Barton Silverman/The New York Times
Read the New York Times Article »
Berj Najarian is Bill Belichick’s Chief of Staff he’s the human on the planet that has spent the most time with Bill Belichick since he became the New England Patriots head coach in 2000. This man has spent more time with Coach Belichick than Tom Brady and Bill Belichick’s own family, but most people don’t know his name. Why?
Read the in-depth article featured in the New York Times by the skilled writer, Greg Bishop by clicking here –
His official title is the director of football and head coach administration.
The Patriots dynasty has been largely defined by a culture of strong discipline, consistent winning, and secrecy. The Patriots refer to their culture and their approach to football as the Patriot Way.
– David Robinson
(Hall of Fame Basketball Player / Founder of Carver Academy / Founder of the Admiral Capital Group)
– Jack Easterby
(Former Character Coach of Choice for Bill Belichick and the New England Patriots)
– John Maxwell
(Leadership Expert & Best-Selling Author)
– Guy Kawaski
(Marketing Specialist & Product Evangelist for Apple, Mercedes and more)
– Craig Groeschel
(Founder & Senior Pastor of Life Church
that has grown to 30 Locations)
– Devan Kline
(Founder of Burn Boot Camp)
– Seth Godin
(Best-Selling Author of 18 Books
Including Purple Cow)
– Jeff Hoffman
(Serial Entrepreneur and Co-Author of SCALE)
The Patriots Culture of Secrecy is Pervasive:
Berj Najarian has been with Bill Belichick from the very beginning before The Patriot Way became legendary, and before Bill Belichick was known as perhaps the best NFL Coach of all-time and the very best of his generation.
When Bill Belichick announced that he resigned as the Head Coach of the New York Jets to take the Patriots job, Berj Najarian, Eric Mangini, and Scott Pioli made the trip with Bill. Although Eric and Scott left to take other jobs, Berj is still around and his office is actually connected to Belichick’s at 1 Patriot Place.
Former Patriots quarterback Drew Bledsoe has gone on the record as saying that he’s never witnessed a person in the NFL with a role that is similar to Najarian’s because Najarian has always created distance between Bill Belichick and the rest of the world. Bledsoe was quote in the New York Times as saying this role, “gave (Berj) him a ton of power,” “With the Patriots, it’s an efficiency thing. Berj worried about stuff so Bill didn’t have to.”
DEFINITION – The Pareto Principle, named after economist Vilfredo Pareto, specifies that 80 percent of consequences come from 20 percent of the causes, or an unequal relationship between inputs and outputs. This principle serves as a general reminder that the relationship between inputs and outputs is not balanced. The Pareto Principle is also known as the Pareto Rule or the 80/20 Rule.
NOTABLE QUOTABLE – Julian Edelman was quoted in USA Today as saying, “Then I get a call from a private number. It was Berj Najarian, the director of football and head coach administration for the Patriots. He said, “I wanted to call and let you know we have selected you in the seventh round, pick 232. Here’s Bill Belichick.”
I’m like, “Yo, be quiet!” I was nervous. I got outside and Coach Belichick gets on the phone and goes, “Hey, this is Coach Belichick. We are going to draft you. We really don’t know what you are going to play but we know you can play football. Nancy Meier [the Patriots’ director of scouting administration] will call you tonight to get you situated. Have a good one.” –
Bill has been quoted in the New York Times as saying, “Berj is really important. There isn’t nearly enough time in this press conference to talk about him.”
In the New York Times, Berj is quoted as saying, “One of our sayings is for everyone to ‘just do your job,’ “Contributing to Bill Belichick doing his job and at the same time helping uphold the standard of excellence set by the Kraft family is a privilege. With that comes many responsibilities within the football operation and organization, and I appreciate the opportunity to fulfill them.”
NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “Those who seize the day become seriously rich.” – Richard Koch (The 80 / 20 Principle – The Secret to Achieving More with Less)
NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “The way to create something great is to create something simple.” – Richard Koch (The 80 / 20 Principle – The Secret to Achieving More with Less)
NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “Strive for excellence in few things, rather than good performance in many.” – Richard Koch (The 80 / 20 Principle – The Secret to Achieving More with Less)
NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “80% of the results come from 20% of the causes. A few things are important; most are not.” – Richard Koch
Look around.
Think about this idea….
Where do you spend your time?
Where do you get the most results?
Are you wasting time on activities that aren’t as profitable as others?
Who is Berj Najarian?
NOTABLE QUOTABLE from Richard Koch:
Ask yourself:
1. Am I living with the right person or people? (There is no more vital question. Stop here until you know the answer.)
8 Activities That Successful Humans and Bill Belichick Don’t Waste Their Time On
1. Productive, successful people don’t get sucked into social media. –
NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “I don’t Twitter, I don’t MyFace, I don’t Yearbook.” – Bill Belichick (Head Coach of the New England Patriots)
NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “Twitter account, InstantFace, I don’t have any of that.” – Bill Belichick (Head Coach of the New England Patriots)
2. Productive, successful people don’t go through the day without a plan. –
NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “Knowing you have a good backup long snapper allows you to sleep good at night.” – Bill Belichick (Head Coach of the New England Patriots)
3. Productive, successful people don’t do emotionally draining activities. –
4. Productive, successful people don’t worry about things they can’t control.
NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “Whatever success I’ve had it is because I’ve tried to understand the situation of the player. I think the coach’s duty is to avoid complicating matters.” – Bill Belichick (Head Coach of the New England Patriots)
NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “Talent sets the floor, character sets the ceiling.” – Bill Belichick (Head Coach of the New England Patriots)
6. Productive, successful people don’t dwell on past mistakes. –
NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “To live in the past is to die in the present.” – Bill Belichick (Head Coach of the New England Patriots)
7. Productive, successful people don’t focus on what other people are doing. –
NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “Do your job. You get the job done or you don’t.” – Bill Belichick (Head Coach of the New England Patriots)
8. Productive, successful people don’t put themselves last in priority. –
NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “My personal coaching philosophy, my mentality, has always been to make things as difficult as possible for players in practice, however bad we can make them, I make them.” – Bill Belichick (Head Coach of the New England Patriots)
Habits of the Rich | Things Successful People Spend Their Times Doing
Rich People Have a Growth Mindset – “According to Tom Corley, an author, CPA and financial planner, wealthy people have vastly different habits than poor ones. Corley’s new book co-authored with Michael Yardney, “Rich Habits, Poor Habits,” will come out in the United States in October (it’s already been released in Australia and the United Kingdom). Corley says that the main difference is that rich people have a “growth” mindset, and they pass that along to their kids.
Corley conducted a survey by interviewing 233 wealthy people who make $160,000 or more in annual income and hold at least $3.2 million in net liquid assets (177 of whom were self-made, coming from poverty or the middle class) and 128 poor people who make less than $35,000 per year and have less than $5,000 in assets. Over five years, Corley posted 144 questions in 20 categories to each person and saw distinct patterns emerge.” – 7 Habits That Help Your Kids Become Rich And Successful –
Rich People Read for 30 Minutes Per Day – “Corley found that 88% of the rich folks in his study spent 30 minutes or more every day reading to learn, whether it was about money, how to succeed in their industry, self-help, biographies of successful people and history. “The rich people were reading all sorts of things that help them understand to be more successful in life. The poor just weren’t doing that,” –
Rich People Surround Themselves with Positive People – “You want to associate with those people that typically upbeat, optimistic, enthusiastic, positive types.” –
Rich People Don’t Allow Their Emotions to Lead Them – “It’s normal to feel anger and frustration, but how you express it can make or break your success. “Anger, I found in research, was one of the most costly emotions. No matter how many good habits you had, if you didn’t have control over your emotions, you literally wipe out all the good that you do, because you damage relationships with people who would otherwise want to help you in life” –
Rich People Don’t Feel Bad About Being Successful – He knows this one firsthand as one of eight children in a family that had money and then lost it. His mother, a religious woman, would frequently quote the Bible’s Mark 10:25—it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. “So I grew up thinking that rich was bad, pursuing wealth was bad,” Corley said. “If you’re teaching your kids that, you’re disincentivizing them from pursuing success.” –
Rich People Visualize Their Future and Work to Create Their Ideal Life – “This is one of the most important things that wealthy people do. So dream-setting is a process. It’s basically visualizing what your ideal perfect life would be.” –
– David Robinson
(Hall of Fame Basketball Player / Founder of Carver Academy / Founder of the Admiral Capital Group)
– Jack Easterby
(Former Character Coach of Choice for Bill Belichick and the New England Patriots)
– John Maxwell
(Leadership Expert & Best-Selling Author)
– Guy Kawaski
(Marketing Specialist & Product Evangelist for Apple, Mercedes and more)
– Craig Groeschel
(Founder & Senior Pastor of Life Church
that has grown to 30 Locations)
– Devan Kline
(Founder of Burn Boot Camp)
– Seth Godin
(Best-Selling Author of 18 Books
Including Purple Cow)
– Jeff Hoffman
(Serial Entrepreneur and Co-Author of SCALE)
Now, on today’s show, we are breaking down the New England Patriots secret weapon that creates the space for bill Belichick to work and when
Berge the jewelry or it could be we don’t know because no matter where you search on youtube, you cannot find a single interview with Berge purge. The Shari is real dollar checks chief of staff. He’s the human on the planet that has spent the most time with bill Belichick since he became the New England Patriots head coach in 2000. This man has spent more time with bill Belichick and Tom Brady and Bill Belichick’s own family, but yet most people don’t know his name and you can’t find a single interview with him on Youtube. In fact, he doesn’t have a wikipedia page listed either. On today’s episode of the thrive time show, we look to explain the mystery, the myth, and the legend Berj Najarian
the journey into England patriots secret weapon that creates the space for bill, Belichick, to work. And when, who is he, what does he do? How do you pronounce his name? Merge the gre, purge
Berj Najarian
We’ll just call them birds because at this point it’s getting awkward. But if you want to learn more about the life of Berge, I encourage you to read the in-depth article featured in the New York Times written by the skilled writer, Greg Bishop, by, uh, going to the thrive time show notes. You can find that article where the article’s titled Berj Najarian. Whatever the heck is a key figure in the patriots’ inner circle. It says Berj Najarians a key figure in the patriot’s inner circle. His official title is the director of football and the head coach administration. The Patriots Dynasty has largely been defined and years past my friends by a culture of strong discipline, consistency of winning and secrecy that we put the Patriots refer. Uh, they’re, they’re, they’re kind of, they, they referred to their culture, they refer to the way they do things as the Patriots way, but what is the Patriot’s way and how has the Patriot’s way possible?
Again, the Patriot’s way is a, is a system based upon discipline, secrecy and consistent winning on the patriots as an example, when you play on the Patriots, if, uh, if you’re hurt, nobody’s allowed to know whether you’re hurt or not. The players on the Patriots are coached about how to answer the media as questions in a way that doesn’t provide any useful information whatsoever to the opposition coach, pillow checks coach Bill Bella checks. Own interviews are legendary for their vague and nonhelpful answers and he provides a response to each question he’s asked and to protect his time and his systems. Coach bill check is the only head coach in the nfl that refuses to be a member of the NFL coaches association. He also is a guy who has a dude, a gatekeeper, a person assigned to help the team with a title that few other teams, uh, have in their hierarchy.
This guy, his name is birch, now birds is his official title on the Patriots is that of the director of football and the head coach administration, but essentially this guy keeps bill Bella, check from being distracted or interrupted, being asked anything, uh, having any of his time wasted because bill Belichick’s mind is a commodity. We cannot make more time and we cannot make more bill Belichick’s mind. And so today’s teaching principle for all the listeners out there is, are you using your time to the best of your ability? There’s a thing called the Pareto principle. P A r e t o the Pareto principle. What’s that? The parades principle. What’s that? I don’t know what you’re saying is the parade. Oh, principle. What we’re going to have to move on. If you can’t get the Brito principle, the credo principle is the principle where you should be spending 80 percent of your time focused on the 20 percent of the things that you do better than anybody else.
Anybody else. What is your highest and best use? What do you do? What can you do that’s better than anybody else on the planet? Where should you be spending your time? Well, pill Bella check, uh, discovered this years ago that he’s really, really good at coaching football, really good at watching film, really good at getting the players to do their job, but he doesn’t want to do interviews. He doesn’t want to waste his time giving media injury updates and reports to the, to the press. He doesn’t want to waste his time speaking at events that don’t matter. He really does want to waste his time doing anything else other than leading the new in the New England Patriots to another year of success. And that’s why he brought on this guy name Berge Najarian. No burden is Yari and that’s in a a r I a n is his. He’s been with bill Belichick from the very beginning before the Patriot way became legendary. And before bill Belichick was known as perhaps the best nfl coach of all time and for sure the best of his generation. So when bill check announced that he resigned as the head coach of the New York jets to take the Patriots job, who was there, who was with bill at the time, who do you think was with? Who Do you think?
Eric Mann. Genie true. One of his assistant coaches. Uh, Scott Pioli. Yes, that’s right. That’s right. And none other than the mysterious Berge Najarian Burger made the trip with bill. Although Eric and Scott left to take other jobs. Bourges still around in his office is actually connected to bill Belichick’s office at one Patriot place. Are you seeing and Bill Belichick Sharon office at Patriot place?
Oh yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying. That’s why I just said it. Former Patriots quarterback drew Bledsoe has gone on the record as saying that he’s never witnessed a person in the nfl with a role that assembler that is similar to Nigerians because Najarian has always created distance between bill Belichick and the rest of the world. Bill Belichick, uh, you know, is, is, is perhaps the most successful coach of all time. But very few people understand his methods or what he does because he has separated himself from everybody else and it’s an azure Ian’s role to create that distance between bill Belichick and the rest of the world. So former New England Patriots quarterback drew Bledsoe, who was replaced by Tom Brady a once told the New York Times as saying that versus roll. He says, we bill Belichick gave Berj Najarian a ton of power with the Patriots. It’s an efficiency thing.
Berge worried about stuff. So bill didn’t have to. So here are all the things that Berge has been credited with doing a on the Patriots. I’m sure he does a lot more things, but the guy doesn’t have a wikipedia listing and he’s not at his. Never done an interview on Youtube. So I thought I would introduce him to the thrive nation. Berj Najarian sets the vast majority of coach Bill Belichicks daily agenda burst. Nigerians job is completely focused on helping coach Bill Pella check to execute his plan, his systems and his coaching philosophy as your Aryan does not coach any players on the Patriots team. But for Bill Bellacheck, he does everything else. Did you know that bird handles all the details related to bill Belichick’s date today? A schedule what? Interviews to participate in, what sponsors the Patriots need bill Belichick to speak to, and who he needs to communicate with.
And why does he do that? Why does bill Belichick hire a guy like Berge? What does Bernie do? You need a Berj Najarianyes. If you’re out and you want to grow a successful business and you want to create time freedom and financial freedom for yourself and your family, you need to focus on what matters and you need to not spend your time doing things that don’t matter. And that is why everybody today. I hope that you learned the Pareto principle. I’m going to harp on it the entire show and if I get out of today’s show without you knowing what the pr with the Parado principle is, that I’m gonna feel bad about my life. The credo principle was named after an economist by the last name Prato, and it specifies that 80 percent of consequences come from 20 percent of the causes or an unequal relationship between inputs and outputs, rubber brand, my brand, the principal’s serves as a general reminder that the relationship between inputs and outputs is not balanced.
The brittle principals also known as to put a rule or the 80 20 principle. All I can say is that I have never met a successful entrepreneur that does not have a firm grasp of how to implement this into their life. If you’re running a successful company, you absolutely cannot be doing everything, so you have to hire key people that will do things that you frankly don’t have time to do or that aren’t maybe the highest and best use for you to do. An example would be, um, Julian Edelman. Julian Edelman, the legendary patriots receiver. He was a quarterback at Kinston at Kent State. There was then drafted by the Patriots and I was converted to the wide receiver role he wants said this during an interview. Then I got a call from a private number. It was Berge Najarian, the director of football and head coach administration for the Patriots.
He said, I wanted to call and let you know that we have selected you in the seventh round pick to 32. Here’s bill Belichick. I’m like, Yo, big quiet. I was nervous. I got outside and coach. Bill Belichick gets on the phone and goes, Hey, this is coach bill Belichick. We’re going to draft you. We really don’t know what you are going to play, but we know you can play football. Nancy Mirror the Patriots, director of Scouting Administration will call you tonight to get you situated. Have a good one. What I mean, Julian Edelman ones, one of the best players of the Patriots was first called to notify that he was drafted. He was called to be notified that he was drafted by who? Bill Bellacheck? No. Was he called, who’s he called by? He was called by Berge. Somebody say with me now, Berge P, e r Dot j dot Berge, Najarian and everybody out there listening if you own, if you own a business, you need to have a Berge Najarian. You’ve got to have somebody on your team who is maniacally focused on making sure that you’re not wasting your time doing things that don’t matter. Think about this for a second. Who chooses the music that the Patriots play during practice? Hmm. Who chooses the music that the Patriots during Prac.
Would it be Tom Brady, Rob Gronkowski? No. Defense for be the players. Players? No, no, no. Stop, stop, stop the music. I don’t know who chooses the music. This Justin, the music chosen to be played or the practice of the New England patriots is chosen by none other than Burj Najarian. P, e, r j. can I get a beat? Can I get an eat? Can I get? Can I get jake first? First, first in jar. We get first. The Sharia per. Why Am I. where am I harping on this guy? Because this is the guy that makes it possible for bill bell. A check to do what he does. He doesn’t spend his day responding to mindless emails from people hopping on facebook or Instagram commenting on crap. That doesn’t matter. No. Berge does all of that. Berge does all the stuff that bill Belichick doesn’t have time to do, so bill Belichick can do the thing that no one else can do, which is a coach the New England patriots. So I asked you this today, thrive nation. I asked you this question humbly, but with great bravado.
I asked you the question, who is your Berge Najarian? What are you wasting your time on? And one thing that a lot of people are wasting their time on his bookkeeping. You need to do bookkeeping, but maybe you don’t need to personally do the bookkeeping. You need to do accounting, but maybe it’s not the thing that you need to spend your time doing, and if you’re out there looking for a proactive accounting firm and a productive accounting service that is as proactive about your business as you are, I encourage you to check out our show sponsor and good friend Paul Hood and his company Hood Cpas Dot Com. That’s hood CPA [inaudible] dot com. What Hood Cpas, one of the most productive accountants on the planet Hood [inaudible] Dot Com. Stay to get ready to enter the thrive time. Show the bottom from the bottom.
Now on the top, you the systems to get what we got coming Dixon’s on the books, down the books. Brigit some wisdom in the book. That’s what I’m a. So if you see my wife and kid, please tell them. Now. Three, two, one. Here we go.
Come back to the show on your radio. Showdown.
One of life’s biggest mysteries. Where are we solving the mystery of the Federal Reserve? How could it possibly be the Federal Reserve if there is nothing federal about it and there is no reserve? Are we breaking down the affordable care act? And it was so indeed. So affordable. How come it’s made healthcare more expensive? No, no, no, no. We’re. We’re breaking down something deeper. Clay, are we breaking down the Illuminati and the origins of the Illuminati? No, no. We’re going deeper. Are We? Are we going to break down the Mason’s group, the masonic group, the Masonic Lodge? Are we going to break down the origins of the Masonic Lodge in their culture of secrecy? No. No, no. Thrive nation. We are going to break down something even deeper. Something more profound and something that impacts my life more than you could possibly know. We are breaking down the life and times of Berge Najarian, the New England patriots secret weapon that creates the space for bill Belichick to work.
When you see Baristas are Bella checks, chief of staff, he’s the human on the planet that have spent the most time with bill belichick. The sentence he became the New England Patriots head coach at this man has spent more time with bill belichick and Tom Brady and Bill Belichick’s own family, but most people don’t know his name. Why? Well, if you want to read the wrist of the story, as Paul Harvey used to say, the rest of the story read the in depth article featured in the New York Times by the skilled writer Greg Bishop called burst. Najarian is a key figure in the patriots inner circle. His official title is the director of football and head coach administration and the Patriots Dynasty, which has largely been defined by a culture of discipline and consistent winning and secrecy has been protected by the relationship that Bill Belichick in Berj Najarian is and have together well. What does [inaudible] do and why are we talking about on a business podcast? Well, burrs Najarian is the player is the is the player who doesn’t play in the game, but who perhaps makes the biggest impact on the team. You see [inaudible], sharian works and works to put together the vast majority of Bill Pella checks daily agenda are and is completely focused on helping build Bella check to execute.
His game plan is systems and his coaching philosophy by allowing him to not have to deal with anything else other than coaching football players and breaking down game film and whatever the heck it is the bill bellacheck needs to do to coach the team to success, but he’s never. He doesn’t have to do with distractions. You see what Berge Bill Bellacheck doesn’t have to deal with any distractions. Bill, Bill, Bill check is free of ridiculous interviews of things that don’t matter of mindless social media distraction because it’s bird that spends his time completely focused on helping bill belichick to avoid those distractions. Berj Najarian does not coach any players on the Patriots team, but for Bill Bellacheck, he does else you see Berge handles all the details related to Bill Bella checks day, what interviews he participates in, what sponsors of the Patriots build, needs to speak to, and who he needs to communicate with.
Burrs allows Bill Belichick to implement what is called as the parades principle. It’s known as the parade principle, and for those of you who are just now tuning in or who are not familiar with the credo principle, it was named after the famous economist law with last name parade up and it specifies that 80 percent of the consequences or the results that you have in your life come from 20 percent of the causes or an unequal relationship between inputs and outputs. The principal serves as a general reminder that the relationship between inputs and outputs is not balanced. The parental principal is also known as the parade. Oh, rule or the 80 slash 20 rule. So if you’re a business owner out there, you need to be spending them and the vast majority of your time focused on what matters, right? So in my life, I spend my time focused on who we should hire a I get the final decision vote on that, making sure that all the expenses, we’re not buying things we don’t need that I’ve agreed on that final budget.
I also spend my time making sure I lead the team meetings. I decide what clients that we allow into the thrive time show coaching program or not because we have a lot of people want to reach out to be on the program, but very few that are actually a good fit. Um, and so for Bill Bellacheck, I mean, when he decided to draft Julian Edelman and the NFL draft, it was bill bellacheck that makes that decision. But bill bellacheck doesn’t need to spend his time trying to cold call a guy that was just drafted from Kent State. And so Julian Edelman best describes the relationship during a a usa today article where he says then I get a call from a private number. It was birthed in the Sharia and the director of football and head coach administration for the Patriots. He said, I wanted to call and let you know that we have selected you in the seventh round pick to 32 again.
He says, I wanted to call and let you know that we have selected you in the seventh round. Pick to 32. Here’s bill bellacheck. Well, why didn’t Bill Belichick make that call? He didn’t make that call because it’s not as highest and best use. And so Julian element goes onto say, I’m like, Yo, be quiet. I was nervous. I got outside and coach Bill Belichick gets on the phone and goes, Hey, this is coach bill. Check. We’re going to draft you. We really don’t know what you are going to play, but we know you can play football. Nancy Meyer, the Patriots director of Scouting Administration will call you tonight to get you situated. Have a good one. So what does [inaudible] do that, that allows bill belichick to free up his time? Will I’m, I certainly not bill Belichick but I’m, I find myself in the same boat often. I get interrupted all the time.
I get constant text messages and emails from people that are not related to what I’m focused on. They’re not at all to my task at hand. I get people that want me to donate to a charity. I get people want me to speak at an event and I have Jonathan Kelly and people on my team that basically deal with those things, decide whether it’s a good fit to even get to me to decide or not only have a certain amount of mental space. And so birds actually chooses the music that the Patriots listened to in practice. So if you go to the New England patriots game and you’re wondering or practice if you go to New England patriots practice and you’re wondering, well, who decided this playlist? A bruce springsteen or fifty cents or that kind of thing? Um, it’s Berge Najarian the Jordan’s the one who decides what music is played during the practice.
And the only other people who have been consistently in bill belichick’s inner circle throughout this, a patriots dynasty now known as the Patriots way our Ernie Adams, the director of football research, Nick Castle, the director of player personnel and a revolving door of of players and coaches that that’s, you know, moved on and off throughout the years, but it is Berge who’s been there since the very beginning. In fact, during an interview that was a quoted in the New York Times a bill Belichick said, speaking of Berge, he said, burgers is really important. There isn’t nearly enough time in this press conference to talk about them. And The New York Times version is quoted as saying, one of our sayings is for everyone to just do your job, contributing to bill Belichick doing his job and at the same time helping uphold the standard of excellence said by the kraft family is a privilege.
With that comes many responsibilities within the football operation and organization and I appreciate the opportunity to fulfill them. My friends, the Patriots are a class act, but they’re also mysterious, which is why they win year after year. They don’t share their game plan with the opposition. Now, if you’re out there and you want to know what the opposition’s do and to free up more time and more money, well one thing the opposition is doing is they’re not wasting time and money looking for their office supplies. So get your office supplies and your printer supplies at a discount. Get them delivered to you from our good folks at onyx imaging. That’s casting. Live from the center of the universe. It’s business school without the BS. Featuring optometrist turned entrepreneur. Dr Robert Zellner with be an entrepreneur of the year.
All right. Thrive nation. Welcome back to the thrive time show on your radio and podcast downloads. My name is Clay Clark. I’m the former US SBA entrepreneur of the year and the father of five incredible human kids. And on today’s show I’m going to be helping you to break down one of the most confounding mysteries in the history of this planet. No, no. We’re not breaking down the Federal Reserve and the idea or the concept of the Federal Reserve is, is not ran by the federal government. Furthermore, there is no reserve. There’s federal and there is no reserve. Think about that for a second. We’re not going to find out who indeed shot JFK and why they shot jfk was there. Was there multiple shooters? Were there? Was it was? Was it the communists were involved? Was it done internally? We’re not going to be breaking that down.
We’re not going to be getting into the Illuminati were. No, we’re not going to be breaking down the Illuminati today. We’re not going to break it down to Ed Free Mason Movement. Uh, we’re not going to break down any of that. What we’re gonna do today is we’re going to focus on the huge, the huge conspiracy out there is who is the person we call Berj Najarian, who is Berge Najarian. Well, burden is Yari and my friend is the personification of the 80 slash 20 rule. And from my perspective, I believe that you Aryan is the New England patriots secret weapon that creates the space for bill check to work and to when you see Berj Najarian and his bill Belichick’s chief of staff, he’s the human on the planet that has spent the most time with bill bellacheck since he became the New England patriots head coach in 2000.
This man has spent more time with bill belichick and Tom Brady and Bill Powell checks on family, but most people really don’t know why and they don’t know who he is. Bill, finally, there was an article that came out here in the New York Times that, uh, you will love to read if you haven’t yet read it. It’s a New York Times article is called Berj Najarian is a key figure in the patriots inner circle. You see his official title is the director of football and head coach administration, but what he really does is he does everything except for coach the New England patriots and recruit the players, motivate the players, break down the film. He basically takes 80 percent of Bill Bella checks, potential distractions, and puts them on his plate, which leads us into the main principle we’re trying to teach here today, which is the parade. WHOA principle. That’s p a r e t o the Credo principle.
So burrs the Korean. Uh, what he does is he sets the vast majority of coach Bill Bella checks daily agenda. He is completely focused on helping them execute as plans and systems. So he might deal with media issues. He doesn’t coach any of the players, but he does everything else. Uh, he masters all of the details of bill checks day. He chooses the music that has actually played during the practice at the New England patriots facility. Uh, he’s the person who is one of the only people who been consistent in his life, in his inner circle during the entire time that bill bellacheck has been the coach of the New England patriots, because real really bill Belichick’s inner circle includes Ernie Adams, the, the director of football research and Nick Assyria, the director of player personnel and that revolving door of players and coaches that never stop, uh, joining the Patriots and leaving the Patriots.
But birds has been there the entire time. In fact, Bill actually was quoted in New York in the New York Times as saying burgers is really important. There isn’t enough time in this press conference to talk about him in the New York Times. Birds is quoted as saying, one of our sayings is for everyone to just do our job, contributing to bill Belichick doing his job and at the same time helping uphold the standards of excellence set by the kraft family is a privilege. With that comes many responsibilities within the football operation and organization. And I appreciate the opportunity to full fill them. So let’s, let me, let me help you break down the Prato principle, why it matters for bill bellacheck and why it matters for you. Bill belichick is the arguably the most successful coach in the nfl history, or at least in the past 20 years.
Every year his team does well, and every year there’s some kind of controversy. There’s some guy that’s allegedly on steroids or might be on steroids or some guy that is trying to leave the team or is not happy, but as contract or there’s endless gossip and media frenzy surviving a surrounding most nfl teams, but bird, his job is to deal with all that. So Bill Bellacheck can coach, will you, as an entrepreneur or aspiring entrepreneur, you want to ask yourself, what are the things on your schedule that just don’t matter? Uh, what are the, the 20 percent of things that move the needle the most? Um, as an example that the credo principle, if you get a chance to break down the predo principle. And specifically the book written by Richard Koch, this book is awesome. Again, it’s the 80 slash 20 principle by Richard Koch, k o c h, and in this book he talks about, he says, those who seize the day become seriously rich.
He says, the way to create something great is to create something simple. He goes onto say, strive for excellence and a few things rather than good performance in any. He talks about how 80 percent of the results come from 20 percent of the causes. A few things are important, but most are not. So as an example, 80 percent of crime is typically committed by 20 percent of criminals. Eighty percent of car accidents typically a result of 20 percent of motorists, 80 percent of the carpet wear and tear in your home typically happens in 20 percent of these space. Eighty percent of traffic happens in 20 percent of the high traffic areas. Twenty percent of the, of the, of the streets, 80 percent of profits for many businesses are a result of the top 20 percent of the clients. Twenty percent of the clothes in most people’s closet are worn 80 percent of the time. So if you just take a second and you look around and you think about this idea, where do you spend the majority of your time? Where do you spend the majority of your time?
Think about that for a second. Where do you spend the majority of your time? Where do you get the most of your results? Are you wasting time on activities that aren’t really profitable, that aren’t really need it, that are frankly just a distraction from the main thing that you need to be focusing on and if you’re honest with yourself, in most cases, most people say, oh my gosh, wow, I’m wasting a ton of time on x, Y, Z. One, two, three. I’m wasting a bunch of time engaging in interviews that don’t matter. I’m wasting my time arguing with somebody on social media about something that doesn’t matter. I am wasting the vast majority of my time talking about things that don’t matter. And so bill bellacheck was wise and he realized, Gosh, I’m spinning a lot of my time on things that don’t matter. And so he hired Berge Najarian to come in here and to be his human paredo principle. Berj Najarian basically does all of the things on bill Belichick’s to do list that are not his highest and best use. Now, thrive nation. During the break, I encourage you to go to hood CPAS DOT com. That’s hood When you go to [inaudible] dot com, if you schedule a free consultation with Tulsa and the Midwest, number one in most proactive accountant, it’s an hour long consultation. He’s going to give you a free copy of Warren Buffett’s only authorized biography. The only authorized biography by Warren Buffet called snowball simply by setting an appointment today,
And now broadcasting live from the box that rocks. It’s the thrive time business coach radio show, the mindset stuff, for instance, on the magic button. Then given it to the street in the tracks so I could get up on the markets and the cash making the Dash, the bringing them back into the track so I can get up on the market. Speak the facts.
All right, thrive nation. Welcome back to the thrive time show on your radio. For those of you just in today, we’re focused on Berj Najarian. Say it with me now, Berge Najarian, it’s b e r j and aj , a r I a n Berge Najarian, the 20, the 80 slash 20 principle, and to England patriots secret weapon that creates the space for bill belichick to work and when that was easy for me to say, but today on the show we’re focused on birds najarian the 80 slash 20 rule, the New England patriots secret weapon that creates the space for bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, check to work. And when did you know that burst? Najarian is bill belichick’s chief of staff.
You recognize the New England patriots have a chief of staff and his name is [inaudible] Jordan. He’s the only human on the planet who has spent more time with bill bellacheck than Tom Brady, the owner of the Patriots, and even bill Belichick’s family man. His name, his name is Berge Najarian, and he’s on the Patriots with the exclusive job of making sure that he handles all of the details related to Bill Bilichick, schedule interviews, decision making, things that really don’t need bill Belichick. His job is to sort of block out all the distractions that bill bellacheck and focus on the goal, which is to win nfl championships, to win super bowls, and so bill bellacheck was quoted in New York Times as saying Berge is really important. There really isn’t enough time in this press conference to talk about him, but what does he do? Well, he helps him with his schedule.
He helps them with media requests, the response to social media. He helps him decide what to do, what not to do, so his schedule doesn’t get filled up with things that don’t matter. Why does this apply to you as a business owner? Well, as a business owner, I would encourage anybody out there to be very self-aware of where you’re spending your time because if you’re not careful, you could spend your time doing things that do not matter at all and I would argue in fact that most clients that I’ve coached before helping them get to a level of maximum efficiency, they’re spinning the majority of their time doing things that don’t matter, and so I’m going to ask you a bunch of rhetorical questions here that are posed by the guy named Richard Koch in his book the 80 slash 20 principle. I’m going to read an excerpt from his book. I’m going to pose to a lot of questions and all I would ask for you to do is to think deeply on these questions and to ask yourself these questions. Take Note, get a notebook, get a notebook and take note. Here we go. I’m asking you questions from the 80 slash 20 principles written by Richard Koch, which is basically breaking down the credo principle.
He writes, am I living with the right person where people stop here until you get the answer? Am I living in the right place? Am I working in the right hours that matched ideal work, play rhythm, suit my family and social needs? Do I feel in control?
Am I relaxed, comfortable with my surroundings? Does my lifestyle make it easy for me to be creative? Do I have enough money?
All my financial affairs organized so that I don’t have to worry about does the lifestyle facilitates whatever contribution I want to make to enriching the lives of other people I want to help? Do I have a small but satisfactory number of really close friends? Do I see them often? Is the real extent, is the extent of travel my life just right? Not Too much nor too little? Is the lifestyle right to my partner and family to do. I have everything I need right here. Do I have it all? We have too much or possessions and obligations at work, a stronghold, stronghold or these things possessing me? Am I being too realistic? What can I happily jettison? Just simply give away. How can I simplify my life to boil it down to the few things that give me a deep and abiding peace and fulfillment?
Those are profound questions to ask yourself on a radio show. I mean, those are, those are profound questions and bill Belichick, I can’t say he’s a perfect man or he’s the world’s best mates, weren’t my. He’s one of my favorite humans. Uh, absolutely loved the Patriots, not as a result of the New England connection or anything other than I just really enjoy a bill belichick’s overall approach to managing a team. But bill Belichick realized that he was spending way too much of his time being distracted by things that don’t matter. And so he decided wisely to reach out to somebody who had the ability to help him deal with the things that could distract him. I mean, he hired somebody who could help him deal with all of these push notifications, all these social media updates, all these media inquiries, all these things that really aren’t going to help bill bellacheck play at the next level.
Hope is hell. Help him coach his players to play at the next level, and that is in large part why bill belicheck has been able to just to focus on football for so long. He just doesn’t spend his day caught up in some media controversy. He doesn’t spend his time on social media looking for things. He just doesn’t participate in that world of perpetual distractions. Did you know that according to psychology today, did you know this, that according to psychology today, the average American is now interrupted 75 times a day on average 75 times a day. And you know what that means. That means that the average American, according to the article by psychology today called, is your smartphone making you dumb? The average American. Again, the article is called, is your smartphone making you dumb, which appeared in psychology today. That means that the average American now has the cognitive or mental processing power of the average third grader, and it’s not because you’re a born an idiot, but it’s because we’re allowing ourselves to be distracted by things that don’t matter.
So I would encourage you today to look around and think about this idea, where do you spend your time, where do you get the most results and are you wasting time on activities that aren’t as profitable as others. I’d also encourage you to think about who is Berj Najarian. How do you spell it? B, e r j in a j. A R I a n who is Berge Najarian. Well, sharian grew up in Long Island, New York and his father was a psychiatrist while his mother’s served as a housewife. After graduating from Boston University, Berge landed an internship with the New York Knicks, what the New York Knicks professional basketball team where he had an opportunity to demonstrate his ridiculously intense and focused work ethic. After interning with the New York Knicks Burgers, landed a job working, working with the PR department at the New York jets there you had a chance to work with and meet the coaches and he formed a strong bond and relationship with the man, the myth, my brother from another mother pill. Bella check.
Yes, not as you are. And has stated that if the ownership of the Patriots and Bill Bellacheck are happy that he would prefer to stay behind the scenes. Well, what opened bill Belichick’s heart to Berge. Why did Bill Belichick even acknowledge the existence of Berge? I’ll tell you this, it’s because of the ridiculous work ethic and we all know the make and model. If you’re out there and Andrea, if you’re an entrepreneur and you’ve been in any type of success at all, you know the kind of person that you want to hire as the kind of person that shows up to work early. He does everything on their to-do list and then over-delivers the kind of person that over-delivers. They’ve got a person who gets to work before you expect them to get there, and then who does more than you asked them to do. That is the kind of person.
Now that is the kind of person that you want to hire. And so bill Belichick doesn’t really open up his heart to a lot of people, but he opened up his heart to Berge because he was so impressed with his work ethic. And now today, Berge is a key member of the New England patriots. Now if you’re out there and you say, you know what, don’t open up my wallet just to anybody. I’m not going to open my wallet, just any doctor or anybody out there. I’m only going to open my wallet to in my heart, in my, you know, time to a chiropractor that’s the best. And I live in Tulsa and I am. I am looking for a chiropractor. Well, if you’re looking for the chiropractor of choice for Wayne Gretzky, perhaps the Nh nhls number one hockey player of all time. Wayne Gretzky, you talk about a guy with a lot of back pain, a guy who’s trying to perform at a high level.
That’s Wayne Gretzky. Wayne Gretzky could have chosen any, any chiropractor, but he decided to reach out to Dr John Sibley. So go with the chiropractic choice for the pros. Go with a chiropractor who is in the know. That’s Dr John Sibley Dot Com. What’s the website again? It’s Dr John Sibley Dot Com. Dr. R, j o h n Sibley Dot Com. Again, use the Prato principle. Spend 80 percent of your time focused on the 20 percent of things that matter the most and your physical health matters the most. You only get one body, so if you’re sore and you’re chronically in pain in the pain today, get your spine in line and go visit Dr John Sibley.
It’s a great show. Sponsored a great friend, Dr John Sibley Dot Com. Three, two, one. Boom. You are now entering the Dojo of Mojo and the thrive time show, thrive time. Show on the microphone. What is this? Top of the charts in the category of business driven down on business topics like we are a dentist provided you with into shift. Let me go so fast that you might get motion sick pen and pad to the nab. Start in three, two, one. Here come the Business Ninja red nation. Welcome back to the conversation. That is the thrive time show on your radio. On today’s show, we’re talking about Burj and the 80 slash 20 rule, the New England patriots secret weapon that creates the space for bill, for Bill Belichick to work and to win.
Now for anybody just now tuning in, you might say, who’s burst already? Well, Berge is Bill Bella checks chief of staff and he’s the human on the planet that has spent the most time with the New England Patriots head coach since he became the head coach in 2000. Uh, this man Berj Najarian has spent more time with bill Belichick and Tom Brady and bill Belichick’s own family. But why don’t you know his name? Well, you probably don’t know his name because his entire job is to make sure that bill belicheck can stay focused on winning games. So when you think about the Patriots Dynasty, my, my, my team, my guys, I don’t like the Patriots because of Tom Brady and I don’t like the Patriots because of Boston. I don’t like them because of some geography, geographical connection. I liked the patriots because of the systems they have in place. And if you think about the Patriots dynasty that’s largely defined by a culture filled with strong discipline, consistent winning and secrecy. In fact, the Patriots refer to their culture and their approach of football as the Patriot’s way. So let me give you an example about what the Patriots do, that of what the Patriots do that nobody else seems to have figured out.
When you play on the patriots, nobody is allowed to know if you are truly hurt or not because the other team can plan for it. The players are coached how to answer the media’s questions in a way that doesn’t provide really any useful information what so ever to the opposition. A coach, Bill Belichick his own interviews are legendary for being a vague, not helpful, and he provides a response to each question that is the bare minimum required by the NFL built Bella. Check is also the only coach, the only head coach in the nfl that refuses to be a member of the NFL coaches association. And coach Bill Belichick has Berj Najarian and Harriet now Birgitta Hardin’s job is to make sure that you cannot get to bill Belichick. So Berge Creates Bill Bella checks daily agenda. He makes sure that anything that could possibly get in the way of him executing his plans and systems and his philosophy is dealt with.
Uh, he deals with social media requests, a big corporate sponsors that won’t bill Belichick to speak. Uh, he does so many things for bill Belichick that he allows him. He loves bill Belichick to have the time freedom needed to get things done. Now, as it relates to bill Belichick, what are the things that bill Belichick and really all successful humans are doing that? Or what about this? What are the, what are eight, eight activities that bill Belichick is not doing that most people are doing? How about we do that? What are activities that bill Belichick is not doing that most people spend their time, waste their time doing a one? Um, if you read success magazine, there is a blog we’ll put a link to in the show notes, but to identify is that successful people don’t get sucked into social media. They don’t really use social media.
They don’t really participate in social media. And to quote Bill Bellacheck, the head coach of the New England patriots, he says, I don’t twitter, I don’t my face, I don’t yearbook. Another notable quotable from bill Belichick. He says, twitter account, instant face. I don’t have any of that. Bill Belichick now, what else does bill Belichick not do during his day that most people are doing during their day? Well, pill Bella check is a person that refuses to go through a day without a plan. He always has a plan a. and to quote Bill Bellacheck, he writes, knowing you have a good backup. Long snapper allows you to sleep good at night, but the long snapper is the guy that hikes the ball a long way and he has to be very good. And the fact that bill belicheck is obsessed about making sure that he has a good backup.
Long snapper is just another example of his preparation. Um, I see so many business owners out there that have one graphic designer that works for them or one videographer and they think to themselves, oh, we only need one because, um, you know, they’re really good and they’re loyal. We only need one nurse practitioner. Oh, we only need one doctor. I only need one clinical trial. A implementer. I only need one. Insert the position one search engine guy. I only need one. No, my friends. You need to have multiple of anything. You have backups because bad stuff is going to happen. In fact, most of the time it does happen. I would argue that most of the time in small business, bad things are happening. I would say 60 percent of your day is spent putting out small fires or dealing with potential future fires. If you are a small business owner, once you become a mid sized business owner than most of your day is spent building systems that will put out fires before they happen, but if you, if you’re not careful, you don’t have a conspiracy theory about everything. You’re never going to get ahead.
Move number three, these are the things that billbelichick does not waste his time doing pill. Bella check does not participate in emotionally draining activities. He’s the only coach in the nfl. The only head coach who’s not a member of the NFL coaches association. Why? Same reason I don’t go to chamber events, same reason. I don’t network. Same reason. Most of the successful people that I know do not network very much at all. What I mean. This most successful person that I know do not spend their time networking, successful people that I know, spend their company’s money, mass marketing, they market to the masses, and then they spend their time networking with a very specific chosen few, uh, one might refer to it as
to inner soca. Most successful people surround themselves with a very small and they spend the time with those people, but not with everyone else.
Deep thought. Think about that. So you want to surround yourself with people that can help you get to where you want to go, but you want to be. I mean, what? Why would bill bellacheck wanna go network with other coaches? Why do other coaches go network with other coaches? Why do people spend their day arguing with each other on social media? Why do people spend their time, networking and community events? I mean, come on. If you’re a real estate agent, what do you need to spend your time doing? Getting listings and selling listings, prospecting, getting listings, and selling listings via real estate agent. If you cut hair for living, what should you spend your time doing? Cutting hair, recruiting customers, cutting hair marketing to customers. Then after you get to a certain size, what you need to spend your time doing, recruiting more people to cut hair, recruiting more people to cut here.
Then what? Then what? The what she. You spend your time on doing. Finding more potential franchise, but you don’t want to waste your time doing emotionally draining activities. Activity number four, that bill bellacheck does not waste his time doing bill bellacheck does not worry about things he can’t control. I think so many people worry about, oh my gosh, we’re going to. We’re playing on the road this weekend. What are we going to do? Oh No, we lost that key player. What are we going to do? Oh man, the we typically don’t do well. Again, gets that team. What do we do? Oh, what do we do? People spend all their time worrying about things they can’t control, but bill bellacheck exclusively focuses on what he can control. A bill bellacheck was quoted as saying, whatever success I’ve had is because I’ve tried to understand the situation of the player.
I think the coach duty is to avoid complicating matters. Players that have played for bill belichick love him or hate him have said he is the most prepared coach they’ve ever played for, so when they have a game playing, let’s say, let’s say they’re the patriots are playing this weekend against your team. Bill belichick well prepared his players so well and in such detail to play the other team. It is not possible for a member of his team to not know specifically what is required of them. They know the scouting report of the other player when they were. They usually know the other players. Tendencies more than the other player knows their own tendencies, and this can be demonstrated week in, week out of the Patriots, win by just a small margin in a league where everybody is so talented and eleague is so competitive. The Patriots constantly win by just little slight edges that they’ve developed.
That slight edge is called preparation. Now move number five. This is the fifth thing that Bill Belichick does not waste his time doing and you should not waste your time doing either. Net is spending your time with negative people. Don’t hang out with negative people and bill, Bill check doesn’t do that either. If it doesn’t allow negative people on his team. A bill belichick has been quoted as saying, talent sets the floor. Character sets the ceiling. Why is he talking about? He says, talent sets the floor. Character sets the ceiling. What does that even mean? Well, what that means is that you could have a collection of very, very athletic players on your team. Very good graphic designers, very good web developers, very good. Whatever their skill is, but if they don’t have good character, they will fight. They will gossip, they will talk bad about each other, they will.
They will not get things done. And I’ve had. I’ve had businesses in the past where I’m Rebecca in the day I ran a company and Gosh, every single meeting, someone’s running in late, someone’s running late, somebody is upset with somebody else. Somebody mad that someone’s sister got promoted and they just go round and round and round, and so I had to fire all of them, all of them, and sometimes when you take over an existing company that has to happen, but it’s ridiculous because the person was talented enough. I mean, they did great, great photos, did it great photos, but they just couldn’t Stop Gossiping, arguing, showing up late, complaining about the dress code constantly. You can’t get anything done when on a very basic level, you can’t get people to show up on time. There’s so many movements today on social media. Did the the amazing movement be amazing.
What about the beyond time movement? You know, there’s the be amazing movement. What about Hashtag be amazing, but what about Hashtag? Be on time. What about hashtags? Shut the crap up into your job, right? All right. Idea number six. This is. This is area number six were bill belichick does not waste his time, right? Volbella check. Does it dwell on past mistakes? In fact, he’s been quoted as saying to live in the past is to die in the present. Let me repeat it again. Bill bellacheck rights to live in the past is to die in the present and that’s whether you’re really good or bad at something. I mean, thrive nation. Thinking about this for a second, the thrive time show, uh, recently we hit number one on itunes of all categories. Uh, we recently hit the top 10 and the last four or five months we’ve been in the top 10 consistently on the, on the itunes podcast charts for the area of business, but we’re just getting warmed up.
I mean, this is basically my fifth year producing content. My fifth year, I think it’s actually closer to my sixth year in a row of producing content and you’re not going to keep doing. I’m going to keep producing content and you know why? Because we’re on page two of Google for the phrase right now. Business conferences you. That means that means if I just keep doing what I’m doing and I don’t stop and I don’t get emotional and I don’t get all worked up and I just stay very sustainable, very stoic, very focused, very committed. If I just keep grinding, grinding might 10 year goal of getting to the top of Google for the phrase business conferences will be achieved. You said a 10 year goal to be the top of the phrase business conference? Yes, and the phrase business coach. Why? Because once you get to the top of something, every thing changes.
More people find you and that’s how it works today in the Internet with the Internet, I mean whoever has the most content, the most reviews, the most global compliance, the most canonical compliance winds, and in football, whichever team has the best train flyers, the best game plan, whichever team executes, does the best in wins and it doesn’t matter whether you have a bunch of first round draft picks. Her third round draft picks where you have undrafted free agents has bill, Bill check typically does. You see when you win the superbowl or go to the super bowl, you’re given the the toughest season the following year. So bill bellacheck always has the worst draft picks that most undrafted free agents, but every single year they win. When you win the Super Bowl, you get your schedule. The next year is the hardest it could possibly be. They make your schedule harder and they give you less draft picks to create parody in the league, but yet my main man winds year after year. I asked you this, what are things that are on your calendar today that you’re wasting your time doing? Write them down. What are some things that you’re wasting your time doing? And we come back, we’ll talk more about the parado principle, the 80 slash 20 rule, burrs Najarian, the New England patriots secret weapon and the life and times of the man, the myth, the mainland, the Hoodie patriots head coach
broadcasting live from the center of the universe. It’s business school without the BS featuring optometrist and entrepreneur. Dr Robert Zellner with us Sba entrepreneur of the year, Clay Clark.
It is the show where we drop the knowledge bombs. You important than teaching the system to make your company use the greener. We’d like all over again, super corny. Quite the top. Japan’s go pull your paper will cook. You just bought. Okay, and then you’ll be black into the white pumpkin. Set your wallet. What it used to be broadcast of with the same with the San Quintin. Can I get the old to the am for the room was he is in his pet, the sea, and upbeat the scene that was teaching business sales top plate to see if we both grew up. No more. The goal this show is to help you sleep.
Thrive nation. Welcome back to the thrive time show on your radio and podcast downloads.
Today we’re breaking down the life and times of a man, the myth and the legend. And you’ve never heard of Berj Najarian, who’s burned the sharia. And why do I pronounce it different every time? It’s because I can’t find a single interview with the guy, whereas name is spoken. There’s tons of articles. So it could be bearish. Nigerian could be Berge, Najarian. Uh, it could be birds, birds, birds, the British word, but Berge Najarian in a j, a r I a n. He is the, he’s bill belichick’s, chief of staff. He’s a, the human on the planet that has spent more time with bill bellacheck than anybody else since the year 2000. He, he spent more time with bill bellacheck than his son Tom Brady and his own family. But why don’t we know his name? Why? Well, because Berge, um, is, is a guy who is behind the scenes. He said his entire job is to make sure that the bill belichick does. He doesn’t get distracted.
That Bill belichick isn’t, isn’t pulled into stupid discussions that don’t matter that bill bellacheck is arguing with somebody on social media that bill bellacheck isn’t participating in stupid interview. That bill bellacheck isn’t going to some coaches association meeting. That’s why you know, Bill Bellacheck is the only coach in the nfl who’s not a member of the coaches association. He’s the most prepared a coach that you’ll ever find. And it’s because he doesn’t waste his time doing things that don’t matter. And to make this applicable for you. I asked you the question today, what are things that you’re doing right now in your schedule that you should not be doing? And I don’t know. You know what you should be doing that you’re not doing and I don’t know what you’re doing that you shouldn’t be doing, but what I am saying is that time is your most precious commodity and Lee Cockerell, the former executive vice president of Walt Disney world resorts and a man who is a a thrive time show mentor and a guy we’ve had on the program before.
He has said the number one excuse people say for not getting things done is I ran out of time and I as a business owner and a guy who’s coached countless businesses throughout the world. I hear that over and over and over again and on the clients that we coach who have big success. They was telling me that, Gosh, you know, one of the big things I learned to do was to focus on things that move the needle. Things that allow me to produce more success and I had to learn to not do certain things like some of our top clients. One’s about them who’ve had the most success. People have grown their company by 400 percent in one year have pointed out, Gosh, and what I had to realized, the importance of writing content for my website every day, one to getting google reviews, three, doing a group interview and for calling my leads and man just by doing those four things, my whole life changed, but if you’re not careful as an entrepreneur, you could spend your time focused on what other people are doing.
Right, and that’s one thing that bill belichick doesn’t ever do. He doesn’t spend his time focused, focused on what other teams are doing in terms of it doesn’t care about what people say about him. He really doesn’t care about what people say about him after they’ve left the team. Former patriots, typically bad mouth, the man, because he seems to be a antisocial and he seems to be focused on winning at all costs and some people don’t like that, but bill bellacheck doesn’t really ever comment about what they say. He usually responds with a no comment or he acts like he’s unaware of it and I do believe that most of the time he is unaware of it, but here’s a notable quotable from bill bellacheck himself. He says, do your job. You get the job done or you don’t.
Oh their bill. He says, do your job. You get the job done or you don’t. And I think a lot of people dwell on other people. How does this person feel? How did I make them feel? How do they feel? The how I feel? How do you feel? It’s not so much what you said. It’s the tone that you sent it. It’s not so much what you are communicating. It’s how you’re not communicating. It’s how you’re not listening. You’re not paying attention. You make. He doesn’t get into that. He just focuses on either you do your job or you don’t. A bill belichick also doesn’t waste his time on other people and other things and other projects that are not on his to do list because successful people don’t put themselves last in priority. Um, Bill bellacheck writes here, he says, my personal coaching philosophy, my mentality has always been to make things as difficult as possible for players in practice.
However bad we can make them, I make them. And why does he do that? Why? Because he wants to make the practice is difficult. So in the players out there and play the game is a comparatively easy. He wants to make the practice so much more hard, so much more difficult than the games or the game itself becomes easy. That’s what he does. Bill Pella Chick implements the habits of success and there’s a best selling author by the name of Tom Corley, who wrote a book called the habits of the rich, which, uh, is, has been featured in Forbes. It’s been featured in a, on Dave Ramsey’s website on Dave Ramsey’s podcast on his blog. The book is called the habits of the rich by Tom Quarterly, and it was also featured in Forbes magazine, written about by an author by the name of a writer by the name of Vanessa Mcgrady.
And I want to read you a few excerpts from her article in Forbes. She writes, according to Tom Corley and author, CPA and financial planner, wealthy people have vastly different habits than Portland’s Curley’s new book coauthored by Michael Yardley, Yardley rich habits, poor habits will come out of the United States in October. It has been released in Australia and the United Kingdom currently says, the main difference is that rich people have a growth mindset and they pass that along to their kids. Rich people have a growth mindset. I think that seems obvious, isn’t it? That that doesn’t seem obvious, that successful people have different habits from poor people, but yet why do people not just change their habits? Then what if people don’t just change their daily action items? Why do people who are not successful continue to cling to a formula that doesn’t work? I don’t know. I don’t know, and I think we’re in a world where there’s a lot of negativity, so we get back from the break.
I’m going to play some audio testimonials from real people out there just like you who began to change their habits and their systems. They reached out for help. They wanted to know how to grow their business, but then they, you know, they went to thrive time These, they scheduled a consultation, but then they actually implemented what we taught them and the magic is once they began to implement what they, what we taught them, they begin to have massive success and you too can have massive, massive success. But I need you to believe that I need for you to believe that you can have massive success simply as a result of changing your action steps. You can’t believe in luck. You’ve got to believe in law of cause and effect. And if you do believe in the law of cause and effect, and you do believe that if you change your actions, you can change your results.
Then we can help you sort of build your faith and to encourage you. I’m going to be queuing up. Uh, let’s go with four testimonials from real thrivers out there. People just like you who’ve gone on to build a very successful company with an 18 month window of time. They’ve taken their existing company or their startup and if taken it to a very successful level within 18 months or less. My name is Clay Clark. I’m a business coach and I encourage you to always check out our sponsors to see what they’re doing because they’re sponsoring the show.
Therefore, I encourage you to check them out, and one sponsor I want to Brag on is Dr John Sibling. This guy’s been the chiropractor of choice for Wayne Gretzky and he’s been a great show. Guests when he stops on the show from time to time, check him out. Tulsa’s number one, chiropractor as Dr John Sibley Dot Com. Tulsa’s number one, chiropractor Dr John Sibley, the chiropractor of choice for the great one. Wayne Gretzky and now broadcasting live from the box that rocks. It’s the thrive time business coach radio show, the mindset stuff. For instance, on the magic button was then given it to in the street, the plaques, bringing them back, bring me the track so I could get up on the buckets of cash making the Dash.
We’re going to backtrack so I could get up on the market. Speak the facts, thrive nation. Here is a profound question for you to marinate on just for one second. Here’s the question. If you implemented the proven path that have allowed Dr Zellner and I the proven path that Dr and I’ve used to grow 13 multimillion dollar companies now actually 14, if you implemented the same path, the proven path, a Dr Zeller and I’ve used to grow multiple multimillion dollar companies, the same systems, would you get similar results even if you didn’t get the results that were as good as what we get or maybe you get results that are even better than what we get, but if you did the same actions that we did on a daily basis, would you get the same results? I would argue yes. So the question might be, well, clay of the clients you coach, I mean how many of them actually have massive success? I would say this, the ones who implement the system always have massive success. So now I’m going to introduce you to some diligent doers out there who have implemented the system. The first person we’re going to, we’re going to cue up is Dr. April line. She’s a pediatric dentist that you’re going to love her story. She’s a diligent doer, she’s a great mom, she’s a great wife, and uh, we love having her as a client. So here’s a testimony from somebody out there just like you who’s implemented the proven path and is having massive success.
Hi, my name is April. I started practicing pediatric dentistry in 2002. I went to Oklahoma State University for my undergraduate and then went to the University of Oklahoma. I graduated in 1999, then went onto the University of Colorado Children’s hospital, pediatric dental residency and started practicing with Martin Morrow in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We’ve always loved what we do. We love being pediatric dentist, but we just were not very good at putting our marketing ideas into practice. We’ve been able to implement our ideas and make them a reality since using the new approach and it’s just brought a lot of new life to our practice. It’s increased patient significantly, but it’s also just brought an. Our staff loves the common goal that we all have. It’s just brought in an excitement into our practice that we didn’t have before. For instance, last August we had a hundred and 14 new patients compared to this August. We had 180 new patients and um, it’s just at the end of the month when you count that up, you just can’t deny what an impact that this new marketing approach has had on our office in June last year we had 85 new patients in June.
This year we had a hundred and 26 new patients is just astounding. Before we were trying to implement our ideas, but we didn’t have access to a videographer or a photographer, a website designer, a search engine, search engine optimizer. I didn’t even know what some of these things meant as far as seos and et Cetera, but they, they have all of those people onsite ready to. You just tell them what you want and they can make it happen. They have great ideas. They make you feel so comfortable. They, they take your ideas and make them real. In the past we’ve worked with other marketing firms, companies, but it every time they just, they wanted us to do different things, but it involved us doing different things and in reality we’re just working. Being pediatric dentist. I don’t have, I, I just don’t have the capabilities to make these things happen.
Sometimes I don’t have the skillset to, um, do you get videos or um, figure out how to put things on my website. Um, so it was really nice just to do the dentistry that we love and have a team that could take care of the rest. I would highly recommend that every dentist embrace marketing approach. It just, you know, I’m a 44 year old mom and I still have young kids, but it’s just a different mindset with younger parents these days. They love the digital age and I was kind of set in my ways. I still wanted to just do print and do it in your own little school newspaper, things like that. But that’s just not how people are getting their information these days. They’re getting it through facebook, they’re getting it through reviews, they’re getting it through your website, and even though I’m not accustomed to that, it doesn’t mean that I don’t need to change with the times. It’s just a new age and whether I wanted, whether I look at it that way or not, that’s how my clients are. When you embrace the marketing strategies, you will see growth. You will see change in your practice.
Okay, let’s just say that I’m the kind of person. You’re the kind of person that needs to hear multiple testimonials because you say, well, it’s a different industry. You know, I’m not a pediatric dentist. I’m a builder, or I’m a contractor, or I do some, some kind of a home, a work. Maybe I install cabinets or I install countertops, or I install roofing or siding, or, or I, I’m not a dentist. You know, I’m more of a handyman kind of person. Well, without any further ado, here’s a testimonial from a thriver out there by the name of Aaron Antis, who we’ve helped to grow the largest home building company in Oklahoma.
Hi, I’m Aaron with Shaw homes. I first heard about clay through a mortgage lender here in town who had told me what a great job he had been doing for them and uh, actually noticed he was driving a Lamborghini all of a sudden, so I was willing to listen. Uh, in my career I’ve sold a little over $800,000,000 in real estate. So honestly I thought I kinda knew everything about marketing and homes and then I met clay and my perception of what I knew and what I could do definitely changed after doing $800, million in sales over a 15 year career. I really thought I knew what I was doing. I’ve been managing a large team of salespeople for the last 10 years here with Shaw homes. And I mean, we’ve been a company that’s been in business for 35 years. We’ve become one of the largest builders in the Tulsa area.
And, uh, that was without clay. So when I came to know clay, I really thought, man, there’s not much more I need to know, but I’m willing to listen. The interesting thing is our internet leads from our website has actually in a four month period of time, has gone from somewhere around 10 to 15 leads in a month to a hundred and 80 internet leads in a month just from the few things that he’s shown us how to implement that I honestly, probably never would have come up with on my own. So, uh, I got a lot of good things to say about the system that clay put in place with us and it’s just been an incredible experience. I am very glad that we met and had the opportunity to work with clay. So the interaction with the team and with clay on a weekly basis is honestly very enlightening.
One of the things that I love about clay’s perspective on things is that he doesn’t come from my industry. He’s not somebody who’s in the home building industry. I’ve listened to all the experts in my field. Our company has paid for me to go to seminars. International builders shows all kinds of places where I’ve had the opportunity to learn from the experts in my industry. But the thing that I’ve found working with clay is that he comes from such a broad spectrum of working with so many different types of businesses that he has a perspective difficult for me to gain
We come back more testimonials, more success stories from real people out there just like you who’ve implemented the proven path that Dr Zellner and I’ve been teaching. I’m telling you, if you implement the proven system, you will get the results.
Attend the world’s best business workshop led by America’s number one business coach for free by subscribing on itunes and leaving us an objective review. Claim your tickets by emailing is proof that you did it and your contact information to [email protected]. All right, thrive nation friendly. Just tuning in in today’s for a ranging show is wide-ranging show. We’d been talking about Berj Najarian no hurry it. The 80 slash 20 rule and the New England patriots secret weapon that creates the time and space needed for bill belichick. Bill below. Check to when you might say to yourself, well, who was burst najarian? He’s the bill Belichick’s chief of staff. He essentially make sure that bill bellacheck doesn’t waste any of his time dealing with distractions that don’t matter, and it’ll make their show actionable unrelatable to you because knowledge without application is meaningless. We’re breaking it down into action steps that we all need to take on a daily basis. If we want to move beyond surviving. Dobell check is successful because of the daily action steps a day to daily action steps that he takes. He is successful because of the daily action steps that he takes on a daily basis.
He takes different action steps than everybody else, and over time that compound impact of making the right decisions over and over and over is what wins. So what I wanted to do is I wanted to break down a book by Tom Corley, which is called habits of the rich. And in that book, Tom Corley breaks down the habits of the rich and what rich people do, successful people do that everybody else does not. And what are the habits he talks about here. And this was also described in a Forbes article written by Vanessa Mcgrady. Well, we’ll put a link to in the show notes. Rich people read for 30 minutes per day. Rich people read for 30 minutes per day. Quarterly found that 88 percent of the rich folks in his study spent 30 minutes or more everyday reading to learn whether it was about money, how to succeed in their industries, self-help biographies of successful people and History.
The rich people were reading all sorts of things that help them to understand how to be more successful in life. He writes also rich people, he said, surround themselves with positive people. You want to associate them. You want to just. You want to associate with those people that are typically upbeat, optimistic, enthusiastic, and positive. He goes on to write rich. People don’t allow their emotions to lead them. It’s normal to feel anger and frustration, but how you express it can make or break your success. Tom Got Legos on trump. Quarterly goes on to write. Tom Corley goes on to write rich. People don’t feel bad about being successful. They don’t feel bad about being successful. Uh, he went on to talk about how growing up as a kid, his mom used to constantly beat them over the head with a Bible Verse Mark Ten, Twenty Five that pointed out, it’s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of God.
And if you continue to get beat over the head with misinformation or real religious views that don’t make sense, that could impact how you see the world. That’s why you have to surround yourself with people that are successful or who or who want to become successful, who are headed in the right direction. Because if not, when you do become wealthy, when you do begin to create abnormal success, you can actually feel bad about it. I know rich people, a lot of my clients I’ve coached over the years that we’re actually starting to feel bad because they have so much time freedom. Uh, Tom Curley goes on to write in his book habits of the rich. Rich people visualize their future and work to create their ideal life. Well, a bill Belichick is not quoted anywhere, and Tom quarterlies book, but think about how similar bill belichick’s worldview is to the worldview of Tom Quarterly.
Bill bellacheck rights. I don’t twitter, I don’t my face, I don’t yearbook a success magazine identifies traits of successful people and it basically points out that successful people don’t get sucked into social media as a, as a large part. Successful people don’t even use social media. They use it to market to everybody else. My friend, whether you’re bill bellacheck, um, whether you’re an owner of a business, whether you’re Tom Corley, doesn’t matter who you are. If you want to become successful, you have to stop wasting your time doing things that don’t matter. And I, I just strongly encourage everybody out there to not waste your time doing things that don’t matter. And that’s why people Belichick hired Berj Najarian to be his, uh, his, his chief of staff. The guy makes sure that everything that could possibly distract him from being a good coach is taken off of his plate.
And so I go back to you and ask you this today. The peritoneal principle. The principle where you should be spending 80 percent of your time where you should be spending 80 percent of your time focused on the 20 percent of the things that will move the needle the most. How’s that going for you? Are you in fact focusing on the needle moving activities that will help you to get where you want to go financially so that you can create, create the time freedom and financial freedom that you want and deserve and every once in a while thrivers, usually twice a day a member of the thrive nation. Someone like yourself will reach out to [email protected]. They’ll fill out the form at thrive time, to schedule a one on one coaching session, a 13 point evaluation. We call it a 13 point assessment and then after that assessment will show them specifically the proven path they need to take to become successful.
And I would say for every 10 people that filled, they actually fill out the form. Probably two of them or three of them are a good fit, meaning that they can actually keep the appointment. We agree upon they can actually show up to the appointment, they actually will implement the proven path and when people implement the proven path, they get the success every time and so to build your faith and to encourage you that you too can get unstuck because that’s what our business coaching program is all about. I’m now going to play another testimonial from a thriver out there just like you. This is a company called barbee cookies that went from just getting by to multiplying to being very, very successful very quickly within 18 months as a result of the thrive time show proven business coaching program.
Check it out.
Wait. This year’s sales for this week is the same week last year. Do you see the difference?
I can’t really tell. One is Michael, can you. Can we just want to get it? Jason, could you kind of pull this end maybe just so you can see it. It’s kind of pull it that way. It’s got the link that’s more of a lead. Can’t tell another link. It’s hard to tell. Okay, so that was last year sales last year. Sales and the total is $4,711 and seventy-three cents. Same Week. This year, 2015. The total is and read it. My goal. One 11,300. 13 50 on believable.
Well, you might be saying to yourself, yeah, that’s great for the bakery, but I have an automotive repair shop. I have an auto body repair shop. That’s good. That’s great. Because we actually have helped many people in the automotive industry that have massive success and in fact we have a recent testimonial from a guy by the name of Roy who’s one of our proud show sponsors. If you have a Ford Automobile and you need to get that thing repaired. By the way, I encourage you to check out his company are see auto specialists. So now that any further ado, let’s hear the testimonial from Roy with. He owns a company called the garage and our see auto specialists. Tulsa’s number one, Ford automotive repair place.
What’s up? Thrive nation. Eric, up here with Roy. We have a little bit of news for you guys and stuff. It’s now what May 31st at six. Twenty one, you’ve been closed for 20 minutes right now. Let’s now let’s run the numbers for mainland totals one. Oh, two, 8:37. What’s the last year to date? One or two. Why don’t you wait 37 this year and last year was 60,006 67.
Well, you might be saying, well, but clay, I have A. I have an automotive repair shop in a different city. It’s not in Tulsa. Well, you’re in luck because here’s an automotive repair shop based in Oklahoma City that had a big win.
I’m guys shepherd was shepherd automotive here in Oklahoma City. I just want to Eric Clay and the whole thrive team for all the help that I received for my business. Uh, I was in a really tough place when I found thrive. I wasn’t making money. I was working as hard as I knew how to work, just not on the right things. A business has changed in the last several years and I had not kept up. I didn’t know how. I didn’t know what to do. So, uh, I’m, I’m, I’m on a good track now. Eric is doing a great job of coaching me. I’m real excited about all the stuff that we’re doing and uh, I have hope. I have hope again for my future, uh, that I can and will succeed and, uh, get back to making money and getting back to a more pleasant place in life and, uh, being able to continue to provide the service that a I love providing with my customer. So thank you Eric Clay and all the thrive team for all your help. You guys are awesome.
Thrive nation. The good news is that now you have access to the proven path to the proven plan and to the business coaching that can and will change your life, but you have to put some effort in. You have to implement the proven path. So if you’re out there and you’re saying, I want to get unstuck, I want to create time, freedom and financial freedom. This is your year to thrive, but we can’t help you if we don’t get a chance to know you. So I encourage you to go to thrive time today. That’s thriving time today. And to schedule, to schedule your free consultation with one of the thrive time show business coaches will do a 13 point analysis with you. We’ll figure out where you’re gonna, where you’re currently stuck, and we’re gonna help you get unstuck. After that 13 point analysis, I will create a customized proven path, a business plan for you that is guaranteed to work.
If you implement the systems, the whole relationship is month to month. You’re not locked into a contract, it can and will change your life, or you can book your tickets to attend our next in person. Thrive time show workshop, but you can get your tickets for free by simply subscribing to the thrive time show on itunes and leaving us an objective review. My name is Clay Clark. Even listening to the thrive time show on your radio and podcast, download and thrive nation has always like to end the show with the boom. So here we go. Three, two, one.