Transcript prepared for the business coach program at
I am so excited to be here with you today, talking about the answers to the questions that you have. We pride ourselves on answering the questions that you have. If you say “Well, how could I submit my questions? How can I do that?” What you do is you e-mail [email protected], that’s [email protected], and we do everything we possibly can to answer each and every question that relates to business and building a successful life. Also, we have our in-person, two-day workshops, and I’m telling you what, you definitely want to get out to this next in-person workshop. It’s going to be on March 24, and 25, if you’ve yet to attend one, just Google “Thrive 15 reviews,” or “Thrive 15 conference reviews” reviews of the Thrive 15 conference. You can see video reviews, text reviews, Google reviews.
You can see all those different metrics, all those different reviews there, and you can see what people had to say about the previous workshops. The way the workshops work is they start off every day from 7:00 AM, and they go until 3:00 PM, so it’s a two-day, in-person workshop. We start at 7:00 AM, and then we go until 7:45, and we take a 15-minute break. Then we come back and we go from eight to 8:45 and so on. We break for lunch, we come back, we do a couple hours of power, we finish up at three.
It’s two days, it’s intensive, it’s the stuff behind the stuff its . We had one of our Thrivers tell us recently, from California, he said “I have a degree in business, and I learned more at your two-day workshop than I learned in my entire time that I attended college.” We had another Thriver, actually from the University of Tulsa, that told us that they were spending $56,000 a year, and they’re actually still spending $56,000 a year to attend the Fine University of the University of Tulsa to study business. They said “I learned more in the two-day workshop than I’ve learned in the entirety of my career there as a student at the University of Tulsa as a junior in college.”
I’m telling you what, our in-person workshops are great you’ll get 16 hours of business coach level training. We’ve made them super-affordable for you, and this is how it works. If you are a member of the community, you can just attend those workshops. You can just attend them. This is how it works. It’s one dollar to subscribe for your first month of One month for your first month of the world’s best business school. You go to, you sign up, you check it out, it’s one dollar for your first month.
Now, after you’ve done that sign-up process, you can get out to an in-person workshop. I’m telling you, it’s a game-changer, there are no upsells, and we are here to serve you. A Thriver just like you from Michigan e-mailed in a question wanting to know about the entrepreneurial mindset. One of the questions that they had was “What is the entrepreneurial mindset and what mindset should I be having if I’m going to start a successful business?” Well, we taught that earlier on in the show, and now we’re moving on to the 11 dysfunctional mindsets that are plaguing many entrepreneurs out there.
Through may years of being a business coach I’ve learned that many dysfunctional mindset number four is that you’re the knowledgeable, skeptical, and complex business’ wannabe leader. Basically, you graduated from the University of Wharton with a bachelor of science degree, or the university of whatever with a degree of whatever, and you’ve come to the realization that the marketplace is not going to pay you based upon your academic resume. You just know just enough about everything to wow your friends and to engage in intelligent conversation, with any random person that you’ve ever met on a plane, but in the back of your mind, you’re thinking “If this doesn’t work, I might have to go back and get my MBA.”
You’re in love with the vision and the goal-setting part of the business, but you’re not necessarily in love with the results you’re getting right now. A business coach can help you. You want to know the specifics; what do I need to do? When someone tells you what to do, then you say “Well, that doesn’t … I don’t know, I’ll probably just watch some more TED Talks it’s probably not logical what you’re saying, so I’m going to get more education.” Eventually, you have to do something, you have to take action.
A notable quotable that I want to gift to you, if this is you, Mr. Knowledgeable, skeptical and complex business wannabe leader, this is from Jim Roan, the bestselling author. He says “You don’t get paid for the hour, you get paid for the value that you bring to the hour.” For me, I know when I was starting DJCconnection, I didn’t know how to build a website, I didn’t know how to make cold calls, I didn’t know how to advertise effectively, and I was not a very good disc jockey.
I was not good at presentation, so the big five areas that were plaguing me is I didn’t have a good website, I wasn’t good at sales, wasn’t good at DJ-ing, I wasn’t good at marketing, I just wasn’t good enough, so many things, I probably wasn’t good at 55 things, but I worked super hard, and yet, I never achieved any success for the longest time. Once I reached out to somebody who knew how to write successful ad copy, somebody who knew how to make advertisements that worked, somebody who knew how to make a trade show booth that worked. Once somebody taught me sales, once somebody taught me how to build a repeatable system, I was able to grow to the point where we did thousands and thousands of weddings a year.
Now the company, I no longer own the company, but now it’s in multiple states, all over the country, it’s growing by leaps and bounds, and it’s not because I’m a genius. It’s because I took the time to study what I needed to do, to do that practical education. You see, there’s so much of … A non-practical education out there. There’s so much of this … You know, these documentaries about minimalism, or these documentaries about being socially responsible in the business world. Well, that’s great, but until you sell something, your business is going to fail.
I mean, if you can’t sell, your business is going to go to hell and that doesn’t go very good. If you’re listening right now, maybe you need to learn sales. Maybe you have so much education that’s academic education, but you have no practical education. My advice to you would be definitely go to, watch every sales video we have, every video we have about anything that you’re struggling with. It’s a dollar for the first month. It confounds my brain. My brain cannot understand. My mind blows my own mind every time I think about how somebody could not be willing to spend a dollar on their own self-improvement. I don’t know.
If you’re somebody who wants to attend our in-person workshops, you definitely need to go to, and get all signed up for that, go to, get signed up for those in-person workshops, and I know that your life will never be the same. Now, dysfunctional mindset number five is the never-on-time guy. If this is you, your life is so busy that nobody could possibly understand how busy you are. Although, I personally have five kids and 40 chickens and nine businesses. I could never possibly understand how busy you are. You know, although, my father died from ALS right in front of my eyes, while our family was trying to take care of him.
Although I went through the stress of that, and although my son was born blind, and although I deal with over 100 employees, and although … Oh, busy, your life is so much … My life is so much more stressful than yours. The thing is, listen here, I used to have a job at Target, and I had a job at Applebee’s and I had a job at DirecTV, all at the same time. You know how you get to work on time if that’s your lot in life? What you do is you bring your Target shirt to work with you when you go to Applebee’s, so when you show up to Applebee’s you got your green Applebee’s shirt on. I think I wore khaki pants back in the day, but hanging up on a hanger in my car, I’ve got my Target shirt, right?
So when I finish working up at Applebee’s, what do you do? You hop inside your hand-painted 1989 Ford Escort. I repeat, your hand-painted 1989 Ford Escort with, I’m not sure how many miles were on it, but hundreds of thousands of miles, and you get in the car, and then at the stop light, or when you get into the parking lot of Target, you switch shirts. I know you can’t text and drive, and we’re trying to crack down on irresponsible driving, but I used to change shirts when at the stop light. I’d get to the stop light and I’d change shirts from my Applebee’s shirt to my Target shirt. It has been a long track since those days to becoming a business coach.
You have to get there on time, though. Because it doesn’t matter if you can deliver great results if you don’t do them on time. It’s just not going to work. You’re not going to be successful if you can’t be on time. You know, Ben Carson, not a business coach, a guy who ran for president and did not win, but he’s a respectable candidate. He’s actually a guy that I endorsed a lot of this ideology, a lot of his mindsets, he says this, he says “It doesn’t matter if you come from the inner-city, people who fail in life are people who find lots of excuses. It’s never too late for a person to recognize that they have the potential in themselves.” This guy’s life’s been made into a movie. He ran for president and didn’t win, but he made a run for it. He’s been very, very successful, and he came from the inner-city, and he’s saying “Hey, it doesn’t matter where you come from, the inner-city, you come from a farm town, whether you come from a family that’s always on time or a family that’s always late.”
Whatever it is, you’ve got to be on-time. Thrivers and business coach clients, when we come back, we’re going to talk about the dysfunctional mindset number six that is absolutely repelling wealth for many people out there. I’m sure it’s not repelling wealth for you, the listeners, because you are some of the elites on the planet. People who listen to the Thrive Time Show are some of the smartest people on the planet. But the people who are listening to the other show, we’re going to get into the other dysfunctional mindsets. Stay tuned, and get your business coach questions answered on the
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