This transcript was prepared for the business coach program at
Speaker 1: And now, broadcasting from the center of the universe and the world headquarters. Presenting the world’s only business school without the BS, with optometrist and entrepreneur Dr. Robert Zoellner and, of course, Small Business Administration entrepreneur of the year in your ear, Clay Clark. It’s The Thrive Time Show on talk radio 1170. Three, two, one. Boom.
Speaker 3: Boom, boom, boom. Welcome back into the room, it’s the Thrive Time show on your radio. My name is Clay Clark and today do we have a show for you. We are honored to have you listen to this program. I can tell that you are one of the elite minds out there. You, my friend, you could be listening to a political show, you could the kind of guy who buys a newspaper at QuikTrip and then you go and try to return the newspaper to get the money back after you’ve read the newspaper. I’ve actually seen somebody attempt to do this before. You’re not those kind of people, no no, you are investing your time. By the way, you can make a ton of money. You can always make more money but you can’t make more time. You’ve chosen to invest your time into your self improvement. We’re excited about the show we have for you today.
My name is Clay Clark, I’m the former SBA entrepreneur of the year. Sitting here on mission to help you get yourself in the right financial situation and the right financial position.
Today we are talking about business coaching. Specifically what does a business coach do. Why do you need a business coach? Where did the concept of business coaching come from? So many aspects of business coaching. I’ll just tee it up with this. If you’ve ever started a business and you’ve ever felt yourself stuck. Or if you currently own a business and you feel stuck and you have no idea how to take that business to the next level. Maybe a business coach is right for you.
I guess the best example I could give you would be in sports. If you’ve ever played a sport. Many of us have played hockey, we’ve played baseball, we’ve played football. My son played hockey for about a year and a half. When he played hockey the coaches wanted to push every player to be the very best they could be. By default, I find it highly unlikely that any of the parents, myself included, would take our kids to a given piece of ice and Let’s assume we did have the ice, I don’t know how many parents would take their kids to the ice and then methodically teach skating and to teach the kids to push themselves to be the best stick handlers possible. I don’t know that many of us would push our kids to perform at their very best, athletic best, without a coach who’s entire focus and mission is to do that.
Another example would be personal training. Many of us want to get in shape. Unfortunately the statistics show that most of us are not in the physical shape we want to be in and research has shown that when someone hires a coach or has a class or has a partner who’s in shape, who can push you, you will get far beyond where you would be by default if you didn’t have somebody pushing you.
It’s no different in business, but for some reason in business people feel like they don’t need to have a coach and therefore they accept mediocrity and they get stuck in that rut. If you need a mortgage question answered go to Total Lending Concepts
Benefit number one of having a business coach is you’ll have the support of a coach to give you honest feedback and an integrated library of small business solutions to help you think strategically about long term goals.
Here’s a notable quotable for you coming in hot from Bill Gates and his TED Talks that he delivered on May of 2013. He says this, he says, he’s speaking to group of educators and he says, “Everyone needs a coach. With no feedback, no coaching, there’s just no way to improve.” I’m sure that you, the listener, have never done this. If you don’t believe that … If you ever find yourself not believing that you have the ability to improve. If you begin to believe you are stuck because you’ve always been stuck and that’s why you’re stuck and now it’s something else. You’re going to start to say things like, “Well it’s the economy, really. You know, I would grow better if we had a new President.” And then President Obama gets elected and now you’re going, “Well, you know, it’s going to take him a long time to make the changes needed to fix my industry.” And then President Trump gets elected and you’re thinking, “Well, I could probably, this time, try a different side of the political aisle and I hope he can help my business.” At the end of the day, nobody’s going to come and help you but you.
Dr. Z and I, we care a lot about you and your business. We are obsessed with helping your business succeed. Nobody cares about your business more than you. You’ve gotta understand that, you’ve gotta become comfortable with that and you’ve gotta understand that if you are not pushing yourself to be the very best you can be and you’re not just overwhelmed with solutions that will definitely work. If you find that your man cave is not a library of case studies, if you find that your walls are not filled with these strategies and proven business systems. If you find that you don’t have the templates and the tools and the resources to grow your business and you find yourself just working harder all the time, then you, my friend, need a business coach.
Reason number two of why you would need a business coach and how a business coach would help you, specifically how would a business coach help you, is a business coach will help you increase your revenue with turnkey and proven systems.
One of the business coaching programs that’s out there is called, it’s a great program, it’s called Traction and the program was developed by Gino Wickman. Again, that program’s called Traction.
This is a notable quotable that he says from his book called Traction. He says, “Most people are sitting on their own diamond minds. The surest way to lose your diamond mind is to get bored. To become over ambitious.” Are you guilty of this? Have you ever become bored with your business. Have you ever become over ambitious or thinking that the grass is greener on this other side. Have you ever found yourself thinking, “Man, if I switch industries I’m going to be better off than I was before.” You ever thought that when you switched industries the problem was is that you are everywhere that you are, right? Everywhere you go you are there. So you bring the problem with you from job one to job two.
I’m sure it’s not you. I’m sure it’s other people listening to other shows. The people listening to the Rush Limbaugh show are the people who are thinking this way. “The surest way to lose your diamond mind is to get bored, to become over ambitious, or to start thinking the grass is greener on the other side. Find your core focus, stick to it, and devote your time and resources to excelling at it.”
As an example right now. My son, we bought him this 48″ riding Husqvarna mower for Christmas. He’s sitting right next to me now in the man cave as we broadcast this episode of the Thrive Time show. The thing was when he got that mower he’s looked at other mowers, too. He knows about the riding mower, there’s what a 60-something inch riding lawnmower. I’m not even sure. There’s a lot of riding mowers. There’s circular zero turn mowers, there’s mowers that glow in the dark, there’s mowers that have been created by alien planets, there’s mowers that’ll drive themselves, there’s mowers that you can … There’s all different kinds of mowers. He has a 48″ riding Husqvarna.
I want him to master that mower and to become the master of the mower before we move on to anything else. He’s gotta get that thing to pay for itself. I want our yard to look like the inside of a Caesars Palace, the inside area. What’s the word. I’m struggling to find that word. It’s the word in the middle where people gather. The commons maybe is what I’m looking for. You know, where they have the pool and they have the landscaping, they have all that décor. I want my bushes, all my trees, to be curlicue. I want to have the grass a perfect level. I want the pond to never ever be anything but perfect. I want a fountain. I want it all and I want it all behind our wall.
We’re in the process of erecting a wall and the wall’s going be about 9 feet tall and on the other side of the wall we’re going to have faux stone. He’s a 9 year old but I want him to make this the total dojo of mojo. Then when he’s 16 years old and that crazy guy has a drivers license, I am going to get behind him and help him market his landscaping business.
Here’s how it’s going to work. I don’t know if he knows this move, but I’m only going to match him one dollar for one dollar. Every time he puts a dollar in for marketing, I’ll match that dollar. That’s what I did with my brother-in-law with his business The Elephant In The Room Men’s Grooming Lounge. I’ve done it with so many other business opportunities. I’m telling you what, there is no way that I would give him any money for marketing and there’s no way that I would have invested any money in my brother-in-law’s business unless I knew that they knew the systems. Unless I knew that they were committed and unless I knew that they had the knowledge of how to create a turnkey way to increase their revenue.
A coach is going to help you increase your revenue with these turnkey proven processes and systems. I’ll give you an example, Elephant In The Room, our men’s grooming lounge, we now have three locations to serve you, and the experience is awesome. So many men come in there and say, “Wow that is awesome. I mean, the whole like barn wood and the Edison bulbs and the smell. What is that smell? It smells so good. The pinion wood outside, the atmosphere. I don’t even know what it is its just awesome.”