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A quick story about a young Coach Meyer. He would drive seven hours to hear Tom Osborne speak for about 15 minutes and then drive all the way back through the night and be ready for the next day of practice. But that was his hunger and that was the that was the such a part of the culture that we had was a hunger for improvement, to be better, to find the next steps, no matter what it took. Some shows don’t need a celebrity narrator to introduce the show.
But this show does. In a world filled with endless opportunities, why would two men who have built 13 multi-million dollar businesses altruistically invest five hours per day to teach you the best practice business systems and moves that you can use? Because they believe in you, and they have a lot of time
on their hands. They started from the bottom, now they’re here. It’s the Thrive Time Show starring the former U.S. Small Business Administration’s Entrepreneur of the Year, Clay Clark, and the entrepreneur trapped inside an optometrist’s body, Dr. Robert Zunder. Two men, eight kids, co-created by two different women.
13 multi-million dollar businesses. ♪ We started from the bottom, now we’re here ♪ ♪ We started from the bottom, I’m gonna show you how to get here ♪ ♪ Started from the bottom, now we’re here We started from the bottom, here we go! We started from the bottom, now we here. We started from the bottom and we’ll show you how to get here.
Started from the bottom, now we here. We started from the bottom now we’re here. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom, and we’ll show you how to get here. Started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. All right, Jason, on today’s show,
we’re going to cover a lot of ground. We’ve got a little bit of overhead music ahead today because we are recording from the office as opposed to the man cave studios right now. So we’re going to talk about how to build systemic sales super success. We’re going to cover the 10 steps to building the sales machine. Only 10?
The 10 steps we’re going to cover today, only 10 today, and here’s a little sneak peek about what we’re going to cover. We’re going to cover how to get your team to follow the script. Oh, sweet. Why it’s important to use proper tone, pauses, and voice inflection. Three, bring the energy to every call.
You’ve got to bring the energy to every call. You can bring the energy. Step four, we’re going to talk about educating the team on learning the product. Oh, got another product. Step five. We’re going to talk about role-playing until your head explodes. Love, love a good role play. We’re going to talk about six.
Uh, you got to have coachable people because everyone thinks they got it until they tell you they don’t got it, but they ain’t got it. Right. Now step seven we’re going to talk about following up until your head explodes. Step eight we’re going to talk about creating a culture of immediate feedback. Step nine we’re going to talk about checking your bias at the door. And step ten we’re going to talk about holding people accountable.
All while referencing Tupac, Milli, yes, Millie Vanilli. We sure did and One more one more rap artist who else do we reference? Oh, man a bone thugs-in-harmony Yeah, first of the bone thugs-in-harmony. We got Tupac. We’ve got Vanilla vanilla and the ten steps to building this sales machine. Jason, I’m excited. Oh, me too. It’s a powerful episode. Shut up.
Shut up! You’re getting ready to slow! Some shows don’t need a celebrity narrator to introduce the show, but this show does. Two men, eight kids, co-created by two different women. Thirteen multi-million dollar businesses. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Thriving Timeshow.
Now, three, two, one, here we go! We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom and we’ll show you how to get here. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. Yes, yes, yes, and yes! Thrive Nation on today’s show, it is a very special occasion. That is because Jason Beasley is rocking an SM58 handheld microphone.
Can you explain to the Thrive Nation what this microphone looks like? It’s like your standard comedian microphone. It’s like what they walk around and fiddle with. And it’s an omnidirectional mic, which means you’re going to be getting data points, getting audio coming in from a variety of sources. You might hear the background music on today’s show, but that’s fine.
So here we go. So we’re talking today about how to build systematic sales super success. 10 steps to building the machine. Now, Jason, I have a thought for you. A deep thought for you. I’m ready. If you knew that you were listening to a show
that could dramatically increase your sales, would you take notes? 100%. And I’ve discovered that the note-takers are the game-changers. The people that attend our workshop and take notes,
those are the ones who make it the money. So we’re gonna go through 10 steps that you need to take to have ultimate sales success. It works. And we’re gonna get through all 10 of these in 36 minutes. And if you knew that in 36 minutes,
you could have the keys to the sales super universe, would you take notes for 36 minutes? Absolutely. Okay, so here we go. Step number one, how do you get your people to follow the script? How do you, Jason, you work with a lot of clients.
How difficult is it for people to follow a script? More so than I originally thought. Why? Well, having been an ex-employee or former employee, I guess I should say, of the Elephant in the Room call center, that was the first call center job that I had that had a script. So I thought it was weird, but then I realized the more I used it, the better I did.
And so a lot of people, it’s not like, what’s the excuse I always get? It’s not what my industry does, or we do it differently in my industry. Okay. So this is what we’re going to do. Step number one, we want to write a script that works. And the owner should actually test the script on himself or herself.
Why would you want to test the script on yourself before you have your other team members do it? Well, because they’re going to follow it blindly. They’re going to say, okay, I’m going to read what you gave me. And if we have, I mean, you and I, we did it for about 45 minutes for a client one Saturday morning just reading over and over and we found errors and ways to modify it during that time. So step one, you write the script and you test it on yourself. Now
step two, you want to install clarityvoice.com if possible. Now I know some organizations you can’t install call recording because your organization doesn’t let you do it. But you want to install clarityvoice.com. Jason, why would you want to install call recording? For quality assurance. You also want to make sure that people are actually following the script, sticking to it. Okay, so you want to have the cameras installed as well via Nest.com. Why would you want to install Nest.com cameras? Why do you think
Walmart has cameras in the self-checkout line? Why does Target have cameras? Why does QuickTrip have cameras? Why does the airportcom cameras? Why do you think Walmart has cameras in the self-checkout line? Why does Target have cameras? Why does Quick Trip have cameras? Why does the airport have cameras? Why do you want to install video cameras? Video cameras are again another point of accountability. You can make sure that it’s not he said, she said. It’s like, okay, at 255 on this call, you said this. No, I didn’t. Okay. We have the audio and we have the video showing your butt plant in that seat saying that thing.
So step one, we, we, we get, we write a script that works. We tested on ourselves. Step two, we install clarity, voice.com for quality assurance. That, that records the phone calls. Step three, we installed nest cameras so you can see what’s going on video wise. Then step 4, we schedule a weekly sales training. Why does it have to be a standing meeting? It’s the same thing every week.
Why do you have to schedule a weekly sales meeting? Well, if you don’t do it every week, people start to drift. You talk about the same thing because that thing works and so if something works you do it over and over again. Okay and then why do we have to schedule a morning huddle every single morning for the rest of our lives a morning huddle to go over the number of leads that came in and how many closed? Why do we have
to do that every single morning? Let’s make sure if anybody has any questions you address them before the end of or before the beginning of the day. That way you can hit it hard on everything else that’s about to come your way. I have a question for you. Yeah. Are you thinking about building a house?
Are you going to buy an existing house eventually? What’s your plan? I think building is cool. I would like to just buy one to start. You don’t want to build one? You don’t want to go to some place like Shaw where you can build it, kind of customize it, or you want to buy one that’s already there? When I’ve hit my financial goals, I want to build it. And then also once I can a lot more
of that time, because it’s a lengthy process. It’s like what, months yeah a lot of it for you but I know that my wife and myself want to be very involved with it so it being able to hit the meetings and everything I’m not there yet as a grown-up but the end goal is by the time I have a second house it’s going to be one that we built or somebody built what happens though what happens would you have would you have a lack of confidence in a sales person that a… Let’s say you were talking to a sales person for a home builder.
And you found out they didn’t use blueprints when building houses and they just kind of winged it. Would you lose confidence in that person? At first I’d be like, wow, that’s impressive. And then immediately I would think, oh no. So why do they use blueprints to build buildings? Because it’s the structural foundation.
Somebody has taken the time to do the math and the measurements to make sure not only does this look good, but this is safe and it works. Why does the Thrive Time Show guest Wolfgang Puck insists on using recipes at his restaurants. Well, because if you go in and I’ve tried blind cooking before and it’s a mess. So what happens if you don’t use a recipe? If you don’t use a recipe, your flavors are off, your cooking temperatures are off, you
could end up serving somebody raw meat which could make them sick. What if you don’t use a blueprint to build an airplane or a building or a house? All of those things are coming apart. So when you have a sales system, don’t you want to also follow a blueprint? You got to follow a system. True.
I just want to wing it. Why would you wing it in sales and not wing it in building a house? It’s easier for most people in sales. They just think, oh, you know, this one was different. The next one’s going to be better. So page 143 of the boom book, I’ll have you type out the specific things we have to have
in place. Okay. We have to have an inbound script and an outbound script, pre-written sales emails, pre-written sales texts, create a sales one sheet. We’ll type all this on the show notes, create a pre-written sales one sheet, we’ll type all this on the show notes. Create a pre written sales presentation book.
Create a pre written sales presentation script. Create sales FAQ sheet related to the questions asked by your ideal and likely buyers. Create a sales manual. Print, review and post the deal will method at every station. Create a documented sales workflow using a whiteboard. And we create a lead tracker
spreadsheet from page 143 of the boom book available for all of our listeners to download for free. They can download the ebook of the boom book by going to thrive timeshow.com. They click on the podcasts button and there they can download the boom book for free and they get page 143. Here it is and we’re going to type it on the show notes too. Now what if you skip one of these things? What if you have all this right but you don’t have pre-written sales scripts? Or you
have all this right but you don’t have a daily huddle? Or you have all this right but you don’t have a daily huddle or you have all this right but you don’t install video cameras to see what people are doing. What happens? It’s like going back to the whole cake metaphor. You could have the most amazing recipe from Wolfgang Puck but if you mess up and skip the eggs, you don’t have a cake. All right. So step number two, step number two of building the ultimate sales machine, how to build systemic sales super success. Step two, you got to use the proper tone, pauses, and voice inflection.
Now the question I would have for you is how in the crap are you going to know if you’re using the proper tone, pauses, or voice inflection if you can’t hear yourself? When you go to Juilliard, the dance school, the famous dance school, Juilliard, why do they make you dance in front of mirrors, Jason? So you can make sure that you are hitting your form properly. Oh my gosh, why does Bill Belichick, Billy B, the coach of the New England Patriots,
why does he watch game film? To know if he had any holes in his defense or if anybody wasn’t quite measuring up to the plays at hand. Why does he have his players watch the game film while he’s watching the game film? So he can critique them and they can be critiqued while watching him critique them. Why doesn’t he have them watch the film on their own and then he watches the film on
his own? Why do they have to watch it together? Oh, because they’re not going to do it. It’s also a way to your own calls. Yeah, you know fun fact, Tupac went to Juilliard. Tupac? Really?
Yeah, he was a dancer before he was a rapper. You know what I wanna do? I wanna do a Tupac right now acapella. Can we do a Tupac acapella? Can we do that? A Tupac acapella. Can we do that? A Tupac-a-pella? A Tupac-a-pella, nice. Let’s do Changes by, let’s see if we have Thug Mansion. Let’s see if we can find a Thug Mansion Tupac and this will be the acapella. So let’s cue it up here. Let me cue it up here. Let me get it. Thug spend my quiet nights time to unwind so much pressure in this life of mine i cried times i once contemplated suicide and would have tried but when i okay he’s doing this method called
voice layering or voice doubling so he’s saying the same thing twice so listen to it i once contemplated suicide and would have tried but when i held that now all i could see was my mama’s eyes he said all i can see is my mama’s eyes, but again he doubled the, he doubled, he said the same thing twice. I played it suicide and would’ve tried, but when I held that now all I could see was my mama’s eyes.
That’s your play. So what you do is you gotta double it though, right? That’s how you double it. Alright Jason, on today’s show we we’re going to cover a lot of ground. We’ve got a little bit of overhead music ahead today because we are recording from the office as opposed to the man cave studios right now.
So we’re going to talk about how to build systemic sales super success. We’re going to cover the 10 steps to building the sales machine. Only 10? The 10 steps we’re going to cover today, only 10 today. And here’s a little sneak peek about what we’re going to cover. We’re going to cover how to get your team to follow the script.
Oh, sweet. Why it’s important to use proper tone, pauses in voice inflection. Three, bring the energy to every call. You can bring the energy, woo, to every call. You gotta bring the energy. Step four, we’re gonna talk about educating the team on learning the product.
Oh, gotta know the product. Step five, we’re gonna talk about role-playing until your head explodes. Love, love a good role-play. We’re gonna talk about six, you gotta have coachable people
because everyone thinks they got it until they tell you they don’t got it, but they ain’t got it right now step seven We’re gonna talk about following up until your head explodes step eight. We’re gonna talk about creating a culture of immediate feedback Step nine we’re gonna talk about checking your bias at the door and step ten. We’re gonna talk about holding people accountable Oh, yeah all while referencing Tupac. Oh yes. Milli Vanilli. We sure did. And one more rap artist. Who else did we reference? Oh man. Bone Thugs-N-Harmony. First of the
month. Bone Thugs-N-Harmony. We got Tupac. We’ve got Milli Vanilli. And the 10 steps to building this sales machine. Jason, I’m excited. Oh, me too. It’s a powerful episode. Shunda. Shunda!
You get ready to slow! Some shows don’t need a celebrity narrator to introduce the show. But this show does. Two men. Eight kids. Co-created by two different women. Thirteen multi-million dollar businesses. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Thriving Timeshow. Now 3, 2, 1, here we go! We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom and we’ll show you how to get here.
Started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. Yes, yes, yes, and yes! Thrive Nation on today’s show, it is a very special occasion. That’s because Jason Beasley is rocking an SM58 handheld microphone. Can you explain to the Thrive Nation what this microphone
looks like? It’s like your standard like stand-up comedian microphone. It’s like what they walk around and just like fiddle with. Oh and it’s an omnidirectional mic which means you’re going to be getting data points, you’re getting audio coming in from a variety of sources. You might hear the background music on today’s show But that’s fine. So here we go. So we’re talking today about how to build Systematic systematic sales super success ten steps to building the machine now Jason I have a thought for
you. Deep thought for you. I’m ready. If you knew that you were listening to a show that could dramatically increase your sales, would you take notes? 100% and I’ve discovered that the note takers are the game changers. The people that attend our workshop and take notes. Those are the ones who make the money. So we’re going to go through 10 steps that you need to take to have ultimate sales success.
It works. And we’re going to get through all 10 of these in 36 minutes. And if you knew that in 36 minutes you could have the keys to the sales super universe, would you take notes for 36 minutes? Absolutely. Okay, so here we go. Step number one, how do you get your people to follow the script?
How do you, Jason, you work with a lot of clients. How difficult is it for people to follow a script? More so than I originally thought. Why? Well, having been an ex-employee or former employee I guess I should say of the Elephant in the Room call center, that was the first call center job that I had that had a script.
So I thought it was weird, but then I realized the more I used it, the better I did. And so a lot of people, it’s not like, what’s the excuse I always get? It’s not what my industry does, or we do it differently in my industry. Okay. So this is what we’re going to do. Step number one, we want to write a script that works.
And the owner should actually test the script on himself or herself. Why would you want to test the script on yourself before you have your other team, your other team members do it? Well, cause they’re going to follow it blindly. They’re going to say, okay, I’m going to read what you gave me. And if we have, I mean you and I, we did it for about 45 minutes for a client one Saturday
morning just reading over and over and we found errors and ways to modify it during that time. So step one, you write the script and you test it on yourself. Now step two, you want to install clarity voice.com if possible. Now I know some organizations you can’t install call recording because your organization doesn’t let you do it. But you want to install clarityarityVoice.com. Jason, why would
you want to install call recording? For quality assurance. You also want to make sure that people are actually following the script, sticking to it. Okay, so you want to have the cameras installed as well via Nest.com. Why would you want to install Nest.com cameras? Why do you think Walmart has cameras in the self-checkout line? Why does Target have cameras?
Why does Quick Trip have cameras? Why does the airport have cameras? Why do you want to install video cameras? Video cameras are, again, another point of accountability. You can make sure that it’s not he said, she said. It’s like, okay, at 2.55 on this call, you said this.
No, I didn’t. Okay, we have the audio and we have the video showing your butt planted in that seat saying that thing. So step one, we get, we write a script that works. We tested on ourselves. Step two, we install clarityvoice.com for quality assurance.
That records the phone calls. Step three, we install Nest cameras so you can see what’s going on video wise, okay? Then step four, we schedule a weekly sales training. Why does it have to be a standing meeting? It’s the same thing every week.
Why do you have to schedule a weekly sales meeting? Well, if you don’t do it every week, people start to drift. And you talk about the same thing because that thing works. And so if something works, you do it over and over again. Okay. And then why do we have to schedule a morning huddle?
Every single morning for the rest of our lives, a morning huddle to go over the number of leads that came in and how many closed. Why do we have to do that every single morning? Let’s make sure if anybody has any questions you address them before the end of or before the beginning of the day. That way you can hit it hard on everything else that’s about to come your way. I have a question for you.
Yeah. Are you thinking about building a house or are you going to buy an existing house eventually? What’s your plan? I think building is cool. I would like to just buy one to start. You don’t want to build one? You don’t want to like go to some place like Shaw where you can build it, kind of customize it, or you want to buy one that’s already there? When I’ve hit my financial goals, I want to build it. And then also once I have,
once I can a lot more of that time, because it’s a lengthy process, it’s like what, eight months? Yeah. because it’s a lengthy process. It’s like what, eight months? They do a lot of it for you, but I know that my wife and myself want to be very involved with it. So it being able to hit the meetings and everything. I’m not there yet as a grownup, but the end goal is by the time I have a second house, it’s going to be one that we built or somebody built. What happens though? What happens? Would you have a lack of confidence in a sales person?
Let’s say you were talking to a sales person for a home builder. And you found out they didn’t use blueprints when building houses and they just kind of winged it. Would you lose confidence in that person? At first I’d be like, wow that’s impressive. And then immediately I would think, oh no. So why do they use blueprints to build buildings?
Because it’s the structural foundation. Somebody has taken the time to do the math and the measurements to make sure not only does this look good, but this is safe and it works. Why does the Thrivetime Show guest Wolfgang Puck insist on using recipes at his restaurants? Well, because if you go in and I’ve tried blind cooking before and it’s a mess. So what happens if you don’t use a recipe?
If you don’t use a recipe, your flavors are off, your cooking temperatures are off, you could end up serving somebody raw meat which could make them sick. What if you don’t use a blueprint to build an airplane or a building or a house? All those things are coming apart. So when you have a sales system, don’t you want to also follow a blueprint? You got to follow a system. True. I just want to wing it. Why would you wing it in sales and not wing it on building a house? It’s easier for most people in sales and they just think, oh, you know, this one was different.
The next one’s going to be better. So page 143 of the boom book, I’ll have you type out the specific things we have to have in place. Okay. We have to have an inbound script and an outbound script, pre-written sales emails, pre-written sales texts, create a sales one sheet. We’ll type all this on the show notes.
Create a pre-written sales presentation book. Create a pre-written sales presentation script. Create a sales FAQ sheet related to the questions asked by your ideal and likely buyers. Create a sales manual. Print, review, and post the deal will method at every
station. Create a documented sales workflow using a whiteboard. And we create a lead tracker spreadsheet from page 143 of the BoomBook available for all of our listeners to download for free. They can download the e-book of the BoomBook by going to thrivetimeshow.com. They click on the podcasts button and there they can download the to download for free. They can download the e-book of the Boom Book by going to thrivetimeshow.com. They click on the podcasts button and there they can download the Boom Book for free
and they get page 143. Here it is. And we’re gonna type it on the show notes too. Now, what if you skip one of these things? What if you have all this right, but you don’t have a daily huddle, or you have all this right but you don’t install video cameras to see what people are doing.
What happens? It’s like going back to the whole cake metaphor. You could have the most amazing recipe from Wolfgang Puck, but if you mess up and skip the eggs, you don’t have a cake. All right. So step number two, step number two of building the ultimate sales machine, how to build systemic
sales super success. Step two, you got to use the proper tone, pauses, and voice inflection. Now the question I would have for you is how in the crap are you going to know if you’re using the proper tone, pauses, or voice inflection if you can’t hear yourself? When you go to Juilliard, the dance school, the famous dance school, Juilliard, why do
they make you dance in front of mirrors, Jason? So you can make sure that you are hitting your form properly. Oh my gosh, why does Bill Belichick, Billy B, the coach of the New England Patriots, why does he watch game film? To know if he had any holes in his defense or if anybody wasn’t quite measuring up to
the plays at hand. Why does he have his players watch the game film while he’s watching the game film? So he can critique them and they can be critiqued while watching him critique them. Why doesn’t he have them watch the film on their own and then he watch the film on his own? Why do they have to watch it together? Oh, because they’re not going to do it. It’s also a way to hold them accountable. So you got to use the proper tone pauses and voice inflection, but you’re not going to do that unless you listen to your own calls. Yeah. You know, fun fact,
Tupac went to Juilliard. Tupac? Really? Yeah. He was a dancer before he was a rapper. You know what I want to do? I want to do a Tupac right now acapella. Can we do a Tupac acapella? Can we do that? A Tupac-a-pella? A Tupac-a-pella, nice. Let’s do changes by… Let’s see if we can find a Thug Mansion Tupac, and this will be the acapella. So let’s cue it up here. Let me cue it up here. That Thug Mansion. Here we go. Come on, Tupac, get into it. A place to spend my quiet nights, time to unwind. So much pressure in this life of mine.
I cried times I once contemplated suicide and would’ve tried but when I… Okay, he’s doing this method called voice layering or voice doubling. So he’s saying the same thing twice. So listen to it. I once contemplated suicide and would’ve tried but when I held that knife, all I could see was my mama’s eyes, but again he doubled, he said the same thing
twice. So what you do is you gotta double it though, right? That’s how you double it, and then that’s what creates that sound that you hear. This is my struggle, they only see the trouble, not knowing it’s hard to carry on when no one loves you. But I guarantee you he has reference monitors so he can hear himself while he’s recording
the words. Why would you want to hear yourself while you’re recording? So if you’re trying to do doubling you can make sure the effect works but also if you are singing or even rapping, you know what people always say, you know rapping doesn’t have any you know chromatic value but there’s pace, there’s tone, there’s attack, there’s staccato and so if you’re listening you can see if you’re
you know matching up to the beat if your intensity is where it needs to be. Let’s do another one. Let’s do Michael Jackson acapella. Here we go. This is acapella here. Here we go. You can hear the headphones. That’s what he hears in his headphones. She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene. I said, don’t mind, but what do you mean I am the one? Who would dance on the floor in the round? She said, I am the one who would dance.
But I guarantee you he could hear himself. So therefore, he could improve, right? But you can’t improve if you don’t know what’s going on. You measure what you treasure. You’ve got to look at your own presentation, listen to your calls and get feedback. It has to be a high feedback culture.
So step two, you’ve got to schedule. We talked about in that sales meeting, you’ve got to cover, like we talked about, you’ve got to in that sales meeting cover tone, pauses, and voice inflection. People hate cold callers, by the way. So if you sound like a cold caller, you’re going to be treated poorly, like a roach. But if you sound like a human who’s not cold calling, you won’t be treated poorly.
You’ve got to listen to your calls. Step three to build the ultimate sales machine here, how to build the systemic sales super success. Have energy in your conversations and don’t just focus on getting done with the call. Jason, why do we have to sound like we have energy on every single call? And don’t just focusing on getting done with the call. Jason, why do we have to sound like we have energy on every single call? You by the way, you have to train your people every
day with the huddle. Yep. Every day with a huddle, pull up a call, listen to it every day with a huddle, pull up the call listen to every day, every day, and then have a weekly sales meeting. But every day have a 15 to 30 minute huddle. And Jason, why do you have to have energy in the conversation and not just focus on getting to the end of the script? I can answer that question with an example.
So I won’t say the name of the company, but the company I used to work for when I was in customer service, everybody’s main focus was to end that freaking call as fast as possible, even though our job is to help people. So you get on the phone and everybody says the same thing. Thank you for calling such and such. What is your problem? How can I help? Nothing sounds more insincere than that. People feel marginalized. They’re angry at you. So if you want to have ultimate sales success, and I know you do, you’ve got to get the team
to follow the script. We’ve got to use proper tone and voice inflection. But third, we’ve got to have energy in the conversations and not just focus on getting to the end of the script. Right. The difference though was when I first started working for you guys, it says at the beginning
of the script, you have to read the script through every call and you have to be talking with a smile. And I thought, well that’s weird. And then I realized when I did that, it immediately made me more energetic. So then the call went from, thank you for calling Elephant in the Room to, thank you for calling Elephant in the Room.
This is Jason. How can I help you? There it is. And you did a great job over there, which is why you got promoted. Now, if you’re listening to this right now and you’re saying, I don’t like sales calls. Well, I got two ways for you to get out of that job. One, get promoted. Two, get fired. You can choose either way, get promoted or get fired. So I would recommend that if you’re listening to this, you’d want to implement the systems
that you’re learning here. Now, step number four, you want to make sure that you know what the crap you’re selling. Step four, you have to know about the products. You have to educate yourself. You have to know about the products. You have to educate yourself. You have to know about the products and services that you offer. So Jason, Elephant in the Room, tell the listeners out there,
what are the things that we offer at Elephant in the Room for the people who come into the Elephant in the Room men’s grooming lounge? Well, for your first time in, you get a beverage, a consultation, a tailored haircut, a shampoo and condition, both the scalp massage, face moisturizer, a face massage, as well as a style. You also get two free add-ons. So you know this stuff? I do. You know this? How do you know this? I trained every single Friday, every single Monday. Now, okay, now what you want to do is you
as the owner have to educate your team because you know what the team’s not going to do, Jason, when you give them homework? What are they not going to do? Homework. I was a bad student, I know. But I mean, is this not true?
Oh, absolutely. Okay, so as an owner, you have to accept right now, your people are not going to take the homework home. And if you are an employee, you would want to take it home so you get good at your job. But I’m just telling you if you’re an owner, you have to understand that people are not going to take homework home. And why Jason? They don’t want to do it. They don’t see the value in taking work home with them. They just want to do the work when they’re there. Right. So you have to
schedule time in the work day for the team to role play like a and if you played basketball you’d practice shooting free throws over and over and over till you can’t miss. If you were a piano player you would practice the scales over and over until you can’t miss. If you were a piano player, you would practice the scales over and over until you can’t get it wrong. And only a skilled piano player who wants to be a professional would actually practice at home.
True. But as a teacher in music lessons, isn’t the only time that the student practices is during that lesson? Oh yeah. Oh yeah?
And only like the next level people practice at home. You can preach about it to your head explodes, but most people won’t do it. So you as the owner of the business have to schedule time during the workday to teach these people about the product. Right. And you pop quiz them over the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over until they can’t get it what? Wrong.
Oh, you practice until you can’t get it wrong? Correct. But I just wanted to practice until I get it right. I just wanted to practice until I do it right that one time. Talk to me about an elephant in the room managing those stores. Did you not have a daily huddle every day?
I had a daily 10 to 15 minute huddle every day. And what did you cover in that meeting every day? Was it something new every day? Nope. Phones in the back. Keep your phones out. Here are the stats. No smartphones in the store. No smartphones.
Here’s the item of the month. We want to make sure our membership sales are here. Wake up, wake up, wake up. It’s the item of the month. Wake up, wake up. on that. Really? Oh yeah. Let me do, let me do, you heard that song first of the month? Yeah, Bone Thugs. You like that song? Oh yeah. I didn’t realize what yesterday was. I told
you I had a really interesting afternoon. I went to a quick trip and I went to Target. I thought, why are these lines so long? I was talking to my mom on the way home. She was like, it’s the first Jason. Everybody’s buying everything. Oh government checks or something. Oh, yeah. Oh, I didn’t know that I Did not know First of the month it’s the first time I’m just telling you if you’re out there today and you’re training your team You got to have every single day we go over.
What do we go over again in the elephant in the room with the huddles every day? With the huddles we go over our stats, so where our membership numbers are, where they need to be. Same thing with products. We make sure that everybody knows we’re asking every single customer for an objective review, try to get a video testimonial, ask them if they are subscribed to the podcast,
but we do our circle of service. We do the exact same things over and over and over. It’s the same conversation about 10onth. Get up, get up, get up, get up, get up, get up. We go over the same thing over and over. It’s like listening to the same song over and over and over. Get up, get up, get up, get up, get up, get up. Is it not? Oh yeah.
It’s maddening to people. They’re like, God! But I’m crazy and I’m that person if you get on my Spotify it has an on repeat playlist and it’s all the songs I’ve always listened to on repeat. People don’t want to hear this. People say I don’t want to do the same sales meeting every day. Then you don’t want to be successful. That’s how you get good. You know Tiger Woods doesn’t change his golf swing stance every day. He doesn’t change the motion every day. I mean, Steph Curry, the basketball player, doesn’t change the way he shoots a basketball every day.
Nope. But isn’t he bored? I’m sure he is, but he’s also successful because of everything that he does over and over. So, again, great people bore down, and unsuccessful people struggle with boredom.
So you’ve got to do do over and over and over now step five For building the ultimate sales system step five roleplay They had explodes Roleplay until your head explodes Jason, please explain why we roleplay and what how roleplay can help you Well it as a personal example helped me tremendously because I thought that I was
God’s gift to membership selling. Then I actually started tracking my numbers and I thought, oh, I’m not as good as I thought. How can I get better? And every Friday when we break up, stylists go do their training, managers go do ours. We go through the sales process as if we were talking to a new customer every single Friday. And I believe, I remember there was one day
where you said, you know, you’re doing it over and over for an hour and then you can go. But typically it’s, you know, you do it three to five times. But the point is we do the same sales pitch over and over to see where’s the hole. It’s like watching the game footage like where’s the holes in my defense? Am I talking too fast? Am I not pointing out enough of the add-ons? What am I doing wrong? So it allowed me to grow because I was getting it’s like going to the gym. I was able to tear down that muscle and rebuild it stronger. Now Andrew Carnegie wants to chime in from page 146 from the boom book. We’ll
put this in the show notes, page 146. Andrew Carnegie, a guy who grew up poor who became the world’s wealthiest man says, people who are unable to motivate themselves must be content with what Jason? Mediocrity. People who are unable to motivate themselves must be content with mediocrity, no matter how impressive their other talents. So if you as the owner of the company cannot motivate yourself to do this over and over
and over, you can’t win. Now you can go to a Tony Robbins conference and they’ll take your money. You can take your whole team there and they’ll motivate. What’s the problem though about external motivation, Jason? What happens if you take your team to some motivational sales seminar? What happens after they get back, you know, two days, the first day they get back, they’re on fire. Day number two,
what happens? Well, it’s momentary. It’s like your New Year’s resolution. November, not November, what the crap. January 2nd, you’re in the gym, you’re throwing back weights, you’re on that elliptical, you’re kicking butt, and then by Thursday, you’re like, well, pizza doesn’t sound too bad, and sitting on the couch watching Netflix sounds really good. So it’s like you get that momentary burst of energy and overall just like excitement, and that first day you’re on fire, and then you don’t have Tony Robbins
there every single day giving you that same energy so it starts to just dwindle. Can we talk about sex for a second? Always. Okay here we go. I don’t think we should talk about this. Here’s a song. Salt-N-Pepa. People might f*** boy or turn the radio off. Oh yeah.
Let’s talk about sex. Let me explain to you why I’m talking about sex. The vast majority of men and women that I know who have gotten married, got married because they wanted to have sex or were having sex. Now let me tell you one of the things that you’re going to do less than anything in your life once you get married is have sex. Even if you’re like having sex on a day, and by the way, I do believe it’s your
daily duty to please the booty. But if it is your, it’s your daily duty to please the booty. But I’m saying even if you are fulfilling your God given marital duties, it’s your daily duty to please the booty. If it is your, if it is your daily, if you are checking it off your checklist and it is your daily duty to please the booty, if you are a home run hitter, if that’s what you’re doing, you’re
probably only doing that like once a day. So the rest of the day you’re what? You’re talking about life, you’re planning your bills, you’re paying your bills, you’re getting your job, you’re changing the oil, you’re, that wasn’t a sexual reference, you’re changing the oil, you’re taking your partner to the grocery store, you are planning the future for your kids, and you are saving for college, if you know what I mean.
And so you’re doing all these things, but the number one reason to get married should not be based upon sex. Because that’s going to be the thing that you’re doing the least amount of time when you’re married. So all these sales people, they get a job doing sales going, I want success! Woo! Because they’re motivated. Woo! They’re motivated. Woo! Woo! They’re motivated.
But the problem is, after you get done watching the Tony Robbins seminar or watching Rudy for the 47th time, you have to actually make sales calls. True. And so, you’ve got to coach your team on a daily basis, which takes us into move number six, step number six. Be coachable because you’re going gonna think your team has it.
You’re gonna think they got it. And they’re gonna tell you they got it, but they ain’t got it. They’re gonna go, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, I have it. Listen, we’ve had this meeting yesterday.
We’ve had it the day before. We’ve had it the day before. We’ve had it the week before. I get it. I understand. I don’t need to go over the fact that I can’t have my cell phone at work today.
I don’t need to be told to keep my smartphone in my car. And then what are they doing? You turn around, they’re on their phone. They’re like, oh, oh, oh oh I didn’t know oh I don’t need I mean it’s it’s every single day it’s like a military operation it’s like doing in the military in the military Jason every day they have this thing called PT mmm you heard about PT I believe is a physical training yeah this is what you
got here this is military this is PT at Fort Jackson. Maybe this guy’s a rapper. One, two, three, halt! Post and attention, move! That’s better! None of these people are doing PT when they get home. Nope. Why do people tend to get out of shape when they get out of the military?
Ooh, because they don’t have that daily PT. They don’t have, you know know Sergeant Gunny yelling at them Why do they what are those people who are former athletes get out of shape when they’re done playing ball? They don’t have somebody like Bella chick breathing down their neck So if you are the owner of the business you can’t let your team get out of shape in the areas of success You can’t let your team get bad at sales. You’ve got a every day lay down the hammer true every single day So step number six be coachable make sure your team get bad at sales. You’ve got to every day lay down the hammer. Every single day. So
step number six, be coachable. Make sure your team is coachable and coach. Management is mentorship. Management is mentorship. Make sure your team is coachable and then coach. Don’t just say, oh, they got it. Because they’re going to tell you they got it, but they ain’t got true. I’m just telling you, they’re gonna say you’re gonna start to think oh man, these guys have these guys are awesome. It’s going so well. We had a great, a great July. Great August great.
So in September, let’s stop coaching. We have a great January. February was good. so they got it. But they ain’t got it. And then it’s going to fall apart. So get that training in your mind. Find coachable people and then coach.
Step number seven. The fortune, my friends, is in the follow-up. The fortune, the money, the gold is in the follow-up. The fortune is in the follow-up, okay? The fortune is in the follow-up. You’ve gotta follow-up.
I could quote to you The Ultimate Sales Machine by Chet Holmes, great book. The Ultimate Sales Machine, red Machine by Chet Holmes, great book. The Ultimate Sales Machine Red Cover by Chet Holmes, great book. Soft Selling in a Hard World by Vass. We’ve actually interviewed Jerry Vass on the podcast. We can’t interview Chet Holmes because he’s no longer with us, but I tried.
You could quote any of the best books out there about sales. Og Mandino, the OG, Og Mandino, his books, the best salesman in the world. You could read all these books and at the end of the day, you’ve got to follow up. Forbes is showing the average person right now won’t answer their phone if they don’t know the number. Why?
I do the same thing. I don’t even think about it. Why? If it’s not my caller ID. I don’t want to waste my time if I don’t know who you are. Why?
Because I could be working on something else and I don’t want to get trapped in a got a minute or some sales pitch. You remember one of the best bands in the history of America? Probably the best R&B group duo of all time? Oh yeah, come on. Is this Milli Vanilli? Milli Vanilli, don’t forget my number.
Come on. Come on. Come on Thrive Nation. You know these guys are lip syncing, but we don’t care. Oh yeah. We don’t even know who’s saying this song.
Here we go. What’s crazy about this is they actually claim that they didn’t know that they were lip syncing. It’s like salespeople that think they’re awesome and then they hear their own calls and realize we’re not awesome. Right. Don’t be shy when you’re holding my hand.
Cause as time goes by you’ll… I gotta pull up the lyrics. Like we gotta get into this. This is… Again, one of my grandpa’s favorites of all time. Hey, you gotta go ahead and Google search.
Your grandpa loved Milly Vanilli? Yeah. How old’s your grandpa? You said how old was he? How old is he? No, he’s no longer with us. Oh, how old was he? I think when he passed he was late 60s. And he loved vanilla? Oh yeah.
It’s funny, he was just like, he was oil, oil industry, so he was like a rough and tumble guy, kind of like a Charles Bukowski. And I always say this and it freaks people out, slightly racist, he was my white grandfather. Oh, because your mother is white and your father is African American. And so her dad was a white guy? Yeah. And he was racist?
He was very, yeah. But he loved me and he loved Milli Vanilli. Okay, so let’s go ahead and play on this. Let’s hit play on this song. I want you to find the lyrics. I’m going play it but you need to find the lyrics because you got to go with me here. We’re going to crazy. We vaguely know the lyrics to this song or we
don’t know them at all but it’s like karaoke kind of a thing. All right so let’s go ahead and cue that up there. You got the lyrics there buddy? You pulling up there? You getting serious? Okay Okay, you got it. Here we go. Here we go. Remember, people, they don’t know your number, they’re not going to pick up. Right? Here we go. Don’t be shy when you’re holding my hand, cause this goes back. Understand it’s you. Oh wow.
Oh, it’s you. Baby in your eyes I can see you so clearly. Strong and you never go wrong. Oh. I’m gonna get to the chorus. Oh. Oh.
A line coming in anytime. Come on Jason, don’t leave me hanging here. Unbelievable. I’m going to live for the listeners here. Hi, hi. Hi. Hi. I’ve been searching. Oh, oh, we have beat beat. Oh yeah.
People are not going to call if they don’t know your number. True. Oh, love is stronger than thunder. That’s just it. Here we go. Whoa.
How strong is thunder? that’s just it. Here we go. Whoa! Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Now, how are people going to know the number if they don’t know who you are? They’re not, so you got to call often. Got to call often. And text. Call and text. That makes money. Jason, how is that a game changer for your clients when they start calling and texting every lead every time?
So many people are surprised by the double tap, as I like to refer to it, because everybody wants to call and they’ll call that one time and they’re like, yeah, I left a voicemail. But typically if somebody is not answering your call on the first time, they’re not listening to the voicemail either. I’ve been guilty of that, but no one listens to voicemail, right? People just go, Hey, I missed your call. Yeah, we’re all guilty. If no one listens to voicemail, come on. But the second you send a follow-up text, like, hey boss, just reaching out, I’m so
and so with such and such, here’s the offer, they’re like, oh, now I know who you are, I know why you’re calling, call me back, or I’ll call you back. You know, I’ve been reinventing voicemail recently. I’ve been sending voice memos that people do answer. I record those and I send it as a text attachment and people answer them. I’m reinventing voicemail right now. It’s a dirty move. Call text voice memo. I’ve been doing that a lot. It’s not scalable but it’s funny to
do. I’ll send people a recording of something ridiculous. But the point is, you’ve got to call, text, and email. I have found in my office with inbound leads, we have to call the average person north of 10 times before they answer the phone. Yeah. So step seven, follow up until your heads explode. Step number eight, we’re trying to make the ultimate great sales system. All right. Get ready for this. You got to be ready for immediate feedback. As the leader, provide immediate feedback.
Provide immediate feedback. And if you are the person being trained, ask for immediate feedback. Get the feedback right when it happens. Right when you get rejected, pull the call and find out what you can do better right then. Don’t wait for it to pass. Get it right then.
There’s a book called The One Minute Manager. Great book. We’ve interviewed the author of that book, The One Minute Manager. Gotta give people immediate feedback and if you’re a salesperson listening to this, you want to seek immediate feedback. Now step number nine, check your bias at the door. Check your bias
at the door. I see this all the time with cosmetic surgeons who hire people that don’t believe in cosmetic surgery. Well if a lady is calling to have a breast augmentation, the chances are she’s looking to have a what? A breast augmentation. And just because you don’t want to have one or you don’t believe in one doesn’t mean you should convince people not to buy.
No. Another example, I see people who sell mufflers. I’m involved in the automotive industry and in one of the businesses I’m involved in. We want to make sure that everybody has brakes that help them stop. And the salesperson who’s broke wants to try to convince the person not to change their brake pads.
Because they’re like, well, I tell you what, you know, you could probably run on those for another 500 miles or so. I’ll tell you what. Yeah, you know what they say, if the brakes don’t stop it, something will. Right, right. What I’m just saying is I see a lot of sales people who are broke and so they try to convince the customer to be broke.
I see a lot of people in the muffler industry trying to convince people to not buy a muffler because they don’t want a new muffler. I see a lot of furniture people convincing people they don’t need a nice mattress because they don’t want a nice mattress. I see people in the cosmetic surgery business trying to convince people not to have a cosmetic surgery because they don’t want one. So let’s go with insurance as an example. You want to have a bad day and not a bad life unless you’re
a jackass. You want to have a bad day and not a bad life unless you’re a jackass. So if you’re a business owner you want to have enough insurance so that you won’t have a bad life when something bad happens. But the sales rep might not believe in having insurance, so they try to convince the person to have as little insurance as possible. Just enough to stay legal. Jason, why do I want to have more than the minimum required amount of insurance?
More than the minimum? Well, because again, you want to make sure that your bases are covered no matter what. If you have the minimum amount it’s going to cover the minimum amount so you never know when it comes to that’s why insurance is really cool and a lot of people don’t get it is like yeah you pay for it now but like you said I love that quote you know have a bad day not a bad life. I just want to have enough insurance and I’ve had multiple I talked to an insurance guy actually this week who tried to sell me the freaking minimum amount of money. day not a bad life. Bad sales. You know when my house flooded? Remember when my house flooded? My house flooded here during the great rainstorms of 2019?
April, May? Did I cry about it? No. You were here the very next day and you’re like, well, all my stuff’s underwater. There it is. People are like, did your house flood?
What happened? Yeah, it flooded, but you know what? I have insurance so I can have a bad day that bad days when I buy the big policy. Yep. But not a bad life. Because when it flooded, I’m not crying about it. Yeah. Now let’s talk about the final aspect of this. This is step number 10 is holding people accountable. Holding people accountable. And I want you to
put the Steve Jobs quote here. But most people are not used to an environment where excellence is expected. Most people are not used to an environment where excellence is expected. Most people are not used to an environment where excellence is expected. So therefore, you have to be used, you have to get used to the fact that unless you want your success to be a fiction, you got to get used to daily friction. Okay?
Now unless you want your success to be fiction, you’ve got to get used to daily friction. You’ve got to hold people accountable. Turns out people don’t like accountability. They hate it. But we have a team up here that loves accountability because you know why? They want to get better.
But if you’re an owner out there and you’re trying to avoid that friction, your success will be a fiction. Now Jason, we like to end each and every show with a boom, but before we do that, I just want to encourage all the listeners, all of these show notes are available for you to download simply by finding this show on the Thrivetimeshow.com website. This show is called How to Build Systematic Sales Super Success, 10 Steps to Building
the Machine. Now if you go to Thrivetimeshow.com and you click on testimonials, you’re going to see companies like Shawhomes.com. That’s Shawhomes.com. They’ve been able to double their sales, double their sales over the past three years simply by implementing the systems.
But again, when we implemented the systems, there was a friction, therefore our success is not a fiction. When you go up there and you see Delrickt, clinical research, they have success, again go to thrivetimeshow.com and click on testimonials. There’s over a thousand video testimonials of people out there just like you. This is not a haiku or a metaphor or an allegory.
All of them have had success not because they avoided friction, but because they leaned into it. They implemented the systems. Anybody who was not willing to implement the system, they fire. You have to fire the people that are not willing to do what is required. So go to Thrivetimeshow.com, click on the testimonials, see great people like you who
are having massive success and quit trying to run your business by consensus, by democracy, by majority vote. Get out there and hold people accountable to the proven system. My name is Clay Clark and we’re going to end today’s show with a boom. Jason Beasley, are you prepared? Always.
Mr. Listener, are you prepared? Here we go. Three, two, one. Now Thrive Nation, one of our longtime clients is called shawhomes.com. Shawhomes.com. They’re one of the largest home builders now in America, but the largest in Oklahoma. And we’ve been able to work with them to double, double, doubles, double the size of their company
from approximately $40 million to $80 million in just under three years as a result of implementing the proven systems. And one of my frustrations as a business coach is when people reach out to you for help, they say, I’m on your website, I need help. Can you help me? And then what you do is you tell them what to do.
And even when you present them with the facts, they won’t do it because they don’t agree with it, even though it works. And then in their mind they say, well, but Google’s changed. You see, Google’s changed. Or you see, sales is different than it used to be. You see, you can’t train millennials that way.
Or you can’t teach people that way. It’s all changed. Or Google changed. It doesn’t work that way. Or, yeah, but in my opinion this, or in my opinion that, or yeah, I know this is the best website layout for conversion and for ranking in Google, but even though I am confronted
with the facts, I still don’t want to implement it because I just don’t like it. I don’t get it. I don’t understand it. It’s like when you’re building an airplane. There are certain rules of physics that allow an airplane to fly. And regardless of whether you and I think that the plane won’t fly or not, it will fly if a 737 is constructed the way it was supposed to be constructed. So I asked my good friend Aaron Antus, who’s been a client for a
long, long time, I asked if he’d be willing to come into the studio and to share about his experience implementing the sales systems that we’re teaching here, and his experience implementing the group interview, and his experience implementing the search engine strategies, and his experience implementing the group interview, and his experience implementing the search engine strategies, and his experience implementing the checklists,
and his experience implementing the branding, and his experience implementing the accounting, and his experience, etc., etc. That way you can hear from somebody who doesn’t make a dime. He doesn’t benefit at all if you benefit. He does not come out ahead if you come out ahead.
But he knows what it’s like to have a business that’s stuck and so he, whenever possible, likes to share with great people like you about the success. So if you’re asking yourself, how do I know he’s real? Well one just Google search Google search Shaw homes SHAW Shaw homes calm. They’re the guys building the st. Jude’s home this year
Just google Shaw homes calm and you’ll find them and you can see they’re building the st Jude’s home Which is where you build a home and you sell a ticket for an opportunity to win the home for $100 and they’ll be giving away the Shaw homes the St. Jude home this year. Also if you go to shawhomes.com you can see the hundreds of houses that they have already sold this year. You can see the new floor plans.
If you Google search Aaron Antis, you can see him on video sharing about his experience doubling the size of his company. If that’s not good enough for you, you can listen to the following audio testimonials. Or if that’s not good enough, you should come to an in-person Thrive Time Show workshop because he often comes up and speaks at the conference when I ask him to to share about implementation.
Step one is we have to figure out what to do. But once you know what to do, nothing is worse than knowing what to do and just refusing to do it because you’re deeply passionate and wrong. You know if you’re wrong and passionate, that’s a bad combination. So I would encourage you, if you’re wrong and passionate, just ask yourself, Hey, you know, what am I doing here? Why am I passionate about the holding on
to what’s wrong? Why am I so loyal to dysfunction? Well, the reason why people are loyal to dysfunction is because of this thing that Warren Buffett calls habits, habits. Warren Buffett talks about these things called habits. Warren Buffett talks habits. Habits. Warren Buffett talks about these things called habits. Warren Buffett talks about habits. Yeah. Warren Buffett says this, he says, the chains of habit are too light to be felt
until they are too heavy to be broken. What? Yeah. The chains of habits are too light to be broken. What? Yeah, the chains of habits are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken. So a lot of times people are just used to not following scripts, used to being unsuccessful, and by the way, 9 out of 10 business owners fail. Nine out of 10
startup businesses fail. Nine out of 10 fail. Think about that. In America today only nine out of a hundred people start a company. Nine percent of the population starts a company and nine out of ten of the companies fail. Which means that if you go around asking the average person for advice, they’re wrong. Not only are they wrong, they’re super wrong.
You should not ask the average person for advice. No, you shouldn’t. No. You should not ask the average person for advice. Don’t do it. The worst thing you could possibly do is ask the average person for advice about anything.
75% of people lie on their resumes according to, or sorry, 85% of people lie on their resumes according to Inc. Magazine. Look that up. 85% of people lie on their resumes according to Inc. Magazine.
That means you shouldn’t ask 85% of people for resume tips. 75% of people lie on their resumes according to Inc. Magazine. That means you shouldn’t ask 85% of people for resume tips. 75% of people, 75% of people steal from the workplace according to the U.S. Chamber. Which is why you should not ask 75% of people for tips on work ethic. 78% of men, according to the Washington Post, have had an affair, an affair, an extramarital affair with somebody they’re not married to. So you shouldn’t seek marriage advice from 78% of men.
Are you seeing the pattern here? 9 out of 10 businesses fail from 78% of men. Are you seeing the pattern here? Nine out of ten businesses fail. 78% of marriages fail, at least that’s how I would classify it. 75% of people steal from the workplace. 85% of people lie on resumes. Therefore you should not ask most people for feedback about anything because they’re wrong.
They’re wrong. And we are right as it relates to growing a business. You can’t make this stuff up. Listen to what Aaron Antis says and take notes because this is your year to move beyond just surviving. Our sales have gone up $8.2 million so far through the end of third quarter which is a $20 million. surviving. talking about three things and you don’t have to look at it, you can just talk to the team. The three things you’re doing, there’s a lot of things you’re doing well, but there’s three things I think I want to hammer home on.
One is you get Google reviews and you add content. So one is group reviews and content, two is the group interview, and three is scripting and firing the idiots that won’t follow the scripts. So let’s go with Google reviews and content. How do you do it? How have you got your team to do it?
Just so the people in here can then take this knowledge and share with everyone. So a year ago, I had a 16 member sales team. Today, I have two of those people still remaining on my team. So I meet with them every single week and make sure that they’re doing Google reviews. And we have 16 different locations on Google My Business.
So we have a lot of locations to get reviews for. In the last 30 days, we have, between all of those locations, just under 200 Google reviews. But I force them to do a certain number every single week. And so they saw a, you know, the people who were there have heard from the people, or the people who are there heard from the people who used to be there, that when we started
getting more Google reviews, we started having more people come in the doors. And actually our traffic in our models is way up. And if you look behind the scenes on Insights, you can see where people are clicking on driving directions and showing up at our models because of Google. And they’re ready to buy.
Yeah, they’re convinced before they get there. When we hit 100, it seemed like it was a tipping point on our main page that at a hundred the customers were convinced before they came in that they wanted a home from us which I never saw before. And we don’t change the ads, pretty much the ads are the same.
Haven’t changed them in a long time. And the ads work because of the reviews. You guys are writing content. Yeah, same thing. Every week I make sure that they do podcasts and
I give you, I don’t even know how many this last week, but lots of them. Every week. The reason why the relationship I have with Aaron is really solid as far as a coaching relationship goes is that he does not bring in his employees and ask for their feedback
about the things I’m doing. No. He does not ask them, hey what do you guys think? And so I can say to him in a meeting, hey fire those people. And then one of the people that he fired goes to Dr. Breck’s chiropractic center. So he’s getting an adjustment and he’s like, you work
with Clay don’t you? And she goes, yes. He’s like, I hate that guy. He got me fired. So Breck says, some defect of, did, okay, well let me adjust your back and he continues to share how he doesn’t like that he got fired but at the end of the day the reason why whoever was I don’t even know the person’s name they got fired they just would not write reviews and wouldn’t write comments. So it’s really important to your clients that they shouldn’t bring their employees to those meetings if at all possible. Yeah and the other thing was at first I started by just doing the group
interview when I needed somebody and then it seemed like the more and more I held people accountable the more and more I needed somebody all the time so you know that crucible where I think we worked everybody year and a half and I remember we had a conversation and I’m saying it wrong correct me but there’s some effect of is having this much turnover good? Yeah, in fact I think I said it in that tone of voice. So a really cool meeting
that happened is one of the people that I most recently fired who was demanded a meeting with Glenn Shaw to complain about the Thrive method of doing things and that we had we had turned over 31 people in two years he had counted and he had gone and gotten transcripts from all of them to share with Mr. Shaw about how horrible the Thrive way doesn’t work. And so as he sat down to start explaining this he’s like well let me just explain that that system doesn’t
work and there’s been so much turnover and Glenn goes let me just stop you right there. The last three years have all been record-setting years for us both in volume and profitability. So that argument isn’t gonna fly right here. So did you have something else you wanted to talk about? So that was drafted on the Patriots. He played on the Patriots for, I think, three seasons or two seasons.
And then they let him go play somewhere else. And he’s been in the NFL for, I think, 15 years. And they convinced he and his wife and their seven kids to move back to New England and unretired to play the Shuras tight end. And then they just cut him the other day. Because he wasn’t a good fit. So the point is, it’s like if you look at the roster of the Patriots or
any team that wins at anything, you’re very loyal to people who perform, but people who can’t get it done, you’re not mad at them. It’s just like I realize that you and your wife and your seven kids moved here and you came out of retirement. All these things are great, but we’re cutting you. Yep.
Because you’re not performing within the system. And the whole goal of a business is to grow the business. The goal of the business is not to create a fun camp environment for the employees to hang out. This is so true. So it’s very different though, but if you hadn’t cut those people we couldn’t do it.
Now you have a great team. I think a lot of them have been there now six months or a year. And then those people should stick around for years. Yeah and like 50 people a week keep coming looking and everybody wants to work at our company and it’s pretty awesome. So let’s recap the group interviews every week. How many candidates do you have every week that are showing up? I mean we get like 50-ish per week. Yeah I mean yeah we had 70 something but like 50
show up and then that’s out of like 120 to 130 that apply every week. But it’s because they want it, not because they have experience selling houses. It’s about 8 or 9 from last week. And then content you’re getting every week, reviews you’re getting every week, you’re not changing your ads every week. I’m going to throw one more thing in here that you didn’t ask about, but that was really relevant for me. And that is, I feel like what we do is super specialized.
When I first came in here, I was like, but you don’t understand our business is different. I know you guys have all heard this, right? You don’t understand our business is different. This is so specialized. There’s so much training that needs to go into this.
And I never in a million years thought that I could get people to like sell homes right away that hadn’t been here for a year going through intensive training and the interesting part of it is we just hired a couple of people who have never done this don’t know what they’re doing plugged them into the system one of them did 1.5 million in sales his first 30 days, which is just nuts.
And he’s never done this before. The other one was like 1.2 million in 30 days. And we’ve sold with tons of brand new people. By the way, while I was out of town in Alaska for two weeks, we sold in 60 days, we sold 46 houses. So, kind of crazy with all brand new people. bringing by workstations. Yep. And then we’ll hire two people to work in this building, but just calling just for you, for your retail time. Yep.
And the scripting, can you explain how the scripting has fixed things too? Now there’s a script for everything. Yeah, so that was the part about like, them having to be like so proficient in what we do. I thought they needed to know everything
about the entire company and all the massive amounts of data and charts and stuff we have. But interestingly, if I just give them four things they need to talk about in each home on a one sheet, and then a, what we call the path, which explains how to buy a home.
And I literally make them read the bullet points while pointing to each bullet point on this chart. The customer completely understands how to buy a home from us. And then we created a what we call the John Kelly method of pricing out the customer. Thanks to John. Kudos, for the pricing out of the home, which was like the most complicated part because you needed to know everything about how a home is built.
Well, you no longer do. It’s just literally a PowerPoint where they read what’s on every slide as they go through this slideshow and it literally asks them the question do you want this or this this is how this works do you want this or this and they. Yeah, that year, I want to say we were at $36 million. What are we at right now so far? Today, we are at $62 million.
And then we’re going to end the year, unless we suck. I think we’ll be at 80 million this year. Now one thought for you, when you sell a house you make a profit of about 6%? That’s net after all expenses. Although that number is up we’re probably gonna be at about eight and a half percent this year. So if a house is $300,000 the average house and the profit was 10% which is not, that would be $30,000 so it’s 8% and it would be $24,000 in the average house and the profit was 10% which is not that would be $30,000 so it’s 8% would be $24,000.
So $24,000 in profit per house you sell? Yep. And then I make $2,000 per month. That’s what I charge you. Yep. Or $1,700.
We are $2,500. Okay, because you’re exclusive for houses. Yep. Okay, so he pays $2,500. So if he sells one house, he paid for me for the year. Yep. And you usually sell a house a week, which means I pay for myself for the year every week. I’m pretty sure out of the extra $8.2 million this year we can afford you. Which is why I have the EZs. I did the math I had our accounting department look at that real close.
Aaron is going to be auto shipping us all Yeezys. Yeah. Does anybody have any questions for Aaron? Because Shaw this is an example of what the relationship should look like after three years. Does anybody have any questions for a real life win? I have a question.
Yeah. So for you coming in with a mindset of we’re unique, we’re different, how was it, what did Clay do, how did he get you to think differently about your business? He mocked me with humor and repeatedly over and over again and told me different stories of other examples from other industries and I definitely had a pain threshold there that I was willing to at least look at it. I think I believed half of what he told me at the beginning and thought prove it to me on the other half and so as I started to
get wins in certain areas like the Google review thing really gave us wins. And then the no brainer gave us a bunch of wins and we started getting a lot more leads coming in. So that credibility lended itself to going, okay, maybe he’s right about some of this other stuff. Plate Clark is here somewhere.
Where’s my buddy Clay? Clay, Clay Clark! Clay! he’s right about some of this other stuff. chickens, his dogs. No, that’s March. March 6th. We’re going to be joined by Robert Kiyosaki, best-selling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, probably the best-selling or one of the best-selling business authors of all time. And he’s going to be joined with Eric Trump. He’ll be joined by Eric Trump. We got Eric Trump and Robert Kiyosaki in the same place. In the same place. Aaron, why should everybody show up to hear Robert Kiyosaki?
Well you got billions of dollars of business experience between those two, not to mention many many many millions of books have been sold. Many many millionaires have been made from the books that have been sold by Robert Kiyosaki. I happen to be one of them. I learned from the man. He was the inspiration. That book was the inspiration for me to get the entrepreneurial spirit as many other people. Now, since you won’t brag on yourself, I will. You’ve sold
billions of dollars of houses, am I correct? That is true. And the book that kick-started it all for you, Rich Dad Pornhub, the best-selling author of Rich Dad Pornhub, Robert Kiyosaki, the guy that kick-started your career, he’s gonna be here. He’s gonna be here, He’s gonna be here. I’m bummed. And now Eric Trump, people don’t know this,
but the Trump organization has thousands of employees. There’s not 50 employees. The Trump organization, again, most people don’t know this, but the Trump organization has thousands of employees. And while Donald J. Trump was the 45th president of these United States and soon to be the 47th president of these United States, he needed someone to run the companies for him and so the man that runs the Trump organization for Donald J Trump as he was the 45th president of the United States and now the 47th president of the United States
is Eric Trump. Eric Trump is here to talk about time management, promoting from within, marketing, branding, quality control, sales systems, workflow design, workflow mapping, how to build, I mean everything that you see, the Trump hotels, the Trump golf courses, all their products, the man who manages billions of dollars of real estate and thousands of employees is here to teach us how to do it. You are talking about one of the greatest brands on the planet from a business standpoint.
I mean, who else has been able to create a brand like the Trump brand? I mean, look at it. And this is the man behind the business for the last pretty much since 2015. He’s been the man behind it so you’re talking we’re into nine going into ten years of him running it and we get to tap into that knowledge that’s gonna be amazing. Now think about this for a
second you know would you buy a ticket just to to see Robert Kiyosaki and Eric Trump? Of course you would. Of course you would. But we’re also going to be joined by Sean Baker. This is the best-selling author, the guy who invented the carnivore diet. Dr. Sean Baker.
He’s been on Joe Rogan multiple times. He’s going to be joining us. So you’ve got Robert Kiyosaki, the best-selling author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Eric Trump, Sean Baker. The lineup continues to grow, and this is how we do our tickets here at the Thrive Time Show. If you want to get a VIP ticket, you can absolutely do it.
It’s $500 for a VIP ticket. We’ve always done it that way. Now, if you want to take a general admission ticket. It’s $250 or whatever price you want to pay. And the reason why I do that and the reason why we do that is because we want to make our events affordable for everybody. I grew up without money. I totally understand what it’s like to be in a tight spot. So if you want to attend it’s $250 or whatever price you want to pay. That’s how I do it. And it’s $500 for
a VIP ticket. Now we only have limited seating here with them. The most people we’ve ever had in this building was for the Jim Brewer presentation. Jim Brewer came here that the legendary comedian Jim Brewer came to Tulsa and we had 419 people that were here. 419 people. Yeah. And I thought to myself that there’s no more room. I felt kind of bad that a couple people had VIP seats in the men’s restroom. Oh no, just kidding.
But I thought, so I thought, you know what, we should probably add on. So we’re adding on what we call the upper deck or the top shelf. So the seats are very close to the presenters, but we’re actually building right now We’re adding on to the facility to make room to accommodate another 30 about another 30 attendees or more So again, if you want to get tickets for this event All you have to do is go to thrive timeshow.com go to thrive timeshow.com when you go to thrive timeshow.com
You’ll go there You’ll request a ticket, boom. Or if you want to text me, if you want a little bit faster service, you say, I want you to call me right now. I just texted my number.
It’s my cell phone number. My personal cell phone number. We’ll keep that private between you, between you, me, everybody. We’ll keep that private. And anybody, don’t share that with anybody except for everybody. That’s my private cell phone number. It’s 918-851-0102. 918-851-0102. I know we have a lot of Spanish speaking people that attend these conferences. And so to be
bilingually sensitive, my cell phone number is 918-851-0102. That is not actually bilingual, that’s just saying Juan for a Juan, it’s not the same thing. I think you’re attacking me. Now let’s talk about this, now what kind of stuff will you learn at the Thrive Time Show workshop? So Aaron you’ve been to many of these over the past seven, eight years, so let’s talk about it. I’ll tee up the thing and then you tell me what you’re gonna learn here, okay? Okay.
You’re gonna learn marketing, marketing and branding. What are we gonna learn about marketing and branding? Oh yeah, we’re gonna dive into, you know, so many people say, oh, you know, I gotta get my brand known out there, like the Trump brand, right? You want to get that brand out there. It’s like, how do I actually make people know
what my business is and make it a household name? You’re going to learn some intricacies of how you can do that. You’re going to learn sales. So many people struggle to sell something. This just in, your business will go to hell
if you can’t sell. So we’re going to teach you sales. We’re going to teach you search engine optimization how to come up top and the search engine results we’re gonna teach you how to manage how to manage people Aaron you you I mean you have managed to no exaggeration hundreds of people throughout your career and thousands of contractors and
most people struggle with managing people. Why does everybody have to learn how to manage people? Well because first of all people are you either have great people or you have people who suck and so it could be a challenge. You know learning how to work with a large group of people and get everybody pulling in the same direction can be a challenge. But if you have the right systems, you have the right processes, and you’re really
good at selecting great ones. And we have a process we teach about how to find great people. When you start with the people who have a great attitude, they’re teachable, they’re driven, right, all of those things, then you know, you can get those people all pulling in the same direction. So we’re gonna teach you branding, marketing, sales, search engine optimization. We’re gonna teach you
accounting. We’re gonna teach you personal finance, how to manage your finance. We’re gonna teach you time management. How do you manage your time? How do you get more done during a typical day? How do you build an organization if you’re not organized? How do you do organization? How do you build an org chart? Everything that you need to know to start and grow a business will be taught during this two-day interactive business workshop. Now, let me tell you how the format is set up here. And again, folks, this is a two-day
interactive 15…think about this, folks. It’s two days. Each day it starts at 7 a.m. and it goes until 5 p.m. So from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., two days. It’s a two-day interactive workshop. The way we do it is we do a 30-minute teaching session
and then we break for 15 minutes for a question and answer session. So Aaron, what kind of great stuff happens during that 15 minute question and answer session after every teaching session? I actually think it’s the best part about the workshops because here’s what happens. I’ve been to lots of these things over the years. I’ve paid many thousands of dollars to go to them. And you go in there and they talk in vague generalities and they’re constantly upselling you for something
trying to get you to buy this thing or that thing or this program or this membership. And you don’t you leave not getting your very specific questions answered about your business or your employees or what you’re doing on your marketing. And what’s awesome about this is we literally answer every single question that any person asks.
And it’s very specific to what your business is. And what we do is we, we will allow you as the attendee to write your questions on the whiteboard. And then we literally, as you mentioned, we answer every single question on the whiteboard. And then we take a 15-minute break to stretch and to make it entertaining when you’re stretching. And this is a true story.
When you get up and stretch, you’ll be greeted by mariachis. There’s going to probably be alpaca here, llamas, helicopter rides, a coffee bar, a snow cone. I mean, it’s just you had a crocodile one time. That was pretty interesting. You know, I should write that down. And I’m sorry for that one guy that we lost.
The crocodile, we duct taped its face. So that’s right. We duct taped a baby crocodile. And we duct taped. Yeah, duct tape around the mouth so it didn’t bite anybody. But it was really cool passing that thing around.
I should do that. We have a small petting zoo that will be assembled. It’s going to be great. And then you’re in the company of hundreds of entrepreneurs. So there’s not a lot of people in America today. In fact, there’s less than 10 million people today, according to US Debt Clock, that identify as being self-employed. So if you have a country
with 350 million people, that means you have less than 3% of our population that’s even self-employed. So you only have three out of every 100 people in America that are self-employed to begin with. And when Inc. Magazine reports that 96% of businesses fail by default, by default you have a one out of a thousand chance of succeeding in the game of business. But yet the average client that you and I work with, we can typically double this. I’m just no, no, no hyperbole, no exaggeration. I have thousands of testimonials to back this up. We have thousands
of testimonials to back it up. But when you work with a home builder, when I work with a business owner, we can typically double the size of the company within 24 months. Yeah. And you say double? Yeah, there’s businesses that we have tripled. There’s businesses we’ve grown 8x. There’s so many examples you can see at thrivetimeshow.com. But again, this is the most interactive best business workshop on the planet. This is objectively the highest rated and most reviewed business workshop on the planet. And then you add
to that Robert Kiyosaki, the best-selling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, you add to that Eric Trump, the man that runs Dad Poor Dad, you add to that Eric Trump, the man that runs the Trump Organization, you add to that Sean Baker. Now you might say, but Clay, is there more? I need more. Well, okay, Tom Wheelwright is the wealth strategist for Robert Kiyosaki.
So people say, Robert Kiyosaki, who’s his financial wealth advisor? Who’s the guy who manages? Who’s his wealth strategist? His wealth strategist, Tom Wheelwright, will be here. And you say, Clay, I still, I’m not going to get a ticket unless you give me more.
OK, fine. We’re going to serve you the same meal both days. True story. We cater in the food. And because simple, I keep it simple. I literally bring him the same food both days for lunch. It’s Ted Esconzido is an incredible Mexican restaurant that’s gonna happen. And Jill Donovan, our
good friend, who is the founder of rustic cuff. She started that company in her home. And now she sells millions of founder of Rustic Cuff. She started that company in her home and now she sells millions of dollars of apparel and products. That’s rusticcuff.com. And someone says, I want more.
This is not enough. Give me more. Okay, I’m not gonna mention their names right now because I’m working on it behind the scenes here. But we’ve got one guy who’s given me a verbal to be here. And this is a guy who’s one of the wealthiest people in Oklahoma.
And nobody really knows who he is because he’s built systems that are very utilitarian. If that offer a lot of value, he’s made a lot of money in the, uh, it’s the, uh, it’s where you rent. It’s short, it’s where you rent. It’s short term. It’s where you’re renting storage spaces. He’s a storage space guy.
He owns the, what do you call that? The rental, the storage space, storage units. This guy owns storage units. He owns railroad cars. He owns a lot of assets that make money on a daily basis, but they’re not like customer-facing.
Most people don’t know who owns the mini storage facility or most people don’t know who owns the warehouse that’s passively making money. Most people don’t know who owns the railroad cars. But this guy, he’s giving me a verbal that he will be here. And we just continue to add more and more success stories.
So if you’re out there today and you want to change your life, you want to give yourself a incredible gift. You want a life changing experience. You want to learn how to start and grow a company. Go to Thrivetimeshow.com. Go there right now. Thrivetimeshow.com.
Request a ticket for the two day interactive event. Again, the day here is March 6th and 7th. March 6th and 7th. We just got confirmation. Robert Kiyosaki, best-selling author, rich dad, poor dad, he’ll be here. Eric Trump, the man who leads the Trump Organization. It’s gonna be a blasty blast. There’s no upsells. Aaron, I could not be more excited about this event. I think it is incredible. And there’s somebody out there right now you’re, you’re watching and you’re like,
but I already signed up for this incredible other program called smoke your way to thin. And I think that’s going to change your life. I promise you, this’ll be 10 times better than that. It’s like I picked the wrong week. Quit smoking.
Don’t do the smoke your way to thin conference. That is it. I’ve tried it. Don’t do it. Yeah. Chain smoking is not a viable. I mean it is life-changing. It is life-changing. If you become a chain smoker it is life-changing. Not the best weight loss program though. Right. Not really. So if you’re looking to have life-changing results in a way that won’t cause you to have a stoma, get your tickets at Thrivetimeshow.com. Again, that’s Aaron Antis, I’m Clay Clark, reminding you and
inviting you to come out to the two-day interactive Thrivetimeshow workshop right here in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I promise you it will be a life-changing experience. We can’t wait to see you right here in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I promise you, it will be a life-changing experience. We can’t wait to see you right here in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Transcribed with Cockatoo