Business Coach Diaries

Real stories from real Business Coaches


This week at the amazing business coaching Thrivetime Show I learned how important it is to have hustle.  When it comes to running a business whether you are running your business or managing someone else’s.  In business, you have got to be able to kick your energy into high gear.  The moment you step into your workspace is showtime. Showtime is what your team and customers experience from you that keeps them coming back.

A business’s success is determined by the ability to repeatedly sell a product or service as well as taking actions that make them stand out to customers.  All successful companies started with one or two people who passionately promoted their product and put in overtime to get the ball rolling.  There has not been a single company that achieved success by working 4 or 5 days a week. The entire world focuses on work-life balance and getting out of work as much as possible.  Well, it is very difficult to accomplish anything if you aren’t spending time on it.


Showtime is what your team and customers experience from you that keeps them coming back.


The founder of Tesla and PayPal, Elon Musk says “Work like hell. I mean you just have to put in 80 to 100 hour weeks every week. [This] improves the odds of success. If other people are putting in 40-hour workweeks and you’re putting in 100-hour workweeks, then even if you’re doing the same thing, you know that you will achieve in four months what it takes them a year to achieve.” It is the hustlers and the people with a get it done mindset that make changes happen.  While most of your competition is sleeping and slowly implementing necessary actions to grow their business you have already completed double what they have.

Prepare to bring showtime to each day, consistently, and the company will see success sooner than planned.  It is the diligent doers, the ones who show up day after day with a positive disposition, with a  “let’s get it done” attitude who have the stamina to withstand constant rejection. It is these superstars who get the prize of reaping time and financial freedom.  The reward comes after the grind.  Nothing comes freely, every choice has an effect on it.  Cause and effect are very real when it comes to success in business, in any area of life. Ask any business coaching firm, they will tell you the same.

Take today to list out the necessary business coaching actions you or your team need to complete.  Bring overwhelming enthusiasm and a strong sense of urgency and you will be amazed at the accomplishments you will be able to achieve.  Take courage knowing that all your work builds on each other every day.  When you are grinding day after day you are building momentum.  The competition who chooses to try one day and rest the next will not get where they need to be.  Go out there and get ahead of your competition! Wake up before them and hit the ground running so that when your customers, your team, even your competitors wake you you already have the ball rolling.  

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Mannalis B.

Mannalis B. is the "Super Manager" for Elephant in the Room Men's Grooming Lounge and the wife of the youngest Thrivetime Show coach - Andrew B. She is "Manna" for the Elephant team, providing all of the managerial sustenance that they need.

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