Clay Clark | Work Ethic | Muhammad Ali, Tom Brady & Kobe Bryant Discuss Work Ethic “Confidence Comes from Preparation.” – Bryant + Doctor Z & Clay Clark Teach How to Design a Scalable Business + 9 Clay Clark Client Success Stories

Show Notes

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Audio Transcription

My doctor says it’s okay to exercise, but when it becomes a strain, you better quit. Man, your doctor don’t know what he’s talking about. That’s what you want to do, strain. You want to run into the pain. You want to run until your soul feels like sandpaper. You want to run until it feels like you’re going to throw up. You want to keep running until your legs are painted, until you’re going to die, you’re going to fall out. You got to run until your stomach feels like it’s going to burst, until your heart starts pounding. You’re gonna quit. It feels like you can’t go another inch. Can’t go another step. But you keep going. What kind of man is that? You should just go until you’re gonna fall out in your tracks. And then after that, you’ve only gotten about halfway through. Confidence comes from preparation. You know, so when the game’s on the line, I’m not asking myself to do something that I haven’t done thousands of times before. Right? So, when I prepare, I know what I’m capable of doing, I know what I’m comfortable doing, and I know what I’m not comfortable doing. And so in those moments, if it looks like I’m ice cold or not nervous, it’s because I’ve done it thousands of times before. So it’s one more time. I would encourage everyone to play football for the simple reason that it is hard. It’s hard when you’re young to wake up in the offseason at 6am to go train and work out, knowing that all your friends are sleeping in and eating pancakes. It’s hard when you’re on your way to practice way down with all your gear, and it’s 90 degrees out and all the other kids are at the pool or at the beach, and your body is already completely exhausted from workouts in two days. It’s hard to throw, catch, block, and tackle, and hit kids when they’re way bigger and way more developed than you, only to go home that night bruised and battered and strained but know when you have to show up again the next day for just the chance to try again. But understand this, life is hard. No matter who you are, there are bumps and hits and bruises along the way. And my advice is to prepare yourself because football lessons teach us that success and achievement come from overcoming adversity. And that team accomplishment far exceeds anyone’s individual goals. To be successful at anything, the truth is you don’t have to be special. You just have to be what most people aren’t. Consistent, determined, and willing to work for it. No shortcuts. If you look at all my teammates here tonight, it would be impossible to find better examples of men who embody that work ethic, integrity, purpose, determination, and discipline that it takes to be a champion in life. Broadcasting live from the center of the universe, it’s Business School Without the BS. Featuring optometrist turned entrepreneur, Dr. Robert Zellner with USSBA Entrepreneur of the Year, Clay Clark. It is the five time show that your boo began, where we drop knowledge bombs for you in Portland. Teach the proven systems to make your ends, so you can produce the greenery like all the Oregon supercall you Franklin cuz you got Benjamins We’ll call you big girl cuz you just bought open and then you’ll be back into your wife and kids Set your wallets overweight, but it used to be thin thumbs away This is play broadcasting with the gym with the focus locked in like San Quentin Can I get a beat to the oh to the him you’ve heard the rumors? He is I and I is him he be the C and I be the C And I beat the sea, that was teaching business skills from clay to Z. We both grew up poor, but we’re poor no more. The goal of this show is to help you soar. Yes, yes, yes, and yes, Thrive Nation. Welcome back to the Thrive Time Show on your radio. And on today’s show, we’re talking about this thing, Z, that no one wants to talk about. No one? No, but people do. Clay does. People don’t want to talk about it, but it is the difference maker. Now here’s what we’re not talking about. We’re not talking about the phrase, I did my best. We’re not even going to say that phrase. Because the phrase, which we won’t say moving forward, I did my best, doesn’t matter. It’s about results, and if you look at anybody who’s had success at the core, at the base, at the foundational level of that success is this concept called a work ethic. Now, we’ve got eight segments, and I’ve got four principles. So we’ve got a lot of room here for a lot of specific stories, a lot of specific examples. I want to ask the listeners out there rhetorically, how much money do you want to make? How much success do you want to have? How much time freedom do you want to have? How much… What do you want out of life? And then what are you willing to trade off for what you want? So Z, we have this thing called the F6 life. I used to refer to it improperly as the F5 life. And Z has it. So I’m going to go through the F6. These are the six goal areas of life. And I’ll go through the first five, which I feel like I’ve done a very good job of. And Z said, what about number six? So here are the six core goal areas of life. One, you have to have goals for your faith. If you don’t have goals for your faith, it’s just not going to happen. You’re going to drift. You’re not going to pursue your religious beliefs. It’s not going to happen. Two, family goals. Your family is not going to just drift into a great family. Finance, you’re not going to drift into a great place financially. Fitness. People all the time, I love this all the time, people say, gosh, that guy’s got great genetics. Yeah, and he works out seven days a week. I mean, Charles Koloff, seven days a week he works out. So fitness. Friendship. People say, gosh, I’d love to have great friends like that. Right, and you’ve got to call them. It’s a two-way street. You’ve got to schedule time for it. And this final area is fun. And Dr. Z, you love to have fun and celebrate in the end zone, but not until you score a touchdown. Right. It’s a spike the ball in the three yard line. It’s not good. You’ve seen guys do it. You’ve seen them drop it before in the end zone. That’s called a turnover. What are you thinking? So here’s what is crazy to me. I started researching for today’s show. My mind exploded as I got… Paul, I think you’d have fun with this research. Time out, time out, time out. As big as your head is, if your mind exploded, that would be like Hiroshima. I mean, isn’t that like nuclear? I said gray matter all the way to Okmulgee. Fission. I think it’s fission. Fission. I mean, that’s… Well, this is what I found. 70% of employees hate their jobs, according to Forbes. 70% of people hate their jobs. Do you think that correlates to 67% want, according to Forbes, to have their own business? Right. Start their own business? Right. I think it’s the same group. Okay. But to start a business, it requires time. So then I thought, well, gosh, where’s all the time going? I find that the average American is watching 5.2 hours of TV per day, and they’re being interrupted. That’s hard to do. According to Psychology Today, the average American is now being interrupted 85 times a day with interactions unrelated to their work. Yeah, and you know what’s so sad is, what, four or five months ago that was 75 or 76? It’s just growing and growing and growing. And so what I thought I would do, I thought, I’m just going to call myself out on the show based upon my religious views and ask myself, what does the Judeo-Christian Bible have to say about work ethic? Because maybe, maybe, I need to look, if I’m a Judeo-Christian, maybe people should look at my life and say, there’s good indication that he is based upon his actions, his works. So what I did, is I thought, let’s have some fun with this phrase called work ethic, and let’s break it down into the following four letters. Now, Chuck, how do you spell work ethic? Well, it starts with a W. What? W as in what? That’s a weird word. So it starts with a W and then you got an O, an R, and a K. So let’s go into the W first. So Chuck, can you read me the first principle we’re teaching today as relates to the work ethic? Yeah, so W, whatever you do, work at it with all of your heart as working for the Lord, not for human masters. So I started thinking about, what if I’m not a Christian, and I just wanted to screw around with this principle for a year or two, and just work as though I, to quote Lee Cockerell, the guy who managed Disney World, he said, I said, Lee, why are you so motivated? And he said, I’m motivated by insecurity, because I know somebody else always wants my job. And then I watch Tom vs. Time and Tom Brady says the same thing. Someone always wants his job. I listened to Bill Belichick. He said, somebody always wants that job. It’s the NFL, which stands for not for long if you don’t win. So anybody, whether you’re motivated to wow God or driven by insecurities, you’ve got to work as unto the Lord. So I want to go around the horn and ask you, Z, I’ll start with you. Why did you grind for seven days a week? Because now we know you get to have fun, you get to travel, you get to enjoy time with family, you’re now involving your family in the businesses. I mean, now you’re getting to see the harvest. But why did you want to till that soil, push that plow? What was going on? Well, I knew that by doing that I could be where I am today. I mean, that’s the whole kind of play, isn’t it? I mean, one of the core lessons I’ve taught my children, and they’ll tell you this, and that is work first, then play. Yes, but I just was going on Facebook and I saw this new game called Candy Crush and it is so sexy. It is so fun. It is not, you just click it and it is. Well, the thing about it is, you know, it’s also you sow first and then you reap. I mean, you have to do the work. You’ve got to get in there and get the work done, then you can relax and have fun. So like, my kids would be wanting to do something, they’d get home from school and say, no, no, work first. Do you have any homework? Yes. Let’s get that done, then we’ll play. You know? And so it’s just that day-to-day mindset of, what work do I need to get done? Now I can treat myself to maybe a little bit of TV. Five hours, that’s great. Now, this is what we’re going to do. We’re going to do this whole comparative thing you shouldn’t do, but this is powerful. Because somebody listening today, you might say, listen buddy, I don’t want to have financial success. That’s cool. That’s okay. Because what you do is you just say, I accept that my life is how it is because of my work or my lack thereof. Right. I love the challenge of going paycheck to paycheck. I like it. And the stress, because you know. It is awesome. It’s awesome. Now, Paul Hood, you’re into fitness. So again, Z had a white-hot passion to be successful financially, which is why you made the trade-offs. So I wouldn’t make any trade-offs at all if I wasn’t passionate about the goal. So I want to ask Paul this question, but before I do, I want to make sure that we’re giving you some adequate self-deprecation so you can rip on me. The pastor I work with, Pastor Brian, great guy, River City Church. He says, Mr. Clay, I would like, if you guys are interested, would you like to go to Israel this year? We’d like to go to Israel in November. And I said, no, I don’t want to go. He says, why? I said, because I don’t leave the country. I don’t like traveling. I don’t like flying. Not in. Not curious about history. I don’t want to be close to the Palestinians. I have no curiosity at all. You don’t mind going whale on the wall? Don’t have an interest to walk through the Garden of Olives. Don’t want to see the birthplace of Jesus. Couldn’t care, frankly. I just don’t want to go. Now my wife wants to go, so I thought in my mind, is the trade-off worth it, me experiencing a personal purgatory while on an international flight, for her happiness? I’ll probably end up on that plane. You’ll probably end up on that plane. Because it’s the trade-off. It’s the trade-off. So now let’s go to Paul. Paul is looking in great shape. You’re working out Paul Hood with hood CPAs. You’re getting in great shape for a fitness competition, but why? Well, Clay, you know, I think a lot of my success and a lot of my drive came from and began with running from something. You know, both sides of my family, you know, I grew up a single mom, alcoholic father. Most of my family works harder at trying to figure out how to cheat the government and get, you know, they’re all, you know, whatever, you know, they’re disabled or, you know, good people, but you know, they’re putting in effort, but I think it’s the wrong type of effort. So I had to prove to myself I wasn’t that type of person. God’s blessed me. We do a lot of business, and I just have found that I’m happiest if I’m deliberate. Because I like to work out. I like to look good. I like to stay in shape. I like to make a lot of money. I like to help other people make money. But I’ve got to have that. that I preach at our office at that you start with the end in mind. And so, you know, if you’re just exercising and working out, then what’s the end in mind? So I started, you know, my son, Bryce and I are doing this physique bodybuilding show. And so that was our end. And so we became very deliberative how we worked out. And it’s, it’s, it creates a sense of accomplishment to do more, to know I’m doing more, willing to do more than the average person. Now when you’re done with the show so you’re going to actually get up on stage and flex and do like the Arnold Schwarzenegger poses? I’m going to crush your people. You’re really going to do all that? Okay, is that kind of a deal? Is it like a… do they do an interview process? Do you do like a tuxedo form of it? If you could change one thing about the world I want world peace world peace what’s my point is what’s your diet and exercise gonna look like when the show’s over well you know it’s it’s I’ve always heard number I’ve been you know worked out and played a little college football that your diet was 90% of it and I didn’t believe it so now this is fanatical I’m not gonna continue this diet okay but I’ll integrate probably 60-70% of it. That’s good. What’s the one thing you’ve been unable to eat over the last 12 weeks you’ve been doing it now? Yeah, 12-13. Okay, what’s the one, what’s the top of the list if you could just pound something right now and you’d be okay? That’s so easy. What would it be? So Starbucks has chai tea lattes with soy and they put five pumps of chai in it. Of course, I like to go extra. I have them do 12 pumps. Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! A lot of pumps! Yeah, that is that. I give you a 13 pump. It is so good. You can pump up your thighs. Oh my gosh. Yeah, that’s a baker’s dozen. Yeah. First thing, absolutely, I’m going to find a Starbucks. I just want to tee up this idea, because I see so many people that complain all the time about their current situation, but yet, just think about it. Do you really want to make the change? If you do, do it. If you don’t, don’t. This is a thing. I want to make sure you get this. The other day I was talking to a young man in my office and he says, I want to make more friends. I want to have more friends. I said, how many friends do you want? He said, well, I’d like to have quite a few. I said, well, I’ll tell you this. I’ve got probably people that I could really trust to the core that I’ve had in my life for a long time. I think if you go to a dozen, man, that’s huge. I mean, that’s like profound. I don’t know how many people you think are in my life that I can speak to completely transparently without judgment all the time. It’s a win-win forever. I mean, it’s not, you know, and I’m like, if you get to like a dozen, he’s like, oh, really? Because like he thought in his mind that this, you know, having 50 friends, I guess, was the number. And so I want to make sure we’re setting realistic goals. Get that goal in your mind and then ask yourself during the break, what is a trade-off that you’re willing to make? For instance, if you want to get your accounting in order, you said, my accounting is perpetually behind, my taxes are always screwed up, I’m not saving enough, I’m not getting ahead, just go to and schedule a free consultation. You might say, you mean I have to go on the website? I mean, what if that causes carpal tunnel? I’m going to have to go on the website and type with my fingers and hit the button. So you’re going to have to go to Whew, yeah, that is a lot of letters to type in. Do you think I have to sacrifice a whole two minutes? And we’re going to give you a free copy of Warren Buffett’s book called Snowball. Yes, but I would have to read all the words in the book. I don’t like books with words. So if you don’t want to get your finances together, then don’t go to But if you want the free book, you want a free hour of power with Paul Hood with, go to and schedule an appointment. But don’t complain that your accounting is all jacked if you’re not willing to take the action. When we come back, it’s all about work ethic rising and grinding. Stay tuned. During today’s broadcast, America’s number one business coach, Clay Clark, and the optometrist turned entrepreneur, Dr. Zellner, teach the importance of embracing the rise and grind mentality and the intense work ethic needed to produce success. Oh, wow. See, with the epic voice intro, right, do you almost feel like… I almost feel like I have to now deliver a quality show. Don’t go that far. Don’t get crazy on me all of a sudden. We’ve been doing this for a year and a half. I almost feel like on a show about work ethic, I need to do whatever I do and work at it with all my heart as though working for the Lord and not for human masters. Not for human, I love that, human masters. Now this is a thought. How does this apply if I don’t own a business? How does it apply if I do own a business? Well, let me walk you through this. I’d like for Zita to one-up me on this, okay? A friend of mine, very dear friend of mine, Ryan Tedder, went to work for free for a guy by the name of Timbaland. If you look up the name, T-I-M-B-A-LAND, Timbaland, he’s the one who produces the Justin Timberlake music, the newest album, Man of the Woods, he produces this stuff. So Tedder writes for now Beyonce, he writes for Adele, I mean huge artists, you too. But what he did is he’s just grinding. He’s working over there at the pottery barn. Imagine what it would be like to work for free for a multi-millionaire and you know he’s not paying you anything. Then, this is a true story and you can verify this on Billboard magazine, okay? It’s called The King of Pop, The Undiscovered King of Pop, and I’ll put it on the show notes so everyone can see it inside the studio and it will be on the show notes so you can see it at home as well. So see, it’s coming up on the big screen here. So what happens is Ryan decided, I am not going to quit until I get my big deal. So Timbaland pulls him aside and says, hey, I really have a project I’m working on right now, and I’ll pay you $7,500 cash to sing the chorus and to write the song for an artist named Bubba Sparks. I liked Bubba Sparks, so I get a call, Ryan says, I’m going to be singing the chorus of a song called She Tried My Song on Bubba Sparks’ Deliverance album. And I didn’t talk the numbers, like, hey, how much are you getting paid, bro? Yeah, bro. Big payday. But all I know is he’s still working at a pottery barn. So it wasn’t that much. Now this song went on to have multi- this was a platinum album, you know, that went on, and he got $7,500. And you could be bitter if you weren’t working and doing whatever you do and working at it with all your heart as working for the Lord and not for human masters. Then, Ryan wrote a song called Too Late to Apologize. He wrote it himself, all by himself, done. Timbaland says, I’ll put that on my new album, Too Late to Apologize. And it’s going to say Timbaland featuring Ryan Tedder. Oh! It’s my song though, because it’s my song. And he’s like, so the song I wrote is now your song? Right, it’s Timbaland, produced by Timbaland, Timbaland song featuring Ryan Tedder. So they’re going to think that you’re, you know, and he’s like, okay. So he just keeps doing this. But imagine you’re, now the song Too Late to Apologize is the number one most played song of all time, ever, of any song on the radio, ever. It’s the most. And so he was considered to be featured on for that album. So you’re talking about sowing some seeds, working as under the Lord. Then Leona Lewis, she says, I need a song. He writes a song called Bleeding Love. But now he’s credited as being the writer. It’s the number one most played song in European history. We’re talking like surpassing Beatles hits. I mean, it’s crazy. So now he’s getting called by the artists who are saying Hey, please write a song for me. Taylor Swift is calling my man But I think there’s somebody listening here today Who’s working for your version of Timbaland and you’re having to ask yourself. Is it time to quit? Because I’m working for free and I have a second job or is it time to press on is it time to? Bore down or are you working for a jerk that will never recognize you. Because I do see people who are slaving away for a horrible boss. And I would argue, this is my take on it, having met a lot of business owners, I would argue that probably 7 out of 10, 8 out of 10 business owners are garbage. That’s my take. So I believe there’s somebody out there, you’re working your butt off for years for garbage. And so I make it even more personal. A good friend of mine says, I’ve been working for this guy for 4 or 5 years and I never get promoted. I said, well I know the guy and I want you to know he prides himself on paying you the least amount possible. He’s all about that. And you’re not gonna get promoted because he doesn’t want to grow the company. So it was easy for me to give him advice saying, hey, you need to move on. So I want to ask you Z, if somebody’s working for somebody right now and you’ve been grinding dude for two years, three years, you’ve been putting in your work and you’re not seeing any type of fruit. How do you know if it’s a you problem? Like you’re not, you know, giving it your all. Because I think people get stuck working for somebody who’s not going to promote them, and then they get disenfranchised. Or the other extreme I see is where the employee’s not doing a great job. They’re just, you’re getting there late and you’re not over delivering, and then you expect a raise based on just having been there for a year. So walk me through this concept of over delivering. When’s it time to move on, or when’s it time to really press on? That’s an excellent question by the way and let’s let’s tackle it from the employee side first. Okay. Okay because they feel like there’s a lot of people out there listening going you know I want to do my own thing I want to I think I’m on the right track I’ve I’ve hooked my wagon to this person or this business and I’m hopeful that it’s going to get me to where I want to go right? Right. Okay um that is a good question how long do you toll on there? In other words, how long would Ryan Tedder have needed to work for Timbaland before he says, yeah, I’m getting nowhere? This is my answer that I always give people, and you tell me if you disagree. If the person you’re working for is 10x you, then do it. The person you’re working for is 10 times wiser, let’s say, or 10 times more successful than you are, then I like that bet. But if you’re working for a slumlord and he’s barely making it, you see that a lot of times. These entrepreneurs that have these hang-along, tag-along guys. I’m interested, and that’s an easy one. That’s who to go to work for. I like that. But I’m working for a guy that’s 10x. I’m working for a guy that’s 20x. And I’m grinding, and he just keeps stealing my juice. He keeps squeezing, and I get no juice. In other words, he keeps using me to promote. Now I look up and he’s 25 times me. I’m helping him grow exponential and I’m down here still in the weeds. I’m not trying to get you a thousand potential employees today, but I’m going to try this on the radio. Here we go. If you wanted to come work for Dr. Z at any of your companies, let’s say the optometry clinic, and you’re not hiring, but I said, hi, I’d like to intern and basically work for free for 40 hours a week when I’m not there I’ll work at the pottery barn. Would you say yes to that? Well of course you’d be a fool not to. How long would I have to be at work first before I’d catch the attention of someone like Paul Hood or someone like yourself? And there lies the rub. It depends on how good of an employee you are. See a lot of people might show up and say hey I’m gonna do this and then. If I’m the first one to work and the last one to leave on the day that I work for free. You get recognized very quickly. You get promoted, you get hired, you start moving up the ladder. If you do a good job, if you knock off the 5 A’s, if you are there charging and making yourself known, it’s kind of like, wow, this person is going above and beyond. They’re showing up on time, they’ve got a great attitude, they’ve got a great appearance, and they’re accurate. I mean, those are the 5 A’s, right? Well, Eric Chopp has ran his own business. That’s essentially how he started here at Thrive. He basically did all the jobs no one else wanted to do and worked his way up. But I want to get your take on this, Paul. How long would someone have to work for you, being the first one to work and the last one out before you would recognize them? Because you have a lot of employees now. How long would it take before you would hear rumors of their work ethic? Well, it wouldn’t take very long at all. You know, I think, what I think from the employer or the employer standpoint is, you know, if I’m that employee and I’m grinding, I’m really putting in and I’m not seeing any returns, you can tell real quick whether somebody, because really a successful person, Clay, and we teach people this at Hood CPAs and you do at your workshops, is I am hiring right now. I don’t need any employees, but I’m hiring right now because I’m always looking for that next A player because my job is to take that A player and build a business around them. If you’re working for somebody that looks at you that way and creates opportunities, then stay. Attend the world’s best business workshop led by America’s number one business coach for free by subscribing on iTunes and leaving us an objective review. Claim your tickets by emailing us proof that you did it and your contact information to info at Alright Thrive Nation, welcome back to the Thrive Time Show on your podcast download or your radio broadcast. So many people have reached out to us over the years and have asked me, they’ll say on the phone, they’ll say when they fill out the form at Thrive Time Show or they’ll say to me in person, they’ll say to you Marshall when you’re doing your 13-point assessments, they’ll say to you, Eric Chupp, when you’re doing the assessments, they’ll say, my business has gotten to a point where I’m starting to make some profit, but I need help making systems. Right. You hear that a lot. I need to make systems. I’ve got to duplicate myself somehow. I don’t know. And I think that that’s great that you now know you need systems, but I don’t think people understand what systems look like. Now, Marshall, I’m going to really lean on you heavily for this segment of the show, but this morning in the meeting, you remember the voicemail we played this morning? Yeah. What was the voicemail? Can you kind of explain to the listeners where that voicemail came from? I mean, this is obviously a Church in Owensboro. What was the origin of the voicemail, or what was the voicemail about? Well, it was a voicemail in response to the first week of having all of the systems operate the way that they were supposed to operate. So there’s signs on the street with people waving at people as they drive by, inviting them to go to church and that Christ loves them. That’s right. And there was somebody who was really going through a rough time in their life and they called the church to tell the church how much those, just out of the blue, it wasn’t like they were soliciting customers, but just the experience of executing the systems. And not to go super deep, but I’ll go there a little bit, there was one church I worked with way back in the day and a woman said that she was going to have an abortion, which would mean you would terminate the life of an unborn child. Whether you are in favor of pro-life or not, that’s what that means. You’re going to abort the life of an unborn child, meaning that somebody would not get a chance to live. So like 50 Cent, Curtis, last name Jackson, the rapper, he grew up in a rough environment where his mother decided not to have an abortion. There’s a lot of famous people out there that you don’t realize, like Steve Jobs, he was an adoption baby. There was actually somebody who called this church and said, I was going to have an abortion, but you guys, the signs you said there is an option, it’s called adoption, those signs caused me to look into it and that’s why I have a kid today. And I’ve heard that numerous times. So when I talk about a church putting out signs, to me it’s a serious deal. And if you take away the religious aspects or the abortion or something heavy, you think about like your haircut business. If you don’t put out the signs, people don’t show up. So the linear workflow is creating the documents. It’s documenting the systems that have to work together and where the ball is potentially being dropped as you go from left to right on the timeline. So from the time that you start on the left, you do your branding, then you go into marketing, then you go into sales, then you go into product delivery, then you go into accounting. So I’m going to read you a notable quotable. I’d like for you to kind of break down how workflows work there, Marshall. So here’s the notable quotable from Jay Walker, the actual founder of Priceline. He says, hire people to execute on solutions to solve problems. Don’t hire people to solve problems. Fundamentally, you have to solve problems first, then hire people to execute against the solutions you created. The owner has to make the workflow. What? Marshall. I’m so passionate about this. Let it happen. Just breathe, man. I had two meetings today where I talked about this. This is what everybody that’s listening needs to write down, mentally commit, listen back to it, do whatever you need to do to remember this. But you, as a business owner, as a manager, you must manage strategy and delegate execution. Manage strategy, delegate execution. What I am doing, okay, whatever it is that you’re doing, whether you’re installing siding on a house, whether you are doing a bathroom remodel. You make the systems, you hire the people to do the systems. That’s right. How do I need to document what I am currently doing so that I never have to do it again? So W. Edwards Deming says, if you can’t describe what you are doing as a process, then you don’t know what you’re doing. Now Wes Carter, you are not a process engineer, but you are an attorney. And great attorneys can explain the way the law works on a third grade level so the average client gets it. Poor attorneys talk over the heads of their clients. Explain why that is always true. Well, in law school, some people get the mistaken understanding that the bigger words and the longer sentences we use, the better attorneys we are. When our job is really to communicate something to our client, and clients speak an everyday language, and if we can’t communicate, we’re not really worth the money they’re paying us. So Marshall, with a cornucopia of language, would you continue reading a notable quotable? Chuck, Eric, Chuck, could you read us a notable quotable? We’ll not get caught up in semantics here, but if you could just focus on the syntax, be this wax poetic for a minute. I would like to relate to the common people. Comes from a leather-bound book. Thank you, Bruce. Okay, this is from Henry Ford. Okay, he says, the competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all, but goes on making his business better all of the time. So when you have a workflow in place, you can catch issues in the system. If you can’t see where the ball is being dropped, you can’t fix it. So when you make a linear workflow from left to right, a document, a map, it looks like a diagram, like when you’re diagramming a sentence. It’s like you’re playing the game, what’s it, Chutes and Ladders? It’s a workflow from left to right. It’s a document that shows how your business fits together. And we have ample examples that the human mind can handle and download. If you go to and you click on the podcast. On the show notes, we have the workflow for River City Church and Elephant in the Room available for you to look at. So I’m going to go through the boxes, Marshall, and you kind of explain what I should see there. Box number one, you’ve got to document your processes for branding. What does that mean? That means everything that your prospective customer experiences or touches has to be world class. It has to be high quality. Then you have to diagram your system for marketing. What kind of things should you find in the marketing box? How are you distributing your brand? How is it that you’re getting your product or service in front of buyers? Box three, sales conversion. Sales conversion, what is the script that you are using and how are you recording calls of people reaching out to potential customers? Box four, batting cleanup, service and product delivery. Why do we have to document that? You got to document that because how is it that you’re providing your product or service? Box number five, human resources. Why do we have to document that? How are you getting great people into your business? Through osmosis. Box number six, accounting. What are the numbers? Are you profitable? Are you not making profit? Are you breaking even? Box number seven, it’s the perfect number, strategic growth. What do you need to do in order to develop strategically your business development? What are you doing to progress the business forward? So how are you going to scale it, like franchising or licensing your system or taking the company public? How are you going to grow that thing? And then the final one is box number eight. Why do you have to do PR to tell the world what you’re doing well? You’ve got to showcase the success that you’re having and get it out into the world, and this will help perpetuate further growth. Now Eric Chup, there’s a lot of knowledge there, but as a business coach, how do you help the client? How do you help an actual client, like our listener, turn these ideas into an actual linear workflow? How do you help them? The first thing you’ve got to do is you’ve got to walk through. We’ve got this list of action items right here, creating these boxes. We literally sit down with the client and we write it out on a whiteboard because here’s what’s going to happen. You’re going to go through this, I don’t know, four, five, six, seven times, and every time you do it, imagine that you’re the customer. You’re the ideal and likely buyer walking through this process, and things are going to open up. A good example would be you were working with River City Church, right? And I use this example a lot with my clients. I say, okay, let’s imagine you’re going to a big church. What’s the first interaction you have with the church? And they all say it’s either like greeters or getting coffee, and I say, you’re very close, but it’s actually the parking lot. Right. It’s the parking lot. If you pull up to a building that has 1,500 cars out front, you don’t know where to park, you don’t know what door to go in, you’re going to turn around and leave. And that’s why River City is so awesome. Because Pastor Brian has a heart to reach people that don’t know Christ and he just wants to make a duplicatable process so nobody gets forgotten. He wants everyone to know that Christ loves them and his intention is not for anybody to feel like they’re forgotten. So Wes, at Winners and King, how do you guys, when you’re representing a client and you’re going through the process of representing somebody to help either defend their business or how do you guys use checklists and systems to make sure you don’t drop the ball in a critical way? How do you guys use systems over there at Winners and King? Well, I’ll stick with the theme here. We’re talking about churches. So we’ve incorporated around 5,000 churches and ministries. What? What? 5,000? I have a checklist of here’s everything you do to start the corporation. Here’s how you set up the bylaws. Here’s how you do the first minutes. Here’s how you apply with the IRS for your tax exemption. So we have checklists to make sure that we don’t drop the ball in everything we do. If somebody was looking for a great attorney, how do they get a hold of you guys at Winters King? They can call us at 918-494-6868. That’s 918-494-6868 or online And I’ve got a four-step checklist here right in front of me right now. Oh! We’ve got the podcasts, the one-on-one business coaching, the in-person workshops, and a video library of thousands of videos. And then we like to end with a three and a two and a one and a boom. Here we go. Three, two, one, boom. Boom. Well, Thrive Nation, we are the Thrive Time Show. What we do is we help businesses grow their, business owners to grow their businesses. The purpose is to create time freedom and financial freedom. And we’ve had a long time client that we’ve worked with. And this is sort of like our exit interview because he’s actually exited the business. And so he’s at the other end of the rainbow or he got to the top of the mountain or he hit his big goal. And I’m honored to call him a friend and a long time client. Tim Whaley, welcome on to the Thrive Time Show. How are you, sir? I’m doing outstanding, Clay. Thank you for having me on. Can you tell everybody, how did you first hear about what we do in terms of business coaching? I first heard of you through your podcast, actually. So I started listening, was very intrigued. Actually, you had built and sold businesses in the industry that I was in, so it seemed like a natural fit to inquire about coaching. Yeah. And, you know, once we connected and you did your, I’m not sure if it was an onboarding interview or it was more of a, you were going to determine whether or not we were a good fit. I think that was it. But once we did that, I was hooked and was really hoping that you would take me on as a client, which you did. Now, before I met you, I mean, you’d been in business for a long time and one would say you’re probably the dominant resource or one of the top providers in your industry before we even met. Could you tell the listeners how implementing the Dream 100 system impacted your business growth? Oh my gosh, so within just a few short years, it doubled our revenue, plain and simple. So Dream 100 was by far the secret sauce for our success and really the reason why I was able to exit my business ahead of schedule. So just a brilliant program, makes total sense. As a company, it’s one of the few marketing slash advertising outlets that you have total control over. It’s not like you’re on Facebook, which owns Facebook, or Google, which owns Google. But I mean, you own the system. You make it work, and great things happen. Now with the Dream 100, you have to identify the vendors that you want to refer you or the prospects that you want to refer. You have to identify the ideal and likely buyers that you want to refer you, and then you have to reach out to them consistently. You guys have done a phenomenal job at doing that. What were a couple of the challenges of persistently reaching out to people to get them to refer you guys a business? Well, a couple of things. One, you just really have to find the right fit you have to find the right employee or employees Because really when you’re going out there you need somebody who’s obviously great at building relationships, and that’s a lot of different people But what I found is you also just need a hunter-killer So it’s not necessarily somebody who’s very personable and great with people, but somebody with those qualities but also just has a, like I said, a hunter killer, just wants to, has a drive to bring business in. And you find that person and they just make it happen. And we were fortunate enough to find a couple great employees who were just very good at that. And now that you have sold the business, you’re going to stay on as an advisor to make sure that the brand is successful and that sort of thing. What does it feel like to be on the other side of the rainbow or to be at the top of the mountain or to be on the other side of selling a business that you started so many years ago? Well, Clay, it’s only been six weeks, so obviously some mixed feelings there. But if I had to put it in one word, I would have to say freedom. Okay, yeah. So it feels pretty darn good. And my wife and I are very excited. And obviously we’re still helping the new ownership transition and whatnot. So there’s stuff we’re doing and stuff to be done. But overall, when you’ve been hitting it hard for 33 years, and then all of a sudden you don’t have to. It feels pretty darn good, not going to lie. Now Robert Kiyosaki, you know, the best-selling author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, I recently interviewed him and he had me on his show and it’s been kind of fun to connect with this guy who wrote the Rich Dad, Poor Dad series. It’s just fun to connect with him. And he’s been talking borderline obsessively on his show recently about it’s not what people say, it’s what they do. You need to watch people do, not what they say. And I think a big thing about having a business coach or a personal trainer if you’re into fitness is if you’re into fitness, you need to have a nutritional plan, you need to have a workout plan, and then you need someone to hold you accountable. And if you’re a business owner, you need to have a business plan, you need to have weekly actions that you need to implement, and then you need to have some accountability. How has having a business consultant or a coach to guide you down the path, how has that impacted you? Tremendously. So there’s a running joke between my wife and I. I will often say I’m the most consistently inconsistent person you want to meet. Historically, I’ve been the guy who starts this, goes for a little while, and then, you know, sees a, you know, I’m like a squirrel, right? I see the next great thing, and I’ll go after that for a while, and then, so, I’m an artist, right? I’m a photographer first, and, you know, business guy second, I guess. So, you have helped corral my artist brain. And having the weekly accountability calls and the action plan has definitely helped me stay focused on what needs to be focused on. So yeah, it’s been life-changing, nothing short of life-changing. Now, I want to pull up something real quick and get your thoughts on this, because you and I have worked together, I think for about three years, or is it, how long did we work together there before you exited the business, do you know? We started in 2019. So we’ve worked together for quite a while there. And so 2019, wow, so that’s almost five years, four and a half years or so. But if we do a search for carpet cleaning quotes, I’ve worked with one particular brand for 14 years, I think almost 15 now, and they have 271,000 Google reviews. So for 14 consecutive years, I’ve been talking to the same ownership about you have to gather objective Google reviews from your ideal and likely buyers. You have to get reviews. You know, after you clean the carpet, you have to gather video reviews and Google reviews. And we talk about it every week, and it’s just like bamboo. I keep coming back every week. You can’t kill it. I come back every week talking about the reviews and in a world now where people go online to look stuff up, this has been a powerful tool for It’s grown from a handful of locations now to 500 plus locations. How has gathering objective Google reviews and video reviews impacted your sales process? Well, I feel like it’s a one-two punch, Clay. So Dream 100 and the reviews work hand in hand. So the majority of our business comes from the Dream 100, but that’s one referral source. So our couples will be referred by venues, but they wanna check us out. So they’re gonna go online and look for our reviews. So not only do you have to have a ton of reviews, but you have to have a ton of five-star reviews and and so The referrals plus the social proof on Google brings them in Final questions I have for them. I’ll be done harassing you here is you know You’ve now have got all the systems the scripts the website The ads that work the dream 100 system going and so to give people some clarity You now have a turnkey marketing system in place. I mean, you have a Dream 100 system that works, you now have an online advertising program that works, you now have a sales process that works. It’s all documented, it’s all systemized for the new owner. So what would you say for anybody out there that is maybe thinking about coming to one of our in-person workshops or scheduling a free 13-point assessment with myself or a member of our team? What would you say to somebody who’s kind of on the fence about maybe coming to a workshop or scheduling a free 13 point assessment. Get off this fence. Just get off the fence. Bottom line, you know, you’ve helped make my company sellable, right? So those systems is exactly what made our company attractive to the buyer. They were looking for a company that was highly successful that they could then take and scale and our business qualified because of what we’ve done over the last five years and So, yeah, I would never I would not hesitate I’ve told anybody’s ever, you know Asked me about my coaching relationship with you and your organization. I said, I wouldn’t hesitate never in a million years. You have literally changed my life as a result of what you’ve taught me. You have got to come to Tulsa one of these days here. So I know you guys are going to enjoy your retirement or whatever it is you’re doing. But at some point, if you ever get the bug and you ever start a new thing or you’re ever in the Tulsa area, I really want to see you guys. You have my cell phone number. We can talk whenever. But I just want to tell you, it’s been an honor working with you, and it’s been so exciting to help you hit your goals. And I know you’ve worked 30 plus years to go on this dream vacation lifestyle that you’ve built. What would you say to anybody out there that has a business and they feel, my final question for you, they feel overwhelmed by all the systems they have to build, and they’re not at the top of the mountain. They haven’t sold the business yet. It isn’t systemized, and all they see is perpetual chaos. What would you say to that person? Just take the next step, right? Every journey begins with the next step. And that next step should definitely be contacting you guys. Tim, you just do that, the rest will take care of itself. You make sure of that. Tim, it’s an honor serving you again. I appreciate you very much. And don’t be a stranger there, sir. You got it. Thank you. Take care, Chief. Bye. Yep. 4,000% from February to February. Now I can better that. Okay, Clay, I don’t think you know this. I don’t think you know this. I’m pinching myself and if I cry, forgive me. In the last two and a half days, we have bettered our entire month of February in the last two and a half days. So, and the phone’s blowing up. Everything’s just blowing up. Blowing, you’re right, it is like a rocket ship. So, we’re pinching ourselves actually. I learned at the Academy, at King’s Point in New York, acta non verba. Watch what a person does, not what they say. Devin, we oftentimes at, we interact with some really great people. In fact, if anybody goes to thrive and they schedule that first free 13-point assessment with me, you’re sort of like the filter. I mean you talk to you know people every day, and certain people are not a good fit. We call these people happy hopers, and certain people are a good fit. We call these people diligent doers. What’s the difference? A diligent doer has an actual product or service that makes sense. They have a prototype or an actual product or service. They have an actual viable plan where they can sell a real product or service to real people. And a happy hoper is somebody that doesn’t have a real product or service. And a while back, these wonderful people, they reached out to us and we scheduled a 13 point assessment. And I knew that they would be successful for two reasons. One, they are diligent doers and the second is they had an actual product that they could sell to real people on the real planet Earth and they gave a sample to my wife. They gave a sample of their product to my wife and my wife Devin who doesn’t coach clients, doesn’t mentor clients, doesn’t you know she stays out of that, she works on the accounting side, she tells me this stuff is incredible. This is incredible stuff and so at that point I’d recognized oh we’re gonna have a business that’s going to blow up. And so I wanted to get them on the show while the business is actually taking off. They’re actually currently joining us from a figurative rocket ship. Their business is taking off next level. I’m excited to have them on. This is the founders of Give a Derm. Ladies, welcome onto the Thrive Time Show. How are you? It’s such an honor. Thank you so much for having us on. We’re having so much fun right now. It’s unbelievable. We’re pinching ourselves. So first off, for people out there that don’t know who you two are, I’m gonna let you two introduce yourselves and introduce your products so people can Google you and verify you’re not a hologram. Absolutely, so we are a toxin-free skincare company and we’re really trying to bring the words luxury and zero toxicity together. And it’s just been a wild ride. Honestly, my mom had a crazy health scare. Hi, I’m Debra. Sorry, I’m Julianne. I’m a co-founder. I’m her daughter. It’s just been a wild ride. Honestly, we knew we had something. We knew we had something that was incredible, but then honestly, we were pretty stagnant. We didn’t really know what direction to go. Then all of a sudden, on one of our super late nights, my mom looked at me and she goes, you know, we’ve heard a lot about clay and I think we’re supposed to go out and maybe get that assessment. And I was like, within like five seconds, I launched that form over to you guys. Yeah, it’s a holy moment actually, because I’m a major introvert and she’s like, I never thought for a minute you’d do that. But I honestly felt like the Lord said, do this. So we did, we did. And I think we shared yesterday, not yesterday, at the conference last weekend, that February, in February, this February, from last February, we were up 4,000% in our business. Can you repeat that? How much have you grown as a person? Yeah. 4,000% from February to February. Now I can better that. Okay, Clay, I don’t think you know this. I don’t think you know this. I’m pinching myself and if I cry, forgive me. In the last two and a half days, we have bettered our entire month of February in the last two and a half days. So, and the phone’s blowing up, everything’s just blowing up. You’re right, it is like a rocket ship. So we’re pinching ourselves. Well, and I mean this sincerely, and I wanted to get Devin on the show because she talks to so many wonderful people. We love them. Go to thrive And the challenge we have is that we’re sort of like an incubator and I can only work with 160 clients, you know, so it’s like a football team and you only have 52 roster spots We only have 160 and the reason why is you know, Devin with your clients you meet with your clients once a week Yep But a client you might talk to them three times during the week right because we’re doing the photography the videography the web the search engine Coaching them guiding them mentoring them and I really wanted to drill down into the successes That your business has experienced as a result of you two diligent doers putting in the work there. So first is you guys are doing the Dream 100. Now the Dream 100 is a system that I don’t know why, I don’t know why, and Debra I’m gonna ask you the question. So I don’t know why, and I’m not attacking you, this is not a passive-aggressive attack, I don’t know why people are reluctant to do it. I don’t know. So, you know in my life anytime I want to get, for example, Tim Tebow to speak at our upcoming business conference, I’m going to pick up the phone and I’m going to call. And then if I get rejected, which I often do, I will then email. And if I get rejected via email, I will then text. And Devin, you have worked here for about a year-ish? Almost two. Two years. And on the agenda, did I not put on the agenda, book Tim Tebow for June conference? Did I not put it on there for like, it seems like maybe six consecutive months. Yes, you did have it on there. And I’ve been chasing that reality, turning that into a tab, Tim Tebow, speak at our events for 10 consecutive years. So from the age of 33 to the age of 43, I’ve had the same action item on my to-do list. And the reason why is because my literary agent, Esther Federkevich, she represents Tim Tebow and myself and a lot of people in our orbits kept saying Tim should speak at your conferences and so if but you we’ve it’s you have to reach out people you don’t know because this just in people don’t wake up with a burning desire to pay you and the product is good as it is it’s not going to sell itself so even though my wife is saying give a derm is hot sauce it is the best skincare product I’ve ever seen everybody should buy this that doesn’t mean people are gonna buy it unless they know about you. So I want to ask you that specifically, Deborah, the Dream 100, making a list of 100 people that you do not know and reaching out to them to offer them free samples. What was the challenging part about doing that? We had to identify our audience first because you have to, your Dream 100 can go everywhere, but you have to specifically identify your audience. And then it is work because you’re kind of intimidated and you’re like, is this real? Is this really gonna work? And so you just have to press into that and keep pressing into that. And you just do what you’re told to do. I know that sounds basic, but that’s why we have hired you to tell us what to do. And so that’s, we just had to keep at it and keep at it. Now, Devin, you work with very reasonable clients. None of our clients are unreasonable, of course not. What is the hard part that people have when you tell them to do the Dream 100? Because these two are doing it. This is something that Juliana and Debra, they’re doing it. What is the issue? I’m trying to help somebody out there that’s stuck. Dealing with rejection. There it is. Now, I used to stutter as a kid. I used to stutter as a kid. So let me just walk you through how that works. If you can’t speak well, and you get mocked at a young age, at a certain point you just quit caring what people think. So, you know, that’s, at a certain point you just quit caring what people think. So, you know, you see this, Devin, in our office, we have a lot of employees. There’s gossip, there’s rumors, there’s jackassery, whatever. You know, yesterday I was dealing with a situation, so I just called a person involved, asked them directly, called both people, wrap it up. I don’t know if that upsets people, I don’t know, but I don’t think about it. I just want to solve the problem and I think we’ve solved the problem. But if you’re avoiding conflict or rejection, you’re just not going to have success. So pro tip number one is you could stutter a lot and then get to a point where you no longer care. That’s option number one. Option number two is you just become numb. You just get to a point where you say, Matthew 5 10 through 11, blessed are ye who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for ye shall inherit the kingdom of heaven. So you just say, I’m not, I don’t worry about what people think. Or you just run around like you’re dumb. I don’t know if you go dumb or numb. Juliana, I want to ask you, what’s your approach? Do you try to go dumb? Do you try to go numb? Do you try to pray your way through it? How do you push? All of the above. All of it. Can I say all of the above? It just depends upon how it hits me. Dumb, numb, and pray through it. All of those are true. Absolutely. Absolutely. Just so we’re clear about what I mean by this, this is some strategic stuff here. Being dumb, it is a move that I use often. So yesterday I was, and I’ll be very vague, yesterday I was looking at buying a potential property for a thing I’m working on. And I just began breaking all those boundaries. I don’t mind knocking on a door and talking to somebody. I don’t mind calling a property that’s not for sale and asking, will you sell it? I don’t mind talking to the neighbor and saying, what do you know about this property? I don’t mind. And I just sort of go in like I’m dumb, you know, like, hey, everybody, is this property for sale? I mean, that’s just sort of the mindset. And certain people go, I can’t believe you just did that, but okay, that works. Or you can get numb, but you got to do it. Okay, so you made the dream 100 of these influencers, people that have access to your ideal and likely buyers. You’ve given them samples, that’s working. Second is you have to optimize the pricing. Now the pricing is a thing, Devin, and I’m sure you’ve never dealt with this, your clients haven’t either, I’m sure the Give It to Her folks haven’t either. But I find a lot of people are afraid to charge what something’s worth. So let me start with an example of it doesn’t relate to anybody I’ve ever met before. And this would be the entrepreneur that has a great product, but is afraid to charge what they should charge because they don’t want to offend, they don’t want to overcharge, they don’t want to take advantage of, and so they actually create an unprofitable business. So the more they sell, the more they create a daily hell. What am I saying? The more they sell, the more they create this perpetual hell because they actually are selling something at a loss or they’re barely breaking even. I talked to just the other day, I was talking to a home remodeler who was telling me that the busier he gets, the more money he loses. He was at our conference. And I go, how does that work? And he’s like, well, I don’t want to gouge people. And I said, so what? And so this guy, he’s not a client, but he came to our conference and he was telling me that his business, he listens to our show and he’s been implementing the things he can without being a client. And he said, but the problem is, the more business I get, the more I lose money. And I go, how is that possible? And he was actually charging people what it costs him to provide the service or he’s doing it at a loss. And I just I couldn’t understand it. I want to ask you to now going back to Debra here on the pricing thing. Has that been something that we’ve worked through together or maybe what’s your how have we kind of coached you or worked with you on the pricing? Yeah, well, Andra, our coach has worked with us because I am one of those people that as a consumer, I’ve watched the budget. And so at the same time, our products have incredible ingredients and they are all natural. So we have to cover our expenses. And so you guys have worked with us to watch our margins, to be able to know what our margins are and know what we have to price or we’re not going to be able to make this company available. We won’t make it. And so you guys have been incredible, an incredible asset helping us do that. I want to ask your thoughts here, Juliana. Talk to me about that, the pricing thing. Have we helped you through the pricing or what would be your comments on that? 100% actually. It is interesting because when you set your prices where they need to be, that it actually attracts the customers that you want. And although it’s been hard to consider pricing and hard to consider what we need to make, like as far as just covering the costs and then what we need to make on top of that to just continue to be sustainable. You know, it is incredible because it’s been, I feel like, like I said, it’s just, it’s attracting your ideal and likely buyers. So it’s beautiful. How is coaching? I will get into more details, but how is coaching, Juliana, how has that impacted your business? If you had to describe it to somebody or sitting next to someone at a conference and they’re like, okay, so you’ve worked with, you know, like Clark’s coaching system or with, you know, you’ve worked with Devin or you’ve worked with Andrew, you’ve because you’ve probably interacted with our whole team at this point. I mean, you’ve probably talked to Devin on the phone. You’ve probably been to a conference. You’ve probably interacted with Andrew every week on the phone. You’ve, you’ve probably interacted with our whole team at this point. And someone says to you, how has it impacted your life? What would you say? Um, I would say it’s the equivalent. I’ve never seen the show, but I’ve heard of the show Naked and Afraid, where you’re dumped in the middle of God only knows where. And it’s like, you know what? I have this great idea. I want to be dumped in the middle of God only knows where, and I have a product that will help people, but I don’t know how to actually make a way. And it’s literally like hiring a guide that is experienced, that knows what they’re doing, and that can really just absolutely, even when we, literally there have been times that I’m like, I don’t even know where we are. I feel like I’m totally blind, even, even in the initial coaching process. And it was like, okay, but great news. We’ve got our coach call tomorrow. It’s going to be great. And so it’s, it’s just this incredible feeling of knowing that somebody has our back and knowing that they, they know what to do. And then also knowing that, and honestly, I would be a little bit disappointed if I hired a business coach that wasn’t a multimillionaire. And so, you know, I’m just super grateful that you’re successful. And so we wanted to go, you know, he must know. He must know a few things, a few things. That’s right. Yeah. I think what’s interesting about what we do is, you know, last night, I’ll be very vague because I don’t know when the show’s coming out. I don’t want to date the show that way. But, you know, last night, my wife and I were talking about some things and she said to me, she goes, I’m so glad that I’m aware of how to achieve success because when our daughter asks, it’s great to be able to tell her the answers. And she was just kind of reflecting because our daughter’s 20 years old and she’s asking questions about buying her first property. And my wife is like, well, you wanna buy low, obviously, buy low, but you wanna think about, and my wife started talking to her about generating revenue streams. Like you wanna have a property where you could maybe rent out an extra room to someone you can trust, or maybe you can rent it out in the future, or maybe you buy it low, you add value to it. And my wife was really getting into like a home flipping seminar. Wow. But it was a thing where we’ve just done it so much that we forgot that that is a question that a 19 year old has, or a 20 year old has. People have never bought a house before. My wife was putting on this home flipping seminar of what makes a home more valuable, the moves you can do that are inexpensive but add a lot of life to the property. And again, if you’ve never flipped a house before, it can be overwhelming. But in our case, we’ve done it so much. The other day, someone was asking us, I think my wife and I have lived in 15 separate houses. It could be 16, because we just were buying, renovating, moving, and we’re just doing it. And so it’s kind of become normal. Growing a business is kind of normal. So if you’re out there watching today and you feel overwhelmed, you feel stuck, these are two great examples of people that are real people we’ve actually worked with, we are working with. They are currently in the figurative rocket ship. The figurative rocket ship, they’re blasting off. Sales are happening nonstop. I appreciate them taking some time to talk to us about this. The next is we’ve got to track. We have to track. And people always tell me, I’m so busy, I don’t have time to track. Now, Devin, your clients have never told you that. No. But can you walk me through why other people who don’t listen to our show and are not your clients, why people might not track? They’re scared to look at the numbers. There’s a thing there. The other thing I would say is people like to always delegate to their spouse, what? To their partner. So the alpha, if it’s a female owned business and the woman is the founder, she will usually delegate the finances to the person that joined. So the founder usually likes to delegate the finances to somebody else. That’s usually what happens. Or if it’s a male, he’ll delegate it to his wife. Or if it’s the wife who started, she’ll delegate it to her husband. Or if it’s a sister, she’ll delegate it to her brother. It seems like in a family owned business, the founder always delegates the tracking to somebody else. I just see that as a pattern. And it seems like if they’re not related, it just seems like they’ll delegate it to whoever they just hired. So imagine you go to work for someone, you’re 25 years old, you just got hired by a 40 year old, and they go, hey, by the way, you’re in charge of tracking. And I see that, and then the person who’s in charge of tracking, they may be not, they might not be diligent, they might be, they might be disorganized, they might be organized, I don’t know, but what happens is then they sort of now have removed themselves from direct responsibility. I wanted to ask you, Deborah, on the tracking, how do you two track? Because it is really depressing when you’re tracking 100% of zero sales this week. I mean, that can be depressing, and it can seem like a waste of time, but now as you’re actually selling, it becomes increasingly important. So start with you there, Deborah. The tracking thing, how do you guys handle that? Well, we have our tracking sheet that Andrew helped us put together. And you’re right, it’s absolutely mandatory. And because we have a product that has to be manufactured, you have to know how much every item costs down to the packing tape, the fragile stickers, and all this kind of stuff. So it’s imperative that you know what’s happening. And that’s what, like I said, Andrew’s helped. We do that together. We kind of stay in it. I tend to lean into the manufacturing part of it, where I needed to know exactly how much that shipper cost, exactly how much that void fill cost, exactly how much the decoration on our bottles. All that, you have to know it. Otherwise, you’ll wake up one day and you’re consumed. You’re done. So you have to know it. Julie, give me thoughts on that, because again, you two are working as a business, right? You’re doing the marketing, the sales, the hiring, the firing, they’re shipping things. How would you describe your tracking process? You know what, we had an approximate idea before we started working with you, but then getting the specifics has been incredible. And it’s not hard, it’s just anything that goes out you track, and then anything that comes in you track. But it does take effort. You have to put a little bit of effort into it. I would just say it’s invaluable. It’s one of those things that if you don’t understand potentially where there’s a leak in the boat, then you just have to. It’s basically constant weekly inspections of the boat, if you will. It’s really good. It is. Again, this is so big, constant inspections. I think that a lot of people struggle with boredom, but the great clients I’ve had, they bore down. So you have to do the same thing every day. Devon, have you ever worked at a restaurant? I haven’t. You haven’t? No. Oh man. You probably never will then, but have you two ever worked at a restaurant? Julianne, have you ever worked at a restaurant? No, no. Deborah, have you? Let me walk you through. Let me just walk you through my experience at Applebee’s. I’ll walk you through Applebee’s. I worked at Applebee’s and our job is every single day, you have, when I worked there 20 something years ago, you have to have out the fresh salad. So you open up that walk-in freezer and a guy from Cisco or whoever delivers the salad, he’s gonna deliver the fresh salad and you have to throw away the bad salad every single day. You know, you bring in the fresh meat, you throw out the bad meat. Every single day, then you prepare your, they call it a house salad prep. So you basically make the house salads and you put them in this room. And so when somebody orders it, they’re ready to go, you know, and you just, you have, there’s like a process. Every day you clean the bathrooms, every single day you wipe off all the tables, every single day you dust every single window, every single day you wipe off the glass, and it’s a checklist every day. And I found that the top waiters of which I was not one, I had a good attitude, but I wasn’t nearly as skilled as other people who’d been doing it a long time, they would come in to work right away and they would wipe down the windows, mop the floor, get everything ready to go, and they were ready to go before the first customer walked in. But I found that the bad ones would always say things like, all we ever do is do the same thing every day. And then my boss, Ian, would go, yeah, because it’s a restaurant, and all we ever do is serve food to great people. That’s what we do. So but I think certain people get bored with that monotonous stuff. And you guys do a really good job of nailing that. The next is the website creation. We ended the website. It’s not and it’s not a one and done. It is a process of continual improvement. There’s endless iterations. We’re always updating. I’m never happy with the website. I’m happy today. But if I look at too long, I go, I kind of want to tweak that. We always want to make a small little enhancement. We always want to add a new testimonial. We always want to add a new endorsement. As I look at it right now, just my pro tip, and I’ll tell Andrew, but maybe you can tell him that I told you this before you talked to Andrew, any of the bigger names that are starting to endorse you, you know, we get the as seen on, like endorsed by. So when you click on testimonials, it’s like endorsed by and you start to get more and more big names. So I look at one of my clients called Moms on a Mission. What a great job she does. And as she’s booking bigger and bigger guests, we keep adding the as seen on. Now, you don’t want to get in the way of the product, but you got to make sure we get because you’re starting to have some big time names that endorse your product. Could you share with the listeners what’s it been like having a consultant that also does the web development. Because we do the photography, the video, the web, the search engine, all of that is all one-stop shop. What’s that been like there, Debra, having just a one-stop shop for everything? There are really no words, because whenever you’re trying to start a business, you’re so overwhelmed. You’re watching everything. You know this is new territory for you, so you’re having to learn everything the best you can. So to have someone come in that is an expert in this field and can say, this is what you need to do, this is what you need to do, this is what you need to do, and this is what you need to do, it’s like done. I mean, also the pricing, as I’ve heard, but thank God we didn’t go there, but to have that incorporated in the coaching has been such a blessing. It’s just, there are really few words, without a website, we’re sunk. Devin, I want to tell you a story that’s going to depress you, okay? Okay. How old are you right now? How old are you? 23. Okay, so when you were not born yet, not yet born, seriously, when you were not born yet, I started this, your mom and dad are probably on a date, you know. I started this company called DJ Connection, right? And I thought, well, I’m going to do is I’m going to work at Applebee’s, Target and DirecTV. That’s a true story. So 1998, 1997, I’m growing this business. 1999, I’m growing it. And I got this website. I needed a website. I needed to have a website. So I went to a web guy. I won’t mention the guy’s name, although I want to. Well, I know I will mention it. I will mention the website because it’s not a bad thing. It’s just a fact So I hired a company called creative state to build my website for me It’s called creative state and Brent Wallace was in Tulsa, Oklahoma this is his company creative state web developers boom and I paid him to build my website for me and You know, it was at that time. I look back and I go wow, but we’re talking about thousands of dollars was spent to build said website and thousands and thousands. And so I was paying unbelievable amounts of money. You know, we’re talking thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars to build a website. And then every time I wanted to make a change, there were certain costs to it. Now he’s gone on to build website products and promotion for Taylor Swift. He’s done stuff for Garth Brooks. He’s really kind of a household name boutique in the web space. He’s done a great job. My thought was, if I’m going to build a website, I want to have the guy who built Garth Brooks’ website. At that time, Garth Brooks was the number one music star in the world. I’m going to hire that guy. I’m glad I did, but if I were to tell you that it was $1,700 a month, we charge our clients $1,700 a month, it’s a flat rate, 1,700 per month. And that includes the coaching, the mentorship, the conferences, everything, all the introductions, all the PR, all the marketing, the video, the photography, the web, the accounting. But this guy, he didn’t apologize for the price, you can imagine, because the guy’s built a website for Taylor Swift and Garth Brooks, you can imagine. So it’s more like, well, you know, $15,000, we’ll get a conversation started. And I’m going, I just remember him saying to me, I remember people telling me, well, you need to get a video on your website. I thought, I do need to get a video on my website. So all I’ll do is I’ll get a video on my website. And I go, so do you guys do the video? He’s no, no, no, we don’t do video. I have a guy I recommend. And the video guy says, true story, for $8,000, I could make you a promotional video. 8,000, what, 8,000? Okay, and then the website’s 15, I’m up to 23. I work at Applebee’s, Target, and DirecTV. I’m making like 8.25 an hour plus tips sometimes at Applebee’s. You don’t get tips at Target. So I’m working, and then I go, okay, and then I need to hire a PR person to help me do my PR, to get in front of the media, to get, you know. And the PR people are like, well, it’s a retainer, and it’ll be, you know, 5,000 a month for one year. So I’m, so I’m out 60 grand for that. I got the website. So then I started thinking, I need to sell something because I’m gonna need to sell something soon. So my yellow page ad was $2,500 a month for my yellow page ad on top of the other things. So I remember it was the craziest thing ever because I’m working at Applebee’s. Could you imagine Devin right now at your age? And could you imagine you talk to your mom and dad and your mom and dad says, how are you? And you say, I’m doing great. They said, what have you been up to? You said, I agreed to pay $2,500 a month for the next year on an ad that hasn’t been proven to work. And by the way, I’m paying a PR company $4,000 a month. And by the way, Bruce, that’s the search engine company that is probably the highest rated most. He writes the search engine for dummies book. And you’re going to pay about $8,000 a month for a 12 month contract. So you’re, you know, 96,000 to teach the heaven. Could you imagine explaining that to your mom or your dad? How would that go over? They would just, they would be, they think I’m stupid or something. If you guys were building Give a Derm today and imagine you hopped on your coaching call with Andrew and Andrew says, what you need to do is you need to there and pay $2,500 a month for your advertising, pay four grand a month for PR, 18,000, actually 15,000 for the website, but every time you make a change, it’s like $1,000. And then you also, what would happen there, Juliana, if that was the recommendations he was gonna give you? What is it, fight, fire, freeze or whatever? I don’t know. I think I would just be like, bye. Like, good luck with everything. I can’t do it. Like, it’s just not sustainable. This is what I did. I took a photo with the Yellow Page guy. I said, I’m going to pay you $2,500 a month. I need a photo. There he is, Jeremy McCaskill. That’s awesome. That’s amazing. I did a photo with my Yellow Page guy. And that’s the kind of stuff I would do just to kind of capture. But I always thought to myself, at some point, I’m going to build a… When people started asking me to help them grow their company, I thought, you know what? I’m going to provide the entire coaching system for less money than it would cost to hire an hourly employee. And so now final thing I want to ask you guys is we help you with the systems, creating the systems, the optimization, turnkey, the entire workflow, marketing, sales, branding, PR, accounting, all of it coming together as one unified song. All the different instruments put together. They make a beautiful orchestra. It all comes together. I want to ask you this, Deborah, what’s that worth to you? I know you pay $1,700 a month. I know that I make a 20% profit on every client. So we make, just to be very clear, $340 a month per client. What’s that been worth to you? Wait, sincerely, everything. I don’t want to use cliche words, I can’t find words that could adequately describe how you have literally changed our lives. It made it affordable. It made it affordable. Yes, yes, yes, yes. I’m not saying that, you know, I was $1,700 a month. But then when you saw everything that is included, it’s like, oh my gosh, it’s only $1,700 a month. But it has changed our life. Our company, I can say hand on heart, our company would not be where it is without you guys. Hand on heart, there’s absolutely no way. You brought us the experience, the connections, the consistency, the kick in the pants when we needed it. We didn’t need it hardly at all, Andrew. And so, sincerely, it’s very hard to express how amazed we are and we do feel like God was on this from the beginning and we just we thank him for introducing us to you guys and then you guys have just we’ve literally hitched our wagon to your horses and that’s what it’s been like that’s what we talk about that a lot and we’re pinching ourselves I mean how often can someone say in two and a half days we bettered a month’s worth of sales which was 4,000 percent higher than the year before. I mean and the phone’s blowing up. I mean it’s… Now obviously you’re obviously uh Deborah is paying us Devin to say that so we’ll go to a more reasonable person uh Juliana what how would you describe it? Because there’s somebody out there right now who believes that they don’t qualify for success. That’s what I hear all the time. And I grew up poor, and I’ll never forget what it was like to be poor, and so I never want anybody to think they don’t qualify. We have scholarship options to make it work for people. What would you say to somebody who’s on the outside of the website right now, listening to this show, and they’re like, I don’t know if it’ll work for me. What would you say? Don’t be afraid. And don’t be afraid to admit where you are now because honestly it was really when we did our assessment with you Clay we were like Well, we’re doing this much a month and that’s embarrassing and we’re doing this one, you know And we didn’t think we would qualify I mean we did it and I think to really understand your heart for people and your heart for excellence for people and Like mom said, you know, I think I’ve told you this before, but it was absolutely uncanny to the point that at one point we had just like an additional connection with you and that morning and then that afternoon one of our biggest influencers mentioned us in her broadcast. And so literally you carry so much momentum. So I would say to anybody out there that’s considering doing this, to give it a shot, to just go for it. And honestly, just look at your budget and take out the things that are unnecessary so that you can afford to do this business coaching because what you’re getting is absolutely outrageous and for whatever it’s worth, I was even able to text Andrew multiple times where I panicked going, ah, the website’s down or the website’s blah, blah, blah. And he’s like, we’re on it, we’re good, we got it, we got it done, handled it. And it was just like, oh my gosh, just to feel like we could trust fall with you guys when it is not my, none of this is my skill set, none of it, it’s all uncomfortable. And to know that you have a well-oiled machine that we can go, oh, can we just come into that and just go, yes, I’ll take your assistance. It’s just, it’s incredible. It’s been absolutely outrageous. We look back and we laugh, but right now we are in a rocket ship. Yeah. We’re just going, oh gosh, we’re going to have to… It’s such a beautiful way. It’s like, I think we’re going to have to hire more people, and I think we’re going to actually have to work, literally have crews work around the clock for a full moment. Then we’re going to do this, then we’re going to do that, and then we may have to go there, we may have to get more storage units, we may have to do whatever. It’s just, we’re to that fun part, but it’s also managing growth. What I love is that we can still even ask you, hey, where we are right now? Is it wise to do this, or should we stay here? It’s incredible. It’s been wonderful. My favorite part, and then I’ll let you guys go, I love it when it’s overwhelming, you’re out of office space, and everybody’s selling something. That to me is the most exciting part where people begin to share a desk, they share a chair. It gets socially awkward because your desk, you recognize that a box of product has become your desk. You recognize that you’re taking notes on boxes and that’s exciting stuff. That’s where you can’t find your wallet because everything’s being shipped in and out. That’s an exciting place to be. So I encourage everybody, check out the Give a Derm product today for anybody out there. And don’t not do it because I’m endorsing it. Check it out, Go there,, check it out there. And then the final question is, how do we accurately pronounce your last name? Could you spell your last name? It’s G-R-I-M-N-E-S. So someone’s going grimness, grims, grimes. That’s it, you got it the first time. If you add an S, you will pronounce it correctly. Yeah, so think of it, my dad would say, think of it as, like, don’t say this, dad. He’s like, think of it as like the grimness of the situation. I’m like, dad, that’s not good. No, don’t say that. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Like, anyway. Thank you, team grimness. Have a great day. You guys are doing a great job. We’ll talk to you soon. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you, it’s been an honor. We’ll talk to you soon. The number of new customers that we’ve had is up 411% over last year. We are Jared and Jennifer Johnson. We own Platinum Pest and Lawn and are located in Owasso, Oklahoma. We have been working with Thrive for business coaching for almost a year now. Yeah. So, what we want to do is we want to share some wins with you guys that we’ve had by working with Thrive. First of all, we’re on the top page of Google now. I just want to let you know what type of accomplishment this is. Our competition, Orkin, Terminex, they’re both $1.3 billion companies. They both have 2,000 to 3,000 pages of content attached to their website. So to basically go from virtually nonexistent on Google to up on the top page is really saying something. But it’s come by being diligent to the systems that Thrive has, by being consistent and diligent on doing podcasts and staying on top of those podcasts to really help with getting up on what they’re listing and ranking there with Google. And also we’ve been trying to get Google reviews, asking our customers for reviews, and now we’re the highest rated and most reviewed Pesamon company in the Tulsa area. And that’s really helped with our conversion rate. And the number of new customers that we’ve had is up 411% over last year. Wait, say that again. How much are we up? 411%. Okay, so 411% we’re up with our new customers. Amazing. Right. So not only do we have more customers calling in, we’re able to close those deals at a much higher rate than we were before. Right now, our closing rate is about 85%. And that’s largely due to, first of all, our Google reviews that we’ve gotten. People really see that our customers are happy, but also we have a script that we follow. And so when customers call in, they get all the information that they need. That script has been refined time and time again. It wasn’t a one and done deal. It was a system that we followed with Thrive in the refining process. And that has obviously, the 411% shows that that system works. Yeah, so here’s a big one for you. So last week alone, our booking percentage was 91%. 91%, we actually booked more deals, more new customers last year than we did the first five months, or I’m sorry, we booked more deals last week than we did the first five months of last year, from before we worked with Thrive. So again, we booked more deals last week than the first five months of last year. It’s incredible, but the reason why we have that success is by implementing the systems that Thrive has taught us and helped us out with. Some of those systems that we’ve implemented are group interviews, that way we’ve really been able to come up with a really great team. We’ve created and implemented checklists, that way everything gets done and it gets done right. It creates accountability, we’re able to make sure that everything gets done properly, both out in the field and also in our office. And also doing the podcast, like Jared had mentioned that has really, really contributed to our success. But that, like I said, the diligence and consistency in doing those and that system has really, really been a big blessing in our lives. And also, you know, it’s really shown that we’ve gotten the success from following those systems. So before working with Thrive, we were basically stuck. Really no new growth with our business. We were in a rut. The last three years, our customer base had pretty much stayed the same. We weren’t shrinking, but we weren’t really growing either. Yeah, and so we didn’t really know where to go, what to do, how to get out of this rut that we’re in. But Thrive helped us with that. They implemented those systems, they taught us those systems, they taught us the knowledge that we needed in order to succeed. Now it’s been a grind, absolutely it’s been a grind this last year, but we’re getting those fruits from that hard work and the diligent effort that we’re able to put into it. So again, we’re in a rut, Thrive helped us get out of that rut, and if you’re thinking about working with Thrive, quit thinking about it and just do it, do the action, and you’ll get the results. It will take hard work and discipline, but that’s what it’s gonna take in order to really succeed. So, we just wanna give a big shout out to Thrive, a big thank you out there to Thrive. We wouldn’t be where we’re at now without their help. Hi, I’m Dr. Mark Moore, I’m a pediatric dentist. Through our new digital marketing plan, we have seen a marked increase in the number of new patients that we’re seeing every month, year over year. One month, for example, we went from 110 new patients the previous year to over 180 new patients in the same month. And overall, our average is running about 40 to 42% increase month over month, year over year. The group of people required to implement our new digital marketing plan is immense, starting with a business coach, videographers, photographers, web designers. Back when I graduated dental school in 1985, nobody advertised. The only marketing that was ethically allowed in everybody’s eyes was mouth-to-mouth marketing. By choosing to use the services, you’re choosing to use a proven turnkey marketing and coaching system that will grow your practice and get you the results that you’re looking for. I went to the University of Oklahoma College of Dentistry, graduated in 1983 and then I did my pediatric dental residency at Baylor College of Dentistry from 1983 to 1985. Hello my name is Charles Colaw with Colaw Fitness. Today I want to tell you a little bit about Clay Clark and how I know Clay Clark. Clay Clark has been my business coach since 2017. He’s helped us grow from two locations to now six locations. We’re planning to do seven locations in seven years and then franchise. And Clay’s done a great job of helping us navigate anything that has to do with like running the business, building the systems, the checklists, the workflows, the audits, how to navigate lease agreements, how to buy property, how to work with brokers and builders. This guy’s just amazing. This kind of guy has worked in every single industry. He’s written books with like Lee Crockerill, head of Disney with the 40,000 cast members. He’s friends with like Mike Lindell. He does Reawaken America tours where he does these tours all across the country where 10,000 or more people show up to some of these tours. On the day-to-day he does anywhere from about 160 companies. He’s at the top. He has a team of business coaches, videographers, and graphic designers, and web developers, and they run 160 companies every single week. So think of this guy with a team of business coaches running 160 companies. So in the weekly, he’s running 160 companies. Every six to eight weeks, he’s doing Reawaken America tours. Every six to eight weeks, he’s also doing business conferences where 200 people show up, and he teaches people a 13-step proven system that he’s done and worked with billionaires, helping them grow their companies. I’ve seen guys from startups go from startup to being multi-millionaires, teaching people how to get time freedom and financial freedom through the system. Critical thinking, document creation, organizing everything in their head to building it into a franchisable, scalable business. One of his businesses has like 500 franchises. That’s just one of the companies or brands that he works with. So, amazing guy, Elon Musk, kind of like smart guy. He kind of comes off sometimes as socially awkward, but he’s so brilliant and he’s taught me so much. When I say that, Clay is like, he doesn’t care what people think when you’re talking to him. He cares about where you’re going in your life and where he can get you to go. And that’s what I like him most about him. He’s like a good coach. A coach isn’t just making you feel good all the time, a coach is actually helping you get to the best you. Clay has been an amazing business coach. Through the course of that we became friends. I was really most impressed with him is when I was shadowing him one time. We went into a business deal and listened to it. I got to shadow and listen to it. When we walked out I knew that he could make millions on the deal and they were super excited about working with him. He told me, he’s like, I’m not going to touch it, I’m going to turn it down because he knew it was going to harm the common good of people in the long run and the guy’s integrity just really wowed me. It brought tears to my eyes to see that this guy, his highest desire was to do what’s right and anyways, just an amazing man. So anyways, impacted me a lot. He’s helped navigate. Anytime I’ve gotten nervous or worried about how to run the company or navigating competition and an economy that’s like, I remember we got closed down for three months. He helped us navigate on how to stay open, how to get back open, how to just survive through all the COVID shutdowns, lockdowns. I’m Rachel with Tip Top K9, and we just want to give a huge thank you to Clay and Vanessa Clark. Hey guys, I’m Ryan with Tip Top K9. Just want to say a big thank you to Thrive 15. Thank you to Make Your Life Epic. We love you guys, we appreciate you, and really just appreciate how far you’ve taken us. This is our old house, right? This is where we used to live a few years ago. This is our old neighborhood. See, it’s nice, right? So this is my old van and our old school marketing, and this is our old team. And by team I mean it’s me and another guy. This is our new house with our new neighborhood. This is our new van with our new marketing and this is our new team. We went from four to fourteen and I took this beautiful photo. We worked with several different business coaches in the past and they were all about helping Ryan sell better and just teaching sales, which is awesome, but Ryan is a really great salesman. So we didn’t need that. We needed somebody to help us get everything that was in his head out into systems, into manuals and scripts and actually build a team. So now that we have systems in place, we’ve gone from one to 10 locations in only a year. In October 2016, we grossed 13 grand for the whole month. Right now it’s 2018, the month of October. It’s only the 22nd, we’ve already grossed a little over 50 grand for the whole month, and we still have time to go. We’re just thankful for you, thankful for Thrive and your mentorship, and we’re really thankful that you guys have helped us to grow a business that we run now instead of the business running us. Just thank you, thank you, thank you, time for a thousand. The Thrive Time Show, two day interactive business workshops are the highest and most reviewed business workshops on the planet. You can learn the proven 13 point business system that Dr. Zellner and I have used over and over to start and grow successful companies. When we get into the specifics, the specific steps on what you need to do to optimize your website. We’re going to teach you how to fix your conversion rate. We’re going to teach you how to do a social media marketing campaign that works. How do you raise capital? How do you get a small business loan? We teach you everything you need to know here during a two-day, 15-hour workshop. It’s all here for you. You work every day in your business, but for two days you can scape and work on your business and build these proven systems so now you can have a successful company that will produce both the time freedom and the financial freedom that you deserve. You’re going to leave energized, motivated, but you’re also going to leave empowered. The reason why I built these workshops is because as an entrepreneur, I always wish that I had this. And because there wasn’t anything like this, I would go to these motivational seminars, no money down, real estate, Ponzi scheme, get motivated seminars, and they would never teach me anything. It was like you went there and you paid for the big chocolate Easter bunny, but inside of it, it was a hollow nothingness. And I wanted the knowledge, and they’re like, oh, but we’ll teach you the knowledge after our next workshop. And the great thing is we have nothing to upsell. At every workshop, we teach you what you need to know. There’s no one in the back of the room trying to sell you some next big, get rich quick, walk on hot coals product. It’s literally, we teach you the brass tacks, the specific stuff that you need to know to learn how to start and grow a business. I encourage you to not believe what I’m saying, but I want you to Google the Z66 auto auction. I want you to Google elephant in the room. Look at Robert Zellner and Associates. Look them up and say, are they successful because they’re geniuses or are they successful because they have a proven system? When you do that research, you will discover that the same systems that we use in our own business can be used in your business. Come to Tulsa, book a ticket, and I guarantee you it’s gonna be the best business workshop ever, and we’ll even give you your money back if you don’t love it. We’ve built this facility for you, and we’re excited to see it. and we’re excited to see it. ♪ Whoa, man ♪


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