Q&A Session from the Business Conferences
Clay: What we’re going to do, is we’re going to answer all the questions on the board from some of the business conferences guests. Wes is going to answer some, I’m going to answer some and then you can ask him anything.
Clay: Normally, a good attorney charges $300 an hour plus, and he’s here and it’s free. Any legal questions, you have at all you can be writing them down, thinking about them. I need Robert to be reading questions. Then I think I’m… pass the mics down. This mic here, I think, is the mic of great distance. By the way, didn’t Robert do a great job? Let’s hear it for Robert. Yeah, Robert! Robert’s going to let people… Are you giving people rides in your Porsche later today? Is that we’re doing?
Robert: Possibly.
Clay: Possibly?
Robert: Yeah.
Clay: Okay, he said possibly. Okay, Robert, let’s read through the first question, please.
As a one-man business, how soon before needing a second person? Should I start the group interview?
Clay: Yes. Who asked that question? Yeah. Start the interview before you need people. If you like them, put them on your A list and then hire when ready. You want to make the revenue dictate it and not the emotions. I feel like as a one-man person, you’ll always feel like you need to hire one more person. The co-laws can tell you guys do a great job managing payroll. Employee costs tend to always go up. They’re always… people always say they need more help. You might want to go to QuikTrip and check out that gas station, and just see how busy those people are because they always say they’re understaffed over there, but they are very profitable. It’s very fast, good service. You’d want to make sure that you are bringing in enough revenue where it doesn’t put you in the homeless shelter to afford them. Does that make sense? Then Wes, when you hire your first employee, what legal funk do we need to fill out?
Wes: Well, that’s a good question because not just from the revenue standpoint, but as soon as you get employees on staff, now you have to have probably outsourcing payroll through an ADB paychecks, that kind of stuff because you’re going to have withholding. You got to start making payments probably on a quarterly basis to the IRS, workers compensation. You’re going to open up a Pandora’s box of other issues. You can’t really dip your toe in the water once you get employees. You really have to do it correctly and set all of the processes up from the very beginning. One comment here, there’s a temptation sometimes to call them independent contractors and just pay them on a $10.99 instead of an employee that would get a W2. Contractors, you’re not taking any taxes out, it seems much simpler. 90% of the time, those workers should be employees.
Clay: Yeah.
Clay: What will happen is… and just through the steps, just as if you hire somebody, if you hire your first person, what you want to do is print out a list on an 8.5 by 11 sheet of paper of what you expect them to do. Don’t have to make it super formal and Legal, just so the expectations are clear. Then you want to make sure they never go over 40 hours a week because of all the laws there. You’re going to want to make sure that they fill out all the paperwork, you got your W2, you got your I9.
Clay: Wes can give you a list, or we can give you a list for free. What you do is when you hire somebody, you now are in a world where all of a sudden, there’s a lot of litigious things. Like workman’s comp, you think you’re paying $10 an hour for an employee, but after taxes and insurance. I mean, Amber, what do you think? If you’re paying someone $10 an hour, doesn’t it end up being like $14 an hour? Andrew, if you do the math, 14 times 4.3… There are 4.3 weeks in a month, not 4, 4.3. It’s very important for accounting, you know that, 4.3 weeks in a month. 4.3 times 14 times 10, as we… it’s like $14 an hour, so 14 times 4.3 times 40. 14 times 4.3.
Clay: Okay, do it again. I’m sorry, Andrew. 14 times 4.3 times 40. That’s what your cost to hire someone for $10 an hour. That make sense? You be very careful because you think it’s $10 an hour, so you’re like, man, it’s only $1600 a month, but it’s not because it’s 4.3 weeks in a month, not four. You got to factor in those… Who’s discovered that it’s more than $10 an hour to pay someone $10 an hour? Shonda. Bernie Sanders. Back to you, Robert.
Should I still hold the group interview, even if I’m not hiring for that position?
Clay: Absolutely. Wes, you manage a team of people almost the size of our business conferences. Just so we know, Winters & King is a big firm. It’s Winters & King. Wes is not a Winters, he’s not a King, and I’ve been petitioning, not verbally just passively aggressively, for it to be Winners, King, and Wesley Carter. Wesley Carter, I want to put that on a sign. Wes, you’re a partner now?
Wes: Yes.
Clay: You’ve been there how long?
Wes: 12 years.
Clay: You now manage the staff, am I correct? You manage…
Wes: Yes.
Clay: How often do you need a new team member, whether because someone had a baby, someone’s moving on, somebody’s retiring? Is it once a year, once every couple of months?
Wes: It’s probably once every couple of months, but I think the trick is that a lot of times, you get surprised. You don’t know that they’re… you’re going to need them until they walk in your office and tell you they’re not coming back.
Clay: Usually the rest of your staff knows first.
Wes: Yes.
Clay: I say usually every time. I’m having coffee and someone’s like, “Man, it is unfortunate. They’re moving on.” I go, “Who? Who?” Like an owl. Hoo. They go, “This person’s moving on.” You go, “Okay.” I always think, who’s going with them? It’s usually a three pack. We three have decided to team up to do this. Aaron, can I get a witness? Shonda. It happens. It’s really important you never stop recruiting because Winters & King, they have a very high standard. You can’t just put in any rando off the street in that office. I mean, don’t you have a hot list of people that you would love to hire whenever you have a shot?
Wes: Yeah, we have to keep a queue of people because I mean, not just quitting or if someone wants to go be a stay at home mom, or I had one this year that the… one of my employees decided to join the National Guard, so they’re gone. You have to hold that job open under a lot of circumstances, so you have to fill that job on a temporary basis. There’s just all kinds of scenarios where this comes up.
Clay: What will happen is, if you think about this, again, think about… again, I know some of you hate the Patriots, but just move on for a second. Just recognize how correct I am in this and how wrong your team is. Okay. Think about this. The Patriots, Bill Belichick has always… has a hot list of players he wants in the event that someone gets hurt. They just signed this Asian kicker this morning, who I’ve never heard of, but apparently, he’s great. It’s because our all pro kicker got hurt. If you watch him, this year they have three of their linemen that are out and they don’t even care. Three starting linemen, all pro linemen are gone and they just keep winning. It’s because he’s always recruiting before he needs to.
Clay: On the Cowboys, and again, I grew up as a Cowboys fan, what do we do? We beg players to put… we beg them to come back and play. They already have a contract, but we have to beg them, “Please come back,” and they hold out. We want them to come back. We are held hostage. Every year, we’re like, “I just needed Ezekiel Elliot to come back. If he does, but if he gets hurt, we’re screwed. On the Patriots, it’s more like, “We’re never done recruiting. We don’t care who you are.” You can decide if you want to be a proactive company or reactive. I would never stop recruiting, even if you’re a one-man band. Back to you, Robert.
Should you promote from within, or hire from an outside source, for a manager?
Clay: I would always promote from within, but I would like for Wes to explain why they made you a partner and how long it took to become a partner.
Wes: Well, I mean, when you’re promoting from within, or you’re trying to climb up the ladder yourself, I mean, it really is always going to come back down to productivity. Can they rely on you? Do they think you’re loyal? Man, we’re all working on the bottom line, so the productivity portion of it. I do agree that you should promote from within as much as possible, with the caveat that-
Clay: True.
Wes: … don’t put some that’s not ready for that position, just to promote from within.
Clay: True. You wouldn’t want to promote someone to the level of incompetency because once you do that, then it causes resentment when they have to go back down. We had somebody… I try to think of examples far in the past so it’s… you can’t guess. Years ago… I’ll tell you what, I’ve done a DJ business. Okay, here we go. One of the DJ’s was an awesome disc jockey. This is… to be an awesome DJ, this is what that means, is he’s said, “Ladies and gentlemen, coming up in just a moment, we have the beautiful bride and the handsome groom will be coming in for the grand entrance. It is incumbent upon me as the DJ to take the party from a level five to a level 10 because the bride has sent me an email which I will read to you guys before they arrive. “Dear DJ, don’t make my wedding terrible or I’ll probably cry and my life will be ruined.”
Clay: That’s a pretty heavy letter. Just kidding, folks. We got to be excited when the bride comes in. Let’s go ahead and practice. We’re going to have the bride the groom coming in just a minute. Go ahead and make some noise. Let’s hear it for the bride and the groom,” and people get excited. You got to hype the crowd up. Then when the bride comes in, “Ladies and gentlemen, let’s hear it for Mr. and Mrs. Smith!” Everyone’s like, “Wow!” The bride says, “You’re awesome.” You’re like a hype man. Your job is to hype it up. Hype it up. Then that guy said, “I want to become a manager,” and I’m like, “Okay, cool.” Well, he’s in the office telling our sales guys, “You got to pump it up! You got to pump it…” and they’re like, “We don’t know what to say on the phone.” “You got to… you just got to want it. You got to be it. We got to believe it, and we got to…”
Clay: Stop quoting things that rhyme and give me a script. “I don’t know where the script is, but I’m passionate. You guys want a Red Bull? I’ve had a Red Bull.” You don’t want the wrong person in the wrong… Does that make sense though? Now, the guy ended up finding to be a great manager. If I ever asked him to DJ, you would be bored because it would be, “Ladies and gentlemen, the bride and the groom are…” He’s a very measured man. Never gets up, never gets down. We get the right person in the right seat. Does that make sense? The right person in the right seat. Back to you, Robert.
Why should I track my numbers if QuickBooks already generate reports for me?
Clay: Because nobody looks at QuickBooks. QuickBooks should be renamed QuickBrokes because what happens is, is QuickBooks… Who’s ever looked at QuickBooks and seen that you have this much money in the bank, and then discovered you have this much money in the bank? You saw you had this much. Now you have this much. Who’s ever had that QuickBooks epiphany? No. Okay.
Clay: Every one of my clients ever, except for the ones who already came to me as a very solid grown big business, through… so, I do as I say, go ahead and get out a Excel sheet and type in all your expenses and all your income for the last 90 days. Usually they say, “I don’t want to do it. I don’t want to do it.” Okay, do 30 days, and every time… Aaron what happens every time when we ask someone to enter in their income and expenses? You’ve been around the game. You’ve seen entrepreneurs. What happens every time?
Aaron: They don’t have the right information.
Clay: They start to go, “I thought I had this much money, but I have that much money. I don’t understand. QuickBooks said this.” I would say, garbage in, garbage out when doing coding and programming. Then Wes, what happens when a client comes to you and wants to file bankruptcy? How does that go over?
Wes: What do you mean? From a QuickBooks standpoint?
Clay: When somebody gets to a place where they realize they don’t have any money left and they can’t pay debtors, what happens?
Wes: Oh. Well, they’re broken and sad, and they’re… feel guilty and shame for not be able to pay their debts. I have to talk them off the ledge and explain how we’re going to get through this.
Clay: Cosmetic surgeon as recently as two years ago, I was working with the said person, and we’re in the middle… this was three years back. I was working with the guy, and his card swiped… He was paying me, got declined. No big deal. Might be a different card, could be card fraud. Called him, “Hey Doc, card got declined. What’s up?” He says, “I don’t know. It should be good.” I’m like, “Well, it’s not good.” We look at it. We thought… we talked about it. We think QuickBooks says this, QuickBooks says that. He had almost a million dollars of accounts receivable owed to him, but the front desk person just didn’t follow up. He never followed up with her. She never followed up with him, and it just was drifting around. Andrew, are you not dealing with this right now?
Andrew: The exact same thing.
Clay: The exact same thing, and how much was this guy owed your guy?
Andrew: Only 750,000.
Clay: Yeah. What happens is, but QuickBooks is saying you’re on fire. You’re feeling the flow. You feel good, but you’re not. Does that make sense to you guys? I would say a lot of it would be like, there’s some people that look healthy, but then when they have a physical, they’re not healthy inside, but they look healthy. I don’t know. There’s this… you want to just make sure you know the numbers. My wife always takes the bank statement and looks at the actual money in the actual bank. It’s always different than what we think it’s going to be, and it’s never positive. Every Friday, I get pissed because she tells me numbers every week, and I’m like, how is this possible? Then she’ll say, “Well, there’s a credit card fee or a chargeback.” There’s always stairs. Do you see this every time? Every time.
Male: Yes, sir.
Clay: I mean, Robert, you see this every time? Robert, is it every time?
Robert: It’s every time.
Clay: Every time, every time. Just, so be careful of… you just want to enter it into a spreadsheet, income and expenses. Next question.
Do 360 tours of your business help to market or are they a waste of money?
Clay: They help you grow your business. They do help you rank higher in Google. If you click on Thrivetime Show and jenks or Thrivetime Show business conferences you can see our 360 tour. Then you need to buy the thing called the Ricoh… not Suave, but Ricoh Theta camera which is approved by Google, and it does a 360 tour of the building, if you click on the map. You just film it all yourself with the Ricoh Theta camera, it’s 300 bucks and then you give us the footage. The members of our team who are Google certified… where’s Devon at? Did he leave? Oh. Devon! And Devon you stitch those things together, don’t you?
Devon: Oh yeah.
Clay: Come on up here, Devon, you beautiful man. You stitcher of… Oh look at Devon. Oh yeah, yeah. Woo! Now, let me tell you how God made Devon. He stitched together two parts beauty, four parts humble, six parts kind. How long have you been here, Devon?
Devon: Five years.
Clay: Five years. Let’s hear it for Devon. Five years. Devon, tell us how you put these together. Tell us how you put them together.
Devon: Very carefully. The camera actually does most of the work as far as taking the pictures and making them all panoramic, and all that stuff. It takes many hours to set it up so that you can walk around the actual space. Thank you.
Clay: Let’s hear it for Devon, folks. Let’s hear it for Devon, yeah. What we find… How many of you looked at the 360 map before buying a ticket or coming here? Did anybody do that? Did anybody do that? We got a few. Okay. What happens is, is a lot of people tell us, “Before I’m thinking about coming to Tulsa…” How many of you Googled the building or the area, or anything before coming? Anybody do that? Yeah, people are like, “Tulsa, is that a sod farm? Are we going to… Is this a sod farm? Are you taking me to a sod farm?” We thought about moving into Des Moines, though. I’m just kidding. All right, let’s go on.
Robert: Alright, Clay. We’ve got actually a few questions about invoicing.
Clay: Okay.
How do I switch clients from invoicing to auto-pay or upfront payment? The bigger question is how to stop invoicing.
Clay: Well, Wes’ this firm doesn’t deal with the kind of people that won’t pay, is my… how you do it. You send me an invoice. Okay, so you invoiced me for services. Was it once a month?
Wes: Yes.
Clay: Can it be free next month?
Wes: Well…
Clay: I’m just kidding.
Wes: Very small chance.
Clay: Now, he’ll send me a bill and it’s every month, and I always go, “Whoa.” I love Wes. He’s great. He saves me hundreds and hundreds of thousands, but I’m just saying, if you get a bill, and Wes just won’t work with you if you’re the kind of person that won’t pay bills. That’s his… Do you agree, you don’t deal with people you don’t like?
Wes: Just stop taking their calls.
Clay: Yeah, so that’s what he does. Now, he is in a lot… Your guys are invoicing huge amounts to huge organizations. For his practice, they’re to a point where they’re telling people “No” all the time. It’s very different. If you’re a plumber, a doctor, a dentist, a IT service, whatever, you would just tell them, “Hey, starting December 1st, so that we could offer consistently great staffing and et cetera, we’re just going to be charging on the first of the month via debit card or credit card.”
Clay: Or if you’re a plumber, you show up in the house and you say, “Mr. Smith, it’s going to be $206 to fix your toilet and your sink. Do you want to debit card or credit card?” If they say, “Can you invoice me?” You say, “Nope, but we do debit card or credit card.” Then the cool thing about a credit card is they can pay it 30 days later. You know what I mean? But you got to get comfortable with that conversation. That’s how you do it. Does that answer the question? It’s like a… not good. Moving on. Back to you, Robert.
Robert: Okay, another question on invoicing. Does not invoicing always work-
Clay: Yes.
Robert: … for everyone?
Clay: Yes. Yeah, it does. Now, the reason why people don’t want to invoice is they say, “Well, I’m the only plumber in town that wouldn’t invoice.” When we go back… Andrew, we got the stats. Again, in America today you’ve got 9% of the population starts a business every year. Only 10% of that 9% don’t fail. You have a point .009% chance of success. It’s best not to ask your peers. Just ask people who are making a lot of money, who are successful. Ask them how to do it. Charles, if you invoiced for fitness, how would that go?
Clay: There we go. Oh, hey…
Wes: Well, let me… well, you can… sometimes in the service industry, you’ll get a little pushback. “Hey, I don’t want to pay you right now until you do the job.” You can steal a move from lawyers. Sometimes what we do is we ask for a retainer up front. We hold the money and then we’ll bill against it. I mean, that’s another move you can do if you’re in that kind of an industry where that’s acceptable. You have the money. You just pay yourself after you earn it. That’s another move you can use if you… if it’s not possible to get money up front.
Clay: When my wife and I are in the process of buying something, and when you buy it you can pick an earnest payment to reserve the thing, earns… You just can’t get in a spot where you’re a builder, and you’re building everything. You’re out all the costs of materials, all the supplies. Then how many of you have ever done that? You’re building, you do something, you do a lot of work and then you’re chasing that check for 60 days. Who’s had this happen? It’s just not worth it. It happens all the time to all of you. You just cannot believe people. If they absolutely cannot afford it, you can do third-party financing and SunTrust does… SunTrust is a great company. You can do SunTrust, home renovation, and you type that in. You can see them. It’s a third-party credit service. Who’s been to Mathis Brothers? Hahn Appliance? A car dealership? They’re all third-party financing. You’re not getting financing through Mathis Brothers or through Hahn Appliance. Do you have a question, Kevin?
Clay: Yeah, you’re… I would just recommend you pass it on to the customer. The company that we use… Can you go to thrivetimeshow.com/credit-card? We use a dude by the name of Tyler, who was introduced to me… I’ve used every credit card processor for years, different ones and I just kept having a problem where I felt like they were gouging me. I sat down with Tyler and I said, “For Elephant in the Room, I use this processor. For Making Life Epic, I use this processor. I want you…” Did you find it? It should be a credit card. I think it’s credit-card, like one word. Let’s see if I got it… Credit card. Try that.
Wes: Agree, pass the cost on to your client, but one caveat. Many states won’t allow you to charge a credit card surcharge were you, “I’m going to add 3% if you don’t pay cash or if you use a card.” You have to add it in to your pricing, not as a surcharge because many states, including Oklahoma, you can’t charge them a surcharge for using a credit card.
Clay: Here we go. Let’s try it again here. We’re going to get it… come on. Here we go. Hey, Devon. You might want to write it… let’s put a permalink so, no matter what you type in, we can find it. You know what I mean, like a cards in card? Are you finding it there? Come on. We want it. We need it. We got to have it. Geez. It takes my joy away. Andrew, all of you and Devon work on this. We’ll find it and we’ll come back. Okay. Back to you, Robert.
When you have multiple businesses, how do you know which one to focus on to grow now?
Clay: I’m going to quote your dad, “Be fruitful, then multiply.”
Robert: Which, he’s quoting God, by the way. Genesis 1:28.
Wes: Just to throw that out there.
Robert: He’s a wise guy, but I got to give credit where credit’s due.
Clay: Quit taking your dad’s quote thunder away.
Robert: Well, I’m afraid that thunder’s going to come down on me from God.
Clay: Work with me on this, though. The reason why Elephant in the Room is successful is when we started Elephant in the Room, the Men’s Grooming Lounge. I was prepared, my wife and I were prepared to lose $5,000 every week for five years. That was my commitment level. It was like, we’ll lose… I don’t care how long it takes. I’m prepared to lose five grand a week every week for five… and we only lost $2,500 a week every week for three years because you got to like get to 650 members to break even. I mean, now it does well, but it’s… Tesla took 10 years to become profitable. 10, 10. FedEx to 13 years. FedEx, Fred Smith. ESPN, they won’t… the guy who founded ESPN, Rasmussen, claims it was 12 years. Another guy who was in charge says it was 11, but you know what I’m saying.
Clay: I mean, they take a long time. Facebook lost $3.63 million in their first three years. Google lost over $4 million in their first three years. It’s crazy. I mean, think about that. You got to make sure you’re well-funded in terms of your commitment level. You might need a separate job like Applebee’s, Target and DirecTV. Those ones are always hiring because no one wants those jobs. You might own a business and you’re like, “By the way, I also work at Applebee’s. See me there on Friday nights.” You know what I mean? I’m a contractor guy, but you can see me at Applebee’s on Friday and Saturday. I’m appearing live in concert. I’ll be there to get you what you want. That’s how you do it.
Clay: Then if you look here, this is the… if you guys go here, it’s thrivetimeshow.com/credit-card, and this is the number, 902-402-6766. I made him sit down with me for hours and compare his rates versus Heartland and First Data. The way it works is, the credit… Who here has a credit card guy? They make a small percentage of what you make on every deal. If I’m a credit card guy, I might make .25%. I might make a quarter of a percent per transaction, but you understand, they can set their own commission as high as half a point, three quarters of a point. Most of them will set it high.
Clay: Then only when you ask them to compare will they actually be transparent about how much they’re making, I don’t have a problem about, with a guy making a ton of money because he makes a lot of money now, but I was able to cut my credit card fees almost in half, just by switching to Tyler and comparing. Then the other company, it was Elephant. We didn’t switch to Tyler. We stuck with the other company, but they lowered their prices almost in half after comparing with Tyler.
Clay: I would recommend you would call that guy and set up a meeting, and just see how much you can save. He works with a lot of our companies. I think Papa Gallos, the pizza place, he just saved him $1,200 dollars a month every month. It’s just… because he’s more long ball, long term. He wants help you save money and then keep you forever as opposed to trying to gouge you and make it all right now. That’s my guy. Next business conferences question.
How do you mystery shop a non-brick and mortar business?
Clay: Wes, you’re an attorney.
Wes: I am.
Clay: We have to call your phone to schedule an appointment. Is that correct?
Wes: That is correct.
Clay: We call your assistant, right?
Wes: Yes.
Clay: You told me not to give out your cell phone number.
Wes: I repeatedly have asked you, yes.
Clay: I think it was like three years in a row that you said, “Brother…” It was really nice, too. It was Joel Osteen’s on the phone. He’s like, “Brother, you need to just not give out my cell phone because I got my wife, and she’s great, and a kid, a family, and I just… If you call my secretary…” I’m like, “Sure.” Then people are like, “Hey, who’s your attorney?” I’m like, “Let me give you his number.” Then Wes is like, “Thanks for the referral. I really appreciate that, but I need you to not give out my phone number.” I’m like, “Oh yeah. Oh yes.” This happened for three years.
Clay: Eventually, my wife’s like, “Apparently, he doesn’t want to give you… want you to give out his cell phone.” I’m going, “Oh my… Yeah he’s been saying that for like three years.” Vanessa was like, “Stop it.” I’m like, “Okay, I’ll stop.” Anyway, so I don’t give out his cell phone number anymore, but you have a tight rein on your team. You know what’s going on there, but in a lot of small businesses we don’t. What I would recommend you would do is one, have somebody who you like, like your aunt or your cousin, put them on payroll for 25 bucks a week, and just say, “I need you to call my business twice a week and see how we’re doing.”
Clay: Just pay them 25 bucks a week and have them call every week, and pretend to be a customer. That’s a great way to mystery shop. Then if you have employees that are working on job sites, have them take video footage or take photos of the job site before they leave. That’s what my pool guy did. Awesome. Every day the guy has left with a perfect job site. Always took photos. Andrew, you’ve seen the other contractors. Some guys like to leave bottles of pop and beer, and Cheetos. You’ve seen that.
Andrew: Yes, I have.
Clay: My pool guy doesn’t, because my pool guy insists you take photos of the job site. Then he also has KPIs or key performance indicators. He knows what he expects you to do. Like with the pool like mine, he says, this thing should be done this many days, and so every day, you should make this much progress. You have to send him photos every day. Then he randomly shows up at job sites. That’s how you do it.
Wes: I’ve had, too, just because you have a brick and mortar, don’t mystery shop over the phone. If you call my firm, we call our own firm sometimes. Are they having… are they nice on the phone? How did they sound on the phone? Am I going to voicemail in the middle of day, which is a huge problem because the receptionist can’t get on and off quick enough. Just because it’s a brick and mortar, don’t leave out all the other ways that your customers might be contacting you.
Clay: Then put GPS devices in the bottom of all work trucks because you’ll find the number one place the employees won’t go is to work. Andrew… Aaron, have you seen this?
Aaron: Yeah.
Clay: Now, I worked with a pharmaceutical sales company about five years ago, and we… they were really fighting me on GPS and I said, “Just put it on them.” They’re like, “Well, we don’t want to blindside the guys.” I’m like, “They’re your trucks. You own them.” I said, “Let’s put it on them. Don’t tell them, and then we’re going to tell them in the meeting. Starting next month, we’ll be putting them on. Be ready, and then we’ll just see where they’re going.” Hooters, Outback, Hooters, night trips, Hooters, Outback, night trips, Hooters, Hooters, Hooters, Hooters, night trips, Hooters, Outback. Never to a doctor’s office, for multiple people. Three out of the four guys were just disasters of people.
Clay: Then we pulled them aside, said, “Guys, we got the little GPS. You can see here where you went this month. Where’s that? What doctor is there?” “There must be a malfunction.” Always put GPS. Is that right, Aaron? Shaw Homes and we get tons of work trucks, you got to put the GPS in there, right?
Clay: There we go. You just got to track everything. Back to you, Robert.
What is speech-based marketing?
Clay: That would be like, Wes, you get asked to speak. I asked you to speak today. Okay. Wes, could you explain what your legal relationship is with Charles Kola?
Wes: Yeah, he’s a client of mine.
Clay: Okay. Charles, could you please explain your legal relationship between you and me?
Charles: You were my [associate 00:28:32]
Clay: Okay, so I worked with Charles… Did I… Charles, I think it took me about four months to maybe win over Amber. Maybe four. I think it took you about a year. Maybe just today. Today? No, not today. Maybe next week. Charles has been screwed by so many personal trainers who, they start taking clients on the side and saying, “Hey, I know you have to pay Charles, but if you do it on the side, I’ll do it for half price.” Has that not happened a lot? Once you get to a place where someone can trust you, Charles is like, “Who do you recommend?” That kind of thing. I recommend Wes, but Wes is here today to educate you guys. Also, he’s not interested in dealing with crazy people. He wants to deal with actual viable businesses. That’s why he’s here. Wes, can you explain the rationale between why you would take an hour of your day to come here when you could typically be hitting a golf ball?
Wes: It’s twofold. One, I enjoy talking to you and educating you on answering questions. Then two, is that some of these times, I’ve come to speak and I’ll meet someone, and we develop a relationship. It’s a good fit, and I can earn some new business.
Clay: That’s it. That’s a speech-based marketing. That’s it, and I would only do that if you’re good at speaking. I worked with one guy years ago who was an accountant who was not good at speaking, but who is good now. This is many, many moons ago. His whole thing is he would get up in front of people, and his presentation was so terrible that you thought he was a bad accountant. He’s a great accountant. He just came across, “I always do this.” He would say that a lot. “I always do this,” or, “I didn’t have anything prepared really. I mean, I did, but not really, but then it’s like I was going to…” The best man at the wedding who’s… You get people in the back, “I can’t hear you. We can’t hear you.” “Yeah, okay, sorry, my bad. My bad.” Just off, Rick. Just… the guy who never… I’m not kidding.
Clay: The guy who never curses would be like, “Shit.” I mean, just, it was bad. He sent me video. We watched video of him doing it. Our meetings consisted of him presenting to me. Seriously, this… we were in downtown Tulsa. He’d present to me, just he and I for the whole hour, about 40 minutes, and then I would show him video footage of it. I’m like, “Now, next week, I’m going to bring in four employees to watch you,” and he’s like, “No. Too many.” “Okay, we’ll do two?” “No, just one other.” It’s me and my assistant, and him. Then we grew to four. Then we had him come present to our whole team. At this time, he didn’t fall off the wagon. I’m like, “Wow, you’re good.” Wes is a good presenter and that’s why that works for him, but if you’re not a good presenter, just become one. Okay, next [inaudible 00:31:06].
Robert: Okay, we got the last invoicing question here This one’s specific for restoration companies. What advice would you suggest for restoration companies to either avoid or minimize invoicing?
Clay: To avoid… well, my company that I… I don’t not know if you guys know this, if you listen to the podcast, but I came home one night, went to sleep around nine o’clock. I woke up at 2:00 AM because I could hear the sounding… it sounded like a raging rain. You guys remember the big flood rain in Tulsa here just fairly recently? It was pretty crazy. All-time record high rain levels. I go downstairs and I see a Mac, and I… not the Mac mini, but it’s the nice one.
Robert: iMac.
Clay: Power Mac. Power, the…
Robert: Yeah, the MacBook-
Wes: The expensive one.
Clay: MacBook Pro.
Robert: … Pro.
Clay: It’s like a $8,000 computer and it’s floating by, and I’m like, “Oh no,” and the water was up to here. Now, I keep my books up about here. I’m like, “Shonda.” I grabbed my kids. We formed a chain gang and I’m passing gear up. We got all the gear out except for a couple computers and stuff. Then I see all my dad’s photos of him growing up, all of his wedding photos, business conferences trinkets, anything that could prove my dad was alive is gone. All of his baseball memorabilia is floating around. I’m like, “Oh, no.” I do the rational thing and I’m like, “Babe, we got to call a restoration company.” We call. “Thank you for calling 24-hour yada, yada.” “How long will it be to… I need you to come by.” Well, we can get there tomorrow.” “Well, I need someone now.” “Well, I can get there next week.” I’m like, “It is currently flooding.” Next guy, call him. “What? Hello?” “Have I woken you up?” “Yes, sir. I’ll be there in just a minute.” Doesn’t show up ever. I called three companies. One company showed up. No, seriously.
Clay: One guy showed up. He’s professional, oddly enough. Dressed sharp, whatever. He said, “Sir, are you insured or you’ll self-paying?” I said, “Self-pay.” “Well, I’m going to have to stop this, that, whatever. It’s going to be two grand right now. You want to debit card or credit card?” I paid him two grand, did the thing, made it stop. The toilet had overflowed, so there was raw sewage pumping into the whole house. It just destroyed the entire floor of the house. It was crazy. Pay that guy up front. Then he said, “Well, sir, I can’t do a restoration or anything unless I find out how I’m going to get paid. Are you insured?” I said, “Yeah, I have flood insurance,” and he had me show it to him. He called the company, verified it and I still haven’t got paid from it. I think there’s $60,000 I’m owed still, and nor has he got paid because he didn’t pass the inspection.’
Clay: There we go. All I’m saying is, we had to call through all these different companies. Anyway, you don’t want to deal with somebody who can’t pay you. You want to make sure they’re insured, and that’s why my wife is awesome because she thinks about those things. All right, go ahead. Yeah.
Robert: All right Clay, there’s a number of notes here that I think you wrote down. One note here is available parking spaces.
Clay: Yeah, you just don’t want to compete against something that you can’t beat. That’s the thing. With Colaw Fitness, I mean, you’re beating the crap out of Planet Fitness right now in Bartlesville. I mean, if you look up Bartlesville gyms, are they not in your same parking lot? Isn’t that a great feature? Look, our competitor is opening up in our same shopping center. How nice. This is fabulous. A spirited competition we shall have. All right, this is exciting. Why don’t we compete against him. If you go type in Joplin gyms I get off that map for just a second. Joplin gyms… or Bartlesville gyms, I’m sorry. Just get off that map. Go back to normal Google and search for Bartlesville gyms and scroll down. You see Colaw has how many reviews there, Andrew?
Andrew: 1,172.
Clay: How many does Planet have?
Andrew: 53.
Clay: Yeah. “Yay, Planet, we did our best.” You guys are doing great. Again, that’s a game you could win on. We couldn’t… Planet has how many locations now?
Male: 1800.
Clay: They have 1800 locations. We can’t outspend them, but we can out-hustle them, and that’s what I’m talking about. Just finding the place you can compete and win on. Next to you, Robert.
How do you compete with undercutters?
Clay: Undercutters?
Robert: Undercutters.
Clay: Well, in what industry, maybe, is that? Yes.
Clay: Undercut the under cutters so that there is no profit. Seriously. Then what you do is you undercut the undercutters because it’s not the tipping point yet. You go in there, you knock on the door. “Hey, I’d like to trim your trees.” “I don’t want you to.” “I’ll do it for really cheap.” “Okay.” Then after you prove your value, then show them other services and then you make money off the other services. Your first month at Colaw was how much, guys? A $1? Turns out that you have to charge people more than $1 a month to make a profit, but the first month is $1. You always want to undercut the undercutters. Does that make sense? Unless you’re, “Where’s the Carter?” Then more people are calling you than what you need, and then you just say, “I’m not the cheapest.”
Wes: Yeah. Well, hopefully we all get there. I mean, it’s nice when you get to choose some of your business, but he’s right. I mean, you’re going to have to get underneath their pricing so that you can get your foot in the door and then sell other things that you offer. Or once you get your name established in the market, then you can raise your prices back up to a reasonable level.
Clay: How’d you get your first 10 clients?
Wes: Hustling, business networking, golf business network groups, luncheons. I mean…
Clay: On rocking that phone calling and people following up.
Wes: Yeah.
Clay: Did you have to do some free consultations?
Wes: I still do free consultations.
Clay: Did you have to do some long free consultations?
Wes: Yeah, people… there’s some people that like to talk.
Clay: Okay, but now how long will you give us free for a consultation? What you got?
Wes: I’ll give them 15 minutes.
Clay: Okay. But it used to be, maybe, your first several hours maybe are free.
Wes: Yeah, I mean that’s what you do. I mean, if you’re trying to get a new client, I’m not going to treat… it’s a long game. You’re playing the long game. There are a lot of clients that come in the door. Let’s say I’m going to start a new LLC for you, okay? I could charge $1,500, $2,000, which is what some people… attorneys charge to set up an LLC, but then I don’t want just to sell you an LLC. I want to set up an LLC at a low rate, so we can develop a relationship and I can have a relationship with you five, 10 years from now. It’s the same thing, it’s getting your foot in the door, establishing that relationship, showing that that customer can trust you, and then you’ve got the next decade to milk them for money.
Clay: Milk them for money. All right, Robert. Net one.
Should I go to college?
Clay: Go where?
Robert: College. Should I go to college?
Clay: If you have a certain degree that it is required, then yes. If not, then no. “I go there to make friends.” Dumb. “I’m going to go there to have the best four years of my life.” Furthermore dumb. “I’m going to go there’s because it’s a good investment.” No, it’s not. You don’t need to go, then don’t go, but it’s like a cultural thing where you go there for four years. You’ve watched a guy talk in circles about things that don’t matter, then you come out with a lot of debt and you say, “What was the point?” The people in your wedding photos, you no longer talk to anymore because they weren’t the best friends of your life. Back to you.
How to deal with the IT challenge of changing current systems and processes to incorporate your new processes. Do I need an IT guy?
Clay: I think everybody needs to have somebody who’s on top of that IT. I mean, Wes, don’t you need somebody who’s on top of your IT support?
Wes: Yeah, absolutely. I mean, I made this mistake early on in the firm because I’m a geek by nature. I thought I can do all this IT stuff. Well, it turns out, I’m losing productivity at business, even if it’s something I can figure out and handle myself. My time is better served doing… running the business, getting clients, doing what the business is designed to do. Let someone who actually knows more than we probably do, that that’s their business, let them take care of it. Find people who are very good at what they do and let them help you.
Clay: Who here is an IT company? Where are you guys based, at the back there? Where are you guys based?
Male: Charleston Missouri.
Clay: Charleston Missouri. What about you, sir?
Male: Louisiana.
Clay: Okay, what about you guys?
Male: Dallas.
Clay: Dallas. Where are you based?
Male: South Carolina.
Clay: South Carolina. Yeah, do you guys suck? You work with people remotely? Could you work remotely or does it have to be hands on?
Clay: Okay, so if you need an IT guy, I mean, these are people here right here today to do that. I used to always have IT companies that hire. Now, we have full-time people for our business conferences, but I mean, you can’t spend your whole day looking for someone to make the printer print. To figure out how to make the printer print, I’ll say, “Andrew.” Right?
Andrew: It’s true.
Clay: Yeah. I’m like, “Andrew!” Or I’ll say, “Devon.” That’s my technical term. “Devon!” Devon fixes it. It’s always like, “You didn’t have it on.” “Shut up, Devon.” You know what I mean. He always… “You didn’t even have it on.” “Where are your pants? Put some pants on and fix that thing.” Okay, back to you. Next.
Why does your book look like a pack of cigarettes?
Clay: Well, my mother had just told… Vanessa, are you here?
Vanessa: I’m here.
Clay: Okay. Vanessa said that my mom told my wife, she said, “Vanessa, if you marry Clay…” What? What’d she say?
Vanessa: You’ll never have a normal life.
Clay: You’ll never have a normal life, like a warning.
Vanessa: This is before we got engaged.
Clay: But we got engaged.
Wes: Smart lady.
Clay: Yeah, that’s smart. That’s true. That’s offensive. No, but so I think entrepreneurship is an addictive thing. Once you realize that you can solve problems at a profit, it’s fun. Who there has gotten to a place where it’s fun? Isn’t fun? Then it’s fun, but what… but it’s not fun until it’s really fun. It’s like learning to play basketball, and you’re 0 for 10 when you first start shooting free throws, but once you can hit 90% of them, it’s a fun game. When you start it, once you learn it, it can be an addictive, fun process. It’s got a warning label on it that it’s not for most people. It’s not for everybody, but it’s people for like you. Next one.
What is the best calendar to use and how do you schedule your day?
Clay: The best what?
Robert: What is the best calendar to use and how…
Clay: Google Calendar is what I use. If you pull it up, you can see it. Just use Google Calendar. I schedule my day by planning out every hour of my day. If I didn’t have my wife on the team, I would have to take half… [inaudible 00:42:18] not half, two thirds of what I do off of my calendar, and I would have to do it. Yay Vanessa! Because when we have a legal thing, she calls who, Wes?
Wes: She calls me.
Clay: What do you guys talk about? Do you guys just talk about how’s it going?
Wes: Talk about you mostly, but it’s… no. We talk about all kinds of things. I mean, anything from problems to how do we prevent problems, to things are going good, things are going really bad.
Clay: Wes and Vanessa are very… Vanessa kind of thinks strategically. I won’t say kind of, definitely think strategically. Then Wes helps that strategy come into reality. I would have to, at least, take half of the things… I’m green, so half the things on my calendar would have to disappear. Not even half. Two thirds because I’d spend my whole day reading a legal document and going, “You take the joy right out of it, Wes?” I tell people at the conferences, Wes is a kitten kicker for me. “Wes, come over. We have 13 cats.” Do we not Vanessa? Don’t we have 13 cats. We have 13 cats. They come over, and they’re little babies when Vanessa rescues them. They’re little babies and they’re just super cute. To me, this is… When Wes walks through the door, this is what it represents. Here’s my idea. Here’s my dream. Here’s my marketing strategy. “Meow.” Kind of purring, purr sound. Can you do the person [inaudible 00:43:35]? Can you make a purr sound as a…?
Speaker 5: Oh me make a…
Clay: Can you make a purr sound?
Speaker 5: No.
Clay: It’s like… Like that. Yeah. And then Wes comes in, “Oh…” And then… “Why would you punt my kitten? There’s no need to punt a kitten. Kitten kicker.” It’s because he says things like facts, laws, right?
Wes: All these lawsuits, yeah.
Clay: Lawsuits. I’m just… “No, kitten kicker.” That’s how I… but I love him, but it’s like your best friend who comes over, and on the way out, it’s like, “Hey, guys, thanks for having me over. Appreciate you. Where’s that cat?” Just, it’s a weird thing. It’s a bittersweet relationship we have, but it’s a bittersweet symphony of commerce. Is that right, Wes?
Wes: That’s an excellent way to describe it.
Clay: Yeah. Bittersweet symphony of commerce of kitten kicking. Back to you. Next.
What should my accounting meeting consist of?
Clay: Vanessa, can you come up here real quick here? I want to respect everybody’s time, but I want to make sure I answer every question. Vanessa, what does your accounting meeting with yourself look like?
Vanessa: Opening all those bank accounts. Love to do that. I like to know where we are and where we’re projected to be, and then I compare that with, okay, this is where we’re projected to be. Are we actually there? Does that make sense? To see what the difference is. Okay, I was expecting by June 1st to be here. I had allocated this much to go for taxes that are going to be do this much for this project that we’re working on, this much For this, this much for savings. How are we lining up with where I thought we were going to be with how we are? I constantly, every Friday, get in and check all the bank accounts, see how it lines up.
Clay: This is go… She’s sick. She celebrates paying taxes. Will you please explain to them what you do every time you pay our tax bill?
Vanessa: I guess, yeah, some of the clients… you brought me in because I guess they thought it was weird, but I love nothing more than writing that big check and sending it in because I know we’re always ahead of the game then, and they’re never going to come ask. When we filed our taxes this year, guess how much we owed?
Clay: Zero.
Vanessa: Zero, because we already paid in which makes me feel so good because there was a time back in the beginning for every new business owner where you had that shock of, “I owe how much? What?” I like paying that in.
Clay: Let’s hear it for Vanessa. She is the best. All right, next up, Robert.
If someone who struggles with confidence, how can I rise to a higher level?
Clay: What you do is you want to prepare 10 times more than you think you need to, therefore you’re not follow person. As an example, you buy an Easter Bunny. The Easter bunny is a chocolate Easter bunny, and you decided to buy it [inaudible 00:46:11]. Craig Groeschel, does he speak? Craig Groeschel … who’s been to Life Church? His sermon is typically 15 hours. Was it an hours? 20 minutes? He prepared for 15 hours. Who’s watching him? Don’t you get the feeling like he could talk about it for three weeks if he had to because it’s like he knows and knows. He knows the meaning of it, the context, the characters. TD Jakes illuminates the Bible in a way that it seems real to me. It’s like, “Wow, I get it now.” It’s phenomenal, the facts, the stats, the discussion of neural pathways and neural science, and reprogramming the mind. It’s all cited, and you’re like, “Craig, apparently you’ve been studying.”
Clay: Then you find out he has. A lot of times we don’t have confidence which we haven’t earned yet. You earn confidence as a consequence of preparing. You need to just prepare, prepare, prepare. Once you’re like, “I’m good,” then you go out and do your thing. You just got to prepare. Prepare, role play, role play, role play. Confidence comes as a consequence. I did not feel confident in public speaking until I could speak publicly without stuttering. You know what I’m saying? That you just prepare. Who here has ever stuttered as a kid? It comes back to me when I’m tired. When I get really tired, I’ll start to stutter again. It’s freaky because you don’t want to get stuck there. Every time it happens, it’s like, “It might come back. I think I could lose my ability to talk any moment.” It happens sometimes and I’m just like… The other day, it was towards the end of the evening, and I just couldn’t it… I think I was like, I got to go to bed. I can’t talk,” because if you lose… it’s weird.
Clay: So you prepare, prepare, prepare, prepare, prepare. Visualize yourself saying it properly and just keep doing it. Then just look in the mirror and say, “I did my best. I’m going to do my best. People love me,” and then go out there. Okay. Next.
How do you hire for a position that requires a skill that takes you years to learn?
Clay: Wes.
Robert: Do you train them for years?
Clay: Wes, how do you find attorneys? You hire attorneys. It takes years to become an attorney.
Wes: Yeah. I mean, there’s two ways I do. I mean, you either have to be willing to put in the time to train them. With paralegals, for instance, there’s been instances I find good, smart people of character, hire them right out of college with no legal training whatsoever, rather than going through someone who’s already certified as a paralegal, and I am willing to put in the time and effort to teach them what they need to know. That’s one way to do it. The other way is, though, if you’re looking for engineers, doctors, obviously that doesn’t work. You have to go through the normal group interview process and interview process, except you have to limit your pool to people who have those qualifications.
Clay: People with the qualifications and that high character because if you hire a person-
Wes: Definitely.
Clay: … with high skill with low character, it doesn’t work. It just does not work. Again, Josh Gordon, I’m super excited for him as a human, but the fact that he’s been an alcoholic his whole life… People don’t realize, that’s pretty cool to be an alcoholic your whole life… he was in a Rolling Stone interview talking about how he never played a game sober, ever, his whole career. Always high or drunk, and for him to get sober, that’s a pretty big risk though for Belichick. He’ll always take that risk. He’ll always, “I’ll try him out. We’ll see. Josh, you’re not an alcoholic. You’re going to have a live-in chaperone and that’s going to be you.” Then Josh has done it, and to his credit. He’s in the NFL now and he’s sober, and he’s doing great. Antonio Brown, they have the no text rule, the no social media rule. How did that go? What, seven days in he got kicked off the team? You can bet on a high… people with high skill that have been low character in the past. We can all change, but you got to have a tight leash. Next question.
How do you get customers to do a testimonial that does not seem so cold and lifeless?
Clay: Well, certain people are cold and lifeless. You don’t want to ask people that are the kind of people that would like doing it. If you go to Complete Carpet and look at his reviews, I’ve advised him, just ask people that are kind and warm, and wouldn’t mind doing it, but try to avoid people that are just negative all the time, in general. Avoid them just in general, but don’t get video reviews from people who are like, “What’s your name, sir and why did you like the carpet service?” “Clay. Good.” I mean, people that… What did you like about the service?” “It’s done.” Alright, just stop. Quit watching Beavis and Butthead? Quit… anyway. Cool. This lady, hit play. Is my former boss’s wife, hit play.
Mrs. Hallowell: Seven or eight years.
Speaker 6: Would you recommend Complete Carpet to a friend or family?
Mrs. Hallowell: Absolutely would. I have, in fact.
Franchising 101.
Clay: Nine out of 10 franchises don’t fail. That’s the stat from the SBA. Nine to 10 startups do fail. If you bought… I’m giving you an example. If you bought a Jimmy John’s… Jimmy John’s is one of the fastest growing franchises. It’s because they’ve already vetted all the systems and they vetted you. They won’t sell you one unless they like you. It’s regulated by the Federal Trade Commission. What Wes knows, we have to disclose the gross revenue of each location, and the cell phone numbers of all the people who’ve bought one in the past, so it would not be a good idea to sell one to an idiot because if you did, I will be required to use them as a reference all the time. Franchising is a really good model for people that want to start a company, but don’t know what to start.
Clay: For example, if you bought an Oxi Fresh today, it’s $57,000 to buy one. If you got a small business loan for $57,000, your payment would be about 1200 bucks a month. For 1200 bucks a month, you own a business that pretty much works every time unless you don’t work. Then they’re going to vet you and you’re going to feel like you’re being interviewed, because you are, and then when you buy one, you have a protected territory and it just works. When in doubt, I would always encourage people to buy a franchise as your first business, whether it be a Jimmy John’s or an Oxi Fresh, or a Tip Top, or whatever you do. Find something that makes sense for you and your family, and then you’d have a proven vetted system. Wes, do you like making those franchise disclosure documents?
Wes: They are a giant pain.
Clay: Huge?
Wes: Seriously, I mean they’re highly regulated by the Feds and so, I mean, you’re talking about a franchise disclosure document, is this thick, that has every single detail you could possibly imagine about the business, the owners, all the people that are related to.
Clay: Does the owner have a bankruptcy in the past?
Wes: Right, litigation.
Clay: Litigation.
Wes: It’s a very involved process to start your own franchise, but on the flip side of it, as the franchisee, the one buying a franchise, you have some comfort that you have all the information in front of you. It’s been vetted. There’s a very strict processes they have to follow, and the information… If you’ll do the work to actually read it, the information is there for you.
Clay: If you can work at Jimmy… if you work at Applebee’s, Target and DirectTV and come up with 1200 bucks a month, a payment, you could be buying your own business that works. Robert, what’s the next [crosstalk 00:53:08] question?
What is the best way to get rid of bad publicity on page one of your Google trail, bad news story from years ago?
Clay: The most content pushes it down. It doesn’t make it disappear, but you just get a ton of video reviews, a ton of Google reviews, and just keep adding content until it pushes its way down, and it’s known as the less relevant. We had a guy who attended one of our business conferences a while back, who didn’t like me. That’s fine. He started this thing called Review Fraud. He started this GoFundMe thing. As an example, Aaron, do employees of ours buy houses from you? Has that happened before? Yeah, so they left you a review because they liked you. Then you left us review because you hire us and so it’s a win-win. Well, homeboy was well like, “It’s a review fraud and you see this company reviewed that one, and this one reviewed that one.”
Clay: At the end of the day, he came to one of the business conferences. He kept taking the cell phone calls right in the middle of the group, and then kept calling people. You can imagine sitting next to someone who keeps making outbound calls. I just asked him to leave during the break. I said, “Hey, if you want to make calls, you can go in the business conferences rooms or you can go in there, or somewhere, but just not in the middle.” He said, “Well, you’ll never hear the end of this,” and started Review Fraud. You have that, and I can’t stop it, but you try to get overwhelming evidence to show this guy may say this, but overwhelmingly it says this. Does that make sense? I can’t make him go away. I wish I could, but I can’t because apparently, he doesn’t have a job and has a lot of time on his hands. Back to you, Robert.
As a startup remodeler, when should I start offering LightStream financing?
Clay: Right away. Start offering financing right away LightStream is a third-party company, and you just have your clients apply for it right there. Who’s bought furniture, where they pre-qualify you right there in the store? Just bring your laptop and say, “Hey, let’s see if we can get you qualified right now,” and you just do it right then and there. Cool? I think that’s all the questions. Any other questions for Wes before we give away a TV? Any other questions for Wes? Alrighty then. Okay, so what we’re going to do now is we’re going to get… Wes, you’re an attorney so you’ll help us determine a fair winner for this.
Wes: All right.
Clay: Okay. I need to bring the TV up over here. I need to bring the TV. I need to bring the list of people who have left us a Google review. If you have left us a review, and you haven’t yet signed that, this is your last chance to sign that. If you leave a review for us on Google, you’re entered in for a chance to win. Robert, I’m going to need you to be up here for a second.
Robert: Okay.
Clay: I need the Price is Right music. Can we do that? The Price Is Right music. Okay. Are we bringing the TV and the list? We got it going on? Okay. It’s happening. We’re feeling the flow. Let’s hear for it for Jason in the Golden Boy Band here, folks. Yeah. If you’re from out of town, I’ll ship you another one. Here we go. Alright. Let’s set this TV up right here in front of Kevin. Okay, set it up right here real quick. [inaudible 00:55:58] All right. Wes? Can you pull that down real quick? Wes? First off, can you tell us what this TV appears and what features this has? Just if you read to us the pitch.