Business Podcasts | The Importance of F.O.CU.S | Why Entrepreneurs Must Focus On Core Tasks Until Success In Route to Achieving Massive Business Success!!! + The POWER OF IDGAF (I Don’t Give a Focused Moment to Things That Don’t Matter)

Get ready to enter the Thrive Time Show! We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom and we’ll show you how to get here. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom, now we’re on the top. Teaching you the systems to get what we got. Cuttin’ Dixon’s on the hooks, I’ve written the books. He’s bringing some wisdom and the good looks. As the father of five, that’s where I’mma dive. So if you see my wife and kids, please tell them hi. It’s C and Z up on your radio. And now three, two, one, here we go. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom, and that’s where we’ve got to get first place. Yeah. One of the biggest things we picked up when we picked up the Thrive 15 team was an entire team. You want an SEO guy that knows things about search engine optimization? Got it. You got a website guy that’s built big websites like Garth Brooks’ website? Awesome. We have it. He’s coming in. If I had to pay for that on my own outside of Thrive15, there’s just no way. For us, one of our most immediate needs when I got connected with Clay was technology. We had a website, but I had a website in Tulsa. Our other partner had a website in Colorado. They did everything from doing a drone video where they flew over all of our markets with a drone, they integrated that into our site, they built every single thing that I think of, they do. We do a podcast. If I was going to produce my own podcast, there’s no, I mean that alone, just that alone would be what I pay for it, just for that. But then if you add the fact that I’ve got, if I need a business card design, if I need a website build, if I need this, if I need that. I know what I would pay for that if I had to go a la carte. I feel guilty sometimes. Like I don’t probably write a big enough check for the value that I get. I think there’s a lot of entrepreneurs that have ideas of what they want to do with their business, and how they want to grow, and what market they want to be in, and how they can increase production and do all this. But it’s not about having 4,000 ideas. It’s about having 12 and executing them 4,000 times. That’s the trick, in my opinion. And that’s where Thrive’s value comes in. I feel like I have my own Staff I own like I don’t know 20 person team that when I need something I Just go to him and it happens All right thrive nation. I’ve had enough day quill to kill a small goat today here folks so again Enough day quill to kill a small goat I have a hot streak going up 23 consecutive years with no sick days and Today is the day where the allergies have begun. Anytime the weather changes at all, the allergies get me. And so here we are with a heavily Dayquil-influenced version of the Thrive Time Show here. And I’m joined here with the founder of Bunky Life, David Frazier. Welcome on to the Thrive Time Show. How are you, sir? I’m well. Thank you for having me. Okay, so I want to go to forward slash millionaire and I’m going to pull up a that’s my newest book a millionaire’s guide how to become sustainably rich we’re gonna go to page 186 and there’s a quote here from Steve Jobs that reads people think focus means saying yes to the thing you’ve got to focus on but that’s not what it means at all it means saying no to the 100 other good ideas that there are you have to pick carefully I’m actually as proud of the things we haven’t done as the things we have done. Innovation is saying no to 1,000 things. Well, let me get your thoughts on this idea of Steve Jobs telling you that focus means saying no to things. Let me get your thoughts on that. Well, I think about that a lot. Actually, that’s a good quote. I do think about that a lot, even right now, as I’m struggling with like, hey, what do we do next? What’s our next kind of project we want to take on or not? And I think about the things that Steve Jobs would have said no to, right? Because the things that we say no to on this level, imagine like three or four levels up where the kind of good ideas that they would have knock on the door every day, every week. So I think it takes a lot of willpower to say no to a good idea. That’s not a great idea. You know, what I find is, I’ll just pick on Bunky Life as an example. You guys make bunkies and people like them and they’re bolt-on bedrooms, they’re cottages, they’re log cabins, et cetera. And you guys have found a niche there and I’m sure people have reached out to you and they say, hey, could you, instead of selling me the prefabricated bunkies that you’ve designed, is it possible that you could build me one that’s three times larger and I’m willing to pay for it? I’m sure that happens a lot. Every week, yeah, every week. For sure. And you have to say no to that all the time. We do, a lot of the time. And also, some people want you to build a little shed for them. They say, can you do a shed? And they say, no, we don’t do sheds. That’s not what we do. Or they want us to build them. I love this thing, but if you could just add this little thing here, change this one little thing, and I would say no to those people too, because the first year we thought, let’s try to be everything to everybody, and it just watered down to everything we do. We couldn’t replicate it, we couldn’t nail it and scale it. We had to customize for people, and that just sucks. It’s not profitable. So, you can, yeah. And so you think about this for a second. This is big. This is big, big stuff, folks. It says people think focus means saying yes to the thing you’ve got to focus on. But that’s not what it means at all. It means actually saying no to the 100 other good ideas there are. You have to pick carefully. I’m actually as proud of the things we haven’t done as the things I have done. Innovation is saying no to 1,000 things. So from the book I write here, as for right now, I want to help you get some big wins and have the data you need to make small or even large changes in direction if need be. Take a moment and answer the following questions right here in the book. People, do you like the people you’re working with or are you just settling for the people you’ve already hired? Marketing, who are your ideal and likely buyers? But I think that most people don’t sit down and have those hard conversations. Do they actually, they don’t focus on the idea of are there people truly the best? Who are their ideal and likely buyers? I think people move on from idea to idea with such rapid action, at such a rapid pace, they never take the time to sit down and go, with my business I have right now, how much better could it be if I just sat down and optimized my team? I’d love to get your thoughts on this idea of sitting down and focusing on your business and your staff, as opposed to moving on to another new idea. Because with Bunkie Life, you know, again, you guys do a great job building these products and services, but I’m sure you had to optimize your team over time. Yeah, for sure. We had to let our very first employee go, which was really hard, and had to cancel other people along the way too, and it gets easier. But yeah, when you look at a really great saying that I think has helped me and served me well is that sometimes the people that get you out of Egypt are not the same people that are gonna get you into the promised land. I agree with that. I agree. But I think if you don’t sit down and think about it, and you say, again, you’ve got to say no to a lot of things to have the time to do it. But you ask yourself, is my team the best team I could possibly get? And if you bring in one more key employee, maybe the whole thing improves dramatically. Now, as far as marketing, you’ve got to focus on who are your ideal and likely buyers. Not who are all the people in the world willing to pay you, but who are your ideal and likely buyers. So for me, I grow companies, that’s what I do. So I work with entrepreneurs that want to grow their companies. I do not work with employees of the entrepreneurs. I work with the entrepreneurs who want to grow their companies. I do not work with the employees of the entrepreneur. I work directly with the entrepreneur. So I work with the owner just like if you’re a personal trainer you work with your client directly. The client cannot send in their friend to work out on their behalf. So I know who my ideal and likely buyers are. Could you talk about that the importance of really sitting down and figuring out who your ideal and likely buyers are? Maybe you could tell us who your ideal and likely buyers are. Sure, so our ideal and likely buyers here with Bunkies are families with a space issue. So they need extra space in the backyard or often at the cottage or their lake house. And so the Bunkie is the solution for that. And they’re generally family-oriented people. They’re usually married. They usually are small business owners, professionals, that type of kind of income class. And for them, the Bunkie is the bridge between the family coming or not. And it’s also a great time to bond together with their family when they build it together. So it’s kind of an experience with a product built in together. And that’s really the bread and butter of what we do. Now, I want people to think about this for a second here. Again, this is all about focus here today, is what’s the best place to most effectively reach your ideal and likely buyers. So with Bunky, where does most of your business come from for Bunky? Like where’s the most effective place for you at this point to reach your ideal and likely buyers? So right now it’s digital ads, but really specifically targeted. So what we do is, if you picture three overlapping Venn diagrams, we try to target people who are small business owners and professionals, and married, and have some type of interest in like a cottage or holiday property, or like have a recreational kind of bent. So those three things, the intersection of those three things, targeting them digitally, even though you pay a lot of money to target that specifically, that seems to be the best bet for us. Now, how good are your marketing materials when compared to your top competition? Again, these are all things we need to focus on. We need to focus on how good are your marketing materials when compared to your competition. Have you ever taken the time to look at similar products to your own and figure out how you could optimize your marketing versus your competition? 100%. That was the first thing I did before I even entered the market was analyze what’s out there. And then we have a list of everybody who we compete with on the regional level, everybody we compete with on the national level, everybody we compete with in North America. And then of course, anybody in Europe, we’re not necessarily competing with them, but they’re a good source of like ideas and marketing angles and just perspective. So we have that list and we refer to that quite regularly, I’d say once a month or more. This is so important here folks. Again, we got to focus, we got to say no to a lot of things to focus on the things that will move the needle. Which competitors are doing what you do better than you? Why is that important for every entrepreneur listening out there to go, honestly, objectively, what competitors are doing what we do, but better?

October 4th, 2023


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