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One of the very big themes in the book is you have to keep going. You can never, ever quit. The question was asked, and we decided to write a big thing on it, why do entrepreneurs fail? What’s the number one reason? And essentially, it’s because they give up.
They quit. They don’t have that stick-to-itiveness. And if you look at successful people, unless they were very lucky and born into it, the it. The people that don’t quit, that never, ever give up, those are the ones that ultimately become successful. Now, Robert, you need great ideas and you need all of the other obvious things, but you can never quit. You can never, ever give up.
So when we got together, we said, let’s make it really simple. And so the Midas Touch is basically your five fingers here. And the thumb is what Mr. Trump was talking about. This is strength of character. I mean, you and I both have had our trials and tribulations. And I’m sure- Everybody has.
Everybody has, no matter how great an entrepreneur, no matter how successful, everybody has gone through. I can name the top 10 deal makers, and every one of them have made bad deals, they’ve had failure, and it makes them smarter, it makes them better.
You could be anywhere doing a lot of different things, but you chose to be here. Some shows don’t need a celebrity narrator to introduce the show, but this show does. In a world filled with endless opportunities, why would two men who have built 13 multi-million dollar businesses altruistically invest five hours per day to teach you the best practice business systems and moves that you can use. Because they believe in you.
And they have a lot of time on their hands. They started from the bottom. Now they’re here. It’s the Thrive Time Show starring the former U.S. Small Business Administration’s Entrepreneur of the Year, Clay Clark, and the entrepreneur trapped inside an optometrist’s body, Dr. Robert Zuckner.
Two men. Eight kids, co-created by two different women. Thirteen multi-million dollar businesses. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom, and we’ll show you how to get here. Started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom, now we’re here.
We started from the bottom, and now we’re at the top Teaching you the systems to get what we got Colton Dixon’s on the hooks, I break down the books See, bringing some wisdom and the good looks As a father of five, that’s why I’m alive So if you see my wife and kids, please tell them hi
It’s the CNC up on your radio And now, 3, 2, 1, here we go! We started from the bottom, now we here We started from the bottom, and we’ll show you how to get here. Started from the bottom, now we’re here. Started from the bottom, now we’re here.
Started from the bottom, now we’re here. Started from the bottom and we’ll show you how to get here. Started from the bottom, now we’re here. Started from the bottom, now we’re here. Started from the bottom, now we’re here. Thrive Nation, welcome back to the conversation.
Now, Zee, I have some incredible news. This just in from the Thrive Time Show. This just in. I’m picking up my kids today from the airport. They’ve been visiting their grandparents there in Kentucky. And so I’m picking them up today.
We’re going to go buy some fireworks tonight. And I’m excited. I haven’t seen the oldest three now for about a week. And I’m excited to get them back, Z. I want to get them back. Did I hear that correctly?
Yeah, I love these guys. Z, I actually. You’re talking about your children now. I love my kids. They’re great, they’re well-mannered. Do you see a difference in kids that are homeschooled and kids that aren’t homeschooled?
Yes. I think right now, if you send your kids to public school, you have to understand that you might raise your kids with awesome values, but the person that your kid sits next to might not be raised with awesome values. So overall, your kids become the average of the five people they spend the most time with, just like an entrepreneur.
Their net worth is their net worth, and sometimes their net worth is their self worth. And they get surrounded by people that are maybe not the best. Sometimes they are the best. So I would just say as a parent, be very intentional about who your kids spend their time with. That is so true. Another little personal win. Z, Robbie the pool guy is going to be here in an hour.
Don’t tease me. And I want you to be there when he presents us with the final rendering of what the backyard of Camp Clark and the Chicken Palace might look like. I’m getting kind of emotional. These are all things that are happening that are exciting. You see, this is what happened folks if you’re listening out there. When a young man man approaches you, said so many years ago, 18, 17, 16 years ago, and even though you look at them and you think, holy camoly, holy crap, holy Batman, hey, I’m Batman, and you
look at this young man and he wants to be mentored, and so you begrudgingly give them some time and then you talk to him and all of a sudden, this guy is like a flower, just bloom. Bloom! Bloom! Bloom! Blooming everywhere!
Everywhere! And now, you get to be there at the unveiling of his pool in his backyard. Holy cow! So we’re excited. So in less than an hour, the pool man will be here. Robbie, who I believe is the most qualified of the pool candidates to present to us the
best pool. Now what made him stand out? I got three things. OK. Tell me about it. One, his hair is high and tight.
He shows up on time. No, this is, that’s variable one. He shows up on time, his hair is high and tight. OK. He looks like Marshall Moore. It’s very credible.
Very credible. He shows up here. Two, I said, where do you get your hair cut? He says, elephant in the room. I want, you know, the high and tight look. So he’s a customer of yours.
I didn’t know this, though, before. Wow. OK. So variable number two is he says, I’m an elephant in the room customer, and he says, I just want to look sharp. So it’s kind of like, OK, OK, that’s kind of one thing a little bit.
Three, dude, his renderings he sent over of what the pool is going to look like, you can like, you could I don’t know if you want to lick a pool or touch a pool. Do you want to swim in the rendering? I feel like I want to. I feel like it’s like inside my body. Wow.
The pool I feel like it’s inside my mind. It’s like you gave birth to it? I feel like I gave birth to the pool. It’s that good. Now, Z, something else that is that good is today we’re talking about this crawling through five miles of crap and picking up the NBA’s trash en route to becoming a Hall of Fame player. We’re talking about Dennis Rodman. Zeke, do you like Dennis Rodman? You know, I’ve never met him.
Do you like his career? I think it’s a fascinating study, and that’s why we love to break down books, and we do all the heavy lifting for you. I mean, you can always go back and peruse it just to kind of spellcheck us, if you will. But it’s fascinating. I knew him back in college, or I knew of him But he is a fascinating… I knew him back in college, or I knew of him back in college because he played at a university
that played the school where I was. He’s 57, I’m 53, and he kind of started a little later, so we were about the same place in college. And so anyway, he was fascinating back then, and then he just morphed into this caricature, this person that’s pretty amazing. I would say this in April 1st 2011. I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, but this just in He’s a man who knows a little bit about everything a lot about soccer, but in
2011 April 1st he was inducted into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame He is a player who’s won me. That’s college. He’s won many in the championships think about this this is a guy who’s won five NBA championships, and he didn’t play formal basketball until the age of 21. That’s crazy. So, this is what happens.
He graduates high school at the height of 5’9″. Now, how tall are you, Dr. Z? I’m about 5’9″. So, imagine that you… You’re saying I’ve got a chance. I’m just saying, imagine you graduate high school, age 18, you’re 5’9″, you grew up in poverty, then age 21, you find yourself working at the airport
and you get arrested for stealing watches. Your sisters are playing Division I basketball, but you are now 6’8″. And your sisters who are Division I basketball players say, maybe you should play professional basketball. So now I turn to page 12 of Dennis Rodman’s book, This is Bad as I Want to Be, Nobody from Nowhere. A janitor makes it big.
This is what Dennis Rodman writes. He says, The Texas State Fair is held in Dallas, about five miles from where I grew up in the Oak Cliff Projects. None of the kids I hung around had enough money to get into the fair, but we went every year. There is an underground sewage tunnel that can take you right there.
We crawl in through a manhole in the project and start our journey. This tunnel was legendary among the kids in Oak Cliff. I think everyone who grew up there went to the state fair that way at one time or another. My friends and I started taking this route when I was 13 or 14. The tunnel was wide in some places, but it stunk like you wouldn’t believe. The sewage was a foot deep, so we had to walk around it sort of on the side of the tunnel. It was dark and scary. So we bring flashlights so we could work our way around the quote unquote crap and also
so we could follow the lines that somebody had drawn years ago to mark their way. When I think about it, I just shake my head. Five miles through a sewage tunnel to the state What kind of crazy mess was that? What the F was I thinking? So Dennis Rodman was a guy who climbed through crap for five miles to go to the state fair.
Z, can you talk to me about growing up when you don’t have money and what that can do in a positive way to your mind? So you could view it as a problem or you could view it as a superpower. How does growing up without money without financial resources? How does it help to grow up poor?
Well, I mean it does one of two things I mean, it’s like like every opportunity you have growing up You can either go the good way with it or you can go the bad way with it, you know and for me I focused on the fact that if I said, you know If I want I start working on 13 because I wanted a new pair of jeans to go to school.
I needed books and school supplies and little folders and all the… Oh, yeah. The one with the dolphin and the pro sports team on it. You’ve got to get the colored pencils. Oh, yeah, you’ve got to get the colored pencils. Those are necessary for your science class or whatever.
You want all that stuff, and so you’re kind of like, well, I guess you could fuss about it and feel bad about yourself and mourn the fact that you don’t have it and maybe hit a street corner and put a cup in your hand and say, hey, hopefully somebody will give me something because I don’t have anything. Or you could say, you know what, I’m an able-bodied person. I’m going to go mow yards.
I’m going to go wash dishes. I’m going to go do something productive and get a job. Dennis Rodman says on page 15 of his book, he says, I did not have a male role model in my life until I got to college and started getting my S together. We’ll let you ponder what S means. But Z, can you talk to me or can you identify with that of not having a consistent role model in your life?
Is that something that you… How did you grow up? Did you have one dad, multiple folks? I mean, share with the listeners kind of your background and what that was like growing up? Yeah, you know, I, my, my mom married and had two boys and then they divorced and, and then she remarried and her, her second husband adopted me.
So I was adopted by John Zellner, rest in peace, dad. And he raised us. And then I got to meet my biological dad when I was 16. That was kind of one of those things where you go through life and as bad as you think it is or there’s no parent out there that’s perfect. I’ll just tell you that right now.
There’s no parent out there that’s perfect. Of course, some people have had parenting situations much worse than others. I get that. But we all have a little bit of unk about parents and things that were done wrong, things that were done right. No parents are perfect.
No parents are perfect. Just get over that. You, being a parent, you’re not going to do everything perfect yourself. This just in. This just in. But I think the key thing about it is not letting, here again, not letting that dictate
who you are. You know, we’re volunteers, and most things in life, we’re not victims. We’re volunteers in almost every aspect of our life. We’re not victims. And some people want to go through life in a victim mentality, you know, that victim mentality of, well, if I just had a dad, well, if I had just had a mom, well, if I had just
had this, if I had just had that, I would have turned out much better. Dennis Rodman writes on page 17 of his book, he said, I’ve been homeless. I’ve worked at a 7-Eleven. I’m a real person with real experiences. And I know how easy it is to find yourself out there with nothing. I went to the Dallas-Fort Worth airport and just got a job as a janitor on the graveyard
shift. This job has become a big part of the Rodman legend. I can’t believe how often it comes up, just because it’s so different than most NBA players. At the time, I didn’t think it was a big deal. I was pushing a broom and mopping floors for 6.15 an hour, which wasn’t bad money for me back then.
I was just working, just like everybody else in the world. There was no reason for me to believe that I’d ever do much more than that. Now Marshall, you’re a business coach and I think a lot of what you do is help people believe that their business can actually become successful. Talk to me about your role as a business coach and how you try to breathe life into people that have a real product and a real service and they just need someone to believe in them.
Well, as a business coach, one of the most valuable things that you’ll find is somebody that just has an objective opinion, an objective view, an objective perspective of your business. Because as an entrepreneur, you’re in it day in, day out. You see all the good, the highs, the lows, and it’s emotional. Now as a business owner, you have to learn how to not let the emotion get in the way of the motion, get in the way of growing the business.
And so as a coach, one of our roles up here at the Thrivetime Show is to present you and repeat back to you the current situation, the current perspective of where you’re at, and then provide the resources from Clay and Dr. Zellner with the proven best practices of what you need to do next in an objective way. And we come back from the break, we’re going to break down more about the life and times of Dennis Rodman and the specific action items that you can apply to your own life, the mindset
you can apply to your life when you hear about an NBA Hall of Fame basketball player who didn’t play organized basketball until the age of 21. But Z, before we go to the break, I want to tell the listeners about Onyx Imaging. Z, do you spend a lot of your time during your week running around looking for a good deal on office supplies and printer supplies? I just love going to Home Depot and, I mean, Office Depot.
Honestly, do you run around looking for office supplies and printer supplies? No. Why? Because it’s a waste of time when you have a great organization like Onyx that will actually deliver it. So if you want to save money on your office supplies and printer supplies…
No, I don’t want to. I love comparing prices at retail stores. I’m in the middle of my workday. It’s my lowest use, my lowest… really, it’s the lowest thing I could be doing with my time, but I just love doing it. No, if you want to save both time and money on your office and printer supplies, then go to our good friends at onyximaging.com today. Get ready to enter the Thrive Time Show.
We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom and we’ll show you how to get here. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom, now we’re on the top. Teaching you the systems to get what we got.
Cullen Dixon’s on the hooks, I’ve written the books. BookTees bringing some wisdom and the good looks. I’m a dive, so if you see my wabbin’ kids, please tell them hi. It’s C and Z up on your radio, and now three, two, one, here we go! Alright, Thrive Nation, we’re breaking down today the Dennis Rodman story. Crawling through five miles of crap and picking up the NBA’s trash to create a Hall of Fame career.
Now this is, when I read this book, I try to read about a book a week. That’s sort of my regimen. I listen to a lot of audio books, too. I try to get through one book a week. I don’t. I try to read about 52 books a year.
No, yeah, you’re… I mean, I read books, a lot of technical books, but I like to read books sometimes about people that I feel like I can relate to. And Dennis Rodman is a guy who I feel like he and I went through a lot of similar things as a kid, and I knew that just anecdotally from having heard interviews with him, and I thought, you know, I want to read more about this guy.
So on page 20 of his book, Bad As I Want to Be, Dennis Rodman writes, I started playing basketball more seriously after I got caught stealing the watches at age 21. I was just playing with friends in the gym, and that’s where Loretta Westbrook saw me play. It was night leagues or pickup games mostly.
I’d just be hanging out at the gym like a kid with a new toy. I was getting close to 6’8″. He graduated from high school by the way at the height of five foot ten or less. A lot of people say he graduated high school at five foot eight or five foot nine. And he said, I was just getting close to six foot eight by this time and even though I was skinny and a little embarrassed by the growth spurt, it was like a new body. I could do things
on the basketball court that weren’t possible before. I don’t know where Loretta Westbrook is today, but I bet she tells everyone that she discovered Dennis Rodman. I went to that tryout at Cook County Junior College, and after about 15 minutes, they pulled me aside and told me they had a scholarship for me. So here’s a guy. Amazing.
A miracle. He’s 21 years old. He’s working at the airport, at the DFW airport. He gets arrested for stealing watches. His sisters, who played Division I basketball, said, hey, you should probably go try out. He says here in his book, he says, the only time I played organized basketball was my
sophomore year in high school when I barely made the junior varsity team, but I quit halfway through the season. So here he is, he’s 21 years old, and he just shows up to try out and he gets offered a scholarship at a junior college. He goes on to write here on page 21, Marshall. He writes, Lon Reisman, an assistant coach at Southeastern Oklahoma, an NAIA school,
had seen me play while I was at Cook before I got kicked off the team. Remember, he got kicked off the first team he was on, Cook County Junior College. Does it say why? Failing academics. Oh, imagine that. And he says, and he was convinced I could make it.
He talked to the head coach, Jack Hedden, and they decided to come after me. They were determined to, because I didn’t want anything to do with college after that one semester. Colleges would call when I was at my mother’s house, and I’d refuse to take the calls. I didn’t want to hear what they had to say. The only reason I talked to Hedden and Reisman is because they showed up at the house one
day and I answered the door. I don’t know for sure, but I guess this isn’t the way Shaquille O’Neal went to college, or Michael Jordan, or anybody else in the NBA was recruited. When you look at how I got placed in that position to do what I’ve done, the girl convinced me to try out everybody giving me those watches. He goes on to explain, here’s a guy who was arrested for stealing watches, a person saw
him, an anonymous person just saw him working out one day playing pickup basketball. They recommend that he goes to a junior college. He goes to the junior college, he fails out academically, somebody else sees him play, and then offers him a full scholarship and insists that he pursues basketball. So this just in, he finds himself at Southeastern Oklahoma University in a town called Durant. And he says, it wasn’t easy for a guy like me who didn’t know anyone besides, know anything
besides the city. All I ever knew was the city and the projects, and that didn’t prepare me for what I got when I went up there to that small town. I noticed the difference right away. I was walking to class soon, and I got there,
and some a-hole leaned his head out the car window and yelled at me, go back home, you black son of a, boop! That happened a lot. They’d tell me, get your black boop out of here. Go back to Africa, boop. But he goes on to explain that he also did not like black people, because he said he was a very homely kid, a very ugly person. He describes himself as being repulsive physically. And he
said, so growing up as a kid, he said he got made fun of a ton from the African-American community. So he actually says in his book, Marshall, that he had in his mind growing up as a kid that he wanted to be white and he wanted to move to a white community because the white community seems so much nicer.
So he goes to the white community and people made fun of him there. So the teaching moment I’d like for Dr. Z to break down is no matter where you go on this planet, there will be haters. There will be mean people no matter where you go. And as I
read this part of the book, I actually had a little man tear because there’s a little kid in the book by the name of Brian Rich. He said he met Brian Rich, this is on page 22 Marshall, he says, I had met Brian at the Southeastern basketball camp the summer before I started school. He was 13 and I was 22. We became best friends. He became friends at the age of 22 with a 13-year-old because he said it was the only person who had a pure heart and who didn’t make fun of him. So he’s a 22-year-old kid who had been ostracized growing up because he was ugly and then he moved to a white
community where he got made fun of for being black and he said his best friend at the age of 22 was 13. And the only reason he wanted to become friends with him, he said, he hadn’t yet been, he hadn’t lost his innocence, and he wanted to have a friend who actually could see him for what he was. Zeke, can you talk to me about this idea of, if you’re an entrepreneur or a human on the planet Earth right now, and you’re trying to move to a place, a community, or a time
when people aren’t mean, why you have to just embrace how life is. You know, you do. It’s so unfortunate how we are so offended these days. I’ve spoke about this several times on our show, on our radio show, on our podcast. I grew up in an era where we used to have a saying, six and stones can break my bones. Words will never hurt me.
Now, it seems like we just encourage words to hurt us as much and deeply as possible and then put it on social media so that other people can be offended by those same words and be hurt by those same words. It’s just unfortunate. I wish that we could all do like Taylor Swift tells us to do. Oh, really? Yeah.
And what would Taylor Swift encourage us to do? Shake it off. Shake it off. This just in. We have to shake it off. Shake it off.
Let it just, like you’re a duck and the water just rolls right off your back. Folks, there’s going to be haters out there. The more successful you are… Haters want to hate, hate, hate, hate, hate. There you go. Come on, Taylor.
The more successful you are, the more jealousy there is out there. And that’s what I want to talk about when we come back from the break, is how the more successful you become, the more promotions you get, the more problems you have. When Marshall went from being just an employee to becoming a manager, how did the level of problems increase? When Dr. Z went from being at one employee company to a multiple employee company to a hundred
plus employee organization, how much did the problems increase? Did life get easier as he grew? I mean, does promotion truly equal more problems? I believe it does. We come back from the break. Dr. Z and Marshall Morris will break it down for us. But if you’re looking for a proactive accountant who’s as proactive as you are about your business, go to hoodcpas.com today. That’s hoodcpas.com today. And now broadcasting live from the box that rocks. It’s the Thrivetime Business Coach Radio Show.
I was a servant, I cite what I state so you know I’m not a servant. Thrive Time Show, bringing the heat while fervent, giving it to you straight in the war-themed streets. Sacking the cash, making the dash, earning the plaques, bringing them back, bringing the tracks so I can get up on them, I can speak the facts. Sacking the cash, making the dash, earning the plaques, bringing them back, bringing
the tracks so I can get up on them, I can speak the facts. Alright, Thrive Nation, welcome back to the Thrive Time Show on your radio. And today we’re talking about the Dennis Rodman story. Crawling through five miles of crap and picking up the NBA’s trash en route to becoming an NBA Hall of Fame player, Dr. C. You know, Clay, I love the fact that you are a voracious reader of books.
True. And I love it when we break down awesome books. I love breaking down books. It’s just so much fun. We do the hard, Clay actually does the heavy lifting for you. Why did you choose this book of all the books we could be breaking down today? Well there’s, there’s, tell me about it.
Two big reasons. One as a kid I stuttered a lot and I got made fun of consistently. Two, I got sexually abused by a neighbor multiple times as a kid and it was like once people heard that that happened they shared it with other kids and it just became like let’s make fun of this kid on the bus. Oh wow. And so I remember that and so I thought to myself, lock that out that’s awkward anytime you bring that up people go because they don’t know what to say. Yeah, they’re in the car right now
listening to the show going, well that just happened? And so that’s just yeah it’s a pulling the truck stop to get gas? And so one day I was watching an interview about Dennis Rodman, and he was playing for the Chicago Bulls at the time, and he explained to the interviewer that he never spoke a word to Scottie Piffen or Michael Jordan or David Robinson or anyone who played basketball. He never said a word.
And they’re like, you never say a word to your teammates? He says, no, I’m just there to play ball, to get rebounds, to win, but I do not speak to them. Did he say why? Yeah, because he sincerely doesn’t like people. And I thought to myself, that’s my guy. I can relate to that.
I want to have a business that provides a service for people, but I don’t really have a desire to be liked. I don’t know what that is, because I’ve tried that before and so I picked up this book and I read the book and what he says on page 22, and I want Dr. Z to break it down first and I want Marshall to break it down second. He says, Southeastern Oklahoma University is in Durant, Oklahoma, a town of about 6,000
people compared to what I was used to. Durant was a different world, bro. A different world. Again, Dennis Rodman never played organized basketball until the age of 21. He was 5’9 at the time he graduated from high school. Grew to be 6’8, some would argue 6’9 at the age of 21.
He gets recruited to play community college. He fails out. He gets recruited to play here at Southeastern Oklahoma University, and he’s on the team. So he says, I noticed the difference right away. I was walking to class soon after I got there, and some a-hole leaned his head out the car window and yelled, go back home, you black son of a boop.
That happened a lot. They’d tell me, get your black boop out here. Go back to Africa, boop. But he says there was a little kid by the name of Brian Rich. And I had met Brian at Southeastern Basketball Camp
the summer before I started school there. He was 13 and I was 22. I can remember him looking at me funny, which wasn’t unusual back in those days. I sometimes walked around with quarters in my ears
i know why i did it probably just so people would think i was crazy anyway brian i became friends best friends brian kind of fell in love with me at the camp he was invited he invited me over his house for dinner
and i went it was weird i remember saying why is this kid and love with me why does he love me so much? He goes on to explain that if you drive in Dallas today on Highway 75 from Oklahoma down to Dallas,
and you get to the 121, you’ll see Rodman Excavation everywhere. There’s these massive trucks that say Rodman Excavation. And he promised Brian that if he ever made it big, he would take care of Brian. So he made it to the NBA,
and he gave Brian all of his money, and they started Rodman Excavation, which is still a very huge profitable company. No way, really? True. Rodman Excavation is a massively successful company that Brian runs as a result, B-R-Y-N-E,
as a result of him at the age of 13 befriending a 22-year-old who nobody in the world liked. Wow, that is awesome. And so he prints out, I promise, if I get to the league, I will take care of you. So he goes to the NBA. He’s a 26-year-old NBA rookie. And he calls up his friend.
Remember, the age separation is nine years. So his buddy Brian is like 17. And he’s like, hey, Brian. And he starts giving Brian his money. And they started Rodman Excavation, which is the largest excavation company in Texas.
True deal. OK. To this day, he still makes crazy money off that. So let’s break down the action items that the listeners can apply here. Z, talk to me about this idea.
Some people want to get promoted. They think, once I make a lot of money, I’ll never have problems. Gosh, once I grow a company… I’m going to be just wonderful. No, once I grow a company to a certain level, I can throw a middle finger to the world, and it doesn’t matter because nobody can talk back to me because I’ll be rich.
And I tried that. That’s why I built DJ Connection. I was hell-bent on building DJ Connection, and once we were doing about 80 events a week, 4,000 events a year, having 100 employees, 90 employees, subcontractors, or whatever, I found the more money you make, the more problems you have. According to the late, great philosopher, the notorious B.I.G., Christopher Wallace,
mo’ money, mo’ problems. Can you talk to me about why you have more money, you actually have more problems? Well, I want to back up just a little bit. Sure. I want to be maybe a little offensive. Do it.
May I? Normally, that’s your bandwidth. And I’ve got to clean it up. But today, I’m going to go there, and then you can maybe clean it up a little bit. Let me cue up my sound effect real quick so I get emotionally prepared. My mother, who is an awesome, awesome woman, raised nine, seven birth children.
She adopted two more, raised nine great kids. Wow. All productive. And last I checked today, I could probably Google none in prison. Right, right. All college educated, all doing great.
That is nice. Thanks, Mom. Love you. But she taught me a concept back in the day. Back in the day. Can we go back in the day?
Let’s go back in the day. Let’s go back in the day. Back when time was right. And she taught me this concept. And the concept was, be nice to all the ugly girls. What? Is that offensive? Does that offend you? Be nice to all the ugly girls? Yes. That’s offensive. That’s even if you’re able Even to be able to determine… Even to think that a woman would be not…
No, yeah. Yeah, and ugly is probably an ugly word. Even to be able to determine… Ugly is just ugly. I personally can’t even tell if someone’s attractive or not. That’s how unoffensive I am.
The point was to be nice to everyone, obviously. But the way she said it, the way we kind of played with it, it was… And the reasons why were this. It’s because the ugly girls have pretty friends Look the ugly girls might become pretty right Marshall remember now Dating tips right here. Yeah, I’m telling you right now. This is stuff. You need to write to write this down, okay?
And that’s exactly what that 13 year old boy was doing I mean I Mean obviously you know they were friends, and he was just being nice to somebody that nobody else was being nice to for a number of reasons. Like Dennis puts in his book, he says, you know, I was not well liked by anybody, by any genre, by any group of people. He felt that African Americans did not like him because he was ugly. He said he was mocked in the project, so he went to a white community where he thought he’d be accepted, and then people didn’t like him there either.
Right, exactly. And so some young boy took a flyer and said, Hey, you know what? I don’t know enough to know that I shouldn’t be nice to you, but I’m going to do what is the right thing to do, and that is to be nice to you. And now look at the dividend that is paid for him in life. I mean, seriously, get ready to enter the Brivetime Show.
We started from the bottom and we’ll show you how to get here Started from the bottom, now we here Started from the bottom, now we here We started from the bottom, now we’re on the top Teaching you the systems to get what we got Cullen Dixon’s on the hooks, I’ve written the books
He’s bringing some wisdom and the good looks As a father of five, that’s where I’mma dive So if you see my wimping kids, please tell them hi It’s C and Z up on your radio And now 3, 2, 1, here we go! We started from the bottom, now we’re here.
We started from the bottom and we’ll show you how to get it right. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. You know, you never know the end of the story. And Rodman said that on page 23 of his book, he said we were both, Brian and I, he said we were both coming off hard times and we were both confused about stuff in our lives. I was trying to decide where my life was going and Brian was trying to deal with having shot
and killed his best friend accidentally in a freak hunting accident. So I don’t care what you’re dealing with in life. I mean, Dennis Rodman’s probably gone through it. Z, Brian’s probably gone through it. I mean, everybody out there who’s had some success in their life has probably gone through a massive adversity.
But I think a lot of people, the first sign of adversity, they tend to go into retreat mode. They tend to say, oh, life’s not fair, and they get all upset, and they go on Facebook, and they write a post or on Instagram, and then you can’t do that. You’re right. Now to kind of answer the question that you wanted to ask me, and that is that if you let anything anyone says or do rob your joy, shame on you.
Let me say that again. If you let anything someone says or does, rob your joy, shame on you. Because you’re in control of your own happiness. You don’t have to wait for some event to happen. You don’t have to wait for your lottery numbers
to be called. You don’t have to wait for, joy is something you can have immediately, and happiness and content in where you are. Because so many people I know are not content because they’re waiting for fill in the blank. Fill in the blank.
Fill in the blank. Once I get, once I find a wife, I’ll be happy. Once I find a career, I’ll be happy. Once I find a… I think a lot of people think that once they find something, they’re going to be happy. But in this book, Dennis Rodman, As Bad As I Want to Be, he explains that he basically went from
growing up in poverty, where he was mocked, as he said, for being ugly in an African-American community, to being… He graduates from high school, he ends up working at the airport, he’s 21 years old, he gets arrested for stealing watches. When he graduated from high school, he’s 5’9″. He grows to be 6’8″. He’s 21 years old. His sister, who played Division I college basketball, encouraged him to try out for
a team. He tries out for a team. He fails out for failing out academically. He finds himself now living in Southeastern Oklahoma University in Durant, Oklahoma, where people are making fun of him because of the color of his skin. Well, if you’re 6’8″, and you’re freakishly athletic, and you’re playing basketball at a high level, Marshall,
what do you think is going to happen? People are going to begin to notice. Six foot eight doesn’t hide well. I can speak for experience. You walk into a room and immediately people turn heads. Now, I wasn’t freakishly athletic like Dennis Rodman, but if you can play basketball well
and you can get out there and showcase your athletic ability, you’re going to get some people to notice. So, on the college campus, he had a hard time making friends because he’s antisocial. So now he’s 22 years old, his best friend is a 13-year-old, and he writes on page 25, Marshall, of his book, As Bad As I Want to Be. Bad as I want to be.
Dennis Rodman Excavation in Frisco, Texas. And we talk all the time. We both went through a lot together and that’s a strong bond. Remember, Bren was a 13-year-old kid who accidentally killed somebody in a hunting accident. He’s a 13-year-old kid, Z. And he accidentally killed him. When was he 13?
At the time he was 12 and he accidentally killed his best friend while hunting. Shot him. Wow. And so nobody in the town wanted to talk to him because they thought that he had murdered his friend, all the kids who made fun of him. And Dennis is 22 and he’s a freak of nature.
And nobody wants to talk to him because… So the 13 year old and the 22 year old become friends. explain that while playing basketball he begins to dominate the game and he begins to play at a different level which begins to attract the attention of people that you know previously wouldn’t talk to him. He writes on page 28 of his book Bad As I Want To Be he writes it was like a fairy tale I couldn’t believe a
man like this existed. He just laid it all on the line and let me know that I could make something out of myself if I wanted to face up to reality. There was no cloud over any of it. It was all straight to the point, clear as day. He looked at me, he looked at everything straight ahead. Everything was on a line from one point to the next. He was the type of person who would sit down and tell me I could be a famous basketball player if I wanted to. He wasn’t the type who would sit down and tell
me I could be a famous basketball player if I wanted it bad enough. He wouldn’t fill my head with that stuff because it wasn’t really his style. Instead he would say, whatever you do, make it positive, make it what you want it to be, not what somebody else wants it to be. He’s describing Bryn’s father. So Bryn’s father takes him in as his own son and starts teaching him about how life works. And so he’s just telling him, Dennis, just apply yourself.
Just do whatever you can do. Just play at the best level you can possibly play. And so Dennis Rodman is like, well, you know, Bryn, who is my friend who’s 13, his dad’s telling me, just play at the next level. Just play as hard as you can. And so, Z, at the age of 25, a lot of people graduate from college, Marshall, what age?
21, 22? 21, 22, yeah. At the age of 25, he writes here on page 29, he says, after my senior year at Southeastern, I was like this sideshow for the NBA. They looked at my statistics and they looked at my age. By then I was late 25.
And they didn’t know what to make of me. They loved my body and my speed. They all kept saying I could have made the Olympics in the 400 meters. But they weren’t sure if I was right. He said they weren’t sure if I had the right game for the NBA. He goes on to explain that he was a guy who was getting, you know, 15 to 20 rebounds a game.
But have you ever watched Dennis Rodman shoot a free throw? Have you ever watched him shoot a free throw shot? It hurts. I’m going to play it for you during the break so you can watch him. But Dennis Rodman could not shoot a basketball because he never played formal basketball until he was 21 years old.
He never played organized basketball until he was 21 years old. So he realized, I don’t know how to shoot, I can’t score, but Marshall, you played basketball at a high level, you played professionally as well as college basketball. How can you dominate a game without scoring a point? You make all the hustle plays. So there’s a set of plays throughout the course of a game where you’ve got to have somebody
to make them. They’re 50-50, they could go either way, and typically it’s the team that hustles more and wants it more, has more effort out on the court. And so whether that’s rebounding or trying to save a loose ball or making a steal, those are the plays that end up winning you the game when it’s coming down close. Now Dennis Rodman writes here on page 30 of his book, he says, the guy who has drafted
one pick ahead of me was Greg Dreiling or maybe Greg Drilling, a seven-foot center from Kansas who averaged 2.2 points per game and 2.2 rebounds per game in his career. He says, I guess they can say he’s consistent. So on page 35 he writes, after going through what I had gone through to get here, there was no way in hell I was going to let it slip without putting up a fight. I figured I’d made it to the league the hard way, so why not stay in it the hard way, too?
The hard way in the NBA is through defense and rebounding, the two things that guys would rather not do. There’s not a guy in the league besides me who doesn’t want to score. I don’t want to score. I want to win. Wow.
That is some deepness there. Why don’t you deep dive in that a little bit? Tell me how that affects entrepreneurship. Well, I would just say as a business owner, that’s all I’m about, man. I’m not about whether you like me or not, Z. I’m about no-brainer advertisements.
You’re crazy about that. And you’ve told me before, though, Z, you’ve said if your ad isn’t so good, if your ad does not make your competition want to throat punch you, it’s not a good ad. That’s exactly what I said. What do you mean by that? If it’s not offensive to your competition, then you’re not doing as much as you need
to do. I know this sounds mean. It sounds mean. We need a mean button. But the thing about it is that it’s business. This is going to maybe be offensive.
It’s Dennis Rodman’s show, so we’ve got to offend everybody, right? I mean, this is the offensive show. Just to title it, the offensive show. And that is that business is war. Business is war. You may think it’s a kumbaya.
No, it’s not. Of like-minded people slicing up the pie to where… All working together to improve the community. Everybody has a said same piece of pie. No, business is all about you trying to eat all the pie. You know, it’s offensive when someone cuts up a pizza and the slices aren’t exactly the same.
It’s offensive. You think to yourself, why? Why did you do that? You know what’s not offensive is Sibley Chiropractic, Tulsa’s number one chiropractor. If you’re looking for Tulsa’s number one chiropractor, go to drjohnsibley.com. drjohnsibley.com 3, 2, 1, boom! You are now entering the dojo of Mojo and the Thrive Time Show.
Thrive Time Show on the microphone, what is this? Top of the iTunes charts in the category of business. Drilling down on business topics like we are a dentist. Providing you with mentorship like you are an apprentice. And we go so fast that you might get motion sickness. Grab a pen and pad to the lab, let’s get in this.
Time to best some fruit like some Florida O-N-G’s. Three, two, one, here come the business ninjas. Sonic boom. All right, Thrive Nation, welcome back to the Thrive Time Show on your radio. And today we’re talking about the life end times
of Dennis Rodman. We’re explaining the Dennis Rodman story. Crawling through five miles of crap and picking up the NBA’s trash en route to an NBA Hall of Fame career. Now on page 35 of Dennis Rodman’s book, he writes,
after everything I had gone through to get there, there was no way in hell I was going to let it slip away without putting up a fight. I figured I’d made it to the league the hard way. I didn’t play organized basketball until I was 21 years old. I was five foot nine when I graduated from high school.
I’m six foot eight, six foot eight at the age of 21 for the first time in my life, and I played organized basketball. I said, so why not stay in the hard way, too? The hard way in the NBA is through defense and rebounding, the two things guys would rather not do. There’s not a guy in the league besides me who does not want to score.
That’s why no one can believe me. I don’t want to score. All I want to do is win. I was playing Adrian Brantley every day in practice, and I set out to make his life miserable. I was going to shut him down if it meant dying out there on the practice floor. I shut him down a few times, and then he’d score on me.
It went like that for a while, but then I realized I was shutting him down a lot more than he was scoring. In the middle of my second season, Dantley hurt his ankle, and Daley put me into the starting lineup, Coach Chuck Daley. We went, we were 500 when Dantley went down. But we took off with me in the starting lineup.
Of the first 24 games I started, we won 20. We just beat people up. And Daley played me all over the court. I played the small forward mostly, but he’d put me inside against power forwards and outside against tough shooting guards. Wherever he needed me, wherever he needed defense, that’s where I was. The Worm was my nickname. He goes on to explain it was hard for him to understand
that his name, his nickname, The Worm, was all over the headlines when he said he is it as a kid. The reason why he got the nickname The Worm was because when he played pinball games as a kid, people used to make fun of the way he squirmed around while playing the game. He says on page 36, he writes, it was amazing for me to see the name Worm in the headlines. It was pretty amazing for me to see that nickname that I’d been given as a little kid for the way I wiggled around when I played pinball
splashed across headlines in the Detroit papers. The people were into what I was giving them because it was so fresh and exciting. They knew basketball and they appreciated my style. See, Dennis Rodman played basketball with this maniacal rage as though at any given point he could go back to working at the DFW Airport as a janitor. Well we all could go back to working. But that’s how you play business. Can I tell you a true story? Yes. So my senior year at Northeastern State
State University in Tahlequah, Oklahoma, America. This just happened. America. America. Our basketball team was fairly salty and we were in N-A-I-A at the time. Holy cow!
Come on. And we had a team coming into town to challenge us on our home court. Whoa. From southeast, from Durant? South Eastern State. And they had a big banner they put up there that said, Hook the Worm. Hook the Worm?
And then a worm on the banner. Who was the worm? Dennis Rodman. What? Z, you know what this means? What? It means the circle. The Dennis Rodman show. North Korea’s only American ambassador to North Korea, since previous to Donald Trump and over multiple decades, is Dennis Rodman.
And the show we do is about Dennis Rodman. And now you say you went to college to play against Dennis Rodman. I taught him play back in college. Dennis Rodman might be the answer. He reached up and he took the pebble from our hand. And he said, I got your pebble.
This blow my mind. True story. True story. True story. Z, he played basketball every single day in practice. He said, like he had an opportunity to be cut and go back to the DFW airport working
as a janitor. Can you talk about that dragon energy that you and Kanye West and Donald Trump and Dennis Ryman and you, Clay Clark, anybody who’s successful has the dragon energy. Talk about it. I love it. I love the dragon energy.
It’s the dragon energy. It’s the dragon energy. Why not? It is. That’s what it is. The thing about it is, if you know where you started from, if you know where you came from
and you’re pushing forward, you know that any false move, any bad move, you can slide back to there. But the good news is you know that you can still drive forward anyway. But there’s a fight in you. There’s a drive in you that says, you know what? I’m not going to hope it gets done. I’m going to know it gets done.
And it might mean an extra 10 hours a week. Might mean an extra 15 hours a week. You’ll do whatever it takes. You’ll do whatever it takes. Right. You will delay gratification however that looks. You’ll do whatever you have to do. You’re right. Because you want what you want. You want what you want and that is so awesome and that’s why I think breaking down Dennis Rodman as much as he gets, I mean hang on folks
because it’s gonna get a little freak show down. Now, page 41, Marshall, I want to read this to you about Dennis Rodman here, okay? He says, the next year, again in the Eastern Conference Finals, I was on Larry Bird the whole series. There were guys I could intimidate with my eyes or by getting in their boop and not letting them move, but Bird wasn’t one of them. Taking him on was like playing a computer game.
You had to try to get into his mind and anticipate what he was going to do next. The hardest part, that was the hardest part because he was always thinking ahead of everybody else on the floor. The only thing to do was get used to him. Watch tapes and watch him closely on the floor and try to beat him to the spot. We played him enough that I started to get used to him, but it was never comfortable. Even though he wasn’t fast and he didn’t go much for fancy dunks or anything like that, Bird was one of the few white guys who could play what people called the black game.
I respected Larry. I respected anybody who could go out there and kick my boop, and he did it often. And I would respect him as long as the game was on. But afterward, no way. I’d walk off the floor thinking, I just got my boop kicked by a white guy. I don’t think Larry respected me at the beginning.
He talked a lot of boop his whole career. But I remember him during the first Eastern Conference Finals. He was talking so much it was like I got used to it. He was mostly asking everybody who was guarding him. He’d be looking around asking me, who’s guarding me? Is somebody guarding me?
Is anybody guarding me?” Sometimes he’d ask me directly, is anybody guarding me? So, Larry Bird… I heard he’s a famous smack talker. Oh my gosh. So, Marshall, talk to me about smack talking, because you played college basketball.
That’s right. But also about, as a business owner, is there not so much emotional… You have to be emotionally strong to run a successful company, and you have to be emotionally strong to play at the NBA level. I mean, Dennis Rodman was famous, famous for shoving his thumb into the butts of opposing players, for untying their shoelaces, for constantly talking horribly about people during
the game because he would get into their head. So as a business owner, as a business coach, as an NBA player, why do you have to have a strong head game? You got to have a strong head game because you have to have self-awareness of knowing what the things that you’re good at and not good at. You have to be able to manage your own emotions and they can’t be out of control because if your emotions are out of control you’re not going to be able to manage the emotions of other people
and you have to be engaged. So number one you have to be able to manage your own emotions and two you have to be engaged with your business. Nobody drifts to a successful business. Oh, say that again. Nobody drifts their way to a successful business. You don’t just show up every single day to the office, and all of a sudden, you’re successful.
We have a… I want to break this next notable quotable from Dennis Rodman down on page 43 of his book here marshals here we go on the washington police companies he tried to keep when he tried to
they just i had given him a little shot here and there and so he decided he was not going to retaliate that way. I was eating this up. This is what I live for. He spit, but he missed me though. That was the only bad part. I wanted him to hit me with his spit. Right there on the court I told him,
if you’re going to spit at me, make sure you hit me in the face. Don’t be wasting my time. I don’t care bro. Spit on me, yell at me, kick me. Whatever you do is going to pump me up more. The worse you do, the more I like it. That’s Dennis Rodman! That’s crazy! Yes!
That’s crazy! Yes! But that’s how you get their mind. That’s how you get their mind. I love it! This is what’s so good.
I mean, Dennis Rodman was 5’9 when he graduated from high school. He gets arrested for stealing watches while working at the DFW airport. Then he grows to a freakishly tall height. And he’s 21 years old. All of a sudden, he’s massive. He went from age 18, where he’s small, to age 21. All of a sudden, he’s like, OK, I should probably play basketball because I’m 6 foot 8. He goes to the NBA. He still can’t shoot at all. At all. Dude, if you watch him, his free throws, they’re crazy. He literally cannot shoot free throws.
Could you imagine what it would be like to not be able to shoot the ball and to play in the NBA? Him and Shaq having to give him a horse, it would last the rest of their lives. But he said, you know what I could do? I could play defense and I could rebound. So he says on page 47 of his book, he says, the year we won our second title was the year
I won my first defensive player of the year. They presented me with a trophy at the banquet and when they gave it to me. I cried I couldn’t believe this was me to me That was a sign that I had made it all the way all the way from nowhere I had set out to play defense into rebound I was recognized now as the best defensive player in the NBA as I stood up there receiving the award
I thought about how far I had came and how many people helped me get there When all that comes rushing back at me, I can’t hold it in. So I think if you’re out there and you’re saying to yourself, gosh, you know, I don’t have a whole lot of talent. You can be successful, Z, as long as you’re willing to do whatever it takes.
And that’s a challenge. I think a lot of people aren’t willing to do whatever it takes. So Z, I’m gonna ask you this. Oh baby, I like it. I like it like that.
So you give it to us real and raw. Come on. Talk to me about the importance of willing to do whatever it takes if you want to become self-employed. This just in. This just in. Forbes says 67% of you out there have a burning desire to do your own thing.
Right. out there have a burning desire to do your own thing. And listen, we’re here to help you do your own thing. We’ve got all kinds of goodies and toys and templates and footpaths and workshops and systems and coaching to help you. But you know what?
You’ve got to want it maniacally above anything else right now in your life. It’s got to be number one in your life right now to do it successfully. I think about one of our listeners out there, Marshall. Can you brag about our good friends at Williams Contracting? Oh, yeah. One of your clients?
Yeah, Travis Williams. They do a phenomenal job. They do construction management and general contracting. They build things like schools, add on to big commercial buildings, jails, etc. And if you want to get in touch with them, you just go to will-con.com. Will-con.com.
That’s Travis Williams over there. And those guys deliver. They’re going to get it done on time and on budget because they care. That’s Williams Contracting. Stay tuned. All right, Thrive Nation, welcome back to the Thrive Time Show on your radio and podcast
download. download and for those of you who have subscribed to our podcast and who took the time to leave us an objective review thus making us the number one podcast in the world. Unbelievable! In all categories. Thank you so much. When you think about how little talent that we have. Little. When you think about how little skill we have. Little. When you think about how little we know about most things. Little.
Little it’s amazing. It’s amazing You’ve helped us to get to the top of the iTunes podcast charts, and we thank you so much Which is why we’re returning the favor today thrive nation clay clay clay clay clay. I’m sorry. I’m sorry no I Don’t want to call you out, but I am the parent on the show You’re being just a little disingenuous what? nobody in the business a podcast slash radio show works harder, prepares more, is more
maniacal than you. I’ll say that again, but I won’t. You and this show deserve to be number one, albeit for a few hours every week. I mean, there’s 550,000 podcasts out there, give or take a few. I mean, give or take a few. Don’t call me a liar over 20 or 30,000 podcasts. Don’t call me a liar. And you know what? I know you’re taking the high road and you’re being a little disingenuous, but I don’t know a man who works harder on preparing for a radio
i.e. then gets turned into a podcast, then gets distributed around the world via the internet. Thank you, Al Gore. Thank you, Alvin Gore. Alvin, this just in. I will say this, though.
John and I have kind of a weird relationship going on right now, Jonathan Kelly, because he will put a topic that I need to work on, quote unquote, over the weekend. And so this past weekend there was 13 thrivers who had questions and business plans. And so I had to record 13 separate podcasts over the weekend, and my head almost exploded because I do all this before noon every day. So between three and noon every day, I’m just like recording, recording.
So I think John is the hardest working. I’m the second hardest working. And you’re sort of like the Chuck Daly of this show. Chuck Daly, who was Dennis Rodman’s coach. Yeah, I’m kind of the Chuck Daley, except he had much better hair than I do. I mean, you’ve got to admit, he had much better hair than I do.
Z, speaking of your incredible, incredible hair, let’s talk about the Dennis Rodman story. On today’s show, we’re talking about the Dennis Rodman story. That’s our show today, which is crazy, by the way. The Dennis Rodman story. Today’s crawling through five miles of crap and picking up the NBA’s trash en route to making it to the Hall of Fame.
On page 52 of Dennis Rodman’s book, As Bad As I Want to Be, Bad As I Want to Be, by Dennis Rodman, a man who, by the way, graduated high school at the age of 5’8 or 5’9, who did not play organized basketball until the age of 21, who went on to be an NBA rookie at the age of 26, he writes in his book, page 52, he says, when Chuck Daley left the team, he was fired. I think he took some of me with him. I couldn’t take it when they fired him.
I respected Chuck Daley more than anyone in the league. It killed me to play the last year there without him, the way he was treated his last three years there wasn’t right. He had a one-year contract every year, even though he was winning back-to-back titles. His money wasn’t even guaranteed. I saw how this business works by watching how they treated Chuck Daley.
We obviously had a big, he was a fan of Chuck Daley. And Chuck Daley mentored Dennis and told him, Dennis Rodman, here’s the deal. We’ve drafted you from a small school in Durant, Oklahoma, and if you want to be in the NBA, you have to play a maniacal, intense level of defense, and you have to rebound. Did you have handy what position and round he was drafted in? I do not have that, but Marshall can pull it up on the show notes today. Marshall, will you pull that up?
As he’s pulling that up, I want to give this. This is a teaching moment for all the listeners. Everybody needs a mentor. Everybody needs a mentor. Wes Carter, the top attorney. You guys at Winters and King, you guys have been the legal authority of choice for T.D. Jakes, for Joel Osteen, for Craig Rochelle, for Joyce Myers. Now you run a lot of the daily operations at Winters and King, but do you remember what it
was like to be mentored by Tom Winters, your partner and the co-founder of Winters and King? I do. Both of my founders, Mike King and Tom Winters, when I was young coming in, taught me a lot of very valuable lessons that I know looking back save me a lot of heartache and a lot of trouble. And there’s just certain things that only people who have already walked in those shoes can teach you. And the only other way to do it is to live through those mistakes yourself, which obviously the
easy choice is learn from other people’s mistakes. Say that again. So there are certain things that you only are going to grasp and learn and digest by learning from someone who’s already walked in your shoes, done what you’re doing, and if you don’t do that, your only other alternative is live through those mistakes, live through those consequences, and it’s an easy choice when you look at it that way.
So I don’t want to paraphrase, but I want to paraphrase. All right. Oh, wow. You’re saying you can learn through mentorship or mistakes. Correct. Your choice.
That was a very much more succinct way of putting it, yes. Well, I mean, you know, I’m just trying to paraphrase. Yes. But not paraphrase. Yes. Well said.
This is something I want to bring up, Marshall. Mentors have to be comfortable with having an uncomfortable conversation. Fact. And if a mentor is truly mentoring you, and you hear me say this all the time to our office staff, I say, do you want me to actually mentor you and teach you what you need to know, or do you want me to just make you feel how the way you need to feel to move on?
I mean, do you want the real knowledge or that bogus false kindness? Because mentorship that’s unwanted will create resentment. So Z, I want to get your take on that and I want to get Marshall’s take on it. I’m going to ask you, Clay. What was the conversation you had? When you were a young man, you were in your grunge, I wouldn’t say grunge, but you were
in your… Hip-hopper. Hip-hopper. It was a hip-hop opera. You were in your other state of Clay. I was like M&M.
M&M. You were Clay. He’s my role model. You were CNC. That’s right. Right.
What was the hard thing a mentor said to you? And I know it’s probably, what is it? Well, Clifton Talbert told me a few rough things, and you told me a few rough things, and I’ll try to paraphrase them. Okay, paraphrase them. Clifton said, rich people have big libraries, and poor people have big TVs.
Oh, my. Say that again. Say that again. He said, rich people have big libraries, and poor people have big TVs. And what did you take from that? I was just like that.
I kept telling him I didn’t have time to read books. I told him I didn’t have time. I told him I was afraid of the rejection of making cold calls. And he said, listen, I wasn’t allowed to go into the front door of a bank as a kid, and now I helped start the first bank west of the Mississippi owned by an African-American. Listen, you’ve got to pick up the phone.
And if you fear rejection, I’m paraphrasing, but he said, if you fear rejection, by default, you will be rejected. Wow. And then you told me I have to advertise, or I’m an idiot, basically, was the summary.
Correct. So if you’re out there and you say to yourself, what is the tough mentorship that I need? The tough mentorship that you need is you need to learn from mentors or mistakes. And if you want to have your Ford automobile repaired
by somebody who actually knows what they’re doing as opposed to watching a DIY video and screwing up your car, go to RC Auto Specialist. Tulsa, I repeat to you, go to RC Auto Specialist, the number one Ford automotive repair shop in the region. That’s rcautospecialist.com. That’s rcautospecialist.com. And now, broadcasting live from the box that rocks, it’s the Thrive Time Business Coach Radio Show.
We’re higher learning and higher earning. Taking it to the top like we’re hiking Mount Vernon. We’re changing the mindsets like we’re incense burning. Passing on the magic like our name was Irving. Serving up that knowledge like I was a servant. I cite what I state so you know I’m not a servant.
Thrive Time show, bringing the heat while fervent. Giving it to you straight in the war-thanks to you. Stacking the cash, making the dash, earning the cash. I’m not a servant, I’m a servant. I’m a servant, I’m a servant. I’m a servant, I’m a servant.
I’m a servant, I’m a servant. the heat while fur, but you’re giving it to ya straight in the war thanks to it. Sacking the cash, making the dash, earning the plaques, bringing them back, bringing the tracks so I can get up on them, I can speak the facts. Sacking the cash, making the dash, earning the plaques, bringing them back, bringing the tracks so I can get up on them, I can speak the facts.
Alright, Thrive Nation, we’re breaking down the Dennis Rodman story. Crawling through five miles of sewage crap and picking up the NBA’s trash, en route to becoming an NBA Hall of Fame basketball player. Now, Zee, I’m going to read to you a long excerpt from Dennis Rodman’s book, Bad As I Want to Be. And I want to start this story by sharing something you taught me.
Clay Clark. It’s the best-selling book that we talk about. Not the best written. It’s the best marketed optometrist that makes the most money. Not the smartest. Smartest. That’s for sure.
So I’m going to read. I have to keep my epic music so it doesn’t get awkward. OK, I’m going to read for probably two minutes and then you can break it down. So here we go. Oh, we get my music right here. All right, here we go. Page 58 of this Rodman page 58 philosophy book, bad as I want to be as I want to be. Derek Colvin of the New Jersey Nets did not bring people to the building like I do. Attended since San Antonio, was second to the NBA my first year there. They
moved into the Alamo Dome that year so they had more seats to sell and my presence helped the team sell them. That’s part of the reason they got me. We averaged over twenty two thousand and fifty three fans a game my first year there The only other team to average more than twenty thousand attendance was a Charlotte Hornets who averaged more than twenty three thousand The Spurs had never been as far as the Western Conference until I got there. I got there in 1994. We had the league’s Best record and went to on to the conference finals David Robinson won the most valuable player award. I brought mentors.
Largely because I was taking most of the rebounding pressure off him. I bring something to the people. The people! Derek Coleman doesn’t, Chris Dudley doesn’t, and then Portland Trailblazers are paying Chris Dudley six million a year! Anthony Mason doesn’t do what I do and the New York Knicks signed him for four million
a year! Four million! To me none of us can do this. I’ve learned something through all my years of diving for loose balls and coming down with a flamboyant rebound. People want excitement, enjoyment, and a winning team. They also want something different. From the first time I colored my hair, I knew I walked out onto the court in San Antonio with that bleach blonde hair and right away I saw how much the people loved what Dennis Rodman was giving us.
The excitement was right there, right now! That’s what this game is about, and all I ask is that somebody see it and appreciate it. It’s no different than a waitress wanting to be acknowledged when people come back to her restaurant because her service is good. I feel I’ve been used for the past four or five years to provide entertainment to the
fans. Other teams did the same thing. When we were on the road, you could watch the commercials for the other team and hear them telling people, come out and watch Dennis Rodman in the San Antonio Spurs. Same thing on radio. The freak show.
Pay me my money. Show me the money. So Dennis Rodman explains that until he colored his hair, they never featured him on commercials. Until he started being weird and getting all the tattoos, he was never in the commercials. But once he got all the tattoos and started getting crazy, boy, people lined up to pay him.
Z, Seth Godin, Purple Cow. Completing my sentences, I love it. That’s how good we’re working together. He found his purple cow, right? And that’s what everybody out there that has a business, everybody out there that wants to have a business needs to do.
You need to be able to separate yourself from everybody else in your industry. And what he did is he said, you know what? I’m a great player. I’m contributing to the team. But you know what? I’m going to take it up a notch.
I’m going to take it up a notch because the NBA, like a lot of professional sports, is about entertainment. What? Basketball is. Are you saying the NBA is about entertainment? I’ll repeat it.
The NBA is about entertainment. You might think it’s about the triangle offense. Are you saying that optometry is about marketing optometry? Yes. Are you saying banking is about marketing banking? Yes.
Are you trying to tell me… You’re telling me that oxy-fresh cleaning a carpet is about… Marketing carpet cleaning? Oh, this changes everything. Oh my gosh, this is crazy. So now I want to get your take on it, Marshall Morris’ take on it, the acclaimed business
coach and co-author of the Amazon bestselling book, and Wes Carter, the legal… First of all, I have an issue. Marshall is about the same height as said Dennis Rodman that we’re doing the book on. And Marshall reportedly has played professional basketball. I didn’t go to Costa Rica and watch him. I don’t know.
He played in the Costa Rica late night league. He could be down on the beach drinking Mai Tais and paddle boarding. I don’t know. There’s Costa Rica, but there’s the Costa Rica late night glow sticks league. Marshall played in the late night glow sticks league. The Costa Rica.
It goes to free cuts. But anyway, I’m kind of going, if he could do that, then why don’t we dye his hair? Right, get him out there. Get his tats and piercings and take a Marshall to the next level. I need a purple cow. Marshall, talk to the listeners out there.
Why do you have to have a purple cow for your business? Because if you’re not remarkable, you are invisible. Being good, being average is the riskiest thing that you can do in your business. If you’re not remarkable, you’re going to blend in with everybody else, and so you need to go all in on something in your business and become remarkable, because if you’re not remarkable, people are not going to talk about you.
Wes Carter, Winters and King, you guys stand out in a cluttered marketplace. What’s your purple collar? Your law firm. I mean, you guys were kind of like the Christian legal experts for the gurus. How did you become that? When did you decide to niche that way?
What happened? Well, from the very beginning of the law firm, one of the main practice areas that the firm had was churches and ministry. So in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in the 80s, it was the belt buckle of the Bible Belt. Tulsa-Russell-um! Right.
And so we had just tons of ministries. ORU. Tulsa-Russell-um! I’m so sorry. Can I real quick… Wes, I’m so sorry. You’re okay.
He said Tulsa, Russia, and I’m immature. Let me just… Tulsa, Russia, back to you, Wes. So again, last segment we talked about some of the things Tom Winters had mentored me on, and that’s one of the things he told me early was being a good attorney is a lot about marketing because if you can’t get clients in the door, your skills are useless. So part of the way we differentiate ourselves is by upholding, first of all, and then marketing
our integrity, our faith, our principles that we can still go out there and kick-tell for you and do it in a way that’s honorable and with integrity. If you’re out there listening, you say to yourself, you know what? I want to become successful. I’m so tired of kicking tires and trying to figure out how to make my business better and go into all these random workshops. And you just say, I want to attend the world’s best business workshop and learn the proven system. I ask you to do two actions. Go to thrive. Time
show.com on iTunes. That’s action. Step number one, subscribe and leave us a review. That’s action. Step number two. It’s still take you like 60 seconds. Email us your proof you did it to info at thrive timeshow.com and we’ll send you two free tickets and it will change your life. Stay tuned. You are now entering the dojo of Mojo and the Thrive Time Show. This is Clay Clark on the mic again.
Myopic focus, Donovan Jan. I’m focused on the mission. Teach you the skills, they give you the plans. Broadcasting from my lands. To the left, to the Portland. I’m here to play, you can do it, yes you can.
And now my friend, you’ve got two fans. Hit me in the Z, comma, and. I’ll be the C, yes, and. Now let’s kick it like Batman, bam. And get a little nuts like Pete Cairns. All Thrive Nation, welcome back to the Thrivetime Show, your daily audio dojo of mojo.
And recently, if you’re in the know, you now know, that we have reached the top of the iTunes podcast charts. Dude, that’s twice. I mean, I’m not, I’m not, it’s just math. Not that we’re counting. I’m not, I’m not, I’m not counting. Not that we put our value as humans based upon our iTunes rank, I would say I feel good about myself as a human.
And you should. But before we were top of the iTunes charts, I thought about, does anyone listen to our podcast? I mean, seriously, Thrive Nation, I appreciate you subscribing, recommending it to your friend, and you might say, well, hey, I want to participate, what can I do?” If you subscribe to the podcast, that’s like a three-pointer for the Thrive Nation.
That’s what affects your rank, by the way. If you subscribe, that’s like a three-pointer. If you leave us an objective review, that’s like a two-pointer. Yeah, it’s just like a layup. And if you share it with a friend or listen, that’s like a one-pointer. That’s like a free throw.
And so, speaking of basketball analogies- Is that like a shack under the Grandma Shack show? Did Dennis Rodman ever make a free throw? Do we know that? Dennis Rodman did make a free throw. He did make one.
As we’re talking today about Dennis Rodman and his book, Bad As I Want To Be, I want to reset the story for anybody just now tuning in. Dennis Rodman, at the age of 18, was between 5’9 and 5’10 in height. He’s then working at the airport, for the DFW airport. He’s 21, and he gets arrested for stealing watches. That’s a dude that stole my watch.
You don’t get to know what happened to my watch. His sister’s a Division I athlete, Division I basketball player, and she says, Dennis, I don’t know if you’re aware, but you’re now probably 6’9″. 6’8″. Somewhere in there. Why don’t you try to play basketball?
Yeah. So he plays basketball for the first time on an organized level at the age of 21, gets kicked off the team for failing out academically. Well, no, you got a random person saw him playing in this pick-up league and said, go try out for a junior college. And he did.
And he did. He got a scholarship. And he filled that out after like a semester. Right, because academics. Right. Then a coach from Durant is like, hey, we’ll give you a second shot.
Next thing you know, he’s playing in Durant, Oklahoma, age 26, NBA rookie. Now he’s dominating the NBA at this point. On page 77 of his book. Defensive player of the year. Bad as I want to be. Defensive player of the year, shutting down other teams.
And this is a long-term, long-form notable quotable, Marshall. I’m going to read it from page 77. Marshall, can I get me fired up here? Marshall, fire me. Get you fired up? Yeah, I want to make sure I’m ready to go. I just want to make sure I’m ready to read. Clay Clark, introducing the U.S. Small Business Entrepreneur of the Year, standing 6’5″. Oh, yes.
And weighing… Who knows? And I’m not 6 foot 5, I’m 6 foot 1. So Dennis Rodman writes here, he says One thing they might find out that surprised a lot of people
How many people in the NBA would come in before a game? Work out, go out and play 40 minutes and then come back in after the game and work out again for another hour and a half?
How many people in the league do that? How many people do that? I know one. It’s Dennis Rodman. Oh. Which is my own name, but I’m writing my own book.
I go into the weight room before a game and loosen up with some light weights. Loosen. I like to feel strong when I go out on the floor. Yeah. But I don’t want to be bulky and stiff. No.
I might roll my legs up on the stair machine or on the stationary bicycle. I listen to Pearl Jam and get my mind right. Get my mind right. Do you understand that Dennis Rodman would work out before and after a game? And for anybody who knows anything about Dennis Rodman or has been around him or listens to his interviews, he talked about how that was like, it was his thing.
He just wanted to be the best, and he never felt worthy of being on the NBA. He never felt like he was worthy of being on the NBA floor. After every game, he would go hit the weights again and again and again. The guy was always in a ridiculous shape. He was always just absolutely playing at the next level. I want to tap into that work ethic.
There are a lot of things he probably could have done better, but he never felt worthy of being in the NBA. After the game, he would hit the weights, is he? I tell you what, I don’t know that there’s a worse thing than pride. Pride is a horrible thing. When you have a friend or someone you’re around or somebody you just met and they’re very
prideful it just makes your skin crawl. But when you’re around someone who’s humble, when you’re around someone who is appreciative for where they are and what they’ve done and they realize that they need to continue to work to stay in that position that it’s just not given to them. That is so refreshing. So I would encourage everybody out there, if you’ve got a successful business, still
be humble. If you want to have a successful business, still be humble. You know, pride is one of those things that says it comes before the fall, and when we find people that are prideful, that say, I don’t need that, I’m this, I don’t want that, I’m kind of a big deal. Dennis Rodman says this, he says, most of the time I do my fighting by saying, I’ll kick your boop during the game.
Then when the game’s over, you know I won the war. That’s the fight. When the guy has to go back over to the bench after he has been yanked from a game and he’ll say, yeah, I just got my boop beaten, that’s where I win. So I want to ask you, Wes Carter, you’re one of the top attorneys on the planet. You guys represent Joel Osteen, T.D.
Jakes, Joyce Meyer, Craig Rochelle with Life Church. When you represented me, because I might or might have not physically assaulted my own brother, you went to court with me. I did. And you out-prepared. You did. Yes. Right? Yeah, one of the things one of my mentors told me was, you know, if you walk into a courtroom
the other side may have better facts, they may have better witnesses, you know, but don’t ever let them out-prepare you. Come on now. Most of the cases you win, you win before you ever step in a courtroom because you’re prepared and you’re ready and you’ve done your homework. And it’s like that in a lot of fields, I think, not just the law field. Can I, can I brag on our potential pool guy? Could, might not be the pool guy.
Can I, Zeke, can I brag on the potential pool guy? Only if you let me play this background music. Yes, we feel pretty cute out there. I want to make sure we get… Okay. Will you preach a little bit? We’ll call, we’ll call him Robbie. Okay. One of my favorite rap artists was Rob Bass. He said, I want to rock right now. Rob has shown up. He is on time, super prepared. The most interactive 3D renderings I’ve seen they’re incredible They make me want to cry when I think about the pool
But he’s Prepared and I believe the company’s artisan pools. Am I correct artisan pools? So if you’re out there and you say I’m looking for a pool guy, that’s gonna prepare Even before I’ve earned their business, which by the way is how you earn the business. Come on now! You want to check out Robbie with Artisan Pools. I can’t say he’s the best pool guy in America.
I will take photos as they’re building it. See, we’re now the number one podcast in the world as of last Friday. We’re in the top 20 on the iTunes for business, for the business section in the world. 530,000 podcasts, number one.
And I will post photos as we’re building. And so you can judge for yourself whether Robbie the pool man with Artisan Pools is the right guy. But I can tell you, the preparation I’ve seen so far, he might be, in a good way, the Dennis Rodman of pools.
I like that. Do you like that? I do like that. See, talk to me about the importance. When you hire people, you promote people, or you partner with people like Monty. How much of a factor does it play into you deciding to team up with somebody
if they’re a grinder or not? Well, you want that. You want someone that’s going to work. I tell you what, if you’ve got a rowboat, and that’s what business is, and what you do is you pick people to get in the boat and row. And sometimes you get a guy that’s in there that’s like,
I think I’ve got carpool tunnel. I think I have too much gluten. You know what, I’ve got to get a break right now, so I’m not going to row for a little while. I think I’ve got a heat stroke. I know we may go in the wrong direction, but you know what, I’m just going to sit back here. Did I have gluten for breakfast? You know what, I think there’s a sun a little hot?
Is there some kind of a sun break I can get right here? Is my skin getting flushed? It’s like I’ve been rowing for a while. Am I on, is this a union rowing job? I’m not even sure. When do we get our union break?
The thing about it is you want doers on your team. You want guys that want to come on your team and say, you know what, we’re going to get this thing done. And when you acknowledge those and you find them, and you know the make and model. Once you get around them, you’re like, that’s the make and model. They show up on time, they over deliver, they bring the heat.
Unbelievable 3D pool. Unbelievable. Before they even have the deal. The double stacked fireplace. Come on, get out of here. I mean, I did say that she did add an ice maker to the thing.
Can I say this? When I was watching the interactive video, I fought back the tears, but it was like the final scene of Titanic. Yeah, where she says Jack And he’s just Rose Jack Rose and he drifts into the abyss and dies of freezing that kind of emotion That’s how I felt when I looked at rendering. It was good. See it was good. So good
So good, so good It’s the eyes and Marshall one other thing that’s so good when his the eyes is our in-person thrive time show workshops Marshall Why should everybody go to thrive time show calm and book their tickets for our next in-person Thrivetimeshow business workshop? It is a laser show of business. It’s 15 hours of business coaching over two days.
It’s a firehose of knowledge. You’ve got to come out here. It’ll be practical tips for your business. You’ve got to check it out. If you go to Thrivetimeshow.com, we’ve got the podcast, the one-on-one business coaching, thousands of videos, the workshops.
It’s all there. Check it out today at Thrivetimeshow.com. It’s all there. Check it out today at thrive time show. One convenient location, thrive timeshow.com. And as always, 3, 2, 1, go! The Life and Times of Dennis Rodman.
The Art of Grinding, Part 2. Why are we doing a two-part show? Marshall, why would we devote two shows to breaking down the life and times of a grinder. Because Dennis Rodman is a guy who just basically, frankly, and actually, literally climbed through five miles of sewage to go to the state fair each year while in high school
because his family couldn’t afford to go there. He didn’t play organized basketball until the age of 21, and he went on to play at a very, very, very high level. Why would we devote an entire show to discussing the life and times of a grinder. Well, we wouldn’t be grinding unless we went super deep into this topic.
And so we have to actually grind if we’re talking about grinding. We gotta grind. Absolutely. Speaking of grinding, we have a grinder that just showed up in the studio here. We’ve got to invite this wonderful man in, Mr. Charles Kolob. With Kolob Fitness and Amber Kolob, we’re talking today about the life and times of
Dennis Rodman, one of the peak, one of the hardest working grinders I’ve ever seen. If you’re out there and you want to start and grow a successful company, there really is two things you have to grasp. Thing number one is if you implement the proven path that has been shown to work time and time again, you will have success. But the second concept you have to embrace is nothing works unless you do.
Charles Koloff with Koloff Fitness. I wanna get your take on this, and then I wanna get your wife’s take on this. And this is how I would describe you two. You can tell me if I’m describing you inaccurately, but I believe that you are sort of like the offense
of your business at Koloff Fitness, and your wife is sort of like the defense. Your wife appears to be the strategist and the catalyst for all things related to systems and processes. And you seem to be kind of like the rainmaker. But both of you put forth aggressive action as it relates to getting things done.
Both of you. So I want to go into fitness first, then we’ll get into business. So if somebody out there is listening and they’ve been watching all of the TED Talks videos that are available, they have an MBA, they’ve read all the business books, but they for some reason won’t pull the trigger and take action. Or if somebody signs up for your personal training course, let’s say back in the day
when you did personal training at CoLaw Fitness, but they don’t show up, they can’t be helped. You’ve helped so many clients though, Charles, go from where they just, they want to do it, but they just can’t for whatever reason get the self-motivation to do it. They struggle with the discipline of doing it. How do you stay disciplined on a daily basis? Because your company is huge now, and now you have that momentum, right?
You kind of have the momentum, that pressure. But when you two were starting Co-Law Fitness together, out of your home, a $115,000 home, where did you get that work ethic, man? What was motivating you, Charles, to really grind and to get it done when so many other people struggle to motivate themselves? Well, for me, I loved what I did.
I was over 300 pounds in high school. You loved to eat? I did. I loved to eat and I loved to work out. So anyways, I ended up getting big and strong, but I was overweight and a little bit chubby and stuff.
So when I got done, I wanted to actually look good and I thought, if I’m not going to continue to play football, I want to lose some of this body fat. Probably 303 was my heaviest, and I had a trainer help me lose 83 pounds in about nine months. I thought, hey, if I can do this, I want to help other people do this. I felt comfortable in my own skin again. I felt like I looked good.
I felt good. That was very encouraging. So, for me, I thought, let’s just start doing that. I loved what I did and I could easily sell it because I was passionate about it, just like you’re passionate about business. I loved helping people say, hey, I did it.
You can do it too. I showed them pictures and then I kind of walked them through that. Most people, they just lack a little bit of discipline and they lack motivation. After a couple of weeks of showing them and helping them, they generally get pretty self-motivated and they can carry it on for about six months or so. You have to start somewhere.
This is something that I want to get your take on, Charles, and I want to get Amber’s take on this. Because Dennis Rodman pointed out on page 87, Marshall, of his book, Bad As I Want to Be. He writes, guys in the NBA want to dunk. They want to be flashy.
They want to see themselves on ESPN SportsCenter every night. The teams themselves are contributing to this feeling. Walk into any arena in the league and look at what goes on in the court. It seems that basketball is now secondary. You get hit with a constant barrage of music and dance teams and stunts. You got guys flying off a trampoline to dunk a ball,
you’ve got dancing gorillas and highlight shows during timeouts. These things detract from the game. The entertainment might be okay during halftime and maybe even timeouts. I guess I can live with that. But you’re seeing more teams pulling that boop during the game. Public address announcers are screaming and music is blasting while they are out there trying to play the game. When I think back to when I was first in the league back in 1986, the game was the most important thing.
People came to see basketball. So Charles, I see trainers that are into fitness, but they never have any success in the game of business. And I’m gonna get your wife’s take on this in a minute, but they’re all about getting people in shape, but they never think about are we winning the game financially? That’s where I see you and your wife working together on that.
Can you talk about that? Because a lot of these NBA players are into dunking and scoring, but they’re not into winning. You’ve turned your passion into a profit center. I’m just curious how you did that. Well, the big thing for me is I didn’t really… money was the secondary thing for me.
I just loved what I did, and I loved helping people. I honestly undersold everything. I’ve kind of always been an underseller and a big go-giver, and it kind of worked itself out if you’re really conservative. And so I was really, really just trying to say, well, if I could sell training sessions for like $30 a session and be phenomenal, I’m half the rate of everybody else at $60
a session. So I would just sell, sell, sell, but I would be compact full of like 12 hours a day. So I just sold. Sold! Sold, sold, sold, under, undercharged, by far, and overperformed. And so what happened was, is everybody would just say, hey, and I was like a big waiting
list and so I’m like, hey, I’ve got to, and I’d give it off to other clients. So I’d do their diets and their workouts and then I’d sell it out. But then your wife probably brought up at some point, or maybe the girlfriend or wife, I’m not sure, I’ll let Amber share the story, but at some point your wife I know my wife did they have to point out stuff like hey You know it is awesome that you are DJing like six nights a week
It is awesome you have a waiting list, but you’re not depositing the checks, or you’re not making a profit I didn’t do that. I would sell and not even take the checks to the bank I’d have a bag full of checks and not even know I’d never would get grab my bag and say, these are like three months old. There’s like a thousand dollars in checks you haven’t even taken into the bank. For me, I actually scored points based on the monetary success of the DJ business, but I never thought about the time freedom.
So enter in now the strategist, Ms. Amber Kola here, your strategist of Kola Fitness. sort of coached or steered or mentored your husband into being profitable and having a schedule that was sustainable? Yeah, he just told me one day, he said, I’ll sell it and you make sure it gets to the bank because I was the organized one. So we just stuck to that plan.
It’s just being consistent. We had to, there was a point he would sell and then we would have to take the sales sheet away from him and ring him up at the front because he was notorious for giving away the farm. He always wanted to do it for free. He has such a love for people and such a love for helping them that he would want the results for them more than they wanted it for themselves. And then he did realize that unless they had money on the line, it had no value for them.
So then I think when that kind of sunk in, it was easier for him to charge people because he knew that if they had skin in the game, that they’d actually get better results. So that’s kind of how we talked him into. Yeah, it was a process. For me, I would also know what my bills were and I know if I just worked like 60 hours a week, it was always going to be okay.
I know some people wouldn’t pay and some people wouldn’t come through, but it didn’t bother me that much because I just love doing it and I love making people feel good. So- Marshall, this is what’s exciting to me about the Co-Law story, is Charles was doing something that he loved to do. He was doing something he loved to do.
Passionate. How many of your coaching clients have you worked with that you get the feeling that they just love doing what they do. Oh my gosh, there’s a number of clients that I work with that you can feel it. They come in with an enthusiasm and the ones that are coming in with the enthusiasm to apply the strategic best practices into their business are the ones that are having the most success.
There is one client right now that I’m working with that is having phenomenal success. Oh, tell us the story. K&D’s Wood Refinishing. Repeat it one more time. K&D’s Wood Refinishing. They do a renew process for cabinets, wood cabinets.
They do a color change process if you want to go from an old school, vintage light color to more of a modern, darker color for your cabinets. Or they do painted finishes. They do a phenomenal job. But they have this win where we just launched a bunch of new branding for them, one sheets, websites, and now they are getting leads from Google that they previously weren’t getting
because their site was never optimized for Google. Can you personify who they is? Okay, so this is Kelsey and Danielle Harris. They are two young business owners, but they do a phenomenal job. You would never know that they’re a little bit younger business owners, but they assert themselves as so professional, so in the know on what they do, but you can tell because they’re so enthusiastic about what they do as well.
Now I’m gonna be the the rude guy here and maybe encourage somebody, hopefully you don’t find this to be discouragement. If I have sat down with a hundred potential business coaching clients or Marshall you’ve done an evaluation with a hundred thirteen point assessments. Correct. What percentage of the clients bring the passion that Charles and Amber bring or the passion that this K&D company bring and what percentage of the 13 point assessments not your clients right of all the 13 point assessments.
Yeah and so I think there’s some people who are engaged in their business and then some people who are on that next level I would say five to ten out of a hundred are on that next level five to ten out of a hundred are at the next level are at the next level and Can consistently stay at that high level? That’s the important thing I’ve seen a lot of business owners get passionate for a short duration of time in their business and engaged, but it’s unsustainable. The ones that are the most passionate, have the most success, the most diligent, are the
ones that can sustain that enthusiasm of growth for a long period of time. Dennis Rodman, this is from his book, Badass I Want to Be, page 77, Marshall. He writes, I go into the weight room before a game and loosen up with light weights. I like to feel strong when I go out on the floor, but I don’t want to be bulky and stiff. I might warm up my legs on the Stairmaster or the stationary bicycle. I listen to Pearl Jam and I get my mind right. After the game, I lift heavier weights. I find if I lift after
the game, I have a longer recovery time than if I come in the next morning. I do a lot of repetitions to keep my upper body toned.” He goes on to explain how many people work out before the game and after the game and are obsessed with setting records every night. Well, Dennis Rodman was. And if you’re out there listening right now, you might not have a whole lot of talent.
You might not have a whole lot of skill. But if you are a diligent person, you will be successful. So when we come back, I want to tap into the wisdom of Amber Kola and Charles Kola and talk about where they get that fire, where they get that desire needed to, figuratively speaking, get into the weight room early, stay late.
Where they get that fire of desire needed to do the accounting, to do the sales, to do the marketing, to stay focused for well over a decade. And if you’re out there and you’re saying, you know, I’m looking for somebody who’s focused and committed, somebody who’s as focused and committed as I am to my business, I want someone like that to be focused on my accounting. I would strongly recommend that you check out hoodcpas.com.
That’s hoodcpas.com. Schedule your free consultation today and they’re going to give you a free copy of Warren Buffett’s only authorized biography. That’s Snowball. Hoodcpas.com. Stay tuned.
Get ready to enter the drive time show. Started from the bottom, now we’re here. Started from the bottom and we’ll show you how to get here. Started from the bottom, now we’re here. Started from the bottom, now we’re here. Started from the bottom, now we’re on the top.
Teaching you the basics, now we’re on the top Teaching you the systems to get what we got Convictions on the hooks, I’ve written the books D’s bringing some wisdom and the good looks As the father of five, that’s why I’m alive So if you see my wife and kids, please tell them hi
It’s C and Z up on your radio. My name is Clay Clark, I’m the former USSBA Entrepreneur of the Year. And on today’s show we’re breaking down the life and times of Dennis Rodman, a man who literally climbed through five miles of sewage year after year to attend the Texas State Fair. A man who did not play organized basketball
until the age of 21. A man who was not an NBA rookie until the age of 26. A man who made his entire career based upon rebounding the basketball and playing defense. And really today Marshall we’re celebrating the grinders. We’re celebrating diligence.
Diligence! Oh, you know Marshall, you know what just happened right there? That was a Thrive Time Show miracle. That was awesome. That was a moment. So, I want to get Charles’ take on this before we celebrate some Thrivers out there that are really winning with their business.
Charles, what role does diligence play in running a successful company? The steady application of effort. What role does diligence play in running a business and in fitness? And fitness. Well, for fitness, I’ve learned that you do not get in shape at all being a hard starter and a bad finisher.
It’s about being consistent, steady, over and over. So like a lot of guys will come in the gym and they just start rocking it out like crazy. But then like two weeks later, they’re not even coming anymore. And it’s like, your body is a reflection
of what you’ve been doing over the consistency over six months, not six days. And same thing with business. Same thing with business and money. Like for me, I would always sell knowing that there’s never a really good, good, like a steal.
A deal is only a deal when both people feel like they’re, you know, it’s really honestly pretty fair. And when I would sell over and over, you’re building a reputation, you’re doing really well for them, and you know you’re making enough to make a 20, 30% margin, and you just move on. And over time, you just keep grinding.
Like you talk about in business, that one-time home run, fast money, big margins, it’s always just not sustainable. Same thing with working out. You’ve got to be consistent and diligent. Amber, I want to get your take on this. What role does being diligent play in the success of Kola Fitness?
Do you think it was the big idea? Do you think it was having a big idea? Was it a revolutionary approach to getting in shape? Or I guess if it was a pie chart, what percentage of it was diligence and what percentage of it was the big idea?
I would say Charles and I would remind each other we’re on the same team and the consistency and the diligence, we would remind each other. It’s the delayed gratification. Oh. Every day.
The workout was long, or it was hard, it was tiring. It was just rep after rep, and you don’t see the results when you leave the gym that day. And like Charles said, it’s six months later, it’s eight months later, depending on what your goal is. And our goal in business, our goal financially, even our goal for our family. It’s just being diligent.
It’s being the grinder, but it’s knowing that the delayed gratification is the win. And the win’s going to be in the long run. It’s not. It’s not today and it may not be tomorrow. And we would constantly have to remind each other that because the world around us kept telling us we needed We needed instant gratification. We deserve that new car. We should move and live in that neighborhood that all the Joneses are living in. We deserve to raise. How long did you live in the same house, the $115,000 house in Bartlesville?
We stayed there for 13 years. We, for the most part, raised all three of our kids there. That’s huge. the delayed gratification and it was a lesson that we taught our kids about the delay of the gratification. Now Thrive Nation, if you’re out there and you’re going, it seems like there’s a lot of focus on delaying gratification.
Well Proverbs 10, 4 writes, lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth. It seems like a lot of discipline, a lot of talking about discipline. This is a very fun show. I’m going to play a little audio clip from one of our thrivers who had some massive wins with their company this year, Witness Security. Witness Security’s had massive wins all year this year because this former member of the United States military has
delayed gratification, has showed up to his coaches meetings every time this year, and has implemented the proven path. So let me further ado meet the good security. My name is Keith Schultz and my company is Witness Security here in Tulsa, Oklahoma. For the past 18 months that we’ve been working with Clay, you know, our growth was averaging pretty close to 10,000 a month on a regular basis.
You know, shortly thereafter, we doubled that to close to 20,000 and now we’re close to 40,000 on a regular basis every month. Clay has helped us increase our sales in every aspect when it comes to the calls that come in to our business, helping us to hire people to be able to do that and follow a good script, you know, setting up the appointments and how we do them when we go into the appointment, the sales pitch and how we do it, you know, and then from then on forth, just the SEO
and everything he’s done has increased our sales exponentially. Clay has helped us grow our business in the aspects of individuals, you know, how to hire people, how to manage people, how to necessarily organize our business,
how to structure, you know, the functioning of our business. Though we’ve been in business for close to nine years at that time, Clay has revamped everything we do, you know, to a much more better operational business
than what it ever was before. Working with Clay is a little bit different than what you’d find in most. You know, Clay pushes you to the point you get out of your comfort zone. And as long as you continue to do what he asks you to do, you will continue to grow. But if you don’t, then you won’t. We heard about Clay Clark on the radio.
My son heard it on the radio and had been listening to it for a couple weeks and said hi to listen to it. Gave him a call. And within a day or so, Clay gave me a call, and we came in for an interview. He’s helped us in our search engine optimization by helping
us with the actual Google ratings when it comes to being placed on the map in multiple locations so that we dominate the industry on the map as well as organically so that when people are searching in a variety of different words, we always pop up on multiple locations on the first page. That of which he did, it’s a long process, but it works very well.
Google how their algorithms work, it doesn’t change in what he does. So we’re always on top. Clay has restructured everything we did when it comes to selling the security systems. You know, being a local company, we do things quite a bit different. And by doing so and restructuring everything he did in the nine years that I was in business, you know, trying to do it on my own, he came up with a package deal and within less than
ten minutes and revamped everything we do. You’re looking for coming to Clay Clark for asking him to help you grow your business. I can guarantee it’ll be a success if you follow through with what he says. You know, you have to follow through with what he says in order to make it work. And so you have to come to the table making sure that you’re going to do what he says. Be teachable and you will be successful.
Now Thrive Nation, if you want to know a little bonus tip here as we’re talking about Dennis Rodman and the keys to being diligent and having that grinder mentality, a little bonus tip. Don’t waste your time picking up office supplies and printer supplies. Save time and money. Do not buy your office supplies and printer supplies at a big retailer. Go to Onyx Imaging today. That’s onyximaging.com and have those things delivered to your office. Stay tuned. 3, 2, 1, boom! You are now entering the dojo of Mojo and the Thrive Time Show on the microphone, what is this?
Top of the iTunes charts in the category of business. Drilling down on business topics like we are a dentist. Providing you with internship like you are an apprentice. And we go so fast that you might get motion sickness. Grab a pen and pad to the lab, let’s get in this. It’s time to bear some fruit like some Florida oranges.
3, 2, 1, here come the business ninjas. I’m in. Boom. Ninjas! I make boom! Oh, Thrive Nation, welcome back to the Thrive Time Show on your radio. Before we get too far into the details of today’s show, the Dennis Rodman story, the
Art of Grinding, Part 2. Marshall, I want to celebrate two quick wins with the Thrive Nation. Two quick ones. Two quick, because I feel like the Thrive Nation’s been a big part in making this happen. Marshall, can you handle it? Can you psychologically have you prepared yourself for these two big wins? It’s more metaphysical, but yeah.
Okay, win number one. My main man, my friend, George Foreman, reached out to me today. Oh yeah? And he will be on the show. Like the George Foreman? Like selling everybody grills. Ooh. Like the lean, mean grill machine. Like the guy who prayed for my son. Like I was driving in a car to Florida. I just bought a book called God in my corner Not because I was a Christian
In fact, I was not a Christian and I found that my son was born blind and I was in line at Sam’s And I saw this book and I said Ben’s I should buy the book and she said you have the mental capacity to buy the book And I said, I know but I just she said you have the financial capacity. I know she says just buy the book I can’t buy the book. I don’t know by the book. I hate the religious books. I hate the religious books. So I bought God in my Corner by George Foreman. I said, Vanessa, can you read it to me? And in the book George Foreman explains that his cousin was born in it. His cousin went into a coma.
I’m sorry. His cousin went into a coma and he told God, he said, God, if you’ll heal my son, or if you’ll heal my cousin in this case, if you’ll heal my cousin, I’ll become a Christian. But if not, I don’t believe in you because you’ve never done anything for me. So George Foreman cried out to God for his cousin to be healed. I believe it was his second cousin or his nephew, I can’t remember, but it’s called God in My Corners, the book.
And he prayed, he said he didn’t tell anybody else to pray. And he said, God, here’s the deal. If you will heal my nephew or my cousin, whoever his character was, I will retire from boxing immediately. I’ll never fight again, I’ll just serve you, I’ll become a pastor. So he gets a call, ring, ring, in the locker room they said,
George, your nephew, your cousin just came out of a coma. And he said, huh? He just came out right now. So he goes into the fight and he cannot physically gather the strength. Like it was like Samson had his hair cut off. And he said no one knew what was going on.
So he retires from boxing after losing a fight that he should have won, and he said he just didn’t have the strength. And long story short, George Foreman became a pastor. And so anyway, I read the book and I said, God, if you’ll heal my son, I promise I will sell DJ Connection and I’ll become a Christian, because I worked every second of my day running DJConnection.com. And I’m out at the beach in Destin, Florida, there.
And if you have a child with a disability, it’s just so hard to deal with the day-to-day. I’m reading this book called Straight from the Gut by Jack Welch, a good management book to share with your kid. And I’m reading the book, and my son grabs my highlighter, makes eye contact with me for the first time in his life, and smiles at me. If you’re a dad, and you can’t make eye contact with your kid, it is rough.
I tell Vanessa, Vanessa, Aubrey can see! She says, I know! I told you he would see. I had faith. What are you talking about? Long story short, I call up George Foreman’s office over and over and over and over and
over and over and over and over and over. Not kidding. Marshall, you know how I cold call. Yeah, relentless. I keep calling. I get a hold of someone.
I said, hey, listen, your dad is responsible for planting the seed of faith that caused me to believe that my son would be healed. I was like, what? Because all of his sons are named George. I talked to George 1, George 4, George 7, whatever. Long story short, I’m in Houston, and make a note on the show, Nuts and Marshals, we’ll put a picture of George Foreman holding my son with my wife and I, and that’s how I met George. And then today,
George emailed, and the only thing we can’t talk about, Marshals, we cannot talk about politics, per request from George. But big George Foreman, the man who has sold everybody in America a grill, will be on the show here in the next week or so. Also, John Lee Dumas, the number one podcaster of all time, will be on the show here in a couple days. And, Marshall, we hit the top of the iTunes charts in all categories. Yes! In all categories! Boom! Now, this is our sixth year of making content, by the way. Our third year of putting it live on the podcast player. So, if you’re
out there saying, I struggle with motivation, this show’s for you, because you’ve got to press on. That’s why we have two grinders on the show today. Now, part of grinding, though, is you must set boundaries for your life. So I’m going to ask Amber Kola and Charles Kola the same question. I’m asking you guys about boundaries in just a moment. And Marshall, I want you to break down this notable quotable from page 90 of Bad As I Want to Be by Dennis Rodman, where he says, In the NBA, it’s going to grow and grow until it’s so effing big, no doctor’s going to be able to stitch it up.
There’s going to be a hole in your life and you can’t heal it up. The hole is created when you got the opportunity and the wide range to have everything in your life. Everything. There are no rules, no boundaries to the things you can experience off the court. When that stretch of time is over and you’re all used up but nobody wants your autograph anymore. What you
have done, what have you done to prepare your mind to fill this effing hole? There’s nothing out there to prepare you to fill it. More than anything this game is a diversion, it’s an escape. The people who watch us love the game because it takes them out of their daily routine. They can put aside the problems with their husbands or wives, kids, and bosses for about two hours of entertainment. Okay, Amber, boundaries, you’re a husband-wife team, you’ve grown a company together, Colaw
Fitness, you have thousands of members, your husband is super physically fit, I’m sure you’ve never had to lay down the law with boundaries with female employees or customers or I don’t want to create a burning fire on the show today, but talk to me about, because there’s somebody out there who’s got to relate to the setting boundaries and the importance of not being the Dennis Rodman of business off the court. For sure.
We’ve had a couple life situations I think like every married couple and we decided a long time ago to set the boundaries not only in our marriage but personally for our own personal self. We each have boundaries that we’ve set. We have boundaries in our marriage. We’ve set boundaries for our family to protect our family time, to protect you know our children within the four walls of our home.
We’ve set boundaries on, you know, when they were young all the way up to when they’re old and you teach them the boundaries of TV, we have boundaries at work. I have to work real hard to set boundaries for Charles because he’s a workaholic.
He would just work more than he would do anything else. So we have set boundaries and I think you’ve just got to start with yourself, and you need to decide who you want to be and where you want to go, and work your way out from yourself to your family to your job. But you had used the words, fire of desire.
And you have to know who you want to be and where you’re going, and that fuels that desire to be that person, setting those boundaries. Now, Charles, you’re great at setting boundaries in terms of, like, I’m not going to eat this. I’m going to work out at this set time. This is going to happen. How are you so disciplined?
What is wrong with you? Did you hit your head on the toilet seat? Did you… I mean, what’s caused you to be so disciplined by default? For me, I just break everything down to being really, really simple. and you know for like food, you know, meat, vegetables, protein shakes and water, and
then you just don’t eat anything else. And I hit the repeat button and after a few months you just kind of forget about everything else. And for me, of course I was 303 in high school so I loved to eat and I could eat large pizzas and Route 44 Dr. Peppers, three or four of them a day. I could eat two large pizzas in a sitting.
I mean, and so I love to eat and food is very addictive. The big thing was, after a few months, you kind of break that. I just have chosen to always hit the repeat button on that. Now, Thrive Nation, you’re listening to the voice of choice of Amber Colaw and Charles Colaw with Colaw Fitness. C-O-L-A-W.
Colaw Fitness. We’re talking about the rise and grind mentality of Dennis Rodman. The Dennis Rodman story, part two. Stay tuned. It’s The Thrive Time Show on your radio. Stay tuned to The Thrive Time Show on your radio.
Teach the proven systems to make your ends So you can produce the greenery like all the Oregon Sue will call you Franklin cause you got Benjamins Will call you Ben Perl cause you just bought a Wins And then you’ll be bragging to your wife and kids That your wallet’s overweight but it used to be thin
Tums away this is Clay Broadcasting with the Zin With the focus locked in like San Quentin Can I get a B to the O, O to the M? You’ve heard the rumors, he is I and I is him He be the Z and I be the sea. Now it’s teaching business skills from plate to sea.
We both grew up poor, but we’re poor no more. The goal of this show is to help you soar. Yes, yes, yes, and yes, Thrive Nation. Welcome back to the Thrive Time Show on your radio. And for all of you out there who’ve been helping our show get into the top of the iTunes podcast charts,
we thank you so much. And I want to briefly explain how the iTunes charts algorithm works for the listeners out there. If somebody subscribes to your podcast, it’s like a three-pointer. It’s like three points.
If you’re playing basketball, it’s like a three-pointer. If somebody writes an objective review from a verified iTunes account, it’s like a two-pointer. And if somebody downloads a show, it’s like a one-pointer. So what’s happening is a lot of you are downloading the podcast, a lot of one-pointers.
And a few of you are saying, hey, you know what? I want to share my thoughts. But I would say the average person, not you, but the average person, it kind of struggles with apathy, where it’s like you’re too busy to write a review, you’re too busy to subscribe. And I get that. But I would say this to you, as a little compensation, as a way to say thank you, if you do subscribe
to The Thrive Time Show on iTunes and leave us an objective review, give us your feedback, and you just email us proof that you did it to info at Thrivetimeshow.com, we will give you a free ticket to our next in-person Thrivetimeshow workshop. Now, you’re going to pay $27 for the workbook. We just had a team from Guam, a team from Canada, a team from Milwaukee, a team from Florida, all have done this
and actually left their reviews. So I will tell you this, right now, as of the time of today’s show, the website says over 1,200 reviews. But we actually have over 1,600 reviews now. 600 plus of them are YouTube reviews. The reviews that someone has written about our show, yes,
but somebody’s actually recorded the video and put it up on YouTube. And so we have over 600 video reviews. So thank you for taking the time out of your schedule to do that, because I recognize that that takes a little bit of a grinder mentality. And today we’re talking about the Dennis Rodman story, the NBA Hall of Fame basketball player who didn’t play organized
basketball until the age of 21. Why? He graduated high school at the age of 5 foot 9. In his book, Bad As I Want To Be, he said that black people, African-American people made fun of him because he was ugly. So he always wanted to be white. Then at age 21, after being arrested at his job working at the DFW airport for stealing watches, he grows to the height of 6’8″, at the age of 21. He grows a foot.
So now his sister who played Division I college basketball says, you should try out for a team. He tries out for the team, he makes the team, he fails out academically. He tries out for another team, all of a sudden he’s living in Durant, Oklahoma. Everyone makes fun of him because he’s African-American. He thought white people would love him, but he realized that they didn’t like him either. So his best friend was a guy by the name of
Bryne, B-R-Y-N-E. He’s 21. Marshall, if you’re 21, how old do you think your typical best friend would be like, you know, anywhere for 20 to 22. Think really deeply. If you’re 21, and you got made fun of a lot as a kid for being ugly in an African American community, you’re African American, and you move to Durant, Oklahoma, where you’re a celebrity basketball player, you’re 21, and people are yelling racist things at you in the stands,
how old would your best friend be, Marshall? Probably a teenager. Thirteen. Thirteen? He says because he hadn’t yet lost his innocence. Come to find out, though, Brian, who he met at a basketball camp, the thirteen-year-old
Brian, who, by the way, partnered with Dennis Rodman to build the Frisco, Texas-based company called Rodman Excavating, which is still the most successful excavation company in Texas. Because Dennis said, if you’ll stay with me and be my only friend, I’ll never forget you. And so he made it to the NBA and built his friend a company. True story, 13 year old kid.
So when Dennis was 26, he was a rookie, and the age separation was eight years. So 26, so he’s 18. He built his friend, gave his friend the money to start a company, and today that’s how Dennis lives, is off of the money that Brian built with him
with Rodman Excavations. So on page 99 of Rodman’s book, Bad As I Want To Be, I’m gonna read you some notable quotables that are kind of harsh, but I relate to them, which is why I read this book, and is why I’m breaking it down for you.
I stuttered as a kid. Nobody was nice to me, nobody. Not a single person was nice to me until about age 14. So I frankly do not care at all whether I’m liked, which is my superpower, but is also something where people go, you really, really prefer to be alone? This is true. So Dennis Rodman writes on page 99, he says,
there are too many effing white collar people in the league to bother with some low life bum like me. They can’t associate with me off the court because I’m too different. I don’t wear the custom clothes and go to the right parties. I hang out with the real people in real places. And they can’t let anyone like that into their effing club. And the part that really booped them off the most is I don’t give a boop. Don’t talk to me because I don’t want to talk to your boop anyway. Don’t invite me to your boop parties because I don’t want to come. A lot of players in
the league are afraid of me, especially the guys just coming in. They’ve read about or heard about me roughing people up on the court or sleeping in a truck with a loaded rifle attempting to kill myself or dating Madonna. They get out onto the floor and they look into my eyes and they don’t know what to do, what to expect. That’s my edge against them. I keep the edge sharp by not talking to anyone on the court. I did not say a single word to Michael Jordan or Scottie Pippen while playing for the Chicago Bulls. Not a single word.
They didn’t talk to him. No, at all. So I’ll put a link, put it on the show notes so I don’t forget to do it. I’ll put a link to the video where Dennis Rodman explains how he never said a word to Michael Jordan or Scottie Pippen while being on their team. I think that is a little bit of the mindset of an entrepreneur.
You guys have to hunker down and really focus on your life because no one else cares. People say, I’m praying for you. People say, hope it’s going well for you. But no one really cares. So I want to get into the foxhole of Amber and Charles Kola. When you guys lived in a $115,000 house in Bartlesville, and you’re training clients
out of your house, Amber, how does it feel to have strange men and women being personally trained out of your house for how many years did you do this? Close to two. Okay, how does it feel as a woman, as a wife, when there’s random people coming in your house, starting as early as what, four in the morning? Five in the morning? Yeah, as early as four or five.
How does that feel? Walk us into your foxhole. Help us go there with you. Oh, it just felt like there was never any privacy. It felt like our whole life was work. It felt like it never shut off. It was awesome. Mm-hmm. Now, Charles says it was awesome. I want to be a team Switzerland I had over 20 grown men
Working out of my house at 91st and Lynn Lane And the only reason that I am married today is thrive nation take a guess. What is it? The grace of God Because if my wife was not filled with the grace of God and a reverence for the sanctity of marriage, anybody with a sound mind would have absolutely left me. Because I had 20 plus men. Let me tell you where it reached the low for me.
One day Vanessa walks down the hall to talk to the guys about a discrepancy on the paychecks. As she walks down the hall, one man has a screensaver that is full of pornography. And the next man has a screensaver that’s filled with homosexual pornography to taunt his friend. The next day she comes upstairs and a man is beating another man with a chair as they
argue about commissions. And then I tried to calm my wife down and I grabbed a sip from my coffee. I said, Vanessa, it’s all good. So I grabbed a coffee and I began to take a sip. I found I was drinking from another man’s spitter at my house. His skull spitter, his dip spitter. Man culture. And I said, oh, and I honestly
felt so sick and it’s the first time I empathized with her because I thought I was drinking my coffee and I was drinking from another man’s spitter. Marshall, can you talk to me about the grace of my wife to put up with a man like me who is a human dive bar. I am a dive bar. That’s right. She is the one that has to go behind all of the constant goers of the dive bar and she
has to clean up. And she was mentally drinking the spitter. The spitter. She was mentally putting up with that. One of our top guys, Josh, one day, he goes downstairs and he’s like, Clay, are you down here?
Clay, Clay, Clay, Clay, I need to grab you. And he walks into my wife’s bedroom and there he finds a non-clothed wife. And Josh comes upstairs, not really making eye contact the way he used to, and he’s like, hey, I think we need to put signs up on the doors because I don’t know, I gotta go home. And so these are things that happen when you have a home-based business, and they’re not good. They’re not moves.
Amber can relate to that. I want to do, we come back from the break, I want to talk about the rise and grind of being a self-employed person, and really the dysfunction that is inherent that comes with having a home-based business, where you are literally officing out of your home. Thrive Nation, subscribe to the Thrive Time Show podcast today on iTunes, and we’ll send you a free conference ticket.
Get ready to enter the Thrive Time Show. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom and we’ll show you how to get here. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom, now we’re on the top. Teaching you the systems to give what we got. Cullen Dixon’s on the hooks. I break down the books. Full T’s bringing some wisdom
Welcome back to Bad As I Wanna Be, the Dennis Rodman story. The Art of Rising and Grinding Part 2. We’re talking about this subject because I frankly feel, Marshall, as a business coach and as a guy who’s… Between Dr. Zellner and I, we were talking about the other day, between the two of us, we now have grown 15 multi-million dollar companies. 15?
Yeah, because we haven’t talked about it in a couple years. Okay. But, you know, Tip Top K9 now has multiple locations, and so now we’re at 15, and full package, that’s 15. So the point is, this is what we do. And so, but both of us do whatever it takes. We’ve listened to the Imagine Dragons song, Whatever It Takes, too many times.
And so we both were willing to do whatever it takes. Unfortunately, we have put people in our lives through a personal hell multiple times. I’ve stopped doing that about 10 years ago. But I used to put my wife through a personal hell. I remember as recently as five years ago, I was dipping my toe back into personal hell 101, just to see what would happen.
Just to see, Marshall, I want to dip my toe into crazy town just to see what would happen if I dipped my toe into the lagoon of the buffoon. And so I scheduled myself in June. You know this because I was gone as I was dipping my toe into the lagoon of the buffoon during the month of June. I had something like 13 speaking events in one month. Oh yeah. And because it was like, you know, I said I’ll do a couple and then another
one. And I found myself alone in Toronto eating a lamb with a very wealthy man who was telling me how great my speech was. Right. While talking to a wife at home that was crying because I was gone all the time. That’s right. Because I’m a horrible person. So you’ve kind of observed that. I’ve known you for nine years now. Yeah.
And so I want to go into the trench of what it’s like, Ms. Amber Cola, with Cola Fitness, to be working with a person, to be married to a person, who’s running a home office, out of your home. It’s a $115,000 home in Bartlesville, Oklahoma. The company now, today, is called Cola Fitness. It’s grown to have thousands of members.
But what was it like when you had thousands of people, or I guess at this time, hundreds of people getting personal training out of your home? What were the kind of awkward scenarios you found yourself encountering on a yearly basis, daily basis? Talk to me about just that personal hell that people like Charles and I probably put you through there when we’re having a home-based business.
Oh, it felt like thousands of people. Our kitchen became the break room. It was the official place where all the guys stuck all their protein shakes in my fridge. They leave their dirty dishes in the sink. I’m so sorry on behalf of all men out there.
They’d nap on our couch. They were everywhere. Our driveway was full of cars. And finally, that’s what led to- Did you have female clients? Did you guys have female clients?
We did, and at the time, I did hair. So we had revamped my laundry room into a salon. And so we’d have the guys train them at the front, and then they’d come to the back and get their hair cut. And it was a revolving door of people all day long. And I don’t want to open wounds.
I just want to know, because I’ve been married to an incredible lady for 17 years. When you have a female personal training client, was that cool with you? Was it not cool with you? How did you process that as a woman? You’re married to a man. Female personal training clients. Was it okay? Not okay? Did you freak out? Was it cool? Was it group training? How did you do it?
I think every marriage is different, and every marriage has different seasons as well. So some clients you could read intentions very well, and we would just pass that person right on to the next trainer. And we try to always have a female trainer on staff and be very intentional about the female clients training with her. We try to be very cautious and protect our marriage as well as the trainers that work for us.
If they’re married, we try to make sure they didn’t have female clients. The integrity of them and the integrity of our business and the culture that we had was always very important to us. So setting those boundaries on many different levels was very important to us always. What was the worst part, Amber, about having a home-based business? Where you said that right there. If you could coach the thrivers.
Now, we have hundreds of thousands of people that download the podcast looking for sources of wisdom. So I have to make sure that I only have people on the show who’ve been there, done that. So you and Charles have been there, done that. Can you talk to me, Amber, about what was the hardest part about having a home-based business for you?
I think it was that knowing where to draw the line and those boundaries of when it was time to work and when it was time to have family. Some people, mainly your customers, didn’t remember or realize that it was your personal home. So the boundaries was harder. It was harder for them to see the boundaries sometimes than it was for us to set it.
But you felt like you never left work. So we had to be very intentional about family time and marriage time and when to shut it off. Now Marshall Morris, Charles Kola is a grinder in many ways, in a positive way. He has that Dennis Rodman mindset. So I’m going to read a notable quotable from page 111 of Dennis Rodman’s book, As Bad As I Want To Be.
I want you to break it down, I want Charles to share his experience with this, because I really do feel like that Dennis Rodman, Charles Kola, and myself, we all share that similar, I call it, dragon energy. We talked about it. Kanye West calls it dragon energy. Donald Trump calls it dragon energy.
It’s where you’re just insanely driven and you don’t know why and no one taught it to you, you’re just driven. And so I’m going to read this from page 111. Dennis Rodman writes, in 1991 through 1992, I averaged 18.7 rebounds a game and I had 20 or more rebounds in a game 39 times. Think about that.
Almost half the season with at least 20 rebounds a game. That was the year I broke the Pistons single record for most rebounds in a game with 34 in a game against the Indiana Pacers. In that game, hell, in that whole season, I felt like I knew exactly where every shot was going to come off the rim. I think I’ve always been able to predict things.
I think it has a lot to do with aggressiveness and alertness, but it also gets back to desire. I’m hungrier than those other guys out there. Every rebound is a personal challenge against me. I train my mind to believe I need to get every rebound just to stay in the league. If I don’t get the ball, I’m going back to Dallas,
back to the streets, back to hell. I didn’t play organized basketball until I was 21. I think of myself as a lion or any other wild animal in the jungle. They go after their prey for survival. If an animal is hungry enough, it’s going to attack anything that moves. I see a ball out there, I’m going to get it. Simple. But
how many guys go all out to do it? My desire is always there. But as my career goes on, as my career goes along, I have to work at it a little more. Marshall, talk to me about the importance of having that kind of intensity. The clients that you’ve worked with, Delrick Research, K&D, Travis Williams, people that are having big success, how important is that just aggressiveness to get every ball, to close every deal, every lead that comes in.
It’s like the only lead. When I get a lead in, dude, even today, you see me in our meetings, and when a lead comes in, which we get like 10 a day, it’s a problem, because 10 people a day say, I want business coaching. 10 people a day, I want business coaching. You see me, Marshall, every day, I follow up with it.
It’s like a relentless thing. It’s like, every lead is like the last lead, because I grew up with nothing. Talk to me about that, the balance of having that dragon energy, and then also like, you know, being sustainable. So great women like my wife don’t leave me living alone
in a van down by the river. That’s right. So what you have to do is, as long as you are going to be in the business, you have to be able to turn it on and go 100%. There is none of this 50%, 60%. Let’s just kind of, in order for it to be sustainable, let’s just participate a little
bit, you know, so that I can do it over a long period of time. I’m going to give you permission to preach for a second here. Oh, really? You go off. You’ve got at least four to five minutes to lay it out. I’m going to go off here.
Yeah, because there’s a lot of people out there that do not get this idea of just going all out. Give it to us. So I do the 13 point assessments for a lot of business owners. And I am very proud to say that there are a number of business owners that we won’t work with.
Go ahead. Because they are not as serious about their business as they need to be. Okay. So here is the differentiating part. Amber talked about this. You don’t know when the business day ends and when family time starts. But you are trying to balance it out by being 50% in your business and 50% in your family life. Therefore, you sacrifice both. You have a mediocre family life and
a mediocre business. Ouch! That hurts. But what is better to do is better to flip the switch, be 100% in your business when you’re participating in your business, and then turn it off as fast as you turned it on and participate in family time. And you have to be able to create those boundaries because, like Amber said, when you’re operating a home-based business, the lines are blurred. And so there’s this quote by my main man, Daniel Goldman.
Come on now. Daniel Goleman, clinical psychologist, best-selling author, Daniel Goleman, G-O-L-E-M-A-N. Awesome book, Emotional Intelligence. Read that book. He says, we need to recreate boundaries. When you carry a digital gadget, it creates a virtual link to the office.
You need to create a virtual boundary that didn’t exist before. This is what I see for a lot of business owners, is they are working about 50% in the business and 50% in their family and they’re just kind of average. Marshall I think a lot of people though they say I have digital gadget I have a digital gadget I carry more computing power in my pocket than Apollo 13 used to go to space. It is crazy! And so I must respond to every social media post every comment every second of the day. And if you are unwilling to put that phone away and turn that phone off and not answer
that one more deal, everybody that’s listening can close just one more deal if they push themselves a little bit harder. Okay, now I want to get Charles Kolos’ take on this because he and I share the same psychological problem I believe, by default. When somebody writes a bad comment about Elephant in the Room, if I look at it, I want to immediately respond and say, we have never seen you as a customer.
You’re not in our database. You, in fact, your name is Mike White. Mike White, if you’re listening, your name is Mike White. And you do own the competitor’s company in Oklahoma City. And I know you’re coming into the elephant in the room just to stir up a commotion and to create a problem, and you’re just freaking me out.
And all of a sudden I go, whoa, whoa, whoa, I’m at home. So how do you, Charles, I mean, are we perfect? No, but how are you learning or how have you learned to turn it off? Because you’re a naturally born dragon energy guy. You get it done.
How do you do it? I’m still struggling, but I am doing a lot better. In this last year working with you, you’ve really helped me shut that off. I’ve turned off all notifications. And there’s only one or two people I’ll answer the phone for.
And we are getting more done, and I’ve been more efficient, and I’ve been delegating more than ever. I’ve got a great gatekeeper. And so we’ve been doing a lot better, and I’ve been able to think about bigger picture and future growth a whole lot more. Can I brag on you for a second?
Is that cool? Sure. Um, Co-Law Fitness, if you look up Co-Law Fitness right now, a lot of our listeners don’t know who you are, because we have people listening from South Korea, from New York, from Canada. And I’m not saying that Co-Law Fitness is going to franchise today, but I think in the
future it will happen, or at least you’ll have more locations. But you guys are probably the most diligent doers ever, and if anything, it’s more about boundary setting in terms of your aggressiveness. It’s not about like, Charles, you’ve got to wake up and be motivated. I’m just saying this as a business coach, I’d rather work with someone who’s too aggressive than someone that’s not.
If you’re out there listening today and you say, you know what, I want to team up with, I want to partner with somebody, maybe I want to invest in something, I want to open up my own business, I can’t say it’s going to happen tomorrow, but I encourage you to check out Colafitness.com. Charles and Amber have unbelievably high integrity. They’re both natural grinders.
And is anybody perfect? No, but if you want to team up with people who have unquestionably high integrity and people that are focused on the long-term results and not just get rich quick schemes, Colaw Fitness is here for the long-term.
Check them out today at ColawFitness.com. What? It’s ColawFitness.com. Stay tuned. Attend the world’s best business workshop led by America’s number one business coach for free by subscribing on iTunes and leaving us an objective review. Claim your tickets by emailing us proof that you did it and your contact information to info at Thrivetimeshow.com. All right, Thrive Nation, welcome back to the Thrive Time Show on your radio as we’re breaking down the life and times of Dennis Rodman.
The art of rising and grinding, bad as I want to be. We’re breaking down his book. And Marshall, the reason why I read this book, the reason why I got this book is because Dennis Rodman is perhaps one of the most intense basketball players that I remember watching. He played every play like it was his last play, and I feel like that’s something I identify with as a business guy, that grind and that mindset.
I’d like for you to share, what is it like to be in a meeting with me, when you’re in a meeting with sort of a business Dennis Rodman? Now I don’t cross-dress. I haven’t had extramarital affairs. I do show up for my kids’ events, but I’m intense. You don’t have tattoos all over your body either.
I’d like for you to share, I mean for the listeners out there who aren’t in our meetings every day, what’s it like to be in a meeting with somebody who is intense? I would say it’s a maniacal focus. So this is how I see other meetings go, other meetings. Meetings that don’t have a business Dennis Rodman in them. It’s where, okay guys, today we are talking about X, Y, and Z
and first of all, how did everybody’s weekend go? Because that’s more important to talk about in this meeting other than the things that will actually earn us more money. And you know when I ask our team in our meetings, how’s your weekend? I hate that question. Right, because I don’t care.
But it gets everybody on the same page. It gets the momentum going. I do it because it’s part of the momentum. It’s part of the momentum. Here we go. How’s everybody’s weekend?
All right. How’s everybody’s weekend? But then it turns into Sally Sue or Billy telling a story and then we’re all laughing about it. Pretty soon 30 minutes has gone by and we’re not even talking about it. And then you say, hey, you know what?
Did you get this done? I talked to somebody the other day, a good friend of mine. I said, hey, how was church? Because I go to church a lot. You know, I said, how was church? They said, it was great.
I said, what was the service about? They said, I don’t know. And I thought to myself mentally, why are you going then? I’m intense, I take notes. You take notes and you don’t do things half-hearted. And if you’re gonna have a meeting,
don’t do it half-heartedly. If you’re going to read a book, don’t read it half-heartedly. All of the listeners right now, they can’t see the book that we’re going through. They can’t see the physical book, but you have devoured it. You’ve taken notes. You’ve made stickies.
You’ve made your own cover for the book. You’ve dog-eared it. You’ve written in the book, but now it is tangible. It’s actionable. There’s things to take away from it. And I’ll never forget it, I’ve interacted with it.
That’s right. Now Dennis Rodman writes on page 113 of his book, Bad As I Want To Be, Marshall, as you put that on the show notes, page 113, he writes, every time that we scrimmaged in practice, I would go up against the first teamers and look at every possession like it was survival. If I stopped Adrian Dantley this time down the floor, I’d get to stay in the league. If I got the next rebound, I’d get to stay in the league.
I started thinking like that. And the guys I was in playing against started looking at me like I was crazy. These are veterans, and they knew how to practice without killing themselves. Now they were faced with this wild, boop,
guy who was playing every second like it was his last. Chuck Daly encouraged me to do this, my head coach. It was fine with him that I wasn’t interested in scoring, and he put a lot of energy into telling me how good I could be if I didn’t let myself get off track. Whenever I was down, he’d always find the right way to tell me to pick my head up.
The man kept me going. Marshall, I pretty much play every play like it’s my last. That’s my mindset in business. So I want to tap into the mindset of Steve Currington with Total Lending Concepts, another man who shares the dragon energy. And I want to get into the mindset of Amber Colaw, another lady in my mind who shares
the dragon energy. Now, the dragon energy is this mindset of like, hey, listen, it’s great that we’re buddies. I respect your ability to be a human on the planet Earth, but this is how it’s going to go down. So let’s start with you, Steve. Right. Talk to me about when someone fills out a form on Total Lending Concepts and says they
want to get a loan, why do you reach 90% of the people who fill out the form, and why do most mortgage guys reach 20% of the people that fill out the form? Because we call until they cry, buy, or die. Is that like a figure of speech? No. No, like people will cry.
They’ll be like, oh my God, stop calling me or I’m going to sue you. Well, we’ll stop calling them then. Or they’ll die. But if someone filled out the form on your website. They want a mortgage from me, that’s why they filled it out, so I’m not going to stop calling
them until I talk to them. According to Forbes, most people do business with the first person to call them. Yeah. According to Forbes, over 50% of people do business with the first person to call them back. Yeah.
Why are you, dude, just like hot on it, man? You’re just like, as soon as someone fills out the form, your team calls them right away. What’s wrong with you? We like to win. Are you offended if they don’t answer the first time? Yes.
I’ve called people before while they’re still on my website. They barely hit enter. I called a guy last week and he was like, dang, it’s been like 33 seconds. There’s one guy who filled out a form at Elephant in the Room, our men’s grooming lounge, and he said, those guys called me like 30 times. Yeah, because you filled out our form. Yeah, you’re welcome. If you fill out a form to schedule a first haircut for a dollar, we’re going to reach you.
To all business owners out there, if somebody fills out a form on your website, they want the answers now. They’re not saying, oh, I hope he calls me in three weeks. You know what’s fun to do, though? You know what’s fun? What’s fun? Go fill out a form on any, like if you’re going to do? I’m going to ask Amber this because Amber has kind of a quiet, calm, and this is more of like a cobra energy. You ever been around a cobra? It’s like the cobra, it’s kind of calm, it’s paying attention.
But I have a feeling that Amber, if you mess with her, if you push her over the line, she’ll probably, she’s cool, she’s cool. Amber, talk to me about that intensity. Where does that come from, that intensity? I mean, you handle a lot of the strategy, the accounting, the corporate governance, the systems.
Your husband’s a great rainmaker. How do you control that energy? Because you seem like kind of an intense person, in a good way. I mean, you seem like you’re aggressive, you’re intense. How do you control that? Talk to me about where does that come from?
You know, I don’t use it, it’s almost like a bottled up something that’s going to explode. I’ve just always been wired that way, very busy. I’m a doer. I don’t enjoy sitting down. I’d rather do an audible book. I like to listen to it while I’m cleaning the house.
I want to get multiple things done. I love the term multitasking. I don’t know why they say multiple things can’t be done at once, because I can do probably five things at once. So you’re cleaning the house, but you’d rather listen to an audio book while cleaning than just cleaning.
Absolutely. Absolutely. I don’t know where that comes from, but what I do know is God has a purpose in that, and so I try to do everything with a purpose. So that’s just kind of what I try to remind myself is there is a purpose. I was given that for a reason.
There’s some days I don’t know where it comes from. I don’t know why I have it, but I do enjoy the grind. It is stressful. It’s not always fun, but I do find that there becomes even sometimes a personal gratification, because you can help others with that grind.
You can leave the world better than you found it. You know, and I try to do every show with a purpose. And one of the purposes is to create more revenue for our advertisers than they pay us. And so Dr. John Sibley is the chiropractor of choice for Wayne Gretzky.
That’s Dr. John Sibley. And I would argue he should be the chiropractor of choice for you and your family if you live in Tulsa. Check him out today at drjohnsibley.com. drjohnsibley.com. Broadcasting live from the center of the universe, it’s Business School Without the BS.
Featuring optometrist turned entrepreneur, Dr. Robert Selner with USSBA Entrepreneur of the Year, Clay Clark. It is the five time show that your boo began, where we drop knowledge bombs for you in Portland Teach the proven systems to make your ends So you can produce the greenery like all the Oregon Soon we’ll call you pregnant cause you got Benjamins
We’ll call you pimp girl cause you just bought Orens And then you’ll be bragging to your wife and kids That your wallet’s overweight but it used to be thin Some say this is slave broadcasting with the zen With the focus locked in like San Quentin Can I get a B to the O, O to the M?
You’ve heard the rumors, he is I, and I is him. He be the C, and I be the C. Now it’s teaching business skills from plate to C. We both grew up poor, but we’re poor no more. The goal of this show is to help you score. All right, Thrive Nation, welcome back to the Thrive
Time Show on your radio, the dojo of mojo for so many of you. We’re talking today about Bad As I Wanna Be, the Dennis Rodman story, the art of grinding. Now, Marshall, I’m going to read quite a few pages. I’m going to read from page 120, page 120 of Bad As I Wanna Be, and I’m going to read from page 135. And I’d like for you to break it down, and so it’s not socially awkward, I’m going to cue up some epic music to kind of make myself feel more calm, Marshall, because reading in front of 100,000 people could be un…
USA. I mean, imagine you’re in front of, like, the Wolverine Stadium, Michigan, and you’re reading slow prose or, you know, words from a book. It could get off. USA. Here we go.
He says, I’m cool. I can take a lot of crap before I get around to fighting. It’s like those days in Oklahoma when people were calling me, boop, and telling me to go back to Africa. If I didn’t take that step then, I’m sure not as going to do it now. Besides,
most guys in the NBA are scared to fight me because they think that I’m all crazy. They don’t know what I might do. They just look at me like, okay, let’s just go about our business here. A lot of guys are afraid to me off. The only time I had a real knockdown fight was during my rookie year in Boston. Page 135, Dennis Rodman writes, there were times when my own race confused me.
P.S. He’s African American. There were many times I thought I wanted to be white. I wasn’t accepted in the black community when I was growing up. I was teased and picked on for my looks, and this was where I was supposed to feel comfortable. When I go to college in Oklahoma, I found out I didn’t fit into a white community either. I wondered if I would ever fit in as long as my skin was black. I can remember when I was a little kid during the civil rights marches in the mid to late 60s.
There was a lot of hatred towards white people in my neighborhood. In 1968, after Martin Luther was killed, I watched these men beat a nice white man to death on the streets of the Oak Cliff Projects. They just stomped him and hit him on the sidewalk until he didn’t move anymore. After he was dead, they continued kicking him. I was seven years old at the time, and I didn’t think much of him. Think about that.
Dennis Rodman just wrote in his book that he was made fun of by black people because he was ugly, made fun of by African Americans, but he also is self-aware enough to say, they also,
the people in my community, kicked a nice man to death, and after he was dead, they continued kicking him. Then he went to Durant, Oklahoma, where people made fun of him because of his race. Why am I telling you this?
Because it doesn’t matter what race you are or what background you come from or what. If you want to be successful as an entrepreneur, you have to solve a problem for your ideal and likely buyers in a way that they’re willing to pay you for. Dennis Rodman adds a little cherry on top with a little notable quotable from page 135. He says this is an incredible quote he says the problem is some people won’t move beyond it if you’re black and a whole pro on a high-profile athlete
you’re all of a sudden under pressure to be a spokesman for the race it comes with the territory sometimes I think to myself F the race and F the people I’m gonna be also myself I didn’t like them either so whether you’re white or whether you’re black you’re gonna be under attack all the time. But I honestly don’t think at this point in American culture, people care whether they have a white business owner they’re dealing with or a black business owner. And Dennis Rodman is one of
the first people to point it out. And I disagree with Dennis Rodman as a husband. I disagree with the choices he’s made in a lot of areas. And I’m going to play a little excerpt from his Hall of Fame speech. You can get to know Dennis Rodman a little bit from him directly. But I think there’s something incredible, Marshall, about somebody who can be transparent and say, look, African-American people made fun of me and Caucasian people made fun of me, but people are going to make fun of you.
So I don’t even care about what race you are. I just care about your work ethic and your mindset. Marshall, talk to me about this victim mentality, this entitlement mentality. There are certain people I’m sure that you’ve never met, but people who fill out the 13 point assessment form on the Thrive Time Show website, and they say, the reason why I’m not having success, we’ve literally had people tell me, the reason why I’m not having success
is because I’m a Caucasian American and I’m in a predominantly African American community, or vice versa. Marshall. There’s a couple situations here, and they’re all the same. Dennis Rodman says, black people hate me, white people hate me, who cares? I’m just going to go dominate, okay?
Then you got Elon Musk who, after he’s blown up his second rocket trying to get to space, he goes, pessimism, optimism, who cares? We’re going to make it freaking work. And then you have, as a business owner, your family, your friends, they’re like, are you sure? Hey, maybe it’s just not for you.
Hey, the timing’s not right. And people are going to speak that into your life all the time. That doesn’t change at any point. The cavalry is not coming to aid you in your business. You have to go out and just take it. And that’s what that dragon energy that Dennis Rodman is talking about.
Charles. I agree. Boom. Talk to me about your perspective. Because I think it’s easy to say, listen, my dad was a pastor. I was never taught entrepreneurship.
Your dad was a pastor, right? A minister. Great guy. Yes. And he wasn’t an entrepreneur. Am I correct?
Correct. And I’ve heard people say, I was raised as a pastor’s son. I never really was taught business. I don’t know how to sell. I’ve heard people say, I was raised by a salesperson. And I wasn’t taught compassion.
I was never taught how to love people. I mean, anyone can say that what happened in the past has caused them to be what they are in the present. Talk to me about not being a victim. How have you decided not to become a victim as the owner and co-founder of Kola Fitness? Well, not being a victim, I’m not really sure, but I do know what people want.
In my opinion, I break it into simple things like, in my brain, I think you’ve got equal or better customer service, equal or better quality of product, equal or better price, and you’ve got to hit all those. Could you repeat that again? Because someone’s taking notes right now, and I want them to have a chance to write that down. Because that was simple, but powerful.
All that crazy whatever, where you came from, black, white, religion, that’s not my main focal point right now. When somebody’s looking for a product or service, they’re going to look it up and they’re going to say, who’s going to give me equal or better customer service, quality of the products, and the price? And that’s all you need to know. And then grind, grind, grind, grind, grind.
And whoever grinds the hardest wins, as long as you hit those three. That’s all you have to do. Now Thrive Nation, if you’re out there and you say, I want to work with a grinder, I’m going to add on to my building, I’m going to expand my business, and I’m looking for a commercial construction company that grinds as much as I do. Someone who’s going to deliver on time and on budget. I encourage you to reach out to a Thrive Time
Show client and a friend, Travis Williams, with Williams Contracting. Visit them online today, will-con.com. It’s will-con.com. And these guys are going to get your project done on time and on budget. That’s Williams Contracting. Will-con.com. Stay tuned.
Attend the world’s best business workshop led by America’s number one business coach for free by subscribing on iTunes and leaving us an objective review. Claim your tickets by emailing us proof that you did it and your contact information to info at thrive timeshow dot com. All right Thrive Nation, I want to talk about a deep subject here on our final segment of today’s show and that is turning your bitterness into betterness.
That is turning your pain into gain. Dennis Rodman, we’re talking today about the Dennis Rodman story, the art of rising and grinding from his book Bad As I Want To Be. Dennis Rodman was a, for everybody just tuning in, Dennis Rodman was a basketball player that didn’t play organized basketball until the age of 21. Why? Because he graduated from high school at the age of 5 foot 8 or 5 foot 9. But at the age of 21, after being arrested for stealing watches at
the DFW Airport, he had grown to the height of 6 foot 8, some would say 6 foot 9. And his sister, who played Division I basketball, said, Dennis, you need to try out to play college basketball. He tried out.
He made a team. They had to kick him off the team after one semester for failing out academically. He moves to Durant, Oklahoma. He plays, has a great career, ends up being drafted in the NBA.
He’s a 26-year-old rookie. Well, Dennis Rodman went on to play in the NBA and to play at a high level. For year after year, I believe it was seven consecutive years, he had the most rebounds in the league. He’s an NBA Hall of Fame player. But to let you into his mindset, his father had over 40-plus kids and lived in the Philippines. Dennis’s father actually wrote a best-selling book about Dennis, but never actually talked to Dennis.
So he wrote a book using Dennis’ name, but never talked to Dennis. And so Dennis grew up feeling like nobody loved him and nobody cared, and he had a hole in his soul that I believe, I know personally, that a relationship with Jesus Christ could have filled, but he never did find that solution, or hasn’t yet. And I believe, Dennis, you’re going to find it. But Dennis says on page 246 of his book, he says, I went through all of training camp
without saying two words to Michael Jordan off the court. That’s the way I am with everybody. It doesn’t matter to me where I am or who I’m playing with. We get along on the court because that’s where it matters. But Dennis has built a protective layer around himself to keep himself from getting to know people. Because he has been hurt so much as a kid. He was abandoned. He never had a father. So on page 252 of his book, he talks about playing for the Chicago
Bulls during their summer league. He never played in the Bulls before, so he’s playing on the team for the first time. On page 252, he says, during the first game I had a little temper tantrum. The replacement referees were way out of their league and they made a foul call on me and I didn’t like it. So I took the ball and I threw it against the shot clock on top of the backboard. Naturally I got a technical foul. One year with Bob Hill had trained me to look over at the coach as soon as I did something, the coach of the San Antonio Spurs. He’d be standing up yelling at somebody to go in and get me out of
the game. He had this awful look on his face like the world was going to end because I did something stupid. In this case, Bob Hill would have had somebody at the scorer’s table ready to go, checking in for me before the ball landed on the floor. Then he would have brought me over to the sidelines to tell me all the things I shouldn’t be doing on the basketball floor. So I looked over at Bill Jackson, and I couldn’t believe, the man was laughing. He was kicking back in his chair, he was laughing.
I thought this was cool. Bill Jackson, the head coach of the Chicago Bulls, who had coached Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan to multiple championships, my coach, won 11 NBA championship rings. He knows the game. He knows I can go out and spark a team with the outrageous things I do. He knows all the ins and outs, all the angles, and he knows I’m going to bring something
to the team that it needs. Phil Jackson played, and he played during the late 60s and early 70s when not everyone followed the same program. He was one of them. But he goes on to explain that he looked over and Phil Jackson wasn’t freaking out because he freaked out.
I think when you grow a business to a certain point, you can’t grow beyond yourself if you’re not willing to learn how to manage people. And so when Dennis Rodman was being recruited by the Bulls to play for the team, Phil Jackson was the one who recruited him. And Phil Jackson met Dennis one-on-one. They started talking.
They built that relationship. And Phil Jackson picked up early on in their conversations that Dennis Rodman never had a father. He never had a dad. And he was very bitter. And he wasn’t coachable.
And he felt like everyone hated him. So I want to play for you the audio excerpt from Dennis Rodman’s acceptance speech into the NBA Hall of Fame. It’s filled with tears. And Dennis is going through a lot of stuff
and he said i want phil jackson to stand next to me when i get my speech or i can’t and so it’s played audio from dennis rodman’s acceptance speech into the nba hall of fame let me further ado here we go Hold on. And you know, this guy here, you know, Phil Jackson asked me, Phil Jackson
asked me to come to Jerry Cross’s house. And he asked me, he said, Dennis, you know, we’d like you to come play, but you have to do one thing for me. Could you go in the kitchen and tell Scotty Pippa you’re sorry? I said, oh, but you know what? Okay, I’ll do that. So, he asked me another question. He said, Dennis, would you like to be a Chicago Bull?” I said, my exact words was, I don’t give a damn. And Phil Jackson said, welcome to the Chicago Bulls. And this man here, I could hug him because he’s the only man that ever cried for me. You know, because I was really burning both ends of that camera for a long time.
That’s the reason why I’m surprised I’m still here. And everyone knows that. But I’d like to set the record straight just for the time being and maybe hopefully that in the future that I can love you like I used to when I was born. And thank you guys. For everybody out there just tuning in, we’re breaking down the life and times of
Dennis Rodman, the NBA Hall of Fame basketball player who was going through some stuff. And by the way, who out there is not going through some stuff? The problem is that Dennis Rodman went through a lot of stuff while everybody was watching and judging and forming an opinion. And I think that is where I’d like to end today’s show and tap into the wisdom of Kola Fitness and Charles Kola and Amber Kola because how many members do you guys have now? I mean do you have hundreds? Do you have thousands? Do you have dozens? Amber, I mean do you
have dozens of members at Co-Law Fitness? Do you have hundreds? Do you have thousands? Walk us through what your how many clients that you have in at Co-Law Fitness that you’re honored to serve. We have a few dozen. We’re over probably members to date, just currently, and that changes every day. It’s constantly climbing. But you’re serving them. Absolutely. And you’re not perfect. I’m not perfect. No. Charles isn’t perfect. Talk to me about that pressure that must put on you,
Amber, because you want to do a great job for all the members, but you also have to set sort of a mental boundary because there’s probably never a moment of the day where somebody doesn’t have a positive thing to say about CoLaw Fitness. I mean, there’s never an end. There’s never, there’s an endless stream of positive comments on Facebook and on Google. I mean, there’s just an endless, all the time, all the time. We try to remind each other when we do get discouraged by those negative comments, you
know, we can’t please everybody. That’s not our job. We got to focus on the masses. We do have a purpose and we keep living by that purpose and we know we’ll provide the best service that we can. Charles, with 30 seconds left to go, how do you set those boundaries in your mind?
Knowing that there’s never going to be an end to the positive comments or the negative comments. People are just going to keep commenting about the business that you have really invested a lot of your life into. Basically make sure that we’re always winning on customer service, quality of the product, and the price, and then always glorify God through the whole process and point people to the cross.
Marshall, you are a business coach and there’s a lot of listeners out there who are saying, you know what, man, I want to get that grind that Dennis Rodman has. Man, I went through something. I want to turn my bitterness into betterness, just like Dennis. I want to take that frustration and turn it into motivation. How do they do it, Marshall?
Well, we’ve got four different things that you can do. Number one, here on the podcast and the radio show, you can download that and subscribe. You can get all of the different podcasts sent directly to your phone, so make sure that you subscribe on iTunes. Yes. And then the second thing is you come out to a conference, okay?
Our two-day business workshops are incredible. You got to come out. Then we have the online business school and the one-on-one business coaching. You got to check them all out at Thrivetimeshow.com. Check them out at Thrivetimeshow.com. We always want to end every show with a three, two, and a one, and a boom.
So here we go. Three, two, one, boom. My name is Kevin Thomas, and the name of our company is MultiClean. We are a commercial janitorial service, and we serve the entire state of Oklahoma and Kansas and soon to be Arkansas. We have probably grown probably five times.
We’ve added, I think when we first started with you, we had 60 to 65 employees and now we have a little over 300 employees. Before we got involved with Thrive Time, we didn’t really have any systems or processes in place. I’ve probably been to, oh, in six, seven years, I’ve probably been to 12 to 13 business conferences.
And amazingly, each time I go, I learn something new and I’m so excited to bring it back and, and show the team about marketing and how to implement, uh, how, how to help you guys implement the SEO and the coaching is this great because there’s accountability and it’s just a fantastic way to, to grow your company, uh, having a relationship with Thrive Time is it’s just been amazing for multi-claim.
Oh my goodness. It frees me up because then I don’t have to get, take a class on search engine optimization or, or, or learn marketing or shoot video. That’s not what we do. What we do is commercial janitorial service. And you guys were the experts on marketing.
And you teach me and hold my hand and show me how to do it right. And therefore, now my company is much, much larger. Clay Clark is here somewhere. Where’s my buddy Clay? Yes, Clay Clark!
Yes! Clay! Clay! Clay is the greatest. I met his goats today, I met his dogs, I met his chickens, I saw his compound. He’s like the greatest guy. I ran from his goats, his chickens, his dogs. So this guy is like the greatest marketer you’ve ever seen, right? His entire life,
Clay Clark, his entire life is marketing. Okay, Aaron Antis, March 6th and 7th, guess who’s coming to Tulsa, Russia? Oh, Santa Claus? No, that’s March. March 6th and 7th, we’re going to be joined by Robert Kiyosaki. Robert Kiyosaki. Best-selling author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, possibly the best-selling, or one of the best-selling business authors of all time. And he’s going to be joined with Eric Trump.
He’ll be joined by Eric Trump. We’ve got Eric Trump and Robert Kiyosaki in the same place. In the same place. Aaron, why should everybody show up to hear Robert Kiyosaki? Well, you got billions of dollars of business experience between those two, not to mention many, many, many millions of books have been sold.
Many, many millionaires have been made from the books that have been sold by Robert Kiyosaki. I happen to be one of them. I learned from the man. He was the inspiration. That book was the inspiration for me to get the entrepreneurial spirit as many other people. Now since you won’t brag on yourself, I will. You’ve sold billions of dollars of houses, am I correct? That is true. And the book that kick-started it all for you, Rich Dad Pornhub, the best-selling author of Rich Dad Pornhub, Robert Kiyosaki, the guy that kick-started your career, he’s going to be here.
He’s going to be here. I’m bummed. And now Eric Trump, people don’t know this, but the Trump Organization has thousands of employees. There’s not 50 employees. The Trump Organization, again, most people don’t know this, but the Trump Organization has thousands of employees. And while Donald J. Trump was the 45th president of these United States and soon to be the 47th president of these United States,
he needed someone to run the companies for him. And so the man that runs the Trump organization for Donald J. Trump, as he was the 45th president of the United States and now the 47th president of the United States, is Eric Trump. So Eric Trump is here to talk about time management, promoting from within, marketing, branding, quality control, sales systems, workflow design, workflow mapping, how to build. I mean, everything that you see, the Trump hotels, the Trump golf courses all their products the man who manages
billions of dollars of real estate I mean thousands of employees is here to teach us how to do you are talking about one of the greatest Brands on the planet from a business standpoint I mean who else has been able to create a brand like the Trump brand I mean look at it, and this is the man behind it. So you’re talking, we’re in the nine going into ten years of him running it, and we get
to tap into that knowledge. That’s going to be amazing. Now, think about this for a second. Would you buy a ticket just to see Robert Kiyosaki and Eric Trump? Of course you would. Of course you would.
But we’re also going to be joined by Sean Baker. This is the best-selling author, the guy who invented the carnivore diet. Oh yeah. Dr. Sean Baker. He’s been on Joe Rogan multiple times, he’s going to be joining us. So you’ve got Robert Kiyosaki, the best-selling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad,
Eric Trump, Sean Baker, the lineup continues to grow and this is how we do our tickets here at the Thrive Time Show. If you want to get a VIP ticket, you can absolutely do it. It’s $500 for a VIP ticket. We’ve always done it that way. Now if you want to take a general admission ticket, it’s $250 or whatever price you want to pay. And the reason why I do that and the reason why we do that is because we want to make our events affordable for everybody. I grew up without money. I totally understand
what it’s like to be in a tight spot. So if you want to attend, it’s $250 or whatever price you want to pay. That’s how I do it. And it’s $500 for a VIP ticket. Now, we only have limited seating here. The most people we’ve ever had in this building was for the Jim Brewer presentation. Jim Brewer came here, the legendary comedian Jim Brewer came to Tulsa, and we had 419 people that were here. 419 people.
Yeah. And I thought to myself, there’s no more room. I felt kind of bad that a couple of people had VIP seats in the men’s restroom. Oh, no, I’m just kidding. So I thought, you know what, we should probably add on.
So we’re adding on what we call the upper deck, or the top shelf. So the seats are very close to the presenters, but we’re actually building right now. We’re adding on to the facility to make room to accommodate another 30 attendees or more. So again, if you want to get tickets for this event, all you have to do is go to Thrivetimeshow.com.
Go to Thrivetimeshow.com. When you go to Thrivetimeshow.com, you’ll go there, you’ll request a ticket, boom. Or if you want to text me, if you want a little bit faster service, you say, I want you to call me right now. Just text my number. It’s my cell phone number.
My personal cell phone number. We’ll keep that private between you, between you, me, everybody. We’ll keep that private. And anybody, don’t share that with anybody except for everybody. That’s my private cell phone number. It’s 918-851-0102.
918-851-0102. I know we have a lot of Spanish-speaking people that attend these conferences. bilingually sensitive. My cell phone number is 918-851-0102. That is not actually bilingual. That’s just saying one for a one. It’s not the same thing. I think you’re attacking me. Now let’s talk about this. Now what kind of stuff will you learn at the Thrive Time Show workshop? So Aaron, you’ve been to many of these over the past seven, eight years. So let’s talk about it.
I’ll tee up the thing and then you tell me what you’re going to learn here, okay? Okay. You’re going to learn marketing, marketing and branding. What are we going to learn about marketing and branding? Oh yeah, we’re going to dive into, you know, so many people say, oh, you know, I’ve got to get my brand known out there, like the Trump brand. You want to get that brand out there.
It’s like, how do I actually make people know what my business is and make it a household name? You’re going to learn some intricacies of how you can do that. You’re going to learn sales. So many people struggle to sell something. This just in, your business will go to hell if you can’t sell.
So we’re going to teach you sales. We’re going to teach you search engine optimization, how to come up top in the search engine results. We’re going to teach you how to manage people. Aaron, you have managed, no exaggeration, hundreds of people throughout your career
and thousands of contractors. And most people struggle with managing people. Why does everybody have to learn how to manage people? Well, because first of all, people are, you either have great people or you have people who suck. And so it could be a challenge.
You know, learning how to work with a large group of people and get everybody pulling in the same direction can be a challenge. But if you have the right systems, you have the right processes, and you’re really good at selecting great ones, and we have a process we teach about how to find great people. When you start with the people who have a great attitude, they’re teachable, they’re driven, all of those things,
then you can get those people all pulling in the same direction. So we’re going to teach you branding, marketing, sales, search engine optimization. We’re going to teach you accounting. We’re going to teach you personal finance,
how to manage your finance. We’re going to teach you time management. How do you manage your time? How do you get more done during a typical day? How do you build an organization if you’re not organized? How do you do organization?
How do you build an org chart? Everything that you need to know to start and grow a business will be taught during this two-day interactive business workshop. Now let me tell you how the format is set up here. Again, folks, this is a two-day interactive 15… Think about this, folks.
It’s two days. Each day it starts at 7 a.m. and it goes until 5 PM. So from 7 AM to 5 PM, two days, a two day interactive workshop. The way we do it is we do a 30 minute teaching session and then we break for 15 minutes for a question and answer session.
So Aaron, what kind of great stuff happens during that 15 minute question and answer session after every teaching session? I actually think it’s the best part about the workshops because here’s what happens. I’ve been to lots of these things over the years.
I’ve paid many thousands of dollars to go to them and you go in there and they talk in vague generalities and they’re constantly up selling you for something trying to get you to buy this thing or that thing or this program or this membership and you don’t you leave not getting your very specific questions answered about your business or your employees or what you’re doing on your marketing and what’s awesome about this is we
literally answer every single question that any person asks and it’s very specific to what your business is. And what we do is we allow you as the attendee to write your questions on the whiteboard. And then we literally, as you mentioned, we answer every single question on the whiteboard. And then we take a 15-minute break to stretch and to make it entertaining when you’re stretching. And this is a true story. When you get up and stretch, you’ll be
greeted by mariachis. There’s gonna probably be alpaca here, llamas, helicopter rides, a coffee bar, a snow cone. You had a crocodile one time. That was pretty interesting. I should write that down. Sorry for that one guy. We lost him.
The crocodile, we duct taped its face. We duct taped it. It was a baby crocodile. We duct taped. Yeah, duct taped around the mouth so it didn’t bite anybody. But it was really cool to have that thing around.
I should do that. I should. We have a small petting zoo that will be assembled. It’s going to be great. And then you’re in the company of hundreds of entrepreneurs. So there’s not a lot of people in America today.
In fact, there’s less than 10 million people today, according to U.S. Debt Clock, that identify as being self-employed. So if you have a country with 350 million people, that means you have less than 3% of our population that’s even self-employed. So you only have three out of every hundred people in America that are self-employed to begin with, and when Inc. Magazine reports that 96% of
businesses fail by default, by default you have a one out of a thousand chance of succeeding in the game of business. But yet the average client that you and I work with, we can typically double this. No hyperbole, no exaggeration. I have thousands of testimonials to back this up. We have thousands of testimonials to back it up. But when you work with a home builder, when I work with a business owner,
we can typically double the size of the company within 24 months. Yeah. Double, and you say double? Yeah, there’s businesses that we have tripled, there’s businesses we’ve grown 8X,
there’s so many examples, you can see it thrivetimeshow.com. But again, this is the most interactive, best business workshop on the planet. This is objectively the highest rated and most reviewed business workshop on the planet.
And then you add to that Robert Kiyosaki, the bestselling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad. You add to that Eric Trump, the man that runs the Trump Organization. You add to that Sean Baker. Now you might say, McClay, is there more? I need more. Well, OK, Tom Wheelwright is the wealth strategist for Robert Kiyosaki.
So people say, Robert Kiyosaki, who’s his financial wealth advisor? Who’s the guy who manages? Who’s his wealth strategist? His wealth strategist, Tom Wheelwright, will be here. And you say, Clay, I still, I’m not
going to get a ticket unless you give me more. OK, fine. We’re going to serve you the same meal both days. True story. We cater in the food. And because I keep it simple, I literally
bring him the same food both days for lunch. It’s Ted Esconzito’s, an incredible Mexican restaurant. That’s going to happen. And Jill Donovan, our good friend, who is the founder of Rustic Cuff. She started that company in her home, and now she sells millions of dollars of apparel and products. That’s rusticcuff.com. And someone says, I want more. This is not enough. Give me more.
OK. I’m not going to mention their names right now, because I’m working on it behind the scenes here. But we’ve got one guy who’s given me a verbal to be here. And this is a guy who’s one of the wealthiest people in Oklahoma. And nobody really knows who he is, because he’s built systems that are very utilitarian,
that offer a lot of value. He’s made a lot of money in the, what’s the, it’s where you rent, it’s short term, it’s where you’re renting storage spaces. He’s a storage space guy. He owns the, what do you call that?
The rental, the storage space? Storage units! This guy owns storage units, he owns railroad cars, he owns a lot of assets that make money on a daily basis, but they’re not like customer facing. Most people don’t know who owns the mini storage facility, or most people don’t know who owns the warehouse that’s passively making money.
Most people don’t know who owns the railroad cars, but this guy, he’s giving me a verbal that he will be here, and we just continue to add more and more success stories. So if you’re out there today and you want to change your life, you want to give yourself an incredible gift, you want a life-changing experience, you want to learn how to start and grow a company, go to Thrivetimeshow.com. Go there right now.
Thrivetimeshow.com. Request a ticket for the two-day interactive event. Again, the day here is March 6th and 7th. March 6th and 7th. We just got confirmation. Robert Kiyosaki, best-selling author, rich dad, poor dad, he’ll be here.
Eric Trump, the man who leads the Trump Organization. It’s going to be a blasty blast. There’s no upsells. Aaron, I could not be more excited about this event. I think it is incredible, and there’s somebody out there right now, you’re watching, and you’re like, but I already signed up for this incredible other program called Smoke Your Way to Thin. I think that’s going to change your life? I promise you this will be ten times better than meth.
It’s like I picked the wrong week to quit smoking. Don’t do the smoke your way to thin conference. That is, I’ve tried it, don’t do it. Chain smoking is not a viable, I mean it is life changing. It is life changing. If you become a chain smoker, it is life changing.
It’s not the best weight loss program though. Right, not really. If you’re looking to have life changing results in a way that won’t cause you to have a stoma. Get your tickets at Thrivetimeshow.com. Again that’s Aaron Antis, I’m Clay Clark, reminding you and inviting you to come out to the two-day interactive Thrivetimeshow workshop right here in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
I promise you it will be a life-changing experience. We can’t wait to see you right here in Tulsa, Oklahoma.