Balancing Wealth and Health | Healthy Habits for Sustainable High Performance with Brett Denton (The founder of

Show Notes

Entrepreneur and fitness expert Brett Denton (the founder of shares why sitting is the new smoking, the importance of maintaining ongoing movement throughout your day, the art of eating mindfully and the power of good sleeping habits.

Performance Optimization – Optimize your happiness and decrease your stress

DEFINITION – Kvell – feel happy and proud.

Point #1 – Move – All Day Long

Sitting is the New Smoking

FUN FACT – Consistent Movement Statistic:

“When you sit, you use less energy than you do when you stand or move. Research has linked sitting for long periods of time with a number of health concerns. They include obesity and a cluster of conditions — increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist and abnormal cholesterol levels — that make up metabolic syndrome. Too much sitting overall and prolonged periods of sitting also seem to increase the risk of death from cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Any extended sitting — such as at a desk, behind a wheel or in front of a screen — can be harmful. An analysis of 13 studies of sitting time and activity levels found that those who sat for more than eight hours a day with no physical activity had a risk of dying similar to the risks of dying posed by obesity and smoking. However, unlike some other studies, this analysis of data from more than 1 million people found that 60 to 75 minutes of moderately intense physical activity a day countered the effects of too much sitting.” –

ACTION ITEM – Engage in physical activities for 60 to 75 minutes per day.

Consistent Movement Quote

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – Dr. James Levine, director of the Mayo Clinic at Arizona State University, coined the term “sitting is the new smoking.”  and backs it up saying “Sitting is more dangerous than smoking, kills more people than HIV and is more treacherous than parachuting. We are sitting ourselves to death.”  

Fun fact about James, he is the inventor of the treadmill desk

FUN FACT – “ reports that no matter how much you exercise sitting for excessively long periods of time is a risk factor for early death, based on a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

The authors of the study also say that people who sat for more than 13 hours per day had a 200% greater risk of death compared with those who sat for 11 hours per day…

And people who frequently sat in stretches of less than 30 minutes had a 55% lower risk of death compared to people who frequently sat for more than 30 minute stretches.

90 minutes raises the percentage to 200%.” –  

DEFINITION MAGICIAN – Blue Zone – Blue Zones are regions of the world where people live much longer than average. The term first appeared in the November 2005 National Geographic magazine cover story “The Secrets of a Long Life” by Dan Buettner.

Move #2 – Sitting and Then Suddenly Sprinting Is Not a Move

According to biomechanist Katy Bowman, author of the book Move Your DNA, you may actually be increasing your risk for cardiac issues by sitting all day and then jamming in a workout at night. By sitting all day you are restricting blood flow and circulation through your blood vessels, and when you suddenly try to pump enormous amounts of blood through these vessels very quickly, it’s like trying to run water through a kinked hose. You may end up doing more harm than good.

Recent research has shown that it requires at least an hour of intense exercise to offset the negative effects of sitting for 6 – 7 hours per day.

FUN FACT – “Simply reducing inactivity by increasing the time spent walking or standing is a more effective way to help reduce certain health risks than one hour of physical exercise.”

Consistent Movement Story:

FUN FACT – The authors of a study found on said “Our study showed that sitting time was associated with a higher risk of all causes of mortality: heart disease mortality, cancer mortality and diabetes — independent of exercise,” said David Alter of the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, who led the research.” –

Consistent Movement Action:


  1. Find reasons to move all day long.
  2. Get up from your desk every 30 minutes for a 5-minute move-about
  3. Park your car further away
  4. Take the stairs

Point #3 – Eat Mindfully

The problem with food and overeating isn’t necessarily that people don’t know what to eat or how much to eat.

It is both easier to eat healthy than it has ever been and also easier to eat unhealthy than it has ever been.

So we must pay attention to what we eat, this is mindful eating.

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – Jennifer Kromberg on Psychology Today says,

“Emotional eating can be a direct result of not being conscious of what or why you’re eating. Therapists call this unconscious eating. Unconscious eating is when you’re done with your meal, and you continue to pick at it, slowly eating the remaining portion that you intended to leave behind. It can also be putting peanuts or crackers or any other food in your mouth, just because it’s in front of you. The solution? Try to remain mindful of what and when you are eating. I know it can be tedious to focus completely on your eating, especially at first! Start slowly and avoid self-judgment as you try out a new way of being. “ –

Don’t Let Food Become Your Only Pleasure

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – Jennifer Kromberg also said “I’ve often asked people what they would have to feel if they did not binge or overeat, and the common answer is, “I would have nothing to look forward to.” And at the end of a long and hectic day, a big bowl of ice cream can be especially effective in temporarily soothing our exhausted, hard-working selves. Why? According to many sources (e.g. this article), eating sugars and fats releases opioids in our brains. Opioids are the active ingredients in cocaine, heroin, and many other narcotics. So the calming, soothing effects you feel when you eat ice cream and BBQ potato chips are real. And breaking these habits can be like kicking a drug habit.” –

DEFINITION – Opioid – Opioids are narcotics that act on opioid receptors to produce morphine-like effects.

Eat Mindfully

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “Let’s start with what Mindfulness is. It is deliberately paying attention, being fully aware of what is happening both inside and outside yourself – in your body, heart and mind – and outside yourself, in your environment. Mindfulness is awareness without criticism or judgement.” –

“When walking, walk. When eating, eat.” rashaski · Zen Proverb

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease. “ – Thomas Edison (The man credited with inventing recorded audio, recorded video, and the first practical light bulb and the founder of General Electric.)

One of the most difficult and yet important habits for our clients to learn is to slow down their eating and eat until 80% full.  

Eat Mindfully: Action

  1. Set your kitchen timer to 20 minutes, and take that time to eat a normal-sized meal.
  2. Don’t eat and watch TV at the same time.
  3. Start a food journal.

Point #4 – Practice Good Sleep Hygiene Statistic

Would you ever purposeful deprive your child of sleep?  No, because what happens?

FUN FACT – According to a study titled ‘Why sleep matters – the economic costs of insufficient sleep’ reported on by Fortune – “A lack of sleep among the U.S. workforce is costing approximately $411 billion and losing 1.2 million working days per year.”

FUN FACT – The Center for Disease Control says that “1 in 3 adults don’t get enough sleep.”

Arianna Huffington, co-founder and editor-in-chief of The Huffington Post believes in the importance of sleep so much that she stepped down from her role as The Huffington post to start Thrive Global hoping to turn sleeping well and emotional and physical health into the corporate world’s most celebrated productivity tool.

Arianna Huffington – The Sleep Revolution: Transforming Your Life, One Night at a Time –

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – According to an article on Forbes covering the Thrive Global launch Jeff Bezos said “As any of us go through our lives, we don’t need to maximize the number of decisions we make per day, making a small number of key decisions well is more important than making a large number of decisions. If you short change your sleep, you might get a couple of extra “productive” hours, but that productivity might be an illusion.”

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “Eight hours of sleep makes a big difference for me, and I try hard to make that a priority,” he tells Thrive Global. “For me, that’s the needed amount to feel energized and excited.” – Jeff Bezos –

Sleep Hygiene Quote:

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – Dr. Madeleine Grigg-Damberger, associate medical director of the University of New Mexico Clinical Neurophysiology Laboratory and director of Pediatric Sleep Medicine Services at the University Hospital Sleep Disorders Center said

“Insufficient sleep — be it due to fragmented sleep from some underlying sleep disorder, or worry or stress, or frequent apneas arousing you from sleep — contribute to hypertension, loss or dipping of blood pressure, insulin resistance, overweight and sudden death. But the amount of sleep people need varies from four to 11 hours per day, though most people need seven-and-a-half to eight hours of sleep per night. Most Americans are too often getting six-and-a-half hours and it’s not good for them.”

Lack of Sleep Makes You Less Efficient

FUN FACTS – “According the National Sleep Foundation loss of sleep makes it harder to focus and pay attention. This affects performance and productivity.

  1. Lack of sleep slows your reaction time, making for dangerous driving and other safety related risks at work and at home. A National Sleep Foundation poll found that nearly one-third of drivers said they have nodded off or fallen asleep while driving.  
  2. Sleep feeds creativity, synthesizes new ideas, and leads you to “ah ha” moments. Research shows that we need good sleep to feed our high-level, innovative thinking and problem solving abilities.
  3. As you sleep, memories are reactivated, connections between brain cells are strengthened, and information is transferred from short to long-term. Without enough quality sleep, we can become more forgetful. Studies suggest that sleeping shortly after we learn new information helps us retain and recall that information later.” –
  4. MYSTIC STATISTIC – The U.S. Chamber of Commerce estimates that 75% of employees steal from the workplace and that most do so repeatedly.

ACTION STEP – Sleep 7 to 9 hours per day.

FUN FACT – “The National Sleep Foundation recommends sleeping 7 – 9 hours for adults age 26 – 64.” –

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.” – Jim Rohn

Clay Clark’s Strong Opinions:

  1. 40-45% of people should not be married
  2. 97-98% of people should not start a business.
  3. 85% should not have kids
  4. 75% of people should never buy a house

Praying hands at ORU –

Business Coach | Ask Clay & Z Anything

Audio Transcription

Welcome back to the conversation. It is the thrive time business conferences show on your radio and podcast downloads. Now on today’s show, you are in for a treat because we have an entrepreneur in a fitness expert all in one. And Mr Brett didn’t on today’s show. Mr. Brett Denton didn’t is the founder of KVell fitness there in Boise, Idaho. Brett, how you doing?

I’m doing fantastic. Thanks for having me on.

Can you give the listeners just a little bit of a background because you played college football and then you started your own business. Can you give us just a little bit of A. Oh, look into your college background and then into, you know, history into the carvel fitness before you drop knowledge bombs on us.

Yeah, absolutely. So, um, I played football at Boise state, the uh, the Boise state blue turf. Nice. Um, I ended my senior year was the year when we played a, Oh you Oklahoma there and the fiesta bowl. So it’s a good way to go out. And then from there, um, I got into a working for somebody else, which didn’t seem to be my forte, but the biggest issue was as burdened myself out and that’s what led me to avail fitness nutrition. So I was overworking, not taking care of myself, not eating well, not sleeping well, you know, just that normal burnout that people go through. And so I kind of started to decide there must be a better way. I had been fit my entire life until now. And you know, I was depressed, I wasn’t happy, was burning out, so I decided to figure it out. And I did. And then that’s what happened with, um, with carvel is once I figured it out for myself, I started to spread the love and, and then show other people how to do it.

Now coval the word Cavallas Yiddish, if I understand it, it’s a Yiddish word. What does it mean to you? What does the, what does the name carvel fitness mean to you? Why? Why did you decide to call your business courvelle fitness?

Yeah, that’s a great question. Aside from it being impossible when people say and spell out the reason that we, uh, do we picked means happy and proud, especially in community and that’s what we want to create for our people. That’s what we want to live by it, right? We wanted to surround ourselves with business conferences people that were how happy and we’re proud to have around, um, and that are going out and accomplishing things that they’re happy and proud to be doing.

Okay, so don, today’s show, we’re talking about balancing wealth and health, healthy habits for sustainable high performance with you, Mr. Right? Dot. And so can you talk to us first off your point number one here, you wrote here, it’s a super important that you’re moving all day long. You’re up, you’re moving, you’re grooving. Why is it so important that we move all day?

Well, here’s the problem with, you know, people that ended up sitting at a computer all day or, um, which is, which is, you know, most professions these days is our bodies. Generally our design. You have two legs. And so, um, we’re designed to be on those legs moving around most of the day, uh, and what happens when we don’t do that as we start to get sick. Um, and there’s study after study after study proving this, one of them from the Mayo Clinic, they did an analysis of 13 studies that were based on sitting time and activity levels and they found that those who sat more than eight hours a day. Okay. So eight hours a day with no physical activity had a risk of dying. It doesn’t sound very positive. It’s a negative. It’s a negative staff. Do we have a risk of dying immediately if we are sending right our, is this just in Marshall? If we are sitting for eight hours, we will die immediately. Just right. Just kill over. I’m just gonna. I’m immediate Brett. I’m moving. I’m moving my legs moving my legs now. But there’s a study here done by the Mayo Clinic and I just want to share this out there. It says, so when you sit, you use less energy than you do when you stand or move. Research has linked sitting for long periods of time with a number of health concerns. Obesity says in a cluster of conditions including blood pressure, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, out excess body fat, abnormal cholesterol levels, fat around the waist. They make a just, Oh, this is your year. The thrive time show is supposed to be a positive show. You’re a negative man. So you’re saying that sitting is the new is the new smoking?

Well, I’m not saying it, but Dr James Levine is saying it and this guy, um, he was similar to me. He found himself being very unhealthy. You’d go home, you’d sit on the couch and drink bear and he’s like, this isn’t right. My wife’s telling me I’m fat, I got to do something. And so, um, he’s actually. So if you have ever heard of the treadmill desks, these desks where you stand up while you’re working and you’re on this treadmill. Okay.

I built one. As you just made that last, I immediately have built one Marshall’s. So we’re dealing with Marshall and Andrew are here constructing this thing as we speak. So I’m trying to kind of awkward, they’re down there making this desk right now, but yeah, I have seen these and I am now motivated to make one right now.

Yeah. So, so James is the guy and uh, so he, he turned this city in this new smoking basically he said sitting is more dangerous than smoking kills more people than HIV and as more treacherous than parachuting. We’re sitting ourselves to death. Right? So, so, so when you at that, so, okay, well, how, how many hours a day am I sitting? And you really start to take a look at that. You’ll probably be pretty surprised,

you know? Okay, fine. You’ve proved your point here. When we got to keep moving, I keep moving. So if I have a job that requires me to code or do graphic design, Brett or do something that requires me to, you know, sit and think, what’s the best way to counteract that? I mean, if I do have to sit there just, it’s impossible for me to write a treadmill while writing legal documents. Okay. A or a jerk like me, I have to write books, that kind of thing or do show outlines a what’s the best, most practical way to counteract that.

Well, so reports based on the study that they found that 30 minute stretches is kind of the magic number there. And so for people who frequently, so this is like one time you sit and you can knock out a book and it takes you, you know, six hours or whatever it is, but people who frequently sit and stretches of 30 minutes or less had a 55, 55 percent lower risk of death compared to business conferences people who frequently sat for 30 minutes or more. Now that goes up significantly when you get to 90 minutes. So if you sit for 90 minutes, you got to fold greater chance of dying early. Then if you’re less than 90 minutes. So the magic number is 30 there. So if you can get up. So to your point, if you have a job where you have to be seated, you don’t have a, a crew of people to build a treadmill desk for you as you work, you want to get up about every 30 minutes and just go for a walk for about five minutes. Just walk around and say hi to people is get up, get on your feet, get moving.

Okay. So you gotta you gotTa. Keep moving there to make it actionable. If you’re sitting in a job, just get up by once an hour, move around a little bit, grab some water, make it happen. Just keep moving, keep moving your body move in. Body moving, quote the Beastie boys body. Move in body movement. We’ve got to keep moving. All right? So move all day long. Now the next, the next concept you want to talk about is that, uh, it’s not necessarily a good move to a kind of sit, you know, all day and then all of a sudden do like super intense workouts. So why, why is that not a good move?

Well, if you look at, um, you know, the history of the human race or you look at these things called blue zones where these people live for substantially longer than they live in other parts of the world. The body is move. The body’s designed to be moving in a kind of these non stressful situations all day long. So it’s gentle movement all day long. And um, you know, so example, when you warm up before a workout, there’s a purpose for that. We want to get the blood flowing again. We want to get the muscles pumping, want to get ready to work out so you don’t injure something well, what happens with people who all they do, they sit all day and then they go and they get some type of strenuous workout, which is all the rage right now with your high intensity training and you’re cycling classes and all that. Well, it’s like all of a sudden ramming a whole bunch of water through a hose and a Katy Bowman who’s a biomek an issue. She wrote the book, Move Your Dna. Um, she says that you might actually be increasing your risk of cardiac issues by doing this. So she says don’t sit all day and then jam in a workout because again, you’re just cranking up the blood flow into your body, which isn’t always a good thing if it’s not ready for it.

You know, one thing, I’m Marshall and we need to talk about this after today’s show because that whole thing you’ve been doing recently where Brett Marshall’s very into fitness, he wants to kind of bring a fit culture to thrive. And so recently he’s been to get the blood pressure up to get the energy going. Why don’t we think about playing something kind of similar to dodge ball. And I thought that this is mixed, a lot of sense in the office. We have an open area when we could do that and he said, but instead of dodging balls, let’s dodge access really gets the energy up there, really gets the. That’s not going to be a move anymore marshall. No, we just need to get the adrenaline pumping. And I thought, I thought it’d be fun. Okay. So we can no longer should have a sit around all day dormantly and then immediately dodge balls, but we should also not dodge access because it’s going to freak freak out our system if you can.

Dodge and acts, you can dodge ball. Okay. So again, just to recap here, to make this actionable out there, move number two. So one is if you’re, if you have a job but every hour get up for five minutes, move around. How you doing, move around, you know, if you can stand up while working, do that. Okay. Action item number two is if you do sit all day, don’t immediately go into a wind sprint over to your local Mexican restaurant for dinner. I mean just kinda you gotta balance. I just don’t. I mean these are, they seem like kind of common things. Bread are common sense, but you train people there in Boise, Idaho. And how often are people doing this? How often are people sitting around dormantly all day? Not Moving at all.

Well the funny thing is is you know the old saying common sentences and common. And that’s the case when it comes to how we treat our bodies, you know, we don’t. Everything that I covered for the most part, it’s all the basics. You know, you gotta eat right, you gotta sleep, you gotta move more, all those things, these things that everybody knows, but everybody needs to be reminded of on a frequent basis. Most people sit all day and you know, if we start taking a, uh, an activity journal just like would a food journal and you start looking at, holy cow, I said, I’m sending 10 to 13 hours a day. Then I go sit in my car, then I go sit for dinner and then guess what? I’m in bed and I do it again. I wake up, I sit in my car to commute to work. I sit down at work, I sit down on the way home, I sit down for dinner and do it again. You know, we just keep doing that over and over and over again.

I know this might sound shady for listeners out there, Marshall, one thing I’ve been doing this past week is I’ve been tapping into the surveillance cameras that are available in different offices throughout the world. I’ve used the Darknet, the dark web that the, the, the Silk Road, if you go on there, I’ve been able to log in bread into the surveillance cameras in people’s, uh, uh, at their places of work, not at their home. I didn’t want to be shady. I wanted to be high, you know, high, high integrity here, Marshall. So Hah. I would hack it in and then I’ve been able to zoom in. I’m able to read the, uh, the movement journals of the average American. And so now a marshall, any further ado, I’m going to read just a few passages from the activity journals of the average Americans without their consent here on the thrive time show. Mahershala. Does that, does that, does that sound fair? This sounds a like. It’s going to be

very interesting. Okay, here we go. Brett. This is the journal entry one, date two. I did not move my body, but I intend to tomorrow. That doesn’t listen to j three. I did walk into the office, I believe so I guess I had to move to movements on day two. Day three. This isn’t pray this in my journal. I went to crossfit and I appear to have toward my possible it looks like I tore my knee and Brooke my Sacroiliac and hurt my pride in the process and now I will never move again.

Bread. Do you not see that? That’s pretty much it. I’m not. I’m not ripping on on cross fit per se, I’m just saying. I see. So as I worked with a lot of doctors, a lot of doctors and I helped them grow their companies and it’s well documented what we do. Companies like revolution health or spine surgeons or whatever, and I am not exaggerating, you’re seeing 35, 37, 40 year old people that have not moved their body for close to a decade. Then they go over to crossfit and they move their entire body and they began to Denton Denton to Brent. They get a shirt that says p amazing or be intense or get ripped or get jacked or get off the couch, get off the field or whatever and how they work out and you start lifting stuff and moving things around and then one by one they all just get injured.

I think first they just tear their pride in half and just take a complete rupture of their pride and then they never work out again or they stopped. Can you talk to me? Talk to me about your approach at Corvelle. How’s it different from the crossfit? Let’s get in there. Let’s get pissed. Let’s get intense. Let’s throw beer barrels around and let’s, let’s get crazy throwing kegs and let’s take chain bike chains and pull tires and let’s jump around and try to avoid an accident. Marshall’s throwing house cavell different from places like crossfit that have been shown to cause a lot, uh, injuries.

Yeah, that’s a great question. One of the issues that we have, good or bad in America is we make everything is extreme as it possibly can be, right? So if it’s not extreme, especially for the high level CEO, like I haven’t done anything my entire life for the, for the past 20 years, but now I’m all of a sudden going to come forward elite fitness when I haven’t even forged any level of basic human movement. And so we’re kind of different from that. And since that we’re going to take you from wherever the person is. So let’s say you haven’t worked out in 10 years. Great. Let’s get you started. Let’s get your body functioning correctly. It’s Kinda like a tuneup for your car. You know, we gotta go, we gotta get everything working, right? We’ve got to get your body moving. We got to get the mobility there, we’ve got to get this stability there.

And so we’re gonna kind of break in easily. So in our training sessions, we have a level one movement. We have a level two movement. We have a level three movement. Level three is going to be if you’ve been exercising for a long time with us on the ones like you haven’t worked out ever in your life or you haven’t seen a inside of a gym for the last 30 years. And so we want to make sure that we slowly move you along the path so that we’re creating a lifestyle for you instead of making you some, um, you know, beast that’s hardened and ready for battle.

You know, I actually was reading Marshall’s, some ads here that you can find a lot of types of companies are starting out, you know, these companies, they like to do organic marketing so you can find their ads on Craig’s list. Brad, a lot of these fitness companies, all these startup companies that are not established like cavell fit up there in boise, don’t advertise Marshall in these, in these kind of local craigslist. You’ll see them like they have these kind of ads. You’ll see them on facebook and that kind of thing. And this is, this is what you could be doing a breading. A lot of people out there that when they think about working out, this is what they’re afraid of. It says sprint through lava dodge access pull tires and dodge more acts as well. Totally nude at the high intensity. Jim Dented tend to tend to.

No, no, seriously. I think a lot of people that feel like that’s what working out is because there’s so many of those kinds of places out there, so I’m not saying we have a ton of listeners in Boise. Maybe we do, but for anybody out there who says, I’m looking for a place to work out, where should I start? Let’s say I live and I don’t know, something slips up, something kind of sexy, kind of a big town, kind of a sprawling tourist community like Tulsa, Oklahoma. Where would, what kind of fitness should we start out with? Where should we go? What are some good brands or what is the kind of gym we should be looking for?

Well, first and foremost as recommended people to start to walk, you know, so just like we’ve talked about, you just start to move all day long, you know, that whole 10,000 step rule really that that was the whole science behind that. That was more or less of a kind of a guest. So if you’re eating eight to 10,000 plus steps a day, that’s step number one, you know, you don’t need to find a gym for that. Step number two is you find a place that you feel comfortable and so, you know, if you walk into a crossfit place or one of those high intensity business conferences places and you’re not feeling comfortable, you’re not feeling like the coaches are going to modify a, the movements for you to make sure that you’re getting started where you need to, then that’s probably not a place for you. You know? So number two, let’s get to a place where you feel comfortable with the people. We feel like they’re educated. We feel like this is a place that makes sense for us. As far as specific places, you know, each town is so different. You just have to find what’s gonna work for you, but again, finding that comfort level and starting out slow is much better than jumping in and kind of going all out effort.

Okay. Now, point number three you want to talk about today as we’re talking about wealth and health, how to get into a sustainable level of high performance here. Talk to you about the importance of eating mindfully. What do you mean by that? What does it mean to eat mindfully?

Well, here’s the problem. So clay and or Marshall, if I asked you guys, what do you think you should be eating? You probably have an answer for that, right? I mean, you probably know like, what would you say?

Say No sweets, no wheat and we can’t drink anymore for lunch. No more drinking at 8:00 AM. To avoid, avoid alcohol, avoid wheat and avoid sweets. It’s all I got for you, Bro. That’s all we know. That’s it. That is it

largely about same, same lines there? Uh, yeah. I was going to say, what I’m currently doing is I’m just eating everything that’s in front of me and I’ve realized that, uh, that doesn’t help you get in shape but rather become a shape. Oh Wow. But you talk to most people. Most people say, yeah, but I need to eat more vegetables. I need to eat less sweets. I need to, you know, everybody kind of knows what they should be doing. But the problem with our society is a two problems. Number one, we’ve made it easier to eat healthy than it ever has been, but it’s also harder to eat or easier to eat. Unhealthy run. It’s ever been right. That make sense?

Marshall Podium, you’re lucky charms. Don’t eat lucky charms. I’ve been eating corn puffs the entire time while Brett’s talking. Sure.

That’s it. That’s right. So Jennifer Cronenberg on psychology today. You know, this kind of explains what a lot of people say. They have this emotional eating a kind of issue and she says emotional eating can be a direct result of being conscious of what or why you’re eating. So therapists call this unconscious eating. Unconscious eating is when you’re done with your meal and you continue to pick at it slowly eating the remaining portion that you intended to leave behind, you know, so this is like, you know, you’re sitting at dinner and you’re not really hungry but you didn’t eat all your food and so you just keep eating anyways because you’re having a good dinner conversation. Your foods there. You just keep eating because they’re not.

No. Let me say this real quick, Brett. I’ll tell you why we do it. I’ll tell you, I’ll tell you why we do it. Brett. One is you go out to a restaurant and they say, do you want the Brad? And you say, what do you want some bread? And you go, no, no, no. And then they bring it out anyway and then you look at it, Brett, you think to yourself, you have flashbacks to your dad and your dad would say to you things like, where are you can’t get up unless you eat all of it. I was your age. I had no food at all, and if you don’t believe you, there’s people in China right now. Starbucks, you’re going to eat out and you just hear it in your head and you see the bread and you hear your dad yelling at you and then you say, oh, I shouldn’t do it, but I’m going to do it.

And the next thing you know, they’re like, do it some more bread. And you go, yeah. And then you get that buttery bread over there at that. What does that play? What’s the steakhouse that has the best buttery bread in the world? It’s the Texas roadhouse. Oh yeah. Those people. That’s. And then you go to the and then you’re like, next week I’m not doing that. So now you go to olive garden, Brett, you go to there, the old garden and the guy says, would you do, would you like it to didier bft breadsticks said, would you like in the digs? And you say, no, no. And they would come on. No. Did I get the breadsticks? And pretty soon you’ve had like eight bowls of breads just off. I think it’s, I think it’s the bread bread. I think it’s the whole deal. We’re just sitting there eating that bread. Help us spread helpless.

Well, he actually, he actually got a good point there. So, um, you know, the opiod so that there’s some opiod ingredients and some of these things. So opiates, I’m sure you guys are familiar with this, but the active ingredient and cocaine and heroine, some other narcotics as well, familiar with that. I eat a lot of bread. Martial eyes lit up like I know all about this is my ally. So Jennifer Cronenberg also says, you know, I’ve often asked people what they would have a feel if they didn’t binge or overeat. And the common answer is I would have nothing to look forward to. Right. So if I’m not binging or overeating, what am I looking forward to? And again, this kind of goes back to that opiate effect. So at the end of a long business conferences day, we have some ice cream or we have a whole bunch of bread, you know, at one of those steakhouses and that temporarily sue’s that like, it’s kind of like sitting down to watch tv or you know, taking some narcotics because that opiate effect kind of goes into effect there, which is why we get addicted to these things. It’s why we get addicted, the sugary stuff, why we get addicted to the bread. And so that’s a, a, an important thing to watch out for. And if we just become mindful about not just mindlessly going and eating, these things will build to start breaking that habit.

Now, here’s something that, uh, I think it’s interesting that you noted here on today’s show notes is you really don’t ever want to get to a place where you let food become your only pleasure in life. And I think a lot of the entrepreneurs who are out there listening, you delay gratification all the time. You don’t spend money on stuff you shouldn’t spend money on. You don’t waste time at work. You don’t engage in narcotics anymore. Uh, you, you don’t, uh, there’s a lot of things you’re not doing, you’re delaying gratification. So then you’re looking for one pleasure area. You consult your Bible and you realize, well, prostitution’s not an option. No, drugs aren’t an option. I see some Brad. So I think you have to find healthy pleasures, right? Do you have to find something that you look forward to the healthy, uh, breadfruit? Because I think a lot of people, as I think a lot of people eat when they’re bored. I think a lot of people are bored and they say, I’m just going to watch netflix and you’ll lose. Can you help us there, Brett, for anybody out there because you’ve helped a ton of people get in shape. Man, what, what do you, what do you recommend for adults out there that are wanting to live a healthy lifestyle and they don’t want food to be their only pleasure area?

Yeah, I think you hit the nail on the head. It’s one of the underlying causes of a lot of this stuff is people just, they’re too stressed out from their day and they don’t have some other hobby to go home to and um, and get mind off food. Or this happens with people who work at home a lot. You work at home, you need a break, you automatically go to the fridge, you grab some food and you start eating it without paying attention, you know, so to start understanding what you’re eating, I always recommend everybody start with a food journal. Um, there’s been many studies done on food journals and it’s about a two time better result when you write down what you’re eating. And this goes to mindful eating, right? So if I’m writing down what I’m eating as I’m eating it, I’m paying attention to what’s going in my mouth.

And what happens with most of our clients as they start doing this because almost everybody comes to us and they say, my eating’s not that bad. I eat, I eat pretty good. And you know, they’re 50 pounds overweight. So it’s like, well, you’re not eating that well, keep a food journal. And so they keep a food journal. About a week later they say, I get it, I know now why I’m overweight. And so keeping that food journal starts to get you in tune with what is actually going on. Um, and the other issue we’ll have his parents so parents will be, you know, making food for their kids and as they’re making the food, there’ll be eating it without knowing it. And then as their kids don’t finish their food, they’ll eat the rest of it and they don’t really pay attention to that as being part of their diet, although it’s going into their mouth.

And so, um, one of the best ways to kind of remember this is a, there’s a zen proverb when walking walk, when eating, eat. So in other words, just be mindful what you’re doing all day long. If you’re going to eat, just do that thing. Eat, don’t watch TV, don’t be doing all these other things because you’re not paying attention to the food. Right? When you were walking, walk it off your cell phone. Don’t step into the street and get hit by a car when you’re walking on the. On the texting and the cell phoning thing.

Really funny scenario that I enjoy. One of my favorite things to watch happen Marshall, because it involves slapstick small levels of pain or intense levels of pain for a small period of time and it’s real and it happens a lot except I don’t like what happens to me. So bread. Have you ever been into like target? You have a target up there in Boise. Bread. You guys have a target, you know the business conferences doors you walk in and it’s a mix that sound. The doors open there. They automatic opening doors, the sliding doors, sliding doors. It does this just in the sliding door technology that it’s prevalent up there in Boise and all throughout America. Wow. This is deep show, but you go in there, you walk into target and they’re damn grabbing a cart. And I said the other day because I’m 37, it’s probably four months ago, but I go in there and grabbing a cart and I’m getting the most red carts with the grades.

It’s very plastic, I want metal carts by the way target, but anyways, I’m pushing this plastic cart and I hear a boob and I look and I’m going, what was that? So I looked to my right and there’s a dude who walked right into the glass door because I guess if you walk in the wrong way, you know, there’s like an entrance never going to open and he’s on his smartphone and just boom right into that. So he tries to play it off like it didn’t happen. Just a huge old mark on his face and just, oh, it was awesome. And then I thought to that is hilarious. Except I remember when I’ve done the same thing except I wasn’t like on my phone. I’m just like, wasn’t looking down at my phone. I’m just walking fast the wrong way. And I’ve done that before.

So, uh, I just think it’s important that we pay attention. I think it’s important that we’re mindful and psychology today has a notable quotable where it reads here. So let’s start with what is mindfulness? It is deliberately paying attention, being fully aware of what is happening, both inside and outside in your body, heart, and mind, and outside yourself in your environment. Mindfulness is aware is awareness without criticism or judgment. Now, Thomas Edison wanted to chime in to Thomas Edison, the famous a entrepreneur who brought recorded audio to life. He invented recorded video. Uh, some would say he’s accused. He’s for sure credited with inventing the first practical light bulb. Somebody out there may say he’s taught from Tesla. He did, I knew it. Um, and maybe that’s true, but the point is he got the credit for it and he’s the founder of General Electric. He said the doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame diet and the cause of disease and the cause and prevention of disease. The doctor of the future will give no medication will interest his patients in the care of the human frame diet and in the cause of prevention of disease. Can you talk to me about why it’s so important that we are just obsessed today about what we are eating and disease prevention as opposed to taking pills to react to our poor eating standards and living and just, you know, what, why is it so important to be proactive and preventative?

Well, it’s cheaper for one. Um, so, you know, it’s, it’s much better to pay for healthy foods and exercise and moving than it is to go to the doctor and have a heart attack and pay for that. So it’s going to save some people and we’ll, uh, some, some, a lot of money in the long run as number one. But number two is, you know, you’re just gonna feel better. You’re going to enjoy life more. You’re going to be able to do things better. You’re gonna feel better about your body. Um, so if we take care of these things and really focus on the quality of food, the quantity of food, um, and moving our body like we’ve talked about, you’re going to have a better quality of life, you know, so, um, one of the most important things to get kind of down to this mindfulness thing we tell our clients to eat until about 80 percent full, you know, so like, well, what does that mean? Well, it basically means you’re still going to be just a little bit hungry when you finish eating and one of the best ways to start doing this is fill up your plate, like you usually would, and then take off about 20 percent of it and either leave it on your plate or just set that aside, right? So fill up your plate, take about 20 percent off and eat that, and then start understanding and being mindful of how you’re feeling.

This is something that I think the listeners, maybe there’s somebody out there who can relate and the other people are going to say, you’re a sick freak, but this is, this is what’s going on. For me personally, when I go to sleep, I wait, I don’t really sleep, I just wait for the next morning. So I laid there. I think

it’s 10:00. It’s 10 slash 20. It’s 10:40. It’s 11. It’s 1120. It’s 1140. It’s 12.

It’s 1220. It’s 1240 crap. It’s why I do this and so I, I literally, I’ll just wait. Then at some point I don’t remember waiting and then I wake up and. But then when I wake up I go, I’ve got to eat something right now because I can get sleep so well I ended up doing. Brett is either a eating the meal of the night or be not sleeping. So for somebody out there who says, listen buddy, I have to eat the meal the night or I have to sleep is there. It is. Do you, is there any healthy supplement you recommend? Do you recommend Melatonin? Do you recommend a, just an drinking insane amounts of red bull intermittently throughout the night? What are your tips out there for curing insomnia?

Um, well there’s all bunch of stuff about sleep hygiene that we’ll get into. But magnesium is going to be a good goto supplement for people who are having issues with sleeping and specifically a key liquid form of magnesium. So most magnesium’s out there, you’re going to see magnesium oxide on the ingredient list. That one is very good if you’re having a. How do we put this? Lightly? Bowel issues, but not so good if you’re trying to get some sleep. So you key landed forms of magnesium, which basically means you got a magnesium with something after. So magnesium glycinate, magnesium citrate. So you want something after that other than oxide.

Okay? Now here’s some tips out there for mindful eating mindfully. For our listeners out there, one, you want to try to set your kitchen timer to 20 minutes and take that time to eat a normal meal. You want to eat for 20 minutes? Why do you want to eat for 20 minutes? Why can’t we eat in two minutes?

Well, most people do a two minutes and that’s what caused the issue. Number One, we don’t digest the food well enough, so digestion starts in the mouth, and this is especially true for carbohydrates. Carbohydrate breakdown starts in the mouth, but if you don’t chew your food properly, so you want to chew about a chew each bite about 40 times, which if you start counting them times, you chew, you probably get to 10 to 15 before you want to swallow your food because that’s what you’re used to. Um, so you want to make sure that you’re doing that to digest it, be mindful of it, and then slowed down the nervous system.

Okay? Now you also want to try to eat in a way where it’s, it’s you’re, you’re paying attention. You talked about that earlier, but paying attention to what you’re eating, you’re not watching TV at the same time. Why is it so important?

Same reason, just so we’re paying attention to what’s actually going into our mouth. We’re going to feel fuller sooner. So it takes about 20 minutes for your fullness responds to kick in. And so on. The opposite side of things. So when I was playing football, I had again about, let’s see, I went from about one side of gain, about 30 pounds in a suburb, right? So I had to put some weight on and the goal there is eat as much as you can, as fast as you can. So the fullness response doesn’t kick in and stop you. Well, for most people, it’s the opposite issue, right? We’re trying to lose weight, so it takes about 20 minutes for that fullness response to kick in so we don’t overeat. So that’s going to help you feel fuller. It’s going to help you eat less. It’s going to help you enjoy your food more, which ultimately leads to us eating less overall. Let’s get into this stuff. Food hygiene game. This whole food hygiene, a game that you seem to be

caught up in this, this, this idea of having a game plan for sleep. This whole manipulative, this what he does here, Marshall, comes on the show. It makes all of our listeners feel bad. And Brett, I’m tired of it. I’m tired of you teaching us the things we need to know. I’m tired of it, but we’ll move onto the next point here. Quit. Quit teaching us helpful things that make us feel bad. Bread, okay? Food Hygiene, or if we’re talking about sleep hygiene, talk to us about sleep hygiene,

so sleep hygiene, so sleep is so important to us and I think as we become adults and become high achievers, we think that we can cut this thing out and maybe some people can for a certain amount of time until it starts to catch up with them. Right? So like your kids, clay. So you got like 300 kids and 500 chickens and all that. So what happens if one of your child or children misses some sleep? Well, one, they start to act like a Gremlin. So you start to hear them and this is how they talk.

That’s intense man. It’s just weird. How’d you then their head turns into a Gremlin, shape. The next thing you know, you find them downstairs in the basement eating bats.

Yeah. So that’s what I have like, you know, are they turn it into extra sick child. That’s what happens. That’s what happens as adults too. We just don’t pay attention to it anymore. We think it’s okay to act like that. Um, and so, uh, there’s uh, an article on fortune and there, there’s a study that they’re quoting in there, it’s called the, the study is why sleep matters, the economic costs of insufficient sleep and it reported that a lack of sleep among the US workforce is costing approximately $411,000,000,000 and losing one point $2 million working days per year because those just from sleep. And so if you put that money back into the economy and you put that many days back into working day, all of a sudden we have a much more a profitable

give a society, right? I think people that don’t sleep, this is just my take on this. This is my take and it can be a harsh take. Marshall. The things that I’m saying that will come out of my mouth are very mindful, but they might offend a lot of people. This, Justin, I was talking to a man recently who is north of 40 and I’m not kidding, bread. He asks me the question. He says, what are your tips for shutting it off at night? And I said, well what are you doing when you’re trying to shut it off at night, quote unquote? And he says, I usually play video games, video games, games, have video until 2:00 AM trying to wind down and. Or I’ll watch TV til like I’ll watch netflix or TV until like four in the morning, two in the morning every night. But this guy is trying to get up at six. Having a TV in your room and playing video games or watching Netflix is not a move. Also, not a move. Keeping your phone on while you’re trying to sleep. This is real stuff, Brett. I see people that keep the phone by their head getting facebook updates all hours of the day, updated playing video games, watching Netflix. Why is it not a move to try to quote unquote wind down while playing video games? Watching Netflix or having your phone right by your cranium.

Yeah. This is most people, they think that the TV’s like a wind down thing and the problem is there’s the, it’s called blue light. I’m sure a lot of people have heard of this, but the blue light. So when you go out and you see the sun, it tells the human body, hey, it’s daytime, I need to be awake. Well that blue business conferences lights the same thing and so it activates your brain and so if you’re sitting there and you’re a, you don’t have a blue light blocker on of some sort, on your computer screen or on your tv or on your phone, then you’re constantly sending a signal, activating the brain. It’s a time I need to be awake, you know? So using that as a sleep aid seems counterintuitive.

It’s probably not a move. This justin from our Home Office off the left coast of the Arkansas River, the center of disease control reports that one in three adults can’t get enough sleep. They don’t get enough sleep. People are not getting enough sleep. So we, we, we, we say, you know what, I don’t like that statistic. I wanna I wanna I want to turn it around. I want to start sleeping better, but I don’t want to say too much and I don’t mean I don’t, I don’t want to be asleep Halach and had been bred. I see people like that too. I see people that are sort of like, uh, the job of the huts of sleeping, their sleep gluttons there’ll be sleeping, you know, not kidding. Adults I’ve run into or sleeping 11 hours a day, 12 hours a day there where they’re waking up at noon wearing yoga pants at whole foods and her hair’s all crazy looking at noon. They just woke up at noon after watching cartoons or sleeping until noon. Can you talk to us about how many hours of sleep do we need per day? What’s too much? What’s enough? Help us?

Yeah. So, uh, there’s been study after study after study for this and generally on seven to nine hours for the adult, about 26 to about 50 years old is what you want to hit now that’s going to vary person to person. There’s some people who have a genetic predisposition predisposition to having less sleep so some people can get by on less. Um, but what happens in our society is we always think that we’re the exception to the rule. And so like, Oh yeah, I’m in that percentage. And so what you want to do is you want to kind of start experimenting, right? So about two weeks, two weeks, where it’s, you know, seven hours of sleep, two weeks, where it’s six hours of sleep, two weeks where it’s eight hours sleep, and he just started paying attention to your ability to function during the day or productivity or emotional, a kind of response to things are you snapping at people, you feeling good about life, you know, and pay attention to that and figure out what your optimal level is.

But so Arianna Huffington, Arianna Huffington, who she wrote a book about sleep because this ended up being a major issue for her. She was a hard driver. She was always going and she’s the Co founder and editor in chief of the Huffington Post, but she believes that sleeping so important that she actually stepped down from her role at the Huffington post to start a company called thrive global. And our goal with that is to hopefully turn sleep and I’m emotional and physical wellbeing into the corporate world’s most celebrated productivity tool. This is how important it is to somebody at that level of success. Another person, Jeff Bezos, right? So everybody knows Jeff Bezos as founder of Amazon, uh, eight hours of sleep per night, and what Jeff Bezos said, um, is as any of us go through our lives, we don’t need to maximize the number of decisions we make per day. He said, we don’t need to maximize the number of decisions we make per day. Making a small number of key decisions well is more important than making a large number of decisions. If you shortchange your sleep, you might get a couple extra productive hours in quotes, but that productivity might be an illusion. This is from one of the most successful people ever to roam the earth.

That’s just, if you’re talking about finances or business. I mean, Marshall, if you even heard of this company, this startup company, Amazon, is it? Is it a startup? Some people aren’t using it, and that’s an irrelevant quote. Obviously. We move on, we move on, we move on. Don’t just throw your fancy startup people. We’ve never heard of that as their bread to make us feel fledgling company, probably not. Don’t give us justification by just naming off brand of billionaires, control the world and whatever bread. Okay. So sleep hygiene. So I think when you’re out there and you’re listening and you’re going, okay, okay, I gotta make this show actionable. I want to recap what we’ve talked about so far. Okay. One, you gotta move all day long. Every hour. Just move around for five minutes, move around every hour, move around for five minutes. I’m at the office. I try not to ever sit at all.

I freaking hate sitting because it’s just my. I get paid to see it. You know, I get paid to sit, my job is to sit most of the time and I hate it. So I’d have to move around all day. I’m moving. Number two, don’t sit all day and then they get up there and try to sprint or do some intense activity when you haven’t warmed up. So as you’re ending your day, maybe go for a walk and then go work out or you know, do a warmup, that kind of thing. Step three, eat mindfully. Okay? Think about what you’re eating. Make sure you’re eating, you know, think about it. Make sure intentional watch TV while you’re eating a. don’t make it a competition to see who can eat the fastest. By the way, that’s going to cut down my entire career as a world champion hot dog eater that I was aspiring to enter into martial arts.

Those are, there’s there are those competitive eating competitions. Yeah. Typically we’re an Asian man. Will Win, right? I thought about it as a goal for next year was I want to win that. You want to win that? Well now I’m going to take it off because that’s probably not a good move. Well, it’s not a life success. Tip Point number four, practice good. Sleep hygiene, no TV baby, no TV, no video games, no smartphones. As you’re winding down, that’s not a business conferences move. That’s not a move. And then how do you know if you’re not getting enough sleep? How do you know? Well, okay, um, one is if you’re very emotional all the time, Brett, I’m sure you’ve seen your clients that will come into a work workout looking like they haven’t been to sleep, but to have the discipline to show up, but not the discipline to go to bed previous to showing up. You know, it’s like they were out all night, binge drinking and running around with glow sticks and then they show up at your gym to work out. Why is it not helpful if you work out, but you don’t eat well?

Well, if you don’t eat well, you don’t sleep well and you kind of and work. These are all stressors to the body, so working out, although it may be good for you, if you’re not sleeping well, you’re not recovering well. If you’re not eating well, you’re not recovering well, and so you could come. You just beat your body up all the time. You’re just putting yourself through the meat grinder over and over and over again, which ends up overstretching your body and it ends up giving you the opposite effect on your health than you’re looking for a

arsenal. I don’t know that we want all one run through the meat grinder of life after hearing this doesn’t sound comfortable. You’re going to take that coat off. The emotional has a quote on the wall. You put their bread. It says everyday running through the meat grinder. I actually keep it on my computer screen as a nightlight, but while I’m trying to go to bed no longer take that quote down there, Marshall. Okay. So tell us about, uh, uh, you, you have kind of a story here. You have, you’ve worked with a lot of clients, Brett, a lot of people who are parents with newborns. Can you talk to us about some of the stories about how you’ve been able to help some of your clients getting great shape in great health as a result of eating right? Sleeping right. Becoming mindful to give us some. Give us some encouraging stories.

Yeah. So one of the biggest things, and you kind of mentioned parents of newborns, so you know, we get a lot of women who have had their babies, they’re ready to get back into shape and they’re ready to start rolling again. Well, number one, we don’t want to throw them into a forging elite fitness right after they got done having a baby, right? So this whole thing of these movie stars or get back into shape and three months after having their baby is not a realistic thing for most people. And so just like everybody, we ease everybody in, right? So we ease them into exercise, we get them walking again and we get them doing movements that are going to get them strong and a very basic approach. And then sleeping with newborns is not the easiest thing either. Right? So you’re, you’re getting up, you’re feeding these kids and so when you sleep you have to get really good deep sleep.

And so the quality of sleep is just important as the quantity. So if you’re getting seven to nine hours of in bed time, but only about four that are quality that we still have an issue. Right? And so we got to look at quality of sleep and that comes down to what are you doing to get ready for bed, you know, do you need some supplements? Are you low in things like magnesium, which about 60 percent of the population is low in magnesium, so do you need to be supplementing with something? Are you able to turn your brain off? Are you getting the blue light out of your life at night? Those types of things. So when we start looking at those things with these people, have all the sudden they start getting a better quality of sleep and now with a newborn, you know you’re waking up every two to three hours. So as close as possible, we want to hit your sleep cycles and your sleep, sleep or those are, we’re getting up at those times. And so we just start to look at all these things to make sure that somebody is taking a balanced approach to their health and fitness so that then during the day were feeling better and why hectic and frantic and emotionally charged all day long

thrive nation. If you’re out there today and you’re saying to yourself, you know what, I probably need to talk to a guy like Brett Brett. My understanding is you can kind of counsel, coach, uh, help our listeners optimize, kind of like life coach meets, um, health fitness person guy, you know, when you can do that remotely for people all over the world. You’ve been doing that for a long time. Can you tell us about how you can help some of our listeners out there that maybe need some one on one coaching from a work life balance mentors such as yourself? Yeah. Basically what I do is I try to optimize people’s happiness, decrease their stress through the physical body and through a mental tools and time management techniques. And so the way that we do that, we’ll just start very basically we start with a simple consultation getting can be over the phone like it is with most people.

And then we go from there. It’s very customized approach based on their individual lifestyle and what they’re looking for. Um, and all to all we need to do set that consultation up is you can just give me a text at two zero, eight, nine, nine, one, six, five, three, seven, two, zero, eight, nine, nine. One, six, five, three, seven, and then if I do a consultation with you, if somebody out there does a consultation with you, how many, how much money is it going to set somebody back? I mean a lot of people are saying, listen, I don’t want to die prematurely, but I don’t want it to cost more. I mean if I could, if I could, if I could not die prematurely and I could do it for less than a certain amount, it might be worth it to me, you know, and, and, and so, but somebody says, listen, if this guy can help me not die prematurely, but it’s more than a certain number. I don’t care because I would rather have my extra money with me in my confident and take it with me. That’s a, that’s, that’s a thing. I mean, so Brent, how much does it cost for a to work with you? What, what kind of ballpark are we talking about? So I started

a thousand dollars and we go up from there to basing on, you know, depending on the complexity of the individual. So essentially we’re about the same or less than a, a personal trainer, but you’re going to get a total lifestyle transformation versus just a body transformation.

Now I’ve heard you say that fitness is two thirds what you eat. So hypothetically, if I just reached out to you and I started eating better and sleeping better, two thirds of the battle isn’t even related to working out itself, so I could essentially when two thirds of the battle and then go to like a big box gym and pay like 30 bucks a month, you know, and getting immediate, can you tell, is it accurate? Is, is, is eating and sleep two thirds of the fitness battle.

The game is, it’s about a 100 percent nutrition because you can’t outwork in nutrition. And so it doesn’t matter what we do, unless you’re a professional athlete and you’re working out eight hours a day, um, you’re not going to work that bad nutrition. So it starts with nutrition. It starts with business conferences mindset. It starts with proper sleep, proper recovery, you know, the exercise is an important piece of it. Uh, but as we talked about today, moving throughout the day as much more important piece. So there are so many of these moves that we can do that don’t involve ever stepping foot in a gym.

Okay. So if you’re out there today and you’re saying to yourself, listen, I now know that I need to move all day long. I need to, uh, you know, not just have these aggressive, ridiculous, short term sprint workouts and you’d have more of a sustainable workout, you know, understand that we gotta eat more mindfully. We got on, we now understand that we gotta practice good sleep hygiene, but you need a little bit of help. Brent, one more time. How can people get Ahold of you?

Yeah, just shoot me a quick text telling me that you’re interested in a performance coaching. And my phone number again is two zero, eight, nine, nine, one, six, five, three, seven.

Brett are, you are a great American despite the fact that you’re a horrible, wretched team of ill repute up there in Boise. Did beat Oklahoma. India was, what was it? The Ford Festiva bubble was that minor? Bold. And Oh, the Tostinos? Yes, the boy. I thought I thought it was the I. Okay. I, I try to block it out, Marshall to black it out, but despite being a completely horrible person that beat our great, great team with your team of ill repute, we thank you for being on the show and may you and your smurf turf. Have a great day. I appreciate it. Thanks. Bye. Alright. Hey Brent, we always want to end with a three to one, uh, one. Uh, so are you ready for that? Ready? I’m ready. Okay. Marsha, you ready? I’m ready. Andrew, you ready? Oh yeah. Jason, are you ready? Here we go. Three, two, one. Boom.


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