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Hey, my name is Thomas Carlson, and I am the owner and founder of Full Package Media. Being on top of Google has really helped our business by getting new clients and also that kind of social proof for when we reach out to clients via cold calling, online marketing, stuff like that, and people look at us on Google. They see all of our reviews, they see our reputation, they see our photos. It really makes them have trust that we’re a good vendor, a good provider, and that we’re going to do a good
job for them as well. It all paid off. It’s paying off now. It pays off every day. We get at least one or two new clients every day from Google. So doing SEO, writing articles, doing podcasts, getting those reviews for two and a half,
almost three years now, it’s now really starting to pay off and really pay the dividends.
Hey, how’s it going? I’m Thomas Crosson, owner and founder of Full Package Media in Dallas, Texas.
I’ve been a coaching client with Clay Clark since the beginning of our business. We started about a year ago, August of last year. I had no clients, no idea what we were doing, no clue really what was going on. And now we’ve grown to where we’ve got six photographers, we’ve got office space here. here, I have an admin and sales person that works for us full-time, developing an online system and a lot of that growth we attribute to Clay helping us and there’s
so many things that, no, I mean this stuff is not revolutionary, it’s not this crazy walk on hot coals and all this stuff, it’s just real, real stuff and like group interviews, we were totally against group interviews, we’re different and we’re special and we need to do one-on-one interviews so we can find good quality candidates and not just kind of do this group interview thing. We tried that and failed miserably. We did group interviews, now we do them every two weeks and it’s awesome.
It works good. We always have kind of an influx of new people that we can train, get going. He’s helped us a lot with our website, graphic design, SEO. SEO is another thing that I thought before I started this business and before Clay, that it was kind of a joke or something that only
your apples of the world and Amazon could get to the top of Google. But Clay said, no, just do these things, follow these steps and you’ll get there. And I think now we’ve looked today and we’re number two for Dallas Real Estate Photography.
If you don’t believe me, you can look. So we’re getting to the top of there. That’s really cool. It’s really awesome to get leads of people to call you and say, hey, I found you on Google. We want to hear about your services. So that’s really great.
I’d say there’s nobody out there that’s not a good coaching client for Clay. I mean, you’re anyone, regardless of the business, it’s not about what the business is, what the specialty is, it’s about following the steps, doing what he says, you know, it’s a good thing. An hour a week, it gets you on track, it keeps you kind of in line with what you’re doing
and what you shouldn’t be doing. And it’s good to kind of give you some flow and future goals of your business. And I remember our first meeting we set our goals and our goal was to do 16 shoots a week. And at the time me and my business partner
slash girlfriend Gretchen were like, oh that’s, we’re never gonna do 16 a week. That’s just like crazy. And today we’re doing nine and we did about 54 last week. So he’s helped us grow, you know,
we put in a lot of hours, a lot of hard work as well, but if you follow his steps and do what he says, there’s a lot of principles that he’s kind of taught and still in us that help us. So yeah, Clay Clark, he’s the way to go. I wouldn’t venture out to find someone else. They’d be more expensive and a lot more fluff and no real actionable work and things to
get your business growing. get your business growing.
So that’s the way to go.