Clay Clark | T. Harv Eker | Secrets of the Millionaire Mindset And The Power of Doing Whatever It Takes + Celebrating the Doctor Sherwood & Success Stories + Join Tebow At Dec 5-6 Clay Clark Business Workshop!

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Audio Transcription

My name is T. Harv Eker and I’m the author of the New York Times number one bestseller Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. Vishen let me know that there were a lot of people asking about my background and why especially, why I teach wealth and financial freedom. In fact, there’s a whole story behind that. So I’d like to just share a little bit behind that and I think it’s kind of interesting and might give you a little bit of insight and maybe there’s some lessons for yourself. You know, my parents came from Europe, they had no money whatsoever. When I grew up, all my friends wanted to be doctors and lawyers and firemen and baseball players, and I just wanted to be a millionaire. I didn’t even know why, but, you know, it was ingrained in me and so I left college actually at the end of first year because it wasn’t going fast enough and I wasn’t rich enough yet. After that, I proceeded to struggle big time. I mean I thought I would get rich literally in a couple of years because I don’t know why but a lot of us do and I had, listen to this, I had 14 different jobs and 12 different businesses in only 10 years. I tried everything and nothing worked for me. It worked for my friends, it worked for my associates, it didn’t work for me. I was doing all of this, everything. I was taking all the seminars, reading all the books, in those days listening to all the tapes, and still I was broke. There were many, many, many, many, many nights, far more nights than I care to remember, that I literally had to choose between putting $5 of gas in my car and eating dinner that night. A lot of times I had to choose the car. Things were not working for me whatsoever. I had to move back home and I lived in my parents’ basement and all I can tell you, it was nothing short of, I guess the word is embarrassing. I had very low self-esteem because of that at the time and I was a completely different person than when I started, when I was really gung-ho and I thought I could make it. It just wasn’t working for me. As the universe put things together, I was, as I said, at my parents’ house. I met a friend of my father’s who was a very, very wealthy man and he stopped me in the hallway and he said, Harv, your father tells me that you’re a bum. So I wasn’t very happy about that, but he said, you know, can I give you any advice? I go, well, sure, whatever. And he said, listen, if you’re not doing as well as you’d like to be doing, all that means is there’s something you don’t know. And being a brash young man at the time, I thought I knew what? Everything, but I guess I didn’t. And he says, what do you want to do? And I said, I want to be rich. I want to make a lot of money. And he says, well, that’s not the world’s best goal, but how do you want to do it? And I said, I want to do it in business because I’m not going to be a doctor or a lawyer. I’m unemployable, unfortunately or fortunately. I can’t deal with jobs really well, so I’ve got to do it in business. He says, well, if you’re going to do it in business, one thing you need to know is that most rich business people think and do the same things. Most people who are successful in anything think and do it the same way pretty well. I said, yeah, that makes sense. So I wasn’t making any money anyways. And I spent the next six months studying rich business people. And I learned some very, very critical principles around that. And, you know, one of the things that had happened was that I still had no money whatsoever. And I remember before getting further involved in any new ventures, I was so scared to fail again. I remember sitting in the back of my parents house and I was on a lawn chair, a lounge chair, and I was looking up to the heavens and for some reason I just began to cry. I mean, I don’t cry a lot, but I was just, tears were just rolling down my face and I was just so frustrated and I was so scared, like what if I fail again? I don’t know if any of you can relate to that, but you know, when you start something, you’re so excited and then when it doesn’t work it’s like oh not again not again and pretty soon that just takes a toll on you doesn’t it and so that’s what happened for me I looked up to the heavens and I was crying and I I just said I said universe or God or whatever is up there I promise you I promise you that if somehow I make it I will help other people do do the same way that I did I mean I I just can’t handle another failure. And so I used the principles that I learned and I opened one of the first retail fitness stores in the world and I started out with $2,000 that I borrowed on my Visa card, because again, I had no money. And literally a year and a half later, I was a millionaire. And I learned several, several, several critical lessons, key lessons that I didn’t know before. I thought I knew, but I didn’t know. Because everything I did before didn’t work, and everything I did then and now seems to work really, really well. And so, you know, that’s why I teach what I teach, because I made a promise to the big guy, and I said, listen, if I make it, I promise I’ll help other people do the same. Some shows don’t need a celebrity narrator to introduce the show. But this show does. In a world filled with endless opportunities, why would two men who have built 13 multi-million dollar businesses altruistically invest five hours per day to teach you the best practice business systems and moves that you can use? Because they believe in you. And they have a lot of time on their hands. They started This started from the bottom, now they’re here. It’s the Thrive Time Show starring the former US Small Business Administration’s Entrepreneur of the Year, Clay Clark, and the entrepreneur trapped inside an optometrist’s body, Dr. Robert Zunich. Two men, eight kids, co-created by two different women, 13 multi-million dollar businesses. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom, and I’ll show you how to get here. Started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom, and now we’re at the top. Teaching you the systems to get what we got. Colton Dixon’s on the hooks, I’ll break down the books. She’s bringing some wisdom and the good roots. As the father of five, that’s why I’m alive. So if you see my wife in camps, please tell her hi. It’s the CNC up on your radio. And now, three, two, one, here we go. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom, and we’ll show you how to get here. Started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom, and we’ll show you how to get here. On today’s show, we interview the legendary author of the best-selling book, The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. This book has sold over 4 million copies, and the author of this book, T. Harv Ecker, hops on today’s show to teach you and I about the power of doing whatever it takes and why rich people truly admire other successful people while poor people typically resent super successful people and that resentment blocks them from having the curiosity needed to study the habits the processes in the methods the DDC proven strategies that are needed to take your life in your business to the next level. Are you willing to give up good for great? And here’s the answer. Most people, no, they’re not. They talk a good talk, but they don’t walk that walk. They are not willing to give it up because they understand that it’s going to take something different than what they’re doing right now. And you know what? They are comfortable. And comfortable, everyone, listen closely now, is the kiss of death. If you are an enemy of average and you want to move beyond just surviving and into a place of financially thriving, today’s interview with T. Harv Ecker, the best-selling author of The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, is the show for you. Ladies and gentlemen, strap on a helmet, get out a pen and a pad, it’s time to enter into the dojo of mojo fo’ show. It’s T. Harv Ecker, right here on The Thrive Time Show, on your radio and podcast download. Some shows don’t need a celebrity narrator to introduce the show. But this show does. Two men, eight kids, co-created by two different women, 13 multi-million dollar businesses. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to The Thrive Time Show. Now, 3, 2, 1, here we go! Started from the bottom, now we’re here. Started from the bottom, and we’ll show you how to get here. Started from the bottom, now we’re here. Started from the bottom, now we’re here. Started from the bottom, now we’re here. Yes, yes, yes, and yes. Thrive Nation, on today’s show, we have a super guest t harv ecker on the thrive time show in the dojo of mojo fo show Mr.. T. Harv, how are you sir? I’m amazing. Thank you. Hey, I am so fired up to have you on the show your secrets of the millionaire mind that that audio Set that audio Production I have listened to that thing so many times I think that my brain exploded and I woke up in the middle of the night hearing your voice over and over. Do you hear that a lot? Sometimes, unfortunately. Well, I’ve just listened to it so much. Could you kind of share with the listeners out there how you were able to achieve success yourself? Because you teach, you’re such a great teacher, but where did you first gain your success? I didn’t. I didn’t. I unfortunately I struggled for literally 14 years, left college early, never even graduated, ended up being broke for over a decade, had to choose many nights between eating dinner that night or putting $5 of gas in my car and I often had to choose the gas to get around to see if I could make any money. Nothing was working out the way I thought it would or should. So I would say that one of the reasons that I might be fairly successful in the training arena is because I actually went through what a lot of people go through at the start of their situation. I was very fortunate to make a few changes that actually worked. I actually, as I said, went through 12 businesses that did not work. Wow. And, you know, I’m sure a lot of your listeners understand that, you know, it’s all, and everybody understands, it’s like, you know, you have an idea, right, and you are so excited about it, and this is it, and now you’re gonna be successful, and now you’re gonna get rich, and it’s finally gonna work, and then it implodes, and nothing happens, and you lose a bunch of money. I’ve never gone bankrupt but I get 12 businesses that did not work and so finally after a little while you start doubting yourself, right? I remember my self-esteem took a huge hit. I was actually embarrassed to go out and meet people because God forbid they actually ask me what I do and I go, well, I am between things as usual. And hey, do you mind picking up this cup of coffee? Because I don’t have 80 cents. Like, and it was really bad. So I’m very, very fortunately, I don’t want to get in the whole story because of time limits. Yeah. I ran into a friend of my father’s who was extremely wealthy man. And he said to me in the hallway, because it’s back living in the basement of my parents house that I hear that you’re broke and you’re a bum. So he said, you know, what do you want to do? I said, I don’t know. I just want to be successful. I just want to make a lot of money and be rich and have a nice life. I don’t know. He says, well how do you want to do it? I said, in business. And he said, well listen, one thing you have to understand is that rich people, they work this very similar ways to each other. And broke people work similar ways to each other. And you know, if you want to be rich, there’s probably something you don’t know yet. And of course, being a brash young man at the time, I thought I knew everything. But he was right, and since I wasn’t making any money anyways, and I was literally on government assistance stuff, Pets Assistant stuff I said what the hell so for six months all I did was studied rich business people and I found seven principles They seem to have in common I put them to the test and I started with a two thousand dollar credit card loan and Opened the world’s first retail chain of fitness stores and Became a millionaire in two and a half years years. People started asking me like, oh my god, aren’t you the same guy that still owes me 50 bucks? I went, oh yeah, my god, here’s a hundred, I’m so sorry. And people started asking me the difference because they knew me as a broke person and now I had a nice house, I had the cars, it was obvious I was fairly successful. So I started sharing some of the differences between what I executed, you know, the strategies I used to get rich versus when I was broke for those 12 years. And they started using them and saying, my god, this actually works and that you should teach this. So I started teaching it and, you know, literally now I have over 3 million students and all I do is teach them this is what I was doing when I was broke, this is what I did to get rich, here’s both of them, choose whatever the hell you want, and good luck to you. Now, you mentioned there’s seven common denominators of successful people, and I know we don’t have, I’m trying to make this passively aggressive with the first 20 minutes of our 200-minute interview, but could you share with us just what one of those principles would be, one of those seven principles, just so our listeners can have a little bit of a look into your insight? Well, I think the first one that changed for me and that needs to change for everyone is something called your your money blueprint or your financial set point. I wrote a book on this called Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. I guess it was successful. We have over 4 million copies sold and it’s in 42 different languages. And it works. I mean, every time people ask me about strategies about business and this and that, you know, I certainly can get into all that and we do, but I say none of it, none of it makes any difference whatsoever if you do not have what we call a millionaire mind or financial blueprint set for high levels of success. And you know, there’s a lot of people listening right now that are, that might be kind of like stuck in a, in what I call good. And the question I have for everybody listening right now is, are you willing to give up or trade in good for great? Because I’ll tell you right now, my friends, there is a big, big, big difference in both mindset and business strategy from good to great. And I mean financial. I mean, are you willing to give up your 100,000 a year for a million dollars a year. Are you willing to give up a net worth of a million or two for 30, 40, 50, 60 million? I will say this again. The strategy for those two things are different from each other. I think a lot of people will say, well, you know, money corrupts and money’s the root of all evil. And you hear these things, but in your audio book, I remember you saying that money will only make you more of what you already are. And I think I had maybe grown up hearing, you know, that money’s the root of all evil and that the rich get richer and, you know, money corrupts people. Can you talk about what you mean by that by that quote money will make you more of what you already are yeah for sure I mean this is a big one because you’re not the only one that grew up with that type of message those type of messages where people you know money corrupts people rich people are bad people rich people take advantage of others rich people are greedy and not only people grew up with that from their parents, etc., etc., and people around them. But when you listen to religious leaders, when you listen to, other than this last administration, the government, who’s telling you that it’s the 99% against the 1%, then you better not be the 1% or you’re going to be overthrown. It’s like, oh my God. Understanding is that this is what I do in my seminars that really gets the point. I say, okay, so how many of you have heard or in some way, shape or form really, really, really, really down deep in your subconscious have some type of message that rich people are quote unquote, kind of bad. Let’s just, in quotes, bad in any way, shape or form. And literally almost, it’ll be 5,000 people in that room and 4,990 will put up their hand. Yeah, you know, rich people are better. And I’ll go, okay, let’s just examine this for real. I mean, how many of you would agree and say that, yes, there are some rich people who are quote unquote bad. Everyone puts their hands up. I say, all right, how many of you would agree that there are some middle class people who are quote unquote bad? Everyone puts their hands up. I say, how many of you would agree there’s some poor or broke people who are quote unquote bad? Everyone puts their hands up. They say, so what on earth does this have to do with money? This doesn’t have to do with money. This has to do with the person, right? Money is a tool, right? It’s like a hammer. It can be used to build things. It can be used to break things. It’s not about the hammer. It’s about who’s holding the hammer. So the question isn’t are rich people bad? The question is, are you bad? You know, Harv, this is something that you talked about in your audio book that I really wanted to dive in with you on, because, dive into with you, is you talked about in your audio book that rich people admire other rich and successful people, and poor people resent them, and successful people. And as I was listening to you in my car, I was going, I do hate rich people. I hate rich people. I think I do. I don’t think I’ve ever had that conscious thought, but subconscious. And I remember talking to my wife. I said, babe, you know, why do people have to have Lamborghinis? Why do they even have to be that car cost 10 times more than the crappy car I’m driving? And Vanessa said, well, babe, it’s because you need something to aspire to. You shouldn’t be mad at someone because they have something you should like, you know, aspire to it. It’s exciting. It just gives us something to aim for. Could you talk about this, how rich people admire other rich people and successful people, whereas poor people tend to resent successful people? Absolutely. I mean, the most important thing about that is everybody needs to be listening right now because most people have this mini-resentment in their subconscious. But this is really critical. It may not, listen everyone, it may not sound all that critical because we’re not talking about this is the marketing strategy to make A million dollars tomorrow no, but listen very closely. This is the software of success Everybody’s dealing with the hardware of success, but the hardware goes nowhere without the software in a computer does it? So if you don’t think that this is important trust me that I’ve done this for 30 years. This is still by far the most important element to get straight. If you don’t have this straight, you will struggle forever. So bottom line, it’s a great question because if you believe in any way, shape or form that rich people are bad and you want to be a good person, then guess what? You can never, ever, ever get rich. Never. It will never happen. You will sabotage yourself until the day you die because you believe somewhere deep inside that rich people are bad. So what do you do? Well, I’m talking to you right now from my home in Lake Tahoe. It’s a private community and the cheapest cabin here is $3.5 million. The average home goes for somewhere between $10 and $15 million. And so, I talk with people here all the time, and nobody, nobody believes that rich people are bad, because they’re one of them, first of all. But they never had that thought. They never grew up with that thought, or if they did, they changed their mind. So the goal is to what? You know, you admire and model rich and successful people. It’s like, you’re a basketball player, and you’re in the hood, and you’re trying to get out of there and you now hate LeBron James Because he’s rich and a great basketball player. Well, no you go. I don’t hear me. He’s a great basketball player Of course, I admire him. Well great people who get rich first of all You should know that 86% of people who get rich are self made rich not given to them by daddy and mommy Okay So for all those people, they struggled just like you and me. For all those people, they went through their hardships. For all those people, they made it by their wits and their success and their study and their acumen and they created success and we need to admire them in the same way that they are great at what they did, in the same way you would admire, if you were a basketball player, LeBron James for his prowess and his skill. You go, he’s fantastic at what he does, that’s why he earns that money. Same with rich people. So we’ve got to switch that mindset to admire them. Secondly, we need to model them. The reason I became successful is because I spent six months studying rich business people, went out, did what they did, and got rich, and continue to get richer and richer and richer and richer, and I teach thousands and millions of other people how to do the same thing. So you want to admire and model rich and successful people. Thank you for bringing that up. Clay Stairs, you actually are a former school teacher, turned millionaire entrepreneur. That’s a big idea, going from a school teacher to being a millionaire entrepreneur. And it was years ago you and I first started working together, and I said, you’ve got to get down to one of these T. Harv Ecker seminars. You got to go. And you went down there. Tell the listeners about that seminar experience, and then I’d love for you to bombard Mr. Harv here with questions. Oh, yeah. Well, first of all, I had a wonderful time. And Harv, I tell everybody, I mean, it’s part of my story, the transformation kind of began right there in Dallas, being down at the seminar. I remember the Money Mindset Survey, where there were a number of questions You know money is money is money is type of thing and the first time I did that on day one of the seminar I mean I was jacked up with the way that I was thinking I was just completely like you and clay are just talking about my mindset on money was just completely screwed up jacked jacked Yeah, and and so I I saw for the first time like clay was saying I saw for the first time, I actually hate the very person I’m trying to become. A wealthy, successful businessman. I hate that guy. And hearing you say from the front, you will never become something you hate. Oh my gosh, it was like, ah. So again, I got snot, tears everywhere, and I’m hugging people, and I love you, next to me and everything. But it was a transformational three-day seminar for me. Loved it. Thank you so much for being a part of that transformation in my life. Just tremendous. And of course, I just got all the books and that ended up being a very important step for me. And now that I am a business coach and work with clients across the country, this is one of the very things that I find when I am working with other clients is like Clay was saying, they are stuck in being a solopreneur, they’re stuck in being a self-employed person. And their thermometer, if I remember correctly, learning from you, they have this thermostat of about 80 grand, 60 to 80, maybe $100,000. And if they get more money than that, they just lose it. It just slips right through their fingers. And so my question to you is, how can I encourage these business owners that have a business that is stuck in good, how can I encourage them with this whole thing of, we’ve got to change your thermostat? You just want to reach through the phone and grab their brain. But the Vulcan mind trick, last time I did it I got slapped. So it didn’t work so well. Yeah, yeah. You know, listen, you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t force them to drink. So I always start with the goal, right? There’s not for everybody. There’s not. Most people, listen closely here, do not want that. Like I started this whole conversation with, are you willing to give up good for great? And here’s the answer. Most people, no, they’re not. They talk a good talk, but they don’t walk that walk. They are not willing to give it up because they understand that it’s gonna take something different than what they’re doing right now. And you know what? They are comfortable, and comfortable, everyone, listen closely now, is the kiss of death. The kiss of death to high levels of success. If you want to be more successful, you must do something more and different than you’re doing now, which means you must become uncomfortable. The goal is to be, because what happens though, is uncomfortable is what? It’s temporary, right? Because you start doing something uncomfortable, but after a while it becomes what? Comfortable. So then you start doing something else. So it’s not like, you know, it’s like going into water. At first it feels a little cold, but then it’s like, hey, the water’s great, come on in. Well, it’s exactly the same way with starting to do different strategies and have different mindsets around success and being willing to, the number one thing I say in my book is, number one, you must commit to wealth. You must say, I want to be freaking rich. And people say, well, what what is rich? I’m rich in spirit. I’m rich in love. I go, No, no, no, that is not what we’re talking about. That is a given that you want that great. No, we are talking about one thing. And that one thing is money. Okay, rich in money. And to me, at least I don’t know where this where this podcast is going. But we’re all over the world but at least in America for me to use I’m going to say this you don’t have to agree with it for me the word rich starts someone says I’m rich I’m thinking net worth of a minimum of 10 million minimum okay in these days and age a freaking house cost two or three or four million so like mean so if you can’t wrap your head around that then you need to start wrapping your head around that. When I say rich I mean rich. So you’re going to be going for a new net worth. I say everybody all my students have one goal. That goal is a net worth of a minimum of 10 million dollars and an income of a minimum of 1 million dollars a year. And so I need to I need to have people change their ways of thinking. Go shoot I’m not I’ve been thinking that and that’s what I want. And great, if that’s what you want, then we need to start revamping things. Now, Harv, we have time for two final questions, because I know that you have a wonderful gift for our audience there. So I guess I’ll have one final question, and then I would love for you to share with the audience about the gift that you’re going to make available for our listeners. For you, as a successful entrepreneur, we’ve had so many great guests. We’ve had Wolfgang Puck on the show, John Maxwell, we’ve had Seth Godin, we obviously have had just you on the show here, we have the owner of the Houston Rockets that will be on the show here soon. Just really neat guests. And it seems like every one of you has some sort of idiosyncrasy, some sort of superpower, you know, some sort of daily morning routine or something you do that nobody else does that allows you to have super success. What is your idiosyncrasy or your thing that you do or your daily routine that you do that almost nobody else does? You know what I was asked this pretty recently and actually my son Jesse was asked and he knows it pretty well he goes I don’t think my dad actually has anything like that and he asked me and I go no I don’t have anything like that no there’s only one thing that I know that makes me successful and that is I am strictly a whatever-it-takes freaking person. I am a success warrior. I will do whatever it takes. I will be up at 2 in the morning, 5 in the morning, write all day, do what I have to do all day, all night, whatever it takes. And most people are not like that and I would venture to guess that every one of the people that you mentioned the successful people you mentioned is like that they have that and that’s a habit my friends that is a habit the other thing that that is that I don’t take any BS from anybody especially myself so that’s the biggest thing I don’t buy into my own any belief system that I have that is not supportive to my happiness and to my success and the only one that will stop me and you from your success and your happiness is the voice inside your head and I train myself I work on that every single day to train myself I use anchors etc to re- reorganize and master my own mind and that’s the only thing I know of that works for me. All right Harv, now you, you, we were talking off offline there and you put together something special for our listeners out there. What, what do you have? Well I know that a lot of your listeners are business owners. I know that a lot of them are looking, you know, to grow and do better, hopefully. And as we said, if you don’t have a net worth of 10 million at this point in time, and you don’t have an income of at least a million a year, there’s a reason. And the reason you don’t have that right now is because of what you’re doing right now. And what you’re doing right now is a consequence of what you understand and the knowledge that you have. And so you got to go back to that part of it. And so I was in Maui not that long ago, and I have a home there, and I was just driving. I’m not going to get into the whole story, but I actually looked around me, and I have a Maui car, which is still decent, but not like an incredible Porsche or whatever you have now, but in the other homes. But I was looking around, and 90% of the people were broke. Why are they not rich like me? Why not? What is the problem here? I said, it just seems like I know what to do now to get rich. If you took away all my money right now, I guarantee I would be rich in literally 24 months. Like all of it, I’d be back to 5 or 10 million net worth because I know what to do. This is not rocket science. I said, you know what? If someone could just make it simple for people, make it really easy to somehow go and put this down on paper and say, how do you go and get rich? The problem with a lot of people is they go, yeah, I want to be rich, but I also want to be a good person and help people. I have this dichotomy of what’s going on in my head. I ended up writing this book and putting down the eight steps, keep it simple, eight simple steps to creating wealth, period, okay? And the book is called The Good Millionaire, how to make a lot of money by helping a lot of people. Because that way you get to do the two most important things I believe in life. You get to serve others with your gift and you get really, really rich, okay? So these are eight simple steps. It’s called The Good Millionaire. It’s very, very new. We’ve only put it out to our database, which is a few thousand people. The response has been more than overwhelming because people are going, oh my God, here’s the best thing. I wrote this book in the way I would read a book, which is I’m not gonna read any book that takes me more than 60 minutes, period, over and out. I don’t have the time or the inclination. You can read this entire book in 45 minutes and get my 25 years of experience and knowledge in teaching people in 45 minutes. It’s full of graphics and it’s done in an accelerated learning format, the way we do our seminars, Clay, the way you mentioned, whereby it ingrains in you you learn faster you remember more you have a lot more fun 45 minutes you will know exactly how to create wealth in any business you choose and help thousands of people by doing so and so you know I believe you take if you want to get rich don’t focus on money don’t focus on money. Focus on helping people. And that’s what this book entails and teaches you how to transfer helping people into millions of dollars. Okay? And so I want to just do that. And so I want to gift, the word is gift, every one of your listeners with this book, complimentary. It is a hardback book. And so it’s complimentary. All we ask is that you take your people, take care of shipping, that’s it, so we don’t have to incur that expense with the book, it’s normally $24.95. It’s complimentary to all your listeners. And I guess they go to slash clay. Well, and we can give it to them complimentary. So they go to forward slash clay, they can get the free book? Absolutely. T. Harve Ecker, I appreciate you for living up to what I expected you to deliver. And thank you for making a poor life choice and agreeing to be on my show. Wow! I really appreciate it. And I just want to say to everybody listening that, listen, if you are doing whatever you’re doing right now, it’s gotten to where you are right now. And to get somewhere else, you’re going to have to do something else. I would encourage you to start with this book, The Good Millionaire. millionaire, I will say that in my experience, if you read this and you can read it in one quick sitting, you will have a completely different take on what you’re doing and how you’re doing it. Execute it and then let Clay know how you’re doing. That’s, forward slash Clay to get your free copy of the book. Just pick up the shipping and handling. T. Harve Ecker, I appreciate you more than you could possibly know, my friend, and I hope you have an awesome rest of your day. I appreciate you. Thank you so much, and thanks to everybody, and bless you all. And now, without any further ado, we’d like to end each and every show with a boom, which stands for big, overwhelming, optimistic momentum. Ladies and gentlemen, if you’re ready, are you prepared? I’m prepared. Are you, oh, you want me to wait? Okay, you’re ready, here we go. Three, two, one, boom! Ladies and gentlemen, a lot of people talk about having success, a lot of people want to have success, but you know, there is a proven path to achieve success. And about four years ago, I had the opportunity to connect with somebody by the name of Dr. Mark Sherwood. My good friend Aaron Antis swore by the results of Dr. Sherwood. My good friend, Pastor Craig Hagan, swore by the results of Dr. Sherwood. And we had a chance to team up, and it’s been an honor to team up with his practice and to help him grow his medical practice. And if you’re out there today and you want to grow your business, on today’s show, we’re going to talk about growing your business and what happens when you diligently implement a proven plan. And here to talk about it is Dr. Sherwood. Welcome on to the Thrive Time Show. How are you, sir? Yeah, I’m doing well, Clay. Thanks for having me. And it has been an honor, hasn’t it? What a ride and what a journey it’s been. Now, without getting into the specific financial numbers, you and I were talking offline, and I believe since you and I first talked on the phone to today, I believe you’re about seven times larger. Is that an accurate number? Am I getting that number wrong in some capacity? No, it’s at least seven, closer to eight, yeah. And that’s, so many people talk about growing their business by 2% or 5% or 12%. I wanna give people some real facts here. We’re gonna go here to Inc. I’m gonna do a search right now on Google. I want everyone to do it with me, assume I’m making this up. Inc. Magazine reports that 96% of businesses fail. That’s according to Inc. Magazine. That’s not, 96%. Now, if you go to, which is by the way a great way to get depressed, if you go to, you’ll see that in America today we only have 9.3 million self-employed people, and a country of 336 million. So if even 10% of our country was self-employed, that would be 36 million self-employed people. But we only have 9 million self-employed people. So we’re talking about, it’s like less than 3% of our population is even self-employed to begin with. And so if less than 3% of our population is self-employed and 96% of businesses fail, by default, folks, you’ve got, you know, I mean, it’s a very, very small percentage chance of being successful by default. And so what I want to focus on is implementing a proven path and a proven system. So step number one, since you and I have connected, I didn’t teach this to you, but you do it. You diligently implement a plan. Can you talk about that? Because every week you and I, we connect every week. You know, in this case, there’s a plan that you do and I won’t get into all the details, but you do it every single week. You do it in the gym, you do it in your business, talk about implementing a proven routine every day. Well, I think the end of the story of a routine is it produces predictability. And so I look at it like this, you know, good habits done consistently over time provides reliability, which gives you consistency, which gives you faithfulness, which gives you trust. Now, trust is a big deal. Does that trust mean you trust yourself? I hope so. Does it trust mean that your customers or clientele’s trust you? They do because it’s predictable. The thing that people can’t stand, Clay, is unpredictability or chaos or just anxiety that’s driven in businesses. So we facilitate that culture from the top down to the bottom up. As you mentioned, every day I get up and I’m very routine. So are you. We started working together. I remember you telling me, you get up at 3 o’clock in the morning, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I probably wake up about an hour after you, boom, boom, boom. It’s very predictable. People know where we are, what we’re going to do, what we’re about, and it creates an expectation. I think that, among other things, has been a key element to experiencing the 800% growth we’ve had, which is, to me, it wasn’t that hard because it’s a process that works. Now, next question I want to ask you is focus on what you need to do, but then say no to the things you don’t need to do. Again, you have to say no to grow. So yes, you’re diligent and you’re consistent, but you’re also saying no to grow. And now there are billboards, there are magazines, there are yellow pages. Yes, there are still a few yellow pages. There are billboards, there’s magazines, there’s local cable TV. There’s so many different ways that you could be marketing your business, but you’ve had to say no to grow. You’ve had to focus on, and you and your wife, you guys do books, you do documentaries, you do podcast interviews. You have a proven path, a proven trajectory that you’re on, but you do have to say no to grow. And sometimes you have to say no to good things in order to say yes to great things. Can you talk about the importance of saying no to grow? job, what we do, which is a wellness-based optimization of health practice. The bottom line is I run everything through that filter. Our filter is, does it bring healing to the person? Does it bring betterment to the person? There’s all kinds of procedures, gizmos, gadgets, and whatnots out here that we can get involved in. I always look at it from this standpoint. It’s got to run through that filter and it’s got to pass the test. Is it going to take us more time? Is it going to take us more labor? What’s the expense of it going to be originally? And what’s it going to take for us to recoup the expense, if any? And so I run it through that filter every single time, and if it doesn’t hash out, it may be a good thing, but it’s not a good thing for us. And people don’t understand that, but sometimes the greatest answer is no, because it’s a no that protects you from getting hurt. And you mentioned all the advertising mess out there. Clay, we’ve been approached by, as you know, many, many people that advertise in all kinds of markets. But if you don’t know what kind of person that you’re after, what is your target demographic, then you can’t just throw spitballs out there at the different sources because you will waste your time and money. And again, in that area, advertising, know to grow is critical. Now the next area I want to focus on is having a linear workflow or a mapped out workflow or a written down process. So many business owners don’t have a written down process. So let me just give people an example. I’m gonna go up to my website, then I’ll go to your website so people can see this. Very predictable. If people go to, which by the way, folks, we have about five to 10 people a day that often reach out looking for help growing their company. Now I only take on 160 clients. That’s not a spiritual number. That’s not a reason I don’t do that for any spiritual reason. It’s just, I have found that with my team, I like to not have more than 160 clients so that I can meet all my clients. And those clients, they schedule a free consultation. And in order to do that, I have a kind of a call screener that sets up an appointment. They hop on the phone, they find out if they’re a good fit for a free consultation. Then my team books the free consultation for me. And because our average client is with us for six years or longer, if you do the math, we have an opening for a new client about every month or so. So if you look at TWA photos, this is one of my long time clients based in Chicago, him and we’re gonna hear his success story on part two of today’s show. He reached out, he filled out the form, a member of my team called Tim to see if he was a good fit. I then coached Tim on the first call, found out he’s a good fit, did my assessment, found out he’s a good fit, coached him through what we’re gonna do, laid out the proven plan. True story and you’re gonna hear it on part two of today’s show. Tim went on to build a very, very successful company and he sold his business. Well, when he sold his business for a big time exit, guess what that did? That created an opening for another client. And so the process we have over and over and over, is you go to, you can schedule a free consultation, my call screener vets that person to see if they’re a good fit. If they are a good fit, they do an onboarding with myself. If it also, we have conference tickets. We do a conference every two months and I’ve been doing this since 2005. So since 2005, I’ve been essentially doing the same process over and over and over. That’s why when you click on testimonials, you will literally see thousands of client success stories, just thousands, not a hundred, not 50, but thousands. So I want to see if you can walk us through, what does the workflow look like when people go to What does that workflow look like? It’s fascinating. And again, you and I just kind of hit it off because we think the same way. So we have an opportunity, people visit our website and we get hundreds of visitors every day and people can fill out a little questionnaire. It’s like a health assessment questionnaire, it’s free. And they get put through a series of, you know, funnel emails to sort of qualify what they want to do. And it sort of kind of vets them at the outset. But if they want to work with us, just like yourself, we have a free webinar that they can go to. At that point, after attending the webinar, Clay, they then have the opportunity at that point to schedule a one-on-one assessment intake appointment with my wife and myself. At that appointment we determine whether or not they’re a good fit. If they’re a good fit, we develop a plan for those and execute the same plan with the same full minutes. We’re personalized for their their lives much like you personalize that plan with the same general processes for that business. We personalize that plan of the same general processes for their life. Now, when people work with me, with my business, and I’m not a medical business, I have a proven process and a proven system. And so when people go and they go to and they look at the different success stories, we have companies like We’ve helped them to grow now to 570 locations, 570. And I could go on just listing examples all day. We take companies like Shaw Homes, help them grow from 15 million to $150 million of revenue. And we just have so many success stories. It truly is epic. And that’s why my parent company’s called Make Your Life Epic. That is what we do, Make Your Life Epic. Dr. Sherwood, I would say what he does is very analogous to what we do for business, he does for your body. And so, again, I believe what he does, Dr. Sherwood, Sherwood.TV, what he does for your body is very analogous to what we do for business. We guide people down a proven path, and we actually tell people before they decide to become a client what the path is. We tell people, this is what we’re going to do to get you from where you are to where you want to be. Now, I know a lot of people, I would say specifically three people that I see on a weekly basis who have lost over 40 pounds since going to So three people that I see on a weekly basis have lost over 40 pounds as a result of going to, learning about the protocols you offer, and then following those. You tell people in advance what the protocol’s gonna be. That’s very different from a lot of other medical programs that kinda hide the program or the protocol from the potential customer, from the potential patient. They hide it and they say once you sign up then we’ll teach you the protocol. Why are you so transparent with teaching people what your protocol is going to be before they become a patient? I think it produces trustworthiness Clay because a lot of times with what we do transparency is key because my wife and I do it too. Again, I’m not knocking anybody else. I just know that what you just said is very true. It is analogous to you making someone’s company greater. I want to see their lives get greater. I want to optimize their health, give them the biological aging process of speed that’s optimal so they’re not aging too fast. And so we live it out, we do it, and then it’s no secret, man, there are some processes that work. And I tell them, you know, if you’re willing to do this, this will work. And they see us doing it every day. We don’t hide our lives and we don’t shield them. We don’t do something, tell them to do something we’re not doing ourselves. So I think it’s exactly as you And to your point, we deal with a lot of entrepreneurs that have worked with you and do work with you. So the interesting overlap is cool. I can think of a couple of people that we’ve worked with that also have, are your clients in their business and I’ve watched their businesses explode as their personal lives explode. So this energy there is just astounding to me as I think about that. Now, I want to walk people through this again here, folks. Again, we’re kind of walking you through that. How is it that a doctor, a medical provider, a health facility is able to grow their revenue by eight times within a period of just a few years? How is that possible when 96% of businesses are failing? One is you have to have a proven plan. Two, you have to implement that plan each and every week, and three, you have to measure what you treasure. You just have to measure what you treasure. You have to track or it’s gonna slack. And that’s true with health, and it’s true with wealth. You have to track or it’s gonna slack. And so any area of our lives, you’re listening right now, you talk about your faith, your family, your finance, your fitness, your friendship, your fun, any area where we are not achieving at our optimal performance, it’s probably because we’re not measuring what we’re treasuring. It’s probably we’re not focusing on it. And again, I’m not attacking anybody out there. There’s somebody out there listening right now. You are in phenomenal physical shape and financially you’re not in shape. There’s somebody else out there listening. You’re in great financial shape. You’re in great physical shape, but your family’s not in great shape. Somebody else out there, you say you got your family, you got your faith, you got your fitness, you got your friendship, but you’re really, really in a bad spot in another area. So whatever we measure is what we treasure. Talk about that for a second, because you have a way of helping your patients and your clients to measure what they treasure and to track, and I see people all the time coming into my office being excited. They’ve lost four pounds, they lost six pounds, they lost nine pounds, they lost 20. They lost 21 pounds, they lost 27 pounds, they lost 30, they lost 40. And you see people gaining confidence every week as they begin to take this massive goal they have and they start to see success day after day. Talk about measuring what you treasure. Yeah, one thing I forgot to add too in the process, we have quarterly events. I mean, and I didn’t, you know, have those things too, which are kind of cool. That’s kind of a culmination of stuff that people can celebrate. But when we talk about measurables, we talk about this all the time, you know, physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, financial, the five parts of a human experience, you know. And so, and I talk to them, I don’t get into heavy dealing with their debt, though, but I talk to them about eliminating debt and building equity. But I use that same terminology within health. I don’t want wellness debt, I want wellness equity. So, in other words, if you can’t measure it, don’t do it. I never do a test unless I know what I’m asking, what questions I’m trying to get answered, and why I’m measuring it. I don’t do that. You mentioned weight loss. We have a unique way to measure that, not just about what the scale says, but I’m measuring their body composition, Clay. I’m measuring their percent body fat. I want to know how much muscle they’ve maintained or grown and how much fat they’ve been able to lose. I want to know their visceral fat level. I want to know their blood pressure. I want to know all their scores that I can find. We’ve even got tests that can score their biological aging processes and speeds and actualities. It quantifies that into measurable components. And so we’re actually developing right now, and I haven’t got it rolled out yet, a quotient we’re going to call the FMI age. It’s going to be a little massive thing that we’re going to put together. I think people are aging in a way that is probably too fast. I think we can probably age better. To your point, I concur a thousand percent. If you can’t measure it and it’s not quantifiable, don’t do it because then it becomes a distraction. I want to tap into your wisdom on this, let you show off what you do a little bit here. You know, one of my wonderful clients is, it’s called Kola Fitness, Kola Fitness and Charles Kola started out doing personal training. He started out doing personal training. Now part two of today’s show, folks, you’re going to hear his success story too. So you’re going to hear the success, the success story of TWA photos. You’re going to hear the success story of Kola Fitness. He started out doing personal training and then he decided, you know what? I want to open up a gym. And then he said, you know what? I want to open up a second gym. And that’s where we met him is as he was scaling the business. And so what he does when people want to lose weight, I’ll tell you his secret. He tells them, here’s the deal. I need you to not eat wheat, no sweets, and no alcohol. And people were like, what? He’s like, no wheat, no sweets, no alcohol. We’ll see you three days a week working out. And he starts that process, he starts small, no wheat, no sweets, no alcohol, three days a week working out. And over time they start to add maybe more detail to it, more supplementation, more detail, more maybe more vigorousness to it. But they start off with no wheat, no sweets, no alcohol, three days a week working out. And then they start to build on that foundation. I wanna get your, just for anybody out there that’s thinking about becoming a patient or client, and they’re maybe concerned about what’s going to be required of them, what sort of life changes need to be made in the lives of people that, you know, are thinking about implementing the Surewood path? And I know there’s a lot of details, a lot of research that you do into each and every patient, but what are a couple practical steps that every single one of your patients has to implement right away? Well, I appreciate, you know, I know Charles is one of my great people, by the way, and I concur with what he said. That’s a great start for anybody, right? So, at least take that. I think for us, our advice would be simply put, if it’s real food, eat it, don’t diet. If it’s an original package, it’s fine. If you can imagine it being in that package in the Garden of Eden, it’s fine. So, I tell people typically to stay away, it’s going to sound crazy, anything the government subsidizes, don’t do it. That’s kind of what I tell them with food and people can go, oh yeah I get that because the government subsidizes wheat, corn, soy, dairy, and that kind of mess, you know. So I tell them stay away from that. Then I tell them that every day I want you to try to get, you know, somewhere between about seven hours, give or take, is probably if you can get that much and then I tell them every day that you don’t move is a day you’re dead so I want them to move more sit less the days you don’t move are the day that you’re are going to be in the rigor mortis so I make sure I tell them that and then I want them to have the last little bit speak life over self man don’t speak death over self. Many times people can walk themselves into a process of oblivion by talking themselves into death every day saying they can’t do it. Now, for anybody out there that hasn’t worked with us, I mean, you and I have had the opportunity to work together faithfully each and every week now for years. What would you say the impact has been on your business, you know, working with us, you and I working together? For anybody out there who’s maybe thinking about working with us or becoming a client of ours? Well, without question, people need guidance today, Clay. It’s like a ship without a rudder. You represent the rudder. You can teach them how to drive, but you also shift that boat in the right direction. I would recommend people do connect with you because you will do a good job, it will be consistent, it will be predictable. And if people just copy these habits, no matter what business you’re in, you can adapt them to the business, the habits work, and you will see a good return on that investment. And it will exponentially grow. And then the last thing I’ll say with that, when you connect with Clay Clark, you need to set your bar high. He will not let you set that bar low, because he’s going to stretch you, he’s going to push you, and he’s going to get the, I’ll just say it like this, he will pull the potential out of you and get you believing again in a good way. So, highly recommend it. I just, it’s working with you has been an honor. It’s a true win-win. For anybody out there that’s looking for health optimization, check it out at, And again, what you do is so analogous for health to what we do for wealth. And so for anybody out there, if you’re looking to optimize your health, check out Sherwood.TV. Sherwood.TV. Dr. Sherwood, thank you so much. And again, for anybody out there that doesn’t know the story here, which should be everybody, you and I were just talking offline the other day and you were saying, hey, Clay, I just wanted you to know, since you and I first connected, we’re up eight times. And I just thought, well, man, you know, there’s so much discouragement in the world we live in. We need to document this and get this on camera. So thank you for keeping us updated, sir, and I can’t wait to have you on the show next week. You’re welcome. Thanks for having me as always. Take care. Bye-bye. Well, Thrive Nation, we are the Thrive Time Show. What we do is we help businesses grow their business owners to grow their businesses. The purpose is to create time freedom and financial freedom. And we’ve had a longtime client that we’ve worked with, and this is sort of like our exit interview because he’s actually exited the business. And so he’s at the other end of the rainbow, or he got to the top of the mountain, or he hit it, or he hit his big goal. And I’m honored to call him a friend and a longtime client. Tim Whaley, welcome to the Thrived Time Show. How are you, sir? I’m doing outstanding, Clay. Thank you for having me on. Can you tell everybody, how did you first hear about what we do in terms of business coaching? I first heard of you through your podcast, actually. So I started listening, was very intrigued. Actually, you had built and sold businesses in the industry that I was in, so it seemed like a natural fit to inquire about coaching. Once we connected and you did your, I’m not sure if it was an onboarding interview or it was more of a, you were going to determine whether or not we were a good fit. I think that was it. But once we did that, I was hooked and was really hoping that you would take me on as a client, which you did. Now, before I met you, I mean, you’d been in business for a long time and one would say you’re probably the dominant resource or one of the top providers in your industry before we even met. Could you tell the listeners how implementing the Dream 100 system impacted your business growth? Oh my gosh, so within just a few short years, it doubled our revenue, plain and simple. So Dream 100 was by far the secret sauce for our success and really the reason why I was able to exit my business ahead of schedule. So just a brilliant program, makes total sense. As a company, it’s one of the few marketing slash advertising outlets that you have total control over. It’s not like you’re on Facebook, which owns Facebook or Google, which owns Google. But I mean, you own the system. You make it work, and great things happen. Now, with the Dream 100, you have to identify the vendors that you want to refer you, or the prospects that you want to refer. You have to identify the ideal and likely buyers that you want to refer you. And then you have to reach out to them consistently. And you guys have done a phenomenal job at doing that. What were a couple of the challenges of persistently reaching out to people to get them to refer you guys to a business? Well, a couple of things. One, you just really have to find the right fit. You have to find the right employee or employees because really when you’re going out there, you need somebody who’s obviously great at building relationships and that’s a lot of different people. But what I found is you also just need a hunter-killer. So it’s not necessarily somebody who’s very personable and great with people, but somebody with those qualities, but also just has a, like I said, a hunter-killer, just wants to, has a drive to bring business in. And you find that person, and they just make it happen. And we were fortunate enough to find a couple great employees who were just very good at that. And now that you have sold the business, you’re going to stay on as an advisor to make sure that the brand is successful and that sort of thing. What does it feel like to be on the other side of the rainbow or to be at the top of the mountain or to be on the other side of selling a business that you started so many years ago? Well, Clay, it’s only been six weeks, so obviously some mixed feelings there, but if I had to put it in one word, I would have to say freedom. Okay. Yeah. So, it feels pretty darn good, and my wife and I are very excited. Now, obviously, we’re still helping the new ownership transition and whatnot, so there’s stuff we’re doing and stuff to be done, but overall, when you’ve been hitting it hard for 33 years, and then all of a sudden you don’t have to, it feels pretty darn good, not gonna lie. Now, Robert Kiyosaki, you know, the best-selling author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, I recently interviewed him, and he had me on his show, and it’s been kind of fun to connect with this guy who wrote the Rich Dad, Poor Dad series, and it’s just fun to connect with him. And he’s been talking borderline obsessively on his show recently about it’s not what people say, it’s what they do. You need to watch people do not what they say. And I think a big thing about having a business coach or a personal trainer if you’re into fitness is if you’re into fitness, you need to have a nutritional plan. You need to have a workout plan. And then you need someone to hold you accountable. And if you’re a business owner, you need to have a business plan, you need to have weekly actions that you need to implement, and then you need to have some accountability. How has having a business consultant or a coach to guide you down the path, how has that impacted you? Tremendously. So there’s a running joke between my wife and I. I will often say I’m the most consistently inconsistent person you want to meet. So, historically, I’ve been the guy who starts this, goes for a little while, and then, you know, sees a, you know, I’m like a squirrel, right? I see the next great thing and I’ll go after that for a while. So I’m an artist, right? I’m a photographer first and, you know, business guy second, I guess. So you have helped corral my artist brain. And having the weekly accountability calls and the action plan has definitely helped me stay focused on what needs to be focused on. So yeah, it’s been life changing. Nothing short of life changing. Now I wanna pull up something real quick and get your thoughts on this, because you and I have worked together, I think for about three years or is it, how long did we work together there before you exited the business? Do you know? We started in 2019. So 2019, okay. So we’ve worked together for quite a while there. And so 2019, wow, so that’s almost five years, four and a half years or so. But if we do a search for carpet cleaning quotes, I’ve worked with one particular brand for 14 years, I think almost 15 now, and they have 271,000 Google reviews. So for 14 consecutive years, I’ve been talking to the same ownership about you have to gather objective Google reviews from your ideal and likely buyers. You have to get reviews, after you clean the carpet, you have to gather video reviews and Google reviews. And we talk about it every week, and it’s just like, it’s like bamboo. I keep coming back every week. I just, you can’t kill it. I come back every week talking about the reviews. And in a world now where people go online to look stuff up, this has been a powerful tool for It’s grown from a handful of locations now to 500 plus locations. How has gathering objective Google reviews and video reviews impacted your sales process? Well, I feel like it’s a one-two punch, Clay. So Dream 100 and the reviews work hand in hand. So the majority of our business comes from the Dream 100, but that’s one referral source. So our couples will be referred by venues, but they wanna check us out. So they’re gonna go online and look for our reviews. So, you know, not only do you have to have a ton of reviews, but you have to have a ton of five-star reviews. And so, the referrals plus the social proof on Google brings them in. Final questions I have for you, then I’ll be done harassing you here, is, you know, you now have got all the systems, the scripts, the website, the ads that work, the Dream 100 system going. And so to give people some clarity, you now have a turnkey marketing system in place. I mean, you have a Dream 100 system that works. You now have an online advertising program that works. You now have a sales process that works. It’s all documented. It’s all systemized for the new owner. So what would you say for anybody out there that is maybe thinking about coming to one of our in-person workshops or scheduling a free 13-point assessment with myself or a member of our team. What would you say to somebody who’s kind of on the fence about maybe coming to a workshop or scheduling a free 13-point assessment? Get off this fence. Just get off the fence, bottom line. You know, you’ve helped make my company sellable, right? So those systems is exactly what made our company attractive to the buyer. They were looking for a company that was highly successful, that they could then take and scale. And our business qualified because of what we’ve done over the last five years. And so, yeah, I would never I would not hesitate. If anybody’s ever asked me about my coaching relationship with you and your organization, I said I wouldn’t hesitate. Never in a million years. You have literally changed my life as a result of what you’ve taught me. You know, you have got to come to Tulsa one of these days here. So I know you guys are gonna enjoy your retirement or whatever it is you’re doing. But at some point, if you ever get the bug and you ever start a new thing, or you’re ever in the Tulsa area, I really want to see you guys. You have my cell phone number. We can talk whenever. But I just want to tell you, it’s been an honor working with you. And it’s been so exciting to help you hit your goals. And I know you’ve worked 30-plus years to go on this dream vacation lifestyle that you’ve built. What would you say to anybody out there that has a business and they feel, my final question for you, they feel overwhelmed by all the systems they have to build, and they’re not at the top of the mountain, they haven’t sold the business yet, it isn’t systemized, and all they see is perpetual chaos, what would you say to that person? Just take the next step, right? Every journey begins with the next step, and that next step should definitely be contacting you guys. Tim. If they just do that, the rest will take care of itself, you make sure of that, so. Tim, it’s an honor serving you again. I appreciate you very much. And don’t be a stranger there, sir. You got it. Thank you. Take care, Chief. Bye. Bye. Whoa. Oh, my. Hey, guys. Luke Erickson here with the Thrive Time Show. As you can see behind me, we’ve got all kinds of energy going on. People are starting to show up for the conference. It is hot in this place. We’ve got broke. I’m going to get a drink. I’m going to get a drink. I’m going to get a drink. kinds of energy going on. People are starting to show up for the conference. It is hot in this place. We got grill guns over here. We’ve got people playing the drums. We’ve got a fire breather. And man, people are so excited as they come in. Gentlemen, let me introduce you to the grill gun. Hi, I’m Bob Healy. I’m the inventor of the grill gun and the Civvie gun. JT, do you know what time it is? 410. It’s T-Bo time in Tulsa, Roseland, baby. Tim Tebow is coming to Tulsa, Oklahoma. During the month of Christmas, December 5 and 6, 2024, Tim Tebow is coming to Tulsa, Oklahoma in the two-day interactive Thrive Time Show business growth workshop. Yes, folks, put it in your calendar this December, the month of Christmas, December 5th and 6th. Tim Tebow is coming to Tulsa, Oklahoma, in the Thrive Time Show, two-day interactive business growth workshop. We’ve been doing business conferences here since 2005. I’ve been hosting business conferences since 2005. What year were you born? 1995. Dude, I’ve been hosting business conferences since you were 10 years old. And a lot of people you know have followed Tim Tebow’s football career on the field and off the field and off the field the guy’s been just as successful as he has been on the field. Now the big question is JT how does he do it? Well they’re gonna have to come and find out because I don’t know. Well I’m just saying Tim Tebow is going to teach us how he organizes his day, how he organizes his life, how he’s proactive with his faith, his family, his finances. He’s going to walk us through his mindset that he brings into the gym, into business. It is going to be a blasty blast in Tulsa, Russia. Folks, I’m telling you, if you want to learn branding, you want to learn marketing, you want to learn search engine optimization, you want to learn social media marketing, that’s what we teach at the Thrive Time Show two-day interactive workshop. If you want to learn accounting, you want to learn sales systems, you want to learn how to build a linear workflow, you want to learn how to franchise your business, that is what we teach at the two-day interactive Thrive Time Show business workshop. You know, over the years we’ve had the opportunity to feature Michael Levine, the PR consultant of choice for Nike, for Prince, for Michael Jackson. The top PR consultant in the history of the planet has spoken at the Thrive Time Show workshops. We’ve had Jill Donovan, the founder of, a company that creates apparel worn by celebrities all throughout the world. Jill Donovan, the founder of, has spoken at the two-day interactive ThriveTime show business workshops. We have the guy, we have had the man who’s responsible for turning around Harley Davidson, a man by the name of Ken Schmidt. He has spoken at the ThriveTime show two-day interactive business workshops. Folks, I’m telling you, these events are going to teach you what you need to know to start and grow a successful business. The way we price the events, the way we do these events, is you can pay $250 for a ticket or whatever price that you can afford. What? Yes! We’ve designed these events to be affordable for you and we want to see you live and in person at the two-day interactive Thrive Time Show business workshop December 5th and 6th in Tulsa Oklahoma and the way we do these events is we teach for 30 minutes and then we open it up for a question-and-answer session so that wonderful people like you can have your questions answered yes we teach for 30 minutes and then we open it up for a 15-minute question-and-answer session it’s interactive it’s two days it’s in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We’ve been doing these events since 2005, and I’m telling you folks, it’s going to blow your mind. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the Thrive Time Show two-day interactive business workshop is America’s highest rated and most reviewed business workshop. See the thousands of video testimonials from real people just like you who have been able to build multi-million dollar companies. Watch those testimonials today at Simply by clicking on the testimonials button right there at, you’re going to see thousands of people just like you who have been able to go from just surviving to thriving. Each and every day we’re going to add more and more speakers to this all-star lineup, but I encourage everybody out there today, get those tickets today. Go to Again, that’s And some people might be saying, well, how do I do it? What do I do? How does it work? You just go to Let’s go there now. We’re feeling the flow. We’re going to Feeling it. Thrive is cool. Again, you just go to You click on the Business Conferences button, and you click on the Request Tickets button right there. The way I do our conferences is we tell people it’s $250 to get a ticket or whatever price that you could afford. And the reason why I do that is I grew up without money. JT, you’re in the process of building a super successful company. Did you start out with a million dollars in the bank account? No, I did not. Nope, did not get any loans, nothing like that. Did not get an inheritance from parents or anything like that. I had to work for it, and I’m super grateful I came to a business conference. That’s actually how I met you, met Peter Taunton, I met all these people. So if you’re out there today and you want to come to our workshop, again, you just got to go to You might say, well, who’s speaking? We already covered that. You might say, where is it going to be? It’s going to be in Tulsa, Russell Oklahoma. I suppose it’s Tulsa, Russell. I’m really trying to rebrand Tulsa as Tulsa, Russell, sort of like the Jerusalem of America. But if you type in Thrivetimeshow in Jinx, you can get a sneak peek or a look at our office facility. This is what it looks like. This is where you’re headed. It’s going to be a blasty blast. You can look inside, see the facility. We’re going to have hundreds of entrepreneurs here. It is going to be packed. Now for this particular event folks, the seating is always limited because my facility isn’t a limitless convention center. You’re coming to my actual home office and so it’s going to be packed. Who? You! You’re going to come. Who? You! I’m talking to you. You can get your tickets right now at and again you can name your price. We tell people it’s $250 or whatever price you can afford and we do have some select VIP tickets Which gives you an access to meet some of the speakers and those sorts of things and those tickets are $500 It’s a two-day Interactive business workshop over 20 hours of business training We’re going to give you a copy of my newest book the millionaires guide to becoming sustainably rich You’re going to leave with a workbook. You’re going to leave with everything you need to know to start and grow a super successful company It’s practical. It’s actionable and it’s Tebow time right here in Tulsa, Jerusalem. Get those tickets today at Again, that’s Hello, I’m Michael Levine, and I’m talking to you right now from the center of Hollywood, California, where I have represented over the last 35 years 58 Academy Award winners, 34 Grammy Award winners, 43 New York Times bestsellers. I’ve represented a lot of major stars and I’ve worked with a lot of major companies and I think I’ve learned a few things about what makes them work and what makes them not work. Now why would a man living in Hollywood California in the beautiful sunny weather of LA come come to Tulsa because last year I did it and it was damn exciting. Clay Clark has put together an exceptional presentation, really life-changing and I’m looking forward to seeing you then. I’m Michael Levine. I’ll see you in Tulsa. Thrive Time Show two-day interactive business workshops are the world’s highest rated and most reviewed business workshops because we teach you what you need to know to grow. You can learn the proven 13 point business systems that Dr. Zellner and I have used over and over to start and grow successful companies. We get into the specifics, the specific steps on what you need to do to optimize your website. We’re going to teach you how to fix your conversion rate. We’re going to teach you how to do a social media marketing campaign that works. How do you raise capital? How do you get small business flow. We teach you everything you need to know here during a two day, 15 hour workshop. It’s all here for you. You work every day in your business, but for two days you can escape and work on your business and build these proven systems. So now you can have a successful company that will produce both the time freedom and the financial freedom that you deserve. You’re going to leave energized, motivated, but you’re also going to leave empowered. The reason why I’ve built these workshops is because as an entrepreneur I always wish that I had this. And because there wasn’t anything like this, I would go to these motivational seminars, no money down, real estate, Ponzi scheme, get motivated seminars, and they would never teach me anything. It was like you went there and you paid for the big chocolate Easter bunny, but inside of it, it was a hollow nothingness. And I wanted the knowledge, and they’re like, oh, but we’ll teach you the knowledge after our next workshop. And the great thing is we have nothing to upsell. At every workshop, we teach you what you need to know. There’s no one in the back of the room trying to sell you some next big get-rich-quick, walk-on-hot-coals product. It’s literally, we teach you the brass tacks, the specific stuff that you need to know to learn how to start and grow a business. I encourage you to not believe what I’m saying, and I want you to Google the Z66 auto auction. I want you to Google elephant in the room. Look at Robert Zellner and Associates. Look them up and say, are they successful because they’re geniuses or are they successful because they have a proven system? When you do that research, you will discover that the same systems that we use in our own business can be used in your business. Come to Tulsa, book a ticket, and I guarantee you it’s going to be the best business workshop ever and we’re going to give you your money back if you don’t love it. We’ve built this facility for you and we’re excited to see it. And now you may be thinking, what does it actually cost to attend an in-person two-day interactive Thrive Time Show business workshop? Well, good news, the tickets are $250 or whatever price that you can afford. What? Yes, they’re $250 or whatever price you can afford. I grew up without money and I know what it’s like to live without money. So if you’re out there today and you want to attend our in-person two-day interactive business workshop, all you got to do is go to to request those tickets. And if you can’t afford $250, we have scholarship pricing available to make it affordable for you. I learned at the Academy in Kings Point, New York, acta non verba. Watch what a person does, not what they say. Good morning, good morning, good morning. Harvard Kiyosaki, The Rich Dad Radio Show. Today I’m broadcasting from Phoenix, Arizona, not Scottsdale, Arizona. They’re close, but they’re completely different worlds. And I have a special guest today. Definition of intelligence is if you agree with me, you’re intelligent. And so this gentleman is very intelligent. I’ve done this show before also, but very seldom do you find somebody who lines up on all counts. And so Mr. Clay Clark is a friend of a good friend, Eric Trump, but we’re also talking about money, bricks, and how screwed up the world can get in a few and a half hour. So Clay Clark is a very intelligent man and there’s so many ways we could take this thing. But I thought since you and Eric are close, Trump, what were you saying about what Trump can’t, what Donald, who’s my age, and I can say or cannot say. Well first of all I have to honor you sir. I want to show you what I did to one of your books here. There’s a guy by the name of Jeremy Thorne who was my boss at the time. I was 19 years old, working at Faith Highway. I had a job at Applebee’s, Target, and DirecTV. He said, have you read this book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad? I said no. My father, may he rest in peace, he didn’t know these financial principles. I started reading all of your books and really devouring your books. I went from being an employee to self-employed, to the business owner, to the investor. I owe a lot of that to you and I just want to take a moment to tell you thank you so much for allowing me to achieve success and I’ll tell you all about Eric Trump but I just want to tell you thank you sir for changing my life. Well not only that Clay, thank you but you’ve become an influencer. More than anything else you’ve evolved into an influencer where your word has more and more power so that’s why I congratulate you on becoming because as you know there’s a lot of fake influencers out there, or bad influencers. Yeah. Anyway, I’m glad you and I agree so much, and thanks for reading my books. Yeah. That’s the greatest thrill for me today. Not thrill, but recognition is when people, young men especially, come up and say, I read your book, changed my life, I’m doing this, I’m doing this, I’m doing this. I learned at the Academy at King’s Point in New York, acta non verba. Watch what a person does, not what they say. Watch what a person does, not what they say. Whoa, man.


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