Reason number one, if you are writing these business coach tips down is branding. Michael Levine, one of our mentors at actually did a public relations consultant for Michael Jackson, Nancy Kerrigan, Pizza Hutt, Prince, Nike. He says, this, “If you give someone a present, and you gave it to them in a Tiffany box, it’s likely that they’ll believe that the gift has a higher perceived value than if you gave it to them in no box, or a box of less prestige.” It’s not the because the receiver of the gift is a fool, but instead because we live in a culture in which we gift wrap everything. Politicians, corporate heads, movie, TV stars, even toilet paper. Business coach Robert, why is it so important that branding is great when people land on the website they assume it’s world class the first time they visit the website?
Robert: I remember I was shadowing you actually in a meeting a while ago. You were talking to a business owner, and you were presenting the concept of the Tiffany theory. You were talking about, isn’t that Sara Blakely owner of Spanx?
Clay: Yeah.
Robert: Sara Blakely owner of Spanx. Before, and just to give a side note, and you could probably go in a more detail here, but she is a billionaire now.
Clay: Yeah, the youngest woman to ever become a billionaire.
Robert: Youngest woman to ever become a billionaire. When she was first starting her company Spanx, no one knew about her. She was a law school dropout who needed a business coach. One thing that I remember you telling me that she did Clay was that she really focused on her branding. She really focused on designing world class branding so that whenever she did pitch, Spanx to someone, whenever she did reach out to Oprah, it already had the allure and the perception that she was much larger than she actually was, which caused people to have more trust in her. It caused people to feel like even though despite, maybe not being at the top of the time, that she was top, that she did have things together. It helped her tremendously.
Clay: Thriver, we swore to you we’d give you five reasons. We are going to go first, we are coming in hot. One is branding, you’ve got to have world class branding. Move number two, conversion, if you’ve had a lot of clicks but not a lot of people filling out the form, not a lot of people taking the action you want them to take. Not a lot of people buying something, that’s a problem. Three, word of mouth. People talk. They say, “Man, that was remarkably terrible.” I had one client I worked with years ago, got them to the top of google over a decade ago as a business coach client.
They made no changes, and it’s embarrassing how bad their website looks today. People talk, “Oh my gosh. They are selling a world class product but their website looks bad, they can’t reconcile the difference.” It’s like a dissonance, a psychological disconnect. They go, “If they are so good, why does their website look so bad?
Four, pricing, if you have a great looking website, people are willing to pay more for a premium service than a bottom fitting service. You don’t want to pay more for a bad looking service. As an example there is a restaurant in Tulsa I went into recently whose food was awesome, unbelievable curry. I love curry. That’s my weakness. I love curry. Curry chicken, I go in there for curry chicken, non-bread, and I walk into the bathroom and it looks awful. I sit down and the menu looks like it was built in the 80s by a guy who had a fundamental love for clip art.
Robert: I know exactly what you are saying.
Clay: I decided, I can’t eat here. I just feel like the same sort of quality they would put in the bathroom it would translate to the food. It was scary to me. Then the final is Google compliance. Eight out of 10 people are now searching for the products and services they are looking for via their smartphone. Google is putting a higher and higher bias on mobile compliance. If your website is not mobile compliant, you’ve got to fix that stuff or you are going to start to drop like a rock when people are using their phones. You might be top in Google on a laptop or on a PC, or a computer, but you might be bottom in mobile. You want to fix that stuff.
If you want to see if your website is mobile compliant, it is web compliant, if it is branding compliant, if it is a world class website, what could I do to improve my website? If you are asking, what can I do to make it better? I just want make my website the best it could be. Just email us, info@thrive15. We are going to run a battery of tests Robert on the website to show people what they can improve.
Robert: We’ll do a full website analysis from an independent non-bias source.
Clay: It’s not going to be from Robert’s mother, or my mother. We run it through a program called SEMrush, which we pay thousands of dollars for to run this. When you see this battery of tests, you are going to discover what’s wrong with your site, how to fix it. Thrivers, it is a game changer. We have one thriver Steve Currington, his company is TLC Mortgage. If you type Tulsa Mortgages, you’ll see he comes up top. If you type in Tulsa Cookies, one of our thrivers Barbie Cookies comes up top. If you type in Tulsa Haircuts, you’ll see my business, Elephant In the Room comes up top. You are a world class person, and Robert, everyone deserves a world class website my friend.
Robert: I completely agree. The great thing about having a world class website is that it’s something that really anyone can do. I know getting all the brain together, getting your photography, getting your videography, doing all that. All that starts to add up, but starting with the website is really a fast step in getting control of your branding and be able to grow your business because of it.
Clay: Thrive nation. We are so excited that you are joining us today. We don’t want this conversation to end right now. I encourage you, if you want to grow your business, and you are serious about taking your business career to the next level, I want you to go to There you can learn more about our in person one-on-one coaching, our podcasts. Go to, the world’s best business school and business coach program, and as always, it’s just $1.