Business Coach : You Need Accountability
-And then, when I began to hold people and said, OK, now, do you want to succeed or do you want to be a [BEEP]? Which one do you want to be, because right now, you’re being an [BEEP]. You’re just staring there, taking notes and doing nothing!
-And so– that may, probably have to be scratched out. I’m sorry.
-Well, I think we’ll add in fun beeps and fun various sounds that will–
-Yeah. So part of this, here, is say, listen, you could do it! I’m going to take you by the elbow, and we are going come forward, here, and move forward. That’s what a business coach does.
-I had heard it said, and I was watching one of those– it was an interview with a billionaire. And he was basically explained, he says, people that don’t want accountability are Ask, A-S-K Holes. They basically ask and ask and ask and ask and ask. But they won’t do anything. He says–
-That’s much better for our film.
Well, I think we’ll just add in Ask Hole, that’s what he meant to say. The K was to– But now, as far as is an entrepreneur, if I am struggling right now, I’m stuck in my business– let’s just say I don’t really know what to do– why should I be excited about Thrive 15 and the access to a business coach? Why should I be excited?
-Jeez. Are you serious? Well, I’m just asking that. I mean–
-What we’re doing, Clay, we have spent hours and weeks and months in planning this. This is not just sit down and do this, here. We have spent days away. And nobody’s worked harder on this than you. No one works harder than a business coach. So we are saying, what hurts, what are they suffering from, what is stopping them? And with laser pinpoint, we want to say, here’s what you do. When you run into this, here’s what you do in this situation. Bam! A business coach will help you to pinpoint what is stopping you.
-So that’s why Thrive is not just a broad brush on, this is how success works. This is, like, when you’re in the middle of this, and you don’t have money, but you’ve got this thing that you’ve got to launching and the marketing’s got to go on, here’s three things you can do with no money.
-Right now, here’s what you can do.
-There’s a picture next to Spence’s leg. We’ll get Spense. It is OK if we get you on camera. I’m OK with it. When I was in college, I had a teacher who made me read a book. And this is the book I chose a read, was “Life and Death,” by Russell Simmons.
And it says, “The goal is to be able to live your life the way that Michael Jordan played basketball, or Marvin Gaye sang a song. To be able to feel the way that you feel when you laugh at a joke, but to feel that way all the time.” And I had never thought of business that way. I thought of business as, you go to a job you hate, and you stay there for five days a week. And then, you hope to get some vacation. And maybe, if you’re lucky, you can retire.
I actually was thinking, as an 18-year-old, and boo me. I was thinking, once I retire I’ll do this. I even was saying that. Well, what do you want to do when you retire? I was thinking as an 18-year-old, I’ve already skipped past my life.
And I’m thinking, like, where did this idea come from? And I love the idea that, with a mentor, you can start living that way, right now. And I think that’s neat about your clients. I’ve seen, met these people. And they’re living life right now. And that’s exciting to me.
-Yeah. I mean, that’s kind of a Martin Luther King Jr-esque kind of statement, here. I love that statement. You have these poor role models. This beloved person watching us right now has probably had role models that have sucked.
CLAY CLARK: Been terrible.
-They’ve been terrible. And so, I’m just saying that this person watching this has been created to create. And if they’re not creating, they’re miserable! That’s how life works.
And so, if you’ve got a job and you love your job, chances are you’ve got freedom to create in that. What makes entrepreneurship so awesome, here, is you get to create. That’s what your job is, to create something out of nothing, and make things happen, and serve people.
-Now, I want to ask you this, if Thrive was available when you were in college? I know for me, when I was in college, I had no idea I was doing. And so, what I was trying to do was just trying to get an A or a B. And then, I was trying to– and I didn’t really know, and I wanted to start a business.
But I didn’t know how, or where to start, or how to make a logo. The web sites weren’t really big then, yet, but. I didn’t know how to get going. And so, I would just ask people who had bad ideas.
And then I would do those bad ideas. And then I would ask more people with bad ideas, and I just never would make a lot of progress. I know, for me, how I would have used Thrive. But for you, how would you have specifically used Thrive? Let’s say it was available when you were in college.
-Well, I try to create my own Thrive, and it was so pathetic. I worked in the library at this school that your dad went to. You know, we’re buddies. And I would pull out great speeches, the best speeches ever given. ‘Cause I’m leaning into this handicap of, you’re not going to ever speak anywhere!
And here I’m just coming against that gravitational pull that says, you’re nothing! You’re going amount to nothing, try as you may! Just coming against that, learning to fly. And I would listen to the best speakers on the planet, in their speeches, over and over again, while I’m working at the– I didn’t do a whole lot of work at the library. But what do you do in a library?
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