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Business Coaching post about Business Coach Tips

This is a business coaching post about business coach tips

Business Coach 281

Dr. Zoellner: You went so fast on that and I wasn’t really paying attention, too many business coach thoughts going on. Would you give me those numbers and things again and that like www like something thing.

Chris:, 918-591-2880. Right here in Tulsa we handle actually a four state area, so we’re on the go a lot. If you guys are around any of the listening area whatsoever, you guys are worldwide so we’ll do whatever we need to do.

Clay Clark: Now, thrivers, if you google search right now, you type in you find the website. The phone number they have is posted right up in the top right. It says, 918-591-2880 and Z, you know what happens if you add up those numbers? Do you know what you get?

Dr. Zellner: A bigger number?

Clay Clark: I have no clue. It is a bigger number. I have no clue, but I’m kinda joking but I’m being serious. If you don’t know what you’re doing financially, do you know what that spells? Disaster. If you don’t have an intentional plan, if you don’t have a specific by default, you will lose. By default you’ll lose.

Dr. Zellner: When you fail to plan, you plan for failure.

Clay Clark: Oh wow, that didn’t feel so good.

Dr. Zellner: Was that mean? Sometimes I sound mean. I don’t wanna sound mean.

Clay Clark: When we come back, thrive nation, we will answer any of the questions that you have by a business coach. You can always text us your questions to 918-851-6920 and over the break, check out and get your two day workshop tickets today.

All right, thrive nation. Welcome back into the conversation. It’s business school without the BS and yes, my name is Clay Clark. I’m the former SBA entrepreneur of the year sent here on a mission to help your wallet. To help your wallet grow. So many of you are in a place right now that’s not where you wanna be. Z, just as an example, I want you to think about this example. You tell me, this is the research. According to USA Today, the average American has less than $400 saved. But yet, I don’t recall, maybe it was different. Maybe your high school was different, but did you have a guidance counselor, Z? Did you have one is high school?

Dr. Zellner: Of course, yeah.

Clay Clark: Chris, did you have one? Did you have a guidance counselor? [crosstalk 01:15:32] So, you’re talking to the guidance counselor. He pulls you aside, you take some kind of standardized test and he goes, well Z, based upon your scoring here you would do well maybe doing this career or that career.

Dr. Zellner: Yeah, they told me I’d be, based on my scoring and all the data and everything, they said I’d make a really good fire watcher. I’m from Caddy shack.

Clay Clark: SO what happens is, they then say things to you like okay, well what do you wanna do with your life? They ask that question. And I can’t remember anybody saying, what I wanna do, is I wanna work about five days a week on average 40 hours a week, spending 5/7 of my time on the earth. I wanna spend the majority of my waking hours at a job and then what I want to do is, I want to get to about age 45, 50, probably 50, and I want to have a total of about $400 saved. Cause I been working at that point- I wanna save about $12 a year and if I do that I’ll be worth about $400 when I’m 40, 45. Make sense for you business coach guys?

Dr. Zellner: A dollar a month, actually.

Clay Clark: And then what I wanna do, is when I get into retirement age, I wanna kind of play the game of lets see how cheap of nursing, at the time of my life when I’m the most physically feeble and I need the most care, I want to find the cheapest place to stay. I want the nursing home where they treat you the worst because I want to, my life to be a living sacrifice. And I want to have horrible care so people can look at me and go, despite the horrible care he has and he receives and no savings, what a great man. I wanna die broke and I wanna feel broke. That’s what I want to do, Mr. Guidance counselor.

Dr. Zoellner: There were a lot of people at your school that were saying that? Cause that seems, I really, that’s weird.

We will be right back with more business coach tricks and tips.


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