Reading the Boom book for business coaches this week I went over step nine which covers the steps to create a system of success. At Elephant In The Room, I have 3 checklists, each listing the tasks I need to complete. I have a daily, weekly, and monthly checklist. All of the tasks managers or business coaches need to complete to keep the shops running smoothly are in these three checklists, without these checklists there would be a lot of forgotten tasks and things left undone. The first five tasks of step nine are creating lists of the tasks needed for your marketing, human resources, and accounting departments. Listing out every task involves taking the knowledge out of your head and giving it to your team. First, you show the team how to do their tasks and then you explain the importance of the task, have your team show you they can complete the task and you have a team confident in what they need to do.
The goal of creating a list of your biggest limiting factors is to eliminate any mountains on your path to success.
The next step to focus on is the business’ biggest limiting factors, these are the large obstacles that you need to overcome in order to see success. The biggest limiting factor could be not closing enough deals to hit your breakeven point, this is a sales factor. Let’s say the leads are coming in and the deals are closing past the breakeven point but you are not able to pay all the business expenses at the end of the month, this is a sales factor. The goal of creating a list of your biggest limiting factors is to eliminate any mountains on your path to success. As a business owner, it can get frustrating when the success you want to see for your company isn’t happening, this can only be fixed by stepping back and looking at the hurdles or roadblocks in your path. Seeing the limiting factors allows you to game plan on how to overcome the hurdles and move forward to success.
Lastly, make sure to have a repeatable filing system for all departments of your business. Dropbox and Google documents are huge assets when it comes to storing information. Google documents allow you to create and share documents with ease as well as keep track of all changes made to your document. Dropbox is a warehouse of space for all the documents your company needs to access and share across departments and teams. Dropbox stores information that would otherwise take up space in rooms and rooms of filing cabinets.
To recap, build repeatable systems that give you the freedom to work on the business instead of in it. All done by simply breaking down the needs of each department and creating a checklist for your team to go through each day. Next is to list out the biggest limiting factors of the company. Stopping to look at the biggest limiting factors will give room to game-plan and destroy any roadblocks holding the company from growing. Create one storage area any employee who needs access to can have. Using one online storage allows for less headaches when looking for documents, contracts, employment data,and most importantly passwords. All of these steps combined provide order and peace of mind to any business owner, small or large.
If you get stuck, reach out to one of our business coaches, we love to help create systems.