Business Coach : Positivity In Business
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-And I think about those things, and I begin to speak out those things. And I just jacked up, and I say, give me mountain. I’m going to conquer it. Give me a wall. I’m going to climb it. Give me a barrier. I’m going to bust through it. I’m ready to rock and roll with this. A business coach can help you attain this mindset.
-If you’re watching this right now and you’re going, gosh, I don’t know how to motivate myself. Some of the things I would encourage you just to think about here is, one is see. What things do you have to see? I surround myself with success quotes from famous entrepreneurs, because I am encountering 9 to 10, it seems like– maybe 15 or 20– negative statements for every one positive one. There’s everyone talking about the economy is bad.
Your family’s bad. Your relationships are bad. So I try to surround myself with positive visuals. The other thing is hear. I try to make sure that whatever I hear, I’m very guarded about what I’m hearing. And if I hear something that’s negative– TV, commentary– and I know it sounds harsh. You don’t have to agree with me. It’s OK. But negative people, I just don’t return their calls or even really acknowledge their existence. I just don’t. I just have only positive people. So it’s who I hear. Make sure that you are hearing your business coach.
And the other thing is, what I’m reading– making sure I read positive things. And I’m just, it’s like a garden, and I’m just trying to keep those weeds out. And I think it’s big that we all just look at our garden and say, what are the weeds in here that’s choking off our motivation? A business coach can help you to discover the weeds.
-It’s an ongoing battle. Now here’s something. I’d like to do a series of trainings on this thing called emotional state, because it means everything. It’s how you feel about yourself and the world around you. And understand just the nuts and bolts of this, that whoever has the most dominant state, dominates. Meaning if you have this negativity around you, and you have not built yourself up where you’re stronger on the inside than the strength of that negativity, that negativity will swamp you every time. It just happens. It’s a number of studies that have been done here.
And I’ve actually tested this manic depressed people. I’ve tested it with confused, down in the dump people. I’ve tested this to see how it works, because life is all about testing to see if it works. And I’m telling you, the person with the most dominant state, dominates. And I’ve seen you in the middle of stuff hitting the fan where you’ve shared this. Stop all being so concerned about me. We’ve got a meeting to run. We got we things to happen.
And I’ve seen your state in these board meetings we’ve had on Thrive and making this where this is best thing for these business people or business coach. I’ve seen your state just dominate and shift from a negative, oh, what are we going to do? And we’re kind of trapped. Into what can we do, and what are we doing right now? Get off our butts.
CLAY CLARK: Now this is a huge one here, because I have interviewed countless millionaires. I’ve probably interviewed maybe 100 millionaires in my lifetime. Interviewed then, asked them questions, how’d you do it? That’s just what I’m into. And a commonly shared thing I have found is these people act before they feel. And so Matt, who’s off camera– but we ought to go get him. He’s over there in the dark hiding. There’s Matt. But with Matt and I, we’ve made a list of venture capital people, because I’ve been able to build a million dollar business. But I don’t have $100 million sitting around. There’s a big difference between building a million dollar business and then having $100 million to spend.
And so Matt and I, we’ve made a list of probably 150 some odd venture capital funds. Countless millionaires. We reach out to them. We share this idea with them. And then someone’s like, I don’t believe in online education. OK. We’re not interested. OK. We don’t work with anybody who isn’t already turning a profit. We won’t work with you until you have a celebrity endorser. We, we– and so emotionally, I just put it all over here. And looks like I’m stupid.
And so I’ll talk to my wife, and she’s like, so how many have talked to? And I say, I think I’ve got about 400 rejections in some capacity now, but I think we’re on the verge.
Because we’re digging a hole.
-It’s that Thomas Edison. I’m going to find this light bulb. 10,000 failures or not, I’m figuring it out. I’m getting that much closer.
-And this how I’m tricking myself right now, I’m saying that if we dig deep enough into the earth, we will eventually find a piece of gold. I’ve heard it’s there. And so we’re getting out the augers. We’re digging. We’ve got explosives. And then– David Robinson, there he is.
TIM REDMOND: Oh, yeah. He’s in the door.
-All of the sudden, David Robinson. Hall of Famer on our ticket. Oh, here he is. We’ve got him.
-Even then, clay, he didn’t come dancing in and say, oh, I love you, I want you. You closed him after the 18th no. We covered that. This is how the world works. They didn’t want me. Well, of course they didn’t want you. You’ve got to get more coordinated and more attractive so they do want you, and you’ve got to just go through the
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