Leslie Zane on Subconscious Marketing and The Triggers Growth Strategy 101

Show Notes

Yale graduate and subconscious marketing expert, Leslie Zane shares the 6 ways to accelerate growth and why the DollarShaveClub.com commercial went viral.

Today Yale graduate and subconscious marketing expert, Leslie Zane joins us to share about the power of subconscious marketing and the 6 Surefire ways to accelerate growth…she also explains to us why the DollarShaveClub.com commercial went viral and the SUPER MOVES that you can use to make your marketing more memorable.

    1. Yes, yes, yes and yes! Thrivetime Nation on today’s show we are interviewing a woman who is paving new terrain in helping businesses and social campaigns harness the power of subconscious marketing. Leslie, welcome onto the Thrivetime Show, how are you mam!?
    2. Leslie Zane I know that you’ve had a ton of success at this point in your career, but I would love to start off at the bottom and the very beginning of your career. What was your life like growing up and where did you grow up?
      1. My career started at Bain and Company
      2. I graduated from Yale
        1. It was wonderful. I did musical theatre and did a lot of singing while there. Studying wasn’t my main focus.
        2. I love all kinds of music especially acapella
        3. I was a second soprano
      3. I don’t think way back in my career that I labeled it as subconscious and conscious.
      4. I was working at a top baby care advertisement company. I offered that we add a dad into the ads and that caused me to get negative points on my review.
      5. I realised that you can change a companies trajectory overnight simply by creating communications that had the right associations.
    3. Leslie, what was your first full-time “real” job and you get from there to where you are today?
    4. Leslie Zane, did you first feel like you were truly beginning to gain traction with your career?
    5. Leslie Zane, right now you are really leading the way in the world of subconscious marketing…can you share with the listeners what “subsconscious marketing” is and why Fortune 100 clients say it’s the “holy grail” of marketing?
      1. There is the conscious and subconscious brain:
        1. Conscious – Works hard and very slow
        2. Subconscious – Works really fast and is working all of the time
      2. 95% of the time, our brand decisions are made with our subconscious brain.
      3. You want to create a lot of positive associations to your brain so that buyers subconscious is more likely to choose your brand.
  1. Why are most brands getting it wrong?
    1. Marketing departments have so many more responsibilities with the advent of digital. People are focused on constantly responding and interacting with their customers.
    2. This constant bombardment is causing a distraction. 95% of decisions are made in the subconscious which is not what constant engagement is.
  2. Leslie Zane, what are your 6 Surefire ways to accelerate growth?
    1. 1 – You need to replace negative with positive reinforcements instead of claiming that the negative claims are wrong or addressing them.
      1. If you look at how brands get sluggish over time, you see that brands accumulate negative associations over time.
      2. A brand is like a marathon runner with a backpack. Negative associations are things that are added to the backpack until the runner falls down.
    2. 2 – Build specific brand assets
      1. You want to create brand assets that are specific to your company and communicate with meaning
    3. 3 – You are going to be disrupted
      1. Everybody is being depositioned. You have to deposition back. You can’t be a victim.
    4. 4 – You need to focus on your growth target and not your core customer
      1. Most think that you should put all of your focus on your core customers but you should spend your money on the new customer.
      2. You have to constantly replenish.
      3. You have to have a river of life even with your customers. Old ones will eventually leave.
    5. 5 – You want to make sure to create a very overt expertise.
      1. What are you better at than any other company out there?
      2. Never stop telling your clients what you are best at and why you are the best.
    6. 6 – Emotional slogans don’t build businesses. Combining the functional and emotional and tying them back to the product is what really works.
  3. What ad is a great example of a good advertisement?
    1. A viral video: The Dollar Shave Club

Our Brand – www.triggers.com

Leslie Zane Founder and President, Triggers Growth Strategy 

[email protected]>

Leslie Zane revolutionary work is the subject of an extensive story in Knowledge@Wharton, co-written with marketing and neuroscience Professor Michael Platt. MIT Sloan Management Review, Barron’s, Ad Age and numerous other outlets have published her as well. In the lead up to the 2019 Super Bowl, she had the top story on LinkedIn. Leslie’s work builds on that of Nobel Prize-winning behavioral economist Daniel Kahneman. He discovered that subconscious mental “shortcuts” lead to most decisions. She has discovered what lies inside those shortcuts: brand networks composed of associations and memories. She calls these the Brand Connectome. They’re much more malleable that one would imagine. Once you understand how they work, you can take big strides toward influencing people — whether to choose one brand over another or to support a social campaign. Leslie is a sought after speaker, having received rave reviews for talks. Watch her in The Girls’ Lounge at Advertising Week, and listen to her interviewed on the Knowledge@Wharton podcast. 

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Audio Transcription

Leslie Zane Thrivetime Show Slides

And we’re live and 10 seconds. Are you guys on that mic check one. MIC check. 2% reason. Hello? I feel like I can hear what Jason is thinking. Hello on the booth. Yep. I’m here. MIC check one. MIC check one. For some reason I feel like I can, I certainly least thinking hello. Is your mic on? Yep. Mike, Check one. MIC check two. Subconsciously. I want a Burrito. Jason. How’s it going, my friend? Oh, it’s fantastic. I wonder if I’m not fantastic. It is raining outside. It is and it’s good. Tree planting weather. Oh for sure. In fact, in fact on its, on a subconscious level, I have an inner desire to plant more trees. He always has an inner desire to plant more trees. It’s very, very humble with you as of the time of the editing of today’s show. It’s father’s Day. True, and it’s a little gift to myself.

I purchased a three new pine trees. Oh, we should be like my 30 or 40 a tree this month. He may have an addiction. That’s impressive. I would’ve bought those trees anyway on a subconscious level, regardless of what holiday it was, because I just loved planting trees. I mean, it’s a good hobby to have. He’s addicted, but Jason, on a subconscious level, I think a lot of times we do things and we don’t know why we do them. That is very true. I don’t know why plant trees, I just can’t stop on a conscious level. I bought those trees because it’s father’s day, but maybe on a subconscious level. I fought those trees because he has a terrible addiction. Every time I go to Lowe’s, I by traced, he’s a tree hoarder. On today’s show, Yale graduate and subconscious marketing expert, Leslie Zane joins us to share about the power of subconscious marketing and the six surefire ways to accelerate growth in your business. She also explains why the Dollar Shave club.com commercial went viral and how you can make your marketing videos more effective to all this and more on today’s edition of the thrive time show on your radio and podcast. Download it now. If any further ado. Our interview with marketing expert, subconscious marketing expert, Leslie Zane. I need to plan a travel, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I want to plan all of the trees.

Some shows don’t need a celebrity in the writer to introduce a show like this show dies. Two man, eight kids co-created by two different women. 13 most time million dollar businesses. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the thrive time,

Sean. What

[inaudible] started from the bottom. You get [inaudible] the bottom. Yes, yes, yes. And yes. Thrive nation. On today’s show, we have an incredible guest who’s going to teach us about sub conscious marketing. Leslie Zane, welcome onto the thrive time show and into the Dojo of Mojo. How are you?

I am good. Thank you so much for having me. Clay, this is so much fun for me. It’s a privilege to be here.

Hey, you have, you have a good, so before we get into this, this show, when we start talking about subconscious marketing and, and triggers, tell us your background, your story. I mean you, where did you, where did you start off? Take us to the bottom. Biggest at the beginning. Where, where does your career start?

Um, well, my career started at Bain and company and believe it or not, uh, way back when and prehistoric times. Um, I, uh, I graduated from Yale and I was in the career standing in the career center, uh, at Yale. And this was still a time when they had a piece of loose leaf paper where you’ve signed your name up to be interviewed. And this was a signup sheet for Bain and company. I didn’t know what that company was. And somebody said to me, Oh, this is a really good company. You should put your name up. So I put my sign up by name, but pre-internet, pre-internet piece of loose leaf paper. And that was my, my first full time. Yeah,

get Outta here. You’re, you are, you are misleading us. I have, we’ve looked you up. You look like you’re, you’re 21, 22. You’re on, you’re drinking a lot of fish oil pre-internet really pre-internet. So your career has evolved quite a bit.

It has. It has, but I love you for saying that. You can say that 10 more times. I’ll take, I’ll take

you got another say 10 more times. Do you look like you’re 21, 22 you’re on. You look like you’re 21. 22. You’re on two. You looked like you’re, you’re 21, 22 you’re on. I want to buy all the time. You look like you’re 21, 22 you’re on. Hi. Can’t stop. No, no, no, no, no, no. Leslie, what? I say that, that’s what I’m going to do. Now I want to ask you this here because I didn’t go to Yale. Um, one of our listeners didn’t go to Yale. I think a lot of people think about Yale and go, oh, I would love to go to Yale. What was it like going to Yale?

It was wonderful. It was wonderful. Um, I had a really good time there. I did a lot of things in addition to studying it. Studying was not my whole life. I did musical theater. I was in singing groups. Yale has a wonderful tradition of acapella singing groups. I was in to singing groups, proof of the pudding and women rhythm, the female version of the women. Poof. I don’t know if your audience has heard of the whip and poofs but I was in the female acapella singing group, senior thing singing group. I had a lot of fun. I

she likes [inaudible]

did everything you’re supposed to do in college, um, which is have a good time, learn a lot and meet a ton of new people and I loved every minute of it. I wish I could go back today. I’m jealous.

What are your thoughts of Ana, the Acapella group turned R and B group boys to me. Do you have any thoughts on boys to men on a subconscious or conscious level? I bet you boys to men is the only thing that matters to her at all.

Uh, I didn’t even catch the question. Say that again. Oh,

boys to men. You know the, the RNB group, the acapella group there. Do you, do you care for boys to men or do you have a favorite vocal group?

I love all kinds of music. I really do. And I think Acapella is beautiful. Um, I think it’s really, really difficult. You gotta absolutely stay on tone and on pitch. It’s very, very tough. Um, but I think it makes, uh, each, each, um, acapella singing group makes a very distinct sound and I, I wish people would listen to more of that cause I think it’s fabulous.

I bet you she wants us to play boys to men right now. I bet you in our parallel universe, there’s a podcast right now playing boys to men. What if we applied boys to men right now? No, we can’t do that.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. [inaudible] again. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Come back to eighth grade dances. Everybody out there. Why do you play with my heart? Why do you go back to [inaudible]? [inaudible] $5, maybe forever, Babe. Put on your quad skates. Sit In [inaudible] reverse skate. Good. You Lumby need me say good. Well if you’re about 40, in other words, I can’t sleep and [inaudible] come on. [inaudible] down in [inaudible]. Here we go. [inaudible] here we go. [inaudible] and no, I don’t want your son to [inaudible].

Hopefully she didn’t hear my inner dialogue.

Where did you sing? Where you, what was your, your range or what, where did you typically get tid? Get put in some of these arrangements.

I was a, um, uh, what, what’s the level below? Not the first, the second, second soprano.

Oh Wow. I know. Okay. Okay.

Really high. Not really low, kind of someplace in between.

Okay. Okay. Well I’m not gonna, I’m not gonna make you sing. I’ll, I’ll move on. I just, I’m very interested in music and I liked musical people, so I’ll, I’ll move on. So, so now we’re, we’re talking about, uh, you know, this, this, this career of yours. And when did you get this interest in subconscious marketing or even did or did you even know consciously?

Uh, I don’t think way back when, um, early in my career, uh, that I necessarily called it subconscious versus conscious. I think that probably came a little bit later. Um, but I’ll, I’ll tell you what, the moment, the epiphany that I had that, um, that, that made this all very interesting to me. I was working at a top baby care company and I noticed that when moms saw a newborn being taken care of by his dad for a change, um, their minds were flooded with positive associations, you know, strong yet tender, modern and can I teach my husband for him? And um, and, and the company spilled and had never put a father and a baby carrot. They only had moms and babies. So I went over to my boss and I said, you know, I really think we should put the first father and a baby care ad. Um, but again, you have to remember this was in prehistoric times. So my boss thought I was crazy and said, absolutely not. And that year my performance reviews said, uh, Leslie Zane is too passionate about putting fathers in advertising, which really hurt, really hurt, but you have to, you can’t make this stuff up. Do you really kid? Um, but uh, what then later happened was they ultimately did put a father, the first father and a baby care Ed, and guess what? The commercial was the highest scoring ad in the company’s history and sales took off.

Bam, Mega Mega points for you. You have earned 1000 mega points in the face of whoever it was that told you not to obsess on featuring men in commercials and fathers. Uh, just, just, uh, I want to give a big boot to them.


and I want to get mega points to you. I want to set the record straight now back to you, my friend.

Um, well it was, it was a really epiphany because what I realized was that you could actually comp change a company’s trajectory overnight, right? Um, make, make a brand grow, uh, at, you know, double the pace that it was growing before simply by, um, creating communications that had the right associations and, and an abundance of positive associations at the brand didn’t have before. All those things I said earlier, strong yet attender, modern, um, you know, relevance, you know, all that kind of stuff.

Now the moment we start talking about conscience or subconscious, you know, subconscious, I think people start to go subconscious conscious. I don’t really know. I just blacking out. I don’t know what that means. I’ve been overwhelmed or some ideas going through my mind. Look, there’s a score. There’s a score. Can you, can you help us demystify a little bit? This whole idea of subconscious marketing? What, what does it mean in subconscious? What does the word subconscious mean?

Um, so we have two brains. We have a conscious brain and we have a subconscious degree, right brain. We really have three brains, but I’m just going to make it easy. There’s the conscious brain, which works really hard. It’s very evaluative. It’s very skeptical. Um, it’s very considered. We take a long time. We think very rationally with that part of the brain. We reject a lot of things with the brain, but it’s, it’s very thoughtful and it works really hard and it works really slow. And then we have this other brain, um, the subconscious brain, uh, which works really fast and is on automatic and it actually is on all the time. Um, and we’re not aware of what’s going on in that subconscious. But it turns out that 95% of our brand decisions are actually made with our subconscious brain, not with our conscious brain.

Only 5% of our decisions are made with the conscious brain. And so when you think about it, if you are a brand and you’re trying to make your brand grow or you own really any business, uh, you want to, uh, work the subconscious, which means creating lots of positive associations, um, that and, and, and accumulating those over time. Cause all the brand really is, is a collection of accumulated memories, positive and negative, positive associations and negative associations that have built up over time. The more positive associations you have, the more your brand is the brand that’s going to be chosen over the competition. It’s kind of as simple as that.

Why, what are, what are, I know you, I’ve heard you, uh, have documented these, you’ve, you’ve spoken about these, these six surefire ways to accelerate growth. Can you walk us through what these six surefire ways are to accelerate the growth of a business? But before you do that, can you tell us where most businesses are getting it wrong when it comes to marketing in your mind right now?

Yeah. Um, so we are at a very difficult time in marketing today. Business is very hard, um, in marketing, uh, companies now have, well marketing departments have so many responsibilities that they didn’t have before. And the world have gotten so much more complicated with the advent of digital, um, that they’re are very much focused on continuous activation, constantly having messages out to consumers. Um, 24, seven through all the different kinds of social media, digital advertising, um, that they, that they feel that they have to do to keep up, uh, to keep up with the competition. Um, and the, some of that, a lot of that I guess isn’t necessary. Uh, but it’s kind of causing a bit of a distraction away from the things the drivers, the two drivers of brands, which really are in the subconscious. Cause I just told you that 95% of decisions are made in the subconscious.

So if you’re constantly just kind of pushing, pushing out, pushing, pushing out content, um, you’re probably taking your eye off the ball over some of the things that are really gonna make your, your business grow. And then, and that’s where the six surefire ways to accelerate growth, um, comes in. So one of the things, one of the most important ways is if you look at brands, how they kind of get sluggish over time. Like maybe they had a great period during their hay day or when they were first launched or they had a couple of good years and then they’re, you know, the leaders are constantly trying to match that growth rate as time goes on. But what happens to brands is they keep accumulating negative associations over time. They don’t realize that this is happening, but little by little inadvertent negative associations get kind of glued to the brand. So an example would be McDonald’s, um, five years ago, um, which had a negative reputation at that time for having pink slime and their chicken nuggets.

Oh, and meat that never moles it. And you know, horses, eyeballs and your beef, I mean, all kinds of horrible stuff. We’re in these viral, these videos that had gone viral and it was [inaudible] you’re really hurting the business. I don’t know about the eyeball thing. I’m sorry. I’m just trying to recuperate at subconscious. It was all awful. I mean none of it was true. It had gotten, yeah, there you go. You know the theme song. Um, but uh, they had accumulated all these negative associations that were weighing down the brand and it’s a brand is like a marathon runner with a backpack. Little by little negative associations keep getting added into the backpack until the runners slows down and ultimately grinds to a halt. So the only way to make the brand grow again is to get rid of those negative associations. So what do you do?

Do you say, no, we don’t have pink slime in our chicken nuggets. No, you do not do that because all you’re doing is reinforcing the negative associations you already have and telling more people that you have that problem. Instead, what you want to do is replace negatives with positives and tell them about the fact that hey, guess what? McDonald’s actually cooks on the premises. They crack a real egg and put it into your egg mcmuffin and, and all kinds of things that people had no aware awareness of. They make their beef with great abs and they started giving those kinds of messages, um, and it started to turn the business around. So that’s the first one. First, we were only on the first one. Patients with positive ones. Break it down. This is awesome. This is great. I’m taking notes here. Okay. Okay. So the first one is replaced negative associations with positive ones.

That’s the very first thing you want to do. The second thing you want to do is to build a distinctive brand assets. Um, a lot of companies have a branding but, and I don’t mean just logos and things like that. I mean all of their branding, their imagery, the world, the setting that the, that the brand takes place in who they show in their commercials. Um, what they talk about, um, does a tendency to have fairly generic, um, imagery and generic assets. Pharmaceutical in particular, um, tend to use a lot of user imagery. What I mean by that is they’ll show the end user of the drug in commercials, but that doesn’t create distinctive brand imagery. That’s just showing a bunch of people using your product. Just like every other pharmaceutical ad. Um, what you want to do is create, um, brand assets that are specific to your company and actually communicate with meaning. Um, so, uh, that’s, that’s the second one that’s really important. Build distinctive brand assets. Cause when you do that, you actually create ingrained memory structure and it, it forms an imprint in consumer’s brains again, in the subconscious, um, and makes it easier for them to remember and uh, makes them connect with it more, uh, et cetera.

I have a question. Second one. Yep. What on a conscious or subconscious level is a, I think it’s Viagra who runs the ad where it shows a couple and they’re each in their own bathtub. What is going on? They’re like looking out over the horizon. Have you seen this commercial or this? It’s a couple. He’s in a bath tub. She’s in a bath tub. They’re all doing their own separate bathtub. Looking out over a vast, uh, uh, w what is going on? Have you seen that commercial?

You know, I haven’t seen that particular one, but I know that most Viagra commercials that I have seen are all about, you know, the man and the woman getting together kind of facilitated by Viagra doing its thing. Um,

okay. Maybe it was Cialis, maybe it was Cialis or something. I’ll have to have to do, I’ll have to spend hours researching these commercials to find it. Okay. So let’s get back into the, we’re on moved. We had moved move number one and two. Let’s move on to super move number three.

All right, so three is everybody today, every brand is being repositioned. Amazon is [inaudible] positioning a whole bunch of retailers, companies with technological capabilities like um, financial, Robo advisers, digital platforms where you can invest, are displacing, you know, banks. This is just happening right and left. And the big lesson there is you are going to be this [inaudible]. You just have to expect that you will be. Um, and the sure fire way to drive growth, uh, is that you have to de-position back. You can’t just beat a victim. You can’t just play the victim play dead and say, Oh, well business is bad this year, you know, because I, this was done to me. Instead you have to fight right back. And we give our clients, um, rules and techniques in order to do that. You know, de-position that competition right back.

All right,

so that’s the third one.

We won the super court before. Super move number four, Benton cleanup here. I am excited here we, here we go. Here we go.

Okay. The fourth one is, uh, that you need to focus on your growth. Target your prospects, not your core. This is totally counterintuitive because most people think, and it, and I understand why they do that. The only thing that’s really important is your current customer. We love our current customers. Absolutely we do. But if you only have $1 and you can spend it against either your core customers or your prospects, you want to put it against your prospects because you will get more growth every single time after out of one new customer. If you don’t do that, your, your franchise is going to churn every, every franchise does. People are always falling out. So you have to constantly replenish and so again, counterintuitive, but you have to focus on your growth to our target, not your core customer.

Focus on your growth target, not your core customer.

Right? I mean in other words, where you’re going to spend most of your marketing resources, that doesn’t mean you’re not gonna, you know, do wonderful things and give your current customer a wonderful experience. You’re going to do all that. But in terms of spending, definitely put your bucks against penetration as opposed to just getting your current customers to buy more.

I know you wanted to have a resolution on this and so our research team has been looking this up frantically and it turns out Cialis is the company that that was running those ads with, with the dual bathtubs. So I just want to make sure we get that out there. I don’t want you moving on and on a subconscious level, you’re on your mind thinking about it all the time. I don’t want you to waste any of your gray matter to thinking about that kind of thing. I wanted to end this show in the loop, close the loop so you have the information you need. That’s how much we care about you, Leslie Zane. And now we’re moving onto the next super move.

Okay. The fifth thing is you want to make sure to create a very overt expertise, meaning what are you better at than any other company? You have to be really clear about that. And very often companies forget to tell people, you know, a good example of this is h and r block. Um, about I would say maybe in the past five years they stopped telling people why they are really good at doing your taxes and that enabled a lot of new competitors to come along and take share from them. Um, in the old days when Mr Block was around, uh, and, and actually appeared in the advertising, they would talk about all the wonderful expertise that they had and doing your taxes. Whereas more recently [inaudible] h and r block was just talking about getting it done cheaply and they forgot to tell people that they are actually really good at this. They find all of the ins and outs and all of the little, um, specific, um, details of doing your taxes and saving you money. Um, and so more recently, I think in the last six months, they started focusing on their expertise again, which is good. Um, but, but that’s, that’s a big one. Making sure that you convey your expertise.

They gotta bring back block is like a Hologram or something. You know, they brought back Tupac is a Hologram, a big truck back. Other Michael Jackson is a, as a hologram. Maybe they do. Would you endorse them bringing back a, you know, Mr Block as a Hologram actor?

Well, actually I think he’s still alive and so they could have the real, the real person. Um, but

why is he going the commercials? What’s going on? We got to get him on there.

Yeah, we do. We do. Um, but I think the, the, you know, there probably are a lot of wonderful tax, uh, accountants that they have right on staff right in the um, right in the little retail stores that they own that and they could put those people on and, and talk about how, how much they know and how and how they’re going to save you lots of money.

Leslie Zane, do you like Star Wars?

I Love Star Wars.

Couldn’t they bring back block like, like you know, Yoda appeared or how like Obi wan Kenobi appeared. Would that be a cool deal? They have like the old school version of Mr Block encouraging the new employees of today. They could do that. That’s the move.

Yeah, I think so. Like the Yoda,

Yoda of taxes. I think that would be awesome. Seek. Okay. Okay, well we’ll, we’ll move on. I’m just saying that I know the, the good folks at h and r block listen to each and every show and they’re looking for ideas and I’m just saying, look, take your new employees, your current employees. They’re looking cool. They’re looking young, they’re looking fresh, they’re current. True. But then take the old school ads and make Mr Block appear via Hologram. That right there is gonna make the bucks. Okay. What’s the final move there, Ms Leslie,

by the way, you missed your calling. You should’ve been an advertising. You definitely have a big future as an advertiser.

Huge, huge future people in Delaware. Love me. Okay. Back to you.

Okay. The fifth one is, um, there is a misconception that if we communicate big emotional slogans like, you know, use the skin cream and you’ll feel empowered or drink this coffee, live a fuller life, uh, that, that’s going to build a business. It does not. Um, the only thing that really works is to, um, combine the functional and the emotional, um, and, and tie any emotion that you’re going to represent back to the product and the brand itself. Those two things have to be tightly integrated, integrated. Um, and so that’s a big one that we see when I’m buying emotional functional.

I don’t want to a page into a corner, but I want you to think real quick. I’m going to keep some thinking music real quick,

acute or emotional and functional. You’ve seen a lot of advertisements, some that are not so good, some that are great. If you could think of maybe your favorite ad or ads, a couple of examples where you go that, that right there, that right there is how you advertise. Folks, I know the listeners out there would love for you to pinpoint a specific ad or a couple that really gets it right when it comes to their branding because I know the listeners out there going, okay, we

trust Leslie Zane and we’re looking for that expert feedback.

So Leslie, is there a specific ad or advertisement, a campaign that you would want to point our attention to so the thrivers could analyze it and break it down?

Sure. Um, I am going to give you an example of a viral video. Uh, and I think that that’s a good example for the times that we’re in. Um, because as you know, um, a lot of companies are doing a lot more on digital than they are in traditional television. Um, although they’re still doing, they’re still doing both. But the one that I would say is really awesome is the dollar shave club, um, video that was done by the founder, uh, the founder of the company. Uh, it’s about 60 seconds I think.

I it

viral almost immediately.

Can I play it? Yeah. Do you want to do that now? I’m gonna play it right now and then I’ll have you break down why it worked. Okay. I’m going to queue it up. Give me just one second. Thrive nation here. I know it’s like exciting those to do an audio only show where somebody is king of audio, but I’m going to cue it up here and every, we’ll put a link to it on the show notes. Currently has 26 million views on the official website. Many people have copied it, that kind of thing. This is dollar shave club.com. And then after I play it, I am going to uh, shut up and let ms Leslie Zane break it down. So here we go.

Hi, I’m Mike, Founder of Dollar Shave club.com. What is dollar Shave club.com? Well for a dollar a month we send high quality razors right to your door. Yeah, a dollar. Are the blades any good? No. Our blades are great. Each razor has stainless steel blades and aloe vera lubricating strip and a pivot head. It’s so gentle. A toddler could use it. And do you like spending $20 a month on brand name razors? 19 go to Roger Federer. I’m good at tennis. I think your razor needs a vibrating handle, a flashlight, a backscratcher and 10 blades. Your had some ass grandfather had one blade and polio looking good pop up. Stop paying for shave tech you don’t need and stop forgetting to buy your blades every month. Alejandro and I are going to ship them right

two years.

We’re not just selling razors, we’re also making new jobs. Alejandro, what were you doing last month that are working? What are you doing now? I’m no Vanderbilt but this train makes hay [inaudible] so stop forgetting to buy your blades every month and start deciding where you’re going to stack all those dollar bills. I’m saving you. We are dollar shave club.com and the party is on

Leslie, why did that commercial work?

It worked because, um, what Michael did is he flooded minds with positive associations about dollar shave club while simultaneously flooding people’s minds with negative associations about all the big razor companies like Gillette. So the combination of that, the contrast that he created, if you listened to it again, you’ll notice that everything that he did was a contrast. He would talk about how wonderful their benefits are and then he would simultaneously say, but you know, and you don’t need a razor that’s got a fan and a hammer and a, and a, uh, you know, a, a video camera on it. Like he instantly said that, that on the one hand you’ve got everything you need in his product and you have all of these other things that you don’t need. Um, these, oh, just over engineered razor from the other companies. And then even the setting that, where this takes place, again, your viewers can see this right now, but it takes place in a bare bones warehouse.

And so by setting the whole brand right there in a warehouse, um, instead of in fancy offices or a fancy building, um, or something very slick looking again, he was creating that contrast between the big razor companies that are known to be these gigantic corporations and his little boutique operation where they’re putting every penny a baby. The inference is that they’re putting every penny into the product itself and not wasting money on big fancy offices. Uh, so it’s, and it’s a wonderful combination of the functional because he’s talking a lot about their razors and the quality of them and the practicality of them and how, how good they are doing their job. Um, and then he’s wrapping it obviously and all of this wonderful humor. Um, and so you’ve got the perfect combination of, of function and emotion right there.

Leslie Zane, for the listeners out there that want to know more about you, uh, or, or want to maybe do business with you, what, what, what, um, what problems can you help our listeners solve and how can they get ahold of you?

Well in terms of the problems that we solve, most companies, clients come to us, um, when they are suffering from some dynamic in their category, their industry, uh, that’s on favorable. Um, whether it’s commoditization of the category or a big competitor coming after them, or a lot of the time disruption is I’ve talked about or simply just growth slowing down, um, and needing to get back to the levels that, um, are going to please their shareholders. Um, and so, uh, those are the kinds of projects that we do, um, through with our subconscious marketing. Our product is called triggers. Our brand is called triggers. We’re a growth strategy company. And so we’ve found that there’s an actual direct link between, um, influencing the subconscious of your growth targets and being able to top line growth, uh, to get in touch with us. Um, you can go to www.triggers.com um, and there’s a way to contact us in there. Uh, and I, I think my, my information is available also on that, on that website, my personal information. So it would be a pleasure to hear from, from anybody and everybody. [inaudible]

Leslie, thank you so much for putting up with me. Ah, I look forward to, uh, harassing you again in the future at some point. I appreciate your knowledge of Acapella music talking with us about Yale subconscious marketing, the dollar shave club. Just awesome. Thank you so much and I hope you have an awesome day.

Okay. Thank you so much. It was a privilege to be on here with you and your listeners and I wish all of you a wonderful day as well.

Jason, you’ve now been, uh, uh, coaching with clients and you’ve managed the elephant in the room store for a couple of years now. Um, how important is it? How important is it, do you think for our, our clients on a subconscious level for the thrivers on a subconscious level to sincerely believe that they have the capacity to actually implement the plan? Cause I think a lot of people might listen to a show like this and hear the success stories, right, of your real clients and think that their success is somehow unapproachable. How important do you think it is on a subconscious level for the thrivers out there to, to actually believe that they can make these changes and that they can actually become these success stories? Well, I think it’s super important because like you said at the beginning, everybody functions more in the subconscious than they realize.

And so if you just start with that belief, you’re more likely to meet those success levels that you’re aspiring to because you believe in it and you can’t do anything if you do not believe in the process. Now, the only way that I know to build people’s faith in something or to beat, to build up your belief in something is to just give you examples, testimonials, uh, verified facts, that kind of thing, right? So what I’m gonna do is I’m going to say yes, it is true that according to Forbes, nine out of 10 startups fail. Even the most, a, I’m optimistic. Our reports show that eight out of 10 startups fail. That’s true. But it doesn’t have to be your truth. So what I’m going to do is I’m going to cue up some audio testimonials from real people out there within the real thrive nation that have had massive success as a result of diligently implementing the systems that we teach and preach on a daily basis. Because I know, and I believe that you have the capacity and the tenacity needed to thrive, needed to implement what you’re learning. And so now, without any further ado, here’s an audio testimonial from a real thriver just like you. And there are companies calledK and d would refinish them. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

And we went from expecting maybe 250,000 this year to, we’re at 400,000. Hi, I’m Kelsey with Candy’s Woodruff finishing business owner at a 23. So I’ve been working this Kay knee’s company for about five years now and we started with thrive not too long ago. Um, and we went from expecting maybe 250,000 this year to we’re at 400,000. Uh, that’s what we’re going to hit or exceed. So we’re pretty excited about that. Uh, it’s been pretty much just listening to what they have to say. Their hiring process has just really been incredible as far as finding good quality help and the, uh, just the accountability of meeting up with them weekly and, uh, like such good insight, uh, the resources that they have for specific business questions. Uh, it’s all been really incredible. It’s been a great experience. So I’d recommend it to anybody.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Jason, how many testimonials do you think the thrive nation needs to hear before they believe that they have the ability to actually have success? I mean, that’s a young guy, right? They’re having a lot of success at a very young age. Uh, how many more testimonials do you think that the thrive nation needs before they are thoroughly convinced that they have the capacity and the tenacity needed to implement the proven systems? I mean, for me, just a handful would be great, but I know there’s no like, set number for everybody. So just, you know, get on the website and watch them cause there’s thousands on there. How many audio, how many audio testimonials can fit inside a hand? That’s a great question. I’d say at least three. At least three non-tangible audio testimonials can fit inside your hand. Yeah. So thrive nation. I will now cue up another audio testimonial from a great company called American document shredding.

What does boom mean? I think a lot of people say, why do you guys always say, boom, what does boom mean? Well, boom stands for big, overwhelming optimistic momentum. And that’s what you need. You’d have a be big optimistic. You’ve got to believe it. You have to believe you can do it. Optimistic, it’s overwhelming moment. A big overwhelming optimistic momentum. You’ve got to have that big, big as a massive, overwhelming like wow, it’s going to engulf. Everything can overcome all obstacles. Big, overwhelming, optimistic momentum. That’s what it takes to achieve success. And so I’m going to queue up yet another audio testimonial from a great thriver out there by the name of Don Calvert. And his company is called score basketball. And he was willing to actually come into the studio, come into the office and to share his story. His company, score B ball.com has grown dramatically and systemically, and it now has created both time and financial freedom for him and his, for he and his family because he diligently has implemented each and every system that we have taught him.

subconsciously or consciously. This is your year to thrive. I believe you have what it takes to do it, but you’ve got to take action. Go to thrive time, show.com and book your tickets for our next in-person thrive time show business conferences Again, you can get your tickets at thrive time, show.com. Click on the conferences button and there you can book your attendance, your tickets to the world’s highest and most reviewed interactive business workshop. It’ll change your life, but we can’t help you if we don’t get a chance to know you book your tickets today at thrive time. show.com I know of any further I do. Three, two, one. Whoa. This is [inaudible]

Gioia to thrive. Success. Today is your day and now is your time. Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth. Proverbs tenfold. I’m here to tell you, you can do it. If you could just motivate yourself to let the masses had to cut off of you. So on the day I could one day do a misshapen tree. I had to prove I had to make cuts to be here daily at noon. Sun Wave and knowledge months soon I could pay them no probates. Dose of doubt and you will you the next block of bevel or the next Fubu for the next Dr. King who changed the and walls in your way. What you want [inaudible] it’s up to you. I remember my days back in the dorm room to to, to, to like the template. Well with the jobs that tried to consume hook food, the pizza that I could pursue what? From the mountain top. Now I can do clue that you have what it takes up to you. Your to success.

Today is your day and now it’s your year to today. Your Day. And now this moment might’ve been rough with what you got now is now even checked you out. But you gotta be with the old plow started from the bottom and put my wave up, prayed up. You gotta get it. Don’t quit it to your [inaudible] and now all went to kid. But we cannot begin without self discipline to fall closed. We believe in you, but not as much as God applied what you learned increased. Burn it in. Do Time. You got money to increase what? Burn into tangent. Got Money to increase. What? [inaudible]

the shutdown. The doubt where silver weeds that becoming your dream flowers empower you to devour all the obstacles that make your sweet dream Sour. As for me, I used to [inaudible] but now up on the microphone. Smooth light buck. If I can do it, I know you can do, but you must stick to it like post too. And while Morgan’s on the call, wrists, what? He’s seeing three big dreams today and now this is your year to sing. It says you, today is your day today and now is your turn. It’s your time today and now sing it button. Today is your day. These are the term I realize I can’t sing like that, but I can’t talk and

play the woodblock. Okay? If you guys need me, I’ll just be over here.


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