’re there. You’re having cheese cubes and you’re like, well, I probably shouldn’t, but they have those club crackers. They’re really nice. Oh, yeah.

Yeah. You’re going back. You’re going to leave. And all of a sudden, like an angel from heaven, this happens. It starts to play, and you start to get this mojo. Let me see if I can get it going here.

Oh, it’s not going to work for me. This is a crime against humanity. When we come back, I might have to queue this up here. What happens is, somebody plays like Brass Monkey or something, okay? Or someone plays like Bum Bum Bum. And all of a sudden, you’re like, oh, that’s my jam!

And you run to the floor. And you drop your cheese cubes? You just drop them. You drop the cheese cubes. You put them in your mouth. Yeah, and what happens is, all of a sudden, though, it creates an energy.

And that’s what having a solid call to action on your website does. It shocks you into, well, I’m just kind of looking at the site to like, man, I’ve got to do that. And so, some examples right now. Your optometry clinic, you have a special on the site where it’s $99 for one pair of fashionable glasses and an eye exam.

Yes, with three frame warranty, and you can add for $129 for just $30 more, you can add a second pair. How can you afford to do that? How can I afford not to? So you’re saying that this is a… I’ve got to get them in the door.

It’s called advertising. Mark, can you get them in the door? There it is. Oh, yeah. Come on. Oh, man.

See, it doesn’t want to do it, workforce here. Just a little element of excitement. Well, you’re DJs. See, this is the… You stop, you sell your company, you stop DJing, and then this is what, you know. Hey, he’s out of the game now.

This is what happened. I’m out of the game. Out of the game. I can’t even hit play properly anymore. But here’s the thing, Thrivers. When you’re listening, if you’re listening to this right now, I want you to get out a

sheet of paper, and I want you to jot down, what is it that makes your business stand out in a crowded marketplace? It has to be a purple cow. You see, if you’re driving down to Ocmulgee to your ranch, there’s a lot of brown cows you’re gonna pass Black ones too black, but if one was purple you would pull over you would go. What is that? So

Many people are so worried about paying their cows purple because they’re saying is this ethical But you gotta have a move you gotta you gotta have a move otherwise You’re just gonna be the same wow wow wow wow wow wow you gotta have the leads. There it is. Oh, they’re back now. Oh my gosh, there we go.

Yes. DJ Klay’s back in the house. Thrivers, I’m just telling you what, you’ve got to have leads. It’s all about the leads. I’ll tell you what’s wrong with most businesses right now. They don’t have enough leads.

They don’t have enough leads. And you know what? Today’s show is all about creating leads and turning those leads into people in your store and then turning those people into money in your pocket. Now when we come back, John’s going to educate us about comparing you versus the other guys. You versus the other guys.

For the professional looking man out there, this is for you. Are you tired of waiting for hours in disorganized barbershops around town? Are you maybe looking for an upscale haircut experience instead of being treated like a little kid. If either of these thoughts crossed your mind then Elephant in the Room Men’s Grooming Lounge is for you. The Elephant in the Room Men’s Grooming Lounge is proud to offer a variety of packages and memberships for discerning men and

regular customers who wish to maintain their tailored look while receiving discounts off of services and products. They’re going to bring you in, they’ll offer you a beverage, identify your style that you’re going for, get you a tailored haircut from one of the professional stylists, wash your hair, and then style it afterwards so you could even go back to work. The experience is awesome. They even do cool things for members like a free nape shave on Mondays or a peppermint oil

scalp massage on Tuesday. Check out one of the locations near you and book an appointment. You can check them out at or just dial 918-877-2219. Seriously, you’re going to love it. 918-877-2219 or visit to book an appointment today. You’re listening to the Thrive Time Show on talk radio 1170. All right, Thrive Nation, welcome back to the Inspiration Conversation. My name is Clay Clark and I am the audio sensation and perhaps America’s most humble man.

I’m the former SBA Entrepreneur of the Year in your ear. And guess who is here today inside the box that rocks? Is it Trevor? Is it Kevin? Is it Dr. Zellner? He’s back! He’s back in the box! Hello Thrivers and Happy New Year! And Clay, I’ll tell you what, I can’t verify with 100% accuracy

whether you are the most humble man in the world, but I can do this. I can pretty much verify with a 98.7% accuracy rate that you are the palest man. Oh, see, he always… I thought it was going to be a compliment and then he just takes it down. It’s very white. It’s a backhanded compliment. It’s very…

You know, back in the day, back in the day, I can’t verify the times or the dates, but rumor has it that women used to want to stay pale. Oh yeah? Now they’re wanting to tan. Well, they want to mix it up. It’s kind of like, I cut my hair to make it grow long.

You know, I get tan so I can then be, you know, pale. I get pale so that I can tan. You’re kind of a historian. You remember back in the day where people wouldn’t smile and they wanted to be pale? Yes, yes. Women wanted to be pale and not smile?

Yes. I would have been a perfect woman back in the day. You’re the Mona Lisa of business is what you’re trying to say. Oh, nice. Yeah. That’s Jonathan Kelly coming in hot.

Jonathan Kelly. That’s why he’s in charge of our marketing and advertising and search engine magic. Now, I’m going to tell you this, Thrivers. If you’re listening and you’re going, I’ve got to take my website optimization to the next level. I don’t know how to get to the top of Google.

Maybe you’re listening and you say, I am at the top of Google, but my phone is not ringing. Well, let me walk you through. There’s a four-part little science of how we do it here. John will walk you through how we do each step. But the first part is you define what makes you different. The second step is you have to act, okay?

The third is you measure, and then you have to measure the data and refine. So John, let’s talk about defining what makes you different. What kind of things? Let’s say that I’m listening right now and I am a bakery. What are some things that you could do potentially

to make my bakery, or what are some things we might want to mess with to make our bakery different? OK, well, you’re going to want to do a couple of things. So one, you’re going to want to actually clearly define what makes you different than other bakeries. And I know that seems kind of like everybody’s like,

oh, you know what? I don’t want to do that because it’s industry. We’re professional. We’re all professional here. We’re from Tulsa-based. Yeah, we’re all kindred spirit.

But what you want to do is you want to make sure that you’re actually clearly defining that saying, hey, this is what we do and this is what most other competitors do. Are you saying that you’re going to compare potential? I mean, you’re going to be like Geico where you’re running a commercial saying take 15 minutes, maybe you can save 15%. You’re actually going to be…

What was that ad we saw online the other day where the guy straight up was comparing the two websites. It was on top of Google. And they were totally saying the alternative to this. Remember that? It was Home Advisor and Angie’s List.

So if you actually Google Angie’s List, Home Advisor comes up and it says, better than her list. Oh! Oh! That’s a little naughty move. Is that ethical?

Is that an ethical? Now once you take action, once you begin to do this next step, why do you have to eventually take action? Where do you see a lot of clients? We have people from all over the world. Just today we have people from New York in here, Florida.

When people come to Tulsa and we sit down with them for a two-day workshop, where do most people get it wrong, John? Once they’ve defined, why are so many people not wanting to take that action? Well, I’d say it’s one thing to define something and it’s a whole different thing to actually carry it out. Oh, no.

Because that’s where the work is, right? So it’s one thing to like make a claim. Oh, we’re back to that four letter word. It’s another thing to be like, you know what? I actually have to deliver on this claim that I just made. What?

And, you know, it’s hard work. So you’re saying if I say I’ve got the best cookies, I use the best chocolate, then I actually have to try to make a chocolate chip cookie that’s good? Truth bombs. Truth bombs everywhere. Now guys, I’m going to tell you what, this is the part about acting that’s scary. You remember back in the day when Tina Turner grew out that big mop? Oh yeah. You remember that? Where Tina Turner, you know, she’s a young singer, all of a sudden she’s dating Ike, you know? Oh yeah. And she had

hair that was straightened, it was pretty normal hair. And at one point, this is what she did, she goes, I’m going to get that thing big I’m gonna go big I’m gonna go big I mean they’re going that big I’m gonna go bigger big the biggest that big it’s just I’m gonna wear tights all the time and sparkles oh she’s out there performing and they’re like what is going on okay I’ll go with it I’ll go with it sure but the first time that you bust out that big mop that big wig oh

yeah it’s a little scary it’s a little scary cuz it all of a sudden you put yourself out there. When you define and you start to act, now the thing that’s going to happen, and it’s horrible what it does, but you get some rejection. Can I tell you about a streaking experience? It’s about time. I’ve been wondering.

We’ve done 100 plus shows now, and I’ve been waiting patiently for you to tell about this story. No visuals, please. Now the statute of limitations has now passed. I’m 36. I was 18.

I guess I was 19, okay? But I was going to get married, you know, and the guys thought, hey, good idea. What we’ll do is we’ll have them streak, sprint totally naked from the Oral Roberts University dormitories down to the Mabee Center. That’s what we’re going to do. This is sounding like a really good idea, by the way.

It’s also Oral Roberts Christian University. Yes, of course. I had no control over this because the guys, I’m not kidding, they literally put me in a Bronco, they took off all my clothes and they said, we’ll see you at the baby center. And I’m in the upper lot and I’m getting married the next day. And so I’m like, oh no.

And I waited there for probably, it seemed like hours, it was probably 20 minutes. I’m going, they’re not going to come. So they defined, they said, this is going to be awesome. But the next step is you have to act. So they did. They took my clothes off.

They left me in a Bronco. And now I’m going, oh no. So I begin to just run. And the problem is the first person I run into is somebody’s soccer mom, I’m sure. Somebody’s mom. And I’m not kidding.

I’m not kidding. So I duck behind a bush. I’m in the prayer gardens now. And I’m kind of hiding. You’re praying. You’re really praying now.

And I’m like running. And if you’ve ever been to ORU, there is like nowhere to hide. You’re running straight down a massive hill of the Mabey Center. I get in there, I’m going to tell you what, if you’re going to measure how scary of a situation it was, there’s so many people like, oh, look at that, what in the world? And all I’m just saying is that’s where you’d want to refine right there.

You wouldn’t want to keep doing that. So I want to get into this. So you define, you act. Hopefully your act doesn’t involve streaking. So did you make it? I did make it and I’m telling you, they were videoing the whole thing and I’m still sort of angry about it. This is more therapy for

me to share. Well just vent it, just let it out. You’ve got to ventilate. And I will tell you that it’s okay for you to be upset that that was a very ornery thing those young men did to you. And that the scars that are resulting, we’re going to just keep healing and get over it. You will get over it. I will. I’m on the verge of it.

I’m validating so you can ventilate. I’ve been listening to a lot of What a Wonderful World by, you know, but the one with the guy with the ukulele? Oh, yeah. That’s one of my calming methods. Oh, there you go.

You know, so you define, you act, but John, the third is you have to measure the results. So in my case, I’m going to tell you what, if I were to do that twice, I’d probably be arrested on the second time. So that’s probably not the move. That’s probably true. But when you’re running ads, where do people

get it wrong and where do they get discouraged when they run their first one or two or three ad campaigns and they maybe don’t get that immediate result, John? Well, one thing is like, so they have a great idea, right? So everybody’s got this great idea. This is definitely going to be the one that’s going to get people in the doors, right? It’s going to be huge. And so they run it for just a week or two and then they don’t see the results that they’re looking for. And so they get discouraged.

But then they kind of give up on actually looking and measuring what the results are. I feel like everybody believes that if they have the right idea, the great business idea, they’re gonna be millionaires. Bro, man, those coffee shops can revolutionize the world,

man, it’s really not about coffee, but I think we probably should sell some because it’s a coffee shop. Bro, I was just thinking, man, we could bring in, like, these imported chocolate bars, and we could just put those by the coffee, and even though there’s no customers there, the binges will cause, like, a chain reaction.

It’s fair trade, bro. Fair trade. Fair trade, bro, and then the sales will start to happen. Let’s put it in a run-down area, bro. Fire a bro. Fire a bro.

I just need one bro in there to get coffee, man. It’s going to just explode. I got my wool cap on, and it’s 90 degrees outside, but it’s fair trade. All right, so here’s the deal. Here’s the deal, Thrivers. Someone needs to write this down.

You need to write this down right now. You need to tell maybe somebody you’re married to, tell yourself, talk to somebody. Someone needs to hear this. You don’t have a business until you sell something. What? Back up, back up, back up.

That’s just mean. No, wait, it’s in my brain. I got it. You don’t understand. It’s complete within me. I got this.

You can take that. You don’t have a business until you sell something. And I got something that’s going to rhyme with you. If you can’t sell, your business will go to, hey, how you doing? How you doing?

It’s not going to do well. It’s not going to do well. If you can’t sell. If you can’t sell. So what you got to do is you got to put up a bias on marketing.

You got to put a bias on marketing. That’s what, that’s what. Well, wait a second, wait a second. I spent all my money on the build out. This place is super cool. I spent all my money on my product. You got to understand these latte machines

are expensive, bro. They’re expensive, okay? And I spent all my money on, I had to redo the parking lot, but bro, it looks really awesome. I relined it. It’s hot sizzle. Hot sizzle, bro. Hot sizzle. Plenty of parking spaces out there. And bro, I can’t afford to market. I can’t afford to do advertising. If I spend money on the internet, next thing you know, I’ll have to build a website and

then I’ll have to get some business cards, and I’ve got to hire a sales guy. I just don’t mess with the Internet. For me, it’s all organic and all natural. It’s person to person. It’s word of mouth, my friend.

All my business is word of mouth. Now, Z, people, though, get stuck in these traps, these mental traps. So when we get back, we’re going to get into, okay, we’re going to assume that you have acted, okay? Okay. Fair enough.

We’re going to assume you are refining, but now we’re going to get into specifically how to compare yourself to the other guys. Oh, I’ve got a great super move, what I did when I first started out, and it is so fun, and you don’t want to miss it. And if you’re watching on Facebook Live, we promise that neither I nor John Kelly will be doing any streaking during the remainder of this show.

I’m not going to give that promise. You’re not? He’s not going to? I can’t verify that. I can’t verify that. That’s a very Trump-esque guarantee right there.

Can I guarantee? I should just go running by the window here. Run Okay, managing your money has not been easier. is the solution to ambiguous and blind money management. You can effortlessly create budgets that are easy to stick to or even use one that they make for you. Design budgets that are appropriate for now and put you in position to succeed in the future.

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values side by side., you got to go check it out, and you can sign up for free. Again, that’s, Go sign up right now. All right, 1170 listeners, welcome back to your favorite show. And in fact, I’m telling you what, I am super excited to be here with you,

wherever you are, talking about one of my favorite subjects, which is how to make your business boom, Dr. Z. How to make your business boom. Now, I’m gonna talk about, because if you’re listening right now and you don’t know what it means to make your business boom,

we’re gonna talk about today specifically how to differentiate your business in the marketplace, yes. But why? It’s to make your business boom. Boom, boom, chuckle like a boom. Hey, you know what?

I just, a beautiful man just walked by. His own purple cow, Tim Redmond. Tim Redmond, yeah. And I gave him a little wave. And so if you’re on Facebook Live, you catch these little purple cows and I’m walking by. Yeah, we’ve got the who’s who of calls, always inside the building.

Real people. Now I’m going to read you a notable quotable from a book called Scale, written by the founder of, here it is, William Shatner’s company, William Shatner, Price Line. Price Line. Oh, yeah. He just escaped me from the founder of Price Line.

He says this. He says, the world doesn’t pay you for the hours you put in. It pays you for the value you create. He goes on to say, the goal of owning a business, here’s where it gets weird, the goal of owning a business is not to be needed, but in fact, the opposite, to build a business that doesn’t need you.

Remember, the finish line is not just to be profitable, uh oh, the real finish line is to build a truly scalable business that creates massive value in the marketplace without needing you to be there every day to run it. Oh my gosh. Wait a second, nobody can make the bagels as well as I can. It’s a family recipe, it’s been handed down for generations.

You don’t understand and you want me to entrust some idiot off the street to make my bagels? You put my name on it? I will tell you, the one thing I do I’m sorry It’s hard for me to hold a conversation because my phone is always ringing I pride myself on answering every phone call Hey, thank you for going Oswald’s bagels. Yeah, I’ll be right back with you. Anyways, do you I was saying?

I make all the bagels myself. I made all the checklists that I use myself. I call it Oswald’s bagels because I am Oswald What would say you have a job and not a bidness. I have a deal where I work 107 hours a week because that’s all that’s mathematically possible. I have tried. Oswald’s Bagels. Oswald’s Bagels. You know, there is, you know what, someone’s gonna be listening out there and go, oh my gosh, that’s the name of my business. Oswald’s Bagels. I’m sorry. Yeah, Mr. Oswald, if you are out there, you’re just getting some free advertising, number one. You’re welcome. And number two,

send us some bagels. Now I’m gonna talk about this, because I see you do it, and this is, the thing is, you want to go ahead and draw a pyramid, drivers. You’re listening right now. Get out a sheet of paper and draw a pyramid. Oh, so it’s a pyramid scam. That’s what we’re doing.

We’re doing the old pyramid scam. Very, very simple pyramid. All right, I’m drawing it. I’m drawing it. Okay, at the bottom of the pyramid, okay, the very bottom. Do you want an Egyptian or like Mayan pyramid?

Well, let’s go with the Mayan. They’re underrated. Okay, the Mayan. Okay, let’s go up to the Mayan. So at the bottom of the pyramid, you’ve got to write product. You’ve got to have a product that people want. But the second, right above the

product you gotta have sales. Sales. Oh, this is getting kind of squirrely. Now right above that you gotta have quality. Oh, oh gosh, okay. And then finally, that’s you self-actualizing. You get to do whatever you want. Time out, time out, time out, time out. It sounds so simple. Well it is simple, it’s simple but it requires diligence. So I think about your auto auction, and you sat down at one point with a team. I know you did it.

You sat down, and you had to figure out a product that people would want. Okay. Boom. How many hours did you spend on that, buddy? Is it hundreds of hours? I mean, seven hours?

How long did it take you to really build the auto auction systems your first go around? Hundreds of hours. Okay. So you’re sitting down. I mean, you got… I mean, it wasn’t like overnight.

It was like, you know, okay, let’s order a cheese pizza and knock this out while we’re watching a football game. No, it was, you know. I mean, it’s intense. Yes, it’s intense. And then you’re, you know, the thing about it is, okay, now you’ve got your manual done, your thing done, boom, you’re zipped up, you’re done.

No, it’s a constant redefining, re-tweaking. Oh, well, we can do this better. Well, this changed, that changed, boom, boom, boom, boom. You made a product that people wanted. Yes, absolutely. And then after you made the product, you got to sell it.

Well, you know, that’s, you’re right. Gosh, you got me there. I’m not asking you on the air this question, but when you bought the auto auction, when you go out there and build a… Can you explain to the thrivers where the Z66 auto auction is located? Well, here in Tulsa, if you’re familiar with Tulsa, we have one roundabout, or one traffic

circle. Actually, we have one downtown, but this is the one that’s at Mingo and Admiral. Admiral is the road that actually divides Tulsa north and south, by the way. So it’s right on that. It’s just north of that, just north of that intersection on the west side of the road. There’s about 15 acres there and I have 20 acres across the road.

But it’s right there next to 244, which is one of our major highways, thoroughfares through Tulsa. So it’s right there by the highway. The roundabout, right over there. You go ahead over there and you’ll call. The roundabout.

So people get over there and you look at it and you’re going, and I don’t know, I was just looking up on Craigslist, but it probably cost you $7 to build it. $7? Yes. A couple more, a couple more, you know, a couple more commas, zeros. With no more customers though. No customers. You’re still just building the infrastructure. Yeah, absolutely. I had to buy the land, which was expensive. $7. Yeah, I bought it off Mike Fine. He’s a tough negotiator by the way. Mike Fine? Mike Fine. Buy airport parking. If you’re listening right now and you know Mike Fine, I’ll tell you what, I was in…

Yeah, you could text him. You’re a tough negotiator from Z. I was randomly skiing in Denver and there, lo and behold, comes into the restaurant Kirk Fryer, the district manager from Farmer’s Insurance, and Mike Fine. And I’m like, what is going on? Why are you guys here? You unicorns are all in the same place.

You’re stalking me. Unbelievable. Back to you, though. Anyway, so I had to buy the land. Then I had to, of course, design as I’m buying, as I’m negotiating to buy it. Mike Fine’s a tough negotiator.

And so I had to buy the land. Great negotiation. I had to design it. Then I had to go through a bunch of stuff with the city and with FEMA because there was a corner of it was flood plain. So that was a whole…

Go through it, meaning you love them. You love talking about the city. Oh, so great. Government regulations are just so encouraging for business. Government is so good at growing jobs. So good.

Efficient with their time and those permits. It’s just easy. Thank you, government. It’s just easy. They make it so easy, you just want to do it again and again and again. The bigger the government is, the better.

Oh, absolutely. No doubt about that, because they’re here for us. But the point is, then you’ve got to start building it. And then I went from about halfway through the process, I had my team around me, I looked at them and I said, okay guys, we’ve officially gone from, I hope this works, to this has to work.

Which leads us to one of your top ten rules of business. You’ve got to be the one at breakfast, my man. Well, it’s number three. You’ve got to be the pig and not the chicken. Now wait a second. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Back that up a second. Mmmmm.

You see down on the farm, Ma used to make us a great big breakfast every morning. And in that breakfast she’d scramble me up some eggs, sizzle me up some bacon, and I’d fill my belly with a hot buttered biscuits. Hey man, you guys, if I, can I have another biscuit please? And I’d work all morning long until I got a little hungry for lunch. No, here’s the deal.

So at breakfast, you have eggs and bacon. This may sound kind of simplistic, but the chicken was involved in breakfast. In other words, laid an egg and wandered off and went pecking in the grass and chasing June bugs, right? Yeah, absolutely. That’s what they do, right?

We’ve got chickens. We love chickens. But the pig gave his life. He’s all in. He was all in. He was committed to breakfast.

And that is one of the rules that you’ve got to be in business. You’ve got to at some point, you’ve got to go, okay, this is, I hope this works. You know, this is kind of a fun little hobby. It could be disruptive. Maybe it’ll be, you know. Because when they go out for a movie tonight, and then for the owner, you’re going, I’m

not going out to a movie. I can’t afford a movie. I’ve got to get this thing going. So you start off with that product. Then you’ve got to do sales. And John is a rainmaker.

He helps people sell things. So John, talk to me about, you’ve seen so many business owners that come in here with great ideas. And I’m going to brag on Coach Calvert with He has the best basketball camps in Tulsa and he knows it. What separates Coach Calvert from other business owners that you’ve seen, from most business

owners, from the average business owner. Well, what I’d say is Coach Calvert actually has this like honey badger mentality, right? So every once in a while we’ll secret shop our clients, right? Just to make sure that all the systems and the checklists are in. We call them to see if they call us back.

We leave them a voicemail. We fill out a form. So I put my number in one of the forms for Coach Calvert. And Homeboy lights me up. Like a Christmas tree. Boom! He calls me three times, same day, texts me twice, and sends me an email.

So then he whooped you. He whooped me. That’s exactly right. And so then I tell him, I’m like, hey, listen, you’re, this is awesome, right? Like you are just after it. He’s a unicorn. He was actually kind of mad that I wasn’t a real lead. He was just like, so you’re saying I could just cross you off my list then? This, this, this person, this is not a real person. So you’re going to look for camp or what? I know you’re in your 30s, but do you want to do I mean, is it late 20s basketball? I understand. I understand you’re

a short white guy, but do you still want to reach out to me? You’ve got to be in the yeah. Well, before the break, Clay, I talked about one of the early moves that I did when the secret hot sauce, give me a hot sauce. And when you literally walked into my optometry office, I had my competitors and myself, side by side. And I had the exact same product and the different prices at each of the different optical stores in the area.

You took the time to study the other guys? Oh yeah, I went over there and snuck around. Real quick, this is a deep thought, some of you go, why does he always talk about the Patriots? Why does he always do that? Oh, here we go.

Here’s the deal. Do you know that Bill Belichick literally hired, and I’m not kidding, he literally has hired a, you’ve got to look this up, Thrivers, you can look it up, you can watch Bill Belichick, you know, anything on YouTube about this. He hired a rocket scientist recently to replace himself as the film guy because he wanted true story.

So the guy who’s watching the film now is like super detailed. He’s coming in going, their offensive tackle has a bad left knee. We should expose that weakness. And he just like straight up, but he studies every game and he comes to Bill with a chart of weaknesses to expose. That is so genius to do that. I mean… Wait a second, wait a second. A rocket scientist? True story, yeah. I mean does the film then explode and go into orbit? If you get a chance to go on YouTube and watch the video, it’s about how the Patriots beat the Seahawks. My brother-in-law, he didn’t believe me.

He went and watched it, and he goes, are you kidding me? Literally, this guy, the whole thing is that the attention to detail of knowing what you’re up against matters. So, Z, you’re saying that you actually knew the other guys, what they were doing. Yeah, exactly. It’s so funny because when you’re at the bottom of the rung, you’re trying to climb up that

ladder of success, and you’re out there working, you’re hustling, and then you get to the top of the ladder, and you’re thinking, okay, this is awesome. And then all of a sudden, you see your competitors, you know, squirreling into your place and looking at your prices and writing stuff down. You’re like, wait a second, you can’t do my moves. I swear, nobody can cheat like I cheat.

Yeah, you can’t. That’s just sneaky. Why are you deflating the balls? My job is to deflate the balls. Why would you deflate a ball? That’s unethical.

But when I did it, it was the ball boy. He took the balls and did that for me. Well, because, you know, Tom’s hand was sore that day, so he needed a softer ball. It’s just for, you know. Just for something. And John is a Giants fan.

Medical, medical purposes. Could not possibly understand what it would be like to deflate balls. I could not. I could understand how it is to beat the Patriots. Oh, oh, oh. Okay, now so Thrivers, so once you start, you make the product, then you’ve got to market

that product, okay? But then the next level is you’ve got to get that feedback. Now Z, once you start selling something, you’ve got to get feedback, man. You’ve got to get that feedback. Oh, you know what? This is the tough part because not, no, this is going to hurt somebody out there’s feelings

and I don’t want to do that because just, can we just all hold hands and say kumbaya? Let’s just hold hands. Kumbaya. Some of the feedback you’re going to get is going to be negative. Not what? And it’s going to hurt your feelers and you’re going to, you know, you’re going to want to

go no way. And yet it happens. And now in this day and age, with the trolls! The trolls are in control of the online reviews! Oh my gosh, oh my, wear me out. This thing of trolling and trolls and people just hate stuff and ugh.

I commented on your Tulsa World article. And now! A casting from the center of the universe and the World Headquarters. Let’s go! the world’s It is a Thursday and we want to get into it in the worst way.

I am joined here with your sensei, the doctor of business. It’s Dr. Robert Zellner. Sir, how are you? You snatched a pebble from my hand, young grasshopper. The circle. The circle continued on down.

Hey, it’s still Happy New Year. It is. It’s the first week of the new year and I’m so excited. You know why? Why? Because somebody listening out there is going to put into action all this stuff we’re

I’m so excited. Do you know why? Why? Because somebody listening out there is going to put into action all this stuff we’re telling them on the radio or on the podcast, right? And they’re actually going to put it into action and they’re going to get some satisfaction

because they’re going to start Thrive Actioning. Yes. Z, I will tell you, not only are we inventing words today, we’re helping people start businesses. I have three drop the mic moments that have just happened. Three. Okay.

Well, you got three mics in? Well, we’ve got four mics. We have a great guest. We have Jonathan Kelly, our search engine and advertising expert on the show. And we have Mr. Will Rollator there with his incredible company. Here’s 24-7 Disaster Group.

He’s in the house. How are you, sir? I’m doing great. Thanks for having me, Clay. Now, here’s the drop the mic moments we have for this week. All right.

Here we go. We’ve got one guy down in Dallas, OK? And he’s a drone pilot. Thomas, if you’re listening, how you doing, buddy? This guy is now doing consistently about $2,000 to $2,500 a week of business. He flies all the flights.

And it’s the winter. If you’re new to this country, it’s the winter right now. If you’re new to this climate. To the northern hemisphere. Yeah, and so that means if he’s doing real estate drone videos, and he’s doing that much in the winter, when he gets into the spring, it’s going to be 10 times as busy.

So he’s ready to do this thing full time. It’s exciting. We have another guy, Mikalo. He’s here from New York. He flew in this week. He’s going to be here all week.

His business is booming out there in New York. Oh, I can’t wait to see him. I haven’t seen him in a while. Upper state New York. Sharita’s picking him up at the airport, I believe. And we have one more thriver.

Talk to him today. It’s a Property Management Inc. He was one of our guests on our show. And Sean’s business is blowing up. He’s just blowing up. And it’s all stuff learning.

I hope in a good way. Because we have a disaster relief guy here, you know. So I hope it’s not like blowing up. We need to send Will over to his place right now. OK. Now, speaking of blowing up in a not good way, Z, because that’s why we have these two

special guests here today. This is the time of the year, guys, where you have to keep your water dripping when you leave the house. This is a tip. And Z, this is not the Home and Garden show. It’s not because I was wondering when to plant my tulips.

I mean, is it time yet? Does anybody know? I mean, is this not time? Another commercial break. I really want to know more about your daisy strategy. Okay, but no, seriously.

John, can you explain what you’re… This is Jonathan Kelly. He’s our in-house Thrive 15 and Make Your Life Epic advertising search engine optimization experts. So if you fill out a form at info at he heads up the team of people that advise you how to optimize your website. John can you explain what is going on right now at the Kelly house? First house The day before Christmas.

Oh, it’s a Christmas miracle. The eve of Christmas Eve. Moved into the house. Nice. Super excited about it, me and my wife. Move in.

It’s a beautiful image. It’s a nice time. You put up a cree? A tree? We did not put up a cree or a tree. No creed.

What we did do is we moved in, we got all settled. Here we go, this is exciting. About three days into it. Oh yeah. We had a fun time. We moved in, we got all settled.

Here we go, this is exciting. About three days into it, we find out that our pipes, our sewer line has collapsed. Oh! Disaster. Now, real quick, this hints that we have the expert here, this is 24-7 Disaster Group. So should you find yourself in a neighborhood and it don’t look good, who are you going

to call? You’re going to call 24-7 disaster group and and what we said since it’s just been a week or so since he’s passed whenever we can get careless whisper in the show so JK your home you just moved into your new home you’re hitting on your wife you got you you and your lovely missus you don’t have up your tree but you’ve got a lot of holiday spirit in the house and you’re sitting

there you’re thinking oh what’s that that noise in the background? Is that careless whisper playing? Is that old St. Nick? Or is that the pipes broken and water running through the house? Even better than that though, is like careless whisper, when you put it on, you want a little, you know, a bare skin rug probably.

Yeah. You know? Yeah, you want to put it on a fireplace, right? Right. Oh yeah. Turn the heat up.

Oh, you want to turn the heat up, yeah. Literally and figuratively. You would want to turn the heat up. Oh yeah, heat’s good. Yeah, it’s good. It makes sense.

So we’re trying to turn the heat up and listen to Careless Whisper, and the heat doesn’t work up. Holy cow! That came in hot! We got buttons working today, folks. So just a recap.

So you move in on the eve of Christmas Eve, and find out that our sewer lines are collapsed, and OMG, God bless them. O-M-G? O-M-G? No, N I think. N.

N. N. heater was electric. And that worked. So if you’re listening right now and you’re having your pipes explode, you’re having fires, you’re having water damage,

what you got to do is you got to either get scared, get worried, and climb under a bed. Or you have to pick up the phone and call Will Rolator. Will, what should somebody do if this predicament is hitting them this season? Because we have new freezing weather happening, snow,

these kinds of things. It’s the wintry weather time of the year. What should we do if they find themselves with these kind of scenarios? Call 24-7 Disaster Group. Any kind of frozen pipe, any sewage backup. If your furnace isn’t working, we can usually find out why. Send the right people to get that fixed. Call us, 918-779-4900.

Okay, again, what’s that number one more time? I was just digesting. I was trying to eat to my Oklahoma Joe’s and I got distracted. I was trying to do the burnt ends and the beans combo in my mouth at the same time. I’m sorry I missed that phone number. That is 918-779-4900.

24-7 Disaster Group. Now, Z, back to the business doctor here. I want to ask you this. Yes, sir. If you’re a business owner, and you’re coming to work, we’re going to get into today’s topic, which is how to differentiate your business in a crowded marketplace.

Okay, we’re going to get into that. But before we do, this is the real talk. This is the stuff that happens behind the stuff right if you’re a business owner It doesn’t mean that you’re going to be free of disasters at home You’re listening to the thrash time show on talk radio 11 so hypothetically let’s say that you’re a marketing expert Responsible for helping thousands of people all over the world optimize their websites and your name is John Kelly

How do you how have you throughout your career? How do you have you handled the the personal stress of? situations such as this and then also be able to do the whole, you know, get to work and be successful at the office. Because some people have meltdowns when their personal life melts down, their business melts down.

Well, here’s what I do. This is my move. Okay, here we go. It may not be the move for everybody, but what I do is I find, in this case, a dry corner of the house. Okay.

And I go over there and I get in a fetal position and I just suck my thumb and cry. And then it all gets better. I did that. That sounds encouraging. No, no, no. What you do is, first of all, once the shock of it is kind of worn off, you’re like, this

did not happen. You know, you’re just like, uh, it’s just a shock and awe of it. You know, shock and awe hits. Shock and awe. Then you take a deep breath and you just break it down like you do a boss. What a boss does is you make big…

Obstacles….seem small. I like it when you finish my sentences. So that’s what you have to do. It’s a big obstacle and you have to make it seem small. So how do you do that?

Well, what’s step one when this case step one is calling will you got to call will good? You got to call will right now and then you then you what you do is you is you just you bite it up in The bite-sized steps you do step one step two step three step four and you just approach it like you do any big Obstacle in your life and it get a little deeper. Let’s say not for John’s scenario. Let’s just say there’s other scenarios out there. Let’s say you’re an entrepreneur and you’ve got a personal issue going on, but it’s going to require litigation, like an ongoing conversation.

You can’t close the loop for several weeks. How do you deal with those situations, my friend? Same thing. Fetal position, sucking thumb, just bawling. You cry a lot. You get a lot of Kleenex tissue or facial tissue, I should say.

No, here again, it’s a big obstacle. It’s overwhelming if you think about the whole thing. And so you just break it down into, into, into steps. Okay. What’s step one. Step one is getting a, you know, in that, in that scenario, get an attorney.

Step two is to meet with him. Step three is to get all your paperwork together. Step four is to listen to what he’s going to tell you. Step five is to do what he’s going to tell you. Step six is then to try to forget about it. Impossible, but try, you know, step six is stay busy and, um, you know, just get through

your life. And that’s why one of my number one rules or not, not one of my number one. One of your top ten rules. Top ten rules. In business, I refer to as showtime. There’s a time you got to clean up that pig and go win your blue ribbon.

And what that means is that, hey, you got to knock the dirt off. You got to scrub it up. You got to present yourself a certain way. You can’t sit there with your next client, your next big salesperson and go, I’m being sued. I can’t function.

Oh, Billy. Oh, Billy. Hold me, Billy! It’s weird if people walk in and you’re holding Billy. I’m just crying. I’m like, Billy, I’m sorry.

I would like to do search engine optimization for you and help you with your marketing campaign and brainstorm some great ideas, but I can’t! You’ve got to do Showtime. You’ve got to shrug all that off and you’ve got to say, what’s the most important thing right now in my life? Now, Will, I want to ask you this because you’ve seen some pipes are exploding all around Tulsa.

The weather is dipping down, crazy cold today. It’s getting colder, getting colder, getting colder. Walk me through, has this happened a few times already this season for you where you’ve dealt with people with water damage? Is this something that’s happened to you this year? Oh yeah, the week of Christmas we were literally working around the clock, 24 hours a day.

When the temperature hits about zero, all the pipes start to freeze. Everyone calls because they have no water, but the worst has not happened. Usually when the thaw, when it hits about 40 degrees, that’s when the pipes are going to start letting loose in the house or in the business. A problem for somebody is a business for you. Are you actually happy about this?

Is that your deal? Are you excited when pipes burst? You’re like, yes, yes. Are you giving people reverse? We do get excited. I love your honesty, Will.

We do, but we’re excited because we really enjoy drying out buildings. It’s fun. It’s kind of a science. Okay, now Thrivers, today we’re talking about how to differentiate your business in the marketplace. We’re going to be picking John’s brain on this a little bit here.

Wait, wait, time out, time out, time out, time out. We kind of skipped over something right there. Yeah, what did we skip over? Dry out a building. You just get the water from going. I mean, what do you do?

You got to put heaters in there? Yeah, we’re going to come in. If there’s no heat. Walk me through that. Okay, if there’s no heat, we want to control it. It’s psychrometry, so we want to control.

Psychrometry? Whoa, man, that’s a big word. Did you study that at NSU? That’s a big word. That was my nickname in high school. I think I was sick that day.

I don’t know. I think I missed that. Okay, so we’re going to come in. We’re going to extract any water that’s standing, anything that’s visible. Then we’re going to apply heat. We’re going to bring in dehumidifiers.

We’re going to control the entire environment with air, heat, and dehumidification in order to dry out the structure. And how quickly do you have to do that to keep the black mold from infecting my, give me black lung disease? So anytime you have a water leak, you want to get on it immediately

because it can create microbial problems. When it’s cold out, it can, you know, you wait a few days, you’re probably OK. In Oklahoma, when hot summer and humidity, mold can happen almost immediately. I don’t know what it is, but whenever I hear the word

microbial, whenever I hear that word, I hear this song. It sounds like a party. You’re having a party. You’re helping dry out homes all over the great city. Oh, yeah. Let’s go.

A little microbial. Give me that phone number one more time, in case I’ve been. I’ve been at Oklahoma Joe’s. I’ve just been enjoying my lunch. I mean, honestly, I’ve tried to listen to what you’re saying, but I had to run in there,

get my burnt ends, get my baked beans. What’s that phone number one more time? 918-779-4900. Now, when we come back, Thrivers, we’re going to be talking about a subject that Dr. Z is super pumped to talk about. I’m going to tell you why.

Because there are many… I was checking on the phone book, and I’m the last guy in Oklahoma who has a phone book, but I’m looking at the phone book, and I noticed there’s more than two optometrists. There’s more than three. Oh, there’s more than four. There’s actually dozens. Oh my. And yet people seem to know your name. And I was thinking about it. Well, it’s probably just luck. It’s probably just, you know, kind of some random stuff. They start at the end and they work forward. Now, what’s the economy, the way it worked, you

know, the economy was at an uptick when you were starting out and, you know, and then it’s a good year. Very political. Yeah. There’s nothing you could do to control. Oh, that’s a different show. Oh. This isn’t a political. Is this a political show?

We’re going to teach you how to differentiate your business in the marketplace, how to stand out, how to become that purple cow in your marketplace. Thrive Time Show. Stay tuned. This show is brought to you by Adobe Creative Cloud. If you’re a photographer, graphic designer, video editor, podcaster, business owner, or

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Make sure that you check out Adobe Creative Cloud. It’s at Once again, adobecreativecloud at Live, local, now. You’re listening to the Thrive Time Show on Talk Radio 1170. All right, Tulsa, Oklahomies, and people of importance, welcome back here to the Thrive

Time Show. This is your audio dojo of mojo, where every day we teach you how to start and grow a business. Fo’ sho’. We’re broadcasting on the left coast, from the left coast of the Arkansas River, inside the box that rocks, deep within the world headquarters. And to my right, if you’re on Facebook Live, to my left, we have Dr. Robert Zellner in

the house today. Sir, how are you? I am fantastic. Happy New Year, Thrive Nation out there. And we’ve got a goal this year. We are going to eradicate business failure.

True. You know, Forbes says 80% of all businesses that start up fail. And that is a number that’s sticking in my craw. I mean, it’s in my craw. Well, we have three. And I want it out of my crawl.

We have three people that we talked about in the first segment that we know that now have are starting successful companies as a result of their diligence combined with knowing what to do. Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, time out, time out, time out. Are you suggesting, are you suggesting, well, I’m sitting here eating my egg salad sandwich, enjoying my beverage of choice, you know, thinking about the baked beans I missed out

on at Oklahoma Joe’s. Longing for the time I was there. As I’m sitting here doing that, are you telling me I actually have to take actions? I can’t just listen and just absorb the knowledge and then just let it just percolate out of me? I’ve got a new phrase that I’m starting to say a lot.

It’s starting to get, it’s starting to kind of work through it mentally here. Is it’s the path to success. You and I teach people. The 13 point proven system. It is simple, but it requires diligence. And diligence is that steady application of effort.

And so we have a guy on the show who started out working in our search engine team and grinding away. I mean, literally, and I’ll let him tell the story, but he’s literally grinding away. It’s not in the coal mine, but it’s kind of worse because you’re in a small room and you’re typing. We have Jonathan Kelly on the show today.

John, how are you doing, man? Hey, listen, if I were doing any better, vitamins would be taking me. Oh, no. Oh, yeah. I love that. I want to ask this, John.

Now, can you kind of explain to the thrivers out there, we’re talking about diligence here, as we transition into this concept of how to stand out in the marketplace. What time did you get to work every day to stand out in the office? Because a lot of people work for somebody else, right? And they want to stand out in the office. What time did you get to work every day for a long time before you’re convinced that I knew your name?

Yeah, still not convinced that you know my name, but Billy we do too. Yeah, you stop it 3 a.m. Was what I was averaging So I get here every day 3 a.m. And start grinding out. Well, I get there by 3. All right, but 3 p.m I mean, I gotta get my lunch in I got a you know, I get up I got to get up every morning. Why did you start getting there that early? What was going on in your head?

Well one, I wanted to be part of this company and so I was working two other jobs and so I was, I had to get here to knock it out and then go on to my other ones. And then after the fact is something that was really important to me was showing up and getting my stuff done and making sure that I still had enough time for my wife at the end of the day. So let me ask you this.

If someone’s listening right now, maybe they’re a wantrepreneur. They want to start a business. And they’ve got motivated. They’re excited. Last year, they made the 2016 resolution.

They put it on the goal sheet. And they said, I’m going to learn how to start a successful company this year. Maybe they formed the LLC, maybe they even looked at getting a small business loan, they even got a logo made, and then they just sort of ran out of gas.

Z, what encouragement would you have for somebody to help them, encourage them to stay diligent or to become more diligent? Well, I’ll tell you what, we’re going to help you fill up your gas of your car, i.e. your business idea. There’s a great way to start off 2017. Just because people have just begged us to do it, we are now starting to do these

with great success. They’re called in-person workshops. What does that mean? That means you actually physically come to the Thrive 15 headquarters, this beautiful facility we have here on the left coast of the Arkansas River. It’s going to be January 20th and the 21st, and we are going to sit there face-to-face

and teach you and coach you up and encourage you and lift you up and let you know you can get her done and then tell you how to get her done on starting and growing that business. And I’ll tell you what, you’re going to get specific and practical training on time management, marketing, sales. Let’s get into marketing. How do you differentiate your business in the marketplace?

Well, wait, if I want to know more about it, where do I go? You’re teasing me right now. Here’s what you do. You got to go to Okay, And when you get there, you’re going to find on the website, you’re going to find that there’s a little button there you can

click called conferences. A button, alright, I’m clicking. And when you click conferences, you’re going to find the itinerary and you’ve got to reserve your seat, you’ve got to reserve your spot because we don’t make this where there’s thousands of people. We’re not renting out a hotel somewhere and trying to upsell you a bunch of stuff in the

back of the room. What we’re doing is we’re bringing you into our home. It’s like the home court advantage, into the world headquarters and we are teaching you our proven 13 point system so that you can learn what to do and know how to apply it within your own business. Dr. Z, that’s the plan.

You’re listening to the Throckton Show on Talk Radio 11. Well, listen, part of the reason I’m not starting my business right now is I can’t, I mean the money, the money situation. So this in-person workshop costs money. What if I can’t stroke that check? What do I do then?

I just sit there and go, man, I wish I could go. Or I could maybe peek in the windows, come around to the side over here where the river is and look in the windows. Can I do that? We made two promises to the listeners here a few months ago and we’re going to stand behind that.

One, no matter how much money you have, if you have $7 in your pocket right now, you can afford to get out to one of these. Then when you get here, we’re not going to upsell you. Because of our scholarship program, literally, if you can’t afford the price of the ticket, don’t stress out. We’re not going to talk about it, publicize it. We’re just going to help

you out. The whole goal is to help you learn what you need to know to be successful. But as Maya Angelou said, the famous poet, she said that nothing works unless you do. So you’re going to have to take some action. You’re going to have to get here. Someone needs to mark their calendar right now. You want to mark that. You want to get a pin right now. January 20th and 21st, go to Reserve your seat for January 20th and 21st, Thrivetime Show. Go to that website,,

reserve those tickets. Now, Z, I want to ask you here, when you talk about differentiating your business, there’s tons of optometrists in Tulsa, many of which, actually all of which, went to school. They have a degree.

Apparently, yes. They’re optometrists. Yes, yes. So let’s get into move number one. Move number one is you must know how you stack up versus the other guys.

You must have a purple cow. You must understand the concept of the purple cow. Z, why is it so important that you figure out what makes you unique right away? Why do you have to figure that out? Because here’s the deal, you know, it’s funny,

I talk to businesses right now that come to me and they want mentorship, and of course, that’s why we put together the whole website. If you haven’t checked that out, go check that out., okay? Because you can only business

and you can only coach some people. And I remember I was talking to one guy and he was the CEO of a bank and he looked at me and he goes, you know man, we’re special, we’re different, we’re better than those other banks. I said, really? We’re established.

Really, really? I said, well, how are you? He looked at me and he goes, oh, that’s a good question. Well, you know, we’re, I said, well, y’all lend money. You know, kind of like optometrists, you all do eye exams, right? I really love retinas.

I’m the cornea king! You sell glasses. I mean, we kind of buy them. You know, there’s so many vendors in the world, and we all kind of buy them from the same vendors, you know? Just like the bank.

I mean, is your money better than their money? I mean, sometimes you break it down, and you think, oh, it’s just a commodity. There’s no way to differentiate myself. I mean, a bank’s a bank, and optometrists are optometrists. Big suckers! Hey, you know, they can fix a radiator, we can fix a radiator.

So, you know, really I guess there is no differentiating, but you know, on today’s show, we’re going to give you some secret sauce, some little hot sauce on how to do that, how to get your mind wrapped around that. So then you can actually go, you know what, even though we’re doing the exact same thing as the competitor down the street, we’re going to do it and make it appear that we’re going to be doing it better.

And John’s going to walk you through how to do it on your website who has so many people have a way for the show you get a lot of traffic skip this next break and get into it what we have to do I can’t go to a break I gotta go to Oklahoma Joe’s real quick I timed it I get out there don’t go anywhere cuz this show is hot sauce throughout time show dot com throughout time show dot com

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If you have been looking for that, that self-help, that encouragement, that business knowledge that you couldn’t find in college, you have found the right place. And today we are talking about specifically how to differentiate your business in a crowded marketplace. And so, Z, I’ve got an audio, I’ve got a song ready here that I think totally demonstrates the power of differentiating yourself in a crowded marketplace.

Does this harken back to your DJ days? It kind of does. And this idea germinated in my brain. I went to church. We go to the Metropolitan Baptist Church in downtown Tulsa. But there was about eight weeks ago, we had family in town, and we couldn’t get out there,

so we went to a nearby church. And I’m sitting next to a guy, and I look at him, and he looks just like Rod Stewart. See, you know what I’m talking about, the Rod Stewart hair. And Rod Stewart, there’s a quote Rod Stewart says, he says, it’s not about the music, it’s about selling music. So here’s Rod Stewart.

Remember that song, Do You Think I’m Sexy? Now Rod Stewart, people don’t realize, he was a professional soccer player, and it occurred to him that they would have these big parties, and he would grab the mic and dance around, and it occurred to him, I could kill it in the game of music. And so he got this whole look and this whole style and this whole vibe, and he just sells every song.

And the whole thing is Rod Stewart. If you see Rod Stewart’s hair, you don’t miss that. There’s a lot of people who can sing very well, but he would jump off his speakers and dance around, and the energy he brought, that’s what differentiated him. Prince is an awesome artist that we unfortunately lost this year, but Prince is a phenomenal, phenomenal musician. But I can tell you what, he’s probably one of the top elite musicians I’ve ever seen.

However, I can tell you, sad story, I have seen people that are at an elite level with their music talent, but they’re not really good at marketing that talent, and therefore they sort of don’t get to reap the fruits of their efforts there. And so we’re talking today about how to stand out, specifically under the microscope, under the focus, under that myopic look into the world of optometry and how you’ve been able to differentiate yourself for 25 years at Dr. Robert Zellner and Associates.

Well, here’s the deal. My first move was value. I brought value and I brought kind of a little bit of fun to optometry, okay? Okay. So that was my first move. That was the first purple cow I brought out into the past.

What does value mean from your perspective? Low price. I mean, there’s a reason why Walmart is value-driven in their marketing. I don’t want to be known as a cheap doctor. I don’t want to be known as a cheap dentist. I don’t want to be known as a cheap…

And that’s your choice. I tell you what, Nordstrom’s and Dillard’s have different approaches, right? And so when you’re starting your business, I mean, you could either be this little boutique-y store that sells, you know, very expensive stuff, and that can be a differentiator for you. Welcome to Snurdley’s Uptown. We welcome where you’ll get a pedicure with every eye exam.

I mean, you could differentiate. I’m not telling you how to do it, I’m telling you how I did it. So my first move, you asked me before the break, my first move was a value and I did a thing of like a two pair deal for $99. It was a colored pair of contacts and a clear pair because I figured out that a lot of people wanted to have a little fun with some color contact lenses, but then I

also wanted to be able to come in with a clear pair because if someone says, ew, your eyes aren’t green and they look green today, and they can quickly slip in their clear ones and say, what are you talking about? I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t know what you’re talking about. So value is kind of my first differentiator.

And then another thing I think is so important out there, so important out there is to find a parade and get in front of it. And then I got, actually I got celebrities to endorse me. How did I do that? I paid them money. Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute.

Are you saying that Michael Jordan has been paid money to endorse Gatorade? He might like Gatorade, I don’t know. I mean, you know, there’s so many different flavors and colors now, I guess you could probably find one you like, you know. But I don’t know how much he likes it, but on the commercials it sure looks like he drinks it a lot.

Okay, well let me ask you this. Let me ask you this, because we have Jonathan Kelly on the show here. He’s our in-house marketing wizard. He sits down with business owners every day who are struggling to differentiate themselves, and he helps them do it. And one area that you really help people a lot is on their website, because everyone

has these conservative websites where they all look the same, and no one wants to stand out for risk of being criticized. What are some tips you’d have for the listener on how they can differentiate their website? Well, I’d say one thing is you want to make it a no-brainer for people to contact you. No-brain, that’s cool. That’s what I do all the time.

I don’t have a brain anyway. So everybody can offer great service, right? But it’s much different to actually get those butts in the doors. And so one of the ways to get the butts in the doors is, hey, just try us. Oh. Just try us for a dollar or whatever that offer might be,

just to get the butts in the door so you can actually prove your service, your quality, all of those other things. And so what I would say is I would, one, have a clear call to action at the top, above the fold, and make sure that you are using a no-brainer offer

that people are like, hey, you know what? Why would I not try out this service? Why would I not? I don’t have a brain. Here’s something that I’ll give you. This is the best example I can give you, the best audio example.

We’ve all been in a wedding reception where the music’s kind of playing and it’s a song like, just the way you look tonight. And then you’re like going, babe, I think we need to go. Can we go? Can we go? And you’re in, but she goes, no, no, we know the bride.

Let’s stick around until after the cake. I mean is this like, okay, set the stage, is this like an ethnic one where it’s like, you know, like my friend, he’s Jewish, I mean, when they throw a wedding, I mean, it’s a party. Or is this like the Baptist party where you’re in the gymnasium with Kool-Aid? Which one is it?

This is like you’re at Tarp Chapel, nice place. Okay, Tarp Chapel. But it’s 12pm. Okay. It’s 12 in the afternoon, and it ends at like 3. Oh, okay.

So it’s like a dinner. And you’re having like cheese cubes. It’s a great place. Fine facility, but you’ve got to finish before the next wedding. The next wedding is at 5. So you’ve got a three hour window.

And you’re having cheese cubes and you’re like, well I probably shouldn’t. But they have the club crackers. They’re really nice. So you’re going back. But you’re going like, we’ve got to leave. And then all of a sudden, like an angel from heaven, this happens.

It just starts to play and you start to get this mojo. Let me see if I can get it going here. Oh, it’s not going to work for me. This is a crime against humanity. When we come back, I might have to queue this up here. What happens is somebody plays like Brass Monkey or something, OK?

Or someone plays like… Brass Monkey, yeah. And all of a sudden you’re like, oh, that’s my jam! And you run to the floor. And you drop your cheese cubes? You just drop them.

You drop the cheese cubes. Stab them in your mouth. Yeah, and what happens is all of a sudden, though, it creates an energy. And that’s what having a solid call to action on your website does. It shocks you into, well, I’m just kind of looking at the site to like, man, I’ve got to do that.

And so, some examples right now, at your optometry clinic, you have a special on the site where it’s $99 for one pair of fashionable glasses and an eye exam. Yes, with three frame warranty. And you can add for $1.29 for just $30 more, you can add a second pair. How can you afford to do that? How can I afford not to?

So you’re saying that this is a… I’ve got to get them in the door. It’s called advertising, Mark. You’ve got to get them in the door. There it is. Oh, yeah.

Come on. Oh, man. See, it doesn’t want to do it, workforce here. They’re just a little element of excitement. Well, you’re DJs. See, this is the…

You stop, you sell your company, you stop DJing, and then this is what… Yeah, he’s out of the game now. This is what happened. I can’t even play properly anymore. But here’s the thing, Thrivers. When you’re listening, if you’re listening to this right now,

I want you to get out a sheet of paper, and I want you to jot down, what is it that makes your business stand out in a crowded marketplace? Clay Clark is here somewhere. Where’s my buddy Clay?

Yes, Clay Clark! Yes, Clay! Yes, Clay! Yes, Clay! Clay’s the greatest. I met his goats today, I met his dogs,

I met his chickens, I saw his compound, he’s like the greatest guy. I ran from his goats, his chickens, his dogs. So this guy’s like the greatest marketer you’ve ever seen, right? His entire life, Clay Clark, his entire life is marketing. Okay, Aaron Antis, March 6th and 7th, March 6th and 7th, guess who’s coming to Tulsa, Russia?

Ooh, Santa Claus? No, that’s March, March 6th and 7th, you’re going to be joined by Robert Kiyosaki, Robert Kiyosaki, best-selling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, possibly the best-selling or one of the best-selling business authors of all time. And he’s going to be joined with Eric Trump.

He’ll be joined by Eric Trump. We’ve got Eric Trump and Robert Kiyosaki in the same place. In the same place. Aaron, why should everybody show up to hear Robert Kiyosaki? billions of dollars of business experience between those two, not to mention many many many millions of books have been sold. Many many

millionaires have been made from the books that have been sold by Robert Kiyosaki. I happen to be one of them. I learned from the man. He was the inspiration. That book was the inspiration for me to get the entrepreneurial spirit as many other people. Now since you won’t brag on yourself, I will. You’ve sold billions of dollars of houses, am I correct? That is true.

And the book that kick-started it all for you, Rich Dad Porter, the best-selling author of Rich Dad Porter, Robert Kiyosaki, the guy that kick-started your career, he’s gonna be here, I’m umph. And now Eric Trump, people don’t know this, but the Trump Organization has thousands of employees. There’s not 50 employees. The Trump Organization, again most people don’t know this, but the Trump Organization has thousands of employees and

while Donald J. Trump was the 45th president of these United States and soon to be the 47th president of these United States, he needed someone to run the companies for him. And so the man that runs the Trump Organization for Donald J. Trump as he was the 45th president of the United States and now the 47th president

of the United States is Eric Trump. It’s Eric Trump is here to talk about time management promoting from within marketing branding quality control sales systems workflow design Workflow mapping how to build I mean everything that you see the Trump hotels the Trump golf courses all their products the man who manages

Billions of dollars of real estate and thousands of employees is here to teach us how to do it. You are talking about one of the greatest brands on the planet from a business standpoint. I mean, who else has been able to create a brand like the Trump brand? I mean, look at it.

And this is the man behind the business for the last, pretty much since 2015, he’s been the man behind it. So you’re talking, we’re into nine, going into 10 years of him running it. And we get to tap into that knowledge. That’s going to be amazing. Now think about this for a second. Would you buy a ticket just to see Robert Kiyosaki and

Eric Trump? Of course you would. But we’re also going to be joined by Sean Baker. This is the best-selling author, the guy who invented the carnivore diet. Dr. Sean Baker, he’s been on Joe Rogan multiple times. He’s going to be joining us. So you’ve got Robert Kiyosaki, the best-selling author, rich dad, poor dad, Eric Trump, Sean Baker. The lineup continues to grow. And this is how we do our tickets here

at the Thrive Time Show. If you want to get a VIP ticket, you can absolutely do it. It’s $500 for a VIP ticket. We’ve always done it that way. Now, if you want to take a general admission ticket, it’s $250 or whatever price you want to pay.

And the reason why I do that and the reason why we do that is because we want to make our events affordable for everybody. I grew up without money. I totally understand what it’s like to be the tight spot. So if you want to attend, it’s $250 or whatever

price you want to pay. That’s how I do it. And it’s $500 for a VIP ticket. Now, we only have limited seating here. The most people we’ve ever had in this building was for the Jim Brewer presentation.

Jim Brewer came here. The legendary comedian Jim Brewer came to Tulsa. And we had 419 people that were here, 419 people. And I thought to myself, there’s no more room. I felt kind of bad that a couple people had VIP seats in the men’s restroom.

Oh, no, I’m just kidding. So I thought, you know what, we should probably add on. So we’re adding on what we call the upper deck, or the top shelf. So the seats are very close to the presenters. But we’re actually building right now.

We’re adding on to the facility to make room to accommodate another 30 attendees or more. So again, if you want to get tickets for this event, all you have to do is go to Go to When you go to, you’ll go there, you’ll request a ticket, boom. Or if you want to text me, if you want a little bit faster service, you say, I want you to call me right now. Just text my number. It’s my cell phone number, my personal cell phone number. We’ll keep that private between you,

between you, me, everybody. We’ll keep that private. And anybody, don’t share that with anybody except for everybody. That’s my private cell phone number. It’s 918-851-0102. 918-851-0102. I know we have a lot of Spanish-speaking people that attend these conferences. And so to be bilingually sensitive, my cell phone number is 918-851-0102. That is not actually bilingual. That’s just saying one for a one. It’s not the same thing. I think you’re attacking me. Now, let’s talk about this.

Now, what kind of stuff will you learn at the Thrive Time Show workshop? So Aaron, you’ve been to many of these over the past seven, eight years. So let’s talk about it. I’ll tee up the thing, and then you

tell me what you’re going to learn here, OK? OK. You’re going to learn marketing, marketing and branding. What are we going to learn about marketing and branding? Oh, yeah. We’re going to dive into, you know, so many people say,

oh, you know, I got to get my brand known out there, like the Trump brand. You want to get that brand out there. It’s like, how do I actually make people know what my business is and make it a household name? You’re going to learn some intricacies of how you can do that.

You’re going to learn sales. So many people struggle to sell something. This just in, your business will go to hell if you can’t sell. So we’re going to teach you sales. We’re going to teach you search engine optimization, how to come up top.

And the search engine results, we’re going to teach you how to manage people. Aaron, you have managed, no exaggeration, hundreds of people throughout your career and thousands of contractors. And most people struggle with managing people.

Why does everybody have to learn how to manage people? Well, because first of all, you either have great people or you have people who suck. And so it could be a challenge. Learning how to work with a large group of people and get everybody pulling in the same direction

can be a challenge. But if you have the right systems, you have the right processes, and you’re really good at selecting great ones, and we have a process we teach about how to find great people.

When you start with the people who have a great attitude, they’re teachable, they’re driven, all of those things, then you can get those people all pulling in the same direction. So we’re going to teach you branding, marketing, sales, search engine optimization. We’re going to teach you accounting.

We’re going to teach you personal finance, how to manage your finance. We’re going to teach you time management. How do you manage your time? How do you get more done during a typical day? How do you build an organization if you’re not organized? How do you do organization?

How do you build an org chart? Everything that you need to know to start and grow a business will be taught during this two-day interactive business workshop. Let me tell you how the format is set up here. Again folks, this is a two-day interactive 15… Think about this folks. It’s two days. Each day starts at 7 a.m. and it goes until 5 p.m. So from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. two days. It’s a two-day interactive workshop.

The way we do it is we do a 30-minute teaching session and then we break for 15 minutes for a question-answer session. So Aaron, what kind of great stuff happens during that 15-minute question-answer session after every teaching session? I actually think it’s the best part about the workshops because here’s what happens. I’ve been to lots of these things over the years. I’ve paid many thousands of dollars to go to them and you go in there and they talk in vague generalities and they’re

constantly upselling you for something trying to get you to buy this thing or that thing, or this program or this membership. And you don’t, you leave not getting your very specific questions answered about your business or your employees or what you’re doing on your marketing. And what’s awesome about this is we literally answer every single question that any person asks.

And it’s very specific to what your business is. And what we do is we allow you as the attendee to write your questions on the whiteboard. And then we literally, as you mentioned, we answer every single question on the whiteboard. And then we take a 15-minute break to stretch and to make it entertaining when you’re stretching. And this is a true story. When you get up and stretch, you’ll be greeted by mariachis.

There’s going to probably be alpaca here, llamas, helicopter rides, a coffee bar, a snow cone. I mean, there’s just… You had a crocodile one time. That was pretty interesting. You know, I should write that down.

Sorry for that one guy that we lost. The crocodile, we duct taped its face. Right? We duct taped. It was a baby crocodile. Yeah, duct taped around the mouth so it didn’t bite anybody.

But it was really cool passing that thing around. I should do that. We have a small petting zoo that will be assembled. It’s going to be great. And then you’re in the company of hundreds of entrepreneurs. So there’s not a lot of people in America today.

In fact, there’s less than 10 million people today, according to U.S. Debt Clock, that identify as being self-employed. So if you have a country with 350 million people, that means you have less than 3% of our population that’s even self-employed. So you only have 3 out of every 100 people in America that are self-employed to begin with. And when Inc. Magazine reports that 96% of businesses fail by default. By default, you have a 1 out of 1,000 chance of succeeding in the game of business.

But yet the average client that you and I work with, we can typically double this. No hyperbole, no exaggeration. I have thousands of testimonials to back this up. We have thousands of testimonials to back it up. But when you work with a home builder, when I work with a business owner, we can typically double the size of the company within 24 months.

Yeah. And you say, double? Yeah, there’s businesses that we have tripled. There’s businesses we’ve grown 8x. There’s so many examples. You can see it thrive

But again, this is the most interactive, best business workshop on the planet. This is objectively the highest rated and most reviewed business workshop on the planet. And then you add to that Robert Kiyosaki, the best-selling author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad.

You add to that Eric Trump, the man that runs the Trump Organization. You add to that Sean Baker. Now you might say, Clay, is there more? I need more. Well, OK, Tom Wheelwright is the wealth strategist for Robert Kiyosaki. So people say, Robert Kiyosaki, who’s his financial wealth advisor?

Who’s the guy who manages? Who’s his wealth strategist? His wealth strategist, Tom Wheelwright, will be here. You say, Clay, I still, I’m not going to get a ticket unless you give me more. Okay, fine. We’re going to serve you the same meal both days. True story. We have, we cater in the food and because I keep it simple, I literally bring in the same food both days for lunch. It’s Ted Esconzito’s, an incredible Mexican restaurant. That’s going to happen. And Jill Donovan, our good friend, who is the founder of Rustic Cuff. She started that company in her home and now

she sells millions of dollars of apparel and products. That’s and someone says I want more! This is not enough! Give me more. Okay, I’m not gonna mention their names right now because I’m working on it behind the scenes here, but we’ve got one guy who’s given me a verbal to be here and this is a guy who’s one of the wealthiest people in Oklahoma and nobody really knows who he is because he’s built systems that are very utilitarian, that

offer a lot of value. He’s made a lot of money in the, it’s the, it’s where you rent, it’s short term, it’s where you’re renting storage spaces. He’s a storage space guy. He owns the, what do you call that? The rental, the storage space, storage units.

This guy owns storage units. He owns railroad cars. He owns a lot of assets that make money on a daily basis, but they’re not like customer facing. Most people don’t know who owns the mini storage facility, or most people don’t know who owns the warehouse that’s passively making money.

Most people don’t know who owns the railroad cars, but this guy, he’s giving me a verbal that he will be here, and we just continue to add more and more success stories. So if you’re out there today and you want to change your life, you want to learn how to start and grow a company, go to, go there right now,, request a ticket for the two-day interactive event. Again, the day here is March 6th and 7th, March 6th and 7th, we just got confirmation,

Robert Kiyosaki, best-selling author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, he’ll be here, Eric Trump, the man who leads the Trump Organization, it’s going to be a blasty blast. There’s no upsells. Aaron, I could not be more excited about this event. I think it is incredible. And there’s somebody out there right now you’re watching and you’re like, but I already signed up for this incredible other program called Smoke Your Way to Thin. You think that’s going to change your life? I promise you this will be 10 times better than that.

It’s like I picked the wrong week to quit smoking. Don’t do the Smoke Your Way to Thin conference. That is, I’ve tried it. Don’t do it. Chain smoking is not a viable… I mean, it is life changing. It is life changing.

If you become a chain smoker, it is life changing. It’s not the best weight loss program though. Right. Not really. So if you’re looking to have life changing results in a way that won’t cause you to have a stoma, get your tickets at

Again, that’s Aaron Antis. I’m Clay Clark.


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