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But when I got Neiman Marcus, I think a lot of people think that’s when you’ve arrived. That’s when I double-timed. I got on a plane and was gone for two years straight, and I went to every department store in the country that sold Spanx, every Neiman Sachs, Nordstrom, and Bloomingdale’s, and I would go before the store opened and do an all-store rally and tell them what my product was, explain it to them, do a demo, give out free product, and then stand there in the department for eight hours a day
and tell customers what it was. Because I didn’t have any money averages. I was selling it for them, but what I didn’t realize I was doing was I was building a sales force, not on my payroll, because all these people started to become ambassadors, and they were rooting for me,
and they loved the product. That was a really important part of the formula. And then I learned what my next products were gonna be, because I was standing right there with customers, and they told me what they wanted. Amazing.
Yeah. This is unbelievable. You were like willing to do whatever it takes above and beyond. Totally. My name is Nick Holman. I’m with Holman’s Custom Cabinets. I want to tell you about our Dream 100 marketing system that we started with Clay Clark through the coaching program. Just we started the first of this year about seven months ago and we had 20% less leads than we have now, 10% less sales and about 8% less profit. Since then we’ve increased our repeat clients,
our repeat builders that we work for, and we’ve got a lot more potential for growth since then. And it’s very scalable, and I’ve taken this young boy that I started this with, this 18 year old guy, who is my dream 100 marketing guy who’s just making phone calls, taking donuts,
taking cookies out to new contractors and clients to try to reach them to making repeat sales with them. And I had a lot of concerns just at first with trying to maybe train somebody to do this. We had a repeatable process, a script for him to call. He’s doing that over and over. He calls anywhere from two
to 300 people a week. It’s been over 3000 calls since the first of the year. And sometimes he’s kind of switched over into sales because we had so many sales coming in that he had to help handle Those sales and and take away from the you know, the dream 100 marketing because of that we’ve been doing it about seven months it took about two to three months for us to break even to hit the break-even point and From the three to
six month mark three to seven months now we’ve got a 300% return on my investment. I’m paying this young man this 18 year old boy a salary and then a 5% commission on these jobs and he’s just literally been killing it. And we’ve increased our profit by 8% increased our sales by 10%. And these are repeatable. Most of them are repeatable clients, new contractors that I’m doing repeat business on some of them I’ve sold four to five jobs to
since January when we started this. And it’s been a 335.6% return for this campaign. And we’ve spent a little over $30,000 and made over 100,000 in gross profits. But just this last week alone, this Dream 100 process, we sold right at $65,000 in sales
just from this Dream 100 process. And I can’t explain enough how blessed, how much of a blessing it’s been and how well it works. I’d encourage you to start doing it soon. Thanks. Okay, I got an idea for a phone app.
Okay, I’m listening. It’s called iCondiment and you select mustard. I don’t know, I’m not feeling it. What about an app where people send in ideas for apps and we charge 99 cents and we become billionaires? What about an iBuckle? It just goes right on the front of your belt and it buckles. What happens when you need to use your phone? Well, then you just undo your belt and then you got your phone. Then your pants fall down.
Well, you know, yeah. Okay, Insta-Grandma. Instagram, but only for grandmas. Twitter, but you can only use five characters. You could say, hello. How about this?
Eye taste. Seriously? Mm. Phones are disgusting. Got an ear taste to it. This is a horrible idea.
Eyeglasses. The only app you’ll ever see. You turn the app on and you put the phone right in front of your face and then the phone sees for you. I don’t understand. Okay, let me help you.
So take off these old things. Okay. You need your prescription? No. Boom. So take off these old things. OK. You need your prescription? No. Boom.
This is stupid, and it hurts. Let me see. Yeah. Hey, you look good in these. Gentlemen, let me introduce you to the grill gun. Oh!
I would have greened that anyway. I need that! Welcome back to Stupidivita Everything guys. As you can see I have a new toy. Check it out! And I’m gonna let you know everything there is to know about it. Check it out! Hi I’m Bob Healy I’m the inventor of the grill gun and the Civita gun and I’m Bob Healy.
I’m the inventor of the grill gun and the CV gun, and I’m going to do a short video here today to show you how to properly connect them to the propane bottles. All right, this is Clay Clark here, and what you just saw was my longtime client, Bob Healy’s company, The Grill Gun, featured on the hit YouTube show called Dude Perfect. So the question is, how does somebody go from a product,
idea like The Grill Gun, and into a successful company? Well, there’s a lot of details that go into that. So I thought I would walk you through specifically what we did to help Bob Healy to grow from a startup to a successful company. So I’m going to take just a few minutes to walk you through this. And that’s what we do. People always ask me, you know, what
do you do? How do you help clients? So this is specifically what we do. And I’m going to walk you through the steps that we took. So that way you as a listener out there, if you want to become a business consulting client, you can know what we do for you and what we don’t do for you. So step one is we had to define Bob’s goals, you had to define the goals. What what are the goals? How many sales are you looking to do? So what would
define the financial goals? Step one. Step two, we had to figure out, we had to determine, we had to determine how many grill guns, grill guns need to be sold each week to achieve the financial goals. So we had to step one, we had to figure out the financial goals. Step two, we had to determine how many grill guns we needed. Grill guns need to be sold each week to achieve those goals. All right, step two is we had to refine the branding. So step three, we had to create a world class website. Now someone could argue
about what that means. But we wanted to make a website that wouldn’t be embarrassing. And when we first met Bob, he didn’t have a website that looked good. He was a great guy, but his website wasn’t existent. And so we had to build a website that looked good. The next thing we had to do is we had to create an about us video. We had to create an about it. What was an about us video? We had to create a video that talked about the company in a way that other people who are not Bob could
understand. So we had to create an about us video. That’s really important if you’re out there listening today you want to have an about us video or a my story video because you have to have a video that explains to people what your product or service does. Step five, this is it for Bob, what we had to do. We had to create world-class branding, create world-class packaging. What does it mean? World-class packaging. So step one, we had to define his goals. Step two, we had to determine how many grill guns
need to be sold each week, need to be sold each week to achieve the financial goals. Step three, we had to create a world class website. Step four, we had to create an about us video, an hour story video. Step number five, we had to create world class packaging. Step number six, we had to create world class we did do all these things.
World class, a world class auto responder email. What does it mean, world class auto responder email? Well, it’s when someone actually buys something. We want to have some kind of notification that goes to people when they buy something so that they know that the actual product was shipped.
Step number seven we had to do we had to create an online shopping cart, an online shopping cart for Bob Healy and his company, the grill gun. Now after that, we had to create a tracking sheet. What we had to create a tracking sheet. Now why do we have to create a tracking sheet? Well, a tracking sheet allows you as a client
and us as a consulting company to point out that you are in fact doing well, or you’re not doing well. We want to track the numbers. And so when you create a tracking sheet, it’s at first, it not going to be very impressive because you’re seeing, well, we spent this much on advertising
and we had this many clicks and we sold this many guns. And so it cost us $19.40 per gun we sold. Then you see week or line four here. The next week we spent $232 on advertising. We had 41,000 impressions or people that viewed the website for the first time or saw the ads.
We had 3,448 clicks and we sold 31 grill guns for a total of $7.40 per gun. That’s what it cost us. It cost us $7.40 per gun. That’s what it cost us. It cost us $7.40 per grill gun that we sold. Then the next step, we had to spend $236 the next week on ads.
We had this many impressions, 39,114 impressions. We had 4,440 clicks. We sold 25 grill guns at a total of $9.44 per gun sold. Well, over time, you’ll start to see that the number of sales we’re doing goes up and up and up. We go from seven grill guns sold to 31 to 222 to 180 to 240. And you start to see real growth here. So the question is, how do you go from selling seven guns?
When I first met Bob, he was selling zero guns, by the way, and we got him to a point where he was selling hundreds of guns per week. So how do you do that? All right, so step number nine, great question by the way, step number nine, we had to by the way, step number nine,
we had to create what I call core repeatable actionable processes. We had to create the core repeatable. And this is the part that I love that most people don’t like. I love this. Most people don’t like this. We had to create the core, repeatable, actionable processes that are needed to achieve success. We had to create the core repeatable, actionable processes that are needed to create success, right? So we had to we had to do this. So what are the steps you had to take every week? Well, one we had to create we had to reach out to our dream 100 list. So we had to we had to do this. So what are the steps he had to take every week?
Well, one we had to create, we had to reach out to our dream 100 list. So we had to reach out to our dream 100 list. So it says what’s the dream 100 list? I’ll come back to that. Next, we had to gather objective Google reviews, Google reviews from actual buyers, right? And then we had to gather video reviews, video reviews from actual buyers, right? And then we had to gather video reviews, video reviews from actual buyers. And then finally, we had to track sales
and track customer service feedback. And this became our thing we did every week. So every week, we’re reaching out to our Dream 100 list. Every week, we’re gathering objective reviews from our actual buyers. Every week, we’re gathering video reviews
from actual buyers. Every week, we’re tracking sales. And every week, we’re tracking the customer service feedback. Now, there’s a lot of other details that went into this. I’m just trying to give you an idea of what we did to help Bob. So what we did is we started reaching out via the Dream 100.
So we made a list of all the top influencers in the world that we thought would be likely to enjoy his product. So we reached out and we sent, we called these people, we emailed these people, we reached out primarily via email and calling because some of these personalities,
some of these big YouTube channels, they’ll have a way to get in touch with them. Sometimes it’s harder to find those people, but we reached out to them consistently. And this was one of the first people to respond to the email we sent him.
And we said, Mr. T-Roy Cooks, we love your show. We wanted to give you a free grill gun. We wanted to give you a free grill gun so that way you could experience what the grill gun is like. The grill gun is a way to cook your food.
It’s a way to sear steaks. It’s a way to quickly light a charcoal grill. And we wanted to send you a free one to see what your thoughts would be. So watch what happened here. Here we go, folks.
And… Appreciate you joining us today. I’m gonna show you a brand new device to help you out on your grill. And this particular commercial or feature took the grill gun from good sales to really good sales.
Now, did this person reach out to us? No. Was Bob doing any sales before we met him? No. Did Bob have a great product idea before he met us? Yes.
But to go from the idea to a profitable business requires the execution and the implementation of proven processes and systems. And that’s what I do. That’s what we do. That’s what I do. So how do you go from an idea to a super successful implementation of the idea? This is how we do it. So we reach out to him real gun right here right here. Here we go. It’s mobile. It operates off a one-pound tank or comes with a hose you can attach to your 20-pound tank if you desire.
I like this mobile setup best. Just a little one-pound tank. Turn the valve on top here. Pull the trigger. You got fire. All right.
You can adjust the flame here. I ain’t turning it up all the way. You got fire, all right? You can adjust the flame here. I ain’t turning it to fall away. Or if you need an immediate kick on the handle right here, it’s another valve. How about that? So he features, he featured the product.
Talked about it to his audience. And guess what? Sales increased. So what did we do next? Guess what we did? We continually, without emotion, without getting all worked up, no one’s crying.
We continued to reach out to other restaurants, other influencers, other media influencers, other people with massive YouTube channels, other grilling experts, other people with big channels. We reached out to this guy, sous vide everything. Watch this. Now again, before we met Bob, he had a great product. It was called the Grill Blazer, the grill gun. It was patented. It was ready to go.
No sales. I remember Bob coming in with showing us the demo of the product, and there was no sales. It was a great product, but no sales. So how do we help somebody grow? This is specifically what we do.
I’m not just going to everything guys. As you can see, I have a new toy. Check it out! And I’m going to let you know. And we just keep doing this over and over and over. So what did we do? One, we defined the financial goals, right?
Step two, we determined how many grill guns needed to be sold each week to achieve the financial goals. Step three, we had to create a world-class website, which we do for our clients. Step four, we had to create, you know, we had to create an about us video, our, our in our story video five, we had to create world-class packaging. Six, we had to create world-class, a world-class auto responder, email seven. We had to create an online shopping cart. Eight, we had to create an online shopping cart.
Eight, we had to create a tracking sheet. Nine, we had to create the core repeatable actionable processes that are needed to create success. So one, we had to commit that every week we’re gonna reach out to that dream 100 list. And that’s what we did.
And we helped Bob to go from a startup to a very successful company. Step two, we had to gather objective Google reviews from the actual buyers. Step three, we had to gather video reviews from the actual buyers. Step four, we had to track the sales. Step five, we had to track the customer service feedback. Now step six, okay, we had to launch and we had to track the online advertisement. We had to track the online advertisement.
And again, most people who have a big product idea or have a business or a skill set, maybe you’re good at building cabinets or building houses or maintaining vehicles. If you don’t know how to do these skill sets, maybe you’re good at building cabinets or building houses or maintaining vehicles. If you don’t know how to do these skill sets, it becomes a digital divide that keeps you
from achieving your ultimate success. So everything you see here on grillblazer.com, that’s what we helped Bob to do. So although it is exciting and people want to celebrate the success of Bob’s Grillblazer being featured on Dude Perfect, I don’t know that a lot of people know the behind the scenes all the work that went into to getting Bob’s product from an idea into super success.
And I can just say working with Bob over time he started seeing we were doing 26,000 of sales, $40,000 of sales, $42,000 of sales. And as you’re growing and growing and growing, then we had to install, we had to install a call recording system. We had to install a call recording system.
Why? For quality control, right? And I have a company that I have actually like, called clarityvoice.com. It’s called clarityvoice.com. You can use whoever you want to use, but that’s what I like. And we had to record calls to make sure that the customer service team
was doing a good job, right? We had to do that we had installed a call recording system for quality control. And then we have to we have to listen to the customer feedback and continue to improve that experience. Then we created a we then we created a a post. We created a post, a post purchase wow system. There’s a lot of details into that. But the idea was if you bought a product,
are you gonna be wowed after you bought it? I mean, imagine you bought a product online and you received a call from the customer service team to make sure that you were happy. You know, so we had to do that. We had to create a directions manual,
an instructions manual that made a lot of sense because people receive this new product, it’s kind of like a flamethrower. It’s kind of like a flamethrower. Some people struggled to figure out how to use the product properly.
And so these are the details we had to do. There’s a lot of details there, okay? Then we had to create a Google map, create a Google map for the business, okay? Now, why do we have to create a Google map for the business? We had to create a Google map for the business because whenever you have a product or service, guess what? Most people will go on to Google and they’re going to type in Grill Gun,
and they’re going to read reviews. They’re going to look for reviews and read reviews. And so if you don’t have reviews, people are going to then just sort of be unsettled as to whether it’s a good purchase or not. So we had to help Bob get those reviews.
So how do you get reviews? Well, what we did is we invited Bob to bring his Grillblazer product to our conferences and bring his product to the conferences. And then we let people, our conference attendees, try out the Grillblazer to see if they liked it so they could give him a review. So what did we do? We invited Bob to bring his product to our in-person workshops
so that our attendees could review the actual product themselves and give Bob product feedback. So here’s Tim, a former consultant with us here. Tim Redmond, I’m also Oklahoma. I love the grill gun.
This thing is so easy and it’s so powerful. So this is what we did. We had to get Bob reviews and he didn’t know a lot of people that he could, that would give him reviews. So we- My name is Clay Stairs. I’m from Skytook, Oklahoma. So we created, we brought Bob’s product to one of our Thrive, actually many of our conferences, and we let the attendees at our events buy a grill gun at a deeply reduced price. Now remember, this guy had never sold any products at all, and we helped him to go from a complete startup
into a very successful company. How did we do? How did we get those video reviews? We brought him to one of our in-person workshops. We encouraged him to sell his products at a deep discount and then to let people give him feedback.
So here’s Clay Stairs giving him feedback. It makes me feel good. Well, I just lit up a chiminea in about a minute using the grill gun. I have just recently bought the not a grill gun but a little starter from the store.
It’s the only one I could find. Is the guy said at the true value? I guess I can probably say that, he said, you know, this is the best one we got and it’s dinky and it doesn’t work. Then we had to help Bob create all these FAQ videos because over time, more and more people began and began asking the same questions over and over.
How do I properly use my grill gun? How do I set it up? How do I clean it? How do I properly use my grill gun? How do I set it up? How do I clean it? How do I store it? And so we got with Bob and each week we would record these FAQs.
Hi, I’m Bob Healy. I’m the inventor of the grill gun and the sous vide gun. And I’m going to do a short video here today to show you how to properly connect them to the propane bottles and having them work correctly. So we had to record these. Now this is not an event.
This was a process. So every week we began creating, we create the FAQ or frequently asked frequently asked questions videos. But this is a process that we took him through over time. So again we went from a brand new startup where he’d never sold any grill guns at all into a ultra successful company. We want to help you do that too. So let me
walk you through how we do that. If you want us to help you what you want to do is you want to go to thrive timeshow.com and we have workshops that we do every two months. And as workshops, you can, it’s $250, or you can pay whatever price you want to pay. So $250, or whatever price you want to pay. And since 2005, I’ve been hosting workshops. So these two day interactive
workshops, we’re going to teach you everything you need to know to start or grow a successful company. Marketing, branding, sales, search engine optimization, web development. And our events are now for practical step-by-step business training, hands-on business conferences. They’re two days, they’re interactive. We teach you all the systems, there’s no upselling and you’re not going to be hardcore sold at the end of the event, we’re not going to push you into buying some magic
money program. What we do have available if people want ongoing consulting, we do offer, we do offer business consulting. Now how does that work? Since 2005, I’ve been consulting businesses. And since 2006, I’ve been providing graphic design, search engine optimization, branding, print media, photography, videography, all the work needed to implement and to grow a successful company. So what
people we what we do is we charge people $1,700 a month, 1-7-0-0, $1,700 a month, on a month-to-month basis to help them grow their successful company. What’s awesome about it is that we started off with a free 13-point assessment to see if it’s a good fit.
Then if it is a good fit and we like you, you like us, it’s a good fit. And then if it is a good fit and we like you, you like us, it’s a good fit, I actually go over the plan with you in the meeting. So on that first call, we actually go over the plan so you’ll know exactly what the plan is. And then for someone like Bob, I mean, he’d been working on this idea for years. And his accountant kept referring him to me and people in Tulsa kept referring him to me. He kept
finding me on shows and he was saying, all paths lead back to you, man, you must have like a Midas touch. What is your skill set? He actually listened to us daily on a talk radio show as well. It’s not that I’m a genius. I just know the proven systems needed to start and grow a successful company.
I’ve been self-employed since I was 16 years old. I know how to start and grow a successful company. That’s what Dr. Robert Zellner and I have done. Between he and I, there’s the state’s top largest, one of the state’s largest and most successful optometry clinics, one of the most successful men’s grooming establishments. I’m involved in a dog training brand called Tip Top Canine started by Rachel
and Ryan Wimpey. I’m involved in a marketing company. I’m involved in an outdoor living company. We’re involved in an auto auction. I mean, I go out and I’m listing all the businesses, but I’m telling you right now, you have the capacity and the tenacity needed to achieve massive success. You can become the next super success story, but to quote Napoleon Hill,
the time will never be just right. You must act now. If you want to become the next super success story, you want to become the next Bob Healey. You can do it. And then now on part two of today’s show, I’m going to play some more audio so you can discover that Bob Healey is in fact a real person and that we did really in fact help him grow his multi-million dollar
company. My name is Clay Clark reminding you that you smell terrific. On today’s show, we find ourselves at the intersection of an entrepreneurship. You smell terrific. has invented a product that combines the look of a gun and that shoots fire so that you can light your charcoal grill within just 60 seconds. But before we talk about Bob and his beautiful, glorious grill gun let’s talk about the products that I’ve almost invented let’s talk about the products that you’ve almost invented
let’s talk about the ideas we’ve’ve almost invented. Let’s talk about the ideas we’ve all had that we have not acted upon. Jason, I couldn’t sleep all last night. I had this awesome idea. Check it out. This idea is going to change the world. Are you familiar with babies? I used to be one. Okay, so babies spend all their time doing what? Crying, eating, pooping? Crawling! Ah sure, they crawl right? Yes. So what if we converted their onesie, you know how they wear like
one thing? Oh yeah. The onesie where it’s like the top and the bottom. Yeah, it’s like a baby sock. What if we turned that into a mop? So it could be called the baby mop. So your baby’s mopping the floor. And they just clean as it goes.
Yes! That’s probably the worst idea I’ve ever heard in my life. What? I thought deeply about that for several minutes. That idea was going to be my path to financial freedom and riches. Okay, okay, fine.
You want to rain on my parade? I have another idea. Here’s the, I thought about this last Tuesday. It’s incredible. Men like to do what? They get kind of older, they have some success, they’re looking to relax, they want
to get a prostate exam, 18 holes. Well, that’s out. They want to go golf, right? And guys often have to go to the bathroom, right? And when guys go to the bathroom, typically they do what when they’re going to the bathroom, they’re looking for a magazine, right? They read, they read now, but what if they invested the time they normally spent reading and spent that time perfecting their putting game? Jason, it’s so easy. We could just take the floor around the toilet and
turn that into a putting green. No one’s thought of this. Yeah, because it’s a bad idea. You could practice putting while pooping! That is the worst. It’s the poop putt! The poop putt! The poop putt! That’s it!
The poop putt! Well hey, you know, this idea is special because it is in fact the worst idea that anybody has ever had. What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul. Some shows don’t need a celebrity narrator to introduce a show. But this show does. Two men. Eight kids, co-created by two different women, 13 multi-million dollar businesses.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to yes Thrive Nation, welcome back to another exciting edition of the Thrive Time Show on your radio and podcast download. And Dr. Z, today’s show guest deserves some cowbell. Oh, and he got four yeses too. I know when you fire off a show with four yeses, you are fired up and ready to go. Now, Z, I wanted to allow this listener to be introduced with a kind of a subtle hype intro. Yes.
So I brought my megaphone with me and so we’ll go ahead and tee it up here. Let me get this ready here. Here we go. Here we go. All right, Thrive Nation, on today’s show we have the inventor of the grill gun, Mr. Bob Healy, an engineer with over 30 years of experience.
He’s the founder of this great new product. Bob, welcome on to the show. How are you? Wow. Oh, I’m just fine, Clay. Thank you. Thank you both, Dr. Z and Clay, for having me on today.
Well, tell the listeners out there who are not familiar with the grill gun, I think anybody out there, if you’ve ever wanted to be an inventor, it’s a tough road to go down. It’s a tough road, and all the listeners right now, if you will go to grillblazer.com, that’s grillblazer.com, you can see this product. So you can check it out while he’s talking.
You can look at it and marinate on it and see it. Talk to us about this grill gun gun and when did you first get the idea to make the grill gun? Oh well so the grill gun is a high-powered torch. It’s designed to be able to conveniently light charcoal grill in just minutes rather than tens of minutes or half an hour at a time or something like that. It’s it’s really not even a tool or a type of tool that people have been or could be familiar with because it’s entirely new both in its purpose and in its appearance.
The the what you do with the grill gun is you use it to light a charcoal grill and it’s designed to fit in your hand comfortably and use safely while you actually light the charcoal on almost instantly warm up your grill, sterilize the grapes, start cooking over your charcoal and or your smoker, you know, your wood smoker, offset
smokers in just minutes. The whole notion of lighting a charcoal grill pretty much instant, instantly is not something that people have done. I know there are a lot of YouTube guys that are out there and people like me who sort of we really like the idea of starting a charcoal real fast. And people like me who sort of, we really like the idea of starting a charcoal real fast and not having to use a lighter fluid
or wait around on a charcoal chimney or any of the other things that are done for it. And when you light a charcoal with a 400,000 BTU torch, you’re basically setting that charcoal on fire and you’re cooking off all the debris that’s on the grills. And you’re at the same time, you’re bringing the whole grill up to temperature.
So you basically are doing it in just, uh, when I go, when I go grill and I I’m cooking in two or three minutes after I start the process. And it’s a year-round activity. And Bob, you feel like a man. Yeah. You feel like a man. You got Rambo of the grill. I mean, come on now.
You just feel like a man. It’s a man gun. Well, yeah. It’s pretty amazing watching people, their reaction to it, because it does hit that Y chromosome pretty hard. You’re feeling like a man, you’re out there, it’s 25 degrees, you like to grill.
You know, you can run back in the house where it’s warm, but it doesn’t matter. You can grill year round. It doesn’t have to be an outdoor summertime activity, even though, you know, that’s how a lot of people like looking at it. Now, my understanding is, okay, so we have a grill gun here. This thing can help our
listeners light their charcoal grill in 60 seconds and it’s fun. See, it’s fun. It is. Oh, it’s fun. Oh, it’s fun. But what does it look like, the grill gun? I’ve seen some pretty, I don’t know the technical term for it, but I’ve seen some pretty weak versions of what Bob’s just creating. I’ve seen people who’ve tried to create a grill torch, but it’s kind of like, meh, meh, meh, meh, meh.
Try again. It has the class, Some of these products have the class and quality of like the Chinese finger locks, the paper locks. Oh don’t kid yourself. So talk to me about this. What does it look like? What does it feel like? Does this feel like a man gun or does it feel like a meh? I think one person who interviewed, or actually reviewed it said he felt like he had seen Prometheus for the first time. It was so intense, the feeling of looking at a torch that looks like a pistol, like
a .45 or a Glock or something like that, a semi-automatic, semi-automatic, slight-action pistol that has a long bell on it. It’s over, it’s about 22 inches long in order to get the barrel away from you so that you can use it without burning yourself. But it looks like a gun, it feels like a gun, it shoots fire, you hold on to it, it fits nicely in your hand, it’s well balanced.
And you use it to really just basically flood the grill with the heat that you need in order to bring it up to the temperature you want to cook in just under a minute. Now Zee, I want to get into the business-y kind of things this is a business show. It technically is a business show. So it’s business school without the BS. Come on now. So Bob you made the product Z that’s step one you gotta have your product. That helps. So step one you have the product you need to product idea step one. Step two nobody Z I’m talking about almost nobody ever goes to step two.
And that is make a prototype. Check, he’s got the prototype. He’s got the idea. He’s got the prototype. Step three, we’ve got to try to sell something. Sell something, sell something, sell something.
So I want to ask you this, talk to us about if someone wants to buy this thing, can they buy it? What’s been your road like of seeing if someone wants to buy it? I know you did a demo at the Thrive Time Show conference for our attendees. I think about one third of the people in attendance, I could be wrong, but I think about a third of the people in attendance. I could be wrong But I think about a third of the people in attendance said I definitely want to buy one of these like right now
How could the listeners get a hold of this? How can they buy one? Tell us about selling something? Okay, so the process of Putting this out on the market is when you’re trying to bootstrap something up from the bottom without having venture capital or something like that step in and say, here, we need this money, let’s go for it. You actually have to determine whether or not people want what you have, what they’re willing to pay for what you’ve got. And then how are you going to get it made?
And so I had to figure out, well first off there’s torches, you can get a torch today if you go down the hardware store, you can buy one and it’s long and it’s got a long hose and it goes to a 20-pound tank and you can look like a dork like I have done for the last 10 years, you know, standing back and flaming up my charcoal grill. And if you want to do that, knock yourself out. Go ahead and do it. And I, like I said, I’ve been doing that for a long time and I decided to make something that really did the job right. And so it’s the same sort of technology and that you’re putting high intense fire on a
grill. But how do you make that into something that people want? And how do you get it in front of them? So if your listeners have gone to grillblazer.com, they’re already taking a look at this. They can see what it looks like, but they can’t hold it in their hand. Why?
And what they can, the reason they can’t hold it in their hand is because it’s on a computer screen and they need to order one in order to get one. But in order to do that, the hardest part about launching this endeavor is where are you going
to come up with the capital to make it happen. And I decided to go the crowdfunding route. And so what I’m asking people to do is to go to the website and entertain themselves, figure out if this is for them, and if it’s not, you know, move along. But if it is for them. And if it’s not, move along. But if it is for them, then take it on good faith that what I’m doing in crowdfunding is I’m using that tool, that whole platform.
There are a couple of them out there. I’m looking right now pretty hard at Kickstarter. But you use that platform to allow people to come out and say, I want one, I’ll back you and when you make them, you send them to me. And so the process is pretty straightforward. You basically are pre-selling them. You say, I’m gonna make
them, if I hit the minimum threshold that I need to have in order to be able to have the finances to make it work, then I can build them. And that’s really my business. I’ve done this all my life. I’ve made things. The easy part is for me, it’s my wheelhouse to create a product and figure out how to build it and how to make it a high quality product. But the new part, my new venture really is is being out on the sales edge and on the financing is how are you going to fund it? How are you going to
turn it into a business that everybody wants to get behind? So in order for them to get their hands on one right now, they really can’t. I’ve got a dozen of them that I’ve made that are prototypes, I’ve sent them out, people have used them. They kind of rotate around in a pool of grow guns that can be used for the purpose of promotion. But it’s a four to six month process to actually get them in your hands. And so
if I were to, like for instance today with this podcast with your audience, if enough people actually went out there and said, I want to do this, I want one of those things, and they simply said, you know, in my little buy it, see, get yours now page on the website, if they were to say, I want to support this, I want to do this, then before Christmas, even before Thanksgiving,
they could be in production and in your hands. And that’s the beauty of crowdfunding and the direction that I’m taking it here is, is that I can launch it, I can have it in people’s hands, and we can be going down the road. Bob, for the listeners out there who maybe are pondering, they’re going, is this guy delusional? Is this guy crazy? You are a man with an engineering background. How many years have you been an engineer?
Let’s see. I’m gonna give away my age here, but it’s been almost 40 years. So how many of these people do you need out there right now to say, I wanna buy one before we can get this thing in in the hands of America?
Well, the way crowdfunding works is you actually set your deadline, your minimum that you absolutely have to have and I absolutely have to have 1400 people that’s 1400 say I want to have one. And I’m attentive the way there after having just a few weeks of just doing advertisement on Google and Facebook. And so the whole Kickstarter community is bigger than that.
And so it seems like a real doable number. And if people were to actually just believe that it will happen, if they like it well enough, and they say, yeah, I’ll support you, then what will happen is, when I see that I actually have people up over that number, then I’m going to just email everybody. And so you’d want to put in your email and your text number, and then I’ll
just do a broadcast to everybody, say the Kickstarter website’s up. It’s live. Go fund it. And I’ll just do a broadcast everybody say the Kickstarter website’s up, it’s live, go find it and as soon as I see that that actually happened and it’s funded then I can actually start the manufacturing process going. Bob what what made you come up with the grill gun? What what what were you thinking? Did you did you fall and hit your head? On the toilet seat.
Yeah, did you have a bad accident as a kid from a burn? I mean, there’s something. This yogurt is curdled. That’s gross. I feel sick. Oh, look what I just drew with my vomit. I just did a grill blaze.
How does that happen? Do you have a dream? And this mythical grill gun came to you in the dream and said, make me, make me. What happened? All of the above. It was.
I was outside talking to a horse. This is what he said to do. Like I’ve been saying, I’ve been doing this for a long time and putting up with buying torches that they, you know, a weed torch, a torch that puts out that kind of heat, 400,000 BTU is,
it’s gonna burn up fairly quickly. And so I’ve gone through several of them over the last decade. And I thought, you know, nobody does this. And people come over and they watch me grill. I grill every single week and or smoke something. And so lots of friends and stuff are used to coming over and they hear the roar of the jet engine as I light the grill and start cooking things in just a minute or two.
And they think it’s really funny and really cool, but they don’t see themselves with this giant long torch hosing down a grill. And I – so it was a year ago in December, December 2018, that I was out there grilling and I thought, you know, if I’m either gonna put up with this nonsense for the rest of my life or I’m gonna do something about it. So I just said, I gotta, I didn’t know what a grill gun was. I hadn’t ever seen one before. I thought, well, something is better than this. And what is it going to be? And so I went to
some friends and my family, I got sons in law and sons that are opinionated, and I like the opinions. And so I basically started asking them questions and then formed a list of what you need to have. And then I got busy modeling it. And it was about so that was December. And it’s probably in February. Everybody said, Oh, you’re on something here. And then by May, I had it, I mean, a year ago, May, so not quite a
year ago, I actually had prototypes in my hand. And I, I then started going down the other channels of, okay, how do I build this? How do I get this cost effective so that I can make it and people can buy it for a reasonable price. And, And utmost important was the quality of it. So I’ve designed this to where I’m going to be proud to use every single grill gun that I have for years, not for once or twice or for half a season before it burns up. So it was just a process of saying of saying I don’t I don’t know what it is that’s going to make my life better but I know when I when I see it I’m going to like it. And so you know
again if you if you’re on the website and you or your listeners have listened to and gone to the website they know what I’m talking about here. It’s pretty appealing design and it’s really durable really well well designed. So Bob you’re basically a big pyro I mean that’s really what it boils down to. I mean you’re a big pyro. Well I’m not as much a pyro as the people that want it. I mean, I’ve heard a lot of people say this is this is this is
all kinds of stories about how I’ve been I’ve been a pyro my whole life and that sort of thing and I not me but I I can appreciate that There are people that like fire a whole lot Now let’s talk about this grill gun. Let’s get into the rough questions now, the rough ones. The tough ones.
All right. Will this blow up? You know, if I turn it on, boom. I mean, what are the chances I turn it on? What are the chances I turn it on? What are the chances I incinerate myself?
Well, pretty, pretty small. I mean, there’s, you’d have to be deliberate wanting to do that because what you’re working with is protein gas and you know, propane gas is explosive. So you could do things that I warn you not to do. Like you could turn on the grill gun inside the house and just let it run like that for a while
and then say, okay, I think I got enough propane in the air and then light it. I wouldn’t advise that. Not a best practice move. That’s not a top three thing to do. Not on top three. No. And so the real problem in trying to design and tell something like this, where you’re handling that much heat, I’m dealing with the same sort of thing that every torch
manufacturer out there has. You’ve got to build something that’s safe and then you have to warn people about how to use it because the nuts and bolts of it is you have a propane source, a small one-pound can or you can tie it into a 20-pound bottle and you’ve got to screw that onto the bottom of the grill gun, and now you’ve pressurized the grill gun, and that affords the opportunity for the gas
to come out the bell. And so when the gas comes out the bell, you wanna light it when it comes out so that you’re not just expelling propane in the air, which is explosive, because if you burn it while it’s coming out the bell, you want to light it when it comes out so that you’re not just expelling propane in the air, which is explosive, because if you burn it while it’s coming out the bell, you you don’t have any danger. And there’s nothing
about the gun itself or the design of the self where it’s going to pocket enough propane to explode on its own, it couldn’t do that. But what it but what it could do is you could vent it into an environment that, you know, where the gas is itself explosive. But this is not new. The grills gun itself is some really innovative new technology, but the notion of taking gas out of a gas container, poping gas out of a bottle and lighting it on fire is tried and true for decades.
So I’m not doing anything there that’s in any way dangerous that would create a problem for anybody to operate on. What have been, and see I want to ask Bob, see I’m now going to ask Bob the really tough questions. Are you going deep? Deep. Deep. Deep. Deep. Deep. Deep. to operate one. blazer.com. And for all the listeners out there who are going on to the website right now, they’re looking at it, what’s been the toughest part of trying to take your idea? That you are, and I mean this in a nice way, you are passionate in a way about this product that doesn’t make sense to most people. See,, see most people like to grill. Oh yeah. And most people want to light the grill in 60 seconds.
But most people aren’t willing to invest this kind of money and time into coming up with a solution. Bob, as you’ve been trying to provide the world’s best grilling tool possible, what has been the most challenging part of doing this? Really everything except for designing it and setting up the
manufacturing. I mean, it’s hard to actually pin that down to one thing. But getting on getting in front of people who can help influence or charcoal influencers and getting them to pay attention and helping me promote this notion. It’s basically you can have you can have the best tool of anything, whatever you want. And if nobody knows about it, you know, you’re just sitting there holding them.
I could make 5,000 grill guns and put them out in my garage. And then next year, I still have 5,000 grill guns out there. So it really is trying to get an audience that wants to buy them. And so it wouldn’t make any sense for me just get excited, 1,400 people excited to buy one and then launch my Kickstarter campaign and then credit, nobody wants any.
So it’s the whole aspect of marketing and sales. That’s the hard part. Because everything else is pretty straightforward. Z, you’ve told me for years I’m one of the best tools that the world has not heard of yet. I know what you mean by that. I promise you, Bob, if you put 5,000 of those
in your garage, you’re gonna end up with 4,999. Because I’m going to come over and snipe one of them. So there you have it. Z, what tough questions do you have for Bob about the process? Because there’s so many listeners out there who want to be an inventor. They want to launch a product.
He’s done step one. He had the idea. Step two, though, he made the prototype. Step three he’s got to try to sell it. As he’s in that pre-selling phase and it’s a weird deal because you got to sell enough to get the money needed to produce a lot. Zee what rude question do you have for Bob? What strong advice did you have for Bob? What do you got there? How much money do you need right now? I need
$100,000 and if you want to write me a check Z, I will drive into town What what are you willing to give up for a hundred thousand dollars? I? mean Well, obviously I’m willing to give up whatever it would take in the form of a loan, and I would also be willing to give up, you know, negotiate on a piece of the equity in the company for whatever the investor thinks that it’s worth.
Well, there’s, there’s, that’s always a negotiation point. Yeah, there’s, there’s, you know, a hundred thousands, tens of thousands of people that will be listening to this podcast, i.e. radio show. And somewhere, someone’s going to get on there and look at grillblazer.com, which I have been looking at now for the entirety of the podcast and looking at it and remembering my experience with the Grillblazer.
It’s a cool product. It’s a cool product. It’s cool. And sitting out there thinking there’s probably somebody out there that does this. They’ve got their money in a savings account drawing nothing. Maybe they’ve got a few thousands in the stock market.
They’re willing to put $100,000 on 10 different businesses and hopefully one hits. And hopefully one hits. And they go to their website and they go, hmm, okay. How much? What do I get for $100,000? So how does somebody contact you?
What’s the best way to contact you? Somebody’s listening out there going, you know what, I may wanna, depends on the equity piece you give up, depends on the, depends on a lot of things, but still that’s negotiable we don’t go into that right now in the air but how does
somebody contact you and start that process well the most direct way that will get to me is Bob at growblazer.com and if you if you don’t know anything about the internet and you don’t have email, and you do have a rotary dial phone, then you could dial 918-960-9690. What’s the number again? 918-960-9690. I think I might have said that wrong the first time. 918-960-9690.
Yeah, it’s on your website. Now Bob, as we wrap up today’s show, what final question do you have for Dr. Zellner? Dr. Zellner, Z, you’re a guy that people short tank you all the time. They’re always wanting to pick your brain for business tips. Z is it okay if he asks you any questions? Absolutely. Okay, Bob, what question do you have for Dr. Z as we wrap up today’s show? So, uh, do you Dr. Z know, have, have an impression, just having seen the Grogan and you’ve seen
people’s reaction to it, do you think that this is something that is, you know, that is a thing that is going to go? Okay, first of all, I do have thing that is gonna go. Okay, first of all, I do have an impression, I do. I do Forrest Gump fairly well. That’s my boat, J’Nae.
J’Nae. J’Nae, I was just running. Just running. We were like peas and carrots. So I do have, I got a couple of impressions that I do. Number one, on sidebar. You probably don’t want to hear all of them today.
That was a good one, though. Thank you. Can I do this? As you’re formulating your answer, I’m just going to queue up a little motivational quote that you once, this is a voicemail, I think it came from you to me. Oh, it did.
This was during that phase of our career in life where you called me happy. That was my nickname was happy I’m just gonna cue it up good and I’ll cue that up as you formulate your answer that way what your feedback you give Bob will not either be Super euphorically awesome or soul crushing we don’t want that Simon Cowell moment to happen without a lot of pre meditative thoughts So here we go. I got two thoughts on that. You gotta rise above it.
You gotta harness some good energy. Block out the bad. Harness energy, block bad. Feel the flow, Happy. Feel it. It’s circular. It’s like a carousel. You pay the quarter, you get on the horse.
It goes up and down and around. Circular, circular circle with the music the flow all good things. Okay, alright. Two things Bob, to answer your serious question that is yes I think it’s pretty cool and I do think there’s a market for it I don’t know how many times people look at me and say there’s
nothing to buy you what do you buy the man who has everything a grill gun agree number two I would do my best effort to approach hasty bake to approach Oklahoma Joe’s to approach some barbecue places that you know barbecue ie is grilling by almost definition right anymore I would maybe maybe do a co-sponsorship maybe it’s the what if they steal my idea well then that’s just what you you have them sign an NDA before you approach them and then you talk to them about co-marketing
co-branding this they say no then you go to the next one you knock on another door. Who do I call? ghostbusters No, I’m sorry you start off you make a list you make your top 100 you make a top 10 top 12 top 50 Okay people that might be interested in co Co-managing this with you, you know now you’re gonna have to give up some of the juice, you know, you already said, hey, for a hundred thousand I’m gonna give up some equity position anyway.
So maybe you go to somebody who themselves are in the grilling business. How much would you be willing to give up? You see, if you were in Bob’s shoes, let’s say, and you get a deal with Hasty Bank, says, Yeah, we love it. Let’s do it. How much equity would you be prepared to give up on a product that would be stillborn, essentially, without funding? How much would you, Z, advise a young man to say, Hey, I’m willing to give up. You should be prepared to give up up to
this much of your company for that funding. Well, you know, it depends on the amount and it depends on what I feel like I’ve already put into it personally. I don’t know how much money you’ve put into this already, but you have put some money in, you have put some time in. I would be able to document that and I’d be able to get
that a reasonable amount of money for that. How much is the invention worth? Reasonable. How much time have you put in? Reasonable. And how much physical money have you put in?
These are all reasonable numbers that a businessman would want to see. And so then if 100,000 is a third of that, then I would say they’re giving up a third of the equity. I mean, money is money. Cash talks. So you’re saying if Bob put in 100,000 of his own money, and Hasty Bakes says, hey,
we’re going to put 100,000 in, you said you might be willing to give up 49%? Correct. I mean, at the most you want to negotiate. But I mean, at the most. At the most, you’ve got to be ready for that. You got to be ready for it. Right. It’s kind of like, well, OK, you got a hundred thousand. And if I put a hundred thousand in, why am I?
Why are we not more equal? Why are you only going to give up two percent of the company? Don’t be stupid like that. You watch Shark Tank at all. them on there with these ridiculous ads. So Bob, does that feedback help you? And do you have any final closing question? I’ll just drill into that question a little bit deeper. It really wasn’t so much how much to give up as you see,
Dr. Z, you see a lot of stuff. People try and shark tank you all the time. And I’m just curious if I were, not that I’m going to do this, but I just mean on the quality of the kind of product that comes across your desk, is this the kind of thing that you see that has legs or is this the kind of thing that you say, you know, next let’s go do something else? I think it has legs. I think it’s kind of fun. It’s kind of a fun novelty, but yet useful gift
It’s a guy and really and really your final price point on it is gonna be roughly what what are you thinking? Oh? Well Just for easy talking purposes 100 bucks, but that includes shipping so see I think 150 I think 150 I think a guy would pay 150. This is a completely unnecessary item. Well, that’s the fun of it.
I think, though, you keep it 99.99. Really? 99.99? Yeah. What if it was, like, in the shape of an Uzi or an AR? I mean, for an AR-themed one? Yeah, that’s pretty cool.
It looks pretty cool, looks like James Bond would like, you know, go and take over. But I mean, if they had like an AR version, I mean, would you spend up to $150,000 on that thing? You might have different, you could have a rifle, you could have a little .22 version, a little bitty flame, if you’re a cigar lighter, you know, you want to light your cigar. The grill blazer, the grill gun could be, you know, you could have different variations. Down the road, you know, you can have the, I’m serious, I’m going to pump up the fire. Or you can have a product that’s always fun.
You give the gift, and it’s the grillblazer line of landmines. Yeah, that’s also a fun game. So it just randomly starts. You just blow it up. I buried that in your yard, and at some point it will emit flames and for $100 I’ll tell
you where it is if not good luck. I don’t need you on my marketing team. Oh you do. Oh my friend. That’s so good. Great tagline it can grill charcoal and squirrels at 30.
All I gotta do is have landmines in the yard. Take back control of your yard. So good. Great tagline, it can grill charcoal in 60 seconds and squirrels in 30. All I gotta do is have landmines in the yard. Take back control of your yard for $100. Grill a squirrel or charcoal in 60 seconds. Yeah. Okay.
Yes, I do think it has legs, and like I said, it’s a fun gift because it works, it’s clean, it looks good, it’s well built. I’ve already fired the trigger myself. And I think, like I said before, it kind of gets into that, you know like those catalogs you flip through on the airplane.
Oh yeah, it does. Oh, you should be on that. Finger hook, catalog, get myself a finger hook, catalog. Get myself a recliner with a back scratcher. Oh, yeah. And get myself a grill blazer. And get myself a whole collection of Chinese finger locks.
And then I’m set. That’s all I need. That’s all I need. Just the essentials. For the guy who has everything, now you have your grill gun. The grill gun. You can grill a squirrel or charcoal in under 60 seconds. Guaranteed.
Endorsed by Batman. That’s right. Okay, Bob, I appreciate you. And check Norris. Bob, it’s grillblazer.com. Our listeners out there, I know they’re going to go check it out.
Grillblazer.com. Check it out. GrillBlazer.com. Check it out. Z, you could be one of the first 1,400 people in America to buy this beautiful item. The grill gun endorsed by Chuck Norris. I think that’s the tagline. By the way, if Chuck did endorse this, wouldn’t it be over for him if he got a celebrity endorsement from Chuck Norris?
That’s one of the moves. That’s a move. That’s a move. That’s a move. That’d be a great move. Bob, I appreciate you so much and Z and I are gonna go pontificate about the NFL upcoming draft. We’re gonna be talking about all things NBA. We got a lot to cover here Z. So thank you so much Bob. Have a great day. day and then you move on? Yeah. Okay. Well if you’re out there and you sincerely have an idea or an invention that you want to refine and you want to get launched and turned into
something that could make money, that could become a business, I would highly recommend that you start by thinking of problems that real people have and look for a better way to solve that problem or a way to solve the problem that people really have. That’s why I think that the grill gun will do well because men like to grill and they sincerely want to use charcoal because it typically tastes better.
But now you can use the grill gun to light your charcoal grill in just 60 seconds. Oh, and I’ve used it and it saved me so much time. I don’t have to taste lighter fluid. It’s awesome. And it’s a lot of fun. Oh, it’s so much fun.
It’s like a gun-shaped torch. It combines grilling, you’ve got the fire, you’ve got the gun to hold. It’s a fantastic gift. I encourage you to check out the website today. Again, in case you missed it earlier, it’s called grillblazer.com. And if you’re interested in learning how to become the best inventor you can possibly
be, I would recommend that everybody goes out and purchases a copy of the book called Secrets from an Inventor’s Notebook. Secrets from an Inventor’s Notebook by Maurice Kanbar, the creator of Sky Vodka and a guy that is the holder of an incredible number of patents. The modern needle protector, you know, that’s Maurice Canbar’s invention. The Sky Vodka, that’s his invention.
You have the modern traffic lights. A lot of people don’t realize this, but the modern traffic lights, a lot of them are using Maurice Canbar’s patented invention that makes a strobe light that strobes so fast that the average person doesn’t see it strobing, but it dramatically reduces the amount of electricity being used because it’s not on the whole time it’s strobing. This guy’s got a ton of inventions and he wrote how he did it, how to do it, how to invent things, the process. It’s notbing interesting this guy’s got a ton of inventions, and he wrote how he did it how to do it
How to invent things the process it’s not a random thing he’s doing here. It’s a proven process He’s done time and time again, and you can get that book today It’s called secrets from inventors notebook by Maurice Kanbar the creator of sky vodka It’s an incredible book everybody Everybody out there should own it if you’re looking to become an inventor. And we like to end each and every show with a boom.
And so now without any further ado, three, two, one, boom. Hello, my name is Charles Kolaw with Kolaw Fitness. Today I wanna tell you a little bit about Clay Clark and how I know Clay Clark. Clay Clark has been my business coach since 2017. He’s helped us grow from two locations to now six locations.
We’re planning to do seven locations in seven years and then franchise. And Clay has done a great job of helping us navigate anything that has to do with like running the business, building the systems, the checklists, the workflows, the audits, how to navigate lease agreements, how to buy property, how to work with brokers and builders. This guy is just amazing.
This kind of guy has worked in every single industry. He’s written books with like Lee Crocker, or Head of Disney with the 40,000 cast members. He’s friends with like Mike Lindell. He does Reawaken America tours where he does these tours all across the country where 10,000 or more people show up to some of these tours. On the day-to-day he does anywhere from about 160 companies. He’s at the top.
He has a team of business coaches videographers And graphic designers and web developers and they run 160 companies every single week So think of this guy with a team of business coaches running 160 companies. So in the weekly he’s running 160 companies Every six to eight weeks. He’s doing reawaken America tours every six to eight weeks. He’s running 160 companies. Every six to eight weeks, he’s doing Reawaken America tours. Every six to eight weeks,
he’s also doing business conferences where 200 people show up and he teaches people a 13-step proven system that he’s done and worked with billionaires, helping them grow their companies. So I’ve seen guys from startups
go from startup to being multim-millionaires, teaching people how to get time freedom and financial freedom through the system. Critical thinking, document creation, making it, putting it into, organizing everything in their head to building it into a franchisable, scalable business. Like one of his businesses has like 500 franchises. That’s just one of the companies or brands that he works with So amazing guy Elon Musk kinds kind of like smart guy
He kind of comes off sometimes as socially awkward, but he’s so brilliant and he’s taught me so much when I say that like Clay is like he doesn’t care what people think when you’re talking to him. He cares about where you’re going in your life and where he can get you to go. And that’s what I like him most about him. He’s like a good coach. A coach isn’t just making you feel good all the time.
A coach is actually helping you get to the best you. And Clay has been an amazing business coach. Through the course of that, we became friends. My most impressed with him is when I was shadowing him one time, we went into a business deal and listened to it. I got to shadow and listen to it.
And when we walked out, I knew that he could make millions on the deal. And they were super excited about working with him. And he told me, he’s like, I’m not gonna touch it. I’m gonna turn it down because he knew it was going to harm the common good of people in the long run and the guy’s integrity just really wowed me. It
brought tears to my eyes to see that this guy, his highest desire was to do what’s right and And anyways, just an amazing man. So anyways, impacted me a lot. He’s helped navigate. Anytime I’ve gotten nervous or worried about how to run the company or navigating competition and an economy that’s like, I remember we got closed down for three months.
He helped us navigate on how to stay open, how to get back open, how to just survive through all the COVID shutdowns, lockdowns, because our clubs were all closed for three months and you have $350,000 of bills you’ve got to pay and we have no accounts receivable.
He helped us navigate that. And of course, we were conservative enough that we could afford to take that on for a period of time. But he was a great man. I’m very impressed with him. So Clay, thank you for everything you’re doing.
And I encourage you, if you haven’t ever worked with Clay, work with Clay. He’s gonna help magnify you. And there’s nobody I have ever met that has the ability to work as hard as he does. He probably sleeps four, maybe six hours a day,
and literally the rest of the time he’s working. And he can outwork everybody in the room every single day. And he loves it. So anyways, this is Charles Colaw with Colaw Fitness. Thank you clay and anybody out there that’s wanting to work with clay It’s a great great opportunity to ever work with him. So you guys have a blessed one. This is Charles Cola. We’ll see you guys
Bye-bye. How in the world does a 15 year old create a line of healthy peanut butter products that can now be found in over? 1 000 grocery stores. How does a 15-year-old entrepreneur go about making her first prototypes of said peanut butter? How does a 15-year-old find a commercial kitchen? How does a 15-year-old young woman go about creating her own branding and marketing materials? How did she legally protect her product? How did she overcome fear?
On today’s show, the founder of Abby’s Better Nut Butter shares how to get your product into 1,000 stores and much, much more. Some shows don’t need a celebrity narrator to introduce the show. But this show does. Two men.
Eight kids. Co-created by two different women. Thirteen multi-million dollar businesses. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Thrive Time Show. Now three, two, one, here we go! We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom and we’ll show you how to get here.
We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. Yes, yes, yes, it is. Thrive Nation, on today’s show we have a super guest by the name of Miss Abby Kircher. Now Abby is a little bit different than most young ladies out there.
She started her business three years ago at just the age of 15 out of a desire to create healthier alternatives to peanut butter that never quite, you know, would never sacrifice the taste. It wouldn’t compromise taste for health. Her company is called Abby’s Better. And her company quickly began to gain the traction and she has now created a variety of products that can be found in over 1,000 stores around the planet. And she’s on pace
to break through the $1 million in sales mark by the end of this year. During her short three-year career as an entrepreneur, she’s been featured on How I Built That, Forbes Magazine, Entrepreneur Magazine, and now, as a result of great trickery, she has made a poor life choice and she has joined us on the Thrive Time Show. Abby, how are you? I’m fantastic.
How are you guys? Doing good. We are excited to be here with you. Clay Stairs, a former school teacher turned millionaire, became an entrepreneur at the age of 47. On the other side of the bridge. You became an entrepreneur at the age of 15. So I want to ask you, where were you, when
did you first get the idea to start Abby’s Better? Yeah, well, I was 15 years old and I was at my house in the summer of 2015. I love peanut butter. It was pretty much everything. So I didn’t want all the artificial sweeteners and peanut oils found in traditional peanut butter.
So I said, you know what, I’m not going to fool with it. I’m just going to make my own using some of my favorite nuts like cashews, pecans, and almonds and natural sweeteners like fruits and honey. So I was at my house, I whipped out a food processor and I just started making different recipes, mixing different nuts with different flavors. And I came up with the five flavors we have now, like within a week. And I, I love them. I shared it with friends and family and they would just rave about how good it tasted while being so healthy. And then that’s
when I approached my mom and I said, what if I started a business called it Abby’s Better and we could sell at different farmers markets in the area. At first it was just going to be a hobby, something to let go on the college resume, but it soon grew into something much bigger than I ever expected it to. I have a question.
It’s going to sound like one of those backhanded compliment kind of questions here, but I really have the most sincere of intentions when I ask this question. If you don’t like it, you can just hang up on me and I’ll pick up on the clue there. When I started DJ Connection, my first company, DJConnection.com that I have since sold, it’s now the nation’s largest wedding entertainment company. It started because I was asked to attend and organize the Students Against Drunk Driving Dance, the sad dance, for Dasyl Cucuto High School.
And the DJ was so impossibly terrible with a side of sarcasm mixed with disorganization. And everybody hated the DJ, they dislikliked the DJ the DJ wasn’t very good And I just was so enraged by how bad every disc jockey was at every school dance, and I thought to myself you know what? I’m gonna devote the next 12 years of my life to Becoming the best DJ possible. I don’t know that I had thought about 12 years, but I thought, I’m going to figure it out.
So I figured out what equipment I needed to get, what gear I needed to buy, and then I made this statement, which is crazy, but the lady who organized the event, she looked just like Terri Hatcher from Lois, from Superman, the show. I said, hey miss Paige miss Paige I Would like to DJ the next show and she said clay you’re 15 years old. What do you know about DJ?
I said I know that I could not possibly be worse than this person And I will do it and you don’t have to pay me anything But we typically have 200 students that show up I would just like to keep $5 per head after the first 200 and she said okay class do you guys are you approved you know the student council do you approve of this they said yeah so then three months later of exhaustive DJ boot camping, teaching myself everything, renting
equipment from a pothead named Oswald. I promoted this event with flyers I made myself that I made in Microsoft Paint. I got 500 kids to attend the dance. I cleared $1,500 in one night. And people say, why were you so obsessed with DJing? So I’m gonna ask you the same question. Why were you so obsessed with peanut butter? Why not just
let it go? Why not just say let it go. Let it go. I mean why not just say you know the peanut butter it’s not that great we move on. Why did you get so obsessed about peanut butter. Well I think it was a mix of like my passion for food in general and then out of a desire to want to come up with healthier options and you know not many people think you know they create a healthy recipe they don’t think I want to share this with a lot of people but I think the entrepreneur in me just wanted to find a way to share this idea with as many people
as possible. And the first way I thought about doing that was starting a business, no matter how small scale I thought it would be at first, but just being able to sell it and get out, get it out there to as many people as possible was just the goal that I, like you said, became obsessed with. I think that’s the passion that still drives me now. You realize you’re supposed to be chasing boys.
People tell me, Clay, you’re supposed to be chasing girls. You’re supposed to be socializing. People say, how come you’re not going to youth group? Why are you not socializing? Why are you not going to dances? Why are you spending every second of every day
learning to become a disc jockey? I ask you the same question. Why not have life balance, Abby, and just focus on what everybody else is doing? Why aren’t you spending more time on Instagram airing your feelings? Why are you focused on building a company? You’re not even 20 years old yet.
I think those things never interested me as much as other people. I was always a more introverted person so I wasn’t the type to always be out at a party or anything. I like being home and just learning things. And like I said, cooking in my kitchen. And once I had this idea, it just seemed so much more important than all the other things. And I, especially when I started getting into stores and the business started growing, I realized that this could be my future.
This could be my career. And that idea was just so exciting and something that I never thought could have happened otherwise. So it was really a blessing once it started to grow. How did you go about making prototypes and testing the product? I know you got out of food processes or of some kind, but how did you go about making prototypes and testing the product? I know you got out of food processes or of some kind, but how did you go about…
Because so many people who are in their 40s, and Clay Stairs, if you can vouch for me on this, right? There’s a lot of people you work with… I’m beyond my 40s, yes. But I mean, do we not work with a lot of clients who are in their late 40s, 50s, 30s, whatever, and they just angst over
making a prototype. They can’t just seem to do it. How did you, Abby, go about making prototypes and testing the product? Right. Well, I mean, the first thing I did was research. I researched as much as humanly possible about the food industry and CPG businesses and also food safety laws in North Carolina and how I could safely sell these products at farmers markets. Because, you know, like I said, I was 15. I had zero background in really anything, let alone business. And so I just researched as much as I could and we found out that since I have a dog
I couldn’t make the products in my own kitchen, so I just started researching different commercial kitchens in the Charlotte area found one Went to them and just they cut us a deal off the bat just because people love the story and they wanted to support a young entrepreneur. So things just started falling in place once we started making these decisions and developing packaging. We actually knew friends who had a kombucha company and they gave us a contact who
created their logo so we got in touch with him and it was just one thing after then after another working as fast as we could. Clay Stairs you know hot and fresh questions. Okay I’m just cracking up here because Abby you’re saying that that you found out that because you have a dog you’re not able to use your own kitchen to make the peanut butter. I think that probably nine and a half people out of ten would have said, okay, well, it was an idea.
Guess I’ll go back to Facebook. But you you you said that won’t stop me. I’m going on. And you went and found a commercial kitchen. That is amazing. Congratulations.
Thank you very much. Yeah. I mean, you know, I I’m sure as you guys know, you face those moments every day where you think, Oh, another wall that I have to work past But I think it just made me more like I
Just wanted to push past all these obstacles as much as I could and yeah, they were discouraging at the moment, but there’s Few greater feelings than approaching an obstacle like that and getting past it and getting past the next and the next. It’s just such a rewarding, fulfilling feeling. Wow. See, that’s it, Clay.
She has the spark. She’s got the cube. I call it the dragon energy. Yes, the dragon energy. I’m writing a new book about this. That’s it.
You and Kanye. about this. I’m sure you’re aware of who Kanye West is and obviously President Trump. But it’s interesting but Kanye West sent out a tweet to Donald Trump and he said you know I love him. He has the dragon energy and then Trump responds and they cross the political lines and this is what I have defined and I’m the my new book is entirely about this when you tell me no if someone says no to me I am more
energized by it and I I am entirely fueled off of what I call haterade there’s Gatorade you’ve heard of Gatorade. Gatorade top athletes will drink it during timeouts. Haterade, when people say no to me, it motivates me. I remember getting that first, I remember I started DJing the sad dances
at the same age that you were when you started your company. I remember I called a guy, a speaker rental company, I said, hey, I want to rent some speakers. And they said, okay. And they could tell my voice. Cause it’s like, hi, I want to rent some speakers. And they’re like, how old are you? I remember them asking. I’m like, I’m 15. They’re like, we’re not going to rent your speakers. Okay. I called the next company, next company, next company. Next week, finally get a hold of a guy, and the guy is totally stoned.
He’s like, yeah, bruh, I’ll rent it for you, dude, but you got to come pick it up. But I’m 15, I can’t drive. Bring the munchies. So I had to have another adult drive me. And then, oh, there’s, I could tell you endless adversity. I want to ask you, how did you find the commercial kitchen?
How’d you do it? How did I find a commercial kitchen? I just researched commercial kitchens in the Charlotte area and I first had to kind of research the concept of just shared kitchen space because I didn’t really know at the time what that term was or what that was called. But then I found that there were commercial kitchens all over the place where different like small businesses could come and use shared space to make their products.
And so I started researching different ones in different areas. And I think we came to two, we talked with the different managers and found the one that we liked in Charlotte. And of course now we have our own manufacturing facility but then it was just with a great opportunity
being able to find them and go in there and grueling hours of the day usually after school and just make as much product as possible. What hours did you go in there after school? Was it like five o’clock at night, seven o’clock at night? What hours did you go in there? Yeah, it’d be like five to five to twelve sometimes and I remember one time I had just got my learner’s permit and I’d like drive home after work from
From the kitchen. I was stressed about it because I was like, I can’t get stopped. But yeah, just tough hours after school. But again, when you have that passion and that drive, it makes it so much more doable versus going to
some other job where I’m working for someone else doing something that I’m just not passionate about. Is your dad self-employed? Is your mom self-employed? Tell us about your mom and dad. Yeah, my mom and dad, they’re incredibly supportive parents. My dad had a job when I started the company, my mom did not. She quit her job when she had my oldest brother Aaron, decided to become a full-time mom. But she doesn’t like to be social, she likes to be constantly doing stuff.
And so when I came up with the idea of the business, she was like, I’m all about it, let’s do this full speed ahead. And now we’ve actually hired my dad and my oldest brother Aaron. So it’s become a real family business at this point. Do you know who T.D. Jakes is? I do not. If you get a chance to look him up, his name is T.D. Jakes. His attorney is the same attorney that that I have. It’s Wes Carter. And TD Jakes is a consultant for Oprah in the movies she does like Selma or The Butler. And he has one of the top ten largest churches in America. TD Jakes.
And I just want to give a little piece of wisdom to you that you are not asking for but I give it to you because I care. You have the dragon energy which means you have something that’s exceptional. I believe it’s a gift that you’ve cultivated and so what’s going to happen is he talks about this but whenever you are exceptional at something, in your case, you’re exceptionally driven. Most people won’t understand you, and I would just encourage you to remember this moment
and never let people who don’t understand it bring you down because you’re gonna have a $100 million company. It’s gonna be huge, and I know it’s gonna happen for you. It’s gonna happen, but the thing is is that like most people won’t understand you and they’re gonna say You’re an alpha. You’re so anal. What is your deal? Why don’t you calm down? You’re so… It’s gonna happen. Has that already happened to you in some extent or
are you pretty much getting nothing but encouragement because you’re such a young incredible person? Oh, it’s definitely not just encouragement. I’ve experienced both sides. There are people that are very encouraging and supportive and want to see me succeed and then some people of course in the beginning that just say, you’re crazy, you’re 15, 16, what do you know, you don’t realize what you’re getting yourself into.
I heard that so much. And of course, it can be discouraging, especially if it’s coming from someone who has more expertise or at that time, like older. And I’m like, maybe I don’t know what I’m doing. But again, like you said, hearing no and you can’t
just makes you want to work harder and go further. Dragon energy yes now how did you know that your peanut butter was finally sellable I mean when did you know like listen this is good now but now I can sell this because a lot of people you know they’re out there trying to sell a product that just is terrible you know people are selling products that suck but they’re not selling vacuums, that’s an issue.
Unless you’re selling vacuums, this just in. You should not sell a product that sucks. So how did you know that your product was good enough to sell? Well, I, you know, once I got those five flavors, I just shared them with as many people as possible. People who were uber health freaks and were the exact customer type that would buy this product,
and then also people that weren’t used to eating healthy food and they’re used to just an Peter Pan. And I finally found recipes that really worked for everybody and everybody’s lifestyle and everybody’s most people’s taste preferences. And that’s when I decided I’ve got a great product because I believe that no matter even how driven you are, if you don’t have a good product, people just aren’t going to buy it. So once I did the recipes and we had that commercial kitchen, we had packaging
nailed down, I was just fired up and I was like, I’m ready to do this. You know Thrive Nation, if you’re out there today and you’ve not been to abbysbetter.com, you got to go there. Listen, it’s the kind of product that my wife would buy. And Abby, I want you to commit to me. I want you, as we get off the show,
I want you to email to founder at thrive15.com, founder at thrive15.com, and just email me and say, how many do you want to order? And I’ll make sure that my wife orders some stuff from you because this is right up her alley.
I’m on the website right now. I’m telling you my wife’s gonna buy and if you’re out and I don’t want to attack the listeners out there we have we have hundreds of thousands of listeners but if you’re out there and uh you’re thinking about you’re thinking about what is the best holiday gift. There it is. Here’s the question I ask you what better way to say I love you than with a gift of healthy peanut butter. Okay, we continue. So a lot of people are You know, they get caught in the legal zone. They go. How do I protect my idea? Legally, what do I need to do? I just don’t know try to make an LLC
Should be an a sole proprietor should make an S Corp. Should I form a committee? Okay, I’ll form a committee and then all of a sudden the fear overwhelms them. They go on legal Zoom every night. They’re listening to these podcasts about the law, and they want to protect their idea. And so they never get off the launching pad
because they’re so afraid of protecting their product or their idea. How did you go about protecting your product or from a legal perspective or did you even go through the process of protecting your product? Yeah, once we got a family and friends raised in the beginning, we had been a company a few months, we had a family and friends raised and that was the first thing that I wanted to do. I was like,
I don’t want to spare any expense. I want to find a good lawyer who will protect the business and protect us because in the end that’s the main importance. What do you mean family and friends raise? I know what you mean but a lot of people don’t know that jargon. What do you mean by family and friends raise? Right so it’s initial raise of money usually gathered through friends and family, so not necessarily professional investors, but people who believe in the brand and in the entrepreneur,
which is so important, and who are willing to invest at an earlier stage than most investors would. Got it. Okay, so please continue. So how did you go about protecting the idea? Yeah, so once we had the raise, we found a lawyer who works with CPG companies and obviously
we met with a bunch of different people and found one that worked incredibly well with us and he’s with us to this day and he’s fantastic to have and so that was really just something that was a main priority for me. I was like, you know, there’s a billion things we could do with this money, but priority number one is finding a great lawyer. What does CPG mean for the listeners out there?
Consumer packaged goods. Okay now Abby, Paul Graham, the legendary entrepreneur behind a lot of products people know, Airbnb, Reddit.com, Dropbox, ViaWeb, one of the first online shopping carts he sold to Yahoo, Y Combinator. He said you found market price when buyers complain but still pay. What was your process?
What was your process for determining a price for your product? Yeah, so in the beginning we just kind of were researching a lot about cost of ingredients and cost of packaging. When we came up with an SRP that we still have today at $12.99, of course it can fluctuate depending on the retailer, but we picked that price and it was perfect. We would go into stores and we would look at the peanut butter
and nut butter aisle and just see kind of where the other products were and we found a happy medium that we were very comfortable with. Now what does SRP mean out there? Man, you’re using so much language here. It’s a suggested retail price. And what does CPG mean again? Consumer packaged
goods. And she’s 18 ladies and gentlemen. I’m just telling you these are things that people ask me every day and I know when you start calling store buyers they’re gonna hey hey what’s your SRP what’s your CPG and you’re like uh I’m down with OPP. And my 18 year old is going OMG. Yeah I got some DVDs and MP3s, whatever. Okay so now what methods did you first use to market your product? And I know Clay Stairs has some questions for you because a lot of his clients he works
with are again in their 30s, 40s, 50s, they have a new product or a new idea and they’re struggling to get their products into stores. And you’ve got your product now into over a thousand stores. What methods did you use to market your product into those thousand stores or did you just wait for the phone to ring? Definitely didn’t wait for the phone to ring. I don’t know if that works for anybody, but it definitely didn’t work for us.
So we just hit the ground running. We wanted to start at a local level, so we would go to different local retail stores, go into the store, ask to speak to the grocery manager, bring the product, and I just sit down with them face to face and say, this is my story. This is my product.
I’m really passionate about this. And I promised every retailer, I said, we will become one of the top-selling nut butters in this category, we promise. So I give them the product, they would try it. And because the butters really are so good,
a lot of them were welcoming to bring it into the store, especially because of the story and a lot of people are attracted to this. Wait a minute. Okay. Okay, so you showed up at people’s businesses that you did not know.
How could you have possibly got over the fear of rejection? How did you, you showed up? How many stores did you show up at, Abby? Probably 20 different, just in the Charlotte area. 20 different stores. How many people kicked you out, shut you down?
Well, it was probably the first one just welcomed you with open arms and said, we’ll take 15 cases. Oh, I wasn’t quite that. Usually we go into the store and of course they would act disinterested and like they didn’t really care. Who’s this teenager talking to me?
I’ve got, you know, things to get to. But honestly, I would, I would find their phone number and I would call and I would email and I would just, you know, basically just show these grocery managers how passionate I am because I think a lot of people get used to just the drudgery of same old big corporate food companies coming in here but I was like I’m I’m passionate about this the customer will be passionate
about it because I’m passionate about it and that’s how we started getting into local retail stores and then we started getting into chains because of proving ourselves in those local stores. What kind of chains are you now in? For the listeners out there who want to go buy this product today, they say, you know, I could go to abbysbetter.com and buy it there, but I have carpal tunnel.
What store should I go to? I want to physically go to a store. I can’t buy it online. What stores are you in right now? Yeah we’re in Wegmans, Food Lion, Earth Fare, Meyer, Jewel, Osco as well as some local chains in the North Carolina, South Carolina area. We’re also available on Amazon as well. So you’re saying your product is available. What would be like your three
biggest stores you’re in right now? Three biggest stores would be Meyer, Jewel, Osco, and Wegman. And it’s Redmond how do you spell that? R-E-D-M-O-N-D? No Wegman. W-E-G-M-E-N-F. It’s a store in the Northeast. Got it. So you you are again I want to make sure we’re getting this because I’m not arguing with you. It’s not polite for me to argue with a guest, Abby, but there’s some listener out there going, well, the reason why she got in stores is because she’s, you know, a young girl and she has a story. But I would say this. If you were 35 and you had this idea, you would still get into stores
because you have the dragon energy. You have the honey badger spirit. You just cold call, you cold email, you dream 100, and you view rejection. This is how you hear rejection because I hear it the same way. This is not a metaphorical idea. When people tell me no, I hear this, you’re on the verge of something awesome.
Ask me again. This is literally the drumbeat I hear in my head. I don’t understand the word no. Clay Starrs, you have some questions on behalf of your clients that struggle because they haven’t yet either found the drag dragon energy. They haven’t developed the dragon energy. What tough questions do you have for Ms. Hammond? Well, well, first of all again, just the fact that that you know, again the kitchen
I couldn’t do it in my kitchen and you just went and found a commercial kitchen. That’s awesome. I do have, and Scott you know who you are out there, I’ve got one client that we’ve been trying for the last three weeks to just print off, just hit print on his schedule every day and it’s not happening. And we had a great meeting today about that. Just hit print every day, you know, but, but so, so many. And I remember even when
I started with clay, cause like, like he said, at 47 years old, I started my company. It took me that long to, to kind of get a grip on it and get the idea, but 47 years old. And I found when I first started out that it was all of the emotional things that kept me shut down. It was like the fear of doing a cold call. Yeah, I could go talk to that person, but they probably wouldn’t and those emotions would begin to creep in and I would I made so many decisions based on emotion, but somehow
Abby, you, you, you, you, you don’t seem to do that. You seem to be able to go beyond the emotion and make the decision out of this passionate desire to achieve a goal. Holy cow! How do you do it? How do you do this?
Is it the butter? Is it the butter? That’s what it is. Because I just bought clay. I just bought two tubs of butter. Nice. Right here, that’s why I’ve been typing on it. I just bought two tubs of butter.
Okay, nice. So tell me, how did you get beyond the emotion? Because come on, you’re 15. No, you’re 18. Well, now she’s 18. But she was 15. At one point, she was 15. Yeah I mean I first of all I have
definitely made very emotional decisions in the business everyone does and I think that’s one of the toughest parts about starting your own business is you have so much passion for it, but your emotions can get caught up and you find yourself just overwhelmed and wanting to succeed and having to fear failure. I think part of it was like emotion helped because it gave me the passion to go forward. But I’ve also always been a very kind of rhetorical black and white thinker.
And I just knew I said if I don’t try, I’ll never know if I can succeed. So that thought just kept me pushing and kept me going back into the stores and back to the grocery manager and basically not taking no for an answer many of the time. That is just fantastic. Thank you for saying that because again I know that that is a battle that I had to fight through and so many not all of my clients but many of my clients find that same barrier and they
just get stuck. And so thank you for saying that. And I just want to give a shout out to all my clients. Big shout out right now. Big shout out right now to everybody I know. And just say, I’ll tell you what, just press on, press on, don’t get caught in that emotional whirlpool that keeps you
stagnant. Abbey, just so you know, you’re in North Carolina, is that correct? Charlotte? I am, Charlotte area. It’s a class here. I’ve got my haircut there one time before.
I interviewed a guy by the name of Terry Powell who has sold more franchises than anyone else in the world. Terry, boom boom Powell. I’ve been there before than anyone else in the world. Terry Boom Boom Powell. I’ve been there before, been there a few times. It’s a classic community. Tulsa, what happens is at weddings, have you been to a lot of weddings Abby? I’ve been to a few, I’m not quite at the age where all my friends are getting married, but I’ve definitely been
to some. Well at Tulsa what happens is at a wedding they’ll have a best man’s toast and whenever you give a Caucasian male from Oklahoma the mic at a wedding, 60% of the time they’re gonna go, well I’ll tell you what, I’m gonna before I get up here and do a do toast what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna give a shout out real quick to uh Billy, Billy back there, you know I’m saying man we’ve been through a lot baby. And they forget that they’re not on a call-in radio show. Like uh couldn’t they just start
doing I’ll tell you what little Mookie back there little Mookie come on. So that’s what Clay was doing he was having flashbacks. Sorry about that. Redneck toast. We’ll work through this. Now your marketing is weird. Your marketing is weird. I say it’s weird because it’s weird to say the word weird that way. It’s weird marketing and your story is even more weird and people remember the word weird when you say it that way because it’s not probably how you should
say weird. So your marketing I look at your website abby’s better calm and are you familiar with who Seth Godin is? I am. Okay we just had Seth on the show two days ago. Yeah yeah. Seth is an awesome guy, great mentor, just a wonderful person to know. Seth Godin though talks about how you have to create a purple cow. You have to create a marketing, in a world of brown cows, you have to create a purple
cow that stands out, that gets people’s attention. And so I’d like to ask you, I’m looking at your website and there’s like a picture of like Chewbacca but it’s like a nut dressed up like Chewbacca You have like a Michael Jackson nut and you have like a Beatles Sticker and you have James Bond and you just got a lot of just weird things that people don’t traditionally use to market peanut butter How has the weird marketing and your story helped you to gain traction?
Oh I mean, I kind of decided to come out with merchandise just a few months ago because you know I’m passionate for food but I also just love pop culture and said, how fun would it be if I could incorporate that into my business? So I decided to create a variety of nut characters and use different artists as well as movies. And that’s how I came up with that. And people are loving it because it’s fun, it’s lively, different people can relate depending on when you were born.
And so I really enjoyed that area of the business as well. Now, you are having a lot of success now. But do you remember what the first store was that began to carry your products, the first store that said yes, and kind of what you felt when they said yes? Yeah the first store was actually a healthy home market which is a local
store here in North Carolina and that was the greatest feeling once we got into those stores they were about six I, I think, here in Charlotte. And they started carrying the products the minute we walked in there with the butters. And I was just determined to make ourselves as amazing as possible in that local store,
because I just wanted to start straight off the bat, doing great. And so that was such an amazing feeling and really can’t be beat. Still to this day, every time I get a new chain, I just want to jump up and down with joy because it’s just more people that are going to be able to try the product and more people that believe in us to keep growing. So hypothetically, if we were living in a
parallel universe where a man in his 50s had an awesome product that he believed in strongly and he was concerned about calling stores for fear that people would steal his idea even though he was legally protected, or fear of calling stores because of the fear of rejection. What advice would you give to a 50-year-old man or woman who has a great product and they’re just afraid of the rejection and that’s why they don’t call store buyers?
Yeah, I’d say that if you have a product and you’re passionate about it and it’s a genuinely good product, the fear of rejection will never feel as bad as realizing that you did not do anything with that passion and that you didn’t take the chance to see if it even got anywhere. Yes, there are instances where people create products and they think it’s going to be great and it just doesn’t, but at least they know that they did everything they could to try. So I would say the worst thing you could do is let fear cripple you into not seeing what could happen because if you’re passionate about it, you can convince other people to
be passionate about it. Oh man, that’s fantastic. I’ve got just building on that point right there, Abby. I know that that being a business owner myself, at some point the business gets bigger than you and you’ve got to bring on other people that can actually help you take that that vision and make it bigger in the community but it can be so hard to build a team to find people that that actually
share your core values and can share your passion would you mind talking a little bit about about your experiences with with finding and building a team at your age especially but finding and building a team and probably would be really helpful if you could share maybe a couple of horror stories about if maybe you ever did hire a terrorist or something like that that made it really hard. Right, absolutely. That was, I think one of the biggest things that was most important for me especially is just trying to surround myself with as much business expertise as possible.
And like I always like to say, know what you don’t know. And I knew I didn’t know a lot. So I was just reaching out to different entrepreneurs in the Charlotte area. And there are really so many, it’s a fantastic place to be. And just asking to speak with people, get on a phone call,
communicate over email. And a lot of these people ended up becoming, you know, partners with Abby’s Better. Someone, Robert Maynard, who owns a, you know, the restaurant chain here in North Carolina, and they’ve seen tremendous success. So he’s been with us since the beginning. And like you said, it’s so important to find people who are not only have the expertise that you don’t but share the same passion for your business, passion for your story and really believe in you and I think that’s what’s been amazing and also why I like working with my
family. There are pros and cons, of course, but the pro is that no one’s going to work as hard for your company as your family and people who are really invested in it. Yeah. Wow. Now, okay, you are an absolute just wealth of knowledge,
so there’s so many people out there right now who are just taking notes left and right. It’s so exciting that I’m just telling you I can I can see it happening right now. People are getting out notepads. They’re taking notes all across the nation. And so the accounting part of the business, I find that people with Dragon Energy, myself included, don’t like accounting. Now I have learned that accounting is one of the most productive activities you can
do once you’ve begun to generate a lot of revenue. So now I’ve really become a fan of accounting. But at first, by default, people with this dragon energy, this inspirational mindset, this ability to fight through adversity, typically aren’t super excited about going into QuickBooks. How do you stay on top of your accounting demands? We actually work with an accounting firm, and the man we work with is a close friend
of ours, and they’re based here in Charlotte. And like you said, that was a very daunting task and I just knew that I couldn’t do it as well as someone else. And so that was a decision where I said, okay, this part of the business, I’m going to hire someone else to do it. Someone that I trust, someone that I know will be smart and
that I can work closely with because I also think one of the hardest things about owning a business is having to give away tasks and having to kind of delegate different daily tasks to people because you kind of want to be over everything and you want to have your hand in everything. Well now Abby I want to ask you this here real quick. Do you have a big shout out you want to give to your accountant there?
Is there a certain accountant you want to give a big shout out to? Who would that accountant be? Um yeah uh I don’t. You don’t want to give his name? I respect it. Here’s the deal. If you want me to put a link on the show notes, I’ll do it and I won’t ask you more redneck questions or there’s somebody out there going, well, by God, I need to find that guy because
a lot of people don’t have a good account. I need me a good Bing counter. Okay, I’ll move on. I’ll just… Nut counter. Nut counter. Sorry about that. Yeah, the small firm we work with and his contact information.
Awesome. Now, your process, on a daily basis, your process for how you’re staying on top of things, a lot of people become reactive as they build a business. You’re very proactive and you’re beginning to build this success. You’re on the precipice of some massive success here. What advice would you give your younger self three years ago that would have saved you
a lot of time and money? Where you go, gosh, why did I do that? Why did I do that? What was I thinking? Right. Advice, gosh, so much advice I give to my younger self, I’m sure you guys would understand.
I would say learn to be okay with trusting others. I think that’s a big thing that’s always been an issue because, you know, it’s in the sense like your child and your business is your baby and you want to take care of it and nurture it and you don’t trust anyone else with it. But I just really had to learn to let go when I needed to let go and trust other people to do the job that I know that I can’t while at the same time always remaining involved.
Yeah, you learn to trust people and you follow up and you verify they’re doing their job and all things are well. A lot of people want to delegate and then not follow up and that gets crazy. But you’ve obviously built a great team by following up and you know, Thomas Edison once said he said, vision without execution is hallucination. Why do you believe that? Why do you believe that you’ve been able to execute? When frankly most people just have ideas and if you’re from Oklahoma you might say well man I saw that idea coming next Netflix I was gonna do that man.
Here in Oklahoma you say I got an ID. I got an ID right here. I want to ask you, a lot of people are Monday morning quarterbacks of entrepreneurship. They go, I could have had that idea, I did have that idea. I’ll tell you what, they’re unable. So why do you believe you’ve been able to have success when a lot of people just, you know, just don’t really have success?
I’d say I’m not getting discouraged, not getting discouraged by people saying no, by people giving bad advice, or saying that you’re not going to make it because that’s something you’re going to face every day in owning a business. And like I said previously, learning to surround yourself with expectations, knowing what you don’t know, and really just, you know, full speed ahead, never letting your passion die because of what other people say, because that’s so easy to let it get in your head.
And like you guys were talking about, when your emotions get involved, you become so sensitive in a way. And it’s hard to you know not be too sensitive about something that’s so important to you. How would you describe your entrepreneurial journey so far? You know Reid Hoffman the famous entrepreneur and Silicon Valley investor behind PayPal, Lynda.com, LinkedIn, he
once wrote he said the entrepreneurial journey starts with jumping off of a cliff and then assembling an airplane on the way down. How would you describe your entrepreneurial journey thus far? That was a strikingly accurate description of it. I would definitely say it is like taking a leap of faith and not knowing what to expect, not knowing the daily hurdles you’re going to come across, but just following in blind
faith and pushing forward regardless of what happens and never losing hope. I think a lot of our listeners out there would like to buy your product right now. I just want to give it a try. I did. Well, I did.
I’ll tell you what, I went up there and I got myself some nut butter. Abbey’sbetter.com, that’s the website, A-B-B-Y-S, better.com. Is there a hot promotion you’re running right now or a certain special or a certain product that you would recommend? You say, we have some great products, but if you’ve never bought our stuff, why don’t you try at least this first?
Is there a certain hot promotion you have going right now? Yeah well I mean Date Pecan is very popular in the fall season especially coming up with Thanksgiving because it tastes like pecan pie in a jar so I highly suggest everyone trying that flavor. What’s it called? Black Friday. What’s it called again? What’s that product called again? Date Pecan. It’s one of our first nut butter flavors. Okay yeah they’re in the shop. And we have a Black
Friday sale coming up very soon which will be about 40% off so that will definitely be the time to just get on the website and try as much of our products as you want to. Is this actually healthy? It is very healthy. Our date pecan has four ingredients.
Well, actually just three. Dates, pecans, and salt. No oil, no artificial sugars or anything. Okay, I got the strawberry cashew. Did I do okay? Yes, you did. Strawberry cashew. Did I do okay? Yes, you did strawberry cashew is a very popular flavor. Yeah, and then let’s see I think I also went with that that there
Coffee that coffee coffee almond coffee Coffee almond people love to put that in smoothies eat it with bananas some, some people put it over ice cream, they’re just very versatile. Are you still living at home or are you on your own now? Are you on your own or are you still at the house? Still living at home with my family, it’s kind of become the Abby’s Better Office space. What are your parents’ names?
What are their first names? Anna and Eric. Anna and Annick? Anna and Eric. Eric. How do you spell that?
E-R-I-C. Okay, so Anna and Eric. Sorry, a little Skype connection there. So Anna and Eric. So what I’m going to do is, all the listeners out there, I’m going to give you just a few minutes to go ahead and do it I’m gonna cue up some some music to give us some time and some
space some people need some time and some space let’s go support Anna and Eric we’re calling this the Abby’s better and she’s moving out campaign I want everybody out there to support Anna and Eric and I want you to go ahead and take it just a minute I’m just gonna queue up some music we want to create that romance we want Anna and Eric are you the youngest child are you the youngest child? I am the
youngest. Oh there it is so here’s the deal if you want to create some romance in that house you want to let Abby move on out you just want to support the mom and dad what I want you to do right now is I want you to go to abbysbeta.com. You might be saying, I don’t know if I have the time. I don’t know if I have the money. Listen, I don’t care what you have to do.
You get a home equity line. You max out a credit card. because you’re going to bring some romance back into that house right there. She’s going to be on out, just… like a bird, just flying, leaving the nest right there. Okay, hopefully that works. Hopefully everybody has purchased your stuff. I’m excited.
Now, John Maxwell, New York Times best-selling author, who I just booked on the show today. Yay! 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. Huge. I’ve been rejected the show today. Yay! 21 irrefutable laws of leadership. Huge. I’ve been rejected by John Maxwell perhaps more than anybody else.
He writes, the secret of your success is determined by your daily agenda. How do you spend the first four hours of your typical day? Ms. Abby Kircher. First four hours of a typical day usually starts with a meeting with our other team members and family. Just because it’s really important to have a unified front and know what we’re each going to do throughout the day. We delegate tasks. We talk about what we’re each going to do throughout the day. We delegate tasks,
we talk about what we’re each going to do, and that’s still very important. Yep. And then from there, we just go forward with the day. It can change on a day-to-day basis. I usually schedule a lot of calls and meetings in the morning because I like to get them done firsthand and then finish the different tasks that are attached to those throughout the rest of the day. Are you out of school? Are you in the morning because I like to get them done firsthand and then finish the different tasks that are attached to those throughout the rest of the day. Are you out of school? Are you in school? Are you in college or high school? What are you doing?
I graduated high school about two years ago and instead of going to college, I decided to just focus on the business full time. So it’s really a job for me right now. Can I give you a little bit of an encouragement real quick here that maybe you’re not looking for? I would encourage you for the love of all that is holy and all that is sanctimonious
and all that is pure and all that is good and all that is true to not go to college. Clay Stears, can you grab me a copy of that boom book real quick? I would encourage you to not go to college no matter what, no matter what anybody says, because at our workshops, by the way, if you want to come in December 7th or 8th, I would love to have you at the conference. We have a 20,000 square foot facility in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and we have a lot of people come. We have Michael Levine who is the PR consultant for Prince, for Nike, for President Bush,
President Clinton, Pizza Hut, Nike, the branding guy, you know, he’s gonna be speaking. You would love this guy. Akin Schmidt, the branding expert for Harley Davidson. He’s the guy who turned around, he got hired by Harley Davidson in 1985 to turn the company around because they were on the verge of bankruptcy. He’s going to be speaking. It is awesome.
December 7th and 8th. If you want to come, I know people would love to hear what you have to say. I will make sure that everybody buys your stuff or I will question their character. But I want to make a list of people that have done well who didn’t have a degree and that way maybe you could take some notes and the folks at home could too. Okay, so Abraham Lincoln, no degree.
A.P. Giannini who started the modern banking system, Bank of America, no degree. Andrew Carnegie, who started the modern steel manufacturing industry, no degree. Benjamin Franklin, obviously we know the famous American diplomat, the Franklin stove, the guy behind the bifocals, the lightning rods, no degree. The US postal system, by the way. Bill Gates, the guy who the lightning rods, no degree. The US postal system, by the way. Bill Gates, the guy who built modern software, no degree.
Dave Thomas, the man who started Wendy’s, no degree. David Green, the guy who built the billion dollar company known as Hobby Lobby, no degree. David Orrick, the billion dollar vacuum cleaning company founder, no degree. Debbie Fields, Fields Cookies, no degree. David Orrick, the billion dollar vacuum cleaning company founder, no degree. Debbie Fields, Fields Cookies, no degree. Frank Lloyd Wright, the world’s most successful architect,
no degree. Henry Ford, who modernized the American vehicle, no degree. You might say, well that’s enough, I’m good. No, you’re not ready though. You know, Inkvar, Comp Rod, the guy who started Ikea, no degree. Wayne Huizenga, blockbuster video in the modern trash pickup systems, no degree. You might say, well I’m getting close to done. No, James Cameron, the guy who started Avatar, Titanic, the most successful
movies of all time, no degree. John D. Rockefeller, who created the modern petroleum industry and who invented college. Seriously, true story, no degree. Larry Ellison, the billionaire founder of Oracle, no degree. Michael Dell, the first person to make just in founder of Oracle, no degree. Michael Dell, the first person to make just-in-time personal computers, no degree. Milton Hershey, who’s making us all fat, no problem with that, Milton Hershey, no degree. Ray Kroc, McDonald’s, no degree.
Ba-da-ba-ba-ba, no degree. Richard Branson, Virgin Records, Virgin Mobile, Virgin Air. No degree. I feel like there’s… Rush Limbaugh, the most successful talk show guy of all time. No degree. Russell Simmons, the guy who got hip-hop, music, and apparel into the mainstream. No degree. Puff Daddy, P. Diddy, Puff, Sean Combs, whatever his name is, no degree. Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple, no degree.
Steve Jobs, no degree. Simon Cowell, no degree. Thomas Edison, who invented modern electricity, no degree. Andy started GE, no degree. The guy who invented the modern light bulb, no degree. Recorded audio, no degree. started GE no degree the guy who invented the modern light bulb no degree recorded audio no degree all Thomas Edison Wolfgang Puck never heard of him no degree Walt Disney no degree Vidal Sassoon I just
feel like I want to know him but no degree degree. Famous Amos, no degree. Clay Clark, no degree. You, no degree. There is no degree of encouragement that I could give to you that exceeds this. Do not waste your time studying and being in classes
taught by people who have never had success because you are blessed with the dragon energy and you just need to do it and then they’re going to ask you to speak at colleges and you’ll go yeah yeah I remember this the thing I didn’t go to I’ll be happy to teach there I’m telling you you are that’s what happens so um again if you’re there, go to abbysbetter.com, buy her peanut butter. I have one final question for you, and I know Clay Stairs does too. Abby,
you’re obviously a younger generation, which means you’re very familiar with podcasts, very familiar with e-books, very familiar with tangible books as well. Is there a certain book or a podcast or a certain learning source that you’d recommend for all the listeners out there? Oh, well, I mean, I’ve been listening to your guys’ podcast for so long, and so it is one of my favorites, as well as how I built that is a great one. I was featured on there, which
was an incredible experience. And I really just, every day I search for just the latest entrepreneurial business podcasts that I can find. And I love going to new ones that I haven’t heard of before. So that’s just incredibly amazing learning experience
and just a greater way that I can further the business and further my knowledge of business. Oh man I am so excited I’m so excited for your future. Clay Stears what final question you have for Miss Abby Kircher? Hey just just to all the entrepreneurs that are out there and want to be entrepreneurs that are out there right now that are in a place where they feel stuck in a place where they feel overwhelmed in a place where they feel like, well, it’s good for Abby because she’s a teen, you know, and
they are just frustrated and in a spot where they are confused and don’t know how to move forward. What would you have to say as an entrepreneur that has been able to blow through those walls of emotion? What would you have to say to them as we finish up the podcast today? I would say never be discouraged by confusion or what you don’t know. I was so confused.
I knew nothing when I first started, but it’s the desire to learn and the desire to grow that pushed me and pushed the business to where it is now. So never, you know, never fear learning and never fear growth. And oftentimes I’ve learned the most about myself and the business through failure and so it’s just a part of life and something that as an entrepreneur you face every day but just it’s what’s
important is that you use your passion to push past the daily struggles. Fantastic thank you so much. Abby you are a wealth of knowledge and as you know we like to end every show with a boom and boom stands for big overwhelming optimistic momentum. That’s big overwhelming optimistic momentum. Here we go. Three, two, one, boom! Hey, I’m Ryan Wimpy. I’m originally from Tulsa born and raised here. I’ve definitely learned a lot about life design and making sure the business serves you.
The linear workflow, the linear workflow for us in getting everything out on paper and documented is really important. We have workflows that are kind of all over the place. Having linear workflow and seeing that mapped out on multiple different boards is pretty awesome. That’s really helpful for me. The atmosphere here is awesome.
I definitely just stared at the walls figuring out how to make my facility look like this place. This place rocks. It’s invigorating. The walls are super, it’s just very cool. The atmosphere is cool, the people are nice, it’s a pretty cool place to be.
Very good learning atmosphere. I literally want to model it and steal everything that’s here at this facility and basically create it just on our business side. The play is hilarious. I literally laughed so hard that I started having tears yesterday. And we’ve been learning a lot, which you know we’ve been sitting
here we’ve been learning a lot and so the humor definitely definitely helps it breaks it up. But the content is awesome off the charts and it’s very interactive you can raise your hand it’s not like you’re just listening to the professor speak, you know. The wizard teaches, but the wizard interacts and he takes questions, so that’s awesome. If you’re not attending the conference, you’re missing about three quarters to half of your life.
You’re definitely… It’s probably worth a couple thousand dollars. So you’re missing the thought process of someone that’s already started like nine profitable businesses. So not only is it a lot of good information but just getting in the thought process of Clay Clark or Dr. Zellner or any of the other coaches getting in the thought process of Clay Clark or Dr. Zellner or any of the other coaches, getting in the thought process of how they’re starting all these businesses, to me, just that is priceless.
That’s money. Well, we’re definitely not getting upsold here. My wife and I have attended conferences where they upsold, where it was great information and then they upsold us like half the conference, and I don’t wanna like bang my head into a wall, and she’s like banging her head
into the chair in front of her. Like, it’s good information, but we’re like, oh my gosh, I wanna strangle you, shut up, and go with the presentation that we paid for, and that’s not here. There’s no upsells or anything, so that’s awesome. I hate that. Oh, it makes me angry. So, glad that’s not happening. So the cost of this conference is quite a bit cheaper than business college.
I went to a small private liberal arts college and got a degree in business, and I didn’t learn anything like they’re teaching here. I didn’t learn linear workflows. I learned stuff that I’m not using, and I haven’t been using like they’re teaching here. I didn’t learn linear workflows. I learned stuff that I’m not using and I haven’t been using for the last nine years. So what they’re teaching here is actually way better
than what I got at business school. And I went what was actually ranked as a very good business school. I would definitely recommend that people would check out the Thrive 15 conference. The information that you’re gonna get
is just very, very beneficial. And the mindset that you’re gonna get, that you’re gonna leave with, is just absolutely worth the price of a little bit of money and a few days worth of your time. I’m Rachel with Tip Top K9, and we just wanna give a huge thank you to. of a little bit of money live a few years ago.
This is our old neighborhood. See, it’s nice, right? So this is my old van and our old school marketing and this is our old team and by team I mean it’s me and another guy. This is our new house with our new neighborhood. This is our new van with our new marketing. And this is our new team.
We went from four to 14. And I took this beautiful photo. We worked with several different business coaches in the past. And they were all about helping Ryan sell better and just teaching sales, which is awesome. But Ryan is a really great salesman.
So we didn’t need that. We needed somebody to help us get everything that was in his head out into systems, into manuals and scripts, and actually build a team. So now that we have systems in place, we’ve gone from one to 10 locations in only a year. In October 2016, we grossed 13 grand for the whole month. Right now it’s
2018 the month of October it’s only the 22nd we’ve already grossed a little over 50 grand for the whole month and we still have time to go. We’re just thankful for you, thankful for Thrive and your mentorship and we’re really thankful that you guys have helped us to grow a business that we run now instead of the business running us. Just thank you, thank you, thank you, times a thousand. Gosh man, time flies. I’d say right around four or five
years ago, I just kind of felt like we were stuck and I wasn’t, my wheels weren’t moving and I had this goal and I just didn’t really know how to get there. So you guys actually helped me with that. I mean I reached out to you guys, we started our relationship, we started our coaching sessions and you guys helped me build a lot of the systems that we have now. But you know Clay, had I not actually sat down and took the time and the energy to reach out to you and
then set aside time every single week to actually work on the specific goal of scaling window ninjas, then it would have never happened and we wouldn’t have the, it wouldn’t have come to fruition like it is today. Gage Salinas, welcome to the Thrived Time Show. How are you, sir? I am wonderful, Clay. I’m glad to be here with you today. Just to give people a little context, how long have we worked with you in your business, sir?
A little over three years, Clay. We’ve been together for a little bit of a journey now. I think we picked the best of times and the worst of times to work together. I mean, it’s like right at the peak of the geopolitical craziness. That’s we started working with you. But you’ve continued to grow. What kind of growth have you seen over these past three years?
Just so the listeners know that you do have, in fact, a business that can navigate through difficult times. Well, we have over doubled our, our business here at Window Ninjas since working with you. Um, I actually went back and looked through our numbers and, um, I looked at some of our goals that we had set in the original conversation that I had with your team and, um, we have
surpassed my original number that I wanted to hit with you guys. And I was quite shocked at how I won’t say easy, but systematic it was for us to be able to get to where we wanted to be. So information is key making sure you’re following the process when it comes to marketing accurately and repetitively is something that we do over here and we have really really really scaled it to the next level and you know what Clay you guys are the ones
that taught us that in the beginning and we have followed through with that for over the past what four or five years now that we’ve been working together. We have spent the last seven years scaling this business and and and we have these checklists in place with the help from your team, Clay, and it just creates success for all of our customers, all of our franchisees, me here in my corporate office, all of our call center employees, our accounting department, all of our leadership
teams. I mean, it really, really, really solves a lot of problems. And so as opposed to trying to reinvent the wheel, man, just grab a checklist that somebody has already taken the time and the energy to develop for you, use it, and then master it, and then reap the benefits
with the revenue that you’re gonna earn from doing those specific things that are on that checklist. It’s super powerful Clay. It’s the best thing. I mean I mean I know that I can come into this office whenever I want. Whether if I want to be here at seven o’clock in the morning or if I don’t want to be here at seven o’clock in the morning. I know that I’m gonna have people that are going to be here
doing the specific tasks that everybody in this operation needs them to specifically do Having having good key people is important. Are you gonna lose some of your key people? Absolutely, but if you are always looking for great individuals, great people, and encourage them to come work for you, and then you teach them the systems, and you teach them what their specific job is, and you let them know how important they are.
Clay, well first of all, thank you for having me again today. We’ve been doing this for quite a while. I’ve been working with you for quite a while. Anybody out there that’s looking for a coaching system, I would definitely give Clay a call. Clay Clark is here somewhere.
Where’s my buddy Clay? Clay! Clay’s the greatest. I met his goats today, I met his dogs, I met his chickens, I saw his compound. He’s like the greatest guy.
I ran from his goats, his chickens, his dogs. So this guy’s like the greatest marketer you’ve ever seen, right? His entire life, Clay Clark, his entire life is marketing. Okay, Aaron Antis, March 6th and 7th. March 6th and 7th, guess who’s coming to Tulsa, Russia? Oh, Santa Claus? No, no, that’s March, March 6th and 7th.
You’re going to be joined by Robert Kiyosaki, Robert Kiyosaki, best-selling author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, probably the best-selling or one of the best- selling business authors of all time. And he’s going to be joined with Eric Trump. He’ll be joined by Eric Trump. We got Eric Trump and Robert Kiyosaki in the same place in the same place. Aaron, why should everybody show up to hear Robert Kiyosaki? Well, you got billions of dollars of business experience between those two, not to mention many, many, many millions of books. that you want. from the man. He was the inspiration. That book was the inspiration for me to get
the entrepreneurial spirit as many other people. Now since you won’t brag on yourself, I will. You’ve sold billions of dollars of houses, am I correct? That is true. And the book that that kick-started it all for you, Rich Dad Poor Dad, the author, the best-selling author of Rich Dad Poor Dadhub, Robert Kiyosaki, the guy that kick-started your career, he’s gonna be here. He’s gonna be here, I’m pumped.
And now Eric Trump, people don’t know this, but the Trump Organization has thousands of employees. There’s not 50 employees. The Trump Organization, again, most people don’t know this, but the Trump Organization has thousands of employees. And while Donald J. Trump was the 45th president of these United States and soon to be the
47th president of these United States, he needed someone to run the companies for him. And so the man that runs the Trump Organization for Donald J. Trump, as he was the 45th president of the United States and now the 47th president of the United States, and now the 47th president of the United States, is Eric Trump. So Eric Trump is here to talk about time management, promoting from within, marketing, branding, quality control, sales systems, workflow design, workflow mapping, how to build.
I mean, everything that you see, the Trump hotels, the Trump golf courses, all their products, the man who manages billions of dollars of real estate and thousands of employees is here to teach us how to do it. You are talking about one of the greatest brands on the planet from a business standpoint. I mean, who else has been able to create a brand like the Trump brand? I mean, look. is the truth. So you’re talking we’re into nine going into ten years of him running it and we get to tap into that knowledge That’s gonna be amazing. Now think about this for a second
You know, would you buy a ticket just to see a Robert Kiyosaki and Eric Trump? Of course you would of course you would but we’re also gonna be joined by Sean Baker This is the best-selling author the guy who invented the carnivore diet.. Oh yeah. Dr. Sean Baker. He’s been on Joe Rogan multiple times. He’s gonna be joining us. So you’ve got Robert Kiyosaki, the best-selling author, rich dad, poor dad, Eric Trump, Sean Baker. The lineup continues to grow and this is how we do our tickets here at the Thrive Time Show. If you want to get a VIP ticket, you can absolutely do it. It’s $500 for a VIP ticket.
We’ve always done it that way. Now, if you want to take a general admission ticket, it’s $250 or whatever price you want to pay. And the reason why I do that, and the reason why we do that is because we want to make our events affordable for everybody.
I grew up without money. I totally understand what it’s like to be the tight spot. So if you want to attend it’s $250 or whatever price you want to pay. That’s how I do it. And it’s $500 for a VIP ticket. Now, we only have limited seating here with the most people we’ve ever had in this building was for the Jim Brewer presentation. Jim Brewer came here, the legendary comedian, Jim Brewer came to Tulsa and we had 419
people that were here. 419 people. Yeah. And I thought to myself that there’s no more room. I felt kind of bad that a couple people had VIP seats in the men’s restroom. Oh no, I’m just kidding. But I felt so I thought you know what we should probably add on. So we’re adding on what we call the upper deck or the top shelf so the seats are very close to the presenters but we’re actually building right now we’re adding on to the facility to make room to accommodate another 30 attendees or more so again if you
want to get tickets for this event, all you have to do is go to thrivetimeshow.com, go to thrivetimeshow.com. When you go to thrivetimeshow.com, you’ll go there, you’ll request a ticket, boom. Or if you want to text me,
if you want a little bit faster service, you say, I want you to call me right now. I just texted my number that’s my cell phone number my personal cell phone number we’ll keep that private between you between you me everybody we’ll keep that private in anybody don’t share that with anybody except for everybody that’s my private cell phone number it’s 918-851-0102 918-851-0102 I know we have a lot of Spanish speaking people that attend these conferences. And so to be bilingually sensitive, my cell phone number is 918-851-0102.
That is not actually bilingual. That’s just saying Juan for a one. It’s not the same thing. I think you’re attacking me. Now, let’s talk about this. Now, what kind of stuff will you learn at the Thrive Time Show workshop? So Aaron
you’ve been to many of these over the past seven, eight years so let’s talk about it. I’ll tee up the thing and then you tell me what you’re gonna learn here okay? Okay. You’re gonna learn marketing, marketing and branding. What are we gonna learn about marketing and branding? Oh yeah we we’re gonna dive into, you know, so many people say, oh you know, I got to get my brand known out there, like the Trump brand. You want to get that brand out there. It’s like, how do I actually make people know what my business is and make it a household name? You’re gonna
learn some intricacies of how you can do that. You’re gonna learn sales. So many people struggle to sell something. This just in, your business will go to hell if you can’t sell. So we’re gonna teach you sales. We’re gonna teach you search engine optimization. How to come up top in the search engine results. We’re gonna teach you how to manage people. Aaron, you have managed, no exaggeration, hundreds of people throughout
your career and thousands of contractors and most people struggle with managing people. Why does everybody have to learn how to manage people? Well, because first of all, people are, you either have great people or you have people who suck and so it could be a challenge. You know, learning how to work with a large group of people and get everybody pulling in the same direction can be a challenge, but if you have the right systems, you have the right processes and you’re really good at selecting great ones.
And we have a process we teach about how to find great people. When you start with the people who have a great attitude, they’re teachable, they’re driven, all of those things, then, you know, you can get those people all pulling in the same direction. So we’re going to teach you branding, marketing, sales, search engine optimization. We’re going to teach you accounting.
We’re going to teach you personal finance, how to manage your finance. We’re going to teach you accounting, we’re gonna teach you personal finance, how to manage your finance, we’re gonna teach you time management, how do you manage your time? How do you how do you how do you get more done during a typical day? How do you build an organization if you’re not organized? How do you do? How do you do organization? How do you build an org chart? Everything that you need to know
to start and grow a business will be taught during this two day interactive business workshop. Now let me tell you how the format is set up here. And again, folks, this is a two day interactive 15. Think about this, folks, it’s two, it’s two days, each day starts at 7am. And it goes until 5pm. So from 7am to a.m. to 5 p.m. two days it’s a two-day interactive workshop. The way we do it is we do a 30-minute teaching session and
then we break for 15 minutes for a question-answer session. So Aaron, what kind of great stuff happens during that 15-minute question-answer session after every teaching session? I actually think it’s the best part about the workshops because here’s what happens. I’ve been to lots of these things over the years. I’ve paid many thousands of dollars to go to them.
And you go in there and they talk in vague generalities and they’re constantly upselling you for something, trying to get you to buy this thing or that thing or this program or this membership. And you don’t you leave not getting your very specific questions answered about your business or your employees or what you’re doing on your marketing. And
what’s awesome about this is we literally answer every single question that any person asks. And it’s very specific to what your business is. And what we do is we allow you as the attendee to write your questions on the whiteboard. And then we literally, as you mentioned, we answer every single question on the whiteboard. And then we take a 15 minute break to stretch and to make it entertaining when you’re stretching.
And this is a true story. When you get up and stretch you’ll be greeted by mariachis. There’s gonna probably be alpaca here, llamas, helicopter rides, a coffee bar, a snow cone. I mean there’s just… You had a crocodile one time. That was pretty interesting. You know I should write that down. Sorry for that one guy. We lost the crocodile. We duct taped its face. So that, right?
We duct taped. It was a baby crocodile. And we duct taped. Yeah, duct tape around the mouth so it didn’t bite anybody. But it was really cool
passing that thing around and- I should do that. I should. We have a small petting zoo that will be assembled. It’s going to be great. And then you’re in the company of hundreds of entrepreneurs. So there’s not a lot of people in America today. In fact, there’s less than 10 million people today, according to US debt clock,
that identifies being self-employed. So if you have a country with 350 million people, that means you have less than 3% of our population that’s even self-employed. So, you only have 3 out of every 100 people in America that are self-employed to begin with. And when Inc. Magazine reports that 96% of businesses fail by default, by default, you have a 1 out of 1000 chance of succeeding in the game of business. But yet, the average client that you and I work with, we can typically double this. No hyperbole, no exaggeration. I have thousands of testimonials to back this up. We have thousands of testimonials to back it up. But when you work
with a home builder, when I work with a business owner, we can typically double the size of the company within 24 months. Yeah. Double. And you say double. Yeah.
There’s businesses that we have tripled. There’s businesses we’ve grown eight X. There’s so many examples you can see at thrive. timeshow.com. But again, this is the most interactive best business workshop on the planet. This is objectively the highest rated and most reviewed business workshop on the
planet. And then you add to that Robert Kiyosaki, the best-selling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad. You add to that Eric Trump, the man that runs the Trump Organization. You add to that Sean Baker. Now you might say, but Clay, is there more? I need more.
Well, okay. Tom Wheelwright is the wealth strategist for Robert Kiyosaki. So people say, Robert Kiyosaki, who’s his financial wealth advisor? Who’s the guy who manages, who’s his wealth strategist?
His wealth strategist, Tom Wheelwright, will be here. And you say, Clay, I still, I’m not going to get a ticket unless you give me more. Okay, fine. We’re going to serve you the same meal. Both days. True story.
We have, we cater in the food and because I keep it simple. I literally bring them the same food both days for lunch. It’s Ted Esconzito’s an an incredible Mexican restaurant. That’s going to happen. And Jill Donovan, our good friend, who is the founder of Rustic Cuff. She started that company in her home and now she sells millions of dollars of apparel and products. That’s rusticcuff.com. And someone says, I want more. This is not enough. Give me more. Okay, I’m not gonna mention their names right now
because I’m working on it behind the scenes here, but we’ve got one guy who’s given me a verbal to be here, and this is a guy who’s one of the wealthiest people in Oklahoma, and nobody really knows who he is because he’s built systems that are very utilitarian, that offer a lot of value.
He’s made a lot of money in the, it’s the, it’s where you rent, it’s short term, not, it’s where you’re renting storage spaces. He’s a storage space guy. He owns the, what do you call that?
The rental, the, storage space? Storage units. This guy owns storage units. He owns railroad cars. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no know who owns the railroad cars, but this guy, he’s giving me a verbal that he will be here. And we just continue to add more and more success stories. So if you’re out there today and you want to change your life,
you want to give yourself an incredible gift, you want a life-changing experience, you want to learn how to start and grow a company, go to Thrivet timeshow.com. Go there right now. Thrive timeshow.com request a ticket for the two day interactive event.
Again, the day here is March 6th and 7th, March 6th and 7th. We just got confirmation. Robert Kiyosaki, bestselling author, rich dad, poor dad. He’ll be here. Eric Trump, the man who leads the Trump organization. It’s going to be a blasty blast. There’s no upsells. Aaron, I could not be more excited about this event. I think it is
incredible and there’s somebody out there right now you’re watching and you’re like, but I already signed up for this incredible other program called Smoke Your Way to Thin. I think that’s going to change your life? I promise you this will be 10 times better than that. Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit smoking. Don’t do the Smoke Your Way to Thin conference.
That is, I’ve tried it, don’t do it. Chain smoking is not a viable, I mean it is life changing. It is life changing. If you become a chain smoker it is life changing.. It is life-changing. If you become a jade smoker it is life-changing. It’s not the best weight loss program though. Right, not really. So if you’re looking to have life-changing results in a way that won’t
cause you to have a stoma, get your tickets at Thrivetimeshow.com. Again that’s Aaron Antis, I’m Clay Clark, reminding you and inviting you to come out to the two-day interactive Thrive Time Show Workshop right here in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I promise you, it will be a life-changing experience. We can’t wait to see you right here in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Transcribed with Cockatoo