David Robinson (NBA Hall of Fame Basketball Player) Teaches How to Create an Ethical Culture

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Have you ever struggled with creating an ethical culture and positive atmosphere for your business? David Robinson explains how to create a winning culture in the game of business.

Back to the business coach conversation. It is a thrive time show on your radio and on today’s podcast we have a rare opportunity to sit down with my partner and friend nba hall of famer david robinson, where he explains how you set up an ethical culture, specifically inside an nba locker room. If you’ve ever watched, the national basketball association, the nfl professional baseball, any type of pro sports at all I’m sure, you’ve heard of the shannon, the shenanigans that might happen inside a professional locker room, but yet david robinson was known as being a high epic basketball player and one of the greatest nba players of all time. He won two nba championships, two gold medals in the u.S. Olympics and the guy has been more successful off the court. You realize he’s been more successful since he retired from playing basketball that he was when he played basketball. Do you understand what that means? He was actually in edible as a basketball player, but yet he’s been more successful since he stopped playing basketball. My business coach mind just exploded, while I duct-tape, my head back together, we’re not going to go back to the interview that I have a david robinson as he explains how to create an ethical office culture. How did you lay out this ethical culture in the locker room? What sort of rules did you did you put? In effect, there was not to be known as the good guy, so you know we. Certainly we don’t go about trying to say hey we’re we’re you know any better than anyone else. That’s not the goal at all. Will you came in I said:look we’re going to do things in a professional manner. We going to do things the right way here. So that means you know trying to get the right amount of rest coming into practice, prepare to practice it.

It means having the right mentality and being team players. When we step out on the floor, i, don’t care about what your stats are. I, don’t care about how many shots you got yesterday, i, don’t care about your your salary? Paycheck! Don’t don’t bring that stuff to the floor? That’s not what we need. We’re going to do things the right way day in and day out. If your role player, you do your job you’ll get rewarded at the end of the day, somebody’s going to want you, because you did your job very you’re, welcome, and so that’s creating a culture that is getting them to understand that success for the organization means success for the individual and that way they can can a fit in there were so you you define what we were going to do things the right way. It wasn’t your goal to be the good guys, but you said:where do things the right way? So, let’s go and let’s go into the locker room and here’s the here’s. The situation there’s one small business owner I worked with a few months ago and you’re watching this one’s for you, but I was working with them and they have a front desk person who I’m listen to crazy music like crazy as a music that has curse words within a salon environment, so there’s a men’s, grooming sort of environment and yet there’s music playing over head with with foul language, and he talks to the front desk, says:hey guy:can we do the owner says? Can we can we please stop doing this? Hey you? You have been brought on as an advisor for the day. How did you deal with it in the locker room, cuz i, you know what happened there and how did you deal with it? How would you do with it in the small business we have to understand what the goal of the business is. The business is to bring in a certain clientele and that music does not match that clientele. Then we shouldn’t be playing that music. It’s nothing personal against me! Against that business coach person. We have different taste, have no problem with that. If you’re listening to that at home, you do what you want to do, but in this place we’re going to do things that build around the business, and so you just need to be real specific about what the expectations are and you need to demand those things, because you not because you don’t. You don’t agree with this person or you don’t like this person, but because it’s what’s best for the business. So what would you say? Here’s example and same same business, perpetually late, employee, I’m, sure and practice you probably had a guy who attempted to be late just to see what would happen with it to see if coach popovich would deal with it first or if you would have rode him.

Guy shows up to practice. Let’s say in this case he shows up to work 10 minutes late. How do you, how did use that is the captain of the team or how would you, as an owner of a business process, that if it would you say to me if I walk in 10 minutes, late, I think there’s a lot of factors there? If he’s doing that purposely well, perpetually perpetually is fine as long as it does not affect the quality of their work for the business goals. I’ve never been one, that’s a stickler for time. So get me. If we have a business where you can work half the day and you can still get your job done more power to you. I’d rather see you at home with your children, I’d rather see you get your children off to school. I. Don’t know why this person is late. There’s a lot of factors kim! He couldn’t want to spend the time in the morning, feeding his children and taking him to school. I have no problem with that. If that’s what, if it doesn’t affect the quality of our business, i, don’t want you to be there at 9 just because it makes me look good, but yet you’re there at 9 and I have control over you and I can tell you to be there at 9 p.M. That doesn’t bother me what did it did affect the team skulls? Well then, that’s a problem and you have to be at your station at 9 and you may not work at the front desk, but you may have a a station over here where it for loans or something, but someone is going to come in at 9 at some point to get along and you need to be at that desk. That’s a different situation, then that person needs to understand. If they cannot make that work, then they are hurting the business and they don’t. They don’t belong either in that role or with this with a business coach organization.


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