Business Models That Have the Capacity to Create Both Time and Financial Freedom

Show Notes

Are you looking to create both time freedom and financial freedom in an affordable way? Are looking for a business model that actually solves real problems for real customers in a scalable way?

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “If your business depends on you, you don’t own a business—you have a job. And it’s the worst job in the world because you’re working for a lunatic!” – Michael Gerber

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “Organize around business functions, not people. Build systems within each business function. Let systems run the business and people run the systems. People come and go but the systems remain constant.” – Michael Gerber

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “People around you, constantly under the pull of their emotions, change their ideas by the day or by the hour, depending on their mood. You must never assume that what people say or do in a particular moment is a statement of their permanent desires.” ― Robert Greene, Mastery

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “The difference between great people and everyone else is that great people create their lives actively, while everyone else is created by their lives, passively waiting to see where life takes them next. The difference between the two is living fully and just existing.”- Michael Gerber

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “With no clear picture of how you wish your life to be, how on earth are you going to live it? What is your Primary Aim? Where is the script to make your dreams come true? What is the first step to take and how do you measure your progress? How far have you gone and how close are you to getting to your goals?”- Michael Gerber

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “They intoxicate themselves with work so they won’t see how they really are. ” – Michael Gerber

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “Organize around business functions, not people. Build systems within each business function. Let systems run the business and people run the systems. People come and go but the systems remain constant.” – Michael Gerber

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “A business exists to serve the owner.” – Doctor Robert Zoellner

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “The goal is to be able to live your life the way Michael Jordan played basketball or Marvin Gaye sang a song. To be able to feel the way you feel when you laugh at a joke but to feel that way all the time.” – Russell Simmons (The founder of modern hip-hop, the co-founder of Def Jam Record, Def Comedy Jam, Phat Farm and Rush Communications)

MYSTIC STATISTIC – the number of people who now admit to wasting time at work every day has reached a whopping 89%.


In order to create time freedom, you must own a business that does the following 8 things well.

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “Lieutenant Dan got me invested in some kind of fruit company. So then I got a call from him, saying we don’t have to worry about money no more. And I said, that’s good! One less thing.” – Forrest Gump

It solves a problem for your ideal and likely buyers that are actually willing to pay to solve.

MYSTIC STATISTIC – Five Reasons 8 Out Of 10 Businesses Fail –


You must have great branding.

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “Brand is just a perception, and perception will match reality over time. Sometimes it will be ahead, other times it will be behind. But the brand is simply a collective impression some have about a product.” – Elon Musk

MYSTIC STATISTIC – 70% Of Your Employees Hate Their Jobs –


You must find a core differentiator that makes you stand out from the competition.

NOTABLE QUOTABLE –  “If you give someone a present, and you give it to them in a Tiffany box, it’s likely that they’ll believe that the gift has higher perceived value than if you gave it to them in no box or a box of less prestige. That’s not because the receiver of the gift is a fool. But instead, because we live in a culture in which we gift wrap everything– our politicians, our corporate heads, our movie and TV stars, and even our toilet paper.” – Michael Levine (The PR consultant of choice for Nike, Pizza Hut, Michael Jackson, Prince, etc.)

MYSTIC STATISTIC – “A new Gallup survey shows that 71% of workers are “not engaged” or “actively disengaged” from their work.” –


You have turn-key 3-legged marketing that does not involve your personal activity and energy.

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.” Steve Jobs

MYSTIC STATISTIC – 90% Of Startups Fail: Here’s What You Need To Know About The 10% –


You must be able to recruit other humans to work with you.

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “If you pick the right people and give them the opportunity to spread their wings and put compensation as a carrier behind it you almost don’t have to manage them.” – Jack Welch (The former CEO of GE)

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “One lesson I learned [at PayPal] is to fire people faster.  That sounds awful, but I think if somebody is not working out, it’s best to part ways sooner rather than later.  It’s a mistake to try too hard to make something work that really couldn’t work.” – Elon Musk (The man behind PayPal, Tesla, SpaceX, SolarCity, etc.)


You must have the ability to teach other humans how to implement the systems.

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “I would rather make 1% of 100 people’s efforts than 100% of my own efforts” – John D. Rockefeller (American oil industry business magnate, industrialist, and philanthropist. He is widely considered the wealthiest American of all time, and the richest person in modern history.)

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “People think focus means saying yes to the thing you’ve got to focus on. But that’s not what it means at all. It means saying no to the hundred other good ideas that there are. You have to pick carefully. I’m actually as proud of the things we haven’t done as the things I have done. Innovation is saying no to 1,000 things.” – Steve Jobs

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “Make all of the details perfect but limit the number of details to perfect. – Jack Dorsey


The math must work.

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “Rule No. 1: Never lose money. Rule No. 2: Never forget rule No. 1.” – Warren Buffett (American business magnate, investor, and philanthropist who serves as the chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway.


You must be able to afford the startup and burn-rate costs.

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “A budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went.” – Dave Ramsey

MYSTIC STATISTIC – Why half of the Americans can’t come up with $400 in an emergency




Costs – $55,000 Initial Cost

Monthly Loan Payment – As Low as $1,000 per Month (or less)

Home-Based Business

The Path to Time and Financial Freedom

Step 1 – Find a problem that you can solve for the world that the world is willing to pay you to solve.

Step 2 – You want to differentiate your service or product in a way that is memorable.

Step 3 – You must have turn-key a marketing system.

Step 4 – You must have a proven sales system.

Step 5 – You must have your systems in place and they must be repeatable.

Step 6 – You have to have a mastery of accounting.

Learn more about the proven turn-key business model that has been providing franchisees with time and financial freedom for the past decade at

Business Coach | Ask Clay & Z Anything

Audio Transcription

Today. I start by asking one of the more profound questions I’ve ever asked our listening audience here. One of the more profound questions I’ll probably ever asked you.

This entire show is about business coaching school without the BS, right? But what’s the point of a business? I mean really at the end of the day, at the end of the year life, at the end of your life, what was the purpose of your business? I would argue in Dr. z dot would argue, did a business exists to serve you and your family? I believe that a business exists to create both time freedom and financial freedom for your family to do whatever the crap you want to do. So my kids, they just returned from a trip going to Kentucky to visit their grandparents and it costs money to send them there. What? What I was saying, it took money. You had to exchange currency for the goods and services that you want to. Yeah. Yeah, and then I picked him up from the, from the airport, you know, we got them smoothies and did that. Was that free? No, it costs money. And then after that, uh, we shot off some fireworks that we purchased my sound effect there.

So all of those things cost money. I don’t wake up everyday obsessed with money, I don’t think to myself. Yeah, you always wanted to do is acquire many because they had. So I want to do is keep money and then count the money. You know, I don’t, I don’t do that. I don’t think anybody does that. I actually, I do think some people do that, but I don’t think that’s the, that’s the point. The point of a business, a business exists to serve the owner. So if that is the case, why are you operating a business model that doesn’t allow you to have either time freedom or financial freedom mean why would you own a business that doesn’t allow you to have either time freedom or financial freedom? Well, Michael Gerber, the bestselling author of the e Myth Book series has a few answers from his book, and I’m going to read some notable quotables from Michael Gerber because his notable quotables, uh, he’s the one saying it so he doesn’t, he will.

Let’s let him be the guy. I don’t want to be the bad guy. What? Michael Gerber, the bestselling author of the e myth book series be the bad guy. So without any further ado, here are some notable quotables from Michael Gerber direct to you, Michael Gerber rights. If your business depends on you, you don’t own a business, you have a job and it’s the worst job in the world because you’re working for a lunatic. Wow, I repeat, he says, that seems Kinda man, if your business depends on you, you don’t own a business, you have a job and it’s the worst job in the world because you’re working for a lunatic. Well, thank you Michael. That felt really positive. Um, so the next notable quotable from Michael Gerber is you want to organize your business around business functions. Not people build systems within each function and let the systems run the business and the people run the systems.

People come and go, but the systems remain constant. You see that so that the systems are what you want. You want a proven business model. All you want is a business model that is for sure going to create time and financial freedom for you. So if you’re out there listening today and you say, I would just like to buy a business model that creates time, freedom and financial freedom for me. Well you’re in luck because are going to be interviewing Matt Klein with oxy fresh on today’s show. Now, who’s met client Matt Klein sells the franchises. One is one of the guys who sells the franchises. He’s a brand development. He’s worked in brand development for oxy, fresh out of Denver, Colorado. And if you want to buy an Oxi fresh franchise, you would, uh, speak to matt on the, on the phone, and then you would actually go through a series of discussions and then he would schedule you to fly out to Denver for a discovery day where you could sit down and look at the call center and how it answers phones for you. And you’ll see all the, all of the marketing happens. You can shadow a carpet technician, you can see how to clean carpets, had to train a team, you get to see the whole thing. And then after that discovery day period, if you, if you like it, and you read through the franchise disclosure document, um, matt is the guy who gets to award you. And oxi fresh franchise is a good fit. So then be further ado, our exclusive interview with Matt Klein from oxy fresh. And so

67 percent are thinking to themselves, I want to start my own business. I want to do it. I’m gonna do it. I’m going to make the leap of faith, right? I want to become the man answered to the man, the man or the woman, whatever the case may be. I want to be a transgender entrepreneur who dominates who dominates. So I got a couple of questions for you. One, how many of the people that buy an Oxi fresh franchise are fresh into entrepreneurship? Do you look at that? Is that something you you pay attention to or does that even matter or you don’t keep records of that or what? Tell me about that franchise specifically. Our investment level and they certainly not owned a carpet cleaning company before, so we know that that’s one of the reasons we’ve been pushed so hard to make sure that the systems are in place because if you just buy a franchise and you just have all the equipment you’re out on your own, you know, you’re still dealing with all those challenges. So for us, we’ve tried to take every step of the process, some franchise coaching, making sure that every single piece of the process is they’re set up for you. So all you have to do is walk down the path, right? So when, when, when small business coaching or businesses start, you know, you have to have some sort of structure and you have to have the steps in place to move forward and we do track that because of our growth over the last 12 years, we’ve gotten a lot of attention from multibrand eyes owners, people that own, you know, a bunch of Sanex or a bunch of sports clips or little Caesar’s pizza and they want another way to grow and scale, but they don’t want to take another 40 hours a week from them or their staff.

So most of about, up until this year or last few years have been people that haven’t had a lot of business skills in the past or haven’t owned a business. Um, but we’ve really evolved. So now we have people from all different fronts. We very much welcome those that have not had any of that experience in the past. We will teach you, we will guide you, you will become an expert in entrepreneurship. And for those that really want to grow their portfolio, we’re a great option for them as well.

Now, for anybody out there who’s tuning into the podcast, the thrive time show, what we’re all about is helping you create time freedom and financial freedom. And this just it. Total disclosure. Uh, I’ve known Jonathan for many, many years. For all the listeners out there, Jonathan Barnett is the founder of Oxi fresh. He’s a partner of mine. I worked with them on different business ventures and one of the things that gets me the most excited is to go up to Google every day and I type in everyday carpet cleaning quotes. Matt, I typed in carpet cleaning quotes. And then I see today you have 134,865 people who’ve written a review for oxy fresh. So oxi fresh is you’re, you’re getting leads all day. So if I’m out there and I’m listening, I go, Gosh, I’m trying to generate leads. I just need to leads. How does Oxi fresh help the local franchisee generate leads? Because I know what it means to have 130 134,000 reviews. Nobody has 134,000 reviews. But when you type in carpet cleaning quotes, anywhere in the world, Oxi fresh comes up top in Google and I’m sure you do other things to help people generate leads. But talk to me about, talk to us about the Oxi fresh helps the local franchise owner to generate leads.

Yeah, that’s very important. Um, specifically now in the day and age where technology is taking over print mail is, is becoming less and less of a way of getting business. And what we realized several years ago is that we can’t really expect our franchisees to be technology partners, right? I mean, Google changes their algorithms almost monthly and we got to stay top of that. So one of the huge advantages is we take all that technology onto your plate. We basically build, manage and maintain your local online presence in your areas from your website, making sure they’re up to date, making sure the content is relevant to what you’re trying to accomplish, as well as your google pages. We keep your google pages up to date as they change. We change with them. Same thing with yelp. Same thing with facebook. These are ever changing business coaching platforms that if you stay on the top of the technology, you will always be able to grab market share because this is the roadblock or a huge hurdle for everybody else you’re competing with. Right? So we bring the technology. You bring the effort. That’s a recipe for success.

No, Marshall Morris is joining us on the show. He’s the co author of our Amazon best selling book start here and a Marshall. You see a lot of entrepreneurs that we meet who put in hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars into their startup and for oxy fresh, I mean mad if I’m coming in to buy an Oxi fresh today, all in what does it cost me to buy an Oxi fresh franchise?

Yeah, and there’s some ownership styles that will dictate a little bit of fluctuation in investment, but you want to be around 55 to $60,000 all in and that will lie to get everything from training equipment, product. I’m coaching programs, everything you need to literally get your business, get trained, step outside and start doing jobs.

No. So Dr z here, full disclosure is a part owner of a bank, Regent Bank you’ve invested in and Regent Bank, you guys do sba loans, small business loans for people. A lot of people use an SBA loan to buy an Oxi fresh, so all in, let’s just say I put in $56,000 to buy the business cash or if I want to get a small business loan mad, it’s probably going to come out to about a thousand bucks a month if I put it out over a 10 year term ish, something like that.

Very low cost to entry. We are an SBA approved franchise, which makes that process very easy for our, for our potential franchisees coming in. It’s just a hurdle they’re not going to have to go through with our business being financially stable for the amount of time that we have and the growth that we’ve had. Um, so they’re really just going to look at the individual, um, and make sure that they’re qualified to get an SBA loan. We have a lot of people that do that. I’m very good way with a low monthly payment to get into a very thriving business. So

Marshall, you’ve seen this tool. People will put hundreds of thousands of dollars into a company. It almost seems too good to be true. You can put a thousand dollars a month or less independent SBA loan and you have an opportunity to make really good money because it’s a franchise. You can’t make statements of earnings. I can’t sit here and say, Oh, if you buy an Oxi fresh, for sure, guaranteed you’re going to make six figures. You can’t do that, but you can get a franchise disclosure business coaching document where they can show you what franchisees are earning or top line revenue, those kinds of things. But Marsha, what questions do you have for Matt Klein with oxy fresh about oxy fresh, the opportunity, the franchise, how it works. I mean asked the root question tomorrow. The rude ones. Well, first of all, man, it is so cool to talk to you because I’ve seen the reviews, the video testimonials from all the franchise owners and they’re just so excited to be business owners to be their own bosses. And so, so here, here’s my question for you, if I am maybe an employee wanting to go into entrepreneurship or I’m a business owner and I’m looking to maybe start the second business, why is Oxi fresh such a good option rather than maybe try beating my head against the wall for, for three years just to get the business profitable in the first place, uh, or, uh, just starting with oxy fresh and be off to the ground running rather immediately. Wise Oxi fresh or good fit in that regard.

Yeah, that’s a great question. And I think we have a very unique platform refresh as we currently sit with the evolution from 2006. We’ve really created a business model where you can tailor this thing around your lifestyle. Most other companies, you really have to evolve yourself and wrap yourself around that business model. So with us, because of our flexibility and ownership, because of our systems and automation, because of our national call and it takes that entire customer interaction off your plate. You can run this as an owner operator for the first few months and then expand. You can run it as a secondary source of income because again, you could be doing something throughout the day, but your business doesn’t struggle because we are still doing the things necessary to put jobs on the schedule, give your technicians the resources to be successful out there in the field, so flexibility and ownership has become one of the best keys to occupy in our success because you never know what’s going to happen next year compared to this year, right? You may need to keep your job for a little bit and then jump into a business that can actually eventually break off and become an owner or you just may want to say, you know what? Today is my day. I’m going to become a franchise owner. I’m going to do it and we can get you off to the races.

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One, you are now entering the Dojo of Mojo and the thrive time show, thrive time. Show on the microphone. What is this? Top of the charts in the category of business written down on business topics like we are a dentist. You would shift like if we go past that, you might get motion sick pen and pad to the nab that’s in this group.

Three, two, one. Here come the Business Ninja live nation. Welcome back to the thrive time show on your radio for anybody. Just now tuning in to this incredible radio broadcast and podcast. Uh, we thank you for helping us to reach number one on the itunes charts, uh, this past. We’ve been consistently in the top 20 on the itunes business section for quite a while now. And that’s because great folks like you are subscribing to the podcast and sharing it with your friends. And so we want to reward you for doing that. So if you have subscribed to the podcast, all you gotta do is just subscribed to the podcast, or if you already have subscribed to the podcast and you’ve left and you left us an objective review, just email us proof you did it to info at thrive time, and we’ll make sure that you get to attend one of our in person. Thrive time, show workshops for free. The only thing you have to buy is the workbook, which I believe is $27, the workbook and that kind of thing.

You get lunch. It’s a good thing. So I’d encourage you to get your tickets today by again leaving us and leaving us an objective review on itunes, subscribing for the thousands of you that already have. Thank you so much. And uh, today we’re talking about how to create both time freedom and financial freedom by buying a business model that already works it at the end of the day. Again, what is the purpose of a business? What is the purpose of a business? But you’re saying it weird saying that, but that’s an idea that other people will say, well, what do you mean? What do you mean? What? What’s the, what’s the purpose of business to make money? You have a why a so I can buy things. We have a why and if you keep asking people why eventually they’ll get irritated. But I would encourage you to think about that.

Why? What is the purpose of a business? A business according to Dr Zellner, Dr c dot has said over and over a business exists to serve you. According to me, a business is just a vehicle to get you from point a to point b. I am as passionate about any business model as I am about fossil fuels. We need fossil fuels to get from a to b using our current automobile technology. But I don’t sit there and lament or I don’t. I don’t sit there and celebrate when I pumped gas. I don’t pump gas. It’s amazing. I don’t sit there and mourn for the dinosaurs who gave their lives for the fossil fuels. I don’t do that. I just pumped the gas in my car and I move on. Maybe you have a more spiritual interaction at the pump than I do, but that’s what I do.

And with the business, it’s the same thing. A business simply exist to create time freedom and financial freedom for the. For the owner. So Michael Gerber, the bestselling author of the e Myth Book series, he writes, if your business depends on you, you don’t own a business, you have a job, and it’s the worst job in the world because you’re working for a lunatic. Thanks Michael. He goes on to write organized around business systems. What he says organized around business systems and functions, not people. He says, build systems within each business function. Let the systems run the business and people run the systems. People come and go, but the systems remain constant. Okay, so what does it look like when you have a business model that works well, a business model that works. This is what it’s going to do here. Okay? These, these are the. These are the steps.

This is going to happen for you. It solves a problem for your ideal and likely buyers. It solves a problem that people are actually willing to pay to have you solve. You know, according to Forbes, eight out of 10 businesses fail. Nine out of 10 businesses out of 10 startups fail. But what if you want to just buy a business model that already solves problems for people? A Weldon, I would recommend that you would listen in as we interviewed today’s guest. This is matt with Oxi fresh. He is the business coaching brand developer with oxy fresh. If you wanna, learn more about oxy fresh, go to thrive time, forward slash oxi fresh and Oxi fresh is the world’s greenest carpet cleaner, and they also provide a business model that creates time, freedom and financial freedom for the owners of the business and a great service for the marketplace. You can check them out today by going to thrive time forward slash oxi fresh. That’d be further ado. Our interview with the head of brand development, the man who sells more franchises than anybody else. I know it’s Matt Klein with oxy fresh could be doing something throughout the day because we are still doing the things necessary to put on schedule. You have your technicians the resources to be successful out there in the field, so flexibility and ownership has become one of the best keys to oxy fresh in our success because you never know what’s going to happen next year compared to this year, right? You may need to keep your job for a little bit and then jump into a business that can actually eventually break off and become an owner or you just may want to say, you know what, today it’s my day. I’m going to become a franchise owner and I’m going to do it and we can get you off to the races with our excellent franchise coaching programs. So that flexibility and ownership to us is an extremely important piece of how we’ve been able to grow over the last 12 years.

No, I’m not trying to get our listeners out there. We have hundreds of thousands of people listen to our podcasts and I’m not trying to get our listeners to take advantage of what you would call a discovery day because the discovery day at oxy fresh is a is a game changer. A lot of people go to a discovery day at oxy fresh and they say, ah, that was awesome. I mean, what? What? What do they want to buy a franchise or not? When you come to a franchisee discovery day, Matt, can you explain to us what a discovery day is all about and kind of because there’s a lot of people who want to buy a franchise or at least they think they want to and so it Oxi fresh. There’s a thing called a discovery day where they can book and they can come out and meet guys like you. Can you walk listeners through what the Discovery Day itinerary looks like?

Absolutely, and this is probably one of the most important part is not the most important part before moving forward with a franchise because let’s face it, there’s a lot of options like you guys said earlier in this podcast, but you got to figure out what’s best for you, what’s going to fit into the mold of you and your goals, and then you want to meet the people you’re going to be working with because in franchise and you’re not alone, and specifically with the Oxi, fresh utilizing resources is a huge part of being successful, so the discovery process for us is the last step before you actually take the step of ownership. There’s gonna be some conversations between me and my team just to make sure that everything is is the way it needs to be in terms of understanding the model and the finances behind it and in growth rates and all that sort of stuff.

But at the end we want you to come out to Denver, Colorado and we want to meet you. You should want to meet us. We’re going to walk you through our technology platform. We’re going to walk you through how our call center books, jobs for you, how are unique online scheduling platform will actually be a resource for you and your young customers that want to be able to book jobs in a different way. You’ll be able to sit with each member of our management team, understand their job role, how they’re going to be able to support you on an ongoing basis for whatever needs you have that day, and then you’re going to go on live jobs, see the customer interaction, see how our franchisees train their technicians to be successful in the home or in the buildings I’m in commercial, and what you’ll have a very good idea of every aspect of business so that you can make the decision, yes, everything is what it is. Let’s take that next step to ownership or you know what? If at the end of the day it’s not, that’s okay too, but at least you’ll have all the options out there on the table and you’ll be able to make a very, very good sound decision for yourself.


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Come stay to negative emotions. Dominate news taken. Talk about me. I can take that up. You make that school boards to show the force back. I wasn’t going to thrive. Nation. Welcome back to the thrive time show on your radio. The question we’re asking today is a tough, tough question and a question and a lot of people never asked themselves because they’re busy. You know, our entire show teaches you how to start and grow a successful company. We teach you how to create time freedom and financial freedom, but why? I mean, what is the purpose of a business? Really the purpose of a business is to give you the time, freedom and financial freedom so that you can do whatever you want to do. However, Michael Gerber, the best selling author of the e myth book series rights harshly I might add, he writes, most business owners intoxicate themselves with work so they don’t have to see how they really are.

He also says with no clear picture of how you wish your life to be, how on earth are you going to limit? What is your primary aim? Where’s the script to make your dreams come true? What is the first step to take? And how do you measure your progress? How far have you gone and how close are you really to your goals? Um, okay. So how do you create time freedom and financial freedom where you want to have a business that solves a problem for your ideal and likely buyers? So a one problem that the world has as their carpets keep getting dirty. And so if the economy’s tight, people will clean their carpets more often as opposed to replacing their carpet. If families in town, people will have their carpet cleaned. Whenever families in town, you’ve got to clean the top of the ceiling fan.

You got to clean under the bed, you got to clean in the corner and she got to killing the carpet. You gotta clean the car, you got to wash the car the first time in a decade you’ve washed the car, but you got to wash the car because the families coming in to visit and you’ve got to clean those carpets. And so a Oxi fresh is a company that solves the problem of cleaning carpets for the world, but it does it. It’s the most environmentally friendly way to clean. Carpets are harnesses the power of oxygen. It is the world’s greenest carpet cleaning solution. And so a lot of people, um, you know, use the service. If you look up oxi fresh or carpet cleaning quotes online, Oxi fresh, you’ll find they have over 130 3002 google reviews from customers that have used them. So step one is you have to have a problem you can solve for your ideal and likely buyers that they’re willing to pay you to solve.

Step two is you. You must have great branding, your website, your print pieces, all those things have to be great, right in order to make it. So Elan Musk the guy behind tesla, paypal space x, solar city. He writes, brand is just a perception and perception will match reality over time. Sometimes it will be ahead, other times it will be behind, but brand is simply a collective impression. Some have about a product, so you want to make sure that your branding is tight. So step one, you want to solve a problem for your ideal and likely buyers. Step two, you want to have great branding. Now, step three, you’ve got to differentiate yourself in a way that stands out from the business coaching competition. And oxi fresh does that because they’re the world’s greenest carpet cleaner. In fact, let me, let me play for you a little audio excerpt of Fox business recently featured Oxi fresh on the news, and I’d like to play for you the audio excerpts so you could hear ’em why Oxi fresh stands out in a very crowded marketplace. It’s not like they’re the first carpet cleaners in the history of humanity. Let’s come back. Going grain can your small business profit turning ecofriendly.

We’re going to talk with the CEO One business who says it isn’t working for him. That is add on Fox business, giving you the power to prosper. My next guest company is making some real green with this ECO friendly cleaning company. Joining me now for this week’s small business, big idea segment, Jonathan Barnett. He’s the founder and CEO of oxy fresh carpet cleaning, but without the toxins, correct? That’s correct.

We’re agreeing. Carp cleaning company. We’re a franchise and I love what I do and it’s been a lot of fun and you’ve studied this in school, but you also used to work for a carpet cleaning service and you realize that you could do it more environmentally. Yeah,

I mean I grew up watching my grandpa would be an entrepreneur and he always inspired me. I remember him starting businesses and always starting starting and stuff. I want to be like that. I cleaned carpet growing up and in Grad school to study in franchising and wanted to start moving carpet cleaning business and so, and you put 10 grand of your own money into this.

I put, I put some money, have definitely in into it. And um, you know, the neat thing about service business is it’s a low overhead model so you can get started with not that much money, but I had a lot of passion and uh, you know, we’re a green business so there’s a need. There was a need for a green carpet cleaning company out there that I, that I felt. And so, you know, it’s, it’s been a lot, a lot of fun.

Tim Looking at them like, hmm, investment opportunity. Yeah. And so now for your Franchisees, what are the opportunities for them, do you think?

Well, you know, we’ve grown pretty fast. We have over 245 locations and about four years in 45 states and our franchisees have protected territories and say love that. And uh, the neat thing about our Franchisees, what they love is they’re building lifetime customers, so it’s, you know, it’s something that they’re all passionate about and uh, you know, Oxi fresh is a, been a lot of fun for everyone involved.

The fact that you’re only using five percent of the water that a normal carpet cleaner takes, I think is fascinating. So that was a good move on your part. It seems for this day.

It’s exciting. And the typical carpeting company can use over 40 gallons to clean a house in here at oxy fresh, we use two gallons in it. Here’s a little visual for you that you know, we clean. The whole house was on two gallons, were some other carpenters you have to use 40.

I have a feeling we’re going to be hearing much more from you. Jonathan Barnett Shale, up to a big start at a young age. I thank you very much. The oxi fresh, a founder and CEO. Well, we’re going to take a break. We come back, we’re

back. All right. So why did they have oxi fresh and the founder, Jonathan Barnett on Fox business, uh, because they differentiate themselves. They are the world’s greenest carpet cleaner. It’s a fact. Check it out. Oxi bubble. If you want to get more information about buying an Oxi fresh franchise, you can go to thrive time forward slash oxi fresh. And that information is readily available for you. Now, once you’ve differentiated yourself in the marketplace, you have the branding in place. You can solve a problem for your ideal and likely buyers. Now you got to have a turnkey marketing system. And that’s why we’re excited to have today’s guest on the show. Matt Klein with Oxi fresh. He helps people that if you’re interested in buying a franchise, you, you talked Matt, and he explains to how the Oxi fresh system works and answers all your questions and he gives you a franchise disclosure document so you can ask all the rude questions and uh, you know, learn more about the brand.

And then if you, if you like what you’re hearing, you can fly out to Denver for what’s called a discovery day, where you can see the behind the scenes, how the company runs, how the call center works, how carpets are cleaned, and that’s how franchising works. And so when we come back from the break, we’re going to sit down with Matt Klein and interview him to ask him all the nitty gritty questions about what it’s like to own a franchise. And how does the Oxi fresh system really work? And we’ll get. We’ll get into all that. How does it, how do you, how does the Oxi fresh system truly create time freedom and financial freedom for the owner? Who’s a franchise? Good for who, who’s, uh, who’s, who is the franchise world, not good for what, who, what kind of person is a good fit to own a franchise.

But before we do that, let me tell you about one of our show sponsors here. I love our show sponsors because they make the show possible. It’s Dr. Sibley chiropractic. And if you’re out there and you’re saying to yourself, gosh, I always have this lower back pain, upper back pain, really just pain everywhere that I am, I just, for me, just try to maintain is a source of pain. Well then you need to reach out to a chiropractor and not just any chiropractor, I’d recommend you reach out to the chiropractor of choice for Wayne Gretzky. What the chiropractor of choice for Wayne Gretzky, the Nhl Hall of Famer, mentioned the thrive time show for a free chiropractic assessment and pre x Ray. I got to do today is go. All you have to do today is go to Dr John [inaudible] Dot Com. That’s Dr John Sibley Dot Com. And schedule your consultation thrive nation. I am super excited to be interviewing Matt Klein with oxy fresh. My mind is going to explode. I love this guy. He’s a former division one basketball player. He’s been on the Oxi fresh team for the past five years and he really, really knows so much about how to build time freedom and financial freedom as a result of buying a turn key business model that actually has the capacity

to create success for you. Stay too, and now broadcasting live from the box that rocks. It’s the thrive time business coach radio show. Get stuck, for instance, on the magic button that was then given it to straight the cash. Bring me the track so I could get up on the market, speak the facts when the cash making the plaques bringing to back to the track so I could get up on the market. Speak the facts.

If you’re out there and you have a business, I would ask you this tough question today. What is the purpose of a business? What business exists to provide you both time and financial freedom, right? That’s the whole purpose. The business exists to serve you and your family so you can take your wife on a date, take your kids out to the movies, send your kids to Kentucky to visit the grandparents. Buy overpriced smoothies. These are all things that your business should pitcher to allow you to do. You shouldn’t be a slave to your own company. Now, typically on the show, I don’t quote a lot of forest gump scenes, but if you remember forrest Gump, that epic movie starring Tom Hanks, there’s one scene in the movie where forrest gump is explaining why he no longer has to think about money and he says, Lieutenant Dan got me invested in some kind of fruit company, so then I got a call from him saying, we don’t have to worry about money no more, and I said, that’s good.

One less thing. Think about that. What if you had a business that provided you time freedom and financial freedom and you didn’t have to think about it again? Yes. Sign me up. Right, right. Yeah, I mean that’s why I’m brand tastic. I mean that’s why I partnered up with tip top canine, a full package media, a elephant in the room. Oxi fresh different because I helped build business models that create time freedom and financial freedom for great folks like you and then you can just implement the systems and have financial freedom and you’re not part of an MLM and you’re not part of a, some sort of group where your auto shipping crap that no one wants, you’re not buying a product, you don’t believe in. You’re actually doing a real service like cleaning carpets. And uh, our next guest, this is Matt Klein with oxy fresh.

His job is to help people like you. If you’re interested in buying an Oxi fresh franchise, um, you would be speaking to, to Matt Klein and his team and they would walk you through how the franchise works, the dollars and cents, what it costs. They would provide you a franchise disclosure document for you to evaluate. Then they would schedule a discovery day for you to fly out to denver to learn more about buying an Oxi fresh. And by the way, if you want to learn more about it, go to thrive time forward slash oxi fresh to request more information there from Matt Klein and his team. But now that he further ado back to our interview with Matt Klein from oxy fresh, now DrZ. , I want to tee up this question for you because this is something that I deal with all the time.

Having coached businesses. I grew my first company DJ connection before we sold it. We were doing 4,000 weddings a year and people would ask me for help and a lot of people would come to me and they’d say mad. They’d come in and say, what’s your favorite music? And I would say, well, you know, I owned a DJ company, but I’ve got to be honest with you, I have no idea. And then say what? I said, I gotta be honest with you. I never listened to radio music at all. I have. They said, what’s your favorite kind of turntable? I said, I no longer know what’s your favorite kind of speaker. I couldn’t tell you clay, what is your favorite kind of headphone? I’d say well pioneers pretty good, but that was like 10 years ago, so I don’t know. I don’t know. There’s a lot of things I don’t know, but I can tell you is that if you wanted to open up a DJ connection in your city or in my case I’ve opened up my own business.

I make 167 to $175 of profit per wedding and if I can do 40 of those a week then I’m going to make you know, six to $7,000. Now we do 80, you know, I can make some good money so I’ll. I don’t really know a lot about, you know, those other things. But I do know about time freedom and financial freedom and Dr Z, you’re an optometrist and a lot of people might want to ask you at the human eye they want to. My mom, when I asked you what kind of insurance you take or what kind of brands are the top selling, but the reason why you built your optometry clinic? I believe is to create time freedom and financial freedom so you can live the life you want to live and to live life the way that Michael Jordan played basketball or Marvin Gaye sang a song. You want to have time freedom and the reason why people are buying it oxi fresh carpet cleaning franchise is not because they have a supernatural passionate about cleaning carpets. It’s because they want to have time freedom. So Z. I’m gonna. I’m gonna. Start with you and then I want to get the same. I want to ask at the same question with your optometry clinic. It’s nuts. You don’t care about human eyes. It’s not that you don’t care about your patients, but the reason why you started in optometry clinic is y z.

well I wanted to make money and I liked helping people and then I took it from a job to a business and therefore now I have it running smoothly. I check on it, I touch, touch and feel it all the time, but do I now working on a daily basis? No. Do I? Do I care about it? Yes, greatly. As I refer to my optometry business, it was the girl that brought me to the dance

and when you have a successful business, one of the fun things I’ve found being an entrepreneur trapped in an optometrist body is that it enabled me to start other businesses without the pressure of that other business needing to make you know, copious amounts of money immediately know I could. I have a war chest, I could pour money back into that business, build it up, and then now all of a sudden I have two sources of income and I still have my time freedom. Now you want me to start a business though? Like if I were to get an Oxi fresh, there’s a certain amount of time then would have to pour myself into it. Going to have to work hard, be diligent, you know, you don’t just buy it and think, okay, I’m going to not worry about it. I’m going to hire someone to run it and maybe hopefully they care about it. Right? You’ve got to get in there and get it up and running, build it, and then you can take time away from it, but you know the key that I see so many people that start a business that runs successful because as we know so many fail and I think that’s why the franchise model is such a great way to get into entrepreneurship because it’s already been sorted out. It’s already been figured out.

I want to ask Matt this question. Who going to Grad School? You have to love carpet. You have to be aware of the thread counts of all conflicts. Do have to be in love with in order to own an Oxi fresh do z. do you have to love? You have to have to be. My question for you is do you have to be fresh and love coffee too on an Oxi fresh carpet cleaning franchise? Let’s say you met.

You definitely have to be fresh.

Okay. Come on.

You know, I’ve never talked to maybe one or two people honestly in five years that have said, you know what Matt, I just. I’d been dreaming about owning a car from any company.

I don’t even care if we get paid. I just want to touch it, get to steam roller Nathan’s tip of my life, but I love will tell you what Matt, we’re sorry for our personality,

business ownership and if you want carpet more power to you. I never dreamed about owning a carpet cleaning company to myself. I certainly never dreamed about working for a carpet cleaning franchise company, but I do both. I’m on the phone with you guys right now enjoying this time in my franchise. Operating at a high level. My technicians are out doing jobs, my call centers booking jobs for me. So you know, same types of questions. If you want to own a thriving, good franchise, that’s always going to stay top of mind, top of technology, talk top of systems, you know, we may be a good option for you. And I’d say that before people get to that point of discussing with us, some people have preconceived notions. I never want to clean a carpet. Right? And that’s okay. I never have for my franchise, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t have my thumb on the pulse of everything that’s going on

so you don’t have to worry about that. We track everything from customer satisfaction scores proactively to marketing Roi. So just because I’m saying time freedom and flexibility does not mean that you don’t know what’s going on with your business. In fact, it’s the opposite. We have more information now than we ever have about daily operations, but you got to utilize it. You got to learn how to make that a benefit to your business. And we’ll teach you how to do that.

Walk me through real quick and when you’ve got your own personal oxi fresh, did you, you started off with one technician. You walk me through your growth process because obviously you had probably more than one now. And so kinda kind of walk me through that. A little

thrive nation. Let’s just say that. Let’s just suppose hypothetically that this show was supported by sponsors. If it was supported by sponsors, which is um, I will, I always want to be a shameless promoter of anybody who puts their money where my mouth is. I want to make sure that I’m sending traffic their way. So if you’re out there looking to build a restaurant and office building, you’re looking to expand your church, any type of commercial building, I’d encourage you to check out our good friends at Williams contracting, Williams contracting. You can learn more about those guys today and That’s [inaudible] dot com. And uh, these guys are going to help you find a realistic budget, a realistic timeline. They get things done on time and on budget, which turns out to be almost like a Unicorn event for contractors. They’ve been in business for years and years. Check out our good friends at Williams contracting. And if you do, I’ll give you a free copy of my book. Thrive will dash conduct will

Three, two, one. Boom. You are now entering the Dojo of Mojo and the thrive time show,

thrive time. Show on the microphone. What is this top of the charts in the category of business driven down on business topics like we are a dentist provided you would need to shift if we go past that, you might get motion sick in the stomach.

Three, two, one. Here come the business.

All right. Thrive nation. Welcome back to the thrive time show on your radio and podcast download.

For anybody who’s just tuning in for the show for the first time or to the show for the first time. My name is Clay Clark. I’m the former US SBA entrepreneur of the year. I’m the father of five human kids. I have a disproportionate affection for business coaching pinion wood and time freedom. I just love what I do, right? Yeah. Basically record a podcast and I am brand tastic and you might be saying, well, what does it mean to be brand tastic? I’ve built companies, established businesses that run without my direct participation so that I can have the time freedom to hop on this show, to be with you a couple of hours a day every single day, and also I could spend the vast majority of my time chasing my wife around or spending time with my kids or letting my kids go visit their grandparents out in Kentucky, have the financial freedom to do that.

Take my wife out for a smoothie somewhere. We went and saw the new movie about the guy who was Mr Rogers. We saw his movie, his documentary recently at a nice theater. I competed with a fellow 38 year old man and a game of. It’s like a basketball to the free throw arcade game where you’re shooting literal free-throws using your physical body’s. What? Why can’t they have a virtual reality game? I don’t know. I’m old school, but I did that. I mean, I, I just enjoy going to atwoods a lot. Uh, Atwood’s. It’s kind of like a place where it’s like you could buy chickens there, you can buy hardware, you can buy guns, you can buy boots. It’s just kind of a America. I go there a go to hobby lobby, a lot. Hobby lobby. I’m always looking for decorative. Knew who hot things I don’t need, but I like accoutrements, decor.

I all that to say I, I, uh, I drive a hummer that gets eight miles a gallon. Um, I dunno, I dunno, we just, I, I live life the way that a Michael Jordan played basketball or the way Marvin Gaye sang a song. I just enjoy what I do and I do what I enjoy and I know that you can do that and that’s why I’ve built brands that, that you can invest in or check out or. And then I’ll also team up with brands that work and one of the guys I teamed up with years ago, his company’s called Oxi fresh. It’s If you look up Oxi fresh online today, there’s over 130,000 Google reviews. All right? And so if you’re out there listening and you say, I’m looking to, you know, create time freedom and financial freedom too, and I don’t have a ton of money.

Well this is awesome because this business model, if you’ve got a small business loan, would cost you less than a thousand dollars a month if you financed it with an SBA loan. But if you decided to pay cash up front for it for about $55,000, you’re all in. And to quote forrest gump, why don’t quote a lot on the show. But, uh, at the epic character from the fiction, the fiction show, forrest gump said, Lieutenant Dan got me invested in some kind of cup fruit company. So then I got a call from him saying we don’t have to worry about money no more. And I said, that’s good. Well in the thing. And that’s really, that’s really a, isn’t that it? Wouldn’t that be great? I mean that, that probably there was probably our best notable quotable we’ve ever had on the show and probably the best notable quotable wherever going to have on the show.

But forrest gump, a show about, it’s obviously a fictional show about a guy who has, I’m below average mental capacity, but yet lives financially free and has this epic life. Do you realize if you have a sound mind, you could have financial freedom as a result of buying a proven franchise model because a franchise, what it does is they’ve already thought about who their ideal and likely buyers are. Step one, they’ve already nailed all the branding, right? Step two, I mean, Elon Musk says, brand is just a perception and perception will match reality over time. Sometimes it will be ahead. Other times it will be behind, but brand is simply a collective impression. Some have about a product. I mean, so the brand, they already nailed that down. They’ve already nailed down their core differentiator. Step three, they, they, they stand out in a crowded marketplace.

Um, they already have a turnkey marketing system that works. Um, they already have a system. It helps you recruit other humans. They already have a system that they feel that they will teach you to start. I mean, they have a system in place to teach you how to get started from day one. They’ve thought about everything. And the cool thing is it’s a mutually beneficial, a symbiotic relationship. The relationship is symbiotic relationship. You see, you make money. An oxi fresh makes a small percentage of the money. So as you grow your business, they grow their business, you’ll make more, they make more. They made more oxy fresh. So now that he further ado, we’re going to go back to our interview with Matt Klein. This is the guy who actually awards franchises to Franchisees and uh, he’s in the brand development there at oxy fresh and he, if you bought a franchise or you wanted to, if you inquired about buying an Oxi fresh franchise, more than likely you will talk to Matt Klein at some point. And if you’d like to request some free information about oxy fresh, just go to thrive time, forward slash oxi Thrive time forward slash oxi fresh. Well, the thrive time forward slash oxi fresh, which just proves that if a simpleton like me can have turnkey business models that work a genius like you will. Absolutely.

Matt, walk me through real quick. When you got your own personal oxi fresh, did you. You started off with one technician. You walk me through your growth process because obviously you had probably more than one now and so of kind of walk me through that a little bit.

For a few years I was very fortunate to be able to see everything from the inside out. Most people don’t have that luxury. They get to see everything from the outside in and so when I got an opportunity I was able to take advantage of a resale so I’m a little bit unique in that I was able to buy an existing franchise out. He was having some issues health wise and so I was able to take advantage of that and be able to purchase that. I’m in Colorado. This is the home state of oxy fresh. We’ve been sold out here for years, so when that came to how I was able to purchase two territories, um, at that time, I assume basically his customer database and his equipment and all that sort of stuff and I was off to the races day one. Now there were some challenging days there because I’m trying to take a I’m underperforming franchise and really make it thrive.

So I had to spend the time as you were talking about, I had to really engage with my employees. I had to replace them employees. Sometimes it’s harder to train bad habits. Um, and since that time know when I took over, we were doing 30 jobs a month and that’s less than half of one technician can do. So it was very underperforming. The very next month I did over 100 jobs and it was just because I used the systems that oxy fresh told me, utilizing my current business coaching customer base postcards, making sure that my quotes are being called back in a manner where I can take advantage of those. Right. As the owner of my business, I can do a lot more things just by a little bit of effort than maybe the call center do. They’re gonna, they’re gonna go by what I tell them to do, but I can do some extra things so you know, just like you guys said it’s not a plug and play and just sit back and watch the money come in. You’re going to want to put the effort and you’re gonna want to make sure that you know, you’re growing your business day to day and you’re going to get it to a point where you are going to be able to step back and really enjoy or have multiple streams of income. So for me it was really just diving into the details. First and foremost, make sure my customers in the field are being taken care of at a high level. I’ve gone an entire year with multiple technicians and I got one bad review,

Great, one battery, and that’s thousands and thousands and thousands of jobs and that’s just attention to detail and understanding that customers not only want the job done right, but they also want a little bit of intention. You’re going to be going into their homes, you’re going to be going into their buildings, so make it worth your while and when you do that, that’s how you get those reviews that are so, so helpful for, for our growth.

I’m hearing you talk about this, the way that I understand it. You’re, you’re pretty big basketball player. You like some basketball?

Well, no, I’m actually very small.

Okay. I’m only like five, 10, but pretty quick, pretty quick. I it. Okay. And you know how to sink a three ball.

I can shoot the three ball.

Okay. Okay. You shoot it pretty well. Well, what I see a lot in working with a number of business owners across the country and across North America is that entrepreneurship attracts business owners that were former athletes and because the business can be seen a lot like sport and so you see a lot of common characteristics, ambition, drive, work ethic. What are some of the characteristics that would make an ideal franchise owner for oxy fresh? What are the type of characteristics where it’s like a really good fit where it’s a really good fit?

I get this question a lot. What’s your ideal candidate, and I think we’re a little bit different at oxy fresh because of that flexibility and ownership, but you’re exactly right. You know you could have all the resources in the world, but if you don’t have the drive to be better than who you’re competing with, it doesn’t matter if you’re not using those resources to set yourself apart from the competition than just don’t buy the franchise. Right? Because that’s never going to fix itself. That, that you issue. Not a franchise issue. So for passion, not about carpet about yourself and growth and being successful, understanding that change will happen, right? Be Open to change. That’s one of the biggest factors for us is when we went from paper mail to online, that was a hard transition, right? But the franchisees that got on board, they are so much further ahead of others that really held off because they understood change.

They understand that that will always happen. So be open to change. And then the last one really is for that Franchisee who wants to get out. There’s a reason that you got out of what you’re doing. There’s a reason you got into the franchise. Never forget that, and when you don’t and you understand there’s a goal and there’s. There’s a drive to get where you want to be. That’ll never happen by playing golf at 9:00 AM, Monday through Friday, you got to put the effort and you got to get out there and work. You got to be able to to work with the people around you. One of the best things about oxy fresh is that we have protected territories. You’re not competing with your own brand, help each other work team atmosphere, just like you’re saying with sports. That has helped us grow immensely over the last 12 years.

No, Matt people out there listening. I want to kind of give them a nice recap and an action item and so many others listening and they say, I would like to own an Oxi fresh franchise released flight to discover more about it. Uh, we built a landing page. If you go to thrive time, forward slash oxi fresh. If you go there, we’re going to send you a free ebook copy of our book. Start here, the Amazon bestselling book. Start here and you’ll get all the information about oxy fresh. You can learn more about it, but I want to make sure I’m recapping this for $55,000 or if I get an SBA loan, maybe a thousand dollar a month payment or less. I could have a home based business, proven turnkey marketing technology that works, a history of success. All the coaching I need, all I need is some effort. Am I, am I missing something there? Am I getting something wrong?

You are not a effort and just to get a little clarity. 30 7,900 is our franchise fee and then you want the additional capital for operating. That’s where we get to $55,000, but all of those sorts of things we will discuss in detail. If you guys want to look into this franchise as an option for, for your goals down the road, we’d more than be happy to take you through the process and see if there’d be a good fit.

Now, Matt, it’s zoom. Wants to watch you on Youtube playing basketball at college. What do we need to type in? I mean, is it Matt Klein with a k, Matt client with a c? If you want to know. How can I find Matt Klein basketball. Highlights all of them.

Oh, come on now. Where did you play college yet?

Me Getting dumped on it.

Did you play college and Gonzaga? So you’d have to go to my parents’ house and find the archive.

Where’d you play basketball at? In College. Where’d you. Where’d you play out at northern Colorado in a small school here? Well, College Division One college here in Colorado.

Before we come back from the break, I encourage you to check out our see auto That’s RC auto If you have a Ford automobile that needs to be repaired, check them out today. RC auto That’s our see auto They have, well, they have a combined over 80 years of experience repairing Ford vehicles right here in green country, right here in Tulsa, Oklahoma. That RC auto Stay tuned. Get ready to enter the thrive time show.

Started from the bottom. Now we’re on the top. You the systems to get what? We got. Convictions on the hooks, on the books. I’ll seize. Bringing some wisdom and the look that I’m adapt. So if you see my weapon, kids, please tell them the seat and see upon your freight depot. And now three, two, one. Here we go.

All right. Thrive nation. What are we talking about today? Well, we are talking about what is a business model? What is a business model that has the capacity to create both time and financial freedom for you business models that have the capacity to create both time and financial freedom for you? I’m Dr Zee has said this on many shows and I’m just going to quote him here, but Dr. Zeller, my partner writes, he says, a business exists to serve you. A business exists to serve you. I think a lot of people try to make their business some something deeper than it needs to be. They want to focus. I just want to build a culture and a legacy and I want to focus thought passing it onto the next generation and well, if that’s what you want to do, that’s cool. But what about like your own kids right now? Are you, do you have the financial freedom and the time freedom to spend the time with your own kids?

Um, you know, now with your wife now with your husband now, do you have financial freedom and time freedom? And if you did have the financial freedom and time freedom, what would you be doing with your time? Because I see a lot of entrepreneurs who have been sadly working away, grinding away in the coal mines, trying to get their product or service into orbit, and when they finally get it there, they don’t charge enough so they don’t make enough money. They don’t have. They don’t really have the step. They don’t have the systems in place, they don’t have a lot of the systems that you need to be successful, and so what they do, according to business coaching legend Michael Gerber, this is Michael Gerber, the bestselling author of the myth. I’m quoting him, I’m not. This is not me now, don’t freak out. This is Michael Gerber, Michael Gerber rights. They most entrepreneurs simply intoxicate themselves with work so they don’t have to see how they really are.

He goes on to write with no clear picture of how you wish your life to be. How on earth are you going to live it? What is your primary aim? We’re is the script to make your dreams come true. I got to find that. What is the first step to take and how do you measure your progress? How far have you gone and how close are you to getting to your goals? This is, these are profound thoughts. So if you’re out there and you say, listen, I just want to buy a proven turnkey system, all I want to do is I’m going to find a product or service that I’m not embarrassed about. Something that sells a product or a service that solves a real problem for real people. Um, I want that. I want to have great branding. Um, I want to differentiate myself in a way that stands out so people remember my name and my brand.

I want a company that already has the turnkey marketing thought of the three legged marketing stool. As you guys speak of so much. I want to be able to recruit other humans and I want to be able to teach other humans how it works. I want to have a business. It’s so complex that you have to hire an astronaut to, to figure out how to do it well. And I want to come in and it’s actually done the math. I want the math to work. I need to make sure that the math works so I can come out ahead financially and I want to be able to afford the startup costs. I’d like to spend, you know, less than 60 grand a to start total all in. I mean, and I’ll get a small and if you’re, if you’re wanting to get a small business loan by the way, it would cost you less than a thousand dollars a month to finance the purchase of an Oxi fresh business.

And by the way, the Oxi fresh franchise is SBA, small business administration approved so you could get approved and if you’re just saying, listen, clay, I know that. I know that according to USA Today, that the average American has less than $400 saved. I know that according to Forbes, nine out of 10 businesses fail and I’m not doing well with my business man. All I want to do is I just want to have time, freedom and financial freedom so I can go chase my wife around. Well, then you’re going to love today’s guests. Today’s guest is Matt Klein. He’s the guy who you would talk to if you ever wanted to buy a oxi fresh franchise if you ever wanted to look into buying an Oxi fresh franchise by the way, to get more information and to learn more about oxy fresh, go to thrive time forward slash oxi fresh. That’s thrive time Forward Slash Oxi. Fresh to request your free information today. And now without any further ado, our interview with the Brand Development Guru, Matt Klein with oxy fresh. Now, Matt, if someone wants to watch you on Youtube playing basketball at college, what do we need to type in? I mean, is it Matt Klein with a k, Matt Klein with a c? You want to know how can I find Matt Klein basketball highlights.

Oh, come on now. Where did you play college yet?

Dunked on.

You Play College?

Uh, you’d have to go to my parents’ house and find the archive.

Where’d you play basketball in college? Where’d you, where’d you play northern Colorado in a small school here. Well, College Division One college here in Colorado. Northern Colorado.

The Mac client is a real human. Jonathan Barnett is real human. Oxi fresh is a real brand. I encourage you to check them out whenever you get a chance. Matt, thank you for being on the show and next week I hopefully look forward to harassing you again as we get our oxi updates. I want to end with a win. Do you have any specific franchisee you want to brag on this week? Maybe a new franchisee that just bought a franchise last week, maybe a new location, a new territory. Somebody who’s just killing it. Someone who’s dominating. Can you brag on an Oxi fresh franchisee?

We’ve got a great few months. We have new franchisees coming into Orlando, San Diego Bel Air, Maryland. We have a Cherry Hill, New Jersey, Omaha, Nebraska, Temecula, California. All these people have gone to the process and are we going to become a franchisee? So we’re very excited about them, but a good win for us. Uh, one of my, I consider one of my very good friend of mine now, his name is matt off year. He started his franchise just over three years ago. I’m in a little place called Albany, New York, northern New York, and um, he started just because he hated his job, he literally hated what he was doing, first conversation that I just need something and I need something that could work because I’ve got a family, got little kids. And so what he did was he basically kept his job, had a six month goal to break out of his current job and just go fulltime, Oxi fresh.

He put the effort and he did what he needed to do in three months. He got out of his job. Since that point, he’s expanded to three different franchises and just bought a new home for him in the very, very nice. I’m a Charlotte, North Carolina where him and his family can get away from the snow. That’s where they want to live. So good success story for us. Um, and he’s looking to continue to grow. So we always want an out to an Albany, New York and also where his family is in Springfield, Massachusetts. So very good. When did everything he wants to do. He’s actually on our franchise advisory board now and he’s about 32 years old.

Oh Wow. That’s awesome. That’s hot sauce. Met Client take you for making dreams happen and take you for being on the show today and I will harass you next week. Bye Friend.

I can’t wait. Thank you so much guys. Have an awesome week.

Thrive nation. That company out there, it’s called Oxi fresh and if you were to learn more about it, go to thrive time, forward slash oxi fresh. And I promise you that the systems that we’ve created, that we have in place to John and his team have created, they’re phenomenal and you have an opportunity to really learn some great business coaching money and have some financial freedom and time freedom as a result of buying a turnkey business model. Uh, again, the overview, the costs. 50 slash $50,000, all in monthly payments as low as a thousand dollars a month. If you get an SBA loan, which is cool because the entire business is a SBA compliant. You can get a small business administration loan for this business. This just it. And most people do. Now we come back from the break. We’re going to talk more about how to create time freedom and financial freedom with your existing business.

If you already own a business and you feel stuck, we are here to help you. This show is about action and knowledge without application is meaningless. To quote Thomas Edison, visit vision without execution is hallucination. Vision without execution is hallucination. Don’t hallucinate beat great thrive time. to claim your tickets to the thrive time show today, interactive business workshop for free. All you have to do is to subscribe to the thrive time. Show on Itunes, leave an objective reviews, and send us confirmation and Info at thrive time. To claim your star and the National Star registry, we can’t help you all thrive nation. Welcome.

Go back to the conversation. It is the thrive time show on the radio and your podcast. Download in today. I am bringing the heat. You know why? Because I have my incredible son, aubrey, Napoleon Hill Clark on today’s show, and this man brings the fire that is required to make it happen. Operate how old are you at last count? 11. Eleven years old. This just in from our Home Office off the coast of Camp Clark and chicken palace. Now we’re talking today about the importance of building a business model that can create both time and financial freedom for it. You want to have a business that has the ability to provide enough money for you so you can do whatever the crap you want to do. So what I wanted to do is I wanted to get Aubrey on the show today so we can talk about essentially the things that he likes to do and how much money that’s going to cost because he’s. He’s 11, the formative years, but I’ll rewrite now. What are you going to be doing? What’s your career when you turn, you know, 15, 16. You go out on your own. You’re 18. What are you gonna be doing? Going ons and Dj mowing lawns and DJ. Now you have a website for your lawn mowing service. What is the website called? My friend Mo town. Tulsa Dotcom. Again, motown, That was a good. That was bringing some heat right there. Okay. So now why do you want to Dj as a career?

I don’t know. She’ll be good money and it’s fun.

You make good money and it’s fun. And uh, you know, I was a DJ so right about the time that I retired from deejaying and sold the company. I was right about the time that you were figuring out how life works and you’ve gotten really good at Dj. Can you explain to the listeners out there what kind of Dj gear you have?

Um, I have two speakers to trolling speakers. Yep. Power ones. And then I have a mackie mixer yet.

Let’s make sure eat that might get you to have it.

Yeah, I’ve to Mackie speakers. Mackie mixer. And then I’ve hired dee dee, dee, Jay, our controller and then I use dj pro. I’m Dj software on my computer. And could you beat match right now? Yeah. Really good.

Okay. Now tell the listeners about your lawnmowing systems. What kind of lawn mowing gear do you have at this point?

A Husqvarna? Forty eight inch riding lawn mower. Push mower?

Yup. Just keep hitting that mic, keep

hitting them on echo. Swam to 25. A common system with an attachment and a echo. Sam, 2:30. We eat. Or how do you know about all this stuff? I don’t know. I always watched videos about on youtube. Okay. So you’ve educated yourself about this. So we’re going to go through the steps needed to help our listeners create time freedom and financial freedom. But because you’re my son, um, you get to sort of enjoy the fruits of my labor up to this point. So this past weekend or past week, you went out to Kentucky to visit who manage and my grandparents. And who else went with you? Vanna and Angelina. Who are those people? Is My oldest sister. Angelenos a few years younger than me. And for all the listeners out there, when you traveled by via airplane, do you think the tickets were free or do they cost money?

They cost money, right? Okay. So how do I make money? What do you think? How do I, how do I make money? What? What’s your. What’s your thoughts on this? Getting Your Business coaching and helping other businesses. Yup. And then. And then owning the businesses. The elephant in the room. Have you ever seen me cut anybody’s hair? Delve in the room? No. Really? No. Have you ever seen me cut someone’s hair there? How is it possible that I then make money from elephant in the room without having ever cut someone’s hair? How’s that possible? Because you’re in charge, you’re in charge, the business. You’re in charge of all the stuff there and people and people cut the hair and a percentage of the money. Okay, but who built the business? Adjusted? Yep. So Justin and I built that thing together. Right? So, but again, that business is a business that we built to serve.

Who Do you think we built the business to serve you, right? Because we want to have time freedom and financial freedom. So you could go visit your. Who grandparents in were Kentucky, right? Oh Nice. He’s bringing the heat folks. So here we go. We’re talking about the path to financial freedom. So step one, you’ve got to find a problem that you can solve for the world that the world is willing to pay you to solve. Step one. So obs, how does a landscaping service solve problems for the world and make sure you eat that mic. Like it is a broad worst, which we both love. The grass just keeps growing and snakes and how much nasties going to get in there and you can’t just make it dirt and then it looks terrible.

All right, now is a DJ. What problem are you solving as a DJ? You go out there into a birthday party. You recently deejayed for a party. I cheerleading party. Is that right? Pool Party. A pool party. Was it in a nice house? House with a pool. Was a captain Kirk there. Oh, nice. Captain Kirk with farmer’s insurance. If you’re looking for insurance, by the way, give him a call. Nine one eight, three nine two, 4,000. It’s nine. One eight. Three nine to $4,000. So your Dj and the Pool Party? Uh, what problem were you solving? Why would anybody hire a DJ? Because instead of just having complained list, it plays each blank air between song. There’s like mixing it.

Are you to eat that mic or I’m going to come over there and if you don’t need that mic, I’m going to come over there and eat that like so. So we’ll get. Why would you rather have a DJ as opposed to, uh, you know, just setting up an ipod or something because there’s blanket air and it doesn’t. And then you can know what songs get people dancing and there’s an. And you can beat matching and there’s nonstop music.

Did you make some announcements to. No, not really. Oh, you gotta make those announcements here, Laurie. This is what’s going to. Here’s the deal. Here’s what’s going to do. Well, you did a good job listening to the person paying you. But for anybody out there who’s an aspiring Dj, this is what’s going to happen to you if you do not make announcements as a DJ. Now again, if the client doesn’t want you to make announcements and that’s what you have to do, but in the event that you want to become a Dj and you don’t make announcements, this is what’s going to happen to you. We have a former dj who called in earlier and he told us what happened to you because it happened to him. Uh, if you don’t make an, but this is a former dj who wouldn’t make announcements and this is what happened to him and he called in to give Aubrey and all the aspiring djs in the world a tip about what will happen to you and your Dj career if you do not get good at making announcements. Here we go.

Are you kids are probably saying to yourselves, Hey, I’m going to go out and I’m going to get the world by the tail and wrap it around and pop down and put it in my pocket. Well, I’m here to tell you that you’re probably gonna. Find out as you go out there that you’re not going to amount to Jack Squat.

Oh, so again, you want to make those announcements. Unless the person paying you says, don’t make those announcements. All right. Now the next move, step two, you have to create a. well. You have to differentiate your business. You have to make your business stand out in a way that’s memorable, so we come back. I want Aubrey to explain to us smile. How old are you at last count rb. For our listeners just now tuning in. How old are you? Oh, 11. Okay. Everybody just now tuning in. My son and my 11 year old son will be breaking down. He’ll be teaching you and the hundreds of thousands of people who are listening. Think about this. This is more people than fit inside the Bank of Oklahoma Center. Five Times as many people as who attended the Bank of Oklahoma Center events are listening to today’s show at Arby’s going to teach you about what a purple cow is and how you can make a purple cow for your business because he has a purple cow for his business.

You need to purple cow for Your Business and there’s a dentist in Tulsa that has a purple cow for his business too, and so rob is going to break down for you what a purple cow is and why you need a purple cow to differentiate your business. But in the meantime and in between time while you do your thing and I do mine, I encourage you to go to thrive time and book your tickets for our next in person workshop. It’s a two day workshop. The next one is in August. If you want to get free tickets, just subscribe on Itunes, leave us and objective review and send us proof. You did it by emailing us to info at thrive time. Stay might’ve been rough. You can now get ready to enter the thrive time show from the bottom on the top you the systems to on the hooks up, down the books, sees brigit some wisdom and the look. That’s what I’m adapt. So if you see my wife and kids, please tell them. And now three, two, one. Here we go.

Oh, thrive nation. Welcome back to the conversation is the thrive time show

on your radio and if you want to improve your life by two percent, go to Colton where you can check out the voice of choice, who’s singing the intros for the thrive time show radio program and broadcast. He’s also one of my clients and he is a billboard chart topping music artist. If you listen to contemporary Christian music, you probably heard his songs. If you’re not into Christian music, uh, soon he’ll be on the top 40 charts. I’m super excited about his new album, if you like. Imagine dragons. If you like the voice, the stylings of one republic, you’re going to absolutely love the Colton Dixon album that’s coming out. It’s going to be a game changer. But on today’s show we’re talking about the path, the path to creating both time freedom and financial freedom. And so I want, I wanted to do so I wanted to bring on an 11 year old boy.

I thought to myself, you know, if we could make this show feature, an 11 year old boy could get into his mind and figuring out what he’s thinking because all of us, we start out as a to seven, all of a sudden we’re 11 or 11. We have these people say, what do you want to do with your life? And you say stuff like, would it be an astronaut? I want to be a DJ. I want to be a doctor. I want to be a landscaper. But then what happens is we go out into the world and we don’t know how to build a business. We don’t know how to create systems. We don’t know how to create financial freedom. And then we run into this, this a reality check.

We recognize, holy crap, if I don’t know how to build a business and systems, I am never going to be able to create time freedom and financial freedom, and that is what we’re all about, is teaching you time freedom and financial freedom. So odd. Napoleon Hill, Clark, my son of 11 years. Welcome to the show, my man. How are you? Good. Hey, where did you just get back from your kind of an international traveler? What did you just returned from Kentucky? All right. What were you doing in Kentucky? I was going to see my Papa Rick and my grandma. Nice. Okay. So now we’re talking today about the path to financial freedom. Step one, you have to find a problem you can solve that the world is willing to pay you to solve. What are the two problems that you can solve right now that the world is willing to pay you?

Dissolve. I’m deejaying and lawnmowing. Okay, so you can already Dj. You can beat match. I can do it really good. Okay. And you can also move on to old time. We’ll cut lawn. Do you have. But are we going to live? Let landscaping equipment. Do you have to mow lawns? Um, I got the Husqvarna light riding lawnmower and a Husqvarna push mower and in a echo weed eater when an echo as your. And I could steal blower. Okay. Well, step two, business coaching or business owners need to have in place that they want to grow and scale their businesses. They have to differentiate their product or service. So I’d like for you. They have to create a purple cow. Yes. So please educate us. What is a purple cow? Something it makes your business different. Like the dental, dental depot. You got to bring that heat on, that microphone. Dentist depot place they have a train. Never could train in front and that makes it different than all the inner dentists places and what. And I buy it to put a gun to your head. And I said, listen, if you can’t name a dentist in town, I’m going to have to blow your. Blow your head up. Um, what is the one dentist that you can think of right away?

Smiling dentist is places like these face ones. The one in broken Arrow with all the slides and such. And the dental depot. Yeah, the dental deep. Why do you know about the dental depot? You’re the one who told me that was a purple cow. We drove by it one day and he said, dad, that’s the purple cow. Because it was trained there and there’s like physical little thing to a train track and I go to like, let’s go train station almost. But what does the train has to do with being a dentist? Nothing. Yes. Because you get it. That’s awesome. Now what happens to a company already that can’t stand out in the marketplace? They can’t get people’s attention. What happens? They go bankrupt. Uh, I have a bankrupt sound. That’s not a good thing. Oh, nice. Okay. So, so what is your, what makes your company Mo? Mo Town Tulsa. Different than all the landscaping companies in Tulsa. First of all, I’m a kid. Wait a second. You said what? You’re a kid. Okay. That’s one. What else? Um, I probably have different equipment and everyone else. And what else? What’s your offer? What’s your move first? There’s a dollar. Don’t mow someone’s lawn the first time for a dollar. Yeah.

Which reminds me of the haircut business that our family owns. The elephant in the room. Men’s grooming lounge. And what is, what makes our business different? Elephant in the room. First Haircut’s a dollar. What? First? Haircut’s a dollar a. If people want to learn more, you go to e I t R to schedule your haircut. We have three locations. We’re opening a fourth one in Oklahoma City right now and we are franchising all over this great country. If you’re looking to franchise, if you’re looking to buy a business that has already come up with a problem that they solve, that is already differentiated itself, the opened the room is like a country club for men’s hair. If you want, if you want to buy a business that already has a turnkey marketing system, Puna, buy a business that already has a sales system. If you already, if you were to buy a business that already has repeatable processes that you can teach to other people. If you went to buy a business that helps you with your accounting, then I highly recommend you check out elephant in the room. That’s e I t r and I want to tap into the mind of the 11 year old show guests today. I tried to get on every, everything, every single show, but he’s, but he’s. But he’s a busy man. He’s got a lot going on, so go let go and on. But Abra, if we were to walk inside to go inside the men’s grooming lounge.


I looked into what does it look like? What makes it different? There’s nice people there. Tell me about the decor. What makes it look different? What makes it different? Because I’ve taken you to great clips and two sports clips. What makes it different? Only men go there. What else?

What about the decor? The atmosphere. The mojo overhead. They have what? What? What kinda music? Old school usually or like new stuff. It’s good. I made each and every song on that playlist. So it’s, it’s a, it’s a good. The playlist to got the decor. It got the atmosphere and what’s the name of the company? Elephant in the room. The elephant in the room. And why? Why do we call it elephant in the room? And you’re in your mind and makes you eat that mic and I’m going to surgically attached your head to that microphone in a minute. What? What? What makes them. Why do we call it elephant in the room? Because it’s like, I don’t know, but it’s super cool and it makes it makes it different in. Right. It sticks out the elephant in the room. He’ll in the room. What is that?

Then? They do a whole bunch of services the most. Plus the paraffin hand dip. Oh, nice. Tell us about about eating that mic. Oh, at the end. If it makes your hands soft. Nice. What else? What else do you like about your haircut there? You get the wash it and the people are nice. There aren’t like Goes Gossiping with theater people and like staring you right in this. In this my friends thrive nation. This is how you create time freedom and financial freedom. Now, Aubrey, last night we went out there. We bought some fireworks. You know, we, we, we went to the, we went to the get a smoothie or smoothies free? No. Our, our fireworks free. No, especially what ones? I said, especially Jamba juice smoothies are free. What about the smoothies over there at whole foods or those free. Oh No. Was 20 bucks per one. Oh, was it free? It wasn’t free to go visit your grandparents in Kentucky, no 100 per ticket. So if somebody wants to create financial freedom and time freedom, what’s the best move in your 11 year old mind? What’s the best move?

Don’t find a problem and you can solve it in, but the think of it worry when um, you can do it enough eventually, but you won’t have to do all the time where you can have time not to have to do it. So it’s not like something that you always have to be doing every day.

So what are you going to be doing if for listeners, check in seven years from now, you’re 18 years old, what are you going to be doing for your career? What do you think

Lamoni and deejaying recruit goes? Lawnmowing two and a half. So a few djs. Yeah.

Oh, you better eat that Mike or I’m gonna come over there. So what, explain to listeners again. What are you going to be doing now? Seven years from now?

I probably have a crude Islam willing to and are probably have few djs Dj and I’ll do some dj too. Do you think you’re gonna live on our land or are you going to move off the land on the land and I may be eventually might move.

No. No. Tell listeners, why do you want to live on the land? Tell us about the. You wanna live in land for a while because you’re always here. Yeah. Nice. We like it here in Camp Clark and chicken palace now. Thrive nation. That’s my son, Aubrey. Napoleon Hill Clark. If you want to learn more about his businesses, you can go to mow town. That’s motown. Or there’s a book that my wife wrote about this beautiful man called now. I see. So if you go to Amazon, you type in now I see. And Vanessa Clark. You can get the book. There are. Do you have a big shout out? You want to give anybody you wanna give a big shout out to Jackie or anybody? No, I’m good. Okay, you’re good. No business coaching shout outs. Okay, so thrive nation. Thank you for joining us for today’s conversation. This has been the thrive time show on your radio.

I encourage you to go to thrive time where you can book your tickets to our next in person, thrive time show workshop, or you can subscribe to the podcast there. You can also have access to thousands and thousands of video training videos, or you could actually schedule one on one business coaching, but if you want to get those tickets free to our next in person workshop, just subscribe on Itunes to the thrive time show, leave us an objective review the most objective possible, and then email is proof that you did it to info at thrive time. will give you those free tickets. All you gotta do is pay for the workbooks or 47 bucks, three, two, one.


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