One of the main points from this week at the business coach headquarters was saying no to things that get in way of your goals. The successful in life are the ones that have goals and stick to the plan that they made to reach those goals. You know what you want out of life and setting a goal does not make you a bad person. Well, step one is that you have to set a goal for yourself. Be it for your faith, family, finances, friendship, fitness, or fun things. There will always be something that will get in your way and will try and stop you. It might be parents who try to guilt-trip you into spending more time with them even though it is not in the schedule that day. It might be saying no to going out with friends to a movie or to dinner with them because you are on a budget and you want to stick to it. Whichever way you look at it, being able to stick to your guns and stick to your decision to do something, there will always be someone who tries to get in your way. Being strong enough to keep that schedule is the first task you need to do.
Everyone that reaches goals and that master a new skill have faced times when they could have compromised with some other person and did something that did not align with their standards or goal.
Being able to say no to compromises that go against your business coach goals or your decision is what people have a hard time with. Not backing down from what you said you were going to do is where people freak out. They might think that you are becoming a recluse, that you are working too much, or that you are obsessed with a certain hobby or skill you are trying to learn. This means that it is working and that you are on the right path. Everyone that reaches goals and that master a new skill have faced times when they could have compromised with some other person and did something that did not align with their standards or goal. This is dangerous behavior because it leads to you not achieving what you wanted too because you wanted to make another person happy with your decision. Being a boss or business owner means pissing people off with your choices when it comes down to business. There has never been a super successful person who does not have enemies or people who they have made mad. This is the reward you get for sticking to your guns, setting goals, and just overall not backing down from what you want.
Since being here and working with Clay and Jonathan Kelly I have seen them say no to countless things, from a new idea about how to organize business coach things, to new music on the office playlist. If it does not align with their vision and goals they cast it out and rebuke the idea right away. Being able to be comfortable in doing this makes them great entrepreneurs and perfect for running businesses. There are many reasons businesses fail, and compromising with employees or with idiots is one sure-fire way to have a failed business.