This content is written for the Thrivetime Show.
You choose to be a success or failure. Do you agree with that statement? Do you have to have the right contacts. Do you have to be in the right place at the right time to make that chance meeting? Do you have to be born with the gifts needed to succeed? What then does that say about passion, dedication and perseverance? Clay Clark,855-955-7469,US Small Business Administration Entrepreneur of the Year, says winning at business is a definite choice. On his Thrivetime Show, Clay Clark plainly lays out the fact that success is a choice.
“ To live the lives we truly want and deserve, and not just the lives we settle for..” Huffington’s definition of success. Failure then sounds like something we receive when we settle. Are you in the first category and do you choose success. Clay Clark’s,co- founder of Thrive 15, business Coach on purpose, mission was to grow a company that ONLY grows successful businesses. Failure does not compute with him. His company, Thrive 15, works with you and for you to bring about that success. Thrive 15 directs your steps and the way to success.
Thrive 15 provides a very hands on approach to managing employees. In “Will Not Work For Food”, a downright, says it like it is book, Clay Clark gets to the meat of managing employees. He quotes Steve Jobs “be a yardstick of quality.” You cannot expect what you don’t reflect. You must only hire A and B employees( read the book). Let go your marginal employees. They will cost you. A successful business has no place for average or mediocrity . You inspire the people you hire. You have a responsibility. Inspect, never expect. These are just a few of the areas he goes over in his book. If you choose business coach with Thrive 15, you will receive these practical tools to implement in your company to make it a success. Again, it is a choice.
Success only comes with perseverance, dedication and passion. The driving force behind Clay Clark is his passion from within, perseverance to excel in all things business and a dedication to entrepreneurs like him who seek to win. His experience comes from years of practical implementation of his own strategies. Strategies that have been proven to turn around failed businesses to successful businesses . His company Thrive 15, will do this and has accomplished this.
The choice to succeed is yours. In “ Will Not Work For Food”, Clay Clark ends the book with story about a man who made that deliberate choice. He had a goal. He worked hard. He had setbacks. There were those who did not believe in him. He competed. He was cheated. Through all this, he did not let his passion be extinguished. Again, the choice was his. He became a huge success in his field. He held himself accountable to achieving his dreams. He succeeded because he decided to. Hold yourself accountable to achieving your dreams. Call Clay Clark at:855-955-7469. and make it a point to listen to the Thrivetime Show, a show that can make the difference between failure and success.
Business Coach – Comprehensive Services.
This content is written for the Thrivetime Show.
Running your business efficiently is important. Have you been struggling with the options to invest in your business? Our only options very overwhelming? There is only one smart investment for your business. The smartest investment for your business is business coaching. When you invest in coaching, your business will gain experience, accountability, and a faster route to success. The resources about business growth can be very overwhelming. The best resource for growth is the Thrive Clark, co-owner of the Thrivetime show, want to answer your questions at 855-955-7469.
Why do you need experience in your business? When you started your business, this was probably the first business you owned. Because of this, you do not have the experience to grow successfully. There is a lot of trial and error that you will have to go through. Investing in a coach will cut out the trial and error. They have experience growing their own business. They have experience growing many other businesses as well. Because of this, you do not have to start at the bottom like they did. You can learn from their mistakes. They will steer you in the direction of success. you will not have to go through the exact same hardships they did. You can start out on top. This will allow you to not have to start out on bottom. Experience is extremely important when it comes to investing in your business. They will help you gain the right moves. It will help you move the needle in your business.
Another reason you need to invest, is because of accountability. Accountability is very important in business success. Starting out on your own, you only have to answer to yourself. When this happens, you will start allowing excuses to come in. Excuses will take over at times. After a while, you will not finish your to do list because you deserve a break. Don’t get me wrong, you deserve a break. You deserve to do the things you love. If you do not put the work in now, you will not be able to achieve the goals you wish to see. Having a Business Coach will bring you to your goals faster. They do this by accountability. If you come into your weekly meeting unprepared, you will notes growth. Coach will push you to growth. Growth means goals are achieved. Achieve your goals.
Lee, do you need a coach because of business growth. Have you coach will allow you to grow seven times quicker. They have experience. Coaches know the linear path to success. There is a specific formula for business growth. Learn from other people’s mistakes. Allow your business to grow seven times quicker. When you grow quicker, you achieve your goals faster. So are you to have time freedom. This will allow you to have financial freedom. Spending time with your kids will be achievable. Working day and night will not be an option any longer. Work whenever you desire.
Investing is hard. Investing is a big step toward success. Business Coach know how to steer you to success. The best coaches are knowledgeable. Ways to find out if your coach is knowledgeable, is looking at the content. Is there content rich in success. Does their content related things that actually work for business growth? If so, you need to snatch up this coach. The best resource for business growth is the Thrivetime show. Clay Clark, co-owner of the Trivetime show, is very knowledgeable and will have the answer to your questions at 855-955-7469