Today I want to discuss your wake up call. How late do you sleep in the mornings? Do you know that almost everyone who works at Thrive as a business coach gets up between three and four am every day? Most of us arrive at work long before six am. Since we wake up so early and get to leave work so early do you know we often spend no time in traffic jams? How many hours have you wasted sitting in traffic due to an accident on the highway? How many meetings have you missed or been late, due to traffic? If you leave before six am for work there is almost no traffic anywhere!
Getting up earlier in the mornings is not a fun task, most of us as business coaches are not required to be at work prior to seven am, but we are and do you know why? If you get up at three or four am and get to work you have already been up and putting out your burning fires, while most of your competition is just arriving at work. You can arrive at work long before you need to in order to get your work done and manage our day instead of it managing you. We also tend to get more things accomplished as a business coach earlier in the day when there are fewer people there and it is quieter. We are given an opportunity to get to work and begin accomplishing tasks so that when we are done we can go home.
Stop making excuses, and start getting things done, and to do that you have to wake up!
A significant number of the employees at Thrive leave around three pm every day and most are off on Friday and Saturday. Why do we have the privilege of working only 4 days a week and not having to work ten-hour days you ask? Because we choose to wake up early! The earlier we arrive and get our stuff done the earlier we get to go home and do things we enjoy doing! Now our days are not always going to be full of fun and family. Many of us go to the gym after work or take care of other life maintenance. Since we are up so early knocking out work we can do that. The key to a successful life is just getting up and getting your checklist done! Making sure you wake up early enough to plan out your day, so you get that work out in, run to the bank and still make your kids soccer game.
No, we are not sicko business coach freaks, no we don’t enjoy torturing ourselves with ice-cold showers at three am while our spouses continue to snore in bed. We don’t enjoy sneaking around the house trying not to wake everyone else up as we get ready for work, but it is what is required in our lives in order for us to be successful. Stop making excuses, and start getting things done, and to do that you have to wake up! Now that you are here, what are you going to do with the knowledge? Are you going to plan your day and get your things accomplished so you can begin working on your future goals and spend time with your family? The choice is yours.