Clay Clark | Turned Unto Fables (2nd Timothy Chapter 4) | Clay Clark Featuring Brett Raio | Discover the Entire Clay Clark Library of Lyrical Miracles & Song Today At:

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2 Timothy Chapter 4 They turn their ears away, oh 2 Timothy Chapter 4 Why they do that I don’t know I don’t know No They shall be turned to fables Turn their ears away from truth They shall turn away from truth and unto fables Turn their ears away from truth They shall turn away from truth and on to fables 2 Timothy chapter 4, prophesied ours would happen and more People would close the door, then Revelation 3, 20 knocked at the door Jesus didn’t come to bring the peace but to bring us all People will not applaud, they’re great and terrible if abhorred When the sun turned to darkness and the moon to blood Like the days of Noah but without the flood Bre-breos in that chorus, shilling truth with love They shall be turned to fables Turn their ears away from truth They shall turn away from truth and unto fables Turn their ears away from truth They shall turn away from truth and unto fables Turn their ears away from truth They shall turn away from truth and unto fables Turn their ears away from truth Fables Turn their ears away from truth Why would some people change the truth to a lie? It’s confusing my mind cause it don’t add up Turning a blind eye to what is right in front of you Can’t hear unless it makes you feel comfortable No tears and no response to conviction Jesus calling but your mind is too busy With lives that are swimming inside like a prison Run from the fables, die to the sinning Spitting truth in the booze like you do I’m trying to protect humanity from Judas’ noose Open your Bible up to chapter 21, look, 2 Tim 4 is written for you Come on and deep dive like scuba divers do, Mark 13 is happening dude Revelation 6 seals are opening true, it’s the end of the Bible movie and it’s all review Turn the ears away from truth, they’re not the fables, fables, fables, yeah, yeah No playing games, get off the fence, let the truth change your countenance Freedom from chains and bondage that had you a slave too long, my friend Yet I try to use this seamountedness, but in Christ I put my confidence With a little faith you can move continents, keep your mind on heaven and truth prominent hey yeah 2nd Timothy chapter 4 maybe this is your revelation 320 knock at the door you want to change the truth to a lie my thesis is that the world needs a little more Jesus I will not comply yeah can we walk by faith not sight we will not be more Jesus I will not comply yeah can we walk by faith not sight we will not be turned out to fables in Jesus name


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