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When did you decide to be the gold buyer guy? Like when did you decide to, you know, not just think about it and study it and look into the collapse of the dollar. When did you decide, hey, you know what? I’m actually going to start buying gold.
Because as you know, every time they print money, the rich get richer, but the poor middle class get poorer. So we’re printing a trillion dollars every 90 days now. So those who own real assets like Waiku cattle gold silver real estate oil we get richer. But what else goes up in price is food, like chicken and eggs.
You can’t afford eggs today. So every time you print fake money, which is what I saw back when I was 17 years old, when you print fake money, guys like us get richer, but my friends and family get poorer because no financial education in school. Now let’s drill down into that for a second. Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa,
the BRICS nations for 16, almost 17 years, they’ve been hoarding the earth’s gold. Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa. These countries are not screwing around. They’ve been hoarding the earth’s gold in preparation to do what? Well, Putin has announced a great expansion of the BRICS block. And now you have I would I’m just giving a rough average here, but now you have the majority of the earth’s assets are controlled by these nations that identify with the BRICS block.
And these countries have a stated goal of introducing a gold-backed programmable currency. I don’t think the average person knows that, and I don’t think the average person knows that the United States enjoys an incredible privilege as the world’s reserve currency since the Bretton Woods Agreement. I don’t think people know that. I know that because of your teaching and others, but most people do not know that.
So could you maybe articulate or explain, Robert Kiyosaki, for our listeners out there, why do our listeners need to know that Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, those countries are hoarding the earth’s gold and attempting to introduce a new reserve currency. Because I think it was J.P. Morgan or somebody said gold is money. The rest is credit or debt. And gold is the only money there is. Accordingly that’s in his theory. So that’s what I tell the story of flying behind enemy lines. It’s Gresham’s law.
We know what real money from fake money. But my greatest concern here is this. If we don’t make changes in what we teach ourselves and our kids, the poverty in America is gonna go through the roof because we’re now the biggest debtor nation in the world. And you know, like what they’re teaching us now is DEI.
What about teaching us money? And I don’t think it’s a mistake. That’s my concern. It drives me on, it drives me on, it drives me on. Because I love my country. Two tours in Vietnam. But why does that school system not teach us anything about the- on. It drives me on and drives me on because I love my country to tourism
right now. But why does that school system not teach us anything about the truth about money? So gold is money. I call it God’s money. The bricks nations again to repeat. Everybody’s hearing this for the first time. You might hear about the bricks nations. That’s Brazil, Russia, India, China, Africa, those comprise roughly 41% of the earth’s population and they are teaming up together to unseat the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency and now you have Egypt, Saudi Arabia,
Mexico, Nigeria, Venezuela, Algeria, Turkey, and Argentina, all teaming up to unseat the US dollar as the world’s US. You’re on it, man. You’re on it.
You’re on it. Everybody listen to this guy. He knows what he’s talking about. You have the macro picture. Very few people have that point of view. And the great reset will be the collapse of the dollar.
Clay, you’re an entrepreneur, I’m an entrepreneur. And as they say in Stoic, the obstacle is the way. And so if you let you let these pinheads get in your way you’re in trouble. How concerned are you about the collapse of the U.S. dollar. Sir. It’s the end of the dollar system. So the end is near for the U.S. dollar. And my concern is. It’s going to wipe out stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs.
Just for my generation, the boomer generation, we’re in serious trouble because the only reason our stocks, bonds, mutual funds are up is because the Fed and the Treasury just kept printing more and more money. So look, I’ve been in the financial industry since 9-11,
the day before 9-11, and I’ve owned stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate, crypto, gold, you name it, I’ve owned it. But the one thing that’s a very important part of my portfolio all these years is gold. I love having a percentage of my network in gold that I have access to in case of many different things. A few facts you
need to know about gold. Number one, the gold market cap is 11.8 trillion dollars. Since 2000, the compound annual growth rate for gold has been 9.24 percent and during times of high inflation, 3 percent plus has been 15.35%. Now, those are just some numbers for you, but there’s some other benefits to add gold to your portfolio.
Number one, hedge against inflation. Number two, results showed recently that 93% of central banks are working on ACBDC. So this means what? That could be a manipulated currency that they own. If you own gold, it’s a non-duplicatable asset.
You’re now hedging against CBDC taking place. Number three, a potential cyber threat. If it happens, you don’t have access to your money. You don’t have access to your accounts. Well, you have access to your hard, physical gold. Number four is anonymous.
No one knows you have that gold. And last but not least, diversification. And I strongly, we don’t give investment advice, but right now I would do my best to get your head out of you know what and stop working hard and saving this stuff here. This is fake. This is fake. This is real. And this is real. Good luck to you all. Start going for real money,
not fake money. Thank you. behind Beverly Hills Precious Metals and its owner Andrew Sorcini a great friend of mine. We are facing one of the greatest periods of financial uncertainty in American history. And now is the time to organize your finances. Seriously consider how you can take care of yourself and your family and start making some serious decisions. I’ve spent years as a macroeconomic forecaster and it is a really strong relationship between inflation and using gold as a hedge. And gold can be a really important part of your portfolio. It’s not for day traders. It’s not something you get in and get out of. But if you want it as part of the anchor of your portfolio go to BH dash PM dot com. Beverly Hills precious metal. They will help out in terms of your needs. It’s a big choice you have to
make. Do your homework. But if you want gold the age dash PM dot com. It’s a big choice you have to make. Do your homework. But if you want gold, bh-pm.com is a great place to go. and silver today. And you that ethos beverly hills to b h dash p m dot com t b h dash p m dot com. Call silver just like I’m doin educated in help secure your family’s future. Because it’s all about educating yourself. And that’s the value whether you go with Beverly Hills Precious Metals or not. It’s a free consultation that gives your family options for financial security going into the future. So that’s why you should call Beverly Hills Precious
Metals dot com for a free consultation today So look I’ve been the financial industry since 9-11 the day before 9-11 and I’ve owned stocks bonds mutual funds real estate Crypto gold you name it up on that But the one thing that’s very important part of my portfolio all these years is gold I love having a percentage of my network in gold that I have access to in case of many different things.
A few facts you need to know about gold. Number one, the gold market cap is $11.8 trillion. Since 2000, the compound annual growth rate for gold has been 9.24% and during times of high inflation, 3% plus has been 15.35%. Now, those are just some numbers for you, but there’s some other benefits to add gold to your portfolio.
Number one, hedge against inflation. Number two, results showed recently that 93% of central banks are working on a CBDC. So this means what? That could be a manipulated currency that they own. If you own gold, it’s a non-duplicatable asset.
You’re now hedging against CBDC taking place. Number three, a potential cyber threat. If it happens, you don’t have access to your money. You don’t have access to your accounts. Well, you have access to your hard, physical gold. Number four is anonymous.
No one knows you have that gold. And last but not least, diversification. This here is real silver. That’s about $35. Not that much. Everybody can afford $35.
And this here is real gold. And I strongly, we don’t give investment advice, but right now, I would do my best to get your head out of you know what and stop working hard and saving this stuff here. This is fake.
This is fake. This is fake. This is real. And this is real. Good luck to you all. Start going for real money, not fake money. Thank you. My name is General Mike Flynn and I want everyone to know that I stand fully behind Beverly Hills Precious Metals and its owner, Andrew Sorcini, a great friend of mine. We are facing one of the greatest periods of financial uncertainty in American history. And now is the time to organize your finances, seriously consider how you can take care of yourself and your family and start making some serious decisions. Tell them that the General sent you. Thank you so
much and God bless America.
Transcribed with Cockatoo