The Three Legged Marketing Stool
Google reviews, search engine optimization, and dream 100 calls are all essential business coach and marketing tools for businesses to grow and thrive. It is important to have three ways, legs, to marketing, this is called the three-legged marketing stool. A three-legged marketing stool enables the business to continue receiving leads in the event that one of the three legs goes out of commission. Most business owners focus all of their marketing efforts on a single leg. The accumulation of leads from a single leg is a positive factor for the business, incoming leads mean potential clients. Potential clients will become return clients and consistent business for the company.
For many business owners or business coach professionals, they put a massive focus on just one area however the day will come with that one area or leg of marketing isn’t working. When Google reviews help launch the company to the top of Google’s search engine, great! But when the company gets bumped off the first page, one complaint takes the google page off Google maps entirely, or even the simple act of changing the business address (Google does not like when the business address changes) the company is suddenly without leads. The loss of being on the coveted page one of Google can be detrimental to a business if the sole source of customers is through Google.
Business owners who choose to expand their time and finances to multiple marketing legs, three to be exact, will have more peace of mind and a higher survival rate than businesses that have only one marketing source. It is a huge relief to any business owner when in the event of a loss of a marketing leg they can rely on two others for continued business. Many businesses have the ability to successfully market in a variety of ways and as discussed more than one marketing leg is imperative to a business’ survival. It is equally important not to overextend the company’s resources and market in ways or areas that are not sustainable for the company. Facebook ads, Google reviews, search engine content, and dream 100 calls are all great business coach marketing legs however each leg requires time and finances to succeed. If, in an effort to have the marketing legs as many different marketing strategies as possible, the business owner does not properly provide the time and finances to back each leg then each leg will fail.
To recap just one form of marketing is the beginning of the end for most businesses, on the other hand having ten different marketing legs and only succeeding at a few of them can also end a business. The magic middle is three marketing legs, if one fails the other two legs stand strong, however, three is a manageable number for companies to succeed at. Most business owners are ready to rely on one or all strategies and fail to see the benefits of the fantastic three legs. Just three legs of marketing for most businesses ensures a constant flow of customers to keep the business succeeding as well as time freedom for the business owner.
The key to three-legged marketing is staying consistent in all three. Every week it is necessary to ask for reviews, write and add content to the website, as well as making outbound calls to potential customers. Consistency is the key to success, consistency is also the hardest job for employees, and sometimes business owners. The diligent focus of week by week working on the marketing legs expands the success of bringing leads by attracting loyal business coach customers, catching customers who aren’t always looking for the product or service your business offers but saw the ad or received the call at a time they presently needed the service. This is the brilliance of the three-legged marketing stool, time, and financial freedom for the business owner.